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201 Plays1 year ago

The sister's are back for a new season, listen in for a lighthearted, fun catch up chat! 

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Introduction to the Podcast and Hosts

Hello and welcome to the girl I slept in my makeup podcast by three sisters who live in three different cities are at three different life stages and have three different perspectives. They are excited to learn and grow alongside of you. This is a space full of love and acceptance. No judgment because let's face it. We all sleep in our makeup. Please welcome Lauren, Megan and Kristen.

Mindset and Coaching with Megan

So y'all have heard me talk about mindset with Megan and how I'm so passionate about helping people break free from thought patterns that have created strongholds in their life. And I wanted to share the company that has really helped empower me to get to this point of wanting to help other people change their lives like they've helped change mine. The company is called Voss Coaching Co. Their mission is to arm people with the information to change their lives
and infuse them with the belief that anything is possible. They give specific step-by-step instruction holding you accountable to actually do the work and help you live a life of excellence consistently and long-term.
They are passionate about helping you live your best life. And I'd love for you to check them out. You can find them at And I hope you join some of their free webinars. They also offer personal mentorship, elite group coaching, and corporate coaching. So check them out and let me know what you think. I hope you guys enjoy today's episode.

New Year Celebrations and Kristen's Motherhood Journey

Hey sisters. Hi. Happy New Year. Happy New Year. It's 2024.
Crazy, so exciting. Wild, wild. I feel like time just keeps flying. We get, I feel like it's, everybody says that, but it just is so true. Yeah, almost 10 week olds.
Oh, I can't believe that. Why don't you give us an update on kinder and just motherhood? Yeah, it's going great. I saw this thing where the other day was like, I didn't know how much I needed to be a mother till I became a mother and I kind of feel that way. Like I was never one that like knew I was meant to be a mom or wanted to be a mom like you Lauren, like
As a two year old, you really have to be a mom. Yeah. I never really had that. Like I knew like, yeah, I would love to be a mom. That'd be great. You know.
But it was once I became a mom, I was like, I didn't realize how much I needed it. If that makes sense. So yeah, it's just so you just don't realize as everyone says, how much love you can have for something. Yeah. His two month vaccines today and I could, I just couldn't even take it. My husband had to stay in there with him.
Cause I just couldn't handle it. And I go back in and my husband's crying and I was like, okay, if my husband's crying, there's no way I can handle this right now. So sweet. Yeah. And TMI, I'm still breastfeeding, but of course I'm one of those that ended up starting my cycle and I'm so sad about it.
I've had one in a year and I'm like, oh my gosh, that was so nice. I know. It's one of the perks of pregnancy and breastfeeding, but you have a distinct that you started. I didn't start until I was done nursing with all three.

Health Challenges and Discoveries

I know. Well, since I brought that up, I don't think I've given an IC update in a while.
Um, my interstitial cystitis. So something crazy, Lauren, we used to tell me all the time, just get pregnant. We'll go away. Just get pregnant. I mean, Lauren, you've been saying that for years. And I was like, whatever, I've tried everything. Nothing worked. And I will say my first trimester of my symptoms actually got worse.
But by my third trimester, they got better than they've ever been in the last nine years. And then once I had them and got home from the hospital, I did not have to sleep with ice for the first time in literally nine years. Well, almost nine years. So October of 2015. And it feels like a miracle.
Yeah. I was like, Oh my God. Like I could cry. I didn't even talk about it cause I was scared. I was going to jinx it or something. I know. I was about to say Kristen wouldn't, didn't even tell us for like weeks after cause she was like, I just was scared. It was not going to last and it would jinx it if I talked about it. I know. So I just pretended I didn't even like acknowledge it to myself. So I went eight weeks without having to sleep with ice. And then I felt a flare coming on and I was like, no.
And I knew I was like, okay, I'm most likely about to start my period. Cause that's when I would flare, when I had my period before I'd always flare like two to three days up until my period. And sure enough, two days later I started my period and I was just so sad, but it was really crazy. Cause that confirmed to me that mine is definitely hormonal. Mine definitely coincides with my hormones, my symptoms. So, which is interesting because
That might mean I have bladder endometriosis, I found out today. So that's a whole other aspect. Anyway, there's more to come, but I might have bladder endometriosis, I found out today.
What does that mean? Would that eliminate, like is that, would that mean you don't have IC, you have something else or that's just like in addition to? It could. So it could mean that I have IC and bladder. I'm not saying I'm like butchering that word. Is it endometriosis? Yes, endometriosis. So it can mean that I have now speaking with my OB, she suspects that I actually have both.
reason being because she was like, if it's your hormone related, that sounds more like bladder and demetriosis. But since you are affected by diet, that sounds more like I see. So
It sounds to me like you potentially have both or you could just have IC or you could just have endometriosis. So I'm going to be setting up an appointment with my urologist kind of go over all of this new findings. Cause now it's like, I have confirmation that like my symptoms are definitely correlated with my hormones. If that makes sense. Yeah. What a gift that you had that break and then, you know, Yeah.
So that way you could determine that it was correlated. Yes. Which I always had a feeling it was, but it was like, I didn't know for sure. You know, so anyway. Interesting. My update, I, you

Faith, Fasting, and Healing

know, got a break and I've been, I was able to drink chai tea and matcha for the first time in like literally nine years.
I'm too afraid. I was too afraid to try coffee or espresso because that's like the one thing that really hurt me. So I was too afraid. But it's not worth it anyways. I feel like I personally try and matcha are my favorite. Yeah, it's been such a treat. I've been like overindulging though, probably so.
Sounds so good right now. I'm I am doing a fast at church and I gave up Starbucks and sugar. Oh, I again, why don't you every night have a headache? Oh, no. Why don't you share the point of the fast?
Yeah, so it's more about what you're fasting for. My church that I go to, church 1132, does it every January. The point is like in those moments when I'm, oh, all I want is a try-to latte right now. Instead of going to Starbucks and getting one, I go to God and I just start praying. And so it's interesting how fasting just brings your mind towards God more because you are pushing yourself like not to just indulge, I guess, to a certain degree.
Yeah, so yeah, so what I'm actually fasting for is for Kristin's bladder to be healed. Yeah, I love it. And, well, I'm doing it for two things. But I don't know if I'm, I'm not going to share the other thing on here. But yes, for, for Chris part of it's for Kristin's bladder. So
I appreciate that. And, you know, I know you had asked like, cause I had to sleep with ice again when I was flaring and you were like, well, maybe once it's over, you won't. And I didn't have to sleep with ice last night. So, so I'm hoping that now it's like maybe just when I'm flaring that I needed, I don't know. We'll see. But last night I did not need it. So I was very excited and thankful for that.

Family Reunion and Reflections

Yay. I love it. Well, and also we took a break in December like we always do to really just enjoy the holidays. And I was super impressed and grateful for both of you coming into town, but especially Kristin driving 10 hours with a newborn. So I feel like you need to tell everybody about that car seat y'all got because I have never heard of that thing and people need to know about it.
Well, actually, my good friend Mallory told me about it because she was like, you know, you're not supposed to leave a baby. I didn't even know that like you're not supposed to leave a baby in a car seat over a certain amount of time. So it's a 10 hour drive. And she moved cross cross country and was like, you got to get this car seat where it's like
almost like a bed. So we got it. It's definitely not great for everyday use. Cause it's not technically like, I guess as safe as like a normal car seat, but it was awesome because I could feed him in there. I would change like while he was still buckled in and everything and change him and everything. So it made the trip.
He like didn't cry one time. He's literally an angel baby. I was about to say he is such a good baby though. He's so easy. I love it. I know he really is. And he's, I feel, I think he's just like my husband. Cause my husband like never cried as a baby too. So apparently, um, but it's crazy. Cause once we got there, I actually had to go to the ER. I don't know if y'all remember that.
but it turned out my C-section incision was infected and I got like really sick and like realized my incision was definitely infected and so yeah I spent the first night in Texas in the ER so that was great.
Merry Christmas. And our, our dad is a night owl. So he went with you. Yeah. And oh my gosh, y'all, he fell asleep in the middle of my, the doctor, like examining me and started snoring so loud. And me, the doctor and the nurse just all look at him. Cause he was talking like five seconds before, like talk to us. And then the doctor started talking to me and the next thing you know, he's snoring so loud and we all look. And I was like, daddy,
And he, are you okay? And like, he like wakes up and the doctor's like, sir, are you all right?
They're like, do we need to be seeing you right now or your daughter? And dad goes, oh man, I'm so tired. And it was like 10 p.m. And I was like, dad, you literally stay up till like 4 a.m. I'm so confused right now. Well, maybe 10 p.m. is like his siesta time, you know? Apparently so. Apparently it is. He was like, yeah, I need to take a nap.
I was like, Oh my God. How funny. Well, I will say it was super nice because I might be mistaken, but I think it's the first time since mom died three years ago that all of us, like all of us and all of our children have been under one roof.
So that was really cool. Yeah, I was like, Megan, can you just sleep over here too? Because Brian and Brady, our brother and his wife, just moved into their new house and honestly could have fit us all in there. So Megan trying to stay there with her kids.
I guess it actually what that we went to broken bow. Yeah, I just I just thought about that. But it was kind of a blur because I feel like that was shortly after mom died. And we found out my son had COVID. He was like sick the whole time. I don't know. It was like a weird, weird trip. A weird trip. Yeah, it was your one year anniversary. So I think we were all just kind of like,
Well, so I was going through my notes on my phone the other day trying to clean some off and I think I was looking for something initially but got carried away.

Surrendering Control and Finding Peace

And a lot of times I'll just jot things down on my phone, whether I'm like listening to a podcast or
reading a book or just anything and I came across this one note and I was like oh yeah that's good but unfortunately I did not put the source so I'm so sorry that I can't give credit where credit is due but I thought it would be just something good to talk about and chat and share at the start of a new year and just as we are all you know I'm sure on the same page of wanting to
just set our minds, mindsets right and have the best year that we possibly can have. And I know for me personally, I've, uh, life has presented me opportunities to kind of learn. There's just a lot of things in life that we won't ever understand the why. And so the power in kind of releasing that desire to control our life, because we really, as we all know, have no control.
And so most of life is a mystery and that acceptance of that mystery might be as close as we ever get to reality because there's not much explanation for, like I said, much of life and especially the hardships and sorrow that we encounter.
And I feel like as humans, we try so hard to manufacture what has happened to us and why it happened. But I think surrendering to the mystery earlier than when we absolutely have to or are forced to surrender to that, I think makes those times of hardships just
slightly easier, you know, and I think personally for me, when mom passed away in a car accident, obviously unexpected, I think that I had been through enough sorrow in my life where that desire to ask the why questions or the what ifs. Sure, they might have crossed my mind, but I wasn't taken down by that. And
It was easy for me to just, I hated it and I still hate it, but there just wasn't that struggle. And so I'm grateful that, you know, it was just one more reason that I could thank God for all the hard in my life before that.
And so I think letting go of the knowing why is an exchange to receiving God's peace. And that's one way I think that I've just seen that play out in my own life of when I feel peace, it is one part of that is releasing the need to know why. What do y'all think about that?
I love it. It's a hard, yeah, it's hard to do, but I feel like, yeah, I feel like you're really skilled because you have been through multiple really hard things in your life. I'd love for you to like talk about some of those things at some point that kind of like led you to have just that full surrender and faith with God. It is, it's frustrating to me that like it takes, like I'm always like, why God? Well, you know, like I say why God to like, why does it take
hard things to happen for us to like fully trust him in a weird way. Yeah. And I think Megan, you've always been as a middle child. I feel like in just your personality in general, I feel like you've always been one of those where unlike Kristen and I, where you
didn't have to go through it yourself to learn. You really kind of have always been able to learn from other mistakes. And I think that's the message that I want to throw out to any listeners that are like Megan, is if life hasn't brought you those deep hardships yet, then learn from our words and other people's experience that the sooner that you can surrender
to the mystery before you absolutely have to surrender. I think it really does hit. It's not that it's not going to hurt when it, when life happens, but I think it'll hurt a little less, you know? Yeah.

Anxiety, Mindset Shifts, and Spiritual Habits

My biggest, biggest struggle right now with it, as you'll know, is anxiety and just, I let anxiety take over and it's
gotten so much worse now that we've been through something like that, that we have with mom. And I feel like that's now my biggest struggle. And just like you said, surrendering, because when you're anxiety, you're in fear and you're, you know, not
What's that saying you wrote today? I forget. Well, I can't remember what I wrote today. Well, I'll find it, but also the opposite of fear is trust. And so one thing when if my brain is going there, I think it's just the repetitiveness and consistency of being able to pull that side of your brain back and reel it in and be like, Hey, Lauren,
you're feeling this way because you're not trusting. So either trust or don't, which one do you want? And so for me, I think the more you do it, the quicker you're able to switch back to that reality side of your brain.
Totally. Yeah, but also I think that, I mean, anxiety is a real thing too. And so like, I don't want to downplay people who do struggle with that. Cause I know that, I know that there's a lot about it that I don't know and that, you know, it's not just a snap of your finger and you're better, you know?
Totally. Yeah, everybody's on their own journey and like seek the professionals do all the things. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Well then the other piece to all of that is because when we're living in the present, I think that
kind of eliminates our brains from going either in the past or in the future. And when we're in the present, it also forces us to kind of not be in control. I don't know, just accepting what is in the present. I think my takeaway was just whatever you have to do to get present in our lives to do that.
And I think that'll look really different for every single person with all of our different personalities and lives, but figure out whatever that is for you and for us to start trying our best every day to do that. Yeah, I love that. I completely agree. And I think there are so many mindset shifts that you
can like in tools to help you with that because it's not going to be, Oh, I made a choice. And now, you know, it's going to take a daily being in God's word and really seeking his heart. And that's moment by moment. And when you are having spiraling thoughts, he can help you, but you have to take action and you have to seek him.
And you have to truly understand what the Bible is telling us, like what he, it's a living word. And so that's, I think what I've thankfully been able to come to over the last three years. And I know we've talked about it on the podcast before, but yeah, it's just, God is there. The amount of times he talks about like renewing our minds about our thoughts, everything like that's out there. Like God said it first and he, he is the answer and he's the creator and
He sent Jesus to save us and we will be with our loved ones again one day in heaven, but it still makes it hard to live here on earth. But I think when you can choose to seek Him every day, it just, well, at least for me, it makes all the hard so much more manageable. I don't know about easier, but like manageable. And yeah, I just, yeah, I trust God.

New Year Goals and Intentions

And I don't know that I did before mom died, sadly.
Yeah, I don't think it's, sadly, I think it just is what it is, you know? Yeah. Yeah. I didn't remember. Kristen, the quote that I posted today on Insta and texted to you and Megan, and I love you so much, Kristen, because y'all Kristen responded and goes, I don't get it. And so, but anyways, so if you don't get it, you're not alone.
But for the believer, fear is always God forgetful. And then when Kristen said, I don't get it, I said, when we let fear in, we are forgetting who God is and what he is capable of. So it's just another way of basically saying fear is the opposite of trust in him. Yeah. Yeah, just the way it was worded, I was like, wait, I'm confused. Yeah. God forgetful? What? Yeah.
I love you. I thought it'd be fun with it being New Year's that is there any like big goal that y'all would want to share? Yeah, I mean, I can share I feel honestly with New Year's feel like I've been goal setting
more than I ever have in my life this last year. So it's just an extension. I set goals every month and every week. And so I don't feel like I have anything that's different than what I've already been doing necessarily. But basically my goal is to change habits, like daily habits,
reach the goals that I have, if that makes sense. But it's just like the little things day to day because I'm the type of personality like when I was a kid and I got a gymnastics mat and I thought that meant I could be a gymnast like I didn't know I had to work hard.
I still am that little girl and I want things to happen just automatically. So I think like I've just wait. Hold on. Megan. I have to tell since mom isn't here to tell it when Megan was little and got that gymnastics mat and put it down. She was so excited and she was like, Oh yes. And she like ran full speed and like flew her body in the air.
and landed like flat as a pancake and was like literally confused what the heck just happened was like wait why I have this mat why can't why didn't I just do like a triple flip whatever yeah yeah I still think where's my instant gratification yeah
So bad. It's so funny. I always think about that story mom would tell me and I'd be like, that makes sense because I still do that today where I just want things to happen quickly. And yeah, and so, you know, it's been a lot of pruning and molding of me by God. But I think I've finally like
succumb to that, okay, it has to be the daily habits. It has to be the little things. And I've been doing a lot of habits over this last year that have really changed my mindset and my life, but just continuing those in 2024. And then I have big goals for this podcast to be picked up by a network.
And then big goals with mindset with Megan to just grow that business and fully, you know, further God's kingdom on earth is like the ultimate goal. Love it. That's actually a lot. I like it. I know. It's like Megan just has them all for us, okay?
Kristen for me. So I don't usually do like big resolutions. Chris and I, we haven't done it yet. He, we're actually going to sit down with our son Kai. He's 12 and, um, and do some just more like planning goal setting, that type of thing. But I'm not big on new year's resolutions, never have been. However, um, in my journal, I wrote at the beginning of the year that just kind of like Megan, you said further in God's kingdom, my big picture goal.
This year is just to deepen my prayer life with God and to just continue to try to live out God's will for me on a daily basis and moment by moment, and just
spend more time praying and deepen my relationship with him and my understanding of the Bible and who he is. I love it. What about you? Yeah, I feel like I share that goal with you, Lauren. I feel like the biggest one, mine's going to be the most boring because it's probably what you hear all the time.
Um, but I just feel like, like I want to be the health healthiest version. I feel reignited with, um, you know, my symptoms getting better after pregnancy. Cause I think I just literally, I had tried everything when it came to getting better with IC in my health and nothing worked. And so I got to a point where I just felt so defeated that I honestly just gave up. I was like, F it like, I don't care. Like nothing I do is ever going to work. So now it's like, okay, no.
You know, I'm feeling better things are, um, I don't know, prayers are being answered. So I think this year my goal is to enjoy watching my baby grow into a one year old and getting to the healthiest version of myself so I can have a second baby and, um, grow our family even more. So cousins, baby.
Yeah, we need at least 10, right? There's nine grandkids. I feel like we need a whole number. Yeah, you got to have one more. So there's 10 of us. 10.
I'm just nervous because Michael always says like, oh, twins, twins. And he has twin brothers. And I'm like, if you, oh my God, if you have, and then it would make 11, that's a good number too. Yeah, it is. Well, and you shared on here before that kinder was a twin. He had a vanishing twin. So, you know, it's possible. Yeah. So,
Yeah, I guess that whatever God's will be in with me. I'm just kidding. Well, I was about to say, let's just pray that number 10 comes from you because technically I can still get pregnant and that's just not
It cannot happen, okay? It actually can. No, it actually can, but we're praying that it doesn't. Oh my gosh. I'll be 43 in a couple of months and no, I just can't. I love, I love me babies, but that time, I think as soon as, right after I turned 40, I was like still on board and then I don't know, one day it was just like, nope, that day it's over. It's over.
It's over. Well, we're so glad to be back listeners. Thank y'all for sticking with us.

Gratitude and Closing Prayer

We have some amazing interviews coming up in the next month. So we're so excited to be back. Please send us Instagram messages at girl I slept in my makeup. And we'd love if you'd share this podcast with a friend or a family member. That would mean so much to us. And yeah, we're just so excited to come on here every other week and
We're just so grateful that anybody wants to listen to this. Yes, we love y'all. I know. I love hearing things like our sister-in-law texted us and was like, oh my gosh, one of my friends just texted me and said, oh my gosh, I listened to this podcast and I didn't realize it was your sister-in-laws. I know. It made our day.
Yeah. If you're listening, you made our day. I think Randy said she lived Illinois or something, or I don't remember some other state. Yeah. Anyways, hi, if you're listening. We love you. We do appreciate y'all and just know that we seriously pray for every single one of you listening. Yes. Every time that we get on here. So
We truly appreciate and love you. We do. We do. Happy New Year. Lauren, do you want to pray us out? Heavenly Father, thank you so much for dying on the cross and for us.
each and every one of us listening. It's so overwhelming that you truly care and love us so, so much. Thank you for loving us. Thank you for being our protector, our provider. Thank you for letting us just show up exactly the way that we are and
loving us through that. You're our creator and I just pray that this next year for all of us is just full of an abundance of health and lots of laughter and
just people growing in their relationship with you that we just deepen our understanding of who you are and you're so many things and we just want to have a desire to know you better and help us to just spark that fire and go out into the world
and be the light that you've created us to be. Thank you for choosing us. We just pray so many blessings over each and every listener that's listening to this right now, that they just feel an overwhelming feeling of your love and that they go to you to seek out when they feel lonely and that they just know that you're constantly there, our companion. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Amen.
Amen. Love you guys. Love y'all. Bye. Have a great week. Thank you for listening to another week of girl I slept in my makeup. If you like us, rate, review, and subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts. And if you want to learn more about us or get in touch with us, go to our website, girl, I slept in my
where you'll also find links to our Instagram and Facebook. Thank you so much for listening. We really appreciate it and make it a great week. God bless.