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We discuss MIke Flanagan news and the new Netflix series 1899


Introduction to Fright Central Podcast

Welcome. For real. All right. Welcome back to Fright Central. I'm Doc, your Keck. How's it going, buddy? I think that is a fact. We're talking about facts and that's one of them. I am Keck. Hey, may your coffee kick in before reality does?

Series Introduction: Discussing '1899'

Uh, yes, we will be talking about 1899, the heart of the series from, uh, the dark, uh,

Industry News: Mike Flanagan's Move to Amazon

creators. But first I did have a little bit of news. Um, Mike Flanagan, uh, is leaving Netflix. His contract is up for one, but he is joining Amazon studios.
Oh, mother fuck. But we still get his his his last show, the fall of the House of the Usher is still coming out on Netflix in 2023, which is based on the works of Edgar Allan Poe. But the good news is he will be adapting Stephen King's The Dark Tower for Amazon. I mean,
Yeah, I mean, that is good news. But I mean, I would rather him not do that and stay with Netflix and move to Amazon, which is clearly just a move that he made because they offer them more money. Yeah. Which if I was in his position, like I would probably do that as well. Seeing as Netflix is kind of losing money right now and their subscribers are kind of in hold like he's not going to get as big of a budget for something like the Dark Tower as well.
And they're gonna they spent a lot of money on like

Streaming Platforms: Trends and Challenges

the Lord of the Rings show and shit. And that was one of the reasons he like agreed to it. And he's already wrote a pilot for it. And he views the series as going at least five seasons, plus two movies. No, that's cool. And I'm definitely gonna watch that. And I'm like real psyched up to hear that I just
The Netflix doing bad, like the idea of Netflix like possibly like crashing or like even going out business or something like that and Amazon.
like fully absorbing, like all of like Netflix, like that's just not a good thing for anyone. Like competition, but I don't think Netflix is going under. I don't think that anything like that's happening. They're just like

The Dark Tower: Flanagan's Ambitious Project

dealing with, I mean, it seems like there's a new streaming platform popping up like every month.
Yeah. So like inevitably like like we always say like the more competition, the better. But it's starting to get to the point where like it's a little bit ridiculous now. Yeah. Like, you know what I mean? Like some of these companies should just start getting like merging or getting bought out or something like that. I don't know. I think we've already had too much merging. So there has been a lot of merging. Yeah. But hey, well, that I mean, hey, I'm happy to hear that.
I just wish you would have stayed with netflix instead. Yeah, it's kind of bad for netflix because mike flanigan was really like the standout. Yeah, I was bringing that money in and stuff like that, but I guess the contract was coming up like it was ending and I guess it was too expensive to like rehire them.
Well, you know, I believe Amazon already had the rights to Dark Tower, because I remember they remember them on that. Oh, well, could that have been something where he would not have been even able to produce his project with Netflix? I think so, because I remember our movie came out, they had talked about it was going to be a movie and then a season and then a movie and then a season. And I remember it was going to be on Amazon.
From what I remember reading and I can't fault Flanagan for that. I mean, if that's the case and like the Amazon's pitch was like, you know, if you come to us, we're going to pay you more. We're going to give you a larger budget for your projects. And we're going to allow you to do the project that you want to do.
Yeah, because apparently he's been working on. Yeah, apparently he's been working on it for a long time and like he's already like pilot script and a very detailed outline for the first season and a broader outline for something. Well, if that's the case and it was an issue of like legal copyright stuff, then
I mean, who can fault him for that? I mean, anybody would have made that move. You said he's been working on it for investing a significant portion of like his life to it. Something he's passionate about. Yeah. I mean, yeah. I mean,

Flanagan's Previous Works and Netflix's Future

that's cool, I guess. Yeah. So I mean, we'll say, I mean, I'm definitely looking forward to that. So, uh, no, no, I am too more Stephen King content, the better.
Yeah, more Mike Flanagan content the better. Although like I was watching Midnight Club and I didn't think that was that great. I think that might be one of his weakest projects that he's got going on, but it is more for like a teen crowd. Yeah, and also his follow-up wasn't as well received. What was... Oh, The Blind Manner? Yeah. Midnight Mass was really good though.
Yeah, I mean, I thought why manner was pretty good. I mean, I thought it was decent. I mean, it was nowhere near as good as Hill House. No, I mean, I thought Hill House was like actually like
a pretty monumental accomplishment with all the hidden references and everything like that. It spoke of a much greater volume than Bly Manor, surely. But I thought Bly Manor was RA. I mean, it wasn't as well-received. The story wasn't as good. Anyway, not to get too sidetracked with that. Well, hey, that's cool. I'm definitely psyched up about Dark Tower.

Friday the 13th: Legal Drama and Speculations

Yeah, that's kind of all the news I had. It was all fine again. It was like it was literally like one day he left Netflix and then the next news announced was he was he was working on The Dark Tower. So and there hasn't been like any news that like the whole Friday, the 13th project has like collapsed and not going to happen.
No. Why was that? I'm just saying, like, it's happened so many times that, like, I would just not be shocked if they were like, oh, yeah, it's going back to court again. Like, it looks like, you know, we're not going to be able to use everything we thought we were. Like, we're allowed to have Jason, but like, you know, Cunningham's pitching that he's got rights to the hockey mask. So we're going to go back and have baghead Jason from Friday at 13.
I'm sure we'll get all versions of Jason we'll get the bag heading out and like I have the right to Jason's mother so instead of like Jason's mother like being the typical lady that you say she's gonna have to be like I don't know from India or something
if if
But that's that's what I'm saying. Like a couple of them. There were even one of them I was checking out with Jake. There was even a a trailer, a brief trailer that had come out. So they had actually filmed like a little bit of a trailer about. So I'm just saying I'd have been a trailer. I don't know if it was real.
It's possible, I don't know, but I'm just saying, my heart has been broken so many times, considering, like we said, I think we came to the understanding that the last Friday 13th was 2009, so it's been 13 years. I think it was two, it was either 2009 or 2007, pretty sure was, I'm just saying like, it's been more than a decade and like promises were consistently broken.
I'm just, I'm not getting my site set too high. I'm just, I'm going to assume that something's going to get fucked up and hope to get like blown away. You know, that that's

Series Deep Dive: Exploring '1899'

where I'm at. But anyway.
I guess no news is good news in that front and getting into 1899. Now you just freshly finished it last night. You had to let me know that you were on your last episode. So it is fresh on your brain. So why don't you kick off with your initial impressions? Yes. Well, initially I had started probably about a week ago and I was taking my time with it only watching like an episode a night.
And I mean, it does kind of it doesn't start. I think it starts off kind of sluggish. It was a little slow in the beginning. It's like about about the third episode maybe for me to like become more invested. But like I was still only watching like one a night just because like by the time I'd get home from work.
and you know watched all my World Cup games that I wanted to watch like uh there is a yes I couldn't watch more than one until this weekend when I just finished like the last three but uh yeah I thought it was pretty good um basically uh 1899 is a series uh like I said earlier about uh
the from the creators of the dark. It's about a multinational immigrants traveling from the old continent to the new and they encounter a nightmarish riddle aboard a second ship adrift on the open sea.
Yeah, sort of like you get like Titanic vibes from it like a little bit, you know, because they're all like traveling from the old world to the new world. It seems like you get the idea very early on that almost every passenger on the ship is basically trying to escape something. Yes. They're going from I think they said they left from England and they're going to New York. Is there a
destination port. And the one thing that it seemed like everyone had in common because everybody speaks different languages and we'll get into that. But it seemed like just about everyone was trying to escape something and start a new life.
And, you know, that was, you know, that was a interesting concept because, you know, there were there's a lot of things that make all the characters very different because, you know, they're all from different places with different backgrounds. But I got the you know, I got that right away, that everybody seemed to be running away from their past reality, is the way I'll put it.
into a new reality, I think, would be. At least, you know, from the creators of Dark, I think that's what they were trying to convey pretty much right away.
Yeah, we should talk about the languages first because it is a multi-language series, which you need to make sure when you've put on Netflix to change it to the original language. That is very, very important. When I turned it on, it popped up the dubbed version immediately. By default, it comes in dubbed, which would basically erase like 50%
of what the creators are trying to convey. So yeah, that's a pretty big deal actually. There's a lot of scenes where characters are talking to each other and the other person has no idea what they're saying but they can kind of convey through body language what they're getting at but then there's other times where like
some characters are just like wait what is he saying and nobody will translate because there isn't necessarily a translation person for everybody so they're like wait what's going on and like nobody's translating for them or like they don't know what they're asking them like and like a lot of like uh headbutting going on because of like it's so many different uh languages and cultures but there was a lot of like
you can understand somebody's intent through their body language as well. And I thought that was really well done.
Well, fear, terror is something that's very easily interpreted. Like, you know, and I mean, like, and helping somebody as well. Like, so, yeah, there is like that. That's one of the cool things that I thought maybe even more suspenseful is that, you know, you have such a diverse group of people where, you know,
Each group has like its own little clip kind of that speak the language and they understand each other, but it makes it a little bit more chaotic and suspenseful that like, you know, where there is the language barrier and there's all this complex.
confusing surreal shit happening on the ship yes by the way if you haven't watched the show don't listen to this yeah that's the thing like you get like at the end of the very first episode like you start to realize like

'1899' Plot Developments and Character Dynamics

This isn't just like a typical ghost story where, you know, they're going on like a cruise and like the ship is haunted or there's problems at sea with icebergs and shit. Like there's some supernatural ass shit going on here. Like it's pretty much, I mean, it was, I know what you mean when you say it was sluggish, but they get the distress call from the Prometheus
pretty early on and the captain basically goes and this is what sets the stage. The captain basically says, you guys have all paid vast sums of money. You're and all the characters know we're all trying to escape like our past lives to start anew. We've paid a lot of money to get
Where we're going and the captain like very early on decides to say we just got a distress call from a ship that's been missing for four months very like event horizon yeah the name prometheus as well.
Well, yeah, like I got that rise in deja vu right away. Yeah, I mean that. And like basically he announces to all the crew and a lot of them are like wealthy, like sophisticated, refined people. You know what I mean? Like upper class people. There's definitely a class warfare going on. Yeah, there's. Yeah, that's a very strong. I mean, there's a lot of shit going like there was in dark. There's a lot.
of like subplots and like subplots within subplots. But just to finish my thought, the captain pretty much says within, I think it's about the first 15 minutes of the first episode, 15 to 20 minutes. The captain basically says, by the way, everything you guys thought was going to happen is not going to happen. We are going to divert course. It's going to take us like, I think a day to get there.
And like, we're going to, instead of taking you to your destination, we're going to perform like a rescue mission instead. So that immediately basically pisses off 99% of that. Almost no one is on board with doing that. So it's basically, I think they say that there are 1500 people on board the ship. One thing I noticed is,
I would say one thing I guess I didn't notice and I was a little bit like if I were to criticize something, I didn't really get the feeling that there were that many people on board.
The way they filmed it and I realized that like a lot of because of the class warfare, they had people like compartmentalize and subjugate it and stuff like that. But I didn't, you know, he said there were 1500 people on board. I didn't get the sense of the volume of people on there.
You kind of came from the dining room scene. And then the scene when they're below deck with the immigrants, there was like a large group down there. So I could see about 1500. And that's not really that many people, but it kind of felt more like 500 people than 1500 people. 1500 people on the ship, that's kind of a lot of people. I mean, yeah, it is.
What we saw, though, only felt more like 500 people. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That that that that's what I was. And it only focuses on maybe like 10 of those people. So, yeah.
Uh, maybe more than 10, maybe 20. I'm trying. I think the main characters, like the main ones that actually like, Oh, the, the, like, the, like the, yeah. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. If you're going, if you're going by that, I mean, there's like secondary characters and there's a little more than that. Yeah. Yeah. Well, if you're going by secondary characters, I mean, there's like, they fit it in where there's like, maybe like 30 different, like, I mean, there's a lot.
different stories. And I thought that the creators did a great job of very quickly presenting sophisticated character development for each of them. Because I got a sense of each character very early on.
You kind of knew their backstory, knew where they were coming from. And it didn't take them like several episodes to build that up. Like, you know, they were able to quickly like integrate the character's background and convey it into a way that the audience would like, you know, uh, I mean, I guess my opinion rapidly be able to absorb their story.
and sort of know where they were coming from. Because there was just so much going on. If you have seen season one of Dark or Watch Dark at all, you know that there's a lot going on there. Well, I would say with the complexities of this story, there's
triple the amount of shit going on although i did find these characters easier to follow i think it was because from the it was like it was time travel so you're meeting people that were like older versions are like yeah well obviously that's going to yeah it was a little more confusing and like time loops and stuff like that so this is this was a little easier to follow than that i found
Yeah, even though I thought it was sluggish at the beginning, it did still keep you interested by the end of the episode to be like, all right, and now what's coming next? Where are they going with this? I know a couple of people saw the whole twist early on. It maybe took me about three episodes to figure it out. But even then, I was kind of like, am I right? You know what I mean? It still kept me going like, wait, this is what I think is going on.
But is it really what's going on? It's like, OK, and then further along, I was like, OK, that's right. But like how it is, why and how is this all like connected and everything like that? So I still thought it was really good, especially once I got to like maybe the third or fourth episode. Like I said, I was like, yeah, I was

Viewer Reactions: Unpacking '1899'

into it. So I let my mind go blank because I realized with dark that there was going to be a lot of complexities. So like I actually enjoyed like knowing that like
It was going to be on them. There was too much that going on. So like I sort of enjoy like not trying to guess what's going on or like, I just let my mind go blank and just start taking everything in.
And like, you know, because there were, I was initially concerned because I was like, all right, so you have these, you have this Spanish couple going on. You know, you have the captain's story and his struggles with the crew. Then you have, I guess I would call the lead actress.
the English woman. I mean, anybody has seen it. You're going to quickly. Yeah, she's the lead, basically. And so she's the main character. And then you have this thing going on with a mistress and this Asian couple that are, you know, Chinese pretend to be. I was just like, and then the Danes.
The people from Denmark were kind of like the subjugated people that were like actually traveling on this cruise and they were locked in underneath because they were like lower class and like undesirables, I guess. I was just like, holy shit, this is going to be a fucking nightmare.
Yeah. That was my initial take. But after the end of the first episode, like I just sort of kind of going back to my earlier point, I was like, huh?
I don't know what's going on, like in the central plot. But in terms of like all the chaos that I initially felt with all the characters, I was like, I kind of get where they're all sort of because they're all sort of having the one thing in common where they're all escaping from something. Yeah. The way they did that, it just it tied things in like very, very quickly for me. And
You know, although the story was confusing because it was a mystery, I had no idea it was going to end up where it went from point A to point B. Yeah. But in terms of like all the like little like going on between the different clicks, I seem to be able to identify, relate to them and care about those characters very, very quickly. So I mean, that is very unique. They just did a great job of integration.
Yeah, I did really like all their little like, like a lot of the main characters got little like flashbacks to like, yeah, what happened in their past and up where they are now and stuff like that. But I mean, that kind of just opens up even more questions for the second season. I mean, it really does. But do you feel with what I'm saying that like the creators like it were able to bring this together in a way where like, you know,
everybody's like yeah with the flashbacks like I didn't even get into that like so you have all these characters and then they're having flashbacks to earlier but so it's even bringing like more themes in and how is this going to tie in but they did it in a way where you know like yeah it's everything's still a mystery going forward but you get the sense that like within like the individual characters
You know sort of what's going on with them individually, even though there's so many stories of personalities. Do you get what I'm saying? Did you feel that way as well? Absolutely. Because I've watched other things where they've tried to accomplish.
what 1899 set out on. And it was just fucking chaos. Yeah. And there would be some plots with some of the other characters or like they like later on. And I'd be like, oh, I forgot you even fucking existed with this when they brought even if like they had a character chain that wasn't prominent in one episode and they came back in the next. Like I immediately recognized and I was like, oh, all right, that's what's going on. Like, you know, I don't know.
They just did it in a way where it was just very well communicated to the audience. And it definitely kept me guessing as well to the fact that you think it's following certain characters like Crestor, the Danish guy with the scar.
Yeah I think it's kind of following him but the story was more about his sister than it was about him so he ended up being like and like you don't find that like that doesn't come to you're like okay this is the guy we're following from the from the Danish people and like this is the guy we're following from the the Portuguese and the Spanish guy and like but it ends up like not being about like that character
at all but gave them enough stories so you would still care about that character as well too. And then it started kind of switching like to use your example from like the Danish group. There's a power dynamic where it would kind of like it would go from one character and like you know like you said with Crestor's story
And then you find out it's more about like his sister. And then they switched the power dynamic to the mother of the family. Yeah. And then it would like shift the power dynamic back. Well, no, it's all about the daughter and her baby. And then they show where the baby comes from with like, and it's just like, holy shit, like this is all like juggling around, but yet it's just being done in a way where it kind of makes perfect sense.
Yeah, like never like overwhelmingly confused. I mean, I mean, it's none of the characters. Yes, you're never really confused. Yeah. Like maybe if you're young and like you're trying to watch this and you're like, oh, cool, I'm going to watch this horror show. Maybe that might be over. Like if you have like ADHD and you're not able to set you're not like mature audiences. Like I just think that like, you know, you're going to gobble this up if you're into like
horror sci-fi like suspense like if you like a good mystery show yeah yeah especially if you enjoyed the dark and you got a lot of what was going on the dark you'll definitely be okay with this show i think the dark was better overall personally but again we're only in the first season of this so we'll see well i was going to say i think that because of all like the 80s themes from dark
And like the way they did that, I would say it's very close because I'm really enjoying 1899. But I would say in terms of season one of dark versus season one of 1899, I would say I too give dark a slight edge, but just slight, not that much. You know what I mean? And, um,
it would in a, you know, 30 to 40 minute podcast, it would be impossible for us to really break down all the different character chains going on, all the different like plots and subplots and then subplots in subplot. And then, you know, that coming back and all the different complexities, because they're also able to show how complex each character is. And again, I,
don't want to keep repeating myself, they're able to do it in a very elaborate way that just makes sense and communicates it well. So you're feeling for each character and
But yeah, it would be impossible for us to try to do that in with our time constraints. And plus, it's also very hard to explain. Yeah, that was like, go back and listen to our dark fucking episode. We actually tried to explain dark and realized by the end, like, wow, it's just impossible to explain. Yeah.
So it's something where you really have to watch it. Well, one thing I'd like to touch on is the

Memorable Scenes: Analyzing Key Moments in '1899'

big twist. Should we talk about the big twist? I wasn't going to talk about the big twist yet. We can get to that. But I wanted to talk about some of your favorite moments, some of your favorite scenes pressing forward because
Mine, I thought one of the most unexpected things is when they go into sort of clockwork orange mode. Like that's the way I would put it. Like it seemed like each character turned into like a mechanical clock.
And each character just, well, not every character, but like maybe 90. Yeah. 95% of the entire crew and passenger list decides that they're going to commit suicide by systematically marching overboard. And you just start seeing these waves of people.
falling off the, and that kind of made me think Titanic as well. Because, you know, at the end of the Titanic, you see all those people. I don't want to, I don't want to confuse this at all with Titanic. Titanic was a shit movie. This is a great show. Um, so like, don't let me, you know, put Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio in your head. He could have put on that door. It was, it was, I thought that scene was really well done because
at first, you have no idea what's going on. But once they all started marching out on the deck, I was like,
Dude, they're going to start jumping overboard. And they did. And you just see like it's like just like a waterfall of people just going off. I thought that that scene was really well done. And when you see some of the views from people that were still in the cabins and just bodies falling past the window, they're just like, what the fuck? Yeah.
So they're trying to like and some of the ones that aren't being affected by the sound are like trying to stop the other ones and like tie into shit and like yeah it's just real devastating like watching their mothers like jump off and shit. One of my other favorite scenes was probably when they like had the riot on the top of the deck and she just throws the boy over the boy that they found on the Prometheus, the only one that was still alive and
And he just goes willingly and then like throws him overboard. I was like, oh, shit, this is that kind of show. All right. But then there's a big spoiler. When I saw that scene and the the main character, what was the main character's name? I'm sorry. Do you know? Wasn't it Mara or something like that? Mara? Yeah, Mara. Yeah, Mara Franklin. Yeah, kind of.
She mentions that the boy accepted it. And when I saw that, I thought back to dark. The past is the present. The present is the past. The future is the past. The past is the future. I was like, all right, this shit has happened before. I was like, this is not the first time this has happened. So a very few, very few people just well, really just two people
The boy and Mara's, you later find out it's her husband.

Theories and Speculations: Time Travel and Simulation in '1899'

There's only two people out of everyone, two people out of everyone that realize that this shit has been going on in a loop for a while. And when I saw the boy get emotionlessly thrown overboard, he offers up no resistance. I was just like, OK.
This is dark. I was like, I get it. This is when I first saw the boy and then the, uh, who turns out to be her husband, the mysterious guy, like my first thought was like, Oh, that's just future. Uh, you know, it's just thinking from the dark. I was like, Oh, they're the same person once just, you know, from the future or whatever. That was my first TV at all, just cause I was thinking back to the dark, but, uh, I started thinking, I started thinking it possibly was time travel for a little bit because yeah,
you see that you see my husband breaking out a flashlight and one of the crew member sees it and he's just like what the fuck is that you know what i mean because you know this is before flashlights and well it's a micro flashlight like a pen light so it's like an led like
micro flashlight, and they still have regular flashlights in 1899. Yeah, this was like some tech ass shit and like, what the fuck? And so I was thinking like, huh, so they decided to just go with time travel again, that was like something where like,
I was starting to think like, oh, well, that's kind of disappointing. But I was like, hey, you know, I guess you just do what you know. And it seems a little different than what they had previously done with time travel. Well, yeah. But then I found out like that I was totally off. And then I was thinking like it was maybe something that had to do with different dimensions.
Did you ever contemplate that? I was thinking like, oh, all right, there's going to be warm holes and parallel dimensions. Maybe like all that. The bottom line is I had no idea.
that it was going to end up in space. Yeah, my initial reaction was, okay, like she's still in the mental hospital. But I was like, well, how are all these characters connected then? I was like, all right, maybe they're all like, you know, still, maybe they're all patients in the mental hospital, was my first guest. And they were all having this like kind of collective, you know, where like she was seeing these other people as part of this story.
But then later on, when he busts out that little old school tech thing and makes the ship disappear, then there's other little hints and stuff that it's not real. I was like, OK, maybe it's a simulation.
And then but then like, yeah, then I was like, okay, maybe it's not simulation, maybe it's time travel and like this and this and like, yeah, definitely had me like going back and forth between a couple different theories that I had. But then yeah, it does turn out to be a simulation by the end of it. I did not see it being in
2099 in space at all. How is that even reality? Who knows? Yeah. I mean, there's a lot of different places they could take it. But even though at the end, I did not expect to see them like I didn't expect to see her wake up like out of her. It was it's comparable to the matrix. They were like a matrix like device where they were in like a state of suspended hibernation.
where, you know, they were alive in their minds and they were part of like a group collective all sort of like, you know, hooked up to a computer. So everything was in their mind. But, um, even though it was really out there and I did not see it going to that place at the end, I was just like,
Yeah, but I get it now. I was like, all right, that it all actually makes sense. So like where it left off, I'm like in no way confused. I'm perfectly aware of everything that's going on. And, um, you know, uh, I'm looking forward to see where season two is going to go.
yeah i have no fucking idea all i know is that i'm not confused about anything and that's really i definitely have questions i mean i guess if you're going to be in a simulation i guess set it before there's you know any type of technology then you won't question your reality but it may it does bring up questions about people's backstories you know and stuff like that because then that means they uh
They, those things that happened in their flashbacks or whatever didn't really happen because they weren't alive at that time. So it's like, where are they getting that from? What happened in their real life that they're bringing these situations into, like that's what I'm saying. It was sort of like, uh, almost like some inception vibes to it too. Like, you know, were they, was.
while they were in the simulation, were ideas being artificially implanted into them? Was this their collective, or were ideas being introduced by some technology that they have? So yeah, of course, there's questions. But I'm pretty much up to date at exactly where they at. In terms of everything that happened, I don't really have that many questions.

Final Thoughts and Recommendations on '1899'

Well, like I said, one of my favorite scenes was when they were all jumping overboard. And I was like, oh, shit, they're killing off like big characters, too. I was happy to know that those characters were actually not killed off. Yeah, I mean, they had mentioned before they even got that. And yeah, so these people just reset again anyway. So but.
I would say my biggest question at the end, you know, wrapping up is why exactly her brother is doing this because her brother, you find that sort. My big question now is why is he doing this?
Like I get like she wanted to take her son because I assume her son had died or was dying. And I and I get that. Yeah. She wanted to, you know, keep him with her forever. So that's why she created it. Yeah. Yeah. It's it's it is like, OK, why is the brother taking over and why is he now? Yeah. And why has he done this to all these people? Like what exactly?
And where's the ship going? Yeah, I mean, that is the big thing. You're called up. You get what's going on. It's all well explained. But why? Yeah. So that that's a big thing for season two. Well, here's hoping there's at least another season, maybe more. So I really enjoyed it. I highly recommend. I highly recommend the show.
And, uh, those are pretty much my thoughts on 1899. Check it the fuck out. Yes, definitely. And, uh, also we are available on, uh, uh, Apple iTunes, Spotify, and, uh, Amazon music podcast now too. So right on, uh, join our Facebook group and thanks for listening. Right. Central dot com, but, uh, slash. I'm staying. Good talk with you. Wait.