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Sleepy Games' Treehouse of Horrors Part IV image

Sleepy Games' Treehouse of Horrors Part IV

The Sleepy Games Podcast
18 Plays4 months ago

A Nicolas Cage Hallowe'en Double Feature featuring Longlegs (2024) and Willy's Wonderland (2021). 

Intro Music: From the movie Willy's Wonderland (music from Emoi)

Next Week: A Special episode to celebrate 50 EPISODES!


Introduction to the Sleepy Games Podcast

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Hey, hey, hey, welcome for another episode of the Sleepy Games podcast.

Nicolas Cage: Prolific Actor or Overexposed?

We are your hosts. I'm James Games along with me, the the adorable Sleepy John. How's it going, Sleepy John? Hey, buddy. I'm excited for this day's episode because it is one of our favorite actors. I mean, I guess favorite or just most memorable actors of our of our time. I think he's been acting since the both of us have been born.
I would say that's probably true. Yeah, that's probably accurate. Yeah, he's been in the industry a long time. Yeah, because but he you got a star in the 80s. He may have been big in the 80s. And then, you know, he just he's just been sailing ever since. he' just paage I feel he makes so so so we're talking about Nicolas Cage. And I think he has like at least um he he comes out with at least a movie or two or three movies like a year.
yeah he's kind of like uh kind of like a samuel jackson there he's he's always working it seems like yeah yeah because it's amazing how many movies and samuel jackson makes that you're just like oh my god that's like it's like beyond b movie like i don't even know where this came from like you're just the busy guy Yeah, I remember when Nicolas Cage, there's like so many movies with his, it's just, you never even hear of. Yeah. And I just like, see, you're just like, wait, this came out? Like, but, but, but you know, we have to say like a lot of these movies are pretty shit. um Well, yeah, like, I mean, they're more recently, I mean,
I feel like and this is the thing is like I've always felt like throughout pretty much his entire career like he's always been kind of a hit or miss type of guy for me like definitely in the latter part of his career for sure but like every now and then I don't know someone someone I'll say like you know one of his more recent movies was like not great and I watched and I was like I actually thought it was pretty good so uh yeah i guess It's not his fault. it's ah yeah He's usually good in it. No, and that that's ah that's the one thing, and like and it's part of the reason that I i think myself, like I respect him for it, is that as like just as a

Is Cage Choosing Films for Art or Challenge?

professional, right? like is that
Even though like he is he is still famous like his his name does carry a certain amount of weight and He still does big budget stuff every now and then he always Gives a hundred percent like he's never phoning it in he's never just you know Resting on his laurels or whatever or he's just like oh, I'm Nick Cage I don't need to fucking try kind of deal right like he's always actually trying to give it a hundred percent like he's giving it his all every time and I think that over the course of an actor's career, that's that's hard to find, and that's rare. It makes me think, too, as far as the movies he chooses, ah if he's like if he chooses films that are more low budget, because maybe he's helping out the little guy, he's helping out those directors that don't normally get those bigger actors, and he kind of he just steps in and be like, you know what? I'll do your movie.
Oh, it's this simple script. got I got to do this. you know it's it's not going to be you know It's not going to be critically acclaimed or anything. But you know I just want to you you give me a nice check. I'll i'll give you a good performance. you know I'll make sure your your your film's noticed.
right that's how i see it at least i yeah i think that there might be some validity to that i always wonder if another factor is him reading the script and he's just like oh like this is something i've never tried before right this is a character that like i think this it's interesting right i think that because he he always does play i feel like very different roles uh he's not i don't like I understand a lot of people have say it's a tendency to over act and in that over acting, it basically always makes it kind of like classic Nick Cage. But and and and there may be some truth to that. I mean, like whatever, everyone's got their opinions. But what I would say is that he's not typecast in that like he's always playing different characters, like whereas the majority of actors out there, they kind of find their niche. They don't kind of stray too far from it for the most part.
especially if they're, uh, pumping out as many movies as he is. Like, you might get some more method actors that, you know, they're not making that many movies and they, you know, doing in different roles and stuff. But when you're pumping out, like you said, three movies a year, you constantly playing different characters and everything like that. Like, you know, again, something interesting, something I respect anyway, so.
Yeah, and speaking of different kind of roles, I feel like the two films we're going to be talking about today are vastly different kind of roles for

Analyzing 'Long Legs': Style and Performance

him. Yes. um we We probably picked very opposite ends of the spectrum here. but Even the tone of the movie and everything and the type of movie, even though I do feel like they're both Halloween themed. ah Yes, definitely.
on on on on opposite sides of the spectrum. So it was ah was pretty pretty neat how that that all worked out. so Yeah. So um i kind I kind of anticipating your thoughts and I kind of want to dive into long legs first, if you don't mind. Okay. um So I would love to hear your thoughts. First of all, since since ah two episodes ago, I spoke on it a little bit saying it was one of my ah favorite films of of the year so far. um But ah I want to get into your thoughts before we dive into it.
Okay, ah sure. I mean, I guess I can see i can see why you you liked it for sure. I mean, especially it's got a terrific ah opener, I think, when they start with the... I don't know what the terminology for that, but there's the lens of one size, and then it obviously ends up going to, you know, the standard cinema size or something like that, right? like they Oh yeah, I forgot about that actually. Yeah, I'm glad you reminded me of that. Yeah, like so so right from the opener, like it it is <unk>s kind of like an off-putting movie. like its it definitely it The director does a very good job setting certain tones. The camera work is very good in that you're uneasy in scenes where there's not even anything going on just with how the camera is positioned.
and which which to me I when that happened the feminine i'd always heighten the suspense for yes and and so like and and it's it's rare where you find a movie that's doing that where it's like it's not even that there's anything going on it's just yeah well done camera work right yeah and and same thing with the audio is it's off putting uh i thought i don't remember the main actress uh her name her name's lee Okay, Lee, so I liked how, again, like, she's constantly like you you kind of hear her fast breathing and everything like that, even though she has a professional, you can tell that she's scared, like, and it's hard not to kind of feel what she's feeling with the way that again, like, it they really kind of focus on that. And I found that that was
you know again off-putting like it it it does have a weird tone in that like it it is kind of like a horror thriller thing like uh obviously more of a detective uh story i guess yeah so i i i kind of saw it a mix of like three movies i saw a mix of like um south of the lambs meets dodiax meets seven and yeah exactly so with like, with some, ah well, yeah I guess, but wait, yeah no, you keep going. Sorry. Yeah. And I mean, it it definitely, yeah I mean, it takes place in the 90s. They never actually just come out, I think, specifically and say that. But I mean, you can see it with ah ah pictures of like Bill Clinton in the background. They really want you to notice Bill Clinton on the walls. Yeah, ninety it's the 90s. Yeah, it was uh, I mean it worked it was effective ah And but and I mean, you know There's a lot of those types of movies in the 90s that were made those types of detective movies funnily enough one of the ones that we watched last season fall and I think kind of falls into ah similar theme and tone regs detective movie and you know, and again, there's some
I guess good and evil at play supernatural elements to it. It's an investigation. It's kind of got this off a settling tone. And again, it was that was made in the 90s. So I think this movie does a good job at capturing the 90s kind of type of cinema for for these types of movies that was made back then. I think it did a really good job at that.
uh again i will say nick cage uh i think he does a terrific job of playing a plane ah very unhinged i guess type of serial killer uh i think this the scene for me that sticks out is when he's in the store and he's covering his eyes he's doing the cuckoo thing yeah the cuckoo cuckoo yeah that one was like it Yeah, that like I'm not saying the other scenes weren't weren't good as well, i'm just like but that was the one I think kind of stuck out in terms of just yeah just paying a very unhinged like yeah serial killer, I guess a devil-worshipping type character. Yeah, and the thing about Nick Cage too is you know a lot of his scenes are are quite quite terrifying for how unhinged he is, but for what he does, you can't help but laugh sometimes with with with what he's doing, because

'Long Legs': Critique and Themes

it's almost like a scared laughter.
Right. Yeah. It's like funny, but like like fucking freaky at the same time. It's like, oh my God, like this guy's capable of doing anything to me. like Oh my God. um But yeah that's something I feel like that Nick Cage does so well. Yeah, it's when when I think when a when a role is well written with the way that he acts, I think, yeah, it definitely... ah You know, it it resonates in the shows, right? so Yeah, it kind of seems like that that this role was written for him to play Yeah, he can he can he can do those highs that other actors can't Yeah, I would definitely make it still seem like believable, you know. Yeah
And so, so all in all, I mean, though those are kind of, so for, ah in terms of, I guess the tone, I think it was, it was well done. The camera works well done. I liked the visuals, the audio. I thought all that was really done. I think for me, my, like, I'd say like the, I guess that the bad or, or, or I guess the negative or whatever you want to call it in terms of like my review is that. Tell us.
this There's a couple spots in the story that I feel it was like i kind of on the weak side, I guess, like just the writing of ah of of of a few, ah I'd say a few scenes for me anyways.
um Guess this is what's kind of interesting is that it's a it's a it's a short movie which I like and it's I and I and I know I've talked about social a fair bit about like movie lengths and Ironically in this case I'd say it's almost like I'd almost want the movie to be a bit longer Which is very rare for me to say because I feel like it starts off as grounded. It's a very grounded story. It's a serial killer, detective chasing a serial killer. I know that there's little snippets of things like she might be psychic, she might not be. And that's just it is like it's a very grounded story. And then I'd almost say like, not until you really get to the third act, does it become supernatural. Mm hmm. Yeah. And you you you really don't know until then. Yeah. And then you kind of you think about the rest of the family like
Oh, because I see more of like the you know the whole devil being incorporated with it with the the story and how it manipulates you to do certain things and forget things. Right.
and And that's the thing, right? is like I just feel like if they could've just dumped maybe a little bit more foreshadowing earlier on to kind of let you know that it was gonna be this type of movie. Because for me, initially, I was just like, man. They'll be granted the whole time.
Well, yeah. And, yeah you know, and you've got the serial killer that's like killing people like without even going to the house. And then, you know, it it basically it seems like the father's is being manipulated and you're like, hey, like, how is he doing this? Right. and Like, and i I was interested in this type of, I guess, more like Sherlock Holmes type, you know, type detective story. Right. And I'm just like, OK, like, well, how would he do that? it wass Like, you know, and you're're you're running through things in your mind and you're like, you know, like, what are what are some ways that a person can manipulat manipulate a person?
Is it like an extortion game? Like, you know, like it could be a lot of things, right? Like I was waiting for the story to unfold and then it was like, oh, the devil made them do it. And you're like. OK, so and and that was that was the only thing for me, like, I guess, like I'm not saying I did enjoy the movie. It just I would have liked just a little bit more. and And you think because that it kind of takes away of like long legs as a character.
Cause like, oh, he's just being controlled the whole time. Yeah. And, and well, that's the thing cause like, so near the ending, uh, there's basically all I could call and I, some movies do this from time to time. I,
It's, I would say that this is rare where it's done well. and Is a, is a kind of a, almost like a near the end of the movie, whether it's like third act, fourth act, fourth act, whatever, exposition dump, where it's basically trying to explain the whole movie. And, and there is that with at the end where he's talking about how her mother, uh, you know, spared her, got her daughter's spared life basically. And then started working with long legs.
No, spoilers FYI. Yeah, we we we we're going to spoilers for both films. Way past that, I think. But i'll ah I'll make sure to put it in the episode description too. But but yeah, so and then there's so and then they're explaining the dolls and everything. and How he's in the basement the whole time.
Well, yeah, but the thing for me is that the exposition dump, I felt like a lot of that, near all of it, didn't really need explaining. I kind of figured all that on my own. I don't think that the movie was being subtle about some of the stuff by that point. And if anything, if there were little things that it was wrapping up, I would have preferred not knowing and just leaving that that that lack of knowing right where it's like it's open your own interpretations or something like that rather than being like oh like here's everything that kind of happened where you're just like well you didn't really explain anything anyways you just repeated the movie to me so that i thought was a little bit i guess
I don't know, not great for me, I guess. I think it's just the problem was I wanted a bit more. I just needed to be a bit longer. Dive into, you know, maybe a little bit more that the devil Holt that obviously he's a part of. Like they don't really ever say where these dolls come from where this.
uh with this ideology or where were these powers manifest from whether it's like this you know maybe there's this ancient cult that's been running for thousands of years or something you know what i mean like they never really go into that which is fine if you want to keep some air of mystery but then why are you doing this like end of the movie exposition dump is all for me So i I understand a lot what you're saying because I noticed a criticism with this film is a style over substance. And they you they built this whole, you know, like the movie is very beautiful to look at. It's like you're saying it's shot very well. But yeah you'rere you're you're going to it perfectly. Like if if it was fleshed out a little more,
and maybe just had had a few more things over here, a few more things in the beginning said that led, that that met at the end. It could have came together a little better instead of just being like, oh, why are you just throwing this here now? Okay. Yeah. i so like So some things I can kind of
Like I agree, and then, but I feel like I can look past some things. just because like i'm ah i'm like I'm on the edge i ah i'm on the edge like the whole time and like I was yeah thoroughly entertained the whole time.
um but yes it's but But to me, you're it's not it's not a sort so like ah no but well yeah I guess we'll have to get to our rating soon enough, but it's definitely it's not like the the the the top tier rating. but to To me, yeah it's just it's it's just great, but it's it's just it's a step below like amazing.
Yeah, it's like I said, it it is it is good. and I mean, the one thing I will say in terms of like, I guess, ah forgiving it, it's a Halloween movie. The whole point of Halloween movies really at the end of the day is to make you feel scared or uneasy or or any of those those emotions. We, you know, we we look for those types of movies. Right. so And that makeup job on the cage is terrifying. Oh, my God. Yeah. and And I think it does it does its job in that regard.
So did did did you know what he was going to look like before you saw the movie? Uh, no, I had, I had no prior knowledge to this movie. After watching it, I did a bit of digging around. I was curious about, apparently there was some, uh, I guess very well done marketing for this movie. Yeah. Yeah. i heard that Yeah. I saw that. Which is interesting because I'd never heard of the movie. So I guess it's in certain circles.
It actually it did pretty well in the box office too for for a movie with this budget and I guess the marketing the marketing did work because yes I would agree with that so I mean and again I'm not I sometimes do live in a river rock so I mean you know my my opinion on that should mean I guess very little ah But the the other thing I guess i I had read, I never really looked into it to some degree, but the scene with Lee and Nick Cage at the end there where she's ah kind of interrogating him. Oh, that's one of my favorite scenes, the interrogation scene. Supposedly, the actress's heart rate. I don't know if somebody... I saw this too. Apparently it was jacked up to 170 at one point. So I was like, that's pretty interesting, right? like Because even she was getting... very, again, like off-putted by his, you know, his his acting, rights right? So it's like, an and again, like he's very... Yeah, he's a very unnerving character he's playing, like it's it's hard not to... Yeah, I get it is all all I'm saying, right? That scene really got me too. Yeah. That that e scene will always stick out to me. That I'll never forget.
It was like that horrifying in yeahny's thing. When he's smashing his head on the table. yeah it's like He kept doing it and do it then just seeing his face like the rest of his face. like You can see his skull and everything. Oh my god. So yeah, like I mean, and again, like I don't want to... yeah I would say that it for the review, I think that the whole style over substance, I would say that that is... that is an accurate description of the movie but the style is the style is that good but but it's still i think it still has it has a it has the substance but i feel like it can weigh depending on the viewer and well i think that that's the problem is that like it i it sometimes breaks my heart a bit when you see a movie like this where you're just like man like it wouldn't have taken very much
to make it a movie that's as good as seven or uh science of the lambs because like i'm not gonna say it is like like it it's like i would compare it to that in terms of tone and stuff but but those movies like because they're written well Uh, they're just more memorable in that regard and then this yes movie had the chance I think in some ways is to even be better You know what I mean? But it's like it just it just wasn't quite there and it it's kind of it's kind of heartbreaking sometimes because yeah, like I do think that you know, and again like the visuals and the camera work were uh, really well done the upside down camera shot at the end, uh, a lot of directors I think fucked that up a lot of times I thought it was well done as well. So
But yeah. Yeah, I think they did a good job of using Nick Cage sparingly. Like, there wasn't too much of him. it was I think it was just enough. Yeah, the opening scene was was kind of neat. And I was almost expecting to see him yeah sooner after that, but you don't. But you could tell he was just lingering. He's always in the back of your mind, like, when's this show up again? When's this show up again?
Yeah, and it and it is, like, again, it's very off-putting, like, uh... Yeah, so it it was... it was... was it was cool to see him in that role. I'm not disappointed for having to watch the movie by any means. Uh, because, like I said, I mean, the one thing about Nick Cage is, like, he will always give you a performance. Like, even if he's in the biggest box pile of shit movie, he's not gonna phone it in. He's gonna be like, I'm here to work? I'm gonna work! but So...
So, ah i have I have some fun facts about this one. I want to hear these fun facts. So, um the cuckoo bird. Yes. Do you know what a cuckoo bird actually is known to do? Or most cuckoo birds apparently? No, actually. I know i know very little cuckoo birds. A cuckoo bird is known to take over another bird's nest.
knock their eggs off. if If a mom leaves the nest and the eggs are still there, knock and kick the eggs off. and or or there yeah take take Or kick the eggs off or put their own eggs there. right And those eggs will now see the cuckoo bird as as like the mom or whatever and just take over.
Right. I'm like, that is fascinating. And how they're able to incorporate that with the character and then how the character ended up being in that house. Taking over that house, the whole movie. Well, okay. Like, I mean, yeah, you're you're saying that now is like maybe maybe there is a bit more substance than I guess an initial view will Yes, but but but if but I feel like it's been like that maybe that could have been hinted to more or like why the whole cuckoo thing was happening like you really have to understand a cuckoo birds and they're like you know that's just it right and I mean yeah like it's again like it I really think the movie would have benefited from and I and I rarely I don't think I've ever actually said this on this show but it would benefit from having been longer
and ah And that's, that I think that is the first time i've I've said this on this show. Well, yeah, it makes me think if if if maybe they did shoot some things they and they just deleted them, like maybe there's some delayed scenes. Yeah, sometimes the directors cut, you're just like, you watch the director, and you're like, why did you cut this out? Like, yeah that was a bad move. I niggle every time I hear that, you know? Yeah. And the last fun fact I had, the director, because because we we brought the director about how he,
so some of the shots were just amazing, beautiful, beautiful, ah stick with you. um He was a minor, so he was he was an actor, I guess maybe he acts from time to time still, but he was an actor before direct before directing, and he acted as like,
I saw this in a video. He was like a side very small side character in Legally Blonde. He was like another one of like like ah Reese Witherspoon's friends and at Harvard, you know trying to be a lawyer. And he was like such like a goofy, like dorky character. and like And I've seen him in this. I'm like, wow. And then you directed this movie. Good for you, man. What a glow up. I'm proud of you.
So, I feel kind of cool. Are you saying this is his first movie as a director? No, no, not his first movie. Oh, okay. This is probably like his big break movie. Oh, I see. And then I see there's another film of his coming out early next year called The Monkey. And I think it's like, you know, like those toy monkeys that have the symbols that clap. yes i do i know exactly apparently it's yeah it's like a horror i think it's like a horror film with like incorporating one of those monkeys right so he's definitely he's all in in the horror now so well i'm excited yeah i'm excited for what he does next so uh yes i i i do think he's a is a talented director for sure so yeah yes it's like maybe maybe like he could learn from
For some criticism from this film and then you know, he can maybe he can get to that sounds the land level, you know Yeah, that's just hopefully he's listening to our show and he's just like man. He's like, yeah, these guys are making good points yeah ah That's the dream for us director to take our criticism. Oh, thanks for sleeping in his podcast. I could have done without him Can you imagine the director goes up? He's getting his Oscar award. No special. Thanks Till the sleep begins, but I can't. Alright, so what is your review? Base of our scale. Wait, wait, wait. Can you also just just remind that the scale again? ah Yes. I'd rather remind the scale a few times. No, yeah I think periodically it would probably be helpful. Okay, so.
So, one one being the lowest, five being the highest. Number one is, wouldn't watch it again. Number two is, would fall asleep to it on TV. Number three, would watch it again. Number four, would buy it. And number five is the Sleepy Games instant classic.
So I'll get you, do you want mo on my review first? why you Well, I know my i've my mine's a four. I think I would i would buy it. and then like I think when I say buy it, like stream it, buy it. like I wouldn't like wouldn't buy it physically.
I understand. Well, I mean, it's it's whatever, man. like Yeah. It basically what would buy it means that because like what when when you bought a movie back in the day, it meant that you intended to watch it over and over again. at least Yeah. Right. It's like if I bought a movie, I'd be like, I'm sure I'll probably end up watching this at least another four or five times. I enjoyed it that much. That's all I mean by that. Yeah. I think I would want to why way but to introduce this film to other

Introducing 'Willie's Wonderland'

people. I would like to watch this with someone else to get their reaction. Right.
Uh, yeah, so I guess for me, uh, my rating won't be as generous. I think I'd give it a three. I would, it is another, is a Halloween movie I would watch again around Halloween time. And like you said, with somebody else curious to get their, uh, uh, interpretation or their review on it, right? So, and, and if they feel that Nick Cage is as off-putting as, as we seem to think that he is in this movie.
I like it. So a three for you, four for me. Yep. That's solid. I guess I guess it is.
I'm really, I'm really glad the other way. So then the the movie, so moving on to my film. Okay. on Well, while we're still on the but with with our next Nicolas Cage film, which for me, you had me watch Willie's Wonderland. Yes. ah I guess before we dive into the movie,
And now this is the thing, I've done zero research this movie. I have seen it. Obviously I recommended it to James. Uh, but there is, I feel like there is more backstory to it in a way because like, have you ever heard of the video game? I was literally about to mention slash movie. Okay. Well, you know what? You might as well, you might as well go right into it then. So you, you already know what I'm going to say. So yes. So, so I knew when you recommended this, I knew of this movie.
off the name and that's it. And I knew based off the name that it was based off ah Five Nights at Freddy's. That's right. Which is the video game series that they recently, I think just last year, turned into a movie. That's right. Last Halloween they did it. Yeah. Yeah. And and and I think, you know, this movie was really riding the coattails of that franchise. um And I want to say that even maybe they even had a green lit Or, well, when they're able to find a loophole to do a similar story, but, you know, just different name, yeah know different characters, somewhat changing up the storyline, all that. Well, okay, and that's the thing. is like It's interesting, like, and the the reason I want to say is because I feel like there's a different take, but I'm gonna get to that. I want to hear your overall thoughts on this, on this movie, before I dive in.
so so I don't know much about five minutes of phrase. I just know it's like a game where there's a whole bunch of jump jump. Have you played the game? No, no, I've seen people play it. You're James games. I've seen people play it. Oh, okay. Well, that that's pretty much the same thing, I guess. So you gotta see, like, in this day and age, watching someone play and playing is, like, the same thing. Right. That that is that is fair, I say suppose. All thanks to Twitch, you know? I would say it is, but the one thing I will say is that if you're playing that game, it is a bit different because you get into the jump scares more because... Well, yeah.
yeah like that that would be the one difference there's other games where i could see where there's almost no differentiation between playing and watching it yeah this one like i think you're gonna get into it a lot more you're trying to watch the cameras and everything like that it's a pretty neat concept for a very basic game actually so yeah but for someone who hates jump scares i do not want to go out of my play play this game i rather i get much more enjoyment seeing other people get scared playing it and they're like okay that's how i see the game so uh
so So that's how I know, i I knew like there's someone who works, you know, it's a closed down like knock off Chuck E. Cheese type of ah ah restaurant or or or just um fun fun thing for kids.
um And so once the movie starts, you're introduced to Nicolas Cage and then right in the beginning I'm noticing, I'm like, Nicolas Cage is not gonna say a fucking thing in this whole movie.
He has no dialogue. like and so And I could tell that from ah from his carbine. to What what what what we were you going to say? Yeah, so yeah, it is it is a fun fact about ah the movie, I guess, because i did I did tell you that is that, yeah, Nick Cage doesn't doesn't utter a single word. even that Is that what you said?
I did. I told you that last week. And then you were like, what? I wish you didn't tell me that. Well, I mean, I forgot anyway. So it's all OK. Perfect. Perfect. Well, because I thought that that was kind of the the the neat part of it. But apparently the fun fact is I did do one research thing. No, it was actually Nick Cage's idea, because ah originally there he does have a couple of lines of dialogue. And then he was just like, well, there's no point in me saying this stuff. It doesn't add anything to the movie. So I'm just not going to speak.
ah Okay, well so that's absolutely correct because he he did not need to speak at all and It it made it made it made it better. and it Well, I mean it kind of made it gave the other characters more presence Because they were the only ones that had dialogue. Yeah, even though a lot of them were fucking stupid and And you know me, I hate stupid characters, but you know, in a movie like this, it has to be expected. It's expected. And ah so, yeah, you understand that that this town is not all as it seems. and then
Speaking of all this, all the other devil possession that was in Long Legs, we got more devil possession in here too. It's, it's, um, and it, well, I guess it's that devil possession. It's just, you basically had these people that are like in this cult serial killers and then their bodies just get transferred from their human bodies to the animatronics at Willy's Wonderland. Um, but they're all fucked in the head.
Yeah. I don't think they ever said there it was the devil. I think that they're all just crazy se like serial killers. um Yeah, don't they don't dive too much into that that the how really for the movie. It's just a given from the start of the movie, right?
Right. um So, yeah, like in the first scene, it shows the first scene of um a ah these parents getting killed, and the daughter is like watching, you assume that she survives, and then um and then you go into Nick Cage. The one thing I didn't understand, but I kind of liked it, is he had those like very' caffeinated sodas all the time. And I noticed too, because I made sure to... ah
specifically look at how many sodas he had and there were just magically like so many that just ended up in the fridge that he did not have in the beginning like in that in that car i'm like where did you get up did you order these like off screen like i i know you probably had them in the trunk or something i don't know we didn't have his car anymore i'm like i know i know you didn't take them all I don't know, you because I saw how many he put in the fridge and then how many he drank. I was like, you're drinking way too many, man. There's no way this film cared about continuity. I mean, well, I mean, there's that, but it's like, i you know, you're drinking that, man. You're probably going to give yourself a good jammer, I'm sure. You're probably six or seven cans by the end of the night, isn't it?
I mean, it kind of but kind of made me like like thirsty for one of those. I'm like, this must be a good fucking drink, you know? yeah I agree. i know know And this was his character. His character was just, you know, he wouldn't speak. He loves his caffeinated sodas. he loves He loves

Character Evaluation in 'Willie's Wonderland'

pinball. And he loves being the shit of animatronics. He's damn good at it, too. ah But getting to the other characters,
um ah All the kids, they all sucked. I hated them all. Once they introduced them, I'm like, well, all of them are going to die, yeah except for the girl, because yeah she's the main one. So I'm like, all right, at the end of this, it's going to be her and Nikadez that make it through. and And what happens, that's what happens. So it so it is very predictable. But you know it's all about the journey. It's all about getting there.
um and you like We're here to see how how you're going to beat the shit, or you're going to see how the animatronics are going to kill them, and you want to know how's Nick Cage going to kill the animatronics.
right um So you just get to like one stupid scene to the next where like ah you get the kids like, oh, we got to burn this place down and save everybody. Like, oh, well, Nick Cage is in there. We got to save him. We can't burn the building until he's out. but All right. Well, it shows that that that the the main girl, you know, she's she's got a heart and soul. ah she She sees the good in people and wants to do the right thing. I appreciate that.
and then you know but all the other other characters you just have like the one the one bimbo chick and then you have the guy he's just causing turmoil between the whole group your your classic slasher movie it really is yeah actually yes but but but made Yeah, you can tell that the acting is very like B-movie acting, you know, like but the the acting is not the best, at least from the younger characters, the acting is not the best. No, none of it, like the fight sequences aren't even all that great either. Yeah, it's just not like John Wick fight scenes you're expecting. No, and and I thought that everyone was almost like leaning into it. Like, I think that it has a bit of awareness in that regard, I guess myself. but Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah. Is this is this so funny? Because you you can just you pinpoint every death that's going to happen. When you have like you have the couple going in, it's like, oh, like I'm so turned on. Isn't that weird? And the guy's like, oh, oh you're one of them. Freak freaks, huh? OK, so it's going to be death by sex scene here. OK, that's going to be interesting to see. um And then ah what you you have the one guy who's like, oh, because you have the one animatronic who is He's like, oh, you know, I got possessed. I didn't really want to. I'm really good at him. I'm a trying to guy, you know, I'm not going to hurt you. Right. And then it is like, oh, this guy's so naive. He's he's just going to believe this shit. And of course he does. And then right away killed.
um So, yeah, I mean, just it's. it's It's such a, it's a silly movie, but you know, Nick Cage is, I like what they did with this character enough to make it passable. Yeah. Where like I was still, I was still entertained by it. um And it's not a long movie at all. Like it it was, I think, not even ah an hour and a half, like maybe less than that.
um but But but like as far as the people who got him in this situation, you have the sheriff, and then the deputy, and then you had a who's the like oh the guy who ran the tote the tow truck company. right um And you know they're eventually going to come in at the end and say, alright, I'm looking forward to their deaths too.
Because you you kind of you kind of just want to see how everybody dies in a movie like this. And for for how low budget it is, it it did do what it was supposed to do. um I thought those characters don't die though. Oh, they all die.
oh I thought- It's been a while since I've seen the movie. Oh, it oh has. Okay. I don't think they died. A refreshing movie here. I thought at the end he gets his car and then he takes off. I'll tell you. so Okay. I gotta watch this again. I gotcha, I gotcha. Yeah. so So at the end, Nick Cage, he he he beats- Oh, the the the the scene where where he actually is one-on-one against Willy, who's basically like the Chuck E. Cheese of Willy and Chuck E. Cheese.
the that That last fight was a little anti-climatic. It kind of just, like, he really shows up and you think you expect this big presence, this big showdown. And, you know, Nick Cage kind of beat him pretty easily. I was like, oh, shoot, that's it. yeah Because there are other other fights with the other animatronics I thought were more memorable ah scenes, ah more memorable deaths.
um So when that happened, I'm like, Oh, okay. Well, that was the last one. um And, but there was one that he didn't kill.

Themes and Commentary of 'Willie's Wonderland'

He actually, he only knocked out, wasn't dead. Okay. And so when the, ah when the sheriff and the tow truck ah ah owner came by with his car. So he actually, it was actually fun because he came, the the tow truck owner came by with his car to give to the sheriff expecting that Nick Cage was already dead. Yes, exactly. So Nick Cage comes out, he takes the keys, he of course doesn't say anything, and yeah and those guys are terrified. I was like, oh my god, you made it out of that alive? Oh my god, you must be a true badass. Yeah. um
And he gets his energy drink in hand. So that was the one thing I liked at the end when he got the car. He goes to take a sip and then... And then he gives the can to the girl and the girl takes a sip and she's like, yes, that good shit, you know? Yeah. Now she's gonna be addicted to it. So... So after they leave, well, there was actually another amateur on the side of the road when the cop took the girl, and then apparently there's an amateur that was on top of the cop car and the whole thing happened. It was like the Hispanic amateur, too, because I was only speaking Spanish, which was pretty funny. So that one was still alive, too, and then Nick Cage ran over, and then it was dead. But there was one, it was the female amateur,
that Nick Cage didn't kill all the way. That one was still in the dumpster alive. It got out of the dumpster while the sheriff and a tow truck owner were in the car. They were like discussing, oh, oh let's read what revive like the animatronics and looking fake like make a new name for it. All all this all this like new ideas and everything will come up with a different name. And and while they're doing that,
The other animatronic comes by with the ah but with a can of gasoline that was left over and then blows herself up with the car with the guys in there. So then everybody is now dead except for Nick Cage and the girl. And that you had that that that right there is Willy's Wonderland. That's the film.
ah Yeah, so it's funny, yeah, because obviously I've forgotten a couple things about this movie. I mean, I do distinctly remember a few scenes for sure. Oh, there's one I'd love to, by the way. he he's When he's playing pinball, he's high on the caffeine. And yeah there's there's like a dance scene that happens like after he wins pinball. That was great that was a great scene to do it. That one stood out to me. It's Nick Cage is having fun. He's having fun, baby. I love that. Yes, yes.
So, uh, so is that like, dude, do you have anything else to add or is that pretty overall here? I think that's it because it's is it's a very it's a simplistic movie, you know, it it it knows what it is. Okay. It goes right to the point. It it doesn't spend time like, you know, mucking about. It's like, all right, we know, like, we know what what this is. you You're here for the deaths in the cage, just being the cage. There you go. I'm gonna i'm gonna endeavor here to to add a fair bit of substance to this movie.
Okay, do it. I'm ready. and and And the thing is too, is like i like ah maybe it's a bit of a reach, but like the more evidence I kind of present here, like I'm hoping that you'll see the movie ah you know from my perspective too, which is funny because I think in a lot of ways, like it's intended demographic is for people significantly younger than us, right? It's people that probably grew up playing Five Nights at Freddy's when they were young.
yeah it's definitely appealing to that crap because china it's trying to make money off like oh it's a it's a finance it phrase rip off yeah well and in the way that i kind of saw it in a way and like and this this is just kind of ah a segue to go into where i'm going to go with it but it's like you know how like army of darkness the movie that came out it was like 1992 and it was I talked about it I think in season one because it's like you watch all these like these kind of classic horror movies and then in a way especially as you grow up and you you get any older and you're like well this is how I would do it like this would be my response right and you're just like you know you you try to have I guess in a way a little bit of fun with it you're like I don't necessarily want to be in the situation but if I am what better way to have it than a fucking
you know, then having a chainsaw strapped to my arm and a shotgun or something like that, right? And like, I'm just having these sick one liners. And this felt like kind of a response to this, like the the Five Nights at Freddy's and and things of of that, ah you know, of of that, like, ah tone or or vibe or whatever you want to call it, right? So it was kind of like a response to that. It's like, well, here's, they're just fucking, they're just animatronics. It's really not that hard to fucking like, you know what I mean? Like they're not, they're not these super beasts or anything like that. They're just, they're just machines. Like it's just, just take care of the machines. it's It's really not that big a deal. Kind of like how Ash is just like, they're just deadites. It's not a big deal. Like I'll just take care of all this. So I kind of saw it in in that regard, but
The substance and the thing I want to go into is that, like I said, that the intended demographic is is people that are, you know, again, probably at this age, they'd be in their late teens, maybe going into maybe early twenties, stuff like that. For people like us, like you and I, like we're we we're obviously a little bit older than that. And like we've been in the work world for quite a number of years. And I feel like this movie is a massive commentary on the nine to five job.
And if you still don't know where I'm going with this, it's like it starts off because his car obviously is broken and stuff, right? And he doesn't have he doesn't have the ability to pay for it because the machine's broken. So you can't pay it with car. He doesn't have any cash on him. So they're just like, well, you can work overnight and and we'll fix your car for you. Like that's that's the gist of the movie. That's what like, that's what the the inciting incident.
And how many jobs? I don't know if you've had these types of experiences. I've had, uh, I think more negative type of experiences in the workplace where it's like, someone's just like, oh yeah, like the job is just this, this. And then all of a sudden you start doing it and there's like 15 other fucking things. And you're just like, this is not what I signed up for. This is bullshit. And that's exactly what Nick Cage, he's going through. Because he starts working and he's like, you didn't tell me about these fucking killer dolls. Like that wasn't part of the deal. Like what else are you gonna do for me? There better be some extra cash at the end of the fucking night. I was just supposed to clean.
And going further than that, like his watch is always going off every time it's break time. And he really enjoys the fuck out of his break time. If you've ever had a shitty 9-5 job, you're just like... I also noticed that the guy, the the the tow truck owner who put him there... um he even said like oh make sure to take breaks right even said yes so and then again he's got his energy drinks to kind of keep him going and you actually see him working a fair bit and he's working his balls yeah it's that looks pretty nice is with without a work exactly like He's doing a good job, and then on top of that, they're just like, oh, these's these fucking killer robots. So it's like the whole movie. He's annoyed. It's not that there's any challenge to any of these animatronics. He's annoyed because he's like, this wasn't in the job description. He's like, and I'll take care of it so long as I'm not on break. And then there's even that one scene where he's about to kill one of them. And then his watch goes off, it's break time. And then he hands the fucking knife to the chick and he just walks out. He's like, this isn't my fucking problem anymore. It's break time. Fuck you.
and And at the end of the night, and that's why there's that, there's that tenseness there when he's going to pick up his car. Cause he's like, fuck you. He's like, that wasn't part of the deal. He's like, you made me do extra work. He's like, I, like, you know what I mean? It's like, even though we had an agreement and you screwed me on it. And I really do feel like the more you watch it, like if you watch it again from that perspective,
I think it is the substance is the commentary on the nine to five type job where you know you're looking forward to your breaks you got your watch fucking you know telling you oh it's break time and he enjoys the fuck out of his breaks and that's why that pinball scene is very memorable to me because he's like fuck yeah he's like it's break time having a good time this pinball you know just dancing around and stuff and for me that's why i love the movie so much because it's just like i guess it really resonates with me because i've i felt like i've been in similar situations and i think that if i was if i was on wartime and these animatronics would come out i'd be just as fucking annoyed because i was like man
I'm not getting paid enough for this you gotta to be doubling the pay like fuck you like there's there's a bit more hazard now here like my life is a bit on the line these things are trying to kill me where's the hazard pay and uh i've had too many experiences like that in my life to count, ah you know, some good jobs, obviously, some not so good jobs. And that's why I like this movie really resonated with me in that regard. And it wasn't something I was expecting at all. And I feel like in a way, it's also simultaneously kind of
commentary on Nick Cage's career because again like he's given this he's given ah another 100% grade A performance in this really lackluster B movie with like these side characters that are very forgettable these actors that you might never see again because either they are leaning into it or they're just that terrible.
but You had me with the 9 to 5 thing, but then then you then you just lost me. ah You lost me with with the Nicades. ah it's i might i mean i And again, I might be reaching. You're reaching on that one. I think you're reaching. But the 9 to 5 thing, ah I like that. i think I think that's a good point. But again, it doesn't really change much for me because i was I was too annoyed by these characters too much. I was like, oh my God.
see yeah in my mind like it this is a movie where it in an honest to God is like the only thing I remember from watching the movie and it's like is him working like him like but him fighting the amatronics obviously that the break the the break scene where he hands the girl the knife and he's like yeah this isn't my fucking problem like it's just He's the only thing I remember from this movie. I do not remember any of the side characters or even the side stories to to to that regard because it's just it's just that type of movie. Yeah. And it's not the type of movie where it's not the movie I thought I was watching when I started watching it. And I was just like, as I kept watching it, I loved it more. But I think it's just because I was leaning into that part of it. And I just thought it was really well done in that regard. So yeah.
yeah Well, I'm glad I spoke to you more than it did me. Yeah, well, maybe you've had a and more more more fortunes, I guess, with past employment, so... Yeah, there there isnt as far as my work, it hasn't been a lot of, I guess, more manual labor. Right, yes. That might be why.
Yeah, and and I think that if you've done those types of, especially those types of jobs, yeah and especially when somebody is kind of painting a rosy picture about what the job's actually going to be at the interview, and and I feel like that's really what it was. like Oh yeah, you just gotta do a bit of cleaning, not a big deal, take your breaks, and you know, and we'll see you tomorrow with your car, and you're just like, man, there's just fucking animatronic trying to kill you. It's like, and I've had situations like that where it's just like, holy shit, this job is a fuck ton more dangerous than you told us. Just trying to be like, what the fuck is wrong with you?

Closing Remarks and 50th Episode Teaser

It's interesting how how he would tell, he would tell, depending on the person or family, he would tell tell them different things.
We're like, for like when the family stayed, he told them, oh, you know, there's no hotels around here, but you can stay at this abandoned. Right. Really wonderland. And, you know, just make sure you clean up after yourselves. That's it. Right. Yeah. okay you don't But little bit if you if you're in a cage, you got to work all night, buddy, we're going to work you to the bone. Yeah, right. ah But anyway,
um Uh, should we get to the ratings? Yes, I guess we should get to the ratings. So, uh, I'll count them down again. so So I'll probably, I'll probably give it for me. ah Oh, you want to count down? Okay. Yeah. So I could. So, so again, so to to remind everyone, so number one is wouldn't watch it again. Number two would fall asleep to it on TV. Number three would watch it again. Number four would buy it. And number five, the sleepy games instant classic. So I think I was originally going to do just a normal two would fall asleep to it, but you know, I'll give it a high two.
so i want to So I won't i won't like fall asleep to most of it, probably just some of it. i
So I'll follow Steve to all the parts with the kids, but with with Nick Cage, like the dance scene. I'll be wide awake for that one, you know? I got you. ah We're getting creative with these rings now, I like this. Yeah, so yeah, So, okay, well, for me, I mean, ah again, because it's a short movie, and I find that, like, others sometimes I just, there's movies that I just, it doesn't even matter if they're good or not, I just find myself enjoying myself while I'm watching them.
And this is definitely one of those movies and for that reason I'm gonna give it a 4 because I would definitely watch it again because I just find it to be an enjoyable flick. Again, like, the so the the annoying side characters, you get satisfaction when they're dying. Nick Cage, I think, is a treat to watching this one, especially given that he doesn't have any lines. so Yeah, it just speaks a lot about his presence, how yeah he can do so much by saying nothing.
Yeah, exactly. Which is, I guess... I guess that is the the theme of today's episode, is Nick Cage's presence. Yeah. Yeah, well, he's the most memorable part of both films. There you go. Yeah, funny, actually, because we we talked about him last Halloween as well, too, in that Dracula-type movie, at Renfield. Right, Renfield, yeah. so yeah Yeah, he's he's like our our Halloween go-to, it seems, right now.
Yeah, hopefully he'll have some more movies for us next year. Hopefully he will. Maybe he found his niche Halloween movies. Yeah, I enjoy him in more of ah the horror roles. So yeah, we say yeah yeah he's he's still got so i got got quite a few years left of of of ah good roles that we can see that we can get out of him.
So I would say so. I mean, like, you know, you can like because even in in Willy's Wonderland, which is fairly recent, I mean, he's still got a physical presence to him. Like, yes, you know, he's he's in good shape, it seems. And like he's he doesn't show any signs of slowing down by any means. So. Yeah.
uh so for so i think that's it for for today's episode but for next week's next week well do you want to do you want to tell all of our listeners the big news about next yes uh well next week or the week after um
we'll We'll figure it out. But our next episode, once it airs, will be our 50th episode of the Sleepy Games. 50. I can't believe it. We're at 50. That's crazy. So we're going to do something.
really special. ah We're gonna do something little a little bit different, a little memorable and stuff like that in celebration of both ourselves and and having come this far. And obviously, you know, you the listener for having put up with our nonsense. Yeah, we don't want to spoil it now. We'll be surprised everyone for the 50th.
Yes, and and and again, like it is a chance to thank the listeners too, like I said, for being with us for these 50 episodes, and and here's to... Well, I guess we... Yeah, I probably should save that for the 50... Yeah, so I was just gonna say, like here's to more, but I mean, really, 50 is quite the milestone.
it really is uh i'm happy to be be there with you man i i can't believe we're here but i i've ah've thoroughly enjoyed being on this journey and i i can't believe we made 250 this fat it doesn't feel it doesn't feel that it didn't feel like 50 but i can't believe it's like like it's been Is it two, three years now? like it's been It's been a while. ah almost Almost two years. Almost two years. Yes. That's that's where we're at now. Okay. like It's a been quite the journey. Yeah, it's quite quite a lot of episodes. Yeah. But we're we're excited for you ah for you to listen and a we will... I guess you'll hear us then.
prison it Cheers, everyone. Yeah, cheers.