THE 50TH ANNIVERSARY of the debut of The Animated Series more or less coincides with Trek Marry Kill's 1ST ANNIVERSARY, and so to celebrate both, Bryan has decided to remove this podcast's original sin of holding the animated shows off to the side by fully embracing them with the first of what will be monthly special episodes dedicated to animated episodes.
Joining him for the first special episode is Laurie Ulster of, who hosts the All Access Podcast on that network. She also copy edited Star Trek: The Official Guide to the Animated Series, an awesome reference guide for this Emmy-nominated Saturday morning cartoon that's not "just" a cartoon -- it's animated Star Trek!
This month, the first two episodes of the series. One written by the same guy who wrote the first episode of The Original Series and the other written by D.C. Fontana, perhaps the second-most important writer in franchise history after Gene Roddenberry. Hear about Bryan's chance encounter with her back in 2016.
The grades begin at (22:15). "Yesteryear" discussion begins at (48:23). This episode features some old promos for which you can see here on YouTube. One of those promos is an old "Keep America Beautiful" PSA. Our theme is "70's Synth Funk Jam" by Phill_Dillow on Pixabay. We also use a snippet from Luis Humanoide from Pixabay's "Space Fleet" during our bridge. If you're liking the show, consider rating us five stars on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen.