And, uh, we, we've done like, uh, he rents out movie theaters and we see new movies, like just, it's just us, like a group of us in the theater. It's like a small guy. And we did this thing at New York, uh, at the New York beer project. You just hung out together. There was games. There's all kinds of stuff here. I'll just bullshitting Sean was there. I got to talk to him face to face for the first time. It's really cool, man. There was only like. two or three of but two or three white people, you know, some melanin oh that with the mr little bit ah yeah it was there it was the it was the influencer's brunch, but that freaked me out most. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Yeah. He does it specifically for for for the people of color, but like, like I get invited because ah