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Hot August Summer Special! image

Hot August Summer Special!

The Sleepy Games Podcast
29 Plays6 months ago

This is our Sleepy Games Summer Edition focusing mainly on the Wolverine flick featuring Dogpool!

Season 3 of The Sleepy Games Podcast kicks off this fall. 

Stay tuned and thanks for listening, bub! 


Introduction to August Edition

You're listening to the Sleepy Games Hot August Summer Special.

Summer Blockbuster Highlights: 'Twisters'

Well hello there! Welcome to a very newly yearly, I don't know. Just to go over a recent blockbuster movie with me, as always, the sensational
freshly coming back from his trip to uter
in you're right of being hot it as hot as the dickens man oh um' I'm ready for this summer to cool down. This is too hot for me. um but but but but But to be here on a very special episode with you, just being back for a nice 1L episode before our next season starts, I wouldn't have any any other way. i mean Any excuse to be with you is a happy time for me.
absolutely bu ah But yeah, so so I guess to just start off, um before we get in before we we dive into why we're you know making this episode such a special one, um how but and and because we are close to the end of summer, um have you gotten a chance to see a lot of the summer films that have come out?
I won't say I've had a chance to see a lot. I did see one other one in theaters. That was pretty much it to be honest with you. Which one was that one? I saw... Twisters.
I saw it too!

Review and Comparison: 'Twisters' Sequel

Yes! Oh my god! i literally saw It was literally the first movie I watched after getting back from Europe. It was a very fresh in your mind. Yes, and what I did was I watched the the original Twister.
um before i left for europe and then it was cool like ah going through london everything and seeing all the promotions for and everything yeah like seeing seeing on those uh double decker red buses ah the ads for it all that it was just it was giving me more hype more hyped um and in in growing up. like so so So when I watched Twister, like I think I realized I've only watched it like broken up in scenes by scenes because I think when I was but i was a kid, like I never like started it from the beginning and and and when went from top to bottom the whole film. um So this was my first viewing of of seeing it all the way through in one sitting. So it was it was refreshing to see that. and
boy howdy what a cast it has like there's so many of the side actors yeah like it might have been like one of Philip Seymour Hoffman's like first major roles and of course i think it might be yeah and of course he kills it you know like he's always so good like he's always a ah very different role than what he is and from another movie um uh so yeah it was it was a good it was You know, it's it's a good movie, you know, like I have no nostalgia towards it um What I do have nostalgia towards though is the so there was actually a ride at Universal Studios Orlando, Florida based off ah the movie twister it was there was called a twister ride it out um and and like I must have gone on that ride probably I think I've been on the ride more than I've seen the movie ah so
and and and the ride basically you're just standing there in front of the drive-in theater and just like all this practical stuff happens in front of you and like you feel the wind you feel the rain and everything coming at you and you like a twister just comes out right in front of you and you're just like oh look at that whoa um but so ah Yeah, is so like ah to say I was a bit hyped for this movie I really wasn't because I'm a big fan of Glenn Powell from from ah ever since Top Gun Maverick and I really want him to to be a big movie star and be that a lister I think he can be um um Yeah, so
that's That's what I'll say like going into the film. so And I'm happy to say that it met my expectations. I thoroughly i thoroughly enjoyed ah the that the ah the new Twisters movie. And I may even say I think I liked it more than the original.
um And I don't know if it's a hot take or not, but I think it might have had to do with the... Because i I was kind of getting a little angry with the relationship part of of um the original movie with Helen Hunt and Bill Paxton's characters. ah It was kind of annoying me. I was just like, oh my God, just shut up and kiss already. It was so annoying.
I was like, it's like, shut up. and And like here, I like I like this relationship of like them not knowing each other at all of like it was just OK. They've just met. They're just getting to know each other. And like, I want to see how this relationship blossoms. And like it didn't like go into like the stereotypical like romantic stuff like there's no like like like awkward kissing scene or anything or like or like or I'm going to save you and if and be the be the be the protector like.
I feel like they did a good job of helping each like ah balance each other out and helping each other out. um But yes, it is so but

Nostalgia and Sequel Execution: 'Twister' vs. 'Twisters'

I don't want to talk for too much. I really want do a better back and forth. So I want to hear your thoughts of the movie so since you know that I'm giving like a a glowing review.
Right, right. Well, okay, so I guess to start with where you were starting from, talking about like nostalgia. Yes. It actually, the original movie was one that I saw in the movie theater way back in the day. Oh. Yeah. Yeah. So, and I mean, frankly, I must have been, I was definitely in elementary. So I mean, like that opening scene where her dad gets like sucked out. I mean, it kind of scared me a little bit back then. I was like, man,
Also, it's a watching that scene and they brought that up because I was like, wait, why don't you just go to the back of the store? I'm like, then you'll be safe. Like where everybody else is like the door is not going to do anything. Yeah. The second time I watched the movie, that was definitely like because the first time I think I was just scared. Right. Like there's a tornado coming. It's huge. And like, the you know, there's.
But like, yeah, the second time I was watching him, I was like, why is he, why is he hanging onto that? who was wrote you The other two people survived. He must really like that door. Like he's like, it's a one of a kind door. He's like, I have been oiling this every year. yeah like
Oh, that was so bad. Some special mahogany wood that is slowly going extinct. Yeah, you can't buy anything like that anymore. Like, it was it was like something passed down from generations. exactly yeah Yeah, so I think that they should just rename that movie to a man in his wood. Oh my gosh. Anyway. Is that the porn parody?
Though, I mean, so it is a movie that I watched ah quite a few times growing up because I think it was one that was on VHS tape of it possibly. Okay. So ah yeah, so I watched it a fair fair but few times. I mean,
again i mean it's like i thought it was a good movie it's got a good cast it's got good kind of dialogue too i find like yeah some memorable lines and stuff i don't want to dive into it too too much anyways but yeah like the long short of it i mean it's it's not a bad movie it's like It is very kind of, I guess, 90s type movie. and Yes. what Yeah, and what ah it is a product of its time. And then again, like some, I guess things where it's like you watch it again and you're like, Hey, like there's a lot of stuff that just making me question like all their motivations for everything. So anyways, but like, so going into the second movie, I mean, I won't say I necessarily had expectations. When I saw the first trailer for the movie, I was like, I don't
really feel like it's necessary like again i've talked about sequels on the show before and i was like i just like cause i thought at the end of the movie the end of the first movie like they they did it like they they solved the problem of tornadoes And then obviously you learn in the second movie, the sequel that they did not at all achieve anything. It never happened. first this movie Because like they didn't, they didn't get advanced warning or anything. Everything they were talking about in the first one clearly didn't really seem to matter. It's like, I know that they had the same machine and everything.
And then now, basically, they go from trying to get a better early warning to basically trying to essentially, I guess, nuke the tornado so that it you know and it reverses the rampage of the Twister. So, actually, now that I'm saying that tornado, did you watch the made-for-TV-movie tornado that came out came out right around the same time as Twister? Oh, to try and ride the coattails of that success?
No, no, it sounds like it sounds like a a straight to sci-fi original movie though. Yeah, it's a it's as good as you'd expect it to be so I've seen Sharknado Uh, I think Sharknado is probably like a million times better. So yeah, yeah, just a little little snippet in there because I know we've talked about ah studios and and whatever competing stores releasing basically the same movie. Yeah, we went to that. so Yeah. So just saying tornado and twister. So there's another one for it.
so uh but yeah so with the new movie i mean i kind of feel like what they do with a lot of these kind of this is almost like it is a sequel i guess but really it's just kind of like a reboot because there's none of the original characters or anything like that yes and you're right it did feel like a a lot lot of the similar beats of the original and when when you mentioned how like the 90s feel i i felt like this felt like a 90s movie yeah and and that's the thing too right is like i don't feel like i don't feel like they even really tried to make anything new i think they just they had a formula it worked they
Recycle the formula and you got the same thing. and There's still a bit of a love triangle, just like there wasn't the first one. Granted, like you said, it is a bit different. um There's a, this is like, I mean, there's the, there's the machine that they're trying to basically get in front of a tornado so that they can get the data that they need and, or I guess kill the tornado or whatever. Yeah. Kill it and then protect people from for new ones that come up.
yeah so in in a lot of ways i mean it is essentially like the same movie there's the two competing uh yep i guess organizations whatever you want to call it i mean again like they did change some stuff uh i i think like you said along the short of it is like I probably think that the new movie is better than the original. I feel like if you got the cast from the original movie, put them into this seat this this movie, this Twister's movie, it'd probably just be better overall. I know you like Glenn Powell. I guess we could keep him, obviously. Well, so so so you know it's funny. I do love Glenn Powell, but I think the girl stole the show. um Daisy Edgar Jones. I thought she acted her ass off.
in this movie, in a movie where I feel like it didn't really need, you know, great acting, but she definitely brought her A-game, and they yeah they they gave her a similar, like, back story, a tragic back story, similar to Helen Hunt, like her losing her father, her losing her close friends, um and and lover, and the ah twister in the beginning of the film.
and then just kind of seeing how she copes with it him and like wow she got it why she got out of the game and how they rope her back in, you know. Yeah, Hollywood style. Yeah. And then there's the whole hesitant to like go back in and then like that's where that's kind of becoming a trope that is getting to the point where it starts to annoy me. It's like, man, it's 10 minutes of screen time where it's like, oh, I got a act like I'm not going to do it even though the audience knows as well as I do that I'm going to do it or there's no fucking movie.
yeah You know, it's what it's funny you said because it's so true because like, you know, you you have the little blurb, it was like, oh, five years later, it's like, OK, yeah, it takes her five years to get over it and then she's back

Theater Experience and Action Sequences of 'Twisters'

in the game. Got it. James, I'm going to make a movie. It's going to be it's going to be exactly like that. There's going to be like this hesitant person. And then they got it. They got to try to rope them in. Right. And then it just they basically the camera just zooms on him. He's like, not fuck you, you guys. And then the credit is just roll. That's it.
ah feel like i'll win an oscar but See but I think when it comes to films though, it has to be a certain length for it to be a feature length film But that'd be a great short film. Oh that be a short film No, I got you buddy. So oh, yeah, it's gonna be like a 15-20 minute movie maybe a half an hour, right? So you need a that you need a 90 minute runtime. Maybe a little bit less I'm going to have these slowest credits on the planet and you know, there's gonna be at least one jackass out there who's gonna wait till the very end expecting more
And then, so, do you put did do you put it a an end scene at the end of the credits? Or are you just putting nothing there? I mean like, or you just put like, haha, sucker. Oh no, so what I would do is, ah it would kind of pan back to the original character and go fuck yourself. And he's just like, what, like, did you not fucking hear me the first time? And then it just looks black. Yeah, there you go. That's good, that's good. and Genius. So, back to this movie.
yeah I didn't expect to talk about this movie that much, but what looks so I mean, I will say, I do think, I mean like, when when we talk about the ah our theme for the show. Right. I'll go into while we're talking about this one so much, but ah but yeah, I mean, I like talking about it because I really like the film and I'm excited to see it again. Having said that, I don't want any sequels to happen for this movie because I'm like, I don't know what else you can do.
Like yes, it's one thing to reboot it because it has been I think enough time has passed where this was needed in like the box office shows It was needed. It actually has made it's made quite a few bucks in the domestic box office. That's great and Yeah, I hope more I mean, I don't know if I because of this to be more like natural disaster movies that come out and will see i mean i feel like we've kind of like went through a whole bunch of them with the with the roblox rolling emmerich films that came out from like like the day after the mars and 2012s and i could see it i mean like they're trying to do anything to get people
Back into the theater, right? So and I mean, yes style Joe works which in this case I think it was a nostalgia and it makes it makes for a great theater experience When you're watching a film like this because it makes you feel like you especially that well I don't want to spoil it But what the scenes like it really it was a great move to make like to watch it in the theater when a lot of the action was happening and there theres There's one scene where all the characters are indoors and you know yeah like ah seeing it on the movie screen, feeling like you're there, you really feel like like the storm is just jumping out of the screen. and that's what And that's why I think this movie is doing so well because it is it is meant for for the theater experience.

Special Effects Evolution from 'Twister' to 'Twisters'

Right, yeah. Well, and it's funny you said on that note, and you know, you you were talking about how this this felt like a 90s movie. Yeah. And I think that I think one, I guess complaint I have about the movie is that like,
Correct me if I'm wrong, I haven't watched watched the original quite some time, but I feel like the special effects still stand out, right? like i don't For the most part, there were some CGI that like a looked looked a little janky, and I was like, okay that looks a little fake and everything, but like but but as far as this one, like I thought like the special effects were seamless, it was amazing. list I think it's just that with the advance in technology and the advance of you know CGI and everything that they're able to do with special effects,
I guess I just kinda wanted a bit more. Like I just wanted something a bit more intense. I don't even care if it's necessarily over the top. I just kinda wanted to be dazzled with the Twisters, right? Like, and I thought that there was just gonna be more, whereas this felt like...
It felt on on the same level as the first one in terms of like the action sequences involving the tornados. Yeah, I can understand that. ah yeah
and Like you were saying earlier about you could swap out certain characters and everything. like I agree with that, but there's some characters in this one where I liked like like i like how they had the ah that that British reporter. I thought he was a good ah good comic relief character, right especially incorporating him with Glenn Powell, who's are the big YouTuber, like all on your face with the videos type of guy. like He was perfect for that, so I thought they kind of blended that well.
But, as far as the storms go, I think I- I- I- I- I knew it- Yeah, I- I- I'm trying to think if it left me wanting more, it's like, oh, I wish they had, like, one more big scene, or, like, or went, like like, a little, like, to ah another level at this part. Um...

Nostalgia's Impact on Film Reception

Yeah, I just wanted some, like, epic shit, where it's just, like, I don't know, buddy, like, drives the- like, the ram, or whatever, that- that's got those auger bits that go under the ground, like, I want him, like,
fly through the air and i do save somebody and then like slam it onto the ground and plant those augers like you know i love how they did that too i thought that was such a great idea i was like wow that's a great idea to keep your car on the ground uh i mean i it's one of those things where it's like i kind of want to see a myth busters on or something like that but i know right because it's like wait would that work i mean i mean how howw deep do you really need to go
I don't know. Yeah. Couldn't deal. Yeah. But yeah. ah Yeah. um so So anyway.
Anyway, yeah. We're tonalisters. It's a big recommendation for me. Scene in theaters if you can. If you have to watch at home, watch on the biggest TV you can, lights off, no distractions, and just be completely engulfed in the like think natural disaster, beautiful film it is. yeah All I'll say is like if you like the first one, you're going to like the second one. That's true. It's basically the same movie. Yes.
Yeah, it does a good it only has like certain little easter eggs of the original, like but it doesn't really it doesn't really harp on anything from the first one at all. and and And one thing is like you can go in completely blind. If you haven't seen the first one, it will not hurt your experience of seeing the second one at all. Agreed.

Introduction to Wolverine and Deadpool Discussion

In fact, yeah I might kind of recommended that way even with my nostalgia the first one because if the nostalgia is not there and i don't know if you're gonna it's probably be like kind of your viewing experience of it yeah i say anyways just watch the new one anyways let it should we move on to the grand event or did you have nothing else no let's do it let's do it grand event buddy take us there okay okay so
I'm pretty sure that anyone listening this probably knows what we're talking about because this upcoming movie has shattered Bachthrau first records over and over and over and over again. Altawazu. Yeah, pretty much as many records as it could shatter.

Wolverine and Deadpool Movie Analysis

Obviously we're talking about the Wolverine movie featuring Deadpool. Speaking of, I have a big Wolverine fan over here.
Well, like, let's be real here, like, it was a Wolverine movie featuring Deadpool. It was not the other way around. I don't know what you mean by that, but but I'm excited for to to hear your your thoughts about it. Well, I mean, it's as simple as that. is like The reason I think that the movie's as crazy as it is, I mean, I know people love the Deadpool movies, but it was it was really the injection of Wolverine there, and I think a lot of people wanted to see Wolverine again.
Uh, in an R rated sense, and his last movie, which is really good, the Logan movie. Which is also rated R. Yes. And that's, I think people want to see more of that. But the problem with that movie, I don't want to say problem. It just had a very different tone. It was very serious. Yes. It had a very dramatic, ah you know, and and it was it was an emotionally intense movie. It was good for what it was going for. This one obviously has taken a very different tone. And I think that that's what people wanted more of that they wouldn't have gotten from the Logan movie. So I feel like it would appease
a bunch of people in that regard for wanting more, I guess, ah of the Wolverine. i would I would definitely agree with that, because because I feel like, especially Hugh Jackman, he's done so much with the character, he's done like everything he could with it, and this was like the last thing he needed to do. Yeah. and to to To complete it. And it's funny too, that as he has gotten older he's started to actually look more like the actual character from the comic books like when they first chose him and i was a big fan of the comic books back in the day i was like who the fuck is this guy and i was like who the fuck is this guy exactly i can't do the exit but you didn't even have the physicality for it like it's too tall movie like
well okay the height i was willing to overlook i know that for hollywood that yeah so some yeah i guess some of like the big comic book fans were like annoyed by that yeah i mean i i didn't even see i didn't even see the first x-men in theaters okay i did and i was like i was jazzed for it right so and then but it's like he you know he just he doesn't have that the physical presence in the first movie like he's he's really not that big at all so i i did see like uh some things on instagram where it showed the side by side of right of him shirtless now wolverine versus the first x-men and he's not toned or shredded at all no in the in the first one like he just looks like a regular guy with the hair and the chops
It really does. Yeah, he looks like a guy that, you know, might work for a living, I guess, you know, not that that would really be the end of it. He does not look like a guy that is like supposed to be this like fucking killing machine with knives, essentially, like, yeah, he definitely he he needs the suit in the first one to make him look more badass. He does. and And as to why they they shot a shirtless scene with him is is beyond me, because I remember seeing the theaters, I was like, man, like he's doing a really good job, but it's like, I just I'm just but yeah as he's gotten older too because I think that was the other problem is like he was too young in the first one granted it's allowed him to make and about like 20 movies or something like that featuring Wolverine but yeah he was really too young to be playing the character when he first did because Wolverine is supposed to be kind of this like this old grizzled
Combat veteran essentially we're so glad now though with with what we got out of him He's just and that's that's what I mean ready embodies the role more and more as the movies go on So so so okay so so so now now we can probably go into the film gradually, as far as like you know like see like act by act, I guess. um So so we we we we enter the film, and and we'll probably go into a little bit of spoilers here. um So we enter the first act of the film, and you know it's it's all Deadpool.
And then we're like, okay, where's Deadpool at? And we see Deadpool is literally at the grave of where Logan is buried from the Logan movie. And and I'm curious for you who, who you you you being a big Wolverine fan, big X-Men fan, did, because I heard some people talk about this all online, did did this take away that ending for you for him like to literally dig up the body of Wolverine?
from Logan. I mean this is the thing is that like and and if you want to be super comic book nerdy about it like in the comic books just as in the movies nobody dies for sure for real ever and with the multiverse which is something that they have been doing in the comic books for longer than obviously the movies have been around It's it's nothing new ah One of the things they did in the 90s with the multiverse just because they kept going more and more on it was a was a thing called Marvel versus DC Which is pretty much exactly what it sounds like the Marvel guys were fighting the DC guys So I mean if you are a true tried and tested comic book nerd, this is just kind of par for the course as as far as like my own personal opinion like I don't really think so like as soon as I heard they were doing this like
I guess you could turn around and be like, oh, it kind of cheapens how he left Logan. Yes. And there's actually one thing. Well, I will go into that maybe after I finish this point, I guess, but.
I can't say for me it did because like that's just it's just a different take on the character right like I don't feel like it was a continuation yeah obviously there's like he goes and digs up the corpse I guess yeah I think I see it more of like people who love the Logan movie and think it's like the perfect ending for that character perfect I don't need to touch it at all right and how it could like sour some people that be like oh no no you ruined it oh my god for me I think it's a classic Deadpool. That's like, that's what he would do. This was, that's like perfect for him to do and and and to incorporate a whole song and dance number with his body. yeah i kill you people yeah I got zero qualms about it again, like the different tones like you you you almost have to like
It's like you gotta think they're entirely different ones. It's not a sequel to the other so to speak They're just they're two different like it's like two different takes on like 007 or something like that granted same actor But still like you

Deadpool's Motivations and Multiverse Elements

know what I mean? Like it's it's an entirely different. Yeah Take on it Yeah, and they they did a good job of establishing that. I mean, they really have a montage of all the different Wolverines in the universe, which was a great way to showcase all the different Wolverines from all the comic books and everything that he's been a part of. Yeah, they did patch. That was kind of neat. And that's definitely fanservice. Yes, and I'm sure you knew like, maybe all of them are close to a bunch of them were like,
You know, I'm going along with the ride like whatever when that pops up. I'm like, oh, this one looks cool. That one looks cool. You know, this one's funny. I'm sure you you knew a lot, like a lot of ones out for the comments. I knew some of them. Like, to be honest, I mean, like it's ah I've I've taken a few steps back, I think, from my ah nerdness. so I mean, I did catch a few of them, obviously. I'm sure there's probably some more diehard fans that probably would have caught more than I did.
Did you know the one where he was like nailed on the X or the like the X or the cross or whatever? Right. Yeah. You knew that one, didn't you? Did know that one? It rings a bell. OK. I specifically remember the storyline that it's off of because apparently it's a famous one. that That's what yeah but I heard. That might be a famous one in X-Men. And I read the whole Wolverine like front to back back back in the day, like in the in the comics. X-Men was hard to follow because you had to spend like a small fortune every month because they would cross over into the different volumes of X-Men. They had like five at the time. It was like, and like, I didn't really have a whole lot of money growing up or anything. Right. So I was like, fuck, I was like, I can buy Wolverine. and I was like, it's one comic per month. They never made more. Or X-Men, where it's just like, man, like I'd probably have to like start my own Onlyfans just to pay for all that. Onlyfans wasn't a thing at the time. So it didn't work.
oh but I want to go into look more a little bit before we dive more into when we actually see the the Wolverine we get in the movie. um but I want to talk about some of the motivation behind Deadpool because this is where I i got a little skeptic. I was kind of like unsure about. I was like, okay, how are they gonna make a story out of this?
and I thought it wasn't strong it's um when when the motivation was Deadpool trying to be in the Avengers and it's like what he wouldn't fit like then like the whole thing with his friends and his girlfriend trying to get her back and it's like wait and it made me think i'm like wait how did it leave off in the last one i was like i couldn't i couldn't really even remember because i was like i thought they were together didn't that's the whole thing in the in the second one he's got that whole thing about his like desire for purpose and that's why he takes on like that little like that kid right like tries to mentor him yeah right like i feel like they just kind of rehash the exact same like motivational
Yeah first And I guess I get cuz like he's in the MCU now So like okay now we we should make him want to be in the Avengers cuz he you know We have all the characters that he can use um but I Don't know it it just didn't seem I was like really that's it. Okay. All right. Well Let's see what else you got and then it is going from there to the TVA Now I can't imagine someone going to this movie not seeing any of the Loki series or like not knowing anything about these guys. You know nothing. nothing Okay, you know so you know nothing about these TVA guys who who who basically police the the multiverse. Yeah, ive never heard of it. So what are your what were your thoughts on that, like not knowing anything?
uh i mean i i really in my mind unnecessary to watch it like i know some people said you probably should but i didn't really feel like i i missed anything not having watched the lowkey series yeah um as far as like the organization i feel like and and i Maybe that maybe it's the same name, but I felt like there was an organization that did that in the comic books, too So it's like yeah, I think the right you know what I'm getting like remember that remember that Van Dam classic Back in the 90s called time time. Of course. I know time cup. I was just getting some some strong time and three copies of time cup
and Like and that's the thing is like, you know what? You know what this movie was missing. It was missing a little bit of Van Damme You know that now now I want Van Damme the MCU Yeah, right. Where's it gonna tend to get Van Damme in the end MCU you but make him a villain somewhere make him Dr. Doom, you know I like it. I like it
What can dream? What can dream? As a movie, I would go and watch. oh Okay, so so so basically he gets with the TVA, he figures out he has to ah yes find the Wolverine that... Now this Wolverine, I'm sorry if I'm blanking, but but his he all his X-Men died, correct? In his universe?
yeah he was he was like the reason why they died well i feel like okay and that's the thing too is like i kind of felt like there was going to be a a bit more shame to his story but really it just it kind of seemed like he just wasn't there to protect them which is like yeah and that's like that's pretty harsh to be like Like, and i don't I don't feel like they ever expanded. Like, the whole world apparently hates him and it's like, well, because you were getting your drink on at the fucking bar and you weren't there to save your friends.

Cameos and Humor in Deadpool

Like, that's not your job, dude. Like, I mean, that's kind of, that's a bit strong. I was like,
It seems, again, like... For me in this this movie, and don't get me wrong, I love the movie, and I'm not gonna say that like I didn't enjoy it. I did. But I feel like there was a lot of focus on the writing for the buddy cop, not so much on like exposition, or like, law to motivation, any of those things.
Yeah, ah so wait I'm glad you brought that that you loved it because so I'm in the camp about that I've I think it's it's good, it's it's pretty good. um I think I like it the least of all the Deadpool movies, to be honest. um Actually, yeah they yeah i said I was saying that was like I feel like the second one was the best one of the three. I can see that. Yeah, I yeah i think one and two are like a pretty close to each other. um and i And I just felt like this one is... I think because this wasn't consistent all the way through. I felt like there there were times where I was just like, I thought it was this dragon. I was just like, oh man, can we scale the next thing? And that's what I mean, right? But the parts where there's the back and forth, the buddy cop portion of it is like, is spot on. It hits, but it's like they kind of just, they're just like, well, this is enough. and And really they're right. It isn't enough. Like, look how many box office records they're breaking. Yeah, but they I really wish that they would have just focused a little bit more on, you know, the peripherals of the movie, ah just to kind of, like you said, right, just to get, you know, just, just a bit more streamlined a bit more. Yeah.
Well, okay, so I'm glad you agree with that. um I guess I do want to get more into the good stuff. Yeah. A lot of the cameos and some cameos were actually turned into basically side characters for how long they were there. um So I guess we could start with the first one. The first one I noticed was you had Henry Cavill as Wolverine.
Right. What do you think about that? I loved that. I was like, yes. And then they stuck it in a little nice shot of DC thrown in there, too. And he looked great as a character. Like he looked like he could be Wolverine. Well, I think that there was talks about it at some point, too. And I agree. Like he he would make, I guess, a suitable replacement.
Yeah, it was good. It was well done. I liked it Yeah, I don't really have Really much more to say about it because it was a quick one for sure. So yes Yeah, he he was the quickest of the cameos. That's for sure. Yeah so I guess a little more of an extended cameo we had a we we had we had Chris Evans and then so so when so when I saw Chris Evans on screen so so that there was going to this movie I knew like not reading anything not not know knowing any theories I just knew there was gonna be two characters in here from two actors that were gonna be in this movie because I knew I knew they could play around with it because I knew there was so much hoopla for for so long with one of the characters and then
I know with the merger of everything, I'm like, I know what they can do with this. That'd be really funny. So I knew when Chris Evans was on screen that he was going to be the human torch from Fantastic Four and not Captain America. see and And I loved how Deadpool thought that he was going to be. He was Captain America. then It made it that much funnier. Well, because like I'm not gonna lie, like when I was watching the movie, I should have seen it coming, but I yeah didn't see it coming. You didn't see it coming, okay. Oh, great, you did play the human torch! See, it's it's so I actually thought that they were gonna incorporate
more of those original Fantastic Four characters. But I feel like if they only were gonna bring back one, it was gonna be Chris Evans just because of the fact they could play around with Captain America and the Human Torch. yeah And I thought that it was brilliant how they did it.
yeah that was great that was great and then so I knew that I knew he was coming and then one other one I knew was coming because ah well first of all this actor is in so many cameos I feel like within like the last 10 years or so he's been he's been cameoing all over the place yeah and that's Shantatum I knew Shantatum was gonna come as Gambit right I did not realize how funny he was going to be. With with that accent, it was killing me. And I love how they kept making fun of the accent for what he was doing. I was like, this is perfect. And because of that, people are saying that this is the year of Gambit because the the Gambit was so good in the X-Men 97 series.

Impact of Unanticipated Cameos

um like he had one that probably the most epic scene in the whole show right that's right um yeah and i thought like that noble sacrifice he did and everything like when he was in all that um and then and then having champion like i bring out more of the comedic side and And like actually, I read up a bit after watching the movie as as far as like he's he's he's loved this character even as a kid. like he he He grew up in Louisiana and everything, and grew up around these people like a who he spoke like this and everything. um And he could tell his different dream come true. And so and I knew it's his movie's been in production hell. like He was supposed to be in a live-action gambit since like the early 2010s.
Oh, I didn't know about that. Yeah. So so so so is that's how I knew they were going to incorporate him in this somehow because because one chant him does cameos all over the place nowadays. I mean, he was a bullet train. and This is the end. Some other ones. Yeah. of So I'm like, of course, he'll be in this. Like he's he's probably really, really buddy, buddy with Ryan Reynolds. of So, yeah, so I think that was my favorite cameo or cameo slash side character in the movie.
and uh but so yeah i'll only know more your thoughts on on him and ah ah before we get to the next ones I mean, you you you pretty much pretty much hit it with me. is like ah I thought it was i thought it was like well done ah yeah for for the comedic aspect of it. ah And it showed some badass action scenes with him too, like to showcase how Gambit would look in live action. because you know we We only got a taste in that original X-Men, but but i didn't I didn't feel like that was Gambit, you know what I mean?
Yeah, and that's that's the thing too is like I thought it was I thought it worked really well in this movie because I don't know That's who I would cast to play gambit myself. So it's like I don't know I'd be I'd be intrigued. I guess if he could I Guess i I'm sure he can but I mean, yeah Yeah, it's like one thing. It's one thing to do those scenes. It's everything like to carry a whole movie. So you mean yeah exactly especially with like the accent and stuff like that i don't know 100 like that he would be the right casting choice as much as i do like john and datum i i don't know and i almost think he's a little bit too big too big playing
Well, cause Gambit's not really like a heavy hitter in terms of like, uh, like, just like, like, like, like muscle wires or anything like that. Oh, oh, I think they're too big of an actor. You mean like a body type. Okay. Sorry. Gotcha. Yeah. Well, I guess maybe too big too, I guess, in terms of, but no, like I just meant like body wise. Yeah. you Yeah. like I don't know if the physique is a little strange. Yeah. He's more more of a slim tone guy.
Yeah, exactly. yeah so But, I mean, whatever, right? I guess if it ever gets made, we'll we'll find out, I guess, at that point. so Yeah. Okay, so now we can go into the the two surprise cameos that I did not see coming. And that was ah blaer um Wesley Snipes' Blade. Right. And Jennifer Garner as Elektra. Like, what the fuck? I did not in a million years would have imagined those two to be in this movie.
i Yeah, I mean, unfortunately, I had seen a title of an article online. so No, you did? You got spoiled! Yeah, and I was like, fuck!
Damn, but that was I didn't know Jennifer Garner was in it. Okay. He was the only cameo That I was aware was in the movie because I just saw and I was like son of a thing I was trying so hard not to know anything about this movie. Mm-hmm But yeah, I heard he was gonna be in it that the one thing I'll say with blade being in it is like I think it's very fitting because he was Essentially the one that kicked off ah like that the legit marvel movies like the marvel era yeah because Blake came out in 98 and x-men came out in 2000
Yeah, and then Blade apparently was one of the ones that to I think it like it saved Marvel from the verge of bankruptcy at the time. And it really legitimized ah movies because you got to think this is right after I think like the the Batman movies that nobody really cared much for in the 90s after Tim Burton's run anyways. Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'd go on. Sorry.
Okay, yeah so so it's kind of like so he was the one that kind of like legitimized it and I mean and and and that was the thing that I think paved the way for the X-Men and eventually obviously the Avengers and everything we got with that and it's cool to see him in this movie because I mean we talked about superhero fatigue and and all that kind of stuff and I feel like this is like the last movie at least I see for definitely the foreseeable future that is going to have the reception and the and the box office records and anything like that like this is the last movie

Blade's Legacy in Marvel's Cinematic Era

i think for a while for marvel and all that uh so and it's kind of like it's kind of like he's iss he's kind of like seeing it off right like he kind of started it and now he's like i'm gonna be around on when we're ending it so and and he i didn't think about that i like that yeah well he even said the same quote that he says at the end of the movie in blade i don't know if you're familiar with that one no i'm not he's like some motherfuckers are always trying to ice skate uphill Oh my god. That's why the first movie and that's why he says it in this movie because that was his line for the first movie and apparently like he wrote that line apparently like I don't really know exactly what it's supposed to mean. Interesting. Yeah like apparently it's like it's his line from from the first movie so uh so I really feel like yeah the law and the short of it that's what they were going for with him and I don't know maybe I'm definitely uh overthinking it.
ah So it wasn't until after seeing the movie and where where I read up on and I forgot about how how um Ryan Reynolds is in Blade Trinity. I clip if I'm wrong but did they make a subtle joke about that in the movie about how like they knew each other or something?
Cause they may have and I might have made whatever my head, but but I remember hearing about the production of blade tranny. I heard that. I heard that they did not get along like um Ryan Reynolds and Wesley Snipes.
I could see I could definitely see there being because i there's personality conflicts there for sure. Yeah. And especially like this is back when I think Wesley Snipes was like, like at the top of his game, basically, right. And then Ryan Reynolds, that was his breakout movie in action. That was the one. Yes. The first movie he got like jacked for. Yep.
And it and it it really got a legitimacy um for that. And I guess if it really wasn't for that movie, I you know i don't really know that we would have. I mean, definitely help helped to him make a Deadpool for sure. A hundred percent. Yeah. yeah um So yeah, i I'm excited to rewatch it to see like if there is a line in there where the kind of hint of working together before or not getting along isn't. But yeah, I may have missed it is also.
Yeah, because I completely forgot about it until after I saw the movie. I'm like, oh yeah, they were in that together. and ah Yeah, so those were quite some some cameos that that definitely floored me. um and like I other ones in my head that I thought they could do, but I'm glad. It's always nice when you you have these expectations, of because you you know cameos are coming. you know You don't know how many you don't know who's going to be, and when and when they still like surprise you.
Like, I could have thought about 30 other different actors or superheroes I could have used. And I probably still wouldn't have thought that Blade was going to be one.

Soundtrack and Action Sequence Appreciation

Especially because knowing that like the new Blade is and also is in production hell. Right. um And they' all I did notice the one joke of how he said that there is only one Blade. Yes.
Yeah, and then I think I think I think dead play looks at the camera when he says that Like it's looking the MCU is like what the fuck are you guys doing like fucking up? You know like the blade story and the blade character and everything So so that was all great. it it It is seeing all them battling together. That was great um The villain I didn't think was that good. um I Agree, and I'm yeah about that up Yeah, I want to go go to that next. Yeah, I um Yeah, I feel like ah feel like on paper it sounds good, you know, her being Professor Xavier's sister and everything. I'm like, okay, that sounds good. You're dealing with these X-Men characters. You have a connection with them. Okay.
But I feel like, you know, her motivation too is just like, really? You just, you hear in this void and you're just taken over and like, okay. Yeah. Okay. It was, that's what I mean, right? It was like, I, and ah she didn't even really have like, she wasn't very memorable in the and in the grand scheme of things either. No. I granted, I think it's tough to one up Wolverine and Deadpool in terms of having like, you know, a good bad guy to, I guess, balance the whole thing. But like, so I mean, I think that, you know, maybe that that's that that's a lot to... It's a tall order, I guess. But yeah, I really didn't get into... Yeah, her her being a bad guy by any means and yeah.
Yeah, there's not really much to discuss about her, you know? it's just Yeah, so when when you go to this movie, just like, you know, don't have don't have your expectations high for the villain.

Supporting Characters in Deadpool

The villain is just there just ah to to create a wrinkle for the heroes. um ah but ah But the one thing I did really like, I so i watched this movie with with my brother and my sister-in-law. And one one thing we all agreed agreeded upon was that we loved the soundtrack.
the sound check for this movie was on point. from From starting with the the the opening montage with Bye Bye Bye by NSYNC to doing that the mo the the montage scene with all the with all the the Wolverines to to Huey Lewis in the news, Power of Love. i and For someone whose favorite movie is Back to the Future,
hearing that song in another movie, used in a great way, I was very happy about. I was i was like, yes. They're using a power love that's basically known for Back to the Future and using it for this movie. You have to use it the right way. And they did. I was very happy.
um well the they is they use So I was also a big fan of TI, the rapper growing up. ah the The scene were not went not when ah they get Gambit, Blade and Elektra rolling up on a um the villain and their crew and they're playing T.I.'s bring them out, bring them out, bring them out. I'm like, like that that was my song back in high school, like hearing and all that. And of course, you know, the the ending song with Madonna, um um like a prayer,
That was beautiful. So like ah a great range of of different music. And i I think they all fit well within their scenes. Yeah, I think you're 100 percent man. Yeah. Yeah. and Definitely a lot of callbacks for some nostalgia, I think, because they I think Deadpool has always known that a lot of it's
Fan-based audience or whatever. I think are a little bit obviously on the older side and stuff and people that that grew up, you know in the 80s and 90s Alongside I guess for Byron Reynolds, which is where a lot of the references come from. I mean, yeah in the first movie He references ah Ferris Bueller's Day Off at the very end credits So they've always kind of been dropping that throughout the whole trilogy. So yeah um And I want to tell a little little bit little about the action as well. i thought I thought a lot of the action scenes were shot very well, very exciting. And if you notice in the end ah action scene, they yeah they took a little bit of ah a page out of Old Boy's book.
they do a little bit of an old old boy action scene yeah yeah and uh i remember watching that i thought of you when i'm like you're gonna notice this sleepy job and we're we're we're definitely gonna talk about it using the old boy fight scene
I always love when if they can incorporate that in a film and especially if they do it the right way and especially in a fun way which they did like I think they're going like through some bus and everything while they're doing the the old boy action scene um because it's always fun to do because like you know you can get creative with it it being a one-shot take yeah and just doing as much as you can while you can um with within that time so Yeah. So, well I guess,
what else did did did you want to bring up about the movie? I'm trying to... yeah I feel like you still got some things you want to hash out. I've got i got one or two. So, I mean, something we've talked about in the show a few times, um and like one of, I guess,
Personally, my favorite characters in many ways. ah did Do you know where I'm going with this? It's it's one of the Deadpools. Peter Poole. It is. Okay. I do like Peter and I'm not going to say that. was like I like dog Poole. I love dog Poole.
There's a there's a cutest ugly dog in the world. Oh, I don't know where they found on that that guy He is a gem ten tongue just sticks out of his mouth like love Yeah, I'm curious like like how how they Or how they're like writing that into the story and they're like, all right, now how do we cast this? And like how they found this dog. So I think this dog is like, I think in England or something. I think I saw some video of like it popping online and when it was like, we found it. This is the one we got incorporated somehow. Yeah. so Yeah. So the dog definitely stole the show whenever he was on the screen. And then, yeah, Peter for sure. Peter Poole.
Yeah, did a great job. I mean, he does a great job in the second one. Yes, he does. Yeah, I was glad I got to give him a bigger role in this. Yeah. Yeah. So I thought that that was that was really well done. I think otherwise, I mean, I do have, I guess.
I guess kind of a disappointment having been a fan of Wolverine having watched every single movie that ah Wolverine's been in constantly waiting for this to happen because it is a thing in the comic books.
And I felt like this movie was perfect for it. They didn't do it. it's ah So Wolverine is the thing where he goes, like he because he's had ah a lot of experimentation done on him, so I don't know if this is a result of his experimentation, but he goes basically on these like berserk rages. And so his like strength and everything goes through the roof, but he'll like get his own teammates and everything, right? so it would have been really cool to watch that in any movie that they made with them and they never did and i was like i saw this movie and i was like wow they try to they try to stake true to the comic books it's like it's R rated it's kind of humorous it was like it wouldn't even really matter i guess like depending i i guess but it's like they didn't i mean i guess the opportunity with the way this was written i don't know necessarily presented itself
uh but i would have liked to have seen that just being a fan of wolverine uh throughout the years so i guess that'd be my my one i guess gripe why i guess there's been a couple grapes about the movie all in all i did love it i'm not gonna say i didn't like it was but the back and forth between uh deadpool and wolverine was really all i was looking for their chemistry is so good it's so good it almost and this is the thing too is like i was talking to someone else it's almost too good because you know they're like best friends in real life yeah you see all the promotions they've done to for this movie and just however they are like wherever they are whoever they're being interviewed by it's just they're just perfect together they're just like you you you think that they've been best friends since they've been kids for how well they get along
um But wait wait the one thing that I was kind of hoping for it that didn't happen, and well, I guess they hinted to it, but I guess I wish they showed more because people were talking about it online. I'm like, oh, I guess I kind of wish I saw that too. Was um was that the Hulk or the Hulk versus Wolverine?
Yes, actually. Now you mentioned that um that would be, I guess, kind of another letdown of all the movies. like I would have loved to have seen like just the scene of that going down. Yeah, because could because because we we we haven't seen Wolverine fight like a, I guess, traditional MCU character.
um You know, you know what I mean. I do know what you mean. And it's it's a real shame because that is that, like but some moviegoers might not know this, but that was ah Wolverine's first introduction to comic books. First time he was written into the comic books was in the comic books. Huh? That's sad knowing that. like yeah you You would think they would want to incorporate. OK, I get they would. They hinted to it, but it's like, guys, you have you know, you can you can shove out a minute or two of them just fighting and then
Or even if it's like a flashback or something, right? Like he's sleeping. He's like, and then you got this epic scene. He wakes up and then Deadpool could look at the camera and have been like, it was just for you, bro. Kind of deal, right? Like, yeah, it'd be hard to do it. You know what I mean? Like, yeah. So yeah. Yeah. Kind of another, uh, I don't want to say disappointment, but yeah, like there, there was a couple of things I really wanted to see, especially knowing that.
I Deadpool incorporated in the Avengers in some capacity like if he's like in a scene don't or like an end credits scene or something Yeah, like he'll definitely be there but just like just because the way he is He can't you can't be in there for too long because he's so r-rated but I mean it's I think because they are rebooting all the x-men and um they'll probably have a wolverine hawk fight down the road with a new wolverine uh uh actor portraying him yeah i mean i guess like for me the time is kind of past uh i don't know it's it's too many letdowns james i know i know i know it hurts
I hate seeing your heart get breaking, Sleepy John, I hate it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, you know, again, it was cool to see Wolverine on the big screen, especially donning, you know, one of his more original looking costumes. Yes. Oh, yeah. Can we talk about that? Yes. That's one of the things I love because I remember even watching X-Men for the first time, like so I watched X-Tube before I watched X-Men the first movie. Yeah. I remember him wearing the suit. I'm just like,
Wait, this isn't from the video game or the TV show that he wears? why This is just like black leather. And I remember when we joked about how in X-Men 97, how they had that joke about how... ah Yeah, about about the black leather, whereas the movie made the joke about the yellow spandex. Yes. And it's funny, thinking about that now, it's like, he looks badass with the yellow spandex still. It's like...
Come on, like he he could have been wearing this the whole time and he still looked cool as hell. I mean, yes, but in in fairness though, i mean especially when the X-Men movie came out, like they were really trying to distance themselves from yeah like poorly done comic book movies and I think that at that time it wouldn't have been received well and it wouldn't have been taken very seriously.
Yeah, and I like to even put the mask on. like I wasn't even expecting the mask to be put on during the movie. I thought it was just going to be the suit and his head. That's it. He put the mask on. It went full on. There was definitely some fan service there. I just feel like it's just like, man, like just, you know, give give me the give me the Hulk and give him gi me the berserk. He could have gotten berserk against the Hulk. Two for one. Oh, that would have been sick. Oh, my God.
But yeah, I don't know. I mean, whatever. I've read it in the comic books, I guess, so that'll have to do. Yeah. And yeah, I mean, I guess for me, like like I've said,
you know this is probably the last kind of comic book movie that like I'm psyched for that I was psyched for I can't really see anything on the horizon that really would intrigue me too much yeah it might be one or two animated ones which is like fine but it's like but really in the grand shape of things like this this is it for comic book movies for me, so I think the only one where I'm actually very excited for still is it's only because I'm in love with the first two Spider-man space spider-verse the spider-verse man. Yeah. Yeah, so that That's what I was still like It's not a core and that's that and I get that and I and like very like that one's still wrapping up
um and and And so I would say, but that's animated, so I don't yeah really even consider, because there's been Adam Moon movies for forever, right? yeah a new so but but Yeah. And to your point, like like we we watched the trailer for the new Captain America. I think it was a Brave New World. with a yeah and even Even watching the trailer, it's like, okay, it looks okay. we know like I'm not like gonna go out of my way opening weekend and see it in theaters, you know? Yeah, I don't like, yeah, it's that's just it. It's like, but it's exactly what happened in the comic books. It's just like, you you lose the enthusiasm just because it's like, there's too much after a while. Too many, too many, like the stakes are never high because the characters keep coming back. Yeah. And and again, like, I understand they can come back, you know, if you eventually reboot the series 10, 20 years down the road, like fine, but it's like,
Characters are coming back sometimes in the same freakin' movie, like, you know what I mean? Like, there's there's no stakes whatsoever. no one really dies no one ever really dies and then if they do well here's a new universe yeah so we could bring the actor back i do like that you know obviously in this movie they commented on that at least you know they have some awareness in that regard uh i guess regardless would you do like i've got one kind of i guess final point i don't know if you've yeah let me yeah let me know but okay and i don't want to
I try to stay away from talking about, to I guess, behind the scenes drama or like, you know, because like really at the end of the day, I just want to talk about the movie and stuff like that. So I was like, I realized that there's a reason this character wasn't there, but there is a character missing from this Deadpool movie that was in the previous two movies.
Oh, I think I see Domino. I was like, yeah, I want to see Domino. Actually, you know what? Yes. Now you mentioned Domino was awesome. I don't know why they didn't bring her back. Yeah, I love that actress, too. that's a set Yeah, she was she was terrific. Yeah, which is again probably why the second one in my mind is my

X-23's Role and Wolverine's Legacy

favorite. Well, I i think it's the best scene in the whole trilogy is when the the whole export scene gets it's and um scene like she definitely steals the show Yeah, did the whole but yeah that whole scene when they get wiped out they're like her luck drives her and the whole fight with ah Cable and everything. Yeah, he thought he found the juggernauts in there. It's like that whole set piece. Yeah, maybe it was it was very well done. Yeah with the
With the first two movies, like I feel like, uh, his bar buddy there, uh, is it T.J. Miller, I think, is the app? Oh, yeah, well I think that guy's cancelled, though. Oh, so I thought that there was like some, okay, I don't know if I really want to get in. Actually, you know what? I don't want to get into it. Either way, he wasn't there. I'm just saying that like, he does add a little pizzazz to the movie, like some of the more memorable funny parts in the first two movies. Yeah, yeah. Which is definitely his doing. Because obviously, if the actor wasn't like, I guess, shunned from Hollywood everything, he would have been there like with all the friends at the birthday party.
okay so okay i don't want to know because so so don't even bother telling me i live under a rock i thought there was beef between him and ryan metals and i thought it was yeah don't tell me what actually happened i don't care i thought that's what it was so never mind uh yeah and i don't like diving in into those types of things i yeah okay okay yes and stuff so but uh yeah like i did feel like you know it He whenever he's present like it like I like I like it when he was on screen like I thought like his jokes always landed I love the one about the fudge slash poop emoji in the fucking second one Yeah, yeah, and I do wonder like how many of those lines are like where I lived and like not I'm sure there's so many
So just keep flowing. We're filming. Just keep the lines coming. You keep them coming. Yeah, so, ah but yeah, no, otherwise, I think for me, that is pretty much. I think everything off my chest.
Yeah, and that's it for me. I think it's ending it is to end it with um with how I feel like ah overall. So it's a recommendation for me. i will You don't need to go to the theater to to see this ah like if you don't have to. like it's not I know it's because it's doing gangbusters in the box office and everything. It's it's doing so well. It's probably going to it be the first R-rated movie to make 2 billion, it seems.
the what should I give it like a 7.5 7.4 around around that number I'll give it okay um and and and to to show you the scale I'm working with like I probably give like Deadpool 2 like an age 5 and Deadpool 1 like pocket 88 all right there's something like that that's so I think for this upcoming season we're we're gonna we're gonna work on a rating system there to
Have a little little bit more ah unique. I think we talked about that a little bit. We did. of Last season, so... Yes. Technically, we're not into the next season yet. This is just a special. It's a special. A one-off special, y'all. We got our our room full of monkeys brainstorming ideas as we speak. Well-fed, lots of bananas. You know, we're not we're not about that that cruelty or anything. We're not savages. yeah No, no, no.
i I don't know why I don't laugh at that one so much. ah yeah so its so and your Your ring is more of a glowing review ah than mine. Okay, this is it. I did love the movie. I love the back and forth, but that that is all that is the only expectation I went in there for. I wanted to see them fight. You see them fight lots.
Um, all in all, like, I mean, it it it ticked the majority of the boxes of what I was looking for this movie. Uh, but to be honest, like, and, and it's like, as far as the entries go, I'd say that Logan is, and I realize it's a different tone, a different type of movie, but Logan is, is the better movie. And yeah yeah and Deadpool 2 would be, I think my favorite of the trilogy over this one.
And actually, now that you're mentioning it, because we're talking about this, I'm thinking about Logan. I feel like, okay, because you were talking about how he like kind of cheapens it because he digs up the corpse. Yes. ah I feel like it kind of cheapened the little girl's story, too, because it's like he lines up in the void. Like, what's going on with that? We didn't even mention her in this whole thiss whole discussion.
we do I man meant to. I totally forgot that she was in the movie. I remember watching the movie and I was like, well that's kind of shitty for her. like He goes through all that work and then she winds up in the void. She basically dies to save Wolverine. Yeah.
Yeah, I do. Yeah. well I mean, like so now now going back, I'm realizing like why she was there. like She did have a good touching moment with Wolverine and Hugh Jackman did act his ass off and like that scene and like one scene where he was like in his mind.
um i mean hugh jagged me i mean like this is probably some of his best acting he's done as wolverine ever right as the character um but like but but but but getting back to your point with ah what what what was it x twenty three x twenty two i don't either what her name our name was

Superhero Movie Fatigue: Is This the End?

I forgot I completely forgot they brought her in it like the whole the whole time i'm thinking about the movie like I Didn't even think about her in any of the scenes. It's so funny to me Oh my god, so I feel like her her character was not needed um Yeah,
yeah I think it like you said it brings the heart and it and it forces Hugh Jackman to you know stretch those acting chops of his because he is i think a pretty remarkable actor yeah um so but anyways i i just kind of want to i guess i'm going to bring it up in the end there because like you made my two cents after we're like done or you know i was like wait a minute i was like now that we're talking about that anyways but yeah so but long the short of it like i did i for me i i i would i would say go see it in theaters it for for two reasons i mean one it i think it is a good movie and the second one is
I think it is the swan song for the Marvel movie that was kicked off by blade. I think this is, this is it. You might as well go, especially for myself anyways. Like I've, I watched blade in theaters. I watched a lot of the movies when they first came out in theaters. I started obviously getting a bit of superhero fatigue after a while.
So there's a lot of stuff I haven't watched. But this one, if I definitely wanted to kind of meet how it, you know, reintroduces blade to like I said, so it's like, it's kind of neat in that regard. So for me, I say, go hit it up at the button, you know, the in the, ah the big seats there. And, you know, and again, like just have, you know,
ah Have you know a beer or two? You know to to cap off. I guess the last 25 ish years of basically marvel dominating the box office essentially so which I don't know if it's going to be the case from going forward but Yeah, it would be difficult to capture the the same success of this film. Like, it probably won't be until one of the, uh... Like, I can't see you Fantastic Four doing these numbers. I can't see the next Avengers movies doing these numbers unless, like... I mean, I know they're bringing back Robert Downey Jr. for for Dr. Doom and everything, but I still don't know, like... They need to chillax, man. they They just need a few years of, like, nothing. Like, and then... Let let let us simmer down a bit and then start so you you know what i was i was listening to another podcast talk about this it was as i'm excited for what dc has to offer with james gun i'm excited what he's going to be doing with the dc universe because he started kicking it off with new superman movie
And I want to see where he takes that and where he goes from there. And maybe maybe from there, there will be a shift happening from ah maybe DC will take over and MCU will be a little behind. So I don't know. It's just I'm hoping right now because, you know, I'm a a big Batman guy, which makes me like DC because of that and wants DC to do well because of that, because I mean, that means more more Batman movies, I guess. um Yeah. But ah so, yeah.
i so I still have hope i sort hopes for good superhero outings. like i so I feel the the fatigue as you do. But I feel like it's there's quality and you know good characters, a good story. like you know it It could be back, baby. It could be back. I'll tell you what, buddy. They bring Nick Cage back for another Ghost Rider. I'll go see it. Oh my god.
You're going to be hoping to wish him for a while, my man.

Concluding Thoughts and Future of Superhero Films

I don't know. Maybe they'll bring them in the secret wars. I guess i guess that that's like a big multiverse sort of battle. So I guess maybe yeah they could bring anybody they want. But anyway, I think that wraps it up for for a very special episode. A very special hot August summer special. Yes, our hot August summer special.
uh this might be an annual special thing we do uh we don't know um it might not be it might not be i guess it depends if the summer is hot or not um and then uh yes but we will be back for our new season um come september so um we don't we don't know whenever ish yes it it would be sometime in september there's a reason i didn't give an exact date it's maybe sometime in september so uh thanks everyone for listening always a pleasure with you sleepy john and uh yeah as always have we ended off cheers cheers