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We're back!!! We talk about Scream, Ghostbusters: Afterlife, Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2022) and more 


Welcome to Fright Central with Doc and Keck

Welcome. For real. Oh, it's kind of like Vincent Price. Yeah, that's that's actually from Fright Night. Oh, really? Welcome Fright Night.

Fright Night Actress and Horror Passion

Yeah. The actress that I've been sweating, I think I told you, I think I talked about in the last cast, she's going to be in the new Fright Night. She's been doing like, she's been doing like a lot of like horror movies. I guess like that's her passion. I didn't even know there was another Fright Night in the works. Yeah, it's in production right now. I just found out about because I saw that she signed on to it. I think they're in production of it right now.
um so uh i mean it might still be a year or two be before you know it comes out in theaters or whatever or i don't even know if it will be in theaters to be honest with you but yeah there is a current fright night that's in production right now so yeah i love those movies yeah uh so welcome to fright central uh i'm doc that's kec uh
I always do like a real sloppy introduction. Let's back that up. Welcome to Freight Central. I'm Keck here with Doc. And tonight we're going to be talking.

What is a 'Requal'?

Requals? Yes. Is that an official term or is that just something that you coined it?
that I heard from Scream, if you remember, they say in Scream, and I was like, oh, that makes a lot of sense to call it a recall. Yeah, I mean, I wasn't, I'll be honest with you, I wasn't like, really, like, indefinitely, like, following the dialogue in Scream, like, I mean, like, I wasn't, I wasn't watching it for like, it's some, you know, brilliant writing or anything like that, but so, so,
Scream is the requal of scream is the first time you ever heard that term. Yes, that's the first time I heard it. Yeah, when I think it was in the group, you know, when in each movie, they kind of explain the rules of like in the second one, when the first one they explain horror movie rules, the second one they explain sequels.

Scream Series: Sequels and Legacy Characters

third one's it's trilogies i think the fourth one they explained like reboots or remakes and then this one they were explaining sequels that kind of ignore the other ones but uh it makes it like a direct sequel to the first one but then they can bring back some legacy characters yeah they like go in a couple different movies in it
Yeah, I thought that was, I was like, oh, that kind of makes sense to name it that. And when I thought about it, I was like, oh, this is kind of a, this is kind of a recent trend that a lot of horror films have done. And then I was looking deeper into it and I realized that it's not really the first time it's been done before. When you think about sequels that were made that just like straight up ignore its predecessor, like Jaws of Revenge ignored 3D.
Oh, a lot of people ignored, uh, Joss 3D. I mean, I personally thought that Joss 3D was awesome. That's the one with, um, I believe that's the one with Louis Goss Jr. I'm a big fan of his. He was, um, he was in the, uh, he made an appearance in, uh, Watchmen, the HBO version of Watchmen. Yeah.
And he was played. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

David Arquette & Courtney Cox in Scream

Yeah. So and he was he was in all the Iron Eagle movies and Cobra Kai. Johnny's watching. He's all obsessed with the iron. Yeah. So. All right. So recall came from that. And, you know, I was surprised with scream that
that I figured they were going to get David Arquette or Courtney Cox but I wasn't sure if they were going to get David Arquette and Courtney Cox because I didn't know anything about that because I'm not certain about this but I thought I remember I know they were married and I knew they got divorced and I thought the divorce was like kind of like um
like not on the most amicable of terms and not only did they get both of them but they kind of like they got married in the movies yeah and then got divorced in the movies obviously and they kind of played themselves and they were talking about how like
they missed each other and stuff like that, you know what I mean? So like, that was, that was interesting that they were able to get the both of them to sign on for that. I don't know, maybe they really do miss each other. Wouldn't it be something if they got remarried after doing the screaming? And then we're, you know,
Well, obviously, I guess David Arquette would not be able to do the next recall of Scream if there is another one. I'm assuming they've already announced it. They announced Scream 6 to come out next year. The way the Scream movies are, it's like they all kind of parody the recent trend.

Future of the Scream Franchise

in movies, you know what I mean? Like they made fun of sequels, they made fun of trilogies, they made fun of the whole reboot remake and then now they're making fun of sequels. Like what's next? What do you think they make fun of next? Well, you know, it's interesting because the one thing that they had, how big was the gap between Scream 4 and this was Scream 5?
The one that just came out, this was the fifth one. It was about 10 years, right? Yeah, I would say at least 10 years. At least 10 years. Yeah. I think, yeah, it wasn't a screen for, like, something like 2008. So... 2011. Oh, maybe that. All right. So, all right. Yeah. 10 years, 10 years. Yeah.
Yeah, 11 years, whatever. Yeah, yeah, a good decade between movies. So like, I think that's what they should do with Scream 6, just give it another, at least another five to 10 years, and then see what kind of the trend in horror movies is at the time, and then like, then make another one. Like, making a sequel to Right Away just doesn't, I don't know what they're gonna do, so I'm interested.
Well, the thing is, is there going to be interest in that franchise in five or 10 years, though? But, you know, I'm actually surprised that there was interest in it a decade later. They were able to get away with it because it was a decade later. I mean, I'm assuming that a lot of the people that probably went to see
this Scream movie, like probably, I'm thinking like a large percentage of them probably didn't had never even seen the other Scream movies. Yes, you know, it would have been so long ago. And you know, if you weren't like a horror fan, like, you know, 10 years is a long time to kids these days. That's like old movies. Like, you know what

Connecting New Scream to the Original

I mean? Like,
Well, the good thing about this one is like, it doesn't quite ignore the sequels to it, but it does feel like a more direct sequel to the first one. Yeah. They mentioned, you know, characters from the first one directly. So like you could have not have seen all the ones set in between and just seen the first one and you would know what you would be able to understand it easily. I mean, there are characters that show up in the new one that were introduced later on in the series, but
They weren't major, you know, characters in this really. So like you can kind of overlook that. But yeah, if you'd never seen any of the other ones and just might watch the first one, you could easily fall along. Or I mean, it's also a situation where like you could have watched the new Scream movie and never seen any of them and now go back.
and watch the first screen movie or you know just watch the um what is uh what comes after trilogy the um i don't know what it i don't know what it was like the it was the remake
Technically, yeah, I'm thinking like, you know, you have sequel then the trilogy and four quad trilogy is what it would be. Yeah. So, I mean, you know, maybe some people would go back and well, I could see people definitely going back and watching the first movie, but I've got to tell you.
before watching um this scream i think we well you went back and watched the whole quad trilogy i just went back and watched um certain scenes from the first scream movie that i remember really liking like when rose mcgallon gets caught in the garage door like yeah at that time she was like a real popular like you know she was

Impact of Scary Movie on Scream Franchise

very popular around the men too because you know she was so gorgeous and like you know she was like a big sex symbol at the time and I remember thinking like you know I like that movie just for her being in it and I remember that scene being like
funny like I remember I knew it was like bad because she like kind of gets like stuck in the door and like she can't get out because she's like busty and yeah I remember like seeing that in theaters and laughing and like thinking like oh you know that's cool but like I didn't remember how terrible it was it wasn't good at all oh yeah I remember it being like kind of well done but like funny like it wasn't well done it wasn't really funny it was just bad
Yeah, when I looked back on it, I thought it was a more serious take of like, you know, slasher movies. And then when I went back to rewatch them, I got like a whole new perspective. And I was like, OK, these are fucking satire. Like, I see what they're going for now. Like, it's supposed to be a terrible scene. Yeah, I just meant like certain like, well, see, here's where I would like disagree a little bit, because
With the first scream, Drew Barrymore's performance, I remember people, I was in high school, and I remember the next day, I remember talking about it in school with people the next day, and they were talking about Drew Barrymore's performance. And see, she acted the hell out of that.
And when people saw her in that movie, like they assumed that she was going to be like a major character in that movie. And she gets eliminated in the first 10 minutes of the movie in like a really brutal, horrific, like stabbing fashion. It was like really shocking to a lot of people. And she like overacted the rest of the movie. You know, she put all the other actors to shame.
because like her character was very serious and she displayed like what I would call like legitimate terror. So like when I had seen that in theaters the girls that I went particular were like oh my god like you know they were just like really shocked by it so
i mean i guess i would my difference of opinion would just be like drew berrymore's performance in the first 10 minutes of that movie made me think that like oh wow you know this is going to be like a really like intense horror movie like you know it's going it's not going to be
just like another slasher movie. And I remember thinking that Mask was mad terrifying the first time I saw it, like when he killed Drill. Like, I remember thinking like, oh, wow, you know, this is not going to be like, you know, another teen movie, like, you know, this is going to be something serious. Although I don't think the teen movies, I think Scream actually like gave way to the teen movies, but
So I thought her performance was like, you know, real intense. Like I thought it was going to be like a, you know, a brutal type of movie. And then it kind of just like fell apart from there and then turned into the satire. So I thought her performance was kind of like disproportionate to the rest of the movie.
Yeah, I can see that. But yeah, like, well, it's a satire, not a parody. Like, it's a serious movie that makes fun of like, it's, it's, it's also like a horror comedy as well. Yeah. Like, it's, it's kind of

Scream's Satire, Horror, and Comedy Blend

a mix of things. So it's like, first one rules, though, because it was the first. So the first one wasn't able to make fun of itself, right?
It was making a lot of hard troops. Yeah. Yeah. And then the second one kind of makes fun of the first one. First one and then from there on. Yeah.
Yeah, with the whole in-movie of Stab. And then it makes fun of, you know, sequels and stuff like that. Yeah. Yeah. They like, yeah, it's they're all I mean, and it's also like a serious horror movie because it like creates like a new villain where it can be anybody under that mask. It's not just one unstoppable killer. It can be anybody you know under there because of the voice changing in the mask. So yeah, that's like that's really clever as well. Like so.
I just, I don't know, I just got a new perspective for it. And then I enjoyed all the sequels, like later on, like, when, like the second one, I think it was, or the third one, when they go, like the cold opening is when they go to see the movie stab. And it's like Jada Pinkett Smith and Omar Epps. And they're talking about how like black characters always get killed first in movies. And then they end up being the two that get killed first in the movie too. Yeah.
Yeah, and they were talking about like the Black horror tropes and like it opens with that scene like right away. It's always like, yes, this is going to make fun of all those horror tropes and then also do them at the same time. You know what I mean? There was something that came out like a few years ago and was sort of like a documentary about the role of African-Americans in horror.
And yeah, literally, like literally noir. So, yeah, I remember I know we both had seen it and I thought that was interesting because, you know, that's the first thing you think of when you have like
when the cast is like primarily white in horror movies you see the black person there's father

Scary Movie: Parody of a Satire?

for the camera. Here's the first one to go and that was the one thing that the one sort of like
cool thing. I thought that the Wayans did do with like the scary movies, but like, that's pretty much the only thing. Like, I mean, I got to tell you, like, that was another reason like why the screen movies were like kind of labeled in my mind as just complete shit because of that scary movie. Parodies that they didn't realize that they were parody in a satire, which is a thing. It's like they almost didn't get it. Like a lot of people did. Like I didn't get it at the time.
And it seemed like they almost didn't get it. So like they were making fun of that when that's already making fun of other horror movies. I think the second one and like the later ones kind of like made fun of other horror movies that had just came out that time. So kind of expanded a little bit, but that's kind of what the first scary movie should have been. And not just like the first one's like a straight up parody of a
of that. A lot of the other ones. I remember that one being the only scary movie that I liked with Anna Ferris. And I remember after the first scary movie, the ones that followed became like, like really kind of like disgustingly sexual to me. And yeah, I'm coming from me. That's like saying a lot.
because like usually I can go for that. But like it became like I remember like seeing some of them with like us all being like, oh, God, like that's just fucking foul. You know what I mean? It was like all like it was shocking. You know, it was like toilet humor. It was just really gross. And I remember like thinking in my head, like when you had told me you were going to go see the new screen movie,
I went back in my mind and like I had the scary movies and the Scream franchise kind of jumbled in my head so that I wasn't even sure what was in Scream and what was in Scary Movie. So like I remember because I remember thinking that Anna Faris was actually in Scream.
I really did I thought she I thought it was Anna Ferris and Nev Campbell Rose McGowan and then um Courtney Cox and you know David Arquette but I remembered Anna Ferris being in the first screen but she was actually um that was actually the first time I think I ever remembered seeing Anna Ferris and anything wasn't a scary movie yeah
Yeah, but I think that's, like, I think scary movies is another reason why, like, a lot of people will kind of, like, not push scream aside. I agree. The only thing about it is because, like, because of the same reason you just said, like, they kind of think of it, like, as making fun of this movie, so they make it sounds like that movie's really bad, but in fact, it's supposed to be that way, you know what I mean? Like, that's what they were kind of going for.
So, yeah, it's sort of another one of those things. I mean, I would argue also that the Scream movies, like I get what you were saying. Like I know they were kind of like making fun of themselves in the later ones and the whole horror trope. But like I also would argue that the scary movies just weren't very good in general. Like I know what they were trying to do. And like I can kind of appreciate that. But like
I thought the acting, writing, and casting in the future ones to come were just like not very good. So for someone that's like seeing a scream for the first time and has never seen any of the other ones, I think it would be good for them to go back and watch the original. I think that would be cool. I would probably stop there.
or they might be lucky enough to be watching Scream for the first time and not have seen any of the scary movies, not know anything about the scary movies. I think that would be even more fresh for them. Yeah, I would definitely recommend not watching scary. Yes, exactly. Yeah, exactly. Like if you have no idea what the scary movie franchise is, I kind of wish I was you. Yeah.

Halloween Franchise: Popularity and Future

Yeah, so it kind of was taking the trend from the more successful recent repo which was the Halloween.
which I got Halloween kills and Hollywood ends coming soon. And they even said, like, they were like, yeah, like, even after that, we'll probably do something else with... You think? So they might just do another, like, reboot thing again. Who knows? Like, Michael Myers is never going to die as long as there's so much interest in that character. And maybe the next screen will kind of make fun of, like, sequels to...
Rickles or something like that, you know what I mean? Michael Myers character like I don't know. I felt like Michael Myers character was cool because like he was like human and like in the first like in the first one. And then, you know, he dies in the second one. And like, I guess like he could have survived that explosion because I thought the franchise was going to die because in Halloween three, you know, there was no Michael Myers.
So I thought they were just going to, and I think this was actually the plan for a while, and I think we talked about this before, but they were not going to be Michael Myers movies anymore. It was the first and second one, then they had the third one, and then Halloween 4 was originally not supposed to have Michael Myers. It was supposed to be a whole other story. I think that was fucking awesome.
Yeah, but the backlash from three and everybody wanting Michael Myers brought them back to it. You realize, oh, we're not going to make money if we don't go back to this. And I think that they kind of like made it as a financial decision.
Yeah. And it's crazy because Halloween three is like, and I'm not going to beat this again because I've talked about it already, but Halloween three is like a great Halloween movie.

Rob Zombie's Halloween Reception

It might be my favorite of the entire franchise because, you know, but you know, Michael Myers, he was now the Rob Zombie ones where he did it like that's cool because that was like a reboot. Yeah. I mean, like I liked it that Michael Myers was mortal. He could be killed. He drove a car.
Yeah. I remember John after being locked up for like 30 years, he somehow got a fucking dress. Well, you know, you got it that he was intelligent and stuff like that. Like, you know, he was an intelligent psychopath, like, you know, I mean, and all his years in a mental asylum, like, who knows, he could have been watching television or like people in prison reading books like you could feasibly
learn how to drive an automobile by reading books. It just seemed like whenever they showed him back in an institution or something like that, he was just straight quiet all the time. Staring at the wall. Yeah. Yeah. And just in isolation and not doing anything. But did we see that in the first one, in the original? Not the reboot with the Rob Zombie. But in the original, I don't think you see his time in the
I think it's just the transfer. It starts with him being transferred. So he goes into the asylum and they don't really show him in the asylum in the original movie. I don't know. But they show in the movie that like he hasn't spoken to anyone. Yeah. Just like I know all Donald Pleasence, like, you know, he mentions likes his about his time.
He was the best thing about those movies, his performance. I did kind of like the the new Halloween kills when it kind of like went back to that night and it kind of was editing in
you know, Donald Pleasance and the cops, like the house and capturing them. I thought that was really cool. Yeah. They did a, they did a good job of that. Like the, the effects were pretty good at that. It didn't, it didn't look cheesy at all. It didn't, it looked like it was dated. It looked like it belonged. Yeah. It looked like it was footage. They just like found it from back then. And like, yeah, it's like, Oh yeah, we have this extra footage that Carpenter never used. It's the gluten. Yeah. It was well done. And so the next one is going to be Halloween ends. Yeah.
But it doesn't go back. They plan to keep milking. Yeah, probably.
Yeah. But going back, the Halloween 4 ignores 3, and then Halloween H20 ignored 4, 5, and 6. Well, I think we should say, though, it's not like Halloween 4 ignores 3 as much as 3 just ignored the rest of the frame. Yeah, that's true. But like 4 is technically the direct sequel to 2.
but then there was four or five and six and then H2O came out and they ignored the events from four or five and six and brought Jamie the Curtis back. Was Halloween H2O the one with Busta Rhymes? God, that one was bad. I think that one might have been Resurrection. Oh, okay. Were you like karate kicks Michael Myers? Yeah, all I know is that they got back. I remember the trailer, it was like
They go to the house. Little did they know that the house belongs to him. Dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun. Yeah. I mean, my God, Halloween four was terrible. Halloween five was awful. I remember like Halloween H, H2O being like a slightly redeeming one, but like also very, very bad. But Michael Myers drives in it. He, he like rides that one chick down off the road.
you know hard drive so I mean I don't know yeah the resurrection was bad and that's when they like let Rob Zombie remake remake it and then he did the first one we had really good reviews and the second one didn't do too well and then the second one was not good I mean the second one just wasn't good he should have stopped at the first one I thought he did a really good job remaking that one and he shouldn't have kept going but uh you know anyway I mean well speaking of
things that probably should not have kept going kind of like leads us into the other recall, I guess that you kind of plagued me to watch.
Oh, I told you you didn't have to watch it. I was like, you don't have to. Yeah. Well, you yeah. Well, I mean, I knew when you told me it was bad. I knew it was going to be really bad. Well, like instead of me going like, yeah, you could watch it. Like I was like, no, you probably should.
I actually think that it was good that you said that because when you told me how bad it was, it drove my expectations down so low.
Like I'm talking about like Silent Night, Deadly Night Part Two when you went on that one like half hour rant on that podcast when me and Jamie just like stopped talking and letting you go on. Like my expectations were so low that like the movie actually did surprise me. Like there were some
really like there was a couple clever kills I'll give you that yeah when he snapped that guy's wrist for the first kill in the movie and then he stabbed the guy in the neck with his wrist bone yeah and the uh in the cop car in the beginning yeah it was like she's like pretending to be dead yeah I like that
it was like an ambulance slash sheriff. I don't know if it was actually, I don't know if it was an ambulance, but they were giving her medical attention in the thing. And he was in there like trying to save his mom. And yeah, the guy, the cop, like, you know, when she's obviously dead, the guy's like, you know, stop rattling the oxygen tank. She's gone. He puts his hand and a leather face.
who is not wearing a leather face, who seemed to age really, really well, grabs the guy by the hand and snaps his wrist, exposing his open wrist bone, and then proceeds to take that and start stabbing him in the jugular with his wrist bone. I was like,
All right, well, you know, that's a good start. Yeah, that's what I thought. And then I feel like it was downhill from that scene, like, yeah, because then the ambulance like crashes and like he kills the other cop and she pretends to be dead and like drags him out. And then that's what he's out there cutting the face off. But then like he comes back and ends up like murdering her as well. I was like, all right, so far, so good. I didn't really like the
the story, which this one is a direct sequel to the first one. Now, there's four different timelines. Have you realized this?

Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Complicated Timeline

It goes the original timeline, which is one, two, Leatherface, then Next Generation. And then you get the remake timeline, which is Chainsaw Massacre, the beginning, which came out after the
remake text change on massacre, but that acts as a prequel to it. So it goes text change on massacre at the beginning, then text change on massacre, you know, the 2003 2006 ones. Then there's a reboot timeline.
where it's called Leatherface that came out in 2017, which is a prequel to... Yeah, you pay a lot of attention to this shit, man. Which is a prequel to the original Text to Chainsaw Massacre, and then they made a direct sequel to that, which was Text to Chainsaw 2013, also known as Text to Chainsaw 3D. Now this one is called the Legacy Timeline, and it's a direct sequel to the original Text to Chainsaw. Wait, but the first reboot,
That was the one that we talked about that was like all like kind of centered more around like Jessica Beale's ass than it was about the actual story. Yes. That was the one that they like put her butt on the cover and like feature that like kind of like obnoxiously throughout the movie. Yeah. That was the remake timeline. Yeah. Yeah. I didn't get a sequel. That one got a prequel.
And then they rebooted it and made a prequel to the original and then a sequel to the original. And then this fucking whole new thing. I think this is one of the messiest timelines there is, trying to keep track of it. Luckily, somebody made a whole diagram. I just don't like it that it's just about money. It's just about money. It's just about making the studio money. They don't give anything into the writing. They don't try to be clever. Like we just said,
They rebooted the one based around the fact that Jessica Biel has like one of the nicest asses for any white girl in history. They're like, well, you know, we don't really have like much writing to put into it. I was just watching a documentary about Texas Chainsaw Massacre Part Two. I watched it afterwards. And they were talking about like they were talking about how at first nobody wanted anything to do with it, but they like started attracting attention to it because they were like, we have a totally different vision for this movie.
The family is going to be full on eccentric like we're going to be rebooting this from a totally different perspective, unlike the first one, and we think it's going to work. We have some really clever writers in it.
They had gotten Tom Savaney to sign on when he had a nine month old daughter. He read the script, he loved it. He went out there with his nine month old daughter who was on set. And the conditions were terrible. They said that like when they were filming underground in Austin there, like on location, that was like 125 degrees sometimes on set.
Um, you know, I, it was just brilliant. Like, I really loved, I know a lot of people did not understand Texas Chainsaw Massacre part two, but I mean, I liked it more than the original. Yeah. So he was probably my favorite one too. They had the ability to do that, but nowadays you just don't see that. Like it's just whatever makes the studio money, like fuck it. You know, we're just going to use the Texas Chainsaw Massacre name. And I also really, what I really didn't like about this one too, is they took the topic of gun violence.
That's like a real problem in schools today that I mean it's fucking it's a fucking epidemic in school stay but um and they took a serious subject like that and they put it in this terribly written movie and gave one of the main characters like
her background being like that she was involved in shooting and like, you know, so they took like a very serious subject and put it into this total piece of shit that like wasn't serious at all. And I just really I really did not enjoy that.
Yeah, the whole like, oh, we're going to buy up this like town that like leather face just been living in with like some random old lady who adopted him because he didn't even got captured, but he didn't. He did not. Yeah. And somehow he did not age. He looked like when they when you get glimpses of his face, he doesn't look like an old man.
Yeah, it's not the same actor either. It's not the same woman who later comes in the show that's supposed to be the chick that survived the first one. Well, is that the same actress? It's not the same actress. The actress in this one was the
The woman from Mandy, I think it was Nick Cage's wife that gets kidnapped and murdered in that movie. I believe. No, no, no, no, no, no. Oh, yeah. She's she's not the woman that played Nick Cage's wife.
Well, I think she was in the cult. She was in the cult. She was the one that the guy was telling her, like, if you don't do what I say, you'll never ascend. She was in the cult. I'm pretty sure. But she's not the
She's not the actress. Yeah, but yeah, it's like it's her. So it's like, yeah, it's it's technically a recall because they're it's a sequel to the first one and they bring back legacy characters, but they're not bringing back the actors to play them. No. So it's kind of like I didn't think it worked as well. No, it did not work. And like in the big scene that everyone was talking about, oh, the school bus scene, it's so brutal, so brutal. I thought that was the dumbest fucking scene.
Yeah, I mean, it kind of reminded me of Nightmare on Elm Street, part two, when Freddie is like chasing down the students. And I mean, that was an absolutely awful movie. So it's comparable. But there was a scene with Freddie on the school bus and it like gave me like a vague recollection to that. But yeah, I didn't think that it was very well done at all. It wasn't like I enjoyed
the Freddy verse Jason when Jason goes to the rave and just starts like uncharacteristically coming out of and like hacking. Because, you know, Jason is more of a stealth killer. He is like the predator. He hunts you down one by one by one, sometimes two by two. But usually he slowly hunts down till like he gets to the point where there's like only like a couple of survivors. And then he reveals himself.
And when he does that thing in the rave where he's like on fire and he's killing all the ravers, like I thought that worked great. Yeah, that's one of the best instances of a killer in a movie that kills a group of people at the same time. That's like one of my favorite ones that I can think of, especially out of Freddie or Michael or even Leatherface.
Yeah, and mostly all those buses like obviously they it wouldn't have worked for this scene, but like most of those buses are like required to have an emergency exit.
yeah because of like it's like regulation for almost all those buses to have an emergency exit like they have to be by law put in there it's like i believe it's a federal regulation so like there was no emergency exit on this one like old ass eccentric bus where they brought all these people to a fucking like
dead town in texas like they happen to have the one bus that did not comply with state or federal regulations. I don't know maybe i'm digging into it too hard but that bothered the hell out.
Yeah, but yeah, I just didn't think that scene was very good. Then when the chick who was the survivor from the first one shows up and she has the chance to kill him and then doesn't for fucking some reason after she's been waiting this entire time. She wanted to save her the moment, I guess.
and then still i can't let them go for a minute you know i mean like it's like wait why are you not killing this dude that you've spent your entire life training to fucking kill. She wanted him to know it was her she wanted to kill him slowly.
she had to torture him because she was psychologically scarred. I kind of get that. But then he disemboweled her with a chainsaw. But she didn't die. She like lived for a while after that. Yeah, it was a shotgun. Yeah, she was able to actually take aim like, you know, he he pretty much yet he lifted her off of her feet.
and pretty much took out all of her organs, but I guess her heart somehow kept beating. She should have at least been like sitting there like trying to shove it all back in. Yeah. Yeah, I don't know. There's not too much more. She should have been holding the thing of guts from her side while like lifting the shotgun up. You just see like her intestines and shit falling out as she like shoots them.
She I don't even know if she was bleeding from the mouth. I'd have to go back and check. It was it was just a flesh room. Yeah, there's not too much to say. Another good kill in that movie was the the black kid who dies. He gets cleaved in the face and I pretty much thought that was the end for him.
Oh, yeah. Yeah. Gets up after being cleaved in the face and like his whole jaw is falling off. But he gets up and like he like walks out of the house and is like walking in the rain and like he goes up to like try to get help. And then the one guy finds him and like when he turns him around, his whole like jawline is falling off. Like I thought that was kind of cool. Yeah, that's cool.
I'm trying I'm just trying to think of like some of like the positives. Yeah. You know, other than that scene, I enjoyed that when the one girl was under the house. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the girl that was in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, wasn't she also an actress in Scream as well?
Yes. I believe it's the same actress in both movies, right? And I think she was also the actress in the show Sneaky Pete. I think she was the klepto in Sneaky Pete. I'm pretty sure it's the same actress. But I enjoyed the one shot where she's like under the house and the chainsaw is just coming for her.
And he saws through, she's taking shelter under the sewage pipe and he saws through the sewage line. And so all the shit goes into her eyes and mouth. I kind of liked that part. And then she, at the end, there's like a gag, she gets like suddenly,
Ripped out of the car when you think the two girls are gonna get away and she gets Decapitated by leather face as like a spoof at the end like, you know, that was kind of hilarious Yeah, I enjoyed that happening to her and he's just there like holding her head up Like I mean I thought that like I did not see that coming
No, yeah, I definitely enjoyed that. But overall, I would say like, just find like a YouTube video and watch the kills.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre's Runtime: A Positive Note

That's why you don't need to waste. I mean, it was a short movie. That was a good thing about it. But it was overall, I don't think it.
Yeah, it was one hundred and twenty three minutes, but that included opening and closing credit. So I think that's under 90 minutes of total actual film time. So, yeah, that was another, I guess, positive thing about the movie is that wasn't very long. So you didn't have to endure too much. But I don't really think there's too much more to add about that.
No, not about that one. A good example of a requal, at least in my opinion, was the Ghostbusters Afterlife.

Ghostbusters Afterlife: A Quality Requal

Yeah. Now, this is actually a very good quality requal. We talked a bit about it in the last cast, so I don't have too much to
I don't think we talked about it all. I think we talked about talking about it and you hadn't seen it left. That's how long it's been since we've done a cat. You know what? No, I'm pretty sure we covered it in the last. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure we did cover it. Now we're in kind of an awkward position right now because on the one hand, if we did talk about it and we were to get into it and dissect it,
we are talking about something we've already covered. Now, if we don't talk about it and we didn't cover it, we're in kind of a predicament. So go ahead. I mean, we don't need to go that in depth about it. I just want to mention the good parts about it. I mean, in tone, it is a completely different tone than the first two, where they're mostly comedy, you know, comedy, horror. And this one's more of like a mystery
but with like a little bit of comedy, but not that, not nearly as much, even with Paul Rudd in it, like, yes. There were some funny moments, like the movies he plays in the classrooms. Yeah, I love that child's plan. Kudjo, that's it. Yeah. And they all kind of foreshadow later on in the movie. So I thought that was really well done and, uh,
Yeah, I thought I didn't think he was going to be as I mean I love Paul right and I wasn't expecting him to be really good in that but it also didn't focus on his character either it focused on the children of Egon. Yeah, and that's like, even when the original Ghostbusters do show up in the end they don't like.
you know, just come in and save the day. They come in and help out, and it ends up being a teamwork thing, but it still ends up being the kids who, like, saved the day with their sparks and ingenuity, and then even their tribute to Egon, I thought was fantastic.
Like the, uh, how in the beginning, they don't really show his face. And then in the end they have like that, the ghosty gun. I thought that was really awesome. Yeah, no, uh, yeah. I mean, I was like, I'm kind of like up in the air with that, but like, I mean, you kind of had to give it to him because he wanted to re he wanted there to be a Ghostbusters story.
Yeah, he's been wanting it for everyone.

Bill Murray & Harold Ramis in Ghostbusters

Everyone had kind of signed on to do it, except for Bill Murray. Yeah. And I don't know at this point if Bill Murray regrets his decision or not, probably not. I mean, I don't I know that they had I remember that they had you correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure a script was made.
I think there were like three different ones and he kept turning it down. He's like, they kept, he came out, would write a script. He would give it to Bill Murray and Bill Murray would turn it down. He'd go back and like, you can hear Dan Aykroyd talk about it over the years. Yeah. And then they finally did the Ghostbusters reboot with all the chicks and Bill Murray signed on to do a fucking cameo in that, which I think that's why they were able to bring him back for this new one. Cause once, uh,
once he, once Harold Reim has passed away, they were like, all right, don't worry. Like you got to come back for a fucking third one. You think Dan Aykroyd and everybody else like sat him down. Then we're just like, you killed him. You killed him. You're coming back to do this movie. God damn it. You signed on to do that fucking reboot. You're signing on to do this one. Yeah, it was just a tribute to you guys. He's like, all right. Yeah. But they're only in it for like a couple of minutes. I mean,
And that doesn't, like, but that one doesn't ignore the second one because it opens, I mean, well, not opens, but when they call the number, it goes to Thanakroids, you know, a cult shop. Yeah. Raise a cult, raise a cult. So, like, that's in the second one. There's little references to the second one in there as well. But it was more of a direct sequel to the first one because of the villain.
and even bringing the Gatekeeper and Keymaster back. Yeah, that was really cool. I mean, I thought Paul Redd, and I can't... Oh, God, I love the actress, but her name escapes me. Like, I thought she did a great job as, like, the Sigourney Weaver of the new one. Yeah. And Paul Redd made Rick Moranis was his name that way. Yeah.
You know, I think that they weren't able to get him. I think there might have been a couple key actors that they wanted for Ghostbusters 3 because he's dead now, isn't he? He's not available, isn't he? No, he just retired to take care of his kids. Yeah, I remember after Honey, I showed the kids. He had said after like the sequels and whatnot, I remember
He had basically said that, like, you know, I'm financially sound like I just don't feel like working anymore. Like I'm trying to raise a family and like I've made enough money where like I'm going to be comfortable. So, yeah, like I can't. The celebrity lifestyle and acting like it's just not for me. I think I saw him come back for a commercial. Yeah, no, he's done like him in movies, too. I think he has. But he's still available.
No, he's still alive. He's still available, got it. Yeah, he's still around. But yeah, maybe if they do another one, they can get them back. But I do kind of like the post-credits scene with Ernie Hudson, like creating a franchise of like Ghostbusters in every city. Now, I think that's a good way

Expanding the Ghostbusters Universe

to take it. That's what they should have done from the beginning, is if they had done this one first and then they did the reboot one,
And you just changed the story up a little bit. So they're just, they, you know, it's all part of the same universe, but they're just, you know, in a different city or something like that. Yeah. Yeah. They'd obviously have to change the story a bit so they don't have to go through the whole like building the equipment again.
Yeah, it could have worked a lot better if they'd done it that way first. Yeah, I mean there's so many documentaries about the original Ghostbusters too and about like all the extras that they had in it and how like a lot of the filming was done on people that didn't even know that they were in the movie. I mean they had a ton of fun making that first movie.
streets in New York, you know, it was, you know, that was, that was really, that was just really something. If you're ever interested, go and check out the documentary for the making of the first Ghostbusters. I mean, it's really, really, really interesting. Some of the things they did, it was a real feel good movie. And I thought this one was a real feel good movie too.
I mean, they all were. And there's been so many spinoffs of Ghostbusters from cartoons to fucking merchandise. I used to have the toys when I was a kid like God. Yeah, the video games. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You can go on YouTube and you can actually I did not realize how many Ghostbusters video games that there were. And they announced a new one that's supposed to be kind of in the style of, you know, it's like a four V one.
But it's like co-op and you're playing like you can play like against the like just like a computer and you're fighting ghosts, you know, in different locations and stuff like that. Like Friday, the 13th thing that they did were like that. Yeah. Yeah.
But you like you can play like just the PC or you can like play a four V one where one of you would place as the ghosts. So gotcha. Oh, yeah. Like Friday. Yeah. Yeah. I kind of wish there was a single player aspect to it as well.
I mean, because like I get tired of those 4v1 games pretty quickly. Yeah, well, I mean, it depends like it depends on the game. I mean, yeah, I'm a big fan of co-op campaigns, and I think they should do that with the Ghostbusters game where you can do a 4v1 co-op campaign. It'd be cool if there were more co-op campaigns that weren't based around first person shooters, I think like I'd like to see there be like some more like creative stuff because it seems like a lot of the
co-op campaigns and video games is like the first person shooter. And I'd like to see more of the stuff like you're talking about, like Ghostbusters or the Friday, the 13th, where, like, you know, you're not shooting anybody, you're like it's teamwork to figure out, like, you know, complex problems and critical thinking and stuff like that. Yeah, I like I like that idea. But yeah, I would say by far the reboot or recall or whatever we're calling it.
uh ghostbusters was i mean just on i mean it's you shouldn't even really compare them to scream and texas chainsaw i mean it was on another level i mean it was just like really well done i think the only other one i would be able to compare it to would be the new candy man yeah

Candyman: A Successful Requal

Yeah, I guess that is a recall, right? Yeah, because it does include the it is kind of a direct sequel to the first one. Yeah, I mean, I like we talked about this, I know.
But I mean, I enjoy I enjoyed the can. I mean, it wasn't like a particularly great movie, but like I thought it did like I thought it did a lot of justice to the original. And there was an interesting, you know, take at the end that I did not really see coming. And yeah, I mean, I enjoyed that. I enjoyed that one. I enjoyed that one a lot. And I'm hoping I'll know if you know this. Have they
um decided to make a candy it's already been announced yeah i believe they have already announced doing a sequel so and so are they doing that and you had said i well we talked about a little bit before the cast but fright night is coming back so that would be like sort of a recall right because there hasn't been a fright night in yeah i mean it depends on who they bring
But who depends on who they bring in and what they are. The last one was the two Fright Night remakes that they did with one of the first one, Colin Farrell. And how how long ago was that? Oh, I want to say like mid 2000s, maybe. All right. Yeah. So it's been. Yeah. So it's been more than a decade. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. At least the first one was I don't I don't remember the second one.
Yeah, I know I've seen them all. I can't, but I think the first one was like an early 80s horror. And then the one, yeah, then there were a couple more in the 80s. And then, yeah, there were the remakes in the 2000s. 2011 and 2013. Yeah, so 2011. All right. So it's been a little bit more recent than we thought. But yeah, about the
The last screen was in 2011. So yeah, I mean, about the same amount of time. So it looks like it looks like we're living in the era of the recall.

New Exorcist Film Development

So I'm wondering what else they might try to bring back.
Well, I have a list of some that they have been announced. A new Exorcist movie that's supposed to ignore the other one. Oh, I did. I'm not sure if I really dig that. I don't know. I mean, they kind of did a sequel series with the Exorcist TV series because that's technically a sequel to the first one. I never solved the TV series.
It was interesting. I know. I know they tried. They the last Exorcist movie that they did, I saw. And I thought it had like a very strong beginning. And I was like, oh, wow, like this might be going. It did not go anywhere. Yeah. The another one that they had announced was a new alien movie on top of the alien TV series by the guy who did Legion and Fargo.

Alien Franchise Developments

He's doing an Alien series for FX on Hulu, and then they announced an Alien 5 as well, but I don't know where this is going to take place or anything like that yet. Yeah, I mean, that's another thing. I mean, that franchise is just so beaten to death now. Like, I did hear good things about the TV series. I have not personally seen it, but I did hear good things about it.
So, um, like, it hasn't come out yet. But yeah, I've heard good. I've heard like good things about it. Like it's supposed to like, I heard that it's like really well done. Like, so I haven't, but like, I don't know. I mean, it's, um, wasn't, uh, who am I, I'm thinking of raised by wolves, but, uh, yeah, I mean, I heard was like supposed to, uh, bring back sci-fi.
I know there's been a lot of hype around it. So, I mean, I've heard good things about it. Yeah, I mean, I really liked Legion in the first couple of seasons of Fargo. I didn't like the last season of Legion.
Oh, really? I love the last season. No, I did not like it. I mean, I really liked my favorite character from the Legion series was Aubrey Plaza's character. Yes. And she is really not a part of the third season except for like one episode. Her character kind of dies off like in a very grim fashion.
So yeah, that's what kind of like killed. I'm not sure why that happened. I don't know if she had a conflict or something or just wasn't feeling it. I think it was part of the story. Yeah, I don't know. But that's her character is my favorite. So when they got rid of her, pretty much killed it for me. But what else? And then the other one that's supposedly in the works still is the Robocop returns.

Robocop Returns in Development

which is supposed to be a sequel to the original. That's kind of been in the works for a while. There was a Robocop series, too, that they did, I think, a couple seasons of. And I tried to watch a little bit of it and it was not working out for me. I think they actually did like three seasons of that. I think it like.
did two different series. I think one was just called Robocop the series and then they did another one called Robocop Prime Directives. So I think it was two different ones as well as the part two.
It was at the, it wasn't, they were at the same time. All right. One guy, the one I've got canceled and it was like a year or two later and then they brought it back again. Yeah. Let's like figure out like what to do. Yeah. I just remember being really bad. I'm, I know I tried to watch all of it. I believe the original series is all on YouTube because I started watching a little bit of it as like background or like they just dropped it for free on YouTube.
It's just on YouTube, regular YouTube. I had also found the Total Recall series that was on Showtime. I found that all on YouTube as well. I mean, the quality is really bad, but it has some interest in stories and concepts and stuff.
Well, they did that with Stargate. They they made a series of Stargate with the well, there's two they made one was on Showtime and it had one season of it that was like pretty decent with the guy that played MacGyver. And then they isn't like all over it. Yeah. And then that ended on Showtime. And then they came out with something called like Stargate SG one, I think it was called. And that was just a bunch of nonsense.
I think the Stargate SG-1 is what the series was. Oh, so the Stargate SG-1 was like the kind of good one. And then they had made a bunch of other ones, like there's an Atlantis one. They did a bunch of spinoffs of that. I mean, that series is going pretty strong, so I can't really hate it. But yeah, there's Stargate. It's still going. I'm not sure at this time because it's been forever since I've watched any Stargate.
but I mean there's so many spinoffs like I don't even know. I know that the one that had the classic MacGyver character, I can't think of the actor's name, but I know that from what I remember of that, there was some humor in that.
like there was like there was like some humor so it was like a it was interesting because like there was like some joking around I don't know like it was supposed to be mainly serious but it was like funny too so I mean that was kind of cool yeah um sorry yeah there's
That's a web series, Stargate Origins, a animated series, Stargate Infinity. Then there's SG-1, which is the original series. Then there's Atlantis, that was 2004-2009. And then Stargate Universe, which was 2009-2011.
Yeah, the last target out there. So yeah, I guess it's been a while since there's been any, you know, the, I mean, I could see, I could see, well, I mean, I could see that being, I could see that being rebooted easily, especially with all the hype that there has been about like UFOs and stuff like that.
Um, I could see, I could see that there would be a very strong audience for that. So who the fuck knows? Yeah, there's been a couple like straight to DVD movies as well, but they've all been, they were all way back.
So yeah, I guess the last thing that they did was the animated series, and they're looking to reboot it now. I think since MGM, that's all Amazon now. Since Amazon just bought MGM for like $8.5 billion. Yeah, I know. I'm not getting a little too off topic, but is there any other ones that you want to discuss?
No, I mean, there's a new predator, but that's going to be a prequel to the original. I think that comes out in the summer on Hulu. That's a movie or a series? A movie.
Yeah. And it's going to be a prequel to the original 1986, 87 movie, right? Yeah, this one's just called Prey, and it takes place like back in the Native Americans. And it's like that it's Predator. Oh, OK. So that no, that's going to be interesting because in the Predator comics of the early 90s,
The comics have the Predator back in, like, the age of, like, pirates of the Caribbean and stuff like that. And the Predator actually, like, hunts, like, pirates on the ships. And actually, just real quick, at the end of Predator 2, when the Predator takes the gun out of his belt, that's like a rebel war gun. And he throws it to Danny Glover. That gun is actually from the comic.
um predator was on board like a pirate ship and he was going to square off and fight this pirate one-on-one when some asshole comes up and like kills the pirate he was going to fight so like the pirate as he was dying like gave predator the gun said take it and he you know took it and i guess predators live like a really long time
because it was like the same predator hundreds of years later and uh you know he drew i mean you would never have known that unless you like read the comics which i had not i had found out about later on when i was looking into the war but uh you know that was interesting but yeah the one thing i like about the predator uh franchise over the alien franchise is like the timeline with alien franchise is such a mess because like
They did the alien verse predator movies which go back to the past then they did Prometheus and alien company. Yeah, ignore those. But then when you go to the predator franchise it's like each prior to movie.
kind of sometimes they can't ignore the other ones and they just set them anywhere. And it's just a new predator, you know, hunting people. So like, it's not, so you can ignore the shitty one that came out a few years ago and only focus on the good ones. Yeah. I mean, despite the fact that I did hear positive things about this series, you can like, well, look it up online. There's a lot of information about it.
Despite the fact I've heard positive, I'm a fan of Predator redeeming itself after what happened a few years ago that we won't speak of, but I really like to see the Alien franchise just come to an end. I just really think it's been beaten with a stick way too much. Maybe down the line 10 years from now or something like that, reboot it for a new generation. You know what I mean? Because the
There's a lot of lore, if you ever watch the making of the first alien movie, like where where they came up with the design for the alien, like they really did their they really did their homework and went all the way back to like drawing from like the Aztecs and shit like that. So there's a lot of like cool information about it. Like if you ever check out the documentary. But I'd really like to see the alien franchise come to an end, at least for now.
Or do something different, hopefully. I think this new one's supposed to take place in like the near future, so it's not, so it's set kind of before the other ones, but like, I don't know. The funniest thing, and then whatever the fuck the other one was, I, uh, man, it just really fucking fucked things up for me.
I think I did for a while. Prometheus was not well received, nor was the sequel to Prometheus. Yeah, dude, I'd prefer Prometheus over a covenant. At least there's some interest in stuff in Prometheus. I don't want... Do you have anything else? No, that's it. That's all I had.
All right. Well, you know, thank you for tuning in or not tuning in, whatever the fuck. I'm sorry. It's been so long since we did this cast man. I've been like massively busy, but we're probably going to be doing more, hopefully more frequently soon. And then coming to YouTube, maybe sometime in the not too distant future or maybe in the distant future. Maybe the summer. Yeah. Yeah, possibly the summer.
I'm off next, not next, not this week, but the following week, but I'll be out of town. So we won't be able to do one Sunday. Oh yeah. Vision Quest. Yeah. Good luck to you on your solo adventure. All right. Well, thanks for joining us and we'll catch you in about a month. All right. Cheers. Take care, everybody.