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Episode 33: Hurricane Milton Mayhem image

Episode 33: Hurricane Milton Mayhem

E33 · TalkXic Masculinity
36 Plays4 months ago

The boys record a quick chat about fatherhood, relationships, and advice.

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Introduction and Hurricane Impacts

The storm is here. The wind is blowing. It's not that bad yet, though. but there's lots of rain. All the dogs want to go outside and I'm like, as soon as I open the door, you guys are not going to want to go outside because you're little bitches. Yeah. It was hard to schedule a guest around a hurricane. So, you know, anyway, Hey kids, welcome to toxic masculinity with Ian and Stuart. This is the Milton mayhem hurricane fucking special. I'm trapped in house and hunkered down and till tomorrow it's Wednesday night while we're talking. So yeah the winds should be coming in tonight.
and they should last until on and off until sometime tomorrow. Thankfully, the eye of the storm has dropped south. all day that It looks like he looks like he's chilling out. it's um He's down to a category three and they're saying he's going to be a one by the time he gets to my area. Well, that's good. What about people in Tampa?
Tampa's fucked man. It sucks. I got it. We got to check in with Darren and Nina and I got to check in on my friend Jalen out there who was on the show too. Oh, oh yeah. Jalen's in Tampa as well. Yeah. and talk you know i know I think Nina is in Miami, Darren's wife and Darren is in Seminole up on a hill in a house on cement blocks made out of cinder blocks. So, and he's got hurricane windows. It's his mom house, it' his mother's house. We need to have both of them on at some point.
so we're just we're doing a ah two-hander tonight yeah um for hurricane watch so sturdier than you meant to it um oh dude well i mean if you can take a two-hander tell everyone do you know what i mean yeah exactly Yeah, it looks like he chilled the fuck out. So maybe he'll chill out even harder when he makes landfall and become less than a

Hurricane Preparations and Emotions

category one. By the time it gets to me, dude, I feel fucking horrible. Like Tampa just got slammed and now they're going to get hit even harder. But at least he dropped his speed down a little bit. Yeah. Bradenton, Sarasota, St. Pete, all those fucking towns are fucked. Sucks, man.
So living in a place that and ah has such extreme weathers, events, extreme weather events. Tornado watches right now too. Do you feel the need to prep?
or be extra prepared for your manliness. Do you know what I mean? I've seen loads of people posting on like the TikkiToks and the reels and stuff of just empty supermarkets in Florida right now.
You know what, though, it's weird. So in my town, I didn't do a lot of prepping. I mean, I got water, I got canned food, I got snacks, you know, typical shit. Did you get beer? Yeah, I got alcohol. I'm drinking a Red's Hard Apple because they were out of twelve six packs of fucking angry orchard and I got my fireball in it. So I'm making generic angry balls. Nice. Yeah, man, I don't know. Like, there's a couple of houses. Not everybody in my people didn't go that much. So there's not too many houses boarded up.

Panic Shopping Comparisons

There's like three on my street that I've seen. Most people aren't bothering.
Or does that where they just screw wood over their windows? Yeah. And some people have shutters pulled down that are designed channel to cover the windows. Right. Okay. I didn't bother doing that. This one, I mean the gusts, the wind gusts could potentially blow up my windows, but you know, whatever. Uh, I have a room. If I, if something sounds too strong and it sounds like a freight train is coming and into my house, I'm just going to grab the dogs. We're going to go into the central bathroom, my house. There's no windows as far as the, um, the grocery stores and stuff, man, around my area.
Um, stores were open today. Like there were some open to like one noon, one o'clock around here. Um, the gas stations on Wednesday, they ran out of gas and they had gas Wednesday night. So Thursday morning, people were getting gas again. Like it's, it's, it seems like every time somebody would run out, there'd be somebody showing up. I heard, um, the lowest parking lot, the distributors that to distribute their like gas cans just showed up to the lows with a bunch of shit and just like set up in the parking lot to help people.
Yeah. Heard Lowe's ran out of generators and then they had the next day there was like a hundred of them there. So like, it's, I understand that people are freaking out and I can understand places like Tampa. They're going to get harder, but hit harder. But around here, man, it's been like, as soon as something runs out, like the next day there's stuff backs, yeah you can make work. Doesn't stop people over shopping. Like, you know, some people freak out toilet paper during COVID. Remember? Yeah, I know. It was, uh, not, you know,
not to belittle what's happening, but it is a weird fucking thing clearing shelves of shit. Do you know what I mean?

Stuart's Personal Family Moment

Yeah. And there's, there's people that do like, so in a hurricane, you can potentially lose power, but people are like, don't forget eggs. Like what the fuck are you going to do with eggs if the power's out? Like I literally have keg an egg on a candle.
Do you really I mean, I just have cans like I want can legs No, I don't want candle eggs. I got um, I got like chef board I got shitty food in cans. I can eat, you know, it's better than starving like I have some say chef Boyardee I do have some chef. What is chef Boyardee? It's like the shitty ravioli in cans like shit like that the beef for rolling oh right okay right yeah yeah It's not good it's not healthy, but I mean I got veggies and stuff I can eat But yeah, it'll get me through and I have like that's the joy. I have we have a gas hob Do you know what I mean? and you know as you I can always light it regardless. so I mean, if it gets hard up, I know Tom's got a generator I can go over there. I mean, I got options if stuff happens here. um My buddy Gabe isn't far if his house is all right, then I can go over there and take a shower if I need to or Tom's house. like It just depends. like All of us kind of
there's ah there's a There's a bunch of people in the area, like Central Florida, we're all friends, everybody's been checking up and my phone's been blowing up, all even Jeff, your Jeff, tech messaged me yesterday. nice He's like, they're making it sound like it's the the end of the world is coming. Kinda, it's not that bad, but it's kinda. I mean, compared to what you guys are used to sitting through, it's probably really fucking horrifying.
Yeah. Yeah. I mean, we get the occasional... Yeah. I lost a trampoline one year, so I did. Oh, that's not fun. Wait, what were the wind speeds for that? What were the gusts? 80 miles an hour. Yeah, that's about what I'm expecting here. You know the screw pegs that you screw into the ground? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like a couple of feet long, you screw them in and you tie the trampoline down.
Yeah, yeah. Ripped three of those out of the ground and took the trampoline. That's crazy. Off into the backfill. Yeah, I mean, the prep I did was like I said, there's water. I have water bottles in my freezer. I have some ice. My ice maker's going. I brought the furniture in from outside. I cleared the yard. I have like,
When I bought this house, people left a few spare tire tiles for the floor. yeah there's Tiles for the floor in the ah backyard. I grabbed those and put them away and I just stowed everything. So there's nothing loose outside. There's some branches, but I mean, there's going to be more of those anyway. So. Yeah.
but but my But it doesn't live in in that kind of, cause Connecticut didn't really have that kind of weather, right? um When I was younger, Connecticut had like nor'easters and stuff. So it was a whole different thing. Like lots of snow and i lots of snow but i mean not lots of wind. Yeah. In a place where you're used to getting lots of fucking snow, you're you don't even think about it really that much. like children It's not much different here. My point was, it that doesn't make you want to turn into a crazy prepper dude. we failure basement with cans of beans. Hmm. Nah, not me. I mean, I just planned for a few days and then eventually somebody will have power again. I can drive to wherever. I mean, get more supplies. You want to hear a good fact? You want to hear a good fact, which helps people in situations like this, right? Yeah. In the event of an apocalypse or a zombie apocalypse and it all hell breaks loose, right? Um,
Do you know the way water, right? Yeah. So water has been around for, what let's say, conservatively on this planet, 4 billion years. Yeah. But bottled water has a used by date. Yeah, I know. It's weird. Do you know the used by date isn't for the water? Yeah. What's it for? Tell everybody what it's for. It's for the bottle? Yeah, of course. Because the plastic is such a great, but the water is always fine to drink.
Yeah, yeah. i don I have a few bottles of water left over from Hurricane Ian. They're just in my freezer, always frozen. Hurricane you, you mean? Yeah, Hurricane. Yeah, it's just always those are always frozen. I've never taken them out. I just use them periodically. I'll pull them out as part of like keeping my when I go to the theme parks, I bring a small bag cooler with drinks in it and I'll just throw one of those waters in there. And by the time I leave, I got a water that's cold and a bunch of other drinks that are cold to drive home with. So that's kind of what I do. o I hear wind and rain again.
So my evening tonight, I, um, took Cora to her first high school disco and you got told to stay in the car and I got told to stay in the car, and which but which is both heartbreaking and awesome because it wasn't that long ago, like literally months ago, she wouldn't go into your place without me.
And now here we are. She's telling me to stay there. Do you know what I mean? And I'm going in and having fun on her own, meeting her wee friend and hanging out and dancing and sending me videos and photographs, obviously. And to make sure I know she was okay. But, uh, yeah, I, I felt a little bit of her kind of growing up and s slipping away a wee bit tonight. It was a bit weird.
Yeah. I'm proud of her. Don't get me wrong. I'm really proud of her. That's awesome. Um, it's always nice to see her hit another achievement. Yeah. You know, but at the same time I was like, she's not going to need me. the The extra, the extra brain of autism going on. Yeah. yeah yeah It was, uh, it was kind of interesting. And, uh, I just kind of had a bit of a moment to myself where I was going.
Is there growing up, you know, what makes you feel weird as a dad? It does. And I mean, she's reached in that age, though. She's going to do the thing that none of us want to want to deal with her from our kids. No, I gather I only get it as the fun uncle and they don't pull away from as hard for me. So, yeah. But also you should tell folks how she reacted to you in the car when you parked and what happened because that was a funny little story. Yeah. So I we we drove into the school and I parked a car.
as you do, because I was waiting, no point driving home, by the time I drive home, I'd have to turn around and drive back. So I parked the car and took my seatbelt off and she went, well where are you going? And I was like, I'm not going anywhere. Just taking my seatbelt off. You almost me to you know, I was like, ah, it's okay. And she got out of the car and away she went and I couldn't believe it. She knew nothing, but she was like, yep, bye.
Yeah. Yeah. So strange. So crazy. And I know to most people that probably sounds like a ah nothing event, but, you know, to we go that will not generally didn't leave my side. Yeah. And anything, you know, all our previous primary primary school, discos, Halloween and Christmasy type things. and I always had to go in And of course sit in the corner of the room and so otherwise she wouldn't experience it and enjoy it with her friends. But she had to know I was there. Do you know what I mean? But now in the space of six weeks of whatever it or whatever it is of being in secondary school and this newfound confidence that she's got, she's like, right you stay there.
And I don't want to, you know, and then she sent me a message saying, um, I'll call you when I'm coming out and don't come yet. And I was like, yeah, it's awesome. But it just makes me feel weird. You know, just to divert a little bit back to the hurricane talk to dude, dude, so great. It's so cool to see her like growing and kind of like an hour. So they say she's so ah she's so awesome.

The Waffle House Index Explained

um all right I'm not sure if all of our listeners, especially international ones, are aware of the Waffle House Index. What? What's the Waffle House Index? You don't know what it is either? No. So in Florida and in the South in general, but Waffle Houses are notorious for staying open through like the worst shit. Oh, really? They do not close. So when a Waffle House closes and a Floridian just looks, if you're ever around like when there's a storm coming in, a Floridian goes to the Waffle House closes,
or this waffle house is closed. The reaction is usually something along the lines of oh fuck. Oh really? They are notorious for not closing. Like I don't think they closed for Helene. The one down the street from me didn't close for Helene. Didn't close for Ian as far as I know. We think is closed right now.
whoa Whoa. That's crazy. And from what I understand, I'm not sure if it's true, but I have heard that FEMA uses the Waffle House closures as an unofficial way to guess how bad something's going to be.
hi the What the fuck is going on when your government is using waffle houses as a ah means of? I think it's just one of their ways for FEMA to do it. Just one of the ways. I mean, obviously they have NOAA and all the other shit, but it's just funny to me because like I've talked to a couple of people today and I'm like the fucking waffle house is closed and they don't understand what it is. So some people react with holy shit and some people react with, oh, no, not the waffle house. You know what I mean? Because they don't know. Yeah.
like Like all it's like it's not a big deal but i think it's kind of funny i think i think some of especially the especially european listeners are get a kick out of that but the waffle house indexes is some waffle house please.
Waffle House is the place you see people getting in fights on all the time on TikTok. it Is it like a big buffet? No, it's usually a small like grease bo greasy spoon kind of place. They're there's a big chain. They've been around for a long time. I mean, the food's not the best, but it's actually not too bad. I don't think I've ever been at a Waffle House. I've been at a Golden Corral. That's a big buffet. That's a buffet. Yeah, that's a different thing.
Next time you come, we'll have to take you to Waffle House just so you can experience it. And maybe you'll even get a fight because fights with the staff happen too. I've seen trainers fly in videos and... Are the waffles not good? People get really upset, not enough syrup or something? It's just a thing, man. I don't know what causes the waffles in Waffle House. I know how you are, man. Yeah, when you have a sugar dip, like, do you know what I mean? Jesus. Yeah, I know, right? But yeah, so there's a shit ton of Waffle House's closing for this one, which is really weird. I just looked up to see, I think...
Uh, it looks like the one near me is actually closed right now. Maybe, which never fucking happens. Yep. It's closed. That's not a good side. Yeah. My areas. Uh, last time I checked the top speed I see for Gus is going to be 81 miles an hour. So not the worst, not the most fun, but yeah not it could be, there's people in Orlando, I think are still going to be around 90 to a hundred in some parts and Cassini and stuff. So.
Anyone on holiday is going to have a fun time right now. Anywhere what? Anyone who's on vacation. Oh, yeah, for sure. I didn't hear the holiday part and in one of the in one of the villas or some shit. They'll be like, what the fuck? They took down the um H.H.N. medallion is down from the arches. They were all the shit up. um All the outdoor stuff for the scare zones are wrapped in plastic and like anchored down, I think, a little bit. People are like still looking for sandbags.
around me. So, uh, they, there is some cool stuff to the town. This is, I don't know if people are even interested in this shit, but the town I live in two days this week, they've had, um, to basically the town just dropped off a bunch of sand and some bags and people just roll up and make their own. You can take up to 10 for free.
You can take up to 10 sandbags for free. Is that from the like the council or whatever?

Political Reactions to Disasters

It's from the town. Yeah, from the town. They just set it up. So you just roll up and they have the bags and tell you to bring a shovel. They say if you're disabled and you can't do it yourself, there's people there to help you. And you just do 10 bags, make 10 bags, make 10 sandbags and fucking load them and roll off. Nice. But they did it twice here. They're done in a few other places. Sandbags are things people look for.
Um, yeah, obviously food, water, shit like that. and I don't see a lot of toilet paper talk for this, but you know, yeah there are people that will like, I'm probably going to do this tonight just in case, just to have my own ass covered. Uh, I'm going to clean my tub and fill it with water, not for drinking, but necessarily, but to the toilets. If the plumbing goes off wonky stuff like that. Um, that's crazy. Yeah. I mean, it's just like,
disaster The worst part is losing power. There's some towns that have already been worn, they'll be out without they could potentially be without power for weeks. so i mean They only have so much and depending on how damaged things are, they're going to go where it's worst and they can get to first. you know so yeah There's always power companies like sending people down here just like out ah out of reach of the storm and then they'll come trucking in to help out. That always happens, which is kind of cool. ah There's been a bunch of bullshit going on around here about people only getting 750 from the Helene, but that's just emergency money they have.
They have more money to hand out to people. That's just like, you need diapers and food right now. Here's 750 bucks. Go get some basic shit right now. That's kind of what that money's for. So. Yeah, I mean, i got that's, you know, that's socialism.
I mean, I'm not complaining about it. It's a good thing. You know what I mean? It is. It is. I think it's a good... Sounds like tax dollars go on the right way, but if you... Right. It's just a shame that people are talking shit right now when actually things are being done. So... Yeah. Oh, fuck. You're going to have fucking politician wankers coming down over the next...
week as well, if anything serious hits. So what happened for Helene was there was a lot of criticism because Biden and Harris didn't go out to those places. But what they did was they spoke to the governors and they were like, look, you guys tell us when it won't be a distraction so you guys can finish what you need to finish and then we'll come to talk. Which is the right thing to do? 100%. You don't need more people in the fucking way when you're trying to fix things. So I don't really care. Like I don't care.
you get you You guys probably don't know, or I don't know if I've said it before, but I don't give a fuck what politicians do to showboat. um yeah Them showing up and speaking doesn't really help anybody, so I don't really give a fuck. um That's not really a negative to me, like crying about somebody not showing up doesn't, and don't I don't give a fuck. You're just in the way anyway, so.
I'd rather see people actually trying to get shit done, get shit done. So just leave people alone for now. That's my take on it. I mean, people are going to be struggling and hopefully everyone will lean on each other when shit hits the fan. When this is all said and done. Just because it's so club, the reason I brought it up was because it's so close to an election cycle. Yeah. I mean, it's the same thing anyway. I'd rather have somebody actually doing something than grandstanding. So you don't need to be here to fucking send me money. Yeah. If I if i need it. Yeah. So no other crack with you then? Not really, man. Just getting ready for this stupid storm. Yeah. What about the, when was the last time we did a two hander?
I don't know but a couple months maybe so what about the last bunch to show mean good man i thought lindsaey was great that was a really good combo was everybody's been great jeff was been fun ah really yeah people are I mean, our podcast is not like Joe Rogan shit, but I hope the people that do listen are enjoying it and learning shit and questioning things for themselves. Absolutely. I mean, I think of stuff. Yeah.

Travel Plans and NFL Excitement

Checking your nuts after your shower, apparently. That's the best time to do it. When you're hot and relaxed. I don't want to think about you being and hot and relaxed and feeling your own testicles there, my friend, but that's the right thing to do. What's wrong with thinking about me hot and relaxed and playing with my nuts?
do it and That's the kind of thought will linger. yeah and it was a stretchy thing As we've already talked about two-handers tonight once. I like that you keep calling it two-handers. It sounds like you're like doing the fucking jerk-off math from ah Silicon Valley again. yeah oh yeah but When your nuts are hot and loose, you can do the stretchy ah stretchy thing with them and all that.
i'm Sorry. I've enjoyed the past few months of conversations. It's been really good. Yeah, dude. The shows have been fun. um What's up with you besides the core thing? You guys got any storms coming your way? Anything fun? No. I am flying to London at the weekend to see Rookie. Oh, that's cool. Go and watch the birds get beat, hopefully.
Oh, yeah yeah. Yeah. NFL London game. Yeah. That's cool. So they plan to watch that shit. Jagger's. Hmm. So hopefully I'm gone. I will be wearing my Green Bay Packers shirt i because as you do, the game is we support whoever's playing the bars.
and Because fuck the birds. and and yeah so you um you and you and I think you and Cass are mortal enemies then. She's a Steelers fan. Isn't that like the thing? Who's your biggest, are the Bears your biggest rival still? yeah yeah It would be the birds because we're in the same area.
Ricky's good time, man. He's really. Yeah. It's gonna make me a might new lever by next week though. That serves you right. This is like revenge for hanging out with me and Tom and you guys coming over here. I just finished the last of my English candy. I don't have any more. Oh yeah. I found that I am Amazon, but it's kind of expensive. Yeah.
but Same as American candy, as you call it. Sweets. Sweets. Sweets. So have you seen anything this week that's annoyed you? Politics, no. People. Yeah, what people. Things. Yeah, people. I've seen one today. In fact, what I didn't see, one that annoyed me, I find it was a piece of information that I'd never heard before, right? Mm-hmm.
and gonna look it up pay love real quick while you're looking on that up i did i was my job i won't tell everybody where work i worked and don't want to disparage it and get in trouble but i was forced to use two days of pto because of a hurricane my vacation leave my holiday leave fuck off yep What are you supposed to do? Surely your work's closed. Not essential employees are not allowed to work. So we're not allowed to work, but I can work with them. They took it off your paid time off. Or they just go right. You can take it off, but we're not paying you, even though you're not allowed to work. Yeah. It says the last line was, please plan to use your PTO. Jesus fucking Christ. You need a government that's actually going to go, do you know what? Workers need some rights.
Cause that bullshit like, it's it sounds like it should be illegal, right? Right. Yeah, it's not. Fuck that.

Workplace Policies During Hurricanes

So there was an option for me to work two half days if I have power, but I just said, fuck it. You're making me use my leave. So I'm just going to drink instead. So fucking right. Yep. Uh, anyway, the thing I was looking at, I looked it up. I find it. So there was, um,
Actor Jeremy Strong made a comment about criticizing straight actors playing gay roles. There's a whole fucking thing we can talk about, but not just yet. but it was a And there was a guy said, below it, said, rainbow people are the worst.
rainbow actors are beyond that and this lady responded with sorry no bigots nazis and the manosphere are the worst and i have never heard the term manosphere before and i had to look it up on the Urban Dictionary. ah So the Manosphere is a diverse collection of websites, blogs, and online forums promoting masculinity, ah misogyny, and opposition to feminism. Communities within the Manosphere include men's rights activists, incels, men going their own way, pick up artists, the fuck?
and father's rights scripts. yep I mean, I'm all for father's rights, but the term monosphere, I've never heard that before. Oh, that's new to you. That's where a lot of the Red Pill podcast that like, pissed me off that decided, made me decide we should talk about stuff came from.
Yeah, that's that's fucking madness. It's all those masculinity kind of stuff where people are like, you got to be rich, you got to be tough, you got to look like this. ah There's one dude I've seen that's like, you know, you're fat, so you must be lazy. That's what it tells me, this and that. I'm like, whatever, dude, I don't I don't give a shit. but And then he talks and he looks like he weighs like he looks like he weighs like 150 pounds as a grown ass man. Like you're you're not really jacked. I don't know what you're talking about, bro.
So whatever. Like, do you? I don't know why we got to judge people based on my stuff, but whatever. And also, like I've said on this show, I've gotten more attention with a dad bod than I did when I was jacked. So. But I don't know, man. It's so weird. I just I think it it comes from a lot of people that are like i it's nature like everything is spectra is a spectrum. Like it's always shades of gray. It's never fully black and white because It's fucking stupid to say that this is always the correct answer, in my opinion. Like, this is not the way you pick up women all the time. This one thing that this one guy teaches you to do is not the way you do it all the time. I hear, um so, oh, let me counter that a little. So there are groups of women, and I think maybe gay men, like Facebook groups and stuff, where they're like, are you dating, they're called things like, are you dating my boyfriend? And they will post pictures of guys to make sure they're not being cheated on.
Well, there's groups there's groups ah that that are out there for like green flags. Like women will post like a dude in there that's like a really good dude. And if you think you get cheated on. So what? And that's why they post it. That's why they posted to ask. So they're closed groups and they're asking if like your date. Are you also dating this guy kind of thing? No, know but if you think that but that's me. But I know I don't. Mm hmm.
I don't, okay. My, i maybe I'm okay. Yeah. I have slightly weird brain, but you either trust somebody or you don't. And if you get to the point where you don't trust them, well, then either you fucked or or they're fucked for for cheating on you. Or both. Or both. Do you know what I mean? The weird thing is too is like, there are, there are people out there that cheat on each other, but they stay together. And my, my, my thought is simply like, if you're going to do that, just be polyamorous, like have that conversation.
Like why cheat? It's not cheating at that point. If you talk it out and you both agree to specific rules, that's your... This polyamorous thing, I think that is... You Americans just being fucking weird. I don't think... We're not the only ones to do it. What? You're not the only ones to do it, man. I can't understand how it...
I just can't how it doesn't end up in a fucking riot. Do you know what I mean? Cause it's like, it's the same as hanging around. It's the same as hanging out with two, two friends hanging out is harmonious drinking fun fueled experience. Yeah. Three friends hanging out.
can start, that's where conflict normally comes in from three people. Do you know what I mean? So in my experience, the thing that was mostly pressed and discussed and from other friends, I only did it once, but from other people that have been in it, there's a lot of communication.
Like there's nothing that says just because you're in a polyamorous relationship, people aren't allowed to be jealous, but you talk about it, talk it out, explain things, figure things out. um There's a lot of communication. So it takes a lot more work. I mean, you're not wrong. It takes a lot more work to do yeah stuff, but like,
Some people are just fucking wired that way. Just to let me ask questions. I want to ask questions. I'm going to ask fucking questions. All right. I only have a little bit of experience, but I'll answer whatever I need. Yeah, but you have your experience and that's the only thing I give a shit about, right? Okay. So, were you in a relationship with someone? Yes. And they went, I want a third. No, I was the third. Oh. I was brought in. They were a couple.

Polyamory and Communication

Yeah, but I didn't. And they went,
How did that work? No, it was I was never involved with him. it wasn't like i'm i'm no no like i know I'm explaining for everybody else too. I'm trying to answer fully and completely. I'm not bisexual. I was never with him. yeah I knew her. she came and She sought me out because he was long distance for her.
She had gone back to him recently, right? But they knew each other for a long time. So she sought me out. We started talking and then we started dating and she was like, well, look, this is the deal. If you want to bail, then you can bail. Like, I totally understand. Did he know? He knew that she was getting somewhere closer to home? Yep. So to speak? Yes. Right. Okay. So was he. so it was like I was also allowed to if I chose to.
If right. Okay. And he was allowed to as well. Yes. And did he? Uh, I think he did. Yeah. This is all getting a bit human centipede. But some of it is, you have to understand too, some people will be emotionally only with one person, but have sex with other people.
So you're not, you're not like dating. You're not like dating everybody else, but some people will just have sex with other people or some people will be a couple and they'll bring a 30. And then it becomes like a triangle of three people that fuck each other. Who the fuck has, who the fuck has said a lot about the emotional, but I don't get it. Some people can.
That's so fucking weird, man. I know. it's Well, it's also you viewing this from your perspective and your understanding. Yeah, no, I get that. bu In my brain, it just doesn't make any sense. But also, it only takes one of you to get an STD and then it all fucking it's just goes through like a dose of salt. That comes in part of the communication and stuff, too. Right, OK. Yeah, I just wondered how you.
So did she did you meet her and you started dating and then she said, no, lesss this is this is the situation. We weren't even dating yet. She was we were we were starting to get closer and closer and then became a conversation before it became like a serious thing.
Oh, that sounds fair enough. By the way, I have a boyfriend, he's fine with this. And you're like, okay, sure. It wasn't like I was baited. There was a lot of talk. like So we were hanging out, hanging out and we knew each other, baited. Like it wasn't like I was brought in and we were together and all of a sudden she's like, Oh yeah, by the way, there's another guy. I already, I knew i I wasn't walking in blind to anything. Interesting.
She and I really got a along well and I I will be honest man I thought I was gonna be way more jealous than I was and I wasn't really that jealous. I was having conversation we had a we had a group chat like obviously he she and I talk separately and she and he talked separately but we had a group chat so we could have conversations together and stuff and talk things out if we needed to but yeah it wasn't as weird as I thought it was gonna be so if they were together first.
boom Did you feel like a third wheel at any point? Not at all. She would actually take- Do you know why I'm asking that question? You can see how- Yeah, but let let me explain. So she would actually take the time and she'd be like, she would say things like, just to reinforce things, not because I was necessarily insecure, but just her taking the initiative, she would they say things like, look,
It's not about you not being enough. You are enough. You are more than enough. You are this and that. And she would tell me all the cool things that she liked about the relationship. She would just do that periodically just to be open about things and to remind me that it wasn't about something lacking from our relationship. You know what I mean? So.
It was never like a situation where I felt like so one of us was better than the other or this and that. It was kind of like just filling different things that she liked and needed in her life. It wasn't really weird. um And it's also, the one thing I did enjoy was that I got some time alone to myself too and I didn't have to worry about anything. Cause I knew if she was with him, at least that she was protected and looked after and shit. So I wasn't worried. Yeah. So here's your hesiloququi did you and him become friends?
I never really liked him that much, but it wasn't say that wast but it wasn't my relationship and it wasn't that he was a horrible person. It's just the way he came across to me. um i might be out of so I never really like met him face to face because you know all the moving and stuff happened and then she and I broke up. He always came across as one of those people that And again, I could be wrong. So listeners, don't take this as 100%. It's just my in initial ah my my my gut, my ah yeah intuition, all that shit. From talking with him, which we spoke a lot, he's one of those people that used large multi-syllable words to try and seem like he was super intelligent and he did things because he thought it made him seem smarter and
In my experience, most of the smarter people I know, they all talk like more average than average people. Like they don't use the big words cause they don't need to, you know. of course but last you have to Yeah. If you're something specific, but he would just use them for no reason. He's also part of a weird offshoot, like a political party that was an offshoot that was kind of weird. And when I looked into it, my first thought was this reads like a fucking cult. Oh, uh, you are partial to cults in America as well.
I mean, I don't know if it actually was, but I read it and I would, and she was agreeing with me and so she would be like, yo, this shit reads like a cult. She said it to him directly and I was like, yo, this shit reads exactly like a cult. It's fucking weird. I get weird vibes from reading this. What was his response to that? He tried to, we we unintentionally started an upheaval in that political party a little bit. Good. And then I bounced out of there. Um,
Yeah. She had, she had some crazy surgeries. I took care of her. She will look after me and then it got weird, man. Um, I don't want to get too far into the, yeah into the private or more, more private things, but no it was just more, it was more than the polyamorous thing I was interested in. Well, it came to a point where I, I called, I called, I called her out on something cause I'd had enough and I just wanted an answer.
Like I don't typically call people out, but I just wanted an answer on something and she didn't like being called out. I just never heard from her again. So I was like, all right, that's fine. I tried to give her her shit back and everything and never, never, never, never came to get it. So I'm like, whatever. what bonfires are for my friend oh Well, that's what the dumpster is for. So, I mean, I hope she's doing well. I don't really have any ill will toward, I don't hear or think negatively about her. I kind of, some days I miss her like you do with most exes that like when they get back, but.
That's it, man. What else you got? You got any more polyamorous questions? I can get a polyamorous person on here, I think. Yeah, no, it's not really my go-to. I just tried it once. It's so far outside my... I've only ever had single person relationships. Yeah.
yeah mean know doing it was you know um you know i've I've had the a the ah what would Einstein would call them thought experiments. Every man has dreamt of a threesome.
Yeah. Right. um Until he realizes either A, he's the ham in a sandwich or that he's one slice of bread in a sandwich. And nobody, you know, the only, you know, that, ah you know, most fellows would go, I don't really want that type of threesome. Do you know what I mean? And it's like, um, I, I kind of thought was like, you know, but how you know, everything in your, when a threesome is a, is a sexual act, right? In my opinion, I've never had one. So threesome is a sexual act, but, and everything's fair game before you come, right? Cause your brain's going fucking make me come fucking make me come. Well, hold on, hold on, hold on. Time out. Let's discuss fair game for a minute.
ah three having actually going with your partner and having a threesome. Okay, I'm just wondering about the actual acts that take place. during No, no, just you know' just like random fucking whatever whatever weird triangle threesome sex is, right? I don't really know. so and that's what My thing is, once everyone is physically stated,
as the term is, as as I put it, right? yeah yeah yeah a That's when the the good Catholic guilt starts to seep in and the shame and i have that i'm the, yeah, but you know, in relationships you go, fuck, what did we do the next morning when you're gone? So dude, are you going to fuck off now while we eat our eggs or what's happening? That's you though.
Yeah, I understand, but do you don't understand what I'm getting at? I understand, but I'm saying like that's... So do you just go to work the next day and come home and cook dinner for your wife and go, do you remember that guy reeled you in the ass while you sucked my cock?

Relationship Dynamics and Insecurities

Do you know what I mean? I can't... and way through I don't... I don't kink shame or whatever shame anybody do. No, no, I'm not saying that. I'm just trying to really get my head in there. Shut up.
Yeah, I'm not saying you are. I'm just saying like I don't like dude, there are people in this world that can just fuck without feelings and just be done with it. And it's fine. for That seems that seems like a.
As someone that fucks without feelings, sounds like ah the sexual version of American cycle for fucks sake. Hold on. let Let me, let me give you a, let me, let me, let me give you a scenario. Say you are truly emphatically and totally in love with somebody, but the sex is not that great. I wouldn't know. I've never had that problem. I'm just saying like, what would you do?
and you're both okay with being polyamorous or at least having a third person in bed with you or having sex out like outside of the relationship if you're both okay with that like well I guess if you're both okay with it but how can you guarantee my pot my okay I but let's I overthink clearly you're listening to this conversation. So i how do you know, because it's one thing you go, oh I want to do this and the other person's going, well, I love you. Okay, we'll do it. And they're going, yeah, yeah, I'm totally into it. But I would always go, are they into it?
Or am I going along with it because I love this person? This is my point. So if that's the point, then why wouldn't you just want to be able to do that stuff? There's nothing wrong with vanilla sex, so to speak, but maybe there's another itch they want to scratch. You're not into it, but they want to do it. And it means something to them. Yeah, no, I understand. It seems like a weird place to take a relationship, do you know what I mean?
I mean, there's all kinds of weird places to take relationships. So yeah, some of them are just more, more in the box than outside the box. But you know, weird things happen all the time with relationships. Yeah. I mean, hi if if you were in a relationship with someone long term, blah, blah, blah, and they brought up to you, I want to have a threesome. How would you feel? Uh, I'm fine with that.
Uh, there would be a conversation about, uh, rules and, and things I'm okay with. They're not okay with, but yeah, that'd be okay. I'm not against that. and
i don't know just dont I don't know. I can't, I can't. I mean, it's not like I'm not the person that would actively seek it out, but here, okay. So this is my point. do doji Would you not, would you not think it would put a, an inferiority complex into your relationship? Maybe not, not for me.
I'm just thinking it out in my head. This is you know not from anywhere in the real world. What you're kind of doing too is exposing some of your own insecurities potentially. Yeah, that's fair enough. That's fair. There's nothing wrong with that. I'm not calling you out with that to make you feel shitty. Just for the listeners, you know me better. I'm just making sure everybody knows. The thing is, if you fall in love with someone, which is a kind of rare thing, especially a long-term love that actually lasts and you can see a life with someone, I just wouldn't worry about fucking it up. Do you know what I mean? Everybody knows about that.
uh, unleashing the, the kinks that maybe yeah but you've thought about, but you're not sure. Do you know what I mean? It's like, yeah, but the same thing can happen in every day. Like maybe she goes to work and somebody new gets hired and they have a conversation and they keep talking and talking in that bill. Just really no different. It's just cause of sex. I mean, anything can happen. And sex is just another act. I mean,
I'm not religious, so it's not like anything beholden to me unless it's outside of what the relationship agreement is. You know what I mean? Yeah. And that was the, was the, was the other one, the throttles. Um,
um hi well Here's my bottom line on any of this dude. If people are happy and they can keep the shit working, it's fucking hard. No, no, I just, I'm trying to, I just don't, I don't, I don't understand it in my head. You know, you have a partner. What if, what if she was like, let's have a threesome with another woman? What would that make you feel like? Is that going to make you feel insecure? Uh,
Probably not. I know. And I'm aware that makes me, uh, it doesn't make you anything weird. But, ah you know, hey Jesus, it just, you know, my automatic thought would be what, what, what am I not? one Such a candid conversation. We're learning so much. fuck it I would be kind of along the lines of what am I not doing? Right.
Is that the, do you know what I mean? What am I, what am I not giving you? What is it you need that I can't give you? That you need to bring someone else into? What if it's not about that? What if it's just about another experience to share together? Like coming to, like coming to America for the first time together or something. It's still another experience. It's like another adventure, man. Yeah. Okay. I can't understand what you're saying, but you,
ah Okay, what what is it about sex that is that makes it such a pinnacle thing for you? Like not sharing a partner, what what is that about? This is fun, I get to ask the questions now. I don't know, because it just it seems like a ah very, I mean it is the ultimate of personal acts. Is it? Between two people. Is it? Dude, you're literally putting shit inside somebody.
What about sharing like the deepest, darkest, most horrible trauma that ever happened to you? Is that mean more or less difficult to share? I mean, that's less fun. Yeah. But is it more or less difficult to share and for you?
Sharing trauma. Like ah really horrible stuff. That would probably be worse. See? Yeah. Okay. But yeah. This is fun because I can tell you haven't really questioned this much. No, no, no, no, it's fine. So it's it's also interesting to me because you're demonstrating something that you have brought up yourself. Right. Taboo. Yes, I know.
So you have brought that up before and now we're talking about something that is generally seen as taboo to do. Yeah, no, absolutely. It is an interesting subject though. Just to sort of just to use a phrase that fits you kind of bought into this taboo instead of fighting against it where some people would go against it.
and And it's just because you haven't really thought it through as much like me just questioning your a unit right now might be opening doors at least a tiny bit like maybe the knob is being turned just you thinking about stuffs I Know pun intended actually say the fucking pun intended Okay, i have to hold on. Hold on. We have to drink on that of the to drink. You're always drinking on knob jokes onecha
No, it's just a kind of interesting, but his it's something that, well, two blokes very rarely talk about openly and candidly. I mean, again, it's not something I would actually necessarily go and go and seek out. I will say this though, dating pan and bisexual women is really fun for me, because they not because of extracurricular activities like we're talking about, but they will they will go people watching with you and point things out.
It's great. right Super fun. And they don't really get jealous because they want to know what you're looking at too, if you are in my experience anyway. Okay. Yeah. So I kind of enjoy that. It doesn't, I mean, everybody looks, if we're being honest, is just don't be creepy and stare and stuff like that, obviously. yeah But like, you know, everybody looks. I've never had, I never had any of the pansexual or bisexual women I've been with ever get upset. They're just like, what are you looking at? Like if they see me like turn my head for half a second or something.
Yeah. Well, I mean, in in ah vanilla relationships, a it's very common for people to get upset for yeah looking. I think, um, I think that also, and again, it's not, I'm not talking shit. I'm, I'm saying it as it' it's an insecurity. And I think, yeah, if anything, it should tell you something you need to work on about yourself and everybody gets jealous at some point. Everybody's got insecurities or nothing wrong with that. It's just, you need to find them and, you know, figure out how to deal with them. Yeah. My whole thing is you either trust somebody you don't, it doesn't really matter if you either you trust them to not,
Break the rules that you've set for your relationship. See, I'm growing, I'm learning. Or you don't trust them. And if you don't trust them, there really isn't a relationship there, in my opinion. And if if you are going to have a threesome ever, there needs to be ground rules so that nobody gets upset. That shit needs to be discussed ahead of time. and lights Everybody stays on the twister, Matt.
Exactly. Right. Nobody touches the blue circles. Nobody touches the blue circles. And unlike Fifty Shades of Grey would leave people to believe, I guess, there's no lawyer involved in this conversation and there's no paperwork to sign. So I've never read or watched Fifty Shades of Grey. I tried to watch the first one and I made it 30 minutes and it was fucking brutal to make it through. It's horrible. It's not realistic at all. I think I read one page because Claire had it.
um i went The fuck is this? It's not good. It's not realistic. It's really not good. and um Yeah, I mean, I think. I don't know. I think it depends on how you look at things, too. Like I said, it could be another experience. Maybe maybe you're in a relationship and she's had threesomes before, but you haven't. It's something you want to try before you die.
Well, a one-off is not going to fucking end your relationship. If it does, if it does, lady threesomes, there's an end mental image for everybody. I mean, the wrinkles getting stuck together like Velcro. Jesus Christ. I'm just saying, man, it's never too old to try something if you're like an AI. I mean, you know, that it's happening at fucking homes, right? Yeah. The villages, the villages. That's the, that's the fun joke about Florida in Florida. But honestly, dude, if, if, if you have a threesome and you lose your partner over it, then maybe they were never really your partner in the first place.
o That's fair enough. Not that it's something I'm actively looking for. It came from the polyamorous thing. Yeah. You got any more questions about polyamory? That's what I've experienced. No, no. I think you've answered most of it. I think it was brought up before and I've always kind of gone, why the fuck? How do you get to that? It has to be a weird thing to bring up.
Do you know what I mean? Because a lot of people would fucking run a mile. So high it's like, um I want i so suddenly go, you're going to meet someone, you're going to whatever you're getting close. And you go, okay, it's it's that it's that old question. This is going to get, that you're going to have to put extra warning signs on this fucking podcast. I'm going to take it to the extreme, right? Yeah. yeah So you meet someone in a bar, you go for a couple of dates,
You get on, sex is great, you're having a good time, you diddly-dee, and you decide you want to unleash one of your kinks, and you go, right, love? I really want to shit in your chest. How the fuck do you bring that up? Just have a conversation. Dude, I don't understand how,
hi high high because 99.9% of the people are just going to run a mile from that. If they want to, that's fine. I mean, there's all kinds of, yeah, but like that's, like you said, you're taking that extreme, but I mean, there's all kinds of stuff in between. Like you could be with somebody, like you could be with a woman that likes to call your daddy. Does that fucking upset you? Yeah. Okay. Fair enough.
I mean, is that really going to piss you off if she's about to like finish and she's like, she, she says something, daddy, are you going to be like, nope, I'm done. Are you going to walk away at that point? Really? Not with them. Not with them. So I'm saying like that is okay with you. So you just need to find your line and that's it. If they bring it up and you're not into it, you fucking go. Cause I mean, there's stuff you're going to be into and you're not going to, you're going to want to do. And maybe they're not. I mean, it's all. I mean, it is. So what I did learn from polyamory was that it, uh, so I was already big on communication, but I got way more interested in communicating. So yeah, I could see how that would be. parma And it's, it's also not that I've done this a lot since then, but it's also helpful when you're talking like just in the early stages of something.
It's also helpful to be clear because obviously. Not everybody is going to start dating you and be only seeing you like that doesn't always happen sometimes they're dating multiple people trying to look for somebody and trying to decide or choose or maybe they're one date with you and they already have another one scheduled like all this is just part of conversation with things like communication so yeah.
It's no different than when you go out a few times and you're like, yeah, I kind of really fucking dig you. We should make this solid. What are your things? You have a conversation like fucking adults. You know what I mean? It's not a big deal to me. It's just another step in that conversation. Yeah. I think a lot of people maybe don't have those conversations and that is probably more of a problem. Do you know what I mean? Yeah, I think the other problem is people are... So I think I've discussed this before. What I'm looking for is not the Disney thing. Like I don't...
I don't need full time butterflies every year, every day. Like I don't, I need a and that's unrealistic. I would like what my parents have modeled to me. I would like a best friend that has that one extra, you know, the sexual component, but that's what I want someone to hang out with that I can laugh with and always have fun with and count on and know that if I take them somewhere, it's not going to be uncomfortable for me or them or any of my friends. I just want it like a best friend to hang out with and, you know, to spend a time with and have adventures with and not have to worry about this other shit.
Like I don't want to worry about somebody I'm dating. Like if, if I don't, if I can hang out with you and not worry about you, like doing other shit behind my back, that's what I want in a relationship. So I don't really see a huge difference. Yeah. You know what I mean? Yeah. That's, it's not an unreasonable thing to want. It's not, it's a less difficult thing to seek out too. But if other people, you see people that are really jealous and you're like, how the fuck, how does that work?
The other thing too is people get jealous and then they, they show it in anger or they get depressed instead of just voicing it. Like just have a fucking conversation. Yeah. I mean,
I don't want to bring up specifics, but you, you just recently had to have a conversation. I mean, we all have to have them at some point with a partner or even with a friend. You know what I mean? Like if somebody, yeahre like if you were doing some fucked up, I'd be like, you wouldn't just, I wouldn't just be like ignoring it. I'd be like, dude, this is fucked up. Maybe you should re-examine this. Like you want to talk about it? <unk> I don't see why you should treat your partner any different than you treat your best friend. Like,
you know, you don't want your best friend being and like a fucking tool. This person should be your but one of your best friends. yeah and i know I'm also not big on, ah I think it's kind of childish for people to think they only have one best friend too.
Yeah, no, totally. Yeah. that ti ah have only one I have I'm a laminated card and I can't tell you because yeah I'm an actor. I have a group of best friends. Yeah, yeah, yeah. A very small knit group and that's the way it is. I mean, I'm not a fucking child, so. I mean, you fall in love with somebody. You say, I'll never love anybody else. And then you have children. Yep. And you're like, fuck. I love these two.
do you know what I mean? And it's the same kind of thing. People change too, you know what I mean? Things change, experiences happen, no matter how hard, I think it's unhealthy, but no matter how hard you try to lock down your partner and do every little thing with them, there's going to be like,
Either that'll push them away or they'll find ways to do things on their own and they're going to grow and change. You know what I mean? I don't think you should do everything with your partner anyway. Jesus Christ. That's fucked up. Because otherwise, what the fuck? Everybody needs breathing room, man. Fuck are you going to talk about? Do you know what I mean?
yeah i mean once there's like night dinner If you have nothing to talk about but then there's also the people that have the argument of I I could just sit quietly in a room with this person I'm like, that's cool, but I don't sit still. So what the fuck man? Yeah yeah no you book in The other room I'm in a fucking or go out to a movie with one of your friends or to you or a fucking posse I don't give a shit never be your friends I'm gonna sit here and do music for a little bit because I need to get this out of my system Yeah. Like that kind of shit. Or I'm going to play D and&D. You're not in this game. Go read a book. I don't give a shit. You want to sit there and watch me play and read a book. That's fine. Yeah. Just know you're not going to get much attention from me because I'm going to be focused on what I'm doing.
So this week's show is hurricanes and relationship advice. Relationship advice, apparently. Or Stuart questioning and learning about insecurities he didn't know he had. yeah No, no, i'm I'm fully aware I have the insecurity, my friend. You're actually pretty emotionally mature. I'm not, but you are.
um it's just ah you know when you it's it's I like to take the opportunity to have a conversation with someone that knows a little more about a subject than I do to try and learn something. And this is where we are in this conversation. And I only know a little. I only have one experience. It's not, yeah I don't know you go memorial out pauly i don memorial more experience than I've had. children I don't, know I don't seek out polyamorous relationships. And I will say this when I was with her and there wasn't a problem for a solid year when she lived with me, many, uh, very, very few women I've been with have ever treated me better.
So I can say that much too. yeah like Honestly, honestly like when she was with me, I was never treated better. she would yeah she was always like Even when I was doing nonprofit stuff, like if it was a public event, she would come and she would actually go into like salesperson mode and try to push people to buy stuff off of our merch table. like she was like She was awesome. She would show up.
She was very loving and handsy and stuff like that I like. So she was, she was great when she, when she was when we were together. And yeah I don't know, man, just sucked, but shit happens. So any other, any other questions for me then? I've had a small group of women that have treated me really, really well. And I've liked all of them and I miss all of them for certain reasons. I don't think I've ever really had anyone just treated me really badly. I've had one that ended really badly, but two ended really badly. And I am not a saint. I will admit that. And when I was younger, I did a couple of stupid things. I would never claim that I'm a saint. And i don't I have made my amends with some of those people. And then that makes me happy that we are still talking. But yeah, I mean, it's part of being an adult, I guess. I am grateful for the people I've been with that have treated me well, even if it didn't end the best. But do you think your brain has been opened up to any of this a little bit more, at least as far as perspective, maybe not just for you?
Um, maybe. Maybe. definitely Definitely got a bit more perspective on it, you know? and Because but it just, it befuddled my brain. the the admin and the, you know, it seems like a lot of mental gymnastics to deal with it. and I mean, it's no different than really, it's really no different than maintaining multiple friendships. You just got to communicate. Yeah, no, I get that. I understand that now, but as you know, from when you're, when you're only used to eating, you know, fucking chips,
Throwing in the extra salsa makes it a little weird for you at Yeah. Yeah. I get it. I mean, I was there. the i I picked up a thing from Henry Rollins where I just say yes to most things that I'm offered just to see. I mean, if I, in all reality, if I didn't like the polyamorous thing, if I wasn't vibing with it, I could have just stepped away whenever I wanted. Like nobody chained me to it. Yeah. So far enough. You know, it's like any other relationship. Just walk away.
Very interesting. Yeah, it's been fun. Yeah. I want to die rich in experiences more than money. Yeah, I've been feeling like that too. I've been lucky to have a lot of experiences and meet a lot of people. So I'm grateful for that. So hopefully it keeps going. I just want to go and see new things and do things and go places. and yeah It's fun. I kind of feel like I stumble into stuff because I don't, I don't do the networking thing intentionally. Like I'm not actively trying to make friends or meet people. It just happens and I just kind of value the people that I value. So.
then the other stuff just comes along after it's great i think everybody should do that by the way so Don't be false. If you're networking, if you meet somebody, if they're worth knowing, then know them for them. And then just hope that something cool comes out of it. whatever it is Absolutely. You'd be surprised where people will take you. I mean, we've said this multiple times, but Stewart's one of my best friends. We don't even live on the same fucking continent. So totes. I said totes. Jesus Christ. Fuck off. I think it's time to end on that. Jesus Christ. I'm not happy to know what's the manliest thing you've done this week. I'm sitting through a hurricane and they didn't board my windows up.
Is that manly? Cause that's not really fully prepping. It's pretty manly. I did go to the gym today with the hurricane warning. It was open till noon. So I went yeah about you. So my last thing myli thing I've done this week was watch Cora go off on her own. That's fucking pretty good. That definitely tops me. I wish I could have seen that dude. She's so cool. I really do. well it's pretty good I love your kids, man. I miss them too.
Yeah, hopefully you'll see them soon. And I'm not happy. Looking great. All right, everybody. I'm going to go survive a hurricane. Yeah. And I'm going to drink another beer. Have a good week, folks. See you next week. Bye. Oh, real quick. We're going to have Brian and Jen on soon. They're going to both come back and we're going to talk about horror movies and fucking food. It's going to be fun. Yeah, that's our our Halloween special. Yeah, it's going to be great. Nice. All right. Take care, everybody. Bye.