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Daily Palace - Ownership News, Famous Namesakes & L'ultimo Dominatore Dell'aria image

Daily Palace - Ownership News, Famous Namesakes & L'ultimo Dominatore Dell'aria

Daily Palace
17 Plays1 month ago

As they do everyday, Wale, Joe, Alex, and Dan are discussing the latest goings on at the Mighty Palace

In this Episode: Joe and Dan discuss some Textor's latest attempts to shift (or not to shift) his Palace shares, and the club's reported interest in Jobe Bellingham, El Hadji Malick Diouf and every other left wing back under £20m in world football. 

Season :- 1  Episode:- 82

Premier League Season 24/25

Monday-Friday Eagle Squawking, brought to you by @OfficialGSPN

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Podcast Introduction and Heating Joke

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Hello, welcome back to the Daily Palace podcast brought to you by the Global Sports Podcast Network. I'm Joe Lodge. I'm the host with the most, if we're talking chemical dehumidophiles and a reluctance to turn on the heating. Avec moire today, a dantonaire. How's it going, Dan?
Dan Tanner
I'm going alright so far. Yeah, very much in the same range. I don't want to turn the heating on as much as possible, but it may come down to it at some point.
Global Sports Podcast Network
I think you've you've got to turn it on now. We've we've got like four electric heaters, which always makes me slightly more reluctant to turn them on. Cost a lot and I basically use this, but I think any kind of extra heat we can get now is is worthwhile. So I will be whacking them on later.
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um But we're not the Daily Heating Solutions podcast, the Daily

Ownership Interest at Palace

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Palace podcast. So today we are going to talk about some news regarding the ownership situation and Texas attempts to shift his shares or not, or find an alternative solution that some stay in Palace.
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We're also going to discuss a couple more transfer rumours and then we'll finish with a very brief quiz. So to start with the ownership news You may remember a couple of weeks ago with the segment on Texas has potential options for signing his palace shares slash raising the cash that he needs to bail Leon out of trouble, ah essentially. um A US Saudi consortium
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had previously had a bid rejected for its Palace shares. I have now had one accepted in principle, according to the Athletic, which is an offer of 148.4 million pounds for Texas Palace shares. So that's, they've now entered a period of exclusivity ah to buy them and are in the phases of football finance stuff I don't fully understand but proof of funds and all of that kind of good stuff making sure the deal can actually be done dotting the i's and crossing the t's however there is an alternative offer on the table from sports bank who are looking to invest in texas eagle football group rather than palace
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that may allow Textor to keep his shares in Palace and actually given the funds to push to finally take full control of the club as he's long wanted to. ah It's been reported by the Athletic that it's just really a question of which offer can be finalised quicker, again in terms of the due diligence, proof of funds, all that process. And the texter would prefer the sports bank offer but really is whichever gets over line first. I think Dan saw a tweet with sort of really confirming sports banks approaching interest

Consortium Options Debate

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earlier. and um But yeah, if
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You've not been bored to sleep by all that, Dan. Which offer would you prefer? The consortium and Text-a-Gun or Sports Bank and Text-a-Stays?
Dan Tanner
I'm not really sure because both of them it's like it's not brilliant situation either way ah with Sports bank at least we have some people that are actually I think fans of the club I think they got a backing from actual fans and it's probably slightly better to
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Dan Tanner
ah better in the sort of the long term, but it does keep texter around. But on the other hand, the other one gets rid of texter, but then we have to go through the whole Saudi ownership kind of Saudi money, which is the same thing that Newcastle went through a couple of years ago. And also with that bid, I want to also add that one of the um pop partners in this thing, part of the consortium, is former basketball player slash coach Jason Kidd.
Dan Tanner
I want to know where how much money is in American sports because i like isn't like Tom Brady a part owner of Birmingham as well or something stupid?
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yes yeah
Dan Tanner
When do sports stars get enough money to buy their own teams?
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Dan Tanner
Because I also seem to remember when Chelsea was up for bids, there was a consortium that had Lewis Hamilton as one of their investors investors. And it's like, where is all this money coming from?
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Yeah, I think they get kind of cut in on it only for maybe slightly PR reasons, not the
Dan Tanner
Dan Tanner
yeah I think it's like PR. But I think ah Brady's is only like
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I'm not going to endear how

Hands-on Approach Concerns

Dan Tanner
3% or something.
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those fans to the others methods.
Dan Tanner
But yeah. but
Dan Tanner
Dan Tanner
I was just looking up earlier and I went, this is just weird.
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Dan Tanner
Where did that come from? I haven't heard that name in a while. But um ah I'm not sure which one I prefer, but I think probably given the choice, I'd probably take the Sports Bank one just because it does have at least, as I've said earlier, fans.
Dan Tanner
So then at least they'll be on the same wavelength with Parrish of trying to sort of maintain the club at a certain standard. And we all have the so the same ideas of how to push it forward.
Global Sports Podcast Network
Yeah, mean um I'm not entirely sure also because there's a lot we don't really know about that the consortium's bids. One thing is, it's a good point you raised about the um Newcastle and the quagmire of Saudi ownership. I wonder if that'd be less bad in this case. I don't know a lot about the Saudi brothers who are leading the bid but obviously it's a mixed US Saudi one and it it might be that they're more
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detached from is more a case of them being private Saudi citizens than as perhaps appeared to be the case with the Newcastle one and that that might make it slightly less complicated. But again, I think that's sort of something we don't really know yet. We don't know a lot about them. I suspect with

SportsBank vs. Texter Control

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the consortium, some of the problems of um that we've seen with Texta at Palace could reoccur if they came in. I don't think they're just wanting to buy a load of shares and take a back seat and just let Steve Parrish run the club.
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there was this consortium set up to or a fun set up with express purpose of buying a football club they have people on board with lots of hands on handson sports business experience maybe Jason Kidd wants to implement some of his and NBA ideas obviously some right end to end stuff at Sowers but yeah whether they're just going to be happy to put their money in in and let things continue as normal as i I think it would kind of be the dream for Palace ah I'd have my doubts. that One of what I just see of it is the fact that we lay an unknown quantity. An unknown quantity is maybe better than text that having
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full control and with the if that's what sports bank leads to because um we've seen what's happened to leon i don't know if that's entirely john texasville but to whatever extent it is it's quite alarming because he might be getting the one the sort of one of the biggest teams in france relegated for financial mismanagement and the second point i think of sports bank is like like it is good like palace fans and stuff and you think that will hopefully lead to ah more careful management in the of the club as has been the case with Steve Parrish and Simon Jordan before him. um I there's another phase of drama and stability if they do make that investment because there's no guarantee that with that extra money
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um Harris or or Blitzer sell the shares to Texas, they would need to take control. So there's going to be more struggles behind the scenes and stuff like that. And and you kind of think.
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It's possible the consortium could have heard that, but it might be a new flavour of struggles. I don't know, you can see the advantage is either way. um I think probably either is better than the current kind of texture controlling 45% of the club, but not really being invested in it. I think it's probably better in a lot of ways. One potential advantage

Ownership Impact on Transfers

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of SportsBank, I think could be,
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that There's a chance it can get done and and and free up some fees a bit quicker because, and I might be wrong about this, I think because they're investing in Eagle Football Group, they don't need to pass all of the same tests in terms of being fit and proper persons and stuff by the Premier League and pose. I think it's a good thing if people do have to undo all those tests.
Global Sports Podcast Network
If there's a chance that could even lead to a late cash injection in January, is that enough to swing it in terms of, yeah, sports banks are better off. Do Palace need January reinforcements enough um for a bit of extra money to ah swing it in their favour?
Dan Tanner
I think it would probably be a bit of an advantage. You won't get the whole transfer embargo at probably one of the most crucial points of the season, which would be a great benefit. And we kind of do need some kind of reinforcements. I think we've talked about this on a few occasions where it only takes a couple of nasty injuries that we then are having problems, much like the um Chelsea game. We were down to sort of, ah we had to ah tight swap out a shallow ball, basically, because Chelsea had a agreement with the loan deal that he can't play against his parent club. So then if we had even more injuries, it could have been even more of a problem. So we do need reinforcements. We've got very, very small sort of first team choices.
Dan Tanner
i in very particular positions we're fairly struggling as we've also brought up sort of the full back position and stuff so any cash injection would probably be welcome but it's very very much of where it's coming from I think people are going to have sort of like sort of like ethical issues especially if it's the um the Saudi one just because very much after the debacle of Newcastle and several other ones over many many years where sort of Saudi investment has come in and then they've either really sort of turned the team around or they've gotten bored and walked away. um And some investors have got all loads of money and things like that, but just deal don't know how to run a football club. So we'll have to see, but I think any cash injection in a short amount of time is always appreciated, especially in the prem now when like fees are going up and even just getting out of
Dan Tanner
say, the middle of the pack is going to cost us small fortune now. So that's kind of my real view on it. If it comes about, I probably would prefer the Sports Bank one, then we don't have the transfer embargo and it could just get a bit of a... Give us a nice little sort of war chest to go into as this, what, three weeks of January left with no real no real deals on the table. Nothing big has happened.
Dan Tanner
in a week which i'm very surprised by it's only if you look at a bbc it's all very very small lower league um deals and lung deals there't there been big massive transfer yet but we'll see it's still early in the transfer window and we'll have to see how that
Global Sports Podcast Network
Yeah, well, I think it's, as you say, it's it's kind of, I don't think they need to spend bucket loads in January, but definitely a few reinforcements, just strengthening the depth in a few areas could be pretty vital for So they're defying them, making sure they don't get sucked back into a relegation battle. So anything that facilitates some January spending might be quite important. um I think that's a good place to have a little pause, have a worthwhile sponsor, and then get into some transfer speculation.
Global Sports Podcast Network
So as I say, we've got some more transfer news now.

Transfer Rumors and Player Fit

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We're basically just going to discuss a couple of players that Palace have been linked with. So firstly, Palace are reportedly interested in signing the most exciting English talent for a generation brother with the club apparently sniffing around Job Bellingham. What do you think of this one, Dan? Is that a signing you'd like to make?
Dan Tanner
That could be an interesting sign because I seem to remember this being one back in the summer like it was very very low low interest kind of it ah offer like oh I didn't know he had a brother apparently there's another one on the way somewhere in the Birmingham ah Youth Academy I think so um we could be looking at a whole string of them no we don't need another one he's fine once
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get going. Yeah. go out yeah
Dan Tanner
But I'm watching a couple of highlights. on me but Surprisingly enough, he plays a lot like his brother.
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Dan Tanner
Very much that I will do this stuff myself. like Give me the ball, I'll do the spectacular.
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Dan Tanner
i' I'm going to get stuck in and basically drive the game myself. so ah which could It could work for Palace. We need one of those um players that can actually take the ball and actually run with it and maybe a bit of sort of flair and spectacular every now and again. But the only problem I have with it is the fact of are we buying him because he's the right fit or because he's too Jude Bellingham's brother? Because that's going to follow him until he makes a name for himself.
Dan Tanner
We also have the slight issue of I think Arsenal and United are also having a little look at him as well Probably on the same vein of we missed out on his brother Let's try and get him before he gets before his transfer value skyrockets or he goes off to Germany or something to learn his trait. So um Yeah, I would still take him. We need to sort of play making midfielders and Yeah, he does fit the bill that fit the bill fairly well
Global Sports Podcast Network
Yeah, I think it's not a bad um not a bad idea, Joe Bellingham. So he's at Sunderland, playing in the championship. We can't we trust Palace to identify talent in the championship. He's valued by Sunderland, apparently, at 20 million, which is a lot of money. But for a 19-year-old who's already playing week in, week out and doing a good job in the championship, it's not that much money.
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um he's you can play kind of anywhere I think from defensive to attacking midfield it seems to be whether this translates to Premier League or not is always a question but seems capable of chipping in the goal got seven last season that's where he scored four this year sort of tackling and passing solid you can drive the play up I don't really know quite if as a long-term plan him and warden works as a midfield too they feel like they're both maybe a little bit inexperienced and attack-minded but yeah i think he's um he's clearly really talented versatile player and i could sort of see it happening in
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If the Bellinghams kind of operate and think the same and you think their parents seem to have been quite involved in their careers and helped them in guiding decisions, I can actually see Palace being more appealing to them than a Arsenal, say United, Spurs, I think have been linked, um because you play some football, get involved and Jude maybe. All right, I can see the club is a lot bigger than Crystal Palace, but he could have gone to bigger clubs and earn more money than
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he did when he went to Dortmund and the United were interested in all that. And you think they decided to go to the club where there's a pathway into the team and a history of developing players with that kind of profile. All that's true of Palace. He's big enough and robust enough, like 6-3 and doesn doesn't share a tackle that I think Another player like that would be useful in the midfield because you don't know how long. War turns out, Hughes is suspended every five games, and then if Decoré or Lerman gets injured, there are games where you trust.
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Kamada or Davini to play that sentiment field role but there are games where you probably don't want them in there just because they're not quite kind of tough enough really. um If you're trying to bed in it's going to be a bit scrappy you'd rather someone um more a more proper um powerful central midfielder and I think But Job's got that in his locker, so I quite like it. I quite like it as an idea. Whether it'll happen, I don't know, but I approve of it. um
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Elsewhere, the Eagles have also had a bid rejected, reportedly, for another player with a more famous footballing namesake. This time, it's Al Haji Malik Juuf. It's not the ah bleached Mohican

Left Wing Back Options

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sociopath who somehow managed to make the old firm more toxic. ah It's a nice 20-year-old Senegalese left-wing wack who plays for Slavia Prague.
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What do you think of of this one Dan? Is that a sign you'd like to see a palace make?
Dan Tanner
I think we could do definitely a a deal for a left wing back as we brought up and I brought up a little while ago it's a position we actually need some coverage in but also yet again like watching some highlights when you sort of brought up in the sort of discussions earlier was he looked he reminds me of Yannick Bellassie just that crazy his legs are going everywhere his arms are going everybody he's just Big physical. He doesn't shy away from a tackle. He's going to go for it. He's got some nice sort of tricks up his sleeve. He goes for the spectacular, which is always fun. he's got it just He looks like he has the full package as a as a ah ah kind of left back, left wing back. A little bit more sort of maybe ingenuity than Tyreek Mitchell because he kind of just goes straight up, straight down.
Dan Tanner
Um, Juve seems to sort of, he'll move around a little bit. He's going to take people on as well. So this is always, he, he looks like a good signing and he does look a lot like one of the players at Palace kind of, uh, get one of these kind of freaks of nature that will just, just set the league on fire. Everybody's going to go, who, who is this guy? Where did he, where did we find him from? Oh, wait, he's in the, debt he's in the, uh, the Czech league. You should guys go and have a look around there.
Global Sports Podcast Network
yeah now Yeah, I thought quite like it, I think. Again, it's a big priority area. So the bid was 12.5.
Dan Tanner
right I saw about 15, something like that, 12 to 15, something like that.
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should say I think the reported bid was 12.5. some suggestions at palettes might raise their offer to about 15. Slavey Prague planning 120, palettes are unlikely to meet that, but it's I think he again seems sensible and enough signing. He's young enough The proof doesn't mind being in a development position and um yeah being sort of Mitchell's understudy to a certain extent. We're given that rest. It's been brilliant in the check. He's scored six goals from left wing back already this season. He's clearly ready for a step up from there.
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and it also played well against some really good opposition um in the Europa League. I think he was looking at something like 1.5 expected assists and one expected goals from his his six games there against the likes of ah who was in the list that he played against. It definitely could have been Fenabatche, Ajax, Benfica in there. No, either way, it was a was a solid list of teams he played against and he'd quit himself well. So I think it's it's a move that
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definitely could make sense and I'd support equally there are other other good options for Palace to consider at left-wing back. There's Bester at Benfica who was brilliant in the Bundesliga last season and has kind of struggled to break into the team there and there's also Alfie Delti who we saw how good he was at eluting last year at Palace so reportedly. Stiffing around I think all three options there are good and offer not just cover for Mitchell, but offer something different to him in the games, because Mitchell's defensively brilliant and sort of getting better and better going forward, but he's not going to pull some bit of creative genius out of nowhere. These guys do have that greater flair, that better crossing ability, all that kind of stuff. So I think all three are deals, again, that we back and I like a lot.
Global Sports Podcast Network
um Almost any left one back I would support a signing off, as you say at the start there. um But yeah, no, I like it. I like it. We'll see how these ones develop. For now, that's probably the end of our serious discussion portion of the episode. So we're going to have a little ah word from the network and then get into a very short

Birthday Quiz Introduction

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All right, sing along with me, Dan. Happy birthday to you.
Dan Tanner
Happy birthday to you.
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Happy birthday
Dan Tanner
Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Victoria.
Dan Tanner
Happy birthday to you.
Global Sports Podcast Network
Yeah, that's right. It's both, then both Jake Decoure and Atelier Lombardo's birthdays this week. um To honour this pair of midfield dome heads, I've come up with two questions.
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ah Both questions are multiple choice.
Dan Tanner
only two only two let's go for it why not I don't have much of a choice
Global Sports Podcast Network
If you get both right, Dan, Jake Decoure has promised to go a full season without rupturing any major ligaments. So there's a lot on the line. Are you ready?
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Okay. yeah
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they ah After winning Player of the Season for Palace in 2022-23, De Correi suggested he always been destined to play for the club. But why? Is it A, that he grew up in a town called Salhurst? B,
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Marley for who he plays international football also nicknamed the Eagles or C as a child he had a crystal palace shirt which his auntie had bought back from a trip to London mistakenly believing it to be a Barcelona one.
Dan Tanner
Ooh, those are actually some really good ones and they're all kind of believable. But I would probably think it's, see, you've got the jersey and a slight slight mistaken identity because you can do that very easily through palace shirts throughout the years.
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Dan Tanner
They look very, very similar, especially when you're not knowing what you're looking at.
Global Sports Podcast Network
Um, I'm afraid that it's actually B. It's just that Marley, Marley, or something like that, the Eagles, which is a, which is a shame.
Dan Tanner
oh really such ah exactly that's just boring come on oh oh what my national team is called the eagles as well oh come on man you can do better than that
Global Sports Podcast Network
It's a shame. I'd like to think of a, uh, a, um, Kep De Coro running around with a Crystal Palace shirt with Raldine, you know, printed on the back, but.
Global Sports Podcast Network
Yeah. Yes, it's a weird name to take. Okay, on to the next question, but next man. Lombardo naturally, the nickname, the bold eagle, joined his time at

Football Nicknames Quiz

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Palace due to say his head looking from the back like someone pulled a snood over the bottom half of bowling ball.
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But after which bold cartoon character was he nicknamed during in his time in Italy? Well, naturally, there's no reason to call him the bold eagle. Was it A, Alma Fudd, B, Charlie Brown, C, Popeye, or Lottimo Dominatori d'Alaria, which is the last airbender in Italian.
Dan Tanner
I would very much doubt it's the last airbender because he was playing like the late 90s so ah I very much doubt it's that but there is I think it's probably Elmer Fudd because he does kind of have that look about him and if I remember what he played like he played very seriously it was no real joking but when he played football he went for it and it was very um
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the first time.
Dan Tanner
all or nothing kind of.
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Dan Tanner
I think he did the same kind of attitude with his stuff Italian coach as well. They really kind of hated me, was a bit of a drill master.
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so I mean you can tell you can tell he's he's a hard worker by like there's no there's never gonna be any kind of flair or enjoyment to him with that haircut it's that it's it's uh i'm a serious man um but yeah is it alma fud you're going with i'm
Dan Tanner
I'm going to go without my fire because I very much doubt it's a last airbender.
Global Sports Podcast Network
afraid mate it's actually popeye on this instance
Dan Tanner
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Which I'm not sure, I don't really buy that.
Dan Tanner
Global Sports Podcast Network
I don't think he's bold enough or ripped enough to be Popeye. But, Popeye it is, Popeye it is.
Dan Tanner
ah Fair enough.
Global Sports Podcast Network
With that, I think we'll wrap wrapped this this pod up to go and watch some episodes of bold cartoon characters. Who'd you choose, Dan? Of those four, Alma Fudd, Charlie Brown, Popeye, and Lottimo Domitore Dalaria.
Global Sports Podcast Network
What would you be watching?
Dan Tanner
Oh I'm not sure actually, I'm really not sure. Can we go a fifth option and go and watch The Simpsons? They've got a bald character in there.
Global Sports Podcast Network
It definitely wasn't the home of Simpson. I like Popeye, a fellow spinach enjoyer. It's not quite about the same effect for me but yeah I appreciate his culinary choices and his lack of penchant

Closing Remarks and Gratitude

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for small talk so I'll be watching that one.
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If you've got this far and enjoyed the episodes, as we always say, please leave us a five-star review. um We hope it's been discovered. Thank you, Dan, for joining me today.
Dan Tanner
ah Pleasure as always, mate.
Global Sports Podcast Network
And yeah, we hope you will tune in again tomorrow.