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51 Plays1 year ago

We discuss Yellowjackets seaons 1 & 2 spoilers ahead


Introduction to Yellow Jackets Discussion

for real all right welcome back to fright central i'm doc back here again with kec how's it going buddy it's been interesting guy how you doing
Good. We are going to talk about, well, all of Yellow Jackets, seasons one and two, since we never did get around to talking about the first season and the second one just ended not that long ago.
Yeah, yeah. And that like pretty recently and it's pretty fresh on your mind, right? You said you had like binged watch the last three episodes. Just the last three. Yeah. I had like watched the entire season of From in between. But yeah, I was trying to save the last three to like pretty much right before we cast it. So I finished up the other day.

Plot Overview and Future Seasons

but uh yeah basically uh yellow jackets if you're not aware it's on uh showtime uh spoilers ahead by the way uh i shouldn't need to say that by now but uh i don't know why real quick this is a jersey girl soccer team good jersey
takes place in like 96 about a soccer team that takes a flight to like nationals or whatever, then they're playing crashes and they get stranded in the wilderness. Some of them survive because it cuts between flash forwards and flashbacks, and you see which ones obviously survive. While there are, by the end of the first season, they do add another character that you find out did survive as well.
There are supposed to be or at least they said they have plans for five seasons and they said they're on track for five seasons but we'll see.

Is the Survival Scenario Realistic?

I thought it was three and you said five so that so this is an ambitious project. Yeah we'll see with the writer's strike. I would say if there was no writer's strike yeah we'd get all five seasons. With the writer's strike I don't even know if we're gonna get season three.
But, um, I just thought of this now, I just want to, uh, address like the 3000 pound gorilla, the elephant in the room. And that is, I think it's very unrealistic and I'm not going to like harp on this or like get into like a whole discussion about this, but.
They're over the continental United States. Their plane goes down and it infers that they were headed to Seattle. So they definitely crashed in a rural area of the United States, but they're supposed to have been there. It's not totally clear, but I think like their total time was between 18 and 24 months until they were finally discovered.
There's absolutely no way in fucking hell that they would not have been discovered in that period of time. I just want to say that with like the GPS satellites over time.
everything like, you know, in 96, the one girl does destroy the black box recorder in 1996. Like we were still like pinpoint bombing fucking villages with drone technology in the middle East. There's just no

Character Analysis: Misty

way. Look, Hey, if it was for a couple months, absolutely. Like, you know, I, I get that, but like, there's no way that these checks would have been.
gone for two years without someone coming upon them. They find a fucking well built cabin. I'm just saying I get that out of the way. Yeah, I mean, the guy could have been constantly flying lumber on a single engine Cessna, which also says something else. I just want to get that out of the way, though, that I think it was very unrealistic that these girls would have gone for nearly two years.
without like anyone and keep in mind there's also wide open clearings all over the place so like if they had like fires going 24 seven which if it was me and you we were lost in the woods that's like the first thing we would do we would have constant signal fires wherever you would think we could
There is absolutely no way that these tricks would not have been rescued in, I'm going to say, a maximum of four months, something like that. That's just my opinion. Don't want to harp on it any longer, Doc. Sorry, continue. That's all right. I mean, you don't really know, like, how far off course they end up going. So, like, up Seattle, they couldn't end up in the Canadian world in this for all we know, you know what I mean? Like,
They could be searching what the flight path is and they could veer very far off course. Yeah, I checked and it was from what the creator said it was supposed to be in the United States where they went down. And the recorder was also not destroyed on impact.

Supernatural Elements and Character Dynamics

It did exist for several hours after initial impact and they would have also been on radar.
Anyway, again, don't want to get too hung up on this always content. Well, let's start with the past first with my favorite character, Misty, who the adult version is played by Christina Ricci. She's kind of like this. She's not on the soccer team. She's kind of like the ball boy in a way, I guess. Like she's like the team.
She's like the team mascot. She's like, um, if you've seen, uh, Adam sailor, uh, she's the water boy. Yeah. That's pretty much what she does. The equipment manager, I guess would be exactly. She, uh, does not have the necessary physical attributes to be like a star athlete because these girls, I think they were, they were supposed to go to like the nationals, right?
Yes. Like, you know, so this is a big deal. Like we're talking about like one of the most like elite like football. We'll call soccer for this. But, you know, they're supposed to be one of the most elite high school soccer teams in the entire country. So they're a big fucking deal. Now, when you say she was your favorite character, Misty,
Are you talking about the child version of her or the adult version of her played by Christina Ricci? Well, obviously probably the Christina Ricci adult version. Okay. I just wanted to clear that up real quick because the child version is extremely disturbing. Yeah. Oh yeah. I mean, she's disturbing it as an adulthood. We're going to do later on, but, uh, yeah, she, uh, like,
She knows a lot of like, uh, like, I guess like, you know, wilderness survival techniques is like during the crash. She really helps like, like save somebody, like the coach's leg and like, yeah, it really gets everything organized together. So that's why she's a nerd.
She seems to have a lot of just general knowledge about a variety of things. So you get the idea that when she's not in school learning, she's home constantly reading books. She just seems to have a lot of general knowledge.
about a lot of different areas, but especially kind of like, yeah, focused on like survival type things like medical procedures, just a lot of like very odd things too. Yeah. How to poison people. You know, she knows. Yeah, she so like the reason she destroys the she destroys the black box.
Is that survived impact that was still functional? Yeah.
Well, yeah, it should yeah, that's what they're made for But yeah, the she destroys the it because she's finally finds like oh shit Like I need it here. These people actually like me and they need me. So like yes, you over here is a conversation Yeah, she eat like she overhears a conversation where the girls are saying thank God misty's here otherwise we'd be done for and in the past like
you know she was like not valued at all like she was the least valued person because she was not a competing athlete so she's also a psychopath so she destroys the way that they would be rescued.
Yeah, so with a lot of the past stuff, like it's a combination of like, this is a combination of like a drama, supernatural thriller show, if the best way I could

Season One: Balancing Horror and Drama

put it. It's a combination of like a couple different things, but like even the supernatural stuff, I'm not even completely convinced
it is supernatural like it could be a lot of like trauma uh hallucination from lack of food and nutrition which like they end up like you know just tapping yeah yeah i i agree i agree with that uh except for the except for the one character ladi who does seem to have a connection with the wilderness and let them even in flashbacks where they show her even younger
she has that vision of uh seeing her parents like getting in the car yeah yeah yeah so she saves them and then like uh she sees visions later on of like uh red river which uh one of the groups tries to go for help and they see red river and like red smoke and that's when they're attacked by wolves which is like i love that part yeah it could all just be a coincidence yeah i mean it could all just be a coincidence you don't really know because her parents uh a lot of these parents
it got to me that they were like kind of like strict parents that sort of wanted her to be like kind of perfect and they were like they were very distressed that she was having psychological problems at like at least what they saw was psychological problems at a young age
so you kind of get the idea that they weren't like very supportive for her so yeah it could be like that this is all just like a coincidence you don't really know because she didn't have like the best upbringing that's yeah at least the sense that i got
Yeah, even like in later on in the adulthoods, she had like, well, you find out later at the end of season one that she's still alive as well, that she had like, runs like this cult thing and she's had been had been in like, a mental hospital for for like a decade. Yeah, yeah. I mean, she obviously has problems. So I mean, that there's no doubt about that. And like, I don't think her parents supported her very well.
But just before getting too far in, I just wanted to mention we had spoke about this several times just on season one itself. I don't really have that much to say because season one, like I didn't really see it as too much like of a horror season. Aside from the very introduction of the like it, I will say this.
introduction, opening season one, the opening scene where they're Lord of the Flies hunting each other. And, you know, they basically tracked down a girl. She falls in a spike pit. They strip her, bleed her out and eat her in like a very ritualistic fashion. Like you could tell that they've been doing this for a while. There was like a real ritual to it. They're howling. I mean,
It's straight up like, I don't know, maybe even more hard for the lore of the flies. So I was just like, wow, how the fuck have I not seen this up to now? Because I was thinking like, you know, this is going to be some really brutal shit. Well, it just goes from that until I just like a girly kind of like soap opera.
for the rest. At least this is just my opinion for the rest of the season and then kind of at the end of the final episode of season one it kind of goes into like all right season two we're really going to be getting into the nitty gritty stuff. I just didn't see like season one as being
Very, I don't know, I'm just going to say horror-ish for the lack of not having the source here with me right now. You know, that's just my feeling. What did you think?

Themes of Cannibalism and Survival Horror

I think a lot of the wilderness stuff, I mean, it's definitely more survivalist horror, I would say. Like, it's about, you know, kids surviving in the wilderness and the horrible things they have to do.
But then there, there was a lot of the supernatural element in the wilderness stuff where they, they find the symbols they like. In the first season? Yeah. They find all these symbols in the first season. They find that that guy chained to the chair in the attic.
uh they do that seance and like uh yes they do do that that's true they do that in the mid they do that in the middle i guess i was just overwhelmed by the amount of material that really like wasn't very suspenseful at all because one thing i guess we should know also in season one i don't think this happens in season two there's flashbacks um a lot of flashbacks in season one
Not of them as adults, like there's not like I'm not talking about the time difference as it goes back and forth from when they're trapped in the wilderness to how they've gone on with their adult lives. But there's a lot of flashbacks in season one of their teenage lives, like just in the months prior to when they got in the accident. So they were kind of like going back to like, for example, like
They're kind of vicious girls, like they break the leg.
of one of their teammates intentionally injure her, like breaking her leg because they think that she is going to be a detriment to the team going ahead into the finals. So like, you know, they sweep the leg, you know? That wasn't all of them. That was just Taisa, who's the, I believe she's not the captain, but she is like the tough girl on the team. And she goes on as an adult to like run for mayor, I believe.
Senator, she gets elected to the United States Senate.
Yeah. And she is one of the other characters that, uh, she keeps like, I guess, I don't know, like she has some type of problem with her because she will black out and become this other person, which you get it more into in the second season. Yeah. But later in the first season, like as an adult, you start to see bits of it with like the warnings on the house and like the, and the dead dog and the wolf in the street.
Like stuff like that is like, she, you see that at the very end of season one in like the last 15 minutes. So like, yeah, I get what you're saying. Like, they're like a lot of the, before they're in the, in the, in the woods, isn't that hard thing, but it is building up character and like the relationships. And you see that, uh, Shawna's character or Shawna is the name of Melanie Linsky, uh, as an adult, uh, she, uh, like is, um, she, well,
She's having an relationship with her best friend's boyfriend and ends up getting pregnant with him. So you see that dynamic, which goes on to later in the series as well.
where she had like, they had that big argument and she ends up going to like sleep outside and then it snows overnight. She freezes his death. And then like, they end up eating her and she's the first one they eat. And then she starts seeing her in visions and like, you know.
Yeah, I'm mixing both seasons up because like, I mean, I kind of watched them all together. We're talking about both of them. So yeah, I see them as like very like vastly like different entities. Like I would say like in the first season, just I liked in the very beginning where they're eating each other. I thought that was pretty cool. And I also like they ate Jackie at the end before the end of season one.
The vision part doesn't come till season two, doesn't it? Or do they eat her at the beginning of season two? They don't eat anyone in season one. They don't eat anybody. They just show that there is cannibalism in the very first episode.

Realism in Character Success and Survival

And then it goes into like kind of like teen drama type stuff. But I like that part. I very much like that part.
when when they're eating each other. I thought that was cool. I thought that was kind of going to build up. I like the Taisha character that you talked about because I think it's just I like the fact that what was it? Taisa Taisa. I'm sorry. Am I saying it wrong? I could be. I wrote it down. Regardless, I like the fact that in her life, she
she found her way into the halls of power, because she overcome the odds. And it appears that she we don't really know when season one, really, we don't find out till season two that she might be actually suffering from some form like of advanced acute schizophrenia, where she has like, like a
a night person, if you've ever seen Rick and Morty, uh, where, you know, there's this other entity that can like, kind of like just take control. I don't know if it's supernatural or whatever it is, but they really get into that in season two. And I really thought it was cool that she finds her way into the halls of power. Each girl and their like adult life kind of develop into someone meaningful.
um i would say and i thought that was interesting like none of them except maybe for i mean if we're just going to go back and forth in mixed seasons i would say that i thought juliette louis may have been miscast for this role do you have any comment on this i just missed no i just feel like this i just feel like the second season kind of rushed her recovery arc a little bit
uh first season it's all about like uh she like is kind of this drug addict or she gets out of rehab when you first see her he's been in and out of rehab yeah but yeah they say she's been in out of rehab her whole life and uh and then her one of the guys who was on the uh field trip i believe was the uh i can't remember why he was there he was he like the coach's son which guy was that Travis
the guy that she gets in a relationship with and like you know it's funny you mentioned that but um yeah travis and travis's little brother i think that they see i don't know because it's i think they were the coaches and he dies on the plane yeah well
Yeah, I kind of have like the same thing where I wasn't exactly sure why they were there like why they went on the trip because there's one like odd scene where I don't know because like it didn't Travis. I don't even knew like the coach it comes out that he's gay.
And that's like, that's, that was the assistant coach. I think the head coach was Travis's and Javi's father was killed. Oh yeah. The father did die on the plane. I'm sorry. Yeah. I thought Travis, um, and his younger brother who was also present in the show. I thought that they both walked a lot like the, uh, gay assistant head coach that survived. Like I thought that they looked like they could have been blood relation.
at least to me. Like I thought that they were related. I kind of, I didn't like go back and like rewatch any of this, but they looked very similar, but obviously, yeah, I mean, cause they weren't aware. He had this secret that was, he was like keeping from everybody. He, I liked the part where he hands them the wad of condoms and he says to him like, coach,
what the fuck man we were supposed to be in Seattle for like what a week and like he literally gives him a handful it looks like it was like maybe like three or four boxes of Trojan yeah and he just is like here
Like it was enough to have like, if they were there for a week, it was enough to have like five sexual encounters a day, at least for that week. And it was, you know, there was a lot of Columbia in season one. Some of that, some of it I dug. I especially liked the part where that, um, uh, one girl's face got eaten off by the wolf. Yeah. Very nice.
or no Vans, Vans, Vans. Yeah. That's her name. Yeah. Yeah. She gets a half her feet facing and she has a relationship with Taisa, but I did not think that they were survived. She was survived. No, they didn't think so either. They almost burned her alive. Yeah. Yeah. That's something we should mention. I mean, I, I've been shitting on season one. There were some pretty brutal moments. I mean, they, when we say her face guy, but they graphically show
the wolves ripping the flesh off of her face. It reminded me of the bear attacking the revenue. Yeah, yeah, similar to that. Yeah, I mean, actually, I would normally say would be sacrilegious to compare the two. But yes, I mean, it was that brutal, the way the caprio got mauled by that bear.

Misty's Manipulative Tactics

Her face was like brutally mangled to the park. She basically must have passed out from the pain and
her body is in such bad shape that they decide that they're going to cremate her because she must be dead and then somehow she just kind of comes back and it's like don't burn me and you know they do a remarkably good job of sewing your face up you know you never
You know, I mean, that shit, like, I mean, you would think she would have came out like looking like the toxic avenger. Yeah. Even in the, uh, the scenes where they're still in the wilderness, I thought they did a pretty good job because she does start to heal and you can still see scars, but then like, yeah, later on in the, in the second season, I thought her face didn't look that bad. I mean, she could have been using makeup to cover it up.
yeah you're not sure but i mean yeah like you said even later i mean i mean it's kind of ridiculous but yeah like a few months later her face did not really look that bad yeah you see the scars but like that's it like it wasn't like i don't know if they had
Yeah I don't know if they had like a bunch of like Neosporin and she was just putting like real heady ointments into like those wounds every day but like she healed like miraculously well like you know like
I don't know like maybe one of the girls is planning on becoming a plastic surgeon and they had like yeah like I don't know like maybe like a big cosmetic bag survived and like they decided to unload it all on her but like she heals very well from her.
I want to talk real quick about the adult stuff with them going on. So basically, in the first season anyway, a reporter is going around to the survivors trying to dig up information on them. We learned later on that it's Taisa actually hired them to see if they would actually talk or anything.
Yeah, it's a member of her campaign that was hired to do opposition research, you know, exactly what they didn't do with George Santos. And basically, she wanted this woman to go and see if she could get them to
mentioned anything, like even like the slightest morsel about what happened. Because a bunch of money. It's like a bunch of money. Yeah, like no one's. So that was, you know, that that was another like very interesting dynamic that none of them, regardless of what was thrown at them, would even say a word except get the fuck off my porch.
Yeah. And the, uh, and then they're also being blackmailed by some unknown person later is, uh, Shauna's husband, Jeff, who was just trying to get some money out of him. Cause like, but he didn't really know what was going on. He said he did read the diaries, but like, he didn't care. He was just like, I know he read, he read his wife's journals and found out how horrible things were.
how traumatized they all were and he still is the incredible piece of shit the blackmail and like they don't really he's kind of like well at least by her he's quickly kind of forgiven I don't know she's having an affair
and she thinks he's having an affair at first she thinks he's having an affair so that's when she's like fucking i'll have it i'm gonna fucking have fun or whatever yeah and then she thinks that guy is the one blackmailing them and then accidentally uh kills him at the end of the first season and of course you want to call misty for it to come help take care of that for you yeah misty yeah
And then the second season, well, by the end of the first season, Misty like locks up that reporter and like kind of tortures her for fucking like info. And then like, yeah, Misty, well, she wasn't a reporter. She was she was disguised as a reporter. Yeah. Actually, she was an agent to do opposition research. But yeah, Misty was not aware of that fact. No, no. And basically puts her in a dungeon.
Yeah, she's like this drugster. She's a nursing home like care nurse person. Yeah, she works on nursing. She says she has access to these types of drugs. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah that's the approach she decided to take. Yeah I do like it the only way she had injected the cigarette and made it look like she just like died from like natural causes or whatever.
Yeah, she, uh, she does in a very cunning, she, uh, puts a bunch of fentanyl hydrochloride in like, must've been massive doses into the tobacco and her cigarette. And, you know, she has mentioned that, like, she actually mentioned to this person that, you know, I could drug you with fentanyl and, you know, given the problems today.
no one would even bat an eye because you know with an overdose or so prevalent um and uh yeah so like there was like some foreshadowing to that but uh again that what that was pretty fucking cool i kind of saw that coming though i was pretty certain that woman was never leaving their eye
Yeah, it just wasn't in the cards. Yeah, like you know Misty like she was very good at playing possum like her skills of like just being like kind of evil and conniving only got like more honed as she grew up. So yeah that she was never leaving there a lot because you definitely see in the second season she definitely is influencing a lot of the
some of the main characters who are like the leaders and stuff. Yeah. She'll start saying things to convince them to do certain things her way and stuff like that. So I think she's kind of almost like the secret leader in a way. In a way. In the second season, she also murders. They don't eat this one. Well, I mean, I don't know. She pushes another one off. She didn't push her. She got into her face and she backed up and fell off.
He was the reason. She was the reason. Yeah. Yeah. Let's just say that she didn't she didn't shove her or anything like that. Yeah. She didn't intentionally murder her. But yeah, she basically confesses on the reason we weren't rescued. And yeah, the other girl gave the
appropriate react actually was pretty restrained in how well she handled that really but uh yeah Misty kind of forces her off the clock I don't know if she consciously did it but like you knew sort of like with the um
you know, the agent of, uh, you know, the Senator in season one, you kind of know during that conversation, I knew that that girl was going to die.

Season Two Key Events

Yeah. I knew like when she said that I was like, this is ending right here. Like I knew there was no way. Um, I thought that they would probably find her and cook her in either, but like her body sort of disappears. And as of the end of season two, we're not really sure whatever happened to her body.
Maybe she survived and got up or maybe she got like maybe she's still out there somewhere. Maybe she's going to return. You know what I mean? In season two, one of the things I thought that was weird was that Van and Taisha, whatever, I'm just going to say Taisha because they were lesbian lovers.
They were like being lovers in season one. And, um, out of a lot of them kept together because, you know, Juliette Lewis's, um, hospital bills are being paid for by the powerful Senator. And so a lot of them were like, they weren't like talking on the phone every day per se, but as adults, most of them had some kind of relationship with one another where they would talk every here and there.
Like, you know what I mean? Like, especially when, you know, Juliette Lewis' bills were being paid for multiple rehabs, like multiple rehabs. So they had like, they had an idea of where each person was. They had gone to each other's weddings. So like, there was a relationship. I was sort of like surprised that they- Misty knew where everyone was and was keeping- Misty knew, but they had, they had all gone to Shauna and Jeff's wedding. They mentioned that.
just about everybody had been there except Lottie hadn't because I think she was in a mental hospital at the point where they got married.
But you would think out of everyone, they would have like kind of kept in touch. And they mentioned the last time they saw each other was at Shawna and Jeff's wedding, which was, you know, many years ago, I was like sort of surprised by that. And then you later learned that van has cancer and they just happened to meet each other when van only has like months left to live. That was kind of unexpected.
to me. Well, I believe she went looking for a van. That's why she knew where she was at the video. Yeah, no, I know she knew exactly where she was. No, she didn't know exactly where she was. She had to hire somebody to look for her. And Misty was like, Oh, yeah, you should have just called me. I had all the information on her.
But what I'm saying is she knew where she hired someone. She didn't know where she was. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like when she got that truck, like she goes hitchhiking, she knew where she was going. You know what I mean?
But yeah, Misty stalks everybody now. But my whole point is, I was surprised that they were separated. That's all. Oh, yeah. They bring Elijah Wood into this, who's like also this creepy Misty. Yes, someone that's definitely worth mentioning. Elijah Wood makes an appearance. I thought he was great.
He plays a real eccentric and yeah, I enjoyed his performance a lot too. I mean, it's kind of hard to describe, but he's basically a complete counter. He's basically a male clone of Misty. They are identical in just about every way, including like not caring about casual murder.
So, you know what I mean? Like, depending on somebody and pending it on somebody else, depending on other people, like he has a history of like, uh, relatives that have murdered other relatives, you know? Oh yeah. I mean, that's a, that's good. I might have forgotten to mention his performance was, uh, impactful in the second season. That was a good touch.
Yeah, oh, going back to Juliette Lewis real quick. Yeah, I thought she was great in the first season, but then the second season, once they get to Lottie's colt and stuff, it seemed like they had rushed her development a little bit. But I thought her arc was good, and I thought she had a fitting ending by the end, because you find out that at one point, they had to choose who would be the next person they would eat.
And she was chosen when they were younger by that part. Well, just to point out, they all go absolutely, well, everyone except Shauna goes batshit at the end of the season. They decide to have a hunt. Yeah. But it's a joke at first to just simply humor a lot who you find out is still brutally insane. I met the first hunt from the wilderness hunt where she was being chased by all of them
Sorry, there's a bunch of motorcycles going by. I don't know if you can hear that. I can. Okay, but yeah, it's the first like she draws the card in the wilderness where they're being or they're hunted down and the younger brother, Javi, who had gone missing, had came back and was like, oh, I can show you where my hiding spot was.
and then he ends up falling in the lake and instead of like saving him like they kind of let him die so she doesn't get taken so then the parrot like so by the time it comes around to the final season of the uh the fake hunt then like the you know humor and ladi to all going feral and chasing her down and then uh
I heard Shawna's daughter comes into play then the other chick who was helping out Natalie comes in and then Misty accidentally kills Natalie and I think that was you know the wilderness always get get what they want it was kind of a you know hey they didn't choose you at this point and now it's choosing you you know this time so I don't know
yeah the wilderness always gets what it wants that's actually really well put doc you know i i didn't really uh i didn't really think of it that way but um yeah she has that uh vision of like before like she gets killed she
flashes back to that kind of moment where she like, you know, thinks about him dying and then is like, Oh shit, like I was supposed to die back then. And like, so she saves like the other girl and like takes the needle from Misty was like, this is what the, uh, this is what the wilderness wanted. Or is it? I don't know. Or is it just, I really don't know. I mean, I just, just to maybe like.
get things a little more coherent. We should just, they all go batshit at the wall.
everyone except Shauna goes batshit at the end, like I had mentioned, because they all know Lottie's crazy. And Lottie wants to sacrifice someone. She tries to do like, it's sort of like their occult drink, the Kool-Aid, she brings out like around the shots. And they're all supposed to drink one of these fucking shots. And one of them is going to die. Lottie believes human sacrifice is the only way to get their lives in order.
which is they all kind of are like, wow, she is fucking bonkers. And then Sean is like, why would we do that? Why not hunt one another?

Season Two Finale: Chaos and Speculation

Why not have a heart like we used to do when we used to hunt girls down and then eat them ritualistically to feed ourselves and the survival situation. So, you know, everybody's looking at Shauna as she embraces Lottie, like what the fucking shots just I don't know, like I'm just trying to talk her down.
They contact a mental health facility, and that facility is actually sending people out to sedate Lottie and then have her committed. And somewhere in the timeframe of a few hours,
Juliet, Lois and Aisha and Van, Natalie and Aladi, who's already fucking Wacko and Misty's there as well, right? Yeah.
They all agree that they actually should have the hunt. Yeah, and van convinces Taisa to call the hospital, tell them that they don't need it anymore. Yeah, we don't need you anymore. Like, we're all insane and we're actually going to hunt one of our friends. We just made this decision in, you know, the last 30 minutes or so.
Yeah, I mean, I liked season two more than I think it was 30 minutes. I think it was over because I think they were talking during the day and they were like, oh, we should hunt tonight because they were like, all right, I'll make sure nobody's around. So like Lottie goes and tells everyone to like leave or not be around. And that's when Julia Lewis goes to that other chick and was like, hey, you should just bounce from this fucking call. You don't need this place.
Yeah, whatever the amount of time is, it's in less than 12 hours. Yeah, they all go except on a they all go completely fucking crazy or either they go complete. I mean, that's the only way I can phrase it, because even if they all suddenly believed that, like the spirit of the wilderness,
needed a sacrifice and like their well-being like their futures depended on this that's still fucking apeshit like you know i mean so the only way i can see it is that they all somehow went crazy i don't know if in season three they're going to try to explain
The psychological, I don't know, the psychological process that ensued in that, maybe Lottie drugged all of them. Because you were saying that you think a lot of these experiences may not have even happened in season one because of malnutrition and stuff.
I'm wondering where they're not necessarily not happened, but like they're just kind of seeing it happen the way that they thought. Yeah, because I'm wondering if Lottie had possibly been drugging them with the food since they got there because they all eat the food because it just doesn't make sense to me. It would make sense if maybe Lottie converted one of them or something like that. Like, you know, she had been working on Juliette Lois the entire
um yeah she wanted nothing to do with that she was very resistant to all forms of treatment she had been to rehab like they said three or four times she she rejected like you know all the aa stuff like you know i mean like yeah i know what they throw at you there so she was very very resistant to outside forms of influence yeah and then by the end of uh the second season she's kind of like in
Caesar, which was ridiculous.
put back into the cult ish. Yeah she just kind of falls in in a shocking within one week because Misty I think it was supposed to be even less than a week because I think Misty says something like you know you have to admit I'm good that I was able to find all the clues and track you down in less than a week I'm here at the do your doorstep you know I mean
She was like bolstering about her detective skill. So I think that Juliette Lewis was only there for like four or five days and somehow got turned into a true believer.
I think it was during the when she finally let Lottie do a hypnotism on her and she had those visions that might have triggered

Speculating Season Three Twists

that. But also, do you think like because in the first season, it seemed like Shauna was falling more and more into like the the cult stuff by the well, by the end of the second season, like as like the wilderness version of her, she also is real resentful of Natalie being the one chosen at the end of season two to lead the group.
But she seemed more into like, you know, I mean she was the one cutting up Javi's body when he died and eating, and eating the flesh, at least, I don't know how much of the rich ballistic stuff, but then she still got chosen at the end of season two.
uh do you think if she didn't get chosen they might have uh she might have like fell into the uh ritual as well or do you also do you think that um next season she'll be the one to die since she was chosen at the end of this season so you know what i mean i don't really know i don't really know like the ending like the final episode just like really took me by surprise like yeah i really don't know what to think
Like I was on my theory is that they were all like something had to transpire to make them all kind of go crazy. And maybe Shauna just like didn't eat a particular food or, uh, I don't know. Like for some reason Shauna was like more resistant to the rest of it because she was the only person.
that was acting rationally. You have to remember during the wilderness, during the survivalist, she was pregnant, so they were giving her more of the food, so she was less likely to hallucinate like the other survivors as well.
Yeah, I mean, well, that could be part of why. Yeah, that's a good thing. It was the food now. Yeah. The only time it was the food was when Misty or they accidentally she was trying to, you know, poison the coach to sleep with them before. Well, even I think after she found out he was gay, they use her mushrooms in the soup and they all hallucinate at that one point.
Yeah, I'm not gonna I'm not gonna go back to real into fucking like murdering fucking The point is there's a lot of like drug use. There's a lot of like, um, I Don't know there's several scenes where people yeah several scenes where people are drugged in the show unwilling
Yeah. And that they don't find out until like much later or they die like in the when Misty kills that one woman with the fentanyl cigarettes. So you understand where my like logic is taking me is that something at the very end occurred and I'm wondering was it drugs? That seems like maybe the most likely to me.
Yeah, yeah. But I'm not really sure all I know is to me, I don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed the final episode. But I have no idea what the writers have planned for season three. Like I'm really, really confused as to where they're going to go from here. And
I'm assuming that they're going to explain that chaos that happened at the end of season two in like sort of a twist. Like, you know what I mean? Sort of thing where like there are certain things that maybe weren't exactly as they seem like we were even talking about
whether or not Juliette Lewis was going to be permanently canceled as an actress. I don't know if she, I would say she's probably not coming back, but like at this point, I really have no idea where the writers are going to take it. And it's interesting because with the writer's strike,
The writers don't even know where they're going to be taking

Final Thoughts and Future Concerns

this. So this show could really get fucked up. I mean, I could see it possibly just because of the situation with the writers, I could see the show maybe not even continuing, which I think would be a shame. But even if it.
were to continue and everything gets settled. I have no idea where the writer is going to go. And that's my final thought on it. What do you think? I just think it's funny that you had said like Julia Lewis was canceled, like she like did something bad. I did not mean it. I meant that they killed her character off. I'm just wondering, like, could they even have been like a hallucination that she died?
Could the girls in like the way that they do their diabolical plots, could they have like
faked it and the paramedics were like taking away another, cause I think she has like a sheet over her at the end. I don't know if you actually, but then she does have the hallucination where she's in the airplane, but I just, I have no idea what the fuck is going on is like what I'm trying to convey. Do you have like a similar sense of like, do you have a prediction for where season three is going to go?
Uh, if they bring Julia Lewis back, I could see it being afterlife stuff and then stuff previous to her death, uh, flashbacks, not just like her, her younger version, but cause she's, she'll still be around. Cause I think she might be like a voice in someone's head or in all of their heads, maybe like something like that.
I still think there's plenty of story to tell in the wilderness, survival part of it when they Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, the stuff definitely seemed to be wrapped up but with at least the story of her traumas, you know, lover who they kill and take care of and like,
you know, all that with police investigation and everything that seems to have been pretty much taken care of at this point. What other stories are going to tell with that? I don't know, but I think like how we saw the Jackie character
Shauna having visions of her still alive and like talking to her corpse and shit. I in the earlier season to I think we could see something like that with Julia Lewis and somebody or Yeah, that's sort of like, you know Yeah, or her on the plane and
more of that or something like that i don't i don't know what they're going to do with the yeah well yeah you you pretty much just pretty much you have no idea but the one thing that i think we can both say with certainty is in the next season there's going to be a whole lot more of the wilderness
because they didn't even get down to the ritual yet. Like, they set the precedent of whoever draws the Queen of Hearts is going to be the sacrifice, but like, later Lottie reveals that they had gotten that shit down to like, sort of like a science, where when you draw that card, you have two options. You can either submit and be sacrificed right then and there,
or you have the right to resist and run and they'll give you like a short head start and then they all start hunting you. Me, I would probably just be like, yo, you all got to eat like I'm not trying to like, you know, I mean so. But like what I mean is they haven't even gotten to like there's a lot more story to tell of in the wilderness. And so there's obviously going to be
more of that book as where they bring the story as their present day lives, like your guess is as good as mine. And that's all I got.
Yeah, that's pretty much all I got. I mean, I'm sure we missed a lot of things, but yeah. But we actually had a much longer discussion on, because we had talked a little bit before the cast and we had said that like, eh, like, do we really have that much to say? Like this will probably be like a very short cast, but you know, this is actually one of our longer cast recently. So I,
I've been enticed by the show. I really, I'm looking forward to season three. I'm just like really worried that like, we're maybe not going to get a season three anytime soon. Yeah. So that's, I'm hoping at least a round for anything anytime soon. You know, I mean, and that's all, that's a cast for a whole nother day talking about what's going on.
Hollywood right now at the rider's strike. So, you know, but, uh, you know, that's all I got on yellow jackets. And, uh, you know, thank you for joining us and, uh, we will be back in the not too distant future. Yes. Thanks for joining us and peace out. All right. Take care, brother.