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Savage Worlds - The Phony Express 3.2: It Begins With A Baptism By Fire image

Savage Worlds - The Phony Express 3.2: It Begins With A Baptism By Fire

Roll Players
54 Plays8 months ago

Today, The Phony Express tries to free the people of Sinner's Canyon Mine, while catastrophe ensues back in Doodad. Did they activate a certain someone's trap card?

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Introduction and Podcast Banter

Good morning, good afternoon, and good evening, ladies, gentlemen, non-binary folks, if you ever know what I'm in, I know my voice is slurred there. Did you hear that? Jesus Christ, my fucking tongue tried to come out of my mouth to lick my microphone. I don't know what that was actually.
Jesus Christ. Whoa, calm down. I know it's a beautiful mic and everything, but not one of those podcasts. We were talking about milking the teats of tiny almonds, and I made my brain just went, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm. All right, listen up. Me too, when I see boobs. Yeah. Listen up, five's a ten is talking.
So, no. Yeah. So, yeah. Hey, welcome to role players. That's what I was going to say. And hey, welcome back to Phony Express.

Recap of Mine Explosion and Aftermath

This episode is probably going to come out after a prequel episode that we recorded just to give some context for things that will ensue. So, hey, I hope that was fun that you listened to before. Anyway, hey, Justin, what happened last time on episode one of Phony Express a couple of weeks ago?
Let me tell you I was just yawning. Sorry Boy, what do we do? We went to this place that got blown up. There was a mine and Some dude blew it up cuz he's a prick. Well now he got told to do it or something. We don't really know I don't know. You know, I remember how much we know
We went there trying to help the people over there. There was like pirates or something and dwarves in there. And we went there and it's all blown up. Oh no. And we said Maverick, you got to go back and get help, brother. And he said, oh, I know my pal Mothman is over there in the woods. I'll get him and all those other freakos over there and we'll come over and help. And I said, great. And they went.

Maverick's Vow of Revenge

He found him all burnt alive. Oh my God, all Mothman and his friends were burnt. My little buddies, all his little weird forest friends who healed my butthole. Then Rin, who was just chilling the whole time, said, oh shit, by the way, you guys were trying to figure out how to get all these people out from behind these giant rocks. She said, oh, by the way, we could go around the back door. I was, oh, thanks for the tip.
And that's where we left off. Oh, no, no, no, no. Deadman was thrown down a hill. And Adam said they had no head, so I didn't think anything of it. But then he said, but wait, take another look. And we did. But he was scaly. And then we thought, oh, no, who could this have been from the past? His body of. And if you haven't listened to episode one of season one, then you might not know who this is that we're talking about. Yeah. And you need to go back.
I have found out, I have found out from people that I know that they just kind of jumped in the phone express like in season two. So like, they just skipped all the season one. I'm like, that's fine. But like, really, I was gonna say, but you missed a lot of really good stuff.
Yeah, you did. Especially the burning of Jensen. You gotta go listen to that. Oh, yeah. And you missed Butcher Pete. You cannot miss Butcher Pete. Yeah. Like crying laughing, you guys. Crying, laughing.

Rescue Plans and Mysterious Incidents

If you haven't seen that, please go back and listen to it. Yes, please. Well, of course, they haven't seen it. It's an audio podcast on the channel where they can click it with. All right. So let's get into it then. So let's first take just catching Maverick up a bit. Maverick, you were on your way back from the forest after seeing all of your forest friends pretty much slaughtered.
Mm hmm. I swore revenge against the person who did that. You did swear revenge. I heard you do that. So what are you? You're riding on your way back. Yeah. Do a riding roll. I shall do a riding roll. Ride it hard. Ride it long. Oh, that's an 11. Oh, scroll up. Silver. Whatever your care. Is that your your horse's name? Silver. I can't remember.
And midnight, that's what it was. Silver is your alias somewhere else. Midnight. You ride midnight so hard. And it's like, I got you, fan. Nay. And fucking like

Clues and Strange Discoveries

just sprints like lightning because you're in a hurry. And and midnight was like, oh, man, I like them guys, too. They fed me some special carrots that made me hallucinate a bit. And I liked it. And so that horse is fucking like running as if it has three horsepower instead of one. And
Yeah, man, sometimes emotion make you do things. Adrenaline is crazy that way. So yeah, you're running, running, running like a constipated wiener dog. And then eventually you make it at least to the edge of the mountain where you guys met originally where you were going to try to move the rubble. And you see a note that says, hey, maverick, go around the back, come up to heal you crazy guy. Then I rode around the back to meet them. Well, yeah, it's going to take a minute because you have to go up the up the mountain, which you can't really sprint up that without falling off of it.
But that's where you are. You're making your way up the mountain right now. You're doing it. Do a quick, what did I make it before? An agility roll? I don't even remember. Let's call it a survival roll to see if you can make your way. Are you going up on your horse? Are you going up on foot? So how steep is like when we're going up the mountain? I mean, your horses can make it. It's just it's going to be tough no matter what you do. But I was just asking for your own information if you're going to be on your horse or not.
Probably my horse. Yeah, I'd be on your horse. You can be on your horse do a survival rule. Make sure you don't fall off That's a five That's a five. All right, you're okay. So we'll just have that roll for a little bit So while you're making your way up, we'll cut back to Rin and cutter cutter a body on the cells directly upon the What do you do? Oh? Damn it God

Surveillance and Threats Uncovered

damn it it's
You think that? I don't know who else could be as scaly like that. It's got to be awesome, right? Ren, God damn. Ostrum. Ostrum. I know you barely know him. Wasn't he the guy that went to Dickey Lake with us? Yeah, yeah, and he got his head blown off. Oh, right, right, right. Yeah, that was the first day I met that dude. That's crazy.
What a memory, huh? I'm looking up the hill. Well, I guess. Oh, damn it. I wonder why someone would keep his body this long.
We didn't do it on recording, but we buried them up there. Somebody dug them up. Look, it's dirty and gross. There's still some maggots riding around in them there. Gross. Oh, okay. Don't get sick, and she starts patting his back. I might have to sacrifice my
my blanket from my beta roll back there and wrap them up. Who the heck would bring them all the way here to throw them down the hill? Also, who do it? This is a whim that we came back. Maybe I guess they thought we might come back this way for sure, but how the heck they came out here, they knew it was just crazy to me, Ren. They had to have been following us. I wonder how long they've been following us.
I don't know. It's crazy. And now I'm starting to think somebody's, somebody's doing something to us. Remember that bloody, bloody knickerchief I got in the mail? Oh yeah. Yeah. That was, that was a creepy sign or something. I think it's somebody's stalking us. Do you think that it was officers? I don't know. I remember how he, he always wore those, those robes and shit. Cause he was ashamed of his heels, I think. Oh.
I see. I want to fit in. Gotcha. I want to put a shame on. I'm going to pick them up. Should we go to? Yeah. Should we like take this to Sheriff Jeff and like feel like we had this like body just like show up on our feet.
if I show up on our feet. Well, I mean, Sheriff Jeff did want to bounty on him, but that's, that's done and gone and done a long time ago. Um, and I don't know how much he'd be able to help or tell us. Anyway, we, we know about as much as he does on this matter here. Uh, I'm just going to at least take him so he's not laying out here in the woods. I got to put him back somewhere, give him respect again.
Well, I kind of feel like, uh, if you dig up a body that's already been buried, I feel like that's kind of a crime though. So I feel like Jeff needs to know about this. I mean, I'm sure we can, we can let him know when we get back with me and again, Maverick gets him up here with us. But, uh, yeah, that's right. Maverick is on his way up here, huh? He probably, he's probably halfway down to do dad by now. He probably got the Mothman coming up here pretty soon. Probably.

Explosions and Tunnel Exploration

Hopefully didn't send him. Hopefully he comes before they get here. I don't really want to be doesn't have to talk to all them. Kind of creep me out here. You can hear him kind of fumble his way up the mountain as you guys say that as like you hear rocks and shit like getting knocked off the edge and shit like that is midnight. Struggles a bit. When I was coming around, let's we got to let's put up my rifle. So like somebody's coming to get me. We got to be careful. OK, I'll be careful. Hey, guys. Oh, careful.
That's like his dad, ladies and gentlemen. That's like a mass murderer going around. A mass murderer? What are you talking about? The people in the forest. They're all dead. This is insane. That is insane. Even the Bigfoot guy?
Everyone. He was the Bigfoot guy. Damn, an army must have came through there, swiveling on people up. Damn, I mean, they weren't all fighters, but still, jeez, that's crazy. I don't know what happened, but they were all laying there in a burned pile of bodies. Oh, God, I think something's fishy going on. Look, somebody dug up off. Remember that scaly dude you was hunting? Yeah. They got killed when you were around or when you were in a cage or something? That's been quite a long while ago. Yeah, look, someone threw him down a hill at us. They dug him all the way from Dickey Lake, brought him here.
That does smell pretty fishy. It's pretty weird, Maverick. I guess he was a scaly dude. I'm getting a little creeped out, y'all, is all I'm saying. Yeah, this is weird. But regardless of that, there's still people in the mine, right? Yeah, yeah. I'm going to hoist his body up here on a horse rump, though. Good thing he was always a small little fellow. A horse shouldn't be too pissed off about this.
I'll bring him with, I can't leave him out here. It's not right. Then we all try to take those people in a mine and then we can think about what we do about like this whole like awesome thing. Yeah. And a whole like 20, 30 people murdered in a forest thing. Yeah. Yeah. The chef Jeff's definitely going to need to know about that one. Yeah. Well, let's find this whole one in back of this mountain. Okay. So you guys are going to keep heading, heading onward.
Well. Excellent. So you guys head up and around the the mountain will say it takes you, I don't know, like maybe another like 20 minutes to kind of at least get to the hardest part of the climb. You had your way back down a little bit of a slope until you start to see the ground level off on the other side. And when you do, you see that
As you're coming down the other end of the mountain, you can see a really big lake on the other side, like maybe about 100 yards off from where the mountain, probably like 200 yards off, more of the mountain touches the ground, which on the map, you might know that it's Crimson Lake, where there's like a little subsidiary that kind of like runs through different parts of the mountain out towards Grand Lake.
Um, and Rand, you know that the lake usually is a marker of the rough approximation of where you can enter in the backside of Seniors Canyon Mine. Okay. Hey guys, we're getting close to the back entrance. Yeah. Um, hmm. Let's see. This should be right over here. Do I need to do a roll to see if I can find out if it's caved in?
No, you don't you know exactly where it is You follow the we're like kind of the the water runoff from the the excess rain and everything from Crimson Lake You follow that and you hook a little bit of a right and you find that there's like a much much smaller hole That's kind of propped open with different two by fours and pieces of wood and stuff like that like to kind of give it stability and that was like always like one of the
one of the secret entrances into Sinner's Canyon mine. And it looks like so far it's not completely collapsed on that side. You don't know how far inside it might be, but you know, at least it's open here. OK. Well, look, guys, I found it. Over here. She waves them over. I was just thinking maybe one of us should sail out here because I want that we all go in there and then somebody collapses this exit as well.
Damn, you're right. Yeah. Yeah. Well, so who wants to stay outside? Well, Ren gotta go in. She knows the way around and they're probably better than us knowing these back doors and all these back holes and whatnot. Yeah. And I got to make sure Tabby's okay. She got made her tabby. I got to find that guy. I bumped in the head back in the day. Go in and I'll stay outside. He ain't got the place. All right. Good. Cool. Okay.
So you two are going to go in. You're going to keep the keep the party split. All right. So you guys. Oh, yeah, I was to say you have to leave your horses outside in a way those things are fit. Then, you know. Oh, yeah. I knew that already. Oh, so I'm just going to sit outside and horse it while the two of you do your thing.
He's playing with my deck of cards. That's a big card in my face. He's playing with my cards. I just saw like a big six clubs come out of nowhere.
Uh, yeah, it really derailed my train of thought there. Hang on a second. You're going in the hole. As you go in, you can hear the sounds of like water run off nearby and running through the mountain. You can hear the ever so present drip drip.
drips of off of stalactites in there. And but yeah, it's relatively quiet outside of that. It's a pretty narrow tunnel, like it's not very often used because it often doesn't need to be used. So but yeah, you would there's only a straight path you can go on for quite some time. So it feels like you've been like in a tunnel for way longer than anybody should be in a tight space.
Giggity. Yeah. Do me a favor and roll a survival role for the two of you, please. No fucking way. My character's open again. I know.

Mission Failure and Debates on Guilt

Oh, that's a crit fail for Rin. Oh my god. I would like to use a Benjamin. I wish that you could, but on a critical fail, you can't. Damn. Yeah, that's the only time where you can't use one, really. I can only take one body off this mountain though, so sorry.
So yeah, so cutter, uh, I mean, nothing bad's going to happen like immediately, but like essentially like rain, like at some point, like cutters, like feeling along on the side of the wall and is like, finds a path separate that he takes and you guys kind of get split up because like, you know, like.
Whether it's you're running low on water in your steam tank or maybe it's just too much sensory going on. You have been burning a lot with your rage lately. Some things going on with you and you just missed a turn somewhere where there's supposed to be one and not realizing that in the whole haze that cutter wasn't following behind you.
And so now you guys have been separated. But it takes you quite a hot minute before you realize that. Just because as you're continuing down the path that you're on, you can hear almost kind of like a waterfall-like sound. It's very loud and very deafening. It's kind of hard to hear yourself talk. So while we're doing that, before we continue, Mavarino, is there anything you want to do while you're outside, my friend?
No just standing or sitting there and keeping watch that nothing from like above or like the sides like approaches. Sure. You want to do a quick notice roll for me just to kind of see what you can see. Sure. That's a seven.
That's a seven. Yeah. So far, everything looks clear. You do occasionally like because, you know, you guys have kind of made your way down a bit. So you're not high up on the mountain anymore. You guys have made your way down towards where the ground levels off, at least the elevation is still higher than it was when you first came in, but not quite as much. But every once in a while, like nothing.
Nothing super crazy, but like you may notice that like a shadow of a tree that might be growing from the side of the mountain or something might have like a little bit of a burst of movement over it that looks slightly unnatural from like just a rustling of a tree in the wind and a shadow. Just like a blink and you miss it just like.
just like an extra something something like in the in the trees like you notice like a couple of leaves are kind of like falling off like in kind of raining down over top of the end of the mountain nothing super crazy but just you know you've been on the hunt before so you know like it could be nothing or it could be something better to keep your eye out than than to not know anything at all you know what I'm saying animal or human could be either it's hard to say yeah
Uh, but so far that's what you see. So you are in a little bit more of an alert, uh, to different movements that are happening. So if anything else comes up, if I do decide to pull a fast one on you, it'll be harder. It'll be a slow, like fly around. Yeah. But you left Ishi back at home. Right. I forgot about that. Yeah. Yeah. She's a sleepy girl. So I have all the places to not have your Eagle like flying around this little mountain range would have been a good time to have her. Um,
But but so you have that. So we go back in cutter. You're making your way through the mountain. You rolled a 15. So you're you're navigating pretty well, actually, like as you make your way through, you found like a little side pass that deviates to the right as you're tracing your hands along the walls because it's not very well lit in here, say for whatever light comes through any breaks in the mountain or in the entrance. So it's pretty pretty poorly lit in here, if not at all.
Um, and you do also hear like the sound of like water falling somewhere where it's a little bit loud, but you're getting farther away from it. Um, and eventually you find yourself up against, um, like a familiar smell. Like you do remember like when you were at sinners canyon mine, you remember like, there was like a lot of gunpowder and there was a like merriment and whiskey and, and all sorts of very foul smell and alcohol that they were partaking of that they make through the mountain.
and the runoff in the water. And you can kind of have that similar smell tickle your nose, but you're hitting a very dark spot in the tunnel where it's just like a solid wall of rock. I shouldn't say that I take it back. It feels like a solid wall of rock. But like as you fill your hands around it, you can feel it feels like this could have been part of the collapse. Oh, damn.
Uh, I'm going to go Chris Redfield and punch it 35. Just kidding. Uh, I like, I try to like pull my, my like face, like the crack of the wall meets where the, the blockage or whatever. I'm like, hello. Anybody in there can hear me. You, um, after a few moments of you doing that, you kind of hear like, uh, like off in the corner, uh, somewhere on the back room and you're there.
It's kind of a tool. Got it. And you kind of see very faintly like just like a very faint little tiny hole like that can kind of see through the rubble. You can see like a little bit of movement where there's like a lantern still kind of flickering back and forth. It looks like somebody's kind of crawling their way towards you, but very, very slow. Hey, hey, take take it easy in there. What's just you by yourself there? Who's in there with you?
And that's all I just like can think to keep saying as they like drag themselves toward you. Hey, hey, quick call. What you're calling? You got to stay still. I can't get to you. Where'd you in front? Where did you go, Red? I had to hell happened here. I could use her mechanical piston arms here or something. And you can kind of hear that the voice is getting closer as they're approaching the wall that you're on. But like,
Like they're like weirdly enough. They're so close to the walls. I try to talk to you. It's almost harder to hear them because they're like talking up against the rocks. It's like, hey, don't don't talk into the rock. You say is Randy and Ren was what I think we got separated in the dark, though. She ain't here no more. But yes, she was here. You hear like a clink, clink, clink, clink as like they're like they're kind of sprawling around, maybe knocking over a bottle or two with something like that on the ground. And then like.
All you hear is just like what what sounds like a liquid being poured and then like just all movement stops. Yeah. Cheers. Yeah. Keep yourself in good spirits. I guess we really didn't think this through. We all got any tools to get you all out of here. We should probably a little bit of dynamite or something. Maybe a small close explosion could break this rock or some of them might be more damaging. Good. I ain't got a pickaxe through here. That's for damn sure.
A sort of a beach. You want to try to do a notice roll? See if you can. What else you can see or hear through the through the rubble. Let's let's notice or not notice something. Let's see it. Two or three. All right. Yeah, like just pretty much whatever you could hear. You can't hear this person, whoever it is, like whispering or moving around anymore. You can very, very faintly hear
Like, as I said, like it's not like a bottle was being like something was being poured. You can kind of hear like some of it's still kind of like making that kind of like gloop, gloop as it continues to pour out like on the ground, assumedly. But that's all you can hear, like whatever movement that was there, whatever voice that you heard all just stopped. Oh, I'm able to try it. Can I try and just give this rock a shelf? Yeah, yeah, absolutely. It hurts to try unless you blow your back out.
Yeah, it's it's gonna be tough by yourself in a small area with all that weight Yeah, so I was gonna give you a minus three to it anyway Because you're just a little guy trying to move rocks and then a fucking mountain. Oh, okay So that's a whole I thought maybe I thought maybe just one little tiny piece is like thrown on there But it's a whole that's a big one. I guess so uh, keep keep time. I'm gonna try to find a ring. I turn red
So as you turn to look for Ren, you see nothing behind you. Again, it's very, very dark in the tunnel. I don't know if you guys have

Reinforcements Arrive with Sheriff Jeff

it. Do you guys typically carry lanterns with you when you get off your horse? I'm thinking I smacked myself in the head. I guess I probably left on my horse. I wouldn't have with me. I was like, oh, my God. I'll be right back. I'm going to run back and get my later. I'm trying to find Ren on the way back. Keep pouring that drink on the floor, whatever you're doing. Oh, I do have that. I have four dynamite on me, too.
Oh, do you really try a controlled explosion? That's good. You could try that. It could be catastrophic if you fuck it up, though. I don't have my lantern, though. I'm going to run back and get my lantern. You probably got like a book of matches or something. I imagine. I can probably do something. I'm going to try and snap the dynamite in half. So I only have like one little stub, half a stub instead of the whole thing. I'm going to. Hey, are you are you still in there? After probably like 10 seconds, you're nothing.
All right, well, I can see the light on this side, so I'm gonna kind of put it a little further back. Just be careful, back up if you are in there.
I like the light. I like the fuse and a half dynamite stick and I run backwards. All right. Do an athletics role to see if you can sprint through this tunnel well enough away from the explosion that you're about to cause nine nine. Nice. You just like some Indiana Jones shit, like bouncing off the walls, like fucking like hurtling over any sort of tripping hazards. Like you said, a little explosion is not a long wick.
And then, yeah, the dynamite explodes, creating just a big fucking wave of just dirt and debris and ash just like fucking flooding down that hallway that you just were in, just like coating you and just shit. And you can just hear like the rumblings of just like the whole fucking foundation around you just shaking. I'm just like, I'm just like, stop like.
And just like your face just gets plastered with like soot. I'm like this is blast only has one direction to go. Oh, you can't say for certain. You do know something got blown up. It wasn't a very big explosion, but something moved. But just flooded that hallway with shit.
So before we resolve that, let's go find where Rin has wandered off to. When you're making your way, you hear a waterfall up ahead. I'd say I'd say you're still walking for a while. Maybe you're in your own little zone. Maybe you're baked. Maybe both. Who knows? You know she's smoking a joint as she's exploring. Right. And so.
Just after you've been walking for quite some time with like no, no hiding our hair of cutter, maybe not even realizing he's not with you. You feel the ground shake for a second underneath you like, Oh, what do you do cutter? Did you feel that cutter cutter? Oh, where did he end up now?
She's going to turn around and go back the way she came. OK, you turn around, you walk away from the waterfall, at least from the sounds of the waterfall back towards where the explosion was.
And just as you're kind of getting towards like maybe close enough to what you think you might have gone like you just see there's like a big cloud of just sit like all up in this this series of tunnels like it's just polluted right now like almost unbreathable with just how much shit just exploded out in here and you can kind of hear like cutter kind of like breathing very heavily as he's running away from it. Carter, what did you do?
First of all, why always assume something I did? Second of all, I tried blowing up a rock back there. Yeah, exactly my point. What? Well, I realized we came in here with no nothing planned on how to get out of these people out of here if we did find them. So I tried something. I gotta go back and save a person. There's somebody back there. I gotta see if they're still there. Oh. Well, I found a waterfall.
Oh, that's amazing. That's probably pretty majestic. Oh,

Fire at Matching Carpets Bar

let's go see if I didn't cause any terrible calamity to having worse than already has. Do you want the flash on my chest from the camera? Well, it's going to flash my chest at the mountain. I have a light bulb on my chest. You don't need, you know, to go get the lantern. All right. If you can put it on. Yeah. OK, click.
There we go. Yeah, it's just like it's like when you have your high beams on and you're driving in fog, just your light is just bouncing off of so much soot and blackness that just got like exploded out in the hallway. So it's kind of hard to see, but you can just tell there's like a big old cloud of just like it's still settling from the explosion. It's kind of hard to see through the cloud at the moment.
Well, something happened, something moved. Well, it's better you fucked that up perfectly, didn't ya? Cool. Um, click. She turns it off. We will wait until that subsides until we find some clear air. Jackass. Well, let's go back here and see if I can at least see this feller lantern or something that I can get through the crack and maybe has a little crack exposed. I don't know. I'm going to go back and see. All right. Well, I'll follow you.
All right. Roll a quick survival rule for me, Carter, since you're going ahead, survive like a four to four. It is tough. You almost you kind of have to put like your chief up over your nose just because like you're breathing in so much bad shit.
As you feel your way through, you do feel that some of the wall has kind of crumbled, but it still feels like there's rubble in front of you. It's really hard to see at this point because there's just a cloud of just filth in front of you. But as you're kind of feeling around, you can feel that some of the rock has moved, but you can't quite see. But you can feel around that some of it is gone now.
All right. Let's let's use that piston pump and army or let's push away debris through here or something. Let's see if we can get in here. OK. You're going to go slug some rocks. Yep. All right. You start slugging. Roll some roll some fighting rolls against the rocks. Teach those rocks who's boss. OK. There's one. Seven. That's a seven. All right. What else you got? What else you got? What else you got? And five.
All right. Yeah. You're clubbing along, which one your metal hand is your right one. Yeah. Okay. And then remember. I can't remember. Her metal hands, her right hand. Sorry. I can't remember either. So you're just slugging away. I'm going away at some of the rocks. So, uh, while you're doing that, uh, Maverick back outside. Can you roll me one more notice roll for me, please?
Sure. Keep an eye out, like the watchful day of the hunter. That's a six. Yeah, you again, like you're trying, you're a little bit more keenly aware of things going on around you right now. The horses seem like they're getting a little disturbed. They're kind of like moving around a little bit. They're kind of like, look like they're kind of looking like back and forth. I think they should start running. You can tell an antsy horse when you see one. Midnight's getting real antsy as your topper.
And you just kind of feel something in the air. Something ain't right around Maverick. Something's spooking the horses. Something's making those pretty white hairs on your forearm stand up. What do you do? I guess I'll take a look around. I don't want to leave far away from the entrance, but to look around a bit. OK. To walk around and look around. Sure.
You start walking. Are you walking back up the mountain or just like around the base where like the water is running? Both. Which direction are you going to go first? Up to back up the mountain? Up, I think. Yeah, you go you go back up the mountain and you can kind of hear off in the distance like down down a ways. You can hear like a crowd of like just like hooves.
You can kind of see off in the distance, this real, real, real faint. You can kind of hear. As people are riding as as you see like a posse effect, as you see a posse of people, probably about maybe about a dozen or so, like riding up and you kind of hear like kind of like some mumblings of Sheriff Jeff's voice off in the background. I was like, God, I was up here somewhere where the fuck's that guy?
And you're like, all right, if I spread out up the mountain around a mountain, let's go. And you can see that down down over the other side of the ridge is kind of very faintly, faintly seeing it. You can see that like people who were supposed to wait for your call, but maybe just got antsy decided to come up and try to start clearing out the rubble. I'll try to scream to them like, hey, we are here.
Did you just headbutt your microphone? No. So the your voice kind of carries and echoes a bit like around the air and all they hear is like, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And you see they kind of like start looking up and about like down around the ridge and you're like, is that you, maverick, maverick, maverick? It's me, me, me, me.
God damn, damn, damn, damn. So you see that the people are that are there and they are working to remove the rubble. Sheriff Jeff just kind of yelled at because, look, I don't know where you're at. We're going to try to get this whole unplugged. OK, so they're trying to like free like the front side, right?
Yeah, they they round up Posse seems like pretty quick overall and they were not too far behind you once he decided to just go do it. And it's both smarter that they go from the front. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Because that's what you guys said was they don't know about the back entrance. They just know that the front has collapsed or that that or that there could be trouble up there and that they might need to get a party to remove those debris. Yeah. So, yeah. So, you know,
you know that help is on the way. So at least you got that going. That's good. Then I'll go like the other way. Okay. So as you come back up towards where the horses are, the horses are stirring big time. At least that's what they were doing when you walked away. They were really anxious, really nervous.
Um, but, uh, when you, when you come back out, like midnight, especially seems like eerily calm now, uh, very chill. Like you see that she's chewing on something like looks like somebody gave her like a sugar cube or something. She's like chewing away and you see it like pinned to her saddle is a little, uh, blood red handkerchief with like a white piece of paper next to it. Mm-hmm.
Uh, try to like run towards my horse and try and make her like spit out what she's like eating. I mean, you could do that. She got so she got she got the real big old horse teeth. But like, you know, like as you like kind of try to get your hand in there and try to remove it, it's just sugar. OK. Yeah, just like she's she's got a sugar cube somehow and she's eating it. The other two are also eating a sugar cube because I thought that she's going to poison our horses.
Who's going to poison your horses? You don't know anybody. You know, there's some person here. But yeah, there's a note pinned next to a bloody kerchief on your horse's saddle. I mean, wouldn't you be suspicious if there's a bloody kerchief on your horse? Yes. But you said she. I'm like Maverick doesn't know it's a she. No, that's what I'm saying.
He could just be assuming. It's true. That seems like something a girl would do. Leave me a shitty note and poison my horse. So what do you do? I go and look at the note. You look at the note and in
in beautifully like written letters, by the way, it says there's a there's a small picture of kind of like like a like it looks like a like a like a tattoo of a bird, like a really minor tattoo of a bird, like on the bottom of the page at the top of the page, it says you don't deserve her. Well, that's just mean. And that's all that's it. Yeah.
What do you do? I guess I'll take it and I'll go back to like the entrance of the cave. Okay. I mean, you're kind of already there because that's where the horses were. Right. But what do you mean like going climbing the mountain and going back down the other side to go to the actual front entrance of the cave?
I know where

Rage, Abductions, and Mysterious Events

the entrance was. Gotcha. OK. Yeah. So yeah. So you're already essentially there. That's where the horses were left, like on that ridge wall or that ledge where you went and explored. I think I'll also go inside.
OK, yeah, you go inside and you walk for a hot minute, but then like you just get hit immediately with just like a gust of just filth in the air. You've probably heard as you were walking back up, you probably felt the mountain shift a little bit. That's something like just like shook in there. OK, yeah. I also like trying to get you for something in like continue on. You're going to try to what?
to continue on. Yeah, you do. You make your way down into the into the tunnels. And while you're doing that, cutter and rent, when you are just slugging away at the rock, just beating the ever loving shit out of it, eventually chipping away some more of it. And you. You got it going on the ropes, given the South Pole, but they give me all one to buckle my shoe.
She's still got a joint in like the corner of her mouth just so held in like her lips while she's still punching
Yeah, eventually as you slug enough again, it's a bit hard to see, but you turn on your chest lamp and you punch through a big hole enough that like some of the rubble comes falling down again on top of itself, but it spills inward and just like a lot of that dust just flies forward into the room. And you can see like enough of the rock has fallen through that like you'd say it's probably about like at least chest level for where you're standing. You can kind of like see into it now.
where it opens up and there's just dead people everywhere in there. Just like spilled over kegs and barrels, broken tables, just like there's quite a few cave-ins on the inside of that alone. A lot of the boards are kicked out and broken. It was a pretty gnarly collapse in here when the mountain got shook. See him, Rin, find him.
Yeah. Looks like everybody's dead, Cutter. Oh, damn. When somebody was talking to me, is there somebody still in there? Yeah, they're under the rocks that you guys punched inward and blew up. I don't know that. Well, if there is anybody left in here, they're dead. Ah, shit. Yeah. Damn, this is like, I don't even know if they got the equipment you need
make a mountain on collapsed. Damn, what the hell? Yeah, I don't know. Um, I thought the guy was supposed to be blowing up Jensen, but apparently he had other plans in mind. Hopefully, hopefully Tabby got out.
I don't know, Ren. I think we blew it on this one. Oh, that's not funny. Anyway. I think we really screwed up. I think we sent all these people to death, Ren. I don't know. I mean, we heard them out front, but I mean, how long are they going to last? We couldn't even say these people here. I heard somebody there five seconds ago. Now that, I mean, I could have killed them. Boy, I was trying to get in there.
Well, let's be very clear though, like we did not blow this place up. Somebody else blew this place up. This is not our fault. We're culpable and we're complicit. How? We were told to take the explosives to the guy who's supposed to blow up Jensen. That's where that was supposed to go. How were we supposed to know that that guy had other plants?
I should say Ren's not where we knew or not. Still we had a part in it. I can't help but feel responsible. It's my own thinking. I just feel responsible still, Ren. We had a part in it. They might have got it either way, but we still had a part in it. That's half your problem. You got to turn off your guilty switch. Here, take a puff of this. I don't want that, Ren. There's already enough smoking here.
as you say that and the the the dank smell of weed and and and soot fills the air maverick you find your way down the tunnel that was getting blown up and you see your friends at a big old chest lamp peeking into a big old entrance a collapse entrance what happened here how did you like free all those rocks
I punched it. Yep. That's pretty effective. Why didn't you do that from the outside? I couldn't. I tried. I did? Yeah. How's the people? Dead. Dead. Dead. Doesn't seem like anything's going right lately. No. Right?
I think I'm also I think we're being followed just to let you know, Maverick. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Like outside. I found another note and like another bloody handkerchief. Another bloody handkerchief. Yeah. And I showed him like the handkerchief and like the picture, the note that I was like given one with the bird. Yeah. Was I say you don't deserve here?
That's pretty good reading there. You got pretty close there, Cutter. That's pretty good. Your lessons are doing really good. Thanks. But no, it says you do not deserve her. Oh. Does that mean me? Probably. So you see like a picture on here. It's like, I'll teach you. Oh. That was a representation of me.
I thought maybe that was like their signature or something. Like, I don't know. Like, you never know what these things anyways. Well.
That's hilarious. That means me, right? Even that means me. I'm the bird, right? Am I the bird? Am I the bird? I think if they're like kidnapped, usually we are probably already too late, but we should probably head back to do that. Yeah, we got to make sure she's safe. Yeah.
I'm just going to leave whoever just the one people left here. I mean, I know we're struggling to get through, but I mean, I don't know. It's like, yeah. I mean, they're like working in from the other side. So they'll take care of like their bodies here. Oh, okay. See, it's covered. We're good. Let's get out of here. All right. Jeez. What a mess. Yeah, I don't like to say it. I fall out of murder and intrigue.
So you guys are turning around and heading back out of the line. Yep. Hi. All right. You do that and you do it swiftly. Taylor swiftly as you get out of the mind.
Uh, and you make your way back to where you, you make

Frustration Over Missing Companions

your way towards your houses. Uh, and yeah, you guys can kind of hear, um, that what Maverick was hearing earlier is like on the other side of the mountain, as you guys kind of trail your way back up, you can see down below that Sheriff Jeff has rounded up a group of people from do dad who are, you know, like tying stuff to horses and they have pickaxes and shovels and rope, and they're trying to remove some of the, uh, the debris that has been, um,
blocking the entrance. Did you want to do anything else while you're up around the mountain or do you want to stay on this side of the mountain where Crimson Lake is? You're just going back up and over. I feel like we're leaving. Yeah. Yeah. Way where we came. All right. Well, fast forward. You guys are almost down. God damn it. God damn it. Yeah, it's always you here every like 20 minutes a year. God.
And as you guys are making your way down to the last little ledge, back down to the where it levels off, you see Sheriff Jeff and a few others. Chase's wife is there. She's helping. People are kind of pulling rocks out. Some people are doing like other like tiny controlled explosions like cutter was doing trying to remove some of the rock.
Uh, that's mostly also cutters wife or yeah, not cutters wife. That's not cutters wife, chase his wife. Um, and, uh, Sheriff Jeff, uh, he's just covered in dirt and he looks a little worn out and he's been down there for a good probably hour at this point where you guys are coming up and around the mountain. He's kind of like that inside. I'm sorry. What?
that we went in from the other side and all the people inside there, unfortunately, all died. Well, you there's another way into this place. Yeah. Oh, shit. Well, why don't we just go there? It's kind of blocked to be serious. Nice. If the entrance would be free again.
Uh, yeah, we're working on it, Maverick. You still hear anybody up here? Uh, Jeff, we heard some folks appear before and we were out this front section. Yeah. Every so often we might hear a cry in there. So it seems like there's somebody might be alive in there. If it's just one person, we're going to get them out. We kind of, we kind of failed in the other hand. We just found a room full of dead people.
God damn all the way on the backside of the mountain. Are you serious with the tarnation or something? There was a bunch of big, biggest, biggest thing in this place was, uh, listen, but Jeff, sorry to leave y'all up here, but we got to get back to town. Cause whoever's doing all this is threatening the bird now. And I'm worried about worrying about bathy now too. We got to get back down there and make sure everybody's okay in town too. What the fuck are you talking about? I brought everybody up here. Well, you didn't bring a bird or bathy, did you?
No, but there ain't nobody down there keeping an eye on do that. I didn't think it was in danger. Well, hey, we're going to run our little asses back there. Oh, god damn it. And it seems to be in danger right now. Oh, fuck. Do I need to come back there then or what? No, you orchestrate these people. Seems like whatever is my I don't know if it's related exactly to all this, but somebody's out here hunting after us. So we got to get back down and make sure our, you know, we'll love ones are safe. Wait, someone's attacking y'all.
Kind of seems like this has got something to do with all them bloody curchies. People can tell me they're finding. I guess so. Yeah. I mean, who's who are they finding them? Just like people been finding them around. They're probably not meant for us, but some people are stumbling upon them. Oh, they don't think they don't make a sense at the time. They had the matching carpets written on the envelope when they showed up at our place.
Yes, I was telling you about that one. Yeah, I definitely think we're being targeted. God damn it. God fucking die. But who could we do? Oh, goddamn no, man. Do that. You ever notice that? Look, I love y'all. I do. Listen, I don't tell people this much, but I love y'all. But ever since y'all showed up and do that, she's been getting fucking crazy over there. You know, I love you too.
Hey, I've been here for a while, so like you cannot even blame this on me. Oh, I think I can. I know you're the one that last that last person I saw cart to fucking big old box of glycerin around do dad. Don't know what you're talking about. Yeah, I know that you're all agents of chaos and I can respect it to a degree, but God damn it, we need peace around here.
I'm not an agent of anything, sir. I met your daddy. Yes, you fucking are. That's a good line. Your quote unquote paw is okay. He ruined chef. He's birthday party. But no, it was your birthday party. You weren't there. What?
All right. This is all great. But Sheriff, let's say I agree with you at least. But we got to get the hell out of here. We can we can split hair. All right. Yeah. Where and when. Why? We got to save a bird. We got to save a bath, lady. All right. Look, one of the guys. Hang on a second. I got something I got to give you. Hang on. I didn't know I was going to see you all so quick. Hang on a second. And he walks over and is talking to talking to some of the people who are like clearing out rocks and stuff. And one of them hands him
One of them hands him another one of those like bloody kerchiefs and a note. He comes over. He's like, all right, just somebody done went and found this shit earlier over by the bath houses where the wood tubs is. He hands it. He hands the the piece of paper to use. I didn't open it because it wasn't addressed to me. That's me opening it. It just says you're too soft for her.
your toes solved for her. That's her. That wasn't the last one. That's bullshit. I ain't never been able to stop my life. Who do you been talking to? Is it a piece of

Chaos in Doo Dad

paper? He just like throw it on the ground. He goes, that's littering. That's a $10 fine there. You're right. I'm sorry, Jerry. I shouldn't have done it. It's been a long day, Jeff.
I'm worried about down there. That should be a nickname. Sheriff. I just I galloped down the hill to the town towards town. You're heading back down towards town. Yeah. OK, you do that and just like, well, OK, yeah, I was done talking. Sure. OK, cool. I'm ready to. What the fuck, man? Come on, man. You do shit. Come on. At least say bye to me before you leave. I'm trying to help you here.
She like looks at him and just kind of squints and goes, bye. All right, fine. I'll take that. Okay. Thank you very much. I'll see you later. Bye. You got to walk back and goes, fucking people and manners, man. You think you know a guy and the goddamn.
Fucking shit. And he goes back to work as you guys sprint your way towards do dad from from the base of the mountain. It takes maybe like 20 ish 30 minutes to get there in a full gallop. And you get there to do dad and you can see as you are approaching the town that there are people that are kind of running in kind of.
Just in a bit of disarray, to be quite honest. And you see that as you guys approach, do dad, we're matching carpets and the phone expresses matching carpets is on fire. David Sucky. It probably wasn't Sucky, though. Don't get too mad at her and probably is this hooligan. Whoever has been messing with us. What do you do?
Ah, water is raging. Fire brigade, fire brigade, fire brigade. Buckets, water, muffs. Well, we didn't come on. Who's running the well? You see like you see like one of those one of those little kids that was playing like that was rolling dice with Maverick before is like he's trying to like carry a little bucket that he can do. He's like dragging across the floor. I got it. I got it.
That's pretty much like it person you see taking a sort of action to put out a fire right now. That's good What the hell I point some some? People around a grab some buckets of shit don't throw water on this thing. Yeah, goddamn Yeah, oh She's with you. She's with you turn around Maverick turn around Look out what?
They're pointing they're pointing at Ren who like has a beat red face and like like is like raging or fucking like steam is pumping like at 100 miles an hour. Yeah, it's her. She did it. She did it. She's the one does the whole day we talk about. And like they're like fucking sprinting away from you guys right now after they say that, like the only one that isn't is like the boy. Damn hell. I can't wait. We need to like put us try to put out this fire. Yeah, kid, be careful in there. How big is this fire?
It's pretty big. I mean, the entrance isn't blocked or anything, but yeah, I mean, it's on fire. It's pretty standard. It might spread to other neighboring buildings, if not taken care of soon. Anybody have any? It would take some time. I'm going to go in there and I'm going to look for a bird. Remember, hold on. I was just thinking, we got fun. Is there any? Do we see anybody's blankets hanging out on the line anywhere we can grab?
Yeah, it's probably like some laundry or something. Sure. Mine's already wrapped around a dead dude. There's like, or like a rug. There's a couple of rugs are getting that we're getting beat at one point. Grab these here, man. Just dunk them in a trough over there. We'll cover ourselves. Cover with a wet. Yeah. And one of them moving picture shows. Or plays or something where we got nowadays. Yeah. All right. But while you're doing that, Ren, you go into rage mode. What's raging Ren do?
Um, so. Like, is she able to run in? By chance, or is it? I mean, you can run whatever you want. No, no, I mean, like, it's not like it's not it's not a towering inferno, but like the whole there's different parts of the building that are just on fire and spreading like around. So it looked like it was, you know, very meaningfully done to spread the fire as quickly as possible.
She's going to run in, in a full sprint and yep. And look for Sheffi first of all.
You run in you do kind of you kind of have like a bit of a tunnel revision as you run in and your anger is kicking inwards as you're looking around just for identifying people you see Sheffi is just sitting in their little kitchen area where the bar usually is where you guys sit It is currently up in flames all around them and Sheffi is just sitting there with like a very long sad look on their face Sheffi we got to get out of here. Let's go. What happened?
at whatever you're saying is coming out of something totally different in rage mode. And he's just looking at you just like with a bit of perplexion. He's like, I'm not allowed to do anything. I'm not allowed to do anything. She grabs his hand and starts pulling him out of the house. As you try to pull, you pull and you pull and just like it feels like he is just a piece of mountain. Like he can't be moved from where he is standing. He just physically you cannot move him.
OK, I'm sorry. She's going to look at him and she's going to put both of her hands on her his shoulders and she's going to nod and go, I understand. And then she's going to run into her room, grab her stash and run back out. As you run up into your room to grab your stash, you notice there is no stash.
Oh, that bitch. OK, so you see you see in your in your rage, you see just like in around the towering room or the flaming room you see on your desk, like near where your stash is, there's another red kerchief and a piece of paper next to it. She's going to grab the piece of paper and run out.
All right, you do that. You run out as you see, like the building falling behind you, you don't see any sign of any of the other workers that work there. None of none of sucky's fire sticks or anything as you burst your way out like as you guys are like getting like wet rags and like what like rugs to cover yourselves in the run in there and just fucking like bolted in there in a matter of seconds, ran up and grabbed her shit or tried to grab her shit and then ran out.
Mm hmm. I mean, that's the way to do it. Mm hmm. Uh, did she see anyone else in her passing or did she? Was she just all you saw was Sheffi sitting there longingly, sadly.
Uh, cut her in Maverick while she was running around doing that. You guys are soaking like rugs or something to cover yourselves with to go

Confronting a Doppelgänger

inside. We're getting some rugs wet or something. You know, we're just having some fun. All right. What's the where do you go? And then go inside. I was I missed. I skipped a little bit out there. Did she she came back outside and ran? Yeah. Rins bolted in and then after about like maybe 60 seconds bolted back out. Oh, well, what the hell were we doing? What are you coming in and out? What are you doing? I'm.
We got to go. We got to get out of here. They might need to like, go like an Ishi. Yeah, he didn't check to see if Ishi was in there. You're going to have to go look. I didn't see anybody else. All I saw was Sheffi, but, uh, yeah, she's more than welcome to go out and I got to go. And she's still in berserk mode and she's taking off running towards, uh, Punkenstein's house.
OK, sign or in just there's like Naruto running, jumping between trees. It's like a good way. Yeah. So you two are left just watching as she just sprints off in a full of a full rage. What do you do? Going every time. Yeah, we got to go in there, remember, you're going to be going up. So I got to go find Bathie. We'll try and find ship here. Rose in there. If you get in any trouble, we need help. How about we we fire our guns off twice because we'll be here each other in there.
Okay, okay. Good idea. All right. Good plan. Let's get in there. Gotta make a better plan than we did when we went to that damn mountain. I covered myself with my little wet blanket. Okay.
And you are what you're going into the bath houses. Well, Maverick, you're going upstairs. Yeah. I was going to run to the front and go to see if I can go through the building to get to there. Yeah, you can do it. Whatever works. Yeah. You both run in there together as you go to the front because you have to go that way to get to the stairs or run to the bath houses. Again, you see, Chef, you just sitting there with a sad face, just unmoving, unblinking, just staring at the floor. If you want to heal. I'm not allowed. Not what?
I'm not allowed to do anything. Just go. All right. Well, here comes our gang. Can I get out the hell out of here? Come on. And just like I said earlier, it just feels like you're trying to pull out a fucking mountain like there's no budge. Where's everybody else at? I don't know. I'm like, I'm like looking over like the bars and tables. You see, like I see anybody got her. What? Renny did this.
I don't know what's going, how's going on. Sheffi, something's really weird. I don't think it was her. If it was, it looked like her or somebody else. I don't know. But I got to get Bathy. And whoever else is here. She's not here. You sure you've seen him? What happened? I don't know. I just know she's not here. How do you, I go over and grab, grab him by the shirt. Oh, tell me what the hell happened here. How do you know what's hell? When he came in, in a moment there were fire ever, fires everywhere.
Everyone ran. Some people got taken. People showed up. She had a whole posse. It happened so fast. And they took her? They took everyone. God damn it. They took the bird? Yeah. Damn it. They took everybody. There's notes everywhere. You got to get out of here, Shiffy. I'll be fine.
I run upstairs. Well, you run upstairs. Maverick, are you also going upstairs? I was running upstairs while you was talking. Right. So Maverick, you're running upstairs to to go check on Ishi as you burst into the door, flames everywhere. Just the room is filled with smoke. The bed is empty where you left Ishi lying down, covered up. She's not there. And
You see, you see a little note and a bloody handkerchief on the bed where Eshoo was left. I have to add rage mode. I have to make rage mode. I have to jump out of matching carpets. I'm sorry, your what? I have to jump out of the car. Do you take the note?
Um, yes. All right. You grab the note and then you Naruto jump on a magic sprint out of the, like out of matching cupboards. All right. You do that. Um, as you run down the stairs, you pass kind of going up the stairs. The bird's gone. She's gone. Everybody's going. I was just coming to get you better. Everybody's gone. Let's go. Okay. Come on. Let's go.
So you guys head back out. Yeah, you head back out of doo dad Again, it's there's no there's no dramatic explosion or nothing. It's just it's still on fire The only one left in there is chefy as you guys see matching carpets continue to burn and Just people just running around in chaos and and then you see
You see that little kid that was trying to throw buckets of water on on the phone, express the only one that stuck around the only brave person there. It's like, why did Ms. Nguyen do this? I don't think it was her kid. We were with her on some weird, cool with the bucket. It is. Let it go. I saw her, Mr. Carter. I saw her. I know she was she was dressed a little different, but that was her face. I know it was. I don't know what the hell is going on, kid. Just, yeah, just relax. Oh, man, where's your family kid? Running away.
What am I doing? I got separated when when the fire started and people started running around. So I thought that they would just come back for me if I started fighting the fire. Oh, so. Well, we got to go. We'll try and keep safe, kid. Well, I don't know where to find your family at, but we'll try and keep you. Come on. We've got to get out of this town. We have everything. We will go in a funny express to that old so-and-so. What is face mutton chops in there?
Uh, you're going to go to mutton shop shows, Maverick, or are you still in rage mode? Uh, I'm just going to like kneel down and like, why would anyone do this? Are you just talking like into the ether? Yes. I'm just kind of exhausted and really frustrated right now. Sure. Understood. Maybe there's some sort of weird demon creature we missed or something. I don't know. It's crazy taking Ryn's buddy.
beat the demon. I don't think that's it. Well, I mean, more than one, I imagine. I don't know. Either way, I'm going to talk to much up, see what he was doing, doing what his whole thing went down. Now we got to stay here. All right. Keep it on the kid. I go to much ups. And as you walk towards mutton shops, Maverick, as you're knelt down, just kind of like processing everything, the little boys, one of the kids that played dice with you a while back and he kind of just like rolls the dice in front of you on the ground, just kind of like
Is do you want to play? No, sorry, kid. That's like not right hand play. OK, I'll sit here with you then. But that's that's fine. And he just sits on the ground and kind of like mirrors like how you're kneeling. He kneels like that, too. And while that's happening, Ren, you are sprinting off towards Punkenstein's house.
And as you're getting closer to the area, it's a bit of a run because you just left without your horse, but you're running as fast as your steam powered body will take you. And then like you start to feel like like your rage starts to. I don't want to describe it like you feel. There's a sensation of like a shared anger.
As you approach the house, like as you're getting closer, you can see the driveway like or the pathway not too far off in the distance. As you get closer to it, you feel like there's a kindred anger not far from where you are. As you run. OK. She gets up to the house and like literally like slam straight through the door.
As you slam through the door, there is nothing to be seen like except for like usual gadgets and gizmos and things like that. As you look around, you don't see Frankenstein anywhere. You do say like one of the chairs that he's usually floating around in just kind of like tipped over.
Um, and then, uh, you kind of feel that kind of rage again, kind of like boiling up inside of you, but it almost feels like there's like a homing beacon that you have to follow. And it feels like you see like a red dot, like in your vision. That's starting to move to turn you back around and it's like beckoning you to look to where it's looking or to where it's going.
She looks. You look and you can see standing down as it turns and like this red rage beacon like kind of hovers over where the door is that you just broke through. You see standing down towards the edge of the driveway that you just sprinted up. You see a woman who has your face but is wearing a black Victorian dress. Hunkenstein.
it look good already?