Ian's Theme Park Connections
Ian does know a lot of people in the theme park community. So... Ian knows a lot of people somehow. Yeah. Unintentionally. That's because he's 46 and he's old. I'm fucking old as shit. Yeah. Are you really 46? I'll be 46 this year. A couple more months. Yeah. Wow. I thought you were younger. I'm 46 already. Mm-hmm. You've beaten me a few months. and And see that silence, I get silence there. You get, Oh, I thought you were younger. And I get,
Yeah. ah check It's not easy being prettier. I don't know. Just keep drinking. You got a drink? No. Well, you need to. It's early in the morning. I'm still like.
Is It Too Early for a Beer?
What do you mean recovering from AHN last night? I think you need a beer in your hand. What do you mean it's early in the morning? It's 11 o'clock. It's lunchtime. It's early in the morning. It was out until 4 AM last night on night one of AHN. I'll go get a beer. I'll go get a beer. Thank you. I'll be back. Thank you. Peer pressure. Ah, good. It's 11 o'clock. We're already drunk by now when you're here. It's mimosa time.
It's whatever alcohol I have in my hand time. Whatever you hand me. I mean, we were doing beers at this hour, so... yeah It's too early for beer is what time it is. No, it's not. There's no such thing. It's never too early for beer. yeah never Never too early for beer. It's why they make breakfast beers.
Any beer is breakfast beer if you try hard enough. I'm just saying. o and end job c Breakfast Jamison and breakfast beer. I have my beer. What beer is that? That's a Yingling. Yingling. I knew it. Yingling lager. Yes. That's a breakfast beer. That's a breakfast beer. It's a lager. Oh, really? It's slight. It's a breakfast beer. Why is it a beer?
it's light It's light. It's a lot of breakfast. It's one to, it's one to enliven the senses, wake up the stomach. So. Yeah. Half of Eisen's also a breakfast beer. They're light. My stomach is awake. Nice. All right. Ready? Everybody's get drinking now. We're good. Okay. good Yeah.
Masculinity as a Societal Construct
Hey kids. Welcome to toxic masculinity with Ian and Stuart. This week we have my friend Antoinette with us. How are we doing folks?
Good. Thank you for having me on. I'm good. I just woke up from an impromptu nap and I'm feeling bad for peer pressure and to drink a beer.
That's good. should You shouldn't. You should feel bad, even though I did most of it, but it's fine. I mean, it's 11 o'clock in the morning there. It's four o'clock in the afternoon here. Take my time and you'll find the difference. It's not fair. It's not fair. It's all good. Like we said many times, 11 o'clock Stewart and I are drunk together by now. So it's normally. Yeah. Normally. Yeah. If it's appropriate in Ireland, then I guess it's it's acceptable here too. If it involves beer, it's appropriate in Ireland. Okay.
It involves beards appropriate period, in my opinion. um All right, so Antoinette, what does masculinity mean to you? um Okay, so I will start by saying that masculinity really, masculinity doesn't really mean that much to me. um When it comes to gender, gender is a construct, everything that we um have believed about masculinity and femininity to me is what has been told to us by society.
so um you know I do think that there are a set of traits that would be considered more masculine versus um feminine, but yeah it's it just I think that anybody can have those traits. um I think that you a woman can absolutely, to me, I would say masculinity is kind of like a daddy energy, um being being like powerful and strong and being able to take over a situation and um and
Family Dynamics and Military Influence
take charge. And I think that a woman can absolutely have that energy. um you know Growing up in in my family, the the head of the family was my grandmother.
she was the person that was in charge and and she was the strong figure um growing up. so so you know She was the masculine figure whereas my grandfather was more quiet and and less um take charge. He would just let my grandmother follow the lead. so um you know I definitely see can see masculine traits in in both men and women. So do you think your grandfather was less masculine then?
no No, absolutely not. i think that and so i This is a complicated subject, so that's why I'm asking. It is. It's very complicated. um No, I don't. I think that another example, and I will say I did not have a lot of male role models growing up and my grandfather was very withdrawn really. He wasn't Very active in in the family, so I wouldn't really call him a role model. I did have an uncle who um Who was really like a dad to me and I and he had what I would say is healthy masculinity where he did um present these these traits are in society considered more masculine he was um you know strong take charge could
um But he also, I would say, had feminine traits where he was more sensitive and um more open about his emotions and could have conversations that were um deeper conversations. I think that those traits are kind of typically considered more feminine. So I think that he had a healthy balance of both, and I would say that my grandfather had a healthy balance of both.
Um, I wouldn't say that he was not masculine. Um, you know, he was in the military. He was a tough guy. So yeah, I would say that he's masculine, but you know, he's, what is masculinity really? Like it's, so we're trying to figure out, doesn't mean anything you know, so it's it's all a construct. It's interesting that, um, cause I was, when you said that he was kind of withdrawn and quiet,
That's and my my instant thought was, I wonder, was he in the military? And because that that is ah something I think it's come up before, and I've definitely yeah read about it and heard about it before that, um you know, especially people who maybe have seen some shit.
um it can ah can So here's the question. Do you think your grandmother Was always the take charge, get shit done kind of person? Or was that a role that she took on because of maybe your grandfather's military experience? I would say it's a little bit of both. I think that she has a very strong personality to begin with. I have one of those too.
but grandmother grandmother I mean, strong personality, grandmother, yes. Yes. yeah um But I mean, I do think that as a result of of my grandfather kind of being more resigned from, um I hate to say duties, but just part of like the familial aspect,
since he was more resigned, I would say that she she was in a position where she did kind of have to to take charge more and Um, there were decisions made as far as like moving homes or purchasing a new house, that kind of thing. Like she was in charge of, of all that. And my grandfather was just like, whatever you want. Well, do you think maybe that is, um, um, I mean, I'm trying to think I knew a fair amount of kind of military based families and.
A lot of the time that if it was the man that happened to be in the military, they were normally away training, doing exercises or, you know, on deployment. And the the the the mom of the family would have been left to run the show, so to speak. So maybe that's kind of where that that's kind of interesting. I wonder is that a ah common thread in military families? And I'm thinking, I have a very close friend who's in the military and yeah, that kind of tracks as well because she would be the take charge person in their family and he would be more
let her sort it out, you know, because he would have he would have been the one the one who was always kind of away and she would have been at base. So, you know, it's kind of interesting interesting that that has an effect on that kind of dynamic. Not that that's the only reason why a woman could be take charge, obviously. um No, but I do think that that that is an interesting dynamic. Yeah, yeah i would I would agree that it's definitely something worth exploring.
Yeah, it's probably counter to what people would think of military folk. They would think the man would be the take charge cut you know in because of their experience or of their training that that when they when they come back to the, for want of a better word, real world.
And that they would be, you know, very take charge. But it seems in my experience of the people I've met, that is not the case. Do you know what I mean? candle yeah and They they, you know, the bosses, whoever the other half is, because they've been doing it holding up all the way along. Do you know what I mean? Yeah.
Yeah, I mean, part of it's probably because especially if they've been away, they're coming back into ah an environment they don't know really. Yes. Because they've been out of control. And the other side, they've been trained and accustomed to following orders. And it's it's just easier that way. Yeah, some. I mean, I'm sure there's some guys that come back that are like super in charge and very like traditional kind of style household, but I'm sure it happens. um must be a weird That must be a weird dynamic.
Probably. Do you know what I mean? If you're the mom sitting looking after the 2.4 kids. And the dude finally comes back from various, you know, and retires whatever it is, like, and he's like, okay, that's, uh, it's, it's, it's my rules. You'd be like, holy shit. Uh, no, and that would be a, ah be a hard one. like I'm sure some of the guys that come back with like PTSD and stuff, I'm sure some of them act out like that too. I mean, it's just not one kind of reason. My friend has PTSD um and he is he is ah very much not that way. you know He's very much like... that sort I don't know a single vet that doesn't have PTSD. And one of the vets I know is very angry all of the time, like the smallest things trigger him. Well, I mean, so i mean that's not it's not it's not overly angry. It just gets set off real easy. I mean, the weird thing is hey hey he got his PTSD from being here in my country, which is... Yeah, living.
ah Well, I live here. He didn't. He was
Religious Upbringing and Faith Questioning
he was English. and tim And so he got his PTSD from being here during the troubles. And they came over to visit a number of years back. um Their son has the same condition as Cora. That's how we met. Me and him got on like a house on fire. Nice. And so they came over to visit us.
And it was his first time being back in Northern Ireland since he had been here. how do you do and He was shocked at the difference, obviously, because you would be. and But he still said that any car parked at the side of the road made him quantifiably nervous, which is his PTSD. Because obviously, there would have been explosions and shootings and a lot of dark shit going on, you know. Speaking of a quick service announcement for Americans, stop drinking alcohol called car bombs. Yeah. It's a really dick move. It's a really dick move. Yeah. Yeah. don Yeah. Please don't let's not let's not stop. Let's not do that. Call it something else. Don't care if you want to drink the drink. Call it something else. Yeah. And I'm not saying you have to change it to, um, you know, something
topical, which is your normal way, um, freedom fries or ah an idea. Um, but, uh, you know, from, from French fries, remember, remember of that? Yeah. Freedom fries. Don't change it from Irish. Um, to yeah um irene Iranian car bombs or whatever the fuck you want to call them. Yeah, shit. You can still make it funny and kind of offensive, just not that offensive. That's a little fucked up. Oh, my gosh. Oh, yeah, yeah. ah Yeah, I call when Stuart and I speak at temperature or or money or anything that has to do with like American versus European, I call them freedom units. That's what I call them. Yeah. Like miles, freedom units. Yeah. Although we use miles here as well.
Yeah, I know but i so you know. Technically we use both miles and And you used weird logical temperatures, which is fucking not for us. Thank you, sir. I know. There was literally a guy on X the other day.
who was going off on one that Fahrenheit made more sense than Celsius. Bullshit. I know. and and like goes go Hold on, so I have to remember that water freezes at 30 and boils at 231 rather than freezes at 100.
Makes sense. Well, boys, yeah if you want to get scientific, boys at a hundred at sea level. Yeah, at sea level, Jesus Christ. Which is why tea and coffee on an airplane tastes like shit.
but Because water water at pressure so higher up higher lower atmospheric pressure boils at lower temperatures. Spicy brain type kids. So like on a plane, the water would boil at maybe 76, 80 degrees. And then it's not hot enough to make a decent cup of fucking tea. So interesting. Nice. Anyway, sorry. That's interesting. I didn't know that. Yeah. Welcome to spicy brain convos with Ian and Stuart.
but is true i like I love shit like that. I love writing. I know. I know you do. I do too, actually. um So what in your background, do you have anything interesting in your history that we can talk about? Oh. That sounded like a leading question. Ian knows a little bit, but we're just going to see what she's willing to speak on is what we're doing. um Yeah. I mean, I guess um I more or less grew up in in somewhat of a cult.
I'm going to need you to clarify. So my family was very heavily into the evangelical Christian church. So um it's it's naughty it's not Protestant, it's not Baptist, it's the evangelicals um where they they speak in tongues and do all the healing. Benny Hinn was a frequent visitor at our church. in stearts bra is ah is there a lot of a lot of us hands up oh yeah absolutely yeah There would be like two hours of worship and then the pastor would come out and speak every Sunday. It was like a four hour church service.
yeah i was i used to I used to go with a girl when I was a lot younger. no I was about 17. Yeah, I think it was about 17. Yeah, she was she was cool. I know, it was a long time ago. She took me to a thing and in in the Ulster Hall in Belfast called Manifest.
didn't know what it was. She says, it's like a concert. I went, oh, okay. And she says, I go, and I went along with her. And it was a lot of people going, i ola yeah and and and with their hands up and all this and touching the heads and people falling over ridiculously. Oh yeah. And asking like they're drunk. They're drunk in spirit of the Lord.
they're drunk in their own bullshit. And they'll be room over on the floor laughing and I've seen it. I've seen my family numbers. And I basically was like, I can't deal with this. And I walked out and one of the guys went, where are you going? I went, I have to go for a walk. He says, but the Lord is coming. And I'm like, well, I need a fag. So I'm going to stand outside. a fake green cigarette for the Americans. And I went and stood outside and smoked a cigarette and waited for her to leave. And I was like, that is some batshit crazy shit right there. I thought you said alternative Ulster. Yeah.
yeah this is but but So I understand. So your parents were into that end of that and you were brought up in that then? Yes. How did you escape? what i was Um, you know, okay, I won't say that it wasn't like one of those types of holes where You know, I felt my my life was at risk. Um, but um, honestly just education helped me really kind of um see things clearer, um, I studied english in in college and um
started studying about the Bible and and the origins of the Bible. and um you know one thing that really kind of and it was It's just the smallest thing But one thing that really kind of made me question things was, um you know, growing up in the church, you are are really taught conditioned, I'll say, to not question anything. You take the Bible at face value. If someone says they they talked to an animal, or to a donkey in the Bible, like that really happened. There's no question of it. I mean, I've definitely talked to a guy for a nice little bit.
ah it's not It's not unheard of.
Sorry for interrupting. But no, going to school and and studying um you know about the Bible and and just the
Gender Roles and Masculinity
origins, i you know it got to a point where it was like, okay, the Catholics and the Christians are fighting over whose version of the Bible is going to be the the official version. And it's like,
If it's written by God, why who why are you fighting over who's avert? Like, what do you mean? But it's not. I mean, most the mode the Bible that most of the Christian
sect, for want of a better word, raid is the King James Bible, which was put together by King James, because there was a whole lot of stuff that they didn't like about it. it was It was put together to set his set of rules. I'm going to try and explain this to people that go,
oh really yeah It's just mad. Yeah. you from it too It's got different stuff than the rest of the Bibles in it generally. It's weird. For sure. And and that was and that was really kind of what made me start questioning um kind of the reality. and like is Is any of this actually real? No. so um ah But then also, um i was I was in my early 20s and my uncle had passed.
um In Oregon, I was living in California at the time um And and so when he passed my whole we were all very close to him He would him and his family would come visit visit us every summer. We'd go ah ah up to Oregon and visit every summer um So we were really close. So when he passed we all went to Oregon for the the arrangements and um
my ah my uncle was in a room My uncle's body was in a room um on a table. and everyone He was also a pastor and everyone from his congregation and everyone in my family had gathered in this room around the body and everyone was praying for him to come back to life.
OK. And as you do. Right. I mean, I mean, if you I guess if you lose someone, the thought does enter your head that you want them to come back to life. But, you know, I can I can see that. But they were actually thinking, well, he's a pastor. He's clearly a man of God. He might actually set up and go. What's up? Who the fucking bound me, you bastard?
That's yeah. I mean, we have that we have ah We have wakes here where the the body's laid out and you go in and pay your respects and um and all that. But no no, you know, there's maybe, ah I mean, there's a certain amount of praying when the priest turns up, but it's more like for your comfort and that type of thing, rather than actually praying for them. to Praying for their souls, praying that, you know, they'll He was God or or whatever. but But yeah, no, this was a a room full of people laying their hands on him, um at praying praying in tongues, praying for him to come to life. And it was really it was difficult for me to to see that because there this was someone that I was close with. I loved him very much. um And and just it was difficult for me to kind of
Even though I was in my early 20s, I was so brainwashed and so conditioned by this faith that um I didn't really know what said to think. Like, you know, is this happening? Can this happen? um And my little sisters were in that room, too, who were, you know, 10 and eight years younger than me. So, um yeah. had you So if you were in your early 20s and had you um started your pathway to enlightenment at that point? Or not yes i this was this the the straw that broke the camel's back that made you look at it all going... Yeah, yeah yeah this was this was definitely a moment where I was like, okay, this is is
great and This is very culty. I love the fact that all religions call other religions cults with site with with no amount of irony.
And because they're all cults, everything, do you know what I mean? theyre yeah Every single one of them, just one of them happens to have chosen our date structure. So that's... Right. I mean, there's a lot of there's a lot of like cult lights out there too, even beyond religion, just to be fair. But I mean, it happens in politics, it happens in religion. Anything that a group of people come together on and have like really strong beliefs on kind of
From Conservative to Liberal Views
starts edging that way. Yeah, how to pour a pint of Guinness, clearly. Exactly. you know Yeah, but that's that's that's that's a righteous cult. I'm just saying.
yeah but yeah can You can't have a go and then pick and choose.
Especially when Tracy's around, she'll fucking yell at you. w um Yeah, so how how does your family react to you not being so like active in the church now? ah My mom constantly asks me what happened to me.
What happened to you? Um, to be fair, my mom does that too, but it's forgetful. She, she definitely is fierce for my soul. Um, she, and she doesn't really let up either. She, she kind of, I think deep, it's not like I've outright told her that I I'm an atheist because I am an atheist now.
Um, but I, I haven't said those words to her, but I think that she also kind of knows, um, she knows that I think the Bible is bullshit. Um, ah she, she knows that I.
I'm very much a leftist, whereas, you know, Jesus was a lefty if he existed. But Jesus was a lefty. No, I would agree with that. I would agree. I mean, seriously, he fed people. He took the loaves and the fishes and fed everybody for free. Thank you. He healed the sick.
Apparently, and all of those things, Jesus was a lefty, there's no two ways about it, but um this is the thing that actually grounds my gears about the whole situation is the picking and choosing to suit your own ends.
that drives me to destruction. It just doesn't make sense. It's like this whole thing. like all all the the oh I have to travel next week. Anyway, fuck it. All the all the the the the Christian Republican fuckwits who support the fucking and orange cheetah bastards Right? The multiple time adulterer, multiple time at criminal, multiple did all of those things. And he's a good Christian man, apparently. And you're like, no. Do you know what I mean? yeah um If Jesus came back, Jesus wouldn't look twice at them. There's no two ways about it. Yeah, I don't understand that. And I have tried to to ask my mom about that um a bit, but
And there seems to be a real cognitive dissonance between the the reality of that. And my question is, so do you think that comes from the indoctrination of the church that you taught really not to think for yourself? Oh, yeah, absolutely. You say what you're told and that's it. Absolutely.
um there there is no and you know I'm sure that there are some people within the church that that are Politically left um There are but but you know
Politics, Religion, and American Hot Topics
overall I think yes, I mean they they are going to vote for the person who and support the person who um Aligns with their conservative values and and really whatever the fuck the number one most important thing to
and the Christian household is um the abortion rights and you know taking away abortion rights. Do you know the answer to that? is If you don't believe in abortion, don't have one.
Oh, absolutely. I mean, that's what I and i didn't i i wasn't saying that to you. I was just saying that in general. I wasn't mansplaining that make me feel bad there too. That was weird. Um, but yeah it's just like, what the fuck? It's, it's such a, it's so weird that that is such a massive hot button issue in America. Still now. Yeah. It's ridiculous. I mean, it's, you went back to the early 1900s or something. It's really weird.
A lot of it I will say is is about the lack of questioning. it's they just there's There's no questioning anything. if it's If they're told by their pastor, if they're told in the Bible that abortion is bad,
which the Bible doesn't actually say abortion is bad, um but you know it it goes against their beliefs and um and they're not going to question it. They're not going to care about any of the scientific research or the testimonials from people who who wanted their baby.
but you know some horrible thing happened to them and they had to have an abortion procedure done. And and it was a life threatening thing, but you know They still want to take that away because abortion is abortion and and there's no black and white. Yeah, but it's still either way you're further charge it's still absolutely fine charge for adoption in America.
so they you they will you know You're not allowed to get rid of ah ah a-viable or an unwanted child. You just have to bring it up and put it into a system where they sell babies. That's fucked.
Absolutely. And yeah, the adoption system is very much a human trafficking in America. and i'm adopting and Well, yes, and it doesn't always work out. and i know ah yeah My was not not what what you guys are describing. And the the one ah the adoption I saw recently was not what you guys are actually describing. There are people where it very much worked out for. There's the only other country that I can think about that actually ah sells children is is China. And we know how the the left or the right in America love China.
So, you know, that's fucking weird. It's amazing the alignments. So it is yeah it's weird. It's just weird. Yeah. Um, yeah, I had a question. It just ran away from me. Oh, how do you deal with your, um, how do you, how do your little sisters deal with stuff? How do your siblings deal with stuff? Do they still go to church and all that stuff too? Or what's the story there? Well, my, so I have two sisters and, um, the youngest is,
very She's severely autistic. um She is 30 now, but she has the mind of of maybe like a 10-year-old. um so she
Whatever my mom tells her is is her reality. um My other sister, she is 32 and um she is very much she's very much in it. she is in the cult. She goes to church every Sunday. She travels for church events.
um ah she Yeah, they're yeah she's she's in it. So it's evangelical, so they believe in all the prayer healing and stuff. So how does your mom deal with the fact that your sister hasn't been healed?
Um, I think that would be a glaringly obvious fucking point. That's why I'm asking there. She really doesn't have, and there's no explanation for that. You know, the, the devil will attack people who are, are strong in faith and, um, the, the devil has attacked our family a lot. They'll, they'll say, you know, we've had lots of deaths and, um,
God's infallible. Right. God's infallible. God does no wrong. But God made the devil. It doesn't make any sense. I couldn't. I was I was really young at the point where I went, this is this is a no, no. Listen, I i don't. um The devil is the devil in the book because he questioned God. So how is it a punishment to send me to go hang out with the dude that also questioned God? Yeah.
definite No, no, please, not my like-minded buddy over here. like Yeah, anyway it's weird. yeah like i I like, and we've said it before, I do have friends that are Christian, like you brought up that are on the left, like lean left. They're awesome people. They do amazing things. It all comes down to religion or whatever belief system you have. It all comes down to how you leverage it and what you do with it.
If you're a dick, you're a dick. I don't care what kind of goodness you claim to have. So that's kind of where I stand on things. um I know since Stewart had like so much going on in Ireland between religions and shit, I understand a lot where he's coming from.
yeah I was in Catholic school, even though I am not Catholic for a part of my life because it was safer than the public schools. And my mom talked them into it somehow. um So I did that for a couple of years. I don't, i i just like Stuart, I think Stuart is safer. Was it actually safer? Well, compared to the city I lived in, you yeah safe safer and violence, not necessarily isn different. No, actually, actually, to be honest, um I was farther ahead in school than I was when I moved to Connecticut. I was ahead like by a year just for my education. I had really cool teachers. They weren't all like nuns and stuff. One of the priests was really cool, like really chill guy. So I actually had a really good experience at Catholic school besides wearing the fucking uniform. And I met oh we we all wore uniform. We don't. And then I met my friend Brian who I talked about had cystic fibrosis there and his like the cool experiences I had with him and his family, like being both of us being sick and stuff. So I mean, my time in that school was pretty cool, actually. um I just don't like uniforms. ah
um a shocked Shocking to no one who knows me. right but um Yeah, I mean, I did all that stuff. So I have experience being like deeply plunged into religion. It just never took for me. It's it's hard to And Stuart will back me up on this too. it's It's hard to go blindly into something when you read it and you read it verbatim and it doesn't line up. Yeah.
I mean, there's teachings and stuff that like churches tend to do, which tend to be very positive and have awesome effects. And there's people that are struggling with addiction that lean on it to get through. It's not the way I would do it, but if it keeps you clean and safe and healthy, I don't really give a fuck what you do. You know what I mean? um yeah but so he's wonderful yeah Well, it's interesting. Let me just finish this and then you go. It's interesting to hear and talk about the downside of things, though, always, because you should just know what you're getting into when you start into something.
So, and you should know yourself before you get into it. Anyway, that's my little, it's my little soapbox for a second. Nice. Um, do you just come back to your mum? Do you just not discuss it? Um, at this point I really try not to discuss anything religion or politics with her. try that I tried to keep that rule with her um because we're we're just never going to agree. um i I have seen her point of view and and i you know I no longer believe those things and so I'm never going to go back to suddenly believing in in any of that stuff.
Um, and, and the same with politics, you know, I used to be very right-leaning, um, which, you know, honestly, there are sometimes that I'm ashamed to admit that, that I used to have this kind of thinking, but it does. I do think that there, there are some good things that have come from me thinking that way before. And now I'm, I'm just a completely different person. Um,
I don't think, I don't really see that as a weakness. I see it as kind of a strength. Will you come up in the things that you're taught by your family? Because they're the people that first influence you and kind of bring you on. So it's not unsurprising that you had similar belief systems and values in that. Because I came up in Northern Ireland, Protestant family,
And we would go to the twelfth of july parades with the orange men. And we would go to the bomb fires being lit on the eleventh night. There'd be songs being sang and I used to go to all that.
and sing the songs because I knew the songs and the songs are now, when I think back on it, the songs are hateful. They're about killing Catholics and, you know, the amount of blood you have running down the streets from killing Catholics and all this type of thing. um And then um I got older and met girls who were Catholic. and ended up marrying one. Do you know what I mean? My total outlook changed once your circle of influence changes and that's just how it goes. So don't fail
I understand why you feel ashamed by that, but it's not, you know, it's not, none of that is your fault. The same as none of that is my fault because when you're young, you are, you you come up thinking, oh, this is how we, this, does everybody, but everybody bull thinks this, okay, good. And you just kind of travel in all your life. until you get enough of a brain to question it. Do you know what I mean? know You meet someone else who turns your world on its head for the better or ill. Stuart, you took your taboo theory a little farther, man. What do you mean? Who was saying about hating Catholics to marrying and dating them? I'm just saying. Oh, yeah. a you're going well the good you know the the thing about The thing about Catholics is there's an awful lot of guilt in that particular avenue of religion.
and I'm going to be honest, and there there's that that that bit of guilt makes any any of the Catholic ladies that I've ever been with. fair goers, I'll be honest.
it's it's It's been quite the experience. so i mean It's weird sos what you're saying it too. Like, I mean, nobody's got like some kind of thing that in their past. They don't like, they're not somewhat ashamed. but Absolutely not. My friend Mark, who I hope to get on here, he shortens a cliche and I think it's more accurate. He says, what doesn't kill you makes you.
That's it. That's the end of the where he cuts it off. And I think that's more accurate. Yeah. Yeah. So I mean, good or bad, it makes you so that's what he uses. And he's he'll be an interesting chat. He's been through a lot. He's actually a marine vet and gay. And his mother is, I believe, very Christian and talks a lot of hate on the dude to him, to him. Well, I told him he wouldn't live past 60 and all this other shit.
Like crazy shit. Yeah. So he's, he's a weird number, but okay. He's a, he's a, I think it's 60. I don't remember, man. Um, but he's, see that's the thing where I would have my speaking of religion, that thing where you were talking, where you just don't mention politics or religion. Right. I,
Generally try also anyone who knows me and listens to this will go for and laugh at me saying this. I try and not talk about politics or religion with my family either. Um, because it just brings it up here to try to get us canceled. That's all. Yeah. We are, do we are generally, you know, that's not that they, my parents couldn't give a shit if you're gay or not. Um, or any of those things, but sometimes they'll say things and I'm like,
Well, I bite my tongue. Nah, f**k it. Dive in. And I go, well, that's horseshit. You can't say that. That's not right. And explain to them. And they're like, but it's just what you believe. And I'm like, no. So, you know, this weird
Navigating Sexuality and Conservative Upbringing
family dynamic happens everywhere. But the other side of it is sometimes you have to have the argument because maybe it'll put the seed of doubt in their head. And that's where I That's kind of where I, that's where my hope is that maybe having these conversations occasionally make someone think slightly differently and go, oh, yeah. Do you know what I mean? Yeah. I mean, you're also like running up against the wall with some people. So I, even I have backed off, I would argue with people I trusted and it turned out to me cutting someone off. But like, I don't even argue with people anymore because I found that
especially right now and ah in in American politics, the people that are still like like screaming the loudest seems to be a smaller number, but they are definitely not budging. so And I think they know what they're doing too. So there's no reason to even try anymore. So I don't talk to them anymore at all. I do have a friend or two that troll people and post a lot of right wing stuff, but then you talk to them and then we'd laugh about it because they're just trolling just to fuck with people. but I mean, whatever you want to do with your social media, if you're bored and you want to laugh at people and you know that it's like fucking shooting fish in a barrel, fucking have at it. You know what I mean? Like, no hate. Do your thing. but So here's one for you Antoinette. Whenever you were in the church. OK. You were in your early 20s at that point, so you would have been dating? Yes. Right.
What were they? And you would have probably dated within the church. I would have said to date outside the church would have been madness. Is that correct? You're just like me, obviously. It would have been more approved of to date within the church. I mean, I definitely did try to find nice little Republican Christian boys to date. Yes. Okay. And what was that experience like? Oh, I'll up to this culture.
um I don't, I mean, it dating and either, you know, it it was dating. I wouldn't say, I will say, okay, for me, I i definitely tried to ah remain pure for a very long time. So I was definitely a late bloomer. um And so, and so that did make it difficult was um just trying to date people that also had that kind of mindset, um you know, in your early 20s when you're in college and you're wanting to to party and explore and, you know, have all the fun.
smirk on the dude's face right now
Which group, you might not have an answer to this, but which ah which group, the good little Republican right-wing boys or oh jesuse the the other ones, which group were the most... but Because I understand girls get a lot of pressure at that particular point in their life to do things that they're not necessarily comfortable with, that they don't want to do. Which group pressured you the most?
Um, you know, I, I, I don't really feel like I felt a lot of pressure from, from the church boys. I will say that they were calling you surprised. And then she met lesbians. No, I'm just kidding. Total joke. I'm just kidding. Later. I had very, repressed very repressed feelings towards women growing up. I will say that.
Stewart's face. He's like thinking so hard all of a sudden. just ah e you know Uh, it's funny. I wish you guys could see Stewart's face when it's, you know, the church boys were were more, you know, you would think you would think less, right? Cause they kind of believe the same thing. You would think, but generally, no, no. But if you actually go into the, if you go into the madness of the church, i know your their attitudes toward women are oh yeah despicable.
I will say this. I mean, we can talk about other churches and soaking and stuff. I mean, if you really want to get close about things, but we need to do soaking is that. Is that the one where you can go inside and you're not allowed to move? Yeah, you got to bounce to the balance of a bed for you. No, I didn't talk about that shit crazy. yeah and that it's all not but As soon as you put your dick,
as As soon as you put your deck in a vagina, that is sex, my friend. um like all me Although the thoughts of having someone else do the hard work of the bouncing sounds like fun.
Love for Theme Parks and Universal Studios
I will not, I will not be getting that drunk this weekend, sir. We we will we we will blindfold you and put noise canceling headphones on. I will not be getting that drunk this weekend, sir. ah dude I thought I was going to get somewhere.
but is how old are you It is really funny. Answer to how old are you you started coming around to the other feelings of the and other genders that you have decided that you like.
I mean, it's such a that's such a hard thing to say because I mean, Like now that I'm the age that I am, I can look back at the 30 times that I went to see Titanic in the theaters when I was 12. And I was going to see Kate. I was not going to see Leo. I was there for Kate. Nobody goes to see Leo. and But at the time, I just, I mean, I just thought I really liked her. But no, I really your grami liked her.
So, you know it's' it's been a journey. um ah you know i was I was definitely in my 30s before I realized, okay, I'm i'm actually queer. um i do I am attracted to women and um my mom doesn't know. it's Sorry, mom.
Right. So you'll be starting this podcast to your mom, right? After this discussion. Oh yeah, for sure. For sure. So love every, every moment. Your, your, your, your mom doesn't know at all. Oh no. I don't know. I don't think so. I mean, I've definitely kind of planted seeds here and there and, and kind of tried to, to like make jokes, I guess about it, but, um,
yeah I just, I know that there will never, there's not a reality in which my mother would ever be okay with or supportive of me being queer. And so it's just, there's not really, unless it gets to a point where I'm going to bring a woman home to mom, I just, it just seems like a fruitless conversation. I get that. What about your sisters? That seems sad.
Um, my sister, ah mean she might know because of social media, but it's not, no one's ever talked about it. So that's I know that there are family members that that definitely do know. I have a cousin who, who I've talked to about it. Um, Oh, your whole family knows that your whole family knows that. No, she doesn't she doesn't talk to anyone because she's also more woke. Whereas everyone else on the family is, um,
Uh, not, not woke. Quote unquote. Right.
So what? Yeah, I was gonna say. So we always end up here with people that do this stuff. So what got you into theme parks and why are you into theme parks? Seems really nerdy. I don't know anybody around here that likes those things.
Uh, I mean, well, like, you know, I grew up in California. Um, my, my mom's house is six minutes away from Disneyland. So it was always, um, and I think that being religious actually did take, have some kind of part in, in our, um, interest in theme parks. My mom would, it was a safe place where she could take me and my sisters. It was a safe place where she could feel.
confident dropping me and and my like dropping me and my friends off to just go off by ourselves. Little did she know that you know Disneyland in the 90s was all debauchery. and I was going to say chaos and debauchery. I smoked my first cigarette at Disneyland. I had my first drink at Disneyland. Nice. Yeah. yeah again So, but I mean, you know, she would, she would drop us off me and my friends and we, you know, it was just a place where she didn't have to worry about us. Quote unquote, quote unquote getting into trouble. There's always trouble to be had. Oh yeah. So what is, what why do you still stick with that stuff? Like, why do you like, I mean, obviously you moved to Florida here or so. It's, it's a nostalgic thing. Um, you know, I,
ah with florida I mean, that's different. i I came to Florida for Universal, not Disney. As you should. I you know first got into to Universal because I'm a film nerd. um I went to school for English but also for film. um And so i I always loved
Creative Pursuits in Film and Writing
Universal getting to to tour the back lot. I started going to Horror Nights because simply because they spit you out of the tram and you have to walk through the back lot. You have to walk through the Bates, ah the Psycho set.
um You have to walk through the war of the world set and that was so cool to me from like a geeky film nerd perspective So I just wanted to do that and then ended up falling in love with the event started going every year um So, I mean there's it's a bit of nostalgia, but you know, I really I really like the community to Ever since I moved to Florida. I've made some really good friends here in the theme park community Ian included um you We don't like you and you know i just
it's it's i you know It's just my happy place, the theme parks. Universal especially, Velocicoaster is my my happy place.
court night My baby girl. What did you do? for what Did you do do you do anything with your film stuff, your studies after school? Did you do anything with that? Did you do movies, TV? No, now I haven't.
Maybe one day, um but no. Stewart's done tech for movies and and TV shows. He's got to work on films, as they say in Ireland. Yeah. had Films. How do you say films? Films. Yeah. No, you overpronounce the L's like the we don't like you do films. It sounds like we do films. yeah ah How about you go fuck yourself?
I can't wait to see you, man. oh yeah he worked on ah so he I was just curious because he worked out you worked on Game of Thrones, right? Did you work on Northman too? Oh, wow. ah Did we know we didn't do anything for Northman? Game of Thrones, Dracula Untold was the first big one we did.
for Universal. um So I work in IT, but my specific expertise at that point was IT for TV and film production. but you know I had a phone call this morning from HBO because they had a problem on set in Belfast and they needed someone to go and fix one of their rigs. So I had to get one of my guys to go and look at it today.
um So it's it's fun. There's an awful lot goes on in Northern Ireland because it's so tiny. Because they can you can be in a city at one point that can be made up to look like London or within 20 minutes you can be in the middle of a forest. That's why Game of Thrones was made here. plus We have actual real life castles and stuff like that. Which is kind of funny. like But yeah, yeah no, that stuff's cool. I always thought I was going to end up being a director.
But, uh, yeah, that didn't happen. Yeah. I wanted to be a writer, screenwriter. So I did, I wrote one screenplay that I actually really loved and was proud of. Um, but then when I switched over to English, I started converting that screenplay into a novel. So, okay. What was it about? What was it about? I mean, it's about stuff.
It's about stuff. It's about stuff. It's about stuff. That's that's that clarifies so much for me. Are you writing erotic fiction? That's not what it is. Yes, she is. Whenever someone goes, it's about stuff. It's about. You're writing Fifty Shades. I am not writing erotic fiction, but I could. I could. Fifty Shades is not accurate. I would be good at it. No.
Fifty Shades is ridiculous. You don't have your lawyer write up your contract agreement between you and your sexual... That doesn that is fucking weird. Wait, did that really happen? That happens. I started... Somebody somebody no like loves those movies. I tried to watch it. I got like 30 minutes in or something and I'm like, no, I can't fucking do this. It's so bad. you know I went through Twilight and and so you know there was a lot of pressure on me. I actually... The first book, the first Twilight book was purchased for me as a birthday gift because um That is not a friend you want to keep. It was my mom. She was pressuring me to read. Point in case. And bought me the book as a gift because I was like refusing to read it and she ended up forcing it on me. So I did end up reading all the books. I was like, you know what? Fine. I'm i'm going to hate on this from an educational perspective. I'm going to know why I hate this these books.
and And so I read it and went through all that. I was not going to touch Fifty Shades. All right. Like I had already done Twilight Fifty... No. I tried to make it through the movie and I just could not do it. I haven't watched any of the movies. I've read one now worth half of one page
Kinks, Interests, and Societal Perceptions
of one of the books and went apsefuckinglutelynot. Yep. Yeah. I tried to force myself. That's the only reason I made it so far. I was like, no, I can't deal with this shit.
Yeah, no, I can't with enough. Hey, if you love that movie, that's cool. No, no, you do your I strongly encourage you to go and try out your kink stuff and go find a community or convention because that fucking happens. um Yeah, do your thing. Fucking be you. But if that's your doorway and why what both Americans and having to do all the kinky shit in a community, the fuck is wrong with people?
Because it allows like-minded, well no, it allows like-minded people to come together and it allows them to teach how to do something. Because some of it's dangerous, so it allows you to teach how to not hurt somebody. If it's dangerous, fucking leave it alone. That's, you know, okay. Some people like that shit, motherfucker. I might be a little vanilla. Maybe that's what I am. You are berry vanilla. Yeah.
Fuck you. I mean, tying ropes on people could fuck them up, man. You can't get really fucked up. No, no, I can't have that. No, no, no. I'd be too terrified somebody might tackle me or talk to my face. and
I mean, that is also a thing, sir. Dude, but also there's things like, um, there's kinks like cigar rooms where they actually will like ask you to ash in their mouth and stuff and put your feet up on their back, like and my ash in mouth, not your mouth. If you have the cigar, they want the ash in their mouth.
Jesus. There's all kinds of weird stuff. I mean, not everybody does that, but there's all kinds of cigar room stuff. Like cigars are all kink. There's a whole thing out there, man. If there's a thing, there's a kink for it. I guarantee. I've seen the thing about Amsterdam. We were talking about the red light. We were talking about kinks all of a sudden, but all right. I love our conversations. I'm not here to kink shame anyone. you know I'm not either. I'm just talking about kinks. I'm not shaming. Dude, whatever you get you off, fucking God bless you and go do it.
You can go to a shop in Amsterdam, right? This was watching a video the other night. oh You can go to a shop in Amsterdam. Let's sell bananas. ah But you ate the banana hu ah out of a lady's fajete. Okay. And i my my instant thought was, is that a show or is that a snack store? Whatever. Do you know what I mean? It's like... but i mean We had Corwin on who does like kink shit. He talked about kink shit. So I mean, that's weird. Right. What about that? What about those bars that popped up in America where the the woman literally spits in your face and slaps you like this part of your shot? but sometimes yeah buts I'm not mad at that.
And then there's that woman that's famous on the Renaissance fair thing where you go up and she has these handles that you hang on to, and she pops your drink and it by your throat and talks so dirty to you. And I fucking want to do that because it looks funny. It is enjoyable. She opens your drink she opens your drink yeah to serve you. Your hands are holding on to shackles like you're supposed to be, like quote unquote, it's kind of cuffed. And she talks to you like you're taking a dick in your mouth or something while she's pouring the drink on your throat. Yeah.
She's like, take it, you big boy or something like that. Like shit like that. It's fucking great. Hold up. Let me just record that. Say that again. ah Somebody just recorded my voice saying that. God damn it. That's a, that sounds like fun. Yeah. Yeah, dude. It looks really fun. I mean, just do stupid shit. Who cares? Well, yeah, I know. I know. I was, I was, I was being facetious. Plus the whole time you have like those Ren fair boobs in your face while you're doing it. So there's nothing wrong with Ren fair boobs. It's a good time. It's a good time. We we don't have Ren fairs here. We need to take you to the H HN next week because it's, it's there's a heavy Ren fair theme.
That is true. So you might see a ah lot of bodices and things pushed up so you can put your beer on it. that's ah ah
<unk> may take um ah ah that Maybe she should get one of those things and dress up like a Renfarer. Well, I have put that out there, but there were people dressed up for Renfarer last night, which I was excited about. That's amazing. I am so ready. I am to bring out the Renfarer.
Well, you know, you can't wear like costumes with masks, I think. But yeah, I can tell you know when you dress up like a Renfaire. Like, it's just like I don't even it like bodices and stuff. yeah's um crun word i'm I'm Amish. This is just my attire. I don't I don't think it looks like Amish people, bro.
They let you wear costumes and stuff. You can wait you and dress up. I don't think you can wear masks. People dress up for Halloween. But yeah, you can't wear masks or any kind of makeup. where like if you're gonna If you look like a scare actor, they're not going to... That's where there's going to be a problem. but and you know Last year, someone dressed up like Ted Lasso. Like that's that's fine. You know, so good. But I can't imagine.
Future Plans and Theme Park Meetups
I mean, well, hi, hot. Is it there right now? It's fucking hot. Yeah. I went to the show with Tom the other night. It was it was feels like eighty five at like nine o'clock at night. It's fucking hot. I was um just.
sweaty through, through the end of the night. It was three AM. She was texting me. She was like a sultry. Sultry. I'm like, that could be good or bad depending on how you use that word. But you know, let's see, Siri, you land on the fifth. The high that day is 90 and the low is 77. Oh yeah. It's going to be, it's going to cool off a little bit. We got two days. We got three days of thunderstorms while you're here too, buddy. Yep. There you go. No, no, no, no. We don't, uh, wait, no.
Nope. You, I mean, you got to get those afternoon showers and then, and then as as soon as it stops raining, you get all the steam coming up. Yeah. I was going to say, so it gets worse after all that, all that. No, that's not going to happen. It's going to be absolutely perfect while we're there. You're right. There's not going to be any humidity next week. Nope. We're going to bring decent weather with us. It's currently, uh, promises, promises, hack your winter clothes.
it's it's current It's currently 17 degrees here. Freedom units. What? Nobody knows what you're talking about. I mean, is that a different ya at a different scale of measure? It's in Celsius. So 17 degrees in Fahrenheit. You don't And so I said, you got to do freedom. unit Why would I know? How much is it? 62. 62. Yeah. No, you're fucking, you guys are going to get off the plane and be like, fuck this shit. Well, I am wearing shorts and a t-shirt and I'm too warm at the moment. Yes. Well, that's me too. and it's A hot summer, a really fucking kick ass summer's day for us is 21, which is like 70 something. I thought it was like close to 80, like one sell this environment mid
Jesus, I was way off. So, 70 degrees. And that, I mean, I would, there'd be people calling out, I'm fucking too warm, pricks. Do you know what I mean? Yeah, no, you're in for hell, dude. It's going to be disgusting. I know, I know, I know, I know. But you'll be fine. You'll be drunking with us, so it'll be fine. You just got to remember to keep you hydrated. Yeah, and that won't be a problem. Beer doesn't count. Fucking dolls.
It's got water in it. You don't need beer to stay hydrated. There's a white claw. Just... Hold on. Here, i have a can, but lick this battery and drink this sparkling water. That's what it tastes like. I wish I could find some gay water for Stuart, but I haven't been able to find it yet.
Gay water? What's gay water? It's a vodka drink like that, but it's called gay water. It's flavored vodka drink. I had it at um fringe a Fringe Fest when we went. I saw somebody had had one of those vodka drinks called gay water and I'm like, how do you not buy a gay water? Like, how do you not do that? So I had to go. I was like, I'm not going to drink. And then I saw gay water. I'm like, I guess I'm drinking because I don't know how to not buy that. So there's three flavors as far as I know. But I've been looking for it. I want to try that. I want to photograph any double festing gays. That would be quick.
but but the essence so good so good ah be The perfect the perfect ah Facebook profile picture for my family. It'd be amazing.
ah Coro would be so proud of you. Wouldn't she? Oh, man. All right, Stuart, I think you can ask the question. What do you think? Yeah. Antoinette, I have had a really fun conversation. Thanks for coming on. It's been really nice meeting you. Sure. Thank you. I'm looking forward to meeting you next weekend. Yes. And yeah, it'll be good fun. We'll do some houses and go mad. Maybe she'll dress up and have Ren Faire gear for you. I definitely will probably be wearing Ren for next week. There you go. She can see Ren Faire clothing. Well, Siobhan might like that too.
so that's not ah So, yeah, so question flustered. Anyway. He started daydreaming. We lost him. I did. i did my My brain went away there. So anyway. and What's the question we ask? Oh, yeah. What is the. Yeah, there's a little bit of housekeeping before we ask the final question. ah we taking ah Are we taking a holiday next week?
Oh yeah, we don't have anybody for next week. So we might, we might be missing a show for a week unless we're taking a break to the first break. Yeah. We're taking a break to circle the wagons and reevaluate our senses and come back. We're just going to go to Halloween horror nights. And drink that's yeah what we're going to get fucked up. Yeah.
And we'll probably be posting like stupid idiots on TikTok and social media in general, because we'll we actually be together. So I'm sure there'll be tons of stupid shit for you guys. there'll be plenty of How exciting. Yeah. That's so funny. We may post something small or we'd probably maybe get something to go. Anyway, I just thought I better get that out. Anyway, so we asked the only two things we have, as you can tell from this ramble ramshackle, rambly conversation that we've had is the first and last question. And the last question is,
What's the manliest thing you've done this week? Oh gosh. I don't know. Um, I, I fixed my door. Nice. What was wrong with it? What was wrong with it? Uh, the hinges were coming loose, so. And you fix those hinges and use tools to do such a thing. Yes. I tightened the hinges so and used the tools. Was there beer involved?
No, I was going to say bonus round. I can't guarantee, I can't guarantee that there wasn't, but I don't think there was. That works for me. That's pretty, that's pretty good. I'll take that. It's an open-ended, it's an open-ended beer. yeah All right. Antoinette, thanks for hanging out and talking to us. We'll see you on the weekend because we'll be all at HHN, whether or not.
and we you deep ah you want Are we and we drinking in Sanford Saturday? Is that the plan still? What are we doing Saturday? Are we going to the parks? I have no idea. What do the bosses want to do? I have no idea. We're playing it by year.
Okay. Well, we might be drinking in Sanford too. I mean, it'd be cool if we could do it on Sunday because there's the actual, the ah food truck festival. So there's a lot of food and a lot of beer. Just walk around the town with food trucks. There's like 40 food trucks that hang out. That's doable.
So we could figure it out. Well, we're probably drinking somewhere, though. I think we're going to be we're going to take a park day off. Right. I don't know. In theory, but that was the plan until Siobhan was coming. And she's never been before. So there's a lot to there's a lot to go down. So this is yeah my girlfriend's first time ever in America and first time ever at Universal Studios. And he's bringing her to me. First Halloween Horror Nights.
Yeah, that's so exciting. Which is always fun, because it's always fun. It's going to meet me and go, I'm never fucking going back to that country. Fuck these people. That's what's going to happen. But it's always fun to go three houses with a noob. But that has a notion of what's going on and screams and awesome. Dude, Cass, Cass, who's been on our show is going to go through the houses with me on our R.I.P. and she's going to shit herself. And in fact, I was like, you're going to hide behind me, are you? She goes, yes, grow taller. I'm like, you no, no, no. Do you have to push her up front? That's the plan because I want to see her and Nene react. That's what I want to see back to back. I want to watch that happen because Nene is going to be screaming up a storm. I think it's there for some of the stuff. It is the best thing. I love it. Yeah, it's going to be great. there's something way There's only two straight men going in our group. Everybody else is queer. Lots of lesbians.
Lots of lesbians, a drag queen, a bi dude and two straight guys can be great. I think I know this joke. I know, right? Yeah, it does sound like it sounds like a set up, right? I can't wait. I love it's so cool. We got a bunch of people we ah really like a lot. So it's it's awesome. I'm glad we're doing a private tour this year. Be my first time doing a private R.I.P. That's fine. It'll be cool. Awesome. But I want to hear everybody.
yeah Can't wait. All right, everybody. We're going to get out of here. Antoinette again. Thanks for hanging out. Thank you. Take care, everybody. Have a wonderful week. Bye. Bye.