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Explaining Clown World with Hand Puppets | Teace Snyder image

Explaining Clown World with Hand Puppets | Teace Snyder

Connecting Minds
20 Plays36 minutes ago

Teace Snyder is a multifaceted Canadian artist known for his work as a writer, director, producer, editor, actor, illustrator, and host of the series "Conspiracy Synergy." His creative endeavors often delve into controversial subjects, aiming to provoke thought and encourage exploration of complex topics. 

In 2016, Snyder wrote, directed, and edited the film "Hold Me," which examines themes of human connection and voluntary euthanasia. The film has been made available for viewing for free (link below).


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Beginnings in Filmmaking and Writing

Christian Yordanov
So how did you get into filmmaking, this?
Teace Snyder
ah way back, I wanted to create the sequel to Jurassic Park out of plaster scene in my garage. But then I realized that that would be pretty expensive and time consuming. So I flipped to writing, which led me to do my first few books, the first five or so of which are terrible, and we'll never see the light of day. But that was an easy sidestep from filmmaking directly to eventually come back to it after going to film school in my late 20s. And then I kind of picked it up from there doing a feature and now short documentaries. And that's kind of how I got into the whole thing.
Christian Yordanov
so So you started out as like a writer.
Teace Snyder
ah Yeah, as a default of not being able to like make movies because they're really expensive and tough for a kid to do with plasticine.
Christian Yordanov
So what were your first books about? I'm curious.
Teace Snyder
Oh, my first ones are novels that I wrote that were like cheesy kind of like teenager fantasy science fiction, save the world kind of stuff. And then I wrote ah one of those and comedy and a drama and a bunch of stuff.
Teace Snyder
I even did a ah brief
Christian Yordanov
Thank you for not publishing those. think On behalf of all of us, thank you for not publishing those.
Teace Snyder
Well, at the time when you're like just starting off writing, you're really excited because it's like, yeah, I wrote stuff. and then you realize it sucks. And then you have to recover from it and make stuff that doesn't suck like later on down the line. But it's like, I'm glad I didn't have.
Teace Snyder
all of the various different social options now afforded to kids in order to go out and put that stuff out and really lean into it because it's like, you're confident as a kid. You like, you haven't been shipped yet by the reality of life. It's just like, ow.
Teace Snyder
So yeah, no, that was something that you're right. Isn't out there and won't be out there and the world isn't going to have to deal with. But yeah, it was a different landscape then than it is now.
Christian Yordanov
Yeah. ah They say you're supposed to like write your first book, put it in a drawer of your desk, and never open that fucking drawer ever again.
Teace Snyder
Yeah, I don't even know if I have my book anymore. Like the first three, they're like, they're just, I don't care.
Christian Yordanov
Teace Snyder
They're gone.
Christian Yordanov
Teace Snyder

Introduction to 'Hold Me' and Themes of End-of-Life Care

Christian Yordanov
So, um you you your feature film, that's Hold Me, right? That's the one you're talking about, right?
Teace Snyder
Yeah, that's the first history film that I did coming out of film school.
Christian Yordanov
so Tell me...
Teace Snyder
That's the only one at this point.
Christian Yordanov
So you you wrote that, you edited it, you directed it, you did the whole thing, yeah?
Teace Snyder
Yeah, I did actually a bunch of other stuff than that, but I even ended up using a diversionary name in the credits so that I wouldn't have to see my own name like 20 times in the thing. So I did a lot on that feature over the course of the five years that it took to make it.
Christian Yordanov
Wow, it it took five years, holy shit. So tell tell the for the listeners, tell me tell us what what's the movie about?
Teace Snyder
Teace Snyder
ah So hold me, you can watch it. I put it up online for free for everyone. It is still available on like iTunes and Google and at Amazon and those options, but it's better to just go and watch it on the YouTube one, which you can also get directed to through hold me, the
Teace Snyder
That's the the website where you can find it. You can watch it. It was on corporate report, replacing Hollywood as well as macro aggressions and a variety of other different conversations that go into the subject itself, which is doctor assisted dying and end of life care.
Teace Snyder
And that's the film is a narrative ah feature film portrayal of a woman whose job it is to hold and console people who are being voluntarily euthanized. It happens in an ambiguous place in the United States.
Teace Snyder
And though it's a fictional lens, it very much touches on the realities of Dr. Sista dying end of life care. ah Palliative care hospice, kind of just like what that does to us on a personal level and how we do or do not cope with it as a society.
Teace Snyder
So it's one of those things where it's the full spectrum conversation and ah venturing into a future where they're going to kind of weaponize mercy. And the weaponizing of mercy is kind of a further extension of what we saw emerge out of the entire like healthcare care scare that we saw during COVID.
Teace Snyder
And so these are kind of just like sequential uses of the human condition in order to eventually leverage us within a system that is genocidal from within.
Teace Snyder
ah So it's it's kind of like a a long form conversation that's been emerging on the human level all the way to the bureaucratic one that were then stuffed in like a meat grinder. And what comes out of it is a very necessary conversation.
Teace Snyder
So that's the whole idea of the film is to provoke that conversation.

Impact of Media on Emotions and Cultural Perceptions

Christian Yordanov
Jesus Christ, that is very powerful, for especially for a first film. so um Okay, so
Teace Snyder
Christian Yordanov
We're going to have that link in the description so folks can... ah To be honest with you, bro, I don't know like what's wrong with me, but I um i just don't like sad movies.
Christian Yordanov
I don't know why. like I just can't watch like even like ah i watched the Jones plantation there because I'm interviewing Drew on Monday and like the the the more sort of powerful parts I just do I just like skip over those so I don't I don't want whatever emotion they intended to elicit out of me I'm gonna like unsubscribe to the next two minutes you know why do you think that is like I don't have cojones or what
Teace Snyder
Teace Snyder
I don't know. I don't know enough about the details of what motivates you in in those decisions or what you're hoping to get out of the media that you're you're ingesting. I think it's an interesting dynamic that we all emerged from, which is just growing accustomed to the idea of an intake of narrative portrayals.
Teace Snyder
And that if like in a more ancient context, like actors and and similar figures in, I think it was Greece or ah were held in a very negative regard. And so ah i' kind of like on par with prostitutes. So in the contemporary to grow up in a, in a, like an osmosis environment of constant, like media prostitution, what does that render within us? And is it healthy to avoid it?
Teace Snyder
Or do you want to step into it and kind of use that as an exploration tool for things that we otherwise wouldn't normally feel? So it's at the discretion of the individual, but it's an interesting kind of,
Christian Yordanov
Teace Snyder
environment that we were all marinated in growing or at least I was. I think a lot of us have seen similar films, you know, so I don't know.
Christian Yordanov
yeah it could be because I know in um in a film when there is this melodramatic bullshit going on I know that is for the most part in these bigger films it's designed to kind of manipulate us at a more subtle level I suppose um
Teace Snyder
Some of us might just have an aversion to them now as a result of that.
Teace Snyder
Right, right. So i I agree with that. But it's like, ultimately, what it's supposed to be is a film posing a question to an audience that through listening, that question gives us license for our response, versus the previous kind of like way in which Hollywood would construct things, which was your right to manipulate us and to make us feel things.
Teace Snyder
so So but if you pivot the catalyst for what you're doing with a film, it's less about well, who cares if you can make someone feel something Because it literally doesn't matter. You know, it's like, oh wow, I made someone feel scared. I showed them something scary. Who gives a shit?
Teace Snyder
It's what does it actually elicit in reality from us? What is our subsequent contribution? That's the actual determinant of the merit of a film. And so it's a very healthy transition point away from what we used to want to get out of it to what we're now able to kind of foresee or realize within ourselves because of it.
Christian Yordanov

Documentary Projects and the Truth Community

Christian Yordanov
So let's talk about the the the current projects you're working on. So you've done mini documentary on the Grimerica guys, right?
Christian Yordanov
You filmed Hervoia. You're working on a documentary about Hervoia Morich. you We were in Mexico a couple of weeks ago. You were filming a documentary about Charlie Robinson.
Christian Yordanov
And then you're also going to do one, I think you said, on the Ryan Christian. Was that?
Teace Snyder
yep he and Steve in Tennessee of in early April is the next one that I'm doing.
Christian Yordanov
Teace Snyder
And it's kind of a split project between them.
Christian Yordanov
So so with this whole series Was that excuse me was that your own idea?
Teace Snyder
Yeah, yeah. The idea originally kind of came out of a continuation of my show conspiracy synergy, which is conspiracy And that's just a really funny introduction show for our friends and family to get everyone on the same page so that they can understand the conversations that we're having all the time.
Teace Snyder
And a lot of the time people just want a simple introduction for that and to be able to invite other people along so that they can understand what's happening. And then the subsequent evolution of that are the contemporary versions of that show, which are just mini encapsulate documentaries on different content creators.
Teace Snyder
The first one, as you mentioned, is already up. That's of Graham and Darren from Grimerica. And it's just like a 15 minute portrayal of their journey as podcasters going back the last 12 or so years here in Canada. I went on a retreat to them and, uh, with them and, uh, they were hosting an event at a lodge that they'd rented through an Airbnb and like, uh,
Teace Snyder
on a beautiful winter property. And then from there, I'm jumping to the next one to Guadalajara to view Herbore. And ah that's to give a depiction of him and ah the fruits of his bookshelf as he's there kind of working by himself in the broader community of geopolitics and empires.
Christian Yordanov
Teace Snyder
And then after like that, you've mentioned Charlie Robinson and macro aggressions, his kind of ah personal venture, as well as another number of different kind of intimate portrayals. I'll be visiting him again at his home to do the kind of bureaucratic paperwork side of the book writing process that he offers.
Teace Snyder
But it's one of those things where between all of the projects, i cumulatively at the end, want to pull them together to a feature documentary. that tells the story of the actual truth community, not the mainstream alternative media that's been pushed to the forefront for us, but rather the people who are actually doing the work, both now and the ones who came like well before we did so sort of like standing on the shoulders of of Titans kind of thing. Because that's that's the long form emergent conversation that's come to the forefront. And I want to lend media that gives voice to it.
Christian Yordanov
Wow, dude. So, like, that is... ah Because we we did speak a few times in Mexico, but obviously we didn't have time to talk deep stuff and, you know, me asking the same questions that you're probably getting asked all the time anyway, which might be be annoying unless you're on a podcast and then you have to, like, pretend you're not annoyed by the same shitty, stupid questions.
Christian Yordanov
But um it's...
Teace Snyder
They're important points of intrigue.
Christian Yordanov
Teace Snyder
Yeah. But yeah, I know you mean
Christian Yordanov
it's but But it's it's nice to kind of see that you it's not just I'm going to make a documentary, I'm going to visit my friend, going to go there, going to go here, it's going to be nice. ah movie Movie maker ah life is awesome.
Christian Yordanov
So there's a whole bigger picture, bigger strategy behind it. I really like that.
Teace Snyder
Oh yeah, no, like my show Conspiracy Synergy, i that's four years to do less than 10 hours of content because it took between three months to nine months to edit each one. And they have like rabbit puppets individual, I did the artwork for it and ah like all all kinds of different aspects I needed to pull together as a filmmaker in order to be able to create the filmmaking language that builds from very simple blocks that you can show anyone to then eventually transition with them to a point of being receptive to the the magnitude of conversations that conspiracy theorists, as it were, have on the regular.
Teace Snyder
You know, to be able to push people like that without pushing them over the edge is, i think, a very an important accompaniment of a strategic way of trying to wake up ah the people who, if we don't get them to wake up, are kind of going to be weaponized against us over and over and over again.
Teace Snyder
So it is the ah kind of impetus or the imperative momentum behind what's happening at this very tumultuous time frame to actually be there for one another.
Teace Snyder
And unfortunately, in a psychological war, that's accompanying one another out of Plato's cave and getting them familiar with the lay of the land so that they don't just get like, you know, screwed over on the next thing that jumps out at them.
Christian Yordanov
Yeah, yeah, because I did speak to some people there that seemed like they they went directly from red pill to black pill and then everything everything is a scam, everything is a psyop.
Teace Snyder
Christian Yordanov
And I'm like, dude, like it must be hard to like live in a world where everything is horrible.
Teace Snyder
Teace Snyder
well Well, no, nature is pretty savage. It's like it's kind of a baby sea turtle environment when you're coming out of Plato's Cave of Conspiracy and you're just like, oh my God, what's out there? It's like 90% of you are just going to get taken out. and and sort of just like It takes a while to realize you actually can flourish beyond certain threshold of adversity. But yeah, in that short term, you're going to see some shit. Yeah.
Christian Yordanov
It just went there, I think, yeah.
Teace Snyder
Christian Yordanov
So maybe it's like if I can paint a picture, it's like a little bird. She's in the womb and everything is perfect in the cosmic womb.
Christian Yordanov
and then the the egg cracks and a little bit of light comes in.
Teace Snyder
Yeah, basically. but
Christian Yordanov
and then she sees the beautiful sun and the other birds singing and the gentle breeze caresses her little beak. And then she pop, pop, pop, jumps out of the nest and falls down a hundred feet, smacks into the into the ground.
Teace Snyder
ah basic and
Teace Snyder
Christian Yordanov
and it's like,
Christian Yordanov
Welcome to the world, bitch.
Teace Snyder
Yeah, kind It's like if nature primes you for a lot of this stuff.
Christian Yordanov
Teace Snyder
No, if you think about it in a nonlinear way, a lot of the people who ah flourish in the community where they try and investigate truths that are uncomfortable ah had kind of like foreshadowed parabolic or are sorry, a parable of ah metaphor that they kind of experienced in a synchromistic way in their own life to then venture into la the hero's journey later on.
Teace Snyder
So it's one of those really interesting thing as like a co-companion emergent adventure that we're all on. ah kind of like hero timing our own way through the the landscape of conspiracy and reality and how deep and dark the rabbit holes are. It's one of those really interesting, like I see it as um once again, sort of just like companion. it's not It's not just overthrowing the bad guys. It's who you meet along the way.
Teace Snyder
I see it as one of those things that it's like, that's the real landscape of conversation hidden behind the mainstream. So it's it's a very interesting time to to do all it as well.
Christian Yordanov
So the apocalypse is the friends you make along the way.
Teace Snyder
Kind of, I guess.
Christian Yordanov
Becoming self-sufficient.
Teace Snyder
Yeah, i'm I'm paraphrasing a quote from a woman. I can't, Laura Metz. I can't remember. I'm so bad at it. ah it's It's a paraphrased quote, though. I should mention that.
Christian Yordanov
Yeah, I like that. no To me, yes, sometimes I kind of look at it as, yeah, sure, look, potentially bad things, la la you know, but on the other hand, ah we a lot of people will be prompted to become a lot more self-sufficient, to rediscover the self-sufficiency that their great grandparents enjoyed through the sweat of their brow, but still you are a lot more, you know,
Christian Yordanov
a lot more independent and you weren't, you know, ah ah sort of one diesel shortage or one power cut away from, you know, losing your mind and potentially, you know, bad things

Self-Sufficiency and Spiritual Interpretations of Global Events

Christian Yordanov
happening to you. So um a lot of us are going back to that path of self-sufficiency.
Christian Yordanov
Some of us have land. i don't I don't have land or whatever, but if I had land, I'd be like the chickens, the goats, all that good stuff, you know.
Teace Snyder
Yeah, no, I think it's kind of a duality of the the way it's unfolding because it's two directions at the same time. And they're sort of like tug of war in one another. One, you're right, is that in our community, it is in kind of like more skill gathering and understanding a variety of different things so that you can then offer that to other people and and make everyone better off. That's kind of just like the the ah strength to be autonomy and then to go out there and showcase that to the world through synergy.
Teace Snyder
And that's that's kind of like the road that we're on. And the opposite side of that is the tug of war that we're kind of up against, which is statism and a deep dependency on the system so much that they fight to retain it as it is weaponized against everyone. So it's one of those things where we're trying to like hands off tug of war, communally get out there enough to be able to get our fellow men to understand that they've been weaponized against themselves and also weaponized not to understand.
Teace Snyder
um Yeah, it's a hell of a hell of a thing.
Christian Yordanov
the thing do you I'm just curious. Some of us are a bit more than others. Do you have any more sort of spiritual explanations for what's going on in our world at this time? Or do are you like, these this is the bad stuff happening. I want to wake people up. These are the tools ah of my trade. And that's all I do.
Christian Yordanov
That's my role in this. Would you see a bigger sort of something more? ah yeah i don't i don't want to use the word spiritual, but you see like a deeper meaning to a lot of what's going on?
Teace Snyder
Is there an objective truth in a spiritual capacity that underlies and permeates our very existence, which we are attuned to and entwined with at all times? Absolutely. That's very much a thing.
Teace Snyder
ah Do i I recognize the patterns of that as sort of like a co-companion of one's higher self and lower self at the same time as you sort of stumble through the mortal realm.
Teace Snyder
And I'd see that as part of a transmigration of souls. So it isn't just a one-off.
Christian Yordanov
Thank you.
Teace Snyder
You aren't just here for a brief interval. It's like a recurrent ah returning to a realm until characteristics are mastered through being there sufficient to not have to return.
Teace Snyder
But still the impetus or onus is on us in a spiritual capacity to be self, a serving or selfless kind of contribution to one another so it makes it so that as the curvature of learning and refining each realm that you're in comes to bear its fruits the greatest one of them all is being loving enough to stay there and sacrifice on behalf of everyone else so it is kind of just the process of refining that over and over again while uh kind of juxtaposed with the inversion and the other side of the equation that is ah evil and involution and what that does to us in an egoic capacity that we're duty bound to overcome and transmute.
Teace Snyder
And so that's kind of like the broader contextual spiritual realm ah that there is ultimately at a certain point, one truth, but from our subjective view of it and where we're at at this kind of kind of juncture in time,
Teace Snyder
moving out of the previous exoteric religious mythos into a broader paradigm. That's a very poison pill and a lot for people to be able to swallow that I think is going to see us swallowed up by kind of aggression at one another and the people who have the courage to have that conversation ah in accordance with initiatic and occult science and esotericism going back for generations because it isn't just some like freshly hashed shit that we're all just cooking out of ah whatever the hell we've been drinking online watching on the internet, it's very much an old classical conversation to which generations prior have been privy to, and we're inheriting the responsibility of it.
Teace Snyder
So that's kind of just like big, big brushstrokes of the the canvas tapestry of of the flower of life and and what it is that we've been born into.
Teace Snyder
It's a lot.
Christian Yordanov
I think that's what the buffer told me a couple of weeks ago, what you just said.
Teace Snyder

Bufo Ceremony and Spiritual Insights

Christian Yordanov
Almost word for word. Yeah.
Teace Snyder
Oh yeah, that's that's ah like nice for it to like tap into the future to give you a playback for for experiencing it in real time. Yeah.
Christian Yordanov
Teace Snyder
The Bufo, talk about that to clarify for people who don't know what that is yet.
Christian Yordanov
Teace Snyder
Christian Yordanov
Yeah, so I actually did an episode um ah about it, um just recapping Anarcopulco, but basically myself ah and Charlie Robinson, we went on the the last on the Friday of the Anarcopulco event, the last day of it, we went for a bufo ceremony, which is, um it's basically bufo is the venom of the the toad. I think it's a Sonoran desert toad or something like that.
Christian Yordanov
that ah lives underground for like nine or ten months out of the year deep, deep, deep beyond a hibernation and only comes out for like a month, two or three old or whatever just do everything it needs to do.
Christian Yordanov
And they harvest the the the venom off of that and that is then, you know, smoked. And that's 5-MeO DMT and a bunch of other potentially other entheogenic chemicals ah substances and it just, what bearhar what he said is that this is just the the fastest way to just get a glimpse of the clear light, ah that whatever whatever you want to call the clear light.
Teace Snyder
Thank you.
Christian Yordanov
And Thies was actually he hes was doing the filming the documentary footage about Charlie Robinson, so he was with us. ah you even um You even filmed Charlie as he as he kind of um began his journey. what was your kind of I would love to hear what what was your ah from your vantage point, what was that experience like for you?
Teace Snyder
Oh, well, I was a filmmaker for it. So I wasn't just sitting there watching friends trip balls. It was much more of a jumping back and forth between different angles of them tripping balls as they go through the the different emotional states of it.
Christian Yordanov
Teace Snyder
And then it's a really beautiful scenery where you guys were doing that ceremony. It was at um I don't remember the name of the place exactly, but it's what's it called?
Christian Yordanov
Bambu Da, the resort, yes.
Teace Snyder
That's the name of the retreat. Okay. um Yeah, and then that's on a beach that's just pristine and beautiful white sands. um And they're kind of just on these beds with ah these draped overlays. And there's a pool behind it and a variety of other different amenities for the before and after of the entire ceremony.
Teace Snyder
ah But for me, I was kind of just like running around in the scene of that. while Charlie was going through a deep and profound emotional experience. And then I'm going to kind of interplay that with the various other threads of what I caught while I was hanging out him and for the week in Anarchapoco. And that's when I met you for the first time.
Christian Yordanov
Teace Snyder
ah And yeah, it was a really interesting experience watching ah what tripping on that appeared to be similar kind of like to DMT in a short term interval of ah surreal immersion that you then take like five to ten minutes to gradually ah whisper and then hiccup and then speak again, like out of the abyss that you were kind of just like one with at a certain juncture.
Teace Snyder
So yeah, it's it's a really interesting thing to see people go through that and then come out of it and be in the filmmaker mind as I'm like watching Charlie's hand like spasm for a certain period of time in a certain framing and then like toggling other frames for as he sits up and comes out of it.
Teace Snyder
And yeah, so it's just a different mindset of observing
Christian Yordanov
Teace Snyder
ah And it was interesting to hear Bareheart qualify, like, because he said that other ceremonies with like ayahuasca or other drugs, the filming process itself would interfere with that. But for ah this one specifically, it wasn't something where it would impose because you're so out, you're you're just elsewhere, that it's not actually even going to interfere.
Teace Snyder
So that was another interesting kind of like dynamic of whole ah process of what I was there to watch unfold.
Christian Yordanov
Christian Yordanov
Yeah, I remember at one point i was like twitching really hard and um it was like so overwhelming that i all I remember was ah was kind of on my side and ah few times I let out some kind of bellowing sound like...
Teace Snyder
Christian Yordanov
you know, like a beached whale.
Teace Snyder
Yeah. but
Christian Yordanov
like ah yeah It was just like like the stuff was like coming out of my being.
Christian Yordanov
It's so powerful. I couldn't embody it. And I just opened my eyes for a second. And what ah one of the the ladies there that was working there, I think she was picking something up near me. So that was like the only sort of experience of seeing like something around me. The rest of it it was like just like these overwhelming sort of like...
Christian Yordanov
yeah if you can imagine, like, if you when you see the the white light and then, you know, pretend like you're dying or whatever, near-death experience, you see the white light, right?
Christian Yordanov
And then the next thing is the fucking freight train. And it's just, like, just an ever more powerful image. And it's just, like, this sort of dark ah kaleidoscopic stuff. And then it's, like, um just light, almost like light is in full, but, like, it's...
Christian Yordanov
Just getting bashed into your psyche, it's almost like just too overwhelming to even, i think, ah to even just kind of put in words.
Christian Yordanov
um and then And then some stuff happened and then i was like, why did I fight all of that? I remember I asked myself all of that sort of fighting and tugging away from the from the experience and trying to like almost run away from it and asking Bear Heart to help me. And he was like there like playing the flute or singing. I can't remember. He was playing some instrument to help to kind of just kind of stop the thoughts or whatever.
Christian Yordanov
um it was just so too powerful too powerful to even like embody and then as it sort of subsided a few minutes later i was like fuck why did I fight that I should have just like should have just let that do its thing because i was like whoa why did i fight it and then i just held my my hands to my eyes for like 10 minutes to to darken my field of vision to hopefully hopefully remember like a minor tiny glimpse of what i experienced and like just like 20 30 minutes later almost no memory no real recollection of what
Christian Yordanov
what I saw, but all I remember is two words to kind of the encapsulate the thing. it would be unconditional love. I just saw the unconditional love and the immense sort of infinite power of the, like you said, you know, so the spirit that gives life to all of everything. So deep inside, is this is what we are, but also all around us.
Christian Yordanov
it's It's this sort of infinite power unimaginable to the human mind that is at its core it just showed me the infinite or the unconditional love to experience like bare heart was saying to experience that unconditional love is what what the bufo medicine allows us to do and um ah dude i just i think i cried for like 20 minutes after that i just First I was I was like smiling and crying with tears of joy after a while.
Christian Yordanov
And was like, Jesus. I don't know what happens when we die. we just like kind of bounce sort of um back between these kind of realms and a few levels of psyche?
Christian Yordanov
Do we go all the way back down to to that? Or is there deeper levels? Could you maybe ah have a more coherent picture of what the experience is if you go in and out of it more often?
Christian Yordanov
um Maybe then you kind of understand a little bit better. I don't know the answer to those questions, but um i would do, like, I would certainly, not immediately after, but, like, ah within days, I was like, I absolutely want to do that again next year, you know?
Teace Snyder
That's yeah, no, it's really great description of the whole experience. And insofar as what it touches on with what formally happens after we die, it's a very interesting question. Near death experience literature reveals a lot in that brief little glimpse from an arc arcs, like typal architectural structuring of the dynamic, like After we sever the mortal coil, it would be one thing where it's like you could use the spiritual hierarchies as a structural kind of archetype of ah aspiring ascension as juxtaposed with the karmic consequence of what we learn and are bound to immutably because of natural law while we're here.

Esoteric Wisdom and Spiritual Science

Teace Snyder
So it's it's kind of like a cyclical effervescence through which we learn and experience and in its culmination go through sort of a phase shift, as it were, into a different parameter of our own expression and being, which is itself a beings within beings ah ascension, kind of similar in a ah way that we have an inner biome that is then emergent through us and we are like cells in the earth which is the mother of us all and so that becomes part of that just mortal biological coil that a certain point becomes ethereal and metaphysical and it is objective and can be understood ah through a you can look at like different lenses to do it like kabbalah is a way of scrying the the
Teace Snyder
ah secret world or the hidden world or ah the invisible world or what everything that exists in that archetypal realm, which is then entwined with sacred geometry as an expression of that, which then becomes synchro mystic emergence as we go about experiencing it.
Teace Snyder
And so it's once you understand the codex of what people regard as the matrix, ah you start to understand that it's actually more of like various different spiritual entwinements that are deeply enmeshed with and expressed through us.
Teace Snyder
And so it's it's just very much the full culmination of that conversation. which is ancient and and we're currently living and experiencing it through similar reflections of the ancients, like you alluded to with your ceremony as being a shaman shamanistic experience and traverse through ah this kind of experiential territory, not just describing it an intellectual book archetypal way that I just did, but the experiential way that you actually ventured into firsthand.
Christian Yordanov
Christian Yordanov
and it's it's so interesting when you were filming Charlie, as he kind of laid lay down, could, man, this was happening already before he even, like, so smoked the bufo, but I could, like, as that was happening to him, i could, something was changing inside. I could feel something.
Christian Yordanov
But even already, what as we were kind of just before that, we were sitting with bare hearts and, you know, just, i don't know is it his vibes? whatever Whatever you want to call it, but just this sort of,
Christian Yordanov
you could you could almost sense the peace inside that man. like he's He's been there ah few times, to say the least. He knows deep into his core that, you know't okay, physical realm, there's pain, there's suffering, you know you you whatever.
Christian Yordanov
That will end, the the human life will end, whatever. But the animating force inside us that permeates us, the whole thing, That is eternal. that And that is, um you know, in one aspect, it's unconditional love.
Christian Yordanov
And nobody can take that away from us, you know.
Teace Snyder
Yeah, no, it's ah biological, etheric, astral, and then immortal. And those are the sort of tiers, if you want to think of it as a video game, ascension stars aligned process of us as we go through this journey ah together.
Teace Snyder
And the the bedrock of that is kind of an experience that I've never had. And and you guys kind of like ventured into it bravely. And Bearhart knows it from experience himself because it's very, very serious stuff.
Teace Snyder
If you get into like, I think it's, I don't know if it's ayahuasca. Is that the nickname for God's flesh? Is that what they call it? It's, ah but the the premise, if it's not that that one specifically is is evoked from the name, you know, God's flesh.
Christian Yordanov
Teace Snyder
It's pretty serious shit.
Christian Yordanov
Teace Snyder
When you start to like venture down these roads, it's like ah as surreal and profound as it gets. And then to study it and to try and garner insight into the,
Teace Snyder
the nature of existence and what our purpose is here is um i think more of a ah serious conversation that's going to re-emerge because you can think of like mckenna and leria leary leary as being two figures that were previously handed uh like that that kind of realm and huxley like touched on all that kind of stuff too but uh when it's not a conversation being deliberately um prepared by like the esalen institute or other kind of figureheads like that And as it moves into more of like an attempted, responsible adopt and adoption of it, ah I don't know how that's going to play out. It's something where you can do it much more kind of willy nilly in Mexico that people can just venture into.
Teace Snyder
It is responsibly handled that I observed ah and I'd say quite well.
Christian Yordanov
Yeah. Yeah.
Teace Snyder
at that, like with the whole experience that they host and and what that looked like first and felt like firsthand.
Christian Yordanov
Teace Snyder
ah It wasn't like a ah looming medical apparatus. It was more of like an interpersonal jaunt that was afforded to us in a deeply comfortable way where ah it was safe and like it it just felt like that the whole time.
Teace Snyder
And so even from like describing the paradigm shift of that personal accompaniment moving out of something that was loomed over MK ultra by the establishment to common deer or mindset so that we'd be afraid of it.
Christian Yordanov
Teace Snyder
It's a very interesting kind of like evolution of coming out of the the belly of the beast that we've all been studying more and more from within this community. So there's also that that like ah the shadow of the psychedelic community, and bearing down on the contemporary conversation as well.
Christian Yordanov
Christian Yordanov
So just just to go back, so what what were the, so you said um the the biological, or the the planes of existence, you said biological, etheric, astro, in infinite, immortal.
Teace Snyder
Yeah, and then Immortal. Immortals, the last one.
Christian Yordanov
Teace Snyder
And that's basically the, think of it as like the sum culmination of your ah greatest manifestations of virtue as you go about experiencing this realm. And then logged on kind of a plane of the angelic. Because if you can think of human beings as sort of the 10th angel, moving upward from there, it becomes that which is incrementally immortal to the point of its highest echelon being beyond us all.
Teace Snyder
And that would be more of a ah spiritual structuring of understanding a metaphysical realm. And you can look at anthropology or sorry, anthroposophy as being a good example of that. It's ah Steiner moving away from the theosophical modern model in response to Krishnamurti being kind of championed as if he was going to be the next big deal. He vouched out and he's like, no, I'm not the guy.
Teace Snyder
But ah that's what was the impetus for Steiner then putting together his particular variant of things that from every different theological or um even just ah anthropological lens has rendered a similar output in myth.
Teace Snyder
And that similar output in myth is the archetypal emergence from the soup of the ethereal into the material and then returning to the metaphysical through the experience of it all.
Teace Snyder
And that's kind of just like what the mythos in every different cultural lens that has been given to us has been. And then anthropology or anthroposophy, I always get them. Anthroposophy is translated to a man's wisdom, theosophy being God's wisdom.
Teace Snyder
And so it's the culmination of all of that wisdom throughout all of the religions and experiences of time that then give us the sort of like infrastructure that we're able to explore when we go into having that conversation.
Teace Snyder
And that's called spiritual science. And so that that is kind of the culmination of all of those those myths and wisdom is spiritual science and initiatic science and occultism.
Christian Yordanov
Teace Snyder
And that's that's the best kind of like broad lens encapsulation of that conversation that I can offer people is because it's good it's it's like the one that a cultist and like the elites and shit, they grow up with that all the time.
Christian Yordanov
Teace Snyder
But we're we're excluded from the conversation. So we have to like garner it together from scrying their text to then make sense of the mess. Yeah.
Christian Yordanov
Yeah, yeah. Because, I mean, it's, ah you know, if anyone listening, don't don't feel dumb if you didn't understand the damn word Thies just said. Because I didn't understand the damn fucking word he said. I'm not dumb.
Teace Snyder
Christian Yordanov
I'm adjumacated. um But like, dude, I have all of Rudolf Steiner's books, like in physical. I bought them in physical copies from my, you know, just from my collection of good books.
Christian Yordanov
And dude, every few months or so, I'll start reading one of them, two, three pages. and I'm like, dude, fuck off. Like I, I don't got time for this. I don't understand what this guy is saying. i don't understand what this guy is saying.
Christian Yordanov
So can you tell me, like, okay, let's just pretend I'm five and my parents dropped me on my head too much.
Teace Snyder
Christian Yordanov
who How do you, let's start with, we Okay, biological, we get it. what How do you differentiate between etheric and astral? Because I know Steiner talks about, we have, and other people talk about, we have you know the physical body, the etheric body, the astral body. So how do you, what is the difference between
Teace Snyder
Okay, so I'm trying to grab a book. um This is kind of like loosely tying together electric, electric body, electric health.
Teace Snyder
This would tiptoe into the etheric being kind of just like the Taurus that surrounds all of us as kind of like a visual of it.
Christian Yordanov
Christian Yordanov
Christian Yordanov
Teace Snyder
You can think of it as a body part because it basically is.
Christian Yordanov
Teace Snyder
And that is when you venture into that realm ah You can also even qualify a certain incremental steps moving in that direction, like from a microbiological perspective. I don't know what you would quantify it as, but it's one of the things where there's sort of just like a six foot soup of biological material on a very, very finite level that's surrounding us all the time.
Teace Snyder
So there are different like echelons of moving in the direction of eventually reaching different states altogether. The etheric body being the culmination of that to the point where it eventually just becomes not material. It's energetic. It's it's it's like the Taurus, the apple structure that surrounds all of us, which is then reflected on a higher level via it being something that is also emerging from the Earth. You know, there's the same Taurus, the same insignia.
Teace Snyder
So that's a microcosm macrocosm parallel in the very like emergence of what that individual and larger body is. And so that then on a different stage of our experience, think of dreams every night, you're going to sleep, you're literally diving into a different experiential realm, which is a metaphor of kind of the lunar or right hemisphere openness to all of existence that's simultaneously within all of us, because there is that feedback between the microcosm and macrocosm, which we've already established.
Teace Snyder
So venturing into the astral, that's when you get kind of like the ability to go out there. And it's sort of, You can reach lucidity, you can reach control, but it's more about ah exploring honestly ah the the perceptual lens that it offers everybody, just by going to sleep, just by dreaming.
Teace Snyder
It's actually a really profound ah lens of internal reflection. And that's when you get into Jung and all of the other different like movements of not only in the contemporary, but also going back through all of history, like dreaming for Native American cultures, for um like Eastern traditions, all of these ah different avenues have seen them as and rightfully so.
Teace Snyder
an experience of the divine, which is why once you're looking at it at a structural level, well, the etheric enters into the metaphysical, but the divine is when you get into the astral. That's when it's like our soul out there venturing through all of the different things on a higher level.
Teace Snyder
And then the highest level of that becoming beyond astral to immortal, that's when you start to see beyond simply the cycles of reincarnation and exploration and experience itself to that which is manifest on a higher realm of being and the angelic and there's the inverse of that entire thing via what's called the eight sphere or ah the lower astral or um the hell realm basically if you think of those as different descriptive realms for the inverse of the people who go with the force of involution rather the force of evolution through this whole solar system school that we're in
Christian Yordanov
Teace Snyder
If you understand that dynamic, then it it is very much just the duality of what it is to exist here, be given free will, and have laws that still impose themselves on us as we traverse the entire thing. So yes, there's that structuring to it, but the laws are the degree to which you're in alignment with love or fear on the other end.
Teace Snyder
And that's then rendered to us in a personal karmic consequence as we go through the experience of being everyone at a certain juncture in time and all being one. it's It's like that's the initiatic occult esoteric kind of glossy structural analysis that you can use to understand the unseen world.
Christian Yordanov
And how does understanding this, let's say these occultists, people putting strings in the world at large, how does understanding these things allow them to then have so much influence over the at least the physical world?
Teace Snyder
Yeah, but it's it's just like a brilliant mechanistic understanding of that, which at a certain point becomes basically not something that we can directly see, but we can still understand and interface with.
Teace Snyder
So it's like, it doesn't matter if you can't see it, if you still interface with it, and then you can see the result of interface with but with it, that's what's most important. And that's when you get into ah the cryptography of esotericism and ah the various different ways in which there are objective truths inherent to certain dynamics of nature.
Teace Snyder
And then when you go out about exploring the expression of those, the mixing of them, the alchemistry that comes about because of all that, then you're able to apply that very, very profound and deep understanding of the very existence of the realm that you exist in, in a way that affects and ultimately influences everyone and everything.
Teace Snyder
And so it's like, flawed sort of sloshing your hand around in the water of a fish tank. You don't have to control the individual fish if you get enough of that slurry going on there in the vortex of what you've created.
Teace Snyder
It's a similar kind of like dynamic of what you're creating in the ethereal soup that we swim in and then experiences our lives in. You know, it's ah it's you're you're attuning people to a particular environmental stimulus that is counterintuitive to the best of us and then aligned with a destructive kind of vortex that has been turned about in order to debilitate us and to keep us from being in harmony.
Teace Snyder
So it's it's just like it's that understanding of the part that we play And then at a certain point, recognizing that that that kind of fuckery is afoot and saying, no no, no, we're putting our foot down. We're not going to go that way anymore.
Teace Snyder
So there is very much the exploration and the responsible understanding of occultism, esotericism, shamanism, as we alluded to firsthand with your experience, and then what we're venturing into as a serious,
Teace Snyder
And potentially very dangerous culmination of that, which is the irresponsible application of the knowledge that comes with what we're deconstructing at this time, and then trying to reconstruct in a responsible but paradigm of us being behind the wheel.
Teace Snyder
because we're not there yet we're like as as like a birthing hatching process of the cosmic egg we're not there as a species and so it's one of those things when you get into venturing through this conversation it's something that for the longest time by the mystery schools we weren't even privy to you'd have to go like decades of building up to the point of formally being brought in la plato and other figures of the like to then go through whispering truths of that out to the people who are still using the exoteric lens of understanding to understand things that while we can grasp If you look at who we've been like clubbing each other to death, it's kind of like a pretty big set of keys to hand humanity. It's like, you guys got to be ready for this shit, you know?
Christian Yordanov
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Dude, that is really well articulated. It really seems like you you don't just like read surface level shit. You actually think about these things and you internalize them.
Teace Snyder
Yeah, I'm trying to figure it out the puzzle, basically. That's what I'm trying to do. I'm like, okay, how does this bullshit work? Who the fuck says so? What do they know? Where are they coming from? Why does everyone always have to come back to it being like doom born prophesizing the worst of the everything?
Teace Snyder
And then I realized, oh, shit, that's actually something that's been happening over and over again. Is it fatalistic? Is it deterministic? Is it someone whipping their hand in the whirlpool? Or can we all collectively get our shit together to make it go a different direction and have everything work out peachy keen golden age?
Teace Snyder
I'm hoping for the latter. That's kind of what I think we're able to co-create together.

Collective Consciousness and Positive Futures

Teace Snyder
And so I'm trying to inspire everyone to go out there and be all like, yo, no, we can actually get behind the wheel on this bro and and drive it responsibly.
Teace Snyder
Because I think hopefully we can. And it isn't just an apocalypse waiting with ah like the devil's back hand.
Christian Yordanov
Yeah, that's actually kind of what I was going to ask you next is like, but based on the context of this discussion, do you think we have that much sort of, do we play such a big role in this consensus reality that we have? Like, but just a simple example.
Christian Yordanov
if If the doom porn gets everybody to think, oh my God, it's going to be a big calamitous event going to happen, are we are they kind of leveraging out the the power of our psyche to manifest that into into the existence? into existence the And if if so, why just by unplugging ourselves from the matrix and using our mind to focus on the reality we want to live in,
Christian Yordanov
Could we then be taking power away from that and building something, ah yeah sort of shaping the universe within which we exist to conform more to, you know, the the harmony and the and the love and the peace and the unconditional love?
Teace Snyder
Yeah, so it's really phenomenally important question and one that I return to often. And I would hope the answer is yes, because if you look at simple correspondences that you can almost build together like Lego blocks of understanding, ah you can think of heart math as if you practiced um a certain meditative state, you then elicits a certain rhythm of your heartbeat in a way that would then correspond to and affect the other people and animals in the room with you.
Teace Snyder
So it isn't just like a human thing where we're picking up on it. It's ah a raw biological thing where you can demonstrate it. And even if you have someone who's done this, enter into a room and the people in the room don't know that it's being done, it still affects them.
Teace Snyder
So there is an immediate environment, like cross pollinative dynamic by which we all and our emotional state affects with one another. You can think of, The triggering of menstruation is another example of something where when women are together, they all start menstruating at the same time.
Christian Yordanov
Teace Snyder
There are all these cross pollinative things. At a certain point, if you go into ah practices of like cloud watching of ah these other different further extensions of our entwinement with the phenomena, you can dissipate clouds ah via people who have a certain aptitude for staring at them. It's like a stronger skill set venturing into a side territory.
Teace Snyder
You can think of the scaffolding of apertures that are afforded to human beings as they go through traumatic states. Think of things like migraines, near death experiences, um what it is to be a savant, the these stories of people getting kicked in the heads, and then suddenly they have incredible abilities, ah venturing into paranormal perceptual apertures as well.
Teace Snyder
So that's when you start to look at time as not being linear, you're literally jumping back and forth between different perceptual apertures, as you get more into the metaphysical, because at a certain point, time isn't even anything at a venturing in the astral, because you're looking at it through a mythical lens so once you understand all of these different kind of like correspondences zooming out of our very like siloed and reductionistic microscopic way of existing as an individual human being at a certain point it just becomes an a grander um and there's a good book for it if i can find the fucking um
Teace Snyder
art to tell the story of what I'm trying to say. Yeah, here it is. And it's a a perfect picture of kind of what the process of it all is. And don't know if you can see it.
Teace Snyder
Like, the magician poking his head out of the etheric veil of existence and then seeing the the structural integrity of that which...
Christian Yordanov
Ah, yes.
Christian Yordanov
Yeah. what What is that picture called?
Teace Snyder
I can't remember the name of the...
Teace Snyder
I don't... It's the cover for Western esoteric tradition. ah by
Teace Snyder
ah Nicholas Goodrick Clark. And that's ah that's a good intro for anyone who wants to go over the passing of the torch from one historical esoteric tradition to the next as they emerged over time and grew more of like a nexus because by the time the theosophical society was founded by blavatsky that's already a term that had been used for a long time and so once you understand that it's like a a passing of the torch um study of esotericism going back throughout all of human history uh it becomes something where at a certain point in that exploration
Teace Snyder
Only the visuals tell the story. And so that's kind of why I'm showing that picture as a culmination of all of it, because that's when you get into um it being cryptography, really.
Teace Snyder
And and the way in which those archetypal images over the course of having these conversations have become the way in which the story's most been told. So that's that's kind of what we're inheriting and now with the power of filmmaking and what we're able to kind of share with one another.
Teace Snyder
And that's kind of the the greatest culmination of the filmmaking language is now how to share in a visual capacity all of that very intellectual architectural shit that ah we've kind of like been going into so that people can then just understand it like an intuitive fucking app on an iPhone.

Visual Storytelling and Creative Meditation

Teace Snyder
You know, it's like trying to go that full road, because if you have those visuals as an an accompaniment with the associative understandings, then you're you're up and running.
Christian Yordanov
Yeah, yeah.
Christian Yordanov
Yeah, yeah. Because it's so hard to just read a book because you zone out, you you have to reread stuff. You might not understand what a word means. Like when you read freaking, what's his name?
Christian Yordanov
Goddamn. The dude we were just talking about, dude, I'm blanking here. It's late in the day. um
Christian Yordanov
You just like, like if you if you skip a word that you don't know what it means, how are you going to understand the the the context of what the author is talking about? So when you have visuals on the screen, it's like anybody can get it. I love it.
Teace Snyder
Yeah, no, it's really important. That's what conspiracy synergy is, is like the building blocks. And it literally goes down to like the geometry, but I don't get into that until much later. And I haven't done it yet because at a certain point in the show, the next episode of Culpare, it's a revelation of the method insight into the film language world that I've created, which is a rabbit puppet going through conspiracy with the alternative media as they're kind of like central focus.
Teace Snyder
And that's the cartoon language that allows all of us to then learn the basic building blocks of esotericism. And it's kind of hilarious because the revelation of that method is the upping of the conversation from the building block kind of beginner level to the co-creating, we're actually doing that together.
Teace Snyder
Which is kind of like I find also just what's happening with the general alternative media ah just in and of itself. The kind of like thing that's coming out of it is that we're all moving out of just studying this stuff to going out and trying to like actually do those solutions together, you know.
Christian Yordanov
yeah I'm just curious do you have some kind of like meditation practice or stuff like that to integrate all the stuff you've read and learned over the years do you do that Tai Chi or stuff like that
Teace Snyder
My meditation is the obligation of the work that I do, which is basically alchemical shamanistic transmutation. If you want to be fancy about it, I edit, I make stories, and i feel things to then transmute those feelings via the stories that I make.
Teace Snyder
I smoke a shit ton of weed while I'm editing. When I'm away, I'm more stressed out and kind of just the pinprick nature of what it is to do this and then prioritize it without necessarily being comfortable at the same time.
Teace Snyder
I was really sick when I met you in Anarchapoco and for a bunch different times in Mexico. But ah my workout regiment is a recurrent part of it. From a meditative standpoint, I don't really do a formal practice so much as I just allow myself to exist in reverie and kind of just stare at walls and and just take time with processing. ah It can be something where it's more i listen to a lot of music as I walk. I walk everywhere. So there are different therapeutic aspects, the things that I do in a functional capacity.
Teace Snyder
I don't go all the way to a rehearsed practice meditative state, which I don't know. It's like some people that works really well for others. It doesn't. So it's like it's one of those things where I read about all these different things. um I'm not a terribly unhealthy person. I very rarely get sick. So I kind of just try and operate within those various different expressive therapeutic functions for the way in which I go about life trying to still function as a starting artist.
Teace Snyder
Yeah, so that's that's kind of my my approach for the whole thing.
Christian Yordanov
Yeah, I think that's that's important because yeah i don't think necessarily you have to get into those states to just experience life and learn from life. Sometimes you you know you you might see an interaction between two people um the street or whatever.
Christian Yordanov
And you may learn something profound about God, the universe, the human mind, whatever, like depending on what what state of mind you're in.
Christian Yordanov
um Like, for example, with like my dog, dude, like even today, man, just... just Letting, like, taking my dog for a walk and just letting her run around in nice tall grass, green grass, running around, hopping around like a bunny.
Christian Yordanov
And you could see the smile on her on her face. And the sun is beaming down. And I'm there just like... looking at her, how happy she is. And i could almost sort of relate to her her joy.
Christian Yordanov
like almost like it's it's as if it's beaming into me, just seeing the the joy and just kind of feeling joy for seeing her experience joy. think that's pretty profound.
Christian Yordanov
I don't know if if if it's still kind of the after effects of the Bufo. It's been like a couple of weeks at this point, so probably not. But it's these like little moments there. I'm like, ah just kind of like looked up. but And I shouldn't look up at the sky, but it's kind of the metaphorical. You look up at the sky and you're like, universe, i know spirit, I know you have a plan.
Christian Yordanov
you know ah trust. And you don't necessarily have to find it in a book. You don't have to sit on the freakin ah in the lotus position for for an hour a day to to see that or feel that.
Teace Snyder
Yeah, you can just hang out with your dog. It's true. That's kind of how I see it too. like
Teace Snyder
When you get into studying the initiatic spiritual stuff, it's like, they'll talk about it all the time.
Christian Yordanov
Teace Snyder
It's like, you're just, you just do it as you're living your day. So it's like, you could be working at the 7-Eleven, I guess, theoretically, and still be like that level of guy who's just like, yeah, man, I'm just going to hew everyone with love. And they're going to immediately, yeah, on the deepest level of their being.
Teace Snyder
and still accomplish your your spiritual manifestation of the greatest echelon of human ah existence, which is being really friendly to people all the time while also helping them with whatever they need on a basic level.
Christian Yordanov
Teace Snyder
Christian Yordanov
It's like in the the Zen sort of tradition. At first, when you start, the mountains are mountains, and whatever, the rivers are rivers.
Teace Snyder
Christian Yordanov
Then you're in it. Then the rivers are no rivers and the mountains are no mountains. And then you're past it. You understand stuff. And then everything is like back to the mountains are mountains. And the rivers are rivers. Again, you, you know, fetch wood, carry water, all that stuff.
Teace Snyder
Christian Yordanov
Brother, thank you so much for taking time out of your ah the work the important work that you're doing to join me on the show. It was nice to catch up with you. As we wrap up, do you want to tell the listeners, just remind folks again where they can connect with you and find all the most important work of yours.
Teace Snyder
Yeah, so my whole mantra is that I give ah away all the art that I do for free. And that's like my lifetime supply of being an artist, all the books that I've written that are actually good that made it to being shared with people. And the films that I've made, even the feature film, which took five years and i spent over 100,000 on to be able to create.
Teace Snyder
ah And the short films that I've made, ah first one being on Corbett over 12 years ago. So I've been doing the conspiracy conspiracy and controversy lens of storytelling for a very long time.
Teace Snyder
All of that stuff is on, T-E-A-C-E dot C-A. And that's where you can find the all the art, which is available for you.
Christian Yordanov
Teace Snyder
um Book I co-authored with my mother, who's a video game and dream researcher, Play Reality, How Video Games Are Changing Everything. And then Conspiracy Synergy, which is the show that I mentioned.
Teace Snyder
at conspiracy, which is ah to allow your friends and family to get up to speed on the truth community. And then in the most recent ah side of that, that's going to be via the mini documentaries that I'm doing on everybody.
Teace Snyder
So conspiracy The other thing we mentioned is hold me the movie that's hold me the And once again, you can just check that film out there and it's all available for you. So please support me if you like my work and what it is I do. And if any of that resonates with you, ah please reach out. And I also co-host the last thing AM wake up on Wednesday with Steve Bacconin. So every Wednesday morning I do that as well. And that's another way to support me and stay up to ah up to date on everything as we go through this co-creative conversation together.
Teace Snyder
So thanks for tuning in, everyone. And it was good seeing you again, Christian.
Christian Yordanov
Thank you, brother.