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What are you waiting for? image

What are you waiting for?

E136 · Girl, I Slept in My Makeup
119 Plays5 months ago

Today the sister's discuss the season's of waiting, the realness of being human mixed with some encouragement to press into God's timing. 

Sweet Potato Sloppy Joe Recipe - switch out for Japanese Sweet Potato's 

Toxic Free Candles


Introduction and Podcast Theme

Hello and welcome to the girl I slept in my makeup podcast by three sisters who live in three different cities are at three different life stages and have three different perspectives. They are excited to learn and grow alongside of you. This is a space full of love and acceptance. No judgment because let's face it. We all sleep in our makeup. Please welcome Lauren, Megan and Kristen.
Hey sisters. Hi. How are y'all doing? Good. I'm excited because the way I'm getting into fall, which is my favorite time of year. I know. I don't know if it's like, do we always talk about how much we love fall in August? It feels earlier this year to be like fall is coming. I think it's a false feeling of fall because we had such amazing weather. It was like high of 78 degrees. And so I was like, oh, you know, and now it's back up to like 95. So
Well, a tease for a rude awakening in Texas. I feel like that sounds amazing.

Culinary Discoveries and Simple Joys

but Yeah. Um, well, speaking of fall, I don't know what it is about fall, but I feel like it's a season of like sharing like recipes, especially like, you know, like people are like, Oh, he had to do this fall soup. Yeah. I want to know y'all about this. It's a very fall to me. Cause I guess y'all like sweet potatoes. I do. I do. Okay. I love sweet potatoes, but I've discovered have y'all ever had a Japanese sweet potato?
I think Lauren told us the purple ones about those. No, they're not purple. They're like white. Oh, okay. yeah They're called Japanese sweet potatoes. I actually ah didn't mean to get them one time. I meant to get regular sweet potatoes and was very confused when I opened it up and it was white. um I was like, what the heck did I just buy? ah Best mistake ever.
They are so delicious. I don't know if i like every regular sweet potatoes again, I probably will, but you know what I mean? They're just, if you haven't had a Japanese sweet potato, like go to the store and get some, but I've been like experimenting with them. So I found this recipe where it was like a Buffalo chicken stuffed sweet potato. Oh my gosh, it's so good on the Japanese ones. And then last night I did a sloppy joe stuffed sweet potato. And I just feel like it's the perfect thing to do like for the kids. It's just the easiest meal and it's quick and it's so like yummy and fall-ish, if that makes sense. So yeah, I just needed to share and you can experiment, you know, get crazy with your stuffed sweet potatoes. I love it. what ah What's the difference between the Japanese and the regular, would you say?
So I would say they're actually a little sweeter. than regular sweet potatoes. They're white, so not orange. Overall, I just like them more. And honestly, they make, so the reason I had bought sweet potatoes as I was making sweet potato fries, we like them so much more than regular sweet potato fries. Like they're so good. Crazy. Yeah. They look like regular fries because of the color, you know? Right, right. um But they're so good.
I'm pretty sure I've had them, but I just can't remember. I haven't bought them in a really long time, but I feel like we had them in China. Yeah. Yeah. Every time we make a good meal, by the way, Megan, I don't think I've ever told you this. Michael's like, oh, we need to make this for Megan.
So sweet. I love that he cares about me because he knows I don't like to cook and he's like sure about this. I think Megan would like this. That's funny. I wonder if Bobby would like it because he actually is not a big sweet potato fan. Like ah he eats them, like he will eat them, but it's not what he chooses. And so, but I love sweet potatoes. I would probably eat them like every day. So I definitely would love for y'all to make that for me when you get here.
The same and same in our household. Chris doesn't go for him either. But I was going to say, I think I've said this here before, but I just love cooking for Megan and Bobby because they appreciate and are like, yeah yeah I'm like, I'm like being, I'm married to a foodie who, you know, is a hard critique. And so.
cooking for Megan and Bobby is easy. I can just whip up, you know, spaghetti or something so easy. And they're like, Oh my gosh, this is the best thing ever. yeah

Convenience in Busy Lives

letter Yeah, it's probably just you add garlic salt. And I'm like, wow, how did you make this so good? I'm like, I always forget about garlic salt. Yeah, you got to make it in Bobby's and you're like, Hey, do y'all have like olive oil or like salt pepper? Yeah.
we um We eat to live. We don't live to eat. And so basically, as long as we get food in our kids' bellies, like that's our goal. And then we're like, oh, wait, we have to eat. you like I honestly think eating is one of the most... It's become one of the most annoying parts of my life because I have to make three meals every day. And in summer, it's like you have to they just eat so much food. I'm like so sick of it.
But I will say the green chef meals helped me a lot. Like we have been eating a lot better, healthier with like those. Cause it forces

Creating a Healthier Home

me to just make a recipe, you know? Yeah. but I told you, I was like it, and it takes the guessing game of out of like, okay, what am I going to make this week? You know, or tonight. So that's what I learned and there are healthier options. Jump on the.
the bandwagon with Factor and I ordered I got my second box ever and I just got six and I've just been eating those for myself for lunch or dinner and those are already cooked like there's zero you just pop them in the microwave you don't have to do it prepare anything but I won't they've yeah they've all been really good I just did it because there was a big coupon code and so I just took advantage and then I'll probably cancel it because I i actually don't mind just making my own stuff at home but Yeah, it has been super easy. So you might look into that Megan. Yes, that sounds great. And you can choose on there. I'm sure just like all the other ones, but you can choose, you know, low calorie or high protein.
or whatever, that's what I did, was high protein. so' Not putting it back to sweet potatoes, but Michael also doesn't like sweet potatoes, and he loves the Japanese sweet potatoes. So just for all the other husbands that apparently don't like sweet potatoes, that's such a weird thing. I know, I'm like, is that a thing, maybe? I think so, because Michael also, every time I get sweet potatoes, regular ones, he's like, oh. He loves the Japanese ones, so. Interesting. That is so funny.
Yeah, but also I know I today on our Instagram I shared, I want to start sharing, as y'all know I'm starting to like bring in cleaner options are trying to bring slowly bring in cleaner options into my home. um And I want to share those things and today I shared about these candles that I found there by amber veil.
um they're I don't know how to pronounce it, platelet free, that P-H-T-H-A-L-A-T-E, you know, I think that's the thing that can actually, has been, obviously I'm not a doctor and do your research, but I think that's what's been contributed to maybe lead to cancers and stuff.
And it

Spiritual Reflections

doesn't have any of that in it. And so yeah, they're just really, I love, I'm really picky about my candles and I love fall candles and they just have a lot of great options. So yeah, I just wanted to share it real quick. I'm for sure gonna order some. That sounds amazing. I'll link it in our show notes too. Show notes, yeah. Love it. Well, I was just gonna do, we have a quick episode today. I was just gonna ask a simple question for you to ponder on this week.
And that question is, what are you rooted in? And really linking that back to what was Jesus rooted in, he was rooted in the father's love before he did anything. And I think there's a difference between.
knowing about God versus knowing God yourself. So really just continue to press into your relationship. And I know I talk a lot about your secret place time and meeting with God day to day and just how powerful that can be and how you can start with even just, I say five minutes a day, but even one minute a day of just being still and inviting God into your situation, into your life.
And just asking to know him more and obviously reading the Bible with that is super helpful. Cause that is his word, but just asking yourself that question, what am I rooted in? And that's really my mindset quarter for the week. Love it. Yeah. So good. Well, and I was just going to share something that I was reminded of and I listened to a really good podcast on the season or the reward and waiting. And so it just pointed out how.
We, if we're living, we're usually all waiting, whether we're waiting on some good news or a promise or an answered prayer, or if we're waiting for a restoration of a relationship or a marriage or waiting for just healing on something um or maybe waiting for a child to be born. So we're all in seasons of waiting. And I think it was just a really good reminder of kind of make into what you just said. It's it's one thing during those times when you're having the hard days or you're feeling frustrated or all of us have been there where you might feel like God's forgotten you like, Hey, I'm over here. Do you do you remember what my hope is? And so, you know, we all probably know that in those times it's the best thing for us is to go just dive into God's word and try to open our ears and listen.
But to Megan's point, it's one thing to know or to read God's Word, to be reminded of who He is. But then I think if we can take it a step further and ask ourselves, do we believe what we know? you

Faith Through Challenges

know Do we believe that God is who I'm reading that He is or who He's telling me that He is? and Because a lot of times our actions don't really match. If if we actually do believe,
then the emotions going on inside of us and our reactions or response to things in the waiting period, they don't align. And so it kind of forced me and I'll just share, cause I just reflected on my own life, you know, as I was listening to this and, um, for me, and I know I've shared it here before, but we certainly tried to have more than more than one child in it. It never worked out and we had multiple miscarriages and it was a journey. And so,
Did I have days of questioning God or just you know yearning for that? Of course I did. And of course there were days where I was and you know just down. But I can honestly say that because I i have never um detoured from my belief that God's plan for my life is absolutely better than anything I could ever imagine. I, during all of those years of trying, I really was able to have a true soulful level of peace about it. And, and it doesn't mean that, like I said, it doesn't mean that I didn't, you know, have days of just, I was more shocked. I was more, I would have these moments where I was just like, wow, really guys? Like,
You know my heart, you know, I feel like I have so much to give and I love, I'm obsessed with babies and toddlers. and And, and this is the story. This is my story. Okay. So it was more for me, just true shock of like not, you know, just kind of disbelief, I guess. But anyways, no matter what we are, you are waiting on. I just hope that these words encourage you to that not only to go dive into time with Jesus and reminding yourself what he says of who he is and what he says about us in our life and who we are, that to take it another step further and just when you're in those moments questioning, okay, am I believing what this truth is that I think is truth? Because if I say that I do, then I can't be having these feelings, you know, maybe you can have the feelings, but
you can get your mind pulled back to where, to truth. Yeah. I love that. We said love that at the same time, but I guess I was muted. So are y'all, is there anything in your life right now that you're waiting on that you would want?
to share any ideas or thoughts? Yeah, I was just thinking about how true that is. There's always something we're wanting for. And I think it's almost good to be in a state of wanting to a certain level, but also I was like, Oh, that's so annoying that I'm like always waiting on something. fake So I was just thinking more of like, I really want to just focus my attention on waiting for Jesus and understanding that like I have everything that I need and just having more gratitude in my day to day, instead of like being in a state of striving, I guess, is where I struggle with that is like, Oh, what do I need to do to get this done? Um, just kind of settling into that, you know, it's already done and I'm waiting on Jesus overall. So that's kind of what I'm thinking about with that. But yeah, I think I'm definitely always waiting on something as a human, just the next step, you know, but trying to enjoy the moment too. It's a balance.
Yeah. Well, and I think it's honestly the, I think it's a good eye opener for asking ourselves where are we at in trust, because I think it's when our wishes and our preferences and our timeline of when we want something done or an answered prayer. It's only when those are challenged that our true source of trust and contentment is revealed. So it's really it's really revealing, I think, too. And I think also it's so relatable because, like I said in the beginning, and like you said, Megan, I think we're all
waiting on something and that's not, that's not a bad thing. That's just life, you know? So, yeah. Yeah. And sometimes I do feel like I get frustrated when I feel like God is sending me mixed signals. Like, okay, let at your will, let me do what I need to do. And then it's like, he gives me the, okay, do this. Oh, but then this holds you back. Does that make sense? For example, like with moving to Texas.
like Cole's job position opened up, but he had to be there by August 15th, which wasn't possible for us. And I'm just like, well, what the heck? Why, you know, why is that happening? You know, but I just have to like give that up and be like, okay, like we just have to roll with the punches and roll with the flow. And I don't know.
So when I think it forces us to actually understand what it means to have peace beyond our understanding because many times we aren't ever going to, you know, we don't see the big picture like he does. And most of the time we won't until we're, we're gone. So yeah it's just, yeah, I think the closer and closer we can get to that perspective, I think is definitely the road or the path to true peace, to God's peace that goes beyond any of our understanding. For sure.

Coping with Anxiety and Grief

Yeah. And it reminds me to, it reminds me to that always knowing that yes, there are things I'm waiting on, but to also be reminded of
when I'm being present and being with Jesus, that that helps me stay in the present. And, you know, no, yes, there are things coming, but I feel confident that they'll come when they need to and but some won't come. And that's what was meant and I'm good with it. So. Yeah. And Megan, to your point about giving gratitude, and I know I'm probably going to butcher the same, but supposedly I've heard that it's like scientifically, scientifically backed that You can't feel anxious and give gratitude at, like you can't have those two emotions at the very same time. yeah yeah So I try to remind myself that too, because I'm like, okay, gratitude, gratitude, gratitude. Because then I can't feel anything. Speaking of butchering, but Lauren the other day said something really cute. She was telling us she was going to pick up Kai's pants because they had been alternated.
yeah Yeah, there's a woo wooism for you for the day. Thank you very much. So cute. Yeah, I loved it. yeah I loved it too. It was greatness. But yeah, I just feel like it's that perspective shift and we can do the perspective shift moment by moment. I did that this week where I drove to a car dealership, got there and realized I didn't have my wallet. And I was like, wow, that's really annoying. Um, okay.
I feel like an idiot and the guy was just staring at me like, are you serious? Well, and you drove for the listeners that don't realize you drove up far. and Yeah, like almost an hour. Yeah, I drove almost an hour and then I had to drive an hour back because you can't get a loaner car. But then you know what? I was like, you know what? Maybe I was supposed to just come meet this guy because long story short,
he wanted a job in Fort Worth and I know the GSM of the Fort Worth location. So I connected them, you know, and I got my battery replaced at somewhere closer to my house. That was probably a lot less expensive. So I don't really understand what happened, but you know what? I'm just going to trust that God had me do that for some reason.
about perspective. Yeah, it is all about perspective. And in with that said, I think it's okay, like in those moments to allow ourselves to feel like if you were feeling annoyed and angry, like you're in your car with the windows up just to scream and let it out. And then and then you can have your perspective check. Yeah, but honor the annoyed feelings because for Megan,
in a season of life right now. she Time is not something that she has an abundance of. and so Something like that is just extra annoying because you could have the perspective of, well, that was two hours in the toilet of my life. like What the hell? you know but I'm proud of you. I just like blasted praise music and I was like, well, I'm just getting a little, I don't know. I love talking to God in the car. So I was like, maybe you just wanted some car time with me, God. Here we are. Let's pray. I was by myself. No kids to distract me. I was just like, okay. yeah
Right, it was two hours of quiet. Speaking of talking to about in the car, I don't do ah i don't know if y'all do this, tell me if you do, I'm curious, because I've actually never shared this with anybody. But I often, I would say on a weekly basis, literally visualize mom sitting in my front seat, and I like laugh with her and have full blown conversations. And usually my head, but I actually do laugh out loud and smile and I visualize her face.
And have y'all ever done that? Yeah. I actually do talk to her a lot when I'm in my car. I haven't visualized her next to me because I think, because I got so used to, I would call mom all the time I was driving yeah and over the phone. So I think that's what I visualized because that's what I did. So I i think I just, but I talked to her out loud in my car. And if anyone like were to look in and see me, they'd probably think I was nuts. I don't know.
Or on the phone. Or on the phone, yeah. So, I mean, I don't hold my phone up, that'd be weird. if Yeah. yeah people People drive on Bluetooth or speaker these days, so it's fine. Okay, that's interesting. So, I'm so glad to know that y'all do the same thing because that I did it the other day and I kind of just giggled to myself being like, hmm, I wonder if other grieving people do this too.
That's so funny. Yeah, I also imagine her like, but I'll like imagine holding her hand sometimes. no So that's cute. Love it.

Conclusion and Listener Engagement

Well, thank you listeners for joining us for another week. We love that y'all keep coming back to us and we hope you feel a part of these sister chats.
And we'd love to hear from you just more topics that you want to hear from us. So send us a DM at girl. I slept in my makeup on Instagram. And yeah, we just would love to connect with you more. Yes. All right. Lauren, do you want to pray us out? Sure. Heavenly father, thank you so much for this time together. Thank you for every year listening right now. And I just pray abundant blessings over each and every person in their family and Thank you for another school year. I pray for ah just over all of our children that we send off to school every day or that are in school in our homes. And I pray that they grow to just have the biggest hunger for you and that they find their confidence in you and you only. And I also just pray for all of us that in our life of waiting, that we can just see the beauty in whatever our situation holds.
and that we can grow to a level of trust with you where we fully 100% have a trust and peace beyond any of our expectation or understanding that only comes from you. And we love you so much. Thank you for loving us. In your name we pray. Amen. Amen. and All right. Love y'all. Love you. Bye. Bye. Thank you for listening to another week of girl I slept in my makeup. If you like us, rate, review, and subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts. And if you want to learn more about us or get in touch with us, go to our website, girl, I slept in my where you'll also find links to our Instagram and Facebook. Thank you so much for listening. We really appreciate it and make it a great week. God bless.