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Activating Our Children's Superpowers w/ Dr Edith Ubuntu Chan image

Activating Our Children's Superpowers w/ Dr Edith Ubuntu Chan

Connecting Minds
202 Plays8 months ago

Are you following health trends that actually harm your body? In my eye-opening masterclass "The 7 Popular But Deadly Health Fads," I reveal how common health practices promoted by influencers and gurus might be ravaging your gut, accelerating disease, and shaving years off your life.

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Dr Edith Ubuntu Chan is Consciousness & Human Potential Coach and a Holistic Medicine Doctor with a passion to help you embody your most vibrant and authentic self and live this beautiful state on a consistent basis — so that you can serve the world with the very best of yourself.

She is an author, speaker, coach, a nature lover, and a homebirthing holistic mama of 2 Luminous Kids.​ She was a NCAA Division-1 Rower at Harvard University, turned competitive Triathlete (co-founder & coach of SF Triathlon Club), and graduated Magna Cum Laude from Harvard University in Applied Mathematics.

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Book Superwellness: 


Introduction to Podcast and Guest

Welcome back to the Connecting Minds podcast, Christian Jordonov here. Quick reminder folks, my latest book, how to actually live longer volume one is out. Please get yourself a copy if you want to live longer and have a healthy life doing it. Today's guest is someone that is very difficult to pigeonhole. Her name is Dr. Edith Ubuntu Chan.
So let me just see if I can get this whole mouthful out. She's a holistic medicine doctor with a passion to help you embody your most vibrant and authentic self and live this beautiful state on a consistent basis so that you can serve the world with the very best of yourself.

Dr. Edith's Journey into Holistic Medicine

She's an author, speaker, coach, nature lover, a home-birthing holistic mama of two luminous kids. She's an NCAA Division I rower, was an NCAA Division I rower at Harvard University.
where she graduated magna cum laude in freaking applied mathematics, which I have no idea what that is even. She was a competitive triathlete and she's also a fearlessly bad hip-hop dancer. So that is quite the resume. Edith, thank you so much for joining us today. Yeah, I'm so happy to be here. Thank you so much for having me.
Yeah, it's my pleasure. Just for the listeners, I hate to ask you to repeat yourself, but tell the listeners about how you got started into doing all these things you do. Okay. Well, there's a few
key moments that set the trajectory of my life. The first key moment was when I was four. I grew up in Hong Kong with very modern family and my dad had this back pain. My mom, sorry, my sister had an ankle sprain.
And my mom's side of the family, lots of Western medicine people in that side of the family. So whenever we had ailments, we had really good Western medical care. But my dad's back pain didn't respond to anything. And my sister's ankle kept getting swollen. So as a last ditch effort, we decided to go to this back alleyway Chinese qigong healer. I'm four years old, my older sister and my dad.
We all go to this Chinese medicine healer and boom, in one session, both of them completely healed. So I'm four years old and I planted a seed like, wow, when I grow up, I want to do that.
So I told all of the adults everywhere, like, when I grow up, I'm going to become a Chinese qigong healer. And everyone's like, oh, that's cute. And I kept saying, no, I'm serious. I'm serious. How do I do it? Tell me, where do I study? Who can I learn from? And so long story short, they discourage it because back in those days, mostly it was like a lineage thing. And mostly it was male practitioners. And you'd have to basically stop going to regular school and go on the apprentice path.
Yeah, my parents, just like all parents, have the best intentions. So they're like, no, you go to school, you get good grades, you get a job, you go to university, you buy a house, you have 2.5 children, you get a mortgage, you follow all those steps. And so I ended up going to Harvard, as you mentioned, and studying applied math and got a software job, a very well-paying software job.
Yeah, I ended up doing quite well in that career, very short lived. Eventually there was this one moment where I won employee of the year award. I was

Life-Altering Realizations and Mentorship

good at that job, but I noticed that I had all these health problems from all the stress. It was like work hard, play hard in the dot com boom era, you know? And so I had all these health oddities.
and i would go to doctors and they'd be like yeah it's just it's just stress you know don't worry about it take take an aspirin take a Tylenol and just you know it's just part of life like like like is this what adulthood is actually about you just have aches and pains and you get sick all the time i had bad acne and digestion problems menstrual cramps every month all these things that were very uncomfortable and so
There was this one moment I'm getting promoted, I'm winning employee of the year award. I get invited to the super senior high up meeting, kind of as a young up and coming, you know, employee that was going, you know, climbing the ladder quickly, so to speak. And I remember so distinctly, I walked into this board room with all of these senior high ups and board advisors, and I was the only kind of junior person in the room.
I was like, this is it, I made it, you know? And I remember taking the whole scene, like the boardroom, the white board that we were diagramming on, the projector, the screen, everything. I took it all and I'm like, this is my big career break moment. And then I sat down and it was like the record player came to a screeching halt.
I looked around and here are all these senior high-ups. They were good people, but they're all inflamed, stressed out. They just look like giant migraine headaches walking around in inflamed bodies. I was like, no, this is what I'll look like in 20 or 30 years. And I had kind of like a flash forward. And this little boy says, is this what you want to do when you grow up?
And then I remembered when I was four, I was like, no, I wanted to be a Chinese healer. I wanted to learn about qigong and acupuncture and herbs and all the holistic healing. Like what happened? Who's life in my living? So I feel so blessed that I had that life crisis very quickly, you know, like shortly after leaving university, a couple of years after leaving university. So yeah, it was
It was a scary time because I was young. I hadn't saved up much money. I just cold turkey quit my job.
My family was not happy about that, but about 10 years later, after the career changed, switching into Chinese medicine, then I met my mentor who took me in as an apprentice, and I studied and learned all these things both from my, I have two Chinese medicine degrees, and also most of what I learned is from this apprenticeship with a Chinese jigong healer that was a Shaolin master, and he taught me all kinds of
stuff that you can't learn in a textbook only if you get accepted into a deep apprenticeship path. So yeah, super blessed. I knew somewhere deep within I knew that that was that was my Dharma is to do this kind of work.
So tell me more about, I've always had this fast. I actually have some books on qigong and I've tried multiple times to get into it a little bit. I felt the qi in my hands, you know, I felt it. I'm like, Oh my God, this is, this thing is real. You know, even when my dog, like she heard her, I remember I was telling you a couple of weeks ago, she heard her eye. I had what my, my,
The palms of my hands on her head, I was like sending her heating energy like the day the day after the call was off she was totally fine just scratching a lot else that's why we need the call but tell me more about what was your. What did you learn with the Sheldon master.
Well, these are ancient lineage secrets you see. I mean, it's so hard to encapsulate apprentice with them about
probably like 20 hours a week for four years nonstop, and then intermittently visiting with him after that. So many things. He was an unusual guy. Mostly what he taught, the biggest lesson he taught me was forget the philosophy, forget the dogma, get practical. Does it work or not?
You know, people like to talk a good game, but when the rubber meets the road, are you getting results? Yeah. So yeah, he taught he taught us so many things. One of the biggest things he taught us was that actually the modalities that you use is only a small piece. Actually, you are the medicine.
The moment that you walk into a healing space, the intention and the quality of beingness that you carry is the number one medicine that is at play, which now I, you know, many years later, I've just deepened into the appreciation of the depth of that wisdom that many of us talk about holistic things.
focusing on the tools, tactics, and strategies. But maybe the deepest, truest essence of healing is the quality of beingness that we carry and the consciousness that we bring into this physicality and how we choose to embody it and how we take this quality of beingness, this consciousness, into the actions.

Spiritual Awakening and Life's Purpose

because one of the things that I often joke about, I wrote a book called Super Wellness, one of the things that I joke about, not that diet and exercise isn't important, it is, but
We all know some people out there that don't work out regularly and they don't eat the perfect diet, but they're super vibrant and healthy. And we all know somebody out there that is following the perfect dietary protocols and they work out every day, but
they're kind of miserable and they don't radiate vibrancy and vitality and well-being and good health right like they don't they don't have the energy of well-being so it's like what's the missing link so i joke like what if
eat right and exercise isn't the key to health right and so now these days we also look at like sunshine and air and how you breathe the quality of water and so many factors that are at play and at the end of the day it could be that the quality of beingness and the consciousness that we carry emanates a chi field that is the most potent healing
power that we can tap into that could potentially alchemize everything else. So I saw this with my own eyes at four years old and I saw this over and over again during my apprenticeship and then I was going to get into the real story that I would consider more of them
What really kickstarted me on asking really deep questions about the nature of life and what are we doing here is that I have my own direct experience. This was 20 years ago now. Actually, yeah, it was December 2003, so a little over 20 years ago. I was actually doing a qigong practice with the qigong teacher in my Chinese medicine school.
And I love qigong so much because it was my favorite subject. Do you know what is the definition of qigong? Probably not. Okay. Well, the words qi is energy. So people translate it into life force energy. Gong, all the gong means is like working with something. So qigong is working with qi. Energy work.
What isn't Qigong in life? Honestly, everything is energy and everything you experience in this life is working with energy. But the Chinese Qigong lineages, they've codified it into a specific set of practices where you're very precise about your thoughts and your intention.
You're precise about your breathing pattern. And then there's usually a prescription of either movement or stillness holding your body in a certain posture. And you're using your intention in a very conscious and intentional way to guide the energies of flow in a specific way through your breathing practice and through your intention.
So if you have these elements all together, that's called qigong. So if you're very conscious and intentional about your breathing and your energy while you're washing dishes, while you're doing your gardening, that's qigong too. So in qigong class, we learn very specific types of practices to work with major energy centers and cultivate our energies and so on.
So in this particular qigong class, even though every qigong class, I always enjoyed it, because who doesn't love just being still and taking a few deep breaths and stilling your mind? That is always a win. You're never gonna lose. If you just sit down or stand up, whatever you're doing, just take a pause, take three deep breaths, drop into your center and still your mind.
Like delicious, instant deliciousness. So I always look forward to qigong practice, but this particular day, for whatever reason, planetary alignments, or I contracted it in my soul contract to have a certain experience in this moment. For some reason, I saw drop so deeply into meditation in this particular day. All of a sudden, everything exploded.
into trillions and trillions of pieces of love and light. There was no time, there was no space, just pure presence and peace and love. I experienced myself as the size of the whole cosmos. I had no reference point for anything like this.
I never read about anything like this in a book. And somehow I knew that this was our natural state. It was this immense, like pure contentment. And it felt so natural, like a remembering of who I really am. Pure love.
It was interesting because I carried into that meditation some questions, some burning questions that I was confused about. And in that state, it was like every question was instantly answered. There was no more questions because all answers were instantly available. So it was pure contentment. Eventually,
Who knows how long this lasted? Eventually, from far, far away, there was this distant voice. And then it was like, wait a minute. There was a Qigong teacher teaching a Qigong class somewhere in San Francisco. And there's a girl named Edith sitting in a chair in a Qigong class. And then there was this pull to go back to that, this it to go back to that it.
So I was like, oh, wow. It felt like this absurdity to squeeze our true nature, which is infinite love, infinite light.
It's like the size of the cosmos just squeeze it back into this pretense of a physical human body. It was so absurd that finally when it landed, it was just giant avalanches of tears, just sobbing and sobbing and sobbing and convulsions and sobbing and sobbing and sobbing. And it took me a long time to find words to articulate what was happening there. It was like a clashing of
Intense appreciation, gratitude, love. Oh, I went home. I got to remember who we really actually are. And this intense grief and sadness and anger like, oh my goodness. It's a giant set of lies. And I've been living as giant set of lies. This place is built in a totally backwards and upside down way.
And I didn't, it was just an unknowing, these things clashing together, unknowing. So these days we're so blessed because a lot of people have awakening experiences and they can instantly find support of others. That was...
December 2003, early days of the internet, there wasn't, I didn't know who to talk to about this. In fact, I explained to the Qigong teacher what happened and she just looked compassionately at me, but she had no, I don't think she had had that experience herself to really counsel me, you know? So I just sobbed and sobbed and sobbed. And for two or three years, it was this intense dark night of the soul where I functioned.
And I went to school, I had part-time jobs, I went to my apprenticeship, but inside was this turmoil. Like, I'm so confused. What is going on here? What is the nature of reality? Why is it that everybody walks around like zombies out there? And nobody, who else knows that this is our true natural state is beyond time, beyond space, infinite love, true peace and contentment. Who else knows that that's the truth?
And so I started researching, I went to the bookstore and finding all these books about people that have had near death experiences, people that do out of body travel, people that
explore remote viewing, astral projection, past life regression. I went and experienced a bunch of past life regression myself. I traveled around the world going to workshops and retreats and talking to healers and shamans and eventually things started piecing together. I started stabilizing and
came to the realization that as infinite eternal beings, we plan these interesting rides here into this world of limitation to learn and grow and evolve and discover.
this is actually a beautiful divine adventure that we're on to pretend to be limited, to pretend to be only these physical beings and play out some dramas so that we can learn and grow from the process.

Exploring Spiritual Guides and Incarnation

And that there are many souls that incarnated specifically for this time because this is the most exciting time of
rapid awakening rapid transition and the birth of a whole new kind of human civilization that is happening we all can know and feel this right now this decade of 2020 to 2030 this is it it is game on right now so i'm thrilled that we get to share and support each other and fully come up
as infinite divine beings having these temporary human experiences. And let's have a great time at it. Let's build a beautiful world with everything that we have access to these days.
Yeah, it's so beautifully said. One thing I was thinking about a year or two ago, it's like, if you're God, let's say, or infinite consciousness, how do you grow? How do you evolve and learn? Well, you have to put yourself in a limited state and then make yourself forget that you are this all-powerful, infinite being, and then just enjoy the process, right?
Yeah. Yeah. So everybody listening, are you having fun yet? Have fun with it. Let's not take it so darn seriously. You know, sometimes it gets intense here and it's helpful to remember, you know, that this is we actually on some level set this all up as a game for ourselves.
Yeah, it does get a bit intense at times and you're like, what the hell is going on? It's like, I'm going to, I'm going to have a chat with my, you know, my guides when I, when I go back, it's like, where are you? They'll be hiding behind trees. I don't know if you've seen that meme with my spirit guides. When I go back after this, you know, after incarnating in the 2020 world, they're like hiding behind trees. It's here, it's here, you know?
Yeah, I'm not sure how much visions count when doing psychedelics, but some years ago
on LSD. I was blind, you know, in a dark room with the music, very intentional and everything. I did have this sort of after that ego death phase, I did have a very vivid and what's interesting is
the faces of the two people that were advising me in a way, I don't want to sound like, I don't know, is it okay to even say Asian looking faces? But they definitely look like either Asian or some kind of Native American. So that struck me as
you know, they weren't my race, they weren't my culture, my sort of ethnicity. They were very distinct, either Native American or some kind of Asian, but they were very fair with all slightly kind of elongated
foreheads. And they were very, they seemed very benevolent, and really supportive. They were just like taking me from almost like frittering like a hummingbird from experience to experience. And then it got fuzzy. And then it felt like you're approaching different realms, different dimensions, maybe different worlds. And then you're kind of zeroing in and it got even more intense where you were kind of
the energy got actually very sexual and you were kind of almost like hovering around couples kind of copulating and you get this sort of energy and then it's almost like this is the point where you choose your parents at that point which what experience to incarnate into and you kind of are intentionally what you choose depending on what lessons you're supposed to come here to learn but maybe it's just fantasies I don't know what's your thoughts
Wow. Well, interesting. I don't know if I've shared with you, I've shared in some other podcasts how I came into the topic of education and parenting. You know, I'm thinking, you know, two decades of actually more than that the whole lifetime, encapsulating in a few soundbites here, but this whole studying qigong and the nature of reality got me really interested in all these
expansive possibilities of a human being. So in 2013, I went away to this dark room meditation retreat, and it was 11 days in complete, 11 day retreat, nine days and nine nights in complete darkness, and fasting, meditation, lots of silence and stillness, and
It was such a profoundly beautiful experience. I recalled past lives or concurrent parallel reality lives. I recalled so many things about, you know, it pieced together many pieces of the puzzle that I was inquiring into. A lot of answers came through in that deep meditative state. And yeah, further remembering of
Why we chose to incarnate into this physical realm? What are we collectively doing here? And specifically, what am I choosing to embody and experience and express in this incarnation?
and how to tap into my past life as a qigong master and why I was so interested in qigong from such a young age that that was a thread that I was supposed to carry into this lifetime as as a female incarnation instead of a male incarnation and there's alchemical practices that are that
you know, the female physiology opens you to other possibilities that a male physiology doesn't. And so there were so many things that I remembered, but I didn't think I was going to have children. I did come to the understanding that, yeah, we do choose our own parents. We choose very consciously major themes that we want to experience in the incarnation. I came to remember and experience that.
After the darkroom retreat, I came back to San Francisco and I realized, wow, I'm so sensitive to energies. And you tap into your sensory perceptions that you can feel, sense, hear, know other people's thoughts and emotions around you.
It was very helpful as a Chinese medicine practitioner to go to work, to be able to zero in on what's going on on my clients so I can be clinically more effective in my work, in my day job. At night though, I was tuning into my grumpy neighbors
conversations and emotions living in the city, you can just feel everybody's energies. So I told my partner Dave, I was like, I don't know if we'll need to live separately, but I need to move to the countryside. And so he's like, what? And so I said, I'm moving. If you want to come, you can come basically. I can't tolerate living in the city. So we moved to Sebastopol, California, which is over an hour outside of San Francisco, beautiful countryside, a tiny little cottage.
And shortly after moving there, this baby started visiting my dreams, day after day, week after week, month after month. And I kept telling Dave, I said, the baby's here again. And he's like, I'm not ready to have children. La, la, la, la, la, la, la. And this baby kept coming over and over and over. And at a certain point, the baby showed me something.
Did you? Are you still there? Yeah, I'm still there. Okay. At a certain point, there's this one night in which we're in a halfway cap dream kind of state. And I elbowed Dave, I said, baby's here again. And he's like, Oh, baby again. And so we ended up talking with the baby.
all three of us together. Previously, it was always he would jump in and say, hey, I'm ready. I've been watching you guys. I'm ready to come in this particular night because he he could sense that Dave was hesitant. He said, look, there is a group of us souls that are choosing to incarnate on the planet right now.
So this was 2013 when this happened. He said, he said, look at this. And he showed me the scene of all these beautiful orbs of light. And they were all connected with strings and strands of light. So there was a giant ocean, a web of these baby spirits.
Okay, and there are all these beautiful orbs and you can zoom in and just see how radiant and beautiful and just overflowing with love each and every one is. And as this is happening, I'm feeling energetic pulsations of pure love washing through my entire being. And he says, look, there's a time of rapid change that's coming up right now. And we're going to come to the earth
to show you through our example, not through philosophy or just coming to you in dreams, but we need bodies to show you guys a new way of being human. We're going to come to the planet to blanket the earth with this beautiful energy, a new consciousness, and it's going to activate our remembering of a new and ancient way, really, of being human, of fresh energy.
But we need bodies to do that. Give me a body, basically. And then he said, look, each and every one of these babies that you see here, we've all scoured the cosmos and decided that now's the time we are to incarnate onto the planet and have a human experience. And each and every one of these babies have coordinated with such mathematical precision and intricacy
the precise timing, the precise geographic location, the connections and dependencies and how we'll incarnate into specific conscious families and that our families will be connected in communities so that energetically we're all kind of supporting each other. The detailed
elegance of all of these little permutations that we've calculated is so vast. There's no way for me to really express to you how much precision and elegance there is to the timing, the location, the incarnation, the geography, the communities, all the connections. I cannot express it properly to you how much precision there is here in this planning.

Parenting and Spiritual Growth

It is a free will universe. You can choose not to conceive me, of course. And then he went and he disappeared the whole scene. It just means that we'll have to go back to the drawing board because of all the dependencies for the next permutation. It creates ripple effects, one incarnation that ripples into the dependencies of all the other incarnations.
So he showed all of this and he said, it was basically like, hey, no pressure or anything. You know, while this was going on, I felt this like, energetic, almost like an energetic surgery. My system was getting recalibrated to attune my being to be open to the consciousness and the frequency of this new being that wants to come in.
And so after that whole experience, my husband said, oh, well, that's interesting. And later that month, he went to yoga class and he's an athlete. So he likes to go to yoga just to stretch. He's not a big meditator and not into visionary experiences so much. But in yoga class during Shifasana, he had a vision of our baby come to visit him. And he was like, whoa.
I met the baby too. And we compared nose and the baby looked the same.
He's like, I could consider it. And so there was a certain moment where, you know, for the months leading up to it, everybody that came to visit a house, they would be like, is there a baby here? It feels like there's a baby here. And so there was this one moment in which we could feel his presence very strongly. And we knew that that was when he wanted to be conceived. So we tuned in and had this beautiful experience of the conscious conception and instantly.
I knew I could feel this breathing pattern, this life pulsating that just kept going. And I didn't need to take a pregnancy test. I knew it was a boy. I had already met him at his spirit baby.
presentation, but also what he looked like at age one, two, three, three and a half-ish. So I knew what he looked like. I just felt totally confident. And so all throughout the pregnancy, when we were choosing our home birth midwife, he communicated very clearly. That's the one.
What do we want to eat? He communicated very clearly what the diets were. So I just, it was a teamwork. And so it just became natural that as after he was born, we kept communicating. It was like, oh, I never read any books, really philosophies that people kept saying, oh, you guys are co-sleeping.
I was like, I guess we are, but you're doing this kind of parenting or that kind of parenting. I'm like, what is all of that? I'm just attuning to the basis. There's all these philosophies and terminologies and we can kind of giggle about it.
You know, and I'm deeply grateful because there's been such a deep forgetting that I'm thankful for all the holistic parenting philosophies and the books out there to help people to remember. And then on some level, I'm also so sad about it because like, for example, there's a wonderful philosophy called rye parenting for young babies, where you talk to the baby as if they're sentient and just say, hey, baby, you have a,
Poopy diaper, let's go change you. And you don't just do it. You communicate. You say, OK, I'm going to take off the diaper. And you communicate respectfully. Or you're holding the baby and say, oh, uncle is here. Would you like uncle to hold you? And you kind of lean forward, and the baby can't speak yet. But the baby communicates. Like, no, I don't like the energy of uncle. Or yes, I like the energy of uncle. They'll show their body language if we just pay attention a little bit, right?
So there's these parenting philosophies that remind us to pay attention and be present. And at the same time, I feel heartbroken that we need books to tell us such things that are so innate. And so the co-sleeping and what the world might call different types of conscious parenting, I didn't have any of those ideas. It was just like, this is my buddy that I was already such good friends with pre-incarnation.
Every night I went cosmic traveling with this guy, and now I have the honor, this treasure, this precious experience of him being in the physical with me. He's my little buddy, so I wanted to show him a good time on Planet Earth. I came to realize that I'm kind of like a tour guide.
you know he's his own sovereign being and he chose to come here and we got to know each other through the pre-incarnation process and then he was conceived in this conscious way and then so of course now that he's physically here I'm going to honor and respect that he has his own chosen path and I've agreed to support and facilitate it to the degree that I'm able to.
So that all led to people kept asking, what are you doing with your parenting? And when he was three and a half, he said, hey, mama, I have a sister. I have a sister. She's still in space. She needs to come now. So we tuned in and communicated with his sister and also consciously conceived her. Both of them, the first time, it was a alignment of energy. And she was also conceived and had another beautiful, actually even more beautiful life-changing home birth experience with our second one.
and they have very different energy and personalities and they both teach me so many so so many powerful lessons and um
Every parent that's listening to this podcast knows that parenthood is a huge initiation journey and such a gift that we go back in time and do a lot of re-parenting for ourselves. And our children carry this pristine blueprint of the pure love and pure innocence that helps us to remember the pure love and pure innocence that we all innately are and shed a lot of the
patterns and programs that we might have picked up, you know, parenthood is this tremendous gift for up-leveling
all of us versus what I think in previous generations they thought that they would have to like mold and shave and basically essentially dumb down the children to the previous generation's distortion patterns and MKUltra programs. We don't need to do that anymore. Let's allow our kids to show us expansive possibilities and help us
clean and clear the baggage of the past so that we can fully express the beauty and the love and the goodness that we all carry.
Yeah. It's, it's lately, it feels therapeutic interacting with my daughter. Yeah. It's so, it's so precious and it's, it's kind of almost unbelievable from quite an early age, even I think before two years of age, she would be so steadfast headstrong in terms of what she wants to do. I want to go out. No, I don't want to go out. I want to do this. I want to read, but I want to read that book.
now I want to read this book and it's amazing how she can take the lead and like this kid is not even three years old you know it's amazing so I definitely think you're right because we
We definitely download a lot of our limitations on our kids. And I think the more, the more we can unburden ourselves from our own crap, the less of that we download on our kids. And maybe that's a good segue into your luminous revolution program.

Children's Intuitive Abilities and Education

Can you tell us more about that? And also I wanted to know, cause you have a thing called a luminous kids blindfold vision. So like, do our kids have superpowers or something?
Well, we all have superpowers, but the kids can access it way faster, it seems like. So it just is the natural unfoldment. I mean, maybe a lot of your audience listening, when you were a kid, you might have
you know, remember things, you talk about things, your quote unquote imaginary friends, were they really imaginary? Or were they real friends that your parents just didn't have the eyes to see, you know? And I used to lay in bed and like stare at the ceiling and I would see
I would see through the ceilings and see into the galaxies and the cosmos. And I talked to my guides and be shown all these like geometric patterns. I was getting sacred geometry lessons at night and nobody knew what I was talking about. So I just eventually stopped talking about it. So when my boy started talking about some of his experiences, remembering his
Choosing us as parents remembering what it was like. He says when I was in space blah blah he showed me would talk about all these things there are these screens and you choose your parents and you look on these screens and eventually you jump into the mama's dreams and all this stuff that he would start telling and so naturally because I'm interested in qigong and meditation he would do a little bit with me just for fun and
One day we watched this documentary called Superhuman that showcased all kinds of expansive possibilities, including showcasing a lot of kids around the world who were able to see through their blindfold. And so he was five years old, which is the minimum age to receive this training. So I researched and he got trained with this wonderful instructor named Bodan Doldan.
And so my boy got activated instantly within the first sessions, but it's up to four sessions. And so gradually in the beginning, you learn to see colors through the blindfold and gradually you can see smaller and smaller shapes. And then by then he was.
all the kids are reading books, blindfolded. And then he was able to read even the tiny little fonts underneath the barcode, those really small numbers. He could read all of that. I mean, it's all mind blowing. And I was exploring spoon bending and different things. He's like, oh, mama, I want to spend spoons. And you know, so he bends his spoon.
telekinesis, like fun little games like this, he just started exploring all of this. And so I noticed that there are different methodologies and systems out there for blindfold vision. And I realized that in general, they were kind of these like fringe little things. And I came to realize the time is now for us to make this natural and normal.
You know, so I reached out to that blindfold teacher and over time I actually had experience activating a number of kids here too. My boy and I, just with our homeschool groups, we started sharing with other people. And so we decided to make it official. So on my website,, you can click in the dropdown menu and find the Luminous Kids Blindfold Vision Training, where we take you through a six-week journey with two
coaching sessions for the moms and dads, and then four sessions that are kids classes and empower families to not only activate this blindfold vision, what's really happening when we tap into these so-called expansive possibilities, expansive sensory perceptions beyond the five physical senses. What's really happening? I've come to realize
is that our true nature is beyond time and space. So when we tap into the abilities to remote view, out of body traveling experience, remembering past lives, seeing through blindfolds, these are all characteristics of us embodying and expressing our true possibilities that is beyond the physical.
That's why you have these abilities that are beyond the physical five senses. You're experiencing your consciousness as what it truly is, which is far beyond the physical.
and kids don't have so much programming, so they almost instantaneously remember. So the training is pretty much for age five to 11. Sometimes the 10 or 11 year olds take two or three sessions to start activating. There's no right or wrong here, right? Eventually, so far we have 100% success rate. It just seems like,
By the time we go into teenage and adulthood, we can still totally activate. It just takes more shedding of programming. So in my opinion, age six, seven, eight is probably the most ideal time because it really is a meditative state that the kids go into. And so through playing blindfold scene games,
we are inviting the kids into remembering our true nature, which is a meditative state, which is tap into these expensive possibilities. And so you learn to see through the blindfold. And what's really happening is that you learn to distinguish what is monkey mind guessing versus an intuitive hunch versus actually seeing through the blindfold. When you see it and you know it is not a guess.
There's a sensation that the children feel like, oh, I just, no, that's blue. I don't have any doubt. I'm not guessing that it's blue, it's blue.
Right? And so that's something that they can carry within them for the rest of their life, that discernment ability. And these kids can't be bullshitted anymore because they see, you cannot lie to them. Some of the kids towards the end or maybe a little bit after the four sessions with a little more practice, they can see behind their heads,
they can, our instructor will be like, okay, I'm not going to hold the thing in front of the computer. I'm going to put it underneath my table. Can you look under my table and they can see, right? So that it's, it becomes remote viewing basically. And they see with precision and accuracy. So what does that look like for mankind? If that becomes the standard norm for children,
We're just getting started right now. I'm on a mission. I invite everyone listening to join me on a mission to nurture these expansive possibilities with your children. And the vision I got is basically when we can get 144,000 children activated in this way, we'll reach a hundredth monkey effect across the planet.
All children will spontaneously activate these abilities without even taking a class. So I'm making my program obsolete eventually. We're going to spontaneously ignite these possibilities and then the adults will quickly follow suit where we remember these limitless possibilities and
what a beautiful new earth civilization will build now when everybody is so attuned and aware and remembering who they really are and you can't bullshit them because their discernment is so clear and clean. There's no more corrupt politicians possible at that point, you know, and we'll all bring our pure-hearted integrity into everything that we do and that's ultimately the end of war and the beginning of true peace on the planet.
I just got goosebumps listening to you, you know, for maybe two years before my daughter was born, I would see the number 144 everywhere on car license plates, barcodes on products, phone numbers, the time constantly, constantly for like, I don't know, a couple of years. It was so weird.
So Tim, you asked me two questions. You were asking me about the blindfold, and then I have the Luminous Education Revolution website. That is, which is just an overall inquiry into
What does education and parenting look like? If we really remember who we truly are and we approach education, not just like, okay, we can agree that we don't like the conventional factory worker public school system, the one size fit all factory model doesn't work for anybody anymore. So we know what we don't want, but do we know what we do want?
Is education for the purpose of nurturing our children's blossoming of their full possibilities? Is it for the cultivation of their consciousness, their self-actualization, self-realization? Is it to support our children in growing up holistically, healthy, vibrant, and full of their expression of their human potential? Is it to create a more beautiful world for the next seven generations?
get clear about what is education for? And how do we cultivate and nurture the next generation of human beings into those possibilities? And then from there, we can start talking about, well, curriculum. And a lot of people jump to like, I don't like that curriculum. So I'm just going to switch to this curriculum. That's just like, I don't like this diet. I'm going to switch to this diet. There's a deeper questioning, a deeper inquiry process that will inform
the perfect diet and the perfect education, the perfect curriculum, the perfect path that is absolutely not one size fits all, right? How can we be fully present as moms, dads and educators to see what is the unique possibility that this soul wants to experience and express in this life and how can we facilitate and nurture that?
That's really the conversation that I think we're ready for. It's a way more nuanced and mature conversation. We don't poo-poo on anything. We just know that there is an unfolding process and a blossoming process, and every family has the work of inquiring into what is uniquely suited for their family and their children. So the Luminous Education Revolution Program
takes moms, dads, and educators on a deep journey through 18 sessions of deep inquiry work about this topic with over a dozen different expert speakers around the world to inquire into what is education? What are we doing here? And how can we bring our full presence and nurture the full possibilities in the next generation?
Amazing, amazing. So Edith, I know you're a little bit pressed for time. So please share where the listeners can connect with you and find all these amazing things you do. Oh, well, yeah, there's, there's so many amazing things to explore together. I'm probably like a lot of your listeners. I think the time you mentioned in the beginning that, that
It's hard to encapsulate or categorize or write a bio about my journey. And it's true about you too, actually. It's true about so many of us. I've come to see that the time of like, oh, you're a doctor. Oh, you're a musician. Oh, you're a carpenter. That's over. In fact, as your daughter gets older, she might experience this kind of funny situation where
you walk around town and adults just like, they're like, Oh, look at this cute little girl. How old are you? And what grade are you in? And it's like, everybody wants to know what grade the children are in. And when you're homeschooled like ours, and they're kind of like, well, my boy is like, I'm doing
second grade reading and writing. I'm doing ninth grade math, but in Roblox, I'm playing at this level. And in Survivor, I own this other video game. I'm on Chapter 13. And the whole thing is like a video game to him, you know. Anyway, I bring this up because they also say like, hey, when you grow up, what do you want to be when you grow up? And the children are like, I want to be me.
They want children to know, do you want to be a fireman or a doctor or a lawyer? It's like, what an absurd question. I think the beauty is that this is the time of the polymath. We're all passionate at many, many things. I've discovered for myself,
I guess my gift is my ability to explore many different things, have really good pattern recognition, and distill the patterns that play in many disparate topics. And my own personal passion has always been the exploration of consciousness and the full blossoming of our human potential, our human possibilities.
And Chinese medicine happened to be a really great place where I could not feel stifled in that exploration. I could use Chinese medicine to support high performance athletes in tapping into their highest potential. And now I use Chinese medicine to support visionaries and change agents and way showers and trailblazers and pioneers who are building new civilization solutions.
to use holistic medicine to tap into their fullest possibilities and their fullest expression. So half of my time is still spent in Chinese medicine and then the other half of my time is building what I hope to be inspirational, uplifting, empowering content and programs to support way showers and creators and
luminous visionaries like all of your audience to tap into the fullest expression of their purpose and Dharma in this life without being distracted by physical health ailments and also mental, emotional, spiritual limitations to fully express ourselves while we're incarnated here.

Conclusion and Contact Information

Dr. Eden and Ubuntu spelled That's my main website from which you can launch to a bunch of other things. In the dropdown menu, you can see the Luminous Kids Blindfold Vision class. The current round, we are currently working with 16 children and they're all activating. Amazingly, it's so awesome. Some of these kids are seeing things in the other room already. It's like, it's so wild.
So the class is full, but if you fill out the form there, we'll add you to the top of the wait list and announce, as soon as we announce the next round, you'll be the first to know about it. So I'd love to share this magical, amazing journey with you and your family. The Luminous Education Revolution body of work is at So you can check that website also. So those are my two websites.
Instagram Dr. Edith Buntu Telegram Dr. Edith Buntu and my email is hello at so you can shoot me a line. I'd love to keep connected.
Awesome. Thank you so much. This was very, I don't even know what, what words to describe it. There's no like standard adjectives. I, my feeble brain at 6 PM, 7 PM in the evening can think of to describe this conversation. I really appreciate you and appreciate your time and the work you do. And it will be a great pleasure to have you on again in the future to talk further about some of the amazing work you're doing. Thank you so much.
Yeah, thank you so much for having me. And thank you for the amazing work that you're doing that's helping so many families, so many people feel healthy and well, so that we can fully express our awesomeness in this life. Thank you. Yeah.