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Witcher season 3

Fright Central
42 Plays1 year ago

Halloween news and the Witcher 


Halloween Season Excitement

All right, welcome back to Fright Central. I'm Doc back here again with Keck. How's it going, buddy?
It is going, man. It is going. I'm glad. Dude, it's been like fucking summer up here until like the last week in the Northeast. And like it's starting, you know, because Halloween is like one of my favorite times of the year. And like it's finally like starting to feel like autumn. And yeah, I mean, like October, I think is probably my favorite month out the entire year and
It's starting to actually feel like October. It's starting to feel like Halloween. And I'm excited about that.

Analyzing Friday the 13th Series

Yeah, did you watch any Friday 13th movies for Friday 13th? I did not. I didn't even think of it. Well, you know, I shouldn't say that because I would say at least once every day I think about Jason. So, you know, there's always some thought there. But no, I haven't watched like a whole Friday the 13th movie beginning to end.
in quite some time and now that you mention it, I'm kind of ashamed. I'll have to get on that. Yeah, you're gonna have to. I watched Jason Lives, probably my second favorite Friday the 13th movie. The only reason I didn't watch Friday the 13th final chapter, which is my favorite, was because I just watched an outdoor screening not that long ago.
So I decided to go with Jason lives. I got to tell you, yeah, I agree. Jason lives would probably be my second favorite, but like a strong, a strong number three almost breaches in two is for me a new beginning, even though Jason wasn't in it.
Gotta tell you I just really really really like that one I thought it had like the perfect like vibe of like, you know camper sex and Slashing and shit like that like I don't know I don't and that whole that I love that whole sequence where Vic is chopping wood before he chops the guy if you you know, we always liked it that he acts the guy and
and you know we used to send each other the clip and stuff like that but if you look at it from like a director standpoint that whole scene is awesome like he's chopping wood and you can see the bark like flying up at him like is that's just a really cool scene I like actually I watched that like maybe not that long ago just that clip because like I like the character Vic
I kind of thought like it would have been a cool thing if Vic turned out that he was the guy that escaped from police custody after he got arrested and he put on the Jason hockey mask rather than you know, it turns out that was at his nephew or
His, I don't know, the guy Vic killed was a member of that paramedics family who turned out to be Jason. I think it would have been a much better story if you were going to do like Jason, but non-Jason would have been if Vic actually became Jason.
Like, you know what I mean? I was thinking about that, not that one. Like I said, I think about Jason every single day. But yeah, I haven't actually watched a huge one. But yeah, Friday the 13th, part five is a strong, a strong candidate in third place for me. For third, for me would have to be probably Jason X, for some reason, because it might be as the silliest, but as some great fucking kills.
Yo, Jason X has like one of the most crazy like production costs to box office gross out of I think it made the most money out of any Friday the 13th movie in terms of
What it cost to make the movie which was I mean there are some I remember in theaters like them showing the gun that one of the guys were holding and like they showed like the whole length of the gun and how Ridiculous it looked it looked like a bunch of tubes like that were just duct taped together and like I could hear the audience in the theater laughing and
like just because you could see like how ridiculous it was and like people were laughing like my god like that got into the movie like they couldn't like you could buy a toy fucking gun at Kmart
But like, you know, I mean, it was really ridiculous, but I'm pretty sure, and I double check this, but I think in terms of what it costs to make the movie, because basically the entire budget went into CGI, which, you know, I thought that they did a very good job with the CGI in Jason X, but I'm pretty sure in terms of what it costs to make that movie, and then the actual draw that it pulled in at the box office,
I think had like the best ratio in terms of like generated income when you look at it that way. But I'm not 100% certain on that, so. But yeah, Jason X I thought was fucking awesome. I saw it twice in theaters. I think with you both times. Like I know we went as a big group one time and then I went with like a smaller group.

Halloween Franchise Future

But yeah, I saw that shit opening night. Fuck yeah.
Well, the TV series that you know, they have only the rights to make a TV series. They don't have also the rights to film because that's a whole nother separate thing, but you know, it's everything in the everything from the movies. Yeah. So I hope they don't use space.
He said, if we go 10 seasons, I'm going to figure out a way to get Jason into space. If we go 10 seasons, he said, I'm glad that he's being ambitious. Yeah. Well, A24 also recently was trying to bid for the rights to the Halloween series, but they did not win Mirror Max 1 instead. So they're going to be developing a TV series and movies soon.
OK, I wasn't privy to this, so there was a bit that you just found this out today. This week, yes. This week. I think they announced it.
So this was a so I'm I'm understanding correctly. This was a bid for the rights of the Halloween franchise to be adopted into a television series. It's for rights for both the TV series and the movies, but their immediate plan is to do a TV series first and they want to do a whole like Halloween cinematic universe where it's going to be series leading to movies and stuff like that.
okay that's cool I didn't I did well um I don't know I really hope there aren't any more Halloween movies man yeah after the terrible last one was yeah um they were really really really bad um I
I don't think I want to see another Halloween movie unless maybe it's something like um we have a long pause in between them maybe it's something like um uh anniversary of this last really shitty movie they had because I mean my goodness gracious I mean there's been some fucking bad
Halloween movies, but I think that this last one really took the fucking cake, you know what I mean? Like, it re- they really went-
to focus on Corey and not fucking Myers at all. I don't even think Michael Myers. I don't even understand what the fuck they were going for. Like if I was in the writing room when, like, let's say, you know, I'm a producer and, you know, I have a couple script writers and maybe a director, whoever is going to be pitching this idea to the studio.
if I'm in there and I'm the person that's going to decide whether or not I'm going to invest in this project or not I would be like are you guys fucking shit like I would honestly think that that would be a fucking joke like yeah like if they tried to especially like the idea of
Especially the idea of having like Michael Myers as like a hobo in a tunnel. Like I would honestly, if they told me that, I would think that they were fucking around. Like, you know what I mean? Like, I just don't. And the way they make the trailers out to be in that long was like all between Myers and Laurie and like, like, I don't remember that kid being in the trailers at all. And then like, that's only like maybe five minutes of the fucking movie.
This Michael Myers movie, was this, you know what, they all blend together because several Halloween's came out in such quick succession. But was the intro to this one, the one where the kid that he was babysitting fell from the top of the stairs? And was that the intro scene? Or that was the most, I like that scene.
I like the introduction. I thought that was really cool. He locks him in the closet and everything. I like that scene. But then to focus the whole movie on that kid? Yeah. I could see him being a character and not basing everything where he becomes a killer because
you know it's supposed to be him like defeating his demons about what happened to him and you know how he makes amends for this terrible tragic accident not that like he decides like oh yeah like how i accidentally killed that fucking kid now i'm going to go and become this lego everybody thinks i am yeah or too hard into this because we already covered this one but like
Oh, I guess my point being a television show, I think it would be a great idea. I'd really be into a season one or maybe like a limited miniseries of like a Halloween show. But I don't think we need any feature length movies for the foreseeable future.
If ever, again, really. Unless you want to make one more so that people will forget about this being the last in the franchise. Well, I think the TV series will show that that wasn't the last of the franchise. So I think you just start fresh with this fresh Halloween TV series. Maybe retire the character of Roy Strode. You know what I mean?
start over. But if A24 had gotten the rights, they would have had the rights to that. And Freddie, we possibly could have gotten a Myers versus, I mean, sorry, Myers versus Jason, not Freddie. So thank you. So we could have gotten Myers versus Jason.
Yeah, I mean, everybody wants Freddie versus Jason. You know, there were some mixed reviews on that one. But yeah, I think a Freddie or Freddie Jason versus Michael would be although I just see Jason like just killing him with his machete immediately. And then that just being the end.
Yeah, I mean, especially since the last one, Myers got beat up by Corey in a fucking sewer. The last one ended with him taking out like 50 fucking towns members that were all armed to the team. Yeah. Yeah. He gets beat up easily by some fucking kid who was getting bullied by some fucking marching band members. I think, yeah, I think I think you're right about that.
Yeah, I mean, I would say as maybe they could just do it as like sort of a spoof. Like if they if they were going to call it something else like the new Friday the 13th movie, and then you have Mike Myers in the beginning where people are like, Oh, shit. So this series is going to be about Jason and Michael Myers.
But you have Michael Myers about to creep up on some chick in the first five minutes of the episode. And then you have Jason just come in, slash him, decapitate him, right then and there. And then never mention Michael Myers again. So Jason came in, killed Michael Myers. That's how Michael Myers ends up dying, by Jason. And he's never to be talked about again.
You just ignore that character anyway. That's what I would pitch to the writers. To the producer. Well, speaking of TV series and characters or actors anyway that aren't returning, why don't we talk about Richard's season three?

The Witcher Season 3 Ratings

Sadness. Yeah, the fact that Cavill's not going to be back for season four. It's going to be Liam Headsworth. I mean, we've already talked about that announcement back when it
had happened but uh... do you think that this has something to do with the uh... i am d b ratings that we just discussed before uh... starting the cast because i was kinda shocked by that when i wanted to uh... discuss a particular episode which was my favorite episode in witcher season three and when i pulled up the uh...
by episode list I wanted to make sure I knew which episode it was out of the eight and when I was doing so I noticed that like this season got some truly appalling ratings compared to the past two seasons and I'm wondering if the fact that Henry Cavill is not coming back maybe affected some of the fans of this show
to give negative reviews or have a general negative vibe or connotation to the future of the series and that kind of brought out some hatred. Have you shown on social networking and seen anything about this?
Like, do you have a sense of how fans feel about this change? Because to me, I know people are disappointed. I haven't heard anyone that has said, oh, I'm glad Henry's not going to be coming back for The Witcher Season 4. I haven't heard that at all.
I actually just found out that it's not the Hemsworth I thought it was going to be because the two brothers, they have an older brother but I'm talking about the ones 40 and ones 33. I'm not sure how old the eldest brother was but I thought it was Liam Hemsworth.
You know, you thought it was Chris Hemsworth. Oh, I thought it was Chris. He's the art, because they look identical. I thought they were twins. If Chris Hemsworth played Thor, Liam Hemsworth was in like a... A cabin in the woods? No, that's Chris Hemsworth. Oh, that's... I don't know. I'm just going to call him Hemsworth, then. I have no idea. To me, they are just... I think Hemsworth was in, like, The Hunger Games.
Which one was in Cabin in the Woods? Chris Hemsworth. He's Thor. Chris Hemsworth. The Thor was in the Cabin in the Woods one. The one that's 40 years old right now. Yes. Okay. And Liam is seven years younger. Yes. 33. Yes.
Yeah, apparently they have an in-universe explanation for the change in appearance. I think they should have just not mentioned it. Like they just could become one. Yeah, I don't know. I know a lot of people are upset that he was leaving, whether it was his choice or not, or a combination.
a lot of speculations of why he left and everything. Yeah, but there were there were certain articles I had read like a little expose about like why he left and it pulled it pulled interviews with him from
different interviews that he had given and taken certain things he had said about like why he was leaving the Witcher and it kind of brought it all together and it seemed like the most definitive reason he was leaving was
He knew he had something else that he could go to. That's number one. So it wasn't like he was going to be retiring from acting or that he didn't want to be like a feature character in something like this or anything else. He knew he had something else to go to, which was exciting for him.
Um, that would make him, you know, uh, would continue his stardom, but it seemed like that wasn't the key motivating factor. It seemed that he had some creative differences. Uh, yeah, supply and art as well.
the number one reason he left because he said that this was like one of his dream jobs. He said it's his favorite video game. He said he's read all the books. He said that this is one of his favorite characters. I think he said that Daryl is his favorite character actually from like all this stuff. If you look at like
but I've never read the book so...
you know the comic book universe and all the characters and the like mythological realms I think he said Geralt was his favorite so this was a job he obviously deeply wanted so there had to be significant things that
he had heard or he had discussed with the writers or creators, director, whatever, and I'm guessing, like, I don't know if he, like, talked to him and voiced that. I have to think that they had some kind of dialogue where, you know, he wasn't just like, look, I plan to quit, like, based on where you guys are going. They had to have some kind of back and forth, right?
Yeah, I mean, we heard, like, what was it, during the second season that he was already having problem with the direction that he had concerns. Yeah. Yeah. And then I guess, like, it came to a kind of a breaking point for him, I guess, during film in season three where they didn't want to budge. So this was like basically two different visions as to where. Well, I can tell you what the one of the main producers on the show said. He said when a series is made for a huge mass of viewers with different experiences from different parts of the world,
A large part of them are Americans. These simplifications not only make sense, they're necessary. So what he's basically saying is like he dumbed down the show for Americans.

Adapting The Witcher for Audiences

It's painful for us and for me too, but the higher level nuance and complexity, we have a smaller range. It won't reach people.
Wow. So he's basically saying like Americans are these like brainless peons that need like their art spoon fed to them or something like that. There's plenty of complex shows that can show otherwise. Exactly. Especially if you're trying to be the next Game of Thrones and everybody understood all the complexities of Game of Thrones. I haven't read the book so I could not compare the show to the book.
What would you call that? Like, American phobia? Like, you know, you have racism, sexism, like, what, what is and would that be?
like american americanophobia i don't know what you would call it but like you know that's like that's really insulting because i had read something when uh right before season one came out or maybe it was right after season one dropped on netflix i think it actually was i think it was the week after and um the uh director was asked a question
about, I'm not sure if it was the director, creator, writers, whatever, but they were asked a question about the time jumping because some people weren't and they had basically said
Speaking of the EU, we have a bigger following here for The Witcher than Game of Thrones by like a significant margin. He said we already have our audience in place. So...
We're comfortable letting it rip like that because our fan base is already attuned to the world of The Witcher so like you know if anybody has a problem with that they can fuck off and it sounds like what you're telling me is they went from that to saying like
Yeah, now everything we had said about, you know, having that audience base, we're trying to expand our base to America and Americans are, you know, fucking like these feckless little assholes that don't like foreign films that don't like reading subtitles. So we have to cater to these overweight fucking, you know, hamburger eating fucking dipshits. If that's the truth, then
Fuck you, man. Yeah, that could be a factor in why people gave this season lower ratings as well. I wouldn't say they gave it lower ratings. I would say they gave it abysmal rating. This is when you find out that the ship can't be redirected and you're heading directly into the center of the sun.
The asteroid, like the missiles have failed, like collision is imminent. Like, you know, this is like, you know, days before the Armageddon doc. I mean, these ratings were appalling. I mean, we've talked a lot about on this cast how like a lot of like, you know, I don't really go for Rotten Tomatoes and, you know, the toxic social networking and this. But IMDB users, the people that are actually registered
to place their votes. I would say most of them are film buffs. I guess I trust their opinions a little bit higher over the opinions of others.
And I mean, there wasn't one, I think there were two episodes that were rated 6.7. That was the highest it got. It didn't even break seven. So I mean, that shit is that, I mean, they were rating this like, it wasn't even like mediocre. I mean, it was awful.
Your favorite episode, I think you said, was episode seven where Cersei was in the desert, correct? No, no, no. My favorite episode was the ballroom, but before we get into your favorite episode, why don't you recap the... Well, I was just going to say that episode in the desert, that was 4.2 on the IMDB scale, and this isn't like a few people.
It had tens of thousands of people that voted on this. So, I mean, people thought that this season was abysmal. I did not have that feeling. No idea. Before getting into it, like, I thought that, yes, season one and two were much stronger than season three, in my opinion. But I didn't think season three was something where, like, I watched it and was like, what the fuck?
Like I thought it was a little bit lesser, but I still thought it was like of the same caliber and quality that we've come to expect from the acting and writing. Yeah, I thought it was a pretty solid season. I think and I think a lot of people's biggest disappointment was like.
watching that final episode and being like, well, that's the last time we're going to see you capitalize. Yeah, that got me. And he really went out on a strong note. Like I felt like, you know, you know, it's like.
Well I want to make the reference because you wouldn't understand but like I'm thinking like at any point when Harry Cavill was slicing those Nilfgaardian soldiers up
When he was taking the sword to their skulls, at any point did he see the creators in his mind? The producers, you know, the people, you know, there's so many, I don't know exactly who is, um, who is responsible
per se, for the direction the show is going to take. I'm assuming that it's more than just one person. What degree of hold do the producers have on the writers? Are the producers able to dictate where the writers go?
Oh, absolutely. Yeah. They have the final say and everything. They have the final say. So does it stand to reason that it's possible that the producers or the writers wanted to take the show in a direction closer to the books and closer to, you know, where the main Witcher fan base would want it to go? And the producer said, nah.
we want more money and we think that our best chance of getting that money would be to expand our audience to get the most possible views and that would probably be in the United States and therefore we want you guys to rewrite things and go in a different direction that we think is going to be a little bit more American Dipshit friendly. Do you think that that could have happened?
I'm upset about this. I'm upset. It's a lot, a lot to go into, but, uh, yeah, it is a lot to go into. And I don't want to like, you know, rant on here for make this a two hour podcast, but like I'm upset. I'm, I mean, I believe Hemsworth does a good job and I hope he gets to fit and I hope they get to finish out the series and it doesn't just get canceled on a cliffhanger. I looked at his picture the other day. Well,
that's likely what happened
I actually was looking at his brother's picture but then I went back and looked at his picture when you conveyed to me that these were two separate entities because I was not aware of that. And I looked into his eyes.
And I could see Geralt, although I think his brother looks, because of his age and like Geralt's age in like the Witcher universe, I thought like a 40 year old might do a little bit of a better job than a 33 year old because I see Geralt as not like a middle aged man, but like, you know, a little bit closer in years to his brother, but like,
I looked at him and I can see Geralt. I can see him in the costume. I can picture it. There's been other times when people like, for example, the Spartacus debacle, I mean, they couldn't do anything about that because the main actor that played Spartacus
became unavailable. And so they needed to go with someone else. But when I saw that Strawny motherfucker, I was like, dude, you're making him Spartacus. But at least in this case, with Krista, is it Christopher, this Hemsworth, Liam, I can see I can see Liam as Geralt, like I can picture him.
Apparently he's out there. I think they had already shot some stuff or before the strike But has you heard anything that he said about has he um had any interviews where they've asked him like are you looking forward to like do you have any sound bites or any text or anything that he said like I mean is he Like I'm just wondering like it was back when he announced it, but I haven't read anything recently I haven't
With Cavill, he had said that this was a dream role. Like I said, this is his favorite video game, one of his favorite characters. I was just wondering if Hemsworth had said, I have a similar feeling about this. Or, well, hey.
The role became open and I auditioned for it and got the job. Is it something like that or is he pumped up for it? That's, I guess, why I'm upset. I don't know about these things. We're losing the guy that was our girl for three seasons and I thought he was fucking fantastic in the role.
Uh, well, why don't we talk about this season? Uh, so we have a leaving, uh, the series, um, it's just a bit, I mean, that is the big story. I mean, that's just wasn't on my mind the entire season. Like, dude, you're going to be gone. Yeah. Getting into the season. Yeah. Getting into the season. So, um, it picks up, uh, with them kind of on the run, trying to stay together, trying to stay in hiding. Um,
Everybody has their powers back, which I liked. Nobody like, you know, they didn't nerf any characters with their powers at the beginning of the season. In the beginning, there was the big thing about the mistrust between Geralt and Yennefer. She was trying very hard to do everything in her power to gain back both Geralt's trust and ultimately
the romance that they had to gain back both his trust and his love, which was something that, you know, Geralt was like very steadfast and said, you know, I'm never going to trust you again, basically. It did take like four or five episodes for that to come around. But in the back of his mind, he knew he wanted to trust her again.
words and actions are not the same thing and like I think she knew if she was willing to do like real buck wild shit and put her life on the line like eventually he would come back to her they both kind of knew that about one another I mean it's deeply inclined in the the story and but the video game and the books and the show as well so I mean you kind of knew that that was going to come to pass
I'm just glad it didn't happen like in one or two episodes. I'm glad it like no, no It's like building up that trust between them and before like they were finally like yeah It was good that they weren't banging after like the first 50 minutes like that, you know at the end of the first episode Yeah, don't worry about let's just fuck Let's just fuck yeah, yeah, yeah but uh
I will say one thing, just general observation, I would say this was probably the most, well, I think everybody would agree that this was probably the most slow moving season.
Yeah, it did take a little while. I mean, this one kind of went on a snail's crawl based on the last two, which had rapidly evolving character. Of course, you know, the first season, like we said, there was a lot of jumping around. But I thought, you know, season two was moved along at like a decent clip. And season three, I thought, was at a snail's crawl compared to the last two.
but there is a lot of complex things going on between like the schoolya tell elves and like they're kind of on steady allegiance to Nilfgaard there was a lot of secrets i mean for god's sakes the fucking emperor had uh... the leader of the schoolya tells child murdered under like false pretenses and framed it on somebody else and you know so there was
I mean, I guess they had to slow it down to some extent, but it was slower than I would have liked it to be. Yeah. So that aspect, like I felt like, you know, like this series was trying to be the next game of Thrones. I felt like this season was the most game of Thrones ish because of all like, yeah, they, they, I felt like they covered even more.
ground with like you really got into like the some more of the elves and the brotherhood you got you kind of got what the white wolf was a little bit more after because we didn't really get into him I'm not the white wolf the white flame yeah like it wasn't

Narrative Complexity in The Witcher

revealed to the end of the last season like who he was and shit like that so but at the same time yeah to me but I didn't go back and rewatch any of the series before like I did with Game of Thrones so it was a little different like
For me, just watching a recap and being like, okay, so it was still like, because I didn't go back and rewatch everything and look at a map of where everything was. That's what the Game of Thrones really did well with the intro. They showed you the map every episode and they showed you which houses were where and what this episode would cover.
that was well done it was very reminiscent of the game as the game progresses they would show that same map and it would go to exactly like that was like directly for the video game buffs so like i picked i thought that was really good i i enjoyed that very much yeah yeah i didn't know if the witcher did that as well
to me, because just because I wasn't, you know, I didn't go back and rewatch it. I wasn't anticipating the next season as much as I was with Game of Thrones. Yeah. So I didn't, I still haven't read. I mean, I didn't start reading the Game of Thrones books to like the fifth season, probably. And I've only finished the first one. So
I mean, I have time because he still hasn't finished the other two books. Yeah, I read the first two books. I had a plan on getting into the, but I mean, that's, I mean, they're not small books. No, no. At least with The Witcher, like all the books were already written. So it should have been a lot easier to map everything out.
And like, I would just put this in there. Um, yes, all the Witcher books are written, but like in order to know which, because the Witcher book, initially it was just a bunch of short stories, which, uh, you know, the author then got, was told like, yo, you know, you should really try to structure this and formulate it into books because
The books are sort of a collection of shorts that the author then took and put together into novels. But when they were released, you would think logic would stand that you should read a book in the sequence in which it was released. That would be the proper sequential order.
With the Witcher books, that's not the way you're supposed to do it. Like, a friend of mine who I had given the audiobooks to wanted to know which book you should listen to first, and I was like, you need to go on Reddit or go online somewhere if you want to read it in the correct sequence of events. You have two choices. If you want to do the time jumping, you have that. You know, if you enjoy your story,
told to you.
in different times and you can follow it clearly. And that's your preferred style. That's fine. That's how Quentin Tarantino would probably prefer it. But if you want to actually read the books, you're sort of new to the Witcher universe and you want to see it in the actual time. I mean, they're still jumping around in the books, like in the stories. There's flashbacks in time.
but like that's normal in any story you know there's flashbacks to earlier periods when you're telling someone's story but if you want to actually read in the normal sequence of events you don't start with the first book there's a particular order you I think my point is that like
I'm just saying, like, already written. Yes. I was just saying, but like, yeah, I wanted to point out the Witcher is sort of unique in that, that if you want to read the books in the correct order, you don't start with book one, book two, book three. You have to like go online and find out.
So how do you, how do you start watching Star Wars in that sense? Do you start with the prequels first? Yeah, exactly. Exactly. That's a very good analogy.
Like, it's like, for Star Wars, if you're new to it, you want to watch the original trilogy first, and then maybe the prequels. But if you've already seen it, you want to watch your chronological order, then you would go back and watch it. Well, you know, maybe that's something that you would tell if a friend came up to you and said, you know, I've never seen any of the Star Wars movies. And those people do very much exist, and they're our age or older, even.
And, you know, they were like, yeah, you have any idea what you were? That's what you would have to say to them. You're like, you know, you have two options. You can, you know, watch it as they were released or and or you can watch it as like they were sequenced in the timeline. You know, they even have like that other I forget what the cut is called, but where you watch like four or five and then the prequels and then watch six.
So you're getting like brains out. Yeah. Anyway, back to the Witcher. Yeah. So what I'm saying is like, at least all these were written ahead of time. So they had a way to map everything out ahead of time. Unlike Game of Thrones, where they're sad to make shit up towards the end. But yeah, that's one thing. Yeah, pretty much what they had to do. But yeah, anyway.
I don't want to get too deep into like, you know, breaking down every episode or whatever. I don't either. Except for one. Yeah. Yeah. The, uh, the ballroom, the ocean's 11 episode.
as I yeah yeah yeah yeah pretty much I and that was a very Game of Thrones II type episode two yeah there's a lot of body and difference yeah the garden of betrayal type yeah there's a lot of scheming going on you know especially I like that one thing I just want to mention I like the actress that plays the witch Sabrina
and or the sorceress Sabrina and she was much more predominantly featured in this season than she has in any of the other previous she barely had any dialogue in the yet she's been in everything and her character name constantly comes up the actress pretty much had like very few lines in this she was like a prominent character she was a power player
you know she was trying to seduce Geralt like the entire time. It's weird though because in the books it's more Triss that's constantly trying to seduce Geralt and this Triss and Geralt really don't have any
like intimate relationship, carnal knowledge of each other. In this it was kind of like Sabrina, she was like, you know, she had her own thing and it's just crazy because her character in the last two seasons was just name only. Like you would see her like walking by in the background. That was it.
I mean, it seems like everybody's trying to bang Geralt, but... I mean, she was... It's not like, you know, you walk by someone, you're like, huh, you know, I think she might be interested in me. What do you guys think? Sabrina was just like, yo, I'm trying to fuck. Are you down? Yeah. In front of everyone. They didn't go. Yeah. She did not. And there was a mention in the punch ball.
they're like, um, they mixed in like ecstasy or something like that. I was like right before Garel and Yennefer were about, what did they say? An after desiac or something like that? Or yeah. Um, I can't remember what, uh, they called it, but it was like, yo, somebody mixed a mixture of ecstasy and quaaludes into the alcoholic punch.
Everybody was getting, I mean, that's a party right there. She was trying to get it so everyone was banging at the end. She wanted people fucking cut and loose. And you know, this is, it's interesting too, because, you know, this is a major, major conference. You know, it took a lot to put this together. It took a lot to have both sides.
all coming to the negotiating table together so this is like a big moment they talk about like you know this is like the way they describe it is like if we're not able to get some concessions and negotiate and hash things out
we could be starting world war three so this is a very important event that took a lot of effort to um you know even get everybody at the same location but yet when they party i don't know maybe that was like part of the strategy like yo like we drugged the punch like you know what i mean like when you're drugged up you're like more likely to spill your secrets
so it's just like you would think though that they would be very careful trying to carefully like navigate the tense political waters and like you know people were just over there like yo let's party man like let's get naked like you know yeah well she she was like yeah i'm here for this like real serious concert at the same time i'm gonna fucking have fun and fuck whoever i fucking want
But the whole point of like that, also the whole point of that sequence was for Yennefer and Geralt to find out who had been like, you know, capturing these girls and these half elven
girls and torturing them and killing them because they had found one. Yeah torturing them and like fighting I mean that that was really fucked up the whole series thing uh siri thing do you want to explain that at all about like uh how they were like implanting siri's memory in other girls and like trying to make like another girl like think she is siri or she was like having like psychotic breakdowns and
Yeah, like, you know, Dr. Mangolin type shit. Yeah, I think that's definitely what happened to that girl at the end to whoever everyone right now while she's off with the rats. Who that gang of kids?
Uh, that had that huge bar fight. I thought that was a good sequence. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They're apparently getting a spinoff. That's going to be a, uh, prequel. Everybody's getting a fucking spinoff. Writers are back, man. Everybody gets their own fucking spinoff. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I thought they were good. I mean, I'd be interested. It's going to be before they meet up with Siri, but, uh,
It did seem like where Siri ended up leaving off was like she wanted to like, you know, go out there and take her crown and like rule. And by the end, she's just like, you know, I don't want this fucking responsibility. And Carol was sure a whole constant struggle in the video game. She was constantly running.
She did not want to fuck around like she just wanted to be with Geralt and Yennefer and Triss and like become like a warrior and practice her sword skills, which the only thing I cut, I mean they sort of showed it. I shouldn't have heard of the magic series where Ciri is training, but like they
Convey her in this season. She's a great warrior. I mean she's got massive sword skills Like she's a fucking killer like, you know, she can go up against knights I mean, I'm not saying like she's a master and like to take on Geralt or anything. I
but like she knows how to seriously handle herself. So there was a real jump in her skill progression. The one thing I did not see very much, well no in the earlier episodes they did, but like a big thing with Ciri was controlling her power and
They have not really made much progress in teaching Siri to be able to control the immense power she holds. But what they were able to do was teach her how to physically handle business. And so there's a little bit of a jump in her skill set.
Like, you know what I mean? She knows how to really handle herself in melee combat with swords, daggers, and, you know, melee weapons. But in terms of her, like, mental telepathy, where she's able to actually, you know, just jump through worlds, she's able to go back in time and stuff like that. She holds the power to do all that. They haven't made much progress in teaching her how.
They only show the Great Hunt once as well. The Wild Hunt. The Wild Hunt, yeah. They only show them once. One time after this. Yeah, the Wild Hunt, well, I mean, the Wild Hunt's a lot different in the books, as is in the game and stuff. I'm wondering how they're going to integrate that into this. I hope we get a little bit more, but we don't have that one. I like that it's been a slow buildup, because that's the way it has to be.
But I mean, basically where they're going, I mean, I can't see them taking anywhere else. But like the wild hunt knows about Siri now. Yeah, they want her. And in the next season, I'm hoping that they're going to have the wild hunt the way it was in the game.
where the Wild Hunt are basically just pursuers. They're constantly hunting Ciri at every single second. Their thought is getting Ciri, using her power for their own fucking sick ends, and that in the actual books themselves, the Wild Hunt doesn't really have much of a role. But, I mean, that's irrelevant. Back to the actual season.
but I'm excited as to and I'm wondering where they're gonna take the wild hunt I'm hoping that they're gonna do that have them as constant pursuers and have the wild hunt I'm also very curious as to how they're going to explain what the wild hunt is if they're gonna go for books or game or maybe a little of both that's gonna be very interesting but I guess the main thing I'm trying to say in season 4
I'm hoping the wild hunt is a lot more predominantly featured. What do you think? I thought they were going to do a little bit more than they did this season because at the very end of last season we saw them and then it was like what like five or six episodes. I like the way they showed the race though. I like how they came in. Yeah, yeah. I mean like I can say it's really well done. Yeah. It just felt like it took a lot longer
to see them again since we had last seen them. And then that was the only build up is slow because the way they follow Siri is through her power. They can kind of like almost smell her ability in the air. And since she's not able to use her power very effectively yet, the wild hunt has trouble tracking her.
So as she gets more adept in using her ability, that's when you're going to start to see the wild hunt really pick up their game because they're going to be able to basically like in a moment's notice, they can be there if Siri does something like so at the end of the desert episode, I thought she'd given up all her power. So she hasn't really she still has power then.
Because otherwise, a lot of Han's not going to be able to find her if she's giving up her power, or if she's just going to end up getting it back. I don't, you know, I'm not really sure if she had completely given it up, or she had just like, it was a thing where like,
I'm just gonna put it in the back of my mind. Because she is, well the thing is she's of Elden blood. So I mean what's in her is something that the only way you could really get it out of her would be someone who would have to like strap her down and use some kind of like really fucked up like voodoo ritual like you know um
at the end of Season 1 Game of Thrones what they do with Drago to try to save him. It would have to be some black magic stuff where they could physically take it from her. It's not something that she really has much of a choice in.
I was thinking, let that machine from Princess Bride, we're there. Yeah, some of this. Yeah, yeah. I'm not sure about that. But one thing I know, she can't really give up her power in the conventional sense. So it's something that's going to be there. And that's why it was...
So integral for like the sorceress covenant, like it's why they had such interest in her because they knew that like that power in the wrong hands where she is just not able to control it. I mean that could spell the end of everything. That's why everybody seems to want her. Yeah.
or kill her or want my power. Yeah, there's a lot of people that think that the best thing to do is kill Ciri. And like, when you think about it, that actually does make a lot of sense at one end. It's like AI tech right now. Like, you know, people want to regulate it. And some people think it should just be destroyed. And that's like the thing with Ciri. We don't even understand her power. We've
Rarely seen anything like this before. You know, we don't want to be fucked up, but killing Ciri makes sense in terms of like wiping out a threat that could spell Armageddon.
You know what I mean? So I mean on the say of thousands. Yeah. And there was a very interesting scene at the end of the ball where all hell breaks loose, where what's his name?

The Witcher Villains and Future

I can't remember his name. Will the four is the one that has fire. He hates elves and he has two fireballs in his hand. And he's like, you know, he's pumped to go out killing as many elves as he possibly can.
I really liked the way he showed up because he was like locked in his chambers and he got out and he was like oh I've been waiting for this but then he mentions to Siri real quick like you know get out of here child such-and-such is going to be waiting for you and she's kind of like wait what and then you see in the desert episode
that, you know, associate of what was his name? Was it Will the Four? I have Will the Four. Do you know the character I'm talking about, though?
Yeah, I just don't know all their names, like I said. Yeah, I can't remember. I can't remember his name, but, you know, from the description. I mean, he was the one that like wanted to dissect the girl in the first episode of season one. You know, the witch in the woods, like he wanted to the one that can like bend people to her will. That's when Gerald ended up like that's what made Gerald the butcher of Blaviken.
because of his sick fuck game and he ended up having to kill like what like a dozen soldiers or something like that you remember that first sequence that's like the first like real combat you ever see Geralt in against other humans where you know he I mean I guess they didn't really explain that that well like how he got that name but yeah that's that's where he became the Butcher of Blaviken and um
which McCall and that sorcerer was behind it all. You know, he was kind of like a bad guy throughout the first two seasons and this season as well. But he kind of like came to the rescue, but he also has his own shady agenda. Yeah. Yeah. I could tell like he wasn't going to be the main villain because I felt like kind of pointing you that way a little too easily. Yeah. Yeah. I was like,
I was like, they're not making it that dumb. They're not going to be several twists by the end of the episode. And then when that dude was talking about his favorite pain and shit like that, and I was like, oh, this is definitely the fucking guy. And I like that, like everyone's trying to get Geralt to like his side and he's just like, nah, dude, like
I'll just, like, you guys fight it out and I'll just fucking deal with it. He's Switzerland, man. That's, Geralt hates politics. Like, he really hates politics. And he also hates war. And, you know, he... Like, I'll deal with it when he comes to me. Yeah. My job is to kill monsters. Yeah. Like, you know, my job is to kill the shit that goes bump in the night that you're all afraid of. Like, that's who I wanna do.
Like, and it kind of pisses him off that he kills monsters that kill humans, and yet humans do a very good job of killing themselves. And that just frustrates him to no end. So, yeah. But that particular episode, how well was that done? I mean...
I thought that like the direction was excellent. I thought that the time sequence and like the pauses and the plotting were written very well and very well integrated so that like
although there were a lot of complex things going on, like the average viewer could really pick up on it. Like I thought they did in a sequence that really made sense and was like easy to follow a hard plot that was going on. Yeah. They kept like, even though they would shift like people's perspective or continue the story to jump back, they would always show you, they would always give you like a pivot point. They'd be like, okay, remember this sequence? Like, well,
Here's a different angle of that sequence again. So you weren't really. Yeah. So it was awesome. And it was awesome that in some of the sequences, like where they would show you like the direct conversation, like you could hear what the people were saying, you could see the other sequences in the background, like as they're happening and they kind of like.
shifted you around to the private conversation, to the private conversation, to the people spying on the conference. I thought they did it really well. Yeah. Yeah. If anything, if I were going to go back and watch one episode from that season. That would definitely be it. Yeah. I thought it was very impressive. Apparently, a lot of people didn't like that episode. That one got 6.7. No, 5.2.
It was the big battle afterwards that got a lot. I guess maybe that dude was right that people just want to dumb down and that's why the action sequence was higher rated than the smarter episode. I thought that was really well done by everybody. I thought it was well directed, well written. I thought the costume design was good. I would like to thank the grips.
I think that was just like really really really well shot and it would be hard for us to like because There was so much intricate detail that was put into it It would be hard for us here on the podcast to like be able to describe it to you so you know you really have to like just watch the episode and
it would be very difficult to go into like very detailed frame by frame like this is what's going on like let us explain all the conversations to you but yeah if you want to hear us talk about a confusing series just go back and listen to our dark uh episode apparently like a lot of people liked
But, I mean, the villain getting, you know, trying to wrap up what happened in that episode, in the end, a new villain emerges. Like, you know what I mean? Like, basically, the guy that was plotting was Thessia's love interest, who had been a good guy in the first two seasons.
He was a man that was the voice of reason. I'm just going to call him well-de-for. Forgive me if I'm mispronouncing or whatever. You know who I mean. He was the one that was always fighting with him because he felt that he was racist.
and had like you know just like these really wild views on like events like just he had this really grim very he was very big at it very biased in his views um he was very narrow-minded had his own agenda and so you know like you said
You kind of figured out he wasn't the bad guy because it would have been just too blatantly obvious, right? But you knew you could you could tell like he wasn't the guy that was manipulating. He wasn't the guy that was going to be the mole. He wasn't going to be the Judas.
Yeah, he could have definitely been working under him, if anything, but... Oh yeah, and he still had to treat the other agendas. Like, he has his own plan for Ciri. I mean, and he fucking wants to exterminate the elves. So he's a fucking asshole. He's still a bad guy. But it was Cessia's love interest that reveals his true colors.
at the end of that episode and I gotta be honest with you I thought a little because I had said that I just thought he was a very unlikely candidate to be um the bad guy like you know the evil villain that's applauding but you had said something to me about it how he was the bad guy in the books as well right
Yeah, apparently like that battle between him and Geralt at the end, like happened in the books. Yeah. And there was like a quote he had where he was like, I mean, he went from being a good guy. And then when he revealed himself, like I had initially said, I felt that it was too ridiculous.
that he came out too evil. How he was telling Geralt, like, you know what I like to do? I wanna, like, bash you or, like, break you so that your brain come out your ears. And I was like, alright man, that's a little bit fucking over the top. He went from, like, a good guy to, like, a full-blown, like, fucking evil, like, masochistic asshole.
Yeah, he was trying to get Geralt to his side the whole time. He's not masochistic, sadistic. He went into a total fucking psycho. But now, after you had said about how you didn't think that that was done wrong, you said you felt that that was done appropriately, like you thought it was done right.
You felt that jam. I thought about what you said and I kind of changed my opinion because he talked about how much he was suffering.
by having to pretend that he liked the people he was around for so long. Yeah, you can tell in that speech when he was talking about where they first landed or wherever, he was like, oh, this painting of mine. And when he was trying to get Geralt to his side,
You can kind of tell there he was like going and going off the deep end of like he really wants to fucking like just let loose a bit and fucking exactly what you think about what would it do to a person if you know you had to for years you had your plot and you hate it with great intensity the people that you were around and you had to pretend the like them.
You had to begin sleeping with a woman who you thought was very weak and pathetic that you didn't like at all. And you slept with her romancer, got her into thinking that you were the love of her life, whatever.
What would that do to your psyche if you had to keep your hatred for all them inside? So based on what you said, like, I kind of feel that like that would make you want to go crazy. Yeah, that was the first. Yeah, that was like kind of the first time he was able to like open up and like just anger.
was that yeah yeah he was like yeah basically yeah he had said like do you have any idea how much this has pissed me off he was like this is fucking freeing to me being like all right you're not gonna join me fuck it like you're against me now like fuck you yeah but he also I mean he goes after Siri and he was like um his story was like he was aligning with the elves
He was also aligning with Nilfgaard, and just to save us a lot of time, I don't think their characters were too significant, but the Nilfgaardian general
and the um black sorceress who i liked her who was like yeah she was like put down to die as being a wine tester yeah i thought sure i mean i guess those are two characters that we kind of should have talked about but like i just i don't want to like go on this like you know too too much uh just for time constraints
But, uh, you know, I wanted to just at least acknowledge those two characters. They both survived and kind of met up at the end. Um, but his role, he was aligned with all them, but like, you can tell that he kind of wants Siri for himself too. And like, you know, he has, he pretty much plans on betraying everyone. Like he has his own agenda.
gone crazy from having to cuddle up to these people for X amount of years. And at the end, you think, well, he does survive, correct? Which? Yes, yes. He's with series when the building blows up and he gets like blown back. I'm just wondering, he does survive that and come out at the end, correct?
like he survived that explosion when the whole thing like uh... i watched it a while ago so i don't really remember but you see him blow up i'm pretty sure he survives it and comes out at some point this face is like all torn up and stuff like that i think because yeah he takes he takes that whole blast to the face uh... when siri like touches that um...
whatever the fuck it was and like ends up in the desert like you know he gets blown up but like somehow survives it and then um you know uh yeah he's going to be a major uh evil player in the future yeah and uh i think they one other character like quickly i want to mention was the uh guy who was trying to
kill Siri, or at least at the end Siri wanted to get her revenge on him, and at that point he didn't want to fight her anymore.
and liked was like you know what you deserve you can kill me and then kind of defense and lets her get away yeah this was like it was her revenge she was yeah she had been after for a while and um yeah uh i mean i liked his character like i i like i mean he was
The White Flame was making him do some really fucking terrible things too. He made him kill basically, like, not only a good friend, um, an acquaintance he's known his whole life, also a brother in arms. You know what I mean? Someone that he's...
And then the next task he gave him was also really fucking brutal. Yeah, so he's he's punishing that man like, you know, I mean he like let him live but like he's certainly making him earn his way back into the circle of trust. Yeah. Terrible thing.
At the end, we see him take on those four guys on horses at serious play, but we don't see what happens till... He loves Siri. He has a serious... He wants to see her live and grow. He has great affection for her. He does not agree with her father's vision for her future.
He cares a lot about her and then of course at the very end we see the White Flame proclaims that he has his daughter back which is weird because I guess we'll see the thing is he hasn't seen the Syrian in a very long time.
So he's going to expose it for him, probably. But he basically finds the fake Ciri, the one that's had her fucking Ciri's memory implanted into her.
And yeah, so he thinks he has his daughter, which will end the hunt for Nilfgaard to Ciri. But that's kind of cool because now that gives more room for the wild hunt to get involved. That's going... But now Geralt's going...
there to get Siri back because that's where he thinks he is. Yeah, things are going to be very complicated. Yeah. And let's just hope Hemsworth is up to the task. And he's definitely picked a side at this point, too. Yeah, he is. Well, he's sort of neutral in the realm of politics, but in terms of
See, Dijkstra is another character that we have. I mean, he came into his own in this season too, and I'm sure we're going to talk a lot more about his character in other seasons, but him and Felipe,
the sorceress that constantly transform into an owl like um they have also like very deep character build-ups but um shit i lost my train of thought but geral has definitely yes
he has at least decided the people he absolutely wants no one to deal with and with the end that scene with Dijkstra he's like you know I have chosen the side and it is fucking against you and the whole I'm interested in where they're going to take the redanious situation too because that was a whole bunch of plotting that we

The Witcher's Future Seasons

don't have time to discuss, frankly, but there was a lot going on. There was a lot of subplots going on, very Game of Thrones-esque, in that you have just a lot of fucking shit going on in the background.
And, um, you know, the writers are going to have to figure out like how many seasons is the Witcher going to go for? Because there's a lot of stuff, uh, that is still yet unresolved. I mean, this franchise could last for a lot longer. I mean, this, this show could be on, I could see it going for eight seasons. Yeah.
Yeah, it depends on how well the next season is received, really. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. In terms of Netflix, like Netflix deciding whether or not they want to renew it in terms of how profitable to show. Well, I guess that goes back to what you were saying in the very beginning.
Are they able to pick up a bigger following in season 4 than they have? Are they going to reach these classless, tasteless Americans and get to show better ratings? Because I guess if they feel the need to branch out, then Netflix must be putting the screws to them a little bit, right?
where they feel like they have to do this and Netflix does not have a very good track record with me right now so I'm just saying but I could see this going um I'm just talking in terms of the story and the material they have I mean there were seven or eight bucks
I think there were eight, but like I said, I remember it was year seven or eight. I could see this going. I mean, the material is certainly there for there to be as many seasons as there are books. I think they've been covering like one or two books a season, though. Yeah. Before I read, but again, I haven't read the books, which I mean, maybe at some point I will release another day.
Yeah, at least get up to where they are in the seasons or something like that. But yeah, I hope Liam does a good job. Yeah, I'm very disappointed Henry's gone, but like, I'm not like rooting against Liam.
Like I hope the transition is as seamless as possible and I really hope that the show shines and I really hope that they have the success that they're after. I hope they reach a longer audience and I hope there's a lot more Witcher to come. Yeah, I kind of hope they do it in a way that like they did with when they replaced Terrence Howard
With Don Sheedle and Iron Man 2 and Don Sheedle's just like yeah, it's me. I'm here. Get over it. I have to forgive you. I'm ignorant too. I've never seen it, but They don't bring it up like the fact that actors have changed he says like yes, it's me I'm on that same character get over it Yeah, like there's kind of an end joke there. So I thought that was done really well But yeah, they said they have an in-universe
You know, way to do it, so let's hope it's good and hope people watch it and don't just shit on it.
Yeah, I hope everybody has an open mind. There's nothing we can do about, we can't beg Henry to go back. He's gone, William's taken over and I wish him all the best. I am looking forward to next... I will say my expectations are lowered because of this sudden change, but I wish them all the best and I really hope they don't let us down.
Yeah, well, that about wraps it up. Thanks for joining me and check us out on the Facebook group and you can listen to our podcast wherever you get yours on Spotify or iTunes.
And we'll probably talk about seasons one and two from next that was. Yeah. Looking forward to that. Yeah. We're going to be talking about from I think sometime in the future we're going to be talking about a little bit about horror video games and stuff like that. Yes. So there's there's a lot of material out there on the cover. So.
and that new Mike Flanagan series fall. Oh, yeah, you just came out today, right? This past Friday on Friday 13th, I believe. Oh, we just Oh, all right. Because I got a notification saying that came out today. I didn't know that came out. I guess you had mentioned it that it was coming out on Friday the 13th. But yeah,
That's definitely something that I plan to begin watching in the next few days. But yeah, thank you all for joining us, Doc. It's a pleasure as always. And we'll catch up with you guys next time. Happy Halloween, y'all. Happy Halloween. Thanks.