All You Can Eat Conspiracy Theories (Part 1) | Brandon Thomas image

All You Can Eat Conspiracy Theories (Part 1) | Brandon Thomas

Connecting Minds
188 Plays6 days ago

Brandon Thomas joins us to give us his views on various conspiracy theories we pluck out of Wikipedia... As usual, an enlightening experience, but we also have some fun with it.

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Hey folks, welcome back to the podcast. Christian Ornoff here, today's guest, repeat guest, Brendan from the Expanding Reality Podcast. Brendan, how are you, buddy?
uh late tits thank you for asking man everything's awesome yeah awesome awesome bro so today's we're gonna have some fun with some there's a wikipedia article list of conspiracy theories so i thought we can just pick random conspiracy theories and have brandon give us some of his thoughts on these because i'm sure you've researched some of them if not most of them so it'd be interesting to kind of See, what do you think is real, not real? What's up with scale and what not? Stuff like that. How does that sound? Oh, it sounds amazing. An audience, I have not seen this list yet. He was asking me about this before we hit record and I said, fuck yes, let's do this. um But also, I'm very much looking forward to this. So, yeah, let's do it, man. Play along at home. Yeah, let me. I'm going to share the screen so you you can see what I see. And then I guess we can even. OK, here we go. So Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, you get what you pay for, I guess.
Here we are list of conspiracy theories and um where do we start? Let me see. Let me see. So I'm going to start. Let's see UFOs and extraterrestrials. I know you you're into this one a little bit. So there's no there's no actual entries here. It's just like a general fucking That's OK. Look at look at the I'm looking at this and I'm seeing all the um highlights, all the points here. So Roswell, Area 51, multiple. Yeah, all of these things. Zacharias, Sitchin. Yeah, know what's your take on Zacharias, Sitchin sort of Anunnaki sort of theory?
I've got his books, I've got the stack, Twelfth Planet and in the like. And it's interesting, it's a fun read. I mean, i I think that these things are so fascinating, especially when we tie them to the idea that they could be real or that people like David Icke pictured there feel that this is very real. What's what's going on is very real.
and very um sort of face value ish with some of these things meaning it's an entity from somewhere else now that brings all sorts of conjecture because this is where you get into worldview there's nothing more interesting than tackling the UFO extraterrestrial hypothesis by looking at it sort of With new lenses of worldview because you'll get people who are specifically round earth people. Hey, they are coming from other stars. They are coming from Mars and we know that because X, Y and Z. But that theory presupposes that that earth model is correct. And so if you change the earth model, meaning if this is an expansive plane, for instance, and there's many lands beyond the what they call the ice wall or Antarctica.
then maybe extraterrestrial just simply means that on our physical plane, which is not what we think it is, ah then that extends way out, and that there are inhabitable lands out there, and that's where these things called extraterrestrials, which simply means extra land, by the way. Doesn't mean extra planet. It could be the extra land on this land that they're not telling you about, which is another fascinating one. So any of these are fantastic. The further I've gotten into the UFO,
topic. I've looked into this for well over 24, 26 years, something like that. And with Coast to Coast AM and you know all of those, that's what I started on. So I've heard all the old stuff. I'm obsessed with that. And as I went through it, you know you start what we call nuts and bolts. Are you familiar with that term? Yeah.
meaning that they come, they're physical crafts built by something technologically more advanced, or so we would say. And then they're brought here via a technology that's also something that we don't have access to, allegedly. But you eventually scale that to interdimensional, and and then from there, you take your worldview, possibly. you know that It may lead you to see that in all directions you're being lied to. And then therefore, even the presuppositions of the hypothesis of the extraterrestrial ah phenomena is themselves a deception. um So where I'm at now is I sort of see it as if there is an evil force here, then that's playing the role of that part, that motivating force to be something um not in alignment with humanity's visions and goals. And it comes about in a myriad of ways.
Yeah, there's so much to talk about with this. I didn't think about it that when you just asked me a question that we get into I mean realm theory and yeah, which was the next thing I was gonna because there's under science and technology here. There's the flat Earth stuff. So so flat Earth so the flat Earth theory first emerged.
in the 19th century England, despite the earth's spherical nature having been known since at least the time of Pythagoras, it has in recent years been promoted by American software consultant Mark Sargent through the use of YouTube videos. Wow. This is like ah crazy stuff, man. So apparently that the Flatterer Society have members are all around the globe. What's your take? of that I love that. Members all around the globe, um which is hilarious. so it Actually, when we get into this, let's I'm not going to character assassinate anybody, but when we look at things even such as fringe topics, there are disinformation organizations in all of them. The Flatter Society is allegedly one of these. now
what they do is they sort of promote a ridiculous look at this to make it silly and unpalatable to where there are questionable scientific narratives to where then it can be called into its validity can be called into question right so whenever you're also doing this you will lead people astray so far yeah back to the extraterrestrial hypothesis this guy's well known he's still in the um seen out there, but Rick Doty, ah this dude, former CIA agent, told everybody that he used to go to UFO organizations and infiltrate and then mislead on purpose so that they wouldn't get close to the answer. So when you look at things like this, it's important to take anything anyone is saying with a grain of salt and go look at it and find where the puzzle pieces resonate for you the most. With things like this,
It's too limiting for me. Um, when I, when I look at this, but if you look right there, that is the UN n flag and that is the Isaac Asimov map is what it's referred to as, but this sort of Isaac equidistant map, that is the flat earth earth depiction of what the realm looks like. Not on a sphere, not on a ball, right? um So the UN has that on their flag.
Yeah, that's the UN flag right there. Many, many um organizations do. I think area ah I want to say there's a picture of Air Force One. There's a real cool 3D map and it's not only got the ice wall around it, um but it's also got extra lands around that. So additional ice wall. See if you can find Air Force One flat earth map, you know, something like that.
whoa what is this army air forces map of the world oh okay so another thing that's very interesting is when you look into um light okay aeronautics is always fascinating me i've been a pilot forever even though i haven't flown yet uh but one thing that's interesting is when you look at gyroscopes the way that gyroscopes work to orient a plane so to tell you if you're to left, to right, to pitch, to up, whatever, those only work. This is in pilots manuals. Every pilot knows this when they get to the gyroscope section of their manual, that they only work on flat stationary non-rotating bodies. Okay, so if in the map, if in the instructions for how this thing functions on the thing that we fly around on all over the place works, then, I mean, what's that tell you, you know? yeah Also engine, jet fuel is another fun one. That's another conspiracy that's probably on there.
Yeah, that one is not, I've actually not looked into that one. What's your, what's your take on the jet fuel? Look up how much, ah how many gallons of fuel ah a Airbus plane takes to get to Australia? Gallons of fuel, 747 hold, that's fine. Okay, let's see. So... And where it holds it?
Okay, so on average, a Boeing 747 could carry 48,000 to 63,000 gallons of fuel, which is equivalent. weight ah How much does 63,000 pounds weigh okay so in pounds? so so many Yes. 63,000 gallons. How much does that weigh in pounds? LBS. Yeah. Gallons to pounds converter.
Let's see. Isn't this fun? Audience, we're taking you lu your my is taking you on such a cool ride here. We're learning with gallons. What are we doing? Liquid? well We're learning so that you can look at things for yourself. ah So that the people out there don't just take diesel gasoline jet fuel. let's do Well, okay. So 63. Hold on. We got to take this. Okay.
So we're going to do, hold on, zero, zero, zero here. So 63,000 US gallons is what? Or. Wait, hold on, hold on. How many zeros is this? So 42 million pounds. Okay. Now do how many elephants does it take to weigh that many pounds?
Oh my God, dude. Is there a calculator for that on the internet? How many elephants? Wait, hold on. How much elephant way is it?
okay yeah there you go okay so 68 so wait what's that in english seven seven tons an elephant they're big dude okay so now if you divide that number that we got versus an elephant and you can just an elephant's good for visual for all of us right and if you stand them on the wings of the plane that's what's holding all of that liquid that's in there that's also sloshing hold on hold on let me do the calculation so we have 40 i'm gonna Open the calculator here. I'm not sure if this calculator is gonna even do math that big, but so 42 million, what you call it, let's do 5,000 for like a medium-sized elephant, 5,000 kilograms. Wait, hold on, we gotta, dude, we gotta do 5,000 kg to LBS.
OK, so it's 11, about 11,000. OK, so move around down to 11,000. That's fine, yeah because it'll still be ah keep a margin higher. We give it a round number, though. OK, so that is 38,000 elephants.
Yeah, so those are what are supposedly stacked on the wings of the plane as it's flying in weight. But so what people think is that go ahead. But I had to take out the freaking stuff toy I got from a kid. There you go. Yeah, but they're concerned about weight. Yeah. So the thing about this is, is again, it's one of those things where we just go, oh, okay, you're putting something in there. Maybe it's just water that they're storing in there and that the wings is actually the water reservoir to keep ballast for the thing when it's in flight. The other interesting part about this, um, is that jet engines themselves, if you look at a Ramjet engine,
or a compressed air engine. That's what it does, is it runs on compressed air. Those Rolls roce Royce engines that are in your plane, those don't have fire coming out of the back of them. They're compressed air. So what they may be doing is just compressing the air and then running off the ether up there in the air. So it's it's basically the conspiracy conspiracy is is that it's free energy technology being used constantly around you all the time, but they're not calling it that. They're saying that they're needing to fill this with a liquid that your monkey minds can understand. Yeah, man.
And then maybe maybe, just maybe when they're filling up the plane with that fuel, the kerosene or whatever, maybe that's required for takeoff. Maybe you need that sort of kind of higher octane, whatever fuel. There you go. But because it does stink, like you you definitely feel like you're in breathing a lot of solvents and toxins. Maybe it runs the AC, you know? Yeah, yeah exactly, man, man.
But the flight itself is sort of more, the idea goes, is that it's sort of more reminiscent to how bumblebees fly, and bees in general. If you look at bees, the study of bees is fascinating. This leads to a whole other thing. um There's a guy named Bravamovich who was, ah no, what was his name? Shit, I'm gonna have to look this up. um Okay, there's a guy in Russia a long time ago, it'll come to me by the end of this, and he took a bunch of bird wings and skeletons and exoskeletons of this particular, not bird, bug, wings and exoskeletons and fashioned them together in a certain way to where he created a platform that essentially was a UFO. It flew around, people saw it differently from the ground. Its perspective of what this dude was flying around was different. It was either shapes or a craft or a guy on a stick or something, right? It changed depending on who was looking at it.
, you know maybe not that ancient maybe just a few hundred years ago before reset society that lived there that powered everything and there was bells and harmony and it seems like this beautiful land of architecture and reverence where people actually gave a shit about each other and themselves and the realm reflected that and it seems that something shifted but that
it didn't it did take us all the way back but if you look at sort of the craft flying around most of those are probably your government's craft which means of course the technologies out there that the other thing to this would be that if it is such a scam they would need it again to power small-engine craft so you would have this available for small-engine crafts as you go through your pilot training maybe you're used to fuel being unnecessary but it's it is probably for that type of plane because you don't get up into the ether to where that type of engine will utilize that force that's up there naturally, maybe. And so then you have a confusion within pilots, but maybe it's just simply because you're flying a different type of engine and that's, it operates differently, but yeah you're meant to think something different. And the flat earth question asking pilots is fascinating as well. All of them will tell you it's flat as the, I can flat as a pancake, far as the eye can see. Another one is flight pads on, another thing having to do with planes is flight pads on flat earth. There was a story about how a plane made
ah flight from was making a flight from japan to los angeles they had an emergency halfway over the ocean there and where do you think they landed
in between japan japan and l la what would you think would be the thing there I'm just seeing Japan plan and and really good on but over the massive pacific ocean the thing directly australia if you're flying a straight line would be ah hawaii why okay but they chose to land some crazy hundred numbers of miles north in alaska but if you stretch that out on a flat map it's a complete straight line from japan across alaska to la
I'm If it was an emergency, you'd land in fucking Hawaii. um So anyway, it's just interesting when we start looking at things like that as well. The flight paths was for me, the thing that jumped me off with flat earth. that's That's where I was just like, hang on. And I don't consider myself a flat earther. I'm a realm earther. I'm a critical thinker. i It's not a fucking ball, I don't think. yeah I don't know what it is. It's just not a ball.
Yeah, so Mark Gober, who's been on the podcast, his seventh book that he published recently. And he's like, is he a Stanford graduate? I don't know if you were going to break it up. So I need to get that book. Princeton. Princeton grad. Yeah, he played tennis. Yeah.
Yeah. So you kind of mentioned some stuff that I saw on the side here, technology suppression. You already kind of spoke all this stuff, right? ah But yeah, man, like if you look at that tar that all those old pictures from the quote unquote, Tartaria, whatever it was, ah if you look at what the pyramids potentially were, what the fuck is going on? dude all of this shit. And it's not only technology that would benefit you being suppressed, but also technology used against you that's suppressed. So sort of like what's going on with these Gwyn towers or these 5G towers or something like that. It is frying all of you and it can control your mind to a singular entity, give you thoughts of suicide in your head. And you know these things is a technology that's rolled out on you. Another one is what are weather modification. In the 40s, there's a famous story about a guy that was called in to make it rain in a town. He made it rain so good
that the town ended up suing him, which is why it's on record, because there's a court case that's associated with it, because they sued him because it worked too well and flooded the town. So yeah and ah silver nitrates, how you do this. Everybody knows about weather modification. It's been around for a long time. And that's why whenever they follow the narrative such as climate change, which is on there, ah silly. I mean, the climate does change, but it's because they're fucking with it, not because... um and And also because the ODR, the damaging radiation that's everywhere.
And they've definitely ah admitted to other modifications, like the US government, I think other governments already. So they have, I think this- Dubai makes it rain on schedule. yeah They'll say, hey, it's going to rain at four o'clock today. And then that everybody knows it's going to rain for a certain amount of time at four o'clock. They did this in Back to the Future 2, by the way. When they went to the future,
they He goes, wait just a minute, and Doc looked at his watch, and he goes, OK. And then the clouds stopped. It stopped raining. The clouds parted. And he goes, man, I wish the weather service was as accurate as the weather service. So it was just a thing. It was just like, yeah. But again, they're doing this in Dubai. It's no big deal. You can look it up. Dubai makes it rain. They've been seeding clouds for about two years now openly, like openly in the public. Dubai makes it rain. It comes up in the doc.go. It's so hot. So CBS News.
It's so hot in Dubai that the government is artificially creating rain. Dude. On schedule. Like, they'll tell you, hey, it's raining this day for this amount of time. Yeah, it's ah there's an episode on how it's made. How artificial rain in Dubai is made. Dude. Oh, it is a Wikipedia article and everything. Cloud seeding. Dude, ah it's hilarious. Well, then then what's interesting about this is is that you look at this and you go, OK, well, what is any weather natural? You know, is is any Hurricane is any tornado it was there a stable climate across this realm before we started fucking with things and throwing Whatever they're throwing or allegedly whatever they're doing some people don't think it's a ah airplane at all Some people feel that it's just a demonic presence up there posing as a plane Whoa, and I had an interesting conversation with a couple of folks episode 299 on the show We've got to hang out with them on Sunday. I think I sent you link anyway, um
They are chemtrail folks, they have chembo.com um and they do but they make all this organizing stuff and it's absolutely fascinating, complete synchronicity on how we met. They're amazing. and they aren't convinced that it's actual airplanes. And we were talking about this on the show that maybe it's just a um ah force that makes you feel like you're powerless and that it's a plane spraying things on you. um There have been though increases in ah it's aluminum, barium and strontium levels on mountains and snowfall and things like this, but this could also be coming from other industrial areas, not necessarily what they are saying about the planes.
Now, again, something we pointed out is the perceptive management nature of this realm. It wants you to think all kinds of things, not necessarily that that's what's going on, but it wants you to think that so you will create that and just assume it. And therefore, the law of assumption works on their side because you're like, oh, well, they're just spraying shit today. Oh, well. And then maybe they are actually turning into planes and doing what they air quote wanted.
But simply because you acknowledge its presence as what they said it was. So you agreed and got in contract with that idea. And then you then offer it power in the form of powerlessness by saying, oh, well, I've got nothing. I can't do anything about it because they're spraying poisons and shit. And I mean, it's a goddamn airplane. What am I going to do? Right. So then you ah it again, if you just kind of take a deep breath and step back.
and say maybe it's not that at all and maybe I just changed the way that I feel about it and it'll reflect differently absolutely in my cytokine in my nervous system but also perhaps they'll just go away and this is something that Sharon and Gabe were talking about on the episode was that it's something that they make these organized we've got them all over the ranch actually they send me a bunch of um and they make this stuff and they'll say that you go gift your towers they they have this huge project where they'll just go throw them out at the base of these um Gwen Towers, G-W-E-N is what they're referenced as, but they're just the 5G, they look like you know the triangle top with the panels on them, yeah and they'll go gift those towers with, organize, and then the D-O-R, the negative radiation sort of neutralizes in the area, and then you won't see chemtrails anymore, because the ground towers work in conjunction with whatever is going on up there, but the real powers in the ground towers, which are man-made, and you can see that, but perhaps the ground towers are working with something, I wanna say,
demonic up there and giving the perception which then alters the reality because it's in conjunction with our energy. to root. That's incredible. That's incredible. um I've noticed the chem trails when I was doing more research a few years ago, I could every morning I'd walk out with my dog and see multiple streaks, you know, at any time, not just in the morning. So the less I put my attention, that stuff, the less it seems like it's the sky sprayed.
Or maybe I'm just ignoring it more, but I don't think so because i you always look at the sky when you're outside. Who doesn't just look at the sky? I don't know. So I think definitely there's there's some merit to this notion that if... Are they just kind of using all of this sort of fear in the news to then allow people to manifest these greater sort of manifestations of whatever COVID or whatever the hell we're talking about?
Yes, because you're offering them your power to do so. You're um you're animating the tulpa with your energy. it's It's a creature, it's ah it's an idea, but you give it power just like the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man in Ghostbusters 1, right? um They give this thing and they say, clear your mind, clear your mind. And then, you know, Ray was upset because he thought of the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man and that's what appeared and started tromping around the city in this giant form. So again, it's very that, dude. And it sounds โ€“ and then there's a fine line between this and spiritual bypassing that I do want to touch on.
Yeah, what's that again but spiritual bypassing is saying the house is on fire, but you're just standing there going No, it's not right the I'm fine meme with the the dog sitting there having coffee at the table and everything's on fire And he said this is fine. That's not okay. That's an actionable moment and a lot of things that occur in the I'm gonna say spiritual community, just for a broad term, and want to encourage people to not be as actionable as I feel they should be. And on the other side of my whatever I went through in the spiritual world, I've taken the important parts of it, but also I recognize that there's a lot of disempowerment in that movement, meaning that it's very unbalanced in the sense that it offers a ton of
a massage of the feminine energy, which is great. And guys, dip your toe in there. You need to go swim in that pool because you got to get in touch with that side. But there's a time when that's too much and then action is needed. And this is where you find the empowerment and the masculine. And so there's a little bit of a hardening of those ideas and a more applicable look at things, so but through those applied lenses. Like you you've got those tint to the glasses because you experienced that. Now you can look at these things with a little bit more softness.
And the thing to that is, is that that takes the fear out of it, right? When you, I found from me, when I was Paul Revering and I was waking people up, its it was from a scary place, it was from a scared place rather. It was from because I was scared. I was like, oh my God, it's Neo waking up and you're looking around, you're like, oh my family, my friends, everybody, oh my God, it's so clear and everyone's being fucked and no one could see it.
It's that but that's action with anxiety and action and fear but what the spiritual community showed me was is how to relax, how to trust, how to get more into flow but there's a level of it to where that's too much and you're in too much flow and you're too relaxed and then you miss opportunities and you don't take action on when action is needed, right? So the trick with that is I feel is balancing the two. It's it's looking at these things from the lens of actionability, but actionability not scared. So what I'll do to that then is to any of these, by the way, we say it's going to inflate based on the energy you give it. Now also if you look at kind of kind of the silliness of this kind of stuff, none of this shit's scary. None of this shit should affect you in a negative way.
again like Sam Tripoli said, um this place is like a haunted house and yeah I don't disagree. It used to be a very much a haunted house. My wife and I have alchemized this to now say it's a fun house because that changes the lenses. It still gives you an impression that this realm has an era of mystique and ah mischief to it but that it's not, it doesn't need to be fear-based or scary and it's not coming after you in a mean way. It's coming after you more like a sibling challenging you to be a better you way and that's an important thing that like my dark night of the soul just offered I don't think I've ever phrased it that way so thank you for that I don't think I've ever articulated that and I appreciate that yeah you you're very very good at articulating these more subtle things that I think a lot of us
are kind of sensing or feeling but we're not we're not putting them into words but um it really it really makes a lot of sense uh because i just over the last few days i've been researching some some specific kind of health conditions and stuff and one one doctor that is a big expert in it he kind of is a like just listening to him I would like fuck if if if I was suffering with this condition and I was listening to this guy to learn he just de depressed me more and I would get no sebum myself he talks about like yeah emfs and toxins and infections and and stuff like that so
ah It kind of seems like it's disempowering and that it's a big fight against the germs and you have to conquer the germs and kill them and then when you have this die-off reaction it's because they're trying to punish you on the way kind of out kind of thing. Whereas if you just look at it a little bit more kind of from the terrain side of the area without going all the way to the other end, it's more like you're just moving pieces physiologically speaking and then balance is restored in the body and then there's some collateral damage that you have to mop up and stuff like that. And I think that's a a much nicer way to approach it because you don't
because you don't create anxiety in the person, for example, that you're trying to help or in yourself, you know, creating this kind of crazy anxiety that will further cause health issues. But so actually kind of speaking about that, ah when I was in our an archipelago in February, I was talking to one dude and he had a ah beer in one hand and a cigarette in the other hand. He's like, but you know, puffing on a cigarette. He's like, I'm a targeted individual.
and Steve Falconer, I know exactly No, it wasn't Steve. wasn't Steve Falconer. I love that guy though. I did i did love shadow those what ah what an awesome guy But no it was another it it was a dude and I was just like he told when he told me I'm a targeted individual not that like and I'm gonna I want to get your take on that one and Not that I am judging, first of all, that he's drinking beer or smoking a cigarette, but ah or that I'm denying that he's a targeted individual. But when you tell me you're a targeted individual, and then the next thing you do is like take a sip of beer and and a drag off a smoke, I'm like, so is that kind of a way, a cop-out, if you go have health issues, you're going to blame them on the fact that you're targeted, or the fact that
you know You know, you're doing stuff that we know is not really good for your health kind of thing. So what's your take on targeted individuals? ah Targeted individuals, let's talk about first. So I feel if you feel you're targeted, you are, and you're absolutely right. It's sort of the quote, ah is this Henry Ford that said, if you think you can, if you or if you think you can't, you're right. And that is so scalable to this realm that it's it's so much more than just a quote, right?
it's It's everything, honestly. And so again, where we're animating these creatures outside of ourselves to then terrorize us, perhaps that's what we're doing the entire time. When you recognize that that could be a potential, wouldn't you at least entertain that just changing the way that you think about things would change the way they appear to you, right? The Dwayne Dwyer, Dr. Wayne Dwyer quotes, when you look at, when you change the things you look at, the things you look at change. yeah And this is very, very true. Now, I've never felt like a targeted individual, and guess what? My videos don't really get banned. I mean, I've had people get pulled, but they're targeted individuals, and they state that openly, and I had them on the show.
I don't think I'm a targeted individual because I don't feel that way. I don't feel attacked. I don't feel anything. We talk about all kinds of shit. and What do I tell you when you come on the show, man? You are not censored in any way. You say whatever the hell you want. Don't don't worry about anything. you I will put it on YouTube and because I don't live in a world to where I fear my message being stomped and squashed. Now the people that do live in that world live in a world where Spoiler alert, their message is stomped and squashed. It's so simple but not easy because it's a complete mindset shift. it's ah It's a complete mindset shift. Now, another thing to targeted individuals is some people need to play that role because we're in an interesting time. I was talking to T. Snyder yesterday on this. We were just having a call. ah And we were talking about sort of just the realm and the times and all these kinds of things. And the way that alternative media approaches the information is very fear-based because it needs to be at that level.
Now, if ah an individual in the alternative media community decides to soften that message a little bit, they then reach a an internal dialogue question. Am I going to alienate my audience and am I going to leave them behind? Are they just going to go listen to Charlie Robinson because I stopped talking shit, you know?
And you know that's something that as a content creator there's ego challenges along just your message changing with you as you grow. Think about a musician right as the Google dolls played their music throughout the years they pretty much played the same damn things because their audience sort of grew with them and then eventually just fizzled out and then they were irrelevant to the younger audience.
But if you look at Green Day, for instance, they kept writing for that audience. So they've stayed relevant for multiple generations. Now, if you think about this in terms of just your everyday approach to stuff, you have so much more power here than anybody will offer you the wisdom of. that's My role is to offer you that wisdom. That's my job, is to give you back to yourself. And um I dance in this mission. I love my mission. And with this, then, it's really a way for you just to calibrate where you are with this and your relationship to all of the air quote things out there. If you're on a path of growth and expansion, you will come across multiple points of fear, love, opportunity in new discovery. But this place is all about discovery. And it's all about change as well with the discovery that you discover. And I think that's why time is important because that's how
change is measured is duration over time, right? And so when you get these this cocktail together and you start mixing it up, I picture this walk for me as sort of a walk up a mountain. I can't see what's around the corner, but I'm moving forward and moving up in elevation. It gets more challenging to breathe sometimes. So sometimes I need to stay at a certain point on the mountain and acclimate to that altitude, right?
Now, if you think of the alternative community as being at 3,000 feet, okay? As people start ascending up that mountain from everywhere in the realm, they need 3,000 feet to scare the shit out of them so that they can keep going or turn around. That's a threshold, right? That's a, are you gonna be mentally capable of handling this or emotionally able to heal the things you need to heal in you to be light enough to continue your journey, right? And then strong enough and light enough, right? So you've gotta shed things but also strengthen as you do.
Along that metaphor then, you could say that those towns along the way that you pass on this mountain, some people they're going to be in that town and you know where they're at because their message is the same. It's at the same vibrational altitude. And as people ascend, they're going to meet that guy and that guy is going to change their fucking life. And then eventually they're going to keep going on their path.
and that guy is going to stay there so he can change the next people coming up the mountain and those people are going to continue on to somebody else who has a different perspective and then offers perhaps a lighter perspective or a darker one depending on what path you want to take down the mountain. So again this is sort of metaphorically scalable here to where people who stay where they are That's fine. like This is why it doesn't bother me to look at somebody and go, you haven't moved past that yet? It's interesting that we're still doing the COVID thing, so I think that's fascinating. I'm like, you guys are still doing that? um But I don't see it as sort of a negative thing. This is also something very important to this, and then I'll ah take a breath for a second.
it As you do this, the people that you move beyond and not beyond in a um better than you way, in the just the concepts are over here in altitude, you're in a different altitude. okay and Again, this has nothing to do with you're better, worse, whatever. It's just where you're at. Within that process, you will then be offered the opportunity to always jump back down the mountain and take a shortcut back to where you were.
that is always available to you. That's part of the realm. the The terrain is probably actually more like sloped and it's slippery and it's gravelly. And so really you can slip down and go back down into thanks and letters your lower... Yeah, shoots and ladders, right, kind of thing. Yeah. and love And within that framework then, what that will look like or may look like, I'm not going to give you a coloring book and color it in for you here, but what that looked like to me was is my parents or people from a past version of me greeting me as if I was the same person.
I'll think about that for a second. You were gonna change so radically that those people are gonna wanna communicate with you at the altitude of 1,000 feet. But you're at 30,000 feet, dude. and There's grace in being able to...
communicate at that level with that message and not be a dickhead, but also there's an inner understanding that you can't sustain that altitude for very long because now you're too conditioned to the 30,000. This is why it's okay if you're not emotionally okay or energetically okay to show up for things, um big events, ah old, you know, like let's say school reunion or something like that, Jesus, all those people are going to think of you as the 10-year-ago version of you, not the you you are now. And nobody wants to hear how great you're doing. They want to remember the 10-year-old version of you. And so they're going to grab you and yank you back to that altitude, let's just say. But again, you you have the choice here. You could dip in and out of altitudes. You can go check it out because you've got a lot of healing to do in that altitude as well for the people around you, right? So when we go
to a family dinner or something like that, sometimes uncomfortable or something you would have chose chosen openly and you find yourself there, then your job at that point is just to hold the vibe, man. Your job is to be the organ energy in the room amongst a bunch of fucking 5G towers, you know what I mean? That's your job is to hold the vibe. It's a Neil Donald Walsh quote. You're only in the room to heal the room. You're only in the room to heal the room. but So this also encourages you not to run from uncomfortable opportunities that you will absolutely grow and crush, absolutely grow and crush.
yeah that's as a it's beautiful ah Kind of reminds me a few weeks ago, a couple of weeks ago, I posted a some video on LinkedIn about why I don't recommend it intermittent fasting. And a friend of mine but from a company I used to work in, very sort of and sarcastic and kind of rough sense of humor, he he just ah he messaged me and he's like,
Oh, you used to be all about the intermittent fasting. You're a fraud. Because now I'm talking about ah ah that I'm against intermittent fasting. I'm like motherfucker. That was in 2018. You think you think I learned a thing or two in the last like six years.
Um, and then I kind of gave him a few ribs. Are you probably still like watching fucking soccer games and discussing the model? Yeah, ah but I I don't mean that then I I know that He will take it in a good way. It's like oh man. I need to find a new hobby and do something new, you know Christian Christian's doing all this, you know Yeah, yeah Christian's doing all this stuff. He's learning yet, but it it kind of does It's so true that people you haven't seen it in a while. You might have You might think you've grown all of this stuff, of evolution, internal, external manifestation. And then people look at you as the same potentially jabroni you were in your twenties when you were kind of getting wasted together and partying and stuff. So it's very jarring for them to kind of understand, you know, whatever comes out of your mouth. You might as well be talking to a wall, especially if it's like a family member that
they saw you growing up so you're just do like a kid in their eyes you know but look that's I think personally I've kind of I don't care anymore you know I'm like I don't even like try to my books I send them to family members and stuff But I don't like try to force my ideas upon them or anything, because it's all like longevity stuff. and I have family members that are kind of in their 60s, 70s plus. I don't try to like tell them, you need to do this, you live longer and in shit. Just if they ask, I'll help. But ah ah ah it's a part of my growing up as well. you know
I want to point this out because it's very important, the emotional maturity level that you've reached with that, because if they ask, I'll help. Okay, that's very, very, very, very, very important. Again, simple, not easy. How long did it take you to get to that inner standing? It's where you'd be okay just shutting up when they went off on something.
ah it's hard man like even um in the summertime I was in Spain and we saw my dad for a while and he he was basically resigned to the fact that you even if he lives to 70 that would be enough you know that that's when you die you know and he's like 62 or 63 no 63 so I'm like Jesus Christ dude like but that's right yeah what ego issue do you have with him wanting to be around longer beyond the fact that he's your dad and you want him to be around right for your kid and for well yeah yeah exactly but what what i i just was like it was hard was like look that that's your choice and whatever and i'm not gonna like
you know, tell you do this, do that, live live differently just because I think that's right for you. Because those are the exact same things that we rebel against. It's like even with my wife, we're having this issue, ah it's a leap because our kids started going to crash. and And I'm like, no, I don't want her to go to crash and ah stuff. and And it's like, then I'm like, am I letting my fears limit my kids growth and development? Because that's Those are the exact same things that we kind of see our parents doing because they want to protect us. They want us to live in the small, that'll be like the small fish in the small pond where there's less danger, everything is kind of, you know, figured out. And then you, you know, you want to move control, whatever they're like, no, no, no, stay here, stay here. And I'm like, I caught myself like, damn, cannot, we cannot limit our kids the same way. We cannot um sort of repeat those same patterns if
we're trying to you know be a more evolved next version. you know ah not not Not that they're bad or anything, is just you trying to with the new generation, you're trying to kind of evolve a little but you know process past traumas so that you don't just download them and perpetuate them on and on. you know That's kind of the goal, I think, for at least for for us.
The quote, man, um it happened in my family until it happened to me is something that's huge. There's a lot of things my family does that I do not. I'm absolutely the black sheep and proud of it. I had a challenging time getting out of the house um and at 18, two days after I got my little diploma to graduate high school there,
There's an incident in the home that um I just couldn't take anymore and just grabbed two bags of clothes and my guitar and left and on foot at the age of 18, 2001, by the way, a lot happened that year. And first year to take psychedelics, introduced to unity consciousness, the whole thing in New York, so conspiracies, I immediately knew that was bullshit. um And then all of these things happen and then, you know, out of the home, not sure safety, blah, blah, blah. So huge, huge, huge spiritual awakening in 2001. And that's really what sort of set me on this path. But again, it's sort of this
it's It's just it's a level of understanding man. That's it's challenging man because you know it it it hurts you to see people do something that you know you can help them with that they don't want any help with but it's also a portion of your Training, you know, it's a part of your ninja training here man for your mental temple on how to be emotionally Okay, because it tugs on the heart right? Yeah, it's meant to be to your fucking core. It's meant to be a personal and that's the point with this is that you've done it and you're alchemizing this well, like very well, is to be able to separate that to create boundaries between the expectation of your parents and then the relationship you would like to have with them. And then also yeah all of this happens because you each respect the relationship you want to have for yourselves, like how you want to live your life, right? He loves you for who you are. He may tease you a little bit about the things you choose to do,
Some of it's probably ego about your choices of finding the information out that he didn't and then choosing to live the lifestyle He wouldn't and so being able to consider things like this in real time with emotion in play It's it's a constant challenge man. and I'll let you know when I figure it out we just went to my folks house and it was probably the best time that we've had together and but it's like, you know, my mom, dad, two brothers, their wives, and, you know, stepbrother, kids, all this stuff, right? And none of them listen to the show. None of them are into what I do. um None of them know what I do. Like, none of them ask. They just don't. No. Oh, you went to Australia? Nobody asks. You know, so it's just an interesting... interesting dynamic there, but i I'm fine with it. you know I don't need them to see me any other way, and I damn sure don't need them to see me the way that I was growing up in the house, because I'm nowhere near that. It took me years and decades to shed that version of me, and I'll be damned if they're going to pull me back down in that bucket. and so It is then about establishing firm boundaries ah between your parents, because just like anything in life, you train people how to treat you.
It's very important, so I'm gonna say it again. Everybody listening out there, you train people how to treat you. If there's a relationship in your life you don't like, then look at the self-love element to that. Where am I loving myself more than the fear of having this conversation? Just take a look at it. I'm just planting that seed. I know somebody out there is just going, oh my God.
oh so smartphones listening in on private conversation yeah of course just move on like come well and okay no no no actually I'm going to go deep on this because it's it actually you know it's interesting all right how quick was that right yeah move the fuck on but smartphones listening in on private conversations. Okay, so first and foremost, it's probably listening on everything all the time. Your you know a position is being 3D monitored through your Roomba. Your house has been completely graphed and laid out. right It knows all the entrances, exits, your patterns based on heat and all kinds of interesting things.
but One really interesting part to this, and I'm gonna tie it back to the extraterrestrials above, smartphones and electrical components are basically made from what abundant source on the earth? Do you know, Christian? Silica. Silica, very good. Now, if we look at the Arecibo crop circle, which is something that, if you wanna type this in actually, Arecibo is just a giant telescope in South America, I think it's in Costa Rica. Arecibo, A-R,
ah A-R-E-C-E-B-O, I think? Arecibo? I think there's an E, there it is. There it is. There we go. There it is. Puerto Rico, that's it. There you go. Okay, and it was in a James Bond movie too. So if you look at this thing, that's pretty dope, right? It's a gigantic radio telescope.
Now, um what's fascinating about this is not too far away from this telescope. There was an answer where you type the same first word, crop circle. Okay. Look at this producer here on the fly, just making shit happen with dope backgrounds for his computer. Very cool. Okay, right there. That's it. what yeah Is this it?
I'll go to images. Yeah. Okay. So if you look there, um, what this is, is a grid and we'll, we'll look at that other version of it was actually a digital rendition. So we can see that. and Um, so, okay. If you keep scrolling down all the way to your far right on that line. Oh, right there. Okay. Do you see the gray thing? Sorry. Gray thing. Oh, this your right one.
to To my right. That's sorry there. Okay, click on that. Okay. They're great. Yeah, okay blow that bad boy up Alright, so if you looked on the left great job, dude, okay. Yeah, there's the arrow SIBO message Okay, so if you look on the arrow SIBO November 16th 1974 right there on the left, okay That is the message that was sent out um And it what it depicts is 10 different points and it outlays Humanity and what we're based on a which is carbon by the way and then what we sort of look like Do you see the little guy down there a little stick figure? Yeah, it's about three-quarters of the way down and then also where we're located where our planets located in the star system That's what the squares are underneath him the big square on the right It's the Sun if you go three over that one's standing up out of the that's like the message on the Voyager ah Yeah
yeah There you go. Exactly. Well, if you look to the right, that crop circle that you just pulled up, yeah this is digitally what was in the ground over there. Now, crop circles are mysterious AF and probably not created by man. I don't know what it is, but it's probably not created by man. But if you look at the one on the right, that shows that it answered all 10 points. But look at where the little guy is. What does the little guy look like? Looks like a gray.
Yep, they said this is who we are. We said this is who we are on the one on the left. They said this is who we are on the right. Now, when it gets to the carbon part of this, guess what they're made out of? Dude, don't tell me silica. Silica. Now, if you think about then conversations with things about electronics and listening to you, then I would give you a big duh because it's probably an entity itself. That silica is really the AI and it's really more of a conscious entity that's running everything. it's and everything, saying man, everything electronic. And then if you think about sort of the um EMF frequencies and the radiation bombardment and all this kind of manipulation and all that kind of stuff, it's again silica-based electronics and technology ah that's doing that.
So really, this could be the parasitic entity that's fucking with all of us, um and they're a silica-based entity, because as we get more into this technological, then you think about Elon Musk wanting to throw chips in your head, could you imagine that? If that's an alien entity, and you just decide, because it's a plastic piece of something, because it's in that form, that you'll just toss it in your head and and trust it, plus now look at the beepers that are blowing up all over the fucking place, can you imagine?
oh Anyway, so we've derailed quite a bit this is such a great idea for an episode cuz I don't really get to go off on shit like this This is yep, dude. I the never heard i usually mention it fun but Oh, there's so much stuff out there. This was so cool. Like, we should do this more. But wait. Yeah, we should do this again for sure. But wait. Oh, yeah. that Don't tell me that this thing is on a lay line, which, by the way, is a conspiracy theory we can touch on later. Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you. No, you didn't. um Dude, awesome. So it's just interesting and it just happened to be located in this really interesting place. Yeah. near lelan And Puerto Rico, I mean, it's got fascinating history anyway. Or his story.
their story. So what about all of these things that wait were lay lines? there There must be a different article I was looking at for conspiracies. Wait, late lay lines. are there There must be a different article that I was looking at last night that had lay lines or conspiracy theory as well. Wait, hold on.
Anyway, we can well what's your take on leylines for the listeners? Leylines, I haven't heard to be a conspiracy theory, but what I have heard is that they're energetic points that crisscross the realm and that what's really interesting about them is the sites that are chosen to be built on them. This is why I think it's fascinating that there's anything too play lines um not only the people who claim the energetic connections but what you'll notice is that ah balbeck for instance if you look at ballbe in lebanon that was built um that was an older settlement actually yes please pull that out which ballba is fascinating this is one of these ancient ah sites in lebanon yeah um there you go ball that's already something like the bow
Take it. Whoa. It's amazing. Well, what's interesting about it, yeah, even first face value, you go, oh, that's neat. But um more interesting is is the upper structure is actually the second or fourth structure built on that thing. yeah um And that the base itself is why it's so impressive. So actually, do me a favor and just type um ah base or foundation after the search that you did.
Yeah. So what's interesting about the belt Ballback Foundation, look at the guys over there to the, oh, okay. There's a black and white photo. Yeah, if you scroll down. All right. So if you look at that person over there with their arms out, oh, there's the black and white one.
My bad, I keep making you jump around there. The go down one. Sorry. That was the one I first said. That. Yes. This is the famous. Yeah. That one right there. Blow that bad boy up if you can. That thing right there is um showing you the foundation stones of ball back.
Okay, now if you look at that, look at the megalithic blocks there. I think they so they weigh like 65 tons a piece or something like this. Now if you look also at the bricks off to the side and and at the base there, the very base, underneath those megalithic ones, that that's all later construction, right? And you can see this with the... Aztecs as they built over the Olmecs and all those older societies is what you could see as the architecture changes their ability to create sustainable architecture and Manipulate the world around them, right? Whatever cut and moved these stones at ball back. We have no fucking clue but what's interesting about it is it ties into ley lines because also
and The temple built on top of it was built because of this amazing thing that was there, that was there because of an energetic reason, right? This is again, multiple sediments are built in the same exact place. And the reason for that has to be energetics. I think also access to aquifers and water, whatever's going on under the ground as well. I think that there's sort of pinch points between the ground and ah caverns with water and as those caverns fill and recede with water this happens on chalk hill in the u k gary king was telling us about this that they'll get a lot of electrostatic and crop circles and things like that out there but the entire ground under there is porous and filled with caverns that fill with water and that crop circles come out in the spring and then die off in the winter mostly, right? They have a sort of a season that they go in, but so does the water level under the ground. So if you correlate the things that occur and appear above, even though they look like somebody's making them or whatever, it correlates perfectly to the cycles of
compression and rare fraction that the water in the tunnels underneath the ground go through. And then what you then consider is as the water recedes, it's going to create more space or pocket for air. But as the water moves around, you're going to also create piezoelectricity, which is an electromagnetic phenomena that I mean, those little crystals that people have in their watch, you shake the watch, that's That's piezoelectricity. And this occurs all around us all the time. Ley Lines, I think, are sort of a place where this happens. There's interesting spots, like again in the UK, Burton Dasset Hill. Okay. What's the name again? There you go, Chalk Hill, right there. Sussex. Where are we looking? I think it's in Sussex. The picture. Oh, what's that? Is that what we're looking at? Yeah, if you type Chalk, like you'd write on a chalkboard, Chalk Hill, it's got a horse.
OK, OK. Yeah, these geoglyphs at these that have been there for a long time that people just kind of keep keep up with because it's all chalk under the ground under the hill. there Wait, is this ah is this a natural thing here? No, no, no, somebody somebody made that. But it's one of these things like ah look up the horse Chalk Hill Horse, UK.
all But ballbacks, cool as shit. and So again, you know when when people decide to build multiple things on the same space in the realm, you know what I mean? Yeah, in the history, that's really interesting. So that's, um again, Chalk Hill. So underneath the hill is what that is, and they just remove the top layer to reveal that lighter color under it. But that, you know, ah some settlement, I want to say a Viking settlement, or some old ass settlement built that one there. The Eufington White Horse, the real stick figure-y looking one, yeah.
Uh, that, yeah. And that thing, um, but if you look at the area again, all under it, porous with catacombs, um, a natural phenomena with water receding and, uh, rising constantly. And again, this whole area is sort of where that phenomena occurs mostly.
Pretty wild. Mind blown, bro. Mind blown. Wow.
Yeah, Mark Ollie would be a great guy to have on to talk about this. And Gary King. Gary King come on and talk about crop circles all day. dude That's that dude's amazing. We'll get you connected. Audience demand Gary King comes. Sounds good. I'm man i'm down, dude. Let's see. Alternative medicine. do you want Do you want to tackle any of these? I'm kind of afraid to nowadays.
I'm not afraid of shit, but we can. I mean, it seems like, go ahead. Let me ask you, and and yeah ah I'll be listening. I'll just ah mute myself for like just one minute, but you you talk. I'll be listening. What's your take on HIV AIDS? And I'll be back in in in a minute. I'm still listening. No worries. um ah We hit dark on the ah color down there on the right. the way Sorry?
dark, will you hit that on the right? Oh yeah, sure, sure, I should have done the very last. God bless, I love it. Oh man, I should have done it already. No worries, you had the glass on, you weren't, okay. AZT is a real issue with AIDS. I think that was to target the homosexual community, which Fauci was also directly a part of and spearheaded, was this AZT initiative to get people, air quotes on AIDS,
ah to get on this drug, which the drug is what killed them. Sort of like when people went on respirators during the CVID thing, that's what killed them, not the thing that they were saying that they needed to go on the thing for. Again, it's all about manufactured consent. So they are offering you a perception of reality, you are accepting that perception of reality, contracting into it, and offering your power over to whatever they deem, air quotes they, whatever now the person you've offered your power over to wants to do with it. and so The people who suffered from that, that was a big, it's huge, right? But it's it was worse because it was ah misleading. It's not accurate. And the reason they were dying was much different than why they were saying they were dying, which made it even worse. And so this is one of these things, man, and um it's tricky, I suppose, to talk about, but really, it's the it's one of the clear cases where the drug was what was killing people, not the, air quotes, disease. The dis-ease was faith in the drug, in my mind.
But it's a wild thing. But Fauci man, um that dude came back around and said, hey, I got something else for y'all. And then, um you know, this beautiful awakening. i I love that little fucking elf looking dude. He is such a sweetheart because he just woke us all up. He he came out of his little Keebler house from making cookies and he said, hey everybody, ah you know, I've been gone for a while, been doing some shit. We've been working on this thing and now here you go. You guys can just open up and change your lives and now the realm will never be the same. And thank you Fauci for that. Go make some cookies.
Yeah, but like, okay, so to build on on that, I'm gonna put words in your mouth. I apologize in advance. No, bring it. you You don't believe in viruses, do you? No. No. I believe the people who say that the evidence for viruses has never been found, and that virology itself as a study is horseshit, because I trust those people, and the way that they see the world, and the research they do, and the research they presented. Mark Gober is one of these. Don Lesser. Mark Gober, yeah. Shout out.
um the The other day, or yesterday I was listening to, there was an episode on tin foil hat by a lady, I think her name is Chris Newby. She wrote a book on the weaponization of basically Lyme disease and kind of these vector-borne diseases. Have you ever, what would do you think that, the and it's clear that the US government were doing that kind of stuff, but Do you think that was just like a war weapon that they were trying to create that accidentally got unleashed on US soil? Or do you think that was something that they just decided to run an experiment there?
I don't think the word accident ever applies in any of these situations. I don't think anything's leaked. I don't think anything is, oh, this insider decided to, oh, oh, really? ah none of it's None of it's altruistic in the way that they're presenting it. um Will you do me a favor and look up the Tuskegee experiments? Have you ever heard of this? How do you spell Tuskegee? Yep. um T-U-S-G. That'll get you close enough. Tus-gee experiments. There you go. Third down.
ah but ah Now, the Tuskegee Airmen were the first um black flight squad, which was really interesting, but the Tuskegee experiments occurred from the 1940s to the 1960s in the US, something that, um air quotes, President Clinton apologized for publicly, by the way, and acknowledged and apologized for.
And what they did was is um the ah FDA rounded up CDC rather ah Center for Disease Control rounded up all of the black people that they could in this particular area um in Alabama and ended up giving them shots that gave them syphilis when they were telling them that they were treating syphilis. And so what they did was is they said, hey, we're going to cure you of this thing and was giving it to them the entire time. Not unlike maybe a lot of cancer radiation treatments and things like that are doing, man. um Again, this AZT. Hey, we you nothing's wrong with you, but we got this thing that we were telling you could be potentially wrong with you. And we have this other thing that we're going to stick in your arm to prevent against that. Now the irony, of course,
is is that they lied and that these people ended up with severe, it dude, it was bad. It was really bad. And so you create now this dissonant, I mean, this was for generations. Think of this, this went on, I mean, from it's wait for years. um it's It's just insane when you think of things like this. So as a US public health service, they were ah shooting these dudes up with syphilis and then letting them... Jesus Christ.
die since we're like specifically black people by the way yeah man that's fucked up since we're kind of like uh ruffling feathers here what do you think about this um conspiracy theory that there's like only two genders what do i think about genders yeah this conspiracy theory that there's like only two genders no these well conspiracy theorists are saying that there's only two genders you know Oh, I see. Well, I think I've only met, I'm a dude and I have a penis, and my wife's a woman and has a vagina, and I've only yet met other people with those properties. I have not met um another human being with anything else that was physiologically that way, but people choose to make alternatives to their, how they popped out, and if they want to make an alternative lifestyle, then that's fine.
I think people should be able to do whatever the fuck they want. the When it comes to kids, that's different. I have a very, very different stance on that. um And I think, again, what what somebody wants to do is their business. But what I think happened with this movement is...
Just like in the spiritual community, it's a disempowered movement. Its job was to create dissonance, to create an overinflation of an idea that didn't exist really before at all and make it so palpable that it became so dissonant and that people who were already confused were enticed into the idea to make massive changes for themselves due to community support. These people who perhaps felt illin i alienated for any myriad of reasons may have then just identified with a community that said, hey, we'll accept you for who you are as long as you're like this. And they said, shit, I'll do that. So there's so many components that play into this. I think 100% of them, like this entire realm, are psychological. I don't think it's a misbalance for anybody's um
you know ah I don't think it's an issue until people feel bad about it. Does that make sense? So if you feel bad about who you are and you're living incorrectly to who you are, then change that. um But also give some grace to the people who still see you at the other altitude ah as something different, right? So give them ah perhaps a little bit of grace on your extreme changes or just bail on them all together. I mean, you have options here, right? But ah when we look at things like,
sex in general, it can be that there are creatures with, ah you know, asexual that produce asexually and all those kinds of things. But I think that what you're speaking of more specifically is the human component to this two gender issue, I guess, that's that seem to pop up. But I mean, if we're being practical, of course, then it's just a psychological operation to disempower and to destabilize. And some people are taking them up on it.
And I think, though, it's a greater opportunity, just like Fauci gave us, to go to our houses, to quit drinking, to um you know write a book, things like that, rather than watch Real Housewives of whatever. You can look at things like this and say, well, let's give some grace to those who feel confused and to feel like they want to make the change and then just still ah carry on right I think that one of the best jokes ever was ah Jim Jeffries when he said he was about gay marriage he said if you don't want if you don't like gay marriage then don't marry a gay person I think that that's really one of the crux of it right it's just yeah let people live their fucking lives um I get that there is an infiltration of ideals but look at where
Again, this is a gift in my mind. If you look at your schools and you're pissed off that the schools or you're in disharmony with the school having someone that you don't agree with come in and display themselves in a matter that's promoted by that school and talking to your kids, then I would say check out some alternative means of education. You're not going to change that institution. I think the institutions are all going to shit on purpose. I think that we are supposed to be creating our own thing based on our reflection of what the realm offers. And when we say we don't like that, then we're just going to remove ourselves from those things and properly educate and free ourselves from those, but it's gotta be proactive on your part.
yeah love It can't be something you're passive about so because again, it's gonna offer you the opportunity just to sit there and be pissed But that's a state of being that's a that's a loose farm for something and they love that shit so deny them that and just pull out and do your own thing again with the food with the Medical with politics with anything if you see it and it's in dissonant harmony with you withdraw You're you're giving it energy and fueling it like to stay puff marshmallow man. Just pull out of it It'll deflate and queef out of existence move on with life Yeah, man. A few months ago, I was just looking up something about estrogen. So I typed in estrogen in DuckDuckGo, and dude, I couldn't find it now while you were talking, but let me just try one more time. So estrogen Cleveland Clinic. This was a Cleveland Clinic article, dude. Cleveland, so this, yes, this was the article.
Uh, cause I have a screenshot, right? And what came up is not what's coming up here. What came up and I have the screenshot, I sent it to some, some folks on telegram, but so estrogen hormone function levels and imbalances. And in the kind of this little note here, uh, over here, kind of under the, the URL, it said, listen, don dude, listen to this shit. Just listen.
In cisgender men, transgender women and non-binary people with penises, estrogen impacts sex drive and the ability to get an erection and make sperm.
too little estrogen can lead to a low sex drive. So it's that first part of the sentence, right? In cisgender men, transgender women, and non binary people with penises. So I just send that to some kind of podcast friends. I'm like, dude, getting complicated, keeping track of all of this.
like Well, that's the point is to complicate things. yeah And so if you just unsubscribe to the complication, then yeah it's no longer in your world. You just don't operate that way. It's hilarious. Yeah, because I'm one client and he kind of he told me of his walls. He's in this kind of.
circles where the stuff is really kind of big. And he's like, dude, it's it's exhausting, like remembering a person's pronouns and you call her. You know, we say she maybe I think she had it. And it's like, no, I'm a day you look they, you know, exhausting. It's like, it's like, I mean, live your life, guys, you know, and do all that. But you've got to realize what it is, it it's nature, which is convolution. It's meant to be convoluted. Yeah, dude.
That's a disease. I mean, because it's going to cause dissonance between friends that forget, you know, I mean, and you didn't do anything on purpose, but you're automatically labeled as somebody who did something hateful when it's not the case at all. And it's so, again, it's it's something you've got to subscribe to and you've got a contract in because you train people how to treat you. And if you want out of that system, you move on.
And by the way, as you as you can see, I couldn't find that same article, at least the the kind of that piece it began with, even though the same title of the article here. So I'm sure there's lots of people out there that are like maybe emailing in and like, guys, like, what what what is this stuff? Like, what are you talking about?
What are you talking about? And there's a lot of people that are pissed off and they're probably doing work behind the scenes, as it were, that we cannot, we don't have visibility that are pushing back on some of the stuff because if we don't, yes, you can ignore it. I think it's important it's important to ignore a lot of the BS and not let it get to you. And maybe maybe even laugh, chuckle sometimes when it gets a little extra crazy.
But um I think there's a lot of good people out there that are like, no, no, this this is not going to continue. And I think a lot of these trends, they fizzle out. Unfortunately, a lot of people's lives get ruined. And then what the damage is done. it's It's irreparable. And the agenda has then been completed.
you know Nailed it. It's SIOP storms. It's their job. um So you can either run away from the storm and be scared of it like the animals in North America here or think of the bison. I know we've talked about this. The bison is the only animal in that area that will run into a storm because it knows that that storm will go over it much quicker and that it will create less tension and stress in the herd if we just get through it together.
now, rather than run away from it, scared, scared, scared. Oh, it's over me, over, it's over. And it takes so much longer to get through that thing with a cytokine storm of nonsense. So this realm, I really think, is just a carnival ride game of what are you inflating around you with the water, right? You know, with the little clown head that's blowing up as you're squirting water into it. And if you don't want that to be in your reality, stop inflating it, dude. It is that clear and simple. ah This one is easy, actually. You just unsubscribe.
you You're gonna you may find yourself being baited into some emotional ah Ness about this but you don't need to subscribe to that again That's a contract that you're investing energy in even that like feeling bad for something someone says you should feel bad for that You don't ah you don't have to contract into that and you could clearly state and just move on but also like engaging with any of this You don't have to do that. You you just somebody says something. Okay, and then like move on or change the keep a fart maker on you ah for situations like this actually so whenever somebody comes up gets a little awkward just put that thing in your pocket and set a few off and just stare them right in the eye yeah and then see if that kind of either changes the vibe maybe they just walk away but honestly you have got to power this shit for it to exist so if you find it in your life
ah Stop powering it. Stop looking at it. Stop thinking about it. Stop telling friends about it. Stop, you know, it's literally that easy. But the more we reanimate these things and re-blow up that blow-up doll, it's like, oh shit, we're still doing that again. It's sort of like that. Yeah, people are gonna, you know, do this thing, but we all recognize this for what it is. It's just another PSYOP storm and a long list of manufactured weather. I mean. Yeah, man.
Yeah, let's do ah one more. I gotta do that stuff. Sorry about this. I gotta to do that stuff. This is perfect. No apology needed. No apology. And I'm not going to say that people are going to push back against anything that we're talking about because we're speaking of it in a very emotionally mature, very pragmatic way. And this is just the way we feel. We're no experts on anything except the way we feel.
And that's all we're here to do. I've got no responsibility to anybody to be fucking accurate or anything else. You look up what I'm saying. Absolutely, yeah. I mean, it's all on Wikipedia anyway. We just talk shit, dude. We're just we're just talking discussing totally true conspiracy theories that are absolute nonsense, right? So we're just, you know, like the Vatican, for example, the Vatican. do you think there's a buss Do you think there's a bunch of really cool, interesting books that have documented all of history under the Vatican?
Yeah, yeah, but they're probably like crystals that you stare into and it gives you all of the knowledge of the world that is just you glance at it like a crystal skull, you know, like an Indian agent. The Vatican's interesting, this ties again back into, we're gonna call back, back to Aliens. There's a wonderful book called Exo Vaticana by Chris Putnam and Thomas Horn. And I cannot recommend this book enough yet, Exo Vaticana.
It opens with the telescope that's in Graham, Arizona, that's called Lucifer, owned by the Vatican. And there you go, Lucifer. See the first one there? Yeah. So, um okay, so that's another book that they've ah written. I've got that one as well. But they wrote XO Vatican, yeah, Project Lucifer, I think. ah Tom Horne died a couple years ago or last year, that guy right there, the bald dude. Anyway, that one right there.
And this is one of the coolest books I've ever read, by the way. um Highly recommend if anybody is just like, what the fuck? It's a thick daddy. It's like 700 pages, something like that, but highly recommend it. Now, this one is interesting because we look back at the UFO phenomenon and what we talked about earlier about it being a worldview question, really. It's not a what's up there is something happening. It's how do you interpret what's happening? So a lot of people, especially Christians, um people of faith,
believe that the Vatican is absolutely, in the Jesuit order, is an evil organization that is in cahoots with Satan. ah You can just, there's so many things we could do on the Vatican here. What's fascinating though when you look at um this particular project is is that they talk about the coming deception and it being a deception, a straight up demon, devil, Satan, evil, force, deception, but it's it's going to be posed as aliens, right?
and Because Satan is the domain domain of the sky and you know we're battling principalities and all this stuff. Now, if you look at it that way, whatever's picking people up and they're having rough experiences, whatever's โ€“ again, whenever some people go on to UFOs, they'll smell sulfur. And it's like, well, what's that about? Well, that is hell, right?
So you've got to sort of incorporate this demon angels interpretation into this as well and that the demons aren't going to be these pitchforked things that are coming up from fiery pits underground. They're the things coming out of the silver saucers and that that's really where the deception comes from is above us. This ties back to what we talked about, by the way, with the crops or Well, crop circles, yes, but also chemtrails, where chemtrails, as Sharon and Gabe think, aren't really planes at all. They're something deceptive that's deceiving you to think that it's a plane spraying shit over you so that you feel disempowered and offer it energy. So again, when we look at this place as an energetic realm,
ah This kind of shit starts to make much more sense, and I'm you know not not a big fan of the aliens now I've you know um Looked at them totally differently for a while and especially after reading this book It's something that I've never been like oh, I can't wait to get picked up I think I've you know everybody goes through that right when you investigate it Oh what that would be like and then you talk to people like Dolly Safran who allegedly gets to fly one of these things around all the time and has all these amazing adventures and and you're just like, well, what's going on with that? you know yeah Anyway, highly recommend that book right there. um Probably going to be a demon ah deception aliens. That's probably what they are, is demons. That's crazy shit.
And that ties into sort of this idea of Tataria, of history, his story, that we had this amazing society that was cool as shit, that actually probably built that building right there that's on the cover, and um that was then wiped out by a cataclysm, and then we find ourselves now, where you and I, where our asses are planted in this, what is gender world, that this is Satan's little season, is what they call it, and actually the um Armageddon already happened and that Jesus already came back for a thousand years, had his reign, yeah and then is now... Yeah, Gary Wayne, I've talked to that guy. You've talked to him, yeah, you know his stuff. So he kind of has a similar sort of narrative about, you know, secret societies and then these descendants of giants that could have been like agents angels or something like that. Yeah, I asked him what kind of women, what kind of vaginas they had to be able to take Nephilim Dick.
And he goes, what? I go, vagina, sir. The vagina, sir. It's on Legit Bat. If you watched The Legit Bat, it was with The Legit Bat, OK? They asked me to be a guest host with Gary Wayne. So it's on Legit Bat's channel, but that episode's awesome. Yeah, go check it out. It's great. We asked him some cool questions.
And was he... So now Joe will text me every now and then, he'll just go, vagina, sir. And then fuck a laugh in the middle. But how did Gary answer that, by the way? because He didn't. He just goes, oh, well. I mean, you know, um he didn't really have an answer because it was a legit question. Like, if these if we're if we're told that the Bible says that giants with massive... we and and Okay, because then it raises a couple of questions, okay? Is it one of those cases where, yeah, they were a giant dude, they were 15 feet tall, but their penis was six inches, you know, and just vying for a woman's vagina.
Yeah, and then john then what's that, right? yeah giantines with like That's a good band name, by the way. But then you then you think of this, that if they weren't, if they were proportionally like donged up, how did the woman receive that and then create this off bastard offspring, you know, these Nephilim or whatever. Bro, immaculate conception, in vitro fertilization,
Yeah, he could have jacked off. She sat on it at the last second. I get all that. But then if you're thinking, you know, if she like, yeah, if it was sort of an insemination kind of a thing, and then that would lead you to think that it was more of a deception in the way that ah UFOs pose themselves in their medical experiments and how they do the hybridization program that people talk about that they're a part of and all kinds of shit, man. It's wild. It is wild. And it makes you ask questions like what kind of vaginas were running around, you know?
Absolutely, dude. I think what's clear is that the best the best thing that could happen, I think, to to us is, you know, you pop off and it's all revealed when you die and you're like, oh my God, that was such a cool thing. You raise one memory, you throw me back in there, that was epic.
or you have to like die like almost infinity times as you kind of ascend the consciousness ladder quote unquote until you merge with the highest you know of the all and maybe that's I think there was um some book series that that you know you start you start life as this super primitive maybe not even organism quote-unquote like ah the way we look at it like an animal or or a plant but even like a ah rock ah you know I think with every lifetime you kind of go up higher higher higher and then maybe eventually you will you know be at the level where you can understand what the hell is going on but right now it seems like we are so
early in that journey, even though, and and and the reason why you you kind of tend to think that is because we are so coaxed into thinking that humans are the top of the food chain on Earth. We're the sort of, and right now we're at the pinnacle of humanity.
the science technology and everything else, you know, whereas when you kind of start looking at these things from these other angles, it is a little bit humbling and like, holy cow, I don't know what is what in this world. Never mind what's going on beyond it. So just as we kind of wrap up, because I got to go do bedtime and stuff like that, that stuff. What do you what do you think is kind of the pathway to enlightenment in terms of this kind of discussion we've had today. Do you think we're going to know much when we die? Or do you think it's just another comeback for another cycle with a marginal evolution? Or do you think it's just, I know you're probably the kind of guy that thinks it's like quantum leaps up and up even in one lifetime. So what's your take?
ah Let me show you. I'm going to share screen real quick. Do you mind? Yeah, let me just let me do the thing. Oh, the little green oh um escape. ah you' You should be able to.
Let me just... bone po Okay, got it. All right, if you look at this real quick, I just pulled this up really fast. um This is one of my favorite... I don't know why, but I'm obsessed with this model. This just is something that I'm absolutely obsessed with. Okay, so let's say that this is the realm in which we inhabit, which, by the way, this is our sun, our moon, north star here, and then under the realm, or whatever's below this disk that we allegedly exist on is of what's called the black sun. Okay, this is a Masonic thing. And the Mason symbol reflects the relationship between the sun moon and north star with this compass and then the square at the bottom reflects the relationship between the sun, the black sun and the moon. Now this again is sort of this idea that coded messages are within this realm and that this is what we live on. Now to answer your question more directly, when you say how do I deal you know and exist and thrive and all that stuff in a realm that's probably like this,
I enjoy lately, based on this model, um have gone on these just insane thought experiments. right And I think that what could be occurring here is is that this place is sort of an energy capacitor of some kind. okay We create energy by existing. Obviously, we have a voltage. We're electric. As you play with your tissue salts, which I know Christian's going to talk to you about, then um you will change your electromagnetic conductivity, which then makes you a different magnet for other, let's say experiences, but what they then produce is an emotion in you, okay? So if you think of this realm as a two-part component that produces a third part of energy, then we exist in this place where maybe some lizard turds or some crypto-terrestrials or something live down here and they fly around up here and they visit you in the night and they scare the shit out of you and they create dissonance and they run governments and they oppress you and all that shit, but it creates
based on our desire to love and hope and share and create and all those things, it creates dissonance within the realm. Because we then find ourselves in suffering or pain or fear or whatever, but that is a palatable resource perhaps that can be vacated out of the top of this thing, okay? Now,
Let's say that as we do this, sort of like a two-part epoxy, when you combine one part, part A with part B, you get a hardened agent and then it turns into something else, right? Now within this process, maybe there are many different levels of what I would refer to as distillation, okay? So if we think of this then as sort of a distillative process to where maybe whatever comes out of here, that the fear and the what's called luch, Dr. Monroe called it luch. The luch that's created in this realm is then recycled within the realm to feed the Black Sun to then create more fear. okay But if people like me and you don't feed this beast anymore, then we're also not palatable for the realm anymore, than for then therefore are no longer functioning as the realm needs to function.
so if this is a machine of some sort we would throw it out of balance if that's not the goal of the machine then folks like us would need to be distilled out meaning we wouldn't come back and be recycled now this may be taken care of that whenever you go into the light as it were you do get a memory wipe and then are kicked back down to then be recycled because you don't remember how to not be food for fear, okay? But if you remembered, you wouldn't know that and you would just fucking get out of here, right? But again, you need to be combustible for this place to work, to be a necessary part of the machine. Now, if you yeet out of here, it's because you've figured out that I'm not gonna be on the menu for fear anymore and the machine has to kick you out. This is again like the the matrix wants to eject the people that figure it out so it doesn't fuck it up.
for the matrix, you know, because this is a power plant. This is a ah system that works perfectly, by the way. This is why I don't think heaven on earth is gonna be achieved here. I think this realm, whatever this is, functions exactly perfectly because it distills and creates people like us. You get in the ringer, you get here, and then you're like, fuck this amount. So I would say that really this lies in your disposition, your ability to recognize your authority, even over what your governments and all that,
um Get your sovereignty, get right with you and figure out what your role here is. And once you do that, you're no longer susceptible to this black sun nonsense or mitigated, minimally susceptible. you're so gonna You're so human. You still need to pass emotion. That's another thing too, that's right. You can't avoid, you just got to feel and flow. Just not, you got to be okay with that, it hurts, right?
Then if you think about it that way, perhaps then folks like me and you realize that actually if we don't go to that fucking light, we don't get recycled back in here. And so maybe then we yeet out and move on to something else. Or maybe then there's another ball stacked on top of this thing and we go into that realm. and Or maybe now you play the Black Sun version of this realm and now you have to scare the shit out of things so that you understand balance. Maybe your role next is to be one of these Archons that fucks with everything.
Maybe that's what you came from. I don't know. It's it's all fascinating. It's all, I don't know, weird. Dude, love this as well. Every time I talk to you, my my boundaries.
of You gotta know where your edges are. You gotta to know where they are. You gotta go find them, right? Yeah, it's nice to kind of break the routine of just, this this is reality. This is a world 3D job, whatever.
family stuff and sometimes like if you don't stop and think about why am I here like the older I think the older people get the stop kind of but maybe maybe I'm wrong because I i still think about it but um maybe just kind of constantly questioning what the fuck is this even is a good thing because it allows you to kind of remain a bit more fluid as ah as opposed to solidified this is what reality is And then it's very difficult to change a paradise and that can be very difficult painful when it, because it's inevitable, isn't it? at yeah At the end, you will have to go from semi-solid to potentially liquid slash air. God knows, dude. God knows. God knows. God knows.
You nailed it. And it's just about staying fluid. You've nailed it with that. Because the second your reality rigidifies, that's when they're able to fuck with you. Because you've built it a solid ground. You've given it presuppositions in which they can then throw you off of. It's just important to stay in question mode. I don't have any of this figured out. I have no fucking clue. All the stuff we talked about tonight, again, I'm talking shit. I think it's interesting some of the connections and things that are found when you do investigate this kind of thing.
ah but it does it does bolster your discernment, man, and that's what this realm's really all about. I think it's asking you a three question word constantly, and that is, are you sure? And it's just going, are you sure? Are you sure? Are you sure? And every time you're like, hey, I'm making a big change for my life,
What happens, right? Resistance hops in and goes, are you sure, motherfucker? Are you sure you don't want to stay at the level you're at? Or a family member will pop by and go, oh, and try and keep you, right? And it's crabs in a bucket. So when your reality asks, are you sure? You double down. You flip it off. You do the fucking robot. And you go, yeah, motherfucker, I'm sure. And you start dancing about it. You solidify these fucking changes. That's how it stops being an issue. That's how it stops being heavy. And it gets easy and fun. I love that, man. I love your energy, bro. I love you so much. Love you back, dude.
Thank you so much for joining us. this There has to be a part two. we're gonna i like because I got this idea in the last moment, sort of. So um next time we do this, I'm going to have a list of specific things I want you to kind of riff on.
And this is why you're a great host is because you come up with something a few minutes before based on the guest's ability to do something like that. And I don't get to do stuff like this because I host. So I'm usually like, hey, what do you think? And then I shut up for like an hour. And obviously I got diary of the mouth and I have a lot to say. So you, your like read of the room is so cool. This is why you're such a phenomenal host. And I know that everybody listening is going to go not only share this episode, but also give you a comment, you know, and like, and subscribe and all that stuff. So thank you guys in advance for doing that.
Next time I'm already seeing crisis actors. That's something we could have talked about. oh Have you had all the demigods on your show? No. You know who he is, right? I'm sure he's Ollie, Ollie Damagard. Ollie Damagard, I love the name. That's a band name right there. Yeah. ah Yeah. he's He's awesome. He's like a top of the food chain in these research circles. Very awesome guy. So he's he's done a lot of stuff around the crisis actors and certain, you should listen to him talking about how ah it's COVID related. I think,
if true he may be prevented a very serious biological attack through his research but that's that's really a big rabbit hole right now snake venom's another thing venom have you gotten into that No. Ooh, dude. All right, that's your homework. Okay, look into the correlation between snake venom and COVID. And then we'll talk about that next time we come on. This is is a series, dude. We'll do a dance series on this. This would be a blast. And you guys write in in the comments, write it write Christian, ask him ah what you want us to riff on and just fucking tear up with our dicks out next time.
Dude, the first thing that comes up is ah is ah when I type in snake venom COVID, it's a PubMed article ah unmasking the ties of snake bite poisoning in COVID-19.
Ooh, it's a whole fucking rabbit, dude. Go ahead. All toxin, basically. Factcheck.org, second entry. COVID-19 is caused by a virus, not snake venom. It's been fact-checked. Okay, but if we feel that viruses have not been adequately shown to me and you to exist, then we must entertain other possibilities, right? And we also know that that mouthpiece comes with a narrative. And it has slantings, not to the truth, to what it wants us to think. And knowing that, we can just take it with grain of salt.
That's exactly it. There's another article, I forget the name, I think the art it was it was a Wikipedia article, a list of medical treatments or whatever that are considered as pseudoscience. So every once in a while I go on there And I'm like, okay, what cool new thing can I research? Let me see some cool shit. What's gonna help us next? Dude, they have to go. This is how you use the Matrix, by the way. You're doing it right. You're doing it right. You look at them and you go either, what you're offering is bullshit. I'm gonna not only do the opposite, but way better. Or what you're offering and telling me not to do is exactly what I'm gonna do. Look at what they told you to do during this whole fucking thing. Stay inside. Don't get fresh air.
drink all the alcohol you want, we'll give you free beers and take a poke in your arm, and a donut and all this kind of shit, right? But what they didn't tell you was get the vitamin B, go outside, take some walks, ground, sun gaze, all these kind of things. Bro, by the way, ah grounding is is one of those things. So I'm gonna give you a quick, ah let's see, sciences.
I love this an hour ago, you were like, okay, we gotta wrap it up. That's how these things go. So this is a list of topics characterized as pseudoscience on Wikipedia. So this is where you come to kind of see what cool shit can I learn. Acupuncture. Acupressure. Alexander Technique. What's that? It's kind of like a bodywork thing. Is that perineum steaming? It's got to do, I think, with posture and stuff like that.
Oh, I've been working on that lately, actually. Thank you. Anthroposophic medicine, so the roof, ah the the work of Rudolf Steiner must be pseudoscience, bullshit. Applied kinesiology, aromatherapy. This, like, I'm never into aromatherapy, but I might get into aromatherapy if it's considered pseudoscience. Dude, Ayurveda, 5,000-year-old, <unk> alternative to medical practice, with roots in ancient India, load of bollocks, apparently. Get the fuck out of here. Get the fuck out of here. They didn't know what they were talking about. Yeah, yeah, carnivore diet.
Chronic Lyme disease, colon colon cleansing, COVID-19. You can see that they bastardized meat just because of the industry, and I agree with the industry's garbage, but not that you shouldn't eat meat. I think this realm is set up to be a fucking chaos magic place where things die for things to live, and that's just the realm we live in. There's some acceptance in that um because the vegan community actually kills way more fucking things than people who sustainably harvest meat the proper way to feed themselves nutritionally. Yeah, but those things aren't that cute though, Brandon, but they're not that cute, those things.
Whoa, what about all the little mice and rats and the birds that they kill when they harvest all the soy plants and the deforestation and all of those things that they do to plant the soy so that you people can eat as unhealthy as possible? By the way, energy medicine, energy therapy, energy healing, vibrational medicine, psychic healing, spiritual medicine, or spiritual healing are pseudoscientific, so don't even get into those. Faith, healing, let's do... Is there a strategy on that list? Sorry?
is astrology, medical astrology probably on that list? Oh sure dude, of course. I'm sure as well. And then we can talk right off. Cause we've been taking sea salt, the tissue salts for like two months now and we feel unstoppable. You gotta have Steve on to talk about that if you haven't. i I should, I should, yeah, I should email him. He gave me his email address.
Yeah, so I think maybe next time we can get into the suicide, I think it'll be fucking interesting. Totally. Let's absolutely do this. And guys, write in, as you're sharing and liking and telling this man how awesome he is, write in and tell us what you want us to cover next and we'll fucking do it. We'll at least talk some shit about it. Absolutely. Thank you, brother. Thank you.