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This Will Improve Your Health and Increase Your Longevity Like Nothing Else

Connecting Minds
87 Plays11 hours ago

Do you need help with your health? Would you like to increase your longevity while addressing existing health issues?

Request your FREE Metabolic Function Assessment session with me here: https://www.livelongerformula.com/

During this 45-minute consultation we’ll take a deep dive into critical areas of your metabolism and understand what is out of balance.

From gut health and hormone function to adrenal health and blood sugar regulation, even a small imbalance in any of these (or other) areas can lead to poor health in the future and diminished longevity…but the sad fact is that a large majority of people over 40 have multiple imbalances in multiple areas of their metabolism…

The key is to identify and address these swiftly, so that you can thrive for decades to come without worrying that “something’s brewing under the surface.”

Request your Metabolic Function Assessment session here and let's get you thriving for decades to come: https://www.livelongerformula.com/


How to Actually Live Longer (https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/how-to-actually-live-longer/id1761902333) is your go-to podcast for cutting through the noise and discovering practical, science-backed strategies to not just add years to your life, but to add life to your years. Hosted by longevity author and functional health practitioner Christian Yordanov, this podcast dives deep into the truths (and myths) behind longevity, health optimization, and addressing chronic health problems.

Each episode offers actionable insights drawn from the host's own research, clinical practice, and personal journey, helping you make informed decisions to restore and enhance your health. Whether you're interested in reducing stress, boosting your energy and mental performance, improving your gut health, or simply looking to optimize your diet and lifestyle, this podcast delivers the tools you need to live a healthier, longer life.

Hey, it's k Christian, you know, thanks for tuning in again. um i may It may seem like I have not been very active here, but I've actually been pretty busy, as always, behind the scenes. um I just wanted to let you know that I have another podcast out now, and I think that there's almost 50 episodes um on it.
It's called How to Actually Live Longer. It's named after my book, How to Actually Live Longer, Volume 1. There will be Volume 2 and 3 coming out in the next, I suppose, 18 to 20 months. I have most of the ideas for Book 2 ready. I just don't have the time to actually research them in depth and and do all the writing stuff, which is long, arduous, and painful, but so rewarding, I guess. I guess.
Um, so, but I wanted to let you know about the how to actually live longer podcast because if you only want health related stuff, if that's kind of your favorite thing about my, this podcast connected minds, then that one will be only health related stuff. No conspiracies, no interview. Well, the the there might be interviews in the future actually, but it will be only health related. So just letting you know,
in case that is a topic you want to go deeper into and um there is already like I said I think 50 almost 50 episodes there for you now the other thing I wanted to ah kind of announce I guess is I have a new signature health coaching program that I have released and it's new but it's ah it's just a progression and evolution of what I'm already doing it's just the the best iteration of it obviously because it's the latest iteration so this is a health coaching and consulting program that is
going to be largely in a group format so it will be valuable because it's first of all it's affordable right it's a six to twelve or twelve month format you can choose whichever one you like your partner can or your spouse, but spouse, partner, wife, husband um can also enroll. And depending on whether you choose six or 12 months, they will, their enrollment will be effectively up to a 78% discount off of the enrollment fee. And the nice thing about this is because we will be doing Zoom coaching calls twice per week.
which actually means you have more access to me. And what I've found over working one to one with clients is that at the start, they need more help, more hand holding, quote unquote. But as they get better at everything, as this become of the stuff I teach them becomes more ah pretty much second nature, it becomes habit.
ah It becomes who they are. That's the whole goal to transform health and and the trajectory of one's health and longevity means to become a different person that knows more stuff.
that knows how to protect themselves, how to look after their health and all that good stuff. And then I noticed that over time they need people need less and less hand holding. So the beauty of this group coaching format is that actually I can be of more service to you because you have access to me twice per week, which is eight times per month.
we still have chat support and stuff like that in the client app so you always have access to me anyway um but this is a ah great way because sometimes sometimes people just have like a 5-10 minute sort of discussion question that needs ah that they need help with or support with and you know that's ah it's I think it's a much more valuable way to do it whenever you need help you come on a coaching call for five, 10 minutes. And of course you can you can stick around for the entire call, learn from others what questions they're asking. and
I think it's gonna be a very valuable learning experience. And over time, I would love to build a nice little community of folks where we can, we can do more fun stuff, you know, like we can have like um ah specific, um you know, I can do little tiny teach segments where I can, it depending on what people are asking about, I can do a little segment teaching on on a specific health related topic.
And inside the inside the client app, I can give you all my best health and longevity tips and tricks and all the stuff I've learned over the over the years, over the thousands and thousands of hours of researching. And believe you me, ah there are some really there's some real gems there.
that are absolutely game changers so all of that will be available to you and the way the way just the next step if you are interested in actually meeting with me and having a chat about your health goals health challenges and your situation you can use the link in the description to book a free metabolic function assessment session so it's valuable regardless of whether we decide we're a good fit and we want to work together, it's going to be a valuable session where we can just evaluate.
certain the the critical areas of the metabolism, ah gut, thyroid, blood sugar balance, this kind of stuff. And we can help you gain a lot of clarity of what's, what's going on with your health. So again, whether or not we decide to work together, the session will be very valuable for you. And ah if we decide we're good fit, we like each other, we want to work together, I can help you with your health.
goals and challenges then we can enroll you in the the live longer formula this is the ah the reason this is the name of the program it's kind of based on my my book's name you know how to actually live longer and but just to give you a quick overview of what the program is about it's a simple three-step process that allows us to in step one assess your health, step two address any health imbalances and any any ah issues that we identify in step one and in step three we we will align the health program that I will create tailored to your needs
We will align that with the weekly, twice weekly coaching calls, with the chat support, with your dedicated client app where all your resources and protocols ah will be. So you always have them handy. And in the first step in the assessment, right? So you get a comprehensive health assessment that I've worked very hard to make very painless to complete, right? So it takes 30 to 45 minutes to complete.
And it will give me rich insights into your metabolic function and your needs. And I tell you, every single person that that does this, we find always multiple, sometimes like a couple of dozen, but usually at least multiple things that require attention in terms of signs, symptoms, what they're doing in terms of diet, nutrition, lifestyle, supplementation. A lot of folks are are taking supplements that are downright harmful.
So that alone, catching that is is really valuable. But with all the other stuff that we we can catch and and and ah pinpoint to optimize in step two and three, this is just super, super um helpful. Otherwise,
Most people what they do you because they choose they decide that it's not worth the investment their health is apparently not worth the investment in working with someone competent and experienced they just what they do is they just hear something on the podcast they buy it some influencer they like has a supplement or an affiliate code.
They try that. So it's a they have a protocol and a program and a regime regimen that is just cobbled together with random trial and error guessing. And unfortunately, this can lead to just a lot of wasted time, effort, money, and a lot of frustration. So this is what I'm trying to save people say. I've done the the thousands and thousands of hours of research for you.
so you can hit the ground running here we you don't have to bang your head against the wall like i did for for years you know and you don't have to go down these rabbit holes of low-carb, keto, carnivore, or maybe carnivore will help me with my skin problem or my gut issue. Maybe ah you know keto will will help me with my brain fog. Trust me, we there are better ways, they're less much more ah sorry much less stressful.
right and less harmful long term than a lot of the mainstream fads, the ice baths and the curcumin and the fish oils and all these other nonsense. So once you've done this health assessment, which again will take you 30-40 minutes,
Then we will do a one-to-one initial consultation. so that I already do that with clients one-to-one. And this is a 75-minute session where we will just deep dive into into your the data you've you've given me. right So we're going to really zero in on your exact the the roots really of of the health challenges that you are experiencing. And then once you understand your health goals,
with those two two things in mind. So those two areas in mind, I can then create a customized health program specific for your needs, your diet, your life ah your your lifestyle, your health history. And a long alongside this comprehensive health assessment, we also can order affordable and convenient functional lab tests that will be sent direct to your home that will be collected at home picked up by courier and this will help us catch hidden imbalances long before they manifest as outward health problems. This is the key to
to to maintaining optimal health and longevity is to preempt things that can go wrong in the body and do something about them to identify things that are currently out of balance and they might not be causing like symptoms yet because the body is maintaining homeostasis and whatnot right it's very good at doing that But over years and decades these things, these cracks in the dam, these chinks in the armour become much more glaring problems and eventually we develop overt symptoms and health health conditions.
So this is the key. this is This should have been the future of medicine, but they decided that there's no future, monetarily speaking, for that. So they decided to monetize ah you know keeping people sick and you know just masking their symptoms, managing the symptoms of their of their diseases.
And so yeah, it's this this is actually super, like when once you get into natural health and you understand what causes health problems.
you You understand that these things are stemming very simply from stress, from toxins, from nutrition nutritional deficiencies, suboptimal diet, suboptimal lifestyle. And you just, all you have to do is do a little bit of detective work, figure out what are the, for that specific person, what are the set of things from that list that are contributing to their health problems.
and then help them, teach them how to address these things with, again, simple supplementation, nutritional, stress reduction, gut healing, detoxification, strategies, hormone balancing, stress reduction. These are kind of the the bread and butter of the health program, so which actually segues into step two. so step two is ah So step one is assess, step two is address. So we know what imbalances you have,
now we have to address them, right? and I've actually seen plenty of clients where they might have done quite a lot of lab work and actually in some cases spent thousands on lab work but nothing was done with the actual data and not not not to blame the clients but it's the practitioners with whom they were working with they they ordered all this lab work and then they do nothing with it whereas the way I like to do it We want to do maybe two, three lab tests. And for those ah clients that are enthusiastic and really understand the value of investigating their health, we can do you know a couple more extra. But with two or three core tests that we do, so stool testing, urine testing from the metabolomics, various
metabolites in the urine and the food food reactivity test which is not just your run-of-the-mill IgG test but it's a reactivity test where they take your blood and the lab exposes it to the various foods and chemicals in the food supply and they can they basically measure your immune response to each food and chemical so we will know what foods are the most inflammatory for you and This allows us to obviously remove them from the diet and quickly very quickly ah reduce the inflammatory burden.
um which is awesome. And then the this the the other test I was talking about is the metabolomics test. It's a simple urine collection where we can check for so many things for you know gut function, candida, fungal stuff, ah nutrient deficiencies, blockages in certain um enzymes and toxicity and antioxidant deficiencies and ah mineral balance toxic metal excretion so a lot of a lot of a different clues right a lot of different areas of the metabolism and all all of these sort of markers they basically help us build an even more complete picture
of the person right now. And this then feeds into the the step to address where with all the data from the health assessment, the the lab testing, which you can choose to do or not to do. you know I don't and don't force anybody to do any lab testing. I have worked with plenty of clients where we don't do any lab testing or they just get some blood work from the the local clinic. So I try to always make it as affordable for the person to meet them where they're at.
those that can afford more lab tests, we do more, those ah they can't we do less and we we just focus that money on food and and supplements because you know that's where the that's where the money is at the end of the day, right? So then the second step, the address phase, this is like I said, where I create a customized health program program tailored to your needs and that includes nutrition supplementation, obviously key key pillars, but also gut healing hormone balancing so for men we boost the androgens we make sure that they're not aromatizing into estrogen right super important lower the cortisol same with women we lower the cortisol super important and then we make sure the estrogen and progesterone are in balance of course other hormones as well ah we we we look after so in terms of blood sugar regulation in terms of just not being
in a stress hormone sort of dominant state for as much as possible. This is such a overlooked key to to good mental health, to longevity, to good mental performance, to just ah healing, restoring health, regeneration, because a lot of the stuff out there that people are sort of misled into thinking is healthy, ice baths, fasting, low carb diets, bollocks, it's all bollocks. That is just straight up putting them in in the stress, high stress sort of milieu and that is degenerative, that is shortening people's lives. So I teach people, teach clients how to get out of that.
and it's beautiful ah so yeah stress reduction is a huge part of my ah program detoxification of course you just the the the thing about detoxification is it's sort of um some people paint it as this sort of complicated thing or this arduous thing where you have to do juice fast and ah some other kind of nonsense like that or take these very expensive supplements it's actually not really it's Very simple. It's very simple to integrate it in like and when I say it I mean detox support, right? It's very simple to integrate it into your life. It's very simple to eat it in a way that supports detoxification and then depending on the person where they're at what they need we can bump and
up the detox at certain points when they're ready when they feel like they have time for it etc etc again i'm i've worked with so many people that are so busy right see various ceos in different industries so trust me i and parents with you know with kids and jobs and or businesses and or businesses so i understand yeah this is not your job this is something you you want to do in order to be healthy so that you can live your life and do just enjoy your life and do do what you want to do so i have done the heavy lifting in terms of simplifying it in terms of making it as um easy to implement as possible and this live longer formula program
Is just kind of the combination of all of the stuff there's a so along with these. um ah ah Customized protocols that you'll get your with your tailored health program inside the client app there will be a step by step curriculum that anytime you need to get a better understanding of understanding of something that say gut you have a gut protocol because you have a gut issue and we're going to address the gut issue there will be.
step-by-step videos explaining what to do why are we doing it so there will be extra information if and when you need it for specific things hormone balancing
Optimizing sleep and that could be in terms of hormone balance. It could be in terms of the environment so like when I say This is everything you need to optimize your health and longevity in one place. I mean it. I mean it um and yeah, so this then This step to is kind of um it's kind of runs parallel to step three which is the align phase and within the align phase my goal is to support you so you have someone that can help you yeah yeah someone if you need accountability i'm there for you and in in the align step basically we have the zoom coaching calls
twice per week and join any time ask your questions whatever help you need you can just listen in to learn from others have the dedicated client app with all your protocols and that's where we also have chat support in the client app so you're always going to get the help you need if you're stuck if you you know if you have a question If you can make it to a ah coaching call, we will always you know support you and keep you progressing and optimizing your nutrition, your gut function, your hormone balance, and whatever other
goals or imbalances that we're working towards resolving you will always have the support you need to to keep progressing and the idea is the reason it's a six or twelve month program depending on what you prefer to do ah the reason it's six months at least is because single sessions are are useless for most people they're just ah know people that go from practitioner to doctor to other practitioner and everyone gives them different opinions and they're just again they're more confused than anything and instead of
you know having a ah ah plan that they see through one practitioner is taking them east another one west another one north they're getting pulled in different directions and this does not really end well for the the the client the person so my idea here is to have everything you need in one place Again, from nutrition, supplementation, gut healing, hormone balancing, stress reduction, detox, whatever you need. not I'm not saying you're going to do all of those things. Whatever you need is you're going to get in your customized health program and and if you want something specifically, you'll get it. um
and so you have a plan right to get from A to B and along the way you have the you have the map you have me as a guide and this is how transformation happens so the at the end of the six or twelve months you or if you decide to get your partner you and your partner are going to have have you are going to be a new yeah a person you're going you or a new couple right you're going to be doing these things on autopilot right the all the little things that at first is like oh i have to do this and today today i have to do that and
You won't even have to like consult the app to see what you're supposed to be. What's your supplement schedule? like What foods are you supposed to eat? What foods are you not supposed to eat? it will become second nature and this is my goal for my clients is to teach them to become self-sufficient and actually i had one client she she said some very kind words she said i'm thankful for the fact that you've taught me how to take care of my own and my family's health a lot of practitioners i've seen
I've needed to rely on which means that when I stopped seeing them my symptoms came back since working with you I understand the basics of what my body needs and simple protocols for when I get flare-ups so ah she had a lot of gut problems when we started working together and now she knows what to do she gets a flare-up and it's usually it's usually something you ate it's not like some magical thing that's occurring that's you know um but the having that level of awareness is something a person needs to learn and this is what I kind of tell people is in order to not just survive in the modern world with all the toxicity and yeah EMFs and all the stress in order to survive and thrive we need to become much more sophisticated operators of our vehicle right back in the day you had a car if you're I guess at least for dudes the dude
would know the ins and outs of the engine, how to fix it, carburetor, kajiggers, all the things ah they would know how to replace them, install them. I remember when I was like a kid I was like maybe 9 or 10 or whatever and my dad would like try ah try to show me how he changes oil filters.
ah on the car and brake pads and stuff and he he he could do all of that stuff and I was like damn this looks like a lot of work I don't wanna get my hands dirty and stuff and I think a lot of a lot of us today are we are kind of outsourcing our health, our seeding responsibility ah for our health elsewhere like in insurance or but like a lot of guys are ah it's like whatever the wife says we'll eat or if she puts me on a supplement I'll take it.
and we really have to you know again to not just to survive but to thrive in the in the modern world with all the bad stuff going on we have to just really step up our game and this is my goal for my clients is at the end of it you it will it will be you will have the skills and the tools and it's not like you have to like look things up and whatever it will be in you will have them in your brain in your mind you'll know how to think about what what is good for your longevity ah how to protect yourself from toxins you're gonna have a lot of awareness about a lot of different things and you will be able to look at a ah supplement label let's say and you will know how to
look at it and be like oh this this supplement is a piece of trash i'm never gonna buy this or i'm never gonna put this in my body and this is i i really think it's necessary right so i i know people that not only do they never look at um food labels but they don't care sorry not only do they never look at food labels for example they even if they did look at at it they wouldn't know what what to make of it, right? They will know how to evaluate it. Now I know that that's a very basic example and I'm sure you you know how to, but it's the same thing with supplements, right? There's a lot of supplements that you're getting sold, snake oil, that I will teach you how to, first of all, what which supplements to avoid because almost every single client of mine that's taking several supplements is taking at least one or two that are harm harming them.
um And you also know, you know, ah just all of these things about gut health, how to, if you have a gut flare up, let's say, ah you you maybe got a, you're out camping, you you got a bug, you'll know what to do. If you're having, through if you're going through a very stressful period, you'll know how to physically in your body lower stress hormone so that you can sleep better.
and get through it without the stress hormones destroying you know your your mood your sleep and everything else things like that right it's this is this is the why I'm so excited about it I think my enthusiasm is probably ah coming across through the recording so yeah ah that is it in a nutshell as I said at the moment of doing the special offer is I want obviously I want um to impact more people more families and then they can you know pay it forward and you know impact those around them, their kids, theirre their yeah immediate ah family members and stuff like that. So if you are interested, let's let's get on a call ah for free. you know You can book this metabolic function assessment session with me. Let's talk.
And if you're interested in getting your partner involved, like I said, depending on which package ah ah which program length you choose, that could mean up to 78% discount for the the second person to enroll. It almost halves the cost for you, in a sense.
right But we can we can discuss those nitty gritty details if you are you know if you're interested in sitting down together. I just want to help you get some clarity on your health and what you will see, I'm pretty sure, when I present some ideas on how to you know address your health challenges,
and achieve your health goals I'm pretty sure that you'll be like okay well this this makes a lot of sense and ah I strongly believe that close to 99.9% of people listening to this this working with me with my live longer formula health optimization and longevity program would be the absolute best thing they ever did in their life in terms of for your health for their health which ah which is the most important thing at the end of the day right so I believe this will be the best decision you ever make and it would be an honor to meet meet with you and see how I can serve you so look in the description down below go to livelongerformula.com
book your free metabolic function assessment session with me. You have to fill out a short form there to book the session and I'll reach out and then we can take the next steps there. so So thanks for listening and I will see you on the next episode.