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Episode 41 : New Year, Same US image

Episode 41 : New Year, Same US

E42 · TalkXic Masculinity
48 Plays1 month ago

Happy New Year!  We come back to the podcast to discuss losing pets, movies, music and more.    

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A Somber Start to 2025

Yeah. Happy new year. Happy fucking new year. yeahre Not so great already. What do we, uh, just over two weeks in? Yeah. And 2025 seems to be a year of culling because we've lost comedians. We lost David Lynch today. Yup. Uh, there's been a number of celebrity deaths.
in the past two weeks. Yeah, there's been a few. It's crazy. It reminds me of the year David Bowie died. I know, that was rough, dude. That fucking January was wild. Yeah, that was crazy. All right, let's do this and then we can, I guess, talk about the awesome new year. Fucking, I don't know. Yeah.

Introduction to 'Toxic Masculinity' Podcast

Hey kids, welcome to Toxic Masculinity with Ian and Stuart.
It's just us. We're just trying to get back in the groove after new years and Christmas shenanigans. And I've been sick for fucking three weeks now and I still have a cough. So excuse me for coughing. I will edit them out, but Stuart's had some fun going on.
And, uh, yeah, you know, lots of death already in two weeks, lots of fun stuff. Uh, we could talk about some guilt since I'm directly dealing with it right now. Well, not guilt, but, uh, sadness. Just directly dealing with that shit right now. There's guilt. I understand. There's guilt, but I'm also sad. Yeah. Mostly sad. That's a long time to have, to have an animal in your life. She lived more than most.

Facing Pet Loss: Ian's Dog

Yeah, it's, um, it's definitely a hard thing to deal with. Yeah. It'd be easier if they could talk. Well, I mean, they can, but in some ways, so the last dog, I, so my dog's probably going to be gone by the time she will be passed on by the time this comes out.
And the last one that was her brother, her first brother, he was easier to tell when it was time. She's been slowly, slowly over years, like getting worse and worse. And then all of a sudden she took a hard right turn over the last few days. And now she looks emaciated and catatonic. So she's going to be gone soon. It's not fair to her.
That is how females seem to do it. The last man just go fluke and females seem to struggle on for a lot longer. It's on brand for her. She's always been a stubborn ass. So, and she's, she's never let me down. She's fought through it. So I've had a hard time with this one, trying to decide when the right time was, but When I came home today and saw her, I was like, yeah, it's time. Even though... Did you say you've had her 18 years? 18 years, yeah. That is a fucking long time. Yeah, dude. Slightly attached. I thought I did well with with Sweetie. Sweetie was about 15, 16. That's pretty good too though, man. Yeah. Smaller doggo, so, you know. She's not that big of a dog, but...
Dude, she didn't move off her blanket or bed the last few days. And this morning she was like determined to go somewhere. So she crawled her ass somehow. And I came home and I was like, what the fuck are you doing? It was only a couple of feet, but as far enough, I couldn't see her on the camera anymore. So she's stubborn ass still, but like right now. Wonder where she gets that from. I have no idea. Not for me. I don't know what you're talking about.
Yeah, right now she's kind of just like staring off into nowhere. I pick her up and carry her and her eyes kind of just look around all over the place and she reacts when I talk to her and she reacts when I touch her and pet her and love her up, but she's mostly gone already. She's basically just waiting to go. So I'm probably going to take her tomorrow, depending on how she looks in an hour or two, if she doesn't change, then I'll take her tomorrow. Be nice to get one more sleep with her. Yeah.
We did talk about grief one time before on the show. We did. Do you now

Grief, Euthanasia, and Societal Views

we'll, we'll get up. I have another question cause there is crazy people out there too. chair but Um, I am a crazy person. Do you find it easier as a man who holds their shit together, as you've said, you compartmentalize blah, blah, blah. Right. Do you find it easier to express your grief for an animal rather than a human? Uh, it depends on who's around. Like, uh, I will probably, in the healthiest of fashions, if it's like last time, I'll probably shut down for a couple of days and basically vanish from the world. Yeah. Just to deal and cope and get through stuff. I'd probably go to the gym or something.
um That's probably one way. There's a few people that are possibilities I might call, but there's a good chance I'll just lock down with it, with my other two dogs and just sit on the couch with them and talk to them and kind of like vent to them and stuff like that. It's pretty much what'll probably happen. And, uh, in my normal fashion, as we've talked before, I've told people on everybody, like I get a lot of I'm sorry's and stuff and I get it, but I'm like, I don't really want to hear that. And I don't like the whole,
you know, she'll be happier. She's going to a better place. Cause I know she's not. I don't believe in that stuff. She's just going to be gone. And, uh, the way I kind of look at it is it's just, um, it's the payment for everything she gave me. Like I'll get a scar out of it that I got to just kind of like, it'll help me remember the good stuff, even with the bad stuff, but yeah. And that's the way I have her brother's ashes. So I'll probably keep, I'll probably get hers too and keep them together that way.
Nice. Yeah. they They were both pretty much with me through like a lot of shit, like through my thirties and stuff. So in most of my forties, but yeah. You ever talk to someone that doesn't get it after you lose an animal? Yeah. But I also find a lot of people that even if they don't get it, like I have someone that worked that's afraid of dogs and even she was like sympathetic. She's like, I get it. You know, I understand in a way. I don't really like dogs. I'm scared of them, but I can understand. Yeah.
And then you tell him, like, you tell him, like, in this case, she's fucking 18 years old. That's basically raising a kid and then the kid going away, you know, 18 years. So I mean, doggy.
Uh, let's see. 18 times seven. Seven. Yeah. Let's see that, uh, American education. She's 126 years old in human years. Jesus Christ. Bellbow Baggins. Yeah. Shit. That's intense. Yeah. She's crazy. And she, about five years ago, she lost the use of her back legs, but she kept her spirit. She's still bossy as shit. And then maybe like a year ago, she stopped using her front legs. Like even when she lost her back leg, she could still walk a little bit. Yeah.
But the last year or so she's been bossing me around barking at me when she wants something, telling me if I leave her in a room too long without me being there, she yells at me like she's been pretty bossy and full of

Final Moments with Pets

spirits still. So I've been carrying her ass around. So while she yells at me, she's been the boss for at least for a while now, but now she's just gone, dude. She's basically gone. Yeah. Well, that's, um, we we talked about it, but that's the way sweetie was before he was my, um,
last dog before Dizzy and he was cool. He had the diabetes yeah yeah and he lasted a lot longer than I thought he was going to. and He used to just follow me about, but he was cool. I mean, he lost his sight no towards the end, but he yeah was still eating, he was still you know being cool and still wanted to to lie beside me and jump up on me and this kind of couldn't say a fucking thing. Walk into stuff if you said things where they're not supposed to be. It was always funny. you know you know you You do at least get some humor out of the blind people. i Moving their furniture around generally. But it really wasn't until the very end when he just wasn't
He wasn't having a good time. It was around his time. It sucks having to make that decision. Do you know what I mean? But I always wondered why we make these decisions for our animals, but people don't make these decisions for us when we're old and infirm. So I kind of do look at it through the eyes of a person. Like I i don't think of her as a dog when I'm trying to make this decision.
Yeah, but it is a humane decision. It is, but it's also a decision I try to put myself into too. Like, you know, like part of my decision-making has been... But if you were in that shape, would you want someone to make that decision for you? If I couldn't think for myself and they knew how I felt, yeah. Yeah, this is what I mean. But still most, I think they've just passed a law here in the UK for assisted suicide Assisted dying yeahliing dying. Yeah. And obviously I think Sweden's well into it. um
But it is, ah it's it's always an interesting conversation. it ah people People are on polar, but they tend to have polar views on it. yeah But it is interesting that people with pets make this decision all the time. Yet when it comes to dealing with ah a human being, it seems like a harder question and ah I find that strange. Well, if I were to tell you like, dude, I don't ever want to be dependent enough or I can't even wipe my own ass. Who the fuck would be? I'm just saying, but like you would know, like if I got to that state and I couldn't think for myself or anything anymore, you would know what I would want. Yeah, absolutely. With dogs, it's it's harder because they can't really tell you that that would that's what they want. And for me, like part of the decision, like the reason I didn't go take her tonight is because I'm like,
In my mind i'm like what she's reacting to my voice she reacts to my talk so she still cognizant. If i was still cognizant what i want to go yet or what i want one more night with somebody or what would i want this or what i want that like i go through i think of it is like if it's me or human like.
I'm not thinking of it as a dog. I'm thinking about the right thing because she's been very stubborn. She's been very loyal. She's been one of the best dogs ever had. So I kind of take all of that into account. So it's a really hard decision. It's definitely the same thought process if you were dealing with a relative, you know? Yeah, exactly. and Or even like one of my best friends, like same thing. Like I would be thinking about all this shit. Like were you always there for me? Would you give up on me? I wouldn't give up on you.
And I know she wouldn't live up on me. So I'm like, what point is it where it's not where it's humane and what point is it where it's giving up? You know what I mean? Yeah. I don't know if we talked about this on the show before, but whatever, uh, I had to take sweetie to the vet. Yup. The vet asked me, we knew what was going to happen. And the vet was like, are you going to stay?
Yeah, I have to. And I was like, what? I was like, we yes, I'm going to stay. yeah What are you talking about? Are you mad? And he goes, you would be surprised how many people don't stay. And that terrifies me because imagine being that the like not being with anyone you know yeah in your last moments. like I understand why people can't be there, but at the same time, and even though, yeah, but I mean, so in my head, the way, yeah, the way I look at it is even beyond what you're saying about being around strangers when you go, like in my head, it goes back to what I was just saying. Like it's hard as fuck to be in that room and watch it is. And then the doctor tells you, you know, they're gone and then you just gotta like, they give you a minute and then you get up and go when you're ready. But like,
After all the years of loyalty they give you, like you can't fucking bail on them in the last second. Like my own and know my own principles wouldn't let me do that. There's no way. I just don't understand how anyone could do it. It makes no sense to me. You give me 18 years. I can't give you like a couple of minutes. I don't think I'd ever be able to forgive myself. Yeah, no, it'd fuck me up. I mean, it hurts. It's

Holiday Reflections and Anecdotes

going to hurt either way. You might as well be there for them. So I just, I just held them.
Might have been too big. Ollie, Ollie, I knew it was time. for I mean, he was on the table. yeah I just kind of put my arms around him and held him. And so when Ollie was alone, you know, he was it was definitive. We knew for sure it was time. um we He cried the whole way there. He cried the whole way into the place. And then we put him on the floor in a big blanket. They had waiting for him.
And then we laid on the floor with them and they came in and gave me an ivy and they were like you know take your time we're back in a few minutes and then they came in and told us what was going on and then stayed with us and they're like okay you check them and you know like he's gone and they leave us in the room for a little while longer.
Yeah, it was really though that that that was traumatizing the way he went out. But the doctors are great and he wasn't crying anymore. But I couldn't leave him like that, dude. That'd be so fucked up. um Would your vets come to the heist and do it? No. ah Not typically in my experience, but like I probably vets, vets around here are so busy, I'm probably going to have to take her to like an urgent care or something tomorrow. But those places are usually pretty used to that kind of stuff and they tend to be really cool about it. So.
Yeah, hopefully I can get her ashes and earn. Yeah, I thought it was going to be terrible telling Cora. How'd she take it? She went, we have another dog. Yeah, that makes sense. Fucking autism.
Yeah, it makes sense. Little most pragmatic. I know in her head deep down, she is dealing with that. Do you know what I mean? Yeah, of course. She just kind of goes, in you know, shit I'm not going to deal with it now. I'm just going to focus on the bit that we do have, which I guess is kind of, kind of healthy in one way. And, but also as the person delivering said news, it's kind of fucked up. It is, but you also understand their brains wired a little different. Oh yeah.
Absolutely. You kind of expect stuff like that. It's weird man though. Uh, I, I don't know. I couldn't, I couldn't leave her in that room by herself. It's like I said, it's going to hurt either way. I might as well go to the finish line with her. At least I can talk to her and she'll be calmer. Yeah, it's going to suck. I'm not looking forward to it. It's, uh, the last time her brother, when he went, it felt like I lost a limb to my body because they've been with me through so much. So it's probably going to be just as bad.
Well, at least I know what it's going to feel like this time. It literally felt like a gut punch on my way home. Yeah. I wasn't crying. I wasn't crying, right? I was too like, I was kind of like in shock and catatonic, like halfway catatonic just driving, like just spaced and zoned out. Like I just couldn't do it. I cried at the, I cried a little bit when I, when he went, but when I, once I got in the car, it was like space cadetted for a little while.
And I had, ah my ex was, I talked to her today too, my ex Tara, who knew Opal. I was like, look, this is what's going on. I just want you to know, cause she lived with us for a while and Opal and Ollie were her babies too. So I just was filling her in. But yeah, we were trying to decide. I was like, look, I just want your input. You're a smart person and you were there with Ollie. So I know how much you love Opal. So just tell me what you think too.
So we did that too. But yeah, dogs, pets, pets are hard, man. I wish they lived as long as we do. Yeah. Fucking awful. Sure. Shit is trying, man. Oh yeah. 18 years is no joke for a dog, especially like not a tiny dog. Yeah.
So what else you been up to, man? How was your Christmas? We drew some lighter stuff. Yeah, I was going to say we've decided on a very upbeat... and We always do upbeat shit. Upbeat mode for the the start of 2025. I mean, we always do upbeat. That's kind of like our deal. Yeah. So that's nice. I can't... My eyes keep watering tonight. Yeah, sure. You're just crying. It's okay. Fuck you.
Oh, God. So what was your Christmas like, dude? You were you were talking about how you were. You were a little worried because you weren't going to be there when the girls were up at night and stuff. So how did it end up being with everybody there? And it was your experience like this year.
It was, uh, it was different. Obviously we had friends over from America and that was glorious. They brought you a germs. They brought us germs.

Post-Holiday Illness Chaos

Yeah. Well, there's there's no guarantees. They brought the germs. Somebody brought the germs. The germs arrived, but we'll get onto that. yeah Yeah. So they arrived a few days before Christmas for a good time. We died for a lovely meal and some pints of Guinness. There was many photographs taken with the Guinness. Everybody had a wheel of time. and Christmas Eve was lovely. We prepared food for the next day and all that jazz and the girls came round and I seen them for a bit and then they went round to their mums. And I went round there for when, you know, ah in the evening,
and did rich and holly stay your place where you did that or they did yeah yeah And I basically, you know, seen them and stuff like that. And then I went home and I didn't get to put them to bed on Christmas Eve because we kind of thought that maybe that would be a bit too much for them. Yeah.
um which I found hard because that is one of the cornerstone moments and you only get so many of them. Being a parent is putting your kid to bed on Christmas Eve and them being fucking mental. And to be fair, Zoe was fucking mental.
So she was, she was very excited this year. This was the most excited she'd ever been. That's kind of her brand. total Um, but then I got a phone call. Uh, I want to say five, five o'clock in the morning. And I went round And we, ah I seen them receive their Santa gifts in the morning in Clarissise and I was there for a wee bit and then I left them again and came home and that was kind of
weird. I don't know. I had a very mix of emotions over the period. Um, having Holly in rich here was great. Christmas day was lovely. We had a lovely dinner and probably helpful for you too. Yeah. And we drank a lot of beers and uh, uh, I, oh, Holly got her, uh, uh, she got a, um,
Honorary Irish passport.
Awesome. Ollie, drank an entire bottle of Bushmills on Christmas Day. Good for her. Jesus Christ. Good for her. Uh, what are they, uh, what about her little one? She was there with you guys, right? um me' Me is very quiet and very chill. she's our She's our sober guide when she's with all of us. oh yeah yeah yeah But she, she seemed to have a good time. She enjoyed seeing the girls and stuff. And she, uh, she's, she's really, really chilling. Yeah, she's awesome, man. She's so cool. She's just a, she's a sweetheart too. Like she's kind of cool kind of cool to hang out with and
I used to go to the pub and get her food issues like all amped about oh yeah yeah yeah yeah we walked up to the pub on christmas the monday and that was good fun and then. Oh christmas and i can't remember what that was my box and day.
um me and Rich had to walk up to the off-license to get a something. And we had a couple of beers in the bar. um um And then, you know, it was just over that. And then we just kind of all the days kind of blended into one really, you know. Yeah. Yeah. That's cool though. But then the first weekend after Christmas, and the norovirus hit us all like a fucking hammer.
and And it hit rich first. So rich was about eight hours ahead of everybody else in the household. That sucks. But lucky him because he didn't have to experience the horror that was the, I'm going to call it the gravy train. Yeah. and For my bathroom. Thank God I have two bathrooms by the way.
And that's a aerosol, I hope. Well, the windows ended up. in it was It was a horror show. So it was. i'm sure that i'm glad I mean, fuck it. I'm just going to let it all out here. ah yeah it is I think the last time I shot myself, I was about four years old.
Oh, you got to start that clock over. Yeah, start that clock over. It's all downhill from here, folks. It was fucking grim. That's horrible. That's me and Rich were talking about. It was like it was the weirdest experience. It was basically my body was trying to empty me out, squeezing a toothpaste tube.
Get a preview of your diaper years coming up here she's fucking horrendous yes i'm fine but everybody was in the same boat left children yeah and then i think it took me two days to have a drink again.
but Yeah, I went, uh, my buddy Gabe doesn't really do anything with his family. So he and I went out Christmas Eve to the town just south of us. And there was a, there was a beer garden open for one of the brewery places down there. So we just hung out there outside smoking. We had, we had some cigars going and food or, uh, we didn't get food that night, but we were drinking. I had some weird vanilla ale thing that was delicious. Was it a state? No, it was an ale. It was a vanilla ale of some kind. Vanilla ale? It was really good. I've had like vanilla states. Nope. It was, I was surprised. I had to get it cause they said, they said something vanilla ale. And I was like, is an ale? I gotta try that. The dark brine or? No, it was light. It was an ale. Christmas, we went to Tom's, ate all day. yeah or well What did you have? Uh, Christmas. I think she, I think Lilia made, uh, I think she made, I think we had a roast that day. I think she made,
I want to say it was beef. That's our big Turkey dinner day, you know? and Yeah. She did Turkey for Thanksgiving. So she wanted to do something different. So we did the roast beef in then and then I just, yeah. It seems weird to us. I know. Uh, we usually, I mean, sometimes people do take, we did my, my, I grew up doing Turkey on Thanksgiving and Christmas. So, yeah but, uh,
Yeah. So we did that and we went over there and hung out with them, which was fun. And we watched Tom get drunk. You're drunk-ish, not as bad. We were just giggling our asses off all day. And then, uh,
Yeah, it was it New Year's Eve. I went with Gabe out drinking again with a bunch of our friends and it was nice. That's about it. I mean, I didn't do anything crazy once a week. A party on New Year's Eve. yeah um Rather than making the entire universe, yeah we call it off and we ended up playing cards against humanity. so first um ah Me and Siobhan and Holly and Rich played cards against humanity and the kids kind of kicked about and played and had a good time and we we drank a few beers, didn't go too crazy. That's cool.
i i I was a hollow shell for a few days. We

Holiday Movies and Traditions

all were. It was wild. ah But hey, you know, the ah the other side of that was I got rid of that that pesky Christmas whip. It's fucking wild. i I drove Gabe down to... we usually go to this usually We usually go to this outdoor bar. It's between two... A guy owns two bars and there's an outdoor space between them and one of the bars has an outdoor window.
And the one that has the outdoor window just happens to be like a country kind of like Western bar, right? Which oddly has pat captain Which which oddly has a Roadhouse mural on the inside of it, but whatever no no straps for me. Thanks. I can't wear that shit um ah But Gabe gets in the car. I'm in my t-shirt, my jeans and my boots because I like wearing my boots when I'm going to sit around because they're like slippers. Yeah. And he comes out like full on cowboy. He looks at me. He's like, you're not dressing up. It's New Year's Eve. I'm like, motherfucker, I don't dress up for anything. Oh, you're talking about man. Well, that sounds like a challenge. So we went out and just drank and I don't know, we had fun. a Bunch of people met up with us once they hit midnight, like 1230. He and I are like, you ready? I'm like, yep, we're out of here. Fuck this shit.
Yeah. We did a week count down for the kids because the kids were getting tired. So we did a countdown for them about half 10. Nice. And put them to bed. YouTube's real handy for that shit. That's real fun. And then we did a real countdown. And then we did a real countdown with us later on, but you know, it was, it was a good time. We, uh,
Obviously you've all these plans for all these things you want to do when people are over. Well, we knew we weren't really going to be going anywhere because everywhere's fucking closed here. Yeah, of course. um But, uh, Oh, I, uh, one thing that, uh, Holly and rich really wanted to do, I had never watched a Christmas story. Oh, you never watched that shit. No, it's not, it's not really a thing here. You never watched. You'll shoot your eye out. What the fuck? Jesus. So I watched the Christmas story for the fucking love that movie don' ever. And yeah, I'm now absolutely in love with it. It is one of the most fucked up things I have ever watched a triple dog there. You sir. So
fucking weird. it it Honestly, it shook me for about three days after it. I kept ah captain basically gun up to Holly and going, but what about this? and She's just going, holy fuck, it's really fucked you up. I was like, yeah, dude. You're going to get a leg lamp now for your front window? Dude, I said to my friend, Aaron,
Uh, I was like, I finally watched this. He went, Oh man, it's so good. I've always wanted a leg lamp. I went, I kind of want one too. It's so fucking funny. I'm going to have to see if I can get a Christmas decoration or one for the tree for next year.
They make like desk lamp sized ones too. Nice, but it's so fucked. It's a major award, dude. Where the fuck did that thing come from? Where did that thing come from? It's such a weird movie. It's so good, dude. I was expecting something completely different. Oh yeah, of course. Yeah, no. I was just sitting watching it going, what is this? And the bit with the But there's so many bits like the the bet in it isn' the bit in the Chinese restaurant. Oh yeah, at the end with the fucking goose's neck. Jesus fucking Christ. Dude, I don't have cables.
Yeah, I don't have cable anymore, but they, uh, they used to, I think but one of the internal networks used to play it for 24 hours on Christmas Eve. I think they still do. I think Holly and Rich were saying they still do. Dude, that movie is so good in like the worst possible ways, but it's so good. I love that movie. I didn't watch it this year. ah yeah It's definitely going to that's the thing it's definitely going to my Christmas rotation from here on out. You really want to get fucked up. Did you recognize Ralphie? He's been in. Oh, yeah, I don't know. Absolutely. I know that like John. I was also a dirt bike kid. That's what I remember. But the my only problem is now every time I watch it.
I know that Holly and Rich aren't going to be with me when I'm watching them and that's going to be a bit weird. Yeah, but at least you'll remember them every time you watch it now. I will, but it's so fucking weird. At the time where she like tries to stuff his little brother into that snow suit to go outside and his arms won't go down. Oh Jesus Christ. She's like, packs his ass in there. It's so funny. It's so weird.
And what the fuck is going on with the Santa Claus? That's fucking freaky looking, right? That fever time, that fever dream section is terrifying. Yeah. You couldn't watch that with your kids. It is so messed up. So good. It's dark as fuck, man. Triple dog dare you to watch it. I was trying to think, is there another Christmas movie of a similar darkness? I mean, it makes Bad Santa practically look like a fairy tale.
It's fucking nuts. It's kind of a different vibe, but yeah, that, that one fever dream of Santa is fucking creepy, dude. The elf too is really weird, man. He's elf, that woman. So good, dude. That movie's so good. It's the bit where they they go to queue up and the, the adult behind them goes, Hey Kim, what are you doing? and This is the queue. Get out of the way. yeah like Who the fuck would do that to two children on their own? Oh man. It's so weird.
The father is the best though. I feel like the dad was in a completely different film. I just didn't know. So why was he so grumpy? He's just grumpy all the time. Cause he's fixing everything too. Like the heater breaking and shit. So good, dude. I mean, it's so fucking weird. It's so fucking dogs. And his younger brother, why does he eat like that? It's so strange. I don't know. It's so funny.
Show me how the piggies eat. Jesus Christ. You love that movie. I really did enjoy it. It was just, I was so astounded that it was not the film I was expecting. Kind of jealous. They got to watch you watch it for the first time. That would have been a fun show. That's what, that's what Holly was like. I wish I had a video of you watching this. Yeah, dude. I'm kind of jealous. I'm going to have to have a conversation with them. It was so fucking weird.
And we watched a load of stuff, so we did. It was good. It was nice. It was a good time. I caught up on Smile 2 and I watched... Oh, I went and saw on Nosferatu as well. Oh, I seen that too. It was great. Yeah, she was good. I really enjoyed... What did you think of Lily Rose Depp in that movie? She did awesome. She was really good in it. She was amazing. Yeah, she was really good in it. She really went for it.
Everybody was good in it like there wasn't a weak actor and that was really well done. No, there wasn't. um ah Aaron Taylor Johnson. Yeah, that guy. Kickass. He was really good at playing a pompous arsehole. Yeah, he was great. Very good.
star good It was weird. how have and da say war was so good It was weird, but kind of cool the way they changed his look to with the mustache and all like, yeah. And that fucking voice that he had to learn how to do. Holy fuck. That was good. Yeah. It was really, but it was really good. I, uh,
I was expecting to go, fuck this is, fuck this is, but I absolutely loved it. It was the right side of creepy, good scares. And the bits where it went into like black and white and shit, hu man. It was good. It was beautiful. Eggers does really cool stuff, man. Even his movies that are not the best, he does cool stuff in them.
but It was really, really good. I watched Smile 2. It was all right. I was kind of disappointed by the ending. I haven't even seen Smile 1. Smile's pretty good. Smile 2's not that great.

Anticipated Movies and Shows

ah And another horror movie since we're still on this side, just on this side of Christmas, but Wolfman comes out this weekend. Yep. Go and see it next week. Yeah. I'm going to probably see it middle of next week. Do you think i'm mean I get the feeling I've seen the last trailer and it doesn't really
i I think it's had a heavy re-edit. Why? After they brought the the character out. So and so my over the fucking my speculation for that from the start was that that thing was in the movie, but it's not the Wolfman. It's like the Wolfman that turns him potentially. Right. Because in the original one, Bela Lugosi is an older Wolf, werewolf that turns him.
So I was like, that looks like a creepy, like backwoods, redneck kind of thing. Maybe that's what turns it. But I was like, there's no way that's the actual werewolf. Yeah. That's not the main character. And you can tell because. But I've seen a trailer for it before and the new trailer didn't.
I don't know something just didn't line up i think it's probably had a bit of a rework did you see the new trailer for. I watch trailers pretty much. fuck You he didn't see the new trailer for daredevil reborn. No i'm just gonna watch it why would you not just watch that why would you not just watch it there's no reason i'm not going to watch i watched all the stuff that was out on Netflix obviously and.
Yeah. He was awesome. They've completely went back and redone it and it looks so much better. mayor So it does um I'm kind of happy about that now. It's excellent. What else was I looking forward to or something else coming out? Shit, I forgot. oh I really want to see, as and Bob Dylan. I don't want to see that. It looks really good. I'll watch it at some point. Not really. You suck.
nigga burn amazing. Every song doesn't matter. He's a fucking poet and that is what people, and he doesn't act so like that. He kind of does. Yes, he does. He's very nasally. that blocks he blocks his nasally but He's that fucking nasally. He's got a couple songs I like, but I don't really like him that much. I don't like Bob Dylan.
I don't like a lot of music that would be ah considered hot takes. But I'm looking forward to see that movie. It looks good. Did you watch skeleton crew yet? Nope. You need to watch it. It's Goonies in space, dude. I know. I find it very hard to watch.
A lot of series. It's a short at the short and short short episodes and short series. Yeah. It makes something that was in a Disney park into canon that was not canon for Star Wars before. Yeah. We finished all the shrinking episodes. So that's good. I just finished what we do in the shadows because I was kind of milking it because it's done done. Yeah. I haven't watched the last season. yeah The last season is so fucking good. and It's so fucking funny.
Yeah. I mean, that changed tack. That was good. Yeah. Um, I need to, I'll watch drinking eventually, but I haven't watched it yet. It's really good. It's, uh, I mean, it's right in our White House. Um, it's well worth a watch and, and humorous and, uh, thought provoking, like everything written by those guys. I mean, if you watch Ted Lasso, you know what you're in for really.
You know, which is good. I like that. I like a comedy and drama with a brain. That's good.

The Value of Dark Humor

It's interesting. It's really good. We don't get a lot of that anymore. and and What was that Ricky Gervais show about him dealing with death? Oh, Afterlife. Afterlife. That shit was so good. Oh, so good. So good. That was heartbreaking, but perfect. Yes. It was like the, uh,
It was like the less, the less ah positive version of Ted Lasso actually. Cause it was dark. It was dark. Ted Lasso was kind of bright, but it was kind of similar. Well, very funny as well. That's what I'm saying. And they're both really funny and one's kind of uplifting and one's kind of just like takes you on like an actual real emotional journey, like in the dark side of things.
There is humor to be found in those really dark places. Some of that's because it is so dark that your mind automatically wants to break it with something other than the horrifying thoughts that you're having, you know? Also, when things are bad, I kind of like dark humor. It kind of makes me laugh. I mean, who doesn't?
Some people don't. You get, they get really upset. Sure, but still. Just some other things to catch up on. Let's see what else. I started listening to a band called Olds, Old 60. Kind of like, they're from Kentucky. They made it big on like social media somehow, I believe. I don't know for sure. I didn't really look in their backstory. um I'm listening to them because I'm going to go see them in March nice for my lady Gabe's birthday. They're playing,
They're playing at a Bulls bands and barrels. So I'm gonna go see a rodeo barrel racing and some music Okay. Yeah, I'm just gonna go be Florida for a little for a week for a night week nice shit Friday night. I don't remember if it's Saturday or Friday, but Yeah, dude there you would like them a lot I feel Okay, kind of like on the darker side like sadder side of music a lot of like stuff about like losing people yeah, not all of it, but a lot and It's kind of got like, the only thing I can think of is like that 90s emo kind of twinge to it, even though it's kind of country.
Right. clear Yeah, dude. It's kind of like that, but the the lyrics are really well done too. Nice. But yeah, they're they're pretty cool. I'm getting absolutely haunted but at the moment by Rosie and Bruno Mars' APT. Oh yeah. Did you see them? Are you about to see them? Somebody was going to see that, I think. No, not me. Zoe's obsessed with it. Cora's obsessed with it. Anna's obsessed. They're all obsessed with it. And they keep putting it on in my car.
So it's getting stuck in your head now? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Totally airworm. Yeah. That's cool. But it's it's kind of funny. It's just these things tend to rattle around for a while with these songs. That and Wicked are getting a lot of Zoe singing Defying Gravity and Popular. Yeah, dude, I hear both of those all the time. And now I don't even intentionally listen to them. So. Yeah. The film is good. I like it.
I want to see it, but I kind of want to wait till both are out and just sit and watch all, ah like all the way through. Yeah. I heard the, uh, my, uh, our Cass, my friend Cass who has been on the show. She says she liked it better than the ah Broadway version, which is kind of, that's, that's, that's, that's big shit coming from her.
oh I really enjoyed it. I have never seen the West End or Broadway production, but I know the songs, but I watch it one day with the girls. And yeah, it was great. I love a musical. I'm a fan. Springtime for Hitler. What? Springtime for Hitler. Dude, the producer is so good. In Germany.
I think everybody should do a deep dive on Mel Brooks's history because he did some really funny and fucked up shit. That was really funny. Yeah, no, absolutely. He's genius.

Gift Giving and Family Dynamics

Great. So what else is going on, dude? What did the girls get for Christmas actually? Oh, oh um, Cora got, uh, the haunted dreams of the innocent.
a Cor got a reborn doll. Oh, okay. What? So it's a kind of real looking baby. And when you pick it up, it kind of falls like a real baby. Its neck goes on the arms. It's weighted like a real baby. It is one of the most fucked up haunted things I've ever picked up in my hands. You should come to work on me sometime.
ah Yeah, no, fine. Our baby's breathing stuff. But she loves it, so she's happy. So we got a gymnastics bar because she needed something else to throw herself about on. Of course. What did the big kid get that was exciting? What did I get? Yeah, it was the ba what did you get? You were excited to text me about.
I got an electric drum kit. There you go. Which is fun. I got, I got meat. You got meat? No, I got unending apple pie meat. I haven't cracked it open yet. Yeah, it sounds good. You haven't tasted it yet? Not yet. Geez. Soon. I'll probably do it soon. I've been kind of dieting down a little, so. Yeah. Not a lot of alcohol right now. Yeah. Yeah, man. Well,
I think that's a good intro to come back to people like we did a little ups, a little downs. Indeed. But, uh, man, we'll get back on our shit here. Yeah. I apologize for our extended hiatus, but you know, Lots of sick, lots of holidays. Lots of sick, lots of Christmas, lots of holidays. Yeah. It was one of those things. I hope everyone had a really good time. I hope they did too. I hope everybody got some good shit. All that jazz. And, uh, yeah. Yeah. What's the, what's the manliest thing you did over Christmas?
Oh, what the fuck? I don't even know.
That's a tough question right now. Well, I can do a stereotypical, I have been sick for three weeks and I have, I took, out of those three weeks, I took one week off from the gym. That's it. I still train through it because I'm a fucking idiot. I should be sleeping and resting, but you know, I think that's a pretty stereotypical manly thing to do. Nice. Ignore what you know you should do and just, you know, do what you normally do. Yeah. What about you? I shot myself. Yeah, that's good. That's good. You did. You did. I think that's fair. I

Episode Wrap-up and New Year Wishes

think you win.
you Get ahead of that diaper, shit. Jesus Christ. All right, everybody. We'll talk to you soon. We'll get back on our shit. We'll get some guests going again. We'll have some more conversations. Yeah. Come here out and chat with us or find us on Blue Sky. If you want to come on and talk to us, just message us. Maybe we'll see if you can get you on. That would be cool. Yeah. Well, have a good week. Happy 2025 and shit. Bye, guys. Bye.