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Episode 40: December Duo image

Episode 40: December Duo

E40 · TalkXic Masculinity
37 Plays2 months ago

This week we go over "manning up", United HealthCare, Insurance, Healthcare, Christmas as a single dad, and more!

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Introduction and Thanksgiving Break

dandy That was delicious. Hey kids, welcome to Toxic Masculinity with Ian and Stuart. This week it's just us. Last week we had Thanksgiving and we missed that week because of that and Stuart had some fun in the doctor's office. It was great. It was great. Yeah. So dude, how are you doing? I'm doing all right. Yeah. Yeah. Cool.

Masculinity and Violence Discussion

I've seen some things this week I thought would start some conversations. I'm going to start off with the easier one.
um So I'm in a Facebook group that I was not willingly put into, but it's about manning up and shit like that. How does that happen? Some dude i that I was mutual Facebook friends with wrote a book or some stupid shit that I didn't care about and added me to a group unwittingly before, like back in the day, but you didn't have to accept and all that shit. Yeah. Or I hit accept just to see what the fuck was going on because I didn't know the guy that well. um But it's supposed to be like a man's group, like a man up group. So let me,
I just got the conversation from like this, this topic from there, but I'm not going to shit on them. Those dudes can do whatever they want, but I'll bring up some of the things I saw just to push the conversation. But let me, let me start with this meme that somebody posted and the conversation that came after is hopefully something we can have. So a meme was posted of a really, really Jack dude, like really big and muscular, right? And it says, this dude just slapped your girl. What are you doing next? So what are you doing next?
If a guy slapped my gun. Really jacked dude, like really strong looking guy. That would probably beat your shit out of you if you tried. What would you do next? Um, I don't think it would matter to me. I would step between them and try and diffuse the situation. You know, what was she doing? What was he doing?
I mean, it doesn't matter how big they are. A good nail and not normally takes any content, but, um, you know, if he's that fucking scary, get the fuck out of there. e So that was kind of my reaction. Like, I'm not afraid to take a punch. Like, you know, I'll stand in front and like, don know me long dude. So here's the

Critique of American Gun Culture

thing that bothered me in a group about manning up half of the people we're talking about just shooting the guy.
Second Amendment, this and that. What? And in my opinion, it seems, listen, nobody should be hitting anybody, especially at our age. No, I'm not. I'm a little old school. I've admitted I'm very against like men hitting women, that kind of stuff. I'm old school. I know it's a little bit of old school, since but you know, that's me. But also. I'm not going to draw on somebody and shoot him like for that.
That's, I mean, that's a very, very, it's a very American. ah It's a very American problem. It's a very, it's a very little dick energy kind of thing in my opinion. It's very weird. Like it seems like a big leap to make. um So on, I don't know, man, I saw that. I'm like, dude, you guys are fucking children. Like you can't, what happened to being like able to step up and just take a punch? Like it's not, it sucks. Nobody wants to do it, but like, you don't shoot somebody

The Myth of Fair Fights

for that. but It's the playground equivalent of I would do Kung Fu on his ass. Yeah, I know. It's ridiculous. Well that came up too, but you know, but it came to nobody would actually do it.
The problem is you can tell some people that have never been in a fight so i think it's gonna be like a movie or like guns they think it's gonna be like a movie if you shoot somebody to nine millimeter they're not just gonna drop dude no.
But so in in a second but related incident i have a friend of mine that was driving home. And this is real life this is not me but my friend was driving home.
And he noticed somebody was tailing him, like really close, like really hard tailgating him for a while. It made him really unhappy. So at a stoplight, he got out and he was like, yo, what's your problem? Like not, not yelling calmly like, yo, what's your problem? Was a kid, pulled a gun on him, pointed a gun at him. My boy goes, let's go. Fucking go for it, dude.
The kid yelled as he drove away pointing the gun at my dude screaming, you drive slow. My dude is also a large man, but like to pull a gun on somebody really matter. I mean, the fact that you start driving around with guns in your cars and that's perfectly fucking normal and road rage is a thing. The fact that your instinct is to draw a gun on somebody for approaching you and not even yelling at you just because you're scared.
That doesn't make you a man. um It doesn't make you a

Personal Reflections on Masculinity

doll. It doesn't make you anything but a fucking nutless child, in my opinion. But was he sco as who he always was he just trying to play the big boy? I mean, it could have went another way. Could have been both ways. If your mate had have been somebody else and had a gun himself, well, Jesus.
For all I know, like some of my friends do carry, he could've had a gun. He just didn't pull, you didn't draw back on the dude. He's just like fucking let's go. It's far to one of those states where you're allowed to- It did not happen in Florida. Okay. That's fucked up like- Yeah. But it's just weird to me. Like we, we talk a lot about masculinity and like how kids don't like kids and younger adults don't really know how to be like adults even, even fuck the masculine, like straight up masculine part, but like fuck dude, you're just going to shoot somebody.
because you're scared. Like don't start shit then. If you're afraid to take, take a hit and just la start anything. People start shit because they're allowed to hold a gun and because they hold a gun, they feel like they're a big man. Do you know what I mean? It's just weird, man, because like it's, ah it goes back to that. I think we brought it up before, but it goes back to all that shit. Like the dudes wearing like plate carriers and they're holding their rifles and their Facebook profile pictures. Like shut the fuck up, dude.
You're just telling us where to shoot first if a shit actually pops off. It's fucking stupid. Shit like that isn't a reason why you shouldn't be able to have easy access to guns. I don't know what is. you know yeah i mean I know the access is easier here than other places, but some some states are really easy. Some are not, but still, I mean, it's way easier in the most places.
And I am personally, I grew up with guns and bows. I'm really not anti-gun, so to speak, but I also am not blind or ignorant to the issues in our country with fucking firearms. So, yeah I think part of the problem with both of those things is that people equate being tough with that shit. You know what I mean? Like it makes you feel like you're tough and indestructible because you're holding a weapon.
yes instead of just being like ah a fucking adult and taking a punch or, you know, not and just trying to calm things down. It's that thing of i'm I might not look strong, but this makes

Gun Violence and Healthcare Debate

me strong because they think it's they're gonna, you know. Yeah, I actually when I was reading some of those comments under that meme, even though like I have a real life example that happened the fucking day after I saw that shit.
Like when I was just laughing, I'm like, you guys are fucking children. Like you're gonna shoot somebody for like something that is, ah that you're gonna, your girlfriend's life was not fucking threatened. I don't yeah don't care how the fuck you try to like make that shit happen.
ah no Should there be some kind of retribution for me if it was my partner? Yeah, but I'm not going to fucking kill you. Yeah, it's it's. ah It's it's it's um it's not a proportional response. what what What are your thoughts on? I mean, like we've already said, I'm fucking old. I'm not looking for this shit. But what are your thoughts on the whole quote unquote fair fight thing? What does that mean?
So like, you know, some people getting fights and like there's cheap, cheap shots, quote unquote, and other things like that. Like, what do you think about people like being like, well, that wasn't a fair fight or that dude sucker punched him or whatever. Like, what do you think about that stuff? That's not how fights work.
fights, especially in the street or wherever, doesn't matter, fights are fights. There are no fucking rules. They are fights. So go fuck yourself. My line is in a real fight. There's no ref. So, and there's no ref. I plan on being the one going home. So I'm going to do whatever the fuck I got to do. Yeah, that's, that's, that's what I don't understand. That's like, it remind reminds me of, um,
Do you remember the episode of Friends? Did you ever watch Friends? Do you remember the episode of Friends where they the gentleman met a bunch of other gentlemen and they were sitting on the couch and they were trying to get them off the couch and they ended up going outside to fight. and they And they went, oh, no, nothing below the waist. Me and my wife are trying for a kid so you can't punch me. Right, right, right, far enough. north Nothing will do. I got a meeting tomorrow morning. There were no face shots. And you're like, that's not,
That's not reality. do You know what I mean? If you're in a fight, you're essentially fighting for your fucking life. The other thing is too, there are certain ways you can hit somebody and end their life with one shot and you don't even have to be that strong to do it. It's not, it's not a very common and easy thing to do by accident, but it can happen.
Like that football finger death punch. No, no, like the football player. Remember that guy, that guy hit in the chest and then he just collapsed. You can hit somebody in the chest at their heart at a specific time and it fucks you up like that shit happens. I can i mean, I mean, it's football. How many times you watch football games and that happened like what once in like the last decade that we've seen? But it it could happen, man. You could drop somebody. I'm not talking about that. I have seen somebody do a real one inch punch and it fucking hurts.
oh So that is real, but I don't know about the five finger death punch. I fucking hate that band anyway. So so it not is it not from Kill Bill or some shit? Some shit like that. Yeah. The one inch punch is real. I've seen somebody actually do it like with my own eyes. So that shit. No, thank you.
Like the Bruce Lee shit. That's weird. But putting rules on, like having rules on a fight, it automatically makes you a fucking weird. It seems like you're coping for losing too to me. Like, yeah, he won, but he sucker punched me. You know what I mean? What do you mean? Sucker punched me? But anyway. I wasn't ready. I wasn't ready. I wasn't. Do over. Do over. What the fuck? What are you talking about? As soon as you stand up, you're ready.
but That's just fucking weird. I mean, like that's a young man's game. If I got a fight now, I will, but I fucking hate fighting. Yeah, no, fighting sucks. Fucking hurts. Anybody that's fought will tell you fucking hurts. It sucks. I haven't fought since school, probably. ah And we all know you've admitted you're not a tough guy. No, I'm not.
um Although I can remember, I'm just fucking with you dude. I remember, I remember we were all like many years ago, my brother stacked it. I think I was only about 17 at the time and we were all like drinking and we were all walking home. My

Ethics of Capitalism and Healthcare

dad was there. My dad scares everybody. My stepdad went in, scares every fucker. all my messagerogen full world jesus I mean, he's a big fucking cuddly bardic, but everything's terrified of him. And, uh,
some fucking, we're walking up a road in Belfast, some fucking cunt for some reason took a disliking for me, crossed the road and went to take a, and I was, bear that, obviously, standard issue, but he went to take a punch for me and all I can remember is my dad stepping in and just going, nope.
And the guy just went, it was like a cartoon. And that was it. And I mean, there was about six or seven of us, do you know what I mean? And this guy went for the smallest, youngest person in the group, obviously. It was very, very strange. But I think that, you know, I've seen fights when I've been out, you know, but I generally stay the fuck away from them. and The last approaching fisticuffs thing was we were at um
the Dead Kennedy's gig in Belfast, me and Andy and rookie. And we were standing towards the back on a Wii platforms dead on. Nice. Good spot, good spot. And this fucking now, this shaved headed guy, as I'm going to start this conversation on this shaved headed guy, right was basically in front of rookie and being a bit of a bell end, bounced and he kept pushing into rookie. And at one point rookie got so fucked off, he just kind of
push them forward. Now, you know, rookie, right? Yeah. He's a nice guy. He's a very nice guy. So anyway, this fucker turned round to rookie. Rookie told him to fuck off. He realized rookie was English. Yeah. Right. And next thing you know, there were toe to toe And I basically just went, I looked to my right and went, that's not fucking happening. And basically pushed myself in between the two of them and went, you can fuck off. He just went, he was looking, I was taller than him. And he personally went, uh, uh, what? I was, we had come in going, oh, he's, he's on fucking meds. He's got cancer. Me and Ricky were on fucking, I was like, Ricky, you picking fights with cancer patients, you fucking prick.
And so this that was the closest I came to a fight in very recent years. But it turns out, yes, he was on heavy meds and a little testy from cancer meds, hence the bald head. Yeah, of course. and But that was as close as I got to a fight. and But I was quite proud that I actually just went, no, no, I'll just interject myself in between this and put a stop to it and it worked. yeah That's pretty good. You gotta do that sometimes. Yeah. It's good it's it's the make yourself a wall defense. We don't necessarily, you don't actually have to be physically bigger. You can just act bigger, I find. Yeah. i I have found recently, more recently than, then I don't know, than I expected, but people are always like, I don't remember. I don't like remember or think of you as like that height. So I'm like, that's cool with me. Yeah.
I have a friend at the gym that she's slightly taller than me. She's like, I don't think of you as short. And I'm like, I don't know, man, I'm just me. So I must somehow give off big, big, I don't know, fucking whatever. I don't know really what I would have done had he actually swung a punch. You were probably would have just fucking been like, are you sure you want to fucking do that? Yeah. Because you seem to be pretty level added. My anger would have just gone off. Before I was standing at the

Union Demands and Capitalism Critique

front of the Wii platform we were standing on and he was standing backwards from us. So it wouldn't be that hard just to go, topple, you know, but Stella wouldn't know what would have done had he thrown a punch. I probably would have ended up getting thrown out and that would have sucked.
Cause that was a great gig, by the way. I'm sure it was. Dead Kennedys. Amazing. Fucking violence at Christmas. Nice. This is a fun conversation. So yeah, dude, I would love to see fucking love. I would love to fucking see the Dead Kennedys. Was Jello singing? No. I didn't think so. I didn't think he was. That kind of sucks. But there were, it doesn't matter. We went in because he wasn't s singing, we went in with no, with very little matters a little cause it is Jello, but, but we went in with very low expectations.
Yeah. And we left going, that was fucking epic. It was one of the best gigs that year. Yeah, that's cool. Like Black Flagle Tour, like sometimes without Henry. Yeah. Which is fine. He doesn't care. I mean, that that works, though, because they didn't always have that Rollins as a singer. So um so the other thing I wanted to talk about was the United Healthcare care shooting, since we're talking about guns and being tough. So what do you think about that? I think I have a complicated opinion on this.
Me too. um Violence is never the answer, folks. But, without being said, I'm not overly surprised that somebody's done this.
Do you know what I mean? Now, we they haven't caught the guy yet. You don't know what his particular madness is. um I mean, if it turned out that, like the stories that have been coming out online all week about you know doctors rejecting children's cancer, medic or insurance companies rejecting children's cancer medication,
because of the costs and shit like this, then you know Jesus Christ doesn't take much to push people over the edge. It shouldn't be a fucking question. I know. so It's lunacy. So here's my thought. Violence, like you said, is really not the answer.
But I can understand, and I can understand because denying people medication is sort of killing them en masse, united from what I've seen. And I might be wrong, but they have one of the largest, if not the largest denial rates. So this is kind of what happens when you put capitalism in healthcare. And so,
These, these people are getting rich by literally killing people yeah in some cases. So I can understand the desire to want to hurt or even take someone's life for that. Do I agree with it? No. No. Do I understand? Fuck yeah. Yeah. Does one little small part of me kind of cheer that motherfucker on? Also, yes, as much as I'm kind of ashamed to admit it, but I mean, what the fuck else can we do? I can understand how it hasn't happened already. So I've been thinking about this a lot the last couple of days, and there's literally companies here, like food industry companies that make food, like fast food that is intentionally addicting. hu And that shit drives people into poor health. It's easy to get, it's addicting.
And if you eat it all often, it's going to fuck your your life up, which leads you to healthcare, which is a huge industry in our, in our country, which also includes health insurance. so And then these motherfuckers deny you. So like just a small chunk of the chain, there's much more to it, but just a small chunk of that chain is fucking disgusting.
I did see that another insurance company overturned a recent decision after the shooting though, about like ah how long a child could be on anesthesia or some shit. What the fuck? Like shit like that. And this is the thing, right? See, whenever, what I'm trying to, I can't remember which administration it was.
whichever one that that whatever season of USA that fucking cunt from the Alaska and the tea party, what do you call her? Oh, Sarah Palin. Yeah. Right. So that fuck not Sarah Palin. Right. Whatever season of America that was in. Right. That was when they were talking about the NHS.
and how it was social social socialist medicine, ah social medicine, different. Basically, our medical system is free at the point of use. You pay for it with your taxes, like a normal country does.

Political and Societal Challenges in the U.S.

And they're talking about death panels where doctors go, oh, this is there. Like, do you have it there or not? That's not a real thing, by the way. I'd like to point that out. It's a complete fabrication on Fox News and all that shit.
And, but here's the thing. This was your argument for not having a national health service in America. These death panels, ah as you just wanted to call them, but it's literally what you have but because you're allowing non-elected, non-medical insurance companies make decisions about medical care over and above what the doctor says that they need. The people that have actually trained for It's not even always a panel, it's just one person, just there's somebody reviewing it. it' And they're living and the and they they get paid bonuses based on quotas? Some do. Well, CEOs definitely get bonuses. So what the fuck is that about? Well, it's not so much quotas, but how much money they save. So CEOs, and since they're it's capitalism and theyre some of them are publicly traded, then the CEOs get bonuses for making Wall Street happy too.
All this to say that, like I said, there's a small piece of me that kind of cheers that dude on, even if I'm kind of somewhat ashamed to admit it. But I fucking understand why you would do that. Like you can't. I would probably put money on right now somebody close to that dude.
died because they weren't given the medical treatment. yeah that that they That they needed and it would be down to that insurance company. That dude wrote down shit referring to like things insurance companies, yeah like their little mantra, which was deny, defend, depose on the on the shells, on the rounds, the brass. And he left them and they still don't know who the fuck he is. As far as I know, I think there might've been a picture released of his face. They might've found one on my camera somewhere. but did a mos come No, I mean, even without the mask, I thought I saw one somewhere, but maybe I'm wrong.

Media Literacy and Political Power

I didn't look into it that much. You went to Starbucks first? Yeah. Who the fuck drinks Starbucks? A lot of people drink Starbucks here. I think it tastes gross. Fucking hate coffee. My buddy makes coffee. No, I like coffee. Starbucks is not... I don't like coffee. That's what I'm saying. My buddy grosses his own coffee. He's got his own shop in Long Island that I buy from. It's really good shit, actually. But I would say, you know, that's
That's going to come out and be a weird one once they figure it out. You know, the other side of it is either, you know, my tinfoil hat says he'll die before he talks or they'll never find him. I hope they don't find him. They'll just not know about it because if the truth comes out that the reason he did it was for, uh, what would we say misguided noble reasons,
Well, that's going to be a whole argument there. Yeah. So there's been other things going on too, like the UAW, the union for the auto makers. Jesus Christ, I can't even talk. Last time they negotiated,
they realized how much money the CEOs are making and how much their production has gone up. And part of their bargaining on their contract, they asked for a 32 hour work week instead of 40, so a four day week. Nice. So that made a lot of things, a lot of people around here stir a little too, like, yeah, I don't want that fucking shit too. What's happening everywhere? It should. People are more productive because of technology and you get more shit done, just fucking give us more break. People are more productive because they have a better work life balance? We don't.
in places where they introduce it. 4 day work week. people are more productive and they get paid. I would like to point out they get paid the same amount. to They don't get paid just for 32 hours. That's of course. I mean, uh, in America, I would assume if they tried to do, he can have like a four day week, but you only get paid for four days. You can't. So the problem with capitalism is that everybody's Pennywise and dollar foolish. Like they want the quick buck. So when you do your particular brand of kind well that's cause we're full on fucking capitalism and almost nothing, almost nothing else. But,
not not much for actually the actual public. but um So like paying paying people more, giving them more sick time or vacation time, letting them work four-day weeks, stuff like that would make people happier. Their production would go up and you'd make more money long-term, but it doesn't they don't care about long-term. Everything's short-term. Yeah. There's a lot of things I'm seeing in the news coming out of your place.
um because there's a lot of shit going on, um ah about them trying to ah remove medical benefits for veterans. And something to do with the VA and all this kind of malarkey. And yeah can that from an outside point of view, that seems crazy. for ah you know If they're going to do that and the people are going to let them get away with that shit,
then see every sports game and public gathering and all that shit where you say stand up for your veterans, sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up. Well, that's not the people. Because if you're not looking after the people that you're so proud of for going off to fight more. You're confusing the people and the citizens for the government in that case. People care about veterans. The people and the citizens let the government get away with it.
We don't let the government do shit. It's easy for you to say that, but right now three people have more money than the bottom 50% of the population in this country. And since we have money in politics, you can't fight that. And you fucking Elon Musk just spent, no, no, no, no. Listen, Elon Musk just spent $44 billion to swing an election. Yeah. You've been told you can't fight that.
No. Did you see, did you see South Korea this week? Bro, South Korea does not have the money that we have. South Korea does not. Yes, it is. If the people stand up. It's easy for you. It's easy for you to say that, dude. No, no. Look, I'm talking about reality and the way this country is right now. So let's say, let's say a senator comes out and says, I want to get rid of insurance companies. Right.
h And he stands up and the bill fails. Wait, wait, let me finish. Okay. When he comes up for reelection, he's going to have every insurance company throwing money at whoever is going against him. And he's probably going to lose. Yeah. So if you do that over and over again, we will have nobody to represent us, which is why people like AOC after the first year in office chill out a little because they realize they have to play this game.
Right. So this country is going to move in inches. So it's easy for you to say that like this, this and that, but people here are not media literate. That's what you don't understand. Like, like we talked about with Elon Musk, that Packey has ran commercials that were completely opposite of like from each other. I know. In two different states. Like how, but i'm not how, how the fuck do you, I'm talking about, I mean, you just don't seem to know how to protest.
Listen, yeah thirty million of if you actually stood up, what would happen? The other thing is that the media is largely controlled by one side right now. Yes. Well, that's the same everywhere. Again, this brings me back to media literacy. It's easy to think of these things, dude. I agree. If 300 fucking million people stood up and said, no, sure, it's not going to happen that easily here, though. It's easy to say, but with everything against it, even CNN is like being right wing fucking cooperative at this point. Yeah. That's because they're scared about what's going to happen. That's what I'm saying.
but yeah I'm not saying it might happen I understand your point and I'm saying it won't ever happen, but right now it's not. we saying It's easy for me to say it, right? But my point is that use from the outside looking in, it's almost as if you don't stand up because you think that you're, you're told that money is the thing that runs everything. It's not that we're told that.
No, what your misunderstanding is, if people watch TV and watch, say say you're somebody that watches only Fox News, Fox News is like a nonstop propaganda channel, right? How do you break that person out of that when all everything that they watch, like right now, just recently, Dinesh D'Souza's 2000 mules documentary that everybody swore was real and everybody swore was the election fraud shit, right? what's It got debunked.
And he, I think he even admitted it it like the data they used was wrong, but it's already, the damage is done. Like it doesn't matter. What is 2000 mules? 2000 mules is about like all the the fraudulent stuff that happened when Trump lost the election. It's a documentary about it all. But even he was like the data we, I think even he came out and said the data they use was wrong, but it's too late. Like the damage is done. I can't tell you how many people bring up that documentary when you talk to him about like voter fraud.
We are fighting money, which is pushing all of the media who's also afraid of what's going to happen to them now. And the only thing that you have really that's going to give you the truth is like smaller channels on like YouTube and stuff. But how many people search that stuff out? And now you also have to break some people out of some like a cycle, like a silo.
So I'm not saying what you're saying will never happen. I'm not saying it's

Analyzing U.S. Political Landscape

not, I'm not saying it's totally impossible, but I'm saying right now in the current state, it's not going to happen probably within the next year. You can only push people so far. like Well, the problem is here. If you push people, they just get more stubborn in a lot of cases. Like I think um the tactic that works best with some people is what Brian suggested is just to be curious. But
I don't know, man, like it feels feels really kind of dark right now of living here. Because like I said, like even when even CNN is kind of leaning right, like what the fuck do you have? but Even MSNBC was like, oh, like Joe and whatever show they went and fucking talked to Trump face to face. And even they're like kind of like leaning that way. And they're known to be like a liberal bastion. Like they're usually like the channel people will go, oh, you must watch MSNBC. But like even that's fucking gone.
Like all the mainstream stuff is gone. Joe Rogan is right leaning. Like all these huge podcasts are right leaning. Everything, all the media stuff that people are consuming is definitely against, in a lot of cases, their best interests. Even me talking about this right now potentially could be dangerous because I am against this stuff, but. Yeah. And it's weird. Why do you, why do you think they're all doing that? Money.
money or are they scared that m things are going to go? Look at people like Tim Pool. He got caught taking money from Tenet Media, which is Russian funded. Yeah. So russian Russia is part of it too. like But Russia is also playing both sides. People just don't talk about the extreme left because they're trying to pull the country apart. They want us to do that. It benefits them.
But I don't know, man, it's just really rough and feels really dark when everybody's starting to lean a certain direction out of fear, out of like for paychecks, like whatever. Like I'm not sure Rogan's getting paid for that, but he definitely gets, you get more attention when you talk about like stuff on the right.
There's some left-wing people that watch like Brian Tyler Cohen and yeah Destiny, who's pretty interesting, even though tom Tom likes to laugh at him for losing debate sometimes, but they're trying to make like a group that comes together to try and fight back, the the media side at least.
Yeah. They have ah lawyer shows and all kinds of stuff like that. Even TYT, man, like the fucking Progressive Central YouTube channel has been like leaning leaning a little more right. It's fucking weird to watch, dude. Is that because they want to keep access when he comes in? I don't know, but I think kind of him giving access to him and saying, watching him is part of the problem. I know.
So here's something that most people don't know in our country, but Biden was basically killing all the trickle down stuff, like slowly taking money out of the rich and trying to bring it back to us, like slowly dismantling all that Reagan shit. And people voted against that. Like, what the fuck do we do now? Like somebody was actually doing the thing everybody in this country says, but what's what are what's what are the Democrats going to do next time now? Like they just tried to do that and people said no to it. So what the fuck, man? Yeah.
I don't even like Biden that much, but he was doing some pretty cool stuff. I i can't even lie. like He helped all those unions. He did fuck up with one union, but I mean, he helped a bunch of unions get stuff done. He picketed, like he walked the line with a union. Like he did all kinds of stuff for America. And like, like I said, he was dismantling that trickle down shit and he got voted out. Like what kind of message is that sent? So I understand, like I said, I understand your point and I'm not saying it's impossible. I'm just saying it's impossible right now in this current state.
I think it's going to take people getting pushed. I think if Trump comes in and makes good on a lot of the things he's saying, people are going to wake up and get angry. Some people, to what degree? I don't know because he talks a lot of shit. So who the fuck knows what he's actually going to do. And then some people won't believe because they're so used to talking and shit.
Well, some people voted for him and they're like, well, he's not going to deport blah, blah, blah. They're just going to deport the criminals. And that's not what he fucking said. But that's what they believe. So they voted for him. So like, is he actually going to do that? I don't fucking know. Nobody does. So I have been I have been in a wait and see pattern forever. I don't trust him. But yeah who the fuck knows?
I mean, he just tried to sneak all those weird cabinet people in that wouldn't pass an FBI thing. And he's still trying to do it. So I don't even know what's up with that. Like the fuck, man. He's got weird shit going on in charge of education. That's not to run education. That's to dismantle it. Department of Education, like what the fuck? ah Why would you want to dismantle the Department of Education? Because they want people stupid, dude. So.
If you're smart, then you would wake up to this stuff in a lot of cases, not in every case. Some smart people do like Trump, but yeah I think also there was a lot of belief because people are scared and hurting. They just wanted to try something different, but they didn't give.
They didn't give things long enough to bake. Like nothing turns on a dime in our government. And I i think people forget that. So I know it's a, it's the same as kind of the Brexit thing. Do you know what I mean? Yeah, exactly. I think that's the closest you guys have. it's like So fucking stupid. but Yeah, it's really fucking stupid and it's fucking scary for some people. People are going to lose their rights and um,
Like you're either for freedom or you're not. I am for freedom. So like, I want people to have freedom. Like do your shit. What does that mean? what does it mean that I want people to have their freedoms? I think you should, as long as you're not hurting anybody, you should do whatever the fuck you want. You should be able to do that shit. They're trying to take LG, they're gonna, they're gonna go for, they're probably gonna go for LGBTQ stuff.

Christmas Traditions and Family Stories

Eventually. They're gonna go for gay marriage. That's a given. And if they do that, they might go out after loving, which is mixed couple, like mixed race marriage. I don't know, dude. Like I don't know, but these are potentials. Yeah. And,
I didn't realize that gay marriage was only um upheld based on a ah Supreme Court ruling, same as Roe v. Wade. So is Loving mixed race marriage. Oh, is it? Is it not? but I don't think there's anything anything in law for that. It's just held up by the Loving case. So bizarre. You guys should watch that movie, by the way, Loving. It's really good. It's about the couple. It's about the Loving, the Loving couples. Their last name was Loving.
The country is so weird, my dude. I know. Well, the thing is, like, people got used to norms, so they didn't think they'd have to codify this stuff. But now it's like, well, fuck, you know, and Biden's trying to do all he can. Like, there's.
The dude is, Trump is so unstable that on the table right now, Biden and the administration is trying to decide if they should just give pardons to certain people that might be on a list. ah Yeah, I've seen that. I don't know how that works. How do you give a pardon to somebody that hasn't done anything? Give them a full pardon for whatever year so that whatever they do, they can't be used against them. Like whatever year is like a year bracket like you did with his son. That is so bizarre. How do you feel about him pardoning his son? Uh, far enough.
Yeah. I mean, he said he wasn't gonna, but when he did, I was like, he's a dad. Of course he's going to do that. And frankly, that was a witch hunt. I mean, even beyond that, like it could have been something horrible. I still would have been like, he's a dad. If you didn't expect that shit to happen, you can clutch a Pearl somewhere else. You're a fucking idiot. He's a father. Of course he's going to fucking do that shit. Trump. to Tell me this. If what do you call Trump's son? Which one?
Big tall, not the cocaine sniffing one, the big tall. Eric. The youngest one. Oh, Baron. The one that people actually give a shit about because he seems trapped, right? Not his fault. but Okay.
right We can all agree, not his fault. he What age is he? 19? Something like that. Yeah, not his fault. He's just a kid. He just happens to be born into that fucking family. Not his fault, right? Yeah. So, Barron Trump is out with his friends one night, is drinking, gets into a car, kills somebody dead.
How quickly do you think Trump would pardon him? Bro, you ain't got to go that far. Trump pardoned his fucking, his daughter's father-in-law and put gave him an ambassador job. What? Kushner, Charles Kushner, Jared Kushner's father. Right? Trump pardoned him and then made him ambassador of France. What did he do? I don't even fucking remember. Probably some kind of like money thing.
Okay. White color cream. Right. So not only did he pardon the dude, but he gave him a fucking cushy job as an ambassador. Obviously. So, I mean, to be fair, you can even take Trump's name out of that. You can take Biden's name out of that. Any rich motherfucker would do that shit in this country. You know what I mean? Yeah. So I mean, it's not even political at that point. So I'm not surprised that Biden did it. No.
I'm surprised he didn't wait until very his last day in office and just go, pew, pew, pew. I think he did that anyway. He doesn't care and he pardoned him for 11 years so that they can't fuck with him anymore.
Yeah, because that would have been, I mean, to do it on the last day in office, that would have been the news story for Trump's inauguration. That would have been hilarious. I'm curious what he's got in store for the last day in office to be, to be sure. Yeah. But he's kind of a chill dude. Like he's, I don't, I don't know, man. Like he's, he's definitely got mental problems at his age. I mean, he's fucking old as shit. He is. He's got a stuttering thing, which, you know, whatever it doesn't make him look the best when he tries to talk. I mean, he's got a stutter who gives a shit. Yeah. But I mean,
Who knows what the fuck they're going to pull off at the end of the fucking at the last day. I don't know. I'm just curious to see how my fucking country goes the next couple of years, at least two more years. But there's been a lot of shit this week, this last two weeks, actually. So. So it's what day is it?
It is the sixth today. It is the sixth of December. So this has been a very joyous and festive conversation. so i'm freedomden Yeah. I'm feeling, I'm feeling so upbeat and happy on this Friday night having this conversation. It's been to be fair. Tomorrow's for Pearl Harbor day. So but ah tomorrow is tomorrow. So they did that like two weeks before Christmas. Yeah. December seven.
Sneaky Japanese bastards. December 7th, 1942, I believe. my grandfather My grandfather was there when they got bombed. Why did I assume that was during the summer? A day that will live in infamy, sir. Come on. Yeah, and infamy to you, not the rest of us. Well, yeah, because of fucking that was that was a big deal. Yeah.
so Although it got you fuckers into the war properly. So good times. 1941 maybe. I think it's 1941. December 7th, 1941. I didn't realize that's when that was. yeah i I never watched that film. Yeah. Walt Disney's birthday was a couple of days ago. December 7th is Pearl Harbor. My birthday is a couple of days after that. And then yeah, Christmas. Yay, December. Yeah. yeah So it it's, it kind of matches tomorrow's vibe, I guess. Yeah. harbor day That's a bit mad. So how are you feeling about the first of season? I don't give him a fuck. Oh, I'm excited to see, I'm excited to see Tom and the family, but I don't, I don't feel very Christmasy. I haven't for like years now. I kind of sucks. I kind of miss it, but I mean, you just make a really good mall Santa just saying would kill and mall Santa motherfucker. Yeah.
I don't know, dude, I just, the last few years, I haven't like maybe like four or five years. I haven't really felt very festive during Christmas. So. I've lost all my traditions that I used to do. Just don't care, man. It's just another day. Well, obviously I have two children, so yeah I get to enjoy it still. It's fun. I did get to buy toys for a friend of mine's kid that I consider a niece, but I've been trying not to play with because I'm a child and I might break something. Yeah. This is my first year where the girls aren't staying with me on Christmas Eve. I'm not,
overly looking forward to that. That's, that's a hard good Christmas day, Christmas night. They're coming to me after dinner, so Christmas night. Um, and I don't really know how I'm going to feel about that. I, uh, I'll be, so I'll see them Christmas morning. I will be at Claire's house at I would say five o'clock in the morning, something like that. Yeah. Ready to watch them open, Santa type gifts. That's cool though. she do that Yeah. But it's just, it's, um, as a parent, it's one of those fucking things. And I'm like, this is just going to be weird. And i'm I'm really not looking forward to them going to bed on Christmas night and then leaving them.
It's kind of breaking my heart. we but Yeah, man. I get it. I get it. Um, but you know, I guess shit, shit has to change, unfortunately, and it needs to. Yeah. But I mean, I get it too. You're definitely that dad. You know what I mean? Yeah. You're that father. Like I'm sure, I'm sure Claire is super excited, but I mean, yeah, the situation is what it is. And it sucks that you guys have to choose like that. But I know are you alternating years or something? Yeah.
Yeah, it's going to be weird as shit. I was clear. How is Claire feeling about it? Does she understand your being upset and stuff and talk about it at all? Not really. No. I'm sure she understands. Yeah, I'm sure she's I'm sure she dealt with it or so. But because she's I mean, for whatever issues were like, she's definitely that kind of mom to like you guys. Yeah, those kind of parents for sure.
But it's, ah it's just, I'm just not, I'm just not looking forward to that. But what does the new partner think about the situation? Have you talked to her about it? Um, not really. Um, she knows how I feel about it. Like, John, I mean, it didn't make her change her plans and want to come up and spend Christmas money. Put it that way. Um, she's got her own kid

Childhood Holiday Memories

too, right? So yeah, that's, that's her argument is looking after my child.
Yeah, I mean, there's got to be like, you know, this shit that has to happen. I know. So. Yeah, I get it, man. You know, it's just going to be it's just going to be a weird one. It's going to be different. Strange. I get leaving them and all, but at least you'll be there soon after they wake up, if not when they wake up. I mean, so I mean, it's something it's not the same as like getting to do all the fucking tree shit and everything. If they're going to bed and you bet and you're bolting. Yeah. You guys do gifts on Christmas Eve?
Um, no, no, no, no. Christmas, Christmas morning. I used to occasionally be able to sneak one gift. Yeah. Sometimes you'll never get one. Yeah. How's the stocking usually? Yeah. And you go, Oh, this is pajamas. hard to thing know you're like but yeah i got the I don't give a fuck about this. Where's the good shit? i got the pajamas where the but Oh, I can put this on and go to bed. Can I? that's all not worked right well Thanks. Thanks mom and dad.
Kind of funny. Uh, what do you think is the hardest part about it? Just to be open and just, got I mean, it seems obvious to me, but the hardest part about leaving after you put them to bed. Um, it's the hardest thing for you because it's not how I seen the story of my life go. Yeah. It's just not. I, uh,
in my head, I would always be there and I would, you know, the Christmas night, because there's only so many of those special years where they're waking up every hour going, Oh, Santa Bean. Do you know what I mean? And that shit. And I know, and you're like, I'm going to miss, I'm going to miss that this year. And that's That's just sucky. Do you know what I mean? So people that don't know, like you're definitely the kind of father that would get all excited with them and be like, no, and get all the amusement and love and like joy out of seeing that happen, like both of them hopping up. So, uh, what else is there anything else that you like going to miss? Like being on your, you're going to be on your own at home then, right? Well, no. I, some of my lovely friends are coming to stay with me.
That's cool. Good for you. Holly and Richard coming over. and They're flying in a couple of days before Christmas and they're staying over Christmas. So you'll have a kid in the house, right? Yeah. So at least it's a, I mean, it's not your kids. It's not the same, but you'll have something. yeah She's very pragmatic. I can't see her. being me mean
man know
But also like I had to whisper that into the microphone because my girls are upstairs. But also I know, but I'm saying like she, she doesn't even seem like the kind of person that would like, she's so chill, you know what I mean? She's very chill. Yeah. She'd be like, fine. I'll go to fucking sleep and just go to sleep. You know? Yeah. She's very pragmatic and chill. It's really funny. Um, but that's cool, man. I'm glad, I'm really glad and happy that I want to be alone because that would be thoroughly depressing. I'll be alone. Um,
But, I don't know, it's just weird. It might be fine, it might be okay. It's just, it's playing with my head at the moment. I get it. My emotions are up and down, like a hertz, knickers, to be honest with you. Yeah, I get that, dude. I mean, I know Rich and Holly, you guys are just gonna fucking drink all night long, so. Yeah, well, I can't drink all night long enough to get in the car and drive around to Claire's 96 in the morning. So you'll stop at like midnight, it'll be fine.
then Rich will get up and have a fucking shower beer as he does. As he does. True story. Yeah. Is there anything else driving you about the holidays, man? Are you missing anything else? Like anything else that you're bummed about? No, that's, I'm just, it's just, this is the first year where they're not with me and it's just a bit weird. What are you excited about? Anything good that you're soaked on? I'm excited about Holly and Rich Common. Yeah. They're fucking fun, man. I'm excited for the being off for two weeks.
I can't relate to any of this. I don't get rich in Holly. I don't get to be off for two weeks. Yeah. Well, I'm off for two weeks yeah and then the girls are off for two weeks. Holly and Richard here for two weeks. It's going to be, it's really fucking cool. Crazy times. So Mia, Mia wanted to go to that restaurant, right? Some restaurants you really liked that you guys walked to or some shit. She was at my local pub. Yeah. That's what I thought. Yeah. So she was like stoked on it. I was like, yeah, yeah, we'll go there. No problem. Yeah. Obviously I'll be alone on Christmas Eve. I'll probably just fucking go to sleep. Do not, I have to work Christmas Eve and then I'll come home and just like be a normal fucking night. The gym's open. I'll probably go to the gym.
You go to the gym on Christmas Eve, you wear a Santa hat? I went to the gym on Thanksgiving. Why the fuck not if it's open? That's weird, man. And then you go to Tom's Christmas Day? Yeah, was ah it was kind of like iffy for a little bit because their fridge broke. But it seems like it's back on. He told me that his wife is yelling at him already. So it seems like Christmas is back on.
Okay. So we're going to bring one of our, I'm going to bring one of our mutual friends that doesn't go home. He was by himself on Thanksgiving and I had no idea. So now I'm going to bring him with me on Christmas so he's not alone. Nice. Yeah. I don't, I don't like the idea of being alone on Christmas. That would suck.
Dude, I'll be honest, we're since we're being super blunt right now, I was kind of half stoked on being alone and just getting some Chinese food and watching TV all day. But it's hard to say no to Tom and his family cause they're so cool and I fucking adore them. So it didn't have to be Christmas. They can ask me to do whatever and I would say yes to them. So. But also people don't, people don't want you to be alone on Christmas either. I don't understand why it's not that big a deal, but. Yeah. Do you?
What do other people they're like, um, I mean, look dude, if I have to be, if I have to be with people I love, then other people should have to come fucking hang out too. Okay. I'm just saying, no, I mean, for me, it's 50 50. Uh, like I said, if it wasn't my family who I consider like you and Tom and his, family like, that's my family, like his kids call him, like consider me an uncle. So.
That's family. And if they ask me, I'm going to say yes. And it's not that I don't want to hang out with them because pretty much what I'm going to do at Tom's house is I'm going to get there and just drink all day with Tom. Yes. It's nice out. We'll sit by the pool and drink and watch TV out there and have snacks. And then I'll probably come home and take care of the dogs, give them like a treat, some kind of chicken or Turkey. I'll go back over there. We'll continue eating and drinking.
until it's time to go home. like It's pretty laid back and fun over there. I brought food last time, and because you know it's different this year. Tom lost his mom, so this year's holidays are different for them yeah and for me, because his mom was like immediately sweet to me and took me right in. so that glaring differences there and his father-in-law who I fucking think is awesome is, you know, he's not doing great health wise. He's, he's still here, but, o you know, that's part of the issue this year with, with Claire, obviously with her mom passing this year. Yeah. Yeah. It's going to be a tough one. So I'm kind of like,
I kind of have to let her do what she needs to do, you know? Yeah, but you were close with her parents too, weren't you? Yeah. So it's going to be rough for you in that department. It's just going to be weird. Normally everybody was here on Christmas day. Yeah. You know, so hol like Holly and Rich better like fucking Turkey. That's all I'm saying.
Dude, Lilia makes like fucking ham and turkey and all kinds of shit. I brought mac and cheese. My buddy my buddy Ryan has a pop-up kitchen and he does like holiday like orders, so I paid 50 bucks and got a big old tin of mac and cheese and brought that over. I mean, I can cook it, but I just wanted to support Ryan too, because he's

Humorous Holiday Games

such a nice dude. so yeah I did that and I brought that shit over. Tom's son kept telling his his daughter that I cooked it. I kept saying I didn't. So until the day after she thought I had made the fucking thing. That's so funny. I was like, I didn't do it. I didn't do it. I was trying to be honest. but what's your when yeah As a kid growing up, right yeah what's the toy you remember getting from Santa?
that when you think of Christmas as a kid, you remember the most. I remember a kid when I was a kid down here in Florida, like six, five or six, I got a, I ended up being max bike and I took it outside immediately and rode around and did shit in our, I think there was like a hole in our front yard from some construction or something. I was riding in and out of that shit. Christmas day, I was outside riding that motherfucker, something I still remember. What about you? I,
I can remember bikes and stuff like that, but the the one that really stands out the most was the year I got Castle Greyskull. Oh yeah, it's a good one. I got that one here too. the the big open out plastic, green plastic, fucking a amazing. I had the other one too with the weird microphone spring thing you could talk into. Yeah. The Skeletor's castle. I can run the name of it. that that That's the one that really stands out for me. I can remember that on figures, when figures were coded, you know? Dude, that gray skull is pretty fucking cool.
It was really good i wish i kind of what you still had. it That would be amuse balls. The other thing I remember is, um, the other big thing I remember in Christmas is my grandfather used to make like remote control model planes. Oh, right. Uh, miniature houses, like, like the doll houses, he would make them all by hand.
Cause he gave me one of his model planes for Christmas and I never flew it cause he died after. So I still have that thing somewhere. Nice. But I remember getting that from him and I was so, it's fucking huge. The wings like are five feet long, like five feet and stuff. It's like a legit model plane that he made me. So I remember that too. I was so, she really learned how to fly that shit. I don't want to wreck it, dude. It's already got a burn in one of the vinyl sections. So from someone being stupid.
Yeah, but ah yeah, I didn't want to wreck it. So I never learned how to fly it cause I didn't want to break it cause it's like one of the last things I got from it. Yeah. So what are your folks do Christmas? My mom just cooks, hangs out. Usually I would go, um make breakfast or she makes breakfast to start the day and we open gifts when everybody's up like as adults and then she likes to cook all day and feed everybody. So she would cook all day and then my cousin would come over and eat and Christmas Eve is usually at my cousin's house in Connecticut. So I'd go over there and hang out with her and her dude Mark.
Um, his, his family would be there as a brother and, um, his parents and yeah folks go as well. or yeah My parents went to, and it was fun because we would play cards against humanity. So I would just like draw almost fucked up shit that I wanted to hear my parents say. And I didn't care about winning. I just wanted to hear the the shit. Yeah. So that was the game to me. I like, uh, I like that. My parents coming up and playing games and weird shit. and We i always look for something random. We got one of the years we got, um,
Do you know the game that have the dental spreader? Yeah. And they put the dental spreader in your mouth and you have to read the card. And at this point, I think my mom had probably about three or four bottles of wine in her. but Nobody can read this shit. And she's reading it. She's getting so annoyed that we can't understand. i don't think I think I had to leave the room. I was going to die laughing.
I was, uh, I liked shit like that. Speaking of games last year in December, I went to my, my buddy's house. He has a fire pit in his yard. and He has like little parties in December. We all sit around the fire pit, but one of his buddies brought a game that shocks and vibrates in your hands when you lose.
So it's like this little bass, it plays music and there's flashing lights, right? ah huh There's four people that play it once you hold the controller in each hand. Only the person that hits the button as soon as the light and the music stops, that person doesn't get shocked. Everybody else gets shocked and the controllers vibrate. When I tell you a bunch of drunk people were playing that thing and those things hit that fucking tabletop many times really hard from people dropping them or throwing them, that shit was fucking funny.
Yeah. That shit was real funny because it shocks you a little bit, but it's mostly the vibration that freaks you out because you know you're going to get shocked. So the combination of the two things are like, fuck that. Yeah. Well, there's one I've seen one that I'm going to try this year. I will. If we play it, we will fucking play it. I will take video of it and put it up on our blue sky account. We now have one point two thousand followers. Thank you very much on blue sky.
Wow. I'll put the video up there. How many interactions do we have? That's a really important part. I was talking to a guy tonight, actually. he Good for you. We asked the question, what's the manliest thing you've done this year? And he replied, his name was Kevin. Hi, Kevin. Hi, Kevin. ah He replied, I bought a new phone. I went, that's a fair answer. I said, did you take advice? He went, no, I didn't. No. He says, I also don't ask for directions. I went, no, no, we never do that. So funny directions. like this just Just standard man behavior. ah like That's perfect. We did the Jurassic Park escape rooms and Alicia and I did them. And Alicia and I, before anything happened, we're looking at the room and trying to figure out the room. And her wife was yelling at us because she's like, you've got to listen to the video. It tells you what to do. We're like, we don't need that shit.
but She was getting so mad at us. But the the game, the gear of the game i going here so yeah sorry you basically get 10 bottles, liquor or can't be ah the occasional soft drink in there just to make it interesting. And you line them up beside 10 candles, tea lights or whatever, you light all the candles and then you have to take a big deep breath.
And however many you blow out. How many you blow out? The one that stops on is what you have to take a shot. Uh-huh. Okay. I like this. I've been trying to order a bottle of Jepsen's, my lord, specifically for this fucking game. Put it at like three or four. I was thinking four or five, but yeah, yeah, you know. Fucking my lord. Apparently, I looked up my lord and it says it tastes like oranges and burnt carpet.
It tastes like fucking gasoline smells, dude. Jesus Christ. Gasoline fertilizer and shit. I was like, what? My buddy is doing his fire pit thing again, right? Nice. So we're playing a game.
where everybody brings a tall, like a tall can, right? that Oh, like a pint can. Yep, like a pint can, yep. So everybody brings a tall. He's gonna put a bag over that over the cans with a number on it. You draw a number and you have to drink whatever is in that can before you can have anything else including water. Okay. So people have done things like brought warm beer,
Oh dear. Do you know here in Tesco's you can get a beer can, tall beer can that essentially has beef stock or chicken stock in it. Dude. Yeah. So some people can be assholes. Some people can be nice. if fas thought yes to google guess Guess which party I'm going to. call So my first thought was this, this was the thing though. My first thought was, do does Malort come in at all?
i mean it doesn't and i figured he didn't but i had to look do for you know for like and twenty bucks on ebay You can buy a canner and a can blank. I just put a can of fucking malort. My backup plan is to buy like the most high alcohol content shit I can find. say Try and say that again there. The highest alcohol content can have beer I can find. Yeah, that's a good one. That's a big, good shake. Something Belgian.
Yea something like 11 plus percent. Yea something like 11 plus percent. Yea something like 11 plus percent. Yea something like 11 plus percent. Yea something like 11 plus percent. Yea something like 11 plus percent. Yea something like 11 plus percent. Yea something like 11 plus percent. Yea something like 11 plus percent. Yea something like 11 plus percent. Yea something like 11 plus percent. Yea something like 11 plus percent. Yea something like 11 plus percent. Yea something like 11 plus percent. Yea something like 11 plus percent.
have fun and i was debating on also making it warm
I have not seen that in a store, but I will have to look for it when I go to the store. Oh, dude. I can't check it. Oh, there's one. There's one I've seen. I was like, oh, my God, I just want to buy that and put it in the fridge at a party. And it's it's a small beer can type can. Yeah. yeah And it's fajita sauce.
We've got someone to get good and drunk and hand it to him, dude. Oh, dude. yeah like just That's fucked up, man. That's world class. It's fucked up, man. Evil. It's so fucked up. like Can I have this beer? Yeah, no problem. Go ahead. Can I have fajita sauce? Jesus Christ. Oh man, that's funny. Yeah, so I've been trying to decide what I'm going to do.
for a while. When's the park? Two weeks. Two weeks. Oh, I could, I could post you a camera check as well. It would be funny, but I, I don't look, I was looking at Chimay has like a 10 and a half for a tall. Oh, hold on.
I mean, if I can find like, uh, this is great podcast material. or googling i i think case I sent you the photograph. That's fucking hilarious. city i will I'll spend the five bucks to post that to you. well then i'm gonna watch i'm gonna Hold on. to I just sent it to my dude. He's having the party. I was like, it's a tall,
um like in all levels of, but that's it. You just buy a couple of them and just fuck them into the, the, the, the kurt box.
So what am I, yeah one of the dudes that's probably going to be there is really cool. It makes his own beer and he gave me a, he gave me a cup of his beer last year and it was really fucking nice for holiday beer. Does it come in bottles or cans? Because if it comes in cans, he's got a

Stuart's Health Procedure and Humor

canner. He doesn't have a canner as far as I know.
ah He just replied, he goes, I would swing because I would swing on you if I did up with that.
ah Oh, that's a good game. I like that game. I like that. I'm going to have to fucking bring. on Yeah, it's like a white elephant, too, so you can fight for you. You can fight for stuff, too, a little bit. Nice. I'm going to grab whatever I get and just fucking deal with it. Hide it. Yeah, you'll be all right. Yeah, I'll be fine.
I drank with you and rookie. Fuckin' fine. Oh Jesus. That's funny. I would swing on you if I had that bad.
yeah Holy shit. The psychopath got a can of chicken stock. It's so fucking mean, dude. know right Fucking epic.
Oh man, that's fucking good. I wonder, can you get like a ah tall kind of hot sauce? That would be good too. That'd be rough, dude. It'd be very rough. Yeah. I don't know, man, but that's the game we're playing. Oh, there's the do that same company that do that that chicken stock, do a turkey stock, if that helps. yeah but That's festive, right? Oh man.
That's all other types of stock are available. Dude, the fucked up thing is I would probably bring that and laugh and then end up with that shit. Yeah, that's it that's my problem. and Fuck. Fuck. So tell me this, if you had to drink, here's one. If you had to drink a can of Turkey stock, cold or warm. Oh, fuck.
Probably warm, it'd probably go down quicker, right? Right. You'd stick it in the fire and heat it up a bit. You'd be like, oh, it's just a fucking soup, right? Yeah. Why is it crazy? It's crazy going down. Fucking think of all the salt in that shit. Oh, shit. You're my Holy fuck, dude.
I think warm would be the ticket, I think. Yeah, I think i think that'd be the easiest way to get it down. Cold would be hard as fuck. Yeah, that would be gross, man. It'd be, like, thicker. Kind of thickened up a little, maybe. You do that clamato juice, don't you? Clam of tomato. You can probably get a tall beer can of that. Fuck, dude. I'm having another Guinness.
We have a red storm warning for tomorrow. That's exciting. What's that mean for you guys? ah
Uh, uh, gusts up to 80 mile an hour, something like that. Oh, light wind. Yeah. Compared to Florida anyway. It's a light wind. Yeah. That still can be fucked up, dude. You guys got your shit ready for that? Yeah. Yeah. It's not that bad. Don't really worry. I've got the sides of the trampoline down, so I don't lose another one.
so What are the sustained wins going to be? Ah, fuck. Who knows? I don't probably like 40 or 50. I would guess we all live in brick houses. We don't worry that much. We've got to the end of the three little pigs story. Yeah. My house is a cement block house. So yeah, Mike, my house has been here since the fifties. I don't think it's fucking going anywhere anytime soon. Yeah. This is the first night I've had more than one beer since my operation.
Which is the reason we didn't have a show last week, apart from Thanksgiving. I know you did mention that. But I had, for those who don't know, I had kidney stone removed. So they put a camera up.
Little Stewie. Up your junk. Up, up little Stewie, right up into the bladder, into the kidney, laser, breaky, breaky. Then they put a stent in. It was a pie crack all around, but they gave me some good drugs. So I was... Yes, they did. I talked to you while you were on the show. Siobhan came and looked after me for the weekend and I was high as fuck.

Friendship and Amusing Rules

Your fucking eyes when I talked to you was fucking hilarious. You, Tom and I were just like, look at those fucking eyes, dude.
Oh fuck, that was the... third hey that Hey, I was speaking to you on the Thursday. but was I was on anesthetic and fucking... You called us on Thanksgiving. All of the things that... It's good to know when you're fucked up, you think to call us. Yeah, yeah. When you're fucked up, call your boys. That's another rule for... Rule 465,000. Rule for life. When you're fucked up, call your boys.
Yep. When you're fucked up, call your boys. Yep. Fucking assholes. Don't be a dick. When you're fucked up, call your boys. Yep. You got a list somewhere? Are you keeping a list? I posted the, I posted our main mantra, which was don't be a dick. Yeah. You should sort of listen to this guy. and maybe You should comment and add a number two so we don't forget. I should.

Social Media Presence and Interaction

Yeah. What's our, what is our blue sky fucking name? I don't know. TXM pod.
TXM pod dot blue sky, whatever the fucking thing is. we say social blah blah blah Yeah. Follow us on blue sky. Uh, ask us questions. We will answer them. Well, one of us will. I probably will. And, uh, yeah. Talk to us. If we like you, we might even get your own as a guest. That'd be fun. Yeah. Okay.
ah Well, a couple of friends have started listening to the show. Some more people? They hate it? No. Weird. I know. And I think they're probably going to come on at some point. It'll be a fun conversation. They're smart people. I don't think people like us, dude. I think you're full of shit. People don't like you. People like me. I'm fucking endearing. You are. That's fair.
um Yeah. I'm an asshole. You know, we're getting there. Tell me this. Yeah. Do you remember the t-shirt? When are we going to release the shirt? I don't know yet.

Merchandise Plans and Fundraiser

I have to fucking do the site and it's just been chaos since you fucking finally got that thing up. So maybe after the holidays, I'll be able to sit down and actually build that thing and get the store going and stuff. So we are going to release a t-shirt folks.
a way of, you know, putting our shit out there. We try and raise a little money to pay for the hosting and wah, wah, wah. I think I'm also going to do, I think I'm going to do a fundraiser for chorus thing. I have another shirt design we can use for that. That would be nice. And I'll have my buddy sell print those and mail them out. Yeah.
I think we can probably do a couple of things for that. That would be quite nice if we do something.

Festive Christmas Episode Plans

Um, and we need to, we're, we're, we're in talks and negotiations about a festive Christmas episode. Yes. Coming up in the next couple of weeks with some of our past guests joining us for some mulled wine, eggnog and merriment. I think we should get Anto for that. Okay. And Jeff.
And Jeff. And Brian, obviously. I'll ask Brian. um Yeah, somebody's got to be the adult in the room, I guess. um
Maybe Cass would be kind of fun with that group. Yeah. I don't know. I'll think about somebody. Think about another American, so it's three on three. Yeah, that would be good. And we will do that and get that out for the Christian faith to see them. Yeah, we probably should try and do that next week, right? Yep. So. Yes, sir. It's been a fun conversation. Yeah, it's been a weird one. Been all over the place. It was dark. And then we lifted it up a wee bit. So there's a little merriment for people. So they didn't get completely depressed to fuck on their drive home.
ah trying to work and pick one may Maybe I'm just hoping maybe we reach somebody or maybe people agree with us or even if they disagree with something slightly or even if I said something fucked up and you disagree or if I said something wrong, please correct me. So all about the conversation. I would like to learn. So my dude. Yes, sir.

Humor in Manliness and Vehicle Maintenance

What's the manliest thing you've done this week? Put a new fucking battery in my motorcycle the other day. Ooh. How's that for manly? Is that manly? That's pretty manly. Manly. I got new two two new tires today on my car. Oh, look at you go in the shop. Wait, did you do it yourself? Did I fuck? All right. I went to the- Who does that? I don't have that big machine. I'm just fucking with you. Yeah, I did the battery myself. You go to the dude who's got more oil on him than anything else. It's like,
why is he covered in so much oil? He's a mechanic. He puts the tires on, balances the wheels, very nice guy. I got two new tires, felt good about myself, kind of manly. Yeah, although it was kind of funny, while he was putting the two tires on, he kept talking to me about manly shit.
And I was like, hold it together. Don't say anything stupid. Hold it together. I just like trees and fairies. Do you know that nervous thing? You go, don't say fucking stupid.
but but but That's fucking funny. you know what i knew right we all area every time year When you're talking to someone that does a real fucking job, man you're like, don't say fucking stupid shit. It's kind of funny, but dad that was kind of it. So there we are. But anyway, that's funny. All right.

Wrap-Up and Farewells

I love you. I love you too, man. Have a good week, everyone. Take care, everybody. Thanks for listening to our and nonsense. I don't know what the fuck we are saying anymore.
We love you all. follow us Follow us on the socials, please. That's not crazy. I don't know you all. So. Nah, fuck it. People deserve a little love. Just because it's Christmas. That's all. That's your excuse. It's fine. I've been drinking. I love every woman I'm drinking. yeah Goodbye, everybody. Bye.