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Chainsaw Awards 2023

Fright Central
19 Plays1 year ago

We finally return with our breakdown of Fangoria's Chainsaw Awards available on Shudder 


Catching Up and Chainsaw Awards Introduction

All right, welcome back to Fright Central. I'm Doc, back here again finally with Keck after a long break that was a... Yeah, a series that I only remember the last time we did a cast. Like March, I think. March, I feel like March might be generous, but okay. Yeah, I think the last, I think Scream was out in theaters and Renfield haven't even come out yet and now they're both, like Renfield just came out on, I think Peacock or Paramount are one of those now, so.
Welcome to the world of light.
Yeah, so it's been a lot. Well, you know, it's it's that time of the year. There's a lot of stuff going on and shit like that. You know, it's sometimes difficult with two people that lead active lives. So, you know, what can you do? Yeah, cross the country from each other. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. So but I mean, I know you've been up to a lot of stuff, at least on the social front. I don't know if you want to get into that, if that's relevant or
You know, we can just get right into our topic tonight, which was going to be the Chainsaw Awards, which you know vastly more about than I know.

Chainsaw Awards Voting Process

Yeah, I managed to catch some of it when it aired about two weeks ago. So basically, for people who don't know, the Chainsaw Awards are fan voted rewards done by Fangoria.
They used to be like they used to do like a live show but now they do like a live like video presentation and they get all the winners and guests in do like it's it's basically what they've been doing since like COVID almost where it's all like fine.
Let me ask, what is the size of the pool that goes into voting on these awards? In other words, like how many people vote? Is this like an online thing? Is it something that, do you have to be like registered on a website?
No, anybody can vote for

Notable Wins and Opinions on 'The Black Phone'

it. I don't know how many votes were told, but they start like, uh, the voting process in like January, I think. And so they give you like, they do it like over a few months. So the votes can really tally up. That's something I'm going to, while we're on, just going to walk up real quick. Cause I'm interested in seeing like how many people actually voted. But yeah, yeah, I don't know. They didn't, uh,
At least I didn't catch maybe they talked about the beginning or the very end but I didn't catch it. The numbers but yeah it goes on for like a couple months and then they do the awards in May and you can watch it live on shutter or you know it's also available on demand now as well if you want to go back and watch it.
Um, so, but yeah, let me just jump right in. I'm just going to go straight from what they have on the website. You can, uh, follow along or you can read it for yourselves. Uh, just starting off with the first one for best supporting, uh, performance was, uh, Madeline McGraw for the, uh, black phone. She was the, uh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
I mean, sure. OK, I mean, I don't necessarily agree with with some of these. I didn't vote on some. I didn't. I didn't say it, but I had heard a lot of things about it. I thought you were going to be like very enthusiastic. But like you said that, like you were just like stepping over a dead cat or something like that. So I think that you were not impressed. Not with a black phone. No, I mean, she was all right in it, but like.
I mean, I don't know. It's just that that movie wasn't for me, I guess. Like I don't think you don't have to. You don't have to agree. Yeah, I think it was at the time I was watching Mine Hunter and I just wanted a normal serial killer. He just wanted a normal.
A normal serial killer? That was your thing? You want just like a normal down-to-earth serial killer series? Yeah,

Awards for Short Films and First Features

I didn't want a supernatural serial killer movie, you know what I mean? Like it wasn't what I was...
Wasn't what I was looking for. So I just thought so. Oh, I see. You didn't want something like supernatural. You wanted something that could be based in reality. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I understand that. I didn't. I didn't get it. I didn't. I didn't understand when you first mentioned it, but so much for the normal serial killer. No, no weird shit.
uh yeah the next one is the best uh short uh for close your eyes i have no idea what anything that is about so i'll i mean i don't know where do you find that maybe on youtube i guess so well isn't that oh no wait i was thinking of um i was thinking of open your eyes uh that that uh trippy like uh you know horror like uh thing that came out a while back with uh tom cruise and uh
Penelope. Yeah, it was Tom Cruise. Yeah, I was thinking of that totally unrelated. So you didn't catch that one? No, it was a short. So I don't catch a lot of the shorts. I think they're mostly premiered at festivals or stuff like that. Oh, it was a short. Okay, gotcha. That's a short. Winner for best first feature went to Watcher. Just regular Watcher, the one with the
She's in that apartment building, the far one that we got confused. Oh, all right. So, yeah, we should distinguish this. We're not talking about the series, the Watcher. No, we're talking. We're talking about the film that we actually reviewed on a prior podcast. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, we had talked about that one. I mean, I didn't think that that was the most exciting movie in the world. But I mean, in terms of like the acting,
Oh, it was very, it was very well. Yeah, I should have had the lineup of who was, you know, up for these awards, but I don't have that next to me. I just have the final winner. So I don't know who they were up against.
But yeah, regardless, I mean, that that I would say that anyone that's seen that film could make the argument that it definitely deserves recognition.

International and Cinematography Awards

Yeah. Next, we got best cinematography, and that went to I'm not going to try to butcher this guy's fucking name, but the guy who was the director of photography for No
Oh, the director for photography and no. Yeah. Yes. But yeah, this is best cinematography. So the guy from NOPE won. I'm not it's like, yeah, I'm not going to try to pronounce his fucking name. Yeah, I mean, I could see that. I mean, we talked about it in detail in a previous cast. I wasn't like the greatest like fan of the film itself, but
I definitely appreciated the way it was done, especially the way it was shot. When the UFL first came out of the clouds, when they first saw that,
I mean that that was really something yeah so I could I could definitely understand how that got voted in. Yeah, I mean that was cool. Next we got best international movie it was one to speak no evil. I think it's a Danish film if I'm not.
Not mistaken. It's basically about this like family on vacation and the countryside and they like make friends with like another. No, I think they're like on vacation. I think it's like they're on vacation in France and they run into other people that are from the same country, which I believe was was Dane.
uh the you know the danish and then they go back and then they end up like having dinner and like that these people end up being real weird and they're like kind of sick fuck oh it reminds me of a german film that i just watched the other day i i don't if i start uh getting into it what we do a massive sidebar because it was a fucking ridiculously disturbing movie maybe i'll mention that at some point
road or I don't know how you would I don't uh in English it would have been road to angus I believe it was called um you can like look into it I it was insanely disturbing uh it was just really fucked up this is back from 2010 and uh
I don't even know anyway I don't want to get into it right now it will lead me into a massive sidebar but uh yeah anyway speak no rules all right I mean oh wait it was a voyage to Angus I believe is how you'd say it not bro yeah it would be voyage okay
Yeah, I thought Speaking of Evil was all right. I mean, it was a little... Oh, so you did see it? Yeah, that one I did see, because it was on a list of must see. And then it went in Best International, so I could see that. I mean, I didn't see a lot of international films, so I have no idea. But I think it was terrible. I was just like, yeah, it was all right. You know, I don't know.
Yeah, I'm a fan of like, of foreign cinema, I tried to like absorb as much as it as I can. But I have in the past, like, you know, I mean, I've in the past, like viewed a lot of it that like,
got a lot of attention in their respective countries. But I was just kind of like meh. Yeah. So, you know, but I mean, I don't know, I like to see stuff that like is produced away from like the big Hollywood, like, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, absolutely. You know, I feel like that stuff, like if it doesn't have like the backing of like Hollywood production, like I think we have to like
and it does well and you know it's well made i think we have to kind of like give that even more credit that they don't have that you know i mean but at the same time like my mind is kind of like i don't want to say toxically polluted but you know i mean i'm always going to
be biased as an American living over here and seeing the films that are backed with huge budgets and stuff like that and unlimited travel and resources. But that's cool. I mean, I do plan to check it out.
Yeah, I don't know if it was the first feature they did, but as a small independent horror film from a country that's not really known for putting out horror movies. Now, where does the movie take place? Where is it filmed? Or where is it supposed to be filmed? I believe the Danish countryside. Oh, okay.
So it was it was French visitors. Yeah, they would like it starts out with them like I think they were like in France or something and then like they meet up with other people from the same like, not necessarily the same like city but like only like a few hours away from each other. So like, like they get invited, like in the future to go and like, and you know, visit the countryside and hang out with these these people that they had met and had a good time with on vacation. So
Oh, so it was like a situation where they had like previously met these people and they didn't get to know them like real well, but they had a good time with them. And then this was like an opportunity to get to know them like a lot better. And they found out that they were like fucked up tweakers.
Yeah, kind of. Yeah. They're definitely up to some shady things. So yeah, yeah, yeah. So all I want to go into without like spline. Yeah, I just want was like my summary like accurate or like, you know, that that's pretty much what it comes down to. Yeah, they just kind of have like a weird relationship situation going on.
Like as weird as the guests that Jennifer Lawrence had, mother or? No, no. Anyway, moving on.

Creature Effects and Score Awards Discussion

Yeah, moving on. Best creature effects. I don't know why she said it like that. Best creature effects went to pray for, you know, the predator and. Yeah.
And it'd be it'd be very hard to argue with that one. Yeah, I like it. Gillis and Tom Woodrow Jr.
Yeah, I mean, I'm trying to just like go through my mind like very briefly and think of like what it's does it by chance? Oh, you just said you don't know what it was up against because I'm just going through in my head and trying to think of like creature films that I've seen that would have been like in the period where, you know, the chainsaw awards were covering and I can't
think of anything else that I saw in that time. But I mean, yeah, it'd be hard to argue with the predator or prey as a selection. I mean, that that was cool. I mean, you know, it had it had its issues. We talked a little bit about that. But I mean, I don't know. Overall, I was very impressed with it. And it was really cool to that.
because they went and, um, you know, they gave like a bunch of new takes to like, uh, predator technology and stuff like that. So they like brought in like a whole bunch of like new gadgets and stuff like that. And the predator actually walked a lot different in that one. Like in terms of like it's gear and shit like that. So yeah, it wasn't like, you know, um, your daddy's predator, like this was something, this was something that.
So yeah, that's cool. Oh, I do. I did find the, uh, list of, uh, nominees. Uh, I don't know. What were the creature up against? Oh, if you want to go back real quick. I don't. Okay. Best creature. Okay. Oh, let's say international, uh, first feature.
They're not in the same order as. Oh. Yeah, they're not in the same order as they are in the final thing, which is weird.
Okay. What do you mean not in the same order? Like I like the way the list, the winners are listed. It's not the same order as they listed the nominees on like a different page. It's not on the same page. That's the problem. Oh, it's not. It's not like organized very well. Prey, hatching, VHS 99, dress world dominion, and nope. They're the ones that went up against.
Yeah, I mean, I don't know would have been up again for best creature effect. Well, I mean, I guess, yeah, the poster posted technically be an alien that said and you see it at the end that like in I mean, I didn't. Well, I'm sorry. What was the what were the other ones aside from? Nope, it was the other world demand.
Oh, yeah, I didn't see Jurassic World. Yeah, then BHS 99, which I haven't seen. So I don't know what creature effects in there and then and then the hatching. Yeah, I would assume that Jurassic World probably had like a very
a very large budget and probably had like superior special effects. And the fact that prey did not have that. Well, I don't think it didn't just like throw that out. Like they didn't expect it to succeed at all. I think we talked a little bit about it all. Yeah. Because like there was like almost no promotion for it either. Like, you know, I mean, like I didn't I would not have even known it existed. You didn't mention it to me. Yeah. Or yeah. If you don't have Hulu.
or live in LA or like a major city and see book billboards. Yeah. Yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah. So they did do promotion in LA and like billboards and stuff like that. Well, yeah, you guys are always going to get some promotion. If they don't do promotion by you, then nobody's going to hear about it. Yeah. But anyway, moving on. Yeah. The best costume design also went to pray.
Yeah, I mean for reasons just discussed. Yeah, best score went to Halloween ends, you know, John Carpenter, of course.
of course he won. How Halloween Ends was the shit one and Halloween Kills was the like more decent book, right? Halloween Ends was the most beautiful one. Just because they came in like very, I mean, they were made within like 10 months of one another, right? Yeah. So I'm a little, but yeah, Halloween Ends was the really bad piece of shit. Yeah, where like they just made this whole movie pretty much about that other kid. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah, the score. I mean, it's John Carpenter. So how are you? It was the one where they find like Michael Myers is just like living in like a sewer grate and there's like real weak and horny, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's not like lower people in there to like kill. Yeah. I mean, that that that was that was a new level of bad. And I guess like, yeah, if you're going to take like one thing out of it and give it in the ward, you're I mean, the soundtrack, why not? Yeah.
I mean, I've always been a fan of the Halloween soundtracks. You want to talk about suspense. Suspenseful music, you think about the Michael Myers thing.
is very simplistic, but like very effective in like drawing out like terror and suspense.

Surprising Wins and Amityville Movie Releases

So yeah, I mean, that's great. Speaking of terror, best limited release movie went to Terrifier 2. Oh, wow. Terrifier 2 is up. Well, I mean, I guess I shouldn't be that surprised given the amount of success and like recognition the film got. I mean,
I never thought that there would be a Terrifier 1 after All Hallows' Eve but you know there was and Terrifier 2 was it drew a lot of attention like when you had mentioned it to me I was like what are you talking about like
you know like I had no idea that they even had planned on making it but you had mentioned it to me and went back and watched the first one and um Terrifier 3 is pretty much like um I'm pretty sure it's like already in production yeah they got a bigger budget uh yeah I mean that's I don't those movies are fucking uh
I don't know. I have mixed feelings about them, but I mean, I'll definitely be checking that out. But so this was an award for best limited release, he said. Yes, because it was it did have a limited run in theaters. Oh, OK. OK. So all right. The next category, it kind of threw me for a curveball because I really know it wasn't up for. Well, what's the category first? Best Amityville movie.
from last year from last year. There were multiple Amityville movies from last year. I kind of feel like bad that I don't know about it, but like also happy. I don't know that.
Yeah, let me see if I can find the list, but apparently there was 10. Wait, there were 10 Amityville movies made last year? These were all like, some of them were probably shoe string budget productions. Oh, absolutely. I remember seeing one for like, it was like Amityville in space or something like that.
Yeah, but how many of those Amityvilles were produced by a studio that you would even have heard of? Probably none of them. There were seriously 10 Amityvilles films last year? Yeah, I'm trying to find the list right now. I can tell you who won, but I want to see the list real quick.
Well, then give the winner while you're sidebar through the list. Like what, what does it matter? It was a Amityville Christmas vacation. Wow. All right. So yeah. So these are just wild jokes. I wonder if like, I wonder if like some of them were like produced and directed by the same person because it sounds like this might've been like a, a willful collaboration.
of just making like sort of like a mockery of the franchise because that's insane. I would, if you had not told me that that was up there and you had just said this in conversation, I would look it up because I would think you were bullshitting me. I mean, that's insane. Ten Amityville movies came out.
What the fuck? Is this a thing? Like, are there med Amityvilles every year that we just never hear about? Yeah, apparently. Well, let's see. I guess I see some of them. All right. Amityville Scarecrow 2. Amityville Space. Scarecrow 2. Yeah. That would lead to logically believe that there was an Amityville Scarecrow 1. Yeah, it came out the year before.
uh amityville's face amityville bigfoot amityville karen and i actually uh met a girl who was in amityville karen oh all right yeah so this is yeah okay uh amityville uprising amityville thanksgiving and amityville exorcist but then also amityville christmas vacation wow that's at least eight uh so oh amityville the resurgence
That's nine. I guess that was like eight. Yeah. I don't think a lot of these like are not recognized as cannon. No, they're not. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I was just briefly looking, um, the last like official Amityville movie, according to IMDB was in 2018. So yeah, this is just like nonsense where I guess they were just.
Well, obviously they had to be granted the rights to use the name. No, the name is in like, the name's just public domain. Oh, okay. It's public domain. So they don't need any permissions for special privileges whatsoever. Like, you know, so like you would.
It would probably like be feasible to think that a lot of these didn't even feature the house and just had nothing to do with like the normal story of Amityville. It just was called Amityville and you know what he said Amityville Sasquatch. Amityville Bigfoot. It would have been cool if it was Sasquatch.
Maybe in the sequel. Yeah, I could see how that would have hit you with a curveball. I mean, that's interesting, though. I'm going to look into like how many Amityville movies are produced a year on average. Yeah. Best documentary feature went to Pennywise, The Story of It.
Uh, I haven't watched that one yet. Wait a minute. I had seen that I was under the impression that that, because it was a documentary about the first, uh, the original, uh, mini series.
Oh, and it was just released last year. Yeah, apparently. I mean, there's probably because I was under the impression that that had that that documentary had been made like a long time ago. And because the copy that I saw was like in like VHS quality. Yeah, it was probably a different documentary.
Yeah, maybe I got the wrong one, but it was called the exact same thing. It had all the actors from the original miniseries. I mean, don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it very much. But I guess I thought that it had been produced like a while back.
Well, yeah, this is straight up saying 2021. Interesting. I wonder, I wonder if there were, I wonder if there were a couple of documentaries about that mini series. And perhaps I saw one that was a little bit older because I knew, I know that there were, there was something that came out right after the mini series was made, like maybe a year or two after that could have been what I saw. I might be confusing them, but.
Yeah, I'll definitely check because I, you know, I obviously love the, I love the franchise. So yeah. When are the best nonfiction series or miniseries was 101 scariest horror movie moments of all time? I believe that's on AMC.

Series and Multiple Awards Discussion

When are best series went to Stranger Things?
Stranger things season four. Yeah, it's just as true. Yeah, well, I'm assuming season four since I came out last year. Yeah. Yeah, I was kind of saying that because I forgot what season we were on on Stranger Things. I had just seen a piece about saying that season five may not come out until like late twenty twenty four or something because of the writer's strike. Yeah. So, yeah, we got pushback. Yeah.
Now, this this was an award by the by fangor's editors. It was called the eyeball award. It was just kind of like people to look out for. And the editor's eyeball award went to Lauren Lavera from Terrifier 2. What what character did she play? Boy, good question.
Was she the Xena warrior princess girl, like the main actress? I think so. I think she was the main actress because that was her first feature, maybe. Yeah, I think we had looked that up because, well, I mean, she was gorgeous to new levels.
Yeah, I think that like before that, her only credits that I had seen were like short films and stuff like that. And I think she might have done the voice of something like there might she might have had like a narration credit or something. But like, I think that this was her first like feature length film.
Yeah, she was the lead actress. Another wall award went to Emily Bennett and Justin Brooks were alone with you. I've never heard of that movie, so I'll have to look it up.
What was the, what was the name of the award again? It was just the editor's eyeball award. It's just kind of people to like, you know, look out for in the future that the, you know, to keep an eye on. Oh, okay. So she was the actress to look out for. Yeah. Obviously she is going to be the actress to look out for. And that was the film to look out for. Yeah. And then the last
eyeball award went to mason thames for the uh the black bone he was the kid that was trapped in the basement okay and then winner for best makeup effects went to uh terrifier too
I was going to say, would it either be Terrifier 2 or Prey? Yeah. Well, I don't know. Does the Predator count? Does that count as makeup? No, not really. I was pretty sure. Yeah, that would go to Terrifier 2. I mean, you had said prior, I believe, correct me if I'm wrong, but you weren't that impressed with the
uh makeup for art the clown and i actually thought he looked pretty good like art himself like i don't know it's just like a mime he's not really a fucking clown you know what i mean yeah in the fact that he makes
for like all the other like, you know, kills and stuff like that. No, yeah, no. Yeah, he does. He's definitely very mimey. You could argue that he's more of a you could call him art the mime and it could go either way. Yeah. Yes. All right. Yeah. All right. Explaining it that way. I agree. Yeah, I feel that jam. Best streaming premiere movie went to pray.
of course uh so i think it was only like that and hell raiser were like ones i can even think about that went straight to streaming yeah i was actually going to say if hell raiser was not mentioned at all by the end of this i was going to uh i was going to say like i i would think uh hell raiser would have um i mean hell raiser that would have been a um candidate for creature effects but um i gotta be honest with you
The Hellraiser creature effects, I thought the Hellraiser costumes themselves looked terrible. I mean, you could tell that they were just like crummy plastic molds. So yeah, that would probably be why I didn't win any awards. Best screenplay went to Blackbone. Best lead performance went to me, Goth or Pearl.
Oh, yeah. Yeah. You're done with. Yeah. Can't argue with that. No, I can't wait for a new one. Yeah. Yeah. Best director went to Jordan Peele for nope. Best kill went to Terrifier 2 for the killing alley scene that, you know, took place in the bedroom. Yeah, that was very fucking brutal. Yeah.
They really go all out with the breaking the arm, I think was what really set it apart the way he like breaks her arm and twists it off. Yeah. And then like she just walks in the room and like she's still fucking alive and like, yeah, she she does not go. She does not go quickly and quietly. That's like the worst way to fucking die. Yeah, she does not go well.
And then we finally, we got a best Y release movie and that went to the black bone as well. Well, shit. Um, I'm definitely going to have to get on watching the black phone. Um, you have not really like popped it up very much, but, uh, I'm going, I definitely feel like now I have to say it was on my list. I had heard about it. I know that, um, aside from the chainsaw awards,
had gotten a lot of acclaim. So I'm gonna now let me just add, like, was it like a slow, like tempered, like movie or something like that? It was just the concept I was not feeling, you know, conceptually, you just weren't feeling it. I mean, I'll give it another chance, but like, not at this time, you know what I mean? Yeah.
because now I'm like more stoked up for it. It's something that I'm going to watch. It was fine. Yeah. Yeah. Other aspects of it that I wasn't really into. So yeah, because it seems like that I would say it was that and pray that pretty much swept the awards that came up the list. Yeah. Yeah. Well, Terrifier what Terrifier won two awards. And I think pray you had mentioned like four or five times.

Future Podcast Plans

than black phone probably the most. I guess the one thing that was interesting about the awards, I think they had to throw that Amityville character
category and just as like a chip, right? I mean, that's not something. Yeah, it was just Fangoria's way of saying, like, let's have a little fun in the middle, throw it right in the middle of the awards. Yeah. Like ridiculous. This this is that there's fucking out of these fucking movies. Yeah. The only thing I don't like about Fangoria doing that is that's going to like encourage like them to make more Amityville movies.
Um, since they now have the war category slot.
Maybe who knows if we'll do that next year. I think they were just like, there's like mad of them that were released this year. I'm guessing that like probably half of them were shorts. So I don't know. I think they're full line. You think they were all full line. Well, I'm going to look into it after this past and on next cast, maybe in the very beginning, I'll mention it. Maybe I'll like skim over a few of them and just say like, it was any of them.
Yeah, well, I'll probably like skim through the actual movie and see like, I'm assuming some of them are like, shoestring budget, like fucking like student projects, or not even like, you know what I mean? Like, I'm gonna assume that like, half of them are like, almost unwatchable.
But that's my assumption. I'll go through it. I'm sure they're probably all unwatchable. But yeah, anyway, that's all I got for this. Is there anything you want to add before we end this? Yeah, I mean, the only other thing I'd add is that we're going to try to do this a little bit more often.
Yeah, next time we're going to be talking about cabinets of curiosity. I mean, depending upon how that goes.
I have a lot of insight because, you know, we're going over eight episodes and that may or may not have to be two, uh, two separate casts. Uh, I don't know. Well, I mean, we'll play it by ear, but I have a lot of thoughts on cabinets because I mean, there was literally in cabinets. I didn't think there was a bad episode.
So, you know, there's a lot to talk about next time. But yeah, that's pretty much all I have. And it's been real seeing you again, buddy. And like I said, we definitely need to do this more often. Well, I'd like to I need to go see Bogeyman. That's out of theaters now. And then I want to recommend Renfield. That's available in streaming. Right. Yeah. So because I'd like to talk about Renfield. I thought that was a lot of fun. And I watch it again.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, no, that's definitely something we can discuss next time. For Nicolas Cage's performance alone. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's definitely, that's definitely something that will cover at least in part. So anyway, thank you for joining us and we will see you again in the not too distant future. Take care of yourself, brother. Yeah, you too. All right. Thanks, everybody.