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Geopolitics & Occultocracy w/ Hrvoje Morić

Connecting Minds
196 Plays7 months ago

Hrvoje Morić is the host of The Geopolitics & Empire Podcast, where he conducts interviews with prominent international experts on a wide-range of topics.

Past guests have included diplomats, government officials, whistleblowers, soldiers, spies, economists, academics, scientists, wealthy investors, dissidents, journalists, and musicians.

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Introduction and Guest Background

Hey, folks, Christian Jardinov here. Welcome back to the podcast. Today's guest, special guest, is Hervoia Morich. He is host of the Geopolitics and Empire podcast, which is an amazing podcast, if you like geopolitics and that kind of talk. And you know he's had a lot of really amazing guests, a lot of awesome authors and diplomats and government officials, whistleblowers, soldiers, spies, economists, academics, scientists. dissidents, journalists, and a bunch of other cool people. So definitely check out his podcast and subscribe to it. And um it's ah it's a fairly broad ah a range of topics you cover. her up First of all, welcome to the show, bro.
It's great to to be here.
Yeah, we we met in person in Mexico in

Experiences in Mexico

February. So it's such a nice feeling to have broken the ice already before we talk. It's such an awesome. What was your experience with an archipelago?
I mean, it was a lot of fun. It feels like yesterday, but it's already a what four plus months ago. um Yeah, it was a fun, you know, a lot of a lot of people that I knew from online, I got to meet in person.
um ah Some of the other folks like David Alcock, I've been he's been I've been on his show subsequently and now and years and so. Yeah, it was a lot of fun except for the three earthquakes, you know, ah that we experienced. Otherwise, good stuff.
yeah so i remember you were telling me so the the earthquake so i think it was on the the first night i was there i think it was around 5 am m i just felt the ground like you could feel almost feel and see the ripples in the ground of the of the wave you could almost feel the the the frequency of the wave and it was so fast And it was so abrupt and it it stopped so abruptly that I was like, I just fell back asleep because I was so tired from the three flights and all that jazz. But you told me you ran out of the hotel, which was actually a very smart move.
I mean, that that was the second one. So the first one had been the previous day in the afternoon, which was a slight, that was during Patrick Henningson's talk. And we were at the Antarctica Polco and you can, I slightly felt the ground shake. I think most people didn't even notice it, but I did. And then the 6 a.m. one, I was in my Airbnb and I just jumped out of the room. Cause like the whole, everything was shaking. And I was next, there was a pool, next to the Airbnb, the why water was shaking.
And later on I asked the owner and and they're like, Yeah, it's normal, you know, and and you know, Acapulco. And when I was there, just, you know, you've got the way they had the hurricane, then you've got these regular earthquakes.
And then I sensed just being in Acapulco for the first time, ah it it it was pretty dilapidated um in general.
But I could just sort of sense the vibe of the security situation. Like I could sense that it's not that the car. Look, I don't even know the details, but I could just sense myself being a a Mexican national ah that the town is run by organized crime. And then later, when I left in the past few months, I've been reading stories about many people being killed and and in incidents in Acapulco, which confirmed my thesis, right, that a lot of bad stuff goes on there. Again, for the most part, if you're just minding your own business, nothing's going to happen. But um it's just, you know, between the hurricanes, earthquakes and and narcos, it's Acapulco, it's an interesting place to to be.
yeah man i was so scared to go there i haven't traveled with a plane since before covid like 29 so and i've never been across the atlantic never been to north america and all these scenarios were playing out in my head i'll tell you
Oh, wow.
um Thank God I had a lot of supplements to help me mitigate stress hormones and stuff, but damn dude, damn. And I got there, I think I told the story already on the on the podcast. I got out of the airport and I saw a bunch of like ah those um um pickup trucks with the the guy manning the machine gun. I was like, what the hell is this the army out here? And so I went right back into the airport. I was shitting my pants, you know.
for your safety. it's ah Every day, when if I go out somewhere, I pass by. Well, I live near a military base. So anyways, I feel safer. I live near a military base. so

Hervoia's Personal and Professional Journey

yeah So um for the listeners, tell us more about your um very varied experience with with um you know your education and where you've been and kind of who you met over the years.
Yeah. And in a nutshell, I'm from Chicago, but I'm a Croatian. I identify first as a Croatian. I grew up bilingual. My name means Croat. And so my parents were immigrants. And so I was raised between Chicago and and and Croatia. We moved back and forth multiple times. And then I studied um history in Illinois, history and education to become a teacher. And then after that, I just wanted to leave America. I learned about the empire and and then all these deep politics, you know, the Federal Reserve, 9-11.
And um my ticket out had been Peace Corps Mongolia. You know, John F. Kennedy created Peace Corps, which I think it's a good program. Peace Corps, it's very cool. And I decided to go to Mongolia. I lived in a yurt in the Gobi Desert. Amazing. I love Mongolia. I spoke. I was intermediate in the Mongolian. But then, you know, if you don't use the language, you lose it, which I did.
um So I was in Mongolia, and then I came back for a brief moment and to to to recalibrate and decided to go to Geneva School ah to the geneva school of Diplomacy to to to get a master's in international relations.
some of my Some of my professors had been folks like Dutch-American lawyer, international lawyer Curtis Dobler, who was Saddam Hussein's defense lawyer. um Ibrahim Sous, who was former representative of the Palestinian Liberation Organization, I think that in in the French division, he and I think he was Yasser Arafat's brother-in-law, if I'm not mistaken. And and people like Alfred de Zayas, the great grandson of Cuba's presidents and un n senior lawyer and and and stuff like that and so yeah after that i just said the world is my oyster and i got hired to teach i was going to go anywhere in the world and i got hired to teach in mexico a top school here called the technological de monterey which is where the millionaires send their their kids it's a high school and university campus and the only school in all of lat america
Hmm. Hmm.
that goes to Davos, World Economic Forum. there is ah I found this on just after I left recently.
ah They're officially affiliated with World Economic Forum. and you know it's it's it's It's the MIT of Mexico. so you have you know the the The schools all around the world ah you've got the top tier globalist schools that are in every country. They're they're linked ideologically and by by these associations. So, you know, Harvard, Yale, Tech de Monterrey in Mexico, and so on in other countries. And so, we you know, we had Al Gore come to campus, I remember, many years ago. And when they had the COVID online graduations, because you couldn't have the in-person graduations, they had Bill Gates speak one year, and then Hillary Clinton and other.
I wasn't there, but this is what I heard. And so that's where I taught until 2017. 20s, by the way, fun fun fact, I went to Russia for three weeks as part of a citizen's diplomacy um trip. We got to hang out with Gorbachev, met him, Vladimir Posner, famous Russian media figure, people like that. And then I got hired to teach in Kazakhstan. and Semipalatinsk, or as is now known, Semey, Kazakhstan. It's the northern part of Kazakhstan. for
noultan naerbaev that I was technically working for the former president in his intellectual school. And um yes, SMA is where they sent the dissidents in the Russian Empire and Soviet Union. Dostoyevsky had spent five years in SMA. I visited his house and um it was right next to the Polygon, the principal Soviet nuclear test site, ah which I got to visit where Stalin dropped his first nuke.
It was only a hundred kilometers from where I lived and I got to visit a ground zero. I stood on radioactive ground where a bomb had dropped and um COVID happened, and i I fled back to Mexico. And and and meanwhile, um you i got I did radio for two years on TNT radio, and now I'm just focusing on the podcast. And you know between, I've met people, G. Edward Griffin, the famed author of Creature from Jekyll Island.
He took me out to lunch. He took me out to lunch, which was 2011.
I met Ron Paul. I was invited to his house this year, but I just i couldn't make it. um And so you know i've I've either met in person or interviewed through my podcast virtually all of my intellectual heroes, you know, the people whose books I've been reading from the William Eng dolls to the Daniela Gancers to the Ron Pauls to the G Edward Griffins. um
What was Daniel Esterlin showing you on his phone and that picture in your bio?
Thank you. I mean, that's it's hard to remember that stuff. But I want one topic ah because he's been all over the place. You know, he had been I think he was showing me ah something related to some diplomat or ambassador that he was in contact with. I mean, nothing secret. He was just kind of ah you know showing off like either this ambassador of that country or or diplomat like he he he knows all these people.
And yeah I can't recall. I can't recall. But he's he's a fascinating character.
yeah He's down here in Mexico.
ah class it's It's classified. It's classified. That's fine.
I mean, I have a little bit of Alzheimer's after all these years. So, you know,
Yeah, but I mean, that's so many people. It's hard. It must be hard to keep track. That's what I'm thinking. A lot of these guys, they have all these people coming to it like Gorbachev. He probably doesn't doesn't even. Well, he's obviously passed away now, but probably never. and He actually looked pretty wasted in that picture when you're shaking his hand. I don't know. do Is that true about the them

Christian Perspective on Global Power Structures

always like, you know, starting the day with shots of vodka? And is that is that true or just? Yeah, yeah, yeah. like No.
Russians or what?
No. I mean, no, I mean, he's he's old.
Because he he did look pretty wasted in that picture.
He's had medical issues. By the way, fun fact, I told him about my Geneva school of diplomacy and he he knew about it because during my graduation in 2009, he was invited to come to my graduation because they gave honorary doctorates. But again, he he couldn't make it in 2009 for health issues. You know, he was overweight and all sorts of medical problems. um And then ah Yeah, and the the vodka? No, I mean, come on, they they some Russians do when I lived in Kazakhstan. I knew some Russians that bring out the bottle of vodka and drink the whole thing. I mean, this is how they roll. This is how I was in Mongolia. It was horrible. um I actually because in Mongolia, it was like,
They drink like madmen. um It's literally you you can't even mix the vodka. It's forbidden. It's got to be you got to drink it straight. And it's just like you and another guy or a third guy and you guys finish the bottle. And then when you finish a bottle, it sounds to the next bottle. And in Mongolia, I was like. No, no, no, thanks. I'm good. And then they're like, drink. And I'm like, no, no really, it's okay. Drink. And I'm like, they you can't get out of it. you know And so I just eventually built up a tolerance when I was in Mongolia.
yeah Not as
you know Between me and another guy, we'd be able to finish up ah about a bottle of vodka. So I did meet people, a few people like that in the former Soviet Union, like Kazakhstan and Mongolia, but not all Russians. are this you know it's It's a stereotype for sure, but I think it's not as not not not as true today. You know, I've asked Russians that themselves and like, no, no, no.
Yeah. um So so you've done obviously a lot of research into geopolitics and and the other kind of ancillary areas around that. I always like to ask guys like you, Charlie Robinson, et cetera, et cetera, that have done a lot of research into these areas. Do you think it's ah in terms of like the way the the people way, way, way at the top, who's no nobody knows their name or their face? Do you think it's one group or multiple factions around the world that are sort of vying for ultimate control over the you know the world? Or is it just one group?
Maybe a bit of both. you know I unabashedly like to explain that i I come from a Christian perspective. so yeah i'm I'm basically a Christian fundamentalist. I take the Bible and and all that's... you know The book of Daniel and and Matthew and Revelation talk about how Satan runs the world. you know He's the prince of the power of the air. He manipulates the nations. So he he basically he controls the world momentarily, right? um the The kings and the the political powers. And so when people tell me it's, oh, it's the Jews or it's that group, and it's just like, no, it's it's it's it's Satan. And and you know lately it's it keeps bugging me.
this this issue where people keep pressing ah that it's the Jews or something where, no, I think it's, it's again, at the end of the day, it's the it's a Satan, um but there's that mechanism, as you explain, and and someone I came across just this week, and I've known ah of his work for a long time, Marc Pacio, maybe you you you've heard of him,
Oh yeah, i know him I know his stuff well.
So I just listened to his eight hour presentation on how Nazism and communism are basically two sides of the same occult coin. And I watched it in four hours, you know, to double speed. And his thesis aligns with my Christian worldview, even though he's not a Christian, he's a former Satanist and occultist. And he says it's an occultocracy, a technocratic occultocracy. um He says we're ruled by dark occultists. And he also makes that point. ah he he he He makes fun, and I think rightfully so, of these people that say, oh, it's the Jews or Zionists or But then he says, it's it's there's the people who say it's the Freemasons, it's the Jesuits, it's the Jews. And he says, no, no, no, no. you know those Each of those groups.
ah perhaps under the umbrella, but he says it's the dark ah occultists or the occultocracy. And that's basically, he put into words what I've always believed as a Christian, right? For me, and you know, this it's it Satan with his occultism, Gnosticism, Theosophy, New Age. So basically, as Marc Pacio frames it, yes, that that's the closest, I think, we would get it. In one of his recent streams, he said, you know, you've got Bilderberg trilateral, wef, you know, Freemasonry, these these secret occult societies.
Mm hmm.
And in his presentation, he really goes through it and it shows how the Nazi regime was backed by these occult, it's occult, you know, it's not All of this is driven by these secret cult societies, same with the communists. And so I think that is basically where it's at. And it's it's international, right? In Mexico, you know, I'm low as it's, it's virtually you can't be a president if you're not. anywhere, I think, unless you're a Freemason. So Amlo is a Freemason. I'm guessing he's four world government ideologically. He always points to, he says Benito Juarez was the be best Mexican president. Juarez was a Freemason. There's images of Benito Juarez. Sheinbaum, the new ah president who was um
who's going to come into power in a few months. She was asked, I read recently who she thinks is the best Mexican president. She said Benito Juarez too. And so that's sort of where I think um how the world operates.
and it's interesting that it's Estados Unidos de Mexico United States of Mexico and there's 32 states which is kind of interesting
Well, just on that point, because again, what Marc Pacio explains, but also what I've separately come to this conclusion is that these the they initiated all of these revolutions, right? French Revolution, American Revolution, European Revolutions. So the ideology of the American and French Revolution is essentially, you know it's a Jacobin occult to do away with thrones and and and religion and to establish this new sort of satanic liberalism, progressivism, democracy, which is a civil religion.
So democracy is actually a religion, in my view. I'm reading this guy.
Mm hmm.
um marks and Martin Erdmann right now, who's a German theologian, ah his latest book, Metamorphosis of Liberalism, and he basically says, you know, liberalism, it's it's not what we think it was, democracy, that it's basically, it's synonymous with liberalism, progressivism, and its end goal will be a totalitarian world state, and everything that we're witnessing today, because, you know, the you you can't have a world state
Mm hmm.
compose the monarchies, right? what what You're not going to get all the kings and queens together. They'll be fighting with each other. So what's the best way? Do away with the systems of monarchies, create these quote, democratic republics. And then once, you know, we have 194 democratic republics, put them into a world Federation and there's your world state. So I think that's been the plan for a long time.
Did you have the World Government Summit? That's the thing.
And there you go. It's like, it's so in your face. And then you look every single government from mayors all the way on down from, you know, I can give you examples here in Mexico, the mayors, the governors of the 30 plus Mexico states, they are all they're not sovereign.

Impact of Foundations on Global Policies

they are the the the globe This global occultocracy is operating behind the scenes, and I can show with the Mexican government's own documents. I live in what is called a Resilient City, which is a 15-minute city. It's officially called the Resilient City, and I found the government documents, which says Resilient Cities are financed by the Rockefeller Foundation.
Jesus Christ.
It's like, I should documents. and And it says, you know, Visa is on board and all these global corporations and they want to create a cashless system. They're trying to take away the cars, they're building up public transport, pre-crime, all this stuff. And so who's, you know, the Mexican governor here is not running the show. You've got Rockefeller Foundation financing him, giving him policy advice, telling him what to do. You've got McKenzie Consulting, you've got UN United Nations agencies, you've got NGOs. And so the governor is basically like a manager who's handed the stack of papers that says implement this and he's like, okay, so that that's how they that's how they control um every country.
Yeah pup but basically puppets and even like you know guys like James Corbett they talk ah yeah you know he did he did that really good um couple of documentaries on the Rockefellers and stuff he says that you know guys like David Rockefeller they're just gophers like Bill Gates they're actually like the bottom of an entire hierarchy that's invisible to most most people and they're really like their lives are not of affluence and wealth like sure in the media they look you know influential when all this amazing charity work they're doing but they're just like they can't take a day off they're constantly on call they they do what they're told and which is kind of a pretty damn miserable existence and actually speaking of the Rockefellers like I haven't really
had the time to dig deep in terms of like the U.S.-China relations weren't. The Bushes and or the Rockefellers like already going to China at the beginning of last century or thereabouts already like creating some relations in the background with the Chinese government.
Just on the point with the Rockefellers, you know, there's a number of, you you you know, James Corbett has done good work. um There's a number of people who are putting out good books on the Rockefellers. Jacob Nordengard, you should maybe talk to him. He's up in Sweden, excellent researcher. He just published a book on the, all on the Rockefellers, high quality.
um And yeah, well, the Bushes, they worked initial early on with the Nazis, Prescott Bush, um making deals.
Yeah. Yeah.
Again, this goes back, if you study the Nazi regime, it was a project of of the occultists and the financiers. you know Hitler couldn't have done what he did without having access to oil, which Rockefeller gave him through standard oil. um And and you know IBM helped create the, the technocratic system to carry out the concentration camps which is so what they try so that was the early prototype of what they're trying to do to us now globally, right?
or what?
So IBM created the paper computer to basically it was an analog version of technocracy and They've been working on it since then and you know Covid was it was a new form of of that. you know IBM was working on the COVID digital pass. Rockefeller was advising COVID response, as they were advising the eugenics early on. and But that's Nazis. I mean, that's about China. and And yeah, in the 70s, they came into China. And there's people, some people I've interviewed, like ah but Peruvian researcher Miklos Lucas, who's great, and he was explaining to me
He said in the 90s, for example, Bill Gates came into China and Microsoft and they set up base there, set up an AI center. And he gave one example, Hu Jintao, who was president of China at the time, yeah normally heads of state will meet first with heads of state, right? So Hu Jintao, whatever year that was in the 90s, when he went on one trip to the US, instead of visiting the American president,
you know his his first visit was I think in Seattle to meet with Bill Gates.
So that tells you where the real power lies. And so China, ah Microsoft and the you know that's a later stage. you know as you but you know It was Kissinger and and and ah Nixon who in the 70s and 80s opened up China. And so I think what happened was um China got on board you know with this global technocracy and occultocracy and there's people in alternative media today who I don't think are being quite honest who say
All our

Rock and Roll Culture and Manipulation

evils are coming. the China is the source of it. You you hear it today, right? They're very anti-China.
China was behind everything. And it's like, no. know I've interviewed Emmanuel Pastrik, who's an interesting guy. His his and and analysis on Substack was mind-blowing. He basically explained how it's and three groups. It's the global financial financiers, right? And then yeah it's it's it's private military intelligence. Again, this is all linked to the occultocracy. And then ah what is and and then like like the private tech companies, private IT. t And they were the ones basically running the you know what happened in the 2020s, in the last, this this operation. So it's not China, it's this international secretive system and all countries went on board with it. And so I think China is plugged into it. And now we're witnessing the struggle between, it's it's like it's like mafias that come to the table to work together, right?
So that's how I view Russia and China and BRICS and the West. They're all like Mexican cartels and they initially said, okay, we're going to all come together and work together. But then you know how it always goes, like in the movies, with whether it's Italian mafia or or a cartel. eventually one wants to one up the other, right?
And so I think that's part of what we are seeing.
So I think, you know, the Russian oligarch, the Russian oligarchy, the Kremlin is in a cultocracy. I think same as Beijing, but it's human nature, right? Not this sort of friction that comes
Right, right. ah Did you ever hear, I'm not sure if it's just hearsay, that um Putin was an illegitimate child of a Rothschild and a lot of these sort of, you know, yeah in within sort of um dynastic clan types, they will have a lot of quote unquote illegitimate children so that their Name is not connected to them But then they are you know kind of groomed over the years and then they're put into positions of power Have you ever heard that about Putin specifically or anybody else prominent?
No, but I could intend to entertain you know what that thesis or or elements of it. and you know it's it's yeah What's blowing my mind right now is, again, that eight-hour lecture by Marc Pascho of himself, a former Satanist occultist.
and I'm reading the book by Dave McGowan. I've had it for many years. Finally, I'm reading it on Laurel Canyon. Weird scenes inside the canyon. um and They come together because he focuses on Laurel Canyon, the music aspect and entertainment, which I think is linked to this other stuff, the you know the occultocracy. and It's mind-blowing because, it's again, it's factual. He explains how the rock and roll sex drugs and rock and roll rock and roll came it was artificial like it it was not organic it came it was directed it came out of nowhere and it came out of Laurel Canyon in in in ah California the birds Jim Morrison in the doors Frank Zappa like they all came from different and all of their parents were military intelligence
there was a lot of the them were um there was a lot of a cult going around stuff and so many people died through suicide or or or being ah assassinated there was like um an elite death squad probably involved and so um that that just get kind of plays to what you're talking about where a lot of this was contrived you know i'm reading right now the section jim morrison like these guys couldn't even play their instruments
Mm hmm.
And their parents were coming from military naval intelligence. And it' so it's like the government, the occultocracy, created the rock and roll movement for their express purposes.
And in in the a lot of these stories of these rockers, you had some types of things to what what what you're talking about, where children were being bred for strange strange purposes.
yeah yeah Yeah, it's a pretty disturbing side. I've i've actually had um a lady that was a generational satanic ritual abuse victim that she got out of the, it was part of the MKUltra program and she got out of it. and Yeah, it's it's um a lot of a lot of stuff most people are like fairly oblivious to, which probably is a good thing because it's straight up literally depressing.
ah if If you start digging digging deep into a lot of that stuff. um But absolutely.
i think I think initially, i'm not as for me, it's fascinating to learn this. and it's i mean I'm i'm i'm not a i'm happy person, and so I think we need to know how the world really operates. and and And with the music aspect, this part, it just makes me think much less.
I think so, yeah.
like I find myself in general listening to much less of this music, especially now understanding where it came from and that its purposes were more for control and demoralization and destruction of you know moral values.
Uh huh. Yeah.
That's what Marc Pacio says.
Their goal is the occultocracy wants to destroy morals.
um They want moral relativism, which is why we're seeing this progressivism.
It's it's you know boys can be girls, girls can be boys, anything goes.
um Now they're pushing bestiality. you know peta Did they put out a tweet the other day where it's ah a man holding a rat and basically saying, talking about bestiality? Like, um'm i'm I'm not kidding.
Like, this is an official tweet from PETA the other day. And so these people are insane. and and And that's the purpose, I think, for example, of rock and roll. And they want to destroy Christianity. They, that you know, um some of the, um you know, it's a long story, but Jaz Coleman of the Killing Joke, I almost got to interview him.
He admitted he was when they formed the Killing Joke in 1980.

Music Industry's Role in Societal Decay

They were housed in the Tavistock, in the building where Tavistock engineers lived. Tavistock is one of the the main institutions of this you know British elite mind control stuff. And he himself was an occultist and he said, yeah, one of our goals is, this was in his newsletter, like the past couple of years, I follow it. And he said in an interview between the newsletter and or interview that ah one of our goals is to destroy Christianity. you know So more relative, that's what Satanism is, what Mark Fassio says.
that's um it's It's anything, you know, what Aleister Crowley said, do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.
So basically, forget the 10 commandments and God and then certain moral truths of right and wrong, do what you want.
Yeah, yeah, it's um absolutely the the music industry. You can see over if you follow it from the 20s, how happy and jolly music was. Over the decades, every year just got more degenerate. and Like I think I think the 80s was a big turning point with kind of heavy metal.
And then later on with the bands like Nirvana and all this super depressive shit. and then Papa Roach. I remember when I was a kid we liked Papa Roach and like Lincoln Park and then that dude was apparently abused and the the other dude was talking about singing about suicide and stuff and I just like I'm so glad that around 2000 or so I got into electronic music that was like pretty underground so it was just like a grassroots movement
and that music was all about like individuals create expressing their talents in the form of techno music and this is the music that has stuck with me since and I listened to it and you can see you can actually feel even though it's electronic like you can feel there is it pushes your buttons emotionally but in a kind of um In a positive way as opposed to like ah a lowering of your energy It kind of energizes you and I don't do like drugs or anything like stuff like that But I feel the exact same way as back when I was a kid and we used to party and do stuff the exact same emotions come up because it's It's designed to you know party music dance music to make you feel amazing and want to dance So yeah
Yeah, I find myself lately like i go I look through the music that I've had over the years, and I'm looking for something to play.
moved away from the
And I'm like, I don't feel like listening to that stuff anymore. I can't.
yeah yeah is that too
And I want something, as you say, that's more mellow. Maybe it's an age thing also, but I like midic medieval music, you know, classical guitar, classical. So I'm finding myself, which is I think is more, it's the opposite of of what they want, right? If you go back to the it's the the healthier stuff, that's as you say, it's we need this brighter, brighter energy right and that not this music of death and destruction.
Yeah. And, you know, my my wife, she she did a lot of ah she she was a former professional ballet dancer. And so all her life was around classical music, like the first 20 years of 23 years of her life. So she would play a lot of classical music, you know, some years ago, to kind of educate me yeah and she would tell me like a lot of the music reflected the times like if you look at it what's the name of the guy god damn um Debussy like Cloud Debussy like his music was so mellow and whatever else
And then there was other composers where it would be super intense. And then she she said, if you actually look, there was like specific wars in his region, let's say Germany or Austria, whatever. And the like, so is it, is the music, look, let' let's not be children, of course, we're not children. Yes, the music is right, at least right now, it is directed to be the way it is, you know, pop music, MTV, all this stuff. But on a deeper level, more subtle level, is it also just a reflection of the decay and the degeneration of society and the psyche and and the, I suppose, the the soul of humanity? maybe Maybe at a deeper level. That's why it is like that, because we, like Rudolf Steiner talks about, we're actually kind of in a degenerative sort of de-evolutionary sort of phase in humanity.
I think that's ah you know that that's also true. um I think even the Bible says in the last days, just men would become lovers lovers of themselves. ah No love, they would hate. ah that Everything would just just more and more just degeneration. And and um just I think it is more directed today. and i'm I'm reading the section in the book, Dave McGowan's book, where he explains how, for example, the doors I think they had, you know, the military ah intelligence had a group of unknown people behind the scenes who created these songs. It's like the doors, you know, they they just came in. They couldn't even play the songs. um he's Jim Morrison, supposedly, he wrote all of the songs
um ah had a ahead of time, ah he had no musical capabilities. like it It just doesn't make sense. So it's just like so almost as if the occultocracy, they had a secret team of of musicians who created the lyrics that they wanted to put into our heads and and the frequencies and vibes of the of the music.
And then they just put these these front men, you know Jim Morrison and others, as as the front men. um But yeah, I think what you're saying is is true. You see all around us, the the just an idiocracy where where we are.
Yeah. So in terms of what is when you say your Christian fundamentals, what does that actually mean?
You know, it's made fun of you know these days, but basically, I just mean, I believe basically um the Bible, you know, I'm non-denominational, but you know, sort of like Baptist evangelical, in terms of my views, but I just take the Bible at its word and in totality and you know believe all all of the essentials, right?
um we're else we're ah
So in just to develop that, what I wanted to ask as a follow up question is, in terms of the Book of Revelations, what's your take of what that is about?

Christian Views on Prophecy and Modern Control Systems

And do you think it's pertaining to this exact period we find ourselves in, or maybe it's been in the past or in the future?
I think both um because you know the end times began
but since the first century, right? Since Christ was resurrected and and and died and was resurrected. And so technically we've been in the end times. And so I think a number of things of the prophecies were things that have been recurring. They're like, ah how how, I forget, what not some of them are specific and then others are ah things that are also specific but whatever that that that recur the the way I view it and and others like I've had a guest on former JCHQ officer, British intelligence officer Alex Thompson of UK Column. He's also Christian and we talked about this and i've I've talked about this with Patrick Wood of Technocracy who's Christian and Canadian pastor Audra Paulowski whose church they shot tried to shut down and all of us have the similar view that
you know you've You have this talk about Antichrist and the Mark of the Beast, and I think you know ah the way Satan operates, he's been trying to take control of the world. He wants to be God. He wants to feel because he's a narcissist, right Lucifer. He wanted to be God. He wanted to usurp the throne. yeah yeah He was a rebel. he was ah He tried to implement the coup d'etat in heaven. He had a third of the angels and then ah God kicked him out because you know he's all powerful.
He just kicked him out of heaven. And um so I think what Satan wants is he wants to create this world, take control of the world and force the world to worship him because he's a narcissist. He wants to feel like what it's like to be God. He's building towards his world empire and you you've got the babylonian empire the roman empire so if you think about it it's each wave each attempt is like a wave where it's you have the roman empire but then it collapses right. And then it comes back as the Holy Roman Empire, right? Bigger. But then that collapses. It's like a cyclical wave. And that matches with the a lot of the secular historians, right? The fourth turn. They talk about these cycles of empire also. And then you get the Dutch Empire and then the British Empire, right? Which is even bigger.
Now you have the American empire, which I think is even bigger with its, you know, it's, it's, it's more of an invisible empire. A thousand military bases, the, uh, you know, John Perkins economic hit man system. time I've interviewed him three times, uh, you know, Bretton Woods IMF.
So the empire is even bigger. It's a bit more hidden. And all throughout that time you had forms of the mark mark of the beast is basically. you know It's in the book of Daniel where you bow down to what the system says, and if you don't, you get your head chopped off. you know and so you know in In the Roman Empire, I learned they had a certificate, kind of like during COVID times, where you had to offer an animal pagan sacrifice. And if you didn't, you can get fined or go to jail or or be killed. um It's just like you had a certificate that you you, you know, and so people would have fake animal, ah fake are like kind of like in the COVID times, you'd have a fake certificate or in ah you know had the Nazi health pass.
right, you had a health pass that you were biologically pure, like an Aryan, right, kind of like COVID, or in the whole home of the Roman Empire, I actually found the primary source, I lost it, I had a link somewhere, primary source document, which which showed, if you did not believe, as the Catholic Church believed exactly the whole Roman Empire, you wouldn't be able to buy yourself, right.
So I think that's something that's always been with us. But it will be even more perfected in totality as we near the end. You get what I'm saying? Like this market of beasts.
So it, would you know, it was easier to get around that maybe like in the Roman empire or holy, holy Roman empire, a little less so in the Nazi regime, right? Because they had more control and think about now this is social credit stuff where we're headed. When, you know, Bible talks about Mark of the Beast on your forehead or or right hand. And I think there's a lot of andal analogy there. I don't think it even has to be an an implant. It could be, but what really struck me recently is you see that you're seeing them develop all these biometrics and facial recognition, right? And they're now there's now stores where you can only pay, you pay with either your face,
or your palm. You've seen that, Amazon, right? So think about that's the perfect that. That's what the book of Revelation says. And so you don't even need an implant. So there if there's no cash and you go to the store and they just scan your face, it tells them your name and who you are and it's linked to your bank account through the system. So you can, you know, you take a Coca-Cola and, okay, you don't wanna buy Coca-Cola, okay, ah but I don't know, some fruits and vegetables and and and ah just they scan your face and it deducts it from your account or you can pay with your palm. But the issue is now it's a social credit, and right? So that your digital ID is linked to all of who you are. And it's like in in the COVID times where if you do not believe
all of the official precepts of what the government says when you go to pay for your coffee it'll scan your face and it'll be like a you know access denied you you have not bowed to the mark of the beast system you we cannot buy you cannot buy anything you get what i'm saying so you so if you um philosophically spiritually reject
No coffee for you, decaf at most.
Yeah, yeah.
Right? Because they'll say you have to accept the LGBT. You have to accept ah you got to be vaccinated. You got to accept climate changeism. Oh, you're you know, you don't believe in our God or you're you're a Christian. You know, and sorry, you can't. Rishi Sunak. What did he say recently, the UK Prime Minister? He said we're we're basically said we're going to war where we're going to initiate conscription. You know what he said? ah For those young British men and women to get conscripted. If you don't, if you don't want to fight, we're going to shut off your driver's license, your bank account.
He said that like a week ago.
Oh my, he said that.
So it's like, so you yeah, he said that, you know, were there are ways tools that we can use, such as, you know, so basically, you they'll take away your ability to to drive, cancel your driver's license, ah freeze your bank account,
That is unbelievable.
This is what he said. This is where we are right now. see you So you see what I'm saying? this is This is how I view that system. And I've interviewed the Jewish historian, and Edwin Black. In fact, I have books right here. I just pulled them yesterday. I haven't read them in the entirety, but the IBM and the Holocaust. and ah war against the weak, I got it right here, eugenics in America's campaign to create a master race. And I think um a lot of, this is the early parts of this program that's now being, that's been continued to to be worked on. And so yeah that's sort of how I view you revelation.
so today just before we started talking i actually signed up to chat gpt to the paid plan and i was like 10 minutes into it i was like Jesus Christ this is gonna save me so much time Why did I, why did, why am I such a, I mean, obviously, you know, why I, I read even my wife is using it for work. Everyone I talked to is using it.

AI, Transhumanism, and Human Limitations

It's saving them so much time was philosophically, you know, I was against it. But now but that I've used it for 10 minutes, I'm like, Jesus Christ, this thing is amazing. Where do you think this AI is going to take things?
I mean, there's a lot of people that I defer to on this subject. You know, Jason Burmas, who replaced me on TNT Radio, he does a great presentation on transhumanism. And I think it's just an extension of, you know, I've interviewed Mary Harrington, who talks about cyborg theocracy and meet Lego Gnosticism. ah And she says, you know, the the the birth control stuff, that was the initiation of transhumanism, because that's using technology then to modify our bodies right and so all this transgenderism is just it's it's a continuation of that of that line and so it's yeah I don't know I think it's Ray Kurzweil apparently just published a new
book and he talks about the singularity and and I just posted about, ah here it is, it's it's someone on Twitter, a popular account summed it up, says the thesis of Ray Kurzweil's new book is that brain-computer interfaces will expand human intelligence millions-fold, unlocking new modes of thought.
This is the singularity. The book is the singularity is nearer when we merge with AI and the two forwards, it says Yuval Noah Harari, a fascinating exploration of our future. And who else but Bill Gates, it says the best person I know at predicting the future of artificial intelligence. And you know, Ray Kurzweil, he takes, I read long ago in an interview, he takes daily supposedly, like something 200 plus supplements and and vitamins because He wants to extend his life for as long as possible for the singularity. And I think it's this is a cult. So when you talk about AI, it's part of the trans transhuman thing. And it's it's it's the occultocracy, going back to that. It's a new religion. It's a cult. um And they believe. Look, none of this is new. In the Garden of Eden, you know Adam and Eve, the serpent Satan told them,
You could be God's. Don't follow God. Don't be submissive. okay Again, he's the rebel. He's like rebel against the authority, the the correct and true authority, which is God. You can become the authority. Brian Johnson, who's part of this AI transhuman movement, he said the other day, I shared it, he's like, he thinks that they can defeat, solve the issue of death. And he literally says, we we want to become God. So I think that's that's part of this whole package. um AI is a tool you know at this point.
like As you're using it, I don't see anything wrong with that as as we're using the internet, right?
AI, as long as it's used for a narrow, like a narrow function as a tool, if it helps you, sure.
Mm hmm.
Although I think you know the internet was created with the purpose ah in the beginning, you know DARPA, arpa ARPANET, For control it's purpose initially what was for control it was never to you know hey here's we created a hammer use it know it writes yeah so i think i will is just it's a tool that will be used.
yeah that's why it's called a net a web
to further put us in this control system. And what Ray Kurzweil in his new book says, it's like the Matrix movie, I think that's what they want to do to us. They want to put the neural ink in our brains and basically make cattle of us. like and enough you know They're the farmers and they want to make us into the cows that they they control. And I think if if we let that happen, you know it will become it could become Like you know mangala and and and the nazis they they the horrors that they if they could have this control over us i.
ah They would experiment i think they're they've already been experimenting on us you know that the eugenics that their genesis so.
Oh yeah.
man They would do nasty things, I think, with us. And I think part of it is they also want to experiment. They want to kill a lot of us on one hand, but on the other, they want to experiment on us because they're trying to find the answer. They need the data. ah um
that they want to input into their AI. I've had some guests talk about this because they're trying to solve the issue of immortality, right which I think is is never going to happen.
They won't look forever.
It's not possible. It's never going to happen.
They talk about uploading your consciousness to the digital realm and living forever. I don't think there's any technology that can ever be conceived that will give them access to our spirit or soul.
Only God can do that. So they cannot defeat death. You know, it's funny, in the Old Testament it says, after Noah, yeah ah ah Moses and all those people lived six, seven, eight, nine hundred years, right? And instead of after the flood, God said, you know, 120 years more or less is going to be the ceiling of human life. You know, if you've had people live 110, 15, 120, 125, 130 years, something like that, but never more. And there was an article in Scientific American or Scientific Journal in 2015 or some years ago that said scientists can't understand how it's like about 115 years. yeah you You could be a 100-year-old, 105-year-old, and it'd be an excellent health.
ah But as soon as you get to 110 or 15, your body just starts decomposing. Like this is official scientific article said like we can't understand as soon as we get to 115. This is official scientific article, you can find it online. And they couldn't explain. and So I think there's this built in, it's hardwired into us. You can't beat that. But that's what they're trying to do with the use of of all these different technologies.
yeah and it's kind of crazy at the same time because I've looked at b Brian Johnson's a few of his videos and he clearly has no idea what the fuck is going on right I remember because ah he and I didn't watch the whole thing it was just a clip with him and Dave Asprey which who's another guy that wants to live to 160 uhm, and Dave Asprey knows his stuff so he asked him a question about something like why do you have so much olive oil as part of your diet or whatever and the guy's like look I can say a bunch of words but you know
everyone will have the data to base his to support his views why they do something and you will always be able to find the data with which to debunk why I do so I have a team he says something like that you know I have a team and I do what they tell me basically that's what he says so he hasn't got a clue and he eats a mostly plant pretty much just a plant-based diet of slop which I guess is what they're, cause there's a million followers now on YouTube. They want to condition people like in the matrix, you know, they're eating that grew that slop that like ultimate, ultimately type crap.
So he wants people, he's very, the ah probably the majority of his followers, very ignorant on on these topics. um He wants them to think that, you know, whatever plant based slop he's eating every day is the optimal dies. But then when you look at his supplement stack,
he is supplementing a bunch of stuff that is only found in animal products. So B vitamins, taurine, creatine, you know things like cholesterol boosting things or saturated fats. So he's supplementing the things that his diet is missing. You know what I mean? It's just it's if you know a little bit about the stuff you look at these guys like it's a clown show on like literally they made it as a comedy so people like that understand the stuff can laugh and be appalled but it's more it's more so appalling than anything because they influence tens of millions of people if you look at their followings and extrapolate and the podcast they're on so it's kind of it's a little bit sickening on on on on the other hand
I never thought about that, but that's an excellent point, what you bring up. I didn't think about that. how he's but Because I saw recently, I saw what he was eating. He would eat like berries and oatmeal, and I'm like, that's all you're eating? like No meat? you know it's just like you It's what? ah But then that's influencing people. That combines with the, you will ah eat no meat.

Critique of Health Influencers and Longevity Obsession

ah you know Just this week, I'm reading, you know here's people can I post the news daily on my Telegram and Twitter feed.
And just last night, it it says Singapore. Again, it's all mainstream news. You can't make this stuff up anymore at this point. ah Singapore could be allowing the sale of certain insects as food as early as next month, restaurants and potential farms which have been informed on the latest um development. And it just goes on and on. You know, I was reading Lufthansa now is going to add for every person who buys a flight. 72 euro charge, you know, the carbon tax green agenda. So they don't want you um flying, traveling, it's neo feudalism, right?
They don't want you eating meat. um They just want you
Let me blow your mind. So one of my clients ah ah last night shared the food sensitivity test that she did herself with a company I don't usually use for food sensitivity tests. But so they they do all the all the foods, you know, turnip, bok choy, tarragon, mint, spinach. And now they have a category called novel foods. Now listen to this shit. It's going to blow your mind. house cricket is on the list migratory locust is on the list um what else spirulina dandelion mealworm they're testing for food sensitivities for these novel foods and three of them are bugs bro they're ahead of the game this this company you know
It's that is I forget now that our our line of thought about well, the b Brian Johnson. Yeah, yeah and just one more point. I use I used to, you know, I'm all for alternative natural health. My wife is homeopath. um But, and I used to take a lot of vitamins supplements, like i'd I'd find good quality ones and determine which ones I like for myself. But now, I'm finding my body is not taking them as as it used to and I just kind of, you know, I had on Doc Mollick and I like what he said that you can't supplement supplement yourself to good health and I just find
you know, one one of the biggest factors in my for my health has been stress, I find like that is the biggest factor. And um if you can create a life where you generally don't have stress, of course, unexpected things happen, like the past few weeks, everything came out once my car broke down. um My website was hacked, I had all sorts of technical issues with hosting and domains and stuff like that.
And then I think something another thing happened. But in general, like, you know I left the radio show because it was too stressful for me and now I'm just working at my pace.
relax I wake up when I want to, I go to sleep when I want to, I work on my stuff and no there's no stress and I'm finding I'm not getting ill at all, at all.
Whereas I think before that the stress destroys your immune system and then you get all sorts of disease or sickness and now it's like for me number one is stress and then eating clean food.
you know um people can be more into vegetables fruits and vegetables and less into meat or vice vice versa. I think both are good. ah But I'm finding less and less, i'm I'm less interested in vitamins and supplements. But but I like the more um natural sorts of supplements like wow what are things like and that I'm thinking of, maybe some mushroom type stuff or curcumin, vitamin C is always great, and magnesium, things like that. But anyways, um yeah.
yeah Yeah, I'm the same. i I actually don't even use a lot of herbs or anything. I use mostly amino acids, which the body recognizes as its own and vitamins and minerals for the most part. And then occasionally we get a little bit more advanced here and there with my clients. But yeah, it's pretty it's all bio-identical natural stuff for the most part. Occasionally some more plant stuff, but you have to know what you're doing with that kind of stuff.
Yes, but we're under no illusion, are we, that we're going to live forever?
Yeah, dude that's but that's the thing, you know, um if you pick a number out of the sky, like, OK, I'm going to live 120 years. What what does that actually do? Other than. creates so yeah in terms of an exercise of okay a goal or whatever it's purely an ego a goal week or ego based goal whereas if if you say something like I want to have lived the life of impact and create left the world a better place than I found it and I want to have
ah you know my goals are like I want to write personally I want to write maybe 10 10 or 15 books in my in my lifetime that impact lives so I think it's it's better to have instead of out it's like a some coaches talk about having an outcome goal you don't have a lot of control over an outcome but if you have a process goal you have a lot of control over the process like football players you know soccer players they have a lot of control over their training what they do what they eat all that good stuff you know how they sleep
whereas the outcome is the game and there's so many things so many variables that you don't have control over so like sports people are really thought this you know do focus on the process and then the outcomes will come so i think it's it's this is again what's what's annoying to me is that it's major influencers
Influency okay maybe you and me you know we're in a like late thirties weekend we're we're maybe a little bit too smart to be to be taken but in by the shit but web i'm certainly when i was in my twenties i was i was doing plant based for you know a couple of years out of that in my twenties. So I was definitely led down a lot of garden paths and younger people, especially younger, like in their teens and so on, early twenties, they're extremely impressionable. So this is what angers me is that they are targeting a lot of these folks that are not yet don't have the yet the the wherewithal to psychically, you know, filter out these things that are, you know, pushing their buttons for
not for their own good, but for for you know the social engineers and goals.
i thought you I think you brought brought up a good point. I never fully thought about this. but you know one for For me, I think the issue becomes There'd be no meaning. like if if If you lived 200 years, this is Brian Johnson or whatever, what do I do every day? I get up. I love the small things in life. I'm a minimalist. I love waking up to the sun. I can go up on my roof, have my good coffee, water, a pastry or something, you know the kids, the family, go meet with friends, go to an event.
you know read a book it's what you do every day right for you know you're 30 40 50 60 and then if if i if i live to 200 well great i'm just going to be doing more of this it's it's not going to mean anything more i'm just going to have more time to do what i'm already been doing, but it's not going to add, you know, whether it's 200 or 300 years, it's it's not going to um add any further value to my existence. and And then that goes back to the meaning. Like for me, yeah I was raised Catholic, but I left Catholicism because I you actually read the Bible and I found, well, the Bible conflicts with a lot of what the Catholic Church teaches. So I just became like, then I examined all the other religions. I've i've read the occult, the Eastern religions I've i've visited. There's seven Baha'i temples. One of them is near my home, former home in Chicago.
which I visited when I was a young man. And I even looked at atheism, and I thought if if I was an atheist, I mean, honestly, like, the that there' be there's no meaning for me. There's no meaning as an atheist because I would literally be raping and stealing because there's no, as that's my view isn't you know as an atheist, because there's no rule. There's no, there's no, not and even as an atheist, it's like there's no meaning to anything.
And so for me, again, the only thing that for me makes sense is is Jesus Christ and God, and that's where I derive, the greater metaphysical, you know, eternal meaning and that we have a purpose to worship God and we'll be with him in eternity. But when you talk about these guys, it's like, okay, great, I can live three, 400 years, but I'm just going to be drinking more coffee and reading more books and like, it doesn't do anything extra, you know?
You know, you really, i if I were to recommend a book, it would be by ah actually one of, it was he was the first guy that I interviewed for my podcast. Wasn't the first one I released, but it was the first guy

Reincarnation and Theosophy in Modern Context

interviewed. His name is Christopher Bache, Chris Bache. And he's written quite a few books, but um his first one was in in the early 90s on reincarnation. It's called Life Cycles, Reincarnation and the Web of Life. And in there, he's like a philosophy but ah professor emeritus of philosophy and religious studies, I think was his sort of exact field. And in that book on reincarnation, he actually talks about um that Christianity used to also teach
reincarnation back in the day it's more it's as opposed to being the exoteric teaching it's more of the esoteric for the the smaller inner circle group like every other religion and we'll have the exoteric those rituals the math rituals east or this kind of stuff and then the esoteric for the you know for the not for the great unwashed for the ade or the initiates let's say And um what's interesting is that he he references the work of a guy whose name I can't freaking remember right now but he basically um wrote multiple books and and did he studied thousands of cases of children who remember past lives like to to an incredible ah detail and and he meticulously documented it. He only published the really watertight cases.
where kids would go to another town, or they they would know like a person owed the dead person's money, and they would know the names of specific and events that happened in that individual's life coming from another city, you know, in India, let's say. So Chris Baish said, after reading all of the guy's work, um he said, i simply I now simply believe that reincarnation is ah is a simple fact of life. And it seems like it's been from the west at least it's been taken out in order to propagate materialism and um ah you know atheism and stuff like that where because then you you really did this what you were talking about earlier is about destroying morality and the family unit because
got if If everything has no meaning, you might as well just do whatever the hell. What's the point of having a family if life is um ultimately meaningless? So I think personally, I've also kind of read some of those. Ian Stevenson is the guy, Ian Stevenson. So I've read some of those accounts and I certainly also believe in reincarnation, like not believey believey, like, oh, you know, Santa Claus. But I really think this is how This is a mechanism in terms of this world. there it's it's we We come and we go and we potentially there's multiples of us. It could be all one one being experiencing multiple ah you know infinite sides of itself individually and as a whole at the same time. Like God in its essence fully then splinters off into like let's say the ocean and enters into waves. There's always waves coming and going but the ocean in in its infinity is is everything.
um And you were just the way you come you go you come you go and I think that um You know these guys You know going like about living forever and so on They're so divorced from that. Maybe maybe they they know maybe they don't know about it But I think what they're doing is again, they're teaching younger folks. They're influencing others that it's one life you gotta make the most of it so you have to live as long as possible and optimize all of these things and take oh all of these supplements and eat this way otherwise you know when you die nothing you know you're done and you're a failure whereas it could be like this infinite journey where again we just keep coming and going and it's the grand theater of the universe that God plays just for because God could do whatever the hell God wants you know
As I said earlier, I'm a Christian the fundamentalist. I would i mean i would actually the reject that from my view, and I've never heard about karma. and in I would assume that that i' I don't think that's in the true Christian canon. That would maybe be with the Gnostic. Gnosticism, which I think is, again, separate. There were people who were called Christian Gnostics, which I think, you know, be heretics. And so, it was perhaps that discussed in the Gnosticism. But, you know, that that's the theme I'm focus going to be focusing on more recently. You know, there's there's a book called Game of game of Gods, um The Temple of Man and the Age of Re-enchantment, which is really great, Carl Taikram. And he talks about how the elites today particularly... i'm Look, I'm looking in the alternative media now, even in our book where we went to
there's a a resurgence now in, I mean, you mentioned the Steiner. um Am I still connected the the internet?
Yeah, okay.
I'm getting signs internet connection. But um we're seeing a resurgence now in, in alternative media and from the bottom up now, Theosophy, New Age,
um Gnosticism and a lot of these ideas and and you know, what what people like this author, Karl Teichrib, argues that the elites, again, they they are the occultocracy. So atheism doesn't really serve them. So it's not going to be They're not pushing us towards atheism now. They're pushing us towards theosophy and this new age sort of Christ consciousness type stuff where one is and where all is one.
You know David Ike's talking about it. Alex Jones is talking about it. Isn't it kind of interesting in all of these mainstream alternative media now? are pushing this idea as are the elites that we're all sort of one consciousness and you know that that diverts you away from the idea of of dualism, right? God, creator and creation, right? And so it's again, ah that's sort of what I'm i'm ah looking at as ah well.
um so So what's next for you in terms of like what what projects are you, what what other stuff are you are you interested in for the you know future guests and so on?
ah just I'm just enjoying, I'm at a place where I'm just kind of, I want to pull back a little, enjoy life, you know, ah relax a bit.
ah But I guess I had some of my friends, I just we had an idea over virtual chat, I guess we're going to maybe also start our own conference in Panama.
ah But it's going to be, again, it's going to be Christian kind conference.
sort of from a Christian view, anti-new world order type thing.
And so we're looking to do that in a couple of months and then in Panama.
Oh, it's...
So that's one thing and then just keep doing keeping keep on keeping on with the podcast and and and growing it. um yeah That's my my baby, my hobby, which has become a business and just work on that and then just you know live day by day. i just As you said earlier, just I never know what's going to happen tomorrow and you know get kids, raise the family.
yeah well in terms of i i i don't know i don't want to go down this rabbit hole too much but uh in terms of
I don't want to use the word apocalypse or Armageddon or anything too catastrophizing.
<unk> Hey, why not?
I'm trying to keep it positive for the listeners. um ah Yes, in terms of s hdf like if
The tomato hits the fan.
After COVID, I think a lot of us were on edge. We thought, oh my God, something something terrible is going to happen. What's your you know over-under for like a big Black Swan event happening that would be of that magnitude in the next you know until the end of the decade?
Yeah, I think we're basically screwed. ah But again, it's my I always maintain a positivity. Again, my white pill, my weight, my life preserver to get off the Titanic or jump out of the plane, my parachute is again, ah Jesus.

Pessimism Towards Future Societal Changes

And so I kind of that takes care of my fears like I'm ready to no one No one knows, you know, it's a difficult subject. No one really wants to die or is ready to die. But I would say I've got my parachute.
I don't want to jump. I've jumped out of airplane once. um And it's not it's, it's not easy easy to do.
So it's like, um you know, I was reading yesterday, a Canadian journalist who I've interviewed sent me his latest article where he talks about how in North America, just as as an example, that Canada USA in Mexico, ah There's a new white paper where they're talking about integrating their response for the next pandemic and how to better lock us down, force vaccines, and all this stuff. So that you know when you talk about Black swans and what's coming, um I have a very pessimistic view of of where we're headed. I think they're goingnna they're going to bring in this dystopia. Every country is activating digital IDs.
ah cpdc you know, you're going to have to to do anything public or private services, you're going to have to have a smartphone, you're going to have to have a digital ID. And again, it goes back to what we were talking about earlier, the social credit, the algorithm get aware, if you philosophically, yeah you don't subscribe to any of the things that your government says, um they can just turn off your digital ID and you can't do you can't do anything. You know, I just I think about the that when I go downtown and put certain parts of downtown here in Mexico now, you used to be able to put coins cash in for the parking.
Now they they don't have that. And I don't take my so I don't want to take my smartphone with me when I go out. And then so now I can't pay for parking and I'll get a parking ticket. you You see what I'm saying? Like they forced me to take the phone.
um And then you got to scan the app, upload your credit card or whatever and then pay for parking. So like they they put you in this untenable
position And so I think we're also, you see the nations are gearing for war. I think that's coming. I don't know what that will exactly look like, but you see, I think they're going to take us to war. That's what many of my guests say. So I think some form of great military conflict, the digital technocracy. you're starting to see more blackout. So, you know, they talked about cyber polygon and, you know, the Mexico a couple of weeks ago, North Mexico, millions of people were over without electricity. A few days ago, the entire nation of Ecuador lost electricity.
New Zealand had a blackout.
So again, it's, it's, they telegraphed. This was all playing out. They told us a few years ago, cyber polygon, there's going to be some cyber event that's going to affect, you know, infrastructure. And so again, it's all planned, I think. And 2030, they're obsessed with 2030. I just thought I'd add this. This was interesting. i can't ah i've I have this theory. Again, I never set dates that this is when crisis is coming back or anything like that. But I just keep these scenarios and ah you know maybe it's maybe it happens, maybe it doesn't, maybe it happens in partially. And i've I've been coming across
ah There's a channel called Messiah 2030, which lays out an interesting case that yeah maybe Christ comes back in the 2030s, because that would be 2,000 years after his death and resurrection, and that would complete 6,000 years of you know Christian history. and The Bible implies that you know we're we're only 6,000 years from Garden of Eden. and so that would you know god talks about six days of creation and you know sick that will complete like the six thousand years or six days and why are the elites obsessed for their having their world government and everything by 2030 again then that's an interesting theory maybe the end times are the end end times are the 2030s maybe not you know i'm not gonna if it comes and goes it comes and goes whatever uh so that's kind of how i view that we are basically in the crucible um
And you know it'd be good to have backup plans, some rural place to go to, but I always think having the social network is most more important than having like a bunker.
Mm hmm.
yeah know it's in the in in you You look at past tyrannies, ah it's it's the number one thing is having a group of people, family, friends, neighbors. that that's the number one thing that helps you survive because you'll run out of food, you're go you know, you'll need help to be to be hidden from the Gestapo or to to make a getaway or ah you can go work on someone's farm for food or something. You know, it's the network, I think is the most important.
yeah yeah man I think on the other hand first of all a lot of the predictions you know 2012 and 2001 or was it 2000 I think yeah I think all of that stuff
Right. 1999.
is people's, for a lot of people's their imagine imagination gets a little bit um the better of them. I think the world will continue on for, I think humanity will continue on for millions of years potentially, you know.
I don't think we
i do I do too.
I believe in eternity, but just in, I guess, a different way.
No, ah i don't mean I mean, i mean like if if even this is a physical place, this realm is a physical place, um I don't think we're going to destroy ourselves. like there Some of the stuff like we're going to nuke ourselves out of into oblivion. I don't think that's going to happen. and I think ah what they probably are doing is they're seeding a lot of this stuff so potentially because when it's seeded in your psyche because we created the world maybe that's a way for them to actually without getting their hands dirty for us to um black pill ourselves into creating this dystopian future that you know they're kind of signaling so i think
Maybe maybe I'm just trying to be positive here um if if If possible, maybe it's just ah a lot of it is just um power um Sort of posturing sort of trying to create fear because you know fear in and of itself is very deleterious to to health and the psyche and So if you actually get out of that fear state as ah as a human, your you're basically that's like 95% of the battle is is is one and then the rest is just what you said, you know, community and like figuring out some backup plans and like, you know, but basic stuff like that.
I definitely think there's an element of that, of what you just said, where they project, um they see either. Well, I think part of it is that they project, they definitely do say what what they're going to do. you know They simulated, they did many pandemic simulations and then they did it. They did cyber polygon simulation and now it's happening. So there is definitely a degree of, they are planning things and carrying them out. But then the alternative media, I think what you say, they take the ball and they roll too far with it.
Right. um And the things that they concoct, you know, the the plan that corporate command that Klaus Schwab has, they can never fully implement it.
you know, the technology is not there. There's a lot of incompetence. And so they can never fully do what they actually want.
There's a disconnect there. Because I think that's kind of what what you're talking about.
And some people, and that's also what ah've I've been guilty of listening to too many of these over the years, alternative media, um um grifters. you know, where every podcast, every broadcast, it's it's the last broadcast. It's in you know, Alex Jones, on every broadcast now is emergency broadcast today. Tomorrow's the emergency broadcast.
It's our last every broadcast is the last broadcast. Tomorrow is going to be a tsunami by your 10 year food supply and your bunker and it's just like, and then you look at some of these guys, you know, I snapped out of it. And and um that's why I don't you know, I don't even currently have, I have places I can go to, but I don't have my own farmland, um ah you know, so that sort of bunker mentality, I don't think that's the way to go. And even some of the people that I've interviewed, I interviewed interviewed this ah Christian pastor in New York City. He wrote a book on Great Reset Christianity, I forget his name, Andy Woodard, I think is his name. And I asked him like, you know, his New York City, if if if if it's the end, or if all this, you know, if if if it's like agenda 2030, or they're locking us down, or, you know, it's a nuke hitting New York or something.

Balancing Preparation with Enjoyment of Life

Do you have like a plan b are you gonna leave new york and go to some rural area or something like that and he i like his answer he said no because you know if it's the apocalypse. Is the apocalypse there's no point in running to it's the end you know it's like there's no really the just it's because because he's got a point because. why you're living in this fear state some of these people and you're not enjoying and and they they they live like what you're talking about you're living for 10 years for 20 years for 30 years every day you're like it's the end it's the end and just like imagine what you could have been doing otherwise right the the life you could have been living and enjoying peacefully instead of freaking out about this stuff and this is why i say you know have a balance
have water filter and then forget about it. Buy some gold and silver. Like I have got, you know, I've got some of that stuff. It's like, I don't even think about it. Sometimes I forget that I even have it. But then when the moment comes, if you need it, it's like insurance is like, all right, I got, I got that. i I can, if they shut off my water, I've got a water filter where I can go to a pond and just, it's, it's like silver ceramic filter that you can use for a long time.
Yeah. Yeah.
And I can just drink water from, you know, the puddle. Like I can get clean water from that and I'll be fine for, good for a good while.
So. yeah yeah Yeah.
Yeah. I like that mentality. I think that that's one of the reason I had to stop listening to a lot of a lot of the the truth podcasts because once you do it, once you know, once you know what's up, I think at that point is just implementation is going to be more information, you know,
Yeah, I mean, what I do, my point now is the podcast is... I like what one of my guests said. who's He's a German scientist, also a Christian. job still landicry He called me a chronicler of our times. And that's basically what I...
and Yeah.
I'm just chronicling, observing what's happening and just trying to make sense of what's happening and in a calm... column measured way. And that's it. So like I can understand, okay, this is what they're talking about doing. I can make adjustments, right in my life for listeners um to better position themselves for friend any potential difficulties. But it's not like, run get get a bunker and run to the bunker. No, ah it's just like, okay, that this is what's happening. You might want to, you know, I've got three passports as an example. um And you know, you're seeing
governments confiscate passports or you know ah to escape Kazakhstan to Mexico during 2020 I I needed more than one passport I I wouldn't have been let through Europe if it wasn't for my Croatian passport you see so it's just kind of like making reasonable preparations not not freaking out yeah
Yeah. Absolutely. Totally agree, brother. Well, look, thank you so much for your time and insights. um As we wrap up, can you tell the listeners how they can connect with you or your channels where they can follow you and all that good stuff?

Conclusion and Listener Engagement

Yeah, just the website geopolitics and empire, geopolitics and, you know, $5 a month, people can become paid subscribers. And then I do, like, we do a weekly zoom call just for members only where we just shoot the breeze, get people's thoughts on what's happening around the world. And there's um people from different parts of the US and the world who join and I'm i'm i'm also thinking of I haven't got around to it yet, but doing also just for members only like a weekly Short broadcast to give my thoughts and yeah I'm very active on my telegram and Twitter where I post what I think is the most interesting news Every day a lot of people get a lot of value out of that.
So yeah Well, thanks for having me keep keep on keeping on
Awesome. kvo Thank you so much, bro, for joining us.
I will do you too.