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Prey for more Predator

Fright Central
19 Plays2 years ago

New Predator movie Prey now on Hulu


Introduction to 2022 Predator Film Discussion

for real all right well welcome to fright central where we talk all things horror i'm kec here with doc and tonight we are going to be talking about the resurrection of the predator franchise with 2022's
directed by uh dan trackenburg who did uh ten cloverfield lane which is the best cloverfield movie in my opinion uh this movie i thought was a great return to form and especially after that shit show of uh the predator from uh 2018 which i don't really want to talk about at all but yeah we did we we did a separate cast on that this movie had a lower budget than that one
The Predator had a very high

Casting and Performances in the 2022 Film

budget. It had a lot of advertising. It had a star studded cast and somehow turned into just the most ridiculous shit show with like some of the worst writing I've seen in forever. I mean, I hope wherever Shane Black is right now, he's being hunted. And this movie had, you know, obviously a lower budget with
Most actors in it that I've never even heard of before I only knew the lead actress from she was a Not want to say a bit character, but she she was a more of a side character in Legion
Well, she was one of the main characters. Yeah, I would say she was. Yeah, but her. She wasn't like one of the that. Yeah, she wasn't like one of the Aubrey Paul Plaza or Dan Stevens. So yeah, yeah, well, she definitely wasn't all Plaza.
But yeah, that was the only thing I had seen her in before. And I didn't I didn't recognize any of the other the actors in it. It's a member. Mid Thunder is her name. And that's a very interesting last name. I first recognized her from an episode of Banshee several years ago. That's right. Very young girl. And it was interesting because I had just watched that episode of Banshee right before watching this.
just randomly went back and watched that episode. And she is only in the show for about two minutes of dialogue. She has several lines, and then she gets murdered by a crazed Amish guy. But that's the first time I noticed her. And then you reminded me that she was in Allegiant, and she was fantastic in this film. Yes. Yeah, I thought so, too.
Her brother played by Dakota Beavers. I think this might be his first role.

Cultural and Linguistic Authenticity

It was mostly like all the whole cast was pretty much as native background, except for like French characters that came in. And they had discussed like the actresses that came in and they discussed about shooting the film in Comanche.
uh so they we both agreed we thought would have been very interesting yeah and they had like just to test it out but i guess ultimately uh since it was also going to screaming and wanted to get a wire audience they decided to film it in english but they all the actors went back and did film did dub it in command sheet and you can find that version on hulu as well but you have to turn the subtitles on it's more closed captioning than it is just audio subtitles yeah i thought that was uh i mean i wish there was just a uh
an audio only subtitles not the other one but I got a chance to go to a free screening to see in theaters before it came out with the actresses and the producer and they did a Q&A afterwards so I'm really glad I got to see in theaters and I wish it played in theaters because I think it would have done well because now did you take did you take part in the Q&A no I saw that you had pictures yeah
I could have asked questions, but I didn't have anything, of course, until like when I got home, then I had questions. But like other people did ask them a question. But there was like a moderator who asked most of them. And then on that weekend on the Saturday, I was staying at a friend's house watching her animals and I decided to watch it again. And I watched it in Comanche. And I liked it even better the second time watching it and dubbed with the subtitles because it kind of fit more than because because they kind of like new English and not really old English.
You know, but they wouldn't be speaking English at all, but like it did feel a little off when they're, when they're speaking English. So that's why I think I like to in command sheet a little bit better. I kind of just think it's like sad that like, because I think like more to European audiences, they would have appreciated in command sheet. Um, given the diversity of languages in Europe, I just think it's kind of sad that like,
at this day and age, like American audiences, like they felt that like, you know, we're not like cultured enough to appreciate that it would, I'm sure they tested this and people don't like reading subtitles. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. My friends will watch it. English shows with subtitles on. Okay. Like, you know, so I mean, whatever I understand.
completely, financially, you obviously want to do it in whatever tests better.
You know what I mean? So like, you know, you want to do it that way. And unless you're Mel Gibson in a pop and you're doing a pop flip. So you're the only one that can get away with doing it. Oh, yeah. Mel Gibson. I mean, you know, say what you want about the son of a bitch knows story structure. And he knows what people want. But anyway, he's like, I'm going to do it anyway. And you're going to go out and watch it. And like he can go motherfucking Mel Gibson.
Yeah, I mean, well, I don't know if he could get away with any. Now, I mean, he can get away with making a film in a foreign language and putting subtitles on and people watch it, you know, I'm just saying, I don't think he could get away with any. No, that's not what I meant. But well, let's just talk a little bit about the movie. Well, first off, I did not realize
that this was done by every actor that played a Native American actually did have a Native American background. I did not know that. I thought that some of the actors were like just straight up white guys that were just painted to look like Indians. I even complained about that to you. I thought it would have gotten canceled if it was.
There have been many movies where they've painted up the similarities. Yeah. Well, I'm just saying, like, it has happened. Like, you know, I mean, it's bad movies, but they obviously did not do this with this. And I thought it was when you had told me they had did a dub Comanche version of that. I thought that was really cool. I didn't have Hulu. I was watching another copy of the film.
So I don't believe on the copy I have. I had that option, but that would be something that I would be interested in checking out. So I think that I would encourage people to maybe flip it on and off.
Watch it twice. I mean, it's worth watching twice. Yeah, you can watch it once in English and then you can get the basic story. Some people don't have time to just like, you know, watch a movie and then rewatch it again. Back to back. I meant like, you know, watch it once and then, you know, the next week and watch it again. I mean, you could just watch like the first five minutes of the movie, flip it back and off, decide on what you want and do that. What I was trying to say is I think it's cool that Hulu gave you that option. Yeah.
because they could have just wrapped that all together. When I saw it in English, they speak Comanche in some of the scenes and in some of the scenes they speak French but they don't subtitle that and that was done purposely because the characters don't speak French so they wouldn't understand him so he wanted you to not understand them as well. You can kind of get what they're talking about through context. I think they released like the
you know, the version, well, not a version, but a somebody wrote an article and translated all the French so you can read that online as well. But I like to when they if you watch the Comanche version, the subtitles, even the Comanche they had spoke before that you didn't understand in English, they subtitle that as well. I mean, you get it from context anyway, like when when she's talking to the dog or like when she's talking about the big con, she calls it like a certain word. And I forget what she uses, but
I thought I had like something wrong with my copy because I was trying to put on English subtitles during the French part and the subtitles were coming out as French and I was just like
I had no idea that that was done intentionally. I mean, yeah, you asked me about that as well. Yeah. Yeah. I think it's kind of weird that you couldn't actually turn this. I get that it was supposed to be intentional. I still think it's strange that you wouldn't get the option to be able to. I think in the future, you probably will. But like, as you said, they the French dialogue, it wasn't so much that like it became a problem.
Yeah, you kind of got the gist and I was fortunate enough to be watching it with a young lady who spoke French fluently. And she was like able to translate some of the scenes and they're like, she was like, Oh, yeah, they're talking about, you know, raping the girl that, you know, when they took her captive.
Yeah, um, I think they're talking about killing or not. I don't think they said, uh, rape, at least in the translation that I would, but it was about like, they were talking about having some fun with her, you know, beforehand. Cause it was a group of guys. So they were.
she said that they were talking about having fun with her oh yeah i think that you were i think i think that is use the word fun so it was implied the yeah so that's what sean is like you know they're talking about whether or not they're gonna rape her and i was just like oh yeah typical but um you know uh
that's that was really interesting what they did with language. Yeah, I thought that that was really cool. I thought the French scenes were funnier that you didn't understand them because I agree with that because the Frenchman looked really bumbling. Yeah, you know, I don't know if they were supposed to look like that forky and like unprepared because it looked like

Predator's Hunting Style and Cultural Parallels

The French in the film, they were skinners, right? Yes. Yeah. They skin the buffalo that she comes upon. And first, do you think it's the predator that skinned the buffalo? But you learn that the predators only hunting, you know,
you know, he only deemed something that that worthy to kill. That's also a hunter. Like he kills a snake. He kills. He kills a wolf. And then he kills the bear before he starts killing him. And that's why he didn't kill her at first because he didn't deem her as a threat because she gets, you know, trapped in that bear trap at one point. And then the predator is like standing right next to her. And she's like, yeah, he he saw me. He was right there and just didn't deem that I was a threat. And that's kind of like
parallel into her part of the tribe as the warrior. She wants to become a warrior, and people don't see her as a threat. They don't see her as a warrior. They're like, nah, you should be a gatherer. And she's like, yeah, I do this because it was one of the skinners. If it was the predator's trap, that would have been different. He doesn't really set traps as much as he
Yeah, well, in past Predator movies, like, for example, Predators, when they were all trapped on that remote planet, the Predators did actually set a trap that the one guy stepped in that was designed to maim him and slow him down.
Yeah, and then they were trying to do that whisper thing to to get the, the other guys. Yeah, but those are different tribe of predators too. But like, I'm just saying that predator race, they have employed traps before, but usually this was an obvious bear trap that she stops in. Yeah.
Oh, I was saying like that, like no one believes that she can do it. And that's why she wants to. She was like, I know I can do it. Like when you see her throwing that axe early on and then she fucking like ties that rope to it and the dude makes memories like, oh, your fucking weapon needs a leash. Like, yeah, you made a leash for your weapon. Yeah. And it turns out like, yeah, then I don't have to keep going to fucking get it. It's fucking perfect. Yeah. Yeah. Great. That was like, I would have been like, oh, you made a leash for your weapon. That's good ingenuity.
You know what I mean? Like, you know, I don't know. They were just, you know, there was like that. There was a whole thing of like, you know, sexism, too. Like, yeah, she was like a girl. She couldn't do it. Like, you know, in the those Indian tribes that, you know, it was mostly the men were hunters and the women were gathers. And some tribes had warrior women. So it's not. Yeah. But I mean, I'm just saying her brother.
Yeah, in general. Yeah. But even her brother like was like, yeah, I know you can you do it, but I don't I just don't think you're ready yet. But I know you can like he's the only one that kind of believed in her. Yeah, that's why I like he was like listening to her be like, Oh, okay, you like what do you how would you go about hunting this? And like, it was like, all right, this is she was like, we'll set this trap up and like, he's like, and she was and he was like, Yeah, you're trapped work if you didn't fucking leave enough that tramp if you didn't fall off that tree, that trap would have worked.
Yeah, no, he recognized such do is a sound tactician. Yeah, she like understood how to hunt. He was just doubting her ability, at least where she was in her development. Yeah, yeah, she wasn't quite ready. Yeah, yeah, her bill, she understood the hunt, she understood strategy.
She was worried that she just wasn't ready to execute her strategies. And she would have had that deer too if the predator shipped and didn't come in and drop off that predator. That's what scared the deer off and she would have had that deer as well.
Yeah, she's clearly, it was a warrior. And then when she falls into that like swamp thing, it's covered in mud. I was like, okay, this is how they're going to do. Even though like earlier that it was like clearly set up the medicine thing was like the lowering of the, uh,
the body temperature and they clearly set it up there but as soon as she falls in the bottom like okay this is definitely gonna come back into play she's gonna jump in there and put the mud on later on or she's gonna keep the mud on when she gets out of there but then she cleans off i was like all right maybe they're gonna save it for later and i mean they do go back there later on
And she sets up a trap there, but she doesn't use the the mud she uses the medicine because she sees one of the French guys after they get like slaughtered in that camp scene, which was like my fate. One of my favorite predator, like just murder and spree scenes is fucking awesome. And yeah, she goes to like hunt her and like that's when she like notices that like, oh, back at the the
camp, she notices that he, but she was helping one of the French guys out. It was like losing his leg to give him a medicine and his body temperature drops and the predator walks right up to him and doesn't kill him. And that's when she gets the idea. She was like, Oh, I think, I think that's like, if you kind of play dead or you have like, you know, this medicine, he had the same line shorts that we've had in the original. He couldn't see me. Um, well, let's just be for, we're kind of jumping all around here. Um,
What's interesting is when the predator first gets dropped off if you know the story of the yacha or whatever you know that like the young predators like teenagers or whatever
They also go off on something very similar to what the Native Americans. Yeah, it was the parallels between the two characters, pretty much. They're right in the past. You see the predator get dropped off. He's so low. He does not have the plasma cannon.
that you know basically just and decimate whole armies maybe i'm also thinking he might have not have had that because it was it's 300 years before i mean they have advanced tech but maybe they're not at plasma tech yet i'm going to guess that they had plasma tech um i'm thinking that because they don't have that nuke bomb either because he uses his wrist device as a different weapon later on
Well, you need the plasma cannon to use that nuke bomb. The plasma cannon is the reactor. They describe that in the comics for more information of how that came to be. But like it's kind of been established like in the Alien

Predator's Technology and Design

vs. Predator movie. Like it's a rite of passage for them.
to graduate, to be able to use the highest tier of technology, they need to first prove themselves that they can hold their own. Yeah, his job was to go there to collect his proof of the highest burden. Yeah, he probably would then travel back to Yacha Prime or whatever their home planet is and, you know, present his kills or
blown off on more pilgrim until he proved himself worthy to be able to use. I think the highest honor you can become as a predator is an enforcer predator. I think it's chief predator. Well, like as a chief predator it's a predator too. She's the one that handed the gun that links into this movie.
Yeah, that what I mean is like the highest like honor you can be given as a warrior. I believe is considered to be an enforcer and you're basically someone
It was Alien vs Predator 2. You see him go off. He sees that there's a biohazard problem. The alien gets loose on her. It was not a very good movie. It was shot in the darkness. I like that better than the first Alien vs Predator. Oh really?
I like the first one better. But that predator was very much like Harvey Keitel in Pulp Fiction. Oh, you called the wolf like he was the wolf predator. Like he comes in clean up. Exactly. He's not really a poor he's more clean up. Yeah. Well, they call them enforcers in the comics. Yeah. Yeah. By that. But anyway, don't want to get too off track there. The one thing
I did notice about the Predator when I was watching it the second time is when they showed the creatures get up just out in the open, it looked pretty fucking bad. There were certain scenes where I saw the Predator on cloaked and I was looking at it and I was just like,
You barely could see it and they did it intentionally. But if you just looked at the get up, like just the costume that the guy was in, it did not look very good in certain scenes. And I was sort of wondering, because usually like when the predator fought the wolf one on one,
Usually the Predator would come out of its cloak, reveal itself, and they would just go at each other one-on-one, honorable fight, no reason to be camouflaged. I was wondering if the use of the camo, because this Predator stayed in camouflage, I thought for the majority of the movie,
I was wondering if that was sort of to cover for maybe like some poor costume design, but I'm not sure. Maybe if you go back and check, you'll see what I mean. Did you notice anything like that? I've noticed like some of the CG might have been a little off on some scenes, but I think the predator up close. I'm not talking about the costume in general without like the CGI or anything.
I don't know. I thought he looked kind of good. The up close shots anyway. Well, I'm from the waste stuff. I was kind of just talking about when I looked at the whole get up. There were a few scenes where I saw it and I was like, what the fuck? And then I was like, oh, all right. I get why they showed him mainly from like the waste. And there were just some things I noticed. And I was wondering why he spoke so frequently. I was also wondering why
In his cloaking device, I guess they were just showing it because it looked badass, but like he was like changing colors. Like when he jumped, like when he made impact on the ground, his like feet would like light up red. And it was actually, that's something that would give away his position because she noticed him in cloak from afar.
because he was like jumping around and like his camo was like lighting up. I don't know. Oh, I thought the lighting up in the distance was because he was using the, um, the, the weapon on his wrist weapon, you know, with the, which is normally the plasma gun with the three dots. And I think she was seeing the red off the laser scope. Yeah. But he was like jumping around and doing stuff. She said she saw like lightning in there, but like,
you know what i'm talking about right when he moved around at times like his camo was like
lighting up stuff, which was just kind of strange because in, you know, the other predator movies, like the camo was designed to cloak them as best as possible. This like gave away his position. I'd be like, yo, you're glowing red, dude. Whenever you move around, like what the fuck I saw in the distance when she sees the red lights. I took that as she was talking about that. Yeah. Okay. You're talking about when you treat a tree or whatever.
When he was landing on the ground, yeah, it was like lighting up Brett. Like it was, I don't know why they did that specifically. I'm thinking they just said, you know what? It looks bad. Yeah, maybe that's, that's the only thing that usually ends up when it comes down to like, yeah, that looks cool. So let's do it. Well, both, both of the girls I watched the movie with, they were both saying the same thing. They were like, why is.
like isn't the whole point of that to make it so it's harder for him to see why is it like when he moves around or hits like when he hit an object it was like glowing red it was just i don't know i thought that was like kind of bizarre it wasn't something i got like real hung up on because it looked badass yeah but i was just kind of wondering why they decided to do that i like the tools that yeah
rather they're used. I like the weapons. I thought all the fight scenes were great too. All the different weapons were really cool. The fight scenes all were real dope when she's fighting the command sheet off the horseback for the first time. Even with those other dudes that didn't believe it, they turned out to be pretty decent fighters, but they just got wrecked.
Yeah, especially when he like had re cloaked and disappeared. And then when she's fighting the predator like the first time before Lauren, a man with like forces on the like the move she did where like he cuts all ends up cutting off his own arm to like get out of the situation he was in. I thought that was really fun. Yeah. Yeah. Well, there's a whole thing about predators cutting off their arms. Yeah. In these movies, I think
Oh, in Predator 2, he gets his arm chopped off and there was at least one other Predator scene where I saw the Predator lose a limb. But yeah, I mean, that's just something that happens. Yeah, and I really liked the... Yeah, I think my favorite scene was probably when they're using them as bait and she was like,
Yeah, it's not coming after us. It's not what it does. And then it like the predator came in was like just wreck wrecking those fucking French dudes was my favorite. Yeah, she was aware. Yeah, she was explaining to her brother like because he was like, we're totally fucked. You know, we're we're father. He's like.
He's like, no, like this thing has like some kind of honor code. It doesn't hunt that way. It only hunts like things that, you know, it deems a threat, but that's not really the case. The predators want to hunt things that like, it feels will be a challenge.
Yeah, no, you know what I mean? It's and also like generally speaking things that are like aggressive against it as well. So either a threat or a, you know, a challenge. So I didn't come after her when she was tied up when they were trying to take her back to the thing to their community. It didn't attack her then. But then when she broke free, it was about to attack her. But then she got in that trap.
And so it didn't attack her again. And then like, but that's what kind of how she figures out like why it's not attacking her. Also with the bear, cause it clearly saw her with the bear and didn't kill her either.
at that point, which just didn't deem her as a threat. So, um, one of the things that I noticed the first time when I watched it, when he's using the wrist cannon thing and gets it knocked off and he just tries to freehand it. And then like sticking in the, uh, tree. And she was like, Oh, so that's how that works. All right. And like, I'm going to use that. She uses it later. I figured at that point when he's trying to freehand it, the first time I watched it, I was like,
That's kind of dumb when he know how his own shit worked. But then when I watched it later, it was like, well, they're not that far away. He was just trying to freehand it because if he hit it, he would have fucking hit and it would have just gone right into him. And then even if it had gone through them and ended up sticking somewhere else, he knew he would have had to kill him.
but since he was like just missing and he was like real close to her when he shot that one and when she set that trap for him and she just like lured him in perfectly and was like yeah you're not going any further and just just missed her and it looped around and got him.
So yeah, what Shauna was telling me, who is very familiar with all the comics and stuff like that, is that the weakness of, I don't know if you call it a genetic weakness, but one of the weaknesses of the predator race is that they have rather poor eyesight.
And so they rely on their helmets for combat. But even when they are not in combat, when they're not on their home world, because apparently he has something to do with like just the way they see in general. And if you saw, like, for example, in the one Alien First Predator movie, it shows Yacha Prime and it shows that like there's like
trails of lava and active volcanoes all over the place. You can see that the place is not just hot, it's like fucking scorching. So they like things like extremely warm. They like to get things heated. Yeah, like very heated. So apparently when they go to planets,
that have like a mixture of climate or are just not as like scoldering hot as their own world, their eyesight really suffers. Yeah, they see mostly in red and the helmet helps them see a little more infrared. And then in Florida too, they can switch to like UV lighting and stuff like that. Yeah. With the helmet off,
if they're shooting the weapon at it he wouldn't see as well but I mean he was a lot closer distance so but yeah I mean like I said watching it the second time I came around to being like okay I see why he was he knew how his shit worked he just was like yeah I'm a fucking predator I can hit this fucking dude from this distance or I can hit this chick who's just sitting there from this distance
And like, yeah, she just dipped it and it fucking came back and haunted him. I liked it. I liked it. I liked the addition to the new weapons he had. I know I touched on this a little bit before, but I thought he was initially throwing because.
In other Predator movies, I've seen them lay traps like laser traps that would like chop off your limbs and stuff like that, like proximity mines and stuff like that. I've seen predators. They even feature it in. Well, that isn't like a game. Concrete jungle, right? Yeah, I would love to see a concrete jungle movie that would be. Well, no, it's not concrete jungle. It's actually on sale right now on the PlayStation four.
I know you're familiar with it or PlayStation five aliens versus aliens for hunting grounds. I know you and Chino and Chris footage of them playing it. You can throw like predator traps. So they have stuff like that. I thought he was throwing like a proximity mine that those guys at first.
I thought it was awesome when those, uh, they all rose from the ground, like the flying desks. And they were like, looking at it, like what the fuck are the ones who was like, nah, I thought they were going to explode. Yeah. Yeah. They rose up and I thought they were going to be like a cluster bomb, like a bunch of hand grenades going off, but no, it was much more hideous than that. They were just like, they turned into straight razors and they just sliced off length.
Yeah. So, you know, two of the guys weren't even killed by them. They just lost the limbs. They both lost the legs. Yeah. The long guy lost the leg and he crawls back. Yeah. And she's like, you know, it's just absolutely

Narrative Elements and Medicinal Symbolism

brutal. But then it progresses. She gets captured by the French. Well, no, she got captured by the French. It was a bait. Yeah. And then she comes in contact.
with the one Frenchman who was seemingly the decent person. Yeah, that one that knew her language. That newer language was obviously a linguist and he also seemed like he generally just wanted cooperation. He did not want to fight with the natives.
He didn't want to, he just wanted to get out there with his skin on his body, literally.
You know, I, he was saying that, you know, if you help me, I will convince the other guys in my hunt to, you know, back off. We can work together and go our own separate ways. Of course, the predator had other ideas and, uh, it just did not go well. But, um, you spoke earlier of the flout.
that I was interested in this medicine. So I went to look up to see if there was any actual thing that did anything even similar to that. And I did find the flower and it was used by the Comanche and many Native American tribes. It's called like the orange, like
I don't want to say orange tangerine, but it was called like it's orange in color. It has medicinal properties and stuff like that. But the idea that it's able to like drop your body temperature drastically.
Uh, the information I found out about it is it was kind of used as like a fever reducer. Like it was Tylenol for the native Americans way back in the day. So bring your temperature down in a way, but not like, like, yeah, it was, it, it wasn't actually bring your, it would just combat fever. So it would help with that. But like, it didn't make you, uh, there's nothing that's known that you could like just take that would like.
like flatline your body. I hope that medicine thing not being real didn't take you out of a movie about a creature from another planet coming to Earth to hunt people. I hope it wasn't too unrealistic for you. Yeah, no, I'm just I'm saying I was just looking to see if there was anything like that actually because I was thinking like, yo,
It's been so fucking like this would be a predators dream to come to the United States right now with like global warming and shit as fucking high as it's been this year. He would love this shit. And like I was like, yo, I would have liked that flower like for the heat, like I would just take it during the day to like cool my
temperature. I wanted to see if there was any like herbal thing that like actually would do that. And so they made it a little bit like ridiculous where you could do that. But it was cool. Because like you thought we both talked about we both thought the quicksand thing was going to be like the cliche. Yeah, the cliche thing where and then they
I think they did that intentionally.

Connections to Predator Lore and Native American History

They still use the pit, but they don't use it the way you think they were going to use it. And yeah, I thought that was. Yeah, I thought that was well done. And I liked it that she didn't have to cover herself in mud. You know what I mean? So, yeah, it was cool.
You know, yeah, that movie like after watching it after watching it twice, I should say, then I start to rewatch the other. I went back and watched the original Predator. And in that, Billy is the third Native American tracker. And there's like there's a whole like page about like that, like his tribe or his or just natives in general would hear a story about
uh you know a creature that was very similar to prayer and i'm thinking like that's i mean and when i thought about this like i read that that's kind of where dan trackenbird was thinking as well he was like that scene with billy was so cool but you never get to see him fight uh the priority and he was like that's what i want to see like a native american fight the prayer and that's his idea from it i'm thinking oh yeah he heard
And I'm thinking the stories he heard, at least in my head, this is headcanon. It might not be real canon. The stories he heard as a kid was what we saw in Bray. He heard the story about this woman warrior who defeated a predator and that's what they were taught for generations as children growing up because he was not the first one that has this idea. He was like, no, it's not a beast, something else.
So like her narration in the first minute or two of the movie where she says like there once was a story about a monster that came to this land. You're saying that that might have been the origin of the story Billy heard?
from his people going, that's very interesting. What if that voiceover, what if that voiceover is like Billy's mom telling you like, yo, this is a story of a story of a story that goes back a few hundred years. Yeah. It's like, hey, this is a story about a predator who came that was defeated in our tribe. And like, that's what the voiceover is. And then you see the, the,
it play out. Maybe that's like his mother or like, you know, it seemed like Billy got taken out one shot. Like, yeah, I, they don't show the fight. Yeah.
he seems he just gets out on that fucking tree but cuts himself you just hear the scream and that's it but yeah like i i thought that would have been a cool fight too when i first saw the movie for the first time i thought that would have been like all right they're going to show him go like you know hand in hand it did not go well for billy no not at all like
the predator just walked by him and squatted him off the bridge for all we know. Yeah. And like, that was it. He definitely died horribly because you hear them scream. Yeah. Well, he was going for Schwarzenegger. So I see him like that. He just went by Billy and maybe just pushed them off. Oh, wait. No, because it does show him pulling his spine out later. So there was obviously it just didn't go. I just pulled his spine out while he was still alive. Yeah. But that that's very interesting.
Yeah, that's very, I, yeah, I definitely didn't pick up on that. But that was very cool. I don't know. Yeah, when you watch predator again, like Billy like tells us, I think he tells a story about like, you know, I remember Anna telling the story and predators. Yeah, she also she tells the story of
the original Predator about Schwarzenegger's mercenary squad. No, no, no, no, no. That's not I you're talking about the girl from predators. I'm talking about Anna from the original from the original. Yeah, she in that story is talk talks about how she heard.
about the hottest years. Yeah, about the hottest years. A creature that like they would find men hanging in the woods with all their skin ripped off. And she says sometimes we would find them in even worse condition. Yeah. And she goes back and talks about legends. So I don't. I think I think those are two different stories like these are his creatures. I don't remember. Yeah.
Yeah, I don't remember Billy telling the story you're talking about. I remember her telling it. But yeah, that's something I'll have to go back. It might be a stretch, but it's definitely something I remember being like, oh, maybe that's what it was. And like, I mean, that director was kind of going for was like, yeah, I want to see the natives battle him. Not maybe not necessarily they were connected characters, but
Well, Anna's character came from, you know, a part of the world where predators have obviously visited before down in South America. Yeah. So, you know, that that like recently, it seems, though, more than anything, because it was they were drawn to conflict and there was a lot of conflict in that area. Speaking of which, like that.
is kind of like I started playing Ghost Recon Wildlands, which is kind of like an open world. It takes place in Bolivia with a cartel and like there's a Predator side quest in that or like you can. Why are you playing Ghost Recon? Why are you playing horror based games so we could talk about them on the podcast? Because I would want to face the Predator. That's hard.
Okay. I wanted to play it just because I was really into Predator. And then Predator 2, I rewatched recently as well. And that same gun that the chief Predator hands, Danny Glover, is the gun that the Frenchman hands. Noru? Is that how you say her name? Oh, her character in the...
Nauru. Nauru, yeah. N-A-R-U. Yeah. And that's the same gun. But then at the end, like, everyone's like, oh, how did the predator get it if she's the one that got it? But in the end, that's not the actual story of how, like, the movie changed. It is now. Yeah, but the comics and movies are always going to be different.
Yeah. Yeah, it's a different story, but the story in the same goal, much core, like I'm just saying in the movies, that's the same gun as the prayer. Yeah, no, I got that. I saw the day on it and I was thinking at the end of it, I was just like.
wow that's lame i really wish like they had done it because like the way they did it in the comic was so cool because the guy even hands the gun to the predator and the guy says to the predator take it like as a matter of honor and that goes back in the predator too
I thought that I was disappointed that they did that. They switched that around. I mean, I still still don't know how the prior gets it. So like she can end up giving it to a pirate or whatever. And it could could end up down the line.

Speculations for Future Predator Settings

That is possible. I should say that it could be like, you know, when the white man invades their land like.
maybe the whole tribe gets slaughtered and the one guy takes it and you know, ends up in the pirates. Yeah, I guess that's always possible. I mean, this is early 1700s and pirates are kind of like, you know, mid to late 1700s. So it's not that
Yeah, well, I'm period. Yeah, no, it's possible. That would be cool. I'm just saying like the next predator movie. I think it would be really cool if it like kind of took place like, you know, on tropical islands and like in the seas and stuff like that. Um, that would be really cool. Like a predator on a boat. I'm not really sure how that would fly.
But like it could be in the Caribbean, you know, it could be like a dock ship or something like that. Like the predator could see like two warships battling it out. And then he jumps on like the winning ship when they go to dock and takes out all the bad ass fighters.
Because pirates are fucking fierce hunters. Yeah. Like, that's what they fucking do. They raid, pillage, rape and all that shit. Black sales with the predator. Yeah. Yeah. So, I mean, yeah, that would be really cool. Yeah. I mean, there's so many different directions this franchise can go in now.
And as long as they keep it away from Shane Black and then the ideas he might have for the future, I think that there's real promise. Yeah, I think it should be like a different time period each movie. Like I think I'd like to see a feudal Japan. I'd like to see a pirates version or I would like them to adapt to concrete jungle.
because I'd like to want a little bit of a cyberpunk one where he's got to come back to like get his tech back that were stolen and like that's what they're using fans on. I think that's like a futuristic maybe like 10 years down the line like you know what I mean.
but like yeah like little like solo predator movies that aren't necessarily sequels or prequels to other ones they're kind of their own standalone stories but at the same time i don't mind if there's like oh mentions of the 86 87 event or like you know mentions of one in la or mentions of like like or even like little like weapon like details and stuff like that i'm completely fine with that but it doesn't have to be like
a direct sequel like yeah i don't know if i would necessarily want a direct sequel to prey even though like in the end credits it comes down and you see like three predator ships coming in and it's like it's just an animated form it's not an actual thing but like the three predators come down and the chiefs are staying there watching them come in so like maybe that's how they got the gun but i'd rather not see a direct uh sequel and just like do different time periods like i was about to say
What predator movie would you most like to see next? If you could pick any like any time period and any location, why do you want to see it on planet earth? I'm guessing you would want to see it on the earth.
My my my time period pick would be in the 70s during the summer of Sam. So you have the it's like a heat wave. That's very interesting. A heat wave going on. And then you have that New York blackout that happens as well, that you can all tie into the story. Like the predators killings can be like mistaking for the son of Sam.
And like, I don't know if they would be mistaken for him because he used a 44 caliber revolver. True. But like, maybe the providers punch in the center. So yeah, I mean, I guess like,
I don't know maybe the son of sam used a 44 caliber revolver sometimes or you know what i mean like it can be part of the background with the with like there's a serial killer on the loose or multiple serial killers you know and there's the blackout happening
Yeah, other maniacs you have blackouts which the predator would fucking love black. Yeah, he's black out maybe Yeah, yeah, yeah, I mean um for me I would like you know the fact that I'm Primarily living in the pine barons. I would love the story of I think it takes place in the 1980s But I could be wrong
I would love the story of the bad blood predator, which is a mentally unhinged predator, which goes crazy on their mothership. It then kills all the predators on the ship. The ship crash lands because of the mass carnage. The mentally unhinged predator is the only survivor and gets out and then goes on a rampage, killing paintball fanatics
shit like every all the crazy pineys down here. And then when predators come like enforcers come down here, it then starts hunting other predators. So it's totally batshit. That would be my ideal thing because of my geographical. Yeah. Yeah. Anything that is not awful.
would make me happy. Yeah, exactly. The franchise goes into the future because at the end of Shane Black's movie, they kind of give a cue that, like, that was what was going to continue the franchise. And I just want to slit my own throat. Yeah. Oh, yeah. They get that suit that they can wear. Yes. So I'm yeah, I'm hoping that, like,
Hulu has done, well, Hulu took over the project, right? Yeah, it was a 20th century Fox that was already in production by the time Disney bought Fox. Yeah. So as long as they, you know what, they don't even have to go along the lines with this if they want to never mention this movie again. I just hope that this movie has convinced the minds in Hollywood or wherever that
the Shane Black reboot is not the future of the franchise. That's all I really care about because, like you said, this movie had a smaller budget and people did not have high expectations. There was a lot of mixed ideas on whether or not this was going to be successful at all. It was awesome.
What's more of this? Yeah, I heard people like before it came out of like, oh, how is a woman going to be a predator with sticks and stones? And it's like everybody was like, that's exactly how Schwarzenegger beat the predator with sticks and stones. Yeah, you obviously did not watch the first predator. Yeah, you obviously know nothing. And, you know,
And then they got great word of mouth, great reviews. Uh, it ended up being Hulu's most watched movie on Hulu. So yeah, doing really well for them. So hopefully, yeah, Disney, I remember when Disney bought Fox and everyone was like, Oh, they're going to Disney fi the predator and aliens. And it's like, Nope, we got a straight up R rate it fucking, uh,
a predator movie. So yeah, no, I think it's awesome.

Expanding the Franchise: Games and Series

You know, in the next one, you know, we'll throw in some more like steamy sex nudity, where like the predator busts in and fucking like, you know, goes on like I like that massacre in predator toe, where, you know, the two people are screwing the Jamaicans bust in.
And then the predator comes in, it's just like mass carnage. Like, you know, we can give everybody what they want. We can give the steamy bits, just anything except what Shane Black was trying to do in that whole fucking thing. Like, you know, so I'm just very relieved that like, it looks like the franchise, you know, you said this movie did very well for Hulu. I think there's going to be additional interest in prayer. Now we have a.
from what Shauna tells me, we have a gigantic collection of comics with stories that already would give you like vast outlines to predators from all different time periods and all different scenarios. So there's a lot of material already out there. Yeah. I don't think there's any, yeah, there's no reason to try to like, you know, make a shared universe either. You can just make random predator movies and like all. Yeah.
Yeah, I don't have to be the same. Give all these different directors like a chance to, you know, make a third vision of a prior to a movie. Yeah. Black. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That. Yeah. I think Dan track and Berg obviously do another one, obviously, since he did such a great job with this one. I mean, this looks beautiful as well.
Yeah, it was very pretty film to look at. Like the cinematography is great. The music was great. I do wish they had that that that predator music in it. Yeah, that was missing. But yeah, there were certain things. But I mean, I don't know. I guess the only other thing I'd like to see is like a real serious predator video game that came out. Like I think that was really like people's inference.
interest, like, especially if it was like sort of like a prayer there RPG I told you a little bit about my ideas and stuff like that because
Predator hunting grounds sort of has aspects where you can choose different predators with different skills. But I just think you could do so many things if you did like a mass effect like Predator, or you could have your own ship and you could travel different planets. And like, you know, like they did with Star Wars, Knights of the Old Republic, but you're a Predator instead.
make like a bounty hunter type game almost yeah hunting for RPG I want it to be where you start off as like a young predator and you are going through your journey to become like a fucking master hunter
And I think it would be cool if you could choose like a bunch of different starting classes to give you an idea of like, you know, are you going to be more focused on stealth or are you going to be like a bloodthirsty guy that just lost in plasma cannons all over the place? Like, you know, I don't know. I think there's a lot of things people could do. I want more interest in prayer, less interest in the walking dead.

Ranking and Comparing Predator Films

I feel like you could do a Predator TV series if you wanted to. Or the Predator coming down in like a Walking Dead episode that features the Predator. The Predator just comes down and it's like, what the fuck? I'm never visiting this planet again. You know, I didn't know for a while.
Before we go, how would you where would you rank this in your and compared to the other ones? Like how would you rank all your prior to all the prior to movies, including AVP? Well, obviously, the first one is undoubtedly the best. See, the second one is very difficult for me because the first half of the second one, if it didn't drop off so much at the end,
I would say that Predator 2 would be my second favorite Predator movie. But it's difficult now. I think Predator 2 still might be my second favorite. And then maybe after Predator 2, predators. And then Alien vs. Predator 1, Alien vs. Oh, wait, no. Wait, where are you for Prey? No, excuse me.
Prather, prather two, predators, prey. Alien vs. Prather one, alien vs. Prather two, and then the unspeakable. Yeah, okay. So, prey is like dead up in the middle.
Okay. Yeah, I would put, for me it would be predator, predator two. And then I was having difficulty between prey and predator two, but then when I rewatched predator two, I was like, no, it was battling for second favorite for me for a minute. And then when I rewatched predator two, I was like, no, predator two is definitely my second favorite. Prey is not better than predator two, but I do think prey is better than predators.
I think it's, I do like it better than predators. So that would be my third one. And then fourth would be predators. AVP two, then AVP one, and then the unspeakable. The thing is, is predators have a disadvantage in that Adrian Brody was just so horrifically miscast for that role.
Um, he should be a good mercenary. I think the only one that was right after he did the pianist, it was not a good transition. You know, he had just played like what he calls the most traumatizing role of his life.
He, you know, I don't know if he won, but he got nominated. He actually starved himself for that role. And then he decided to become like the Schwarzenegger character. Yeah. He was just battling this cast. Um, I loved Walton Goggins, obviously. Danny Trejo, obviously. Yeah. I mean, it was great, uh, Fishburne, like all that. Fishburne was great.
I think, I think that's what boosts predators above prey for me is just the cast that they had. Yeah. Probably a larger budget. So, I mean, a lot of it's star power, but in, in ingenuity and writing, I think prey would be a step above that there. I think it was just like the whole path. I don't know. It's very, very close. Yeah. But otherwise we have pretty much the same order and then you would agree afterwards.
alien versus predator alien versus predator too. I would go I kind of like two over one. Oh, you like two over. All right. So you would reverse that order. Like they're about the same for me, honestly, because like when I go back and rewatch those two, like there's a lot of things I like about the first one.
and there's a lot of things like about the second one but then there's also like you know the second one shot kind of dark i can barely see some of the scenes and i want to see more of the action scenes that's due to like yeah like everybody felt that way even i believe even the director later on said like yeah we kind of.
made a mistake. I liked that predator better than the, uh, you know, the actual predator in that movie better than the teenage predators. I completely agree. I mean, and the forester predator do its thing is all because he had the coolest technology.
Like that's what I mean. He was like an elite hunter. He had access to the best weapons in their arsenal. Like he brought out all the fucking tricks. He even was obviously like an alien hunter because he had the wit that was made out of like alien tailbones. And he was actually like, he brought that shit with him. Yeah.
show the aliens like, yo, I've killed so many of you. I made a whip out of your bones. And I thought the first one was like a little cheesier too than the second one, although I do really like Lance Hendrickson.
That's why I think they're both about even for me, depending on the day. You know what I mean? I could go either way with those, but yeah, the predator working together thing. That was like, it wasn't like it was all love story, but I mean, it wasn't.
They definitely do it better in predators when he cuts them down, but then they're not really working together because the two predators just battle each other immediately. They simply struck a bargain and they went on their separate ways. Yeah. And there's like immediately like, okay, here's the ship. You can go get it. I'm going to fight this fucking dude. But they weren't like, yeah, they weren't like high five in each other. Yeah, no, it was instant. And at first the prether, I think the kind of,
even decides like, should I just kill this motherfucker? Like, yeah, really think he's on my level because, you know, he picks them up by the throat. Yeah. And but, you know, they make, you know, they're both intelligent creatures. They make a quick transaction. They go on their separate ways instantly, just like you said. Yeah. So, you know, but yeah, that's that's my ranking predator, predator to predators, prey.
AVP 1, AVP 2, Theon Speakable.

Conclusion and Viewing Recommendations

Yeah. He should not be named. Yeah. Yeah. Well, yeah, that wraps it up for Prey. I think we pretty much covered everything. Yeah, definitely. If you haven't already, definitely check it out.
If you have Hulu, uh, you know, awesome. If you don't have Hulu, is there any other services? It's a Hulu. Yeah. Cause Hulu, I would say in the streaming service world seems to be a bit lower on the totem pole these days. I don't know a lot of people. Well, you know, if you don't have food, you know, maybe talk to a friend or something.
Yeah. Feel free to watch it both in the command sheet dubbed with English subtitles and the English version. Yeah, that's definitely, you might want to experiment with that, see what you think. But anyway, it's been a pleasure. Yes, been a pleasure and thanks for joining us and we'll see you soon. Peace.