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Definitely a Bit Different with Loïc Fanel image

Definitely a Bit Different with Loïc Fanel

S6 E9 · Apocalypse Duds
342 Plays8 months ago

A European Geography Lesson, How He Got Hooked On Clothing, Ancestral Influences, The Tragedy of Business Casual, Sweating Bullets Over Climate Change, Team No Undershirt, Visual Diary of Fit Pics, and more! 


Introduction of Luke Fennet

Hello and welcome to another action-packed episode of Apocalypse Duds. We have here today an amazing guest. This is long in the works. Anyway, here's the intro to which I am not going to cue any beat, but but be warned that was going to happen and it's not going to happen now and you should be thankful. very thank him Since our show began, he's our number one fan, the Swiss Army man. Partly from France, a triumph of dance, a rogue of finance. He wears the pants or trousers, if you will. Jealous of his jet setting a little. He doesn't shop at Goodwill, not often wearing twill. We'll loan you a chill bill. Our next guest is anything but run of the mill. Here's Luke Fennet. What do you think? and Yeah, yes.
Oh, that's so good. That's so good. Guys, yeah. wait and whatever I was hoping that Connor would rap it, but yeah, like you like he said, it's probably better that he didn't. like too it's too much of it's too much It's too much to be rhythmic in that way on the spot. maybe so it's a little yeah It's a little spoken word. It's a little whatever. ah I just um like to do stupid shit with words, basically, as as you have seen and heard.
ah italian How's everything going today? um Well, I guess tonight, since you're probably what, six hours ahead? Seven? Yeah, it's it's around 9.30 now. so Okay, so yeah, six. My day is quite finished. We had dinner, glass of wine, et cetera, so nothing bad shall happen at that time now. Yes, totally. Well, if you're lucky, if you're lucky right?

Cultural Attitudes: Alcohol in Europe vs. US

I think that that is like the European idea of having one drink is fascinating to me, is absolutely fascinating to me. Of course, I'm an alcoholic, right? But like, it also just, it defies, it goes against the American idea of drinking, I think.
Yeah, probably. like quick I mean, it's different. I mean, it depends from the country and from the person and etc. But like usually I try to avoid at least at the beginning of the week, etc. But playing as the week is passing by, sometimes just a glass of wine with the dinner or afterward. and of Well, it's just like, yeah, it's just is a it just just is a different attitude, I think. It is like a healthier attitude. um Like children are introduced to alcohol at an earlier age. So it's not so like, yeah it's not only never do this don't ever do this. Yeah, it doesn't seem really taboo, um you know just from experience with ah people that are from Europe.
and I mean, I guess Canada a little bit too, but yeah, the American american Puritanical aspect is fucking dumb. Well, I think it's both, I think it's both like the Puritanical banning of alcohol and then also like the ah amazing amount of alcohol advertisement that is like, this is the coolest thing you can ever

Luke's Journey from France to Geneva

do. This is awesome. You'll get laid finally. Yeah, there is something probably in between like Brits, they used to drink way too much. They don't prefer to drink, etc. Well, like in Europe, sometimes there are people, I know people that like for 40 years, they drink one glass of wine a day. And they thought that it was all right. But once they had to favor surgery or something, and they asked like, Oh, are you an alcoholic? And they're like, No, no, it's fine. Because, you know, they never get drunk or anything.
But the fact of just ingesting one glass of wine every day and the fact that it's an habit, et cetera, make you for surgery or medically an alcoholic. Well, let's get started. um We usually ask most guests ah where they're from and where they live now. And so I'm from a French and Swiss family. Both my parents are French and Swiss. And I was born missing in Nice in Sosa, France. And I lived there until I was like 10 years old, something like that. And then I moved back to Switzerland and Geneva and I'm here in Geneva since then.

Safety and Crime: Europe vs. US

hi yeah we had um Connor's cousin, Collin on, who works for the U.N. Right? or Yeah, yeah have this met but we love to one yeah yeah ah we'll get into it later on. But yeah, like all of, you know, all of us ner need to find our people. it sounds It sounds like a very interesting place, Geneva. yeah i like my aunt My aunt also goes there because she, well, she's retired now, but she was an attorney. And so she went to the international court all the time. And so she basically hasn't really traveled to other places but to Geneva, which is like nice enough for her because she is very like ah scared of stuff, I guess. like She wouldn't go to Mexico. She would not go to South America. She would not go to Latin America. Well, there is no risk in in Switzerland than in the party parade. Which must be... We're getting ahead of ourselves a little bit, but like that must be so different. I mean, to have... ah Because in America, there is a pervasive idea that you could be shot at any moment, wherever you are. ah And that's a little bit of hyperbole, but it's like... Yeah, yeah. It does just happen.
No, it does just happen. It's something to keep in mind. A lot of people, when they travel, sometimes they forget what they are or whatever, and they do stuff that they wouldn't do normally when they are at their place. Yeah, it's definitely something that you don't keep in mind. In Geneva, no. In Switzerland, no. We are lucky enough to get a very low rate of criminality. But anyway, it can't happen. Even here, no matter where. Yes, very quickly. Oh, no, go on. I was just going to say, do you um do you still visit like France somewhat frequently? and Sorry, I didn't. Do you still go to France, like various places, like somewhat frequently?

Luke's Fashion Evolution

Yeah, of course. It's literally right next to Geneva. like The Boulder is like...
five kilometers away so yeah oh wow okay yeah i i have almost zero like geographic knowledge i mean outside of basic stuff but like you know it's funny because europe is so much smaller as a continent ah Actually Geneva, like we have much more boulders with France than with Switzerland. Yeah, because it's like it's like right there. Yeah, yeah we have only like less than 20 kilometers boulder with Switzerland.
France is all around the couple. Yeah, France all the time. And 20 kilometers is like nothing, right? That's like 10 miles something? Yeah, exactly. Eight miles? We can't do the conversions. they haven't They haven't taught us how to do those in our schools. but No, I think like yeah it's probably a yeah bit more than 10 miles. So my random guess was correct. Almost. So I'll take it. I'll take it. and that's So I was just going to say like, so since there's no crime, you must have a huge and well-funded police department, right? I will not say that. like
No, but there are still crimes and cops are cops, no matter where. Yes. Is there the same kind of attitude towards policing? Yeah, I think in general, it's pretty much in many countries like this. But I mean, like any other jobs, like there are good ones, there are bad ones, some nice ones, some bad ones. I'm sure there are nice cops in Switzerland. I believe that. I'm sure there are nice cops in Switzerland and pretty much in most of the country there are nice cops, but there are also some that you don't necessarily want to give any. See, that could be that could be a ah novel like The Crooked Cops of Switzerland. yeah
so um what it I don't know how long you've been into clothing. um You can you know kind of expound on that. But what what is the first like memory of a piece of clothing that made an impact on you? ah I think it's probably some stuff from movies, et cetera. I have always been kind of fascinated by clothing, et cetera. So like probably some mafia movie, et cetera. Like I was seeing suit, wear a wall. that's like people back in the 90s that I was seeing in the street and it's probably what catch me. But I know that I was catch by closing much earlier than this. I have no recovery from from that.
But my mom was saying that I have a little brother. She is three years younger than me. And ah when she was when my mom was taking the clothes to dress him the day after, I was like, no, but that browser can go with that top. e etc i was like It's like four or five years old. Oh, that's awesome. You've always been touched. I think that I was already kind of... but That's how it is a lot of the time, I think. like A lot of people have ah really early memories of having like distinct feelings about clothing, having opinions about clothing at a time where you wouldn't think that they would have an opinion really about anything. Oh, yeah. yeah
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butly like kids usually they have strong opinions like there is no inbet betweenen is like black and way yeah right yeah yeah you either give a shit or you don't or your you know your mom dresses you or you're like hey i want um dress myself yeah yeah so you um ahead I was gonna say like do you have any do you have any memories any worthwhile memories like of the way that people around you were dressing when you were growing up like um yeah I think that's not an unfair question like was there people that were there people that you were like yeah like that's what when I'm a growing up that's what I want to look like
ah Well, around me, probably not that much, because like, well, kids are kids, like, yeah, who are just wearing short jeans and sports wear. My parents were punk, so like, it was, yeah, I mean, like, no, but they had some cool stuff, like they travel in Africa, et cetera, so they have cool summer African shirts and stuff like this, that's probably interesting and I love, but ah yeah, no one really around me. It was really like movies, et cetera, that started to make me like a suit and a nice clothing. I think really at first. And afterwards, like you get interested and you're like, oh, what this actor was wearing and et cetera, and then you fall on blocks and all that kind of stuff. Yeah. um i think I think that like,
Movies are like, in like a I don't know, they're kind of an entry for almost everyone. Like, unless you are seeing ah your dad or your grandfather or whoever wearing a suit, it's not like ah It's not like you're reading GQ when you're a boy, you know, like you might catch a glimpse of something on television. The first thing that you see in television or stuff like this, it's like, yeah, maybe The Godfather or some other movie later or for whatever, but it's probably where you can see more often, like,
people dressing well if you don't have access to that or as you're saying like if you don't have particularly a family or Greek grandfather or stuff like this that was dressing well. No, I can't say that my Greek grandfather was dressing very well. I saw all pictures of him, etc. So no, I kind of looked like him. That's cool. back into Back in the days, I was totally unaware of that. Or it's nothing that I was, yeah, particularly singer. You also kind of sometimes grow into something, right? like you dont You don't quite realize it. You don't realize the similarities until you are older, like until you have had experiences, right? but Because like when you are 10 or whatever, you see a picture of children.
of your great grandpa and you're like yeah that's my great grandpa it's only afterwards when you grow up you start wearing this or that and the suit or whatever and then suddenly you are seeing the picture again and you're like oh but yeah no uh i can understand why my grandma was saying that she was looking like her father or something yeah
In your line of work, ah you know, I would assume that a lot of people are basically everyone is in tailored clothing. um Because of because of your, you know, interest in it, do you feel like you stand out at all? Or are you just another person in the suit to like your co workers? Oh, but well, no. I'm definitely a bit different. Yeah, because um While suit are not very necessary anymore. Oh, it's a few years Even before covid etc. It was starting to be a bit more loose and etc. And yeah, like no, that's been quite a bit that I mean the same company etc. At first I was much more classic and then little by little I start putting funnier stuff stuff and funnier stuff.
And no, yeah, the people knows me as the world race guy in the bank or whatever. like so What are your colleagues wear then? I mean, if they're not like, just, you know, be yeah that's it. ah Yeah. photo or so and yeah um I don't know how big. these may be um in Europe. But when I worked for like a very old school Taylor clothing store here in Atlanta, like we sold the absolute shit out of those like polyester, they call them golf shirts, but it's basically just like a, you know, a quote unquote performance polo shirt. Is that something that you that you have any experience around? Do you see those? Yeah.
yeah i see that kind of stuff but i mean like i think oh it's kind of better because like back in the days it was like suit all time every day and etc and it's a trend so you can see stuff like this that was really bad know that it's a bit more uh casual and that people can wear a bit more what they want I think it's better to see someone dress as he wants and as he feels comfortable than someone forcing himself to wear a suit or whatever. Because you can see it. Like, for example, me, you can see it. Like, if I ah like am not feeling it, like it's obvious. Yeah. So you don't want to you don't want to be entering a negotiation with somebody who is like, ugh.
groaning all the time i mean like it's more liberty now also for me because like I'm wearing the tie I'm wearing a suit or whatever so like you can't really say to me anything like even if the suit is red or if the tie is with any particular pattern they just cared that you're wearing a suit right like it's good that you're wearing a suit up arts think that's the rules but yeah how Has music played um any kind of role in your in your clothing evolution, so to speak?

Music's Influence on Style

Maybe unconsciously, but fortunately I don't think so. like and I've always listened to a lot of music. like yeah We always had music for dinner, for example, with my price.
And I keep doing that. like I can't have dinner without having dinner or squatting. That is a actually very nice. Dinner with my wife, etc. like It's three always like that. So I listen to a lot of music. I like it. But I don't think that it had any particular impact directly. Afterwards, like it's only the same. like You see pictures of a group or of a singer or whatever, and maybe you get the inspiration afterwards, but not particularly that way. Obviously, you are a fan of of probably a bunch a lot of different ah genres of music, but like what what's some stuff that you know you consistently put on? I've seen the playlist. Tough questions.
i knowt it's ah It's a very loaded question. I know i understand this. But haven't you made playlists? Yeah, no, but it seems like it's ridiculous. ridiculous like I have friends that listen always to the same artists and watch the same movies all the time. and The exact contrary of that. I like something, there are stuff that I like to listen more often than others. But in general, I'm always like thinking for something new and novel things, etc. Even if it's like a no-stop that I never discovered or never listened before, oh yeah I'm always like looking for things that I never heard or never watched or whatever.
It's novelty seeking, I think. I mean, I feel the same way. Like, i want know I want to hear the new shit. I want to hear shit that people other people haven't heard. Yeah, but after it's like a hit little part, I mean, like, it's very rarely on a very long character. Like, after I can get pooped by something, and like, for a week, it's only one album or something. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, that's

Connecting Through Shared Experiences

that's something that happens to me very often. Oh shit, that's just really like, you know, it really hits a point and you're just like, I just... Yeah, and after it's going for two weeks, you send only that. And after for six months, you're not going to listen to it anymore. Yeah, I think for me, the stuff that I do end up returning to is what, you know, just becomes like something that I really
like i'm an I'm attached to that because I listen to it for a week or two straight and then like six months later up I'm like oh yeah have a listen to this in a while and you're like fuck that's still so good. Absolutely, no, but and also like music think it's great. I mean like movies it's something that's like music. It's craziest the quantity of music that there is in this world. Like total from the back, from the past or anything. It's just insane the quantity of good music that they are out there and they are nice stuff that I forgot and I'm like I will maybe never listen to it again.
i mistake, while I definitely should listen to it again, but it's just too much. That's where the playlists come in handy, because a lot of times, like, you know, you can make a playlist and then you just try to think of something to listen to and you're like, oh, I should put this on. And then you rediscover someone or something. Yeah, that's right. Yeah. Well, speaking of playlists, would you would you make one to coincide with this episode, maybe like 10 songs? Oh, yeah, of course. Sure. Can we do something very yeah we like We really should start asking, basically. I think that's called an interesting way to start to know someone or to keep another point of view of someone. or Yeah, totally. yeah probably it its like ah it's like ah It's like a transference of love. Yeah, yeah. A transference of love, of knowledge, of ah
pesian yeahs Yeah, like idea it's also like I don't part of it for me like making playlists or like I share a lot of music to my Instagram stories ours and you know, I I think like I share probably the majority of the music content to the like pictures and stuff to the duds stories yeah, but it's like yeah, you know like I want people to get into a lot of these fans, especially the like smaller ones, but you know there's always a chance that like am even some well-known shit, people have never heard it before and they may like you know absolutely love this artist. and they just like you know Anytime anyone reacts or engages with that that type of shit, it it makes me so happy because I'm just like, I want to turn people on to this shit that i that like means the world to me.
and that back up That's what friends are made of, like sharing music, sharing movies, sharing books or anything that is kind of interesting and that touch them. like yeah I mean, usually if you are a friend with someone that means like you have kind of a connection with them or with her or whatever. But, and so like, ah yeah, if you can share a book, a movie or a music, like usually kind of help connecting even more. And it's nice sharing that. that thanks
it's about to It's about sharing an experience, I think. yeah That's how I feel about it anyway. like you know like I want you to have what I have with this thing. and No, but and sometimes you don't have the same feeling at all or anything, but that's interesting too. i mean like yeah its a It's out, so like you don't necessarily have the same feeling even with someone super close. like You are not obliged to like the same movies or books. than your wife or your best friend or whatever. But it's interesting to keep different points of view and to understand the point of view of the other one. And it's a try like and sharing about art and stuff like passion making. I mean, we like we've talked a a pretty good bit on this program about, you know, clothing as a language. But I think that that also like
You know, that also ties into what we're talking about, which is like, hey, you know, this is like, this is a part of myself that I am. you know interested sort of in expressing to someone. and like you know you don't Like you said, you don't always like connect entirely with everyone around you, but like there is there is that special thing when when you find someone that does connect with them. Absolutely. and like When you dress, it's kind of the same. like Sometimes there are people that are wearing stuff that I wouldn't necessarily wear it myself.
Oh, I wouldn't see myself in that clothing, et cetera. But I fucking love it on that person. I'm like, that's cool that he's wearing it, et cetera. So like, yeah, it's the same. And sometimes you're like, oh, I don't like that. I don't like that. And then you see someone with the exact same piece. And it's just so cool that you're like, ah, maybe I shall reconsider it. And maybe, maybe, maybe I kind of like that. Right. but then you can somebody convince you that inevitably at some point you're gonna you're gonna say that to yourself and try the thing and be like I feel like a jackass
you know That's what Leisure Loping said about me, right? Like, ah Connor wears things that I would look like an ass if I was wearing, which I guess is true, and I guess is a compliment, but... oh so It's definitely a compliment. It's funny. you know Yeah, right. It's funny. we ah We can't all hit home runs all the time when we step out of our little you know our little box. Some get pretty close. Some do get pretty close. le Leisure Loping is one of those dudes that gets pretty damn close. Yeah, agreed. And of course our esteemed guest.
Right. Oh, yeah. Well, I mean, that that honestly just goes without saying, yeah, like like, yeah, you fucking Roman. um Yeah, there's so many people that are in our little like podcast orbit. I feel like we can't name names. No, there's there's too many. There's so many, so many of these motherfuckers that follow me and like comment on my posts and they're like, this is amazing. It's like, no, dude, you are the amazing. Like, what are you talking about? you you talking about That's always the same thing. There's a lot of talent out there. Yeah, it's easier to give compliments than re receive them. Which you do, and I'm going to break into this right now because we're going to talk about it anyway, but you are a serial commenter. You are a complimentor, you are a commenter, and I'm just wondering what the what the
by Not what your motivation is, but like no you have a so do you know a secret about the algorithm? No, no, not at all. Not at all. Like, I think the it's probably from where I started, because I didn't start to on Instagram, but I was on a forum that was a bit like style forum or something like this, but for French people and back in the days. And when we started, a feed that was like kind of what are you wearing today, et cetera. And people started to post their outfit and stuff like this.
I was really like, okay, that's nice, but like it's a very good exercise to comment on people's outfit and say what you like, what you don't like, why, and giving constructive feedback. And so I was trying, and most of the people on that forum were trying to give honest feedback all the time. Advises, etc. Obviously it was not always constructive, but most of the time it was.
but yeah ah so i I always feel that like there are so many people that I love on Instagram etc and I'm not commenting enough but know that you say that I comment all the time I'm more than happy she awesome No, you're everywhere, you're everywhere. And of course, it feeds you, it feeds me your comments, right? Because we are friends on the internet, so I see your comments

Online Fashion Community

like are higher than other people's. I just think it's interesting like how all of the things are connected, how we are all connected. just um i'm I'm interesting to see what the people are wearing, et cetera. I mean, like as you said, we are friends from internet, but there are other people that I met in real.
I see you through a screen, but one day... One day. One day. And I'm going to be surprised by how tall you are. That's what happens to everyone that I see. ah yeah but So yeah, it's it just really like, I think it's a cool exercise to see what other people are wearing. thinking like, okay, maybe that stuff is for me, maybe that stuff is not for me, but I still like how the stuff are combined together. And think it just like it's it's nice to give a feedback to people.
It's very nice. ah Well, speaking of what you do and don't like, the summer is for people like us sort of a challenging time, right? Like, what do you wear? How do you wear the stuff that you actually like? ah So I'm wondering what your plan for this summer is. You are a person who a lot of the time wears a suit, but sometimes wears something wild ah and kind of climate appropriate. So I'm curious what your summer attire is going to be. Wow, summer attire for the office. I mean, I like having a jacket because I don't like carrying a bag. So like this, I can put the phone and all the stuff, et cetera. So no matter what, I'm going to have most probably the jacket. And afterwards,
Yeah, I mean, like if I'm at the office, I try to use like linen or very wide open woven wool or stuff like this, like fresco to keep a bit fresh. But like when it's really too warm, ah just go to the office with like a jungle jacket and a shirt with rolled sleeves or hot sleeves or whatever. That's a look that I picture you in. I feel like that's like sort of a signature look for you. yeah no because like Yeah, as I said earlier, I think like if you don't feel comfortable, you can feel good. So I always try to find a way to look comfortable, even if it's a dead one or whatever.
Yeah. How hot does it get in Geneva? like does it Is it like sweltering humidity? Well, it's quite humid. During summer, top, we can feel 38, 40 degrees Celsius. That's a lot. That's hot. that's and I don't know the Celsius conversion, but I know that's fucking hot. it's It's a lot like 30 Celsius. in ah It's a wonder how any of those people survived. How do you survive? It's 1600. You're in the middle of like a field and there's nothing for thousands of miles in any direction. And it's hot for some reason. Just improbable.
Well, it's also, yeah, it's over 100 Fahrenheit. What the fuck? See what I mean? That's crazy. I would have thought like, there's a sort of genteel temperature in Geneva, right? Like, it's like gonna be maybe 75 with a nice breeze. Yeah, but it can be also half of it. Like we keep very different kind of summer like sometimes it's crazy warm and the week after not at all. And sometimes like the whole summer it's crazy warm and sometimes we keep shitty summer. So because I guess they do they do have heat waves in Europe where people die, right? I mean,
Yeah, yeah, there are some famous ones that we had, ah like I think, 2004. And yeah, these past few years, I know every time and like during the summer, the state is trying to call all people to see if they hydrate themselves well, et cetera. There

Dressing for Geneva's Weather

are spots on TV all the time about that, et cetera. Wow. Yeah, I would I went to pity in 2013. And I know that Italy is a very or not a very long way, but ah a ways away from from Switzerland. And I was like, I was shocked at how fucking hot it was during the few days that we were in Florence.
Especially if Florence is quite tricky because like there is no water around, just that river. So you can't go for a swim and the city is warm and there is no swimming pool unless you are lucky enough to hit one in your hotel. like yeah And there is no air. I was going to say it was the world's... I don't even remember if there was air conditioning in the Airbnb, we say that. i don't um you i think they're anti and aren't the italians anti-air conditioning they think it's goingnna steal your soul or something who fuck
It's a Catholic thing. Also, the flip side of this coin is we went to Vienna for a few days because my friend and old boss had lived there for a while and it was perfect. I I could wear a top don't layer and be very comfortable all think you're... day and even a little almost I think they're anti... aren't chilly at night. the Italians anti-air conditioning? They think it's gonna steal your soul or something? so yeah Yeah, weird really does sound ideal. I mean, jacket weather is just like, you should be able to wear a jacket all the time. Yeah, like 25 degrees. It's the perfect weather. Yeah, it's you you can live with a small jacket during the day. But if you don't want to can as well you can go to swim etc. And in the night you put back your jacket and you are good. And that's it.
That's, like, perfect. Yeah. Perfect weather. This this is definitely going away as a as a concept. I mean, I think that we'll endure many, many... Not afterwards. if you're under tropics and you have always 25 degrees, you get a bit bored. That's probably... Bored, you said? It gets a bit boring if you always keep the same kind of weather that you can't never coat and that... in the summer you can't wear shorts, etc. Right is the spice of life, baby! Yeah, exactly. If you hit always 25 degrees, even if it's perfect, and it's a kind of perfection that they like, I mean... i
It will be going. Yeah. No, that's a good point. I mean, because I guess humans are, um, I don't know. It's like, you know, i kind of like know what we want so night te try like yeah every time you are out changing season, it's kind of cold to be like, okay, what i i can I wear now? Okay. It's spring. It's not being a slightly warm and not trying to go back to the stuff that you didn't wear for six months or so. It's kind of cold and same for winter afterwards. Uh, just a random question that I thought of, but are you a team undershirt? Like when you're wearing a button down? No, I never wear anything under my shirt. Yeah, same same here. Good. Yeah. Yeah. I think, hot yeah, Connor and I are also both team, no undershirt, but I know some people. It just makes it too fucking hot. It's too hot. You can't wear an extra layer under your layer. That's the bottom layer. Yeah. It's preposterous. I don't like it at all.
Yeah, thing and it doesn't even help it doesn't do anything. It doesn't make you sweat less It doesn't make the pit stains go away. What's the point? I say Walmart and less comfortable. Yes. Yeah, agree I don't want that agreed and definitely the like the like Neck thing like if you have like the little white collar, it just doesn't look good. It's a bad shape No, never where I'm missing Yeah, good. Good call. Well, the only thing that they can do if it's get very cold in the winter and that they need to wear suits sometimes I put like and an undershir to so
thin undershirts or something like that to keep it warm. yeah because it keeps you more But otherwise, it's like you don't want to be wearing an undershirt in the summer, even if it's a tank top. I mean, like, yeah as we said, like, sometimes there are people that are asking like, oh, Sea of Secure is nice for summer or linen, it's nice for summer. And I'm like, yeah, it's nice. But like, when it gets over 100 sea of suits or whatever, And way before that like you are fucking hot even naked it so like if you add layers or what like it's gonna be warm like it helps a bit it's less worse than synthetic or anything but like
You add stuff on you, so, I mean, differently, it's warmer. And i think I think we should celebrate the male nipple. You know what I mean? You can see it through the shirt. That's funny as shit. Like, what is funnier than visible nipples that are unknown? Visible male nipples that are they are unaware of. It's just good, you know? Breathe the masculine nipple. Right. Hell yeah. Wear a jacket, then. No one does that. Wear a jacket. So we talked about the IG commenting strategy. My question that I sort of launched this program behind, ah the Fit Pick philosophy, because you are like me. People have praised me saying, he does it every day. Good job. I don't do it every day anymore because I can't, because i my life is causing me trouble. But you do it every day still. So
What's the deal? I mean, do you do you scout your fit pic locations? I mean, do you when you see a place you go straight there and you take the picture? What is your the method to your madness? So the thing is that pictures are always better when my wife can help and take the pictures. Oh, so like days, weekends, et cetera. Pictures are definitely always better. And you've got an assist sometimes not during the week when I'm at the office, where usually you can see on my profile, like it's always the same kind of pictures all the time. And it's a place where I can put like, uh, my phone on the little, uh, wall or something. and the well And I put the timer and that's it. Cause you can't put a tripod in your pocket.
Yeah, I'm not gonna walk away with a tripod or whatever like the easy I mean like Yeah, it doesn't have to be a core or anything. Like it if it's not being annoying and difficult, that's not my thing. Like I don't want to. Yeah. So like I try to keep it as easy as possible. So like I found those few nice plays. Sometimes I found another one that are not too far from the office or on the way to the office from my home.
Do you want to work with my phone in the middle of the street? Leave it here for 10 seconds, put the timer and shoot the picture. That's it. Wow. Nice. That's amazing. yeah no i The thing is that in those pictures, they are not so good, but they are interesting in the way that it's always the same kind of background. It's always memory, because I like going through when when I'm like, OK, what I'm going to wear today, sometimes I'm like, OK, what I didn't wear or what I wore last summer or whatever. And I kind of like checking back.
but they did so you do So you do play the tape. Because I know some people don't like some people don't ever look at their stuff. I think those people are lying. yeah Yeah, it's a kind of diary, you know? Yeah, yeah absolutely. yeah I don't have an idea, but what i what did I do last year at that date? And I'm like, I want to check. And it's kind of interesting to know. or Sometimes, yeah, there are stuff that you forget in your closet or things like this. So you are like, oh, that's why. There's been a why that I didn't wear that. I shall try to wear that. How can I do it? And that's the problem.
Yeah, visual diary is a good, is a good way of thinking about it. I mean, that's definitely how I think about it. Sometimes like, I don't know. It's like a little art project. It's like here I am every day. It's hot and not hot at the same time, but yeah, it's interesting. Yeah. Yeah. Like I think it could be amazing if it was like installed, like in a gallery, right? Like maybe not big, but like, you know, every single one is the picture of the same person. That's like taking the same sunrise every day.
ah Sorry, my wife is telling my wife.
this Wow, this is a first. This is a first. We have someone being owned by their partner on camera. She's got to say hello. with Well, tell but tell her that I love all the plants. I just love to see plants. Hi, how are you? Excellent. Yeah, yeah yeah yeah it's a pothos. yeah hi it's beautiful you can't have a house without it and there's a second guy uh we can't see him no and thank you too thank you for being the photographer yeah thank you for being the photographer it's probably it uh his veggies

Geneva's Unique Culture

wow exactly you guys are very cute
ah Okay, I'm off to watch my series. Enjoy it! i So so where ah as I said earlier, we had Colin on and he gave us an American ticket on Geneva. We were hoping that we could get yours as ah basically a native. Well, it's an interesting city in the fact that it's small, but super international due to all the organization that we came around, etc. So there are literally people from
everywhere in the world in China. But we are like in the continent, which is like the state, more or less, a bit less than 500,000 or something like that. So so not not it's not tiny, but... Yeah, it's half tiny, half big. Like, it's not big, but it's not small. We are between, but it's interesting to have so many different people from all around the world there. And afterwards, like, um yeah.
it's a bit particular because like we are very close from France so we get some stuff from there but we are not fully French neither so we have a lot of things in common with Switzerland and like we have a lake also which is the biggest lake in Europe and It's right in the middle of the city. During the summer, we really feel that kind of stuff that city at the beach and beach at the city and stuff like that. That's quite cool. That's awesome. I don't think there are that many cities that- It's quite rare. There are lake cities in America, like Illinois area, right?
Yeah, of course, of course. But yeah, that's amazing. I see pictures too. A nice beach in the middle of the city. And that is something that we hear. So like, as soon as the weather starts bringing good, et cetera, you see people running around the lake going to to swim e etc even actually there are people swimming all year around so like we see people swimming in the middle of the winter as well um but it gives like a kind of different vibe that is quite interesting then of course the mountains are not very far so if it's fall during the summer to go for hike or
during the winter to go for long walk in the snow asking and then yeah after people in Geneva yeah yeah people very interested in art and etc but also very conservative persons lot of money obviously around etc and also like we we are protestant like ah Geneva is a protestant city so like we have for example I don't know, they are a huge tailor that comes like several times a year since...
20-30 years or like this but you're never gonna see the people that order to suit in the street because like they stay at home with it or they go just to their office with it or whatever but like yeah there is this kind of old saying that is like ah to live happy you need to live ah to hide yourself or don't show that you are rich or whatever Interesting, but that's that's correct. Well, I don't know that that's correct, but it's like you look at our really rich guys, right? Like only one of them is really visible. Yeah, that's true. But also we keep dependent with a lot of. Yeah, we keep also new rich, et cetera, but just dry prairie and stuff like this all around the city. And kind of ah interesting mix.
Yeah, what it's like mountain mountainous lake is like a you can picture it. Right. I mean, I think that that is a really like picturesque. Yeah, it's basically sweet and unlike we just reproduce the same prototype each time like Lake small city with no things at the back. shut good time but dozen times because like zuri it's the same lu za is the same mo is the same nocha tech is the same etc etc cetera I hear that it's quite expensive because the Swiss franc, which like I guess people maybe don't know this, they use the Swiss franc there and not the euro. So it's a different
um I don't know. It's like a different currency. Yeah, just a different currency. But it's a strong currency, right? It's a strong currency that doesn't move too much. so like We have much less variation than any other kind of money. which is Yeah, exactly. like The dollar is getting better all the time. It's not that it's always the strongest. The dollar used to be stronger than Swiss, for example. We are less impacted by ah changes politically, et cetera. It doesn't prove that much, ah which makes it kind of safe to use. And afterwards, yeah living here is kind of expensive. Everything is more expensive than anyone. else like When you go on holidays, you're always happy because you're like everything is cheaper here.
Right. But um but we have high salary as well. it has also things Overall, we have more like the same kind of of sp ah money for as anywhere else. what is ah What's the clothing scene like in Geneva? like do you you know Do you have any other friends that are into similar stuff that you are? Yeah, of course. I'm quite, I mean, like, it's small. There are not so many people wearing nice clothes, but I'm very lucky to have found a few other people that love clothing ah around. so like And we are very good friends, like like some of them since more than 12, 15 years and more. And yeah. um
So I have a friend that I met in college and his mother is the last shirt maker in Geneva. She's doing everything. often yeah The last one, and the shirt shop is called Rivenga. And yeah, I know his son since forever and he's one of my best friends. And then I have a few other friends like Felipe, etc. And we are very close to each other.
oh all the time and we went to PT together, for example. But yeah, like that's the thing. like We are friends in real life. So when we travel together to go to France, p tea or something like this It's free more. I mean like there is PT but I can travel with them anytime. like It's really just add more fun to the thing. But but it's really just like they travel with friends. We can with friends. That's awesome. Have you had some church made by your friend's mom?
Yeah, yeah, I have a few. I have a few and pretty much all the friends are on the table as well. Oh, that's funny. Yeah, no, no, it's very cool. And Tim, yeah, all of his shirts obviously made from her and now she did a few projects also with like this jacket and stuff like that. But yeah, that's cool. Yeah, we'll have to we'll have to check out that that brand. i'm mean like It's a kind of crashmanship that disappears more and more. So like it's nice that in a city like this it didn't completely disappear because like we had some back in the days. but like so Last one in Geneva and maybe there are two or three in all Switzerland.
potato Yeah, I would kind of figure that that industry would be like more able to thrive, I guess, in a place like Geneva, because there just is money. And so thereby, there is a need for tailored clothing. I don't know. Also, like, as a craft man, you need to get your salary. And that means like, if everything is expensive, you need to put crazy prices.
And then people just go to Paris. Like people that can afford that kind of stuff, they are just going to London or Paris quite often for walks or stuff like this, and they all there is there. There are suits and et cetera there. Or in Italy, even. Sure. Are there any um any like bespoke tailors based in Geneva or like very close by in Switzerland? and No, no, no, no. now In Switzerland, naturally, really yeah. ah It's always something that disappears. I think, no, yeah. To keep something this full, this side of shirt that are now in Geneva, you can keep, yeah, in France or in Italy, but like in Switzerland. Now, maybe a couple of old craftsmen that are in Swiss Germany, are the faest but not that much.
gotcha. Yeah, it's always interesting to like, um you know, obviously, u k are england the Yeah, with the so price of life, you're gonna have a suit that is made by nobody in Switzerland, that's gonna cost more than something that chief Honeini or someone super famous can do in Paris. Right, right. Yeah, I guess. Or in the world or whatever. So does it make any sense? Hey, Do you like clothing that's well made? If you listen to us, we assume you do. Our longtime comrade, Eva Kuehl, is the founder and creative behind a gnarly brand called Evelyn. She offers thoughtfully designed and crafted garments, made right here in the USA, at a non-boojie price. Evelyn's saples, like the Doyle work jacket, the more directional Kanagata, and the infamous Rivicino, have been captivating her clientele for more than a decade.
The commitment to offering unique, interesting fabrics and a staunchly consistent fit is unrivaled. From casual outerwear to made-to-order RTC tailored clothing, Epaulette offers a garment for any occasion. Visit and enter the code DUDDCAST10 for 10% off your first order.
if you So, this is a ah random question that I think we should probably incorporate more, but if you ran into your teenage self, um what do you think he would think? About you? Yeah, about like... you know Or whatever. Or whatever, right? Like, if we could look... Yeah, you know what I mean? Like, how did you turn out? Would your teenage self be bummed out? Like, oh my god, what a fucking loser. Or like, wow, what a cool dude. I don't know. No, can I think he's probably going to be happy because he kind of started to being interested in clothing quite young. It was all about sometimes you do things wrong, sometimes you do things right, sometimes you miss something, etc., but like you learn. and
I think he will be happy. It will be like, okay, it's not too bad. Not too bad. Right. Makes sense. Cause I would be like, fuck this guy. Like, why are you wearing a tie? Like that doesn't make any sense. stephen and So that's why I wrote that because like, at least in my, at least in my life, like there's a big, you know, like I'm not wearing flannel shirts and band t-shirts anymore. You know? Yeah, but I mean like I never been like that kind of guy that is like, Oh, you dress like this. So you are like this. Like I've always been like, yeah, you can wear a suit or a soft well or whatever you can be naked or anything. and Just if you are cool, you're cool. That's a nice and I like spending time with you. Oh, yeah. Excellent. I think that is a great ah note to end on.
If you're cool, you're cool. And that's true. like Yeah, there is nothing more to say. There are some people that they are just cool. That's it. Yeah, they they the the corporate overlords have not quite yet figured out how to ah crystallize that essence. ah Well, Luis, I don't think I said that right in my Southern accent. It's been a pleasure. Thank you for but coming on. And yeah, we're we're happy with how much support you've given us over the past couple of years of of doing this. So happy to share it with with our wonderful community. um We always like to give it our guests a chance to shout out whenever they want to. So please do that. Drop your Instagram whenever you would like.
oh Well, so I said a few Swiss guy that lives in Geneva already. and So there were Pivenga for the shirt, Filipe Tika as a very good friend, and Sartorial Watchmaker.
I'm probably missing some. Avoyage Sartorial. But there are also, like, plenty of tool guys in France, but, like, you know already, Omar and others. But ah I think, like, in Paris, there are guys that are super cool as well, like, KvSmanZ, you probably saw him already on Instagram, et cetera, or Side Adjuster, or Gton in Paris. Yeah. All of those are super cool guys, super chill, and they all look fucking amazing, so I'm happy to say hi to them and give support, yeah? Yeah, it seems like you guys have a really, like like you said, a small but tight-knit crew of like rad people. Fick as thieves. Yeah, seriously. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, like, I will always be happy to see those guys more often, but but yeah.
There is a cool thing, there is a cool thing. It's all good friends, like when you met them in real, they are as cool as otherwise. And yeah, in general, it's just too cool to see people in real life than just like sending message, etc. I mean, it's nice as well. But I never had like a bad surprise and I always been super happy and it's always nice. it's ah It's always people that become very good friends. Hell yeah. so How it should be. Well, ah exactly. yeah and and I'll try to get Colin to reach out to you. Yeah, yeah yeah you guys should hang. He's saving the world or whatever.
but A cool person, definitely. Definitely. Well, yeah, man, once again, thank you so much. Everyone, thank you for listening. um Please rate, like, share, subscribe, whatever the fuck on your platform of choice. um Yeah, we are, uh, apocalypse studs at If you've got questions, comments, concerns, um, or just want to send us a stupid meme, um, at apocalypse studs on Instagram. I am Matt Smith at rebels rogues. And I'm Connor Fowler at Connor Fowler. Nice. Nice. We'll see you next week.
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