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Anarchapulco 2025 Recap

Connecting Minds
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Introduction and Travel Anxieties

Christian Yordanov
Hey, it's Christian Yordanoff. So I thought I'd do a little monologue recap of an Acapulco 2025, at least from my point of view.
Christian Yordanov
Obviously, one very small point of view of this pretty epic event. second This is my second year that I am at Anarcapulco. I was there last year, 2024.
Christian Yordanov
Charlie Robinson invited me and i was very nervous about going for first time, of course. I hadn't i hadn't actually flown in a plane since October 2019.
Christian Yordanov
Five years. I hadn't been on a plane. Can you imagine? Can you believe how small my world had become? and
Christian Yordanov
Yeah, that was that was quite the experience.

Deciding to Attend Anarcapulco

Christian Yordanov
So then it was a great experience, no doubt, 2024. But the journey to get there and to come back was so painful. and We're talking train and, you know, hours on a train, then three planes. So hours...
Christian Yordanov
layovers and the previous year i had two of my flights were late so i was literally sprinting for two of the flights and just it was super stressful super stressful so this year i didn't plan on going but i didn't want to tell charlie until i was gonna i was thinking how how do i wheeze lot of this i'm not gonna like figure out some spiel about uh bro my my uh wife, she needs the help and like she can't be on on her own for this long.
Christian Yordanov
But then around October, I think last year, he was like, do you want to be my plus one? I have a plus one general admission ticket for the event. I'm like, oh, bollocks.
Christian Yordanov
You got me. I can't say no to that. So was like, happy days. Yeah, I'm excited. It's going to be great. So this time around, I said, i'm not going to let anything perturb me on the

Journey to Lisbon and Lost Bag Incident

Christian Yordanov
the flight there. You know, i was like, I don't care if I miss a flight. I'll just get another flight. I'll wait. And whatever. I said, whatever happens, would just roll with the punches.
Christian Yordanov
So... I took a taxi. to the train station on the whenever it was the 14th of February.
Christian Yordanov
So half an hour taxi then there was a very pleasant three, three and a half hour train ride to Lisbon where then I had to get a taxi to the airport from the train station to hang around for a couple of hours.
Christian Yordanov
But what happened was had a my my two bags And I also had like, i always have spillover when I travel. I just, I'm not, I'm not a minimalist. I'm like, whatever the opposite of of a minimalist is, the I'm that guy.
Christian Yordanov
And then plastic bag on the fucking side with my other crap. I had my blue blockers in the plastic bag. I had my massage gun, you know, some supplements for the trip, my notebook.
Christian Yordanov
just like crap spilling out of my bags that I had it so I just before the train stops at the Lisbon train station I was like oh no I gotta take a quick whiz so it's gonna make things easier and then so I just rushed for a quick whiz and then what I do I forgot my bag of crap my blue blockers my glass my sunglasses whatever else So was already like, and I only realized this half an hour later when I sat into like some restaurant to have a steak for, you know, a bit of nourishment, sustenance before the flight.
Christian Yordanov
So I sit down and like I'm like, let me take my supplements for for my next meal that I had prepared. I i always do that, you know. It's like, oh Oh, bollocks. Oh, no, sorry, sorry. Yeah, I was just about to sit down at at the table and that's when I realized, oh, bollocks.
Christian Yordanov
I left my bag of, plastic bag of crap on the train.
Christian Yordanov
I like, yeah, But it I was already like, I was like, you know what? I just put a quick value on the stuff in the bag in terms of like dollars or euro value. It's like whatever, 300, maybe 500 bucks of stuff.
Christian Yordanov
Okay, my notebook had some notes in there that I didn't want to lose, and whatever. But I was already like, was like, you know what? This is whatever, whatever. So... I called the train station. It's all Portuguese. Forget about it.
Christian Yordanov
The customer service here is like, you know, you'll be on hold for 30 minutes and then it will hang up on you. So i'm like, I'm not even going to bother playing that game. So, but actually emailed them. completed a form.
Christian Yordanov
Then I called a friend of mine that lives there. And, you know, as as I told him, he's like, he gave me some numbers to call. And I'm like, okay, try one, try the second one. Fuck it. Never mind. So anyway, he also said to go to customer service.
Christian Yordanov
They might help you out. So I went there and lo and behold, they had my bag of crap. Like, yay. I was there like high-fiving the people. They were like super happy for me. So like, yay, this is, it's going to be fine. It's going to be fine.

Flight to Mexico and Notable Encounters

Christian Yordanov
So went to the the first plane. That was, you know, whatever, an hour to Madrid in the opposite f freaking direction from Mexico.
Christian Yordanov
and then the next flight 13 hours i just i basically slept 10 of those hours i went on the plane took my concoction of supplements to help me with sleep and taped my mouth up and that was it put some my i had my blue blockers had the the face mask they give you up put that on top of the blue blockers and then that screen that the obnoxiously just start lighting up randomly when they decide to like do an announcement i just taped up some some of their literature they had on that one and the one next to me that was a free seat to darken the the place a bit yeah slept 10 straight
Christian Yordanov
which was great. And yeah, then another flight. the and And in both... No, that last connection, we landed because they had changed the flight on me prior.
Christian Yordanov
It was an earlier flight, the third flight. So that third flight, I had like 30 minutes, 30, 40 minutes after we landed to get to it. So I was already texting Charlie,
Christian Yordanov
and my wife and whatever i was like oh this next connection is 40 minutes i'll never make it last time i had an hour and a half and i barely made it so i was like was thinking to myself okay it looks like i'm gonna stay in in mexico city until the afternoon until i get another flight or whatever so i just didn't even i didn't even like rush i went out and you know started walking and Then I realized i'm really i'm really nearby this time around in the terminal, same terminal. Last time i had to change terminals and everything.
Christian Yordanov
So everything worked out. And then on the on the last plane, I had in my row... David Icke's son, Gareth Icke, and his wife were there and then in front of me the president Liberland, Witt, who I had spoken to the previous year. We had actually had lunch together with some other folks at one of the days.
Christian Yordanov
So he was there with his two young kids, two young boys. And I was like, oh, my God, this is awesome. I got them here. But I was, like, so tired. And, like, you know, you're like you know when you're, like, traveling two days, like, your your breath is not exactly smelling of roses. And, like, I was, like, a bit โ€“ my armpits were a bit sweaty from, you know, having โ€“ whatever like it's we're human so i was like bollocks now i can't even talk to the guy so they saw me like we we know they say hello was like i want to like you know i want to talk to the dude like okay it's it's not the right time go go shower and you'll get to talk to these people later so that was like the the trip there is an ordeal and what it turns out is that
Christian Yordanov
most people had to take more than two

Challenges and Future of Anarcapulco

Christian Yordanov
flights. It wasn't just me. I wasn't like special or something. Even from the States, there's no direct flights. or There's very few direct flights to Acapulco, so everyone had to like get at least two flights, if not more.
Christian Yordanov
So just in my case, it's longer flights, more layovers. it's It's even more painful, of course. I had to get a train, blah, blah. But everybody's everybody suffers. And the thing is, when you get there, it's not like...
Christian Yordanov
After all that, it's this magical pixie dust being sprinkled on you. Then it's 31 degrees Celsius sweating non-stop. As soon as I get out of the hotel, within five minutes, my t-shirt is almost fully drenched.
Christian Yordanov
Soon enough, it's fully drenched. And then I'm with a wet t-shirt all all day, all night. That's most people there that still have capacity to sweat. and If you're hypothyroid if and your temperature is very low, you probably like it there. But it's so humid that even that I think would be horrible.
Christian Yordanov
And then, of course, the mosquitoes at night, biting you nonstop. And i this time around, I didn't get my special sort of organic salve that helps with the itching and stuff. I was kicking myself. I would have been very popular if I had that thing with me.
Christian Yordanov
So the thing about getting there and being there, it's it's hard. It's hard. And then you don't sleep because then you're out with talking to people all the time. And, you know, you're not eating the food you would normally eat. So people don't go there because it's easy. People go there because the people.
Christian Yordanov
that go there are the best people you will ever meet. I genuinely... this is This is what kept me coming back. This is why... well you know like This time around, this year, those those thoughts are going through my head. out Okay, next year I definitely won't come.
Christian Yordanov
Because it's just it's too much. It's too much. It destroys the the first couple of days adjusting to the to the new time zone and everything. Already on the first day, i was like, oh, goddammit. No, no. Next year, for sure, I'm not coming.
Christian Yordanov
But then at the end, they announced that next year it won't be Acapulco. It will be Puerto Vallarta or something like that, which is less run down, bit more friendly in terms of it's a bit more touristy and stuff. So family friendly.
Christian Yordanov
And it's the nice thing is that it's a hell of a lot easier to get there. So apparently even there's a direct flight from Europe to it. So that could shave off a a whole flight from from next year's journey. So when I heard that in the end, when they announced that, I was like, well, for sure and for sure it's it's going to happen again because it's not it's not that the event isn't awesome. It's not that the people aren't awesome. It's just, I think...
Christian Yordanov
only the most hardcore people that truly and have been there, they know what it's like, or you have, let's say you're doing a talk or your favorite speakers will be there or you want to be a sponsor, only those people really make it.
Christian Yordanov
and Or if you're already living in Mexico or nearby and stuff like that. So even they they themselves said, the organizers, that next year we could double or triple the the attendance just by changing the the location to Porta Vallarta.

Exploring Liberland and Enlightening Discussions

Christian Yordanov
So But the the thing is, the people there, I just have no words to describe how amazing these people are, right? So on day one, we had presentations from Vit Jedlika.
Christian Yordanov
He's the president of Liberland. actually got to talk to him. There was a speed networking event where you meet a bunch of the speakers. So I met Flat Earth Dave, this Vit Jedlika.
Christian Yordanov
So we're talking, they could they do Liverpool conference with these guys in Serbia in September. So I said I'd offer to send him my book and a couple of extra copies. So he was like, yeah, great. We'll put it in the library. So I'm looking forward to sending them for there. They have a country. i don't know if you know.
Christian Yordanov
they have a country that they created liber it's called liberland an actual country it's kind of between czech republic and serbia and it's an actually it's an actual free republic of liberland it's a sovereign state located on the banks of the danube river known as gornia siga it is a constitutional republic with elements of direct democracy that allow direct engagement of citizens so it was you know updating us on the state of the the country's development. It's a new country, of course, so every year he goes there, he explains what what they're doing in terms of like development and the governess governance system and how you can... I think the more... So the taxes obviously are not like...
Christian Yordanov
foisted upon you you get to choose if you want to contribute and the more you contribute the more of a vote you would have and just really interesting things obviously i have obviously i have reservations about whether country like that can sustain itself when where you know we have governments around it that won't necessarily want it to
Christian Yordanov
grow and develop and so on but it's an interesting experiment and it just teaches teaches people a lot about liberty and all that good stuff. So he was a very cool dude, spoke to him, met him.
Christian Yordanov
Jay Noon, he was a speaker. he They were doing this man camp and the kids camp and they were teaching teaching kids skills and stuff like that.
Christian Yordanov
Met the shaman, Bearheart. Did a ceremony with him, with Charlie Robinson on the last day to kind of talk about at the end. Met Tim James from Chemical Free Body, Flatter earth Dave. I met him as well.
Christian Yordanov
He has some really cool card tricks. There's another dude called Logan Jason. He's like a metaphysician. he does like astrology astrology readings and he has this oracle deck. So I was talking to him. You just give him your day your month and day of birth.
Christian Yordanov
He starts telling about who you are, your mission here. stuff like that and he immediately just hit it right on the head what I'm here to do and what I'm about i could like I was like wow and so we're talking to him and Just the Steve Falconer, of course, from Space Busters, Miriam Hinein, investigative journalist, was there.
Christian Yordanov
Just the caliber of people is beyond comprehension. There was another dude I hadn't heard of before called Christoph Melchizedek, so spoke to him a couple of times. He's like a mystical shaman, and his presentation was really... i just caught the end of it.
Christian Yordanov
it was amazing. And actually, I didn't... listened to any presentations in full this time around pretty much or a couple like there was like a couple of like documentaries they screened saw those but I definitely will be going back to the to to the replays for some of these presentations because they were absolutely mind-boggling especially steve falconer's one was again amazing adam biggelson he talks about terrain and holographic blood and they do this dark field microscopy and they can see this crazy stuff in the blood and it's christoph melchizedek dude he was basically talking about
Christian Yordanov
just the dimensions and like what the hell's going on right now on earth and in the world in the grander scheme he's he's done obviously a lot of plant medicine work and he's kind of understands a little a little bit deeper stuff going on on more than the the 3d dimension if you if you can say that so he has some really cool neo-shamanic courses and and stuff like that so definitely we'll be checking out his stuff because
Christian Yordanov
One thing I've been delving deeper into lately myself is, for example, Dr. Dietrich Klinkhart, he has this thing called Autonomic Response Testing, which is a way where we can test for stuff going on in a person without necessarily using specific diagnostic tools like lab testing and stuff like that. And it he even he though he's like an MD, PhD, he talks about
Christian Yordanov
how we have levels of healing and levels of sort of pathology in in in a person. And yeah obviously we have the physical, have nutrition or deficiencies, we have toxicity, physical trauma, stuff like that. Obviously that's clear that we have that level to to resolve stuff when when a person needs it. And I truly believe that Almost all people right now have deficiencies in in in multiple vitamins, minerals and stuff like that.
Christian Yordanov
So my big focus over the years has been that level, but I've always had an interest in these more subtle dimensions to it. So, you know, I have have had people come to me that potentially, not potentially, but that that would share with me that they were, you know, abused as children.
Christian Yordanov
or have other trauma that is contributing potentially to their physical health issues, health challenges, right? So there's, I'm always willing to learn and and deepen my my knowledge of helping folks resolve fully health challenges. So I understand myself that there's a lot of stuff going on in a person that we only, if we just look at the surface level of, symptoms and signs and and stuff like that we may be we may be seeing a symptom which has a deeper cause and sometimes that deeper cause could be inside the body but it could be uh you know deeper deeper still in the psyche you know you have the sort of the
Christian Yordanov
emotional, you have the electromagnetic field, so there's a lot of there's a lot of fields and fields and fields that sort of stack up and layer up to make us and of course with the five senses we can't see much more than the physical reality but we know, at least many of us know that there's there's much deeper, higher levels to to this. So I'm always willing to kind of learn and broaden my understanding it or deepen my understanding even so that I can just help help people
Christian Yordanov
and but But maybe I won't be an expert in this stuff, but if I know enough to at least help people sort of look within deeper or or have someone or a network of other practitioners within other modalities that I can refer to them, I would be happy, you know.
Christian Yordanov
So definitely always looking on ways to enhance my my longevity and health optimization program. So this guy, Christoph Milchizedek, actually...
Christian Yordanov
I listened on the last day, or rather on the travel day back, on the first travel day of the two that I traveled back.

Bufo Ceremony Experience

Christian Yordanov
I found, he doesn't do many many podcasts, but I found one that was about 90 minutes.
Christian Yordanov
So I listened to it three times, basically through, so over four and a half hours, I listened to it just because... He talks such interesting stuff and it just it was helping me to integrate my part of my my journey from the Friday, the last day of the conference where myself and Charlie Robinson, we did a bufo ceremony, which if you don't know what bufo is, that's basically the bufo of various is the is the Sonoran Desert Frog, I think.
Christian Yordanov
And they basically, they collect the the venom of the toad. It's on a frog, it's toad. And that they kind of, that that's where the 5-MeO-DMT is, which is like an entheogen that is the most powerful entheogen known currently, from what I understand. i didn't know much about it, really.
Christian Yordanov
Yeah. other than it's super powerful and so Myself and Charlie, Charlie actually invited me to to do the ceremony. So he had booked the last day, the last two slots from 3 p.m. to 9 p.m. So we had the sunrise on the beach in this but that's just holistic center, Bam Buddha there. And he kind of, he got that as a gift for me, which I am going to be eternally grateful for because that was an absolute gift.
Christian Yordanov
I almost, I don't, I don't really have words to describe what that was. And what I should have mentioned is Charlie. There was a dude called T Snyder, T Snyder. His website is conspiracy filmmaker.
Christian Yordanov
super cool guy very very very switched on dude check out his rumbo and other channels on you know you can go to conspiracy he does some amazing videos so anyway he was doing a documentary filming a documentary about charlie and he's doing that with some other folks in the space like the grimerica team and Her boy, Morich, and Ryan Christian, I think. So he was following Charlie for that those five days everywhere and filming him. And he even filmed Charlie as he after he smoked the bufo and as he sort of entered into the the state.
Christian Yordanov
It was... Pretty amazing. So, you know, what i'm what I'm sharing here, you know, it will, parts of it, you might even be able to see when Charlie's documentary comes out in the next few months.
Christian Yordanov
But it was it was such a powerful experience. So anyway, so I was listening to Christoph Melchizedek's stuff in that post-state after it.
Christian Yordanov
Christian Yordanov
just it really helped just to integrate a bunch of stuff because it was so powerful that I'll tell you I was before like so this was facilitated by their shaman Bearheart who is just like the coolest, coolest cat ever you know very cool guy
Christian Yordanov
he's done he's facilitated thousands of of ceremonies just with this medicine alone and just puts you immediately at ease. there's I mean, I was very nervous, I have to be honest.
Christian Yordanov
And I said it, I admitted it at the time. I was actually all all week long, i was thinking, all right, how in the hell am I going to weasel out of this one?
Christian Yordanov
so i I just just i was nervous, i was scared, you know, was scared.
Christian Yordanov
And i think that's normal. It's normal when you respect the medicines and you know how powerful they are. It's normal that, you know, you... you're afraid, of the unknown. at least some of us, Charlie, certainly, Charlie certainly was not afraid. he was, Charlie was like, like almost like a little kid.
Christian Yordanov
Come on let's do this. Let's go. Let's go. so but, anyway, we were kind of sitting there with bare hearts and it's kind of explaining some stuff about the medicine and what to like, what to do and not do and how it will go and stuff.
Christian Yordanov
And, uh, I was just already in tears. Like I was already had tears coming down my my eyes. And then when the time came for Charlie, he did it first and I could see, I could almost like it was emanating out of Charlie, whatever it was.
Christian Yordanov
Cause I was maybe a few feet, a few meters away, couple of meters away from Charlie. And it it was,
Christian Yordanov
It was all like I could see the sort of the peace in in his face. He had his eyes closed and could just like, it was emanating into me and I was already already in tears. It was crazy. It was crazy. So then my turn came and
Christian Yordanov
the first So the first you get a little bit of the medicine just to kind of hold it in and see, understand that you can trust it and it's there to do you good. and the bare heart, the shaman said, you know, it will never give you more than you can handle. so that's that's when i took the second sort of hit of the buffo and before you even blow blow it out because you're supposed to hold it for a few seconds before you even blow it out it just it hit me like like a freight train just this sort of tetragrammatron or whatever this kaleidoscopic this sort of image
Christian Yordanov
just hit hit my mind's eye and at that point it was something happened there for the next minutes that uh it was so intense and my my body was trying to fight it so hard and he had so he when he sees that you're kind of struggling a bit he he the bare heart the the facilitator the medicine man he would either sing or play the flute or play a drum or whatever instrument
Christian Yordanov
He feels he's right and that just helps you sort of let go, the the let the ego, the ego is really what is afraid at that moment because it's kind of, it's very close to death, that whole process you, you,
Christian Yordanov
you when I say you the ego or the ego rather, not you, because the two can be separated sort of. So the ego thinks it's dying and it will do a lot. There's a big, can be a big struggle for some people, like for me at that point.
Christian Yordanov
And I think went, let go but some point, but the whole, whole
Christian Yordanov
thing was so it felt so strong is that i feel like i i started to struggle again i was like so like trying to like almost like get off the the the bed and was like oh help help me bear heart thought if if he could hear me say that was like help me
Christian Yordanov
And so i think he started to play the flute at that point. And that's when... i mean, already it was hitting me so hard, but it's... it's so difficult. Like i I, have almost no memory.
Christian Yordanov
have almost no memory of of the experience and most people don't, don't really remember, but I remember it was, it was just, he just tells you through the whole time. Just, just keep saying, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. thank you And try to remember to breathe and just keep saying, thank you. Thank you. Whatever is happening, it's happening for you, not to you.
Christian Yordanov
It's happening for you. So, there was definitely he was as he was saying before the experience is that this is like a it's not about written necessarily visions and stuff like that or in hallucinations or whatever it's about experiencing that the luminous white light that you know people that have near-death experiences and stuff like that they kind of report back so it's just the fastest way to get into that and We actually produce DMT and 5-Me or DMT in the body.
Christian Yordanov
So there some some say that you know you produce and release a bunch of it at about 12 weeks or so when you're still developing in the womb and then you release a lot when you when at the moment of death.
Christian Yordanov
it could be It could be that it the body it's some kind of a protective mechanism for the body to basically just help ease your transition, or maybe it opens the portal. But whatever it does, whatever it does it it's probably the close... At least in my my experience, because I've done other psychedelics, but not not really...
Christian Yordanov
nothing thing Nothing this intense, you know, and and I haven't, basically basically in the last three or so years since my daughter was born, I had barely touched anything. I had barely done anything. That's probably why I was also nervous because after a while, you just really forget a lot of what you've experienced and stuff like that. So I think this is the closest thing to experiencing in the limited human physical body, to experiencing...
Christian Yordanov
don't know i guess the power of god the power of of spirit because we we are so in our daily life it's it's it's a necessity to close these channels up so that you can function the 3d world as a as a human you cannot be like this all the time think maybe you would get used to And some people are more able to handle it. But I was, as was this was happening, this sort of surges of energy sort of blasting through me, i was moaning and like twitching and just
Christian Yordanov
ah ah almost It almost from the side, it might look like you're possessed by a demon or like you're having an exorcism and the spirits are coming out of you. But to me, mean it felt like just it was such a powerful experience that my body, my container...
Christian Yordanov
was physically overwhelmed with the release of energy and it's just gets more and more and more intense and it's so intense i think that's when it became so intense that that's when i was like i was like oh
Christian Yordanov
Because it was so intense. just And then I think he he just he started playing, but he also reminded me to just keep saying thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you for what you're receiving and all.
Christian Yordanov
And so that lasted minutes or something. And... after it stopped being super intense, there was i don't know, was it

Impact and Integration of Ceremony Insights

Christian Yordanov
moments? What is it? Was it a minute seconds? I have no idea, but there was this point where i was completely still. And i think that's when, you know, the body sort of,
Christian Yordanov
the the intensity has sort of subsided to a point where you could actually just be in the experience and I guess appreciate and experience whatever it may have been this point again I don't I really don't remember but all I remember was that as the intensity sort of subsided the next thing I was like why did I fight it why did I fight all of that why did I fight And then as it continued to sort of subside, started to become more aware of my surroundings. So I just took them with the palms of my hands and I covered my eyes.
Christian Yordanov
So my field of vision would be darkened again. so i was hoping to just retain some of that experience, like a glimpse of a memory of it.
Christian Yordanov
And I just spent like, i don't know, like 10, 15, 20 minutes in this kind of state. First, I was just trying to hold on to any smidgen of a memory of this experience, anything.
Christian Yordanov
and Anything I could retain and embody, you know. And... But it was slipping away. It was slipping away fast. And then I just kind of... I was almost in like a fetal position at this point. And then I just kind of plopped back on the bed. And I was just like started crying.
Christian Yordanov
And thanking spirit, you know, for... for showing me that and it was i just cried i think i just like crying for like 10 minutes maybe more just crying crying and my body was still like processing the i think a lot of stuff and tension and potentially trauma definitely was came out of me you know through this the the previous however many minutes it was and
Christian Yordanov
I was like crying and then at one point i was like i had a smile on my face and was like the tears were of joy you know it was just joy at that point i just crying from joy and gratitude that I got to experience the closest thing to, again, to the power, the power of God, the power of spirit as, suppose, a limited three-dimensional being, i guess, can.
Christian Yordanov
And the other thing you kind of sort of experience through through this through this experience is how just how powerful spirit is, the the so the whatever that is that gives life and and and
Christian Yordanov
animates and creates this entire reality, that is so unfathomably powerful that you know our brain would explode if we were to experience it in its full power and glory i know there was that movie dogma where you know that they were making this kind of joke that you know that your brain would explode if you heard the voice of god type thing you know And then I just kind of as as the the the memory or as the experience was fading away, I just remember when one of the the reasons I was sort of crying is just
Christian Yordanov
you if there was probably two words to to use, it would be unconditional love. but This is is what I felt. sort of the deepest love of the universe of God, of the creator, you know, father, mother, God, as Christoph Melchizedek calls it, you know, father, mother, God, whatever you like to call it.
Christian Yordanov
So you just feel this deep, deep, unconditional love that you're enveloped in, all of creation is enveloped in and you're just,
Christian Yordanov
grateful that this is you know this is this is at the root of us you know so as I was kind of coming back Charlie was on the sunbed next to me and it was windy and sunny and you could hear the ocean or the sea whatever the ocean there and uh charlie just looked at me and he's like good luck explaining that good luck explaining that to other people and
Christian Yordanov
I don't... like already I was like... I mean you could feel like this fe the feeling was there and you felt that for hours and even the next day in the next day I was sitting... I'd be sitting in the plane waiting waiting for like takeoff and this waves of this feeling would come and uh bareheart had told us you know if if it comes just breathe and keep saying thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you the medicine will continue to teach you for however however much time and it was just uh
Christian Yordanov
it was just
Christian Yordanov
Yeah, you cannot explain this. You just simply cannot in any way. there's not There's no way to explain this with words.
Christian Yordanov
I remember actually the day the day before saw one of my clients there, John, and him and his brother had done the Bufo ceremony the the day before.
Christian Yordanov
So was chatting with him for a couple of hours, just kept catching up, and I saw a few other clients there. It was really awesome. there There's people coming, and they were wanted to take a picture with me and Charlie Robinson. and There was one dude one of the days, on the last day, he came. He's like, can you do me a favor? I'm like, yeah.
Christian Yordanov
what's up and he took out my book out of his bag he's like can you sign this for me i was like oh my god that just made my made my whole day you know my whole week so but my my client john's uh he told me uh his brother apparently remembered some of the experience so this is the day before i did it so i just at one point i asked him you what what do you remember and he started just explaining a little bit you know like just a serene imagery and but the oh my god just his voice and his eyes the they're all you had to really sort of hear and see the the words didn't matter because you could see like just the the love and the peace coming out of his eyes and his and his voice he he tasted
Christian Yordanov
the unconditional love of God and he knows that that is what he's made of. At the deepest core, this is what we are. And hearing that
Christian Yordanov
the that hearing that just really sort of put my heart at rest. was like, I knew though I was nervous, though I was, you know, shitting my pants, I knew that the time had come for me to experience, you know, uh, Bareheart told me after the experience, you know, he said, it only comes when you're ready. So, you know, it will,
Christian Yordanov
You know, these medicines are very forgiving, you know. Like I know some people say the ayahuasca, you know, you puke, you vomit, and that's kind of part of the healing pro the the that process, you know.
Christian Yordanov
On the way out, it... because of the sort of writhing and and pain you're through, it kind of unblocks a lot of stored emotions and potentially other stuff in the deep sort of fascia surrounding the organs and the gut and stuff like that. So though unpleasant, some of them physically or even psychologically,
Christian Yordanov
that they they have good, like you can see with the the plant medicines, they have good intentions. So, and and they're very... Again, they're very forgiving.
Christian Yordanov
They They ah you know they they don't they won't punish you because, again, they're kind of a doorway, keyhole to divinity in in a way, if used correctly, I believe. So it if they give you a glimpse of Father, Mother, God, Creator, Spirit,
Christian Yordanov
well i mean this at the root of it the two words again i i would personally use to describe my experience with the buffo was i felt and the unconditional love you know of father mother god so you know these these medicines of course they were they're not going to like do anything bad to you because they're a glimpse into the unconditional love of father mother god so that was an absolutely just
Christian Yordanov
unspeakable experience you know uh
Christian Yordanov
for sure for sure would would love to to do that again you know really it's the the fear is gone of course i would still if if i were to do it again and would still be little bit you know the excitement the nervousness that that for sure would be there because it's so powerful that you're it just you give it the respect it deserves, you know, give it the respect

Event Reflections and New Connections

Christian Yordanov
it deserves.
Christian Yordanov
So that was the the last day kind of in the afternoon. And then of course it was a long trip home. And, but the first day I was just, like i said, like earlier, I was almost like overcoming with these waves of love, love and emotions. And I i would,
Christian Yordanov
multiple times the the first half of the next day i was like almost being tears didn't break into tears earth i held it together i didn't want like a some grown ass man start like shedding tears you know people around me and I had to do like work at at the airport so I was on the computer and but was listening to like nice music and it was it was nice it was really it was just kind of integrating the experience and then I when I came home the first night I slept like 11 hours last night couldn't get up this morning it was just so destroyed physically from the trip from
Christian Yordanov
not sleeping and sleeping weird hours and whatever else. Was it worth it? Heck yes, it was worth it. Would I do it again? Heck yes, I would do it again. And definitely I'll be checking out the a lot of the speakers' recordings because and their work.
Christian Yordanov
And I'm going to be interviewing some of them. Made a good buddy. uh uh in a dude called anthony samuroff he gave me a copy of his book and signed it so he was one of the body workers there there's a whole team of body workers they're doing amazing work so So amazing that actually I did a session with Anthony who will be on the podcast soon. We're going to do some cool stuff with him.
Christian Yordanov
He's like a former psychotherapist and now he's doing he's doing some of that, but he's also doing a lot of like bodywork stuff and writing and just very cool dude from Scotland and learned a lot from him.
Christian Yordanov
So i did't I did a session, two-hour session with him, this sort of bodywork modality that He only worked on my one arm, just on my right arm, and it's a little bit painful, no pain, no gain type of treatment, but I feel like the tension we were able to release out of my my arm, my fingers, my, you know, everywhere, the whole arm, up to the shoulder.
Christian Yordanov
He said that unless you get the tension out of the toes and the the hands and the feet, forget about any other stuff, chiro, whatever body work or whatever sort of modality use, it's temporary because if you have a lot of tension in the fingers and the hands, you're going to be pulling these fascia networks and these muscles constantly.
Christian Yordanov
So when unless you get the tension out there, you know, you might get a back massage, you might get whatever, shoulder massage, bunch of different stuff, but you're just gonna pull yourself back into misalignment or whatever the case may be for you. So we only did one arm in that session, but there was a dude next to me that was going, has been going to them every single day five days in a row.
Christian Yordanov
The dude was on cloud nine. So, yeah, nice nice that they live in Scotland, these folks. so Anthony and his girlfriend. So and god we're going to definitely have them visit us over in Portugal and maybe we can set up some, so get them...
Christian Yordanov
set them up here to to do some treatments for interested parties, people. So really like made some really, I believe, lasting friendships there this time around. I saw some folks from the previous year that I had met and hung out with them at Max Egan's bar.
Christian Yordanov
and that's that bar Max Higgins plays, that's where the action's at. So we had David Avocado Wolf there couple of nights playing the drums. One of the other speakers, the the ah the Adam Biggelson dude, the Terrain Theory Darkfield Microscopy dude, he was playing bass guitar like a friggin' machine, and there was other guys, like so there was live music, there was another dude that does like this sort of Oh, God, i don't even know what it is. It's like, I forgot his name now as well. God, I'm so sorry.
Christian Yordanov
That's so disrespectful. I forget the name of the dude, but he does like this kind of like music and guitar and almost like ska, reggaeton, reggaeton type stuff and all about freedom. And his music is all free online. I forget the name.
Christian Yordanov
Damn, I'm sorry. It will come to me.
Christian Yordanov
Then there was a film, so Max Egan's bar, that's where everybody goes after, so you meet a lot of cool cats there.

Panels and Community Highlights

Christian Yordanov
There was a whole filmmakers panel, so they they had Dr. Andrew Kaufman there, Steve steve Falconer, Max Egan, Andrew Treglia, so Andrew Treglia.
Christian Yordanov
He is the creator of the Jones Plantation film, so director, editor, writer, and that's a cult movie. They screened 30 minutes of a new movie they're working on that Charlie Robinson is also involved in. That was pretty cool.
Christian Yordanov
Miriam Hennane was there. So just... And I met Drew. hung out with him for a bit. Super down-to-earth, super fun guy. Super just... eat like easygoing but also just really funny and oh my god what a what a cool guy hopefully i'll get him on the podcast there was a child educators panel so we had mike winner jay noon a bunch of other folks that were talking about how to educate our kids
Christian Yordanov
There was a whole day about health. Joe Salatin there, the Polyphase Farms guy, was there, Marjorie Wildcraft. So they were doing talks about
Christian Yordanov
farming and sovereign living and like i said there was a speed networking with the speakers uh one evening the first night there was an independent media dinner so a bunch of uh independent media guys were there hosting it so you'd get a table with a specific guy so i met a dude there josh sigurdsson who's like an og in the space he he's been doing this stuff for, for many years now and met him and connected with him. So a lot of, just a lot of, if you're into freedom and, you know, just being able to do your own thing and spirituality and,
Christian Yordanov
expanding your mind and learning about the reality and stuff like that. these This is where it's at. is This is where you find not just the best people in terms of education, right? The speakers and stuff like that.
Christian Yordanov
But the people that come to this kind of event... Like I said before, I'm not being hyperbolical hyperbolic. These are the best people you will ever meet. And sure, some of them, they're a little bit scary.
Christian Yordanov
Some of them are a bit rough around the edges, right? to to to the civil To your civilian, you know, to your normie, they're a little bit sort of, ooh, what a d are the IDs? Like, i don't know, like anarchists?
Christian Yordanov
Christian Yordanov
ah ah to But this this is the kind of place where, and you see this, like you leave your bag of stuff, you know, your laptop might be there, your passport, your wallet might be in your bag. People just leave their bag of stuff.
Christian Yordanov
with some randoms they've never met for an hour, for two hours, and you just are not even worried about it. Like on the street outside of Max Egan's bar, you leave your bag there, you go there, you know, whatever, have a beer or a coconut or spliff and you come back or you go dance and you go go off to eat tacos and you come back your back, your bag and your stuff will be in that same space. Nobody even but even like thinks about it That's the kind of place. And never mind the fact that last year when the hurricane hit Acapulco, it was the those that group of anarchists that some of them lived there, some of them came down from like Texas or Arizona or whatever to help out.
Christian Yordanov
These guys were there before the Red Cross to help out the people. and the so much so that the the police the chief of police basically like publicly thanked them and they had army people the event sort of to just kind of you know just give people some that don't know what it's like there's some confidence that everything is fine it's safe you know you had the army no one's gonna like whatever you know So they they did a lot, they've done a lot for those people, the the locals, and the locals love love all the Anarchapulco people because you know they tip well and they're nice, they're anarchists, you know, anarchists. They're not what the media makes them look out to be, they're just nice people that just want to be left alone.
Christian Yordanov
they're They're good-natured, good-willed people and they're... So the locals really... Really love them. And it's it's nice. And yeah, but's kind of that's kind of my recap. I have to absolutely say though, the the best part of it was hanging getting to hang out with Charlie Robinson a lot more. And one of the days he had given me an an activist post. So I'm helping him. oh I'm helping Charlie Robinson with So he gave me a t-shirt.
Christian Yordanov
So wore that on like Thursday or whatever. I had people like coming up to me like, oh, you were with Activist Post. And there was one guy, he's like this legend in the in the freedom space. He's like, oh, he introduced himself to me, gave me his card.
Christian Yordanov
So really it was it was what what a what an epic sort of event. People were like, oh, you were with Activist Post. the I love that site. I've been going there for ages. and I saw some other clients and some folks that know my clients, the friends of my clients that were able to make it. and Just some of absolutely incredible people.
Christian Yordanov
absolutely Just unbelievable. So I love the the event.
Christian Yordanov
to have hung hanged hanged out hung hung out with Charlie more. and But for sure, the highlight of the whole thing was the Bufo ceremony. and and it's been, I think now, how long has it been now? It's been like...
Christian Yordanov
one, two, three, four. It's been about three and a half days since since then. And it just, I feel like fundamentally it has changed who I am.
Christian Yordanov
And I know these things, they kind of, there's a period of integration, they wear off and go back to normal and like, now i have life back to life back to yeah reality type stuff so i have a lot lot of work to catch up on and whatever but so far it's been like i'm a different person you know like you just you after a thing like this you're you just you just know more viscerally, not intellectually. Like we can always say, oh, we're all one and the eternal soul and, you know, consciousness doesn't die and you you create your reality. But sure, intellectually, we we can say a lot of things, but
Christian Yordanov
you know some of us don't feel them as well. other Others do, and you know more power to them. I wish I was more like that, but this experience allows you to just cut through all of that and experience, as it were, you know God or Spirit, the power of it and the beautiful unconditional love that upon which this reality exists. and It just kind of...
Christian Yordanov
it sort of removes a lot of stuff like, oh, okay, yeah, all right, there are corruption and governments and, you know, there's bad people doing bad things and those things still genuinely exist and stuff like that and, you know, you you pick a side to be on and you do the work that you are here to do, but it just allows you to catch from that and be like, okay,
Christian Yordanov
But you know you are so much, we are so much more than just what's going on on earth today and we have there's so many layers and there's sort of so much vastness to the reality in right now and it's so much deeper than human mind in its normal state can comprehend and the greatest of depths
Christian Yordanov
upon which you know this entire reality rests on is unconditional love and once you know that you kind of it's just it's like you know you know that It's all here for a reason.
Christian Yordanov
It's happening for us. we We are creators, co-creators of this. And at the end of it, no matter what struggles, and the struggles are always going to be hard, you know, for a physical being in a 3D reality and all that good stuff.

Final Reflections on Enlightenment and Suffering

Christian Yordanov
It will never like be like easy, easy. I used to think when I was a kid, like when you become enlightened, or when i be if and when I become enlightened, it would be, oh, everything, like there's no more suffering after that, right? There's no more suffering. That's what I used to think. It's like, oh, Jesus, he didn't suffer or, you know, you become enlightened and then everything starts to work out for you. Everything falls into place. And I think slightlyly slightly, slightly, don't want to say infantile, childish way to look at it, but I think,
Christian Yordanov
not not that I'm not just saying that not saying that you will become enlightened if you if you do a bufo ceremony or this is how you become enlightened and that's that's what enlightenment is.
Christian Yordanov
It's more, to me again, this is the bufo ceremony is just a direct sort of experience of the light and it's so powerful and so sort of staggering, so difficult to embody that like I said, i almost don't remember anything. Like I, I, I've been thinking about it so much for the last three days. I'm just trying to sort of conjure up the feeling or, or like a vision or something that just to remind myself of
Christian Yordanov
the things I experienced, but just it just becomes even more faded and more faded. And i think that's okay though, because
Christian Yordanov
At the end of it, though, we don't have necessarily very good memory of of anything at all. Just some sensations and stuff like that.
Christian Yordanov
I think the important thing is that we understand that
Christian Yordanov
on the fund It's all built on a foundation of unconditional love for us. So that, you you know, no matter what we've suffered through and what hardships have come our way, a deeper core, we are much more than just a human body. There's many more layers to us.
Christian Yordanov
And those deeper layers, we are... much more powerful and these things the surface level are sort of dreamlike in quality and they cannot really hurt us at our core level so you kind of you get a little bit of a sense of security that way you know.
Christian Yordanov
It does fade sure but I think it It's because we also have to, have to play the game.
Christian Yordanov
We're here to play the game. we're here, we have a role in this grand theater of the universe. So if, if you want to be a good player, a good actor in the game, you kind of have to lose yourself a little bit into the role you're playing.
Christian Yordanov
so But the the cool thing about this game and or this play or whatever is you kind of can morph your role or your role on the and team or in the on the set.
Christian Yordanov
You can kind of seemingly change what you want you know what you want to do with your role. So that's kind of cool. Whether that's truly...
Christian Yordanov
our own choice or it's just where we're just kind of playing it out and we're just puppets in the hands of spirit does it really matter because
Christian Yordanov
at that point it's it's we're we're just kind of splitting hairs and and majoring in the minors the most important thing at least to me this is just my experience of it is understanding that
Christian Yordanov
at the core of it it's unconditional love that that was for me that was so i think that's why i cried so much i was just like so happy to experience the unconditional love of of our creator you know anyway i think i'm gonna stop rambling here thank you for tuning into the episode There will be more coming out very shortly with some of the cool folks I met at Anarcapulco.
Christian Yordanov
So stay tuned for that. And thank you once again for watching or listening.
