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Season 1 Finale with Bevin and Mike: Thanks for Listening image

Season 1 Finale with Bevin and Mike: Thanks for Listening

S1 E12 · Dirty Money With Bevin & Jayson
64 Plays1 year ago


Welcome to the bittersweet finale of Season 1 of “Dirty Money with Bevin and Mike.” Reflecting on the wild ride of deep, rich, and intimate conversations with incredible guests, it’s hard to believe we’re already at the end of our first season.

The last few months have been a whirlwind of work to bring you stories and perspectives you don’t hear often. We’re incredibly grateful to everyone who has spent their time listening to our discussions about all things money and queerness—it’s been an enjoyable and rewarding experience.

We’re thrilled to share that the journey doesn’t end here. We’ll be taking a break for December on the feed, but we’re already in the recording studio, preparing episodes for Season 2. The anticipation for what’s to come in the next season is palpable.

Thank you for being a part of this incredible journey; your support has allowed our show to reach over 1000 streams and be downloaded in 9 countries. The global connection is wild, and we can’t wait to dive back in with fresh insights, intriguing stories, and even more meaningful conversations in Season 2.


[2:25] What We Learned

[17:23] End of Year Holidays

[29:25] Creating Your Own Holiday Traditions

[39:55] Being in a Relationship is Being on a Team

[42:55] Exploring the BDSM Test

[52:10] Revealing Our  BDSM Test Results

[1:11:09] Reflecting on Season One and Season Two Intentions


Zencaster for Podcasts


Bevin Morgan:

Instagram: @bevinmorgan & @temple_eanna

Website: &

Mike Poulin:

Instagram: @mjpou56

Dirty Money Podcast:

Instagram: @dirtymoney_podcast 


Introduction to Dirty Money podcast

Welcome to Dirty Money with Bevin. And Mike. A space to talk about financial topics for folks who don't fit into traditional financial spaces. We believe money is a tool for everyone. Our mission is to provide a literal microphone and platform for queer, BIPOC, polyamorous, and sex-positive individuals. No topic is off the table here.
That being said, one tiny little housekeeping note. For those listening who may have others with sensitive ears, the listener discretion is advised because we do not censor ourselves. That's right. You've been warned, but enough from us. Let's get this episode started.

Season 1 finale and future plans

Welcome back to Dirty Money podcast. Hi, Mike. How are you doing? I'm doing well.
You know, it's November, so I got the flannel on. And yeah, I'm just really excited to be here again. And yeah. Well, I'm also excited. I have my cozy sweater on for the fall, so that's nice. And I'm excited and it's a little bittersweet. This is our last episode of the first season of Dirty Money.

Podcasting journey and technical insights

Yay! But the cool thing is we've actually already been recording episodes for season two. So even though everybody listening will get a break from us for the month of December, they should all get very excited because we'll be right back in January for season two. So that's where we go. Yeah, I'm uh... it's been a wild ride. It's been...
months of planning, of texting, of emailing, of figuring shit out. So yeah, I'm excited to kind of recap this past season with you and dive into some other stuff as well. I am too. And we do have some very interesting things that we'll be talking about in this episode.
But the first thing that I want to say, and you said Wade into this beautifully, is what have you learned through this process? You know, this is our first season of a brand new podcast. So many things. But I think, you know, just to give our listeners a little bit of a background, both you and I,
have been pretty seasoned hosts on a podcast, but we had never ventured into running and producing our own. So while I felt very comfortable where, you know, a few years ago I felt anxious while recording, at this point it was all the behind the scenes stuff that I was kind of anxious about, but the,
Really understanding how to, and finding a software and program to do a lot of the editing for us has been great. So if, you know, shout out to, so we use Zencaster. We are not sponsored by them. We do pay them, but it is, it is worth the $20 a month that does all the post-production for me.
in terms of the actual file. So that's great. I'm not spending hours and hours and hours editing out filler words and things

Impact of diverse guests

like that. So it's been really great. It's been a really great process and I have learned a lot. Well, so first of all, I do have to say thank you for just taking the ownership of that part of the process because
I love to learn, but that's not something that I was super excited about. So I'm glad that you like took them all and ran with it. I, you know, and I'm, I'm very happy to continue paying Zencastor $20 to not have to learn any of those things. But you know, so beyond just like the technology of it, what's something else that you weren't expecting when we started this process? I,
didn't expect meeting so many incredible people. I mean, I did, but I didn't realize at what depth, I think. Over the last few months, we have interviewed and met just, and for me, if they're from my circles, got to know them a little bit more, or if they're from your circles,
or outside of our circles, it's just been really, really great to hear all of our guests' journeys. And every episode has, you know, it's funny, we finish every episode, I feel like, and you and I just are on this like post episode hi, and we're just like, oh my God, that conversation was so good. Like, I can't wait to, oh, I can't wait for our listeners to hear this. Oh, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And it's every episode.

Community support and gratitude

And so that's been really fun.
you know, I, when I use the term passion project, I think I thought that this would be fun. I just didn't know that it was going to be at this level of interest for me. And I've really
I just feel like you and I just vibe so well. It's like the things that I don't like doing, you do, and the things that you don't like doing, I do. And we just, it's like anytime, even when there's like confusion or miscommunication, right? Like we were supposed to record this yesterday and I forgot, right? Like, and you're just like, hey, so episode, and I'm like, oh shit. Hey, what about tomorrow? You're like, great, cool.
So, you know, it's one of those things where I just, it's been really just an incredible journey. It's been a lot of work, but it's not anything that I'm like, the podcast is not something that I dread, right? Like, editing was something I dreaded until I figured it out. But since I've kind of gotten into my rhythm with that, it's definitely been,
just something that each week I really look forward to. And we've also, you know, huge shout out to, there's been a handful of people that have helped us along the way.
one of my friends, Rodney helped us create the show Art. So shout out to Rodney. Thank you so much. It was my vision, but he helped me figure out Canva. So that's been good. And then we're also going to, we're going to get into thanking someone else a little bit later, but yeah, we've just, we've had some really incredible support and everyone who
spends your time listening to us babble and, and, and talk about all things money and, and, and queerness and, and all that. So yeah, it's just been really a really fun experience so far. Yeah. No, I agree with all of that. And I think the part that really just sends it over the top is the fact that we are getting to have just these deep, rich, intimate conversations with.
Just dope people that have stories that you wouldn't expect, perspectives that I feel like we just don't really get to hear very often. And honestly, that was the thing that I was most nervous about. I was nervous about finding guests, which has been, you know, thankfully easier than I thought it might be. One, just because we're both very dope and we have a lot of really cool friends. Like, what can I say? Like, we just do.
But also I think, I like to think that people really do understand what it is that we're doing here and are on board with this mission and really do want to hear stories from and share stories from a different perspective again than what you usually hear. So for me, that's been just the incredible part is like learning about these worlds that most people don't really get to learn about.
Yeah, 100%. I actually thank you for bringing that up because I specifically, one of my partners listened to the episode with Courtney and had just some really insightful feedback. And one of the comments that they made was, it sounds like you guys are,
you guys more take the role of moderator and let your guests have the platform and talk about their story. And I was like, yes, that is exactly the point is getting across. Great. So that's always good. Really just yeah, the out
outpouring of support and feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. Still learning things, still getting better at some things, but the mission, yeah, just, you know, as
You know, as a small business owner, yourself, entrepreneur, you know, you understand that the most important part of a business is its mission and its values. And I think that that's important with any sort of endeavor, whether it's money making or not. Are we getting our point across? Are we doing what we said we wanted to do? And I feel very proud of what you and I have been able to do. So that feels really good.
And the final thing I want to talk about our listeners is what really amazing thing about Zen casters. It also gives you a shit ton of analytics. As of our last episode, we are over like a thousand streams since Eric starting airing our season. But the most wild thing to me is that we have we episodes have been downloaded in nine different countries, which
is wild to me. When I saw that information and that just a really cool kind of impact and feeling. So if you are one of our listeners outside of the US, thank you. Thank you for listening and supporting us.
Yeah. So I just wanted to bring that up. Thank you for that. And we'll, we'll talk more about how much we love our listeners later on, I think. But one thing I do want to say too, is I'm, I'm just excited to hear more from our listeners. So if you want to go back to episodes in season one and make comments on our Instagram page, dirty money podcast,
or anything like that. My thing is I love the conversation. I love the dialogue. So when we're talking to our guests, I'm super in the pocket. And so I can't wait to start having more conversations with our listeners as well. Because I just feel like there's so much cool information here and I want to hear other people's ideas and thoughts and perspectives on what our guests have to say.
For sure. And an important side note too, when this episode airs, I should have the last part of our production stuff figured out. We will be releasing the

Navigating holiday dynamics in queer communities

whole series of the season on YouTube. So there will be even more chances for people to comment and
interact with us. Uh, so that will be a kind of end of the season recap and just all 12 episodes at once on, on YouTube. So a lot of content. So feel free to just like sit down and binge those one after another, some light Thanksgiving watching. But still, you know, one thing that we brought up earlier is that we do have one more person that we must thank.
for making this happen. Drum roll please. So we have to say a million thank yous to, I don't even know what we would call her, like our production coordinator, our- She's our show note fairy. Show note fairy. That's what I'm calling her. Kristin. Thank you. Mike, would you like to tell the world how we met Kristin, who she is, what makes her so magical?
Yeah. So basically, Kristen is the reason this show exists. Hands down, it was a conversation. So Kristen was a part-time employee at our old place of employment.
She still works there, and she's got a multitude of jobs. She's just an incredible human being, and she does the show notes for the other podcast as well. She loves doing show notes. Thank God, because once again, that's something that I was not looking forward to. I think you're on the same boat with that,
And she just is been such a huge supporter. She, you know, I think it was probably June, May or June, she reached out to me on social media and was like, Hey, I really miss your voice and your perspective on the podcast. Have you ever thought about creating one of your own? And I kind of joked with her and I was like, well,
Oh great, another white veteran with a podcast, right? Like, do I really need to create that? Like, I, you know, it's really hesitant. And she, she was like, no, I think you have so much more to offer and so many different perspectives that I think that, you know, it would be a really great thing. And then that's when, and you and I had just reconnected. And I was like, wait a minute.
But this and then you and I just just ran with it. You know, I can't even remember some of the names that we were coming up with. And I do know that there is kind of like a true crime podcast called Dirty Money, but.
It is what it is. There are times when great things have the same names and that's why it's Dirty Money with Bevin and Mike. But yeah, no, Kristen has just been absolutely incredible. She's, I'm a pretty organized person. We're both, you and I are both pretty organized and she just like fills in the gaps when,
Yeah, she's just been a great, great support and has been a huge component of the level of professionalism that we've been able to produce. And I'm very, very grateful and just really appreciate her. And we're getting her on the podcast next season. So you guys get to actually meet her. She's a wonderful human.
And I just can't wait for you guys to hear about her journey and her story. She actually, I think is closing on a house this month. So like, yeah, yeah. I hope that's information I can share because she did. She let me know the other day, but.
We'll edit it out. She's like, actually. She'll be listening to this before the episode airs. So if she doesn't like it, we can edit it. It's all good. All right. I love that. Well, yay. I'm super excited to talk about her next season. Because honestly, I have met her a handful of times. I did not have a real sit-down conversation with Kristen. So I'm super ready to dig in and learn more about her. But in this episode,
I'm ready to pivot. You want to talk about the fact that we are in November wearing our sweaters and our flannels. And this episode will be airing on Black Friday. Oh, shoot. Yeah. So let's talk about it. Like the holidays are coming. Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Eid, all of them.
happened right now, how do you feel about it? Festivus. Festivus for the rest of us. Do you have your, what, metal pole of, I don't know if it was Festivus or kind of her work. Yeah. What was the question? Sorry, I got distracted by Festivus.
Okay, so how do you feel about the holidays? What do they bring up for you? I have a lot of feelings about the holidays. I, over the last few years have shifted. I used to be the, I go into debt, get everyone gifts, no budget, just want to show my love and appreciation for everyone in my life.
I'm a very sentimental person. And that's partially because of the way that my, it's kind of the way I was raised in terms of, that's how my mom shows, my mom buys gifts like all year. Anytime she sees something in the store that she's like, oh my gosh, this reminds me of Mike or Scott or Keith, which is my dad.
she will just buy it. And she used to keep them in her closet and she used to just stockpile gifts throughout the year. And so that's what I thought was normal, right? And I have just learned personally that I have too much stuff, first of all. I have continually to try to thin out the things that I have.
That's a generational curse that I want to break. But also things are just so expensive. And I'd rather in today's day and age of just like everyone being super connected, you know, electronically, but not always present. I really try to make the holidays an effort to
reconnect with family or be present with family, which can be very hard sometimes, especially I think in the queer community. My husband and I are just coming out of two years of setting some boundaries with my in-laws. We didn't see them for two years because we needed space. And so we're re-navigating
you know, our relationship with them. And it's been pretty positive, but it's like, that's a reality of like, as we go into the holidays, it's like, what does that look like? Right? So the holidays for me have turned into trying to spend time. I also really, so one of my like, love languages is definitely acts of service, which translates to baking and cooking. I love baking and cooking.
So it's difficult when the people that I want to bake and cook for don't want baked goods or being cooked for. So, you know, there's struggles with that. But, so hosting, having friends givings, having dinners, having
putting together little cookie packages and dropping them off is something I'd rather do than go out and spend a bunch of money on stuff. Dan and I have really kind of focused our, usually our gifts to each other are either things that we need for the house. Like I'm gonna be looking for, when this episode airs, I'm looking for a new vacuum. So I already have that planned for Black Friday.
You know, so like I very practical in the gifts that we get and then anything else that's kind of like we try to spend our money on.
experiences with each other. So whether that be using our Chase credit card points for the dining experiences here in DC, where it's like we go to a Michelin star restaurant, do a tasting menu, and we get the $300 reservation fee covered by our credit card points, or we save up our points and go on a trip type of thing. So really that's
For me, you know, to wrap it all together, I think the holidays really, I want, I spend, try to be intentional with who I spend my time with and how I'm spending my time. And to me that, you know, the whole like, I know it's like corny, but my presence is your presence. Because that's all I want too. Like I don't need anything else. I don't need any other stuff in my house. You know, our,
my in-laws do this. I don't know if you've heard of the website Elfster, but it's basically like you can create, you can literally create your Christmas list or holiday list with links to the color. Like I want this exact thing from Amazon. I want this thing from, you know,
I don't know, this KitchenAid website or this from Target. And people, it's almost like a wedding registry, basically, but for gift giving. And then you invite people to your family. And so you can see everyone, who wants what and how many and what do they need them for. And like, it's really neat because Dan has six siblings. So it's a great way if there is something that we wanna pitch in with some of the other ones,
You know, someone's like one year we pitched in to get his sister a new sewing machine because she's a cosplayer and seamstress. And so like I felt good about spending money on that. But it's not one of those things that I like when there are I don't have to necessarily think what can I get this person? It's like, what do they need? Right. So very big on that. And then really just time and spending time together. That's beautiful. Yeah.
I feel like B, my presence is your presence, has been kind of my at my MO for many years. So I'm slightly opposite from you. I'm a bit of a miser. And I'm like, Oh, I'm obligated to give you a gift. Actually, no, I'm not. I can be a bit of a curmudgeon sometimes around the holidays. That said,
know, it's like I do like to get into the spirit of it. I definitely do want my people to feel loved and appreciated. And I do like to give experiences because you're absolutely right. In most modern American households, we all have too much crap. And it always just boggled my mind that storage spaces are continuously opening around the United States. I'm just like,
Why are people paying money for things that they don't even want to have inside of their home? You're like, I don't want this in my house. I don't want this enough to have in my house, but I want it enough to pay money to not throw it away. I don't get it. So there's that part. I feel like you're having a personal moment. You're like, ugh.
I just have never thought of it that way. It's just blowing my mind, that's all. It's so true. We are a ridiculous society and that's okay. We're working our way through it. We're teenagers and we're in a scheme of time and we're figuring it all out. But that said, where was I going with this? So I do like to give experiences as gifts.
I am like the broke one in the family perennially because I'm always going on these like exploratory journeys in my career. So as you mentioned right now, I'm a small business owner, which means I have no money. Facts. Like that's how that works. I will be successful one day soon and have lots of money, but until then I have no money. And I think my family always knows like, okay, Bevin's going to give us
like a donation to a goat farm in like a third world country and with like a card that says, you just helped give goat milk to a village. And they're like, okay, this is fine. We don't know what that is. Now that said, this is gonna be my second year in many years where I'm technically single, but like seeing someone. And I feel like that's an interesting place to be in. So when I was married,
there was kind of this expectation of like, there's a Christmas tree and like a pile of gifts to open and we'll have, you know, Christmas morning breakfast or whatever, and the stockings and all this kind of stuff. And it was cute. And it was fun. But now, you know, I've been seeing somebody for not even four months and... Right. Exactly. That's such a... Wait.
Right? It's like the perfect amount of time to be like, I feel obligated to acknowledge this holiday, but just short enough where it's like, but like not for real, you know, like not in any real way. Yeah. It's, you know, it's funny you should say that because I've also been seeing someone three and a half months, so very similar.
But for me, it's not necessarily thinking about what are we going to get each other for gifts, but because we're also both married. There's two households. And how are we going to, what does this holiday season look like in terms of spending time together, right? What are those expectations going to be?
So we joke that we both have a scheduling kink. So that has been kind of forefront of my mind as we're getting into the season, isn't necessarily like, what am I going to get them? But how is this going to look like? How can I be respectful of Dan and I's relationship?
their relationship, but also our relationship. And what does that look like? How can we? Yeah. Well, I'm like, I'm interested because. So when my guy, like I'm not expecting to see him on Thanksgiving, I'll be with my family, like my nuclear family that I grew up with. And then for Christmas, he's got three kids. Like, I'm not expecting to see him
for Christmas at all, like he presumably will be with his kids. But then his birthday is like four days after Thanksgiving. So, you know, that's like a different thing. And I feel like that's more of like an adult time to spend together. That's not necessarily like family time. And so like, how are you navigating that? I'm curious. Yeah, luckily there's no kids involved. So.
I think that we're one of the things, so we actually just, I was like, let's sit down Dan and figure out our intentions first of what we want.
what are we thinking the holidays are gonna look like? Let's just talk about it because it's a lot of moving parts this year, it's very different. And so one of the things that we started last year, especially when we did not have a working relationship with his parents, we still very much throughout that whole time period, very much were connected with all of his siblings.
So last year we navigated that by having Thanksgiving, we had a brunch where we invited all of the siblings over in the morning for some mimosas. And then I made a little like French toast casserole, like nothing extravagant. Just really just kind of like, hey, come chill out for a little bit. Don't eat too much obviously. And then they went and had Thanksgiving
with his parents but also some of his siblings are now also married and so they are you know they're navigating the other you know the other families and who's spending time with who and what what what and so that was really good and then we had a friends giving so we had some of our neighbors but some of our our close friends come and that just looks different this year because
those people have moved out of DC. So it's like, okay, so in terms of this year, we're going to do something very similar, but we're inviting his parents for the brunch. So that's nice. That's a nice kind of growth. We love that. And we're going to do kind of a friends giving with
the goal right now, and nothing's set in stone just yet, we're actively talking about this, but my partner's husband, where I believe the term is metamour, learning all these things. Is it metamour or mesamour? I think you're right. I think it's metamour. I think you're right, yeah. There's a you in there, but
So for those that don't know, a metamour is when you are dating someone who has a different partner, but you and that partner are not romantically or intimately involved. Part of this whole journey has becoming and creating a platonic friendship with the metamour, and him and I both love to cook and bake. And so the goal right now is for us to tag team
Thanksgiving dinner and figure out who's going to do what, but then have it at our place. And I think maybe there'll probably be like four or five of us. It's not going to be like a huge thing. Or five or six, because four is just, yeah, five or six. Math.
So yeah, it's, you know, and that way, and then we might, you know, I could see us, the nice thing is proximity. Dan's family is only 35 minutes away. So I could see us potentially going and having, you know, dessert. I don't know, hasn't, you know, haven't talked about that, but you know, I think that there are, there's some flexibility in there and, but it all comes down to,
One of the things that has worked really well for me is when talking to, trying not to come into a conversation of like, this is what I want to do. Like, this is the only way that this needs to happen. And trying to come with, hey, here are some ideas that I would like or would feel really good about. What are you feeling? What are you thinking? Do you have similar ideas? Let's try to,
The options and just expressing what would feel good to me has helped create those conversations about communication or planning or whatever much more productive than previously. I would come up with an idea in my head and be like, this is what we need to do. This is how we're going to do it. And that doesn't work. Okay. I appreciate that acknowledgement of
growth and change and giving yourself the opportunity to do things differently over time. And I love what I'm hearing, which is basically the idea that there's no right way to do the holidays. There's nobody that you have to spend time with. You can absolutely choose to make this a period of time where you reconnect with whomever it is that you want or need to reconnect with that you just, you know,
haven't seen or need to give a hug or whatever it is. And that's one thing, I kinda hate this and I don't know if it's art imitating life or vice versa, but I feel like Hollywood gives us this really strong idea that the holidays are like, have to be miserable. And that, you know, it's like inevitably you're gonna like regress to your teenage self and like your uncle's gonna talk about politics and everybody's gonna punch each other. And I'm just like,
boundaries, it doesn't, it doesn't have to be like that. Yeah. Yeah. Like spend time with the people that you want to spend time with that I would like to think is the point. Right. Well, and it's not only that, but figuring out, because, you know, it's like, I am happy that we are reconnecting with, you know, Dan's parents. It's important for him, but it's still very much the reality of like, we have to like,
doses, right? Like we are going, we want to spend time with you. Come, we want to invite you to this thing. Great. But we are not spending the whole day with you. Right. Right. And so just setting those expectations. I think one thing that was really difficult initially when Dan and I started when we got married, he was the first one.
He was the first one in the family to get married, to be out on his own, to have this all of a sudden second family that he needs to plan. And he's not a planner. So there was this real disconnect between me and his parents because his dad especially only wanted to plan things with his son.
not his son's spouse, even though the son's spouse is the one that schedules. So there was this weird disconnect of like, I would reach out to them to figure out what's going on.
They're confused why I'm talking to them about these things. And there was this real period of growth in terms of understanding like we are married now. Like your kids are growing up. Yes, you still have to that are in high school and you have complete legal
you know, custody of them and this and that, and you can tell them exactly what you want them to do. But your son is almost 30, and he is now on his own, creating his own family. Get with it, right? So there was this period of growth of like, well, you know, and even with Danny's like, well, this is how we've always done holidays. And I'm like, well, fun fact, the family's changing, which is not a bad thing.
But, you know, there's going to need to be flexibility on everyone's part in terms of like, just because this is how you guys did it, or this is the expectation. There's a whole other set of things coming into play and expectations from my side and my family and spending time with my family.
that, and especially I was still active military at the time. And so we did not live close. So it was like anytime, you know, they expected us to just come and be at every holiday. And it's like, we can't, we can't afford that. Dan can't take that time off of work. Like that's just the reality of the situation. And so there was this real growth period of like, that this dynamic needs to shift and
Fortunately, I was the one. But since then, there's now three other, all of his sisters are now married. They all have incredible spouses and they have their own families now. And so it's really, we were just the guinea pigs
But that's, you know, just an important thing with, you know, people listening is like, as your family changes or your situation changes, things around the holidays are going to change. That's just, yeah. Well, and I feel like that is important to understand because I think exactly what you're saying. And I know like you and I, both being financial coaches have worked with couples in the past.
and people thinking about having kids and all this different type of stuff. And it really just reminds me of the idea of like two people coming together to get married and like sharing their finances. It's like, this is how I grew up. This is how I grew up. It's like the same thing here. I grew up with these holiday traditions. I grew up with these holiday traditions. Well, now you're a new thing, right? It's like this is a brand new entity. So now things have to be different, like new and different things are going to start happening.
or they can be different. It can be, right? It's actually, even though change is scary and we don't like it, it is such a beautiful thing when you have the opportunity and freedom and understanding that you can change things. And I think that that's another, as someone who is gay married,
you know, it was the same kind of concept where it was like, Dan and I didn't have these norms that we needed to uphold. So we could make our day and our journey and how we did it completely how we wanted to. And I think that if more people took that opportunity to stop and think about, okay, why am I doing these things, whether it's holiday traditions, whether it's,
socio rituals, I don't, you know what I mean? Just like how, why am I doing things this way? I think people could really kind of feel much more in control and have much more ownership about a lot of things that happen in their life and do it in a way that they really want to do it. Yeah. And then not have resentment. Right. And well, that's the thing, right? So it's like about being honest with yourself
And as you said, taking that step back to really think about, is this what I want to do? Why am I doing

Exploring kink and personal growth

this? How do I feel when I do these things, et cetera? Well, it's funny because now that I'm no longer married, but a 40 year old woman, I still find myself kind of retreating back to my childhood home. And honestly, I could feel a type of weight about it,
but I low key love it. Cause it's like here are these old times in space where I get to just be like, mom and dad, cook me food. Like I'm just a baby, you know, care for me. Sometimes you want that. And I feel like I'm okay with that. Well, and I'm actually, I'm excited because one of our past coworkers is coming to my family home this year for Thanksgiving. So we're both going to be like, Bevan's parents cook us food and it's going to be great. I'm excited.
I think I know who it is. Yeah, I think you can too. Yay. Yay. All right. So we've been talking about the holidays for like an hour. So let's just, let's switch it up completely. We're gonna, we're leaving behind the like cozy comfort of holiday cheer and we're moving into the dungeon. Okay. So as you know, Mike, the name of this podcast is Dirty Bunny.
Talk a little bit about money in the holidays today. But one of the things that we love to celebrate on the show is sex positivity, different lifestyles and things like this. And one of the things that you and I have talked about quite a few times is the fact that we've both taken this test called the BDSM test. And so would you like to tell people what that is and why we're excited about it? And we'll go from there.
Yeah, so the BDSM test is, you can take, we'll link it in the show notes. If you've never taken it before, it's a series of questions. There are two versions, there's a shorter version or a longer version. Neither of them take very long, to be honest. But it's basically just a series of questions of asking you about different scenarios, sexually, different ideas, different concepts,
that you would either, that really interests you. It's like a sliding scale. It's like really interests you to neutral to, I don't remember the exact wordings, but you know, it's sliding scale of how comfortable are you with this activity or this thought. And then you get your results. And it, so I guess we'll dive into some of them, but what's really one of the things that
has been interesting is seeing how personally like in my own journey of, and I think I've said this before, but in my own journey of kind of coming into and understanding my polyamory has really opened up
more into kink and BDSM and exploring that from a level of curiosity and trust rather than like, ew, that's gross. And I think, you know, really, it's the same type of thing where when I was struggling with my sexuality in college and
high school and college, I was really uncomfortable around drag queens. I put a target on my back. I was like, ew, that's gross. What is that? Because I had all these, well, one, I was projecting. I was not comfortable with who I was. And seeing these people be authentically themselves really kind of made me uncomfortable.
And that was a journey in terms of kind of the concept to me is very much similar with how even though once I was out and in queer spaces BDSM and kink was the same type of feeling like, ew, that's gross. Oh, why do people do that? Oh, I'm not, you know, right. And really kind of it's been a
concurrent journey for me in terms of exploring polyamory and kink. Absolutely. I love that you said that for so many reasons. One is I absolutely do believe that being poly has also allowed me to explore my kink journey. And I think that's the case for a lot of folks. Listen, kink does not equal polyamory. Polyamory does not equal kink.
all of these things are available for whomever, however they want to do it. And I think there's something about just being willing to go on an exploratory journey for oneself and to really try to get honest and like understand who you are, what you want, who you want to be with and allowing yourself to like meet other people and really with open eyes see what are those folks doing? Why do they like that?
what's interesting about that to me. And I also wanted to reflect on what you mentioned about kind of having that like disdain for drag queens at first. And yeah, it's so funny and ironic to me because I know like you love drag shows now. Like you've got so many like drag queen friends and stuff like this. So, you know, I love that you kind of got to make that 180 change. But, you know, I had a similar experience
with burlesque. So there's this prominent like black burlesque just superstar who we have to get on the show now to think about it. Her name is Pearl Noir. She has love. Do you know her? No, but I love that name. It's so good. It's so good. Already love. Okay. But she like she is incredible. And
For whatever reason, like I started following her on Instagram, but I just, like every single post that she would do, you know, she's just like booked some just gorgeous black woman short hair. And you know, she's like doing all these things, like feeling herself and like moving in the camera. And like every time I see it, I just like cringe and like swipe away. Like, I don't wanna look, I don't wanna look. But finally I challenged myself to go and take one of her classes live. I broke down in tears.
I had this whole shedding moment. I felt like I was actually able to kind of step into myself. And so I think it's those things that repel us, that are really calling to us and saying, hey, there's something here that you're resistant to for a reason. Sit with it, explore it. Maybe it's not your, maybe it truly is not your thing, but there's something that you're supposed to be learning from this.
Right. It's, you know, it's the same vein of like, I just think that anyone who is actually homophobic is just struggling with with something. It may not it may not be that they're queer, but there is something I will take that to the grave. You cannot you cannot tell me otherwise. The people that are so, so hurtful
are the people that are struggling. And that's just partially because of my own experience as someone who struggled and the things that I've thought about or maybe even said in high school or in college, I'm sure that I said problematic things when I was figuring out who the fuck I was, right? So yeah, it's that same like, why am I projecting
these feelings, or why am I feeling these feelings with something that has nothing to do with me, right? Exactly. Well, that's the thing, right? So it's like any strong emotion that you're holding around something, it's because there's something there. Because, you know, it's like if literally you were just like, oh, that's not for me, your brain would be neutral about it. You know, if something is making you hate it, like there is something going on there. So
off of that soapbox, but back to the BDSM test. So as you mentioned, this is a way for people to just kind of explore. And so here's the thing that I like about it too, you don't necessarily have to be into kink already, or even think that you're into kink, but it's just kind of a way to see like, what is out there that maybe I don't know about. And just kind of gauge like a fun gauge for where you do stand in your sexual
Yeah, and I think it, I feel like we also grew up with just like online quizzes.
as a generation so like we love we love a good like what you know what what Potter house am I in you know like you know those are just whatever you know which friend's character am I you know so it's like I think that we gravitate towards that kind of stuff and I think it's just a fun way to you know is this scientific no is it is a good way to
One of the things that I love about it is it helps give people some vocabulary to some things that they may not understand what they're feeling. They'd be like, Oh, I like this thing. Oh, that's what that is. Okay, let me look into that. Right? Yeah. Oh, you know that. So I don't know how you want to do this. But I got my results up. So yeah, I was gonna say so like, why don't you tell us tell us
Do you have any results that are at 100%? Not this time around. Okay. But what's really funny is the first time I ever took this test, I would say about a year ago, I finally, I had like, there's a whole nother thing about that. It's like, it took me so long. I knew this test existed. It took me so long to take it. Like I, I like did a few questions and then I felt like shameful about it. And then I was like, ooh.
And then, so just taking the test was like a huge step for me, I think, in just this journey, right? And so the first time I took it, I was 100% vanilla. I love it. I mean, I just, I think that's very sweet. And that is, there is nothing wrong with being vanilla because I like to say I tend to be
You know, some people are like, are you dominant? Are you submissive? I like to use the term passionate when I'm in bed because I'm also demisexual. So like I need a connection. And so if I have that connection, I'm going to want to be, and passionate can include things like being more forceful or dominant or more submissive based off of whatever's going on. Right. So I like to use that term for myself.
But my top, so originally vanilla was number one. 100%. I wish I could find that screenshot. I can't somewhere in the depths of my almost 60,000 photos on my phone. But it is now number seven. It has gone down from number one to number seven. It slipped in the charts.
So my top, I'll do my top five. So 94% is voyeur. 89% is rope bunny. 87% is submissive and 84 is non-monogamous and 80 coming in at 84 as well is switch. So that's really interesting with the submissive and switch being so close together.
But we can definitely dive into, because people are probably like, what the fuck are any of those things? So, yeah. Well, so I know the first time I took the quiz, I saw the phrase rope bunny. And I was like, what, what does that mean? So I know that's one that a lot of folks might not know. What is a rope bunny? So rope bunny means you like getting tied up. So whether, and that can be,
just kind of like restraints or like full body like rope, like intricate knots and designs. And it can be very beautiful too. Just someone who's very good at, I believe the term is rigging. Someone who's very good at that, experienced at that.
that can just be beautiful, not even sexual, right? At least to me. Yeah. And then I think probably a voyeur. Okay. Yeah. Tell the people. My understanding, and correct me if I'm wrong, is you like to watch. Yes. So you don't necessarily like to participate all the time, which is,
1000% true. I'm not going to go into details, but yes. Like the quiz, I mean, you said it's not scientific, but I feel like it is accurate. Yeah. Like the quiz knows who we are. Yeah. Yeah. And I think as long as you're being, I think one of the big things is, is taking each question at face value without thinking about the other things that you've just answered.
So being really intentional as you're taking it, the more accurate the test is going to be. Yeah. Cause it's one of those things where you can kind of be like, Oh, well these questions are kind of all similar. So I'm going to, I'm going to kind of gauge in the same thing, but you need to take each question individually. I think it's really important. Well, just really one thing that I feel like I learned for myself the last time I took it, which is actually pretty recently.
it's just like, see how you feel in your body as you're reading each question. Cause there are some things that like, they'll be like, what do you think about this situation? And maybe you've never been in that situation before, but your body is telling you like, ooh, well I feel some kind of excited feelings about what that just said. Or you're like, ooh, that's not for me. You know, but like be honest with yourself, feel your inner feelings and like allow yourself to be who you actually are. Yeah, for sure.
What about yours? Okay. Where am I? So, um, I just took this test maybe like a month ago for me too. Oh, okay. Perfect. That's mine. Mine were from last month. Okay, cool. All right. Yeah. So I think I took this like early October. So say, Oh, actually it says it right here. September 28 is when I took it. Right. So I do have a 100%. I am 100% rope bunny.
Like, tie me up in all the ways. 99% non-monogamous, which is interesting for me. We'll talk about that later. 97% submissive. 89% dead grade B. And my fifth one is one that I have some challenges around. 71% slave.
OK. Yeah. And so I can. Mm hmm. Yes. Yeah. And so I'm not I'm not. Yeah. Yeah. I'm laughing at the cringe. It is cringe. Right. And that's the thing. Right. So it's like in this world, there are some. There are some phrases that obviously have like historic connotations.
And, you know, and, and there's a history to video sense. So it's like, it's been around since the beginning of time and it goes through iterations over time. And there are some things that like, if you just, there's some parts of it that allow you to explore those like deep taboos, right? So we haven't talked about this on this show at all.
But there's an element of kink that's called race play. And I'm not going to get into it, but it is what it sounds like. And that's not something that I engage in, and I would never shame somebody for exploring that part of themselves. As long as it's consensual, safe, and in a container. Go with God, explore that, do what you do.
Now that said, there's, there, when I, so I a million percent identify as a submissive all the time. And as a like strong feminist black woman that can feel like, like, exactly. It's like, what does it mean? I don't, how does this work? But. Can I just, can I just interject really quick?
The thing that I connect a lot of the things that I gravitate towards in kink are usually opposite of how the rest of my life goes in terms of
I am a type A, I'm a planner. I like to not necessarily be in control, but I like to know what's going on. I like to have a sense of direction. I have things that I need to do. But when it comes to the things that I find really interesting and intriguing and kink is the absolute opposite.
I've been personally diving into things that are more that tiptoe on the consensually non consent. So even though consent is huge for me, just in general and relationships in, in, in even friendships of just like, are you like, I bring consent even to just talking about things, not, we're not even talking sex or like,
Hey, are you in a place to talk about this with me? Great. Thank you for the consent. Let's talk about it. Right. So, you know, consent is such a, you know, control, I guess you could say, but just having an understanding of what's going on in a grasp.
a trajectory, consent. Those are all things that I really need that structure in my life. And so I use kink to explore what that doesn't feel like. Being tied up, can't do anything about it. I've been diving more into hypnosis. And that is a whole thing about you're letting someone
kind of tap into your subconscious, right? That can be really terrifying because it's like, what? So, you know, I think that what you're, you probably are feeling something similar with, you're like, well, I'm these things.
but I like these things in kink. And I think that for kink can be that place for you to play and let go of some of the things that you have to use to, you know, day to day survival or whatever the case may be. So this is something that I've noticed in my own journey that it sounds pretty similar to yours. Absolutely. Yeah. And I think it is important just to note specifically,
You know, all of those qualifiers that I gave to myself, so feminist, black, woman, like each one of those comes with a certain amount of like struggle and necessary steps to survive, right? So it's like, when I'm in the world, I have to present in a certain way to do well in this world, in this society. So you're absolutely right. It's like when I can be inside of a container,
where I can let all of that go and literally just like take directions or just do what I'm told or whatever it is and know that the person that I am complying for also wants what I want. Like they want to give me the experience that I'm craving. That is the best, like that is just the best time in the world.
So yeah, the, yeah, I just, the, the, that is a huge thing for me with also with kink is having that level of trust with someone is in and of itself, just a huge part of it for me. Um, and I think that's true for a lot of people. If you're engaging in these activities,
They are vulnerable.

Intersection of polyamory and kink

They can be dangerous. There are things that will happen to you that no one else will ever see or like, well, unless if you videotape it.
You know, like, right, exactly. So like, it's one of those things that with sex being kind of taboo with, and then that being an even deeper level of, I think, of taboo with kink, even though I feel like it is definitely coming more to the forefront, just in general, across all communities and people of, you know, not just in queer communities, but the straight community.
And so I think that while it's gaining traction, I think it's still super, super taboo. So it's like, I just think that, you know, the more you are able to explore it and really find the things that you enjoy and can help you kind of access those things that you haven't been able to. And I think that's really awesome about it. No, I agree with that completely. And one other thing.
that I'm curious to talk to you about since we're on this topic is kind of back to that trust. Well, let me know if you've had this experience. So in my poly exploration and my kink exploration, as I've had different relationships with different people, I do find that like once I get to a certain level of kink with a person, it feels like it creates this bond that is like so deep, so fast.
that doesn't necessarily happen in like, or hadn't happened in some of like vanilla kind of traditional relationships that I've had in the past. And so I think, and there's something that people in the community talked about a lot is like top drop or sub drop, where it's, you felt these feelings so deeply, so quickly, so vulnerably, that if it's taken away, it almost feels like a tear or like,
Have you had that experience? I definitely, I don't think to that level, but I know what you're talking about. And I think that makes complete sense because it's like you are, especially if you connect with someone, even if you haven't known them for very long, if there's certain vocab that they're using, if there's certain experiences that they have had,
and are communicating those to you, there's this instant level of connection and trust that it can happen very quickly depending on the circumstances. And like I said, what you're bringing and what they're bringing, if it matches, when it's something so, I think,
going back to the level of taboo when it's like you, you both share those, those deep levels that can really kind of intensify that connection and that feeling. So that makes total sense. So yeah, I, um, I, I have not had that personally, but I can that, that, yeah, like that's, you know, so,
Yeah, thank you for that perspective. And just for everybody listening, I would say, when and if you choose to explore your kinks, which I hope you do, I really do. I want everybody to at the very least just take an honest assessment of who they are and what they love and like allow themselves to be open to exploring it and going deeper into it. And disclaimer, when you do realize that, you know,
the shit goes deep. Like it's real stuff and there might be some feelings that come up with it. I also want to point out that if you're like, oh, I, I don't have any kinks. My kink journey started not as a joke, but like as it was like,
being cheeky of like, oh, just saying in this household, we don't kink shame, that was what kind of started. It's like just being open to the idea and continually telling yourself that just because I don't understand something doesn't mean I need to knock it, right? And so that's just creating a space for friends
who were into kink and maybe I didn't know it, but saying, hey, you know, not really into whole lot, but also like, don't shame here, that sort of thing, just opened up that kind of like, that's what started, I think, my journey. And it was, you know, it was kind of like, oh, you know, we don't kink shame here, but like, and I was like, no, we don't. And then that really allowed
those conversations to start those curiosities, those things to really start exploring. And then like I said, kind of went in hyperdrive with kind of coming into polyamory. The one question that I did have to kind of just bring it all back to the test results, where was
vanilla for you on your list. I forgot about that. Just for, just for, just for, I just, I'm just curious. Okay. So let's see. So one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, number 10 at 46%. Okay. Yeah. Great. So, you know, when, when I started my kink journey, I jumped in with 2B quickly.
Nice. Yeah. I just hope people found it fun, as much fun as I had with that. That was a really fun thing to talk about. If you want us to do more things like this, let us know. Yeah. Well, naturally that's the perfect segue. So this is the last episode of our first season.
I know that I am having a blast making this show and I have loved every single person that we've had the opportunity to talk to. Me too. So I want to give an invitation to our audience right now. Please, as I mentioned before, you can find us on Instagram and as Mike said, soon you will be able to find all of our episodes on YouTube. Wherever you find us, I really hope that you'll give us a comment.
write something directly to the guests or to us, whatever you want to say, whatever question you have. Obviously, if it has any hate in it, we won't tolerate that because we are a show about love and openness and... You will be blocked. Sorry. Yes. So we're not here to promote hate, but we do honor curiosity and we do honor questioning and these types of things. So let us know how you feel
who you want to see, what you want us to talk about, what you want our guests to talk about, and get curious. We don't judge. There's no kink shame in here. Nope. And we're here to explore the whole world. So let us know what you think. Yeah. Speaking of that, who do you want to have on our podcast? I know you mentioned Pearl.
Is there anyone else out there and manifest? Listen, this is good. This is a huge get and I am manifesting big time right now. I know who it is. We could get Mercury Stardust on our show. The trans handy ma'am. She is the like funniest, sweetest, and like bad-assist person. I think I've seen.
in a long time, but like the first video of hers I saw, she was just like casually like, I don't even remember what she was doing, but basically she like fixed a whole house with like a multi-tool. And I was just like, who the hell is this person? Like I need to talk to her. So that's who I want. Is there anybody that you're manifesting? I just, I want, I want more. I want to be able for us to dive deeper into
kind of the queer entertainment industry. I want our podcast to be a platform for drag performers, go-go dancers, adult film stars, content creators. To be able to really talk about kind of the realities, I think a lot of times social media
We put on a specific lens and there's just expectations and things that happen on social media. And I want this to be a place for those people in our communities to really be open about talking about their financial journeys. One of the things, for example, I'm a huge RuPaul's Drag Race fan.
I've watched almost every iteration. I've been in fantasy drag leagues. I don't do sports leagues, but I'll do a fantasy drag competition. But the realities of that show, it takes a lot of money to prepare to be on that show. It takes a lot of sacrifice. And I don't think that that gets voiced enough.
And it's not necessarily that it's a bad thing. I think it's just really important, especially as something like that continues to grow in popularity, that people that who may want to be on that show fully understand kind of what they're getting themselves into. But also just realities of local drag too.
Queens and DC or LA or whoever want to, you know, let the public know, right? Like they air some grievances. I would love to be able to support that, give them a platform and working on some things so I think we can make it happen. But yeah, just realities I think of more people in our communities.
and things that they wanna share. And I'm just really looking forward to, I know we already started recording season two and I'm... Not yet. It may have been an hour of being turned on, but it's fine. Oh, I know which episode you're talking about. Yeah, yes, same.
Okay. Well, I'm on that note. Yeah. No, that's exciting. I really am looking forward to learning more about like the realities of our adult entertainers and just, you know, the folks in our community. Like it looks glamorous on, on the socials, but like, what's the real deal? For sure. That's what's up. People look good.
Well, I think on that note, we talked about all the things. Yes, we did. Yeah. And I just, I want to reiterate, I'm super grateful of every single download, of every single share, of every single listen. If you've spent the last almost hour and 20 minutes listening to us babble, I appreciate you. I really hope that whatever your holidays look like are
um, safe, fun. There's a lot of things going on in the world right now. There's a lot of, there's a lot of, there's a lot of hurt.

Appreciation and listener engagement

There's a lot of bad things that, you know, in realities that we have to live with, but I hope that you can take the time or have the space to be able to take the time, um, to, um, celebrate. And I'm looking forward to having you back as a listener for season two.
Amen. I agree with that. And to your point, Mike, when things are hard in the world, which they so often are, the most important thing that we can do is spread love, feel joy, and spend time with the people that we care about. So happy holidays. Find somebody that you love and hug them.
Yes. So we actually need, as humans, we need eight hugs a day for maintenance and 12 hugs a day for like growing our love. So just, if you haven't heard that, take that in your back pocket because that is science. That is science. That is true science. Yes. So go hug your people. We love you so much and we're so glad to have you here. We can't wait to see you again in January.
Bye. If you've enjoyed today's episode, please don't forget to rate, review, and subscribe. That's the easiest way to support our show. We hope you took away a new nugget of information or perspective today, and we're grateful you took the time to listen to us. Until next time, bye.