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X marks the spot

Fright Central
19 Plays2 years ago

We talk about Ti West's X


Introduction and Comic Con Highlights

Welcome. For real. All right. Welcome back to Fright Central. I'm Kevin Dock. I'm back here again with Keck. How you doing, buddy? What's going on, man? Not much. I had a couple news items post Comic Con that I want to throw in.
before we get started on our main movie, which is going to be I West Is X.

VHS Horror Series Discussion

So, yeah, the I don't know if you remember the VHS series. I think there was three or four of them. The last one was VHS 94. The movie VHS with like. Yeah. No, not that one. The they're like short horror anthology films. I'm not sure.
I would have to. I'd have to say not off the top of my head. No, I don't remember that.
Okay, well, there's a couple of good ones in some of them. Not all of them are good, but I like VHS stand for anything or that was just the title of the series. It's just the title of the series. Yeah, it was about like, you know, kids, well, you know, breaking into like an apartment or house or something to find the old VHS tapes and they would throw them in. Oh, okay. And then like, and then you would watch the VHS tape that they found or whatever. And it was like, you know, somebody short film and then like, then
it would come, at the end of that, it would come back to like, you know, then find another tape or whatever, you know, that ongoing story. So, sort of like, are you afraid of the dark? Like, yeah. Yeah. The new one's going to be VHS 99. So this last one was 94.
Uh, that obviously the year it takes place in and it's going to be a released on shutter on, uh, October 20th.

Shudder vs. Other Streaming Services

So shutters shutters been, uh, doing pretty well. Uh, they've been picking up some, uh, pretty good stuff on there. Yeah. I mean, I gotta tell you like the, um, the shutter app seems to work better than the paramount plus app.
at least for me. And I think it works better than the AMC plus app half the time too. I had told you that Paramount plus app does not is not even accepted by Sony on PS five yet Shutter hasn't a working app on who's bigger, like, you know, like CBS, like Showtime, Paramount.
or shutter apparently shutter according to sony so you know sony's i had to ask them like why can i get not get paramount plus and they were like the app has been doing very well it hasn't supported on our platform

New Lovecraft Movie Announcement

It does not work well for me on Xbox or any of the other things. My smart TV doesn't have the app. So I don't know what the fuck is going on with that. I like the content, but yes, Heather has been doing very well. I agree with you. I'm looking forward to seeing more on Shutter. Download the Shutter app to that. And we're not sponsored by Shutter, but give us money, Shutter. But
There's another, a Lovecraft movie coming out. It's a erotic body swap horror. And it's going to be directed by Joe Lynch with, I think Brian Yudza is producing with Heather Graham and Barbara Crampton as well. Oh my goodness. My childhood, Barbara, where have you been, baby?
yeah it's good it's gonna it's gonna be loosely based on love lovecrafts the thing on the doorstep so we should be getting some Cthulhu myth mythos in there.
Yeah, well, I've been all Lovecraft recently because I'm playing from software. Bloodborne and all the monsters in there are all based on like Lovecraftian creatures. And several of the NPCs in it are actually based on like Lovecraft. And he's like saying like very like racist stuff, though. Very, very well done. Well, that's cool. And what and that's cool. That's all in the what was it called again?
I didn't, doesn't have a name yet. It's just an untitled. Does it have a working title?
Just it just says Untitled Lovecraft. Untitled Lovecraft. OK. Yeah. Untitled body swapping. Oh, so it's part of the body swapping horror genre. Gotcha. Yeah. Body swapping. So, yeah. Well, it sounds like it's got it sounds like it's got some good actors in it. I mean, I haven't really seen much of Heather Graham recently and Barbara. She's obviously like a throwback, you know what I mean? Like so, you know,
You hear, you hear about her, you know, you think of, um, you know, uh, reanimator and do you think of from beyond and you know, stuff like that. She wasn't in video drone, but I mean, she very well could have been, um, yeah, she, she's, she's one of, she's one of my, um, favorite, um, scream queens, if you will. So, uh, that's all, I'll check that out just for Barbara.
Yeah, I'll keep you updated on that one. There's no release date yet or anything. That's just the casting. So I don't know. It could be shooting already or who knows. Sometimes they it'll be shooting and then they'll start announcing cast members. So trying to get my love craft on, you know, so definitely into it. That was

Movie 'X' Overview

all the news I had. So I'd like to get right into exit. Let's jump right into it. Why don't you just give your initial reaction?
Well, how about the, should we give their, uh, what it's about? I mean, it's basically like, you know, Texas chainsaw massacre, you know, uh, story, Texas chainsaw massacre was about four. Yeah.
So I did not think Texas Chainsaw Massacre when I was watching X. The only thing that's Texas Chainsaw Massacre S would be that it was filmed in Texas. And the time period is the 70s. Yeah, I think it was 1979 was the setting of the movie and
a small film crew of there was a producer director and the main male porn star and there were two female porn actresses and then there was another female
who worked as a tech. I believe she was a grip on set. Yeah, she was doing like the sound. Yeah, she was a grip and she did sound work. And yet they basically go to this old unsuspecting couple where they asked to rent a boarding house and they plan to use the boarding house and the fact that they're on a farm and they have like barns and horses and hay and shit.
And they were going to basically pay for the boarding house. The guy had gone there like he was going to be a single boarder, but yet he brought like the porn stars and stuff with him.
and they basically want to use this guy's property which they got no permission for whatsoever and they want to shoot a porn while they were on his land under the guise of they're just like simple renters which didn't really make that much sense to me that like I would just I get it like it was a low budget movie that they were trying to like
Do the best possible story for with like very beautiful women to maximize profits it's something that like you know i'm sure the industry was about back then, but I would think that they could have probably in like rural Texas.
They could have just like rented a cheap motel room and then just driven to certain locations and done it there. But that didn't make a whole lot of sense to me, but I'm not going to get over like these times. Yeah, I don't know. Like he, I guess he had found like the, uh, the farmer that, uh, that needed money because, you know, they were getting too old to take care of it. So he was like, well, I'll throw some extra cash to this guy ran out the place.
Well, wait, was that part of it? Was he supposed to come in as both a border and like a field hand?
No, I don't remember. No, he was just a boarder, but like the guy needed money. That's why he was advertising, you know, advertised that he had a board. And he was like, oh, well, since I brought extra people like I'll throw you some extra cash or whatever. But yeah, he thought they were just travelers that were just staying there for a little while, then they were going to move on. The guy doesn't appreciate the extra cash, you know, right off to the they get off to a bad start. He doesn't appreciate the extra people. That's I think that's what it was.
Let's dive into it because obviously the reason that they wanted, the guy was trying to war him there for his wife too. Why don't you, before we get all into that, why don't you just give your initial impression?
How did you feel about the movie? I really liked it. I'm going to be honest with you. Like I saw the trailer and I thought like it was going to be a little more supernaturally with the other woman. And then it wasn't. It was more of like a straight up like slasher in a way. Yes. I had I had a very similar opinions that I thought that it was going to. And when I started to watch the movie, even
It had like, you know, it started off with like this very, yes, Texas Chainsaw Massacre-esque vibe, where you have a van full of kids in rural Texas and they're like, yeah, we're trying to party, like rock on, you know, shit like that. And then you find out that two of them are aspiring adult film stars, I think.
I think two of them, the character that played Jackson and the other character, I believe her name was Bobby Lynn, who is named after a porn star by Brittany Snow. I did not know Brittany Snow as an actress. She looked a little bit familiar, but I can't think of
what I had seen her in before. I looked on her page a little bit. I couldn't think of it. But anyway, so it definitely had like a Texas Chainsaw-esque feel. Now that I think about it, I hear... Yeah, they go to a house and then they start getting where people live there. They were all in the van. Yeah, it did kind of... You know what? Now that I think a little bit more about it, I can see where you were going there. But like when they get there and they kind of...
Well, first off, we should point out that they get there and they pretty much start shooting right away doing porn scenes. And while one of the actresses is engaged in the pornographic film, the other actress
kind of wanders around the property.

Character Dynamics and Themes in 'X'

And that's where she first meets the wife of the old man that they rent the place from. And first off, we should get into the makeup, because there was no real CGI that I remember in this film. I don't think there was a scene with an alligator, but I don't think that was necessarily computer generated.
Yeah, because you don't see a lot of it. You only yeah. And when it goes under. This film is pretty much CGI afraid. But what it does have is very good use of makeup. And you I thought when she met this old woman and she old woman kind of invites her into the house after like
There's a little foreshadowing where she almost witnesses the one girl get eaten by an alligator on the pond. Yeah, talk a little bit more about that later. But she almost witnesses her get eaten by an alligator. And then the old woman kind of like invites her in for a glass of lemony.
where they have a scene in the kitchen, it's very quiet, and there's just this kind of like eerie silence between this young beautiful woman played by Mia Girth and this old disgusting looking woman. I mean, no offense to the elderly, like this woman looked like Skeletor, like she literally looked like she could fall apart at any second, like they made her look as brutally
haggard as they possibly could. And at that point, um, when Mia goes starts to feel uncomfortable and she gets up to leave, um, there's a picture on the wall and the old woman goes, I used to be young once that was taken right before the first war. And I'm thinking like, all right,
There's a supernatural element here, like you said, right? There's something going on. And I was thinking like, all right, there's probably time travel involved. And I was thinking like Miigos character is going to turn out to be like this old woman in the past and future. And there's going to be shit like that going on. That did not turn out to be the case. There wasn't going to be possession or witchcraft or something like that.
Yeah, but just spoiler here, there is an interesting connection in that the old woman and Mia Guth are the same person. Yeah. I didn't know that at all. I didn't know until the credits. Cause I was like, let me see who that hat, who they got to play that haggardly old woman. Cause I thought there was maybe a chance that could be the case.
And so although there was no supernatural element in the movie, in real life, the old woman and Mia Guk are the same person. Yeah. I mean, I can tell there was definitely makeup involved. I just thought makeup was a little bit extreme. Yeah. I just thought they took like another actor and did the makeup too. I didn't know that like she played both roles. So I thought that was pretty good.
Yeah and that's interesting too because they obviously there were several scenes with her and the old woman. One scene where you know they're in bed together so um you know that had to present like some challenge. I'm not exactly sure why they decided to
I'm not sure why they made the decision to have Mia Goethe and the old woman be the same person, like why they didn't hire another actress to play the old woman. I think what I read was they were inspired from what they did in Suspiria. The more recent would tell us how to play both roles. She played like the old man with the heavy makeup. So I think that was the inspiration behind that. Well, that wasn't Mia Goethe that you're talking about. No, she was in Suspiria, though.
Yeah, no, me and death was, but, uh, Oh, you know, that they did. Um, who was that? Yeah. Till the swim played the old, yeah. They even made the IMDB page for the whole fake. I was saying that like they were, Oh, I get it. Yeah. That very clever. Yeah. That makes sense. Cause I noticed that like the old woman had like an absorbent amount of makeup on, like, you know, cause like I said, they try to make her look as
Like, dude, she was like all but ash. And then why don't you lead us into a little bit more of the meat of the story? Because I did not see this coming. Yeah. Well, the, uh, the husband was away during that scene. And then like, she's wearing just like these meat golfs wearing just like these coveralls and like, and that's it. That's all she's wearing.
And, uh, the old lady goes in for like a little feel on like the, on like her stomach or where it was real fucking weird. Like a creepy feel, just like running her finger, like very gently down there, just touching her a little bit and me go just like, what the fuck? Yeah. But then, uh, she goes back to the, uh, the barn and, uh, first the old woman do the voice. She goes.
This will be our scene. And it's like, wait, our secret for like, what the fuck? Yeah. So like, you know, again, when the old woman touches her again, that like even led me more to believe like, all right, here comes the supernatural shit. Like, you know, this is going to like, you know, jump out at you. And yeah, she goes back to the fucking barn.
And, you know, it's like, yo, this shit's like real fucking creepy here. And, um, I got to shoot my porn scene still. I got to shoot my porn scene and like, you know, and then the old man comes back, of course. And he's all like, he goes in and sees that there were two lemonade glasses. So he realized that his wife was like entertaining and he seems very distraught and you don't know why.
And then they just go on with the show and keep filming pornography scenes. The main cinematographer in the porn shoot, his girlfriend's the sound guy.
he's and like she wants to get in on it because, you know, she's checking out fucking Kid Cudi's fucking dick. Her reign played Jenna Ortega. Yeah. Who I had seen before. But that that does not come up right at that point. First, like, well, they're first also saying they do some other porn scenes and then it. Yeah. And we should point out that the main porn star, they only had one male star.
And he was it. His name was Jackson. And I recognize this actor from other films for us. Yeah, he's a rapper as well. So. Oh, yeah, because he's got a weird name. It's Kit Kit. Yeah, Kit. I didn't want. I never said that out loud, but I know who he is. So. Yeah, I had seen him before. I recognized him. So they were doing and all the other girls were white. So it was like.
And this was like a very popular thing at the end of the seventies. Like this was an interracial form was really starting to pick up, especially, um, with like connotations of like farm girls in the South, like that was becoming like anybody that's seen HBO's deuce knows that that was like very popular during that time. And their movie was called a farmer's daughter and based on a real
porn called a farmer's daughter. Yeah. So so basically like they shot this, you know, great shoot. And they were like very, very excited about it. And like there is a really great line where the producer is out with the cinematographer who, you know, also also is shooting the movie. And he also, I believe, wrote like the, you know, ridiculous dialogue that go in.
he was bragging that he thought that this porn movie was going to have a good story and all this. It was going to be the best of both worlds. They've always tried to do that with porn. And the guy goes,
feel how hard my dick is. Like, you know what I mean? Like, he's like real happy. It's like one memorable foots on the IMDB page. And yeah, so like, you know, they're like real excited with it. You know, they're saying like, you know, that was like a great shoot. And then they move into the next scene where Mia go through is also
the producer's fiance does the scene and she is fucking Jackson in the barn and you see the creepy old woman.
That I remember when I was watching that, like, uh, in the living room and my roommate came out and like, he started cooking. He was like, I thought you were in here watching porn and you were. And I was like, it kind of is because I started laughing when you could see that in the background. And it was like, right. And it was just cause he had came out and they were like moaning and I was like, it does look like I'm watching porn. And then I see her pop up in the window and I started cracking up. I actually watched it back here. I was at my house in Whiting.
And I actually have neighbors that are like relatively close. And I actually was turning the volume down on the TV a little bit because it was like getting very loud for the porn scenes and then going back down to normal volume. And I was watching it at like two, three o'clock in the morning and like I didn't want it to sound like I was blaring porn. You know what I mean? So like I was actually like a job and I was like,
You know, I just went Bluetooth and put on headphones because, you know, it was just it was just so ridiculous. So, yeah, you see the creepy old woman watching the girl again. I still thought there was going to be.
Yeah, they did not shy away on showing any of the nudity or any of the gore. No. Well, you know what? That's sort of like an elephant in the room you have to address because if you are a heterosexual male or a lesbian female or bisexual or you're just a sexual person, they went out and just got three of the most beautiful women in Hollywood today.
um to put in this movie so you know we're willing to get naked only two of them actually get get naked but uh well yeah well Jenna Ortega doesn't but she has I'm not going to spoil it but if you watch the movie she has her moment in the sun yeah her posterior does let's put it that way and um
Oh, well, I had first seen Mia go in the movie called Necromaniac. So I was like, I think it was Nymphomaniac. Nymphomaniac. Yeah, Necromaniac. That's the horror version. Nymphomaniac. So I was like sort of aware that she was an actress that did risque kind of work.
So, you know, I wasn't like taken back by that but yeah, they went in a movie called X when you're shooting adult porn I feel like you have to show it, you know, yeah, well you don't then it's like it's sort of like a cop-out like I mean Yeah, but you had to you had to do it. But you know what? I mean despite the fact that you know It's about porn and they showed a lot of skin in it. Um, I never really felt that
Those characters were really that dirty. I never got like a terrible, like gross vibe. Yeah, I never felt any of the characters were assholes or deserve to die either. I thought they did a really good job of like portraying everybody like a they were all just cool. We're all just fucking having sex type of thing. And some people got things that happened.
Yeah, but nobody was like dickish to each other before anybody in society that 13 smoothies yet Yeah, I hear what you're saying You're saying like there was no one there that like you actually like thought was like he's the first one that's gonna get killed off and
or even not even that, just like, oh, this person deserves to die. They're completely dead. You know what I mean? Like, I think like, sorry, I think the cowboy was the maybe the closest I was going to kick her. But even like he was only kind of a dick to like the the owner. But like when it came to actually like doing the porn stuff, he was like, he was like, listen, like, I'm not going to force her to do anything. But if that's what she wants to do, I'm not going to stop her either. And then he kind of goes to the guy and was like,
Yeah, well, yeah, we should we should point out like not to like convolute the story too much. So they had gone there. And I think they had planned to do two scenes, one with the bond. They had a blonde and they had a brunette and they had Jackson, who was the black porn star. And I think they had planned to do one scene with blonde, one scene with brunette.
And then the, um, the, uh, director's girlfriend who was the grip and sound person has like a conversation with them after the shooting. And she, I don't know why, but like somehow seeing that, I don't know if it turned her on or she kind of felt star struck and jealous.
that like the movie was going so well and that they were going to be seen on the big screen. And she was like, you know, I want in on this action. Yeah, I think all that dick and was like, yeah, I want that. I don't know if it was that because she wasn't really talking to Jax
She was talking to the two girls and they were describing how she was watching them. Fuck. And was like, yeah. And you see his dong later, at least in the shadows. Yeah, I don't. I think she was going. You're a pervert. I don't know if that was like, definitely. It could have been her motivation. There was, you know what?
There was a shot where she was doing the grip and she reminded me of a look that Philip Seymour Hoffman gave Mark Wahlberg in the movie Boogie Nights. There was like a little moment there. So yeah, maybe she maybe attracted to Jackson, but when she decided she wanted to ask for a role in the movie.
is after she had a long conversation primarily with two adult actors. And so her boyfriend is like real against this happening. You know, he doesn't want to see his girlfriend doing it despite the fact that like Jackson is a professional actor. Like he's not going after his girl. Like, you know, it is all acting. It's all make boy. But like so she does do it. And then I felt really bad because you see
after he films it and they do the scene, he's in the fucking shower. He's crying his eyes out. Yeah. And he's like, I felt for him, too. Like I was like, I get it. Yeah. Like, were they engaged to be married, too? No, they were just dating. But they had. Yeah, it was like they had a very, very like a long standing relationship. They had been together for a while. He really loved her. And it destroyed him to the point where he was like, you know what?
I'm leaving my girlfriend and I'm taking the car and I am stranding her here. He was brutally squirmed. And that's when the plot starts to kind of reveal itself, right?

Slasher Elements and Key Scenes in 'X'

And that's maybe like, what, 40 minutes into? Yeah, about half way away. It was a good build up and like... Good build up and great song. Blue Oyster Call, Don't Fear the Reaper for the first kill of the movie.
We should mention this right before that happens, you see the old woman is in there with her like 100 year old husband. I don't know how old they were supposed to be, but like they were pushing the boundaries of triple digits there. Okay. And she like dresses up like a slutty and she's like trying to like,
And they did not shy away from that fucking kill either.
seduced her husband. He's like, oh, I can't. My heart, you know, I can't do this. And so, like, you know, he's trying to bounce and leave everybody. We just explain his real upset. And then you have the creepy old woman blocking the gate. Yeah. And, you know, it's like your fucking typical horror scene, like you have this creepy old hag here and they have blue oyster cult. Don't fear the Reaper and then the first kill. And it did not disappoint like you said.
yeah berry gory uh she hacks the motherfucker up and she tries to seduce him first and that's when she's horny yeah that she's horny she wants to fucking her husband can't can't give it to her and that's when they really
Yeah, I think that's why the farmer was upset that he brought all his people because it's going to arouse awaking something in his wife that he can't provide for her. Well, he they later show when they find that naked guy tied up dead in the basement, like they were trying to lure that guy there probably for his wife. Yeah. Feeding the creature and the creature. That's when. But my point was is that that's when they kind of show there is no supernatural element.
Yeah, these are just this is just the work of one sexually depraved perverted like 100 year old woman, which was a very original idea because I haven't seen much like that. And then they go on a systematic killing spree of killing everyone. Yeah.
And, and even with like the gator and shit can't came back into play. I was thinking it was going to come back in. Yeah. I was like, Oh man, how are you going to not have somebody get eaten by that gator? And then of course it came back later on and it was, it was great. And then there was even a little, like some of the, uh, the psycho, uh, stuff that was in it where, uh, you know, like they,
Find like the car. That's the car from the beginning of a psycho and stuff like that. Yeah. There's little, uh, touches there for that. There was some abductions. They trap watch Anna Ortega put her down in the basement, you know,
they're playing possum like the old woman's killing everybody and the guy's kind of like collecting like potential victims and he puts tells the one girl go down the basement she finds a naked man like in like you know bondage down there like strip naked and like rather freshly dead and that's when she realizes like holy fucking shit and um
Yeah and then they just systematically go through like your typical like slasher where they just kill one after another after another until but there is one scene I want to point out and this was probably the creepiest scene and I think you probably guessed. It's when the old woman gets in bed with her yeah.
it was really fucking sick and especially not knowing that it's the same actress playing like when you were first watching it yeah if you don't know that yes if you do know that it's still it's still creepy yeah you know but that was the interesting plot the plot twist was that there really was no plot twist is that it was just
two old people one of which was a total sexual pervert and the other most disgusting scene was when Mia is still in that bedroom but Mia Goth is hiding under the bed where these two 100 year old people start savagely fucking in the bed above her and she's forced to listen to it.
Yeah, that's like try to crawl out. He's a porn star. Yeah. And yet she's subjected to that. So I don't know. There was a lot of like, um, interesting, like, uh, I don't know, parallels they, they drew in it. Um,
Lots of like interesting ideas, stuff like that, I guess would be the best way to describe it. But if you have not seen this movie, I really, this was one of my, one of my, in the horror genre, this was probably one of my most favorite films I've seen in the last few years. Yeah, it's definitely my favorite this year so far, probably. Yeah.
I think in the last couple years is simply because I did not know where they were going to go with this story. And when it turned out that it was all natural and then should just talk in the time we have left. There was a lot of really great kills at the end. Yeah.
Well, I don't really want to spoil that. I don't want to spoil any of the other for anybody. I think they should go watch since we don't have a lot of time. And I had one more thing I wanted to say before we wrapped up was that I'll meet during the mandatory two week COVID, you know, space they have to go through.

Prequel Announcement and Final Thoughts

Yeah. West wrote a prequel called Pearl.
and then asked me golf if she wanted to do that. So as soon as they wrapped production on X, they went right in and shot a prequel and it's coming out this fall. Oh, interesting. Wow. Yeah, it's just called Pearl and it's just going to be her as the old woman, you know, and it's going to be her growing up and trying to, you know, get away from her really strict parents and stuff like that. So yeah, there was sort of like a Mrs. Robinson vibe too, because Pearl's life, you could tell like,
things did not go the way she wanted it to go. But I mean, there was just no excuse for her to do what she decided to do, which was, you know, this master. But yet there was a lot of great kills at the very end of the film. There were some really, really good gore in the movie.
and you know it tied in and then there is like a little thing at the very end because in the very beginning of the movie it starts with police officers and you can see that there's been a terrible massacre and then it you know flips into the story and then it goes back to the police officers investigating the whole thing and they find the camera at
And there's a great bit of dialogue that I won't spoil, but I figure most people, well, that five or 10 people that actually listened to this cast, most likely have already seen the movie. That's, we generally tend to believe people have already seen it, but if you haven't, I'm not going to spoil it. This movie is not forever. There's going to be, you know, if you're sensitive towards certain things, like, especially like if you're uncomfortable with
like a lot of sex and nudity in movies, which, you know, some people that are in the heart don't like all that stuff. If that's the case, like this might not be for you. But if you are just in for something like remarkably twisted, even though, you know, the plot's very simple, you'll be surprised how disgusted this movie can make you at the same time really still entertaining you. I don't know. I thought they struck a great balance.
Yeah, I would like to see maybe a sequel or something or something about me, Goss character, because you do find out the end that she would like ran away from like this cult like preacher guy that you see on the background TV. Yes. And then you find out that she's like a daughter that ran away and now she's doing porn, so.
Yeah, they alluded to that. I mean, that's, you know, well, that's a very, uh, popular. So I would again refer you to HBO's deduce for the story of the porn. Um, which McCall, um, yeah, but the only thing is.
After this horrible massacre at the end, she just kind of drives away doing cocaine because apparently, you know, she had a bit of a blow problem. And she just drives away and it doesn't look like she was intending on calling the cops or anything. Did you get the vibe that she was going to law enforcement? I did not. She's like, all my friends are dead. I just ran over your head, bitch. I'm out.
like I'm going back to New York or wherever the fuck or Louisiana or you know, wherever. And you know, I'm getting on with my life. I really don't think I need to call the cops about the massacre. I think if she was afraid that if she called the cops, she'd end up like, you know, since she's technically a runaway or missing person that she'd end up back in that. That could very well be the case. But at the same time,
There was just a fucking horrific mass. So I mean, you could take it either way, but I'm going to leave it there. I thought it was a great film. I did. And I encourage everybody to check it out. Yeah, definitely. All right. Well, thanks for joining me and thanks for listening. Catch us next time. Hopefully another week we'll do another one.
Yeah, definitely. Well, there's a lot of shit coming out. So, yep. I definitely want to talk about nope next. So you should watch that. All right. I am. I'm going to get on the next cast. No. Yeah, definitely. Sounds good. Take care, buddy. Peace.