SNW: "Among the Lotus Eaters" (s2e4) with Michael Baumann of Wheelysports and FanGraphs image
S2 E42 · Trek, Marry, Kill
SNW: "Among the Lotus Eaters" (s2e4) with Michael Baumann of Wheelysports and FanGraphs
128 Plays
1 month ago

ANSON MOUNT'S RETURN from paternity leave thrusts Captain Pike into an adventure where he loses his memory and becomes... the darkness that's been inside him all along? And it's because an asteroid crashed on a planet thousands of years ago? Huh? This week, Bryan is joined by Michael Baumann of the cycling blog Wheelysports and the baseball blog FanGraphs to sort out a greatest hits-type of story. 

Michael has a great theory about how every Star Trek series has a captain who is a different type of dad. Is Mount's "Dad Energy" your kind of Star Trek captain energy? Is this episode a big swing that connects? The grades begin at (33:39). 
