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Curating The World Around You w/ Brandon Thomas

Connecting Minds
165 Plays7 months ago

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Returning guest Brandon Thomas ... Enjoy

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Introduction and Guest Overview

Welcome back to the show folks. Christian Jardinov here today's a guest, returning guest, Brandon Thomas, a man who needs no introduction. So let me introduce him.
Brandon Thomas
He is the host of the expanding expanding reality podcast and just a beautiful, beautiful soul. One of the most amazing humans I know. And I think that's all I'll say on the topic. Thank you so much for joining us.
Brandon Thomas
Thank you, brother. It's so cool to see you, man, in the audience as well. You have one of my favorite shows or one of my favorite people ever. Thank you for the warm kind of intro. And of course, I'm grateful to invest this time with you and your audience and the expansion of consciousness. Let's go, baby.

The Bigfoot Phenomenon

So tell us before we get into other topics, how did the befriending Bigfoot event go?
Brandon Thomas
I went well, um less of a turnout than we expected, or let me say this, less than we needed to fulfill the obligations of the predetermined event, but we pivoted it into something absolutely incredible. And we had an amazing time. We had three different states. We went kayaking. We went to the Marion Bigfoot Festival. We met the coolest damn people. um Our participant, Alison, made me this cool thing. You can see this crocheted Bigfoot where my finger is pointing for the video audience.
Brandon Thomas
Audio only audience. Check the video out. It's cool. And she made that and brought it to us out there. So got to hang out with Josh Cutchin and Scott and Sheila Granger and all these really interesting people do a Bigfoot hunt, or hike rather, because we were befriending Bigfoot. So they called it a hunt, but I was like, ah, we're befriending. Anyway, so we went out there and um hung out in this really undisclosed private property location that they shut down for a while because of all the high activity. Now, I'm not gonna say I'm a Freaky Woo Woo Buster, but it just sort of avoids me. So when we went out, we didn't see anything. But it was it was still a lot of fun, pitch black with a bunch of adults being kids in the woods looking for Bigfoot. And it was amazing, dude. It was so cool.
Sounds amazing. Just for the audience. um I know some people when they hear Bigfoot, it sounds like a farce, like a joke. But can you just just for the uninitiated, explain what is this Bigfoot phenomenon all about?
Brandon Thomas
Oh, that's a that's a man. That's a that's a great question. So I'm going to actually answer your question with some research for folks to do. If you guys would like to um kind of look into the quintessential Bigfoot book, and in my opinion, it's in two parts. There's actually two books, but they're considered one. That's by a guy named Josh Cutchen. He actually was out there on our event. ah He's also a ah first call tuba player in Atlanta.
Brandon Thomas
He plays tuba like a son of a bitch anyway. So ah but Bigfoot, he explains in here. And the title of this book is Where the Footprints End. um And this is by Josh Cutchen and Tim Renner and Tim did all the artwork for this and it's artwork throughout one of the most interesting things I find about that is is that if you look at what Bigfoot has been talked about being anything That knocks in the woods that smells weird that gives you a bad impression That may or may not not be seen as a hairy hominid in the woods Also, though if you were to pull the same
Brandon Thomas
phenomena the same um type of events that occur in the woods and put them in the sky, it's a UFO. If you put them in a house, it's paranormal activity. So it honestly depends on set and setting in in where you feel what you're interacting with is because you don't necessarily expect, I suppose, a Bigfoot to be in a haunted house, you know what I mean? You wouldn't be there, you know, with your um Stackcom machines and things like this tune readings and trying to pick up voices and then a Bigfoot walks in the room that would it's not what you would expect but what's fascinating about this and in that book Josh points out that there's a lot of things that are considered what what's considered class B sightings meaning that
Brandon Thomas
They were heard or felt and experienced without the visual of what was creating them.

Inspiring Critical Thinking and Perception

Brandon Thomas
Right. And so whenever we talk about things in the Bigfoot event, if you talk about like Pine Gap and um these interesting research facilities and how they may have these hominids that they have been geoengineering, that's interesting. that it's a leftover hominid from um some period of time of a cataclysm and they're just really, really elusive. You know, I had a friend of mine, Asher, shout out Asher, um he said that maybe Bigfoot's a completely right brained creature. So they only think in the creative. So there's no reason for them to be logical or scared or anything because they can just flow in and out. They can be invisible in your face because of the way their mind operates, things like this. It's just fascinating all the way down to um a friend of mine who runs Cryptids of the Corn Justin. He has sort of a fun theory that they're
Brandon Thomas
Uh, sort of Eggrigors, like, uh, an Eggrigor or a Tulpa is something that the mind can create that walks around like a homunculus for you, right? Like, so if you need to go get something from the store and you don't want to move, your mind can conjure up, you can do a spell, you can create a homunculus. It'll go to the store, pick up chips and come back for you, right? What he thinks may be occurring is that there's sort of a homunculus idea of a mind projection from manatees. And that's what Bigfoot are because manatees can't walk around on land. So they create an avatar to go do it for them, just as they say those fairy circles with
Brandon Thomas
mushrooms, maybe fairies are actually the mushrooms manifesting and projecting their consciousness into a, air quotes, physical vessel to traverse the world in a way in which they otherwise couldn't. So it's a fascinating perspective.
Brandon Thomas
It's all the way down from ancient hominid flesh and blood creature, biology, science, all that good stuff. And that's a cool conversation. But then also you'll have the where they followed, you know, 15 foot of footprints of a 15 foot tall something out into the middle of a field in snow. And that's why the book's titled where the footprints in and then they'll just vanish. Did they go into a portal? Was it just an apparition and the manatee got hit by a boat in Florida and then the apparition like, you know, erases here, right? Because he lost his concentration, things like that.
Brandon Thomas
So, I mean, it's a fascinating perspective and what I really love about questions like what is Bigfoot or let's talk about Bigfoot is because it's really like any other question about anything around here.
Brandon Thomas
What it inspires is critical thinking and that's one of my favorite things ever is just what's going on here and not accepting the official narrative on anything. Honestly, just questioning everything. im I'm one of those kids. It's like, why? Why? Why? You know, and it's led to some interesting conversations like Bigfoot might be a manifestation of a manatee walking around on earth because he wanted to know what that was like.
Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah, I think um ah as I met guys like you and delve deeper into some of these topics, as time allows, I've just, not that I've become more open-minded specifically, but more how to word it, I am, I think now I am comfortable not knowing, and I think I am comfortable with the fact that i we may never know, or or at least specifically for myself, I may never know really what this world is. Is it physical? Is it a projection of my own? Do we create reality together? um you know Is it what you call it um the demiurge? or we
Is it like a torture plan? Is it purgatory? Is this heaven? Is this hell? But I think that's actually okay. And there's a guy, I don't know if you heard of Wakey Wakey, he was on YouTube, but they took him off. So he's only on like on smaller platforms now. He does some really good stuff. He's into astrology and whatnot. He used to say, when I used to follow him more, he would say, we should just revel in the mystery, man.
Brandon Thomas
Josh has a quote from his book. I'm gonna call it back again with a footprints in and it's that what these things do is that they re in they invite you to Reenchant the world with magic and that's sort of the point of this, right? I mean, it's not about Bigfoot. It's not about UFOs. It's not about flat earth. It's about critical thinking It's about that There's a box that you've been programmed into thinking that you exist in Can you challenge the walls of that box because they're really it's a mental prison here, honestly So when you ask the questions all the things you're saying is Yes, the answer is yes to all of them because I feel this is a very mental realm is very perceptive based experience and you know, we talked about your reticular activating system on the show before that's very important for people to know and be consciously aware that they curate the world around them or they're aware of it or not. You are curating this world around you to be and to see what exactly what you believe is possible and you want to see.
Brandon Thomas
So it's when you um get down to the sort of the science of that and how that bundle of nerves in your mind operates, then it's interesting when you can at first take a look at it and go, yep, that's how my world's created, but also it's empowering to say, well, then that means that I'm not just being hit by wave after wave necessarily of things external from me. That means that the way that I'm perceiving them is the height of the wave or not, right? It just depends on how, if you feel like you're getting screwed over or not, you know, if you feel like there's a lesson in there, then there's some beauty in being able to weather a storm. um Like bison right they run into the storm rather than run away from it because they know that if they run into it They're in it for much longer.
Brandon Thomas
They weather it and it's over the animals that run away from it actually stay with it for longer They're in a cytokine storm release because they're scared of being in that presence and only the bison um Is one of the most predominant animals with this so discharge right into a storm so I think of that in those challenging times and
Brandon Thomas
It's not like I'm a bison in those challenging times. I feel like, you know, um, a leaf being blown around in the wind sometimes a snail being trampled by one of the bison, you know, running into the storm. And so I think it's that scope though. It's very important to feel that range of it for some damn reason. And I know that that's, um, a nauseous ride at times and it can be uncomfortable, but apparently that's stretching you. And this is really what I think. I think ascensions marketed incorrectly. I don't think that it you're ascending. I think what you're doing is expanding. And with expansion comes growth. And so if you think of like a balloon being expanded from nothing, from like a little empty nutsack thing, then you start adding air to this balloon, well, it expands, but but it expands in all directions. It doesn't expand up to higher consciousness and mar Archangel Michael's carrying it along the whole time. No, you're getting down to the not only the highest highs you can get, but the deepest
Brandon Thomas
shittiest times you can get in everything in between. Like that's what I really feel this is about is expansion, not ascension. It's marketed as ascension, so you'll take the ride, but yeah you really do explore the depths of it here ah on that ride, for sure.
Yeah, it's like ah i started working i was telling I started working with this coaching company and the dude that runs it, he says, you know, new new levels, new devils. That's kind of the way he says it.
Brandon Thomas
that you

Growth Through Challenges and Resource Scarcity

It's not it's not a that that the things get easier, they actually get harder. You just grow. And because you were a bigger version of yourself, it may seem easier or the harder things seem just the same as they always were, just new challenges.
Brandon Thomas
Yeah, it's like burning ah off an engine or something.
Brandon Thomas
You need something constantly fueling it for it to produce, right? So you need the mixture constantly entering in for something to be combusting for it to create propellant. And so this ideal of mixing two components is what I think this duality here is, the that's the reason for it. It's a a motivator. It's an inspirer. It's gunpowder, man. it It makes you move. And that's what the air quotes shitty things. And that's what evil is here to do. It's here to motivate you. uh, to combust and get the hell out of there and to change things, you know, to shine light on it, see what's going on, and then to really use it and fuel yourself with it rather than be succumbed to it. Right. And that's one of the most important distinctions here is not to avoid evil, not to any of that, to know it's actually fuel, you know, and that's actually how you are propelled through this realm is by those uncomfortable moments, discomfort, you should be propelled out of that. That's the whole point.
Brandon Thomas
And you know, there's dynamics involved here and it's all in balance too, because you're a human being, uh, you know, you've got a human vessel body running around here that has needs as well, but then you've also got a spirit that's saying, Oh my God, we can, this is this.
Brandon Thomas
And your human body is like, yeah, but I got to sleep and I got to go, you know, eat and take a shit. And I got to go to the DMV, you know, and I got to get my driver's lights and stuff like this. And so it's an interesting, um, balancing act that I feel you're constantly engaged in here. And like you said, the. Yeah, you get to a balancing point, but that's the second you know you're thrown five new things to integrate into that orbit you know and to to balance all the trajectories out it. And it's interesting, man.
Brandon Thomas
It really is. And you are always strong enough, which is fascinating.
So you think they're not trying to depopulate us?
Brandon Thomas
ah They. um Yeah, they.
Yeah. they yeah
Brandon Thomas
The lizard turds. Is that what we were talking about? Because not all lizard people are turds.
Brandon Thomas
I really do want to make that distinction as well, just to make sure we're not whitewashing, painting a brush over everything here. um ah There's levels, so you know me, Christian. You know that i've I view this world. Whenever you ask me a question, I've got four lines, or at least, I've got four main lines of print, right, that come out. And what all those are to answer your question are through different lenses and perspectives, because I share no one true perspective of this place. I think we're temporary truths. That's my one belief is it's things that are true for you now are temporary and they will change, right? And so whenever you ask me this, I see these, you know, um ways that I can answer the question. And the one in the largest font for me right now is how I'll put it. The one sort of that I'm looking at and entertaining the most, not as true, but just as interesting and valid because I seem to view things more as a systems perspective. So.
Brandon Thomas
If we could put on our emotionally mature hat, and we can say that maybe not everyone here that you would call a human being that's flesh and blood bipedal walking around is a human being as you would relate to it. And let's say that vessels, what we are is really more like that. We're just vessels. We're rental rental cars. um Something else, though, therefore, could be driving that car. Not necessarily, because you don't know what you are, really. I mean, I don't. um Anybody, it'd be awesome.
Brandon Thomas
Y'all let me know what we are. um But, you know, I don't know what I am driving this vehicle. um I know that I've sort of got a predetermined um set of things. I have disposition. I have a heart for certain things. So I have sort of innate qualities. but That only makes me the one driving the thing. And then I'm enhanced by what I experience as I'm driving. So if you think about it, when we look around this realm, whatever this is, then it seems to be that there's a certain disposition tapped into with a certain set of group of people. So air quotes people.
Brandon Thomas
Maybe that's an entire lizard turd community beaming into human bodies, you know, not even physically shape shifting. They're just beaming their consciousness into that physical vessel that we would relate to. We'd have a beer with all those things. um And then that's the way that they sort of they end up in this position that they are in right now. Let's say also that um it's just simply a parasite that infects human beings. There would be sort of no difference in a possession, right? So you could take a biological approach to this thing called Vril, which I know we talked about when you joined us last time, where it's a literal parasite that goes into people's eyes. And you can see all these pictures of the Black Eyed Club, and it's not because they got hit for some initiation of something, maybe they did, but they got hit with a parasitic worm that's more of a Borg mind, where they all sort of have this
Brandon Thomas
the same agreement on what the story is, as far as history, as far as what you're presented as science, as far as what you're presented as important, ah politics, sports, um celebrities, these things, right? So they curate and perception manage this place. And I think they are coming to an end. And I think the they that we are talking about whatever it is, if it's parasitic in nature, because that's what it feels like. it's It feels like a section of this place was hijacked and infiltrated, but I mean, that's also sort of a victim mentality that I'm aware of. So let's let's play with all ideas here. So if you say then that it's a parasitic invasion that's perhaps ending, then what it would look like is some sort of death occurring at mass scale. But really what it is, is it's
Brandon Thomas
less energies here creating from that perspective. So again, this takes a lot of level of emotional maturity to talk about this. If this is a manifestation realm where energies create, then that population being at that density would create an overabundance of that energy, right?
Mm hmm.
Brandon Thomas
Because they that's what they're programmed to produce. That's their little batteries running around. nobody You know, the they that we're talking about doesn't create anything. They whisper in your ear to create for them. And so that's sort of what this idea is. They're uncreative, they're unimaginative. They have no fucking um imagination here at all. They're just ah using this place for their own ends. And really, most of it is to be jealous of your creation and to snuff it out. But that's why creative people always triumph, because we're creative as shit. So we're not bound by the same limitations and restrictions, even though it feels that there's an overwhelming percentage of those people, okay?
Brandon Thomas
How this was put to me as well, i'll just to interject real quick, ah is is that this is just a game of basketball. Let's just picture it that way for an analogy. And that there's two teams, okay? And one team has a shitload of members, right? But they're blindfolded and they have no idea how the game is played or the rules of the game at all. And then another team, the other team has much far fewer members, like far fewer, like 1%, okay? But they know exactly how the game is played and they're not blindfolded at all. And so from that perspective, then all those on the team, it's our job to pattern recognize those who are playing the game.
Brandon Thomas
And we can do that with all kinds of other senses than the blindfolds. We use, we utilize other facets, which means that we're handicapped in a way, but we're still figuring this shit out. We're still succeeding. We're still shining light in corners that they can't hide in anymore. And that's what this is really all about. Shine your light, fill this whole place with lightness. So you, no topic is taboo. Nothing is not okay to talk about because those are the things they, they, and again, we're using they very specifically here. They don't want you talking about, but. Again, when you say depopulation, I think that perhaps there is a shift of energies here and it may look like a depopulation event, but also it may be a removal of that abundant energetic process that then, you know, relieves, you know, ideally if energy is balancing, then it relieves a lot of tension, right? And that could be this propel forward that we're talking about. But I don't think it's going to be pretty. I really, from our perspective, I think it's going to be pretty challenging.
But you think the property prices might go down in price a little bit?
Brandon Thomas
I think there's going to be more available space, yes.
Oh shit, that thank god, I like might be able to afford a house in the end.
Brandon Thomas
And always, maybe well maybe we run and figure out that we're not on a ball, ultimately, and that really there's a shitload of land here. And that this idea of being resource scarce is just that, a psyop. And that really there's an infinite land all in all kinds of places.
Yeah, dude.
Brandon Thomas
And that maybe if some shitheads are removed from this energy and that energy blockage, just like in, I don't know, um you know, Reiki or Tai Chi or anything like that. It's about the flow of energy and removing energy blocks. And there seems to be a parasitic, some people call it the faced false matrix, parasitic, reptilian, whatever. There's a lot of ways to anthropomorphize ah this parasite here. That's really what it feels like. It's a parasite, you know. and And once that energy is removed and unblocked, I mean, who knows what's going to happen after that.
Yeah It's yeah, it's kind of interesting because things like you know gold diamonds whatever ah metals precious metals gemstones and
Brandon Thomas
And maybe that's this 5D that everybody's talking about. I don't know.
some people are saying that you know diamonds are not as rare as they're made out to be but it goes even to simpler things like water there's the primary water deep in the ground and then um there is i think the russians in the 60s kind of announced it that petroleum Is freaking a renewable resource, you know, so it it definitely we We see it in I see the microcosm of it like in my own family the scare scarcity the mindset Because you know my grandparents were basically like I guess peasants sort of folk You know like villagers that every almost everybody was so there's a lot of the scarcity poverty mindset permeating jet transgenerationally, but then obviously then it
Brandon Thomas
At a bigger scale than there's these psyops and so on but what's interesting to me because you know the other day we were on your show when we were talking with Don and Obviously, there's the whole terrain theory where there is no real um Quote-unquote pathogen right, it's more the terrain or the person, them being in, let's say, a suboptimal state, that allows perhaps an opportunistic organism, be that a, you know, a bacterium or a parasite to then take hold. And then I

Mental States and Energy Dynamics

was listening to another lady talk about parasites a few days ago, and she said that some of the coaching she does with her clients is what kind of mind or mentality
or state of mind where you're holding that allowed the parasites to take hold in your system because they don't necessarily do that even if you're exposed to them, right? Certain certain times, certain people will get, you know, the infection, quote unquote, if we can even use that word. So what's kind of your take in terms of this sort of take on the parasitic nature of the, quote unquote, um they in in that context.
Brandon Thomas
Yeah, I think um with anything here, it must enter your mind first. It's got to be believed, and this all has to do with your ah RES because, you know, the Amish and the homeless and all those people didn't do the same dance that most folks did in 2020. People in indigenous tribes, um and it's not due to their contact or exposure, it's what they had in common was they don't have TV. So it's got to go in your mind first. And this is sort of, you know, where this all comes back to, it's it's a mental realm. It's what you put your attention to, that's where energy flows. And that's why there's so many things out here they're dangling keys in front of you that are little distractions and i see them as bait hanging on little strings with little pieces of advertising whatever i want.
Brandon Thomas
And but my trajectory is there my goal is here that's my focus and. The second i grab onto a piece of one of those i go oh wait what's going on with the election yeet i'm off and i'm gone. And it yanks you up and it takes you on some damn ride and you're off your path. And then you got to go, oh shit, which way? we doing Oh yeah. And then you realign and go back. It is so distracting and jarring for me right now that I don't even look at that kind of shit. So it's, I don't have the mental parasite. I never got tested for the C word. I never got the C word. I don't. be in the C word, okay?
Brandon Thomas
So I think that it was a mental parasite and its job did its job. um What it also did though is as the balancing occurs is that, that thing's job is to motivate move forward. So at the same time, a lot of people were infected by what they called, what they felt was that, ah took that on as their own and said, yep, I'm, i'm what's your story? ah that's this, that's what's okay. Yep, I've got it. Yep. ah Oh, God, and then manifest all the symptoms in them. And I don't care who you are. Nobody that didn't hear about this got the virus. Does that make sense? So you had to first in it has to come in your mind first ah for it to be able to take over and manifest the symptoms they want in your body. But what it also did was is 2020 was this time for shadow work, man, if you want to look at it.
Brandon Thomas
in the in the big picture because it separated everybody out it it threw a bomb and everything to where it scattered everybody out. And this I've sort of visually represent a a good visual representation of this that I've talked about a semantics. And you can think of a tone, semantics for the audience, it's not aware as a speaker played under a metal plate. with a single tone, and they sprinkle granules over the top of that metal plate. And what'll happen is the single tone, whatever it is, if it's for 40 Hertz, for whatever, it'll it'll create a pattern. Each tone of each Hertz is different. Every single one is like a thumbprint. It's signature, right? And so what I feel happened is, is the Earth was on a single tone for a while. And then all of a sudden, the tone changed. Now, if you've ever watched cymatic videos, you'll see that when they change tones from one to the other,
Brandon Thomas
that beautiful pattern that was there gets chaotic and interrupted and everything scattered and what was holding a position on this side of the metal plate is now way over here somewhere with surrounded by other granules it never even knew now if you think of us as the granules in this analogy then. What we are moving towards is a new pattern, but you're going to see chaotic interruption as all of these things reorganize themselves. Now, it's not like when you go to a football game in the States and you see a marching band where none of those people really hit each other. You know, it's just that they're passing through and everything's sort of like galaxies colliding all of this. It's, it's chaotic, but it's not. I think also this place is again, being all mental. Sam Tripoli has a wonderful analogy for this, that it's a haunted house. I love that analogy.
Brandon Thomas
Because it's things around here your do, they go, huh. And you've got to, though, go on, run off. And that's when you hurt yourself is when you run that way and hit your head on something because that thing scared you. Right. So the idea here is this emotional fortitude, this disposition, this constitution of yours to be able to weather those storms as a bison rather than any of those other creatures that will predictably run in fear. And so this being a haunted house, everything I think other than your direct path is here to distract you from your direct path, whatever that is. Now along the way also, you're gonna find opportunities to help and that is your responsibility too. I think it's all a place, I was talking to Dawn actually earlier on the phone today. She went back to the UK.
Brandon Thomas
spent some time with us and that was wonderful. And we were talking about this concept that I've been really mulling over for a long time is that this idea of keys and locks. I think we're all bound up in certain interesting ways with all these elaborate chains and they're really decorative, but we don't have the keys to any of our own locks. Actually, we do, but we don't know that. So what we do do is we have a ring of keys also, and then ah we're bound up in a shit little locks. But what we our job is like Christian, you know, you've unlocked so many locks for me. And then I know maybe I've unlocked a few of yours as well. And then also with that comes a key exchange program, you know, and then what's even more beautiful is you start taking inventory of your keys, you start to say, Oh, wow, this person in front of me that I'm presented with in my
Brandon Thomas
My ride through this life right now has trouble with grief and I've actually got a lot of practice in grief. I know exactly and the thumb through you got that key and now you offer somebody that key and you've unlocked something in them that they're now they now have the key, right? And so it's this beautiful I think synergetic symphony of all of us out here buzzing around and it is more of a movable constellation rather than a game piece. I think we're all unlocking these and incredibly beautiful grid points just with our physical presence. This is also why we're really called to do events and why the Georgia thing was so important.
Brandon Thomas
We've got a camping event at at our place, at our ranch. We're inviting people into our home to stay on our land.
Brandon Thomas
We have 12 acres out here for Halloween. And we're just doing it.
ah man
Brandon Thomas
It's not for Halloween. so We're just doing that because it's going to be nice in Texas at that time. so
That's awesome.
Brandon Thomas
Yeah, so um it's a um wild ride with all this stuff, dude. So I really do, though, feel that this is an opportunity for you to reevaluate your energy, where it's going, your thoughts, all those kinds of things. I mean, this is back to basics, but it's one of these things that used to be simple, not easy. Now it can be simple and easy. I'm really in more of the yes and vibe. You know's you don't have to trade as much here that you think you do. That was an old model. you can
Brandon Thomas
Yes and this shit. Everything I've got going in my life is not a trade off now. One thing benefits the other. The show benefits the publishing house. The publishing house benefits the events and all in between because we have artists that are in the publishing that we printed their stuff that join us for the shows and then sign up for live art for the events as well. So everything is as synergistic. It looks like a few different things, but they're not. one they're It's like Voltron. It's like, yes, that arm is a lion or whatever, but you put them all together and man, this is some dope shit, right? and
I love your analogies, bro. You really paint a very vivid picture without needing a lot of words.
Brandon Thomas
Look, I'm channeling dead crazy people most of the time, but I'm here for it. and
ah So what what do you do when doubt and worry and fear and sort of future projections come into your mind? Do you do you just block the thoughts out or do you allow do like allow them? too Because when I hear some guys talk about shadow work is kind of And maybe this is what psychedelics do. They kind of force you to, you have to try really hard to not face it. Although I know it's still possible, but it kind of allows you to really just stare blankly at the shadow, it quote unquote, which could be fear, past regrets, et cetera. So kind of what's your strategy for dealing with that sort of the quote unquote, dar um the more negative side of the spectrum?
Brandon Thomas
It is here. It is definitely here. So it is a great question, Christian, because it's very important because I've been mainly the largest font in my print right now has been the dark. And it's been in a dark print on a black background and I can't see shit. And it's been been really, really challenging. So ah first and foremost, no denying the shit and actually first and foremost, no judging yourself ever. ah Love yourself through this entire process cuz it's main job is to throw you off of that and as long as you can keep that as your anchor point keep that as your North Star that What is happening is happening both to you and for you at the same time? I don't think that thoughts are yours. I think that your mind is fucking with you constantly and your brains a goddamn liar and whenever you really give it that sort of
Brandon Thomas
headiness and you treat it with just the same. um It will get you out of some sticky situations, but think about all the scenarios you've come up with your mind and put all that energy to that have never happened. And then it's silly at a level, right? And so we can all sort of look at this with some immaturity and say, we love you, brain, but you're a fucking liar. You're that drunk chick in the back of the car that yells at us for shit. And you don't, you're not even listening to the conversation. Okay. You're, you're taking things out of context, right? You're being selfish. And so if you can align with that, your thoughts are not yours and that you are just simply the arbiter of them, your job is to pass them through you with the mitigated amount of emotion. So energy ah is motion, right? ah And when you put energy towards something emotion, that's just energy in motion. So if you sit back and as you get these negative thoughts, because also, and I'm going to talk about another side to this,
Brandon Thomas
of how they're not yours and you are being bombarded by extra thoughts that are coming to you and I will get conspiratorial with you for a minute, but we have solutions to that. So as the thoughts come in, first of all, love yourself through this. You're going to be told some dumb things about yourself and it's going to sound like it's in your own voice, but it's not. take it on, allow it to pass through, feel that that is a very hurt person or a deliberate attempt, treat it like a deliberate attempt, but also from a hurt person that just needs a voice. Okay. So we don't deny that thing. That's just my my opinion.
Mm hmm.
Brandon Thomas
Don't deny it because it's there. It's just like the, you know, um, the unattended wound is still going to fester. So you need to at at least and acknowledge it because it see for what it is, it's a wound. it's It's also an opportunity, which is beautiful because as people reveal themselves as hurt, you thumb through your keys and you go, holy shit, this is an opportunity. One of the biggest keys that I have on my ring that I know exactly where it is and I have it, it's warm from my touch still, is this idea of the pause. This idea of this non-reactionary, just take a deep breath real quick, you know.
Brandon Thomas
like you talk about with shallow breathing and stuff, and it's being present and grounding myself back into my moment. Then what I'll do is I'll notice smells around me. I'll pick out a few smells. If it's a fart, somebody, okay, thanks a lot, buddy. But usually I'm out in nature. It's some it's some whimsical shit, right? I'll identify a few smells, I'll touch a few things in my environment, and I'll ground myself back to here. And that's when this starts to quiet down. That's when that has no power because you're changing it over to getting back into your body out of your mind. Now, again, don't deny these things. Run through them, but run through them with the grace of a parent that's in front of a tantrum child, okay? And your job isn't to kick that thing. Your job is to fucking put it in the corner until it shuts up. It's to acknowledge its presence.
Brandon Thomas
hear it, but not get emotional because it's having its tantrum. That's sort of the biggest thing here. And that's a huge lock to unlock. And I say that I float out of my mouth with ease like that. That is, I'll let you know when I figure it out. But I know that that's my next step with this is being really resolved in that. But the biggest thing is don't deny it. And don't judge yourself when you're in it. It's a big thing or after it, because you're always strong enough. And these things will propel you to new levels. Unfortunately, and I'm just gonna say it from that, from my selfish perspective as an occupant on this ride, it fucking sucks, man. The way we learn here, the information we're given, our ability to interpret, it's challenging. And it's so challenging, not in a way that you're unbeatable, but in a way that it is so challenging that sometimes you're just like, dude, I need a break. And, you know,
Brandon Thomas
You'll get it, but also you're going to be in this constant state of you growing, and that's this expansion part. It's going to be dark. Let it be dark. It's going to be awesome. Let it be awesome. Don Miguel Ruiz had a great thing on that. It's one of the four agreements. Don't take anything personally, you know, because if somebody compliments you on a day, it has nothing to do with you. They're having a good day, right? Somebody talks shit about you. It's not about you. ah They're having a shitty day. So it's this idea of applying that, don't take anything personally, especially to your lying face, liar of ah of a brain, for sure.
yeah So do you think the brain is lying to us just because it's using very basic programs for survival? Is that is that the reason? Or do you think, going to back to that sort of conspiratorial angle you were alluding to,
Brandon Thomas
I think the brain is

Technology, Thoughts, and Emotional Control

Brandon Thomas
highly logical and knows exactly how to survive in the most efficient way in a realm that's riddled with paradox and not set up to be that way. That's what I think. I think your mind is perfectly suitable, but I don't think we're in the realm for it. I think the environment is what is radically different than what your brain operates at its maximum capacity for. This is why you need this sort of alternative perspective, tapping into ah the higher states as it were, I don't know that I've connected with anything like that. I know that I can get in this flow and I have these things, but I wouldn't identify it as something other than me, right? But I do identify the resistance and I can see how thick this place is to navigate and how resistance riddled it is. And it's it's ah challenging, but again, just keeping your wits about you is the biggest thing. No, it's a mental realm. It's all in your head. That's it. Like that fucking song when it whispers it. it's all on your head
Brandon Thomas
That's exactly it. So just keep that in frame and then laugh at it. You know, have fun with it. Troll this place. Honestly, I walk around with a fart maker at the stores. I know I brought this up on your show, but I've got this little fart maker thing. And I carry this around as a way of pattern interrupting my reality around me and trolling, you know, at the grocery store in an elevator.
Brandon Thomas
This is fucking brilliant, man. You put it in your pocket.
Brandon Thomas
And if you could straight out look at someone when you're doing it. I'm not there yet. I give away every time, but ah it's ah it's a great way again to sort of test this place. It's not as serious. It's really not. I think our job here is just to, again, locks and keys, but really to retain our our childlike wonder. And you know this because it's so emphasized against, because it's such a heavy, heavy realm. And it was whenever I got this freaking voice in my head, and we're gonna talk about this, this voice in my head that said, kill yourself every day for three months.
Yeah. Yeah.
Brandon Thomas
And I was sitting there going, that's like, fuck you. No, you know what I mean? It's it's not me. It's not who I am. and this um it's and that whole ride was absolutely insane, but but whenever you can identify it and see it it, it's so empowering, because yeah, you hear it, and you will acknowledge it, and you'll get pissed, and you'll you have to work through the stages on this kind of shit, but there's no skipping stages, but you do arrive to the PowerPoint of it, to where you're just like, oh, and then I'll see them. There's like five main things my brain will get attempt to get me with, and they've been very successful in the past. So it has these goat this go-to arsenal,
Brandon Thomas
And it'll go, okay, yeah, yeah, send that in. He'll think about that. And he'll take that on and that will distract. That's bait, right? He knows it. Most appealing bait ever. And I can see it. It's so silly. And and it's not all the time. So I don't feel like I've passed something for good. I think that this is... I'm to a place where I'm floating through this to where... it came one after another after another all five and I predicted the next one I was like oh okay you gonna tell you gonna send this in next and there it was and it was so weak I bat it right away I go there it is piece of shit and batted it away and it's this freeing dancing on air and it's this light feeling when you really start to just talk to your own mind and again it's it's ah um you know
Brandon Thomas
I got shut in Taboo because then you're real crazy, right? You're talking to yourself. Nah, man, there's all kinds of stuff going on up there. You acknowledge it. Don't feel bad about it. Most of it's not you. um And then we could talk about Gwen Towers if you want, because I got this amazing piece of Organite from Dawn when she came in and all those suicide voices went away.
Heh, heh.
Brandon Thomas
ah So I am going to hold up the card for the screen.
woe Whoa.
Brandon Thomas
It's called the Chem, is it backwards in this image?
A ah bit more to the other, to the to the your right, I think. to your To your right a little bit. Maybe maybe take it back a little bit.
Brandon Thomas
How's that?
It's a bit blurry. Sharon Daphne.
Brandon Thomas
Yes, so here, I'll give you the ah website. So it's the chembo, C-H-E-M-B-O-W dot com. The chembo dot com.
Brandon Thomas
And it's Organite.
Brandon Thomas
It's uh, Organite, um, they have other things as well, but it's, um, Sharon and Gabe are the founders of this and they are the ones running it. Uh, they have massive gifting parties. I ended up with the piece of this because somebody
Brandon Thomas
gifted it to somebody in California that ended up flying down to Texas. And so it's it's this amazing process. I'm having them on the show soon, but. What this thing does mainly is it bust chemtrails above you, it resets the ions in the area from all the electromagnetic bombardment, and it it it brings back the nature. ah It busts most importantly, though, these Gwen Towers. If you guys want to Google this, it's G-W-E-N, it's an acronym, Towers. Now, you're going to go, oh, that's just a 5G tower. And then you're going to go, oh, God, those are everywhere. And then you're gonna go, oh God, they do what?
Brandon Thomas
And this is part of that conspiratorial thing. So ah not to plant things in people's minds, but let's go ahead and do it because I feel that the solution to it has wider ramifications than what you think you're getting this for.
Brandon Thomas
So we're gonna go ahead and give you a reason to get it, but you need it for more than what I'm talking about, and which is why it's a safe plea safe seed to plant. So with this, the energy coming out of there, There are projects dating back to the 50s in Russia that talked about a sky to skull technology. What this was was beaming words, phrases, suggestions, emotions straight into your head. And it's done with accuracy. It's brainwaves. It's, you know, gateway shit. it's It's all of it. So it's, and it's been going on for a long time, if the realm couldn't always do it always. And that's, that's another conversation probably, but.
Brandon Thomas
With this understanding, we now look around at all of the things in our homes that operate on a Wi-Fi signal, where there's signal being beamed in and then sent out somewhere. And then when that when the nausea of that hits you, you will then say, well, all of those frequencies are not only influencing me physically, but mentally. mostly mentally and be honest with you and they control your emotional states. ah you know There was an article that somebody shared with me just yesterday about AI can detect your emotional state just as from what you stare at on a screen and they know how to supplant that and change that and alter that.
Brandon Thomas
So again, it's perception management where before they would just burn out the old world and give you a you know, world's fairs to interrupt a new narrative. Now they just bombard your own mind and make you think what they want with this AI tech that can predict what you're going to do next. You know, it's Crow talked about this years ago, tro Crow Triple Seven. Shout out. You guys check him out for sure. um He talked about that AI has nothing to do with listening to your phone. and Somebody, oh, oh, oh, somebody's listening to my phone. So I got an ad for cat food. No, that AI can predict you so well that it will throw the ad out for cat food without ever having to listen to you on the exact instant
Brandon Thomas
Number one when you're gonna check it number two when you need it or thought about or talked about cat food. It's a deeper level especially when we talk about what technology is made of which is silica and I've brought up the Arecibo crop circle.
Brandon Thomas
which is a crop circle that had 10 points answered on it from a message that Carl Sagan sent out about humanity, allegedly in space. And um this plate had 10 points on it. A few notable points were that we were DNA-based lifeforms and carbon-based lifeforms and that we lived here and our Earth was this far away from Sun, whatever. But we got an answer in the Arecibo crop circle of all the 10 points answered. They said, we're from this star, we're from this place, but we're based is silica instead of carbon. So could AI and aliens and all that be right here?
Brandon Thomas
And this be, cause silica is what all of our shit's made out of.
Brandon Thomas
And especially if you control the narrative of what biology or living entities are, then that nobody, oh, come on, my phone's alive. Come on, this thing's in, come on. It's silly, right? And that's exactly what they want you to think. But again, critical thinking.
Hmm Bro, you just blew my mind in five minutes
Brandon Thomas
So, um, Organite, definitely check it out. I highly recommend this Kimbo. Um, we put this piece out on our property. No, I mean, the relief was instant. And I don't know if I'm not ruling out that this is just placebo.
Brandon Thomas
Okay. I'm not ruling out that I thought about, Oh, this guy put the tower up two and a half years ago.
Yeah, yeah.
Brandon Thomas
That's when I started getting suicidal thoughts. That's when really shit started going, started losing all these trees and stuff on the property, less than a hundred yards from my house.
Wait, wait, wait.
Brandon Thomas
And we're out in the middle of nowhere.
Sorry. let Let me just make sure I didn't miss something. So you have a ah ah cell phone tower 100 yards from your property. Is that what you said?
Brandon Thomas
in the middle of fucking nowhere, dude. like My neighbor sold a part of his property.
Brandon Thomas
It's a house and a few down the road, but it's less than 100 yards away. Our labyrinth that we walk in, this beautiful, magical labyrinth you know that we have and we've created for four years now, that thing went up about two and a half, three years ago.
yeah yeah
Brandon Thomas
and our neighbor sold that part of his property to put a poison tower up. so But what this chembo does is it goes a quarter mile out for the effect. So not only by dropping it on our property did we cover our property, but all of our neighbors that have been affected by this shift for years as well. They're not going to know why now they're just having great days. We went out there after all these crazy days, chemtrails, all that shit, no rain.
Brandon Thomas
I threw the thing out two days later.
Yeah, yeah.
Brandon Thomas
We got an amazing storm, ah a true rainstorm in the middle of summer in Texas, and all the clouds are white and fluffy with no chemtrails in sight. Now, I'm not saying it's because of that, but what I will say is I have noticed a correlation. What is this realm? Cause and effect, right? Observation. When I put that thing out, whether it was my mind creating all the shit or not, it changed my mind to where now this place is just different. Highly recommend it, and if nothing else for the placebo effect, like I said, if nothing else.
oh yeah oh yeah i have um this guy here forgot what it's called damn it oh my god i was talking about it the other day with somebody shungite shungite yeah yeah shungite and well in any in any case my my uh place here is all wired we don't have wi-fi signals but then
Brandon Thomas
But it really, there's some science to it. Yeah.
Brandon Thomas
Yeah, Shungite.
The freaking freezer that that is emitting Bluetooth because it's smart and then the What you call it the the air pure?
Brandon Thomas
um mr st Thermostats, ovens.
Yeah, the air purifier you you can't turn off the Wi-Fi unless you download the app and connect it to I'm a screw you. I'm not done on your stupid app.
Brandon Thomas
Well, because then it puts some access where they want, which is on your phone, and that's fine.
So Yeah
Brandon Thomas
Because it's again, think of it like a parasite. It's an organism that you're giving access to you. And then on a deeper, more etheric level, this is a scribe mirror. you know This is one of the ancient alchemical, this is how you summon demons and shit is with a black scribe mirror.
Brandon Thomas
And we all just tote these things around. Here's mine proudly.
Uh, just tell the listener is actually more about that because other people have mentioned that.
Brandon Thomas
and it's just interesting.
So what is that whole scope concept of the scrying mirror? I've never actually looked into that deeply. I know it's like a black mirror and you, you say they use it to summon demons.
Brandon Thomas
use it to summon whatever you want, but it's really more of, um it's either ancient technology, sort of like this Tatarian idea to where ah there were all these mirrors um that were around and it was really a tech. So like we have screens now, they were mirrors back in the Victorian ages and they were framed like mirrors or whatever, but they were really communication devices from one place or another. But if you look at the black mirror side of it, think of the um the series Black Mirror. Its job is to reveal all the really dark fucked up scenarios that are possible in this realm if trajectory is continuous, right? Now in the same way, if you think of the mirror mirror on the wall or magic mirror on the wall, depending on which timeline you're from of um Sleeping Beauty, then that's another one, right? So all of these concepts of trapping entities within, but mirrors and entities and access and gateways, that's been a long time thing.
Brandon Thomas
um Not just black ones, black mirrors traditionally were more for black magic, scrying, things like this, but there's also, of course, um they were obsidian. So it was like this, it's not always for black magic. So you can't, again, paint anything in ah and in any way, but it's just like you and your phone. It's just the way that you use it, right? But it does have powerful qualities. It's just now we all carry them around and think it's technology.
Yeah, for sure, bro. For sure. and And I go through all this effort to you know have um ah the Googled operating system on my phone and whatever. And I use Linux and you know all these things.
Brandon Thomas
And they're just laughing.
And then everyone you email, yeah It's it's going to Gmail, you know what I mean? And everyone around you has their phone and that's obviously, you know, recording everything. And so like, why am I even bothering, you know? But hey, you just have to.
Brandon Thomas
It's about energy. It's all about energy. you know Because again, if you're obsessed with the things around you poisoning you, then that's what you're going to be focused on.
Brandon Thomas
That's where your energy goes. right But also to alleviate yourself from this, like to even contemplate that. And I talk about this a lot in the health game as well. you know I think have the Snickers every now and then. Have the Dr. Pepper every now and then. Because you're unterraformed for this poisonous place if you don't, you know, you sort of need a little bit of, not only for your mental psychology, I think it's very important, but also sort of physically, you need to introduce some toxins into your life so you won't fucking die from just walking out in the street from the chemtrails and the water and all the other shit. So you need to sort of be a little toxic Avenger yourself, you know, in a little way, you know, be as mindful as you can. And of course, and I'm not saying giving consideration at need to eat a pot of ice cream, but also I'm not not right. I mean, if you feel like doing that, it's good for your mental health, I can do it.
Brandon Thomas
But I said that the abstinence from all of that shit would also not be mentally inappropriate, but also physically inappropriate.
Brandon Thomas
they just you you know Just do your best here, is all I'm saying. like Go easy on yourself. Again, with love and no judgment, all that.
Yeah, of course. so what what ah So where is this organized from?
Brandon Thomas
Yeah, it's a great question. Honestly, I just called um Sharon yesterday and told her about the synchronicity because how that happened was Sharon and her husband gaybe you know gave up everything, moved out of the city, and eight years ago, just like my wife and I did, um moved out of the country. And they started this chembo, and it's for the chemtrails, for the ionization, reionization. Rather, they have these gifting parties where they'll go on a highway every half mile and bury one of these damn things. So it's a whole vibe. And then they go to cities and do the same thing and they grid it off because these go a quarter mile.
Brandon Thomas
So if you drop one every quarter mile, now you're doing a city's population worth of great vibes, right? Or at least neutralizing the negative energy to give people a shot. And that's really what this is all about. And you'll be amazed whenever you're un-bumbarded by negative energy all the time, you're going to feel like a super superhero but because of how much bombardment there is, right? And so these just completely negate that.
So, so but can you make your own because i'm i'm seeing here it's quartz crystals copper wire and was that what else was it fine metal shavings and a box bro
Brandon Thomas
Brandon Thomas
Epoxy yeah enough in a mold of some time. Yeah Anyone can make these like it's not a big deal. ah It's not a proprietary thing is what I'm saying It's a big deal, but it's not proprietary anybody can go do this and that's very important as well Is that people are empowered to feel that they don't have to go through someone else for their empowerment?
Yeah, i to be perfectly honest, I don't know is it because I'm kind of when I'm here, I'm grounded or earth.
Brandon Thomas
And when I sleep now for the last few months, I finally started doing it when I sleep, which is a minor inconvenience only just I can't believe it took me like three years to start doing it. But I've also in the house, I have the bio musical Jesus Christ. Biogeometry, you heard of that, right?
Brandon Thomas
Yep, yep.
So I've got the stickers on all the windows and most of the appliances and electronics and on there. I have stickers for the water pipes as well. And then I have stickers on the

Energy, Protection, and Dietary Influence

Wi-Fi router. there's There's another shape for that. Then on on my phone, I ah have the ring. And when it's not too hot, like I also have the pendant and a bunch of other stuff, you know, and a few actually have a few different pendants. So I actually in the house, it feels like it's pretty clean in terms of energy, despite the fact that our neighbors down down there now, the the new neighbors have like a bunch of Wi-Fi signals and whatnot. So it kind of feels good.
um even though we have a white ah um ah cellular tower I guess it's about maybe half a kilometer maybe half a mile away so but this if there's like a quote-unquote design out there I'm definitely making one of these suckers man why the hell not okay
Brandon Thomas
Yeah, contact Sharon as well and have them on because she can have a great, a better, you know, she would obviously have a better explanation than I would. I just looked into it yesterday. But it's been on our property for about a week now, less than a week. And we feel phenomenal. I mean, animals are different. Like we had a cat that never came around and now he's just coming around like weird shit.
Brandon Thomas
Again, I'm not like, oh, it's because of the organized, but I'm going to say that changes occurred at that time. So maybe it was all happening on the right time that we just happened to bring this stone into our home and there it is.
wow it's yes and bro it's yes and i think
Brandon Thomas
But It is, yes, Sam. That's what I'm saying is like, you can go down that rabbit hole. And so for those out there having that conversation, have it. Absolutely. But, you know, think of also the, all the things that you have done in your life that you thought would make it better, all the diets, all the workouts, all the anythings. And then maybe you go, well, maybe there's one more missing component because maybe this is like the missing component that makes you capable of doing all the things that you tried before, but didn't follow through with. But it was because again, of this electromagnetic bombardment. So.
Brandon Thomas
I'm going to say this because philosophically, again, this has to be in your mind for you to find it important. if it's because it's in your mind now, because maybe it's mental bombardment, and that's enough for you to protect your home and your family from wifi bombardment, then fine, right? Or chemtra bombardment, cool. But even if it just makes sense on a practical level to just pitch this thing off to the side, kind of like the plu-charcs principle, those people who are Christian just to be Christian because in case they're wrong or right, ah because in case the world's just fine and there's no God, then at least then there's no harm, but if there is a God, they're safe. It's called plu-charcs principle.
Brandon Thomas
Anyway it's sort of that hedging your bet in the right direction so if you in any direction. So rather it's true or not maybe you tossing one of these things off to the side or burying it in your yard affects your name and maybe now you and your neighbor who had beef you know forever now just suddenly get along all of the sudden and he is air quotes come do their senses and you know you'll see like some really interesting magic happen but Again, I think it's a slow boil idea of them going from 2G to, you know, 3G to 4G to 5G.
Huh. Mmm.
Brandon Thomas
It's sort of more influence, more bombardment, more, I mean, saturation is really the word. So if you can give yourself sort of a bubble of exclusion from just innate bombardment, then I think that that's invaluable.
Brandon Thomas
I really do.
Yeah. What's interesting is the the fact that there's copper in this and it's a coil as well. I know we were talking about a little bit about the, damn, we're just slipping my mind today.
Brandon Thomas
Do vortex energies.
What's the.
Brandon Thomas
I mean, it's very, avoid the lecture culture.
The thing for the farm. Yeah, I like to coach here that that's it, man.
Brandon Thomas
So I Was listening to another dude On a podcast. He's he wrote a whole big old big when I say big I mean big old book on copper. It's like a 700 page book all about copper and and he was saying that apparently if if because most people seem to be copper deficient nowadays if you actually replenish your copper that actually can be protective against emfs and then that kind of made me Remember I have a couple of different EMF protection blankets. One is with silver strands and then the other one is a mix of copper and nickel inside like a polyester blankie just for durability. And it's interesting how copper is a really good conductor when the, obviously when the currents, it's part of the the circuit.
But when it's a barrier and there's no physical connection, it perhaps, but due to its properties, maybe it's absorbing the, you know, the EMS or whatever. But it kind of makes me think... Could could it be true that copper, if if your copper stores in your body are at a sufficient level, could that in and of itself be protective? And could that wouldd be the reason why things like glyphosate, the NPK fertilizer, either chelate copper or block its absorption at the root level and so on? and Like I think I was saying on when I was on your show that back in the 1920s, people apparently
people's average daily copper intake was like four to six milligrams and today the RDA which most people don't even get at least in the US is 0.9 milligrams so like a fraction of the four to six milligrams that people used to get so just kind of food for thought there yeah
Brandon Thomas
Yeah, another food for thought is the they that came up with the food pyramid. Horrible, horrible idea. Ramp it with diabetes and obesity. They knew it rolling it out. Somebody thought it was a good idea to impart that perception management on the public and they got it. And so, you know, when we trust the they's out there, that's what we get, right? And so if your they daily amount is whatever, I'd look into that because it's probably either not, it's number one, not true, but just now you need to know by what variant degree, right? we know this as well when the sea happened or whatever a couple years ago don't go outside five days one of the most important damn things gave you healthy. ah Put this thing over your face and recycle your air that's like the opposite of what you should do so again when you sort of go down the list of practicality here and you get out of this authoritarianism which i mean all of this is so interesting when you really look at the dynamics of what it takes.
Brandon Thomas
to be just a confident, functional person here asking questions. it There's just so much to it. So be confident asking those damn questions, you know? ah Definitely another one I want to point out, ah copper vessels. Just get you, my wife got me this.
Brandon Thomas
It's been all over the world with me. I love this thing. And it's just a copper water bottle. Now, I do recommend leaving it open when you're drinking it, when you're not traveling with it so that it has circulation. um That's been in something we've noted. She left hers on and kind of gets skunky.
Brandon Thomas
So I leave mine open. and If I'm not traveling with it, I leave it open all the time. So that's maybe a correlation. But they patina out and I love this thing. And they say at first you're supposed to drink small amounts and then get a little bit Indian. This is my predominant way of drinking water. That's it. And we drink a shit load of water.
You do know it needs to stay, the water needs to stay in there about 24 hours to to actually absorb the thing. you You leave it overnight, right?
Brandon Thomas
Oh yeah, it's always full.
Brandon Thomas
So any time this thing is um out, it's full.
Brandon Thomas
If I'm not drinking it, out I run immediately over to the where we have the filtered water, fill it up, and just even set it out, and that's it. Yeah.
Yeah, I have three or four of those, actually. I have one from from the the trip we took a few weeks ago, so thanks for telling me I need to keep it open because it's got a little bit of water in there.
Brandon Thomas
Love them.
Brandon Thomas
I don't want it to get, you know, whatever moldy. Although it's ah it's an antifungal, copper is a copper spray, like a copper sulfate solution is an antifungal so actually what I was thinking of because we we have a little bit of um humidity and moisture in the in the kind of the autumn winter months um I was thinking when we repaint the place I'm gonna mix some of this copper sulfate in the paint to kind of
Brandon Thomas
Prevent future fungal growth. It's a blue. It's a gorgeous blue color actually So if you want kind of a slightly blue color It really mixes well with paint and when it's on the skin for some reason it goes red green Sorry, not red, but um it's kind of interesting the what another thing I was a little bit I guess more esoteric my kind of
Brandon Thomas
ah Shower thought is you know how ah maybe you you can shed some of your thoughts on this if you ever thought about it But you know how they consider royalty quote-unquote blue bloods, right? I don't know where that came from. Maybe there's a whole story behind it, but I wonder could it be that Maybe we were so much more High in copper that our blood used to be blue or maybe some people they just ah They're not as deficient and we are and they have this kind of blue color of the blood from this copper I don't know dude. I'm just kind of like throwing throwing shit at the wall here, but
Brandon Thomas
ah Yes, no, you're you're throwing it right because this idea of us running on something different or other than mostly iron blood or something like that, then it it expands your ability to critically think because this is where we can get to, oh shit, aliens are silica based and their AI is an alien, right? So we can get there through the examples of other organisms that do this, ah octopuses. This is another reason they say octopus or octopi, whatever. um Are aliens is because they have ah blue blood but it's from copper. So then it's interesting to think that Octopus is what are they? They're survival.
Brandon Thomas
They're tough. They're cunning they some can shapeshift and mimic So they also have mimicry quality to their survival and adaptation.
Hmm Very smart, yeah
Brandon Thomas
So then we're talking ah Maybe the shapeshifting lizard turds being you know, the Queen and stuff like this, right? So maybe And octopus have copper blood and then a lot of people say that space is water or that how you get to outer space or what they're calling outer space is through the ocean because there's sort of entrances that go out. um Of our bubble whatever that is so that would mean then that most of or perhaps all the anything in the ocean is. extraterrestrial in origin because it comes in from somewhere else and maybe that's what from an evolutionary standpoint we were as far as Darwin's idea that we came from the water good toady song too um but really we were ah planted here by an alien race that can swim through under like these usos unidentified submersible vehicles they find everywhere
Brandon Thomas
Then maybe, you know, they just kind of plopped us up on this bubble in some bubble under some weird ocean and then dropped us off on dry land in this environment and then scooted out off to air quotes after space with out of space, which is really under the water.
Brandon Thomas
And then maybe dolphins and octopuses and shit are here to monitor us and sharks and make sure we don't get out.
Well, we know the pigeons are for sure.
Brandon Thomas
Pigeons are full of shit, dude. There's not real or government spy drones. Everybody knows this.
but know Those motherfuckers can be trusted, that's for sure.
Brandon Thomas
ah i Love that so much. Oh, but that's a good rabbit hole whenever you if you want to have it man you go in and look at um insect drones.
we we We did have that rabbit hole, I think, a couple of ah episodes ago.
Brandon Thomas
Yeah You have to and then insect drones as well as part of that conversation to those little fucking mosquito drones Oh
The insect drones. Yeah, because it's kind of yeah weird to me that because iron is actually super reactive, especially iron and oxygen, obviously creating rust. So the everything is iron fortified in the Western world, or at least in the US, like cereal, a freakin serving of cereal could have like two, three days worth of iron for like a developing person. That's way, way, way too much. And also why the emphasis on iron though and iron deficiency being, you know,
so prevalent around the world and maybe it is you know maybe people don't need that much meat in in kind of third world countries and whatnot or whatever but um there seems to the thing is like the body is like such a integrated system it seems like if you just pull out one cog dysregulate one cog the the rest will Did become dysfunctional because it's all needed like one one vitamin deficiency one mineral deficiency You know in some cases one amino acid deficiency can be enough to cause very serious mental or physical illness, so

Societal Norms and Historical Influence

Brandon Thomas
it's like um Mark Pacio saying you you don't need to get to both the sexes If you can if you can manipulate one
that is enough to create a rift between men and women, like like the the feminist movement, for example. ah okay Every time i my wife kind of brings something like this, feminism, this, like, yeah you know, the Rockefellers, and um not not that I'm being like a victim here or whatever, I'm saying, you know, the Rockefellers sort of sponsor that.
Brandon Thomas
And what do you have now? You have the man and the woman working, And this they can't afford to buy their own home. They have to get like ah a death contract, a mortgage. ah Most people are leasing their car or, you know, paying it off. And so what what did this whole movement actually do? Did it empower women or are they just wage slaves like men were? Except now both are. And then your kid, you can't afford to stay at home. So your kid is out of the home getting raised by who? By the state.
Brandon Thomas
Seems pretty contrived, seems pretty directed. And, you know, it's a perception management campaign. And I don't think it's silly to ask questions like that and sitcoms, because I think the truth is revealed in movies and sitcoms and things like that. um I think that whenever you see Neil deGrasse Tyson in a movie, that shows you that he's an actor, not that there's a scientist posing in a movie as an actor.
Brandon Thomas
I think that that shows you, hey, this dude's an actor. Um, I think also that for, I think it was Iron Man two or three where, uh, Elon Musk was in it and he's like comparing himself in real life to Iron Man and shit like this or Tony Stark.
Brandon Thomas
Okay. Look, you were in the movie. You're an actor. You know what I'm saying? This whole fucking place is a stage dude, all of it, but he really is.
He really is an actor though. He's a good actor. He's a good actor.
Brandon Thomas
he's all right he's all right um and but just like anything any of these figures or characters that are occurring in air quotes real life they're all just fucking actors man I think all of it and when you could separate from that that's when you see that all of this is an act and then back to what you were saying about the iron um abundance right too much iron. and They're like, oh, we got iron in this thing. You're like, yeah, but it's too much. And they're like, but it's in there. you're like but but so But it's the same thing about they're adding too much iron and then not and telling you not to have enough copper. right We can just look at that example right there. If you look at it on a metals chart, right at what level would you integrate iron in a circuit over copper? Which one's more beneficial? What conducts electricity more? Or what's more magnetic?
Brandon Thomas
So also look at the magnetic properties of these things as well, because this is a magnetic mental electromagnetic realm. And so if they can fill you full of a bunch of heavy metals that are magnetic that maybe run you a certain way, like you said, if it's off by just a little, it tanks the whole system.
Brandon Thomas
But what I think it does by tanking the whole system is makes you a receiver for a different wavelength. And this is where we separate heaven from hell and all this kind of stuff is this physical vessel of yours being a receiver. Are you ah Doing electric culture are you more copper and you know doing the positive ions and exchanging and all of that or are you more iron-based are you wearing rubber shoes around everywhere are you. you know Scared of the sun stuff like that you know it's it's those things to where that creates a mindset right but it it creates a population it creates a society it creates a zeitgeist. it creates the way that we experience reality and so.
Brandon Thomas
Even on these micro scales is what's so important to question fucking everything man and conversations like this are really important to have because that's what we're doing here that's what critical thinking is all about.
Yeah. yeah
Brandon Thomas
You know are should we be more like the octopus you know should we have more copper in our blood so that we can eat out of this fucking. ocean space thing and and I said, I don't know, but it does seem interesting to me that the mainstream narrative, whatever that voice is, it's it's the same. You could see it, it's consistent. Even if it's got the face of your pastor, your educator, your dad, your whatever, it's it's the same ah frequency of message. It's the same radio station, right? And you're just like, ugh, okay. And and so it's it's the abandonment of it and honestly the disembodging of it. Like it's a little gnat, but it doesn't even bother me. like it's
Brandon Thomas
um It's non-existent in my reality. So even to give it any attention at all, all I usually give it the attention to say is is that I'm not interested in it. You know what I mean? So from there... is where if I am ever paying attention to it, I go, I got it, do the opposite, got it. you know It's a good metric if you wanna use it to ping off of what to do the opposite end of, but I don't think as far as taking it as far as lock stock and value any of it, ah the way the realm is, what you are, how you work, what you know you're any of that shit, don't I wouldn't take their advice or anyone's on any of that shit.
Yeah. And what's interesting is that back in around 2018, 2019, when I was kind of really delving deep into the health space, I kind of fell into, and I think a lot of more, ah actually not just functional and and natural, but just in general, there's this whole concept of copper toxicity that's being really pushed around and that's yeah so that's what I kind of cut my teeth on and I was always kind of apprehensive about copper and whatever else and it turns out that the guy Carl Pfeiffer he was a pharmacologist there's um he's very revered now and his associate Abram Hoffer it turns out and I found out this from the dude that I was telling I was listening to him on a
Brandon Thomas
Of course.
podcast about his copper book. He said, and this is actually on Wikipedia about these guys, Carl Pfeiffer and Abram Hoffer, is that um in 1997, um it was revealed that Carl Pfeiffer was one of the researchers involved in behavior experiments for the CIA. So hugh he was um administering LSD ah during the MKA Ultra project, and so was Abram Hoffer. and these guys were kind of
Brandon Thomas
Cool, give me medical advice.
ah So these guys were popularizing um a lot. Well, it's not that all their work was was you know necessarily detrimental because they figured out a lot of stuff about schizophrenia and certain mental illnesses. But um I think the ah one of these, I forget which one, but one of these guys, he was so, I think he believed it. Maybe part of his sort of trauma being part of this whole thing, but he believed that copper was so toxic. So he was taking you know so much zinc, which is an antagonist to copper. that he had lost apparently all of the pigment in his skin by the time he died because Copper is involved in um the skin pigment, the melanin.
Brandon Thomas
Melanin process. Yeah, so he died from a copper deficiency the guy telling me not to get copper essentially
melanin yeah yeah
i and I'm not sure he died from that. but um he definitely was severe like he had lost all the pigment clearly indicating severe deficiency in copper you know so but then these guys um or i in fluid influence the next generation, and then that next generation influenced, and then we were influenced, you know, old everybody like you, you talked to, at least a lot of the practitioners I talked to, they're all like super apprehensive, a lot of copper supplementation, and it turns out that it's it's more like the opposite, more more like most of us are
either deficient in copper or because of other nutrient deficiencies we have an accumulation of copper in organs that is by its by one available so it's causing more damage and it's not being utilized properly because the ah the proteins that are required to transport it and whatnot or utilize it are not being manufactured. But um yeah, like it broke every couple of weeks. I'm like having to rethink entire things that I thought were true five years ago, six years ago.
You know, it's insane.
Brandon Thomas
Five minutes ago, dude.
Dude, five minutes ago, like it's constant. Like today I recorded an episode about ah I just touched on the topic of Omega three fish show supplementation, why I don't do it. I don't recommend it anymore. In fact, I I know it's doing more harm than good. um And that was another one that last year, it's constantly everything we think we know. Like, this is why I like your attitude of you have to question everything. Even if you have no evidence for anything, you have a thought and you're like, this is the way things are.
It's probably a good idea every once in a while to just kind of say to yourself and um I'm talking about myself here It's good to say why do I think that why do I believe this is the right way to do things? Is there a better way or is this way?
Brandon Thomas
Or do I still think that?
Yeah, exactly exactly Exactly.
Brandon Thomas
That's a big one. Reevaluate old beliefs constantly. Because you're a different motherfucker. You're a different motherfucker from listening to this.
Yeah. Yeah
Brandon Thomas
If you're still in this, you are different right now. You're not the same cellular makeup. You change your cells every seven years. So you reevaluate these foundational beliefs that you have because belief is the enemy of knowing. And that's Crow Triple Seven's quote.
and Yeah, he's awesome.
Brandon Thomas
Highly recommend you guys check him out. Love this man. Had him on a couple of times.
He's awesome.
Brandon Thomas
um So that that's really the thing. It's beliefs because again, what I said about it's got to enter your mind before it enters, before you allow it, before you'll grow it in your own body is how I'll actually say that. um You've got to plant that seed first. And so also be careful of what, you know, you're in front of that's throwing seeds out. You know, ah consider that is that even if you're looking at it going to all the news, yeah, I know it's lying to me. They're planting seeds constantly. they're yeah This is the day that we're talking about. They're not bad at this. They're incredibly cunning and smart, but they're pieces of shit and they're not out for your benefit. you know and so But they're out for your benefit by being pieces of shit to motivate you to be better. It's it's this whole thing.
Brandon Thomas
But um it's a beautiful dance that we do with love, grace, and kicking and screaming sometimes.
Brandon Thomas
And all of it's okay.
Brandon Thomas

Closing Thoughts and Community Engagement

Brandon Thomas
of it's fucking okay. Just be good to one another. Don't let it um you know make you unkind or or dim your light too much. It's gonna dim your light, but that's okay. It's still there. Don't let it snuff your light. Just be kind to everybody as you navigate this, motherfuckers.
Yeah, man.
Brandon Thomas
We're all experiencing weird shit right now, you know? Get more coffee on your body, I guess.
So what's get more what what's next for you, bro? What are you what are you working on right now?
Brandon Thomas
ah We have a camp out actually out here um on October 31st through the 4th and it's a very you know small thing So if you guys are interested expanding reality podcast comm get with me quick cuz we're making lists and we're getting going October would be here for you know it So we're doing that um we're doing you know hiking.
Oh yeah yeah.
Brandon Thomas
We've got a bunch of cool people coming out Dave's that's gonna be out here Lester Velez the um founder of Opus. He also wrote an awesome book um incredible dude. He took all of Mufon's abduction cases in the 70s, just a really interesting guy. um but Just a bunch of really interesting folks are going to be out here. So we've got that going as well as the books back here. If you go to, we have three main things at MyTrinity is the show, the publishing house, and the events. So we have three main things that we were focused on on the um Publication tab there, the expanding reality slash books.
Brandon Thomas
You could see these seven journals that we have in print hardback and softback there. And they are things that I created. Um, these things are actually participatory. You go through them with us. And so I did hand draw and design this entire method.
i I actually, I did get two of those. I forgot to tell you, I got one for me and for my wife a few months ago. I've completely forgot to tell you, bro.
Brandon Thomas
Oh, that's okay.
It's awesome.
Brandon Thomas
ah Thank you. Thank you. And so to that, we have um another one coming out that I'm designing, ah part two of the Mindful Expansion. It's going to be a ah new, same similar layout, new read as our new use of space.
Brandon Thomas
It's really cool. ah Custom covers by people that we know and love, these amazing artists that we love to promote.
Brandon Thomas
This is Janine Burgess. And then as well, we have our publishing house, though, Rediginal Publishing. It's ridiculously original is what that means. So um we have that and then our events.
Brandon Thomas
So the events on the 31st, we're really looking forward to, and that's going to be a lot of fun. And um yeah, just cool shit coming up on the show. Like everything's just ah moving, man. and it's It's sort of this forward with uncertainty, which is what it should have always been, I suppose, but that's never more true than now. ah And so just in this interesting, I guess, surrender phase, I suppose, we're just flowing with it, you know, might as well.
Brandon Thomas
We're having a blast though, so that's cool.
Yeah. Yeah. Love it, bro.
Love it. Awesome. Well, thank you so much for joining us today. Just let the audience know where else they can find you on the interweb.
Brandon Thomas
Love you back, too.
Brandon Thomas
Hell yeah, just um thank you again, dude, so much for having me. This is always just such a joy. I love seeing you. I really do. This always makes my day.
Likewise, bro.
Brandon Thomas
I'm looking forward to it and said thank you. And thank you, audience, for hanging out and being ready for this conversation.
Brandon Thomas
Because that's the thing, what I'm invited on, I know what kind of conversation we're going to have, and you all are ready for it. It's going to challenge you. It's going to trigger you. Some of you are going to flip the radio off and say, I'm never listening to that motherfucker. And that's fine. ah We like, ah we like,
People love you, kid. People love you, bro.
You shit-
Brandon Thomas
Oh, i'm not I'm not denying that.
Brandon Thomas
and But theyre you know the the same way that those people are passing out seeds, we are too. But our seeds are with the actual intention of love and growth and expansion. And once you recognize that in yourself, ah just grow and grow where you're planted. And we know that we're all separated out and that's okay, but that's what the events are doing. This is our time to go you know what zoom is cool and I like that but oh man he's just right over here oh I'd love to take a weekend out and come out there and hang out with all those people and really see that there is an empowering communities out here and it's beautiful so move forward with uncertainty in this beautiful time make sure you're at Christian in and let him know how much you love him because
Brandon Thomas
the service he's providing you guys with getting people on his show that can feel themselves enough to really change your life. And it takes a wonderful host to do that. And that's exceptionally rare. And he's an exceptionally rare dude. So thank you, Christian. And again, thank you, audience.
Are you too kind?
Brandon Thomas
You guys should move forward. Be kind. And um yeah, that's it. Get out of the left lane and be good to one another. That's it.
Thank you brother.