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Dolan Inversionism on Injection Injuries, Ideal Diets, Ancestors, Environment, and more! image

Dolan Inversionism on Injection Injuries, Ideal Diets, Ancestors, Environment, and more!

Beyond Terrain
516 Plays1 month ago

In this episode, we’re joined by Dolan from Inversionism to challenge conventional wisdom and dive deep into topics that redefine health and wellness. We start by exploring ideal diets as well as Dolans personal health journey, uncovering the foundations of vibrant living through nutrition and self-awareness.

The conversation expands to the external environment as we discuss spraying the skies, and other sources of toxicities. Dolan shares practical advice on taking care of your family’s environment, focusing on how to create a safe, nourishing space amidst external challenges of toxicities.

We tackle the controversial topic of injection injuries, examining their implications and exploring methods for healing from injections and toxicity. This leads to a fascinating critique of germ theory, questioning its role in shaping modern narratives and stories.

This episode is a thought-provoking journey into holistic health, environmental awareness, and the power of questioning mainstream narratives.

We hope you enjoy the episode!

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Podcast Introduction and Consistency

Liev Dalton
Welcome everybody to another episode of the beyond train podcast. I'm your host, Lee of Dalton. If you're new around here, consider following the show. If you're on YouTube subscribing would be very great way to support the show. Put that bell on. So, you know, when the, when we drop it's every Monday, I haven't missed one yet. And we've been doing pretty good. We've been pretty consistent. If you like the show, give us a review, a comment rating, great way to support the show as well. Sharing is always the best.

Origin of 'Inversionism' Brand

Liev Dalton
We have a great guest on today. I really looking forward to this.
Liev Dalton
Uh, Mr. Dolan from Inversionism.
yeah inversionism ah you know when i first when i first made that like i thought of that name uh i said it a few times i'm like man it doesn't really roll off the tongue very well does it but you know with some practice it kind of comes easier yeah a little bit of a tongue twister inversionism yeah man uh
Liev Dalton
Liev Dalton
I've been practicing it all day. I still had to sound her out. Yeah. ah Really looking forward to this conversation. It's going to be a good one today. um Yeah, I'm just really grateful to have you on. I really love your, your Twitter feed there, your X feed, always entertaining, always really educational too. So thanks for giving us some time today.
I appreciate that man. Oh man, where to start?

Healthcare Approach: Ancestral Lifestyles

I've had not much experience with social media and podcasting. I just started doing it this year. The first couple of pods you get the cobwebs out, you get rid of the nervousness and try not to be in your own head and just get into the flow state and just talk.
I mean, and I've had good feedback from the positive, like the Nephilim desk squad ah guys were were really cool. They had me on twice. ah People really liked those shows. I was on the higher side chats and I got obliterated with emails and health consults after that one. That was like the first time I like publicly was like, yeah, I'm going to try health consulting and just like try to give people what I've learned over the years, being a neurotic, crazy person that's out of my house, like just experimenting on myself and doing really reckless dumb shit.
But yeah, I just like just kind of want to share the wisdom and help people figure their health out. And I don't want to gouge them at the same time, like a lot of other health coaches do where they charge like $500 an hour or $400 an hour.
And more often than not, the people that need help are the ones who cannot afford it.
Liev Dalton
So I'm trying to find the amount that I'd make if I worked in IT t full time. That's really what it is. like And Stripe, but I think they take like 8% or something like that, ends up being about the same. So I want to be honest about it.
Liev Dalton
I don't want to be greedy, like a lot of other influences become when they get in this space.
Liev Dalton
Love it, man. I appreciate that a lot. And it it speaks to, you know, your integrity and character as well. So, um, that's amazing, dude. I want to start off. I want to get a little definition of health. I want to hear what.
Liev Dalton
What your thoughts are surrounding the topic of health? How does it manifest? What does it mean? This gives us a good baseline because ah we'll delve deeper into the topic as we go. So what what is health?
Oh, beautiful question. I think health comes from the emulation of the life of your ancestors. I think their lived experience, I think the food that they, I think the environment they were exposed to, I mean, there could even be, ah you go down some of the Electric Universe rabbit holes and there's some theories that there was a different sun at a point in time.
and that that affects our physiology. like We're beings of light that receive information and radiation and frequency from the sun all the time and then from the moon when it's night out. like We're always being inundated by our environment and that's forging our being and making future progeny. So if you are of, like let's say you're of equatorial descent and you have a better adaptation to consuming a lot of nightshades or like potatoes or starch or things like that, but somebody like me who's German of like very northern European descent,
I don't do well with those foods. I'm like a meat, eggs, and dairy kind of farm kid. Some of my dad's parents, some of his parents, like they were my my my dad's parents were ah cattle farmers and dairy farmers. and his ah His dad had a massive cattle farm, like one of the biggest, and he even did like ah advertisements for raw milk.
ah back in the early 1900s where he was was talking about how different it was and like how it wasn't causing. i I need to get a picture of the flyer when I'm going down for Thanksgiving, I'm gonna get it, but they have this flyer that says, does not make your children mucus-y, which is a very common anecdote with pasteurized milk that I experienced and so has ah the my girlfriend and her kid moved in with me and I changed his diet. He was just pouring mucus since I started dating her and like and just seeing him like interacting with him. He always had ear infections. He was pouring mucus constantly. He had boogers like just crammed into his nose and I switched his diet, got him on raw milk, which he's ah of German ancestry, my girlfriend's German too, ironically. and All the mucus went away and the ear infections went away. and He became much happier

Critique of Modern Medical Practices

and healthier. so My perspective on health, to kind of bring it back,
Uh, is that not only is it like an ancestral thing based on your lineage, but just in general, I think humans are very much more so a carnivorous species. Uh, I don't think we're adapted to eat fruit year round. I mean, that's a seasonal food, unless you're of a certain location, like if you're on the islands, but I don't think we're adapted to eat fruit year round. I don't think we're adapted to eat potatoes and like vegetables and all these plant foods. I think we have used them as medicines and we figured out how do we make like tinctures and extracts using alcohols and all the other things in our environment to make medicines out of them, but I do not think they were the predominant source of our calories and nor were they the reason that we are here today. I mean, if you look at Weston Price's book, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, that book is really what brought me to this perspective on
The way you're supposed to eat to make a human being, like if that's our prime directive, our prime directive here is to you know live life, have a family. You cannot do that healthfully without animal foods. You just can't. like The fat soluble vitamins AEDK2 are so profoundly important for developing a child and making sure their bones are developing right, their teeth aren't all crooked and decayed, their hips are wide enough to have a child easily.
ah because like People talk about the life expectancy rate, like looking back at old times, but it was like a hierarchical system where the good hunters and the adept people would get all the nutrition and they'd have healthy kids, and it'd be a very easy process, like the Cultures and Western Prices book. and ah Those that were not nourished and were underdeveloped and their hips were big enough, they'd try to have a baby and they'd bleed out and die. like Those are the things that, like it was all I think it was all dictated by nutrition and then obviously environment. You have things on top of it. but Everyone says that like we live in a more toxic environment today, and I think that's largely true like in in every way, but when a volcano erupts, the amount of toxic metals it emits into the air is unbelievable. Mercury, cadmium, lead, arsenic, like all the worst ones, and you're breathing it in on a daily basis, and that was a selection pressure on us. and The only people that could survive those things were those who were eating right, who were you know the the top of the hierarchy,
getting all the the best meat, getting all the organs, ah getting the cleanest water, using the best medicines like that. That's really what forged us. So that's where my perspective comes from. And I found consistently just through myself, when I look back to what my ancestors did, whether it's being outside barefoot in the grass, it's getting sunlight, it's being exposed to hot and cold frequently, sweating a lot. When you start emulating those things, you get healthier and you get happier and you get more intelligent, you get sharper. Like it just makes you a better human being.
And that's what I, that's my perspective. And I think the modern medical system, I think this entire system that we've built, uh, is an inversion of that, like full stop. Like they tell you not, they tell you to avoid salt. They tell you to, you know, not get sunlight. They tell you to, you know, pasteurize and cook your food to hell. So it has no probiotic benefit. It was a lot of the minerals. Like I think that everything that they tell us to do in regards to health is an inversion. And that's why my name is inversionism. Not only that vaccines, especially like that's really, that's the darkest of them.
Liev Dalton
Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. No, I actually, I do love the name, uh, because ah you know, and, um, we were talking about last, the episode that kind of just came out there with Mark over that everything's kind of upside down.
Liev Dalton
So I think the name in versionism is very, very fitting, you know, because everything that we're told is, is absolutely upside down.
Liev Dalton
Um, a couple of great, great kind of topics came up this, um, you know, looking at your ancestors and finding this balance right between what your ancestors ate and kind of your local environment.
Liev Dalton
Now. um I love the Weston A. Price books. I find it very simple to talk about diet, um especially when we're where we're looking back at what our ancestors did, because we could just look look at what's in our environment, right?
Liev Dalton
If you can eat fruit year round, okay, maybe it's you know not that bad, but up in Canada, you certainly can't do that, right?
Yeah, absolutely not.
Liev Dalton
so um I think it's it's really important to kind of look back at our ancestors and beyond diet as well. Like you were mentioning things like grounding, even just being with um loved ones, consuming food with you know your community or kind of having communal values, dancing, different things like that.
Liev Dalton
um The other topic that I find super interesting is the the topic of mucus, right? ah Especially in regards to detoxification, health,
Yeah. What is it?
Liev Dalton
Um, you know, I remember reading about sort of this, like when I first got into the health field, this mucus list diet system, um, kind of a really popular thing was trying to reduce mucus in people.
Liev Dalton
And this was like, you know, early 1900s. Um, and obviously these diets were more geared towards like raw veganism, stuff like that.
Liev Dalton
Um, which is initially what I thought was the ideal human diet. Obviously I've corrected myself.
that's how i got sucked into it yeah oh yeah well
Liev Dalton
Yeah, really. Yeah, that's cool, man. Maybe we can hear a little bit more about that and kind of how you even developed into um thinking this this way about though what the ideal diet is.
God, to start, i mean to go to the back to the very beginning, I didn't know this until like several years ago when I started calling hospitals, getting my medical records and looking at ah vaccination records. but i got a my mom my Even my parents didn't associate with the vaccine. and It wasn't until recently they kind of figured it out, but they it did make them not trust the medical system, thankfully. Otherwise, I probably would have got every diagnosis for autism and everything else combined. I was a very neurotic obsessive kid. but I got a Tdap vaccine when I was two and it gave me plural effusion, which is ah a bunch of water around your lungs and heart and pneumonia and a bunch of other like connected symptoms. But I just, I stopped breathing at home and I turned blue and my mom, I think she found me in the crib or in like the little standing chair. And I was like, I was turning blue and they rushed me to the hospital. ah They cut my side open, sucked the fluid out. But before that, I guess my heart stopped for a couple of minutes. Like I
basically died because of a vaccine, and I'm still here somehow. And that was my first introduction of the world. And to treat the pneumonia, they gave me a fluoroquinolone antibiotic, which is really gnarly if you've ever looked into those. Those have some of the worst side effect profiles. They destroy your microbiome, and they're full of fluoride. So who knows what that did that that did to my like spiritual capacity for years? like That was my first introduction to medical system. And then when I was 17, the thing that like kind of really set me down this path was a flu vaccine. I got it to play football that year. It was like the swine flu, 2009, insanity. And they were pushing it really hard. And I have news clips that I posted on X before like showing the exact same playbook, the exact same narratives, like, oh, you don't want to kill grandma. like They've done this over and over, and they keep perfecting it. I have a feeling they're going to try doing it again here pretty soon and start going after

Personal Health Journeys and Discoveries

animal foods. but
Yeah, man, that destroyed me. Because I was dating a girl at the time, too, and things were going really good. I think it was that first true love of your life. And then I get that flu vaccine, and I turn into this very self-conscious, jealous, angry person. And that's a very common anecdote when people get poisoned with mercury, is that it makes you just paranoid in a lot of ways. It makes you more angry and violent and impulsive. You can't control yourself as well.
And that just escalated and I went to college like and I was was doing good for most of my high school and school and then like the end of my senior year I just kind of checked out couldn and couldn't really focus on it as well. um And my life just got really bad. like I started developing skin problems, which really affected my confidence. like I got cystic acne all over me. um This was within like two weeks of getting the vaccine. like I had like just standard teenage hormonal acne before, like a couple of bumps here and there.
Then I get the flu shot and it's cysts all over me, like painful where I talk and my jaw would hurt. and I just started trying to figure that out, I guess. That was the first thing I was trying to figure out. I was like, what is causing my skin to do this? And I went down the topical route first. I was just putting every fucking chemical you can imagine on my skin. I tried every face wash. I remember when I was in college, I was just super unhealthy. I also started taking Prozac at this time. My mom would just bring me a new face wash every weekend just to try. Because she was trying to help me to get it go away too.
And it kind of consumed me and you start researching about acne and like some dermatologist would tell you, oh, it's not connected to diet. But then you look online and everybody's like, oh, plant-based cured my acne. Like that was the first thing I come across was like plant-based good diets ah would cure your acne. But at this time I was kind of going with the doctor. They said it doesn't matter. So I was drinking like two liters of Dr. Pepper a day. I was eating pop tarts. I was eating Swedish fish.
i One vivid memory I have is I woke up in the morning and I was really into Starcraft 2 at the time. and like I think League of Legends, but mostly Starcraft 2. I was pretty good. Master's top 100 in the world, ah even with a mercury brain injury. I think like it was only like my only refuse to like kind of escape.
and Man, i I didn't do the diet thing very well in the beginning. Obviously, if you're just drinking Dr. Pepper and eating you know the cafeteria food because I was living in the dorms, like obviously you're going to start getting unhealthy and healthy. I started getting fat because I was also taking Prozac at the time. i just Everything was just collapsing around me and then I ended up going home.
ah My gut was also getting really bad at that period of time, but I ended up going home and doing classes online, but living with my mom. and That's when things like took a real dark turn. and That's when I got the most depressed I'd ever been in my life. like I was anxious all the time. I was going to a dermatologist, and they were giving me things like tetracycline and doxycycline, which gave me full-blown Crohn's disease. like As soon as they gave me those two, like backto back to back, I was shitting foam.
like When you start getting to that point where it's blood and foam and like you're not, and I was all this eating terribly too, so it's hard to like pin it down to one thing, really, but my goal really entirely was just to fix my skin. and Then I had started branching off into, I want to fix my mental health, and then you start looking at nutrition and vitamins. and I initially went to the ah Mediterranean diet, then I did plant-based with veganism for like a year and a half, vegetarian um vegetarianism for like a year and a half. ah kind of
throughout like I kept trying eggs and they'd make me super tired like i have ah I had a bad allergy to them and I think it was about like a year in the keto around there like about a year in the keto I was doing like a plant-based dirty keto a lot of coconut oil and my gut was a little bit better but then I made these buns these ah almond flour coconut flour buns and And I didn't prepare them right ah because you're supposed to soak the almond flour because it's very high in oxalate and phytate. But I ate two of those buns and I shipped blood for several weeks and I felt like I was going to die. Like I had a constant sense of impending doom, like 24 seven. Like I'd wake up in the morning and just be sheer terror all the time.
I haven't felt that before. That was a ah new experience. My mental health was bad. I was covered in eczema and acne. I had hyperpigmentation all over my body because I wasn't healing right. I wasn't getting enough sunlight. I was kind of a recluse. I spent all my time inside just researching and listening to lectures and just trying to like get really just figure out health.
And that's what I was doing for most of my twenties in my free time. Like, well, I worked a job, like I'd be listening to podcasts while I'm there about health. Uh, I'd be listening to lectures. I just, I was just trying to figure it out. Like, and I became a very obsessive person about it and just kind of isolated. And then I found the carnivore diet after Joe Rogan did his podcast with Sean Baker. Uh, like most people, they think it's stupid. It was like, wow, you can't just eat nothing but meat, red meat causes bowel cancer and heart disease, saturated fat is bad. Like all that programming comes up.
And then I heard Jordan Peterson go on after, and that's somebody I very much respected at the time I'd read his book, 12 Rules for Life, and it helped me fix my relationship with my dad, which was not good growing up and in a lot of ways. like It wasn't all bad, but we had we had some rough times. And he talks about his autoimmune problems going away, which I had. I had ankylosing spondylitis, which is like an autoimmune disease where your spine is getting attacked. It felt like my back had like grips on it all the time. like There was a needle poking me between my spine and my shoulder blade.
um, joint pain, wrist pain, which I thought was carpal tunnel, but it was just autoimmune. And I hear Jordan Peterson talk about all his symptoms, vanished you in a carnivore diet and I'm like, okay, I'll try it. Let's, I've tried every other diet. I've done crazy self experimentation. I fucked around with peptides. I did a lot of different, uh, reckless shit to mostly fix my gut and also fix my skin.
And I do the diet for like two weeks and I become a completely different person. Like it makes me want to, it made me want to be social again. Like my brain woke back up. I could focus. Like I felt like I had higher understanding and like self-awareness too, which is a weird feeling to have. Cause I was kind of living in a fog before, like just kind of a, an aimless fog.
and From there, man, it's just i once ah once that fog lifted, I became even more infatuated with health. like I just started looking at all the ancestral perspectives. like all the like what What were our ancestors eating? like Where do I come from? I had done genetic testing before that and plugged into NutraHacker and like looked at various ah vitamin mutations and whatnot. That was the one thing that made me go keto, too, is when I got my genetics tested, ah there are mutations with the glucocorticoid receptors that are very common in like northern European ancestry but type of people.
and that diet to fix that is just being ketosis more. like That's really the the core of it. and and From there, man, I started obsessing. and I listened to a lot of lectures. I started like listening to people like Sean Baker, Ken Berry, even the Schrieridge guy, the dude that eats like rotten raw meat. I read all of his Vonder plans and stuff, listened to all of his lectures, and just kind of coalesced it into my perspective that I had before. is Obviously, the vaccines are malicious. I figured that out probably a decade ago.
and Just kind of combining it all together, and the the um the perspective that you end with is just emulate your ancestors. Eat what they ate, live how they lived, and usually if you believe in genes. I've listened to a podcast by Thomas Cowan lately that makes me question whether or not all of genetics is a little a little contrived too, but yeah, man, that's how I got here. just I was mostly trying to fix my skin. The health issues just escalated as I did more experimentation. I heard that podcast with Joe Rogan and Sean Baker and Jordan Peterson, and I tried a diet and it changed my life. like It made me a completely different person and then like took me out of near death. like i legit thought i i i mean If I didn't hear that podcast or if I wasn't listening to Rogan, I would probably be dead right now to be honest with you. like The amount of blood I was shitting was like about to go to an emergency room type of shit and I didn't like doctors either.

Skepticism Towards Vaccines and Health Systems

so if i If I was on the brink of like trusting the medical system to you know keep me alive when I had completely separated myself from it,
ah That's that's pretty bad. So that's how I got here. That's where I'm at when it comes to health is from that lived experience.
Liev Dalton
Amazing, man. Well, thank you for sharing that brother. That's a, it's quite a story and I feel like it's far too common nowadays, right? And it's like, it's very interesting the way that you kind of traced it back to, and you can look at it chronologically, right?
Oh, yeah.
Liev Dalton
Um, you could see which events kind of like spurred on other events. And then it was kind of like this cycle of continuing to get worse, right? Because it was. continuous symptom suppression and pharmaceutical intervention that kind of worsened it for a while.
Liev Dalton
And then you were like, all right, like we got to look at like health here from.
supplements too, man.
Liev Dalton
Like the vegan vegetarian thing, like is when I started getting like crazy about supplements, like neutral hacker. And then I'd have four to four by seven pill planers packed to the brim with like every vitamin I was missing based on chronometer.
And I think I poisoned myself with a lot of that stuff as well. Like, cause supplements are very dodgy and I really wasn't aware of that back then. and the additives and the flow agents and the preservant, whatever else they're using and they're like, they can cause reactions in a lot of people and I didn't really figure that out. But the reason why I can kind of piece it together is because I was a neurotic crazy person and did a food journal every day for like 10 years where I wrote down everything I ate, how I felt, what supplements I took, if I took any peptides, I fuck around with like how much coffee did I drink, how much caffeine. Like I just, I went obsessive and I was trying to find a pattern and like when I eat this, this happens. And like some of the big ones that were very obvious is when I eat kale, my voice would change.
It'd make my voice higher and like make my throat feel tight, which might be an effect of the goitergens with iodine in your thyroid, or it could be something else with the toxins in the kale because it's packed with thallium and like forever chemicals and God knows what else. ah When I ate spinach, my wrists would hurt. and I also got two kidney stones from doing ah basically one of like kind of a variation of Dr. Rhonda Patrick's nonsense smoothie.
which i don't I cannot believe she still recommends people do that. like The amount of anti-nutrients you get in that and pesticides, especially if it's not good quality and heavy metals too, is unbelievable. so yeah it's um When you start Like I said, when you even when like you look at people in the health space, like can I ask you this? like I'm curious. like when you have When you listen to people, a lot of people will go, if if they agree with them on everything, something is wrong. So like I don't listen to anybody. and I don't agree with everybody 100%. And when they say something, I strongly disagree with. I'm not going to be like, OK, now they're an idiot. Everything else they said is wrong. But I find that ah type of perspective in a lot of people in the health space. And I do have one or a couple of issues that are kind of like that. Vaccines are one.
If you think vaccines have value or there's no mouse behind it, I think you're you've lost you're missing something. You're missing something very important about how they're designed and who designed them and where they come from. and ah That and then the geoengineering thing. If you deny the fact that they're spraying shit in the sky, so obviously you can literally watch it every day, you can go look up ah the NOAA website where they tell you, those are like the two big things. like If you deny that, like you might you might be an idiot or just severely delusional and coping. I'm i'm not really sure which one it is.
Liev Dalton
Well, I completely agree with you that I don't agree with everything that everyone else says, right?
But those two bother me.
Liev Dalton
There's always something that you can kind of, um you can pick apart, right?
Peace out, yeah.
Liev Dalton
So i agree I agree completely with that.
Do you have a breaking issue though? Do you have an issue where you're just like, okay, I can't, this person, I'm struggling with, like Alex Berenson is a good example of that.
Liev Dalton
but's not
Like he's like trying to fight on COVID vaccines, but he's so, so lost on everything else.
Liev Dalton
It's like he's just attached to the establishment.
Liev Dalton
yeah yeah The thing about like them spraying the skies too, I'm like, okay, like just, just consider an exhaust of any kind, right?
Liev Dalton
When you're burning some sort of gas, it's releasing heavy metals.
Mm-hmm. Oh, yeah Yeah It's objective and like whole plants to like coal plants just dumping a ton of water vapor and mercury into the air as well Which rains down on us like man.
Liev Dalton
You, you, you just simply can't deny, you can't deny that there's heavy metals raining down on us. You can't, you, you cannot deny this stuff. Like it just blows my mind.
Liev Dalton
I I It's with the geoengineering thing, the the common retort is, well, aren't they poisoning themselves too? and It's like, yes, but you don't understand. They have access to some better stuff than we do. they you know I'm sure they're getting some IV glutathione pretty regularly. I'm sure they have. ah I wouldn't say it's a advanced like health tech, because there's a lot of people in power and government that are unbelievably unhealthy. like You look at Bill Gates, he's like fat and soy boyish.
ah He's got tits. like yeah he's not He's not a well put together, healthy guy. so like Even people of immense wealth are still misled. and i think ah i mean They might even be affected by this stuff too. and This is the really the ultimate question. right like When you listen to somebody explain something or talk about ah big major like like a big player, you go Are they in on it?
Do they know what they're doing? Or are they like is there somebody that they look up to that's their mentor that has like effectively brainwashed them? ah Did they get brought into a room one day and hypnotized? And the hypnotism rabbit hole is horrifying, what you can do to people with that.
Liev Dalton
And like you really just you have a trigger word and it snaps them into like a dissociative state where they just kind of follow.
Liev Dalton
And then you've seen those clips like Nancy Pelosi and what's that other dude that it looks like a turtle. I can't remember his name but he's had like he's blanked out on camera like two three times and just stopped talking just stared aimlessly into it and then like the Nancy Pelosi thing where she's like says good morning Sunday morning out of nowhere like somebody had snapped their fingers and she just popped out of a hypnotic stage It's shit like that that makes me wonder, like are these people in power like truly like this malicious? Do they really like do they want to destroy most of the fertility of the population and inundate our mind with heavy metals? Or are they being steered by something bigger or darker? like Is there is a ritualism in this? Is there the occult involved? Because that's a whole other perspective beyond hypnotism where like are they possessed by something?
So that that's my thought always with like big figures in in the public space and like and whatever they're talking about, whatever they're pushing or what narrative they're pushing is like, everybody wants to say like, oh, they're in on it.
Liev Dalton
They're they're a part of the club. they like They go to the same rituals. But I think it's a lot more complex and complicated than that. And you have to be a little careful about how quick you go psy-op or ah controlled-op kind of thing.
Liev Dalton
Liev Dalton
And I think it's like, it's a valid question. Like, ah you know, if you're, if you're kind of new to all this, right? Like, I think it's valid. whole like thing to look at, right? and And you're right. It's absolutely very, very complex.
Liev Dalton
The other thing is, is like you pointed out a lot of these people that are, you know, in power supposedly at the top seem extremely unhealthy. And, and now there's a little bit of this facade of health with, you know, like hormone replacement therapies, right?
Liev Dalton
And, you know, I'm not going to sit here and say whether they're good or bad or whatever, but it does it certainly makes It's exogenous substances. right it's It's not necessarily the depiction of you know natural health according to ancestral ways. right so sort of a different It's like hard to know like um you know, are these people affected by us is this? Are they using these things, like you mentioned, glutathione, drip? Do they have this technology that that they're using that's counteracting all the toxicities? in I think a lot of it's a lot of people are just ignorant to it as well, right?
Liev Dalton
They're like, Oh, well, you know, heavy metals coming out of exhaust, right? It comes out of my car. What am I going to do? Not drive to work? You know what I mean?
Liev Dalton
Like, so they just don't care.
Oh, yeah. It's the same thing with food like that. Yeah. And that that's something I've noticed a lot with, uh, because my, uh, my girlfriend and her kid just moved in with me. So i got I got a kid to take care of and I'm like, i'm I'm just more, I mean, I was very neurotic about the environment before, but now it's and like what what lotion, like what diaper cream, if you're going to use that, like does he even need it?
Liev Dalton
Like should we be using these baby wipes that are full of like various parabens and preservatives that are not good to put on his testicles? You know, like that that's where my mind is going now.
Liev Dalton
And it just, start you start like, you start picking up on, how would I say this? You start picking up on a different wavelength like we're your i haven't had i've never done anything like this before i've never like had somebody move into my house uh... and live with me like i've been a shunning kind of recluse kind of person for a long time uh... i really didn't date much of my twenties when you're sick and you're covered in acne and eczema it's really hard to have your confidence to do that so uh... i'm very new to this but just having other people to take care of care of them like looking at what's in the environment what's toxic and you know how to escape it just did
It's a different kind of motivation I haven't had before. Uh, and I'm, do you have, like, do you have, do you have wife and kids or anything like that?
Liev Dalton
Liev Dalton
Just a wife, no kids yet.
Just a wife, no kids.
Liev Dalton
but Coming soon.
Liev Dalton
Coming soon.
I love it. And like, so before that, have you ever had anybody live with you before your current wife?
Liev Dalton
Yeah, yeah, like like friends. Yeah, lived with friends in university, yeah.
Friends, but like a loved one, like a relationship.
Liev Dalton
No, no.
No. When you've, when that first happened, like, how was that for you? Like, was it like a very, just having somebody that you're with? Cause I'm with her 24 seven. And like, i don't I don't feel that like stress to like get away from her at all.
Liev Dalton
It's a, it's a very new feeling to me.
Liev Dalton
yeah Yeah.
How was it for you when you first did that?
Liev Dalton
That, that was the shift. It was, it was the shift in my life. Like when we moved in together, that is exactly when my, I've kind of come into this way of thinking, you know, because I was concerned about her wellbeing and, um, you know, her health and wellness from all respects.
Yeah. Mm-hmm.
Liev Dalton
Right. And that like the timeframe is bang on. So it's so, um it's amazing that you asked this question because. We moved in together and then I went down all these health rabbit holes and you know, cause I'm thinking about our kids down the road.
Liev Dalton
I'm thinking about whatever, like our our whole lineage at this point, right? It's ah kind of like a mindset shift to something that's just greater than yourself in a way, but it was a hundred percent that like we moved in and it was like, I was like, yeah, health oriented.
Liev Dalton
We got to start eating better.
Yeah. I love that.
Liev Dalton
I love that. See, like ah I had to find out my own, but like kind of to connect to to yours.
Liev Dalton
it's when you when you start When you have somebody else to take care of, and like somebody to look after, like you it's ah you find like a deeper part of your cell. When something is difficult, like you it just lets you dig deeper. It lets you dig so much deeper. And having the kid, and I wanted to talk about this today. I was intending, I wasn't supposed to be on Dr. Ben Tapper's podcast, but he leaves me on red after. like We tried to schedule, almost had of it, then we lost internet.
And then I try to reschedule these on the red. So I don't know. I want to talk about on there in our vaccine story because my girlfriend's vaccine injured too. And she did not know that until her mom gave me all of her medical records. And this ties back to what we were talking about before with her mom and just how people perceive food. They're like, oh, it can't be that toxic, can it? And like you look on the ingredient and there's like aluminum silicates in the salt they're using. There's a lot of toxins in the food that we eat. And a lot of people have allergies to those foods. But anyways, like just the the The strength you get when you have somebody come into your life and you don't have to look after them or provide for them in a way and take care of them and defend them from

Germ Theory and Environmental Toxins

things they're trying to harm them, it just it further motivates me in how I felt for a long time about how everything's inverted, how you have to be extremely vigilant and careful what you're giving to your kid, ah what what kind of food they're eating. and And with my girlfriend, to talk about her story, she's vaccine injured. She had neurofibromas, neurofibroids.
And parts like several parts of her body, her I think it was, I think one she had somewhere in her stomach, ah but the main one she had was in her brain. She had a fibroid in her brain. I think the diagnosis when she was a teenager was that she's going to have it for the rest of her life. The only way to get rid of it is with surgery and that she might die early in her 20s. They told her that. like and And there's like a whole placebo effect of that too. When you tell somebody they're going to die in 10 years, like you kind of manifest it.
and know in them in a way. There's some real horrifying statistics on or studies on if you tell people they have cancer and they're going to die, they're more likely to die. You tell people they have cancer and they're going to live, they're more likely to live. That is a horrifying prospect because then but then like your chance at life and death comes down to the doctor you go to and what he says to you, the words he speaks into the ether and affects your physiology with. That's another measurable thing. like You are affecting the water and everybody you talk to, you're making an imprint on them.
ah so We'll get into that later if you want to, but she was diagnos yeah she was diagnosed with neurofibromas, fibroids, had quite a bit of them. She got the full smorgasbord of vaccines, every single one of them. She followed the schedule to a T. She was on Medicaid when she was a kid, and they're very aggressive when you're on Medicaid with staying up to date with your vaccinations. All your wellness visits are paid for, so like you're just you're living at the doctor's office. Her medical records are literally like two feet tall, just like documents and pages, multiple CDs of images.
And they experimented on her in a bunch of wild ways. They did a lot of personality psychological tests. They said that she had like autism spectrum disorders. like And we started dating, like even before we started dating, I was kind of helping everybody at work with their health and like mineral waters, you know, like making sure you're getting vitamin D from the sun. try you know try I'm not big on supplementation, but if you do want to supplement it, you can see if you feel any better.
I was telling people to take these B-flavor capsules to get their B vitamins instead of a B complex, adding Shilajit to their water, bicarbonates, either with sodium or potassium bicarbonate, just doing all these like really basic things. and I kind of did it for them. so like A bunch of people were like, hey, you want to try this today? It's just a mineral water. Here are some supplements. Tell me how you feel. Almost everybody came back. It's like, wow, I feel really good today. I've got good energy. you know My back doesn't hurt as much. I just feel much better. and They all start doing them themselves. and I was doing that with her.
And I got her a bunch of supplements and she paid me back. ah Everything that she needed, she started taking and she started feeling better. ah We start talking, we start dating, and I start like managing her diet a little bit more, just like helping her eat right.
ah You know, fast intermittently, getting ketosis. She's sleeping on a grounding mat every night. We do light therapy every day. We have a spurty vitamin D lamp, ah red light panel, IR, like the far infrared bulbs. and We have like, we do some sun simulation. Started getting her to ah to sweat more. Just, you know, basic things like that. And she ends up getting hit in the back of the head when she's at work. Because we were going to see about going to get another scan to see how her fibroid was doing in her brain.
ah cause That's something I was just curious about. I just want to know more about it. I want to get more like current records because she had not gone to the doctor in several years. and She gets hit in the back of the head at work and has a bad headache, goes to sleep, wakes up with a worse headache. I'm like, shit, you might have a concussion. ah Let's go make sure you don't have a brain bleed. so She went to the hospital, got a CT scan, and while we're in there talking to the doctor, I was like, hey, could you see if there's still a a fibroid? It was on her hypothalamus.
see if there's a fibroid on her hypothalamus or the top of her head. And he goes, yeah, we'll check for it. We'll see. And they go do the CC scan. They come back. He's like, yeah, we don't see anything. There's no fibroid there anymore. It's completely gone. And like I said, they told her that she'd have that forever. They told her that she would. The only way to get rid of it is with surgery. They told her that she would probably die early in her 20s. They've also told her that if she ever has a kid again, she might die during the pregnancy. There's a 60% chance to bleed out. She had frequent bloody noses. And not to mention,
Just. Toxic I think I think if you look at some of the rat studies on these fibroids like you can induce them with the injection of aluminum which is what happened to her she got the full schedule schedule and you can inject you can and There are a bunch of papers on these fibroids developing and people with aluminum toxicity in general like especially in the nervous system or the brain So that that my logic was okay. I also started giving her zeolite like making her own distilled water ah Really low micron I zeolite power has to be under 5 u.m. For you to get the sublingual effect from what I've read in the the Russian literature I guess
I've heard that said on multiple podcasts too by people who who've really studied it. ah Then you dip a grounding rod in it to ground the zeolite. You expose it to sunlight and you now have like a beautiful structured zeolite spray that you just spray in your mouth every day or you get in a tincture and you drop it under your tongue. Started doing that with her too. Activated charcoal dandelion tea, really the full regimen to try and see, and in two months it vanished.
so I didn't have any ... It had been several years since she got another scan, so I don't know if it had progressed. It was growing every single year. When they did scan it, it was getting bigger. It was remaining there, not dwindling in size in one bit. Then she stops going to the doctor's because she stops trusting him too because she got sick of being experimented on. Then we do a scan and it's gone. I don't know if I should take credit for that. It feels weird saying, oh, I cured you of your fibromycin. You know what I'm saying? It feels weird to say that.
I just want to say this is not medical advice for any lawyers or potential nefarious actors that may be listening. ah Please don't destroy my life, thank you. I'm just trying to help people get healthy. and i She was living with me and I wanted to help take care of her and like make her happy and healthy. and It's gone. And then the same thing with their kid, like chronic ear infections, always like sinus and mucus, like just mucus pouring out of the poor kid. ah He would, every night when they put him to sleep, he'd sit in the crib and cry for like half an hour to an hour, every single night. He'd wake up two or three times a middle night and just cry and cry. And they had him in a bedroom with a wifi router six feet from his head. There was a closet light that was always on that was like the brightest white light LED you could imagine. The TV was always on right next to his crib.
There was always people in the house making noise constantly, especially when he was going to sleep. so you just He was not in a good environment when it comes to, you know especially a kid who's been given a lot of vaccines, and he was. and I think he had some autistic traits. I don't know if they ever pushed to get him diagnosed. I know a couple of the the doctors thought so. He was just a very high energy ADHD neurotic kid. and when he ever If he wanted something, he had to have it. If you were holding something he wanted, he would stare at you and cry for hours until he got it.
And he just, he didn't understand, no, he didn't understand like boundaries. He just wanted something and he will go to the ends of the earth to get it. And he's still kind of like that in some ways, but he's much better. He doesn't cry when you say you can't have it. um But I did the same thing. like i just i get He drinks two gallons of raw milk a week. He gets ah an egg yolk in the milk every morning. His breakfast is ah raw milk, egg yolk. I give him a little taurine powder to kind of help his brain detoxify, because he's been in a day with so many metals. I help calm him down too. He gets trace minerals, mega magnesium drops.
ah Palm-derived natural vitamin E with tocotrienols to help further support his brain. Collagen powder, which is the Great Lakes grass-fed collagen powder, and that's his breakfast every morning. and He started getting zeolite under the tongue every every three-ish times a day. kind of We've missed it the past couple of days, but zeolite under the tongue, he actually likes it. He looks forward to it weirdly enough.
He when I bring the bottle out he opens his mouth and goes ah like he's ready for it um But I just started doing all that too, and he's completely transformed like he's a way sharper kid. He's insanely stronger and Like in just two months, it's honestly scary how much stronger he is. Uh, he's way more agile, way more coordinated. He's talking constantly. Now. I wasn't saying really much before he had a few words, but now he wakes up in the morning. He just says every syllable he can think of and then plays drums on his own body. He's learned how to play drums too. I've been teaching him. I've been in the summer since I was five. Uh, he just transformed. Like he's just, he's transformed as a kid. And I see that in so many other children today, especially the ones at the daycare, they are chronically unhealthy.
They had a quote unquote RSV outbreak at daycare. Every kid was sick but him. He's the only one that was chilling. Not a single thing wrong with him. So that, that's what I mean. Like it's, people just want to make health simple. Uh, and it'd just be like one thing, I'll just do zeal, I'll do this, I'll do that. But like you got to do a lot of things if you're trying to survive this extremely toxic environment. All right. We are inundated with heavy metals and nobody, very few people talk about it. Every hair analysis that I've seen in my coachings and my, in my health coachings, everybody's sky high in aluminum. Everybody.
like It's remarkable how toxic everybody is and they just kind of, oh, everything's toxic, so who cares? Let me just eat whatever I want. Let me eat these cookies that are you know full of brominated vegetable oil and like ah bleached wheat flour that's fortified with toxic folic acid and cyanocobalamin. You got to be kind of a crazy person if you want to survive this world. and I always kind of go back to Jonas Salk wrote a book where he kind of made this argument, but in a much more nefarious sense, that it's survival of the wisest now.
that if you're going to try to survive this world and take care of your family and protect them, you kind of got to be a little nuts and a little vigil like overly vigilant in making sure they're not eating toxic food, make sure the daycare is feeding them, right? Make sure you know they're getting sunlight. They're grounded frequently. They're sleeping on a grounded pillowcase that's grounded to the earth. like that It's stuff like that that makes the biggest impact on people, in my opinion. And we I wish more of the health space was less on ah you know like the pete at Peter Ati of you to take statins for your cholesterol and do all these artificial things with you know injecting crazy peptides, doing TRT, like doing all this shit, or to just you know simply look back at the life of your ancestors and emulate it. and
That's what works for us. I think that's what would work for everybody and it gives you more control too. You're not reliant on an injection in your ass every month for, if it's testosterone or, you know, your HGH you got to put in your ass every single morning or your belly fat. Like that's, uh, I want to, I want to live like my ancestors did. I want to have a homestead. I want to be outside. I don't want to be staring at screens all day. That's the life I want to live now. And I took me a long time to get to that perspective. Had a lot, I had to suffer quite a bit to to get there.
Liev Dalton
Yeah. Well, I appreciate you sharing that. I mean, that's like a ah beautiful story, kind of, you know, a difficult beginning, but, um, you know, heading in in a really good direction. And, you know, there's so many stories like that.
Yeah, it's just how many people are vaccine injured dude, that's what I'm saying like it's just how many people are vaccine injured
Liev Dalton
out there Exactly. It's so common.
Like, cause yeah, like I think he, I think, I think the kid, well, I don't want to say his name. I think, I think our kiddo was vaccine injured. My girlfriend was, I was, I was literally killed for a couple of minutes by Tdap and then given ankylosing spondylitis in the very beginnings of Croz disease after a swine flu vaccine.
And like, I think if you're listening to us right now, like go get your medical records and your vaccination records and look and find the pattern. I guarantee you you'll find one, like whether it's depression, anxiety,
Liev Dalton
ah eczema, some skin manifestation, joint pain, shoulder pain, whatever it is, like I guarantee you'll find a pattern. If you've been frequently vaccinated, ah go dig into that because you you will find something in there that will point you in the right direction on how to take care of it, which is supporting your detoxification system, which I'd love to talk about later.
Liev Dalton
Yeah. Yeah. You know, I think too, we're not taught to see the signs necessarily. Like obviously there are cases where it's very overt, very obvious that there's an injury taking place, but even things subtle like anxiety or depression or, you know, a little bit of a pain in a certain area or you get headaches frequently or acne or, or these very, you know, seemingly minor things, even gut issues, you know, we're told that, oh, it's just, it's normal, right? Like we're normalizing these symptoms and stuff.
Liev Dalton
You know, and it's all a result of our of our toxic environments, right? It's all a result of of being inundated with these toxicity, with these metals like we're talking about here.
ye that's why i hit the virus argument so much
Liev Dalton
the like the The constant attribution of viruses to every symptom and illness drives me crazy.
Liev Dalton
yeah Yeah.
When you understand, yeah, it's a constant scapegoat.
Liev Dalton
they go
and I wish more people saw it that way because like we're getting the bioweapon narrative again that they're just cooking up these things in a lab. ah but like if you Again, you look at you look at studies on supposed viral illnesses like the flu.
If your vitamin D is above a certain level, you just don't get it. So what is causing what?
Liev Dalton
like you really Is it just a sunlight deficiency or is there some pathogen in your environment that's like actively trying to harm you? And it's the same way with bacteria. I make my own raw milk kefir and I ferment it to four to five days at 68 to 70 degrees.
like It's really rotted kefir. It's very acidic and very sharp. It tastes like liquid Parmesan cheese to me. I love it. It's my it's one of my favorite things on earth. And I went on Amazon and I bought these test kits and I tested it for E.
coli salmonella enterobacter and there's a couple of others I can't remember the name of
Liev Dalton
and it tested but All three tests showed it was positive for those things. and I'm like, okay, shouldn't this be making me sick? like Shouldn't these microbes be making me sick?
Liev Dalton
That's the awesome.
and Then you look at like gut physiology. and This is another huge argument that a lot of people want to overlook when it comes to bacteria. We have stomach acid on the same level and lower than carnivores and scavengers that eat corpses off the side of the road.
like Full stop. We are well adapted to eat all kinds of rotten fermented foods. and Then you can take it back to the ancestral perspective. How did our ancestors preserve our food without refrigerators and and and all these other ah chemicals and toxins that we use to preserve it now and keep it on the shelf? They would you know hang it in the sun. Instead of eating raw, fresh muscle meat, they would cut it all out, slice it thin, hang it in the stone on some on some twine or sinew from the animal, like whatever you had to hang it, and they would sun cure it. That's basically biltong. They would make jerky out of it. they would They would find minerals nearby, whether it would be lye or salt, and preserve it. If you get ah sodium, hy I think it's just lye and water and you put a bunch of fresh eggs in there, it lasts like years and they don't go bad. If you have meat and you hang sun cure in the sun or put salt on it and then sun cure, or even just salt cure it, it's good forever. If you make a pemmican, which is ground up dried meat with honey, and then the fat of the animal, that never goes bad. like This is how we preserve our food, and this is all a utilization of bacteria and microbes in the environment to preserve it, and things like sauerkraut. Instead of, you can't preserve lettuce forever. It goes bad very quickly, so ah those of German ancestry, they'd immediately make it into kraut. They would immediately ferment it. That's your harnessing bacteria, salt,
to preserve a food and though that's what we should be eating. We should be eating all these like crazy, rotten, fermented, aged, cured foods all the time. I think that is our prime directive as a species, not just like an ancestral thing. I think as a species, we are all highly carnivorous and we love car like fermented carnivorous foods. Who doesn't love cheese?
Like cheese is rotted milk, like Gouda sits in a cave for a thousand days. Like Parmesan cheese is like several years. Like all these foods are literally rotted in a cave for years and and people don't perceive it as that. Like you're literally eating rotted, dried milk. If you're having, you know, prosciutto, you're eating raw aged leg of a pork, of a pig. Like these are our essential foods. There's a reason why we love these foods so much is because we're a carnivorous species. Like full stop. We just, 100% should be eating a lot

Advocacy for Ancestral Living

of animal foods. And I think we shouldn't eat plant foods.
If you are going to eat plant foods, I think the, again, perspective you got to have is how did you prepare them? You don't go eat raw almonds. No culture was eating raw nuts. They would soak them, ferment them, sundry them, cure them, salt preserve them, ah roast them over the fire. like That's how they made them edible and safe to eat, not poisonous. Most plants in your environment will kill you. If you go outside and pick randomly from the garden and you eat it, you might just die. like If you eat like just a handful of raw kidney beans, you just die. like There are a lot of foods in our environment that will absolutely obliterate us if we don't have the knowledge of how to preserve them and you know how to keep them good for a long period of time and how to utilize bacteria in our environment. so That's why I'm saying like the fear of microbes and and
this constant aversion to a pathogen in the environment as a cause of disease drives me crazy. They're like, you could get you could bust a thermometer in your house, that's a mercury thermometer, and you don't know you did that, and you're now swimming in a pool of mercury, and you feel like you got the flu all the time. like It's not a virus causing that, it's mercury. I mean, you might be eating sardines every day, and you got arsenic poisoning, and your nerves aren't working. Now you have tingling in your hands and feet, and like the doctor goes, oh, you're youre maybe you're diabetic, or this is like diabetic ah neuropathy, or you know some other multiple sclerosis and they they try to attribute it and they'll say it's either a virus causes, like the Epstein-Barg has attributed a lot of this stuff. And they just, it's a patsy for everything and it drives me crazy. And like we were talking about earlier, our environment is so unbelievably toxic that we really need to start looking at that more and how we can survive it with detoxification practices and the right diet we should be eating, especially a diet rich in taurine. Taurine is incredibly important for detoxification and that comes from animal foods only.
it's It's that perspective that i've I've come to. And I know you've had some people on your your your podcast that talk about viruses and whether they cause disease. And that is one of the more dangerous topics to talk about right now. Because if you say, oh, viruses don't exist and they don't cause disease, there's no say it's ever proved that. Everybody's like, well, what about COVID? My family died of of COVID. Or what about the fact that they were engineering the virus in a lab or these new 40 that were leaked? it's like I mean, i'm I'm open to the idea that they can engineer, quote unquote viral particles or exosomes and ah inject them into people and have some negative physiological response. I mean, maybe they could aerosolize them and put them in some like a fatty emulsion and that can affect us. Because I know these exosomes, ah listen to some of Andrew Kaufman's and Cowan's stuff, like they they've discussed how these things are like communicating information between cells. When the cells a cell dies, it dumps out a bunch of particulates that then are subsumed by
the cells around it and they contain information on what killed that other cell, like perhaps how to survive it. like It's a constant communication of information. so it's not It's not the cause of disease. it's like I think it's like a downstream effect. like There's something killing the cell and there's information coming out of it trying to disclose how to kill the cell. but I don't know. The the whole bioweapon argument and why if they're if it's not true, what are they spending all this money on? Where's all that money going? like How are they actually utilizing it? Things like anthrax. and All these other weaponized particles, like it's really hard to have an argument with people that those things are not as described or that the flu or chicken pox or whatever it might not be a virus. It might be something more esoteric. It might be even, I've heard some interesting arguments for the trauma of of certain life events, like having a family member die. Are you becoming homeless, like instigating these kinds of illnesses or even tumors and cancer? um So I think there's a lot more complexity that people should include in their cause of diseases and what's causing their symptoms instead of it just being
Oh, I got the flu. And that's it. like you just I caught a virus from somebody at daycare or wherever. That's where my mind has gone as of late. And I wasn't on that perspective until COVID. like The beginning of COVID was kind of started pushing me down that, where I'm not as willing to accept the fact that they're just engineering viruses and releasing them to the wall. like They're already poisoning us in 1,000 different ways. There's heavy metals everywhere. There are toxins in all of our food. There are pesticides and everything.
I mean, there's there's a lot more things that can cause these symptoms. It's not always just ah a pathogenic microbe. And I think that perspective is a Rockefeller perspective that comes that comes from the Rockefeller indoctrinated medical system. They're the ones who funded it and built it all.
and i think therere I think their goal with that is to gaslight our attention away from toxins in the environment, which they also perpetrate, like the use of petroleum and oil. like Oil is such a toxic substance. we're literally and and People will call me a liberal for saying this, which is insane to me, but we're literally mining black death from the hell and bringing it into bringing it up to the surface and burning it and turning it into toxic chemicals that are poisoning everybody.
Like, oh, but we need the energy. Like, ah it's how our cars run. Like, do you not understand that these people who are dominating us, who have been dominating us since World War II, whether you want to call it the Nazis, have technology that is beyond comprehension that we've seen demonstrated?
a thousand times over in UFO videos, whether it's a Phoenix lights, the, the battle of l LA, like these things defy our understanding of physics and immediately imply that there, whether it's, you I think it's human tech that we've kind of taken over. I do think there's some non-human aspects to this as well, especially when it comes like ball lightning and the the white orbs and the and the floating stuff, but like the V shape craft that people are seeing now.
I think it's just military. And I think that that technology is further demonstrating to us that we've been ah kind of turned into cattle and we're being farmed and we're killing each other over a resource, over literal black death from below us, when there's much better alternatives, many that Tesla talked about ad nauseam.
So that was quite a little, quite a little tangent there.
Liev Dalton
I apologize.
Liev Dalton
No, that's good, but you kind of brought it all together too. And, you know, I think, you know, if you sounded pretty liberal to me there in this conversation, but anyways, i won't I'll keep that to myself.
Yeah. Liberal yeah, not liking oil is liberal now.
Liev Dalton
It's just you understand I'm saying they're like have anybody thought about Esoterically like in the Bible isn't it like that shield like sh eol isn't that what that is?
Liev Dalton
ah Isn't there like a lot of religions that just like that you're like we're it's black It's black death being mined from the earth that we burn into the atmosphere that releases a ton of toxic chemicals. We use it to turn, we make pharmaceuticals out of it that poison. We make all the plastics that are destroying our fertility. like It is one of the greatest sources of evil in this world like in an entirety is the Black Death from below us. If you find that like a liberal perspective, it's not. It's just It's more of an esoteric, like religious one. like I'm looking at it not through like ah not not a scientific perspective, but a spiritual one. like What are we doing with that? Especially we have technology that where we can... What is it? that The Tesla discussed ah things that could just use Earth's natural magnetic field and electricity to you know levitate itself, or what the Nazis were developing with the bell craft, or what these current objects in the the the sky are. like
I feel like we've just kind of been trapped and put on oil by the Rockefeller family, and they've been using it to poison us. And you can say it's for depopulation. You can say it's for maybe they're farming us and like subsisting on our suffering.
I don't know what it is, like to be to be honest. Who knows what their total prime motivation is at. But yeah, I don't know where we're starting with that.
Liev Dalton
yeah the esoter Yeah.
Where were we at before with that?
Liev Dalton
That's like a whole, that'll be, that'll be our next podcast day.
I'm sorry.
Yeah, sure.
Liev Dalton
We'll get, we'll get into that next. Yeah. Cause that's a crazy topic too. And not that I disagree at all, like.
Yeah, it's nuts.
Liev Dalton
Uh, you could, but you could approach it from like many different avenues as well. Right. Like you can approach from the spiritual lens or the very physical lens.
Liev Dalton
Um, like you were just discussing with the heavy metals literally coming out of it. Right. Or the derivatives, right? The pharmaceuticals, the synthetics, everything that's synthetic is petroleum derived. Right. So, um, I think to, to make a point about sort of this, this whole germ theory stuff and you laid it out really well.
Liev Dalton
We, we kind of have this idea, like this whole theory laid an idea where we're so, you know, indoctrinated with this idea of germs and viruses causing disease. And we use them as a scapegoat. We don't look at our environment, right? Like we overlook our environment, potential exposures to toxicities. You know, I find really interesting with like even something like meningitis, like we had some people in like sort of near our community, like two people got meningitis and they were from the same street.
Liev Dalton
You know, like they lived on the same street, right?
Liev Dalton
They lived very close in proximity. And it reminded me of the early polio days, like way back, like early 1900s, even late 1800s. when there'd be like a small community and there'd be like five babies get paralyzed, right?
Liev Dalton
And it's like, okay, so we think we we jump right to this idea of contagion and viruses and germs and we're overlooking, you know, what's in the water?
Yeah. yeah
Liev Dalton
What are they eating?
Liev Dalton
Did they eat from one farm? Did they all eat from one, you know, place? Was there a toxicity there where we overlook, you know, the potential causes just because we could go right to the scapegoat. Same with doctors.
Liev Dalton
They'll, you go into a doctor's office and if they, if you know, if it's idiopathic, they'll either blame it on your genes, they'll blame it on a germ. Um, you know, if they can't blame it on something more, more obvious or they'll blame your systems, they'll blame yourself, right?
Liev Dalton
They'll blame you.
Liev Dalton
They'll say, Oh, your immune system is broken.
Oh, I got called a hypochondriac a couple of times.
Liev Dalton
You know?
Yeah, because I come in and I'd be like, I have all these symptoms.
Liev Dalton
Yeah. but it's not
like my My left ankle hurts and it feels like it needs to pop, but it won't. My back hurts feels like somebody's poking me in the back of a needle. My wrist hurts. I have eczema all over me. And they're like they they dismiss and you start saying, like oh, I started adding these vitamins to my diet, these supplements.
They go, maybe you should just like do less. and like you know not like because you're you're mate like Maybe you're just like making this happen with your mind. like may i mean I think there's some potentiality to that. like You can like will yourself into being sick, ah but yeah, like they'll they'll just dismiss it as like, oh, you're just it's all in your head. like All your mental health, it's just in your head. Yeah, it's literally in my head. My consciousness is suffering.
I'm not happy. like I can't focus. I'm anxious all the time. I got a sense of impending doom. You just want to give me a pill for that. like do You want to ask some questions about what I'm eating. ah you know You want to find out whether or not there's a bunch of mercury in my environment. You want to test my hair. You want to look at my stool and see if my microbiome ... They don't do any of that stuff. You have to pay so much money to like get them to go to go down that route. You ask a doctor for a heavy metal test and they'll laugh in your face. they're like Same thing. like You have to push it out. You can get things like vitamin D. and I don't know if the I don't think it's the doctors like doing it. I think the doctors just know like for them to get that test approved, if you know about the insurance process, anytime a doctor like wants to do something, they have to go like basically fight with insurance to say, will you cover this? Will you cover this? and They always fight back and then you talk to like the insurance doctors that are like basically naysaying everything that you're trying to provide in terms of evidence and symptoms.
So that's where their pressure comes from. It's not like the doctor's maliciously trying to kill you. like That's not his intent. He's just irritated. He doesn't want to go deal with the insurance company and try to get all these tests approved for you. And if they're not, you have to pay out of pocket, which he knows you're not going to pay. And like he in his entire income is based on how many people he can see in the day. So like if you're wasting his time talking about these little problems that he doesn't know the answer to, he's just going to go, here's a pill, get out. like That's really all they can do. And that that whole system is built by the Rockefeller family. Full stop, like Rockefeller, Carnegie.
Flexer report, the whole allopathic model is based on that like contagion idea that everything is from a pathogen in the environment, definitely not a toxin. Diet is very little. like It's not impacted at all and in these in many of these health outcomes. and Then you start going down the seven-day dentistry where they're like vilifying animal foods and saying that they're bad because they make meals when they masturbate and reproduce. ah You start finding the anti-human sentiment very deep in the medical system, the selection pressure type of sentiment where they want to get rid of a lot of us.
ah But they'd like the stronger survive, the wiser survive so they can make the new Golden Age and break away with all this advanced technology. Like I think they kind of blew up the population to use us as slaves to build and accumulate and discover.
And then once we've kind of served our purpose and they get the tech where they want the AI or whatever it is, that's when they kind of pull the plug and go, okay, we're good. See ya. And go on their way with a breakaway civilization.
Liev Dalton
That's that's where ah you like people like Jay Dyer. I don't know if you know who he is. Have you heard of Jay Dyer?
Liev Dalton
No, I don't know. I don't know.
he's ah He has a couple of books on like like the occult in Hollywood and he's done a lot of really big deep dives on H.G. Wells. like A lot of these like big prominent thinkers and ah writers and and just figures in the establishment and the anti-human. He has like some great, great lectures and really good deep dives and the light and the and the perspective he often comes away with.
ah is that it's like transhumanist breakaway civilization. They want to kill off most of the population and ah they're they're trying to bring about a new like Luciferian Golden Age is more or less his perspective. and the And the more time you spend sitting in all of this and where we're at right now with people like Elon trying to put chips in your brain and making the everything app like it's stuff like that makes you have shit like maybe we are headed there and we're all kind of being subsumed in the camps left or right whichever it is and forced to pick a side and then that side takes us there and then we Uh, kind of wake up towards the end and go, okay, we're going to vote for this guy now. And then that guy does kind of the same thing where they subsume the same movement or like kind of transition the liberals into the conspiracy theorists. And the conservatives are now the ones defending the government. Like it bounces back and forth like that constantly. It's up and down constantly with one side is, you know, the based good side, like the anti-establishment and then eight years later, it inverts to the other. Cause I mean, I'm, I'm in my thirties now. So I've seen this song and dance a few times. I've watched it with Obama. I watched them do it with Bernie and Hillary Clinton.
I watched the Astroturfing happen in real time on social media. I watched some stealing election from Bernie. i just I woke up to this system a long time ago and I really don't believe in it anymore. I don't believe in our election system. I don't believe in the way we have kind of built our current government. I think it's a complete antithesis of what the founding fathers wanted. If you want to argue that they were trying to build something good, there's an argument to be made with what their religious beliefs were. Whether or not those were positive or for those might be a little inverted as well. but Yeah, I just, you find the inversion in everything at this point. Like you really can. Like you go dig down any rabbit hole and you dig far enough and you will find the inversion at the bottom. And that side back, that's why my name is inversionism. I just, I started seeing that pattern everywhere in everything constantly. And the thing that really woke me up to it was a carnivore diet. Like that, that was like the big tipping point where I had inklings of it before and I was a pretty big conspiracy theorist, but that's really what set me

Dietary Recommendations and Ancestral Wisdom

because I was dying and they listening to that nearly killed me and then I was saved doing the opposite. So it kind of all circles back, doesn't it?
Liev Dalton
Crazy, man. Yeah. Well, this might be a good time to kind of wrap things up then.
Liev Dalton
Maybe I can hear some final thoughts on the episode, anything you want to add, anything you want to leave the listeners with. Now's the time to do so.
Oh, yeah. um I would say right now ah with everything that's going on, like the one, the the UFO thing that's about to happen, whatever they're planning or scheming, whether they're going to say it's like some terror attack and there's a dirty bomb somewhere. I just want you guys to realize if you took a break, if you just stopped reading your cell phone and like being on your computer and you just you know built a family and a home set and went outside, you'd have no idea any of this is happening.
life would be so much simpler. And I kind of did that earlier this year. So I just want i want everybody to remember that ah some of this may be an illusion. Some of this may... I mean, people are obviously seeing something in the sky. I definitely believe that. But whether or not it's ah extraterrestrials from outer space, which I don't think... I think there's something below us, to be honest with you. I think i think it's more more in that vein. But just remember that not everything you're you're reading on the internet is actually reality. And I think if you're going to try and make real change in this world, you have to take power to the point where i You're trying to be wise in surviving the onslaught. You have to be neurotic about what you're putting in your body. You have to be very careful about the food that you're eating. You have to be a chronic ingredient reader and know what each ingredient does. You got to do some research. Then most importantly is having a family. If you're alone right now, as somebody who spent a lot of his 20s alone, I don't think you can be your best self until you find
your woman or your man. I really don't. I think there's a historical perspective on the importance of the union of a man and a woman for them both realizing their true potential. And you talked about this earlier, it's it's very powerful and it it just it helps you see the world from a higher vantage point. Instead of a 1,000 foot view, you get that 10,000 foot view where you really understand what matters and what's important. And life is really what's important. like and And the only way you can live a happy, healthy life is you take care of yourself. So to kind of summarize my perspective,
I think we should be carnivorous. If you are listening to us and you're on a plant-based diet and you're taking a bunch of supplements, ah you're not adhering to your ancestral history or your physiology. If you want to dispel every notion that you've ever had,
about plant-based eating being the way to go. Read nutrition and physical degeneration by Weston Price. ah Read the Fat Out of the Land by Villalmer Steffensen. Go listen to some of the yeah lectures by Paul Saladino. He's got some great lectures on gut physiology. There are some lectures, I think his name is Dr. Alley, on the gut physiology that we have, looking at the expensive tissue hypothesis. Instead of looking at all the epidemiology and all the nonsensical science that we are plagued with, where it's really hard to understand what's true and what's not,
ah Because it's all tiered under crazy complex epidemiology and associative studies. Just go look at your ancestral wisdom. Go look at what your ancestors were eating, how they preserve foods. You will find so much more clarity and better health in doing that. And then the same thing.

Lifestyle Tips: Sunlight, Grounding, and EMF Reduction

like if you're If you're sitting inside all day and you're not getting sunlight, you're destroying your life. you'rere You're nuking your brain. You are doing so much damage to yourself if you're not getting light. And in the wintertime, if you can't get a good amount of sun, which most people can't, especially in northern latitudes, ah I would look into getting a sun simulator of sort of sorts, like red light panel, a spurty vitamin D lamp, something like that to get you your vitamin D, get you you know the the ah full spectrum of ah of red light.
and ground yourself to the earth. That's another huge one. A lot of people overlook that or they think it's woo woo, it's not, it's been studied. It reduces inflammation. ah It affects your gut microbiome in a very positive way. Your gut bacteria is electric and you're we connecting it to the earth. You're connecting it to a massive intelligence and getting a lot of value from it. It's good for detox as well. I think the antioxidant capacity that it provides is really good for surviving the toxic onslaught that were we're hit with every day. ah Really important to do while you sleep.
Another thing is make sure you just have your phone in airplane mode. You pop the breaker off to your bedroom if you want to be a schizo. That's what I do. i think it's You don't want dirty electricity around you either. A lot of houses are wired and you're getting EF fields all around you that you're sleeping in. ah Make sure you're you're putting your phone in airplane mode like I said, Wi-Fi's off. It's these things where you're you're just thinking back towards how did my ancestors live.
Just, just keep it always in that vein. Like how did they eat? How did they live? What were they exposed to? Were they able to eat this fruit year, this fruit year round? Like you always want to think of those terms and then whatever you cannot fill in or whatever you cannot attain, try to fill in with like strategic, intelligent use of supplementation. Just don't go take the full kitchen sink.
You want magnesium and trace minerals. Trace mineral drops are amazing. Shilajit's a great source of various minerals and fulvic acids that are amazing for your gut health and detox. And then if you don't like organ meats, beef liver capsules, like the desiccated ones, I think those are a good alternative ah for a lot of people who can't can't stomach the taste. I think if you make liver jerky, you you feel very different. You marinate some liver in some fish sauce, distilled vinegar, raw honey, black garlic,
really let it marinate for a day or two, dehydrate that thing at 120 degrees, no higher because that will retain a lot of the nutrition. And you make this crunchy, delicious like delicious little sweet jerky stick that does not taste very, all right, it's delicious. Best way to eat jerky if you can't stand liver, but just eating like your ancestors in that way and then supplementing intelligently. I have a sub-stack with a mineral water guide if you guys want to check that out. I think that's the best way to make a mineral water. You are adding the important minerals to it.
You're grounding it to the earth to emulate it coming from a spring. It's touching the earth like a spring would. And then you expose it to light, again, like you would from a spring that was outside if we were in nature. So that's the perspective I always want people to go back to, is just think about what we would have done. If it was 500 years ago, and we didn't have a refrigerator.

Engagement and Contact Information

and Then if you want to find me, I'm ah i'm on X, I'm inversionism, I-N-V-E-R-S-I-O-N-I-S-M, inversionism. You can see my content there. i Like I said, I just had my girlfriend and my kiddo move in with me.
So um' I've been swamped. I've never been busier in my life, ah but it's a good kind of busy where I look forward to it. I'm not dreading any of it. It's just I feel invigorated by by having a family and trying to get more podcasts out. This is the first podcast I've done in several weeks. So hopefully I can get on some more, i keep you guys entertained, keep you guys ah ah good with content. And then I'm also be working on a website.
been trying to do that for the past month and a half, but I haven't had time to, but I got the shell of it. I got the the service. I just got to start filling it out and putting things on there. And then yeah, if you do want some guidance on health, just to tell you now, I'm not providing medical advice. I'm giving you my personal experience, how I would do it if I was in your situation. I'm not telling you what you do. I'm just saying what I would do.
just to make that clear. But if you do want some direction and some of my neuroticism attached, I will tell you everything I know and I'll try to be as transparent honest with you as I possibly can. So if you are looking for some health advice, looking for some direction, feel free to hit me up. Otherwise, is there anything else you want to add?
Liev Dalton
No, I think, uh, that you covered all the points, man. We'll put a bunch of links down below too, so that it's, it's quick and easy for people to find you. Listen to all that. I really appreciate your time, man. I appreciate all the wisdom. I look forward to our next discussion.
Liev Dalton
This has been lively.
Liev Dalton
It's been fun. So I really appreciate you.
Yeah man, down to do this anytime. You have a you have good night.
Liev Dalton
Yeah, you too.
All right, see you buddy.
Liev Dalton
All right. I want to thank you all for listening. You should all know that this is not medical advice as we've pointed out here before. This is for your informational purposes only. Also remember, we're all responsible sovereign beings capable of thinking, criticizing, understanding absolutely anything.
Liev Dalton
We, the people in the greater forest are together, self-healer, self-governable, self-teachers, so much more. We have the power. Please reach out if you have any questions, criticism, comments, concerns, you know, or to find me on Instagram is probably the best way to reach me. Email's fine. X is fine. I'll check, you know, everything periodically. So if I don't answer you right away, I'll get to it. If you enjoyed the podcast, found informative in any way, give us a like, share, comment, review, rating, whatever you got to do in the platform you're on, help us grow. That's always much appreciated. You guys are awesome for doing that.
Liev Dalton
And just remember guys, there are two types of people in the world. Those believe they can, those believe they can't, and they are both correct. Thanks for listening guys, take care.