Reviewing the Rode XCM50 Microphone
It's a bad thing. It's a good thing. It's better than correcting it later. I know. No, it's a new microphone. It's a Rode. Ooh. How did you get the NT USB or the NT?
No, it's an XCM50. Oh, I don't know that one. I got it. It's normally a hundred pounds and I got it for 47 pounds in right in the sale. I was like, it's made by road. It's going to be fucking dead on. And actually it runs, it's just one cable to the laptop. And then it's got a headphone jack on the back of it. And I'm like,
That means I can throw it into my bag and if I'm up with Siobhan's, I can still record or whatever. Do you know what I mean? It doesn't really matter. So I was kind of like, yep, that'll be good neater and tidier and easier to set up than, not that I don't love. um Mm. The technical man's train set of yeah Cable City. Do you know what I mean? Yeah, yeah. I mean, I use an NT. Mine's a road NT USB, so it's USB. But I can also plug my headphones into it and blend it in different ways if I want. Yeah. It's just easy to use my mailbox. Yeah, just thought I thought something that's a little easier to play with would be nice. I think all men would like something that's easier. Sorry.
January Blues and Personal Challenges
got call and get he a and eighteen seconds night Hey kids, welcome to toxic masculinity with Ian Stewart. This week we have my friend Joe with us. What's going on boys? How are we doing? Doing pretty well. Doing pretty well. Thank you for having me on. Stewart, are you alive?
i i'm I am alive. okay i yeah i'm I'm okay. i'm January sucks. Yep. Yeah, in a lot of ways, especially this January.
Oh, this January major Jesus fucking absolutely fucking Christ. These last 10 days have been a long ass year, let me tell you. I mean, obviously, personal shit and work shit and all that aside, but also I've just had a headache for the past 10 days going, oh no. What the fuck is happening with the world? Why? Just watching from the sidelines, bro. Honestly, the problem is I don't actually think, I don't think anyone's really on the sidelines. No, not really.
no only a shake We're all on the shit. We're all on the shit. But yeah, there is some scary stuff. thats Maybe we'll talk about that. Maybe I'll bring that
Redefining Masculinity: Feelings and Awareness
up. But first. I've been wearing my DMs a lot more so I can kick a fascist in the face.
Don't kick him in the face. You got to punch them first. You got Indiana Jones, that shit. No, you don't. Well, I could put in the face as always, you know. Don't hurt yourself. Use a baseball bat. Come on. So if you're going to punch him in the face, don't aim for the mouth, because if their teeth break, your blood can mix and you never know what the fuck people have. So, you know, that's my little tip for. Oh, interesting. OK, that is a man the mouth from experience. That's weird. I don't know what you're talking about. um remember not in the mic i the detail of all the boys I am innocent. I am a saint, sir. um So Joe, what does masculinity mean to you, sir? Let's start with that. Oof. That is an oof question. Yes, it is. Masculinity means to me is that you're able to not only
show your deeper feelings and stuff, but you're able to kind of more or less coalesce with everyone else. That is what ma masculinity means. So basically, you're able to not only represent yourself, but also ah check the room and just make sure that everyone else is still feeling the same way. If you're being like a dick and people see that you're a dick, you're able to fix that.
that rhythm That's just what it means to me just being able to read room and able to basically say, Oh crap, I'm the problem here and figure it out. Okay. Maybe let's switch that up a bit. Yeah. Yeah. yeah So that goes with it's a fucking rare thing to meet someone that goes, Oh fuck, I'm the problem. Oops. I mean, it's our first amendment here on the show. So, you know, don't be yeah don't be a dick. Yeah. I mean, I can't argue with that.
So, oh, so you actually, I'm gonna start with this actually.
Surviving California Fires: Personal Account
So Joe, you were actually in California when the fires are going on. we were You were visiting a mutual friend of ours. I was. And what, I mean, you guys were kind of out of harm's way, but what was going on out there for you guys? Because no one, like what what the hell is going on?
um So thankfully where we were, ah we were far enough away where ah we weren't in any danger. Our mutual friend and their husband weren't in any danger whatsoever ah because from where the actual fire was, you could see it, you could smell it, but they would have to cross that like the actual interstate plus 10 lanes of highway just to get to where they were. But that's not to say that smoke was you could you could smell it smoke from every single direction just the wind blow you could see it um coming into the actual coming into the state itself you could just see the fire just raging still on like there's uh near elix you see a bunch of the smoke a bunch of the flames still going on going strong even though uh winds had died down and everything so it's a little scary but uh thankfully
it's somewhat under control, especially with the recent rains they've had recently. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Rain, the thing that they didn't have forever. because you know Yeah. That's normal. Yeah. our My friend, uh, I think, yeah, he was on here. My, our friend Jason was, he was evacuated. Uh, he had an hour to pack up his house and go, he grabbed like a base, his animals and some clothes.
And his wife packed up the the stuff that she needed and they bolted to a hotel and they were stuck in a hotel, I think for five or six days. He's been on the show too, Joe. Did they get back to their house or? Yeah, they didn't have power for a few days. It was just part of the reason they were stuck for so long, but luckily their house and their street was all right. So they got back and then ah another friend of mine, his brother, one of his brothers lost the house and, but his place of business and his house are okay. So yeah, it was a,
I don't live out there, but, you know, I'm sure jar shoot lots of friends out there. So like lot there lots of friends out there, a little nerve wracking there for a little bit. But ah yeah, those are the two people that I knew that were directly had to bail. So.
Storms in Northern Ireland: Finding Silver Linings
And the thing is, I didn't think Jay was that far south. I thought he was a little farther north in California. So that really freaked me out. He texted me one day, he's like, hey, hey. um And then he told me, I was like, oh, shit, you. havephon So, yeah, I mean,
It's a lot to deal with Van Bailen on your house like that, leaving your stuff behind. I can't imagine. I mean, we get hurricanes down here, but you know, I can just choose to ride it out. so We had a big storm last Friday. That was fun. Did you guys get good winds there for that one? I know you guys do sometimes.
Yeah, there are 100 mile an hour winds. It was a red ah red weather warning. I don't ever remember having a red weather warning before. and It was Storm Eowyn, which just makes me think of terrible soup.
from Lord of the Rings because it was a shitty day. And I was like, holy fuck. And nobody else gets that joke. It was really fucking so i am fucking funny. But basically, with the ah yeah, was it was a leisure center. And one of the towns had the roof ripped off. And like lots of people have some damage to their roofs. or their But we all live in brick houses, so we're not overly concerned. There is some people. I mean, at one point, we had What was it? 280,000 houses without electricity, which is a lot in Northern Ireland because the population of 1.7 million. and And I mean, some people still don't have power now. So they're working to get that shit back up. but And it's fucking cold, which doesn't really help. But yeah, I need a new fence, a new side gate, a new side fence.
that's um dance a bit, but hey, there's no leaves in my garden anymore, so I didn't have to rake that shit up. That's good. Yeah, dude. That shit's all gone now. It's whoops. Amazing. Thank you. It's like my house. Everyone's like, are you going to leave? Everyone is asking me, like, they're going to leave a hurricane. I'm like, my house has been here since 1955. It's fucking cement block. It's not fucking going anywhere. I might lose some windows, but my house is going to be here, so I'm just going out.
no That's it. A friend had ah had a tree come down during the storm and ah fall into the back of their house and through their bathroom window. yeah That's moderately terrifying. um there A lot of trees, a lot of fucking trees down on, I had to take Zoe to a birthday party on Saturday morning yeah at half nine in the morning. I don't know who has a children's birthday party at half nine in the morning. and Fucking psychopaths. That should be criminal. They were lovely people. Honestly, I don't want to speak out of turn, but half an hour in the morning is mental. But anyway, we're driving through every single road. yeah Yeah. Yeah. Every single road I went on, there was at least two or three down trees on it. And it was like, fuck it. This shit's mental. here Man, we drive around. Yep. Yeah. Thank heavens for the Canyon Arrow. I was able to get up around everything.
no Yeah, man, it's always the way around between trees and like flooding here. I had to find ways around and wash outs. Uh, Joe, so your version of masculinity, where do you think you got that from?
Theater's Influence on Confidence and Masculinity
Was it kind of modeled to you? Was it something you picked up on your own? Was it pieces of things? Like, where do you think it came from?
I think it's pieces of things more or less because i more more or less my guidelines for life was from theater. Just a lot of doing a lot of theater experiences. so like Fucking theater kids. No, I'm just kidding. you theaters opposite No, but it's it's it's um there's there's a truth into the matter of ah you put a lot of yours You put a little actors put a lot of themselves into their roles and stuff But there's also a truth of they take stuff out of it. So like I know that my my version of masculinity Brought a lot of so things out of roles I've done so like that entire like being able to share yourself not only with yourself but making sure that you're okay but making sure that others are okay by you that was taken from roles ah my myself of just like.
more confidence, everything that came from theater. So a lot of the things I consider that I've learned and I've more or less matured to the person that I am comes out of theater and stuff, lessons I've learned from there, either from either directly from the show itself, or just from interacting with people
AI Glasses and Memory Enhancement: A Solution?
who've been chosen whatsoever. That makes sense. Because I mean, you would, especially when you're when you're acting and stuff, you're at your having to mentally access emotions that you aren't necessarily feeling. Yeah. And think about them and consider them and so you can express them. 100%. And also work with your own emotions so as you're not expressing those while you're talking about something. You're not going, the girl just said, yes, me. I'm talking about that. You So you have to be very aware of your, I was a theatre kid too.
Yeah, fuck yeah, theater kid. Yeah. So actually kind of interesting on the other side. I was theater adjacent, to be clear. But not a theater. If you worked in theater, you're a theater kid. Well, no, no, no, no. So what I mean is I went to music school. So there was like musical theater kids around me and I had to play music for them. That's not a musical kid. I was not a theater kid. I won't claim it, but I did help them.
I mean, did you did you play for the theater kids? ah Yeah, for graduation. I'm sorry, that was failed, my friends. One or two songs does not make me a theater kid. and but se g lane You're on the motorbike. and not theater kids she all um But no, I actually have... i So when I and i did theatre all through um secondary school and and loved it, ah also did a lot of exterior stuff in various companies and things like that. I was in National Youth Theatre and loads of stuff like that. o And then when I left school, high school, I went in and did went to drama school.
And we're actually, that was 1997 now. And we're actually having our first reunion on Saturday. Fucking old people reunion. Yeah. I need some fucking video. I need some fucking video. It started with a Facebook group, right? Oh, let's have a fucking, let's all meet up and we'll have a reunion. Okay. What do we do? We'll go, we'll find a bar in Belmont. Go ahead. We'll do a Saturday night, it'll be fun. Yeah, good times. Get to it, up to about a week in advance. We're going Saturday night, so what time are we meeting? And they're going, actually, if we met at about three o'clock, we could have a load of drinks and be home at night and back in bed before everything really kicks off.
and like What the fuck happened to us? What the fuck? I mean, I understand we're all 46 now, 47 depending on. as Fuck off, dude. You're going to drink at three. Nobody's going to leave. And by nine o'clock, you're going to be at the bar singing musicals. That's what's going to happen. You know, we're not fucking. I fucking hope so. That's what's going to happen, dude. That would be the greatest thing I want. I want to be singing live musicals in front of a bar in Belfast until somebody goes, would you fuck up? what
What's going to happen? I'm calling it right now. I need video. But if you won't remember to record it, though you'll be drunk. No, I'll be shitfaced. As you should be. Yeah, of course. Although I am, I am strange. I'm really bad with remembering names. um even I mean, I spent three years with these people, but that doesn't matter. I smoked a lot of weed in my head and I have real problems. And I was kind of thinking, do you know these AI glasses that are coming out, right? yeah Yeah. And I'm going, fuck, they'd be really
The Struggle to Remember Names in Social Situations
handy if they connected to your Facebook.
and just went, this is Dave. He's your brother, remember? I'm fucking pointing shit at you because I feel so terrible about that weird election that I have. I heard a story from someone that I haven't dug in to find it, but you know the glasses that I think Google's putting out now where you can like kind of do shit with like computer stuff on the glasses. I heard a small group of people took them and hacked them and got a database and it'd be like mission impossible. Like you look at someone's face and it'll bring up data on them. So maybe if they actually do that for you, you can have them and you'll remember who you're talking to. I just wanted to tell me. So we just recreated the game Watch Dogs.
but Pretty much. But I mean, even from a, you know, from a realistic point of view, how good would that be for people with dementia? Oh, that'd be amazing. it goes That's your daughter. Dude, yes. But also for me, because sometimes I get stuck. I'm hearing in fucking voices. But, you know, and but the but imagine the difference that would make to some people with a major cognitive in permit, it would be unreal. But that shit's going to come. There's no two ways about it. Because those metal glasses, the Ray Ban metal glasses, which look exactly like these, they have AI built into them to be a certain extent. Those are the ones I was talking about. And the we built in speakers and talked to you. Listen, listen, I get words. I try to come up with the word and I'm like, I know this word, but I can't say the word right now. And I don't know why I can define it, but I can't say the fucking word. I need those glasses for that because I get stuck sometimes. It seems amazing. You just do those. Yeah, those are worse. Fucking Jesus. So good. Yeah, Mission Impossible for real. I mean, that would help it work. It's like, con what's your name? I need you. Hey, you. Hey, you.
I swear to God, obviously, um everybody knows I have an ex-wife and a new girlfriend, so I've gotten so many arguments over the years with my ex-wife.
about the fact that I didn't introduce her to people. She's going, are you hiding this person from me? Do you know what I mean? Like, obviously what the fuck? And I'm like, I literally can't remember their motherfucking name. mother And I hate it so much that once me and Siobhan started getting like, you know, fully full on, I was like, okay, we're meeting people and shit.
I was like, listen, if I don't introduce them to you, it's because I can't remember their name. I was very upfront about it. This can't be a thing going forward because I feel bad enough without us having an argument over the fact that I didn't introduce it to someone. I can't remember their name and I really should because I've known them for 30 years.
Do you know what I mean? I got a trick for that because I'm not good at remembering names. Stop from smoking weed. No. Oh, that's not a good trick. fuck That's not a good trick at all. um No, I just come. I joined the conversation. I wait for a conversation to join the conversation. I wait till everybody's laughing. Then I introduce the person that's with me and I start going around the circle and start laughing. And usually they'll pick it up and introduce themselves. That's how I get it done because I'll be laughing too hard. and Works every time pretty much so.
Yeah, that that does work. I can tell you i tell you a terrifying story. back in the Way, way, way back in the day, I was so terrible at this shit. I was going out with a girl, and I think we weren't going out very long, a couple of weeks, whatever it was. Fuck it, I remember her second name.
Couldn't, or surname. Do you know what I mean? Couldn't remember it. Didn't know what it was. Couldn't fucking that was best. I don't ever introduce somebody's full name. That's just weird. Yeah. But you know, when someone tells you and then you forget it and you've been kissing their face constantly for two weeks. We'll come up eventually again. here's Here's a handy hint and tip for the younger folk out there. Let me see your driving license photo. No, you just do this. If you got it right there somewhere, just be like, can you just spell your name? Just I want to make sure it's right. Cause people have all kinds of ways of spelling. Yeah.
That's a dangerous game to play because she'll go Smith. S-M-I-T-H. Some people smell spell Smith with a Y. Okay, Smith was the wrong one. The fucking cheese then you prick. Just saying, there's always an exception to weird last name. So, you know, that's my excuse.
You know what I mean? But it did. It did work. She did go. Oh oh no, no, I can't. I go. Yes. Yes. Yes. I go. No, no, no. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. No, no. Yes. Show me the fucking thing. That's how that worked. bad I don't do that that. That's too much arguing. But it works. It does. Yeah.
Joe, do you have that problem? Do you have a name problems? Oh, I'm terrible with names. So bad. If if I if I meet you for like maybe the first time, I can remember it maybe both multiple meetings and we like I could go like a couple meetings with you and just see your face like, uh, yes, it's like you remember me like, right. Yes, I remember the face. Yeah. Name's name's gone. Yeah. Go.
But some people are really, really good at it. They just remember names. I mean, I get ah people all the time just come up and start talking to me like, oh, it's Judy. How's it going? Blah, blah, blah. And you're like.
Hi person. What's up human? Fellow human. Fellow human. It's so weird, but it really does make me feel bad. Like, do you know what I mean? It is one of those things you should be able to remember names, but nothing seems to help. It's very, very bizarre. So it is first nice to know that I'm not alone. not even close Nope. So I am curious about something. Maybe Joe will be curious too, because we have a chance to talk some money that's out of our country.
right so no no i'm gonna ask something more specific it's just now starting It's starting now to creep in on like via TikTok and other apps that the world is basically protesting a certain extreme side of things, not necessarily on our behalf, but similarly to what we're dealing with.
And it's not a thing that we see a lot here, but do you see them? Yeah, pretty much. Um, Nazi salutes. Yeah. Like, uh, what was it? yes What was it? Serbia? The one, was that the one that had the huge student protests? That was like the largest in like Berlin and retain and all of the place. Have you, have you seen this stuff, Joe?
I think I've dabbled on it, but it's like, it doesn't come up in my TikTok feed. My TikTok feed is weird fucking shit too. My TikTok feed is weird too, but all but like the political stuff creeps in, but I had no idea because there's really no reporting on it here in the country. Surprise me.
So like nobody's talking about it it's creeping in via apps and things which is really that's because all the media is just. Oh yeah the mainstream people are but even the side folks are so caught up in the chaos that they're not even talking about the stuff which is weird too but yeah. she because I think that's part of the problem part of the problem that is that.
These are still laboring under the weird notion that you're the greatest country in the world, whatever the fuck that means. I honestly... you're But you're not even you're not even on most people's fucking radar most of the time until you do this crazy bat shit stuff. To be honest, man. And they all just sit and watch and go, what the fuck? But see once the Germans kicked off. Yeah. Because they're going apsefuckinglutelynot.
Yes. I know. This isn't on. And everyone's going, no, this isn't on. the I mean, I don't think you understand how many people will stand up and go, absolutely not. There's no way this can all happen again. I know. oh It's terrifying.
There's a lot of weird stuff. I mean, honestly, to be, to be real with you, Stuart, I mean, you're not wrong, but at the same time, there's just so much shit being thrown at once right now. There's hard to fill up. So being someone looking on the inside out, it's really hard to see the outside. And luckily, like between you and me, tasking you about, uh, you know, our, your friend and our past guest, Johnny, yeah and being able to talk to Jeff and like rookie and everybody, like I get a little more perspective from outside the country, which a lot of people here don't. get Um,
So like Joe, I asked him um um our his friend Johnny is one of our past guests and he's actually an editor in a magazine in Berlin and he lives in Berlin. So I asked Stewart a question because I was like, I'm hearing all this shit. Like, what do you got? Have you talked to Johnny? Can you ask Johnny something for me? And he did. And he sent me back article like ah pictures from the magazine he edits. And it's like.
Dude, they're full on like, fuck this shit. Like everything going on in our country, they're full on like, fuck that shit. So they took a projection mapping projector and projected the most not resolute with on the side of the Tesla Gigafactory.
ah Yeah, some artists did it. Good. Do you know what I mean? They know what this shit is and they're not going to stand for it. Yeah, they're not fucking having it. so count but The reason ah they got away with it the last time was when people went, oh, no, it's not. People going, how did how did they let Nazism take over in Germany? How did they let them get away with it? How did they let them get through all this shit? You're literally watching it in real time right now in America. And people are making excuses.
blaming it on autism, saying that's not what he said, saying that's not what's going to happen. And it's literally fucking happening yeah in front of people's faces and they're still denying it. I saw a guy that was a historian from Germany and he was talking about, he's like, dude,
those people back then were nice people. You might even like some of them. They're just average people. Like it doesn't, it's not like, there was not like a severe good and bad in a lot of cases, but you know, like things happen. So yeah, I was just wondering Joe, like, cause I, as, as somebody in the middle here is Stewart's outside the country and I have a lot of friends outside the country. I was just curious how much you had seen this stuff. Oh, I personally, yeah. Um, a lot of, a lot of shit that's happening here. I, I,
The second I saw that because like the entire inauguration day was just a blur to me. I just decided to like just wean myself off of social media for that day because I didn't want to see anything until I saw that like literally I was just scrolling through like I think it was blue sky and stuff. I saw I'm like you gotta be fucking shitting me. Are you for real?
And it's like, oh, this is a roman's like, fuck off, fuck off. Well, to be clear, Mussolini called it a Roman salute. Yeah, they all did. But it's still a Nazi salute. It's still a fascist salute. Yeah, if you try to use a different name for it, that's still what it is. um But yeah, I mean, it's just been and I have been fascinated at the fact that so much is going on in the world and we are just not privy to it. base Oh, we yeah, it's it's because walking maddening to me.
It's all distract. That's what you find that's here that's that's always been the case. Oh, yeah. Yeah. yeah i mean like it Because of it's it's it's so the things that are going on are so prevalent right now that you're really noticing that you're not getting the outside fucking view of things. Do you know what I mean? Probably more prevalent to people like me in the country that are friends all over the place, you know, but it's probably not as prevalent to people that are just caught in their own little world. And it kind of freaks me out a little bit that people are just
Like, I mean, I consider myself lucky to have people like that. I love and care about like Stewart and, you know, rookie and Tracy and everybody else in our group and people I've talked to because of Stewart and other people, but not everybody has that outlet to just pick up a phone and text somebody and be like, what the fuck, man?
Global Protests and Media Awareness
me It's just weird. And I bring it all up because,
um Stuart and I have talked at great lengths, like in our opinion, like being protective is kind of part of masculinity. And if you're not informed in some ways, you can't really look out for other people. Oh, yeah. So to me, I'm trying to be as informed as I can. And luckily, you know, like Stuart and I have had a few talks about like his perspective from outside the country and what other people he knows talks about. So. Yeah.
I think anybody that acts tough and they're not making an effort to like learn what's going on outside of this country. it's just one side that's yeah Yeah. And perspective, you're not really living up to what you're supposed to be doing in my opinion. Like you need to have as much info as possible, even if it's not all good info. You need to have it. So it worries me that people are just locked out of this info in some cases. Oh, 100 percent. 100 percent. And the fact that people live in their own echo chambers. That's they do. But the the fact in this case is that even like you can't even turn on like CBS and see the protests really, you know, on outside in the other yeah other countries. And these are like I said before, these are the largest some of them are the largest protests in decades and we're still still not making the news.
Yeah, but some of that is because some of that's going to be because one, they're not showing up because they're like, it doesn't, it's not really affecting us. Okay. Um, but it and I know. and and And the other thing is there's so much news going on in your, within your borders at the moment that it, even if they were to show it, it would get lost in the fucking noise.
Yeah, which because it's, I mean, everybody's news at the moment is about your fucking dumpster fire. And it's like you really, I mean, like it really is desperately skewed to to what's going on in your country rather than everywhere else, where normally your news would cover a lot of things. But eight ever even in the European Parliament, they're talking about, they basically had a day where they all stood up and went, fuck this guy. yeah ill Fuck this guy. Everybody's been saying that. All the world leaders are saying that. Do you know what I mean? I mean, what is it? The the the the and the European MP for Denmark stood up and said, fuck off. Yeah, yeah.
watching glorious Well, he put 80 people on a cargo a military cargo plane, which cost roughly $100,000 an hour or so from what I gather to fly. He spent almost $900,000 flying people to Colombia, and the Colombian president said, no, you're not landing here. Fuck off.
Yeah. How do they know? That's the weird thing. look But in the end, well, because we send people there all the time, like we deport people all the time. But ICE usually spends like nine or ten thousand dollars on a chartered flight.
The president wasn't upset, the Colombian president wasn't upset about the deported people. He was upset about the way it was being treated and like the perception that was being put out. He was like, he even offered to send his own presidential plane to pick him up. He was like, I don't want photos of them. I don't want them in shackles. I don't want them on a military plane, basically, is basically what he said. And fucker, we caved to that, which we should have because it should have never been done like that. No. Yeah. 100%. So.
Yeah, but anyway, I was more interested in like the outside view in and seeing all this stuff, the protests around the world, because like even Serbia is pissed. I'm like, Jesus Christ, man. Yeah, we we fucked up. We have fucked up. I should say, sorry, a small portion of our fucked up society fucked up here.
yeah where all of us are shouting for four years, don't do this fucking shit, don't do this fucking shit. It's like, oh no, cheap eggs. Yeah, I know. But it's not just the people that voted for them, it's the people that didn't vote at all. Yeah, that's the other one too, yeah. I mean, I just don't understand people that don't vote. It doesn't make any sense to me. Makes no sense to us either. I mean, what the fuck are you doing? Yeah. I mean, does Australia have a thing where if you don't vote, you get fined? I wish we had that. That's pretty fucking smart. It's mandatory vote.
Yeah, right. I think everybody should. Yeah. So anyway, ah what else is going on,
Workplace Challenges: Masculinity and Self-Control
Joe? Like, I want to talk some more to you about what do you what kind of job do you have and how do you use your masculinity at work if you have to? Or like, what's what's that like for you?
Uh, so as you know, because I work over in the theme park and I worked in the theme entertainment space. So currently right now in park operations. So, uh, masculinity there does take a little bit of a shift, but again, it's like the.
You have to basically make sure that everyone's having a okay time and everything, but also making sure that you're taken care of because there's assholes all over the place. like You've probably seen them, Ian, especially just walking to the park, just being absolute dicks and stuff.
like ah There is a time and like it's a lot of, a lot of decks in a theme park. Do you, I know you can't say where you work. Closer to the microphone. I mean, you can cut the, you can bleep this side, but does it have ears? It doesn't have good rides. It has good rides. Yeah. It has good rides. Yeah. The section of the park he works in is going to close down soon if that gives you any kind of hint. Yeah.
It's a specific sort of 4D attraction. Yeah, 4D attraction. That's posing too. A lot of felt. A lot of felt. right but Maybe a cannon. Maybe someone's fish. Oh, dude. Yeah, I work over there. Go ahead, Joe.
ah No, but it's it's literally um Masculinity over there is also kind of taking care of yourself because there have been some pretty close calls where I've been in that line of fire and stuff where I've had to deal with it but not really show the emotion because I can't and not Outlash on people because I'll tell you a story this is so this happened during Thanksgiving Day and stuff So ah not only not only do I work at that attraction that's closing but also work at other areas in the park and stuff so i'm all over the place literally i remember um
um Just being at being at this one place telling people hey Just make sure you're finished with your food and beverage before you go and see this thing and stuff Literally the fifth person that was in there for the fucking day says don't tell me what to do faggot. Oh No, no, no no no no no no no no no yeah And and I so I'm gonna say I I am gay so I am I'm gay so that I'm like, okay, you okay. Oh my god you Yeah
but Like, literally, literally, it's just like, thought what the fuck did you just say to me? Like, you can't out lash at them, but obviously, You're like, you're trying to, you're dancing on pins and needles and stuff, trying to figure this out, like, how do I respond to this? This is verbal abuse to me and stuff, but also, I can't punch this guy in the face. Yeah, exactly. Thankfully, his wife actually wears a pants in the family and stuff, basically grabs him by the ear, schoolboy style, and says, and basically says, you're going to apologize to him and stuff. And he's saying in the most snide ways, like, I'm so sorry that I called you that.
And then basically, very offhandedly, I said underneath my breath, but I made it loud and so he could hear it's like, well, I may be that, but at least I control my own zipper. Oh, very nice. So, yeah. So it's it's again, it's it's you're not I'm not supposed to do stuff like that. But again, there is that thing where masculinity is like, OK, I can read the room. I know exactly where I need to go. I need to if I need to protect myself, I can. and But I also need to figure out like I'm in a public space. I can't obviously drop kick the shit out of you.
yeah i mean that's that's part of it too like having a correct response to things but still the like saying it up that's pretty that's pretty crazy though that's funny that his wife grabbed his ear like that oh i was i was i was applauding his wife i'm like well that's right get it it's funny you know it's it's just it's just dealing with a bunch of signals and trying to find the best way around to either both protect yourself as well as protecting the coworkers. Yeah. And your guests too, in some cases, right? Yeah, definitely. Yeah.
So yeah, so like in the parks and stuff or when you're working, I mean, I think we all kind of ended up in that, like having to defend yourself, defend your coworkers, defend people that are around you, because people are assholes. Oh yeah, definitely. Especially on vacation, yeah. Fuck it. Yeah, especially as bad. If that doesn't make any sense. Surely when you're on vacation, you should be relaxed.
We literally have a saying that the second you step out of the park, the second you go through security, you're on vacation mode.
Vacationers' Behavior: A Cultural Commentary
Like your brain just shuts off. And the only person you care about is yourself. Maybe your party members, if you like them, most of the time it's just you. Jesus Christ. That im f that is not how my brain works, but okay. MFF dude, me first yeah motherfucker. yeah That's what I mean.
one over percent fucking weird who who who Are any people from around the world worse than others? It's interesting. Yeah, British people, no. but know the Actually,
ah so Americans are definitely up there because they're like they're fine saying whatever they want because they're like, fuck it, I'm here. um I think the second worst people to deal with would probably be... hu That's hard to say.
it's It's a toss-up between ah the Venezuelans and also the I want to say the English. There are some, there's some there're so joking but that's no there are there are are some, there are some English couples that I've had to deal with to the point where I've had to call security on them because they've, they've like, I'm like, I'll call, I'll fucking go. Go. Let's go. Like, dude, you're in a theme park. with the block That's it. That's the problem is those fucking, those fucking hams used to think they, they still think they rule the world.
Do you know what I mean? Yeah. Does Rookie think he rules the world? Is that his problem? Rookie is a sweetheart, too. I do give him. I do give him. He is. He is a sweetheart. I mean, there are so many of them that just think they fucking still think they rule the world, and that is the problem, which is why they voted for things like Brexit and things like that. I was there when it happened, too.
Oh, really? Yeah, I was I i was there studying abroad and stuff. um And it was literally we were having an entire conversation about that during like one of our like European studies and stuff. We were just looking watching it happen live. We were all just like, oh, my God, what the fuck? And then we go back to the states like, oh, it's our turn now. i Yeah, yay they take us in. It was, it was a little instance of, oh, British fucked up. Hold my beer. Yeah, totally. So weird. Oh, it it was, it was fucking wild. Fucking wild. What was it like in England for you? I was pretty chill. Not, not gonna lie. Uh, pretty chill. Didn't have to do with a lot of
I tried to just kind of wade into the background like saying, I'm not here. I'm just, I'm just passing by though. Of course there's times where. I get there's a there's a story I have where I was at a barber and stuff and this this lady was just cutting my hair and everything I'm just sitting there talking stuff and she just goes on a full tirade about how she hates Americans everything's just holding like shears against my ears and stuff and just cutting hair yeah're not hate Americans I'm not saying anything and literally she's like right before she gets the last let the law last bit by my ears like by the way where are you from
candidate um like, Oh,
Studying Abroad During Brexit: An Observational Study
what are you doing? He's like studying theater. yeah What about, you mean what about, sorry, sorry, very sorry. Yeah. The American passport for around the world. Where are you from Canada? That is a, yep. Nope. This is the situation. I'm not going to win. Yeah, exactly. no I'm from Canada. We're good. I'm from the North.
So Joe, how long were you in England for, for, for your study? Uh, about six months. So like the first semester of my junior year of college and stuff. Well, that's a quick stint. Yeah, it was a base, basically from like August all the way to like December. So I spent, uh, Scotland, uh, I was in Dublin for a bit starting over at the Gady school.
Oh, nice. Yeah. um And then we went to. Fuck, or is it?
ah I'm trying to think where it is. I can't remember the place. Damn it. And a nice Christmas markets close to the. Isle of moor. I want to say Galway, Galway, Galway. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I was like, it's like I know it at Sheeran for some reason. Save me.
You were in Ireland and Scotland, were you in England? Yep, I was in England, so I spent the majority of time studying in England, so I actually performed a show over there, so that was fun. Where in England were you? Were you staying in London now? Yeah, London, so more London proper and stuff.
But like Wimbledon, London, Bath, we went, yeah. Fucking fancy shit, Jesus. Oh yeah, it was fun. and Saw like 45 shows when I was there. Holy crap.
but Like I said, screw your kid. When I was when i was a when i was yeah a lot younger, I was in the National Youth Theatre. and so that was I had the audition for that and then I get into that and then I spent the summer. The first time I was ever away on my own at 16, 17, whatever that summer was.
and So I was staying in London on my own, doing the National Youth Theatre for two months, whatever it was. And because we were in the National Youth Theatre, you were getting tickets into shows for like £2.50. We just went and seen fucking everything. It was amazing. So good. Yeah, it's good. It's good times. What's your favourite shows, boys? What's your favourite thing, Steve Theatre? Oh, that's a really...
I really like Blood Brothers as a musical, and I really like, a um I'm a big fan of Shakespeare and things like that, got but I really like, for a show in London, I like The Woman in Black. Yes, fuck yes. Fucking brilliant.
God damn, that was awesome. Talk about yourselves, I have no idea what you were talking about. You've never seen them more than black? Good, it's amazing. Okay, so you've you've you've seen, there's there is a Daniel Radcliffe version of it. Yeah. Oh, I saw the movie. Yeah. yeah So yeah that's based off the plate. Originally a play. Gotcha. So it is. And I've i've seen it a couple of times on every time. Oh, it's it's amazing. What's cool is that what's cool is that is that it's basically it the the the movie is way different from the play. um But in the actual show itself, they only really shout out to the actors in there.
and stuff. And then it's left in so up to interpretation for the audience if there's really another actor in play and stuff. Oh, that's cool. Yeah. And it's great. So it's like super suspenseful and stuff. like I remember going to see it like just on a whim and stuff. like I just randomly got to take it to it. And um in front of me were a role of like friendship like French like college students and stuff.
And they're all having a time and there's like one girl that had like long hair and Everything she kind of just walked up and I see this guy like super like like ripped guy and stuff Like the second this girl like walked behind him with his her hair just like
Experiencing Shakespeare at the Globe Theatre
dragging over him. It's like son of a bitch um The thing is, it was during intermission and stuff, so like nothing is happening. It's just funny. It's great. it's a you know That's great. it is If you ever get a chance to go and say it, go and say it is fucking brilliant. I kind of would like to see a Shakespearean play at the Globe with the original Inflex and the accent. I would like to do that too. even so Even though it amuses me that the original accent sounds a lot like a pirate.
so Yeah, it does. It sounds like it sounds like a generic Jeffrey Rush kind of like was that was that kind of the best England kind of. Yeah. Yeah. Well, that is that that is where that that accents come. So everyone, just so you know, anybody listening, don't think of it as proper English. Think about Jeffrey Rush seeing the way that accent doing Shakespeare, because that's kind of what it was. And it makes me laugh. It's also awesome.
Like they they came under flag a little bit for, uh, cause not recently, a couple of years ago, uh, where their technical directors, theyre their their director and stuff for the entire company was trying to modernize stuff. Cause when you're there, when you're seeing stuff in the globe, um, they are relying basically on all this stuff that Shakespeare use. Sometimes they'll add in some like digital like lights and stuff or just yeah youre just sliding so because you are literally seeing a show from like,
basically daytime all the way until night and stuff. So they, they have to obviously put that, but like a couple of years back, they tried to put some more stage lights and they got huge amounts of flag saying Shakespeare would never do this. It's like, it's fucking Shakespeare. Like this is not the real globe. The globe is like a couple yeah miles away. Yeah. Also like bullshit. If you wanted people to see his play, he'd be like, Oh, we got good lights. Fuck yeah. Like get the fuck out of here. What do you mean? you wouldn like the I mean, the guy literally invented new ways of speaking and doing things to put his shows on. He would have been all in for something. Oh, yeah. You know, people speak for like these like historical people, like, you don't fucking know what he would react to. Like some of the shit we have today was blow his fucking mind. but You don't know what he would do with it. Shakespeare with chat, GBT. Shit, dude. He'd be like, I could say shit better than this. Fuck that.
and yeah Yeah, I would like to see at least one play there. Like, I'm not really even a huge Shakespearean thing, but it'd be cool to see it in like the original accent. it is It is fun too, especially if you're sitting in the growling level too, because you're like literally right up at the stage and everything. That's the best part of it. It's being in growling, so not being in one of the seats. Sure, you're standing for maybe a couple of hours, but it's fine. It's awesome.
<unk> all dear gay it's fine yeah we We've all been to concerts. This is the weirdest. I just punched a granny.
but i got by li sounds so awkwards yeah I never knew I could. march to Just don't just don't point a camera while that you're in her intermission. Oh, jesus christ i I had a loop player just give me a dead eye and I actually have the photos for it So I could potentially share it with you or just give me dead eyes of me taking a photo and stuff You see this lunas go. What are you doing? Get your camera out of my fucking face It is the best in the world. um Loot, guitar, players, all the same. Get that fucking thing out of my face. Jesus. That's funny. Yeah, it'd be cool to see. I mean, I've seen seen a few musicals. I've seen a few shows. I saw, what from what I understand, is a pretty rare ballet. that's It's a Russian ballet when I was a kid. um Actually, down here in Florida, when I was down here, they took us. So that's pretty cool. It's cool to see. I like culture, man. It's cool to see different stuff. Yeah. and you get to
You get to see a little bit of history from different countries too when you see some of that stuff. So I don't know. I like history. So yeah, that shit's all good. Being cultured is important.
Defending the Cultural Value of Theater
I did my first opera like a couple of years ago with Siobhan. That's one thing I've never done live. It was fucking, I was, and I was terrified getting into it, but we dressed up and all we did it right. Yeah. And, uh, we went and we seen it and, um, uh,
They had subtitles. Oh, Jesus Christ. Nope. Live subtitles either side of the stage. Fucking brilliant. I love it. I mean, a lot of the time you don't really need, you can tell kind of what's going on, but you want some of the contacts to just glance over and read the subtitles. And it was pretty cute, but it was really, I would totally go again. It was amazing. I'm going to be real, man. Some,
um I'll even scratch that. is this an american go i don't want to read no no fear The vast majority of opera singers are amazing, but every once in a while you get this dude that sounds kind of weird and funny. And my fear is that I would end up in his audience and I would not be able to keep my shit together.
Because there's like ah there's a few I've heard that I'm like, nope, I wouldn't make it through that shit at all. I'd be fucking dying. But then some I hear and it's like, well, they're all saying like, how do you do that with your voice? Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, we had a really good day. That was very. It'd be cool to see like a Zimmer tour, man, to see a Guthrie on guitar, too. That'd be pretty cool. That'd be pretty cool to see you live.
So here's the question, right? So we're all talking about a lot of theatre based situations, yeah right? Yeah. um In... I'm going to... Our quotes, normal society. Oh, we're talking normal society. Manly men would go, what are you doing going to theatre and talking about theatre and the arts? What the fuck are you talking about? How do you feel about that? I i hate it. We've all experienced it, I'm sure. yeah i Yeah, I experienced it from growing up, just even close to the high school and stuff. You see all the sports bros and stuff saying, what are you doing for theater, Mike? What are you game like? What does it matter? I'm telling a story. We're all storytellers. We're all storytellers. So you play football, you're telling a story of a struggle.
Sometimes you're the losing team. Most of the time you're a losing team, yeah but again and we're all storytellers. So like the masculine thing is like, oh, no one goes to you. I'm like, bullshit. You're where you go. We watch fucking diehard. You're watching theater right there.
Die hard. That's it. It's a weird cognitive distance where they kind of... Every concert you go to, every movie you go to is spawned from those things. It's just a different way of consuming the same stories also. ye Once upon a time in many countries across this planet, it was actually considered to be very manly to be fucking well versed in culture and education. And I still believe that is true. Even i think if your education is not formal, even if you educate yourself. Yeah. There's plenty of ways to do that these days, but.
You can't be a fucking idiot caveman and also be masculine in my opinion because then you can't read the room, you can't understand people, you can't understand cultures, you can't react accordingly to things like it restricts you a lot in surviving.
And even the things you don't like, you should learn about because you need to understand things. I don't, I think it's stupid. I think it's the dumbest shit. And theater classes involve girls too. Yeah. Lots of girls. I mean, I went with a couple of theater girl dancers when I was in school. and Oh yeah.
To be honest, though, the m it might be weird to you guys, but when I was coming up in hardcore, we were seen as the weirdos. And now half the bands we listen to, those guys all fucking suck their nuts. and Like they used to take like, why are you guys going to see that? Why are you going to this? show I'm like, motherfucker, we fight each other all night. What the fuck do you do?
It's a weird thing that that it's like, it's a weird point of like that uber masculinity thing where they can't show that they like something to know where you, yeah it's that hide who you really are. Don't like, it's is so such a thing that it's a fucking trope. What was it? A high school musical. Yeah. yeah Right.
you Troy, whatever of the fuck he's called, has is has to pretend he's not into doing theater. That's what that whole story is about. But I just ah don't understand where that comes from, except for weird homophobia. It's it's a mixture between weird homophobia and just... it's so To some, I think it's like it's a sh sign of weakness that you're able to delve into something deeper that's not just a one-dimensional person.
It's, if anything, that's a sign of strength. I was going to say, I'd argue that hiding that you like that stuff is a sign of weakness. If you can't be who you are, to be confident in it, you're a fucking bitch. yeah All the sports dudes love to you know slap each other in the ass and shower together. I don't so but That was the one cool thing about my high school and stuff is that literally we had a bunch of like footballers actually come out and do like but actually be in like the drama club and stuff. like They would like actively audition stuff and like they would fall in love with it. like We had a bunch of ah
guys do come out for like Beauty and the Beast and they would just want it to be like Gaston and stuff. Like I think we auditioned like 25 of the football team. Nice. Which is great because they weren't doing anything else. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I go to the gym, I do the hardcore stuff, but I also do musicals, I do theme parks, I do all kinds of stuff. I think like, again, it brings me back to being educated and cultured. I think you're unable to be a full fully realized man of who you could be unless you do things and try things. and Yeah.
Even if you find you don't like him, at least you tried it for the most part, you know, there's some things that, you know, you definitely don't like, but, you know, <unk> because how do you explain to the younger dudes coming up that it's okay to like what you like? Because I'm, I definitely fell into that trap.
when I was younger, kind of hiding some of the shit that I was into because I mean, she's I got beat up every day in school. It was horrendous. Same here. But because I was the, you know, freaky weirdo with a long hair and the Nirvana t-shirt who did theater and was just different. But, you know, you're still you kind of grew up and you kind of hide who you are. How do you tell people that it's OK? You don't you can actually it's actually Nobody gives a fuck. Really? What you like? You know what I mean? Yeah. It more or less just comes down to like, like in the end, no one really gives a fuck what you do or what you want is besides you. you You're the own your are your own deciding factor of what you like, but who you want to be and stuff. If you want to pretend to be this one dimensional person,
You're not going to have a most fulfilling life or anything. No. It's fucking tiring too, to keep up with something that full time. So why is that? But um um but so many people know soldiers are caught and so many people are caught in that through fear or whatever. What will my dad say? What will my mom say? Do you know what I mean? yeah and What will my friends say? You know, and I'm not even talking about real, real issues there, you know, around,
sexuality or whatever it is, but actually just basic things of I'm, you know, all my friends are metlers, but I really like fucking Dolly Parton's Jolene as a fuck. Yeah. Do you know what I mean? And you're like, fuck, I can't tell anybody. I can't really tell anybody like Jolene. Do you know what I mean? But also like kids are trying to figure out who they are. So they might like something for a little while to try to fit in with this group that they really like. And then maybe they figure out they don't like it and they'll change groups and do this and that. So,
It is one of those pieces of advice is that you'd love to be able to give to all kind of kids going up, going listen. It's okay. Yeah, it just it is. but it's it's i don't I mean, like I agree. It's okay to like what you like, but also you're trying to figure out what you actually like. yeah You know what I mean? It makes it twice as hard for kids. Grown ass men fucking walking around acting like they're tough asses when they're really not. Some of the circles I roll in, man, they test you.
You want to be a tough ass, like they're going to find out they're going to test you. And so I've learned to not like like I've learned to not do the facade thing. I mean, thankfully, people have a preconceived notion of who I am when I walk around, which kind of benefits me because people leave me alone, which is why I've never been in a lot of fights growing up and people didn't pick on me much because they kind of look intimidating from what I'm told till I start fucking talking. But um Yeah, I mean, I don't know. just Even if you just hold confidence in who you are, no matter what you look like when you walk around, people will see it. and They'll sense it. And I think as an adult, once you start figuring out who you are, you just need to find that confidence in what you like and who you are and what you do. like I change all the time. like I try shit. i'm like I still do that as a 46-year-old. I'm like, oh, what's that like? I'm about to go to a rodeo. that um I've never been to a live rodeo. I'm going to go do that in a couple of months. like Why the fuck not?
you go to work highbo I don't have one. I don't have hundreds of dollars to spend on the one I want. well Yeah, dude.
yeah yeah dude i would do I mean, I got boots. I like my boots. So when i I bought cowboy boots, but when I was a kid, they weren't very comfortable. These things are like fucking slippers. I don't want to take them off ever. I don't know what they did different to boots, but I fucking love them.
You we got used to them. That's the thing. That's like wearing, dude, I put them on a media. I was like, these things feel like fucking slippers. Like I don't want to take them off ever again. But I mean, I never been to a live rodeo. I'm going to go do that. My buddy is like, I want to see what happens when you go to there. I'm like, all right, let's go see.
I reckon they're going to see a lot of bone crunching. It's going to be great, dude. I'm going to fucking have a blast. Be with my be with some of my some of my friends and drinking and watching bands and fucking people riding bulls and barrel racing and shit. It'll be fine.
That sounds fun. Yeah. I tend to be decent enough, like, you like Joe was saying, kinda to stand back and watch people and be able to be a bit of a chameleon, but still find myself in that crowd, you know? Yeah. It'll be fun. I mean, I still try shit at my age. I don't know. Maybe I'll get there and have fun and be like, yeah, I don't really want to do that again. I don't, I don't know.
It might not be my deal. It's kind of, it is kind of one of those things it again. yeah have Have you ever been to a rodeo? Yeah, sure. Why not? Uh, yeah, fun. In Colorado, you're at them a lot. yeah I would think so, man. But, uh, yeah, like Rollins, man, he said, like, just say, yes, just try shit, do shit. That's going to hurt. Yeah. Smart man, that guy. So, yeah.
o Yeah. So. Feels like it's time to ask Stewart. Okay.
Facing Depression: A Journey to Self-Acceptance
Oh shit. Yeah. Oh God. myself in you This question is harder than the other one. So I'm just going to sit here. I'm going to keep explaining why we do it. So we always only ever asked two questions. Everything else is just a conversation. The first question we've already asked. Second question is the last question and it is
Thanks for coming on, Joe. Aw. It's been beautiful. ah But what is the manliest thing you have done this week? Manliest thing I've done this week.
Uh, I think I had the main listing I've ever done this week was I actually had a very tough conversation with myself. So recently, and I've been feeling depressed, and it's more or less just with everything that's going on society wise, but also a lot of things internally. So the main listing I've ever done this week, we just had a very tough conversation with myself within the mirror and say, because one of the things, one of the things that I've wanted to work on is stuff.
is not shooting on myself constantly. Cause again, as a high school, it's like a survival tactic that I brought up in high school, like where if I shoot on myself. then no one else will have that animal to do it on me. And again, it started off as just a defense mechanism, but then it started to grow into more of like a, you're not worth it, you're no one no ones cares about you anything you. Anything they praise you about, they don't mean it. So it was literally me talking to myself and then you're just like, no, you are worth it. You are okay. No one is trying to hurt you. The only person that is currently hurting you is yourself.
You need to stop. You need to be okay with who you are. You need to be okay with the choices you've made in life. You need to be okay with yourself. And I've had that conversation with myself, cried for a good half an hour, and then had a large drink.
And then went, nobody fucking cries. Oh, you're talking about cry. No, I fucking cry all the time. I figured I'm just joking, man. Well done, man. That's that's a that's a fucking great answer. yeah Stewart's a crier, too.
Yeah. Yeah. Shut the fuck up. I didn't mean as an insult. I'm just saying, Jesus, you you're not mailing up to cry and I bet you can cry. Oh, I got to go.
I am a I am a carp meant carp carp. Well, Jesus Christ, I drink too much. Cartman carp carp. I can't even talk. I give them part mentally. That one. That's the word. I do that on the car. Yeah, I see. I still can't say it. And I feel like. Yeah, I'm the cart man. Fuck it. I fucking lock everything up. It's something I work on, but I do have my ways of dealing with it. It's just not as open and honest as that. Trust me, I wrote an entire like blog about it. Just like I used to get this way to write this down stuff. No, it's hard to mentalize. Jesus. Well done. I'm over here pouring out my soul. God damn word.
I'm so fucking tired, man. It's not even funny. Oh, I feel that, bud. I feel that. It's it's been a long decade this month. Yeah, this week, week and a half has been a long fucking year. Oh, yeah. It's kind of fun. Yeah, dude, I am. That's something I work on, but I do have a few people I've been to. Stewart's one of them. You know, I have some heart to hearts on occasion, hopefully. And then I have like one or two others. But yeah, I can't do that shit. Like I compartmentalize like a motherfucker.
It's super healthy. Everybody should do it. what have It's it's it's great. The voices in their heads are just wonderful partners. Yeah, I mean, it is the one it is the one bad habit I got from my father because he's very old school. So it's just one of the things I learned from him about him teaching it to me because that's not what was taught to me. Yeah. Reminder parents model. Don't just say it. You got to model the shit you say. too Yeah.
but on that note, boys, that was pretty awesome. Actually, Joe, I can't even, that was a really good answer. It's probably one of the more deep heartfelt ones we've heard. We've had some real funny ones though too.
yeah That was a good one. ah You're welcome for that. Thank you very much, man. Yeah, definitely appreciate that. All right, everybody. Until next time, Stuart and I are doing our best to keep our shit together. Yeah. We'll talk to you soon, Joe. Thank you so much for talking, especially in short notice, man. I was really trying to get you on soon, but just kind of fell this way. so Yeah, no worries. Thanks for having me. yeah Don't forget to join us on the Discord or reach out to us on Blue Sky and say hello, ask us questions, bring up conversations. And if you want to come on, let us know. Yeah, for sure. Yeah. Stewart especially likes when you call him a cock. I'm just saying.
even more so when you call em a lepreon okay bye everybody
in beautiful week