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Jacob Diaz on Chronic Illness, Sepsis, Medical Tests, Poor Science, Root Causes and More! image

Jacob Diaz on Chronic Illness, Sepsis, Medical Tests, Poor Science, Root Causes and More!

Beyond Terrain
412 Plays1 month ago

This week, we’re joined by Jacob Diaz for an eye-opening discussion about redefining disease, chronic illness, and what it truly means to heal. Jacob takes us on a journey through his insights, beginning with the question: What is disease?

We explore the complexities of chronic illness and homotoxicology, shedding light on how toxicity impacts the body. Jacob also provides a fresh perspective on topics like sepsis and the so-called ‘immune system,’ challenging conventional narratives and offering alternative frameworks to understand health.

The conversation deepens as we examine medical tests, poor scientific practices, and unfalsifiable claims, raising questions about the reliability of modern diagnostics. Jacob emphasizes the importance of identifying root causes of illness and shares practical steps toward genuine healing.

We wrap up the episode with a look into Jacob’s practice, his philosophy, and the approach he uses to help clients achieve optimal health.

This is a must-listen for anyone seeking to challenge mainstream medical ideas and explore a more holistic path to wellness. Tune in!

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Introduction and Podcast Overview

Beyond Terrain
Welcome everybody to another episode of the Beyond Terrain podcast. I'm your host, Leo Dalton. We got a great friend back here today, Mr. Jacob Diaz, the undercover virologist. Still the best name out there. Um, I was actually listening back to our original episode together. We've done two now. This will be a third. So definitely go check those ones out if you haven't already. And if you are new around here, go check those out and give us a follow and a subscribe. Uh, if you liked the show and you've been around for a while, give us a review, comment, like,
Beyond Terrain
Sharing is always the best way to support the show. And all of it, of course, would be super appreciated to help us grow and get the word out here. Really looking forward to this episode. We really do these ones right off the dome and I'm really excited for it.
Beyond Terrain
I do want to ask an introductory question. First of all, Jacob, thank you so much for coming on.

What is Disease? A New Perspective

Beyond Terrain
Appreciate your time.
Jacob Diaz U.V
Bro, thank you. You don't need to intro me, dude. I love i love the show. I love coming back here. and you know Yeah, everyone listening. Go listen to our ah our old our old stuff. We love shooting the stuff. And we get pretty deep on everything.
Jacob Diaz U.V
It's really fun.
Beyond Terrain
Jacob Diaz U.V
I hope we can do that today.
Beyond Terrain
It's fun. Yeah. Um, but I did want to ask an introductory question cause you know, it was kind of like a follow up to our first episode in a way. I want to ask what is disease. I want to hear are your thoughts on what diseases cause we talked about health.
Jacob Diaz U.V
Beyond Terrain
Um, and I want to hide in with what but a little definition of what diseases are and then kind of bridging the two. How do we go from disease state to a health state? Right. So I'll give you the floor to start it off and we'll take it from there.
Jacob Diaz U.V
Jacob Diaz U.V
court I mean, in my opinion, disease is anything that affects negatively your homeostasis. um Homeostasis is the term um coined by Claude Bernard. And essentially what it is, is your baseline, what your body can handle, youre what the Bigglesons call the allostatic flow. So your body's ability to adapt to the changing environment, changing terrain. And you're doing a baseline. you can You're healing properly. Everything's moving well. You're just not sick.
Jacob Diaz U.V
The second you introduce something into your environment, whether it's a negative emotion, whether that's nutrition, toxicity, then your allostatic flow or your homeostasis is out of whack. So when you get out of whack, your body has to rebalance. So I don't even I really don't like to use the word disease anymore, because it has a negative connotation, because we all know symptoms are healing. So I would rather call it healing, I'd rather call it rebalancing. Because at the end of the day, it's exactly what your body is designed to do.
Jacob Diaz U.V
So that's what I would say, diseases.

Chronic Diseases: Understanding and Healing

Beyond Terrain
I love that man. And like, I think that's a really important point to actually like, emphasizing that, you know, in a weird way, it sounds weird to say, but like, there are no diseases, there's just our bodies trying to heal themselves.
Beyond Terrain
I remember hearing Dr. Bearpaul Landau say that once, and I was like, oh, wait there's no diseases, is there? Right? That was like back a few years ago.
Jacob Diaz U.V
Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Beyond Terrain
I was like, this guy's crazy, right? But You know, now I'm like, I couldn't agree more, right? Like it's, it's the way that we look about it, like how we look at it.
Jacob Diaz U.V
Beyond Terrain
And it changes your whole attitude towards health and healing as well. Right. Like it even kind of allows you to embrace your symptoms too, rather than be like, I need to fight these symptoms because they are disease.
Beyond Terrain
They are a disease. Right. But, but that's not the case. They're actually your body trying to heal self. And I feel like that's a huge misconceptions. Symptoms are just healing mechanisms of the body.
Jacob Diaz U.V
Yeah, 1000%. Even the chronic ones, which I love talking about chronic disease too, but chronic, um when people say chronic disease, and what it actually means is no one knows what's wrong with you. That's what it actually means.
Jacob Diaz U.V
And then they'll put like labels of autoimmunity, your body's attacking itself, yada, yada, yada.
Beyond Terrain
What happened?
Jacob Diaz U.V
Chronic disease is just disease process that is stagnant. Your body can't finish the process because of your own decisions, whether it was through a surgery, whether it's unfortunately through emotional or physical trauma, nutrition, the chronic illness, when people say, when people listen, they're like, oh, what do you mean? I've been suffering from fibromyalgia or stealth line, yada, yada. All it is, is your body is trapped in its healing and you need to listen and open up the flow so that I can finish the job. um So yeah, I agree with you, Bear Paul Lando, with everybody, there are really no diseases. There's just rebalance or a dibiosis imbalance, if you will.
Jacob Diaz U.V
and your body's just always actively trying to heal. Even while we're talking right now, me and me and you, our blood is flowing properly, our lymph is flowing properly, we're not sick because everything's flowing well. The second that goes out of whack, you but we'll be down for the count, but it's part of it.
Beyond Terrain
Absolutely. You know, sometimes I like to think about but chronic disease and maybe hear your thoughts on this. You know, sometimes I feel like when people are stuck in this state of what we call chronic diseases, right? The state of almost like a ah constant healing, you know, like you're, you're, you're stuck with your symptoms for, you know, for lack of better terms. I almost feel like it's our body kind of redefining this, you know,
Beyond Terrain
homeostasis, right? It's like establishing like this different baseline that your body kind of gets stuck in. I remember seeing this chart back in the day and it was like, I like drew it out here if you're on the video, like, but there's like this, there's like these little patches, right?
Jacob Diaz U.V
Beyond Terrain
And you can think of it like and entropy, right?
Jacob Diaz U.V
Beyond Terrain
And at the bottom, like this might be optimal, but up here you can get stuck in these little crevices and that is what we would maybe term like chronic illness, you know? And and we're getting stuck there and you might need a little jump to get over it and back down to a true balance of what health truly is without any symptoms or expressions of healing.
Beyond Terrain
um But also, I feel like when it comes to these chronic illnesses, right, just for, you know, jargon terms here, but just to speak out how it's understandable, you know,
Jacob Diaz U.V
Yeah Yeah, that's a joke
Beyond Terrain
Sometimes I feel like there's also something that's constantly filling up the bucket, right? There's this unaddressed toxicity or this unaddressed, you know, traumatic event or this unaddressed deficiency in your environment ah that needs to be addressed.

Critique of Medical Diagnostics

Beyond Terrain
So there's kind of two ways to go about it, right? I feel like, you know, your body has to adapt to this new toxic environment. And that's what we define as these chronic illnesses, but it's really chronic toxicity or chronic deficiency or maybe unaddressed trauma is certainly tied into probably both of those as well.
Jacob Diaz U.V
Beyond Terrain
Any thoughts on that?
Jacob Diaz U.V
one thousand percent agree um I personally use the, it's it's a chart that you mentioned. It's funny because you because I was going to look at my chart here, the homotoxicology chart, um which is, if anyone listening, um it's a chart that essentially, it was done by the International Society of Homotoxicology out of Germany.
Beyond Terrain
Jacob Diaz U.V
um And it's essentially a chart that labels different phases of disease. And when I'm meeting with people that are suffering from supposed chronic disease, I always look at these phases because you would rather be in the beginning phases of disease where your body is unenca ah unencumbered, working properly, and that is the excretion and inflammation phases. Those are the two phases you want to be at. That's coughing, that's joint pains, acute bronchitis, you know, flu-like cold symptoms, stuff like that. Your body's just purging. Exactly. Use it. Vomiting, diarrhea, whatever. You're purging. You're getting things out adequately. The best one is the excretion phase, where it's regular sweating, it's, you know, coughs. that That's pretty simple stuff your body's going to adapt.
Jacob Diaz U.V
However, the second, the very second you get to deposition, impregnation, degeneration, and de-differentiation, that is when your body kind of goes backwards in the healing phase. And that's when we see the chronic illnesses. So deposition is when like ah waste products and things aren't getting out adequately. So now they start to become deposited into the tissues. When they become impregnated, that then begins a degeneration phase.
Jacob Diaz U.V
where the body's literally just decaying. And de-differentiation is essentially a molding of the body, what we would call cancer, where you're you're almost better off going into the earth than staying alive. That's what your body is essentially saying. So all of this, it sucks to go through. Chronic disease sucks to go through. And we're not saying you can't, because people, I'm sure they've said it to you. um Chronic disease isn't a disease. So how is the body healing if I'm dying? They'll always say that.
Jacob Diaz U.V
And I'm like, well, the reason you're dying is because you're not listening. You're not listening to the symptoms of what the body is trying to tell you. We know cancer is a healing response because the second you listen to the cancer, it will go away. The second you start fasting, you change a diet, you do periodic detoxification protocols, you change your environment and guess what? The cancer will finish its course and you will start to heal. And the symptoms will kind of go backwards. So if you have, you know, leukemia or whatever, or just stomach cancer, for instance, you'll go from stomach cancer to some chronic gastritis, then to some stomach aches and then to heartburn and the symptoms will actually go backwards.
Jacob Diaz U.V
So your body is actually trying to get things

Rethinking Bacteria and the Immune System

Jacob Diaz U.V
out. Kind of like I use the expression, not the expression, from the example of a um like what's the ah ah a so not a sewage tank, a septic tank. Everyone has a septic tank usually in their homes. It obviously takes the waste from your toilet, go to a tank, whatever this bacteria in there that eat the waste. The second the septic tank is filled to the brim. You need to get somebody to come and clear it out.
Jacob Diaz U.V
Right? So it's the same way for disease. Things are accumulating in that septic tank. If you don't periodically flush things out, whether that's through a proper diet, maybe a castor oil pack here and there, proper emotions moving, things are going to start filling up. What are you going to do? Are you going to duct tape the seal of that septic tank? Are you going to cement it shut? What's going to happen then? It's going to blow up and all that crap that's literally in the tank is going to go everywhere.
Jacob Diaz U.V
So if we start taking antibiotics, anti-virals, anti-inflammatories, all these steroids and painkillers, everything is being suppressed, suppressed, push, push down, and then you're going to blow up. And then all that stuff is going everywhere in your body. You develop cancer and you wonder why. So it's it's it's all about listening to the terrain, listening to your symptoms. Because the second you do that, you'll heal. I mean, I tell people the best thing to do if you're dealing with a cold or whatever,
Jacob Diaz U.V
Yeah, there's certain tees and extracts you can take, but fasting is the best thing you can do. And we know germs don't cause disease because if you fast, you're literally allowing the body to heal. So if you're not providing anything to your body, the germs are finishing their job quicker. So that's how we know they're not they're just the bioremediators.
Jacob Diaz U.V
Rambling here, but disease is a process as is everything. Healing is a process. And when chronic disease comes into the fold, you've gone to the point where you're not listening to that process. And it we kind of are separate from our bodies in that way. We don't like to listen to our bodies and kind of view it as separate from nature, which you and I both know that is not the case. We are very much part of nature.
Beyond Terrain
Absolutely. No, thats that was great. um That homotoxicology stuff is a really important part of sort of the philosophy of how disease progresses and and gets stored.
Beyond Terrain
And I think it's really important if you don't know home toxicology, look into it. There's a really interesting chart. ah The Bigglesons talk about it a lot too.
Jacob Diaz U.V
Oh, yeah.
Beyond Terrain
um And I think there were Nobel Prize awarded around it.
Jacob Diaz U.V
So the the two there were two guys that won a Nobel Prize using the chart. um I often fit Georgie and then someone else I forgot the name. um But yeah, a lot of people in Germany and in Europe, they use this pretty frequently.
Jacob Diaz U.V
It's here in America and no one knows what it is.
Beyond Terrain
um very
Jacob Diaz U.V
Beyond Terrain
um yeah you know and I think you probably had a good example about like the septic tank. I know it's kind of an interesting example, obviously, but its it makes a lot of sense when you think about it. um You can also think about it right as toxins going in. If you just keep filling it with toxins, you can take the you take all the shit out of the septic tank, but if you keep putting shit into it,
Beyond Terrain
you know You're just going to be periodically cycling this disease state of your body, right? You're going to need these healing mechanisms constantly, right? So you do want to cut it off the root cause like you're kind of alluding to there, right?
Beyond Terrain
Changing what you consume on a mental, a very physical level as well, um all of that stuff, right? So that's that's a really important point. The other point is that but that I kind of wanted to make because you always hear some pushback.
Beyond Terrain
And I think it's good to maybe address a little bit of that pushback sometimes.
Jacob Diaz U.V
Beyond Terrain
Especially when it comes to germs causing disease, right? So, you know, we'll get into the conversation. Germs obviously don't cause disease. They're not the root cause. They are part of the healing process, right?
Beyond Terrain
They're in response to a toxic environment. People will say, Oh, well, what about sepsis? And what about, you know, cases where people die of these germs, right?
Jacob Diaz U.V
Beyond Terrain
These germs kill people, or even cancer. You mentioned cancer is the molding of the body.
Jacob Diaz U.V
Beyond Terrain
Right? Again, it's not that the mold of the fungus is the cause, right? It's in response to a toxic or deficient environment. um The point that I kind of want to make is that when people do you know move on, we morally kind of view it as bad. We view death as bad, right? But if you view it really objectively from a you know nature standpoint, it's just the part of the cycle of life.
Beyond Terrain
And they're like, so, you know, try to put your morality aside for a moment while we talk about this philosophically, but, um, it's really important to look at it like, you know, you, you can actually die because of toxicities and deficiencies. And just because there's bacteria or a mold or fungus present doesn't mean that that was the cause of death, right?
Beyond Terrain
So it seems as though, you know the because the germs are there at the site of disease when you know somebody would move on if someone's in sepsis and they and they die. But it's they they're actually dying from this chronic toxicity. right And that the like the the bacteria, the microbes, the germs, right these are like the messenger. right And you don't shoot the messenger. If anything, they're just therere they're interfacing more closely with the underlying terrain, the building blocks of our realm with our, you know, higher levels of immune system and quotations.
Beyond Terrain
We covered that in the first episode.
Jacob Diaz U.V
Beyond Terrain
I think we talked about the immune system nonsense, not a system in itself, like a defense system, but you know, the things like white blood cells like exist and you know, they, they work together with the microbes, right?
Jacob Diaz U.V
yeah No.
Beyond Terrain
They're interfacing with the environment to try and clean up the environment. So, I hope that was clear, Jacob. If you want to clear anything up there, please do.
Jacob Diaz U.V
Of course, um immune system, hate that word. It ah erroneously asserts the existence of pathogens, right? And we know pathogens don't exist because a pathogen is something that attacks you and causes disease in you. it's They're essentially labeling a germ as a root cause by calling it a pathogen.
Jacob Diaz U.V
It's not that but germs are always and will always be a bioremediating agent. That's what they do. They eat dead and dying tissue. They eat garbage. They eat waste, convert it into nutrition, just like they do in the soil. Every farmer will tell you that's exactly what they do. The worms in the soil, the germs in the soil.
Jacob Diaz U.V
That's how we get all those

Limitations of Current Medical Testing

Jacob Diaz U.V
crops. That's how we get all that nutrition. The second you start to kill all those germs in the soil, what happens? You get malnourishment, not enough nutrition in the food. And you wonder why we have such a food crisis here in America with our crops not having enough nutrition and our soil being depleted because we kill all the germs. Because the germs are the reason why the soil so beef should be so rich. Go get your own compost pile and see for yourself what happens.
Jacob Diaz U.V
The germs are going to be the reason the garden thrives. It is the same principle in the body. The more germs you have acting in the way that they're supposed to act, the better you're going to be.
Jacob Diaz U.V
That's why when you eat raw milk, rakafir, sauerkraut, kombucha, kimchi, all these fermented vegetables, sourdough bread, all these fermented grains and stuff, you will benefit because you're giving the body exactly what it needs, a pre-digest food full of nutrition. So to blame a germ that lives inside you at all times, and I don't think, I was on a i was answering some questions yesterday on my DMs and I was telling people,
Jacob Diaz U.V
Respectfully, I don't think you realize how many germs we have in and audiences outside of us at all times. So there was an estimation, it's like allopathy to say it. There's like six to six to eight billion germs on your hand at any given time. That's just your hand.
Jacob Diaz U.V
put on the rest of your skin and the inside of your body, you have trillions of germs, I would guarantee to say. And when I say this, people don't know what microzymas are. And we talked about this, I think, in the second episode. But microzymas are the the stem cells of all life. They become bacteria. They become fungus. They even become white blood cells and red blood cells. I learned that through the Nicholson Academy. I didn't know that that was part of the process. Now I do. They literally become what they need to become. You look at the the blood through a dark field microscope.
Jacob Diaz U.V
a living blood. and You can't really see these in dead blood because obviously it's dead and certain microscopes can't see it, but dark field microscope will show you tiny little specks of white light. These tiny particles are what Bichamps saw, Anderline saw, Naysan's, all these people, dozens and dozens of people saw them and experimented on them.
Jacob Diaz U.V
They will change their size, their shape, their morphology, their role, depending on the environment they are in. So the more acidic and garbage you are, the more bacterial into fungal you will see. The more baseline we talked about in the beginning, the homeostasis, there's not going to be any action because there's nothing to eat.
Jacob Diaz U.V
They're gonna be doing what they regularly do, converting stuff into nutrition. Our gut is literally filled with microbes. So, you know, the immune system, a lot of people say the gut is a part of it. Okay, so how's the gut a part of the immune system if the gut is pretty much relegated by germs, right?
Jacob Diaz U.V
Like people like to worry about, oh, Staphylococcus. What about Staphylococcus aureus? Yeah, that's a natural microbe in the human microbiome that lives on your skin at all times. So what happened? Why did the germ just just decide? I'm going to attack this guy that I've lived on my entire life.
Jacob Diaz U.V
No, there's something happening on your connective tissue or your skin and the Staphylococcus aureus is going to respond. So it's again, you're it's like blaming the messenger. It's looking at a pile of animal poop and blaming the the fly for the reason the poop is there. They're scavengers. They eat dead and dying tissues. So if you don't have any of that in your body, you're not going to have a problem. And here's the thing. People and the the crux is they always mention sepsis.
Jacob Diaz U.V
Always. And I covered this in my um my presentation I did like last month. um But sepsis has been shown multiple experiments. I believe I think I covered like seven of them.
Jacob Diaz U.V
seven experiments have been done where they were able to induce sepsis without microbes and they were able to keep septic character in patients without microbes. So it was showing very clearly that microbes were not the cause of the actual sepsis, they were the symptom of sepsis. And I believe Béchamp and his his um his friend that he was doing experiments with, same thing with gangrene.
Jacob Diaz U.V
they were able to induce gangrene and keep gangrene without microbes. So what's happening there with sepsis or gangrene? Is there a lack of circulation to one of your extremities? Not enough blood flow, not enough lymph to your foot or your hand or whatever, or a really bad injury where it's really deep, cut through a lot of tissue, some stuff got in there that's not supposed to be in there, whether it's dirt, chemicals, what whatever.
Jacob Diaz U.V
And that has led to a severe toxicity to the point where now it's past acute. You might die if you don't deal with this really quickly. Is that the germs fault or is that the injury or the lack of circulation? People with really bad diabetes,
Jacob Diaz U.V
lymphedema, cancer, they tend to be more likely to develop sepsis because they're not having really good blood flow. There's not enough nutrition around the body. So if you if you're if it's lacking blood flow, it will eventually rot, it's going to die. It's kind of like the same concept with frostbite.
Jacob Diaz U.V
At a certain point, your your your hand may freeze and you might lose your fingers if you don't you know get enough heat at that point. It's no different with sepsis. There's a lack of circulation. There's an injury of some type. Waste products are accumulating at a very quick level and the bacteria are just there. All right. We got change to change into something more valent or higher valence to deal with this toxicity. Let's eat this stuff. But in a compromised person, they might not be able to deal with the waste products. Normal people can't. And microbial waste products, I would say 99% of the time, are completely benign. They are useful. They are beneficial to the body. They don't do anything bad to the body. However, there are sometimes some cases where their waste product in an anaerobic environment will potentially be toxic. An anaerobic environment is an environment that lacks oxygen. So it's really just a toxic environment.
Jacob Diaz U.V
So if you had a garbage environment, the poop of the bacteria may be toxic to you. Healthy person can deal with it. Unhealthy people can't. So now all of those waste products plus the the the wasting flesh accumulates all around the blood because everything is circulating and you may or may not develop sepsis. Does that mean it was the germ? No, it was really you. It was your lack of a homeostasis. It was lack of circulation. It was lack. Usually sir I've seen surgeries lead to sepsis. Why is that? because cutting your body open. They're not cleaning things properly and it's a traumatic experience for your body. So what can you do? People say, oh what can you do with sepsis? There's a billion things you can do. I would probably use isopathics very first and foremost for sepsis and people listening. What the hell is an isopathic? An isopathic
Jacob Diaz U.V
is essentially a diluted form of a specific germinal phase. There are homeopathics under that umbrella, but that's essentially what they are. They are germ waste products. Penicillin, the very first penicillin ever created, ever founded That was an isopathic. It was a a waste product that came from fungus that healed. They then synthesized it and made it garbage because that's what they do. But originally, that's what it was. So you're essentially taking a waste product from a germ, giving it to you and then reversing the pleomorphism, listening to the symptoms, allowing the body to heal more adequately.
Jacob Diaz U.V
So in in a septic character, I would probably use that. But again, not a lot of people know how to use them because it's a lost art. You know, I'm learning Dr. Mary Arce, Bear Lando. They know how to use isopathics. The Bigglesons know how to use it. But even if you don't have those isopathics,
Jacob Diaz U.V
DMSO can be used intravenously. You can use cash oil all over the body. You can use various homeopathics that are going to purge things very quickly. So people just kind of think that I need to run to the antibiotics every time I have a supposed infection or a sepsis. No, you don't have to do that because that's all that's just going to be suppressing things.
Jacob Diaz U.V
you want they to get out because the sepsis is really trying to get out. So you want to listen to that. And I also looked up, you know, a sepsis can routinely be misdiagnosed through blood tests and everything. So I would say a lot of times if people come in with injuries and they feel fine, I wouldn't get a sepsis test because the doctor probably just wants to give you an aortics. You usually know when you have a really bad supposed infection. um So yeah, relying on also these blood tests and everything is just kind of So because that's all not all they're going to do with those tests is validate their decision to give you drugs. Right. So you just got to listen to your body. But yeah again, sepsis is not caused by germs. It is probably hastened by the activity of germs, but they're not the cause of it at all.
Beyond Terrain
Yeah, well put, well put. It's a good point with the tests. Tests I find don't, they don't help the individual in any case, you know, even if you're like biggest allopathic guy out there, you know, they don't help the individual. They only help the practitioners and pharmaceutical companies. They help the practitioners because they can make the diagnosis and the, um, you know, they can give the, they can fill the prescription rate easily. Right. It's this test positive.
Beyond Terrain
this drug for the most part, or this class of drugs, and you can cycle through and see which one works. Never helps the individual. These tests, first of all, a lot of these tests are are absolute garbage.
Beyond Terrain
When it comes to any sort of serological test, antibodies, it's the most unreliable part of science, right?
Jacob Diaz U.V
Beyond Terrain
And for a field such as you know modern medicine to claim to be scientific is absolutely

Lyme Disease: Diagnoses and Treatment Issues

Beyond Terrain
terrible. When you go and read the literature, you know upwards of 90% of medical studies are irreproducible because they use serological assays and immunological methods.
Beyond Terrain
And so you know they're saying that, oh, it's all based on science, but the science is trash, it's garbage, and it's irreproducible, which is the cornerstone of science.
Jacob Diaz U.V
Beyond Terrain
If you're gonna do empiricism, it needs to be done correctly, and it's done completely incorrectly. It's unbelievable how bad the science is, especially and when it comes to medical research,
Beyond Terrain
because of these methods. And really, there's two big classes of diagnostic tests, and it's serology antibodies. And the other one is genetics, um both of which are are just complete nonsense, right? And you go and read the papers, even the best papers on PCR, polymerase chain reaction, most common diagnostic tool. Even those papers admit in them the best the best papers right they even say at the end these are for laboratory use only they should never be used as diagnosis right the papers admit it themselves and then then you go and in all these medical establishments and they're using them on time.
Jacob Diaz U.V
And they're using it to diagnose. Yeah. It's like, what are we doing? And i have people like um um are due are there certain cases where a blood test may or may not be useful? I'm still on the fence on that. I mean, there's there can be cases. And like ah if there's inflammatory markers in the blood, potentially that could be beneficial. But a good practitioner will be able to tell what we need to do to change that. The blood test isn't really going to tell you, as you said, anything.
Jacob Diaz U.V
Because the blood, and i learned um the big ones always um harp on this, the blood is always changing. Always adapting, always changing. um So looking at a blood test that is just looking at your blood at the moment you took the test is not gonna be indicative of what's happening tomorrow or the day before or in a couple hours. So to make claims based off of just a tiny image of the blood in that moment,
Jacob Diaz U.V
It's not going to tell you a lot. That's why it's um but I would much rather, and that's again, the bigglesons and the holographic blood, I would much rather do a live blood analysis of looking directly at the person's blood at that moment to see what the blood is concerned about.
Jacob Diaz U.V
not looking at markers that may or may not be effective in actually pointing to a disease. Because as you and I know, the again re reproducibility is garbage in science. It's non-existent. They can't reproduce their their findings. We saw it with COVID. We see it with virology all the time. They can't reproduce their own stuff. The the the the guy that produced the genome of COVID-19, whatever, he couldn't even reproduce the stuff from the original sequences.
Jacob Diaz U.V
yeah he was like, Oh, yeah, it's about 90 something percent. Okay, so it's not 100%. So it's not reproducible. So and we get all these different genomes, and because it's not reproducible. It's all different. So it's it's the same thing with with blood analysis, where are not blood tests where they can get different markers at different times, someone goes on a fast, the markers different, they eat a different food, their emotional state is different. Now the markers are different. It's like,
Jacob Diaz U.V
ah i don't I'm not going to be using it in my practice. I don't think it's very useful in general because people will say, hey, do you you want to see my labs? im like Not really. I don't care about your labs. What I care about is your emotional state and how you got here. What is your story? What traumas have you gone through? What food can't and can't you eat? You you know, so what surgeries have you gotten? What

A Paradigm Shift in Disease Understanding

Jacob Diaz U.V
medications do you take? All of that is so much more important than just a tiny little blood test. Not going to tell you a lot.
Jacob Diaz U.V
And genetics too, hate that. Freakin' hate genetics. It's become, that's, that's where we're headed.
Beyond Terrain
That's, we're going to have yeah everything is just on false Bible in the field of genetics.
Jacob Diaz U.V
That's where we're headed. Like, everything's gonna be a genetic disease now. I've seen people say obesity is genetic. Ah, my dude, no it's not.
Jacob Diaz U.V
Beyond Terrain
But I think that we're going to have to save the genetics talks for, uh, for episode four of, uh, undercover biologist and beyond terrain. Cause that's a big topic, but we'll cover that. We'll let's cover that next time.
Beyond Terrain
Cause that's a big one, man. Like, um, but just on the, on the thought of. tests themselves. You know, so like a point that I wanted to make, it's funny that this comes up. Um, I should have known obviously, but I did, uh, I'm like going to make a YouTube video here in the next few days on tests themselves. Um, and obviously how useless they are felt like a point that I kind of want to bring up little sneak peek for, for the, that little mini lecture coming out. You know, when it comes to creating a gold standard test,
Beyond Terrain
The ultimate gold standard, that is that always like it always comes down to this. It always comes down to a positive test being associated with the expression of symptoms. So that's how they diagnostically create gold standard tests. right And then the other way that they create gold standard tests is comparing them to other gold standard tests. So it always comes down to comparing it to symptom profiles. So talking about symptom profiles,
Beyond Terrain
What's the symptom profile of Lyme disease?
Beyond Terrain
It's the most extensive list you've ever seen in your life.
Jacob Diaz U.V
50 to 100, depending on who you ask, 50 to 100 different symptoms under that.
Beyond Terrain
Right? So how are you going to create, how are you going to create a gold standard test for Lyme? The other point that I want to make is what about the notion of being asymptomatic being considered a symptom?
Beyond Terrain
It is completely contradicting the the whole idea of, you know,
Jacob Diaz U.V
Beyond Terrain
a disease in the most modern sense of the term and the test themselves. It's completely illogical. It's a huge contradiction. Um, and it's probably the most problematic thing ever, like even something like, you know, Listeria they'll say causes like most cases go undiagnosed because there are no symptoms. So how are you going to create a test? That's going to be like,
Beyond Terrain
have sort any sort of validity when it comes to being a gold standard or just being able to diagnose anything, right? like Because then you can you could go to the office and have no symptoms and be like, you know, I feel great and you get a test and if it's positive, then they just say, well, you must just be asymptomatic, right?
Jacob Diaz U.V
you're sick
Beyond Terrain
And this is like the discrepancy here within the modern system, right? Because it's our our laboratory analysis. Okay, so maybe they they in the lab,
Beyond Terrain
they'll have samples of listeria, right? A bunch of cultures of listeria and they do their tests and they base it off those tests, right? Or they base it off those samples.
Jacob Diaz U.V
Beyond Terrain
And so they have confirmed listeria in all of these samples and then not none in this one and they go and they do all their tests and they find, you know, 95% confidence interval that, you know, the test is valid
Jacob Diaz U.V

Exploring Root Causes Beyond Germs

Beyond Terrain
and it's right most of the time.
Beyond Terrain
You know, first of all, how many times did they run that? How many times did they run that study to validate that test? ah It's only within the laboratory, right? Like what are the false positives? What are the false negatives? These are very, very difficult things to find in the literature. um And when you do find them, it's usually really, really poor science. And often there's not even a control. So I say, okay, there's all of these samples with Listeria and all of these samples without.
Beyond Terrain
Oftentimes they don't even do the ones without, especially when it comes to serological tests, like antibody tests, they'll just line up 20 plates of listeria and they'll say, all right, let's test them all. And they'll say, all right, we tested 20, 19 of them tested positive. That means that our test is this right, um based on this confidence interval, right? 98, 90, whatever percent right, or correct or valid or reliable, right? so often there's a lack of control.
Beyond Terrain
So then you bring it out into the field, right? You bring it out into the field and you test all these people and then you test this one guy who's perfectly healthy. What do you do? He tested positive. He's perfectly healthy.
Beyond Terrain
What do you do? How do you explain that? How do you explain that? So you use this backfill as Mark Bailey likes to put it and you have to fill in your theory, right?
Jacob Diaz U.V
Hmm. Hey.
Beyond Terrain
Because you have this germ theory that germs cause disease, but this guy who's obviously healthy is not diseased and he's testing positive for having this, you know, pathogenic, this pathogenic bacteria, right?
Jacob Diaz U.V
Beyond Terrain
So what do you do? You call him asymptomatic, right?
Jacob Diaz U.V
Unfalsifiable, it circular, completely.
Beyond Terrain
the it's completely so it's It's nonsense, right? And there's this huge disconnection with what goes on in you know the world and what goes on in the lab.
Beyond Terrain
There's this huge disconnection that we have all these laboratory results and empiricism, ooh la la, so fancy. And you learn about it in med school. Sure. you learn about the science, but then the way that it becomes applied and the way that it becomes rationalized in a consult, in health consult, is brutal now because it's like, they can pretty much just say anything that aligns with their theories, right? It's theory-laden. um I was talking to someone who had Lyme. They had Lyme, right? And so very, very traumatic past, obviously very connected to trauma, in my opinion.
Beyond Terrain
um But had like the chronic pain, whatever, got bit by a tick like everybody does up here now, got a Lyme test, tested positive for Lyme. All right. They say, right, the Lyme came from the tick.
Beyond Terrain
Just because of the theories that they had in their mind.
Jacob Diaz U.V
Beyond Terrain
How do they confirm that? They don't, they just say it and you just believe it. The second thing that happened was now that they have Lyme, they go on antibiotics and um they do their, you know, their course, it's quite a long course of antibiotics.
Jacob Diaz U.V
Beyond Terrain
Uh, so they do it and you know, at the end of their cycle, they go into sepsis. Right. And what they say was that the antibiotics were working correctly, which hilarious that they'll admit that, uh, again, but on fast fire and then they, they'll, they'll say, well, the lime actually caused the sepsis.
Jacob Diaz U.V
I'll get an unpause the Bible. It's like, it's ridiculous.
Beyond Terrain
You know what I mean?
Jacob Diaz U.V
Oh, wait a second.
Beyond Terrain
It's like, how do you know that?
Jacob Diaz U.V
what you take exactly You don't. You just don't, man. You don't. i've seen this say I've seen the same story. And I think Lyme is becoming like the the long long COVID really was like Lyme disease.
Jacob Diaz U.V
And that's really what they're they're they're making the same diagnosis and just calling it something else. The guy that, and not to talk about Lyme too much, but Borgdorfer, the actual guy that supposedly discovered the bacterial species for Lyme, he said that serological assays pertaining to Lyme need to be redone completely by people who don't know the result of their experiments.
Jacob Diaz U.V
he himself was saying that, that it's essentially garbage. Stop doing it, it needs to be redone. Do people listen? Absolutely not. Go to your MD, go to your functional doc, go to your naturopath. They're always going to say, oh, you have Lyme disease because of this test. Oh, okay. So how come the vast majority of Lyme cases don't have Borrelia burgdorferi in them at all times? i mean I mean, I did an extensive post on Lyme disease and antibiotics, making things worse. But I've seen it firsthand. People that are traumatized, whether physically, or whether emotionally. And again, that goes back to homotoxicology, chronic stuff. ah some Sometimes they may or may not be bitten by a tick. There's a huge percentage of people that get diagnosed with Lyme that are never bitten by a tick. They don't even recall a tick bite. So what? Because Lyme disease is said it comes from a tick.
Jacob Diaz U.V
So all cases should be bitten by tick. Like this is basic stuff. But I think they even admit, I saw some, some naturopath online. I was looking at her thing and she was like, Oh yeah, one in three don't get bitten by tick. Some people say 25%. I've seen people say 50 50. So like, okay. So if that's the case, it can't be the tick then that goes back to like Coke's postulates. Like it's pretty logical stuff here.
Jacob Diaz U.V
But again, that's just their crux. When they don't know what's wrong with you, they'll call it stealth Lyme. They'll say it's Lyme. And then you go to Fortis. You mentioned it's very long antibiotic course. It's like four to six weeks they take. And each one of those antibiotics are weakening your microbiome. They're weakening your adrenals, your kidneys, your liver, your lymph, your blood, your anesthesia fluid. And then after that course, you get worse. And they'll say, you know what, take more antibiotics. And then you've got a chronic disease and you label that being caused by Lyme because that's what you were diagnosed with.
Beyond Terrain
It's just it and then you're just supposed to believe it
Jacob Diaz U.V
Beyond Terrain
Right. You're supposed to believe it. And that like, you're supposed to believe the story that's being told about these observations, right? You know, because no one's denying that people don't get sick, right?
Beyond Terrain
People get sick and people can get very sick and they can have long lasting sicknesses, which we call chronic illnesses.
Jacob Diaz U.V
Beyond Terrain
No one's denying that. So you have these observations, right? And you're, people want answers, right? They want to know like, what, like what, what's going on and how do I heal? Right.
Beyond Terrain
And then you're told these stories. And they say that it's based on science, but like in my example that I provided, like really the point was to showcase that all of those statements almost are impossible to to be confirmed through empiricism alone, first of all, and I've never even been attempted, right?
Beyond Terrain
Like the idea that Lyme can cause sepsis, like first of all, how do you set up a controlled experiment that you cannot employ empiricism
Jacob Diaz U.V
Beyond Terrain
in In any sort of ethical manner, that's for sure, right? You'd have to do a very, very unethical experiment, which they don't do anymore.
Jacob Diaz U.V
They don't do it anymore, yeah?
Beyond Terrain
um You know, and because...
Jacob Diaz U.V
And it's so funny because people mentioned that they were doing unethical experiments all throughout the 1800s, 1900s, and people were not getting sick. So so why why do we stop doing that?
Jacob Diaz U.V
It's like, that's what they're doing.
Beyond Terrain
on. Bang on. Yes, you're absolutely right. They did all of these unethical experiments. Look up the Conrea studies in Guatemala, the syphilis studies there. They were taking these prisoners, making them sleep with prostitutes that were sick with Conrea and none of them got it.
Jacob Diaz U.V
Beyond Terrain
Like zero, zero.
Jacob Diaz U.V
it's suck
Beyond Terrain
And they were even like shredding the tips of their penis and they still weren't getting it.
Jacob Diaz U.V
Yeah. Yeah.
Beyond Terrain
It was like the most absurd studies you could ever imagine and no contagion has ever been observed.
Jacob Diaz U.V
Beyond Terrain
But it again, it comes back to like, okay, you want to base it off empiricism, let's base it off these studies. Why don't we do that? Well, we ignore these studies, right? And when I talk with modern scientists and doctors, they'll say, well, that's outdated research, as if the scientific method can be outdated.
Jacob Diaz U.V
Yeah, as if the germ just stopped wanting to be pathogenic it's like
Beyond Terrain
And the other thing that they say is absurd.
Jacob Diaz U.V
Beyond Terrain
right the other The other thing that they'll say is that, oh, well, we didn't have the methods. right So those methods are outdated and those methods don't allow you to... caught like don't Those methods aren't conducive for contagion. So like injecting people or coughing, sneezing, breathing, all of these things that they've tested. I agree. I agree. All of the things that have been tested in the well over 200 contagion studies in vivo with real people,
Beyond Terrain
Um, I agree that there all have been invalidated, but then no one acts on it. I think, uh, you know, to that point that people want to know what's going on and people want to know how to heal. Um, I think we were alluding to it earlier. It's about getting to that root cause. Like you mentioned earlier.
Beyond Terrain
What is health and what is disease? Your answer for disease, for what is disease versus what is what is health, I urge the listener to go listen because it shows how consistent ah Jacob is here with his definitions.
Beyond Terrain
His responses were the opposite for health and disease. They were perfectly consistent. um And so that's a good little thing.
Beyond Terrain
Go and listen to our first episode and compare because it it was it very good, because I was listening for that.
Jacob Diaz U.V
Yeah. good
Beyond Terrain
you know But, and it all comes down to it being a healing process. But he mentioned that, that there's a disruption from the external environment into our internal environment, like a toxicity or a deficiency or some sort of trauma. And that, that whatever it was, creating this disruption in our body is the root cause. People get confused with the root cause and they'll say parasite mold,
Beyond Terrain
They'll say germs often, we've talked about all that. They'll say hormones. Your imbalanced hormones are the cause of your disease. But again, something had to, think of the basic laws of chemistry.
Beyond Terrain
Something had to disrupt your hormonal system. It cannot, physically cannot just alter itself. That would be like spontaneous generation of of hormones, right?
Jacob Diaz U.V
Beyond Terrain
how can How can your testosterone just drop? Right.
Jacob Diaz U.V
Beyond Terrain
Or how, like, if you have the bioavailable and you're acting in a way that you should have high testosterone, it cannot just drop randomly. Right. So it's always a response to your terrain, to your environment.
Jacob Diaz U.V
Beyond Terrain
Uh, so I want to kind of hear what your thoughts are on, on root causes, what they are and like, how do we, how do we go about healing them? Cause we alluded to it a little bit earlier, but I want to be really clear.
Jacob Diaz U.V
Absolutely. So I think um depending on obviously the pathology and the person because everyone's terrain is different. So someone that comes in with stomach issues, usually more often than not, yeah, I'm looking at the diet for sure. But in traditional Chinese medicine,
Jacob Diaz U.V
The let's see this stomach is associated with self-worth, confidence, guilt, disgust, and disappointment. So why I mentioned that is there can be multiple root causes for different people with the same disease process.
Jacob Diaz U.V
someone that is dealing with immense guilt, distress and confidence issues from stress or emotional stuff, divorce, whatever can lead to have stomach issues that I would instead of changing the diet, focusing on balancing the emotional aspect and then the body will heal itself. If someone comes in with good emotions but is eating a garbage diet, now I know the root cause is they're eating a garbage diet. Let's change the food that's going into the stomach.
Jacob Diaz U.V
Let's open up the liver. Let's do certain things." So root cause is always going to be different for certain people, but at the end of the day, it's always going to be easy to find because the people will tell you their story and you're going to be able to be like, oh, there it is

Holistic Health and New Healthcare Paradigms

Jacob Diaz U.V
right there. That's what broke the camel's back. And you know when people say, oh, the worm is the root cause, the mold is the root cause, no.
Jacob Diaz U.V
germs are literally never the root cause because they're always with us and they' it's always a symptom of the bigger issue. So they're not the root cause. Cokes postulates never fulfilled. And of course, you mentioned the scientists will say, Oh, it's outdated. They always say Cokes postulates is outdated because yada, yada, yada.
Jacob Diaz U.V
No, it's very logical, it's thorough. we can't We can't do it, therefore germs aren't pathogenic. They're never going to be the root cause, so we got to get that completely out of our head. The reason why you got better after your suit your little parasite cleanse is because you flushed your your stomach out. You flushed your liver out. You use all those herbs to provide all that nutrition. You flush things out and you're better.
Jacob Diaz U.V
You didn't get rid of the the parasites, which are not parasites. That's another misnomer. They just plenomorph back into a dormant form. In any case, um for me, I would always for root cause look at. I would look at obviously the I think I keep harping on this. What we put in our body is so important in terms of food, in terms of quality water, in terms of our toxic exposure. Are we exposing ourselves to garbage paints, sprays, soaps, clothing?
Jacob Diaz U.V
All that slowly accumulates in the body that can slow down things that if we get too stagnant. On top of that is our, again, the Chinese medicine, and German new medicine aspect, Ayurvedic aspect, the emotional state associated with that. Did you go through a trauma? are Were you sexually assaulted as a child? were Did your mom or dad leave when you were young? Were you bullied? Did you self-harm? All these different things that are different emotional states will all, if not talked about and removed from the terrain will start to degrade the terrain. I mean, Hammer was able to pinpoint certain traumas with certain pathologies. something he it That's great. German new medicine is fantastic. But it's just the same thing the Chinese knew thousands of years ago.
Jacob Diaz U.V
certain emotions will dictate certain health of certain organs. So they they knew that. they yeah because Not to talk bad about German New Medicine, not because I like German New Medicine. But they act like it's a new thing. i dode they The Chinese and the Indians knew this like thousands of years ago. But it's cool you did it and the modern science is awesome.
Jacob Diaz U.V
But in any case, root cause is always apparent and I think the best way, and I keep mentioning their name, the best way to look at for root cause is through the blood because the blood will tell you through whether actual imaging or the viscosity of plasma and blood cells or whatnot, they will it will tell you exactly what's going on and what's wrong.
Jacob Diaz U.V
And for people listening, if they're not um familiar, I know you had the bigger sins on for the pod, but the, and I'm going to be training with them actually. So the blood will actually create images of the exact organ or dysfunction injury. That is the root cause that the blood is most concerned about. So when you look at the image and it matches say a liver, you know, okay, so I got to work on the liver.
Jacob Diaz U.V
or emotion cells or worry cells. They call them worry cells. They're very hollow. They're black. And that usually signifies an emotion that is being attached to something that hasn't been removed properly.
Jacob Diaz U.V
and going through their whole booklet of all these different cells being seen, ah worry cells or organs, simplets they call them, you can you're able to see that when you look at the blood and you focus on whatever it's telling you, their body will heal. So if it's a worry cell that has to do with, I don't know, a rape as a kid, and you as a psychologist would know, you got to go through that trauma first.
Jacob Diaz U.V
When you do that, then your body is able to heal. But emotions are very, very, they're they're not only spiritual and conscientious, they're very physical too. They will mess your physical body up if you can't get past them. And people with regular emotions every day, I mean, you get angry, you feel hot, your liver will get kind of tight, your stomach gets tight, you start sweating, it's all physical. And emotions aren't like are literal physical things, but they become physical very quickly.
Jacob Diaz U.V
And if we don't get past that, someone coming in to me with all these issues and anxiety disorders, I'm looking directly at your emotions, what's going on with your personal life that is leading to a disease process. But again, root cause all different for for different people. But at the end of the day, it's going to be with a good practitioner like you, like me, like.
Jacob Diaz U.V
But we follow they're gonna be able to tell exactly what's wrong They're not gonna give you a drug to mask the symptoms that is gonna, you know cause a chronic disease later on So um yeah root cause easy
Beyond Terrain
And they're not just going to give you a test. They're not just going to give you a test and they're not just going to be like this test. Oh, I did the test. Like, like even for the trauma component, because there is this interplay between trauma and toxicities and the storing of toxicity in the body being connected to traumatic events. Right. but No one's going to give you an ACE score test that verse childhood exposure, you know, a little questionnaire.
Beyond Terrain
No one's going to give you that and be like, all right, you got trauma. There you go.
Jacob Diaz U.V
Beyond Terrain
Like they're like, they're like being concerned. And this is like, when I talk about the philosophy of health and healing and how a practitioner should act, it comes down to that attunement piece to the individual, right?
Beyond Terrain
And working with the individual and hearing their story. Like you mentioned, that's the most important thing. not only just for, you know, good human interaction, like, let's just ignore that. It's just kind of like the way that humans are supposed to interact.
Jacob Diaz U.V
Beyond Terrain
But like, you know, on a very real level that allows you to find the root causes, what, you know, what are your, what's your crutch? You know, is it, is it overbearing?
Beyond Terrain
Is it taken too much? Is it, is it causing too much toxicity? Is it taking too much nutrients from your body? You know, stuff like that. So trauma does have a ah ah direct connection, I think, in the sense that it allows for the storage of toxicity to manifest. And I think that's an important point. And I do urge the listener to go listen to the Biggleson, the episode with the Biggleson Brothers. It talks a little bit more about the microscopy aspect that Jacob was alluding to here. um But I've been thinking a lot about the component of trauma because I know the listeners will probably bring up Mr. Daniel Roy to his last episode together and questioning sort of this paradigm that um trauma causes disease.
Beyond Terrain
super interesting episode, really, really great listen as well. But even what I was thinking, it and this sort of is is difficult for me to escape this idea that, you know, trauma certainly has an effect on who you are as an individual, right? yeah Our experiences psychologically affect who we are, right? And, and, you know, Jacob was mentioning, like, different emotions being associated with different organs,
Beyond Terrain
I wouldn't, like I certainly don't deny that there's a completely direct effect of this, but if you want to think of it indirectly as well, right? If you do have shame and you cope with that shame to eat bad food, you're going to have gut issues.
Jacob Diaz U.V
Drinking alcohol and getting drunk all the time and taking drugs.
Beyond Terrain
Drink alcohol.
Jacob Diaz U.V
Beyond Terrain
Absolutely. Right? So there's there's like a very indirect, um, like effect here as well, that going in and addressing these dramas right traumas, right?
Beyond Terrain
Trauma is kind of a buzzword a little bit now, but it's like, it's kind of like a, it's a good way to, yeah,
Jacob Diaz U.V
Yeah. Because everyone, our generation, everybody wants to be traumatized. and' Like, bro, you're fine. good You're good.
Beyond Terrain
you're fine. yeah But it's, it's a good way to explain it, but like, you know, we're not trying to use it in this sort of, you know, a meme type of way.
Jacob Diaz U.V
Jacob Diaz U.V
Beyond Terrain
Um, you know, so I just want to make that point. But yeah, you can have these very indirect effects, right? Like how are you coping with these experiences of your life? Have you been embarrassed in your past, right? Have you been, you know, when have you felt, get we can get real psychotherapist on you, like here but um you know, these are important questions. And this gets back to the importance of the story, right? In getting to know the individual, right? Health, if you're going to like talk to a practitioner,
Beyond Terrain
you Like the 15 minute model, the 10, 15 minute model doesn't work. You're in and you're out with prescription. It just doesn't work, right? There's no interaction between the individual and the person coming in and the person trying to heal and help, right?
Beyond Terrain
There's no connection. And that's a huge part of it. Just that human connection alone. um When I think of back on our ancestors, right? Traditional healers, because there's always been healers in tribes, right?
Jacob Diaz U.V
Mm hmm.
Beyond Terrain
You would go and first of all, the the the the healer, the medicine man or woman would always be like the savant, right?
Jacob Diaz U.V
Beyond Terrain
Would know the history of the tribe, would be the knowledge keeper, would know about everybody that's in the tribe, everyone that's going, like what's going on with everyone, right? Would kind of have this attunement piece to the community.
Beyond Terrain
So would already probably know what was wrong before you even came in. You know what I mean? Like there's always going to be something like that. So that attunement piece is huge. And that's what's natural about healing.
Beyond Terrain
If you are going to seek advice or help, I think that that is the biggest thing. I know that's what I look for. You know, I would like i just the whole 15 minute model. If somebody, if I don't feel like someone cares about me, why would, why would I go and ask them for advice on how to be healthy?
Jacob Diaz U.V
Beyond Terrain
If they, if I feel like you know right, it's like, that's just makes sense to me.
Jacob Diaz U.V
Beyond Terrain
And so. Anyways, Jacob, thank you so much for coming on.
Jacob Diaz U.V
Beyond Terrain
Maybe we could talk a little bit in a moment about what you've been kind of up to lately. um You know, you started your practice, which is amazing.
Jacob Diaz U.V
Oh yeah.
Beyond Terrain
It's so exciting.
Jacob Diaz U.V
ah I'm so excited, dude. So yeah, I mean, I launched my practice. I got the ah meaningless piece of paper that that legally allowed me to call myself a naturopathic practitioner. um After, I mean, I started this journey in 2019. It's 2025 now. I've done a lot of research, read thousands of germ theory studies. Nicholson Academy read like 12 books and more books than I ever read in my life.
Jacob Diaz U.V
1,000 articles, videos, made the end of COVID with Alex Zach and all these other great people. Got my piece of paper, and now I feel I am well more than qualified to help you heal. So that I launched Terrain UV. um And I think it's cool that all of us have terrain in our name to really signify that we are terrain. Yeah, um I am trying to bring back the traditional aspect of naturopathy.
Jacob Diaz U.V
back into naturopathy because it's essentially allopathy now with herbs. That's all it is now. So it's going to be a combination of, ah again, your story. I'm going to meet with you. The MDs like to meet with you for five, 10 minutes and give you a drug. We're going to be talking for a while. I'm going to get your story. I'm going to ask the deep questions. Then from there, I'm going to develop a protocol for you specifically on what I think you should do and change in your life certain things you can take, certain things you can eat, certain practices, whether they're emotional, physical, that will benefit your terrain. It's going to be no drugs, it's going to be root cause. And from go from there, I mean, i'm I'm really excited to get things going. It's obviously I just launched it. So it's going to be a slow bird for a while.
Jacob Diaz U.V
But I mean, i talking offline with you, I got my little business cards. I got my flyers. So we're going to be passing those out, going to health food places, maybe some malls, bringing them to people, and you know try to get the advertisement out there. But if anyone is interested, um And if I ever have you know psychology issues, I know where to send them to. Send them to you, Luke. And I mean, i got we're trying to build something, really. I'm i'm working with the Bigglesons. I'm working with Dr. Mary Arson.
Jacob Diaz U.V
i do I'm going to be training with the holographic blood stuff. I want to do that eventually, get my own microscope and do stuff with the blood. But until then, it's going to be more so getting to know you and trying to make changes in your life that people are afraid to tell you.
Beyond Terrain
Jacob Diaz U.V
you know If a doctor sees that it's your diet, why wouldn't he tell you to change your diet? And why wouldn't he tell you what to eat? He's going to just give you a drug and say, oh, you have PCOS. Oh, you have this hormonal dysfunction.
Jacob Diaz U.V
oh you know No, no, you have an issue with you. So you got to deal with it. you gotta you got to heal. So I mean, as of right now, I'm doing like a the the consult, which is like an hour, and and an hour and a half where I just we just talk, we shoot the stuff, I make the plan for you. And I also have a a cute illness one, which is called a quick fix. So if you have like a cold or whatever, you come to me, I'll tell you what to do. And then I have a ah pregnancy one too for women that obviously are going through pregnancy and are scared to go to the MDs, which is, I think it's good that we're seeing a lot more women go towards the natural route of birthing, which is so important and eating the right foods to get a healthy baby. And if they ever want some tips, I'm i'm here for that.
Jacob Diaz U.V
And then I also have something if people want to have me go speak, they can do that as well. But we'll see where it goes. I am excited and I'm not an advertisement, but I think all of us need to build a new paradigm and that it starts from the ground up. So me, you, I mean, Cowan has his own ah new biology clinic now. We're starting to see all these terrain people really put stuff into practice and we got to do it. So let's do it.
Beyond Terrain
you know jacob what ah What I love about you is that, you know, it It is like a new endeavor, right? And you're so young and you're so, and I like to think this about myself a little bit too, but it's it's about something that's much larger than a practice.
Beyond Terrain
You're not some grifter shilling some shit supplement or whatever.
Jacob Diaz U.V
comment did
Beyond Terrain
Like that's not what it's about, right? Like it's about the paradigm shift, you know, and, and I think that's the most important thing. Like, like, cause if I could do anything, it would be contribute, you know, a minimal amount to this paradigm shift.
Beyond Terrain
That's inevitably be going to occur because the truth always prevails. it always prevails. And I like to think that the higher power has lots to do with that too, right? And I think that, you know, we saw the death of God. I think Nietzsche was right a little bit, but I think we're seeing the resurgent almost as a Phoenix, right? I think it's it's a very alchemical um transmutation that's going on. And and with that comes beautiful paradigm shifts. And we see lots of great people like yourself. And so thank you for your time again, and can't wait for the next episode.
Jacob Diaz U.V
oh yeah man
Beyond Terrain
I want to thank you all for listening. You shall know that's not medical advice for your informational purposes only, but also remember that we're all responsible, sovereign beings, capable of thinking, criticizing, understanding, absolutely anything. We, the people in the greater forces are together, self-healer, self-governable, self-healer, self-teachers, and so much more.
Beyond Terrain
Please reach out if you have any questions, criticisms, comments, concerns, you know, or find me on Instagram. Email's fine as well. YouTube comments, I'll probably get to you at some point wherever you find me.
Jacob Diaz U.V
Oh yeah, man.
Beyond Terrain
So, Listen, and I really appreciate the time you guys took to so listen to our episode today. Make sure to go check check out the socials, check out the YouTube channel. um You know, make sure you give us a like, comment, share, review, follow, whatever it is in the platform you're on really helps us grow, helps us get the word out. Just remember, two types of people in the world, those believe they can, those believe they can't, both of which are correct. Thanks for listening guys, take care.