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The Safe Space Fallacy w/ Little Raven

Connecting Minds
152 Plays8 months ago

Little Rave of the Barbarian Noetics Podcast joins us to discuss societal trends.

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Introduction and Book Promotion

welcome back to the show folks oh wait wait I need to do my ad segment here hold on so if you want to live longer don't forget my new book how to actually live longer volume one is out so if you want to live longer or die trying leave a beautiful corpse at the very least get the book and learn why but What are you going to learn? Let me just look at the back here, jog my memory.

Debunking Health Myths

Learn why calorie restriction, dieting, avoiding meat and carbohydrates, regular fasting, and other nonsense that permeates the ah zeitgeist is not a good way to increase your longevity.
um get the book and you know let's live longer and overthrow the illuminati no please please algorithm that was a joke anyway raven from barbarian no edicts bro i i always promise i'm gonna be serious and then i turn into ah like a child when i see you i guess you bring that out of me welcome to the show bro
Barbarian Noetics
Yeah, thanks for

Introducing Raven and Initial Dialogue

Barbarian Noetics
having me, brother. i love being I love seeing you. I love being on your show. I love what you're doing. And I love your book. i also I got Christian's book, and I've been reading it. It's helped me a lot.
Thank you, bro.
Barbarian Noetics
So yeah, shout out.
Appreciate it.
Barbarian Noetics
Thanks for having me.
Appreciate it. I hope you got something out of it, you know, because I really think people, ah especially in in this community, people, um they somehow see through a lot of bat ah social engineering and SIOPs and stuff, and then they fail to see them when they when it's something they're so close and connected to, like, let's say your workout routine or your, you know, you're What's healthy what you eat your dietary and nutrition those things so um Anyway, let's let's kind of Talk about psyops and social engineering. Why don't we what's your kind of what's on your mind you want to talk about?
Barbarian Noetics
Yeah, for sure. I mean, just

Trust in Health Sector and Personal Healthcare Encounters

Barbarian Noetics
picking up the thread of the health topic, I think that um one of the overlooked aspects of our reality since 2020 is the role that people's faith in the health sector played in being able to pursue the agenda that was pursued. And I think that even people who are do consider themselves kind of like in the truth community or people who, you know, always want to get to the bottom of something. It's very hard to deprogram from this idea that is drilled into us, at least in the US for sure, from a very young age, that like, doc knows best, trust the doctor, you know, the health sector. They did they did focus groups in 2019 that discovered that Americans had like this an insane amount of faith and trust in the health sector. So if it's like a health decree, and maybe maybe you don't,
Barbarian Noetics
you want your hip to like concentrated power so you look at like the top of the pyramid people like Fauci and Collins and you're like oh I don't trust those guys but then you you speak to like you know a nurse your your personal doctor whatever and use automatically sub subliminally internalize that information And for me, I've been on like this massive journey of deprogramming where I just, I don't necessarily, you know, I, in the U S I see it more as a sick care system than a healthcare care system.
Barbarian Noetics
And that's from my, and my lived experience, as they say, where I see, you know, like people that I really love and care about and acquaintances, and you just hear about their journey as soon as they go into like the hospital for something, they go in for tests.
Barbarian Noetics
and then the next thing you know they're getting crazy surgeries and then there's all these complications from that.
Yeah. yeah
Barbarian Noetics
I mean um my girlfriend a few weeks ago we were hiking off South Mountain here in Phoenix and um she fell and broke her fibula on the hike which is it's a it's a bad break and yeah she's tough as nails.
Barbarian Noetics
We were still a quarter mile off like we still had a quarter mile to go to get to the trailhead where the car was where when she fell And she just like leaned on me and just like tough through it and made it to the car. I was very impressed because the fibula is like one of the more painful breaks. But yeah, so then we had to go through the whole thing.
Barbarian Noetics
And the whole time I'm thinking we just need one of those orthopedic boots because i'm I am a big fan of like orthopedics.
Barbarian Noetics
Orthopedics has saved me when I broke my wrist. And I just think that there's like when you're dealing with the mechanical aspect of like mending bones and stuff like that.
Barbarian Noetics
So I was like, we just need to get her an orthopedic boot. But in order to get the orthopedic boot, you got to jump through this hoop and jump through that hoop and get sent to this urgent clinic. And then that's this yeah ER. And finally, at the we got to the orthopedic specialist, and they gave us the boot. And i I'm like, all right, success. But they're all trying to say she had already gotten two x-rays by the time we got to the orthopedic clinic. Both of those doctors told us that it's a pretty straightforward fracture. She'll be better in six weeks. Then all of a sudden at the orthopedic clinic, who are supposed to be like the the most educated experts on the topic, they're introducing all this doubt.
Mm hmm.
Barbarian Noetics
And they're like, oh, you're going to need more than just a boot. You're going to need to come back for CT scans. We saw something that we couldn't quite identify. We're going to need to look, and you're probably going to need surgery. And you know we decided ourselves, like between the two of us, like No, i don't I don't think so. We're going to trust the first two doctors who said it was a pretty straightforward break. And sure enough, she's walking and is all good just five and a half weeks later. Whereas if she had gotten that surgery that they were recommending, guarantee it would have prolonged the healing process.
Barbarian Noetics
It introduces like new possibilities of things to go wrong.
Barbarian Noetics
So that in the US, it's a sick care system. And as as much as people are deprogramming from it, it's very hard in the moment to like kind of be strong within yourself. Because like yeah I didn't go to medical school. I don't know. But it's like, it is our bodies.
Yeah, yeah.
Barbarian Noetics
Our bodies are our bodies. And we can tune into them and kind of like we can trust ourselves. It's OK.
Absolutely. I I broke my fibula and tibia at the same time. Ah, geez. When was it like? 10, 15 years ago, maybe at this point, and it's painful to say the least. And I was very drunk. I still feel the pain. But you know what I did? I actually, this kind of gross, but my I felt so badly my shoe fell off. So I put my, so I, I slotted the whole thing. My, my leg was basically, my foot was hanging off the side of my leg like this. um and go And I was so,
you know wasted. This is before i got and before I got into the health stuff obviously for the listeners.
Barbarian Noetics
In case they think I'm like some kind of crazy person. I was pretty crazy in my 20s. I had ah a memory of when I fell through the garage roof one time as a kid. My dad just came and I had this dislocated my middle finger and my left hand. So my dad just but put it back in and he I'm like, take me to the doctor, take each's like stop just stop, you'll be fine. you know um ah so yeah So I did that and then I i put the shoe on and I stepped on the leg and then it popped back out and I popped it back in and this time I asked to be taken to the hospital.
Barbarian Noetics
So I know the pain, but whats what is true is that if you if you would like listen to some of our friends here that have given birth in hospitals, just as that one example, or some of my clients um ah sort of mishaps that they've had in the hospitals or with the sick care industry. It seems like that is they're well trained to just to figure out how to do more procedures, more scans, more you know more surgeries.
Barbarian Noetics
I had one client, he went to the to the dermatologist for his early sort of thing and he said, in the door she looked at his arm and immediately sort of latched onto to some something she saw on his arm and he said he didn't hadn't even notice that right next thing they're doing biopsies scans cuts you know surgery etc and he said i thought the cat had freaking scratched me but when they start telling her it could be this kind of thing and that kind of thing he was like i'm i'm i'm worried obviously he looked a bit rattled a bit shaken
And you just do, when once you're in there, no matter how smart you are, how many books you've read, the doctor does know more than you about these kind of things. And they will, if they want to, they they will figure out how to, especially like if you're a parent or it's your your elderly parent or your young child, that's a big one. That's how they get a lot of these kids on a lot of you know medications and stuff. so um it's kind of It's kind of sickening, bro, because you know I've had like and and another client, another sort of story, doing all the supplements, getting better, getting better, goes to the doctor. And then next thing they're like, oh, we have to go to the yeah ER. We think you have you know sepsis. You could be dying. You might die any minute. And then he comes out of that visit with three prescription medications.
like that's the kind of stories I hear and then people are like you're a little bit like don't like the medical system like yeah well if if you see these horrific things people getting like um you know chemo and whatever and stuff and getting worse of course you're gonna not trust them not one iota you know they're
Barbarian Noetics
And the hospitals are dedicated to maximizing profits. They are corporations and you have all of these hangers on so many different, every different sector has like people that it needs to support.
businesses yeah
Barbarian Noetics
And that's where like all the tests come in. I saw it when my mother was in the hospital. and It was just like one after the other, like the heart person, the lung person, the leg person, the ear person, everyone coming in with these like fancy machines. And then the whole time you're just imagining the price tag like, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.
Barbarian Noetics
Because it's, you know, especially in the US, it's like insane. You just, you just can't afford it. And it's like, you you break an arm and you end up bankrupt and it it just adds that layer of stress on everything too and it's one of the things I really like about your approach to health is you understand the importance of like ah keeping mental equilibrium and staying calm and like positive mental attitude because
Barbarian Noetics
Stress is absolutely the silent killer and stress will age you faster than anything else and it also weakens your immune system and it slows down your healing.
Barbarian Noetics
So like all these things where you know the joke is like never Google if you're having symptoms like never Google the symptoms because next thing you know you're gonna think you have some sort of terminal disease and it's like you you expect better from this quote unquote house of healing or whatever they call the hospitals but
Yes. Yes. yeah yeah
Barbarian Noetics
it's It's similar to that, and they're they're looking for every opportunity to rack up the price, do another test, and in so doing, they're like triggering almost paranoia in the patient, where you start thinking, like oh, I didn't even think that it could be that. And it's just ah it's it's very discouraging, and that's why like people like you are really important for the world, because we have to like build people's confidence that we can actually kind of trust ourselves. And yeah, sure. you know you need to go sometimes, you gotta go for this or that, but you don't have to just assume.
Barbarian Noetics
In fact, you should not assume the worst. You should definitely maintain that attitude of like, you know maybe it's actually that I'm just completely toxifying myself. might Maybe my environment is just toxic and that's the issue. Maybe I don't need to add anything. I just need to let something go or you know do the dietary restriction.
yeah um
Barbarian Noetics
Really really quick tangent, Christian, What do you think about juicing? Because I've been like big heavy into juicing lately and I like how it makes me feel.
yeah i like juicing in fact uh when my uh when my wife and my daughter kind of her way i'll do stuff like that a little bit more because it can it can still raise stress hormones
Barbarian Noetics
because it is so somewhat of a fast right anytime you cut out any of the macronutrients it can signal a little bit of a stress state to the body but it is a good cleanse and the way i do it for example the way i would do it is instead of fasting i could do just juice but then i'll take so certain supplements that lower stress like you're you're directly um ameliorating the effect of the stress hormones. So you're lowering cortisol, lowering adrenaline. So then it's, I believe it's even more beneficial because you're getting the benefits, the cleansing aspect of it without necessarily overloading your yourself for stress hormones.
Barbarian Noetics
OK, that's interesting.

Dietary Choices and Eating Experiences

Barbarian Noetics
Yeah, I've been kind of doing um like breast but breakfast replacement with juicing.
What kind of juice?
Barbarian Noetics
And so i I got a wide array of different fruits and veggies.
Barbarian Noetics
I like to use cucumber, carrots. I've been using jicama. And then I like to throw in like apples or oranges for the sweetness. And then I do turmeric and ginger, celery.
nice good source of potassium all of those but here's the thing the the reason it's awesome is because you're stripping out a lot of the fiber and people again is another thing that we've been brainwashed is that fiber you know ah back in the day you know our
Barbarian Noetics
I like to like i try to rotate the fruits and vegetables that I juice.
Barbarian Noetics
cave dwelling ancestors were eating 100 grams of fiber a day. And that's kind of not probably not true.
Barbarian Noetics
Yeah. Hmm.
And so when you're, when you're stripping, you're just getting the the carbohydrates, the vitamins, the minerals, you're stripping away all that fiber, that means you're feeding less of those bacteria, the fermenting bacteria that could become problematic, you know, so um there's a lot of benefits there.
Barbarian Noetics
That's interesting because you you always hear like from there's juicing juicing detractors out there who say like, oh, well, you're not getting the fiber. So it's not good for you that God intended for you to have the fiber.
Yeah. Yeah, exactly. ah Those people, unfortunately, are just drinking from the the fountain of the first page of Google results. So Medline, ah what's the other one? Health, sorry, Healthline, WebMD, you know, this nonsense, bro.
And they they got the same spiel and at the end of the day, if it's MD or or med or something in the name, well, they most certainly got to be part of the security industry and what do they want? They want more customers. Whereas I'd like to think I don't want, ah yeah of course I want more cost clients. We always want more clients, but I don't want to repeat clients. if If I got a client coming back, ah you know, a year after, Let's say we end the relationship and they come back a year later with all the same problems and then some, I didn't do my job.
Barbarian Noetics
Barbarian Noetics
you know Or they didn't continue doing the things I i taught them. Because the whole it' that they know you see this they know if people are well educated, they will be able to steer clear of of even in the modern world, even with all these toxins and poisons,
Barbarian Noetics
we would be Once you learn how to do it, you'll be able to steer clear of a lot of this the dangers. So that's why in school you don't cover any of this stuff. You just cover you know how to find the hypotenuse of a triangle or whatever.
Barbarian Noetics
Well, in the when I was in public school and middle school, I actually like developed an eating disorder by internalizing the information that they were feeding to me about the so-called food pyramid, where they have like glu gluten at the bottom. That's like the base.
Gluten is a food group.
Barbarian Noetics
but Yeah, that's that's like the base.
Gluten sticks to eight servings a day.
Barbarian Noetics
Yeah, like get your hamburger buns first off. That's the most important thing.
Barbarian Noetics
Make sure they're nice and bleached. And then at the very top of the pyramid, like this is what you're not supposed to touch was like all the oils and the fats and the stuff that like
Barbarian Noetics
You know, we we know now we need to like feel calm and happy.
Barbarian Noetics
So I completely eliminated. I was like a young tech. I didn't know any better. No one was telling me anything about anything. I'm like, well, I guess this food pyramid is the way to go. And I ended up losing. like Even though I was young and growing, I lost like 40 pounds in a very short time. I look at pictures of myself. I look completely emaciated. I lost the ability to play sports.
Barbarian Noetics
I used to be a pretty good baseball player. I couldn't like swing or throw for shit because I was
Barbarian Noetics
Can I, sorry, if I curse, by the way.
Because you were just eating grains mostly, yeah?
Barbarian Noetics
Yeah, I remember at dinner, ah my dad used to get so upset with me. I would just take the bread and dip bread in water and like eat the bread like that.
Barbarian Noetics
And I was doing that for months. I mean, I probably, if maybe it explains a thing or two about my current state because I can't imagine that was good.
and But what what did your dad say?
Barbarian Noetics
Oh, he'd be like, eat your mother's chicken, damn it. You're being disrespectful to your mother.
He's like, no dad, you don't know anything. School told me XYZ, yeah?
Barbarian Noetics
Yeah, oh it was so frustrating for them.
Oh, ah it must it must have been that.
Barbarian Noetics
yeah because like ah you know When you're young, you your're um I wasn't impervious to like insults and stuff. and i Growing up eating my mom's mashed potatoes and stuff, I had like i was ah i was a big-boned kid. I had a little extra weight on me. And then you know when you start to like enter puberty and stuff, you want to like you care about how girls like think about you. And then when people call you like fat or chubby, it has this huge effect.
Barbarian Noetics
And so then I was kind of in a vulnerable state. And yeah, and I look back on it now and I was just like straight up anorexic as a 12 year old boy.
by the way just ah last week I was doing a presentation live presentation so as part of it I went um to look a little bit on about gluten stuff and there's a ton of gluten-related disorders that have that are now you know classified and identified. So you've got your autoimmune disorders like celiac, everybody knows. Also dermatitis herpetiformis, when you get like rashes.
Barbarian Noetics
Hmm. Mmm.
Gluten ataxia, where you lose like control of your limbs. And then you have normal autoimmune, non-allergic. So you got like your non-celiac gluten sensitivity. That's a big thing. Then you also have the allergic stuff. So diig food allergy me the antibody mediated stuff. um And there's also baker's asthma, apparently. and contact dermatitis. So just that, and remember that's a protein in grains, right? So be people were like, yeah, grains, get your protein from grains and beans and legumes. And this is what these proteins consist of, lectins and other nasty things, right? So anyone ever tells me, you know, otherwise I know they're just badly uneducated.
They're badly propagandized, right? so But that's that that can also lead to a lot of mental stuff, by the way. All these things can have manifestations in the mind because the body of the mind are one.
Barbarian Noetics
Absolutely. Well, ever since I've been um dating my girlfriend, who's Mexicana, and she's got me hooked on like the the more Mexican cuisine, which is like very like carne asada, like meat heavy cuisine, it's blown out all of my, you know, I used to be like, call myself an ovo pescatarian.
Barbarian Noetics
I had this rule and that rule. It's all gone out the window. The carne asada is too delicious.
You should be like me. You should be like me. I'm a lacto, ovo, beefo, porco, vegetarian.
Barbarian Noetics
So I definitely get
Barbarian Noetics
ah take
And my star sign is vegetarians.
Barbarian Noetics
Oh, hell yeah, that's a good one. That means, ah yeah, I mean, you you look to the future, the vegetarians, the archer, you know?
so oh yeah um Bro, I forgot the hell we're talking about. I was just like, don't make stupid jokes this time.
Barbarian Noetics
how are and If I'm in the house, the stupid jokes are coming.
yeah in my in my head, you know?
Yeah, I don't know. you
Barbarian Noetics
What do you think, ah is there any truth at all to people who avoid pork, brother, or is like people,
ah So I've heard that they can have a lot of different parasites to pigs. But in today's world, why I avoid pork, first of all, because you can almost never get it organic.
And I would never buy it non organic, obviously. But the problem with the the animals with one stomach, like chickens and and pigs and whatever is that they um the fats that they eat is the fats that they have on them so because pork um most pigs and chickens are fed even organic they're fed a lot of grain is they basically like chicken fat is almost like a seed oil in terms of composition so it's really not ah not a healthy food to eat all the time so that's that that there's a few of the reasons why I wouldn't touch them or I mean we eat chicken but we get the fat out when cooking it oh
Barbarian Noetics
It's true.
Barbarian Noetics
Barbarian Noetics
Barbarian Noetics
When I lived on the Big Island of Hawaii, I used to hunt the little pigs running around. That was good eating because that guarantee those are organic.
Barbarian Noetics
But I remember after I killed my first pig, the dude I was hunting with was like, you got to eat the heart. You got to take a bite out of the heart. And
That's how you get the power.
Barbarian Noetics
That's how you get the power. I was like, well, I'm not going to try to argue with this man right now. So I went ahead and did it. And um it actually tasted all right. But then talk about the people putting fear. like Everyone was telling me I was like for sure going to die of a parasite. They're like, you just ate the raw heart. I was like, yeah, you know whatever.
Yeah, yeah.
Barbarian Noetics
that's so That's how they do it. That's how the locals do it. So if it's good enough for them, it's good enough for me.
Yeah, yeah.
Barbarian Noetics
And it ended up being all right. you know I think I'm all right.
Barbarian Noetics
I'm OK. I'm OK.
yeah oh I'm okay. Um, imagine, bro, imagine nature being like making animals and and humans so weak that they would allow a parasite in their heart. You know what I mean? That's just absolutely. I really think a lot of these things are here against PSYOP. So I'll tell you why. but before I forget I once in a while I get boar from Spain there's a shop here you can get it frozen and it's pretty damn good and I i think it's wild boar because they also do like ven venison and wild wild deer and it's pretty cheap as well compared to like other organic meat like beef
it's pretty nice and you can see the fat is I'm sure they're probably supplementing their diet so there's probably a little bit too much polyunsaturated fats but it does seem like the fat is more saturated more monounsaturated because it doesn't like drip off the animal when you're kind of you know doing like these rack of ribs and stuff like that but um when I was growing up my grandmother and from my village she had like they had pigs and a goat and
Barbarian Noetics
chickens and they even had the lamb, apparently the tradition in Bulgaria is to get a lamb at the start of the year when it's born or maybe like in the springtime I think when they're born and then to slaughter one on for May 6th which is like St. George Day or May 4th I can't remember now I think May 6th and so I was at the village I was you know a tiny kid not even in school yet and
Barbarian Noetics
they They gave me the lamb to to be my pet. And this lamb, we were like buddies. He got a little bit out of hand near near the end ah because he was like started butting his head into me. He got a little bit aggressive. But we were he was like a puppy, bro.
Barbarian Noetics
Yeah. yeah
It was the most sweet little lamb thing. And I was tiny, maybe seven years old, six years old. And then they they killed they killed the lamb. And I didn't have no idea it's going to happen. you know And then like this was a big, it was very traumatic for my sister, my two cousins, they were gals. I think I've told this story before in the show, maybe I should like wrap it up. But I was the only one of the kids that actually actually ate the lamb, but it kind of instilled in me this thing about like what it takes to feed a family and remember my granny that same granny when something was very tasty she would like give it to you and she'd be like look it's it tastes like it's like brain it's like brain and I could never really think of why say it's like brain it tastes so good it's like brain and then it turns out that the brain is like one of the most coveted among villagers like they were
It's one of the most coveted foods. And actually, I bought a couple of lambs, of ah maybe two two, three years ago, and I still had a couple of these because they came with the heads. And last year I was sick. My wife was a bit sick. That was like the last time I was sick that I remember. And I was like, I'm going to cook the brain, the the head of this lamb. I made a stew. And we ate the brain and it was freaking delicious, right? And I think it's very healthy. It's got a lot of like steroid hormones, like good steroid hormones, like pregnant alone, progesterone, whatever, whatever other stuff.
And I think it's super healthy. But then what you hear in the news, like, what what is this? You get like, you go mad if you eat cow's brain and stuff.
Barbarian Noetics
Oh, the mad cow disease.
Yes, what do you think is happening to these brains when they slaughter the cows? Do you think they're just throwing them out? I'd say they're probably getting shipped off somewhere as delicacies and being sold for good money. i don't What do you reckon?
Barbarian Noetics
Well, I know the in like Mexican cuisine, they definitely eat the cow brain. I wish I had the name of it at the top of my tongue, but I don't.
Barbarian Noetics
but i So i I do think that they, it just it's so subjective, right? Like what you consider to be Edible, what what is the delicacy from one area to the next? and that that's like I always just try to remember that. like it's just because Just because it's not something you that you were raised to eat, that doesn't mean it's it's not good.
Barbarian Noetics
But I imagine probably a lot of stuff does get wasted, and especially in the industrial. you know they have Everything is just streamlined to maximize profits. So it just depends on um whether there's a market for it or whether it's easy to harvest. um
Barbarian Noetics
What do you think about the whole idea that the animal like if they're kind of living and dying in a really traumatic way that they can hold like stress hormones like in their flesh that you get transmitted to when you eat it?
Um, well, I think that you were getting a little bit of everything, even with muscle meat, you're getting a little bit of everything in there, but a lot of, I'd say a lot of those stress hormones are going to be in the blood and they generally drain the blood out of the animals, right? So, uh, sure. Some stuff will be attached to receptors and stuff like that. but I really don't think it would be like so much that to to like but I do I from ah I guess less mechanical less a materialistic level I think definitely um there's a lot to say about
ah You know, I actually had Yogi Zora Nanda. Well, yeah, had yogis I was talking to Yogi Zora Nanda yesterday. we We're talking about the ethics of and that does eating meat or flesh ah hinder your spiritual development and so on. And he actually doesn't think it does. um So, but I think there is a lot to be said for, was that animal healthy? Was it happy? Did it have a good life? And what in what state was it in when it died? Because I think energetically, there could be a a deeper sort of, we you know, the food doesn't just nourish the body. We're also
There's levels we can't see. I don't know if you if it kind of makes sense what I'm trying to say. ah But there's there's deeper levels we can't see. There's deeper dimensions. And there is, I guess, um cause and effect at that level that we can't perceive, perhaps.
Barbarian Noetics
I ah worked at a Tibetan Buddhist retreat center for a little bit after I graduated from undergrad. I was worked at a foundry helping to build this big Buddhist temple. So I was like melting down the bronze and helping to make the Buddhist statues and stuff.
Barbarian Noetics
And the Tibetan Lama there, he was all about eating meat. And his he put the big emphasis on how do you honor the animal like before you eat it? So he was big into like blessing the meat and giving thanks for the meat. And that's, I feel very strongly about that as well. And in fact, I always, when I eat like a steak or I cook bison, I always offer the first bite.
Barbarian Noetics
I have like this tree that I really love on the property that I rent. It's this old desert ironwood tree.
yeah wow that's
Barbarian Noetics
It's like hundreds of years old. And I always like offer a little bit of the meat and I give thanks to the earth spirit and give thanks to the animal. I think that is makes a huge difference.
amazing yeah yeah I think so
Barbarian Noetics
in how your body like processes. and And I always ask, like you know i let me be worthy of this meat. Because like an animal did have to die for it.
Barbarian Noetics
I really think it's important to try not to like waste animal protein. it's It is like a sacred thing.
Oh yeah.
Barbarian Noetics
i when i Again, when I was in Hawaii, I was able to hunt.
Barbarian Noetics
It's a little bit harder for me to hunt here in South Phoenix. I would have to take a bit of a drive.
Barbarian Noetics
But yeah. you know i just I definitely don't have any dietary restrictions anymore, brother. a ah I'll eat anything and then I'll see how it makes me feel. I pay a lot of attention

Culture Wars and Social Interactions

Barbarian Noetics
to how like how my body is reacting to things.
Yeah. Yeah.
Barbarian Noetics
ah yeah Should we talk about safe spaces and whether safe spaces exist?
Yeah. Yeah. what's What's your thoughts on that?
Barbarian Noetics
I've been thinking about this a ton lately, man. because ah so you know i I do live in the U.S. and we're in the midst of like a long protracted culture war, PSYOP, designed to keep the people divided and squabbling amongst themselves. And the number one way i I feel to keep people squabbling is to just drive home, decipher like what the little wedge issues are that get people triggered or worked up and then just drive those home, drive those home so that you have groups of people that
Barbarian Noetics
maybe have like 95% of worldview and common interests, like there they share the same objectives and yet they're just like fighting over this and that and what to call things and what to call that. So um I wanna just share this ah story from, I work in customer service to augment my podcasting income. I work at a coffee shop and man, it's you really get like, You really get a sense of the cultural zeitgeist when you're doing customer service. ah Really quick, before I share the story, I've had this like epiphany that one of the reasons why customer service is so intense is especially in the US, there's so much emphasis on this idea that you can order whatever you want.
Barbarian Noetics
like so that maybe you're someone who feels like you know you you know that the state takes all your money and taxation is theft and you're just like two-thirds of your money goes to rent and but you can go to a shop and you can order it's like your chance to be like the boss you can order whatever you want and then that is delivered to you exactly as
Barbarian Noetics
exactly according to your specifications and that's really like the Starbucks business model is like they're like listen we're gonna cater to really high maintenance demanding people and we're gonna make them feel like they are the most important thing on earth and you better give them exactly what they want. So when you're on like the receiving end of that as a server, you feel like that intensity of the energy, you know, like some people come in and they're just, they, it's like, we're just getting a coffee. Like this should be pretty low stress thing, but it's like super heavy.
Barbarian Noetics
There's all this like gravitas behind it. And it's just like mocha soy. I'm like, all right, try not to judge, try not to judge the soy order. But and anyways, ah so the other day at the coffee shop,
Barbarian Noetics
these These two ladies came in and they were, um so in those who those listeners who are maybe familiar with Greater Phoenix, there's a town, it's all like one huge city, but it's like broken up into different little mini cities. And there's this one little city called Scottsdale. and Scottsdale is kind of we call it like the Mordor of Phoenix it's the place where that's like where people who are really interested in status and making sure that people know that they are of high status and that they make a lot of money and they're like big shots that's kind of like where people flock to is Scottsdale and so these these two ladies came in and they were very very much like giving off like hardcore Scottsdale vibes where there were
Barbarian Noetics
Trying to act relaxed, but they were like obviously not relaxed at all. So it's this very strange thing of like I Want to just flow with this but I can feel like the intensity like behind it It's not authentic and it's it's whatever. It's just a par for the course for me So I take care of the ladies I you know, whatever dude behind ah behind them comes up and he says to me he's like
Barbarian Noetics
those two women were walking stereotypes. And I couldn't help but laugh, like it was kind of a funny observation. And then there was another woman who was sitting, she was kind of like hidden. She was at a table that was hidden by the coffee machine. And she overheard him say that. And she turned around to him and she was like, well, that wasn't very nice. And he looked at her and he was like, it's just how I feel. And I was like, what an interesting little interaction that was. And it got me thinking about, because you know he has every right to feel that, that to him, they were embodying certain stereotypes. Then she has every right to express that she doesn't think that's very nice, like i.e. like you shouldn't be so judgmental towards people.
Barbarian Noetics
But it was like, because they both actually voiced their opinions, there was able to be like a little bit of movement in the interaction. And I feel like it impacted all three of us. like We all kind of gave some thought to, like you know is it is it actually OK to be discerning? Is it OK to feel things about how people act in the world? So I started thinking about like the idea of this effort to create safe space and how every public environment, so according to some, should be like this safe space where nobody ever feels any sort of emotional discomfort. And what a loss that is for society because a little bit of emotional discomfort goes a a long way in terms of like building character and forcing us to like reckon with who we are in the world and like some of our blind spots.
Barbarian Noetics
And it was like him, the the customer having the boldness to express that he found those two women annoying and the other girl expressing to him that he found she found his comment to be judgmental. It was like created a little bit of movement. So I have a kind of a working theory that, you know, safe spaces don't actually exist anywhere in nature. Like nature is not inherently safe. And human society is no different. And in this effort to eliminate it, it correlates with the effort to eliminate risk and everything. You know how like the lawyers and the insurance companies are like ruining everything.
Barbarian Noetics
You can't even do slip and slide now at summer camps because it was like someone broke a toe and filed a lawsuit and now they can't do slip and slide and like slip and slide is like the best thing about summer camp and now you can't do it anymore.
Barbarian Noetics
It's effort to eliminate risk or this effort to eliminate emotional discomfort in public spaces, I think is very nefarious. and we're at a time now in I would i mean I can only speak for the US but I feel like across the west where it's more important than ever to continue to flex our right I mean at least in the US we have the right to free free speech and free assembly and we we have like a duty to continue to uphold that so that we can actually come to
Barbarian Noetics
We can actually have a free market of ideas and have discourse and be able to like bounce off bounce ideas off of people who think differently from us, because otherwise you get sucked into the echo chamber.
yeah that's how you grow yeah that's how you grow yeah man
Barbarian Noetics
So I don't know what, yeah, exactly. So I don't think safe spaces exist. And i'm not I don't think it's very useful to try to create public spaces into areas where there's a guarantee that you will not have any emotional discomfort.
So just for I guess the Europeans or the non-US individual, do you actually have safe spaces in public places there now? or
Barbarian Noetics
Yeah, a lot of like any virtue signaling establishment will have a sign on the window that says like safe space, safe space.
Oh, so when you're in there, you can't like, you know, say anything or look at anyone.
Barbarian Noetics
you're constantly self-censoring yourself because you're constantly trying to decipher like, well, what what does that mean?
Barbarian Noetics
Like what what is a safe thing to say versus a non-safe thing to say?
Yeah. Yeah.
Barbarian Noetics
And it's like, it creates this, everyone feels like they're walking on eggshells all the time and it does.
That sucks, dude.
Barbarian Noetics
It's dangerous too.
Coming from Eastern Europe myself, I think there ah Anyone that's being conditioned to that is not going to fare very well going to... yeah even bra Even like coming to Portugal, to the south here, I don't know how... In Lisbon, it might might be a bit different, but here... like for me and my wife going to the post office alone can be quite the ordeal because um I don't know somehow they they either don't like foreigners or like
They hate the fact that we don't speak the language. but it's really it Even for me, I'm pretty thick-skinned because I was a bartender for many years. and I've dealt with people, I've worked it with customers, and I've worked in call centers. so i know I know how to like assert myself and not not be allowed to be bullied and stuff. But going to the post office just to you know return something to Amazon, I'm always dreading it. So I don't know how these folks are going to go like in Eastern Europe where you got your, and maybe this has changed over the last couple of decades, but you go to a cafe and the that sometimes the waitress will come and like she was like, throw your ashtray on the table and she'd be like, what do you want? Literally like she'd say, what do you want? And you? Okay.
Not even, won't even say, okay, just like grumpy, come back, slam it on the, like, that's how, that's how many established. Now, if you go somewhere a bit more high end, of course, things have changed over the last couple of decades, but, uh, it's kind of the exact opposite of a safe space where if you, it's it's an unsafe space and you got to learn to swim with the sharks.
Barbarian Noetics
And, and yeah by the way, this is actually, you bring up an amazing point is because, um, when When you go there, you learn how to deal with nonsense, with people's nonsense. And that actually makes you stronger and it actually enhances your strength of character. So that's what it's it's when you see, when you kind of break it down the way you did, it's clear that the it's nefarious, the word you used, because they're creating weaker people out of this whole thing.
Barbarian Noetics
Yes, yes, weaker and softer people.
Barbarian Noetics
And it's, I find it very concerning. And then the other question is like, if it's a safe space, is it, it's a safe space for who? Who is actually insisting on the safe space? Everyone's idea of what a safe space is is different. Like everyone has different emotional kind of apparatus. And depending on where you were brought up and what kind of an environment, you know, I'm from Chicago. I was brought up that if you're not like, just tearing into each other and having fun with each other and giving each other shit, that actually means that you're like not cool.
Barbarian Noetics
That means that there's like some sort of like distance between you because you don't have that ah rapport and and comfortability with one another where you can just be real and give each other shit.
Barbarian Noetics
That's a way that you like, it's a way to integrate into the community. And when you're you're constantly worried like, well, I can't say this about that group of people because they're going to think this, I can't say this about that, you're always worried like, oh, my you know, I know people talk about like the pronoun thing all the time, but it does get kind of exhausting sometimes where you're just like, maybe you just like slip up. I'll call people whatever they want to be called, but you need to have like a little bit of flexibility and compassion that people come from different backgrounds. like This is all new for some people. and
Barbarian Noetics
there's this like default-ness of it. like The safe space for who? it's like safe it's It's being defined by a very narrow corner of society that typically gets educated you know in like liberal arts degrees, gender and sexuality studies.
Barbarian Noetics
and this is not reflective of the greater society like if you were working on a construction yard for example and you tried to like talk about gender and sexuality stuff like maybe it would maybe it'd be interesting but also you'd probably get some shit and like this is part of living in the world being being able to like hang with different groups of people you know that's that to me should be like the goal i want to be able to hang out with like, you know, princes and people on the street, everyone in between. I don't want to be like, because it's just boring otherwise, if you're just constantly using the same language, it's like hyper-academic, ah very like nerfed language for everything.
Barbarian Noetics
And um it actually ends up alienating like a whole ton of people. Then you just end up attracting. So like a lot of these like virtue signaling safe space places, you go into them, and there's like no diversity. It's like all the same type of person from the same educational background, same socioeconomic situation. And it's like, well, good. You guys succeeded. You you got your safe space, and it's boring, and it sucks. you know
Barbarian Noetics
Like reminds me of ah the idea of like, um if that's if that's heaven for you, then send me to hell, you know, like that type of an idea. because
Barbarian Noetics
But it also does, it it engenders weakness and brittleness, like very fragile characters who who just like snap so easily under pressure.
and Yes.
Barbarian Noetics
And you know zooming out a little bit, I'm of the belief that this is like, all it's all part of like a very elaborate multi-decades, I could argue multi-centuries psychological war campaign to create like a pliable and weak and submissive populace.
Oh yeah.
Barbarian Noetics
And that definitely does so when you start to shut down the allowable parameters for speech, you start creating self-censorship with everyone feels like they got to walk on eggshells.
Barbarian Noetics
Then before you know it, everyone is just talking about the weather and no one is talking about any, no one's questioning what the government's doing in your name.
Barbarian Noetics
No one's questioning the dirty wars abroad. You know, all of a sudden it just shuts down discourse. And that is by design.
I can see you talking about the weather. you're like you Did you see the shit spraying in the sky, bro?
Barbarian Noetics
ah Bro, let me tell you a little story.
Barbarian Noetics
So I was 15 years old when we went back to Bulgaria with my family. We were living in South Africa for a few years. And it was such a cultural shift for me. So in South Africa, we were wearing school uniforms, right? Same sort of British british style a system. we were ah singing hymns on Wednesdays and shit ah very very guarded like living in big houses with big walls and very guarded lifestyle so I went to Bulgaria back and I was a tiny kid when I left and I was like 15 years old and um so I started making friends and hanging out with with some some kids in the school and
um The first time I was talking to some more kind of other kids from other age groups. By the way, some of these kids were like two, three years younger than than me. They were like slanging weed and selling all kinds of things at the age of 12, 13 and older, you know.
So very very shocking. um Almost like from the movies like we look at like ghetto stuff and in the movies and like that it does seem like my ah in the 90s a lot of ah these suburbs in Bulgaria became ghettos in many senses and The the first time one of these kids called me bastard.
Barbarian Noetics
Barbarian Noetics
So we have a word Coppola and in Bulgarian and in so in Sofia, in the capital, that's how a lot of guys would address each other. Copile, copile, costa, copile, this. And it means bastard, literally, but it's just like a bro kind of word. So I started, of course, integrating, I'm a chameleon, I integrate and it's copile, this, copile, that. So my my grandma, I remember, because we're living with my grandma, she would hand me the phone my mate would be calling me. And I take the phone, we still had like cordless phone, no mobile phones at the time.
And I'd be like, Costa Coppola and my grandmother, who's you know like in her 70s or maybe late 60s, she was absolutely petrified, mortified that that I'm calling my friend bastard. you know So this is excuse me this is like um this is kind of the state of affairs, but then over so over the years, you know ah obviously I went to Dublin and then I was in, In Dublin, they're quite rough as well in terms of like highway, a horse, starry horse, yeah, yeah, fook and hooer. They're pretty rough around the edges, especially like the the more kind of ah inner cities type stuff. So you kind of very quickly learn that they're always like giving you shit, the Irish. ah it's It's funny and when you when you when you understand the humor and you kind of go with it, especially if you're Eastern European, because they kind of, they meld together. But if you're like a little bit not used to it,
If you're a bit uptight, you're screwed. so um But what I always liked is that even in a rough crowd, like there'd be some rough like macho guys in the pub and where I was working, we could always sort of twist the conversation
Barbarian Noetics
in, let's say, about more of a philosophical slant or human nature, psychologist slant. And they they would sort of not even realize you're succoring them into a more philosophical conversation that will start like voicing their opinions and how they think the world works and life works. But we can only learn how to coax that out of people if we're thrown, because I was literally thrown there, bro, the first six months I wanted to cry, I was like,
Barbarian Noetics
18 years old 19 years old I wanted to cry because I couldn't understand these motherfuckers I couldn't and they saw that I couldn't fucking understand them and they were talking even more slang he has a pint of Guinness well yeah where's me fucking where's me fucking pint of Guinness score shit no
Barbarian Noetics
And then it took me about six months to kind of tune my ears to it. And then I started messing with them and it was, it was a beautiful thing. But if none of that was allowed to occur, if I cried to the boss, you know, the customers are bullying me and stuff.
And then the boss goes like, I don't want you to talk to my stuff like that. And it's not good. Bro, what growth would have occurred, man? I would have just learned, continued they would have continued to reinforce me to be a grown big child, a large child that's ever getting older, but not no actually growing in any other way, right?
Barbarian Noetics
So we need, like they say, diamonds are made under high pressure. Now, obviously diamonds are fake and gay, and they're like they' are synthesized in labs, we know that, but the analogy still works.
Barbarian Noetics
Barbarian Noetics
Yes. Absolutely. Yep. Yeah, and it's like, ah you know, part of it In order to live a full life, sometimes you have to fight. And that doesn't even necessarily mean like learn knowing how to physically defend yourself. But I'm a big proponent of self-defense and having some capabilities just because it helps you to be more comfortable and confident in the world. If you're always walking around like just feeling like weak and you're just a sitting duck, that's no way to live. And you know you look at nature.
Barbarian Noetics
like the there's predators, there's prey, but then there's also like herbivores who are like beasts, you know, like hippos and stuff like that. Like they they don't cry.
Barbarian Noetics
Like if if an alligator attacks a hippo, it doesn't go to like HR and complain that the alligator has violated its safe space and the alligator used the wrong pronoun. I'm, you know, I'm hip bae and they called me hip X and I'm upset about that. The hippo throws down, man. They throw down and they work together and they and they they duke it out you know and sometimes they get hurt but oftentimes they don't because hippos are beasts but that's true like across the animal kingdom and humans are no different i just think it's very dangerous and a slippery slope when humans start to dissociate themselves from the natural order in such a way that like the the rules of nature somehow don't apply to us because they do apply to us and it it just it ends up transitioning in like other areas are happening in secret you know like
Barbarian Noetics
If you feel like you're going to you want a world in which everything is peace and butterflies and you never have to fight back, you never have to stand up for yourself, then what's going to happen is you're going to become a part of someone else's agenda. And in this in this case, I would mean like you know the the globalist agenda of total control, of reducing sovereignty. And so it's like you're still in a fight. You just don't realize it. and This like a version to any sort of conflict is just a recipe for absolute disaster.
Barbarian Noetics
And so I just, I was telling Christian off mic, I'm working on a segment soon for my podcast, Barbarian Noetics. So if y'all give me a subscribe, you'll hear it come out on the feed. I'm going to do a whole segment where I delve into this idea of, you know, do safe spaces actually exist and do we want them to exist? And how important is emotional safety? is emotional Is ensuring everyone in a public space, ensuring everyone has total emotional safety? First off, I would say it's a fool's errand to begin with. But even if you did, you're talking like total authoritarian nightmare at that point. You're talking like dystopian, thought control, psychosis at that point, because then that means you have like uniformity of thought, uniformity of speech,
Barbarian Noetics
And everyone's making sure that nobody gets offended. And it's just it's a disaster. It's also like very ethnocentric to claim like, well, this is my safe space and I'm going to maintain it. But it's like, what if someone from Dublin walks in the door and then all of a sudden you're creating a non safe space for them because they're just being themselves and you're trying to say that. they're being rude or disrespectful or something, it shuts people down. That's actually unsafe. It's unsafe to get shut down in conversation. It's unsafe to feel like you can't talk about certain topics. That's the beauty of free speech and why I'm a free speech absolutist. and you I was also telling Christian off mic, I feel politically homeless in this country because it's like
Barbarian Noetics
i I'm kind of like a, ah for some reason I'm like an odd mix. I don't see, I don't know why I'm an odd mix, but the way that our society has been engineered over the decades, like someone like myself, I'm very anti-imperialist. I'm very anti-war. But I'm also like a hardcore civil libertarian. I love the Second Amendment. I love my guns. ah You know, i I believe in like hunting, ah all that kind of stuff. And it's like the the way that the situation has been finessed is there's everyone wants to be on like a team. And then if you're on a certain team, then that means that all these topics are off limits for you. And there's all these buzzwords that will instantly shut down a conversation.
Barbarian Noetics
Like, you start talking about the voting machines in the United States, how they're completely fucked, how like South Carolina doesn't even have an audit for its electronic voting machines, so you just have no idea what's happening in there and you're just supposed to trust that everything's chill. The moment you try to talk about that, boom, you're an election denialist and I'm not interested in what you have to say. And it's like, well, you just got that term from the the front page of the New York Times, which is just like the straight state dope. and you know I thought all these people that worship Noam Chomsky, first of all, manufacturing consent was written by Edward Herman with Noam Chomsky on the side.
Barbarian Noetics
He never he never gives credit to his co-author on that. But it's like, y'all worship Noam.
Barbarian Noetics
Read his freaking book. And he lays out in like exquisite detail. He wrote it during the 80s or late 80s, I believe. And so he shows in like exquisite detail how the dirty wars in Central America were presented in the press and how it was the the title says it all was manufacturing consent to believe that everything was totally hunky-dory, whereas the reality is, and having traveled through Latin America, I really like, I try to talk to people who have like some firsthand experience or have family who lived through those those years. It was like an absolute nightmare in in Nicaragua and El Salvador. There was like a genocide happening of the Mayan indigenous people in Guatemala, and all this stuff is happening in our name and
Barbarian Noetics
So what kind of a safe space is that then? If you're not you know advocating for your fellow humans who just happen to be born in different places, that's that's no safe space at all. it's It's only safe for a select few. It ends up being very elitist, very like ivory tower. And yeah, but that's it and that's that.
Yeah. Yeah, man. I mean, I was lining up some jokes to crack at the end of that, but you kind of took it pretty serious.
Barbarian Noetics
Oh, my bad.
It would sound extremely callous to start making jokes here at this point, but it's true, man.
Barbarian Noetics
Barbarian Noetics
I mean, you can I think you can make whatever jokes you want.
It's true.
Barbarian Noetics
I think it's it's important to even even like you can talk about the real stuff and have sympathy and compassion for what people go through. But you also have to like
Yeah, yeah.

Resilience, Free Speech, and Emotional Intelligence

Barbarian Noetics
share a laugh.
Yeah, man. I like what you said earlier that nature is not inherently safe because, you know, there's some folks out there, and you know, big respect for propagating the truth around the falsity. of, you know, contagion and other things like that, viruses and stuff like that and all the lies and crap there. But I think a lot of these guys, I don't know if this is another sort of engineered sort of extreme deviation from reality, but a lot of the guys are very much like it's all terrain. All the germs are good.
La di da di da just let the germs you know colonize you they will know they're doing they're helping you heal that they're eating away the the necrotic or or or damaged tissue so you are gonna feel better and like I'm pretty sure When I go out there and it's warm and those mosquitoes biting me, they're not biting me for any benefit of mine, right?
Barbarian Noetics
So similarly, if you get colonized by certain worms or other parasites, whether they're microscopic or macroscopic, I don't think or all of them are there for your benefit. It's like in nature, you I don't think a lion, you know, killing or rather stopping a gazelle, dragging it off while it's still alive and eating parts of it while it's still alive, right, as it's dying slowly. I don't think
that's for the benefit of the gazelle so we really have to get maybe it will transcend this reality and in the next life it will come back as a lion and do the same god knows you know maybe to you know shoot off into another dimension and you know become one of the spirit beings or maybe leave the karmic cycle of life and death all together and find bliss god knows right um but it yeah exactly
Barbarian Noetics
It still sucks in the moment though, like while it's being eaten alive and you know, when it gets those first claws in the neck, like it sucks.
Yeah, it kind of sucks. So, and and usually the the lion is kind of going after sickly or weak or young. um So, you know you know you know, imagine you were like a buffalo, you're having a bad day, got a bit of the buffalo COVID virus, and you didn't get your vaccine, so it's really gonna, it's hurting you.
Barbarian Noetics
And then to rub it in, to add insult to injury, a lion fucking kills you and eats you. So that's what that would be a crap day in the savannah. So I think we have to get out of this sort of, it's really, um what's the what's the term? Magical child thinking.
Barbarian Noetics
like we are like you said it very well bro nature is not inherently safe for that human societies we have created these societies but they they do uh that's why we kind of flock together to provide some protection but it's never going to be perfect protection so we really have to and in between it like you look at a court like um ah a royal court there's always sort of uh ah power games and everybody trying to outmaneuver each other. So it's kind of like that in a society except maybe in in the less in a more benign way. So we have to teach our children and teach ourselves how to deal with it, not how to escape it.
Barbarian Noetics
Yes. Yeah. I mean, if you look at both like natural selection and the free market, like what makes both of those ideas powerful is that they're allowed to exist kind of in like a laissez-faire. There's no regulations preventing the lion from going after the weak gazelles. You know, there should be no regulations in how ideas are exchanged because there's a selection process that happens where like the better ideas end up rising to the surface, the the more logical conclusions end up gaining more traction. And that's like a natural process that has to be allowed to unfold naturally. And anytime you start putting your thumb on the scale and just saying like, well, there this this entire topic is completely
Barbarian Noetics
taboo off limits, it just starts to artificially sway the way that the society starts to evolve. And you know i I am like a very optimistic person, so I'm not like a doomer or a pessimist. And I will say that the young kids coming up in the US, like they have a lot of strengths, for sure. So it's not like all doom and gloom. But I think that this is something that is working against them. in this effort to, you know, people that maybe have like ah good intentions and are just trying to create like emotional, what is it called?
Barbarian Noetics
um Emotional intelligence. But my thing is, is that true emotional intelligence is being able to handle negative emotions and being able to like take a lick in and keep on ticking verbally and emotionally, you know, like it's part of life.
Barbarian Noetics
Like you can't just shut down at the the first like sign of of struggle. In fact, the struggle is, in my mind, that's where the real juice is. That's where the opportunity is to to grow and to figure out. And how do you test your ideas if you can never like have a free discourse with people who think differently from you?
ye Yeah. Yeah.
Barbarian Noetics
And so it's just a really good way to paralyze social movements, to prevent growth.
Barbarian Noetics
And it's that's exactly exactly what they want.
And that's what they want at the end of the day. ye Yeah.
Barbarian Noetics
Yeah. So I mean, all I all we can do as people who believe in free expression is just continue leading by example and walk in the walk.
Barbarian Noetics
And that's why like when that little episode happened at the coffee shop, you know, like some people might have felt like awkward or or like a little bit, but I was kind of like pleased with it. um I was happy that, you know, They both had every right to speak their mind and express their opinion. And, you know, I almost wish that they would have like keep hashing that out a little bit. Like you can't pretend that to to have discernment is a very human quality.
Barbarian Noetics
And I don't I don't believe in being like overly judgmental, like reflexively judgmental. And I'm constantly trying to. reign myself in on that because when you work many years in customer service, you do develop like a very decent sense of people with whatever within the culture that you're operating in. And a lot of times, I'll make the snap judgment, then I'll chastise myself and I'll be like, don't make judgments. Let's let's see how this plays out. And then the individual ends up behaving in exactly the way that I my snap judgment. But but it's like, you know, it's
Barbarian Noetics
It's still good to allow yourself to try, allow yourself to have discernment and just maintain that like flexibility of mind.
to try. Yeah.
Barbarian Noetics
And also remember that we all have blind spots too. And this is one last point I was going to make on this is what makes a good friend?
Barbarian Noetics
Like when you, when you think about the people in your life that are genuine, authentic friends versus just the yes men and the acquaintances. The genuine friends will tell you when you fucked up, they'll tell you when you made a mistake, they'll be honest with you, they'll be like, they'll be <unk> courteous or diplomatic maybe and how they presented to, you but they're not going to sugarcoat it like when, when I, ah i I had a drink Speaking of being crazy in our 20s, I had a drinking issue all through my 20s. I come from a line long ah lot long line of proud alcoholics, and I was like a complete mess ah in that regard. and it was you know that The friends that I still have now, they were the friends that were being real with me on that. you know and they They weren't saying, like I'm not going to hang out with you if you stop drinking, but they're like, look, you're you're drinking way too much. like You need to take a look at your behavior. and
Barbarian Noetics
It's like mete I didn't want to hear that at the time, but that's that's actually a sign of like a true friend, someone that actually cares about you is someone that's going to help you to see your own blind spots.
Barbarian Noetics
And so if you just if you think that you're going to see your blind spots by turning on MSNBC, Jake Tapper, and Fox News, i you're just horribly mistaken because that' that's just the straight state dope just being mainline directly into you.
Yeah, man.
Barbarian Noetics
And I just feel like I'm just constantly harping on that because it's hard to imagine any sort of like real societal movement if people do not recognize that when they turn on the television, when they open up the New York Times, they're not getting the truth at all. They're getting the State Department line and that pretty much ever pretty much like everything in there is either a straight up lie or a fabrication that is slanted in a certain direction. And the whole effort that was made since 2020 to demonize, vilify or somehow like um make fun of the people who were out there trying to actually educate themselves. They called it the doing your own research. And there was like comedians doing acts about like just ripping on people who do their own research. That was so incredibly dangerous because that's like you have to have faith and confidence in yourself that you can actually like get to the bottom of things.
Yeah. and And that's another one where the it's kind of like you you have to always cede your power to the experts and you it's way too complicated for your feeble, you know, pleb mind to work.
Barbarian Noetics
And so, yeah.
Barbarian Noetics
So it is dangerous. All right. Just ah um out of curiosity, did you say something in that situation?
Barbarian Noetics
I laughed when the the gentleman said that those two women were walking stereotype.
you high-fiing him hi You're You're high-fiving him!
Barbarian Noetics
Yeah, yeah i I just kind of I laughed and then i I made sure to like give him like a little bit of like a head nod to let him know that.
And everybody's like, oh my god! I'm not tipping this guy! ah
This next one's from the house, bro.
Barbarian Noetics
Yeah, next one's on the house, brother.
He said, sort of, yeah, you're a monster.
Barbarian Noetics
You're doing you're doing the Lord's work.
I want more zingers out of you.
ah Because um it's it's an ah when you were talking about that, it reminded me of that Zen ah parable or koan. The two sort of um monks were looking at a flag flapping it, flailing in the wind. And one said, the flag is moving the other one said no the wind is moving and then the master quietly listening says you're both wrong mind is moving so i was kind of hoping you would have you know when the lady said you know her thing you would have like slam dunk something in there you know
Barbarian Noetics
yeah i ah you know and when I'm hoping to eventually have my own coffee shop in Latin America. When when I have my own ah business, then I'll feel more free to like risk negative Yelp reviews and things like that. I feel like out of respect for my employer, like I don't want to create like an issue that then she has to deal with.
Yeah. Yeah.
Of course.
Barbarian Noetics
Of course.
Barbarian Noetics
But yeah, then that's another way in which your hands are tied. And in customer service, what makes it so difficult is that you are kind of like help your captive, your captive audience and your kind of have to I mean, you don't have to do anything. I just between you and me and are all of our listeners, like I've there's been some individuals that have been so like over the top horrific that I will just like walk away from the transaction.
Barbarian Noetics
I have done that on more than one occasion.
Barbarian Noetics
I'll just walk away, take some deep breaths and then I'll come back. And sometimes they're still there and sometimes they're not the like, you know, yeah I am a human being. We all are human beings. And i if you if you can always tell when someone has not worked customer service because they they act like in a certain kind of way where you forget about like everyone has their story.
Yeah, yeah.
Barbarian Noetics
Everyone has their own like situation going on in their lives. And you know we have to be respectful of that. It's not just all about getting exactly what you want, exactly when you want it.
Yeah, yeah.
yeah yeah exactly bro it also actually one of the guys that I was working with in the pub he actually died a couple of months ago I ah heard he was in that pub something like he was still working in a pub he started working there when he was 18 in the 60s
Barbarian Noetics
so he was there some i don't know dude uh i can't even do that kind of math 55 years i think um or even 65 geez i can't even no 55 so um he was very rough around the edges but
Barbarian Noetics
Like literally he would just shove you out of the way if he's walking you're in his way. He would literally shove you out of it, bro I'm serious.
Barbarian Noetics
He was from the the the country and um They they'd call him the boo, you know, very very he's a good guy once you get got to know him but um he he and some other guys you know because they were kind of very senior barman and you know it seems like an easy job you just serve some drinks and that's the easy part at the end of the day but it's dealing with people especially when they're drinking a lot of these people were at their worst when they're drinking
Barbarian Noetics
And a lot of these people, though they're coming tired as well. They don't eat all evening and then they get shit shit house. you know The Irish drink seriously. They drink seriously, bro. This so Olympic level sort of drinking.
And one thing I learned, at first I would like if someone looked dodgy, I'd tell one of the more senior guys, I'd have a look at him and the guy would go up to him and refuse him. But over the years, you kind of learn how to deal with people and even more and more dodgy and and scary looking characters would come in and at one point you would tell them look I'm not serving you and it got to the point where they'd be like why and they started like huffing and puffing and I remember I was in another bar and I saw that bar's proprietor one time just say to the guy listen I just told you I'm not serving you you I don't have to give you a reason because you know how they have this management refuses the right to whatever so
Barbarian Noetics
Barbarian Noetics
it's like I'm not serving you and I don't even have to give you a reason and when you build that confidence so you can you can do whatever you want with an interaction with a person right you could become best friends or you could just walk away but when you have this sort of um confidence that you can handle yourself in that ah
Barbarian Noetics
conversation, it allows you then to explore more avenues with the person.
And sometimes it doesn't go down too well. Sometimes, you know, like I said, you become good friends and you hit it off. But you will never get that if we are sort of, um what's the word I'm looking for? Canoodling and sort of babying ourselves as as a society.
Barbarian Noetics
Barbarian Noetics
Yeah, pussyfooting around, walking on eggshells.
Pussy floating, yeah. Yeah.
Barbarian Noetics
I mean, some of my, especially when I was a young man, like a lot of the, especially other dudes that I would end up being friends with. Oftentimes, our first interaction was like aggressive, where you know maybe we met when we had both been drinking and we butt heads too much testosterone or whatever. But you end up, like you and you gain a certain like level of respect for one another, because it shows that both parties are willing to stand up for themselves and have that confidence.
Barbarian Noetics
like So it's it's, yeah, you're all right.
It's like, you're all right. You're all right too. Let's go drink together.
Barbarian Noetics
It's a little bit of a cliche, but there's like a lesson to to there as well.
Let's go shit house. Yeah.
Barbarian Noetics
like If you're just spending all your time avoiding conflict, it just ends up, again, if you're not, if you don't have your own dream, you end up being a part of someone else's dream. If you spend your whole life avoiding conflict, you just end up embroiled in a greater, bigger, and secret conflict that you don't even realize is taking place.
Yeah, you're a peon. Yeah, you're an unwitting peon in somebody's grand plan of world domination and people.
Barbarian Noetics
Yeah. Yeah.
Barbarian Noetics
Exactly. yeah yeah
So I know my listeners don't think this is crazy, but I think like some someone that just kind of blew blew in and got this episode. We're talking about the stuff. This is we're talking serious freaking stuff here. No, we're laughing about it because you have to laugh. Otherwise you'd be crying, get depressed. But it is it is true.
Barbarian Noetics
Yeah, I mean we're talking about like ah literally like our freedom and liberty to be humans and express ourselves and be real with one another. Authenticity is like the foundation upon which everything else is built. and you start hacking away at your ability to be authentic. And that's a really good way to start to experience like things like depression and anxiety. It's why, for me, i just i I realized pretty early on that I just was not built.
Barbarian Noetics
I wasn't like an office guy. I wasn't built for that office environment. I hate fluorescent lights. I like to smoke weed while I work. And I hate, most of all, I hate having to be fake. like I hate having to,
Barbarian Noetics
pretend like you're cool with people and do all this like bullshit small talk when you know that everyone is just like ready to stab you in the back and everyone's just trying to climb all over each other for the promotion.
Barbarian Noetics
I'd rather just bow out altogether and just figure it out on my own. and
Yeah, it's exhausting.
Barbarian Noetics
You know, my i did like when I gave up my last office job, like I did lose a lot of my income and I lost my benefits.

Life Choices and Personal Fulfillment

Barbarian Noetics
and But that's when I started doing the podcast and then supporting myself coffee shop on the side. And it was just one of the best decisions I've made. you know i wouldn't All the people I've met, you are just one. all the conversations I've had, the ideas that that have come to fruition, and when you know that you reach people, like when I get feedback from people around the world, it like that helps to build like fulfillment in my life, like the sense of meaningfulness and purposefulness.
Barbarian Noetics
And that is what I what i realized is like, Yeah, you might have the benefits and the income, but if you don't have that purpose, it's it's only going to do you so so much good. And it's like, you can have the health benefits, but if you're stressed out all the time, you're going to be sick anyways. And if you're if you're not aware of like what the sick care system is up to, you're going to end up having some crazy ass surgery and having complications and
Barbarian Noetics
So yeah, it's like um things always have this way of there's a trade off for things. There's always a balance. And I just think having that personal integrity is like the the base upon which you can build everything else. So yeah.
absolutely yeah yeah yeah i've done the office job game bro and it is exhausting dude exhausting yeah i was lucky in kind of one one of the last jobs i did my uh my boss was such a cool guy
Barbarian Noetics
that I just made everything.
Barbarian Noetics
He was like a very jolly guy like me. We're always laughing. And um that kind of made it bearable. But and and yeah I made some good buddies that were always laughing. So I was always like trying to brighten up the room. And um that's kind of a talent I have to get even like we the bro. We could be like at and ah just interviewed the dude yesterday on my show. And he said something along the lines of, you know, I will have fun at like an ah an accountants conference and I feel like it with me it would be the same you know like any anywhere we go we're gonna have fun um but yeah I can see the house soul destroying this is and ah people just you get into this into this bubble of safety you got your income you got your four weeks of holidays you know you're you're paying off your mortgage you're gonna own that house one day or
Maybe you even own it already. That gives you a ah more sort of feeling of safety. But at the end of the day, you're somebody's slave, man. You're somebody's slave. Here's the way I kind of see it. Like today, I'll i'll give you an example. Today, I knew I was going to talk to you. And because you're in Arizona, I can only talk to you around 6, 7 p.m. my time. and every single last time that we spoke together I was always like put in a full days of work and I was exhausted and I felt like I didn't bring my aid game to the conversation and you know that at the end of the day that's not serving the listeners right so today I said you know what I'm not gonna do jack squat all day although I did some physical stuff it was less
um of this mental to work at the computer kind of sucking my energy away and I could do that because okay first of all I didn't have any other appointments set for the day obviously I would have to go to those but um you know if if I told like all my clients look can we push your appointments a week later or next two weeks I want to block them out of the calendar I can still do that anytime I please
Barbarian Noetics
And this freedom, while I might not be making all that much money in the gram scheme of things, this freedom to me is worth more than you know double the amount of money. At least for now, right? Because I can play with my kid all morning, and then i when she goes for a nap I can take my dog out for a walk. And then, you know, when my wife comes back from work, we can have a late lunch together and so on and so forth. And I can do these things and nobody is telling me, did you have that report? Is that power present of PowerPoint presentation ready? Oh, there's a spelling mistake here. Can you do that? Can you email this guy? Can you get that for me? I'm like, No, I'm not getting nothing. Now I am serving my clients, but it's a different type of service. i am
I am drawn to helping you because the outcome is going to be an amazing transformation for you. So that is not being somebody slave, that is serving somebody, being a facilitator in a transformation.
Barbarian Noetics
And that is, like you said, for the fulfillment piece, you can't really put a price on that at the end of the day.
Barbarian Noetics
Absolutely not. And it it does so much come back to service. like are you Are you being of service to other people, to the world? ah That's like a huge aspect. There's that cliche of like when you're just totally depressed or stuck in your own head, like go out and help someone, even if you just like help your neighbor fix their car, or you go out and like pick up some garbage on the sidewalk. Just go make yourself of use, and it makes all the difference in the world. I want to run this question by you.
Barbarian Noetics
So I've been thinking about this difference between productive and unproductive stress. So there's the this type of office stress that we're talking about would be like the quintessential nonproductive stress, because it's not you're not like achieving anything through it.
Mm hmm.
Barbarian Noetics
It's this internal sort of tension that you feel all the time. And the discord that occurs when you feel something in your heart, but then you express something different. There's like this horrible discordance that gets created.
Barbarian Noetics
That's like what I would call non-productive stress. That's like the silent killer stress. Then there's this other aspect of stress where you get into like the pressure that we were talking about earlier, how you need to be able to like handle some pressure. And I'm, I love plants. I have house plants, like about 35 house plants in my apartment.
Barbarian Noetics
And I noticed, like, I observe how they grow and they, they grow at their edges. Like they're always reaching, depending on where the window is, they're always like reaching out to where they can get the most light. They're growing at the edges. If I put a plant in like a dark corner, it's if, if, as long as it's like a fairly hardy plant, It will feel stressed by that, but it will motivate it to make some moves and it'll launch like a little ah vine out towards the light. I think that humans are are similar to that in that we, if we're never put under any type of pressure, we never have a chance for that productive stress that forces us to like get the best out of us, which forces us to forge our character. What do you think about that?
I think you should stop torturing your plants and put them on the windowsill on the fucking balcony, right?
Barbarian Noetics
kind of an asshole are you
That'll be my first tip. I'm not a gardener or anything, but, uh, you know, I'll start there. See, see, compare, compare how they grow there in full sunlight.
Barbarian Noetics
But here, you know what, as I was kind of messing around with the joke, it kind of does make a little bit of sense. You can actually, uh, get something out of it.
Barbarian Noetics
So I think.
Barbarian Noetics
kind of an asshole are you?
there's something to be said for, you know, putting some pressure to in order to grow. But if if you, I'm just, let's let's pretend, let's pretend I, okay, you look at cannabis plants, right? Okay, i'm not I'm not an expert on this, but they probably grow under a lot of good light, right? but some Sure, you got have some wind in the in the to make them stronger and stuff, but they kind of grow with optimal conditions. So if you create optimal conditions in a person, so environmentally, dietarily, and and stuff like that, I think you can get a lot out of them, right?
um I honestly feel if you create these conditions for a person, they seem to gravitate towards sort of challenging themselves to do more. even I can see it with my kid, right? I can't remember what she was doing. It was it today or yesterday. like The days are a bit of a blur, to be honest. But um she was trying to to do something where she was, you know, pushing herself. I can't remember. Was she trying to build something taller with blocks or ah oh, oh, yes, she she was because I was kind of cleaning downstairs a little bit, the kitchen cleaning out and doing some spring cleaning, whatever. So my my daughter would just like started asking me, what is this? What is this? So she was kind of.
instead of me force feeding her this is this learn this word this is this action she was asking of her own sort of volition what is this what do you call that so i think we if we if you put us in this environment because because you you know the stress can actually be differentiated there's kind of two sides to stress you stress like like um euphoria you know or distress like uh dysphoria or distress
Barbarian Noetics
Uh, so stress in and of itself could be like the, I guess the, the unity of the thing.
Barbarian Noetics
And then those are the two polarities, you stress and distress.
Barbarian Noetics
So, so you, you stress would be something like from, let's say a cannabis plant having some, you know, how they train the plants with the, they, they put the, the branches down and they have wind in there to stimulate stronger stems, for example, ah that would be like eustress. Whereas this stress, and then sometimes you wouldn't water, it so like so some and know wine growers, they don't water their vines, for example, in order for them to express more polyphenols and whatever else in the in the fruit or whatever. So there there can be stresses like that, but then it can be distressed
is when you just damage, you're doing so much of this, whatever it is you're doing that you actually damage the the thing or yourself. So you really, I think, I guess my point here is in today's society, in terms of how how how healthy the average person is, which is actually not very healthy at all, it's actually pretty pretty terrible. They're in pretty terrible health. um there's a very short sort of delta between eustress and distress and most people don't really and yet understand what where where the the line is and a lot of people are crossing it for example let's say you go just to give you a quick example and i'll let you talk bro um 60 year old guy
goes to the doctor high blood pressure you know stressful office job maybe like a high executive position the doctor says you need to get more exercise you know you need to eat eat less carbs or you know just give them some advice like that some bullshit advice the guy What does he do? He might go go to the gym, go jogging. He's not physically ready to do that amount of activity, but he does it anyway. He's putting himself in distress and that's actually doing more harm than good. but Someone healthy, let's say in their 40s, conditioned well, eating well, eating clean, low stress lifestyle.
yeah he can go for a 5k run you know he can go do burpees and and go to a you know martial arts class and that if he has that if he's feeding himself well that will then translate into adaptations that you know may seem beneficial stronger leaner faster whatever else whereas the other example the the initial person um He's just ah stressing his body and he might he might lose a little bit of weight or whatever else, but ah he will probably die sooner if I can be that blunt.
Barbarian Noetics
I mean, one of the foundational qualities of being human is adaptation. We are incredibly adaptable and we will adapt to whatever environment that we're put in. So if you stay in like a distressing ah situation too much for too long as a human, you actually will start to like change yourself, your core being to accommodate that. you know If you you work in that toxic ah office environment for your whole life,
Barbarian Noetics
You're going to be a different person than if you were able to work in different situations, maybe be outside more in ah you a situation where you can be more like loose around the edges. You don't have to watch. You end up you end up kind of growing into the situation that you put yourself in. I

Cultivation, Growth, and Societal Constraints

Barbarian Noetics
wanted to pick up on the the metaphor that you were using with the cannabis plant.
Barbarian Noetics
so the it's It's an interesting one because if you think about like ah so Arizona is a recreational state. so I live in the warehouse district and I'll be like biking through the warehouse district and you just like smell weed all the time because there's this like warehouse that's full of weed everywhere. I i like it. and but like so if If you're a cannabis plant that's in like one of these like industrial greenhouses, yes, you will have um
Barbarian Noetics
you will have like optimal conditions for a certain end.
Barbarian Noetics
Like they they're interested in creating like tight buds of the flowers, but they're not really able to be their fault. And i i know I don't know what what the exact consciousness is of cannabis plants. Obviously, there's differences between human consciousness and cannabis plant consciousness.
Barbarian Noetics
But, you know, the only females are allowed in the in the grow.
Barbarian Noetics
So like they're not allowed to reproduce. So they're not getting like that fulfillment of plant reproduction. They are, they're being bred for a certain reason.
Barbarian Noetics
And so that's the same thing that's happening to us humans right now with the safe space and the allowable discourse and the freedom of speech, not freedom of reach as the Mad King Elon says, we are being cultivated for a certain agenda.
Barbarian Noetics
And it's like, that's not how I wanna be as like ah someone with a human consciousness that wants to experience like the full spectrum of my life. Like I wanna, whenever, I'm whenever I pass on, I'm hoping that I pass on like in in my desk, I'm surrounded by loved ones and I can reflect and be like, you know, I lived like a life. I had many chapters of my life. I had my ups, I had my downs, I had my triumphs, I had my failures. but I really like experienced what it was to fully be human.
Barbarian Noetics
So I feel like, yes, the cannabis plants, when they're grown for the flowers, they're they're optimal the conditions are optimal in one regard, but they're not optimal in another because they're they're being like guided into a certain direction.
Yeah. Hmm.
Barbarian Noetics
And I just think,
Barbarian Noetics
it's it's just ah It's a shame if humans allow themselves to be cultivated and grown like that for a specific end.

Political Systems and Community Cooperation

Barbarian Noetics
to just If you're American, you you think that you do your civic duty by voting for either one of two parties. You participate in the du duopolistic election every four years. You do your civic duty, you call it. You put your pen on that says, I voted. And you pat yourself on the back that you were you know you you're you're this like model citizen.
yeah ah did my part
Barbarian Noetics
It's one other point too.
Barbarian Noetics
I know we're getting almost to 90 minutes now, but humans love to break things down. and ah We're tempted. There's a temptation to always break things down into like very simplistic states. It's either this or it's that. It's black or it's white. This is, it's in certain regards, like easier to organize your thoughts if you see things from a very like cut and dry perspective.
Yeah, I did my part.
Barbarian Noetics
And the evil genius of the two-party duopoly is there's that illusion of choice. And then you put all the emphasis, the mainstream media puts all these emphasis on the culture war differences, whereas you actually look at like I look at foreign policy. I'm very interested in foreign policy. You notice that the foreign policy is pretty much identical, whether it's Obama or Trump in the office. The foreign policy agendas continue basically unabated. Maybe there'll be a couple hiccups here or there. But it's like, so there's this temptation to always want to want to simplify things
Barbarian Noetics
And we just have to resist that temptation. And the only way that we can actually really resist it is by being fearless in what we talk about, what we discuss. And that means like sticking your chin out. When you stick your chin out, you get hit sometimes, but you develop a hard, you develop a strong chin. You know, no one likes a weak chin. And we we should think in terms of these metaphors when we go about like,
Barbarian Noetics
either acquiescing or not to these very sneaky informal rules of allowable interactions.
And I like the sort of how you took the the cannabis example because that's what school is doing to us, man.
Barbarian Noetics
And people don't even realize it. You are taking these free spirits and you're training them to be very generic peons that know Okay, the the example of it's like a let's use a an animal as an example, you know, you're taking a wolf and you're breeding it down to a dog that is lost without you. If you don't feed it, give it water, it's dead. And this is this is how people think life without the state without the state, people think it will be anarchy and and everyone will kill each other and everybody will die and no food will appear on the table or in the supermarket.
and that's very very far like it when I was in um in Mexico in for an archipelago what these guys that when they heard the stories right so when the big hurricane hit Acapulco within I think hours one of these guys that's kind of a part of the event that knows Jeff Burwick well he was on his motorbike I think from Texas or maybe maybe from your neck of the woods even from Arizona I can't remember he was on his bike driving down to help
Barbarian Noetics
And then they were running out of Jeff Burwick's house. They were basically, he went out, a bunch of them went out, bought supplies, got supplies in, and they they were using his house as like a sort of triage facility for the, the and these are all a bunch of anarchists, right?
Barbarian Noetics
They got there. way before the ah the Red Cross, I think multiple days before the Red Cross.
Barbarian Noetics
um I think the Chief of Police went there to thank them personally. They were guarding the Anarkapuku event. They had a police car there to to make sure everything goes well. They had great respect to the anarchists. And this is what, bro, a few people with that sort of ethos can do. And like the they love, they, i like you go there, Acapulco, you hear all these horrible things, of course, from mainstream media.
Barbarian Noetics
And I was shitting my pants going there. I went out of the airport and I went straight back in when I saw the the machine gun turrets on the trucks that the army had. I was like, What the hell am I going? So I went in, I went to the ATM to get cash, to get pesos. There was two guys, and I saw they had like uniforms at the work at the airport, but they were like looking at me. I'm like, oh my God, that these guys want to harvest my organs or something. you know I was like, shit in my pants, bro. Shit. And that's after three flights and a lot of stress between the the connections and whatever else.
So anyway, I got there, I got to the hotel and like my taxi, bro, my taxi, he didn't know where to go. So there was like a group of super dodgy guys. We're just about at the hotel, super dodgy motherfuckers. And he's like, he tells them the exact hotel. I'm saying, I'm looking for this in this hotel, Ombre. Do you know where? I'm there in the back seat. I'm like, dude.
trying to get me harvested here so yeah and the hotel was like 50 meters away he just he basically just drove one street past one street like okay we're here and i could still see the guys they're looking at me i'm like oh jesus so i got in you know the guy he guy the guy uh the hotel owner tiny little hotel
Barbarian Noetics
unscathed somehow by the um hurricane so he he tells me leave your suitcases here come with me to my shop and i I'll help get you some water help you out with some other stuff so I'm like leave my stuff here he's looking at me funny like yeah yeah just leave your stuff here just we're going out for a second and he was so nice i'm like why is this guy so nice what is he what is he up to what is like how so paranoid bro so anyway uh went out like i went out an hour or two later because i couldn't sleep and after that i i just got this feeling
of the place of the people that after that i was like coming back to the hotel at two three four five pm oh am without any without any sort of fear walking walking out three four am and you could see like a dark silhouette across the street walking and you're gonna you know sort of pass and it's like hola or
Barbarian Noetics
hey how are ya because you know it's usually gringos walking in the middle of the night getting home uh somewhere so but it it was just such a it almost brought a tear to my eye when they started sharing those stories of what these guys did to help repair the and help the locals there and if they didn't there weren't nobody was forcing them nobody told them you gotta do this because for the greater good they did it because that's what people will do when they're not
Barbarian Noetics
Barbarian Noetics
you know, destroyed by by this propaganda in social engineering.
Barbarian Noetics
Absolutely. Yeah, I agree with you 100 percent. Humans are inherently cooperative. We evolved to work together in bands to you know hunt the mammoth and ward off the rival tribes and all this kind of stuff.
Barbarian Noetics
We we are driven by this desire to assist one another because I feel like deep down we realize that we're we're assisting ourselves. we're By i do i being of service to others, we're being of service to ourselves. By building a stronger community, we're making all of our lives better. And I'm glad that you ended up coming around to to Mexico because I love going down to Mexico. I mean, it is it's ah it's a little rough around the edges.
It's awesome.
Barbarian Noetics
ah But I always feel so safe there.
Barbarian Noetics
you know Even when you are in like ah around like a government building, when you have to sign in for your get your shit stamped or whatever, you see these ladies too sometimes with these really nice assault rifles. But it's like the vibe is just, like i I feel safe. And ah yeah.
Yeah. It's a place. It's a space. It's safe, but it's not a safe space.
Barbarian Noetics
Exactly, exactly. Yes, yes.
It's safe, it's space, but it's not a safe space.
Barbarian Noetics
Yeah, we need to reinsert a little bit of danger into our public spaces. you know not I'm not talking physical danger, but...
Bro, exactly, because my wife said, I was kind of, because bro, to be perfectly frank, after COVID hit, I didn't step on a plane this entire time.
Barbarian Noetics
The last time I flew on a plane was in October 2019. And I was like, I screwed, because I have the dog as well. So my wife would go with my my daughter and stuff, and we'd drive to Spain and go with the car and the dog everywhere. So I was like, I don't know, like, planes, like and four years, bro. So it was very unnerving but it really she even my wife was saying look ah you're gonna get out of your comfort zone it's gonna stir up some stuff it's gonna be great and it's really it's like you say you know it's you have you you get out of your comfort zone and you grow and you learn like now
And then when I came back, i was I was a different person. Like I'm going up and just random people would just, I was so much more chatty and like, um, kind of making connections with people was before I'd be just minding my own business. And, uh, it just, that's, it brought it out of me because yeah I met probably a third of the people at at the whole event, you know, maybe a couple hundred people I was talking to through that entire time. So it was, it was, uh, pretty, pretty sweet.
Barbarian Noetics
Yeah. Yeah, i like I said, I'm hoping to get to Antarctica real soon, possibly even next year. So.
maybe Yeah, maybe we can get an Airbnb next year and get some... like but my My idea is if we get a new Airbnb and then go to the to the the downtown, get a bunch of decent food, so you have a stock of high quality food because you know there's a lot of seed oil stuff.
Barbarian Noetics
and like the That's one thing that kind of scared me. That's why I understand why Northern Americans are so sick. is' like you You go to these little shops and All there is is like artificial colors, flavors and and high fructose corn syrup and aspartame and seed oils mostly and grains, GMO probably. So like, no wonder people are sick, man.
No wonder.
Barbarian Noetics
Yeah, in the in the US they call it like the food deserts that anytime you're in like the low income part of a city, there's there's no actual supermarkets anywhere.
Barbarian Noetics
It's all dollar stores and gas stations. And yeah, they call it the food desert because you can hardly find any fresh fruit or vegetables and everything's hyper processed and it just kind of adds to
Barbarian Noetics
Because I've been living in the low income area of Phoenix now for eight years. And I really am like, I'm part of the fabric of the community and I really love it down here. You know, during COVID down in the body, ah no one gave a fuck. everyone people I heard about Event 201 from my neighbor, my African-American family. He was talking about Event 201 before I knew about Event 201. And they were completely like, no one's wearing masks.
Barbarian Noetics
No one even talked about it. It was just like, oh, yeah, it's getting crazy uptown type thing. And it's just like, I appreciated that so much. There's also this sense of like that that positive anarchy that you were speaking of, just doing things ah not because you have to or because you're being paid to, but just because like it's the right thing to do for the community. Everyone taking accountability for physical safety. like You don't, you fuck around down here, you find out really quick. You know like you can't, there's no room. I spoke with this woman from, and i'll let I know we gotta wrap up soon here, but. a woman who just moved here from Seattle.
Barbarian Noetics
She moved to Phoenix from Seattle. And I asked her, I kind of already knew the answer, but I was like, how'd you like Seattle? She's like, I fucking hated it. I'm like, tell me why, because I also did not like Seattle. ah No shade on our Seattle listeners out there, different strokes for different folks. But she, so she ah she told this story of, she was like walking, and so Seattle is very like, ah very left wing,
Barbarian Noetics
city in the US. So very much like all about like the the allowable discourse and the safe space, all that stuff. It's very like full bore in that direction. And yet she was walking down the street ah in a public street, busy busy neighborhood, and a man started like aggressively stalking her and following her on the street. He was aggressively like saying aggressive things to her, making threats, like being scary. She's surrounded by all these people, men and women, All these people, but they're all kind of like hipster safe space people. She's screaming for help. She's like, Hey, someone can someone intervene? Like this guy is really scary. He's following me. No one did a thing. Everyone just looked the other way. Look the other way. And this is the city that talks about sit, you know, they can't say a word without talking about.
Barbarian Noetics
Safe space this and safe space that so it's like it breeds this this apathy and this inactivity Which then actually does become dangerous like she said she was traumatized from that she had to like run away from this guy and like cried but on the side of a building and You know, she not romanticizing Phoenix Phoenix isn't perfect But like especially down here in the south like that shit wouldn't fly like, you know It just wouldn't fly there would be there would be a pit bull on that dude before You know before you can say anything so
Yeah. Yeah.
and As it should, yeah, yeah, as it should.
Barbarian Noetics
as it should be, yeah. And I was just like, I just thought that that that little story was very indicative of the dangers of you You train people to be ah disempowered and to not trust themselves and to not stand up for when you sometimes you need to stand up in life and standing up involves taking risks. So you have to be able to take risks. And you know that's why like I go to my street fighting classes, I go to my jujitsu classes, because I don't want to be walking around like I'm a freakin'
Barbarian Noetics
sitting duck over here. You never know when the situations arise when you least expect them and when you're when you're least ready for them. And you just have to try to you have to be prepared. It's like part of your duty of being human is building yourself. It's okay to be dangerous, like become a dangerous person. It's, you know, be a good but dangerous person.
Yeah, like, uh, were you saying you have the, um, the, what's that apparatus used to.
Barbarian Noetics
Oh yeah, the the ball and chain. I call it, it's the morning star. Yeah, it's my ball and chain. I wish I had it here to show everyone.
Yeah, bro. Like, you know, you gotta have, you know, the shuriken, those ninja stars. I always have like three of them next to my heart when I go anywhere.
No, like in my shirt pocket. So I've gone through a lot of shirts carrying them there, but you know, you
Barbarian Noetics
Barbarian Noetics
This is my, uh, this is my aluminum one. So this is actually my light one. My heavy one is like a 20 pound ball, but yeah.
Whoa, that looks like it can do some damage.
Barbarian Noetics
it It's proper barbarian shit.
That's proper barbarian shit, bro.
Barbarian Noetics
That's right.
I love it. ah lot alright Well, I got to go drive our nanny home. So you know unfortunately, we got to cut it.
Barbarian Noetics
Yes, sir.
As you can see, we can talk for hours and hours. So before we wrap up, first of all, thank you so much for joining me, bro.
Barbarian Noetics
Me too.
I've been looking forward to this. um Before we wrap up, just let the listeners help know how they can connect with you and and your work.
Barbarian Noetics
Yeah, thank you. And thanks again for having me, Christian. It's always so much fun to to chat with you, brother. always It always brightens my day. um So yeah, so ah my podcast, Barbarian Noetics Podcast, it's available anywhere podcasts are shown up on all the platforms. so Please subscribe. I do get hit with the algorithmic suppression. So once you subscribe, like check in a few weeks later, because people have been reporting that they get unsubscribed from my podcast, Barbarian Noetics. I also have a video show on Rockfin. ah Rockfin slash Barbarian Yakfest. Y-A-K Yakfest. And actually tonight I'm having a stream with a good friend of mine who's a tattoo artist and he's going to talk about like tattooing war stories of how when you're a tattoo artist, you're also kind of like a therapist.
Barbarian Noetics
And it's going to be like a kind of a fun, light conversation of just like crazy shit that's he's that he's experienced um giving tattoos. He's been doing it for decades. So that's rockfin slash barbarian yakfest barbarian no edX podcast.
that's amazing That's amazing.
Barbarian Noetics
And I'm not really big on social media, but you can find me on Instagram barbarian underscore no edX. Reach out to me. I love hearing from people and Christians. People are my people. So yeah, thanks so much, brother.
Yeah, for sure.
Barbarian Noetics
I appreciate you.
Thank you, brother.
Barbarian Noetics
Yes, sir.
Thank you. Love you.
Barbarian Noetics
Love you too.