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Low-Carb Diets: A Tool For Depopulation?  image

Low-Carb Diets: A Tool For Depopulation?

Connecting Minds
194 Plays5 months ago

Are you following health trends that actually harm your body? In my eye-opening masterclass "The 7 Popular But Deadly Health Fads," I reveal how common health practices promoted by influencers and gurus might be ravaging your gut, accelerating disease, and shaving years off your life.

Discover which popular diets, supplements, and health rituals are secretly sabotaging your health and learn what to do instead. I explain why these seemingly healthy habits are damaging your body and provide actionable alternatives for true longevity.

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Introduction to Low-Carb Diets and Fertility

Hey, Christian Jardinov here. Let's talk about how potentially low carb diets are exacerbating the already really declining fertility in both females and males today.

Factors in Declining Fertility Rates

Now there could be many reasons why ah fertility rates are dropping, toxins and just people being extremely unhealthy in nowadays.
and just not showing outward symptoms because they're still young-ish, ah yeah at least the folks that are studied for fertility because usually will be couples in their 20s and 30s, right?

Impact of Modern Diets on Fertility

So they're still young enough where all the horrifically bad stuff in their body has not um shown so outward symptoms like all the plug and saturated fats and all the toxins and the plastics and the the whatever flame retardants and persistent organic pollutants and but then you add all the stress of today's world you add all the yeah ems you add all of the horrific diets people mostly have for the most part
and on top of that force women to exercise a lot to intermittent fast that's the women side of things sorted in terms of causing causing them to be infertile and then the guys with all of the extra exercise and the fasting and intermittent fasting and and then all the carnivore keto low carb diets that's the guys catching up to to the to the ladies in terms of infertility. Now it's almost equal how infertile and women how infertile men women are. it was For a while it was women leading the pack, quote unquote.
but now it's almost equal.

Low-Carb Diets and Hormonal Imbalance

And the more I look into it, the more low carb diets are contributing to both male and female infertility. And i'm going not I'm not going to be super controversial here. I just asked Chad GPT What are the mechanisms via which low-carb diets lower sex hormones and ah contribute to infertility in men and women? So even Chad GPT will tell us the mechanisms without necessarily this turning into a tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theory freaking episode, right? So we have the fact that
The gonads in men and women require glucose. It is crucial for their function. In women glucose is crucial for ovarian function so the development of ovarian follicles the eggs that requires glucose and low carb diets restrict glucose availability so these processes can easily be impaired the egg maturation the oocyte maturation and follicular genesis the development of ovarian follicles okay so
That impaired glucose metabolism can also disrupt the menstrual cycle, ovulation and fertility. ah So you also have decreased glycosylation of reproductive hormones in both men and women. So the FSH follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone are
require carbohydrates that play a role in the glycosylation of these hormones. right So restricting carbohydrates can hinder their production of follicles, stimulating hormone, and luteinizing hormone. okay And these are critical for the regulation of the mentrual menstrual cycle in women and to stimulate spermatogenesis or sperm production and testosterone synthesis in men.
Glycosylation increases the stability, bioavailability and receptor binding of follicles stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone. Reduced carbohydrate intake can impair this process leading to less effective hormone signaling and thus disrupted reproductive function.
Low carb diets may affect the ah ability of these hormones to properly function, reducing their effectiveness in promoting ovulation in women and testosterone production in men.

Insulin Resistance and Male Fertility

Now, in terms of men, so we have these cells in the testes called the latic cells, and these require glucose for the production of testosterone.
And that is what regulates a lot of stuff in men's permatogenesis and all that stuff, obviously. So low-carb diets limit glucose availability, which could impair leading cell function, reducing testosterone levels, and lower testosterone can lead to lower sperm count, poor sperm quality, and reduced libido, all of which contribute to male infertility.
Also, even Chad GPT knows that these low carb diets, especially in the long term, may also increase the risk of insulin resistance. So insulin actually plays a role in testosterone production and decreased insulin sensitivity can reduce testosterone levels and impair sperm production. So even Chad GPT knows, well of course it knows, it knows everything, but most people don't know that it's not carbs that cause insulin resistance. Actually
Going on a low carb diet is much more likely to make you insulin resistant than on a high carb diet. And because insulin plays a role in testosterone production, that insulin resistance via the low carb diet, when it's done long term, can reduce testosterone levels and impair sperm production.

Role of Stress and Nutrient Deficiency

Also the fact that low carb diets result in an increase in cortisol and cortisol and testosterone have an inverse relationship so when cortisol is always high especially chronically but even acutely if you raise cortisol acutely it lowers testosterone they've done studies on that i cite some of that research on in in my book like when when the guys are given hydrocortisone cortisol mimicking chemical testosterone drops when they're giving given insulin to clear the bloodstream
of glucose the resultant spike in cortisol lowers testosterone as well okay so that is what a low carb diet and intermittent fasting and fasting in general and too much exercise and a stressful lifestyle does that increase in cortisol because of the stress has a detrimental effect on male fertility and female fertility. So you could really simplify it greatly and say the biggest reason to, I suppose the two biggest reasons why male and female fertility is plummeting is one stress.
psychological, physiological, and we're wes we' are so engineered nowadays to seek out stressful activities ah and believe that they're healthful, fasting, intermittent fasting. diet you know I'm not saying dieting is marketed as very helpful but um ah the low carb diets, all this crazy amounts of exercise young people are doing, at least some of them,
that stress and the resultant spike in cortisol that is chronic or that's chronically elevated is, is, is a major ah contributor. And then the other one would be toxicity. There's a lot of toxins as well. And that depletes nutrients and it's also stressing it in and of itself, you know, so it's the other day it's one stress, but we can start to sub categorize different types of stresses.
So the toxicity and that depletes nutrients and antioxidant levels and then the stress, the low low nutritional status, the the the um the deep ah then this the the toxic burden, that um that basically results in the body down regulating nice to have functions like reproduction, high testosterone. Those are absolutely nice to have if you're kind of in survival mode because of all the stress and toxicity and poor nutrient status. Then let's talk about reduced energy availability for spermatogenesis and sperm motility in men. So spermatogenesis is the process of sperm production
It's energy intensive and relies heavily on glucose. Carbohydrate restriction in low carb or keto diets could deprive sertoli cells, which support sperm production, of the glucose necessary for optimal sperm development. So low carb diets may impair the energy supply for the continuous and demanding process of spermatogenesis, potentially resulting in lower sperm count and impaired sperm quality. So sperm motility is another issue after ejaculation sperm rely on fructose derived from glucose in the seminal fluid for energy to maintain motility slash movement sperm motility is a so is critical for successful fertilization
As sperm must travel through the female reproductive tract to reach the egg, reduced glucose and fructose availability due to low carb diets may result in poor sperm motility, diminishing the chances of successful fertilization.

Effects of Low-Carb Diets on Women

then Disruption of hormonal balance in women. Menstrual i iraq irregularities. So we we know that you know female athletes, due to the stresses physically that they're putting on their on their body, they can lose their periods ah or they they can have um
ah irregular periods right um so that's that's known and this is what so the again it goes back to stress that whether that's physical or psychological stress or dietary nutritional stress it really results in the same hormones being produced or or elevated cortisol and others stress hormones right so Yeah, the body perceives low carbohydrate availability as a state of stress or nutritional deficiency, which can disrupt the hypothalic hypothalamic, pituitary or variant axis, suppressing reproductive hormones and leading to menstrual cycle disturbances.
And then the production of estrogen and progesterone in the ovaries relies on sufficient energy and glucose availability and obviously low carb diets that reduce glucose intake can lead to a reduction in these hormones resulting in an ovulation or a lack of ovulation and infertility. And yeah, we already mentioned, so chronic high cortisol levels can inhibit reproductive hormones like gonadotropin releasing hormone, GNRH.
leading to decreased production of FSH and LH which are essential for normal ovarian function again chronic high cortisol levels again low carb diets raise the cortisol levels and it's not just about the level in the blood so some people were like oh but the level in the blood it normalizes after three weeks yeah it's it's not necessarily that simple because you do have the the thing about how sensitive your tissues are to it, do they have a lot of receptors for cortisol and stuff like that so it's not that simple and also you have to look at cortisol in relation to other things like progesterone or DHEA or testosterone or even DHT to see the ratio because as that ratio increases generally bad things are happening for that person's health
uh then impact on endometrial health in women so gags or glycosaminoglycans these are carbohydrates that are essential sorry carbohydrates are essential for the production of glycosaminoglycans such as hyaluronic acid which are critical for maintaining the health of the uterine lining known as the endometrium. The endometrium must be thick and healthy for successful embryo implantation and pregnancy maintenance and low carbohydrate intake may reduce the availability of the building blocks required for glycosaminoglycan synthesis, impairing endometrial health and reducing the chances of successful implantation. I'll tell you something
I'll tell you something. I have not yet worked with one client, a female client that was ever oh overeating food in general or over consuming carbohydrates, almost invariably pretty much they're under eating and definitely under eating carbohydrates on top of that. So not eating enough in general and under eating carbohydrates. So this is the case for a lot of young women nowadays and just a lot of people in general, but let's just ah narrow it down to young women because of all of these
sort of societal expectations of how women are supposed to look and a lot of even from like my high school i remember from high school the girls in my class would like be dieting and starving themselves we had one girl that was like basically straight up anorexic like she would like eat a grape as a breakfast or something like crazy like that and she would smoke cigarettes while eating and they would smoke to to lose weight, it was horrific, you know? And then is there any wonder then that women are either infertile or their kids are born with health issues and stuff like that or conditions? And this comes from these unreasonable societal expectations so we can't blame them but it's just we're just observing the these sort of societal artifacts that a lot of women
are under reading because they feel like if they eat as much as they want they will balloon up or or get or become overweight or people will look at them weird and stuff like that. Even with my wife we have this conversation at least once a month where because she she used to do professional ballet and stuff so that's a big issue with with ah with dancers and stuff ah and gymnasts so the weight and the the the how much food they eat so I keep telling her you need to eat more and it will raise your metabolism
And you won't necessarily gain weight and stuff. And it's very difficult to to have that conversation without being met

Nutrient Deficiencies and Plant-Based Diets

with a lot of resistance. So I just, at least I just tried to make sure that she helped her supplement her diet well, so that, you know, it doesn't become an issue for her and we try to eat nutrient dense foods like liver and stuff like that that helps to add nutrition even though she might not be eating enough of what I believe is should be eaten you know but it's her choice we're all adults
um And then Chad GPT goes on to talk about other stuff like reduced mucosal defense and reproductive tract health. It's not super interesting here. It talks about potential nutrient deficiencies and stuff like that. But um I think that the the whole thing with nutrient deficiencies is just a risk.
for most people nowadays i think most people are at risk for deficiencies because like this goes back to what i just was talking about most people and many most women just under eat chronically and that when you don't eat a lot of food you don't get a chance to get in a lot of nutrients and then they don't supplement or they supplement it adequately or they think that supplementing will will ah compensate for a nutrient-poor diet or they've been conditioned to think that meat is bad for you and eggs are bad because of the cholesterol and whatnot.

Long-Term Health Effects of Low-Carb Diets

and then they eat a very heavily plant-based diet so might they might eat a lot of that but it's bereft of nutrition and and actually that's another thing it's not just these low-carb diets contributing to this infertility stuff it's the plant-based diets as well that's another big one but I have a the the today's topic is more about the low-carb diets and here's the other thing right so with a low-carb diet because the cor the cortisol increase results in a suppressed immune system this is another way that you can get loud into a little bit of a false sense of security you might not get sick
when your cortisol is always high chronically you might not get sick often so you feel like you're healthy and stuff like that but it's because your immune system may not be able to mount ah an offensive quote-unquote right so that this is a bad sign if someone never gets sick like it hasn't been sick in like five years and they visibly have issues with their diet or their health they don't look too healthy I know somebody ah here that hasn't been sick since before COVID and that person I believe
I believe that's an issue for them right so some people there's some there's the occasional person that doesn't get sick because they're super healthy but they're very rare and so people that don't get sick it's more is your immune system functions so low that you just cannot get sick if you know what I mean so which which can spell disaster ah in the longer term but uh yeah so that's that's the that's the other thing is these low carb diets they They're also going to have a detrimental effect long term on the immune system as well. So this is another area that I guess we could tackle in a separate episode. But yeah, that's I guess I thought that this episode would be longer. So I'm just trying to add filler here near near the end. But there's no actually point in adding the filler.

Summary and Future Discussions

Those are some of the mechanisms via which that we just covered via which low carb diets
in men and women are to a great extent contributing to the rise in infertility in both men and women like I said plant-based diets are a big issue especially for women for sure and then all the toxicity and the poor nutritional status of ah folks nowadays is another one but I We'll just leave it there for today. Hope that this was informative for you and thank you for listening or watching and I'll see you on the next episode.