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22 Plays2 years ago

Jordon Peele's Nope


Welcome and Introduction

Welcome. For real. All right. Welcome back to Fright Central. I'm Doc and I'm back here again with Keck. How's it going, buddy? Well, it's all right, I guess, you know. Another day, another day. Yeah. How are you doing?
Busy, busy, busy. Uh, busy, busy, busy. Oh yeah. Shit's like all crazy with FedEx. You want to go on a little rant right now or? No, not at all. I'd rather just move on and talk about, uh, some of the news and then, uh, we're going to talk about tonight. Yeah. I'm just saying if you want to go on a little rant, like I think everybody can relate to like, you know, stresses in the workplace, you know, we'll say we'll give you 120 seconds to the podcast.

Walking Dead Spinoff Ideas

Go. Why are you so unhappy? Yeah. All right.
No. Moving on. So remember the Norman Reedus Darryl spinoff of Walking Dead? Well, apparently they are sending him to France is where that spinoff is going to take. Like I was saying, they should go to Europe. And so.
I didn't think they were going to take one of the bigger actors and send them to France. I thought they were just going to spin off completely. But there you go. There's that. You want to make a good spin off of The Walking Dead? Do something really best like so that like go to the fucking moon. That's where they should go. They should shoot on the fucking moon.
I would watch that spinoff if they were like, yeah, you know, like Russia Bell on the space program, like, you know, Elon Musk is like in on this and SpaceX is going to send this to the moon.

Saw Franchise Discussion

Like that would be cool. Like, you know what I mean? But like otherwise, you know, fuck it. I have no interest in walking dead. Well, speaking of horror franchises set in space, there's going to be another soul movie called Soul X.
I don't think it's, I'm hoping it's set in space, but it's probably not going to be. But you know, just space and x is in space, so I can't solve x being in space. So solve 10, yeah, it's going to be directed by Kevin Garrett, who did, saw the final chapter, which came out in like 2010. I couldn't even tell you which one that was, like maybe seven or eight.
I lost count. I remember like, uh, it's all five is the last one. I don't think I saw it. I saw maybe the first, I might have seen up to solve part four, but I stopped counting at five. Um, obviously the franchise has been pretty successful though. I mean, they're still pumping them out. People are still pumped the same.
Yeah, I didn't like the last one. I know two people that love them. So I mean, that's cool. Yeah, they do end up becoming kind of like, you know, the final destination series where it's just you're you're just watching it for the kills. You don't really care about.
I mean, you've been in the traps and stuff. You're just watching it for the traps. You're not really watching it for like. Yeah. Anything else at this point? Because I couldn't tell you like what the fuck is going on anymore. Like it's like it was like people and like. Yeah. And like the dude died and like the check like took over and then like apparently someone said the dude then came back from the dead and he's the guy again. Like so I was just like.
What the fuck? Like, so I don't know. Yeah, it's just like cheap thrills. Yeah, I feel like I watched them not that long ago. And then I at the same time, like, I think I did it before the book of Saul one with Chris Rock came out. And like, I couldn't tell you like the difference between any of them after like maybe the third one. Although, like, as I'll start watching it, they'll be like, oh, yeah, that's what happened in this one. OK, now I remember. But like offhand, I'm like, yeah, they all kind of start blending together after a certain number of them. So.
They were incredibly violent. There was a lot of stuff that was just like really hard to watch. I do remember that guy being in a pit.
And they were going to drown him in the guts from like, there were like pigs with maggots, like going through a meat grinder. And they were going to like drown him in like the guts of those eggs that were going to. I mean, there was some like creative stuff that was like kind of cool, but like, I don't know. It was just like a lot of fucked up shit, like real brutal kills.
And a lot of the time, like I felt like the people that were getting killed didn't even really like deserve it in a lot of like instances. So yeah, like the killers were like the killer is being real petty about shit to like help them turn out in

Friday the 13th Franchise Speculation

their life. And it's like you smoke a lot of weed. Now you have to do all the drugs to survive. Yeah, he was. I don't know. I guess he just like, I don't know, his old age, he whatever. Moving on.
Yeah, the last bit of news I have isn't really news. It's like watching a teaser or an announcement for a movie about them telling you that a movie is going to come out because that's pretty much what this is, is the producer Roy Lee teases of Friday the 13th news coming soon.
Oh, so he's just being a fucking asshole. So he's just like, yeah, yeah, I might have some news for you at the end of the year. Like, that's about the news for like, that's not even fucking news. Like, how are you reporting on news? It's not news. Like, just let me know when he actually says something. Because there's like right now, all you're doing is just speculating on what it could be, like whether it's going to be Jason without Pamela Voorhees or like they made a victor.
Miller and fucking Sean Cunningham, like, you know, our boys again, and we're going to get a full fucking movie or what's going on through my understanding. Those two are nowhere near being. Well, I actually do walk into that and like to my understanding right now, there's not even dialogue between them. Yeah.
So I don't know what they're gonna do. But at the same time, it's just saying, be like, oh yeah, I might have some news for you by the end of the year. It's like, you could be saying you have like, you're gonna release a toy line or fucking some shit. It doesn't even necessarily have to be movie news. It just says Friday the 13th franchise news, like that was it.
Yeah, it's a real cheap teaser. Like I said, like it would be awesome if the two of them could just get together and be like, I don't like you. You don't like me. We don't even have to talk to one another. Let's just agree that like we're going to make money and like let ideas flow like I copyright to you, copyright to me. Let's just let it and we'll split the fucking profits. Yeah, let's just you know, but it's the real world and bitter fucking assholes don't
Yeah, I mean, they could easily just do a Friday the 13th movie that doesn't, you know, save Pamela Voorhees at all. And it's just about adult Jason Voorhees, like, like most Friday the 13th movies are after like, you know, you can and I guess you could have like a legal consultant on set at all times, like making sure that you don't go over any copyright material, but like,
I don't know, there's always going to be, I think, tension for like a production company because it's like, you know, if they were to do all that and make the movie and then like one of like, you know, them decides like, yo, I want our lawyers to like comb through this and like, you know, try to sue or push back production or just do something shady when you have two hostile entities, it's always going to be like a risk. But I mean, we talked about Saul.
and how there's a desire for that. There's still people going to say it. Dude, there's a massive desire for Friday the 13th. Like everyone I know, like it seems like the more played out it got, like with Jason and space, the more people actually liked it. They like the idea that it's just so ridiculous. You know what I mean? And like, I don't know.
Yeah, just pick up from where Jason 10 left off. And like, that's how you start the fresh franchise. It's on a new earth. A meteor hits the earth. You know what I mean? Yeah. And like the meteor like makes like a glacier. And then it's like a man-made thing where they fill it up with water and Jason comes out of the hole.

Remembering Anne Heche

at the bottom of the lake from the glacier he formed when he fell to earth in that comet. Well, remember at the end of Jason, he falls into that new lake and the two kids sitting on the mountain sea and they're like, let's go check it out. I don't think they actually show impact, do they? Yeah, they show impact in the lake. Oh, there's actual impact into the lake. Yeah, and then the kids are like, oh, let's go check it out. Jason's great up survived reentry. Yeah, of course he did.
He's coming this way. Yeah, he survived reentry there. He survived space. Of course he's got a survivor reentry. Friction has nothing on him. Anyway, the only other thing is notable mention of an actress that I really have loved throughout the years, Anne Heche.
is unfortunately not going to be available for any future roles and she will be best. Yeah, that's unfortunate.
Yeah, really is tragedy. There were some other ones that I've already forgot, and I didn't write them down because there's been a lot that over the past couple of weeks, some classic like creators and stuff like that. But yes, there actually has been something of a string of passing slightly, not not even not just by people like in horror, but just in general, like in the music world and stuff like that.
I was
Yeah. And she was like, we should put, she was a very significant figure. She did a lot of things like her and Ellen DeGeneres, I think were the first like openly like lesbian like couple and like the early 90s, like they were credited to doing a lot. So I mean, and hash, like, you know, I don't know if like I would consider her to be like, you know,

Analyzing Jordan Peele's 'Nope'

a blockbuster actress, a name that everyone knows, but she was very significant to me. She played several memorable roles that I really loved. And a bunch of different genres too, like she was in horror and sci-fi and drama. Oh yeah, she played everything.
if i should i even saw her in like a women in prison movie like you know and did everything and she could do everything you know i mean she had like that diversity where like she could you could pretty much put her in any role my favorite was and i won't take up too much time on this but her
side Robert De Niro and Dustin Hoffman in Wag the Dog, which is a fantastic film. And her performance just stood up with De Niro and Hoffman's, I don't know,
I was very, very unhappy to hear about this. But, you know, life goes on and we go on. And that was a kind of a good segue to with mentioning Wag the Dog because Wag the Dog is about the government using media to, you know, trick people into thinking that there's a war to help
It was indeed. Yeah, I'll promote the the you know, the to help promote the numbers and the like ability for the president. And nope is kind of about how Hollywood is, you know, uses people and then kind of spits them back out and forgets about them. You know, when that when they. Is that what that was about? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, that's because kind of because all his things kind of have this social commentary like get out was about like
race and uh us was about class and this one was about like how Hollywood exploits people and and how everyone's like also attracted to um you know it um there uh well we're sorry i left the uh human's uh addiction to uh spectacle you know and stuff like that and like that's kind of what i i got from it anyway well
First off, we're talking about Jordan Peele's 2022. Nope. That just recently came to theaters and full disclaimer. I have come to the conclusion. I don't like Jordan Peele's movies. I just simply don't. And I had a.
discussion actually earlier today with someone else that was explaining to me that like, I just didn't like appreciate his genius. And, um, that might be, uh, I don't appreciate his G I, you know,
His most successful movie, I believe, was Get Out. And I would say out of the films he's made, that was the one I liked the most. Yeah, I agree with that. One thing I do notice about all Jordan Peele's movies is
They are very woke. And they all have a different social commentary and a lot of. I get that. But like the one thing the one thing I feel and the one thing I constantly notice, like whenever I'm watching his movies is just the constant like thing went race. I don't know.
You're never forgetting what color skin you are when you're watching his movies. And I just think they're a little bit like too crazy woke from it. I don't know. I just I feel he focuses. Oh, I get it. He wants to like talk about race and he wants to like
illustrated in interesting ways and stuff like that, get people thinking, I'm totally on board with that. I respect that. He also wants to make movies with black people, about black people, but that they're not just cannon fodder. He wants to make movies for himself that he would want to watch with actors that look like him, which isn't as prominent in Hollywood.
I get all that and I'm cool with it but like I just feel like it's like crushingly like piece of like just a hand to the face like it's just like every fucking second like I don't know I just think it's a little bit too over the top and um a lot of people I've talked to like sort of feel this way um
I'm just saying me in general, personally, I'm not a fan of his style or his films, but I definitely do respect him. And as for note, I just wanted to give a disclaimer before getting into the movie. I'm not a Jordan Peele fan. So that's what I was trying to say. As for note,
I did not pick up on the things that you were saying, so you should give your commentary of it. Okay, well, I mean, first of all, NOPE is about like a group of, you know, horse farmers that, you know, live like about 40 minutes outside of Hollywood that use their show horses. They use their horses, you know, in Hollywood movies when they need it.
their whole background is that the first
moving picture on camera was a black man on a horse and they were like with the great ancestors and they really play into that. And it starts off with Keith David's character, you know, the head of the family. He suddenly dies from like objects that just randomly fall out of the sky that the government blames on airplanes. Yeah, like loose change and shit like that. I think a nickel like landed this brain or something. Yeah, and killed them that way. And like they're all like they don't believe it. They think it's an
They think it's aliens and they want to capture the ultimate. He doesn't think it's aliens right away, though, does he? Like in the very beginning, he's just kind of like, wait, what the fuck? Yeah. But they didn't believe the government's thing. And then, like, they thought there was something fishy about. Yeah. Yeah. So they don't think they thought it was aliens right away.
No, but then he so to help the sense that the Hollywood industry is kind of pushing them out. Mainly because the father's not around, but also because they're using a lot of CGI and stuff now.
So they don't really need the the horses on camera. So then he starts selling them to Stephen Young's character from Glenn from Walking Dead, who was in the show business as a child and had witnessed it was on a TV show with a with an orangutan who
kind of went nuts and murdered a bunch of people on set. Well, that's the scene that I definitely want to talk a little bit. Tore up his co-workers face and and he survives. And then he goes on to run this ranch and he knows about the aliens and he's been feeding the horses that he's been buying from
Daniel OJ's character, he's been using those horses to feed to the alien creature who is for his spectacle to make money off of it for profit. And that's kind of the basic story right there. What I was saying is you were talking about like, no, this deeper meaning, is this what you read about the movie?
or is this like your personal observation because you were talking about what you got from it was about Hollywood spitting people out.
Hollywood's treatment of African Americans and minority actors and actresses. People in general as well, because even this is what you personally even listen, a photographer who's going for like the ultimate shot. Like he like he if he feels like if he doesn't get this shot, like he's not the best cinematographer in the world. Like so he is working and keep getting that that impossible shot that no one can get. And he like sacrifices his life to try to get that shot.
Yeah, I did. I do like that act. I have not seen him in a really long time. I do not know his name, but I do. I do very much like that actor. I don't know what happened to him. He looked fucking ripped in this movie. He looked all the way fucking shredded like real fucking grizzled. He was he was the bad guy in the crowd.
that's like one of like my earlier memories of him. He was also in the dwarves as like their record. Yeah, I liked him. Um, I didn't like them. I like UFO movies and stuff like that. I'm into that aliens usually like alien movies usually scare
They're like the only horror movies that actually really scare me. And of course, this movie just, you know, it didn't really have, like you said, it didn't really have much to do with aliens. There was obviously like another meaning to it. I didn't pick up on all the cues and subtleties and whatnot. But let me say what I did like, though. OK.
I really enjoyed the first sequence when they, um, discover the saucer for the first time. When they have the camera set up after they go to, you know, talk to that weird tech guy who's like a true believer and they set everything up. I liked that series, uh, especially when she yells to can't believe they named him OJ, then he just went all out the shit.
motherfucker anyway but like when she says like oh jay it's in the cloud ron i really like that scene so i thought it was like well done it like was you know the bug landing on the camera like gives you like a little jump and then when he calls up and uh he's like oh yeah like uh
Camera 2 is like ancient aliens dead or something like that. And then, you know, the suspenseful music and the rest of the sequence. I like that shot. I thought that that was really well done. I thought that was very entertaining.

In-Depth 'Nope' Scene Analysis

And then, of course, what you were talking about was when the ape goes ape shit. Yeah. When they're showing that was really, really well done scene.
the way they shot that show. I mean, it looked exactly like, you know, like an early 90s sitcom that you would say, you know, and I just thought it really came together. You got some action going on on your side there. I'm not happy about somebody else's parking job or something. Yeah.
I just thought the way they did that was just like really well done. It took outside the movie because when you first see, I mean, I'm just going to call him Glenn from The Walking Dead because that's how everybody's going to know him. I can't say I've seen that actor in many roles.
Um, I just know him from the walking dead, but when they first show his character, uh, you can tell like he's having like some kind of psychological issue because they show like a flashback to him as a child with like blood on his face for a second.
with these like whole dark black eyes like and you're like what the fuck is that all about and then they actually show the scene where the ape just goes berserk out of nowhere and how it fades to black and you just hear like
It was having non flashbacks, man, like when those are popped, he just fades the black just here like it's out of nowhere. Like there's balloons. Everything's calm. You don't even see the monkey before that. Like it's just them handing presents. So you don't even see the way he's dressed with that stupid birthday hat or anything like that. The balloon pops.
that somehow suddenly sets the monkey off, it goes to fucking dark. And then there's just total chaos. And, you know, the monkey like eats off that one, the little girl's face. Yeah. And, you know, chases down the one guy and like appears to be him to death.
And, uh, you know, it was just like a real creepy scene. And then, you know, he sees, uh, was the monkey's name 40? I think his name was 40. Yeah. And he sees Glenn as a child's character who's hiding under the table. He takes refuge under the table.
and watches like everyone that was on set gets slaughtered. And then the ape sees him and slowly goes over to him and is like about to give him like a fist bump.
I, from that flashback to him with the blood on his face, I knew that he, that I knew the ape was about to get taken down. You know what I mean? Like, I knew that that blood was going to, you know, be the ape gang splattered on his face.
I don't know that scene didn't disappoint so although as a whole I didn't like the movie and I'm not really a fan of Chorn Peel I did definitely like respect like certain scenes and even the ending which I just thought was oh gee what the fuck ever um
It did look cool like the aerial stuff yeah it was flying and sucking people up and stuff like that that was the craft in there so like i'll give credit where credit to do i would say i probably enjoyed this movie more than i did us i would say that i thought it was more enjoyable.
I thought, like, as ludicrous as the story seemed to be, like, I thought it was a lot less ludicrous than us, which just completely fell apart at the end. I think we both kind of agree that that was just a stupid fucking story. It started off so well, like, three cores of that movie is so good, and then it just kind of falls apart.
Yeah, I would recommend anybody like if anybody watched asked me like, should I check out? No, like, despite me, like not really being into it and not being into his films, I would tell them I would definitely check it out. I would definitely recommend it because, you know, I think so. I'm just I'm trying to give respect where respect is due.
I think that just certain scenes and certain elements of this movie definitely bears the merit to give it a view. So that's the horror on that. Yeah, I also liked the other thing that it was also about was respecting animals and not looking them in the eyes. Even what you think is a tame wild animal, there's no such thing. Anything can set it off.
at any moment. So I don't know about the whole like looking in the eyes thing. I don't. That's like a known thing, like with the editors. Yeah, with certain priorities, like if you if you're not even with with apes, like if you're not like known to have like been with the ape a lot, they tell you not to look in the eyes of the of the animal. It's like certain owls will deem that as a threat.
I did not realize that I thought there were there certain animals you're supposed to make. Yeah, there are certain ones when you are certain ones, you're not. Yeah. So the same thing was like bears like you like some of your are supposed to just curl up into the ball. Others you're supposed to make yourself look really big, you know, and intimidate. Yeah. Yeah. You're supposed to make your presence known. You're supposed to make yourself look a little bit larger than you actually are. Like I know that I know some dogs.
Like a direct eye contact is absolutely critical because if you shine your eyes away, they take you as like prey and they'll actually, you know, um, that can provoke them to attack you. Well, I did not know anything about horses and not looking them in the eye. I had never heard that. Yeah. Yeah. Well, the horse wild horses too. Yeah. But, uh, yeah. And, uh, I mean, spoilers obviously, but, uh,
the UFO actually turns out to be a creature and not just a UFO. That was one criticism of mine, but not the fact that it's a creature, but at the end of the movie when it unflails into like this butterfly type of thing, I wish it kind of stayed in that form. I thought that that walked very cool, but I thought in the story it was just stupid. Yeah, it didn't make sense that it would unfurl like that. It should have just stayed in the form that it was.
But I really liked how it like moved and it like it like a creature and like it was sucking people up and then it would like drop out all the inanimate objects and when it pours down all the blood and all the stuff on the house I thought was really cool. And then it just fucking soaks the house with blood and all the insides of other people.
and stuff like that. So Glenn was just feeding that thing horses for years. That was like, I don't think it was years because it was only maybe a year or a few months. Oh, I thought because that's the one other thing I wanted to draw attention to. I forgot to mention that was another scene that I like, I should call them sequins because that's really what they were. Um,
I enjoyed the sequencing where Glenn has the
I don't know what you, I don't want to call it a rodeo because that's not really what it was. It was like this little attraction he did out in the desert. Like a Hollywood, like show type of thing. It was like, it was rodeo-esque. Um, but like, you know, cause he's all dressed up like a cowboy and shit like that with his wife.
And, you know, he has the horse out there. But I got see from when I saw that scene, I thought he talked about like his family and how his family had been being visited by this alien craft for a long amount of time.
I thought it was like many years. You saw it read more recently than I did. So I felt like we I'm not like I don't I don't know. Like I don't know how long he'd been doing it. But I mean, that's like a pretty twisted fucking thing. Yeah, I know he's only been feeding the horses. He's only been feeding them horses since OJ started selling him the horses when his father died. Oh, that's when he started feeding the horses.
Yeah. So I don't know if he was feeding him other horses before that, but because he wanted to buy out the farm because he knew the alien was there. And if he owned both properties, he'd be able to find it more. And he was buying the horses from him to feed the horses to the creature. But he's only been doing that since he started selling the horses. He wasn't doing that before. So
Okay, so the horse feeding thing was more recent yeah, but the UFO contact
between Glenn and Glenn's family might have been back a little bit further than that. And he had just kind of figured out a way where he was able to showcase the UFO so that he could sell it for profit. He had like, he seen it because he definitely knew what it was before they did.

Themes and Reality in 'Nope'

While they're still trying to get the shot, he's like, I'm going to turn this to sell tickets as a spectacle. And the only reason it killed him that time and everyone else there
was because of that statue of the horse yeah they fed it like the plastic horse and it pissed it off so it killed everyone there yeah so yeah it like talks every day there is a scene where they like uh there is kind of like a like weird alien fake out scene where you think like you know they're getting pulled into the craft
And it looked like they were just getting like sucked up into a meat grinder. So yeah, yeah, I like to get shots of the inside of the cruise. Yeah, it looked like a very terrible pit of unpleasantness, almost like for an instant, it was kind of like a flash to the movie event horizon.
where they're showing what happened to the crew when they engaged that drive. And they're like, and how that's sort of like, it was a little bit reminiscent of like, just scream and blood and guts. And like, it was very unpleasant to be at that show for anybody involved. Oh yeah. Of course, you see the little girl that was involved in the Gordy incident. She actually survived.
Although from the look of her face, I guess she couldn't afford plastic surgery because you could tell that half of her face was eaten off by an ape. Yeah, that's another thing with Hollywood not taking care of the people that have brought them up. You're saying she should have had proper health insurance.
Yeah, the Hollywood should have taken care of her for that incident. And clearly they didn't. You know what I mean? But yeah. Yeah. Well, I mean, literally they I mean, I I don't know why she was wearing that specific. I guess it was to draw attention to her. Yeah. Well, that veil is actually reminiscent of an actual event that happened to a woman who got it, who was like an orangutan, you know. Oh, there's.
Oh, there was something actually behind it. Yeah, it was it actually tore her face up. And like she did like an interview and she's wearing like a veiling kind of see her fucked up face a little. Oh, wow. And so that was like a parallel to that. It was like, oh, wow. I had I had no idea. So yeah, apparently. But yeah, maybe if you haven't seen the film yet and haven't discouraged you too much, maybe you want to read a little bit about first.
Um, because that's interesting. I had no idea that there was actually, um, you know, there were, uh, you know, things like that involved in it. I had no idea that that they were, uh, yeah, I, I had no idea that was the case, but, uh, that's very interesting. So I was thinking like, why the fuck would she be wearing that like huge thing in the veil? And then a picture of herself, I think as a child, she was wearing like a shirt, right?
with a picture of the way she looked when I think it was of the show. Yeah, from the show. Yeah, it was a picture of her from the show when the way she looked right before the eight better face off. And so it was just like the weirdest, creepiest fucking thing. Like if my half my face was eaten off, I think I'd rather just like rock my face off in public than wear that shit. Like, you know, I mean, so it was just like a
really, I would rather wear a Jason mask than wear what he was wearing. Pretty much anything would have been better. The other scene that I really liked was the fake out alien scene where the little kids are wearing the Halloween mask and they're creeping out the J in the barn. I thought that was really well done too. Yeah, that is something worth mentioning. That was one thing because

Final Reflections on 'Nope'

Someone had asked me, do you actually see aliens in? Nope. And I said, in a way, yes. And they're like, well, what does that mean? I was like, well, check out the movie. So, yeah, I mean, like I said, not a fan, but I definitely like like certain parts of it. I'm definitely not unhappy that I saw it. And
I would definitely recommend people checking this one out and forming your own opinion to see what you think. I certainly didn't pick up on all this stuff about Hollywood chewing up and spitting people out like you did. I don't know if that's what he was trying to portray or not, but that's an interesting take that was obviously lost on me personally.
Yeah. Well, yeah. I mean, I agree with you that it's better than us, but not as good as get out. So that's where I would put it in. But I also enjoyed most of this movie, except for like the, the weight unfailed at the end. Um, I thought that was the only thing that was throwing me off, but I thought it was beautifully shot. I thought it was good. Yeah.
It looked cool when it unveiled at the end, even though it was ridiculous. Like it looked cool. You know, it was, it was a little bit reminiscent. I don't know if this was like intentional or not, but it sort of reminded me when it unfolded at the end of the aliens from the movie, the abyss when they're under the sea. Sort of reminded me of the way that they showed them. I don't.
I have no idea if there was any intention of doing that, but it just, it brought that to mind. Quick question before we go. Do you think that it was an alien from outer space or an alien from the deep? Was it a kaiju movie or was it a alien movie? Because when it don't fail, it does kind of remind me of like mantra and like Godzilla characters too.
Very well could have been from the deep that comes up to feed it, you know every once in a while It's just decided to find a home there or it could have been in the sky the whole time. We don't know. Yeah For theories, so yeah, I mean, I don't know I'm personally not gonna lose any sleep thinking about this movie I I've I took from it. Well, I'm gonna take from it nothing more but anyway, um, that's all I have I
Yeah, but yeah, we both would agree to check it out. Yeah, definitely. No doubt. Definitely worth the look. Yeah, definitely worth the look and see what you think. All right. Well, thanks for joining me and we'll talk to you soon. Yep, absolutely. Take care of yourself, buddy. All right, thanks.