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All You Can Eat Conspiracy Theories (Part 2) | Chris Mathieu & Brandon Thomas  image

All You Can Eat Conspiracy Theories (Part 2) | Chris Mathieu & Brandon Thomas

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Introduction and Guest Welcome

Christian Yordanov
one. Welcome back to the Connecting Minds podcast. Christian Jornoff here. Today, I have two special guests, Chris Matthew of Forbidden Knowledge News and the Forbidden Knowledge Network and Brandon Thomas of Expanding Reality. Gentlemen, welcome.
Chris Mathieu
Hey Christian, thank you so much for having us. It's great to be back on your podcast. Ready to get weird, baby?
Brandon Thomas
yeah but Yes. Let's absolutely get weird. Chris Christian. Good to see you. So excited about this guys.

Current Political Conspiracies: Control and Illusion

Christian Yordanov
Yeah. So today's topic is part two of all you can eat conspiracies. So I think we're just gonna, let's start with your thoughts on the current selection process. Today's the 5th of November that we're recording this and there's, you know, stuff going on going in America. So whoever wants to chime in first, what do you do you think Trump is going to get elected, selected, and then we're going to have a civil war or what what do you think is going to happen?
Chris Mathieu
ah I think i'll I'll chime in on this first. I don't have much to say about it because I checked out on politics many years ago. I see it as a theater for division and power and control and keeping us in fear and in check.
Chris Mathieu
And it's it's just another way, it's an illusion of choice that we have, like Coker Pepsi, like all the other products that are under one blanket corporation that provide this illusion that we have all these choices. It's the same thing, I believe.
Chris Mathieu
But this go round, this election cycle is very, I think it's a little different in a lot of senses. It's very interesting. I think it's, you know, we're polarized every election season, but this has a very powerful heaviness to it, it seems, amongst even people who are aware of some of the government corruption and shadiness on both sides. There's just this energy that's dividing people that is permeating this whole election process. And I know that you know even though I don't pay attention to it, and even though I don't subscribe to politics,
Chris Mathieu
I do believe that no matter who is, quote unquote, selected for this presidential seat, it's going to affect each and every one of us in different ways to on some degree or another, depending on how much how reliant you are in the system. But it could it's you know, I'm going to be honest, it could go to extreme levels. They just passed a bill where it's ah basically this like martial law type of bill where the military can basically kill citizens for protesting their government at at any given time. And this was kind of just slid in there and not really talked about. So they're also trying to
Chris Mathieu
Trap people who are free thinkers and speak their mind during this time that have different opinions and especially those that don't agree with government policies. They're being targeted and I think there's a huge campaign of flooding the airways with bad information and misinformation so they can pinpoint people.
Chris Mathieu
Who are going to be quote unquote troublesome for the system and they're laying the groundwork I believe to pass future laws where eventually we will not be able to discuss these things we will not have these mainstream platforms they're going to regulate speech and free speech is going to be poo poo away forever.
Chris Mathieu
That's you know probably the worst case scenario that we could see. ah Well, obviously it could always get worse, but that's what I am sensing is a pretty bad scenario that could come up either way. ah Either way we go if you know if the orange false messiah is elected or the pantsuit succubus.

Religious Agendas and Political Influence

Chris Mathieu
you know, either way, it's going to be trouble. But I've seen some interesting things crop up like theological implications into this election cycle. I've never seen more division based on religious agendas, religious views before, creep up into election, at least not in our modern times. But it's very interesting some of the things that are being said along the campaign trail. I saw a clip of Trump saying the other day, he was calling for Christians to go out and vote. Christians go out and vote. If you go out and vote this time, you'll never have to do it again. We're going to take care of it all. You'll never have to vote again.
Chris Mathieu
Like, what the fuck do you mean by that? And then on the other side, we've got a Kamala at a rally and this guy yells, Jesus is king. And she's like, you're at the wrong rally. and just take a cheese yeah I don't care what your religious views are. If you're on a presidential campaign, that doesn't seem like something presidential to say or something that would ever win over the audience is like they don't even care about winning over the other side anymore.
Chris Mathieu
They demonize everyone who supports the opposite candidate, not as much as the left does. The left is basically calling conservatives trash and everything in the book, but there's also this dark, like prophetic biblical weirdness that has crept into this cycle, like Jesus versus Satan. That's what you're that's what you're voting for. God versus Satan.
Chris Mathieu
So I see trouble on both sides. Trump has his shady past. He's basically, you know, a mob boss who used organized crime to get where he is on the low key and you know stole from people.

Crime Connections and Local Empowerment

Chris Mathieu
he's a He's a piece of shit, but he talks a good game and he won over a lot of people with the way he kind of ah defied the deep state or seemingly and called out a lot of things. But I see his relationship with Israel and that's extremely troubling amongst many other relationships that he has with other lizard people. So I really don't think that there's any
Chris Mathieu
difference when it comes to their end game on either side. It's going to be more control and power, but it depends on how they want to play it. So I'm concerned either way, but I got my popcorn ready and I'm going to sit back. I'm going to enjoy my life and we'll see what happens. We'll roll with it.
Christian Yordanov
Well said.
Christian Yordanov
We roll with it.
Brandon Thomas
beautifully said good Lord Chris beautifully said in the pantsuit succubus I hadn't heard yet so thank you I'm out of the news cycle even the alternative media ones where they're like talking shit and even the best of ways and I just I was out of that one so thank you for that introduction ah that's yours I love it well beautiful I think
Chris Mathieu
Yeah, that just came to me the other night. and you know That's mine. as As far as I know, ah you know the nothing new under the sun. I pulled it out of somewhere.
Brandon Thomas
I love it. Orange haired Messiah and the pantsuit succubus. It sounds like a good comic book, at least a silly movie, you know, like a National Lampoon movie, you know, something like that.
Chris Mathieu
Chris Mathieu
Brandon Thomas
Um, we'll dig, dig Leslie Nielsen up from the grave to do that one.
Chris Mathieu
Brandon Thomas
But it's, it's interesting also that exactly to what you said, Chris, I just grew very very little of none of it and you're absolutely correct on this it's absolute theater it's it's nonsense it's bread and circus in my opinion you know what's that thing if voting matter they wouldn't let you do it. um it's It's fascinating to how many people are bought into the changes made there and it's also fascinating how many of those people.
Brandon Thomas
don't look at their local counties and see where that change can be made in their own shoes they would like to outsource the right party and the correct flag to fly behind in the right color tie and all that kind of stuff so that they'll do it for them but if you really want to empower yourself local elections there was some statistic out that some seventy percent of local elections go completely Uncontested so if you really wanna make waves in your community perhaps start in your community you know and maybe that would inspire a lot of more a lot more change in a lot of bigger areas. and Something you said it's very interesting before you even said it i wrote down could this be the last president this is something mary and i were talking about the other day ah there's a movie twenty twelve right and and you know danny glover said they're talking to the other guy needs talking about how.
Brandon Thomas
heavy of a burden it is to be the last president of the United States, because this is all crumbling down in the movie. But I sort of have this feeling, and I'm no Nostradamus or anything like that, but all the importance people put on the financial system and the um subjugation and all of that stuff, I don't see a mattering much very soon. I mean, you can see how reckless they've been with the agendas. You can see how reckless they've been with the economy. They obviously don't give a shit about it. It's open in the wind that it's being pulled to pieces right in front of us. There's just a few actors still on stage keeping it going. um And it's it's just interesting that, again, you know when we turn within and we start
Brandon Thomas
insourcing rather than outsourcing these things and empowering in self-governance, there's a lot of power to be found here. Chris, I don't know how far you've looked into sort of the sovereignty movement, but I've already made steps in this direction and am very happy and feel much lighter already and have done a lot of research in you know creating trust and doing interesting things where I don't feel affected by the nonsense. I really don't anymore. And I didn't emotionally anyhow. And when these ideals came into my state at my point of maturity, when I could actually do them properly,
Brandon Thomas
That's when it started making sense that's when i started going oh yes of course it's a separate game being played that i don't. Participate in but i feel obligated to in some way i was elected to ah be a part of the system in some degree and. Just i don't care for it but what it what's the answer there and i found some answers and it's pretty fascinating but.
Brandon Thomas
I think that the stuff out there, whatever that means, gets so crazy that you're supposed to do. What we're talking about here is, which is ignore the shit out of it and stop giving it attention, stop inflating it with our energy and do something relevant, which is what you've got going on right now. I always say, but clean that little drawer in your kitchen out with all the batteries and scissors and shit in it. I know that that's an organized.
Brandon Thomas
nightmare. So, you know, there's things that you can do here at home that are much more valuable than driving to a poll and getting a sticker that said that I participate in the matrix or any of those number. I think reality czars had a wonderful mean that put up about four different examples that were absolutely hilarious. And that's sort of how I feel about it. So that's a moment to ask about, though, also this last president

Speculation on Political Collapse and Control

Brandon Thomas
idea. If Trump said, hey, you you only got to vote one more time, you know, revocation of election, um ah revocation of the method, revelation of the method, rather,
Brandon Thomas
ah Yeah. What is up with that? Maybe do they know what I sort of intuitively am talking about here that maybe none of this is going to matter very soon that all of it's pretty much crumbling or that this project blue beam or something like that may finally roll out that just changes everything in a way that nothing will ever be the same again. What do you guys think?
Chris Mathieu
I agree, man. I think that I'll tell you one thing before I just want to say something real quick before I give it back to you, Christian, that there seems to be throughout our history, this class of people that are never satisfied with living a natural lifestyle, with what they have, with just having a family living contributing, being creative, and living your life with love and mutual respect to everything. okay that There's certain people that just that doesn't compute for some reason, and I call these conquerors. And these conquerors have been conquering since the the dawning of humanity, as as far as we know. And these certain groups of people are never satisfied with what they have. and
Chris Mathieu
they attempt to basically take over the world and rule it. And they've been doing that for centuries. But now the whole conquering thing and taking over countries by force that kind of got frowned upon. So now it's progressivism. We're becoming progressive. And we are learning how to harness nature and harness technology and control it. It's all about progress.
Chris Mathieu
And this ideology permeates through these parasitic circles, and it just essentially becomes power control, this technocratic system that we're seeing, and ultimately just creating a slave class that obeys. And this as has been the the overall goal since the beginning of conquering ideologies. They just change the terminology. So we have this group of people who are essentially still conquerors, still trying to take over the world. And it's always been like this, but they've just rebranded themselves. And the question is,
Chris Mathieu
Is there a way to break past that? And I don't think there is. I think there's a way to break away from that. I think that, like Brandon said, the answer is going to be these breakaway civilizations that we have to start our own society, start our own communities, start planting our own food,
Chris Mathieu
living for ourselves and there's something else I want to touch on a little later when it comes to the war on our food and our health is getting very very concerning and we're at a point where it's it's pertinent that we have to start making these moves to check out of the system because They're canceling all our options as far as in the grocery stores and in the medical system to get any type of healthy food.
Christian Yordanov
la la
Christian Yordanov
Sorry, did you hear that?
Brandon Thomas
Did you drop a sound effect?
Chris Mathieu
I heard a whomp, whomp, whomp.
Christian Yordanov
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I pressed the wrong button.
Brandon Thomas
Dude nailed it on the end of a hard.
Christian Yordanov
Wait, I wanted to do this one. I wanted to do this
Brandon Thomas
Yeah, that was an awesome point.
Chris Mathieu
Christian Yordanov
yeah Sorry, I pressed the damn button too early.
Brandon Thomas
That was great.
Chris Mathieu
Brandon Thomas
I love it. On the fly live radio folks. This is great.
Christian Yordanov
Hey, yeah.
Chris Mathieu
Christian Yordanov
um So by the way, great I really appreciate the great discussion, of course, so far. um I did sort of intend for this to be more lighthearted.
Christian Yordanov
ah But of course, you can't you can't have the light without the dark, and likewise the dark without the light. So talking about progressivism, let's change the somewhat the direction.
Christian Yordanov
We can always circle back to these things, because they are very important. We can't only joke around. We can only do serious stuff, of course, but in terms of because you said that that word being progressive.
Christian Yordanov
Remember, do you guys remember when Joan Rivers was asked, do you think there will ever be a gay president elected? Remember that? And she said, yeah, there is already a gay president in office.
Brandon Thomas
Chris Mathieu
and yeah yeah
Christian Yordanov
And so ah she died a few weeks later because of, you know, complications with an elective surgery. But listen, when I typed that into Dr. Gold, the first researchers out that came back up was slash fact checks.
Brandon Thomas
Christian Yordanov
So it's been fact checked that John Rivers was not killed for revealing that Barack Obama is gay and Michelle Obama is transgender.
Chris Mathieu
and yeah yeah yeah
Christian Yordanov
Thoughts, please.
Brandon Thomas
Uh, did it read that specifically that it she wasn't killed because of that specific reason? Because then that's hilarious because then that means they're admitting to the reason, right? They're saying, yes, we agree with the cause, but we're not agreeing with the implementation.
Christian Yordanov
Well, the the title is Joan Rivers was killed for revealing that Barack Obama is gay and Michelle Obama is transgender. And then under that it says comedian Joan Rivers was wrong about the Obamas. And then there's ah if your time is short, Joan Rivers died in 2014 from complications from a medical procedure. Rivers' this claim about former first lady Michelle Obama was wrong.
Christian Yordanov
She's not transgender. That is the fact check. And then there's, of course, the whole article below that. So not that there's anything wrong with being gay or transgender, but it's more it's more when you're lying, you're putting a front about it.
Brandon Thomas
No, of course not. But that thing...
Brandon Thomas
Well, maybe she's always got like a yonia again with a little weight on the end of it. And that's what we're seeing swing around when she's on Ellen.
Chris Mathieu
Chris Mathieu
Yeah, it's very interesting that This conspiracy is so strong right now amongst this group of, this culture that we're in, this ah community that we're a part of.

Societal Choices: Technocracy vs. Sovereignty

Chris Mathieu
There is a lot of evidence, you know, we've all seen the Ellen videos with the thing bouncing around. And there's also evidence that, you know, in these celebrity circles and very powerful circles that
Chris Mathieu
There may be individuals out there that aren't the sex that they claim they are, and some believe that this is part of some occult practices.
Chris Mathieu
I look at ah look at it more now as just more of a way to divide because in the bigger picture, does it really matter if Michelle Obama has a big old donger hanging out of there?
Chris Mathieu
I mean, it does in a sense that, yes, she lied to us.
Christian Yordanov
Chris Mathieu
But if she comes out and says, hey, I'm a man. In two weeks, nobody's really going to to give a shit about it, except for the people who are all up in arms about the whole trans movement. And I used to be, I used to come out and talk about how this is, ah you know, an agenda to try and corrupt our society, which it is. It's 100 percent is. But I think that there is a small group of people that are that are pushing these things. But I think that there's a larger force at play. And the way I see it is
Chris Mathieu
These parasites that are pushing these anti-human agendas, they believe 100% that they're doing it of their own will, their own volition, for their own reasons to gain power and control. I believe that they 100% believe this. But I think that there's something greater at play. And I think this applies to each and every one of our lives, that we have these roles to play.
Chris Mathieu
and In a sense, we maybe think we're in complete control of our lives, but events unfold. Things happen. We have realizations that lead us in certain directions. And I've paid attention long enough to the mystical side of our reality to understand that there are greater forces at play that lead us in certain directions. I think we do have free will to choose one way or another, but there are I think there's in a sense like timelines in place that we can really align with and choose from, but the parasites are playing their roles. And what's happening is we're being presented choices. We're being presented. Do you want to live in a dystopian society as a technocratic slave or do you want to be a sovereign human?
Chris Mathieu
And these are tough choices because we've lived our whole lives relying on the system. and feeding it and perpetuating it and living off of it. And many people so many people still rely on it. life Their life depends on it. They couldn't survive without some aspects of the matrix system. I think right now we're being presented a choice. Do you still want to be in this matrix system? And I think this choice is based off of a greater force that is guiding things.
Chris Mathieu
whatever do you want to call it, God, whatever it is that whatever this grade or force is, we are a part of it. And it is using us. to guide the overall situation. It's using our choices, our free will, what we choose to align with, what we choose to reject. And it's forming this kind of like story, this tapestry of events that really unfold. And when you're up close and you see it, you don't understand it. But once you step back and you see how everything is playing out,
Chris Mathieu
It's like there's no way that this could have just played out like it it was. it's It's so much like a Hollywood story. It's like this hero's journey for each and every one of us. And they have this big collective story unfolding. And to me, when I look at everything, it's like a beautiful piece of art. And it seems to be going in a way that We are leading it. We can't see it right now. We can't see that we're in control, but we are in total control of everything. We are making the decision of what we want to align with, what we don't, and we're moving forward. And there are going to be some breakaway
Chris Mathieu
uh i guess instances of this collective that still wants to be a part of the system and i'm hoping you know eventually it'll all go the way of rejecting that but i think that we will see a split but um like i said i think that there is a greater force and these parasites are have the illusion that they're in control of things when there's really something else happening
Brandon Thomas
Beautiful absolutely beautiful Chris Matthew everybody hit that sound effect I
Christian Yordanov
Wait, hold on, hold on.
Chris Mathieu
want wantrant war
Christian Yordanov
How about that one?
Chris Mathieu
The screw gets even better.
Brandon Thomas
Said a donkey. Oh my god. Okay crickets. Oh, I'm gonna give you a Howard Dean screen topically relevant.
Chris Mathieu
yeah yeah
Christian Yordanov
Chris Mathieu
yes yeah That's the sound that I heard when I came out of the bathroom this morning.
Brandon Thomas
Oh There you go all of it
Christian Yordanov
that's that That's the sound you hear when you transition into a new timeline.
Chris Mathieu
Brandon Thomas
Christian Yordanov
Yeah, dude, i it's so weird, but from my balcony, I can now see a street light that me and my wife were like a few weeks ago, we're like, has this street light been there?
Christian Yordanov
this whole time, we're here like three years, and both of us, were we weren't sure that that street light was actually there. um yeah Or if it was there, maybe it wasn't, they they hadn't changed the bulb or whatever, because we hadn't noticed there was a light, a freaking street light down the balcony on the on the on the side of the road, you know? So as soon as that we kind of discussed that, I'm like, dude, like, was this the,
Christian Yordanov
Is this the mandala effect? like Did we mandala effect into a new timeline? I don't want to say deranged or how my mind operates now. When I see weird shit, I'm immediately like thinking, can I trust the reality or what what my senses are observing?
Christian Yordanov
Can I even trust that we are in a physical reality or could it be, you know, how in the matrix where you see the ah black cat or whatever and something that changed something is like, did did something happen? And I, maybe, maybe they would probably like, if I, if I told this to like a psychiatrist that put me on like anti-psychotics and maybe some other kind of antidepressants that labeled me as like, you know, a loop to loop, but wait,
Christian Yordanov
hold on.
Christian Yordanov
put this guy in in a fucking box. do you Do you think like that when you see weird shit?
Chris Mathieu
Brandon Thomas
When I see weird shit, um, I don't see weird shit, really. I see the syncretistities and things like this, but I think that it's to remind us that this place is flexible and malleable and not to get too caught up in the illusion, but that we're here to have a good time with it. And so I feel that those things are more.
Brandon Thomas
Playful in nature not necessarily like oh you're being you're you're fucked off because I think that has its own resonance, right? The feathers bricks and trucks the way the universe sort of speaks to you and a little off off course You know have your steering wheel and some cars will vibrate, you know We've rented a couple it'll do this if you get out of the lane or something like that. It's kind of like that um but as far as it re enforcing your path, I think, is really sort of the purpose for it. It's to make sure that you're constantly reenchanting this realm with magic, because that's an important component. It can get heavy and silly and sticky. And that's what you know the pantsuit succubus is here to help us out with, is to you know keep this nonsense grounded. But like to make fun of it you know and to give it donkey sound effects in the middle of talking about it, that's that's where the real power and is in it. And I think that there are things exactly to what Chris is saying, that there's a motivating force here, something
Brandon Thomas
of the sword. It's either parasitic in nature and it's here accidentally and we're absolutely capable, which is why we're here to defeat it, or this is a school of swords that inflicts so much growth in so many dimensions that as you scale up, refinement is so tricky, but it's so necessary. So, you know, Feathers, Bricks, and Trucks analogy that the Feathers now weigh infinitely greater because you've calibrated your scale only to receive feathers and you could see things coming. A lot sooner so when you get invited into a trap in the matrix for instance.
Brandon Thomas
ah You don't have to participate in that and you can see it and you can just say, no, thank you. And your intuition is guiding you to grow and build something else. And I think the only things that flourish in this reality are the things that you water, just like in a garden, right? Whatever you're paying attention to is what grows and what you give love to and all of these things. And so if you don't want the nonsense in your life, stop watering it. you know Stop walking over to it and bitching at it as you're watering the thing to continue to let it grow because that's its nourishment as your attention. So I really do see this sort of blind eye, you know not spiritual bypassing
Brandon Thomas
nonsense to where you throw all your guns away and shit like that don't be silly you know you want to be a warrior in a garden not a gardener in a war to where a war suddenly hits you and you're only prepared to you know green thumb stuff and really all you're growing is fear we don't need that we need people who can handle their shit but that don't need to you know so that are able to build sustainable communities and ways around violence but we are absolutely capable of handling ourselves in that manner So these type of communities, these strong communities, is what I do feel are coming next.
Brandon Thomas
And it's interesting, we talk about this precipice we find ourselves with Guy Fawkes Day, which is fascinating in the UK. They have Guy Fawkes Day, which is um their independence.
Christian Yordanov
Brandon Thomas
And then you have from France, and then you have our election taking place on that same day. And then July 4th is our independence from them. And that's their election day over there for Parliament, which is very interesting.
Brandon Thomas
I don't know if you guys knew that. Don Lester taught me that. so the interesting thing about all this is how it's all connected as well i mean it's just if you want to keep inflating it keep inflating it but we don't have to is what i'm saying so this could be the last president you could never vote again just by simply no one voting now or by just absolutely telling them to fuck off and i see really interesting changes within this matrix as well because as the clamp down of subjugation in this sort of 15-minute cities and all this kind of nonsense happens to our food, to our kids, to all of this stuff, then I see it as the demons really squeezing us into this propelled state of self-reliance and self-awareness and empowerment and where we just stand up and say, okay, that's enough. You know, we're turning the Kardashians off. We've got our local gardens going and know nobody's going to come in and fuck with them because we have our own citizens standing there that are well-trained because we do that.
Brandon Thomas
And you have a community set up that's non fuck withable and that just abstains from the fucking nonsense. You don't feed it by telling it how full of shit it is and how much better you are than it. You just move on and grow your fucking community, man. Again, 70% of local elections go and contested. Start there. If you really believe in a governmental system.
Brandon Thomas
and you feel that it can do something for you, then go fucking put your money where your mouth is, right? If you consider yourself a leader, my philosophy on that's always been that true leaders say follow me. ah Don't say follow me, they say I'll go first. And when you go first, a lot of other people are gonna jump in line, man. it's It's a fascinating thing where revolution doesn't have to be guillotines in the street and shit, but I don't think it's a bad idea to construct a couple and put them out for display just so that they know that we're capable. I think that this sort of fear of the nonsense is what's over. And this would happen in North Carolina, I think has been a big wake up call, honestly, the Asheville thing, where they steered the hurricane to flood the mountains and a touch nowhere near the ocean, the ocean beach front property and all that. And then BlackRock was knocking on the doors of all those folks just a few months before to collect the properties that nobody wanted to sell on. And now
Brandon Thomas
natural disaster eminent domain and they'll pay you what your property was worth five years ago. It's that kind of shit. And then when FEMA was coming in to restrict all of the aid that was coming in from all of the local citizens, telling people that they could not save people dying right in front of them, people stopped giving a shit about that authority. And sheriff's department started mounting together little posses and they started resisting people getting their truck tires stabbed out full of supplies by FEMA representatives because they weren't going through a proper chain. This is where we see the pushback.
Brandon Thomas
And that empowerment will have a ripple effect. you The demons will fade away into the dark. All you've got to do is tell them to fuck off and stop being scared of it. Just live your life, guys.
Christian Yordanov
Brandon Thomas
water Water what you want to grow in your life.
Christian Yordanov
And that actually is something that I want to ask you guys. Do you think those hurricanes are straight up engineered?

Weather Manipulation Theories

Brandon Thomas
Chris Mathieu
um Yes and no, but I want to address something you said before real quick about the malleable nature of our reality, things changing. I've noticed this a few times that, you know, I'll be driving down the street and something will pop up there. I'd never noticed that before. And, you know, the wife will be like, oh, that's always there. Or, you know, something literally will be new and popped out of nowhere and we don't know where it came from. But I think there's a few things happening here. I think one, each and every one of us
Chris Mathieu
has a certain level of awareness and our perceptions at a certain level, but that can be enhanced. I think many of us are enhancing our awareness and our perception is changing. And we're noticing things that may have always been there, but we never noticed before. Now we're starting to see things a little differently and pick up on things. I think that's part of it.
Chris Mathieu
I think another part of it is we're being gas lit on a massive scale when it comes to Mandela effects and things like that. I think the internet is a very powerful tool to alter things. I think that's been utilized, but I think there's also a part of it where it's possible that things are slightly changing and shifting for whatever reason, multiple realities unfolding at same at the same time, bleeding into each other. Who knows? But I think there's also something else that has always been there that we're more of in control of than you could imagine. And that is our creative ability. Our imagination fuels this reality in many different ways. Have you guys seen Legion on FX?
Christian Yordanov
Chris Mathieu
That's a it's a great show. I won't give away too much if you haven't watched it, but it's ah it's based on um on a Marvel character, a less um lesser known Marvel character who's Basically, schizophrenia has multiple personalities, but he also has these great superpowers, ability to traverse astral realms and telepathy, telekinesis, all this amazing stuff. And he was ah kind of misdiagnosed as a schizophrenic, but he really just had access to all this stuff. And this show is a great example, I think, of the powers that we can access.
Brandon Thomas
Chris Mathieu
with our consciousness the realities that exist just beyond our perception that is fueled by our imagination that we create these entities and characters and we can create these landscapes but it has an effect a huge effect in this material realm but it manifests in different ways but ultimately we are processing in projecting and manifesting this reality as we go based on our own creative abilities and imagination. And I think that show Legion is a it's a great example of our ability to do that. Now the hurricanes addressing that I think that we've been in control but we've had the ability to control the ah weather for a very long time. I think some of the technology that they're utilizing is
Chris Mathieu
mind-blowingly beyond anything that we could comprehend when it comes to the control of our atmosphere and weather. And I couldn't tell you, like I honestly couldn't say if they are steering hurricanes, if they are beefing them up or doing them anything, but I definitely believe they have the capability to do so. I've seen the evidence, I've seen the white papers, I've seen the redacted intelligence documents, all kinds of things that are undeniable proof that we have the technology to completely control the weather. so
Chris Mathieu
If they have the capability, why wouldn't they be doing it? So that's my answer to that.
Brandon Thomas
Fucking totally.
Christian Yordanov
Yeah, I mean, there even on Wikipedia, you can look at harps. There's a page for harp. And of course, there's a ah conspiracy theory section. right So of course, anytime there is that kind of sort of narrative, you know they're trying to hide something.
Chris Mathieu
I believe we can also control the weather. I've seen this done with shamanic rituals, rain dances, things of that nature, cloud busting. We have the power to do this ourselves if we can apply these abilities. Like I was just saying, we have all these dormant, amazing abilities that we can use.
Chris Mathieu
To create a reality to change the weather to fight against weather warfare and i completely believe that if you know we can unlock some of these things that it's capable and i've seen i've seen it done also through frequency technologies.
Christian Yordanov
Apparently the Dalai Lama has a guy that stops the rain when he's at events and stuff.
Brandon Thomas
That's awesome. Just make sure it doesn't rain when I go through there. That's wild.
Brandon Thomas
Yeah, there's all those interesting stories. There was one in the forties of a guy came in, brought silver nitrate out, said he could make it rain on a town that had a severe drought. The reason we know about it is because the US government filed a case against the guy and sued him because it worked too well. And he caused flooding in multiple counties around the area. And the government tried to recoup money from the guy ah to pay for damages and halt him liable. but that I mean, right there, the government hired a guy to come in, throw silver nitrate in the sky, and they then sued him instead of cover it up. The fact that it all happened, they sued him because it worked too well.
Christian Yordanov
we're talking about that with you last time bro that's yeah it's insane
Brandon Thomas
So fascinating dude. This place is silly. I think also, though i mean to what Chris is saying, i mean because we can look at this as, oh no, it's scary and they're using it against us. Or we can say, well, shit, i mean if that exists, how can we be motivated and inspired to utilize it for ourselves? and you know There's a lot to frequency. and I read somewhere about bells and of course you go down the bell rabbit hole and bells are insane how you know the idea that they hang bells around cows next not to find them but it's to keep parasites off of the cows how crazy is that shit if even rural farmers know that you know the old cow with the bell around its neck that's not a cliche just so you could find the thing like a cat it's to ring off parasites and then you think about the connections that but send me into all sorts of connections and I'm a huge nerd so immediately I went to spider-man
Chris Mathieu
Bells. Yeah.
Christian Yordanov
Chris Mathieu
Christian Yordanov
Brandon Thomas
And you think of venom and venom in spider-man three the one the first one round that they made. He is defeated by the bell right that's what separates the parasite which is venom from eddie brock the character that it took over and you're controlled a bell did that you have all sorts of accounts of this now when it comes to weather.
Brandon Thomas
Allegedly there were a lot of church steeples and things like this in the Florida area and where these types of weather phenomena Could occur not at the frequency and severity at which they do they're amplified by the technology we feel now but when they'd come through the reason that structures lasted so damn long for a long time is because they weren't mitigated with storms like they are now and amplified by a technology looking to destabilize its people rather than they took all their bells and focused them at the storm and allegedly broke up hurricanes with bells ringing at them. And then you find all these accounts of bells being melted for ammo. I mean, there's no more beautiful piece of shit irony than to take a beautiful, harmonious thing of life and creation and melt it down to create something to destroy and put holes in things, you know? And it's just interesting when you, again, start to look at this stuff. And there was a bell recently recovered in a small town that hit it,
Brandon Thomas
during World War II, so this wouldn't happen to it. and It's an ancient bell that ended up weighing 554 pounds or something like this. the number um I'm misquoting it, but the number was equivalent to the Hertz frequency of the somatic pattern that it resonated at. The weight was equivalent to the Hertz frequency that it resonated at. That's crazy to me.
Brandon Thomas
so These types of things and reintroducing sound technology, healing frequencies, stuff like that. I think that, man, if we all just threw some bad-ass bells out on our property, you know, the next time they try and pull an Asheville, we just sort of ring bells at the thing, collapse it on, then the demons start clapping for us because they go, oh, thank God, they got it. And so now we can back off because they're obviously more powerful than us because we can't control them by fear anymore. So we can take a vacation now the humans don't need us to motivate them anymore.
Chris Mathieu
One of the most simple and beautiful examples I've seen of the bells was a Chinese couple made a video showing an example of the power of the bells. They had a baby and the baby was crying and crying.
Chris Mathieu
They tried rocking the baby, singing to it, all these different things. And finally, dad brings over this bell right over the baby's head. Boom. Baby's crying all of a sudden and just passes out a asleep.
Brandon Thomas
Yeah. Yeah.
Chris Mathieu
It was amazing.
Christian Yordanov
Which that's, I'm thinking, do you think this is a conspiracy theory? But do you think there is such a thing as the brown note?
Chris Mathieu
Oh, yes!
Christian Yordanov
Do you think that's possible?
Chris Mathieu
I, I, there is the brown note, 100% frequency make you shit your pants and puke and everything.
Brandon Thomas
No, there is.
Christian Yordanov
Brandon Thomas
There's an ex. Yeah.
Christian Yordanov
Is there?
Brandon Thomas
Yeah. There's.
Christian Yordanov
Brandon Thomas
There's a case of a guy that installed a sewer pipe because that was the only, the size gauge that he needed was a sewer pipe to make that resonant frequency at a certain length.
Brandon Thomas
And he ran it the entire length of the church, allegedly, okay? Under, underneath. The subharmonics of it made everyone shit their pants when he hit it. And of course, the beauty of it is he had to make it out of a sewer pipe, right?
Brandon Thomas
Because that was the diameter of pipe that he had.
Christian Yordanov
Brandon Thomas
So it's just really interesting to think about. And then, yeah, South Park's hit on it. And a few other folks, I want to say it was,
Christian Yordanov
Brandon Thomas
Who wasn't Grateful Dead? Who was it that hit the brown note in concert and everybody shit themselves?
Chris Mathieu
Brandon Thomas
It was one of those 70s hips like bands where everybody was on acid and everything so you can imagine you and your neighbor and everybody just have this transient experience of everyone shitting themselves.
Chris Mathieu
Bro, I'd be pissed if someone hit a brown note at a show I was at.
Brandon Thomas
I know it's like give me you know hand out diapers it's free diaper night everybody you know and hand those out and then we'll know.
Chris Mathieu
You have it. Oh, I wanted to mention something going back to presidents and politicians. I was listening to Graham Hancock. I think he was being interviewed by Lex Friedman or something and they were talking about how.
Chris Mathieu
It should be mandatory that politicians do multiple sessions of ayahuasca before even considering holding any type of office. Because what would probably happen is they would decide that it's bullshit and they don't want to do it. Or if they still do, maybe they'll have their shit taken care of enough to where they won't be an anti-human parasite inside that office.

Enhancing Empathy in Politics

Chris Mathieu
I think it'd be mandatory for anyone in any positions of power to do multiple sessions of that because and it changed it's one of the most powerful perception changers out there.
Chris Mathieu
I just wanted to throw that out there.
Christian Yordanov
Chris Mathieu
I think that would be very beneficial.
Brandon Thomas
I love it.
Christian Yordanov
Something, even if it's not ayahuasca, but just something so even San Pedro, because it just makes you, at least if you're not a psychopath, things like the, ah what was it called, entheogens?
Chris Mathieu
Yeah, yeah.
Christian Yordanov
No, entactogens. I forget the the the name, but the things like MDMA or side of, sorry, um masculine.
Chris Mathieu
Yeah, entheogens and inth theians so psychedelics.
Christian Yordanov
yeah basically they're kind of they they give you this sort of they open up your heart chakra you know some guys say they just make you love everything and when they kind of do that they start to kind of like oh it's my fellow Brothers and sisters out there.
Christian Yordanov
I can't do these things in office So they're probably probably doing it once won't really change your life But maybe if they had a mandatory every like three months they had to go to like a rave Some kind of side trans festival and all like take some masculine and I think that was really it would improve things a little at least a little bit Yeah
Chris Mathieu
Say Trump had a rave.
Brandon Thomas
but That's what politics lacks is empathy, right? Because it's non-human. It's disconnected. It's not real. And this is how you know it's not real. It lacks empathy. It lacks heart. It lacks any real substance. They're talking about banning Doritos and holding ah McDonald's accountable for putting the right kind of cooking their fries in the right kind of oil.
Brandon Thomas
Like, this is silly. This is what it is. I hope this is the last politician, ah political election. This is the last president. And if it, if it even gets to this, like, what the fuck are we doing here?
Brandon Thomas
You know what I mean? And so I think it's going to become more and more and more ridiculous.
Christian Yordanov
So sorry to.
Brandon Thomas
It really is. And that it's even going to get so down to the point to where ah the NPCs are going to go, hang on, man, get fucked. What is this? You know, we we got to, we're done with this shit. And that's the point of it.
Brandon Thomas
I really do think it's to motivate us. I think it's trapping us to motivate us. Like, uh, Like a hydraulic press, it's going to squeeze you out. It's a distillation process. And this is a fuck around and find out reality. And so that we have fucked around, found out, and at the bottom of this Kali Yuga cycle, as fucking Pluto enters Aquarius for good on the 19th of November, by the way. So every day feels lighter and lighter and lighter out of Capricorn. Then we're going to feel this and this change. And these are the death throes of the fucking dragon going down, guys. That's what this is. And that's why the talk about.
Brandon Thomas
Any future presidencies, I think it's silly. I think that let's just, you know, I like the policy of the ayahuasca moving forward if we keep it, but I don't think that we're going to need it. And it's because of conversations like that, that we've gotten to the point that we say that empathy is so absent, that we need to require people to do hard psychedelic drugs before they can go in office to get a little soul in them. Then I think this is where that's the death throes, right? That's where the system's done. You know, we've polished that turd enough. Let's move on. There's got to be something else.
Chris Mathieu
Yeah, I've talked to Stu.
Christian Yordanov
So the the word that was what I was looking for, sorry, just earlier, is empathogens or entactogens.
Chris Mathieu
Oh, go'm sorry. Go ahead, k Christian. Yeah.
Christian Yordanov
These are psychoactive drugs that induce the production of or of experiences of emotional communion, oneness, relatedness, emotional openness.
Christian Yordanov
And these include things like you know MDMA and um mescaline and phenethylamines. So this is I think micro dosing this should be like they that you have to clock in at the office.
Christian Yordanov
A micro dose of this I think would absolutely change the world.
Brandon Thomas
They can put this in the water. That was another one. Trump promised to pull all the fluoride out of the water.
Chris Mathieu
Christian Yordanov
Brandon Thomas
Did you hear about this?
Chris Mathieu
Yeah, yeah.
Brandon Thomas
So, I mean, they're admitting it's in there.
Chris Mathieu
Promises, promises.
Brandon Thomas
It's bad. It's not good. And we're only going to pull it out if you check my books. Fucking get out of here. You're stupid. You do not get a Howard Dean yell. You get you get a fuck off, sir.
Chris Mathieu
Chris Mathieu
Brandon Thomas
That's so silly.
Brandon Thomas
And impactogens. How great are they named in impactogens? Because it makes a huge impact on the fact that you are part of a massive system.
Christian Yordanov
Empath. Empathogen.
Brandon Thomas
Okay. An empathogen, which makes you an empath.
Chris Mathieu
even better.
Christian Yordanov
Brandon Thomas
What was the end of the one?
Brandon Thomas
Enactogen. Okay.
Christian Yordanov
Brandon Thomas
Cause it makes sure that your soul is intact. I love that. That's how we're going to remember it. Intactogens and empathogens. Cause it makes you empathetic and a dopa shit intact whole.
Christian Yordanov
Christian Yordanov
Yeah, dude, like I don't know if you've ever like if you've ever like taken like ecstasy or anything, but it does.
Brandon Thomas
Oh yeah.
Christian Yordanov
you're like I remember a friend of mine back in Ireland, it was his first time, went to a Chemical Brothers um ah concert, and this dude was very straight straight and narrow.
Chris Mathieu
Oh. Oops.
Christian Yordanov
you know They were there for a reason from the US on the college sort of thing.
Christian Yordanov
And he went to the Chemical Brothers with me, and he was like in the middle of it. He's like, oh my god, dude. i I love life.
Brandon Thomas
Christian Yordanov
I love you. And like I think every human that has not experienced that, when they experience that, it's basically somehow the divine sort of coursing through your through your body.
Christian Yordanov
And it probably is some kind of state that we are either in when before we were born or when we die, we probably meld into that sort of infinite love just to be able to experience that. whether and I'm not saying you have to use like a freaking empathogen. Obviously, I'm not advocating for the listener to do that.
Christian Yordanov
But even like meditation or ah doing charity or whatever, like just looking at a sunset, whatever way you can, ah whatever way you can sort of tweak your biochemistry so that these you know hormones and various other, your transmitters are released.
Christian Yordanov
to snap you out of this fear-based programming that all the shit around us is seemingly designed to do. I think it was so so and it's it's so i think it's all about like finding ways to boost our dopamine, right whatever ways you can do doing novel things. but he I think this is where a lot of these folks um Because I don't know if you ever noticed a lot of these people, they don't look happy in terms of like the people, the globalist, they never seem like they're actually happy.
Christian Yordanov
They seem like they're really sort of broken people that have been um just crushed into submission for an agenda bigger than their life is going to be.
Christian Yordanov
So they seem like really, and you know, it's like there's never any hot globalists. Like you never see like a Brad Pitt, Leonardo DiCaprio dude.
Brandon Thomas
Smoke Show globalists?
Chris Mathieu
No, there's not.
Brandon Thomas
Yeah, words what about the Viril Society, right? Hitler had it going with that chick, man.
Chris Mathieu
Yeah man.
Brandon Thomas
She was a fucking smoke show. Yeah, the globalists have gone downhill in the appeal department, I do agree, in all all areas, right? They're not even stylish, they're just boring.
Christian Yordanov
Like, like, dude, yeah, like Kissinger, like, dude, who is banging that guy? Like, who wants to bang that dude? I don't know.
Chris Mathieu
I think their inner energy just seeps through to their physicality and it just they can't help but be ugly motherfuckers because they're so ugly on the inside it just seeps on through.
Christian Yordanov
Brandon Thomas
Brandon Thomas
the core.
Christian Yordanov
I think so. I think so, dude.
Chris Mathieu
yeah I didn't take long for me during my psychedelic journeys to have this knowing that we're all one that we're all connected that it's all there we're all connected in some way shape or form and there was a sense of oneness.
Chris Mathieu
And I think that there's right now this illusion of separation that's been going on for centuries that we fractalized so far apart that we believe that we are separate. I think that's the source of all human conflict is this illusion of separation. But I wanted to bring up something that's very, it makes me optimistic.
Chris Mathieu
And I really enjoy that I've heard this so much that I talked to and Brandon, I'm sure you do to talk to a lot of intuitives and psychics and people who study consciousness or channelers.
Chris Mathieu
people who have a connection to some sort of information field. And I'd say about 80 to 90% of these folks are presenting a similar message, like you said earlier, that this shit show is coming to an end. That whatever parasitic force is perpetuating the darkness is either ready to retire or their contracts up Or they're just sick of all the shit, but it's it's coming to an end and they are Revealing themselves in ways that have never happened before they're trying to say hey motherfuckers This is what's going on and screaming in at us and this it's a very special time in human history where we may actually see fundamental changes in
Chris Mathieu
the way our system operates within our lifetime, possibly. And I just get this message so consistently, I have to believe there's something to it.
Brandon Thomas
yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Fucking too many yeses, Chris. Too many goddamn yeses, dude.
Chris Mathieu
Brandon Thomas
I've got them all for you. You get another Howard Dean yell. Yes, dude! This is it. This is the demons clapping. This is them going, fuck, and thank God. Yes, right here, you get it. Because it's us standing up.
Brandon Thomas
It's just us simply saying, fuck, no. But we have to make the choice, right? And this is why it has to get more and more and more and more and more ridiculous so that people finally go, I don't want to choose this anymore.
Brandon Thomas
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
Brandon Thomas
I'm not going to water this section of the garden. This parasite's going away. not interested in it, but you've nailed it with this, man. That's why it's ramped up. That's why they're wearing masks that stick out and and fucking are in a fake White House with the lighting all wrong, the wallpaper wrong, the backdrop wrong.
Brandon Thomas
NASA is full of shit. And you know this, it's all fake. And they're doing it so obviously so that you people, everyone will go, no, thank you. That's it. Just no fucking thank you.
Brandon Thomas
And then we get to do something else. We get to do something way better, right?
Chris Mathieu
Mm hmm.
Brandon Thomas
That's the whole point of this and I do think that this is time perfectly with this sort of Aquarius move and say what you want about astrology But it's fascinating coming out of Capricorn this rigid structure ideology into this much more airy fairy fucking Anything's possible type sign like Aquarius. That's where we're gonna be for the next 20 years So it's fully out like there's this little dance that it did back and forth because of the way that things move but now it's fully going and literally the countdown is on it's in a matter of days here and we will be fully embraced into this sign that creates no more nonsense for itself. The thing that happened for me with ayahuasca, what it did result
Brandon Thomas
I didn't get contact from mother or anything like that. What I did get was the inability to bullshit myself. What I mean when I say that is I can't lie to myself anymore. I can't sit here and say this is okay when it's not. I'm fully emotive. If I'm gonna cry, I'm gonna fucking cry. If I'm happy about something, you know about it. If something's on my mind, I've got resting bitch face. I can't lie to myself, okay? So within this, I feel that this process is what's occurring on a realm level. Chris, you nailed it with this, the ah demon face syndrome. Have you guys heard of this?
Christian Yordanov
Brandon Thomas
oh Have you not? Please pull it up. Can you share screen and like pull stuff up so you can show people what this looks like?
Christian Yordanov
No, unfortunately. No.
Brandon Thomas
While you're while you're pulling this up, this is exactly to what you're talking about, Chris. The realm is revealing itself, whether we like it or not. so It's changing because people kept clicking on the Kardashians and sitting down rather than cleaning out that drawer I was talking about or taking their son fishing.
Brandon Thomas
They sat down and did fuck all.

Perception and Reality: Mental and Societal Influences

Brandon Thomas
but now The parasite has grown to a point where it can't be ignored and all you have to do is choose no thank you. You just know thank you and it moves on and off it fucks literally. It's just now so visible that there's no way that you would continue to choose it. Those are going to be the odd people out, the people who continue to choose this shit. So if you've pulled up demon face already, I'll just go through it for the audience. Go ahead.
Christian Yordanov
yeah So...
Brandon Thomas
Yeah, give that a yeah, I was gonna see who wanted to give the word ago I usually give I've got a guest on and I pull this up I go here give that a go and they'll say Oh God we should have asked
Chris Mathieu
oh yeah
Chris Mathieu
Ugh, I think you nailed it for all of us, Christian.
Christian Yordanov
prosopo metamorphosia, also known as demon face syndrome, is a visual disorder characterized by altered perceptions of faces in the perception of a person with the the disorder.
Christian Yordanov
Facial features are distorted in a variety of ways, including drooping, swelling, and discoloration in shifts of position.
Brandon Thomas
and shift in position of face.
Christian Yordanov
Brandon Thomas
So if you look at the images that accompany that, and they will show you a few images of people with pointy ears and there's like an Asian girl and a white guy.
Christian Yordanov
Brandon Thomas
And those are the people they've chosen to model this after. And there's people with account after account after account of seeing these demon faces appear in front of them and shopping malls and educators and politicians, all kinds of stuff, right?
Brandon Thomas
and So when you look at something like that, what it is and Christian, you nailed it. It's a whole fucking, it's a, it's a, This disorder, right? So the whole point of that is, is that it's your problem. Okay. That when you see demon faces, they're not really demon faces. All right. It's you with an issue called Christian.
Chris Mathieu
Christian Yordanov
uh pmo project project management or or fosio
Brandon Thomas
Okay. Thank you. Yeah. b
Chris Mathieu
Demon face syndrome.
Brandon Thomas
Even fucking face man. Yeah, you get that thing but it's your issue and I'm sure there's medicine for it Okay, but the funny thing about this is is it's your fucking problem.
Chris Mathieu
Brandon Thomas
But what are we really seeing? Okay, maybe you're seeing the realm reveal its true colors You know, it's like at the end of they live when the signal smashed and it can't broadcast. It's bullshit to fake us out anymore.
Brandon Thomas
and all the lizard turds are revealed and then they're easily subversed. I mean, it's easy. You can see that this is fading down around you and the demons are literally going to be possibly revealing themselves in front of you because people continue to watch the Kardashians instead of taking their kid fishing or something.
Christian Yordanov
Bro, so apparently there's been 75 cases reported in the scientific literature of this prosopo-metamorphosia. That's fucking insane.
Brandon Thomas
Major news outlets covered this you will see so news story after news story was on the news cycle for a while that it's gonna it and so what that means is they put it out into the reality because they want you to know about think about and be Aware that when something like this happens, you already have an answer for it and it's your fucking problem Or when your child comes home and says my my teacher turned into a demon today They can go aha. I know exactly what pill to give you little Timmy because that's a demon face syndrome I can't pronounce it But I've got a pill for you, buddy, because that's a syndrome and it's okay. They've identified it. It's going to be okay, little kid. And we hope though that people go instead, man, your fucking teacher's a demon and I should have taken you out and done some unschooling because there's many resources out there on that long ago. But yes, your teachers are probably going to start turning into demons because you keep sending your kids to school. Stop sending them there, get into communities and the demons will move on and go do something else.
Chris Mathieu
This reminds me of my insane psychedelic experience where my ex-girlfriend turned into a reptilian and chased me around my house.
Brandon Thomas
Yes. Yes. This is what I thought of. Yes.
Chris Mathieu
So she didn't literally change into a reptilian and chase me around my house.
Brandon Thomas
Your story.
Chris Mathieu
I was in a sense. seeing where i went wrong and where i went wrong was even getting with this woman and it was showing me her reptilian energy and nature and that started revealing itself in the following days she started you know showing her dark side to me but the the psychedelic experience revealed that to me and even though you know it's not necessarily her because she's probably always like that no matter what but i am the one
Chris Mathieu
It's my life I'm engaging with it it's my problem at this point so they were revealing the situation that I was in.
Brandon Thomas
But you got that demon face syndrome, dude.
Chris Mathieu
I did it was more way was more than demon face man.
Brandon Thomas
See, that's what I'm saying though. but But what happened was is that you moved out of a bad situation because it was physically revealed to you because you ignored all the feathers, bricks, and trucks along the way.
Chris Mathieu
Yes. right
Chris Mathieu
100%. Yes.
Brandon Thomas
Dude, this realm is fucking nuts, I'm telling you.
Christian Yordanov
Brandon Thomas
And then you'll start seeing the feathers fall, and that you'll like catch them, like Neo, dude, it's insane. Like, it's crazy when you really, and that's your intuition, that's what it does.
Chris Mathieu
Brandon Thomas
It's guiding you through this bitch. And you know me, you don't be, I don't, I've abandoned this type of talk, man, but I've come intellectually to a point where you can't intellectualize this anymore. It's riddled with paradox, and so the only intellectual thing to do in a world riddled with paradox is to abandon the idea of intellectually conquering it.
Brandon Thomas
And so you literally need to abandon that, go into full fucking surrender, and just flow with this shit, but with ease, you know, and unemotion. Let that shit flow through you. Just um water your glue, you know, rubber glue, fucking flow like water and wind and shit, and just move, man.
Brandon Thomas
It's um it's interesting, dude.
Christian Yordanov
ah I gotta be honest, dude, I gotta be honest. I'm not saying obviously, obviously ah you know Chris, I've had you on my show and you kind of discussed that story. And I'm not saying a lot of these um folks out there, what's the word you used?
Chris Mathieu
Christian Yordanov
Intuitives, I'm not saying that their perceptions are wrong or anything, but I believe and I kind of was going to do an episode on this at some point on the podcast about I was going to title it something like
Chris Mathieu
Oh, intuitive, yeah.
Christian Yordanov
many quote-unquote spiritual people are in a somewhat of a mild state of psychosis slash potentially mania and the reason I say that is because if you look at I was just kind of pulled up while I was I was i so i put in the that name of that disorder quote-unquote so you know um pro-sopo-metamorphosia and I put serotonin next to it and some other the disorder came up which is called hallucinogen persisting perception disorder and it's ah it has a diagnostic category in the DSM-5.
Christian Yordanov
This is where you know folks get flashbacks and stuff like that. So the thing is, what they talk about is ah you know a lot of these hallucinogens, a lot of these psychedelics, they actually upper the way they cause these hallucinations is they actually um activate one of the serotonin receptors or some of them not not maybe just that one but particularly the 5-HT2A receptor that is the one that is kind of creates this inhibition and kind of the the psychedelic aspect so the thing is
Christian Yordanov
We've been kind of brainwashed that serotonin is the chemical that makes you feel good and blah blah mood regulator. But actually, if you look at it in psychosis in um various sort of mental corticone disorders, including depression, but also ah schizophrenia, serotonin is actually high. And it also raises cortisol in the body. So I think what a lot of folks that potentially are getting vision. I'm not saying all, like I'm sure so some of it is absolutely genuine, but I think a lot of folks, they're actually, they have a high serotonin level because potentially their dopamine is low because of, and serotonin by the way, it rises when you are stressed.
Christian Yordanov
So for example, the the COVID fiasco, that whole sort of that the first couple of months of that whole fiasco, that in and of itself raised a lot of people's serotonin. It's kind of like a chemical that helps you shadow resources and shut down aspects of the metabolism when you're in very severe stress. So I believe, like you know like when ah sorry to be morbid or whatever, but when people are like doing part of, let's say, MKUltra, where they're being experimented on or tortured,
Christian Yordanov
At some point, they they de this in sort of decouple their consciousness from their body. and I strongly believe it's things like serotonin, and then maybe when it's death, ah maybe DMT, which is very similar to so serotonin, to tryptamine.
Christian Yordanov
um I think these chemicals, sort of maybe so serotonin will dull the pain. That's why people like when they're on ah on a SSRI that increases serotonin, they're numbed. That's why even some guys, they use it in order to last longer in bed because it numbs the feelings, sensations and stuff like that. so I believe a lot of this stuff,
Christian Yordanov
is because we are basically the the entire society is designed to put us in a more serotonergic state. That's why the SSRIs are so prevalent. 43 million Americans were on SSRIs in 2020, at the start of 2020 or whatever. um And that is, I believe, what creates part of this distorted reality. because And I honestly believe a lot of these people, if they take an anti serotonin chemical,
Christian Yordanov
a lot of these things will go away. And that's how you know that it was the serotonin and the sort of the chemical, biochemical milieu in your central nervous system causing it. If you take an anti serotonin chemical, some of these, by the way, are over the counter in the USA and various countries, right? Like certain antihistamines can do that. If you take that And you still are seeing the visions and stuff like that. It could be some kind of genuine like talent a person has. But if they go away, it's very likely it was kind of this hormonal biochemical neurotransmitter type milieu sort of creating that, if that makes sense.
Chris Mathieu
I got to speak up. I have a very interesting perspective on this and I am in no way have any medical knowledge that I could apply to this at all. This is just based on it. My own perspective, my intuition, guests that I've had, research that I've done. So consider this. What if these chemicals such as serotonin,
Chris Mathieu
aren't necessary causing us to create things. They are shifting our perception in a sense. I believe that our brain is nothing more than a receiver for information. That these chemicals, they act as different fuels to receive different transmissions.
Chris Mathieu
If we have an overflow of serotonin, we may be over actively tuning into something else out there. I think it's possible that people with schizophrenia, different mental disorders have those, it the chemicals, they show up in tests. So the doctors are like, oh, it's caused by the chemicals. Well, what if?
Chris Mathieu
The chemicals are just a fuel to connect to some of the information field and what people, schizophrenia, people with mental disorders, what's going on is those chemicals are connecting to something and it's misfiring because they're their receiver, their brain has a fundamental tick in it or it's got a little problem that needs to be addressed fundamentally.
Chris Mathieu
But what these drugs do is instead of addressing a fundamental problem, they will put a damper on the receiver so they just don't receive that information anymore. And it's acting like it is, cu quote unquote, curing something for a person. When in reality, they have just, in a sense,
Chris Mathieu
lost a level of control over these chemicals and they are interpreting different things and they are accessing different information fields that people with a normal functioning serotonin or chemicals don't normally access.
Chris Mathieu
And this is just a theory, but I think it's very possible and interesting.
Christian Yordanov
Christian Yordanov
Yeah, I mean, mine is just a theory as well. So, you know, I'm absolutely open-minded to yours as well. I ah genuinely think that we are able to get these quote-unquote downloads when our biochemistry is tweaked in a certain way. It's just, I think that stress, a lot of ah lot of us, but you see, when you end up, It's kind of hard to articulate, but when you are really like, you know how we if you put somebody in solitary confinement like one week could be enough for them to like flip flip out and go, you know, create their own
Christian Yordanov
family and friend network that they're talking to. So I think when the stress becomes so sort of unbearable, this is probably like some kind of an outlet or a fuse or, you know, like it just vet helps you vent.
Chris Mathieu
Well, wouldn't it be an altered state, stress putting you in an altered state? I think the key is altered states.
Christian Yordanov
Chris Mathieu
I think that anything that alters our chemical physiology is going to put us in an altered state, which in a sense, this altered state is really enhanced perception or ability to perceive different levels of reality.
Christian Yordanov
Chris Mathieu
And even stress, even though it's considered you know abnormal or harmful, what it is, in a sense, could be doing is just activating those chemicals and opening a door in a sense.
Christian Yordanov
So do you think maybe that's what they were trying to figure out with the MK Ultra experiments?
Chris Mathieu
A hundred percent.
Christian Yordanov
Chris Mathieu
A hundred percent.
Christian Yordanov
Because I think you you were um you and were talking about, and with some some of your guests, where that that's how they were able to unlock those capabilities.
Chris Mathieu
They create alter personalities, delusions. I think that's what the Super Soldier program is. I think they're taking people or maybe just somehow implanting false memories of being on Mars and going shoot around the galaxy and fight aliens when in a sense they're just laying there dreaming and the vision is so real.
Chris Mathieu
that they believe it. And I think that our our consciousness is so powerful in a sense that it is the key to traveling the universe. We can go anywhere from within and we have access to all, to everything.
Christian Yordanov
Just thought, Brandon.
Brandon Thomas
Wild realm, man. Just wild fucking place because I don't disagree with any of it. the You know, measurable degrees in science of the levels you're finding would reflect a vibrational sense, a vibrational frequency of sorts. Because yes, if you can and keep somebody in enough fluoride and serotonin and fight or flight and cytokine storms, then you can get them to do anything you want, right? So this combination of It's stimuli, really. And so what is the key to meditation, right? What do they always say? The job is to sit still and quiet with no stimuli and see what comes through and just let it pass through you, meaning that whatever comes in doesn't stimulate you. You just let it move on. This is the key to this reality is to be.
Brandon Thomas
impermeable for things to where they just flow right through you. They may come your direction, but you don't need to tense up, get scared and let it bounce off you and all of that. I mean, there's an old saying whenever you're in a car crash or something like this, the reason that you break bones is because you tense up.
Brandon Thomas
The reason drunk people survive is because they're loose and they're fucking flexible and they're rolling with it, right?
Christian Yordanov
Brandon Thomas
So the idea is in an impact, just fucking go limp, man. Surrender, release, relax. It's This ah resistance, that's what solidifies this worldview you have based on the frequency that you're locked into.
Brandon Thomas
and Biochemically, we talk about a lot of things with this. with Steve Falconer was talking about his ah the tissue salts and being more electromagnetically conductive.
Chris Mathieu
Love Steve.
Brandon Thomas
and These were things that were denied to you in the womb, you know these salts, and they're very based on your astrology really, but it changes your physiology to where you're more electromagnetically conductive. And so you resonate at a literal different frequency. Your body can't tolerate bullshit. And so you just don't, you're not there. You, you literally don't see it. So to also what you guys were talking about, about things popping in and out of your reality.
Brandon Thomas
It's your reticular activating system at work like crazy, but that's guided by how you're chemically perceiving your reality and what frequency you're tuned to is what you're literally seeing. When you're shopping for a car, you're going to see a shitload of that kind of car. If you are wanting to have a baby, you and your partner will see people with babies all over the fucking place. It's not that they were all, was it, or the question then becomes, were they there the whole time or did you manifest them because now you're paying more attention to them and they're more in your reality.
Brandon Thomas
Are you tuned now to a frequency, biochemically, all of it, to where you are now in a frequency to where you see them everywhere, therefore it's a prolific thing of that of course you're going to have access to because it's everywhere. It's a fascinating realm in the sense that really paying attention to things and how you respond to things is what the big thing is. I don't i don't ever think this realm is about the thing occurring. I think it's about the reaction and relationship you have to it.
Brandon Thomas
Whatever it is it doesn't matter think that's why things can pop up air quotes that will cause a similar feeling of whatever right it's job is just to get that feeling out of you or to give you an opportunity to see if that's still the way that you want to react. Just let it pass through you it is a fascinating round man.
Christian Yordanov
what What other quote-unquote conspiracy theories do you want to discuss?
Chris Mathieu
I wanted to bring up something, especially because Christian, you're in the healthcare space and I've noticed something very disturbing that is occurring within our food industries in general.

Corporate Influence on Organic Food

Chris Mathieu
Lots of the brands that are claimed to be quote unquote organic are being bought up by General Mills, by some of these big corporate food industries.
Brandon Thomas
Chris Mathieu
And my question is, is it going can you still consider it organic? What changes or fundamental changes are they making? Should we be concerned that you know a lot of the brands that we relied on that we thought were going to be at least a little healthier for us, that we could easily just go pick up food at our grocery store and not have to worry about being poisoned. Well, now the foods that we relied on are being produced by the same companies that produce all the poisons. And I guarantee if you go down to your grocery store, you go down to the health food aisle and you look for each brand, I'd say 50, 60% or more have now been bought up
Chris Mathieu
by big disgusting corporations. And that is concerning along with they are banning different natural supplements, vitamins, health products, vegetables, fruits, but not they're attempting to, they are putting a bill out there with a list of all these in incredibly healthy things that are extremely beneficial to the human body and natural, and they are trying to schedule them and ban them.
Christian Yordanov
Christian Yordanov
Like what do you know where where I could find that?
Brandon Thomas
Let me ask you right here, okay, out of that list, how many of us are growing those things at home so we don't need to outsource it?
Chris Mathieu
that's a well That's what brings us.
Brandon Thomas
Okay, this is the this is the way that I see the realm, exactly.
Chris Mathieu
this This is the kick in the ass we need. Yeah.
Brandon Thomas
This is the way I see the realm.
Christian Yordanov
Brandon Thomas
They didn't give you a list of things they're gonna ban. They're giving you a list of things that when you're offered it, they're not good for you for where they are, but they're very important that you get them. So at least, here's the list, guys.
Chris Mathieu
Brandon Thomas
Wink, wink, we're gonna ban all these. Great, here's but here's the opportunity to start my garden. I've just cleaned out that drawer in my kitchen with all the batteries and shit in it. I'm ready to start this garden. I already have a list of what to do.
Brandon Thomas
That's how I see the realm, dude, seriously.
Christian Yordanov
Yeah, man.
Chris Mathieu
Yeah, I have that list somewhere in my emails. I will send it to you after the show Christian so you can take a look.
Christian Yordanov
Brandon Thomas
Hell yeah.
Chris Mathieu
I'll send it to you Brandon as well.
Christian Yordanov
Yeah, but.
Brandon Thomas
Brandon Thomas
And then we get community set up to where maybe if it doesn't grow where I'm at, Christian, where you are in Portugal, we'll have you grow a whole, you know, yard of this shit. And then we'll send you the things that don't grow where you are that we grow the fuck out of where we are.
Christian Yordanov
Brandon Thomas
And do you see how this works?
Brandon Thomas
And then we don't need anybody. And then there's no, and then also we establish a private membership organization to where now people donate to you and you give them things for free. There's no taxes involved in this.
Brandon Thomas
So now you're out of that whole bullshit also. So now it's a whole community that is set up based on the lizard turds. giving us an opportunity to bind together in a way that we wouldn't have done before.
Brandon Thomas
Who would have thought to take that list of things and said, let's break this up and grow these together if we can in one spot and make sure that we all have access to these freely and and healthily, you know, but now we do have that information because they said it's important, but we're going to ban it.
Christian Yordanov
Christian Yordanov
I think we should all, for sure we should, this is a genuine kick in the ass to start doing the stuff.
Brandon Thomas
It's fascinating, man.
Brandon Thomas
Christian Yordanov
It's like they say, if every, each of your neighbors just specializes in one thing, you don't even have to be an expert in growing 20 different plants. For food just or you do chickens yeah the other guy does tomatoes another guy does medicinal MJ whatever and We know who's gonna be the most popular.
Brandon Thomas
Yeah, three of you do weed. Weed? Yeah.
Christian Yordanov
Of course the guy with the tomatoes but uh, oh Yeah, but but
Brandon Thomas
All of them.
Chris Mathieu
Brandon Thomas
All of them. They're all gonna be incredible.
Chris Mathieu
Brandon Thomas
And that's the thing, man. And this is what we're starting. We're we're coming up with these you know private property communities, not hippie communes. There's something very, very different here. We get and respect people's privacy, okay? And lack of obligation is what's key here too.
Brandon Thomas
You've gotta wanna be here. And that's the whole point, but be close enough in proximity to have access and then have storefronts to where all the people around in the area, the guy down the road that has all the raw milk that we love, but we don't have the cows because he's got them. Why would we do that? Then he gets to bring it here and sell it at a central location again.
Brandon Thomas
through a PMA that's tax free so no sales tax or anything like that it says twenty five bucks give the man twenty five bucks that's that's the kind of shit right there yeah we don't have to do this anymore guys is what this is and this is the kick in the ass this is thank god they find all the demons are clapping right now there's eighty thousand demons right now swarming us all clapping their asses off because the the people that are receiving this message see it as valuable.
Brandon Thomas
They get it. There's a bell going off. ah Back to bells, right? The bells that are now ringing the parasites out of the people's ears that couldn't hear this shit before because now it's making sense. Now it's like, oh, got it.
Christian Yordanov
Brandon Thomas
There is no savior. It's up to us. Got it. We can do this though. That's what's beautiful. The creator created creators.
Christian Yordanov
Speaking of
Chris Mathieu
And I think we can look at everything and it's all the same across the board when it comes to these mainstream systems. What used to be quality and enjoyable has now become so shitty and so toxic that it is no longer appealing and we no longer want to ah two buy their products, engage with it.
Brandon Thomas
Nailed it.
Chris Mathieu
i Look at the the fast food. Look at the customer service in every restaurant. Look at your medical industry. We have a saline so saline shortage. Really? How are we having saline shortages? It's like they're trying to push us because they are doing their jobs so shitty and they're presenting things in a way that look how shitty this is. You don't want this.
Chris Mathieu
It's becoming obvious that it's time, man. It's time to put it all to bid.
Brandon Thomas
Think of the beauty in it though, think of the genius-ness in how challenging it's gotta be to present something that does need to be done, but to do it so shittily that you inspire the true creators of the realm, which is your job, to create it for you.
Chris Mathieu
$20 for a Taco Bell fast food meal. Come on, man.
Brandon Thomas
and so your job
Brandon Thomas
and you know what, somebody out here is gonna go, shit, ive I've always wanted to smoke my taco truck, why don't I do this, and then I can open a restaurant out there on these folks' this property, and it sounds like I'm at multiples, so I can actually set up multiples, and now I can employ all these people and do my thing, and then healthy, like, you see how this is, this is the thing that we're talking about here, it's take your fucking life back, but I will appreciate the genius of the lizard hurts, number one, I'm not scared of him.
Brandon Thomas
two I do appreciate their job and in being able to motivate us in really interesting and creative and imaginative ways that's based on every single person's soul narrative. It's got to be based on your soul narrative, which is again another challenge I would think for these lizard turds. And then said lizard turds have to sit there and make something to where they put your attention on it.
Brandon Thomas
but to where they motivate you to create it yourself rather than what they are offering you. That's beauty.

Influence and Empowerment: Personal and Community

Brandon Thomas
I see it and it's a complex, beautiful web and that is where I see God right there because we have a choice to do it.
Chris Mathieu
I wonder if they even know they're doing that. I wonder if they think that they're doing this for their own means and control, but it's just unfolding in a completely different way.
Christian Yordanov
Brandon Thomas
Brandon Thomas
Good call. What if the demons come to the same epiphany as that we do at the same time? They're sitting there going, hang on. Are we the ones motivating them because all we have to do is, and then would that then alter their methods of implementation?
Brandon Thomas
If we're now more aware and keen and looking for it in that way, do they still have to present trucks and bricks or can it all be feathers? Can we all just, you know, get, get what we need here, which is advancing all of us and expanding into the greatest version of us, but without the rocket fuel needed to motivate us in a shady way, like with pitchforks and such.
Christian Yordanov
You know, I think in ah Robert Greene in his book, The 33 Strategies of War, I think it's called, I think he said in one of the chapters that in a battle or conflict, its the the weaker side actually
Christian Yordanov
influences how the battle will go, right? Because imagine they say, okay, guys, y'all gonna get gonna have to get these jabs here. And then people were like, okay, let's get the jabs and they're like okay, they got the jazz. What's the next thing? Okay, then let's, you know, and the next super boosters. But if people are like, no, screw you, we're not gonna get the jobs. Like, okay, these fuckers don't want to get the jobs, we have to scare the shit out of them, you know, maybe alien invasion is the next thing we got to do. So it's the weaker side kind of
Christian Yordanov
pushes the battle whether it's gonna be you know up a mountain in the water in the trenches you know on the open field so we actually like I know it's kind of a cliche to say but we have a lot of power Because you know if you you can if you just start doing your own thing and you don't even like look you just log in your phone just to check your emails, talk to your friends, family, that phone ah as as an amazing of a spy device and control device it is, that loses a lot of its power.
Brandon Thomas
all the power, all of it.
Christian Yordanov
And all you have to do is just leave it at home when you left the house. you know
Brandon Thomas
Chris Mathieu
Yeah, it's it's easier than than we think to take back control.
Brandon Thomas
Also, if you take
Chris Mathieu
It's just taking that first step. It's severing that cord of something you really rely on that's part of the system. that There's always that one thing for people that's the really the hardest to detach from that's going to prevent them from living their lives fully.
Chris Mathieu
But once you take that first step, man, everything else just kind of starts falling in place and it becomes easier.
Brandon Thomas
And let's say this, I don't disagree with anything you just said. And so we'll offer as a community here that if that's something you're experiencing, reach out there. There's a lot of opportunities for your skills to be useful.
Chris Mathieu
Brandon Thomas
There are so many amazing things going on. And I know that you are far more valuable and creative than anyone in your reality has. giving you credit for. So you bring your unsuspecting ass over here and we will absolutely empower you to go ahead and move beyond because really it's start where the pain is, man. This is what Bre Devine talked to me about is in this whole revocation of election process, changing the passport, you know, all this kind of stuff, it's, it's really unwinding from that, that system, but it's, there's a lot to do, but her words are perfect, man. I mean, it's, you know, this is, this falls into the category of how to eat an elephant, right? Because there's a huge elephant here that we're,
Brandon Thomas
uh, devouring at the same time. The answer to that is just one bite at a time, man. Just take it one fucking bite at a time. And, but the, the key thing is to start where the pain is. So if you feel financially burdened from taxes, there's a resolution of that, guys. Okay. You don't have to feel constricted to a lizard turd system because actually you're donating your income tax every time you do it. Look up the tax law. It's insane. And if you don't want to do that anymore, there are ways that you can go about this. Okay.
Brandon Thomas
Legally and properly to do this to lead a relief free yourself if that's where the pain is So there's a community of folks out here that is willing to help and be of service because we're all the Chiron's man We've all been wounded But we're the wounded healers to show you all how to heal yourselves as well because we've taken these steps We've taken the arrows take the

Content Promotion and Upcoming Projects

Brandon Thomas
Brandon Thomas
We're here for you Come
Chris Mathieu
I'll eat you some Elephant Etouffee, baby.
Brandon Thomas
Christian Yordanov
Boys, as we wrap up, can you tell the listeners where they can find your podcasts and any other work? Chris, I know you have some documentary stuff. Maybe you can point folks to.
Chris Mathieu
Sure. Yes. Thank you again, Christian. Love the discussion. Had a great time. You can find all Forbidden Knowledge News content at our website,, all podcast platforms. We created a new YouTube channel, so we're back there.
Chris Mathieu
We've got Rumble, Rockfan if you want some premium content. Please go watch the forbidden documentary, Occult Louisiana on 2B, multiple streaming platforms.
Chris Mathieu
Brandon was part of it. He's going to also be part of our upcoming film, Doors of Perception.
Chris Mathieu
This one we are hoping to have submitted at least by January, early January. And I'm excited, man. It's coming along beautifully.
Brandon Thomas
Christian Yordanov
What's that about?
Chris Mathieu
And this is going to be about altered states. It's called ah Doors of Perception. It examines the connections between near-death experiences, altered states, psychedelics, meditation and contact experience and dreams and how all these can form our human experience and send us synchronicities and lead us in certain directions. And it's a a very in-depth examination of all this based on my whole career here. And it's got some wonderful speakers in there like Brandon Thomas. I'm really excited about that. And a great way to help us get that produced is just go watch Forbidden Documentary, Occult Louisiana, 2B Roku Channel, many streaming platforms.
Christian Yordanov
awesome brother
Brandon Thomas
absolutely beautiful I'm gonna second Chris's advice to go watch that movie because it's fucking incredible every time I watch it I learned something new seen it multiple times now and every single time I catch something about pirates or voodoo or something that I didn't before and I'm just like oh my god this is so fascinating or JFK or something so I Braden Thomas here.
Brandon Thomas
You can find me at all the places podcasts are served expanding reality. We also have a new journal out. I'm very proud of this is the eighth in the series number nine actually just got published yesterday.
Christian Yordanov
Awesome brother.
Brandon Thomas
So this is our new journal. It is a lead through it's a mindful expansion volume two can be found on ah Amazon and Barnes and Noble. This is a Barnes and Noble copy. They actually fill the pages which is nice of them. So this is a hand-designed system here that I created and all the instructions and stuff are in there and you can absolutely reach out ah for any questions on all of that. Got some new things publishing with other authors this year which we're very very excited about and so we'll talk more about that. I'll have guests for you guys with some awesome books and some people you already know that you don't know are writing books which I'm very
Brandon Thomas
Excited to not tell you about it this time, but excited to tease I know So I wanted to again.
Chris Mathieu
Ooh, my nipples are hard, man. yes
Brandon Thomas
Thank you guys for this This has just been outstanding and ah we'll be back anytime just remain unstoppable guys out there Remember this reality is fucking all mind and your mind is a fucking liar ignore it.
Chris Mathieu
Brandon Thomas
not Don't listen to it Just keep moving forward and surrender and flow Be at peace be filled with love and kindness and move forward. Thank you guys so much. This was awesome
Christian Yordanov
Thank you, gentlemen.
Chris Mathieu