Introduction and Harmful Health Fads
Hey, it's Christian Yordanoff. Before we get into this episode, I just want to let you know I recently came out with a new masterclass called the seven popular but deadly health fads that are destroying your gut, accelerating disease and shaving years of your life.
These popular But deadly health fads are probably stuff you're doing or have done or maybe sweet talked into doing the future. We're talking intermittent fasting, keto, low carb carnivore, taking fish oil, boosting nitric oxide and a few other things that, again, are very popular.
Journey to Becoming a Health Practitioner
So I invite you to check out the link down below.
Speaker is where the masterclass is. You can register and get instant access now and learn how to avoid these ostensibly healthy practices that are actually shortening your life.
So make sure you register for the free masterclass now as you get into today's episode.
Hey, it's Christian Yordanoff, functional health practitioner, author of How to Actually Live Longer, Volume 1. And in this episode, I thought I would share a little bit more about my story, how I became a health practitioner and the journey that led me here. I've There's bits and pieces of it on podcasts and in the book and stuff like that, but thought i would create a just this little episode that gives you an idea of the stuff I've been through
and how How I came to you know be this guy that I am today, helping people with their health, I think you will see that the journey, the rocky, was an important part. Because I think, like a lot of other people,
you just if youre always if you've always been healthy, if you always had your act together, and everything was always...
ah working out swimmingly for you. I don't think you you have the necessarily the same empathy as a person who's had challenges with their health, with whatever their habits, their diet, whatever their weight, sleep.
Realizing Life Purpose Through Health Challenges
If you have not had any of these challenges, how are you supposed to but yourselves you put yourself in the shoes of this other person there that you're trying to help?
So I think though not a very glamorous journey, i think it's, I don't have any choice. it's It's mine. I have to own it.
So of course I'm going to sit here and rationalize how it was an important part of my path and my journey. And and i'm not I'm only joking, of course. I actually believe yeah that is that is, you know, making mistakes and and learning from our mistakes is part of what we're here to do so that we may grow and develop For what purpose?
One can only wonder and speculate. The universe is so vast, beautiful and complex and beyond the tiny human brain and mind.
that week we we we don't know. All we know is we sometimes feel a calling to help others, to be part of some kind of solution if there is even a problem to begin with, which I think
Teenage and College Years: Unhealthy Lifestyles
obviously there is. if That's why I do the work I do. but it Honestly, was very young when I but i felt like i want whatever I do in life, it would have to be something that improves the world. I remember was such a little nerd.
I remember was small, don't know, 8, 9, 10, 11. And...
and Even like maybe I was 10 at that point. i knew i wanted to write a book one day. I loved books from a super early age. And i would ask my mom to get them for me. I remember I was like eight or or maybe nine.
definitely nine or younger. And there was this book about how to start a business in in the bookstore. It was for like older kids, but I was like begging my mom to get me that book and just all kinds of cool stuff. And it's always digging into books. So around the age of 10, I are definitely knew was going to write a book one day. And I remember when we were within in the party days when I was like 20, whatever, 21, we'd be like wasted and high. And I'd be joking around.
Mark my words, guys. you know One day I'm going to write a book. And they were laughing and making fun of me. Like, yeah, this guy's going to write a book. you know This is degenerate. So I was like into like programming and into science. And I wanted to be a scientist as a kid.
desire from an early age that I will help the world in some way, shape or form. I had no idea how. And very quickly, so this was kind of in South Africa. We were living in South Africa at the time. I was in school there for a few years.
But then when we came back, was 15, when we came back to my home country of Bulgaria, which we had left, I fell into basically my class of classmates
I fell into basically into the wrong crowd at that age, you know, 15, 16, 17. And the cool kids, what were they doing? They were doing drugs. They were drinking. We're going to parties and discotheques. You had in Bulgaria, there's no such thing as, oh, you're underage. You can't go get into a club where kids like 13 year olds are going to club clubs and like,
literally smoking cigarettes and you could as a 15 or even as a 13 year old you could just buy cigarettes and they wouldn't get asked anything it's probably for their dad or their mom people would think and ah you could buy alcohol Almost no one ever checked your ID. And clubs had like a sort of under 18s party until maybe 10, 11, 12.
ten eleven twelve And then after that would be adults. And then you just stay in or sometimes you just go to like a regular club.
Transition to Health Passion
That was teen... teens like 15 16 that's what the cool kids were doing they were smoking weed and stuff like that and I I yeah i couldn't even like hold cigarette smoke in my lungs without coughing or never mind weed or and I couldn't I have a beer and I'd be like wasted so I was like I had to prove that I'm big man and I can so drink and I can smoke and I can drink more than others and I can smoke a ton. so
And I was smoking cigarettes. I fell into the wrong sort of crowd and there was so much pressure to be like the cool kids you know so that's how it really started and that took me into a journey then when i was 18 graduated high school a year early within in the same classes as my sister so i moved up a year um
You know, I was a smart kid. I was kind of like coasted through school. I just coasted. I never had to study for anything, pretty much. So then we went to college to to Ireland. I was 18.
My sister was 19. We went to college super like young and green. So we went to Dublin, Ireland for college.
And the first year, again, I coasted through college. Exams, I would like wake up. ah hungover, smoke a joint, I'd go and like do like the programming exam and id get the highest score ever achieved in that specific, it was Java, the the programming language.
So just coasted through the first year. it was so easy because we had already done some programming and stuff like that. And I was a bit tech savvy. So first year was fine in terms of whatever, but I kept like just seeking out parties and
weed and stuff and other stuff and it just continued to the point where I just had zero interest in in learning computing science and I never even wanted it to begin with.
I wanted to do more like business stuff or whatever, anything other than the the boring nerdy stuff that I had sort of, ah was no I was kind of disdained that even though that was me, I was like when I was 13, I'd ask my parents to, was like super into computers and I'd ask them to buy me books on programming and they got me this book on C++, plus plus which was like, I just like read it like a little bit and like this, nah, I guess programming is not for me, this is way too abstract.
way too like complicated. I don't get nothing. And back in the day, know you didn't have all these frameworks. so you could The software you made is very unsatisfying. It's like, oh, today's date. and Oh, your name is this. Who cares? you know So definitely didn't want to pursue that. and you By that time, I definitely i don't want to be like a programmer stuck in the super abstract, super nitty gritty of it.
I was always more like a big picture kind of guy. And the thing is, I was always sort of had new interests constantly from one thing, like a butterfly from one thing to another thing. And everyone was always telling me, oh, you can't, you got to pick something. You just, you keep changing things and you can't do that. And all my life, I was like that.
All my life. And now I'm no longer like that. I mean, I still have a lot of constantly new new things I'm doing and interesting things for me.
But when I got into health, that this is the thing that I discovered that what would entertain me and satisfy me for the rest of my life.
Because though I'm constantly like researching different things, you know one one day it could be like, one or one week or one month, it could be like... blood chemistry or minerals or vitamins, specific vitamin or detox or gut health or hormones or and serotonin or
Family Health Crises and Medical Distrust
whatever. But there's so many things and it's so vast that I'm constantly being fed, getting my fix of learning something new which is I figured that out way late in life that
That's one of my values, just constantly learning new stuff and exploring the the you know knowledge and growing in that way. And once you understand, this is what I discovered in my early 30s, is once you understand what you value but your values are, then you when you you know when when you're living in alignment with them and when you're not.
And when you are... you're happier you're happy you're more satisfied you're content and when you're not your soul is dying so when i i kind of um in my twenty s all the partying and the bullshit i was working in a bar for a lot of that time and just like going partying and i wanted to be a dj uh techno music was my thing and still is i still love techno music you know i still listen to it because of i genuinely love the music but uh so all my 20s i basically just wow people were graduating and you know creating careers for themselves i was like i don't know what the hell i'm doing i just just wait like so so much wasted time and so many hungover days wasted and
So much poison ingested food and just genuinely can tell you without a word of a lie. I hate not one time that I go to the store and actually buy like a certified organic food. I basically didn't even know what certified organic meant all through my 20s.
All of it. All of it. I may have eaten something certified organic that someone else bought and I maybe ate a bit of that. But ah it I remember i was eating like role like a wheat bread roll with mayonnaise in it and like breaded chicken from the store and just just sausages. like I mean, I always ate a lot of meat, but just garbage. Anything I wanted to eat, I would eat it.
Like the amount of fried potatoes just stuffed in seed oils. We were eating that, the seed oil drenched stuff since I remember in Bulgaria because my grandparents, and this is kind of where some of the story ties in, is my grandparents from a very early age, like many people,
around the world, they were duped by the butcher the men in the butcher coats that their cholesterol is high. So they started putting them on and statins and cholesterol lowering medications and they were told stop eating the butter. so we were buying margarine, we were buying sunflower oil and everything was cooked in sunflower oil salads were made with sunflower oil pastries with sunflower oil potatoes meatballs which were some of my favorite fri you know potato fries french fries meatballs those are some of my favorite foods and we were eating those in oil sunflower oil since a very early age everybody was in fact my
my mother's first cousin or something, he is an owner of like one of the biggest sunflower oil production companies in that sort of region of the world, Bulgaria, sort of Eastern Europe.
So... It was huge already. And, you know, my grandparents at that age, that was the early 90s, mid-90s, they were in their 50s.
And they were already, I remember, they would go and my granddad would like come back. Oh, yeah, my blood pressure is too high. He gave me a blood but pressure med and the cholesterol med. And then there was the the blood thinner. So they were like on the cocktail of poison since their fifty s And they were super healthy, super strong, super vital people, but decades of drugs, decades of sunflower oil daily, and in basically, it was used in everything.
you know And we just didn't know, nobody, not not one person basically in knew at the time, really. And so
Personal Health Improvements and Relationships
that... That kind of, we'll get back to that story a little bit later, but basically I spent my twenty s just being a useless sack of crap and kind of near the end of my 20s, fell into job my sister kind of helped me get, like a customer service job, which unfortunately was at night, so it was a night job.
I was working for like an online poker company And this whilst they moved away from the bar work, I was kind of working nights, which was horrific for my for my health, of course, and just staying awake on all night on coffees and Coke and they're just eating horrific foods. And then, you know, in the morning and or throughout the rest of the time, we are drinking on the days off, partying.
And so at least I was kind of in a customer service job, which, you know, not ah not an amazing job, but better than working in a bar, better cash and like actually like health benefit.
That's when I broke my leg doing stupid stuff. Wasted. was was wasted. I was jumping off things. I i had a parkour phase. And um I was so wasted. One day, I just jumped off this thing that was wet because it had been raining. And I just slipped and I broke my foot. ah Not my foot. my my ah Basically, my tibia and my fibula, my leg, just snapped right off.
Piece of bone snapped out of the bone out of my tibia. And my foot was basically like like an L shape. My foot was on the side. My shoe felt had fallen off. and you know What I do, i was like, I just snapped my my bones back into sort of place, put my shoe on, and then I put pressure on it again. I try to get up, and again, it popped out. So anyway, I was in a cast for eight weeks at that age, and basically...
from as soon as I got out of the hospital like four or five days later or like drinking smoking cigarettes weed basically throughout these entire eight weeks and like complete disregard that you know I'd broken my leg and ah needed it needed to heal so just you know continue I remember one I remember one night we went out with a buddy we're right in a club and I was there with the cast in the center sort of there was a circle of people around me and I was like dancing in the center with my cast and didn't even have my crutches with me.
And my sister and some of her friends, this was like 1 p.m. to 1 a.m., 2 a.m. at night. My sister and some of her friends came in her colleagues from work it came into the the club late at night.
the hell are you doing here, Christian? Dancing in your cast. and So this is, I mean, this is the kind of life I'm talking about during my 20s. It was an absolute disaster and absolutely not proud of it, you know, not proud of it.
Horrific food. And some somehow, other than the you know breaking my leg and just this kind of stupid stuff, injuries, didn't have any health issues. you know i still When I turn was about to turn 30, after all of this, I decided to go vegan. That was like in 2016. I said, I'm going to go plant-based. I had done like a six-month plant-based phase already in in the past.
And I decided I'm going to do that. So I was about to hit 30. And I decided to go plant-based. I said, I'm going to get my act together as if that means you're getting your act together, going plant-based.
I also said, I'm going to do a Thai boxing fight that year. That was on my bucket list. I was about to be 30. So I said, I'm going to do this. Screw it. So...
that That year, like a few a few days later after basically I decided to do this, I had decided before the year the ended you know to do this, that was my new plan for the next year. That was quote unquote my way of getting my act together, which, you know, stupid, I know, because was training like crazy, eating like soy shake, soy protein shake, stuff like that, and eating just like beans and lentils, and it was a disaster.
food wise but anyway and I was training a lot so in spite of all the damage I had accumulated and had done on myself through my thirty s I could still like train six eight times a week and have a full-time job and was doing like some kind of neuromuscular therapy slash sports massage course at the time and in spite of everything, I still had a lot of vitality and i didn't have like symptoms or anything.
But at the same time, a lot of people around me did. And my mother had IBS at that point for more than 10 years. And my grandmother, she had at that point, I think had like two or maybe even already three strokes. yeah We believe at least three or four strokes before she passed away.
And I was just like seeing people just suffering. And I was almost like at one point, later soon later i was like damn like i mean like people are just like doing their best to be healthy and they're like can't catch a break and here i am just squandering my health away and that moment kind of started arriving when and i met my my wife early in that year in 2016 and uh i met her at an acting class i started had started going to and uh
you know a few A few months later, we started dating and that's when some priorities started changing for me. And the thing about it is just she she actually her her ballet she used to be a former, she was a professional ballerina, ballet ballet dancer.
So she just told me about like how an injury ended her career and how they were being treated when they were training for the ballet, like eating a cup of buckwheat, that would be like your daily rationing of all the food you could eat coming up to a show and you still had to train six hours.
So she had a lot of injuries and she had a lot of sort of, health issues that came through 20 years almost of ballet training at the time.
And as the months progressed, my my grandmother started to deteriorate and my wife, ah who was obviously just my girlfriend at the time, but as we started sort of dating and stuff, she would like be getting sick constantly.
In that first year we were together, i think she was put on antibiotics at least four times, as far as I remember, it was four, but may have been even more.
So she was put on antibiotics. She was getting sick a lot. And, um of course, what happened was she didn't... need those antibiotics a lot of that time and it just kind of imbalanced her microbiome to the point where she had thrush so they she went to the doctor she i'm like and at this point I'm like completely oblivious to and I mean I never trusted government or anything to begin with right that's kind of just That's the the the buzz I got from my parents anyway.
So it's not that I trusted in the medical system or anything, but I didn't know the extent of the depravity of these motherfuckers, you know, poisoning billions of people for profit or worse, like the scum of the earth, you know?
So anyway, I saw it firsthand because she, my wife, would go to the doctor, get antibiotics, get sick again a little bit later, maybe weeks later, again.
and then she developed the thrush. they put her And what did they do? They put her on birth control pills. Birth control pills. birth control pills for thrush.
And that, I think, I can't remember how long she took them for, maybe three months. But that changed her. She she became very difficult. as You could see things were very difficult for her in terms of her emotions and obviously hormonal stuff, estrogen. What do you expect? Estrogen is basically toxic in just above supra, just above physiological amounts. It's poison.
And they're giving this to millions and millions of women for... Nothing related to hormones, right? Just like random shit like thrush.
Health as a Choice
They put, like, just, you know you understand the sort of the confusion and the anger on my end I don't know anything at that time. That was 2016, 2017 time.
I mean, I knew some stuff about health, but I was always, like, from a background of more fitness, ah personal training, more sports stuff, some nutrition, but more like sports nutrition. So at the time, knew stuff,
But it wasn't like I didn't know the stuff I know now, like about hormones and the gut microbiome and all this other kind of stuff, right? And actually the roots of chronic disease.
so so I was there like just absolutely livid at what these people were doing. And I could see my grandmother as well. They just kept putting her on more drugs. And she kept deteriorating. And she had a stroke at some point there again.
And just they did nothing. it was all just like They were just like slowly poisoning her. My mother ah with her IBS. Imagine like for 10 years, you keep going to the doctors and they do nothing for 10 years, years, they do nothing.
that And nowadays I understand that as you actually, if they do nothing, you're the lucky one. Because so many people, they just keep making them worse and poisoning them more. And you know the the extra unlucky ones, they'll get like a gallbladder removed or, ah which by the way, my grandmother did have her gallbladder removed. And she had like numerous sort of surgeries for the cataracts and a bunch of stuff. And and A lot of her problems, I believe, stemmed from, first of all, she was never like feeding herself well, but when she did eat, she would eat like you know potatoes fried in freaking sunflower oil or like some basic salad with tomatoes and cucumbers and oil in it and maybe a bit of cheese so or bread. and
just She never like knew anything about nutrition and she never like she always put herself last, you know that kind of way. so But I think a lot of her problems were just from this constant exposure two to the sunflower oil. But here's the thing, she was so healthy and so strong.
It's my granddad's deterioration that basically pushed her, kept kept you know it whittled down her health, taking care of him. the last decade plus and then in the end like she would have to like literally pick him up off the floor because he couldn't walk because his muscles are so atrophied sitting and his armchair for like three decades basically for the most part and so even despite all of this and not feeding herself well she was very strong because people from that generation born in the 30s and even earlier whatever
but they're like super strong and resilient people and they eat truly organic food nutritious food before the agrochemicals especially in in eastern europe that was before the agrochemicals came from you know the russia show or the west or whatever so there was a time delay before the poison started arriving and the the radio towers and eventually you know cell phone towers and just televisions and all the stuff. It just was time delay.
So people were super strong and resilient and they ate real food and they breathed truly fresh air. So it took a lot to to destroy their health.
you know were super resilient. But what I saw through my grandmother's journey is that the last, I would say, probably 10 years of her life were really just horrific.
If I saw that, right, let's say she lived to 84, let's say the last 10 years of that life, if I saw that as part of my future, would probably opt out 10 years earlier because, ah,
it's just that was just for her the whole thing was just the whole thing was torture seeing my granddad deteriorate and he eventually passed away and her health deteriorating and then the strokes and becoming basically incapacitated where her children had to take care of her and but they were like the stress of that made them horrible to her basically to be to be perfectly honest And um you know I can't note that I'm blaming them or anything. just the stress of that. is is is just I don't think that's a natural right way to do it where your children have to do that.
You have to put your children through that. I really don't... but When I saw that, I was like, I don't want to have to put my loved ones through that. I would rather just like go off somewhere in the in the woods, you know, and whatever.
just it's i don't think that's right to have to sap your children of their vital reserve so that you... You know what I mean? I know it's kind of commonplace, but I don't think it's right. In in any case, so...
so her So I was like, damn it, I'm going to be, I'm going to, I don't even know if if I would live to her her age, ah the way I was living at the time. So i was like, I really need to get my act together. I had just met the woman I knew would become my wife and mother of my children. She was having health problems already and she was only 23 years old.
She was only 23 years old. So i'm like, I'm like 30 at the time. And I'm like, okay, well,
This woman who's been poisoned by the medical industrial complex for three decades before all of this stuff started to culminate. How resilient are we? I don't think we're that that resilient now.
um I started to realize all these things and you know i started reading books about functional medicine and the true roots of disease and how we've we've been lied to that it's all genetic. All you can do is just like you know manage the symptoms. That was all.
All of it is a pack of lies. The roots of disease are genuinely what we do on a day daily basis, what we put in our body or don't put in our body. Supplements, stress, sleep, all of that stuff. that Those are the roots of disease, right? So once I started learning this, i i was like, um at first, you know, you're you're angry because you kind of,
you've done ah at least in my case i had done so much damage to myself and i was like damn if if i don't start reversing some of this damage i i don't like i might be a burden worse than my grandmother to my children if i could even have children at a much earlier age so I'm like I don't want that to happen and then of course I don't want my wife my future wife to to deteriorate like this I don't want us to have to I don't want to live this sort of life you know that so many people now have been told this is this is just how it is when you when you grow old and that is lies that is all the bunch of lies pushed by this ah symptom
masking, chemical selling ah industry and we have normalized disease, especially like in America.
Questioning Traditional Medicine
I talk to Americans and then they tell me I'm really healthy and for them really really healthy means not being on on like drugs but they still tell me all these symptoms they have and this and this.
i'm like that That's nowhere near health having 10 symptoms like that. And I remember like my, my, even in Bulgaria, I'm like my, my aunt one day, she told me how, how well she's doing. Everyone else in the family is doing really bad with the kidney stones and stuff like that. And she's I'm fine. I'm doing really well.
And she's like, I just had that one kidney stone there that I passed there. I'm like, like How is having any kidney stones ever associated as i am very healthy? Like, you know what I mean? And so we've sort of normalized things like diabetes. Oh, yeah, that had diabetes for 10 years. not People are like, no no problem. And this is really the the normalization of disease is part of that agenda.
ah I'm telling you, they're normalizing disease because they want kids growing up now to expect to be on drugs, to expect to have chronic disease, to expect to have a lot of you know going to the doctor and getting prescriptions.
They want that because they're training people to... into this paradigm, the machine that makes them ah in a bunch of money. So disease is what I found out in that time. I'm sorry, I'm getting a little bit long winded here.
So in that time i found that Disease is straight up optional. It is optional because we develop it through how we live, what we do, where we live, what we eat, what we don't eat, and so on and so forth. right So that was but around that time.
It was around 2018, this is where I really dove head first into the the whole health thing. I just went in like full, all in.
So I remember it was early, it was just maybe January, late January of 2018. And myself and my wife, we went to her home country of Lithuania so she could show me a bit of Lithuanian.
she fell so ill she basically were staying at a friend of hers house she fell so ill that she was basically on and in in in bed for the whole week or whatever it was and she was like shaking and like sweating fever and of course she went to the doctor doctor gave her more antibiotics and i was like this is ridiculous so anyway Then that that's kind of that was the really the turning point for me. I was like, no, I have to take matters into my own hands. These people are just like, they're just clowns.
Like, you know, what like if you have a problem and you have a bunch of like clowns there and they're like playing really playing hard into their role, like mimes that can't talk or whatever.
Imagine you have like you're you're there asking for directions or like have your car is broken down. Imagine these clowns just like miming around and doing like stupid... like the That's the level. That's the freaking level of you go there and they're looking to their little book of their algorithm, which drug to give you. And it's just completely just the word is actually retarded.
That's what medical school does to these people that genuinely want to help, genuinely care. they just It just degenerates their whole worldview and and retards them.
So then they become useful idiots in the, ah basically to peddle these chemicals to people. That's, that those people, most of them are retarded.
Thankfully, the events of 2020 onwards woke up a lot of very smart doctors who, by the way, they're all they're all very smart. But being smart and brainwashed and but yeah a useful idiot for an industry that's killing people slowly for profit is is is worse than useless.
like It's worse than useless. That's why the the do that profession, the doctor, has the most suicides. It's not a coincidence. If you're genuinely helping people when satisfied with your life, you would not want to kill yourself.
Anyway, so 2018, that's when i I dove in and I started learning everything I can about, you know, supplementation and
the microbiome and neurotransmitters and just everything I can just any and the anything that's when I discovered the keto diet and then later carnivore diet and i started trying everything I started doing cleanses detoxes with my wife supplements red light therapy just all kinds of stuff that you can think of. i Basically, the the journey that everyone would go through when they get into it, except accelerate because when I get obsessed with something, I kid you not, we we had just we were a few months into 2018, we moved to Portugal.
It was just me and her. and I was just like from morning to night when I wasn't like with with her, I would listen to podcasts, read books, and that would be from like seven in the morning until like whatever, eight, nine at night some days.
Most of that time would be spent listening to all these podcasts and reading books and listening to audio books and just researching and studies and stuff like that. so
that in In those first couple of years, i I spent thousands and thousands of hours. I haven't tracked it or anything, but it's been thousands and thousands of hours.
So that was, going great. i was learning a ton of stuff. My health ah health was improving a lot. and had gained some weight after my my year of my fight year, 2016, where I dropped basically down a huge amount for that fight.
I had gained some weight because I had gone back to college to finish my my computing science degree. which I kind of did that like two or three times. I tried to like, and each time I'll do one a year, I take a break and do the third year and then going to the fourth year, finally.
hated it all all along the way like this is bullshit i don't want to do this but i just wanted to finish it and then you know like in the in the last semester again i was like you know what you know what i figured that's when i figured out my values was like you know what i don't value any other this garbage what they teach you what they teach you and they know that it's garbage because It's not even the kind of thing where, oh, by the time you finish your degree, it's obsolete. It was obsolete 10, 15 years ago, the stuff they're they're teaching, you know. So anyway, um and you you learn everything you know because I'd already worked in the computing industry and stuff like that, software industry. So I knew that I had only already learned more on the job than that degree would ever teach me, you know.
I was sort of waking up to the whole nonsense of a piece of paper defining you and making you better or whatever. and like i was like, none of this is required. You don't need that stupid piece of paper pay for to prove your worth, you know what I mean? So anyway, was doing all the slow carb, keto carnivore, intermittent fasting, and I've tried all of these things.
Autism Research and Book Publication
and This is where I think I'm very valuable to clients because remember, I spent 10 plus hours a day researching these things and doing them and trying them, trying all of them, the hard ones, the obscure ones, the ones where you're like shoving...
stuff up your butt like you know coffee enemas and just all of the stuff that and then some that most people will try, the harder stuff, the disgusting stuff like drinking weird powders and concoctions and herbs.
So the the nice thing about that is that This has allowed me do the work for you so you don't have to learn at all and make the mistakes. So I've made lot of mistakes for you to help you save a lot of time and effort and potential wasted effort, which really kind of sucks. If you put in effort and you learn lessons, that's great. But imagine doing, like so many people that do low carb or keto carnivore plant-based,
or whatever other modalities, they do it for like a year and then they're like, oh my god, that just made my health worse. How many people have come to me that have destroyed their health with plant-based? And by the same token, so many people have come to me that have destroyed them their health with keto, low carb, or carnivore, or some combination of you know progression of those.
So this, of knowing what to do, but also what not to do, super important. So around 2018, I think it was maybe around kind of the tail end of 2018, that's when one day i remember my my girlfriend at the time, my wife, she came to me, still living in Ireland ah some of the time.
I remember she knocked on the door, she was upset and she told me then you know that they they suspected her nephew who was about four years old at the time is maybe autistic maybe on the spectrum so At the time, I was reading a book by a dude called Dr. William Walsh, PhD.
He had a whole chapter on it, on autism. So I was skipping that chapter. i was reading the rest of the book. with Autism never really interested me because I didn't know anyone that was autistic. I didn't know anything about it. I thought it was just genetic, as they always say.
It's just genetic. you know Here's some maybe some drugs for your totally genetic thing that totally has nothing to do with the environment. or certain procedures that children young children get or the stuff in the food, the pesticides, herbicides, or toxins.
Nothing to do with all of those things, just genetic, right? So anyway, I dove headfirst into that chapter and I immediately started helping them, helping her fat my my sister my wife's sister's family with the diet and supplementation and doing research and research and then next year 2019 this this i had momentum in this area and that's when i started like creating like but my website and i was doing like lots of like certification courses and stuff and had like an ebook that had a bunch of the stuff i had uncovered that i was sharing with other parents and
I just saw there was a lot of resistance. They're like, who the hell is this guy? You're not a doctor, blah, blah. So in 2019, that's when I told my wife, you know, I'm going to have to actually write a book about this because nobody's going to take me seriously otherwise.
And that's when I realized, oh my God, I guess my first book is going to have to be on autism. I had no idea it would be this. I was kind of more into longevity, health optimization, biohacking, this kind of stuff at the time, anti-aging.
So I thought it would my book would be about that, but it turns out this was or a more pressing matter. So yeah, so that 2019, basically from the summer onwards, I spent writing the book and uh published that in 2020 in march just that week exact same week is when all the big luck the covet lockdown started to happen and um that was pretty pretty pretty horrific in terms of the book's performance but you know around 2019
I had already gotten in certified as a functional health practitioner. The book did open a lot of doors to working with more and more people. mean i saw that while I was helping parents with their children, I saw that the parents needed probably more help than the kids because the stress of of having an autistic child and Usually, they they didn't have a lot of stuff dialed in, in terms of diet, supplementation, light, and EMS.
They had nothing really done ah dialed in most of these parents. so
and and As a certified functional diagnostic nutrition practitioner, I was already in ordering lab tests and we were running but more and more lab work. so it was a great opportunity for me to sort of deepen my my understanding of how the lab lab testing piece really ah slots into health restoration, health optimization. So that's
that book, I think that's when I, you know, I was pretty proud of myself at the time for, you know, putting out that book in eight months, the research, the writing, the editing and publishing.
it all myself pretty much. And so was pretty proud of myself. Now when i read when I read it now, I'm like, oh my God, this so badly written. That's terrible. But its it's like everything else.
This is just one stepping stone on the journey. So you can't The first one is never gonna be as good as the the fifth one or the tenth one So I'm just happy for the for my effort for putting in the effort It was for a good sort of cause and I've had you know a lot of people over the over the years now It's been five years I've had just random people would like email me and because i always had like a free course attached with the book that you could get on and people in leaving reviews there on the course or message or emailing me and stuff.
it's been It's been very rewarding sort of hearing how how much the book has helped them and their family members. And the occasional book review comes in on Amazon. And just it really fills my heart with joy to be able to to basically put my foot in the door in terms of helping
the massive It's a massive crisis of health that we have at the moment in the world.
Focus on Longevity and Optimization
it's It's a massive crisis of health. So we need all the help we can and anyone coming into the space is it is welcome, you know as long as their intentions are good. So I'm i'm glad to have gotten on the journey.
But to be to be perfectly honest, working more and more with parents with autistic kids and some other health challenges, ADHD, stuff like that. and The more I've worked with parents, the more I don't want to work with parents. I really want to help the kids.
But working with the parents, actually, to be completely honest, is actually very stressful because those people are very stressed themselves. So just difficult.
it's just difficult when there's an intermediary to help the kids because theyll sometimes they do things that are they shouldn't do. Sometimes they do things that are easy and they won't do the things that are hard. And then maybe the partner is getting involved and he or she is not supportive. I had one client where,
The mom was a medical doctor and she completely derailed the the dad's progress he had with his son in the month.
This kid couldn't wasn't pooping well, wasn't sleeping well. It was horrific. It was horrific. And in a month, he was sleeping well with my protocols. He was pooping better. Everything was improving. He was eating more foods and all that good stuff, all of it.
And this woman, a doctor, She knows nothing about health, if you know what I mean. Had gotten COVID vaccines while she was pregnant and and whatever else, boosters.
Like completely clueless. She completely derailed. that She stopped some of the supplements. She just would do random things. Just because, you know, she was always taught she knows better.
You know what i mean? You're God if you're a doctor. That's how they brainwash you. Whereas they're bloody clueless. They haven't got the foggiest idea how to get a person who has health problems back to health.
All they know is how to suppress their symptoms. That is all they have been taught. So it that was just witnessing. That was just, oh my God. And the dad was like, we're not sure if we want to like renew.
I'll let you know later. I'm like, honestly, man, like I don't even want to like deal with this. like He was a great guy. Wish him all the best. And I hope that he's gotten some inroads there on the the thing because I could see how much care he had in his heart for his son and his wife but you know this is the kind of stuff that i was just like you know what i'm i guess maybe i'm not strong enough maybe i'm not making progress fast enough that it wasn't growing fast enough so i figure figured that perhaps there's a different angle i can i can work in where where i get my sort of joy from from you know doing the this work and that's when i kind of
I mean, I had already sort of ah decided a while earlier to just start focusing more on work, helping people with longevity because at the end of the day, you know,
If you can help adults become stronger, better versions of themselves, they become stronger, better people as part of those their communities, stronger, better better leaders, we we can affect a lot of good change because they they have, you know, a lot of my clients have children.
They want to, you know, be the best they can be before their family and That is another angle to it. and There's a lot of great people doing great work in the space with autism. So, you know, I did my contribution. Now I've decided it's just not the right thing for me. So now my my my main vocation is helping adults.
optimize, resolve existing health challenges, optimize health and longevity so that we can, you know, be a part of the solution, continue to improve the world. And what I've really enjoyed over the last couple of years is as I got into, as I became friends with guys like, you know, Charlie Robinson, as as I was on the Tinfo Hat podcast and as I've become friends and a sponsor of the Live Free Academy podcast and And I've kind of made some connections elsewhere in this freedom space.
What I've really enjoyed is that not only do I get to help people, of course, that's kind of my my thing, that's my jam, but the people that I'm helping are basically the best people, the best people ever. They're awake.
They understand the BS that's going on. They want to create a better world for themselves and their children and their great-grandchildren and so on. And even the folks that don't have children, they're like, well, I'm not going to be part of that scam system that they indoctrinated us into.
So to be able to help these kinds of folks awake, aware,
people that get it has been such a blessing. you know Of course, I have plenty of clients that are you know not not coming from those types of podcasts and stuff like that. They're just you regular you know person, runs a company, needs whatever.
So, of course, I have compassion and empathy for everybody that needs needs help with their health. And I will help anyone that is ready to be helped and you know is coachable and stuff like that. And We're a good fit to work together.
Also, I'm so happy that the majority of my, the large majority of my clients now are coming from these guys like Macroaggressions and, know, Tinfoil Hat and the Free Academy and all these awesome places where just the the The best people seem to to gravitate towards these shows. Again, awake people, aware of people, just really switched on people. and
To be able to help people like that be healthier physically, ah in any way I can support them, is awesome because these are the people that are actually standing up for what's right and and freedom and and
Yeah, such a it's it's kind of a dream come true, to be perfectly honest. It's kind of like a dream come true. Not only that I'm doing the thing I want to do, that I feel like I'm here to do, but also with the people.
i would be i would basically be friends with like a lot of these clients of mine. if we were in a different scenario, let's say, i don't know, office, if we worked in the same office, those would be like the people we would gravitate to and become friends with and go and do stuff together, you know, and talk about the topics that we talk like to talk about. So it's a dream come true.
It's also one of these journeys that you kind of you understand and you embrace the fact that there is no end. You never know much about a lot, if you know what i mean.
You never know even a tiny... sliver of the health space, you'll never know everything about that. Never mind everything about everything. So I found that it's it's not a it' it's not worth getting the ego involved. It's like who knows more than than who.
I think it's about getting sufficient understanding of enough subjects so that you can weed through the the BS, you can sort of siphon out or sieve out the the bad information and you have a good discerning eye for what's good, what's bad. And then you have a human being able to adapt this ever-growing library of of information, tidbits, and experience that you accumulate as a practitioner, being able to take them, understand who they are in terms of health history, current issues, previous issues, what do they do, what stressors do they have, where do they live, you know all of these sort of major and minor things, and see what does that person from your ever-increasing
to chest what are the most important things that they need that will move the needle for them the fastest in order for them to progress the fastest.
Customizing Health Programs and Habit Changes
right and This is is the sort of the science the science and art of it. and it's such It's such a beautiful thing because at the end of the day,
we like A lot of us like to tackle problems, like a programmer wants to create a program that does XYZ or whatever, or part of a program. That's the kind of problems that they like to get their teeth stuck into.
Whereas someone like me, the kind of problem I like to get my teeth stuck into is someone who is basically not living to their full potential.
It could be there might be a shadow of their former self. It could be they never experienced their prime, their optimal. It could be they they were doing really well and that they had a bunch of health stuff happen, stress, whatever, gut stuff, whatever.
that is really They know they could do a lot better. And then taking taking them from where they are to this place of renewed strength, vitality, energy, better sleep, better hormones, all that all of that good stuff, whatever the person's health goals and needs are. you know So to me, that that's the problem that I want to...
ta And also want to make it so that we can scale this, right? So as much as i enjoy helping, you know, dozens and hundreds of people, I want us to figure out a way where we can help figure thousands and then tens of thousands and and sort scale it that way because I know how powerful my stuff is, you know, and how how amazing the effects can be when when it's implemented for a person, not just them.
their partner, their children, their business, their immediate family, their community. So this is why I want us to figure out ways to scale and amplify what we're doing at this level into bigger levels. So that's kind of something that while I was in Anarcapulco last week, was talking to one of the metaphysics sort of a astrology sort of guys there. He was one of the speakers and We had a short but very powerful conversation where he kind of explained some stuff and really helped me to really reframe this whole mission of mine and
but not Not necessarily in a different way, but just kind of like sort of underline, underscore that, yes, this is exactly what I'm here to do. And the vision has to be what it is, if not bigger. So it's just about like making it bigger so that we can um impact more people's lives, so that we can impact the world better. Because imagine...
Imagine if you're in a really good state of health, energetically, vibrationally, you sleep well, you're happy, you don't have aches and pains, all of that stuff, right?
You don't have inflammation. How much of more service will you be to your loved ones, your community, your your you know again your business, your clients, your customers? And the more people like that we have,
the better of our communities and our world will become. So the whole, think the whole scam is you make people sick slowly and insidiously.
They just, their whole sort of self-actualization piece ah is taken away from them, you know. eventually they become dependent on the system so the idea is how can we make people so vibrantly healthy it's and and in this vibe state of health and vibrancy you have to understand if you're vibrantly healthy in a state of sort of vibrant health whatever it's impossible for this disease to exist in that and that that is why you know
the The strategies are, it's a multi-pronged strategy to poison the water, poison the air, yeah EMFs and stress and light blue light and just there's so many different things.
So if we can teach people how to address all of these things in their immediate environment so that their body can then express its full potential, if we can remove the things impeding health, if we can add the things required for health,
right using lab testing, clinical evaluation, just common sense, ancestral wisdom, modern advancements, all of that stuff, if we can do that, the body does the rest.
right So we just keep the bad stuff out out of the way, put the good stuff in, lower stress physically, psychologically, physiologically, and so on.
Then good things will happen. At that point, you just have to hold and maintain. And that's kind of how the way I work with clients now is a a whole program, six months, so that you can not just do the things, but become the the person who does the things. And these become ingrained in your in your habits, your daily life, your lifestyle, so that you won't need to be handheld.
Nobody's going to need to hold your hand along the journey of life. You just learn what the things are that you need to do, and you will do the things that you need to do, and then you will become the person whom those things are a part of.
And then six months down the line, you will be a new person, but through a very gradual process so that it's not uncomfortable and you don't regress,
Conclusion and Invitation to Masterclass
stuff like that. you know Because, you know, like new year, new me, you do stop something for one, two, three weeks, but because the change is so abrupt, we regress back.
So the idea is to very gradually implement these things and be kind and forgiving when we lapse. Because it took me long time maybe a decade two decades to figure out so some of these things that I kept regressing sometimes and forward and back and then life kit gets in the way so I think we just have to embrace the journey and then just try to appreciate the little things that we little steps we take every day or every week towards
Better health, you know improving our diet, improving our and home environment, reducing stress, taking care of the body, you know cleaning cleaning up the diet, the environment. just There's so many things. We just have to keep looking for those opportunities. you know So anyway, I think I'll end it here because...
as you As you may know, brevity is not my strong point. So I hope this gives you little bit of a glimpse into my journey, how i came i wait came from living pretty poorly in terms of self-destructive habits and and lifestyle.
Which, you know, I think again was a part of the journey because I know have a lot of clients that have are dealing with you know issues, let's say drugs or alcohol or just addiction in general, or or they're trying to mask stress and trauma with substances or they can't get their diet together or they can't make sense of all that all of the information.
that That's overwhelming them. So then they don't do much or they they just like give up. So have a lot of experience dealing with that and sort of clawing myself out of that. So this allows me to help people achieve that a lot faster nowadays. You know, it won't take years and decades.
It will take months. And in some case, I had one client, a chiropractor, he was like oh my god he's like constantly oh can you unlock more videos in the program to watch i did this and he he was like hard so hard charging on our first session together he was like he would eat standing up and like drink a bunch of water and like a bunch of coffee and like he's driving and like everything is like hard charging and i just told him look calm down sit down I don't want you walking, drinking water, driving when you're reading. and
every It seems like every single thing I told him, remove these foods. We did food sensitivity test, supplements, and say he was having issues with some of the supplements, so we rejigged them. Every single thing I tell him, he implements, and he's busy. He's got like four kids, and he's on five boards, and he's obviously got the the chiropractic clinic.
So some people...
have an intense desire to to do things well and they get some some people get results very fast. Other people need a little bit more time.
They need more gradual habit change and that's why that's why it's so important again to to have this sort of
skill of talking to a person, seeing where they're at. you know I have a few clients clients that are CEOs. they don't have time excuse me They don't have time to do certain things.
you know Certain people have certain demands that they they just cannot... change so every person we have to really see where they are you know I have one client he would do and a meditation every single day for like an hour i mean that person because they they're they're they're doing these things, they have capacity for more. And other people, they're just starting this journey. They don't take any supplements.
So we have to become ah to do things very gradually with those. So every person needs a different thing. Some people like more complexity. They enjoy it. Some people want more autonomy. Some people want to keep things simple as hell.
Other people need more sort of check-ins and hand-holding. But all of that
the The Live Longer formula adapts to, depending on, you know, like I have some clients who constantly chat in the in the client app. um I have clients that are constantly coming to the the bi-weekly coaching call. So twice a week, I have a Zoom coaching call.
And some clients are on there pretty much every time. There's some clients that have not even been on one call since they signed up. And I had, for example, one guy, he's... He's been on one call, I think, so far early on And i haven't spoken to him like in a month, maybe more.
And then he finally responded to me. I pinged him there a week ago. And he's like, just to update you, you know, I've lost 10 pounds and trying to eat eating a lot better and feeling better and sleeping better. and like, great.
I just wanted to shoot ah make sure that you're, you know, still alive and stuff because I haven't heard from you, you know. So some people that don't need any handholding. Other people need a lot of hand-holding.
And that's, again, part of the the art piece of being a health practitioner and a health coach. you know Because kind of we do both in the program. You get lab testing and all the clinical evaluation and recommendations.
But you also have someone coaching you along the way to help you implement these things. And not just avoid mistakes, but if you make a mistake, to kind of how can we reframe it as lesson learned?
yeah So anyway, that's ah little bit about my journey. Hope that I didn't bore you to death. And the thanks for tuning into the podcast. And I will see you on the next episode.
Thank you so much for tuning into today's episode. As I mentioned, if you have not yet registered for my free masterclass, check out the link below in the description. Go to and register for that. You're going to learn a lot about the current popular but harmful health fads that are destroying people's health.
And I don't want you to be one of those people, right? These are weakening us, accelerating disease and shaving years of our lives if we do these. And these are very basic things like taking fish oil and low carb diets of various sorts, keto, carnivore, whatever, and intermittent fasting, stuff like that, like very stressful practices that are shortening your life. So check out the masterclass, learn more about why these things are not good. See some of the science and protect yourself and your family.
Again, thanks for watching or listening and i'll see you in the next episode.