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Government: The Biggest Scam in History | Etienne de la Boetie² image

Government: The Biggest Scam in History | Etienne de la Boetie²

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Etienne de la Boetie2 is the founder of the Art of Liberty Foundation, and the editor of the Art of Liberty Daily News on Substack and Five Meme Friday, which delivers hard-hitting voluntaryist memes and the best of the alternative media.  He is an internationally recognized expert and speaker on voluntaryism and government illegitimacy, criminality and corruption. His original writings and research can be found at and

He is the author of “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! which breaks down how inter-generational organized crime centered around banking and central banking is robbing and controlling the population using the technique of “government” with puppet politicians and monopoly media/academia. His upcoming book: Voluntaryism – How the Only “ISM” Fair for Everyone Leads to Harmony, Prosperity and Good Karma for All! explains how REAL freedom (voluntaryism) can provide all the legitimate non-redistributive services provided by “government” without the waste, fraud, abuse, indoctrination and extortion.

He was also the author and principal investigator for the monographs:  The Covid-19 Suspects and Their Ties to Eugenics and Population Control/Reduction and Solving Covid – The Covid 19, Eugenics, and Vaccine/Drug Scam Timeline 


Connect with Etienne:

Art of Liberty Foundation:

His book,  Government – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed!



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Christian Yordanov
So Etienne, for the listeners, can you tell us a little bit about your story, about your background? So how did you, what was like the initial realizations that we're all getting, you know, effed in the air by the government?
Etienne Boetie2
So, uh, so I've been a long time libertarian and, it all started with Ron Paul as it frequently does. And, uh, he came and talked to my college class when I was in, uh, when I was in college and, uh, 1988, when he was running for president of the United States, uh, as a, uh, as libertarian candidate and the, uh, I'd never heard a politician make so much sense.
Etienne Boetie2
and that kind of inspired me on to to being a libertarian. I worked at one of the big four think tanks in Washington, DC. I ran a national third party political campaign And then the thing I'm best known for is the book Government, the Biggest Scam in History, where I make the case that government is never really thought of as a, is ah you know, to protect life, liberty, and property, but government is best thought of as a technique for robbing and controlling populations.
Etienne Boetie2
And government is always illegitimate because it's impossible to have a legitimate moral government. And and my book is called Government, the Biggest Scam in History Exposed. which you can get at and has been the best-selling book at almost two dozen Liberty conferences and events. And we've sold the copies to 25 plus countries.
Christian Yordanov
Yeah, we have a link to that in the description. So what are you up to these days? What's kind of your main, um i don't want to say activism, but what what are you most activeiv actively doing
Etienne Boetie2
so So the book Government, the Biggest Scam in History really was, okay, breaking down the scam of government, the illegitimacy of government, and how the subtitle was how intergenerational organized crime runs the government, the media, and academia.
Christian Yordanov
Etienne Boetie2
And so my thesis in the book was that that that government is controlling the information that populations receive. either through the mandatory government school, either through a monopoly media system made up on kind of the old school media side of six monopoly media companies running hundreds and hundreds of subsidiaries to give everybody the illusion that there's all these different information sources in society.
Etienne Boetie2
And then on the new media side, there's, you know, three to four dozen kind of new media internet companies, search engines and social media and others that, and that these companies are are operating as a cartel to algorithmically censor information on the DARPA internet.
Etienne Boetie2
A lot of this came out ah in the Twitter files when Elon Musk took over Twitter and released a lot of the email communications between ah the content moderators at Twitter,
Etienne Boetie2
and either government agencies or nonprofit organizations that were that were controlling information that was going out over the media, specifically at that time about the vaccines, about the danger of the vaccines.
Etienne Boetie2
And so there was it came came out publicly, not just in the Twitter files, but in the in the house the House's oversight committee into the weaponization of government.
Etienne Boetie2
ah that that they were censoring truthful information about the COVID because they did not want to create vaccine hesitancy.
Etienne Boetie2
Oh, but to answer your question, so so that's really...
Christian Yordanov
I love how, ah no, bro, I love that because um it's like bring up the the hard the hard points that, you know, a lot of people don't want to discuss. I really like that.
Christian Yordanov
I like that, bro.
Etienne Boetie2
it and And so that really, that's been kind of the focus of of my work. And so I've been popularizing the illegitimacy of government and I've been popularizing the the term voluntarism.
Etienne Boetie2
And the one big negative about my last book is people say, you know, hey, Etienne, you do a great job of exposing the illegitimacy of government. You do a great job of of exposing the tricks and the techniques that governments are using.
Etienne Boetie2
you know not just to get obedience, but to get fealty and admiration from the population. They're running unethically manipulative propaganda techniques and unethically manipulative you know ah control of of information to children in the in the in the mandatory government school or the government-affiliated youth program.
Etienne Boetie2
But what are we going to do? Who's going to build the roads? We've got to have government. And so right now I'm working on my second book, which will be called Voluntarism, How the Only-ism Fair for Everyone Leads to Harmony, Prosperity, and Good Karma for All.
Etienne Boetie2
And really what I'm trying to do with that book is I'm trying to explain how the free markets and mutual aid societies and nonprofits and homeowners associations and, you know, a variety of different, ah you know, private organizations from insurance companies to, you know, mutual aid societies would be able to provide everything that the monopoly government does for, for free or not necessarily for free. In a lot of cases for free, the market would provide the same thing the government is doing for free.
Etienne Boetie2
but better, faster and cheaper by the free market. So instead of having the monopoly police, ADT and Brinks and other, you know, armed services company that today provide armed protective services ah today. So it's not a pie in the sky idea.
Etienne Boetie2
It's that that these companies would compete. You'd probably have to pay, you know, 50, $75 month, you know for for a protection package It would probably come with alarm system and monitoring.
Etienne Boetie2
ah You'd still be able to call you know the equivalent of 911. But the guy that gets there, he's working for a private company instead of a monopoly provider. And he's and that that private company has got to compete with other private companies to see who's going to deliver those services more effective, who's going to get more restitution for your money.
Etienne Boetie2
ah And they're not going to be able to do certain things that the monopoly police do because they're not going to have an exemption for morality. They're not going to arrest you for for running, for having a poker game. They're not going to arrest you for smoking a plant.
Etienne Boetie2
They would only be able to intervene in cases where, you know, you're, you know, where you're being robbed or you're being threatened or, you know, something like that.
Christian Yordanov
Etienne Boetie2
So it's kind of like the night watchman. It's it's an extenuation of the powers that you have ah ah versus having these, you know, this exemption from morality and the ability to use violence on peaceful people.
Etienne Boetie2
which the government does to to impose its version of morality or to raise revenue ah you know to to fund itself with with you know things like ah highway piracy.
Christian Yordanov
Right. How so close do you think we are to some of these things being implemented in today's world? For example, and know at least in South America and and and you know we used to live in South Africa, I know there's certain companies that will provide certain protection of your home, bodyguards.
Etienne Boetie2
Christian Yordanov
So that that specific service is already kind of available. how So in those sort of terms, how close do you think we are to like a company setting up shop or do you think that the government is going to try to make it where you need to get permission in order to offer those services?
Etienne Boetie2
Well, I mean, that in a lot of cases, that's exactly what they're doing. And so the government is is pointing a gun at UPS and Federal Express who would deliver the mail, who would deliver first-class mail, but they're saying, no, we have a monopoly on first-class mail. Only we get to deliver the mail.
Etienne Boetie2
You have to stick to these packages. And so um ah the you know kind of the the magic of voluntarism and the magic of the free market is that a lot of these things are already being done right now.
Christian Yordanov
Thank you.
Etienne Boetie2
and they're being done all over the world. So one of the examples in the book is, you know, we have a yeah know, the government has got a monopoly on air traffic control. In Canada, they privatized their air traffic control, which is the second largest air traffic control system in the world.
Etienne Boetie2
And planes are not dropping out of the sky in Canada. And so, you know, the really kind of the lesson there is that even even things of like, you know, great, uh, you know, great, uh, complexity and great, um, uh, importance like air traffic control over, you know, over like Canada, which is, which has got, you know, 40,000 customers, which is managing tens of millions of flights a year.
Etienne Boetie2
They're doing that, uh, without, you know, the government involvement, like it's a, it's a nonprofit, it's, you know, like a non-for-profit corporation that's doing, air traffic control in Canada.
Christian Yordanov
Wow, I had no a idea man, that's incredible.
Etienne Boetie2
Christian Yordanov
So, tell us more about Yuri and Prospera in Honduras. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to divulge that maybe
Etienne Boetie2
yeah Yeah, yeah, sure. Absolutely. So I'm i'm in ah one of the first free private cities in the world. So so one of the solutions that that that I offered in government, the biggest scam in history, and I'm covering in in my new book, Voluntarism, is voting with your feet.
Etienne Boetie2
And so people are now kind of moving from jurisdictions that have high taxes and high levels of ah bureaucratic ah red tape regulation,
Etienne Boetie2
um and they're moving to to jurisdictions that have less taxes and less bureaucratic red tape. And so one of the examples that I use in the book is Prospero, which is one of the first free, what's known as a free private city.
Etienne Boetie2
And so right now I'm on the island of Roritan. just kind of give you like a little look-see. You can kind of see the the ocean ah in the background, and I'm at a place called Prospero.
Christian Yordanov
nice nice
Etienne Boetie2
And Prospera is has negotiated a sovereignty with the government of Honduras for 50 years. I think they're in year four or five of the of the ah the deal.
Etienne Boetie2
And they've been building on a thousand acres ah in on the island of Roritan off the coast of Honduras. They've been building... their own free private city.
Etienne Boetie2
And so I'm in a 14 story condo office building that has coworking and a pool and a gymnasium and a sauna and condos.
Christian Yordanov
Etienne Boetie2
And and and so it's got world-class amenities, world-class luxury. There's world-class beach club down the road. There's an 18-hole Pete Dye golf course. There's a lot of different businesses ranging from scuba shop to, know, you can get pizza here, can get all kinds of things.
Etienne Boetie2
um But they have some of the lowest business regulations in the world, and they have a flat tax of about 5% on gross income to fund it. So it's like one of the lowest effective tax rates in the world as well.
Etienne Boetie2
And so they're offering government as a service.
Christian Yordanov
Government as a service.
Etienne Boetie2
So they're offering governance essentially as a service. they're So they're competing with other jurisdictions and saying, hey, move your business, move yourself here to Prospera. You'll only pay a 5% flat tax.
Etienne Boetie2
The business regulations are are are light. The private property protections are strong. And so they're offering a better government that is that is available anyplace else, you know essentially on the planet.
Etienne Boetie2
So I came here to see it in person.
Christian Yordanov
So if you were to start a business, that I don't know, like physiotherapy or something or massage therapy, what we just like open a, event let's say you get a rent, space somewhere, put up your sign and you can take customers.
Christian Yordanov
Is that it?
Etienne Boetie2
Yeah, yeah. i could be in I could be in business like that compared to all of the hoops that I might have to jump through in ah in ah in a country like the United States or someplace in Western Europe.
Christian Yordanov
That is incredible. So do you think, do you ever see yourself living in a place like that? are you just trying to learn what they're doing and how we can maybe apply it elsewhere in the world?
Etienne Boetie2
ah Yeah, absolutely. So I, so I, I like, I'm, I'm, I'm trying to spread the idea, but I'm also evaluating, you know, where I might want to live if it gets, you know, janky in the United States.
Etienne Boetie2
And so like that, like part of what I'm doing is kind of checking it out, you know, for myself as well.
Christian Yordanov
Yeah. what In terms of, I don't know if you've been um in Europe but or, you know, else out of the Americas, but in terms of what, ah at least in the Americas, what do you think are some of the better countries to move as ah like as as a next option if if SHTF starts to come around the corner or at least people perceive it as such?
Etienne Boetie2
Well, I'll tell you, within the United States itself, I'm a big fan of New Hampshire and the Free State Project. And so the so the two the two that I find the most exciting are Prospera.
Etienne Boetie2
and the Free State Project in New Hampshire. And in New Hampshire, ah ah you know libertarians over 20 years ago ah you know said, hey, what is the what is the, like, you know, there's a lot of libertarians. We're all over the place.
Etienne Boetie2
ah If we concentrated in a state that, you know, in a small state that had a sub 1.5 million population, we could probably take over the state politically.
Etienne Boetie2
with about 20,000 dedicated activists.
Etienne Boetie2
And so the so they had a beauty contest where they evaluated all of the states that had a sub 1.5 million population. It came down to Wyoming and New Hampshire.
Christian Yordanov
Etienne Boetie2
They looked at everything from the size of the legislature, the propensity of you know how many people work for the federal or the state government. did the Did the state have a history of individual liberty?
Etienne Boetie2
um you know You know, is the state geographically small? is the What's the makeup of legislature? ah You know, all of these different things. And they they figured out that New Hampshire was probably the easiest state to take over.
Etienne Boetie2
And so they voted in 2003, New Hampshire won. And people began, the deal was, is that you didn't have to move immediately. You you you only really had to move if the goal, if the if the if the total membership of the group hit 20,000.
Etienne Boetie2
And so, but once the state was chosen in 2003, people began moving immediately. They were known as, uh, early movers and people began relocating to New Hampshire to, uh, start businesses, you know, run for, run for political office.
Etienne Boetie2
And, uh, that, that has been incredibly, incredibly successful. They 20,000 in 2016, triggering the move, ah And they've had... um ah It really accelerated it in 2020 and 21 when over a thousand folks moved to the state to you know to to get out of states like New York and California with their oppressive COVID policies.
Etienne Boetie2
And now there's somewhere around 10,000 plus members of the Free State Project that have been rolling back laws. They've been getting people elected to the legislature of New Hampshire.
Etienne Boetie2
They have been... starting groups, nonprofits, doing everything from rating the every piece of legislation. Is it pro-liberty? Is it anti-liberty?
Etienne Boetie2
There's groups that give report card grades to every single member of the legislature.
Christian Yordanov
Thank you.
Etienne Boetie2
Are they pro-freedom? Are they anti-freedom? Are they voting for you know Are they voting for for more government regulation and and oppression or they voting for you know freedom?
Etienne Boetie2
And so there's all of these different organizations in New Hampshire that are making you know having an impact and more people arrive every single day into New Hampshire. um And so it's only it's only growing.
Christian Yordanov
Yeah, I mean, I have a couple of clients from New Hampshire, and I've you know i've heard some of the stuff. One of them is a speaker at Arcapulco, Jay, and he was on the podcast, told me quite a lot of stories about it.
Christian Yordanov
Only issue when comparing Prospera with New Hampshire is they told me, a couple weeks back that they got a foot of snow in while we were in Mexico so like for some of the more warm weather loving anarchists libertarians it might not be the right fit I think
Etienne Boetie2
Yeah. yeah
Etienne Boetie2
ah Correct. so So I know that keeps a lot of people out of New Hampshire.
Christian Yordanov
So what what in terms of countries, are ah so US, you know, probably at least from my pretty limited viewpoint, it looks like maybe Florida, maybe Texas would be other viable options other than New Hampshire. In terms of countries out of the US, do you ah do see any governments as less worse than others that would, ah you know, prompt you to go to those places if needs be?
Etienne Boetie2
So it's not really which government is best, it's which one sucks the least.
Christian Yordanov
Yeah. Hmm.
Etienne Boetie2
And so, uh, so I know a lot of people are moving to Costa Rica, they're moving to El Salvador, they're moving to, but those, you know, those countries, they have like, it's, it's like a trade-off.
Etienne Boetie2
So el El Salvador is moving to kind of a Bitcoin economy, but at the same time they have very harsh anti-drug laws. They have, you know, their, their, their, you know, personal freedom is low. um there's a There's not really, like there's there's not that many, you know, like like Lichtenstein seems like a good, you know, fit.
Etienne Boetie2
But what I'm really doing is I'm really tracking the the free private city movements where people are either negotiating sovereignty or they're building their own you know, within a political jurisdiction, but they're but they're growing it, they're growing their own kind of micro city.
Etienne Boetie2
And so some of these are Liberstad in Norway. And ah Monte Libro in Montenegro is another one that's a growing free private city.
Etienne Boetie2
And they're in Canada, there's the it's on hold right now, but they they started their own free state project. They call it the Free Province Project. But they're ideally trying to do the same thing but that the Free State Project is doing in New Hampshire, but they're trying to do it in New Brunswick.
Etienne Boetie2
Canada and they're trying to free the entire province of of of New Brunswick, Canada.
Christian Yordanov
Etienne Boetie2
And so those are the ones that I'm tracking and find most exciting. most exciting
Christian Yordanov
ah What about Liberland?
Etienne Boetie2
So Liberland uh, know, the, the problem Liberland is so you know, leave is for, for your, for your audience that might not be in the know, Liberland is a developing free private city that would be developed on the only, what was the only piece of unclaimed land in the world, which was a small patch of, uh, like an Island, uh, you know, in the, in the, in a river that borders Croatia and Serbia.
Etienne Boetie2
And on this tiny island in the river between Croatia and Serbia, there was a border dispute between Croatia and Serbia. Croatia wasn't willing to claim it because that would invalidate their their larger border claim.
Etienne Boetie2
Serbia wasn't willing to claim it because that would invalidate their ideal you know ah border claim. And so it was essentially, it was it was unclaimed.
Etienne Boetie2
ah Some libertarians you know planted their flag and they did everything in the Treaty of Montenegro that a country is supposed to do to be a official country and a recognized country.
Etienne Boetie2
ah they have ah They've got a constitution. They've opened diplomatic relations with other with other countries. They're doing everything that you should that you should do to say, hey, we're a country as well.
Etienne Boetie2
the problem with Liberland is they're not being recognized by Croatia. ah Liberland would have similar similar to, you know, similar to to Prospera, they would have, ah you know, an almost negligible tax rate compared to every other country in the world.
Etienne Boetie2
My understanding is that Croatia has ah has effectively 50 to 60 to, like, ive ah you know, depending on how how much you make and and and what, you know, VATs you pay and everything, up to 70% effective tax rate.
Etienne Boetie2
And so you can understand how that a country that has a oppressive confiscatory tax rate would not want to see a low cost tax, you know, and a new country spring up on its border that had better private property protections, that had a better constitution, that had ah that had a, you know, 5%, I'm not sure what the Liberland you know tax rate is, but let's say it's 5% or, you know, ah definitely under 10%.
Etienne Boetie2
um That's not in Croatia's interest. And so what Croatia is doing is they're sending armed thugs, people with guns to harass anybody that tries to access Liberland.
Etienne Boetie2
And I'm sorry. Yeah. So that's the, that's the the kind of the issue there.
Christian Yordanov
Damn, dude. do Do you think there's any resolution ever or they just who has the biggest gang wins type situation?
Etienne Boetie2
Well, so, su you know, the um
Etienne Boetie2
Etienne Boetie2
in the case of Sharon in Mexico, they were able to kick out both the government and the cartel. And so they you know they they don't have a kind of an international you know movement behind them.
Etienne Boetie2
It's mostly, you know, kind of indigenous people in ah in Mexico, but they've been able to kick out the federal government and they've been able to kick out the the cartels.
Christian Yordanov
Thank you.
Etienne Boetie2
And they've been able to establish some independence, you know, within Mexico for themselves. And so I see, you know, a lot of these these these places are starting to win. They're facing opposition from existing governments.
Etienne Boetie2
That really is the big question is is, are the governments going to allow them to succeed or are the governments, you know, ah here in Prospera, you know, they've they've been facing the threat of nationalization.
Etienne Boetie2
because now there's a commie government. When the they originally signed the 50-year deal with Honduras, it was a kind of a more pro-free market, you know, capitalist government. Now they've got a kind of communist government, and the communist government has no interest in seeing low-tax, you know, competitive governmental system that has more private property protections and has a better constitution and has better rule of law.
Etienne Boetie2
And so they're now openly threatening nationalization and revoke the, you know, the, the, the charter that Prospera has. And so it really is, you know, you know, are, are these, ah these fledgling societies going to be able to flourish or will they be suffocated in the crib by, ah by, by other countries that don't want to see freedom and prosperity, ah you know, blossom on their doorstep?
Christian Yordanov
Very well said, very well said, man. And so I'm just curious, what's your take now? You obviously have been, I don't know, how long have you been in this sort of libertarian voluntarism movement?
Christian Yordanov
It's been decades now?
Etienne Boetie2
Well, I've been a libertarian for over 30 years, but I've been ah kind of a full-time freedom fighter for about five.
Christian Yordanov
Christian Yordanov
Etienne Boetie2
And so the so I guess that answers your question, that I've been doing this full-time for about five years.
Christian Yordanov
Yeah, yeah. Yeah, so the question yeah the the next question i was going to ask, I like that term, by the full-time freedom fighter. Nice alliteration.
Etienne Boetie2
Christian Yordanov
um The question I was going to ask is... Over the but kind of the the last decade, do you think this movement is growing sort of the way you would want to see it grow or do you think it's hampered and it's just barely linearly increasing in in in size?
Etienne Boetie2
It's definitely growing. It's also the most censored ah thing in all of U.S. politics, definitely. And so like you know my organization, the Art of Liberty Foundation, you know we can only email maybe 20% of the people that have signed up for our emails. Everything else goes into spam folders or doesn't get delivered.
Etienne Boetie2
um we're you know We're censored. we've had ah We've had articles that we've written be de-indexed by Google, and we have proof of that. We have Google censoring, we have Gmail censoring our email, even when somebody emails us and we're replying to somebody that has emailed us.
Etienne Boetie2
And I can prove that too. We're being de-indexed on platforms like YouTube, on X, Facebook, like the only platform that's platform that I, that doesn't seem to be censoring us is Substack.
Etienne Boetie2
And our, our growth on Substack is almost like parabolic. It's almost like straight up, you know, we've gone in a couple of years, we've gone from, you know, I think we're just about to go over, we just might've gone over 6,000 subscribers on Substack, hundreds and hundreds of paid, paid subscribers.
Christian Yordanov
10,000 here. Yeah. ten thousand here
Etienne Boetie2
But you take a look at the other platforms and why aren't we seeing the exact same growth on them? And it's obvious that we're being shadow banned. We're being de-indexed.
Etienne Boetie2
It's known as freedom of speech without reach. So you can say whatever you want, but there's an algorithmic censorship of the Internet going on that, again, isn't something that you know we're speculating on. This came out publicly with the with Twitter files. This came out you know publicly ah ah during the House Committee on the Weaponization of Government.
Etienne Boetie2
And so this is, this is not something that we're, we're speculating on. This is something that's kind of like, you know, out in the open. And so I think they're, they're trying to, that like the biggest secret, you know, the biggest scam in history is the fact that government itself is illegitimate.
Etienne Boetie2
And with them, and more and more people are figuring that out every single day, but that is the thing that is, that's the one thing they don't want people to find out about. That's the one thing they don't want people to know.
Etienne Boetie2
That's the one thing that you're never going to see debated on, ah you know, on ah on a Saturday morning political talk show. You're never going to see anybody interviewed, you know, about that on Joe Rogan. You're never going to see anybody interviewed about that on, you know, on on Tucker Carlson. You know, the the big secret is that government in and of itself is illegitimate. It is criminal. There's no way to have a legitimate moral government.
Etienne Boetie2
And so that is the biggest secret and the thing that is the most censored algorithmically on the Internet and through monopoly media. you know ah so the you so like I said, the subtitle of government, the biggest scam in history is how intergenerational organized crime runs the government, the media, and academia.
Etienne Boetie2
And it's in it's government and media and academia working together to control the information the population receives and to keep them trapped in a system that is stealing, you know, 50% of the population's money in overt taxes, covert taxes and inflation.
Etienne Boetie2
And that's the system. That's, that's the big secret that they don't want people to find out about.
Christian Yordanov
You know, I was going to ask my next question, but you kind of answered it already with the passion with which you you you made that statement. My next question was going to be, if it's so hard and there's such better ways to, at least in terms of comfort, pleasure, enjoying life, prospering,
Christian Yordanov
There's such easier and better ways to prosper and do well for yourself. and what like You seem like a smart guy. So what gets you up in the morning that's the and tells you, I got to keep fighting for this?
Etienne Boetie2
Well, the stakes are very, very high. And so, you know, one of the things that, you know, like the other, like the other thing, as an example, one of the other other things I'm known for is an investigation into COVID-19 called Solving COVID.
Etienne Boetie2
the COVID-19 eugenics ah vaccine drug scam timeline.
Christian Yordanov
Thank you.
Etienne Boetie2
And what we what we make in the case is that the COVID, you know, the quote unquote, the COVID was a eugenics program for depopulation. and So if you know that that is that kind of thing is going on, you have a moral responsibility to take your shoulder and throw it against the door and to expose it ah And, you know, it's been estimated on the, you know, kind of on the conservative end, 13 million people died from the vaccines on the high end, more than 20 million people have died from the vaccines. And so we've got an out of control government that just forced, and you know, a an experimental drug onto the entire population using a psychological operations, you know, ah program of, you know, controlled media and, you know, deceit and deception.
Etienne Boetie2
to trick people into taking what appears to be a bioweapon that has killed at least 13 million people, if not more than 21 million people. They say that 7 million people died from the COVID, but I don't believe that.
Etienne Boetie2
And I can explain to you and and do explain in my investigation at exactly, you know, how to calculate the the the the amount of people that that the have potentially died.
Etienne Boetie2
ah And so the so that is, like, when you know that that's going on, there's there's definitely a a you know a a moral imperative to do something about it.
Christian Yordanov
yeah So is that for the listeners?.org.
Etienne Boetie2
Christian Yordanov
Etienne Boetie2
Christian Yordanov
Christian Yordanov
Because I typed in and it took me to your sub stack. with with your
Etienne Boetie2
That's it. Yeah, yeah.
Etienne Boetie2
so yeah, we may we ah meet we may own as well. So,
Christian Yordanov
Okay, perfect.
Christian Yordanov
Nice. Okay, yeah. So listeners can some cool charts. and Well, not cool charts, but there's charts and graphs there as well.
Etienne Boetie2
And you can find that art that that the you can find the investigation for free on our sub-stack at as well.
Christian Yordanov
Awesome. Yeah, we'll have some some links to your sub stack as well. yeah yeah Yeah, that's a whole, but here's a question. and ah I don't want to get too sort of dark or whatever, but if if it was a eugenics program, wouldn't they have killed more people?
Christian Yordanov
Or do you think it just was unsuccessful?
Etienne Boetie2
I think it was, well... So ah in the investigation, what we uncovered is about 5% of the vials did a tremendous amount of value of of ah damage.
Etienne Boetie2
About 65% of the vials did a lot of damage, but not as much as the 5%. And about 30% of the files appear to be placebo or ah completely ineffective.
Christian Yordanov
30%. Yeah. Yeah.
Etienne Boetie2
And so what I think is if they'd come out of the gates with something that killed everybody instantly, then then people would have known about it. They wouldn't have taken the the injections and it would have been, you know, it would have been, it would have been uncovered almost immediately.
Etienne Boetie2
And so what they did is, is they, they, you know, with about, let's say 70% of the vaccines are harmful, 5% were harmful in the short term, and then there's 65% of those vaccines that were harmful in, that let's say, the ah the medium to long term, you're seeing more and more damage. you know It's becoming more and more apparent that you know damage has been done, and then a lot of that damage was reproductive damage.
Christian Yordanov
Etienne Boetie2
And so eugenicists that are they're looking to depopulate the world ah Yes, they want to, of course, they want to, you know, kill certain amount of people instantaneously. But the main thing they're doing is is they don't want the population reproducing.
Etienne Boetie2
And so if they're so if if if this if the shot has had negative has been acted as an abortion facet, which is, you know, and and and a lot of people had instantaneous miscarriages. a lot of women lost their babies immediately, but also has caused female reproductive harm in the female population that took the shot.
Etienne Boetie2
ah That's not going to be apparent immediately.
Christian Yordanov
Etienne Boetie2
It's becoming more and more and more apparent as it goes on. that women are having more and more trouble conceiving and bringing children to term. And so now that's, you that's coming out. And so I think it was, I think it was successful.
Etienne Boetie2
I think the media is downplaying and refuses to cover the, you know, what's really going on with the vaccine adverse effects and with the, you know, the, the, the, you know, the, the deaths, the myocarditis, the periocarditis and the reproductive harm that these things have caused.
Christian Yordanov
Yeah, for sure. i mean, i even had one client who she had just sort of found out she was pregnant and she she said that she was in contact with some, you know, people that had had the vaccine just recently the day before whatever.
Christian Yordanov
And then next thing she had a miscarriage. So, course, could be coincidence. You never know. But I'm Yeah, that's as if we already didn't have a fertility crisis with young people.
Christian Yordanov
This was another salvo, I think, in that in that specific part of the warfare on the people.
Etienne Boetie2
So in in in the investigation, you know, in solving COVID, the COVID-19 eugenics vaccine drug scam timeline, What we do is we actually start the timeline at the birth of eugenics, and then we bring it through the Rockefeller Foundation, the Carnegie Foundation, how they were ah boat so you know they were both into eugenics. They founded the eugenics record ah office at Cold Springs Harbor.
Etienne Boetie2
they yeah they They supported eugenicists. They supported eugenics policies.
Christian Yordanov
Thank you.
Etienne Boetie2
They got eugenics policies for sterilization passed in multiple, multiple states in the United States. And we bring it forward to how some of the largest fortunes the world has ever known were left to eugenics and how they've essentially, you know, continued that work.
Etienne Boetie2
Um, but if you, you know, they've been injecting the population with things that cause, uh, it caused sterility. They've been caught in the case of the world health organization.
Etienne Boetie2
The world health organization has been caught on multiple occasions, putting abortion facets
Christian Yordanov
Thank you.
Etienne Boetie2
An abortion patient is a chemical that will cause either an immediate abortion or will cause some kind of reproductive harm. They've been caught ah secretly putting abortion patients into tetanus vaccines that are distributed in the third world.
Etienne Boetie2
And so I break all the evidence down for that in at or But you can actually see all of the evidence where the World Health Organization has been caught putting abortion patients into tetanus vaccines in the third world.
Etienne Boetie2
Um, uh, you know, and ah and it couldn't have been an accident. It's not in there accidentally. Uh, they've been caught in multiple different countries in multiple different occasions.
Etienne Boetie2
And so there's been an ongoing popular program to, to, to depopulate the, to depopulate the planet that's included the one child policy in China.
Etienne Boetie2
That has included putting abortion patients into vaccines. That has included making abortion ah legal and almost free, low cost or free in some cases.
Etienne Boetie2
that has been yeah there's been That has been putting other chemicals into the food system. Atrazine, which is a gender bender, BPA and BPS, which are gender benders. um The Rockefeller Foundation, there's a a memo that became public where they actually had a list of things that they, that, you know, suggested things that they wanted to try out, including, uh, putting, uh, sterilants into the water supply, uh, putting, um, uh, encouraging homosexuality, um, other things that have come around culturally or scientifically. And you're like, Hey,
Etienne Boetie2
This appears to be, look at look at all this evidence that this is the program that instituted ah you know the COVID. And who was behind a lot of the COVID? It was the Rockefeller Foundation. It was the Gates Foundation. it was It was the people that have been spending billions of dollars for eugenics for decades are some of the people that were you know most involved in the operation that is now known as the COVID.
Christian Yordanov
Yeah, and if you look at all of these companies now with their BPA-free bullshit, it's like BISPHENOL, BPA stands for BISPHENOL there's BISPHENOL B and S and F, and they're all equally or more toxic than BPA.
Etienne Boetie2
Yep. Yep. Correct. Hmm.
Christian Yordanov
So they just replaced that with another thing. And its isn't it insane how so many... in terms of chemistry, so many ways to get a desired result with, let's say, a polymer, making something hard, making something soft and pliable and strong and resilient.
Christian Yordanov
How is it that almost all of the chemicals used in the manufacture of all of these different things seem to end up to be super, you know, endocrine disrupting, toxic, you know, to the thyroid or to, you know, whatever, the sex hormone.
Christian Yordanov
It's pretty, it's pretty staggering.
Etienne Boetie2
So my, you know, my thesis is it's the banks at the top. And so the, so the, so, you know, if you, if you look at government as a technique for robbing and controlling populations, they hijacked the government.
Etienne Boetie2
They, uh, they lobbied and bribed the Congress to pass the federal reserve act in 1913, which created the, what was essentially the third, uh, central bank of the United States.
Etienne Boetie2
ah central bank number one was found to be corrupt. And at the end of its 20-year charter, it was kicked out. The second bank of the United States had a 20-year charter. It was found to be corrupt. It was kicked out.
Etienne Boetie2
The third bank of the United States, the Federal Reserve System, ah they lobbied and brought Congress for ah the ability to create a central bank that would backstop the money center banks to engage in something called fractional reserve banking.
Christian Yordanov
Etienne Boetie2
Fractional reserve banking, the scam, and kind of the basics is You know, once you, ah the the banks, when you go to ah you know a bank to get a car loan or a commercial loan or a mortgage, they're not loaning you depositor money.
Etienne Boetie2
They just tickle the ivories on the keyboard. They credit your account with digital dollars. And that's the way that money comes into existence, even though that's inflationary. And even though that's stealing the value out of the money of the people that earned and saved it.
Etienne Boetie2
And so that system is the the The kind of the keystone behind the ability to buy up the media, the ability to buy up the government, to install politicians.
Etienne Boetie2
So they've they've given themselves the ability to create money out of thin air. And the first thing they did is they bought the media. So the media isn't going to tell you what's going on. And then the second thing they did is they began providing unlimited capital to a handful of corporations ah to monopolize and dominate their own section of the of the economy, starting with the food companies.
Christian Yordanov
Etienne Boetie2
And so one of the visualizations that we have in the book shows how a small handful of of of food companies have been able to buy up and ah consolidate.
Etienne Boetie2
Essentially, you know, there's there's less than 10 players in both food, beverages, and consumer goods. And when I say consumer goods, laundry detergent, ah ah dishwasher detergent, you know other things that that have chemicals that could get into the you know the human ecosystem and environment.
Etienne Boetie2
And those companies, those monopolized companies that have been provided unlimited central bank financing, unlimited bank financing, okay, to buy up and and and cartelize their own industries, those are the companies that are using glyphosated wheat.
Etienne Boetie2
Those are the companies that are using atrazine. Those are the companies that are using recombinant bovine growth hormone in dairy. Those are the companies that are using aspartame in everything. Those are the companies that are using BPA, BPS in cash register receipts and in canned foods.
Etienne Boetie2
Those are the companies that are using genetically modified ingredients. And in the case of GMOs, you know there's also a so a handful of of monopoly companies that are buying up the seed industry.
Etienne Boetie2
And so those companies coincidentally make poisons for the military. And so Bayer and Monsanto, And Dow and DuPont have collectively bought over 200 seed companies in the United States.
Christian Yordanov
Etienne Boetie2
So they're buying up all the seed companies so that you're only going to be able to get genetically modified so foods. We actually have so we have a visualization in the book Government, the Biggest Scam in History that shows this.
Etienne Boetie2
incredible monopolization of the seed companies by companies, again, that used to make, that make, used to or continue to make poisons for the military.
Etienne Boetie2
And so Monsanto and Beyer, Beyer made ah chlorine gas for Germany and made chemical weapons, you know, in Germany in World War II.
Christian Yordanov
Etienne Boetie2
Monsanto made um ah Agent Orange and other chemical weapons for the United States. ah Dow, In DuPont, Dow made also made Agent Orange and and made other chemical weapons for the United States. And DuPont is a makes gunpowder and explosives and things for the military. And so these are companies that are willing to make poisons for the military that are now buying up and consolidating the seed companies and and and enforcing genetically modified seeds on and genetically modified foodstuffs.
Etienne Boetie2
on the population in a way that is frequently, ah you know has causes reproductive harm. So again, it appears to be an an a and and extension of this eugenics program that has been going on for over a century in the United States that we we we trace back in solving COVID.
Christian Yordanov
Actually, that that's something else that i ah I always like to get people's take on. what Where do you think, and you can speculate if you wish, ah where do you think the origins of this slide, would you think it's the sort of these neo-feudalism type rich families like the Rockefellers?
Christian Yordanov
that just had so much power they started to wield it or do you think it goes way back further in history the the families that kind of were pulling the strings behind the the the scenes
Etienne Boetie2
So I think it goes back to central banking. And I think it'd get like the i think it's the the first families that figured out they could create money out of thin air and they could buy up the world with these little paper tickets and digital dollars they created.
Etienne Boetie2
And so that was really the Rothschild family. And they were the first kind of international bankers. They had they ran you know banks and in five, six you know different countries simultaneously. They were the first kind of money changers to be able to... you know profit off different currency, the ability to to go back and forth into different currencies you know during the kind of the the birth of the ah of the world economy.
Christian Yordanov
Etienne Boetie2
And so I think that that they they bought up and controlled the government and figured out how to use government and weaponize government against the people.
Etienne Boetie2
And I believe that they they've been instituting government, you know, gubernare mente. Gubernare means to govern and control. Mente is the mind, mind control. And what is the mind control? The mind control is controlling the information that the population receives to trick them into thinking government is legitimate in and of itself so that they can be robbed and mulked by government and controlled by government.
Etienne Boetie2
And so i think it, i you know, I don't know which came first ah But I can tell you and I can show you, and I think i like you know I make the case in the book, that you can actually see the networks. You can see how they exercise the power using front organizations like the World Economic Forum, like the Council on Foreign Relations, like the Bilderberg Group, like the Trilateral Commission, to take policy that they create at the top.
Etienne Boetie2
and then push it down through society, through using the the hierarch the ability to hierarchically control information in the case of the COVID from the World Health Organization and the NIAID and the CDC and the NIH.
Etienne Boetie2
And they're able to take a policy and they're able to push it down through state, local health departments using government. And they're able to force a policy that was created at the top through almost all of society globally using this technique of government.
Etienne Boetie2
And so that is the the technique that I'm trying to expose. The good news message is is that once you get that, once somebody gets like, oh, okay, that's how it works. there' Their government is illegitimate.
Etienne Boetie2
They're tricking us into it. It's the mandatory government school and a monopoly media system.
Etienne Boetie2
And once you unplug From that system and you have the basics. Well, nobody likes to get fooled. Nobody likes to get tricked. Nobody likes to get chumped. And so most people, they don't like once they get it in their head. OK, they understand the basics of how this system works.
Christian Yordanov
Etienne Boetie2
They don't go back to getting fooled again. Once you know how the magician does the trick, you don't get fooled by the trick. And so what I'm doing with the book Government, the Biggest Scam in History is I'm showing people how the magician does the trick. I'm showing them how the monopoly media works. I'm showing them that that ah that they're sliding the belief in having a government into the population as a religion.
Etienne Boetie2
There's a pseudo religion called statism and they're doing it through the Cub Scouts, the Boy Scouts, the Explorers, the mandatory government school. They're taking the American flag and their product placing it into thousands of movies, 1000 plus television shows that we know of and can prove.
Etienne Boetie2
They're making the government the hero in all of the movies and all of the television shows. they're making the ah they're They're using a technique called anchoring, where they will product place the American flag into a moment of high positive emotions.
Etienne Boetie2
So that you associate, you they'll they'll they'll they'll take you you know'll take you in a movie all the way up to the the emotional climax of the movie. Then they'll show you the American flag.
Etienne Boetie2
They'll show you the American flag.
Etienne Boetie2
Whether it's Rocky draping himself in the American flag. You know, whether it's Superman flying around the world, you know, carrying an American flag as he flies around the world.
Christian Yordanov
Yeah. Yeah.
Etienne Boetie2
whether it's the president of the United States ah fighting off aliens in the movie Independence Day, ah there you know once you realize that they're tricking you you know with the media and with the Cub Scouts, the Boy Scouts, the Explorers, the JROTC, the ROTC, the police and the military training, most people are like, I'm out.
Christian Yordanov
Etienne Boetie2
And that's the one-way revolution, and that's really the reason why. I don't think that that they're going to be able to hide the illegitimacy of government in the information age.
Christian Yordanov
Oh, yeah.
Etienne Boetie2
And it's only going in one direction. And once people realize, they never, ever go back to being fooled again.
Christian Yordanov
oh yeah
Etienne Boetie2
and so so that's the reason I'm very, very optimistic.
Christian Yordanov
Yes, for sure man. I think Fumi wants shame on me and all that good stuff. like um I'm the same with like all the work I do in terms of all the health psyops and scams that i've I've been duped into over the years.
Christian Yordanov
I hate being duped so that's why I then go on to like write my books and do my podcasts and stuff. so that other people don't get screwed so i appreciate what you're doing because you're doing it at a much more want to say higher level or lower level no matter what more i suppose more fundamental level because that's as you outlined today is that's where it's all coming from it's from that desire to control the minds of people so that you can control them and
Etienne Boetie2
Christian Yordanov
wait say just basically do with them what you would do with your farm animals. You can be good to them, you can feed them, and then you slaughter them anytime, whatever the case may be. you know So I really appreciate the work you're doing, brother.
Etienne Boetie2
Yeah, yeah, you too. So it's a thousand flowers are blooming. And so everybody that is, you know, doing the great work and kind of exposing the system, whether that be through podcasting or v blog or through, you know, becoming a member of the free state project or moving to Prospero, whatever it is, like all of those actions together, that is why we're going to win. There is simply no way of censoring this information in the information age.
Etienne Boetie2
And so we're all in this together. We must all hang together. we will surely all hang separately. And I just don't think that they're going to be able to block the signal in the information age.
Christian Yordanov
Etienne Boetie2
They may be able to, to to you know, stall it. They may be able to stall it for a little bit, but ultimately I think that the that the knowledge of government's illegitimacy and the criminality of government is going to race around the world at the speed of light. And I think you're going to see all of these governments come down.
Etienne Boetie2
And so I'm very, very optimistic. You know, because, again, it is a one way revolution. It's only going in one direction. So we win in the end. How long that takes? I don't know.
Etienne Boetie2
They've got a lot, a lot, a lot at their disposal.
Christian Yordanov
Oh, yeah.
Etienne Boetie2
It's very, very easy. i used to be a network guy. I used to be work for global Internet service providers and networking companies. I built networks for Wall Street. for market data trading floor technology. And so like it's very, very easy to censor this information you know algorithmically.
Etienne Boetie2
And so that's really what we're fighting against is we're fighting against this system that is that's hiding and obfuscating its its activities by being able to control the information that society receives through this monopolized media and through this algorithmic censorship of the search engines, of the social media sites, of Wikipedia and other things like that.
Etienne Boetie2
But ultimately, you know once you once people figure out that government is illegitimate on its face and that it's immoral it's illogal and and it's the worst way to organize society, ah most people are are going to abandon that and that's only going in one direction.
Christian Yordanov
Christian Yordanov
Let's talk about um your... So if if you guys go, you can get Etienne's book and a bunch of other cool stuff. So you can get the government, the biggest scam in history exposed, the fifth edition.
Christian Yordanov
But there's also a bunch of cool stuff. I just noticed there you have Etienne, you have a pack of posters. Can you tell us what those posters are all all about?
Etienne Boetie2
Certainly. So, so, you know, one of the things that, that makes the book so unique and so special is I do a lot with visualizations.
Christian Yordanov
Thank you.
Etienne Boetie2
And so most people are visual learners. And, you know, if I, if I, the the example that i I give all the time is, you know, if I tell you that there were, that there are ah four companies buying up all of the seed companies,
Etienne Boetie2
but of you know If I tell you that you know DuPont and Dow and Bayer and Monsanto have bought up 200 plus seed companies, ah you you may or may not believe me.
Etienne Boetie2
But if I show you this visualization created by a, ah I think it's a University of of a Michigan professor named Philip Howard.
Etienne Boetie2
If I show you the visualization that he created as he's been tracking all of these different you know things and you can actually see, oh, they've bought up these 200 seed companies.
Etienne Boetie2
Then you come to that moment of insight much quicker and much deeper than I just tell you.
Etienne Boetie2
And so a lot of the, what we did is we took a lot of the visualizations in the book and we turned them into a series of 19 posters that are free. You can, that it's at forward slash white hyphen rose, white rose. We call it the white rose mucho grande.
Christian Yordanov
Etienne Boetie2
And the original White Rose, ah what the original original White Rose was a group of pamphleteers in Nazi Germany that were distributing free pamphlets exposing the criminality of the Nazi government and the German government at the time.
Etienne Boetie2
The current White Rose rose to prominence during the COVID where they were making a free file of stickers available to anybody,
Christian Yordanov
Etienne Boetie2
ah that had a brother label printer, you could download their sticker file and you could print resistance stickers saying, don't take the shot. The masks are ineffective. We're being lied to. This is a psychological operation. Don't trust the government. Don't trust the media. Don't trust, you know, ah the shots. Don't take the shots.
Etienne Boetie2
And so they were making this free file of stickers and people all over the world were downloading the sticker file and they were printing them up and they were trying to, you know, get the word out by going around the monopoly media, going around the hierarchical control of health information through the WHO, CDC, NIH, and NIAID through the county and state health departments. And they were, you know, putting these stickers up everywhere.
Etienne Boetie2
And so what we did is we made a set of posters that we call the White Rose Mucho Grande. And these posters are a lot of the visualizations in the book.
Etienne Boetie2
And so, you know, again, when I tell your audience that there's six monopoly media companies running hundreds and hundreds of subsidiaries to give everybody the illusion of choice, and they may or may not believe me.
Etienne Boetie2
But if you go and take a look at the white, the media ownership chart that, you know, in the that in the white rose mucho grande posters, you're like, holy crap, there's six companies running hundreds city areas to give everybody the illusion that there's all these different information sources in society.
Etienne Boetie2
And because you saw it with your own you know eyes, you now understand it deeper. And so in that in that visualization, you know here's News Corp and News Corp, which is Fox News, they don't just own Fox News.
Etienne Boetie2
They own 175 newspapers.
Christian Yordanov
Etienne Boetie2
They own magazines. They own satellite networks. They own other major internet properties. They own book publishing. And you're like, holy crap, I had no idea.
Etienne Boetie2
Because they all have different names and they all have different you know um brands. But at the end of the day, they all roll up to this small handful of companies that is operating as a cartel. They're operating together to censor information, including true information.
Etienne Boetie2
Okay, they've been caught. It's not speculative that this happened. This happened during the COVID because they were censoring true information about the harmfulness of vaccines because specifically they said that it would cause vaccine hesitancy.
Christian Yordanov
Etienne Boetie2
And so this is the, so once you see what that network looks like, then all of a sudden you're like, okay, you come to a deeper understanding of how they've been able to trick the population on a great many things. You know, there weren't, you know, the ah American destroyers weren't really attacked in the Gulf of Tonkin.
Etienne Boetie2
ah There weren't really weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. There really wasn't a virus going around the but you know planet killing people.
Etienne Boetie2
People weren't really dot dropping dead in China, in the streets. you know like we're The only reason they get away with this is because they're controlling every street.
Christian Yordanov
But we landed on the moon, right?
Etienne Boetie2
Pardon? Pardon?
Christian Yordanov
But we landed on the moon, right?
Etienne Boetie2
And yet another example. So so they've they've been able to get away with these large scale, ah you know, hoaxes and tricks because they have been controlling the information that the population receives.
Etienne Boetie2
And what I'm doing is I'm through this series of posters and the books and memes and other ways is I'm slowly but surely exposing the criminality and how showing people how the magician does the trick so you can't be fooled by the trick.
Christian Yordanov
Yeah, guys, like, listen, these posters are friggin' epic. You can order the actual posters, but you can also...
Etienne Boetie2
You can order the poster or you can download them all for free. You can have them, if you have access to a large format printer, you can print them for free.
Christian Yordanov
Etienne Boetie2
If you have a, if you've got a like a, a coffee shop or a store where you've got a display, you can take all of the high res JPEGs and you can have them cycle, you know, on a display in a retail space or a college campus or on in college commons.
Christian Yordanov
Christian Yordanov
Christian Yordanov
Yeah. yeah
Etienne Boetie2
And so what we're trying to do is we're trying to make it easy to resist and make it easy to you know ah to to ah to fight back against the system. Another thing that we we do is that we have a we have ah a flash drive. said The book Government, the Biggest Scam in History Exposed is backed up by a credit card size 64 gigabyte flash drive that goes into your wallet.
Etienne Boetie2
that has all of the posters, that has all of the visualizations from the book, that has the book itself, that has other resources, everything from books on PDF to you know the the short videos that are disappearing off the internet to full-scale documentaries to a thousand-plus dank memes.
Etienne Boetie2
ah and And anybody that has that flash drive is authorized and encouraged to make copies for your friends. and for your friends.
Etienne Boetie2
And so once you have a credit card size liberator flash drive, you can, you know, you, you and you're over at friend's house, you can take it out and go, Hey, while we're hanging out, don't you copy this flash drive to your, ah to your, ah to your computer, or you can make copies yourself.
Christian Yordanov
I love it. I love it.
Etienne Boetie2
And then in on the flash drive are not just the instructions on how to do that, but also little cool labels that, that allow you to you know buy kind of commodity bulk flash drives off eBay, which you can get for like $3 a pop.
Etienne Boetie2
So if you bought 10 64-gig flash drives on eBay, they'd run you about $3 to $3.50 each. And so you can make 10 copies. And then we've got these cool little labels that you can print out, and you can buy Avery label paper any place. Any office supply store will sell you the label paper that you need.
Etienne Boetie2
And so we have the template that allows you to print off this kind of cool little label, wrap the flash drive, and then give it to your friends, your family, and your colleagues.
Christian Yordanov
Etienne Boetie2
And I'll be at events. you know we We ran into each other at ah at a conference, after a conference, but I'll be you know at a conference and people will come up to me and they're like, hey, I discovered your work because I was at a Liberty meetup or I was at a community meeting or somebody and somebody came in and they threw 20 flash drives out And they gave 20 flash drives to everybody at the meeting.
Etienne Boetie2
And that's how I discovered your work. And so there's, so what we're trying to do is we're trying to make it easy for people to fight back by, by, uh, by making the the resistance decentralized.
Etienne Boetie2
So anybody that's listening to my voice can, can put up a flash drive. Anybody that is listening to my voice can go, Oh, Go take a look at the White Rose posters, put them up in a coffee shop, put them up on a college campus, put them up on ah in ah and a conference, put you know print them you know ah and put them up in your somewhere in your community.
Christian Yordanov
Etienne Boetie2
And then that there's no way to really stop that. So wheres there's no way to stop somebody from copying that flash drive. There's no way. so So we're taking the things that are being censored on the Internet.
Etienne Boetie2
And we're making it censorship proof and allowing anybody to to to help get the word out about what's really, really going on ah in the world.
Christian Yordanov
Yeah. Do you think my wife would be happy if I set this up in her? I'm turning our garage into a Pilates studio for her.
Christian Yordanov
you think she'd be happy if I put some posters up in there?
Etienne Boetie2
So they're really, I got to tell you, so we've we've had these posters at the Greater Reset. We've had these posters at the Liberty Forum. We've had these posters at the Porcupine Freedom Festival. And people love them.
Etienne Boetie2
Like people are like, what is going on here? They're very visually engaging. And then, you know, a lot of them is the monopolization of everything.
Christian Yordanov
Yeah, yeah.
Etienne Boetie2
And so people don't really understand, you know, that, you know, there used to be, ah you know, there used to be 30 different defense contractors. And now they've all been rolled up into essentially four.
Etienne Boetie2
You know, there used to be, ah you know, 50 different, you know, media companies 20 years ago, and now they've been rolled up into six.
Christian Yordanov
Etienne Boetie2
You know, people didn't realize that there used to be 200 seed companies, and now they've been bought up by four companies that make poisons for the military. And so once people see that and they, you know, they see it with their own eyes, they come to that deeper understanding.
Etienne Boetie2
And so they're very, very popular. Like, like there's nobody that I've never seen anybody that got offended by it. like I like, only see people get fascinated.
Etienne Boetie2
Some of you've, you've probably already seen you fla like, like, uh, you know, the, the, the picture showing the monopolization of foods and consumer goods companies, how it all rolls up into Unilever and Procter and Gamble and Coca-Cola and PepsiCo and, and, uh, and other companies like that.
Christian Yordanov
Yeah. Yeah.
Christian Yordanov
Etienne Boetie2
That's, you know, that's been around. The thing that we do is we take that visualization and then we wrap some context around it so people can understand how it happened and why it happened.
Etienne Boetie2
And so that's that's kind of the magic of what we're doing. A lot of cases we didn't create the visualization. you know in the In the case of the the seed the GMO seed companies ah buying up 200 seed companies, that was a you know college professor named Philip Howard.
Etienne Boetie2
who did that original work, what we're doing is we're putting context around it and we're we're ah connecting the dots with the monopolization of the food companies, with the monopolization of the food and beverage companies, with the monopolization of the defense contractors, with the monopolization of the airlines, with the monopolization of the beer companies, with the monopolization of the meatpacking companies, with the monopolization of the grain companies, with the monopolization of, of ah you know, it goes on and on. We have a poster for almost every single segment from meat packing to beer to beverages to consumer goods to health to natural health products.
Christian Yordanov
Etienne Boetie2
So they're buying up all the natural health companies. We have the airlines.
Etienne Boetie2
So we've got, you know, yeah, yeah, you can see it all.
Christian Yordanov
That's the scariest part.
Christian Yordanov
Etienne Boetie2
And then you're going to you're going to understand the world much better, ah you know, ah understanding that this monopolization is going on. than if you didn't know that this monopolization was going on.
Etienne Boetie2
So it's very important information to get out.
Christian Yordanov
Christian Yordanov
I'm telling you, these posters, you can look at I'm sure I could look at them for hours if I didn't have like work to do and stuff. They're just fascinating. Guys, check them out.
Christian Yordanov
You can download them for free. But ah at the end, for sure, i have to figure out a way to for you to send me some... You know, so a little bit of everything you have, like the books, and I want to get maybe 10 copies of the government scam book and, you know, just to kind of start giving away to people here because Portugal, I don't know how if you know, but they were like patting themselves on the back that, the you know, we had the highest vaccination rate in Europe or the world.
Etienne Boetie2
Christian Yordanov
I'm like, Jesus Christ, way to go What to pat yourself on the back of us, guys, you know? We were the most um you know fucking slavish of everybody.
Christian Yordanov
you know So we'd love to get some of that stuff over to Portugal.
Etienne Boetie2
So, Hey, let me, let me talk about that for a second. So, cause fascinatingly, so the book, so the book government, the biggest scam in history has become one of those rare titles that people are buying in bulk and giving away to their friends and their family and their colleagues.
Etienne Boetie2
I just had a guy buy 20 copies yesterday that he's planning on giving away. He's an organic farmer. In Wisconsin, and he's planning on giving away 20 copies of of the book. He bought them yesterday.
Etienne Boetie2
Over 10%, somewhere around 10% of the copies that we sell are what's called a friends bundle. And we have a five copy friends bundle and we have a 10 copy friends bundle.
Etienne Boetie2
And so, and we have something called a pop-up guerrilla bookstore where you can buy 10 books and 10 liberators and everything that you need to attractively merchandise the book in a small footprint if you have a retail location.
Etienne Boetie2
And so what, so, and you can share in the profits of the book.
Christian Yordanov
Etienne Boetie2
And so the Art of Liberty Foundation, our umbrella organization, through the support of sponsors and donors, they what we're able to do is we're able to make these bulk copies available at a very you know low cost to where you can either give them away for free or you can you can sell them and share in the profits.
Etienne Boetie2
But like like it's very, very rare that 10% of the copies of the book that we sell are being sold in these five to 10 either Friends bundles or pop-up guerrilla bookstores
Christian Yordanov
Yeah. I that. yeah.
Etienne Boetie2
You know, and so that's very, very, you know, that that just, it's like a testament to how important people find find this information.
Etienne Boetie2
And people are actually using the book as ah as curriculum for their homeschoolers and their homeschool co-ops and homeschool programs.
Christian Yordanov
Christian Yordanov
ah oh yeah
Etienne Boetie2
And so people are are are using the book to teach their kids that the tricks that government is running to get obedience and fealty and adoration. and And they're saying, hey, I don't want my kids to get tricked the way that I got tricked.
Etienne Boetie2
And so they're using the book as ah as a ah homeschool curriculum. And so that's something else that I'm very, very proud of.
Christian Yordanov
Yes, yes, I love this Friends. You said that's the Friends bundle, right?
Etienne Boetie2
called a friends bundle.
Christian Yordanov
Yeah, I see it here, guys. Check it out if you're if you want to get 10. So you get 10 books and 10 of those 64 gigabyte liberators. That's really awesome value. Man, I agree.
Etienne Boetie2
Yeah, yeah. And we like I said, so if you have a retail location or have a friend that has a retail location, we've we've got this, it's called a pop-up gorilla bookstore, forward slash bookstore.
Etienne Boetie2
But, you know, everything that you need, like to sign it, a little a little sign, a little book stand, little book holder, some information cards, everything that you need to be able to attractively merchandise the book in a small footprint,
Christian Yordanov
Oh, damn it.
Christian Yordanov
Etienne Boetie2
And you can share in the profits and you can make money by waking up your friends and your family and your colleagues to like what's been, you know, like what's what's being hidden from them through this algorithmic censorship of the Internet and this monopoly media system.
Christian Yordanov
Dude, because we have a have a live by the seaside or the the ocean. So in the in the summertime, there's a lot of tourists. So I was always like thinking, how can I get my my daughter like to start some kind of business? And we're thinking maybe she can sell bracelets. We can do mugs or something like that.
Christian Yordanov
But I'm starting, dude, you're starting to give me some business ideas here, brother man.
Etienne Boetie2
Yeah, i go to i go to the poryine yeah yeah i go to the Porcupine Freedom Festival every year and and I hire a couple of kids and they just walk around and sell the book and they always do really well.
Christian Yordanov
like it.
Etienne Boetie2
they They make five bucks a copy for that that they sell and and then i you know I sell more copies and so it's very ah mutually beneficial for myself and the kids.
Christian Yordanov
Christian Yordanov
Yeah, dude, because like, you know, I can see, I've seen loads of people. We used to live right by the beach. So people come, the dude comes, he's bored, he's getting baked in the sun, you know, maybe you're just on his phone. And that's a horrible thing to be on the beach on your phone.
Christian Yordanov
So if yeah of yeah I think we could move, like, okay, let's maybe let's talk after, see how we can figure out shipping to Portugal. I'd like to get a couple of, like, I want to get a starter started pack going for myself and see where we can take this, man.
Etienne Boetie2
Christian Yordanov
uh at the end thank you listen let's we got to wrap it up i want to be respectful of your time but you know you're always if you have any any for the next book if you want to come back and talk about it or anything you want to promote in the future man i would like so glad that we bumped into each other and an arcapulco and it was such a such an honor to meet you and and of course to have you on the podcast because you are a legend and we all love you
Etienne Boetie2
Oh, thank you, man. I appreciate it Christian. And thank you for doing what you do. Like I said, we're all in this together. And so that's the reason we're going to win is we're all doing our individual thing. And so it's so it's been a pleasure to talk with you and your audience today.
Christian Yordanov
Yes. Thank you, brother.
Christian Yordanov
thank you brother
