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Cory Endrulat on Mental Slavery, Freedom, Voluntarism, Half-Truths, Nature, and More! image

Cory Endrulat on Mental Slavery, Freedom, Voluntarism, Half-Truths, Nature, and More!

Beyond Terrain
471 Plays3 months ago

This week we are delighted to have on a great guest, Mr. Cory Endrulat. Cory is a great mind, who is advancing our understanding of nature, and how it should be integrated into our lives. Today we discussed many topics, including learning from nature, Natural law, as well as the interesting concept of Voluntarism.

Central was the topic of being told half-truths, looking towards nature for the answers we seek. Tied into the conversation surrounding voluntarism, we discussed freedom, mental slavery, ideology, and so much more!

This episode was very philosophical, which I love. I hope you loved it as much as I did!

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Introduction and Episode Teaser

Liev Dalton
Welcome Roadie to another episode of the Beyond Train podcast. I'm your host, Leo Dalton. Uh, we're going to have fantastic episode today. I know that for a fact. Uh, and if you're new around here, why don't you consider following the show and and leaving us a little subscribe there ah so you can keep up with what we're doing. Um, and you know, if you like the show, leave us a review. That's a great way to help a comment as well. and And sharing is always the best way to support the show. So, um, anything would be appreciated. You guys are awesome. So.

Guest Introduction: Corey Andrew Lott

Liev Dalton
Today we have Corey Andrew Lott on, and this is going to be a great episode for for many reasons. Obviously, um I think our views align greatly, which should make for an interesting discussion. um You know, this this gentleman, the work that i've I've encountered of his has been absolutely phenomenal. ah And I've not found too many areas where um I could say that I that i disagree. And so um I'm really excited to to introduce his concepts to you guys and definitely learn more from from this gentleman as well. So we may as well get right

Shared Views on Dehumanization

Liev Dalton
into it. Corey, thanks very much for coming on today.
Cory Endrulat
I appreciate it, man. I love your videos, your nature videos. And yeah, you know, I think we align because of just that. Uh, we see the world is becoming more dehumanized or denatured in different ways. And so we're helping to share those little bits of wisdom perhaps, um, that have really always been shared. But the question is, why aren't they being embraced? Right? What is going on in the minds of people? I love how you delve into the psychology.
Cory Endrulat
and the philosophy end of things, not everybody is interested in those concepts, but you put it in ways that are very digestible, and I appreciate that, because you know that's my goal as well with my content.
Liev Dalton
Thank you. Yeah, no, I could, I could say the same about, about the way you approach things, uh, very well laid out, uh, methodology, uh, you know, really makes a whole lot of sense in you. You don't miss any points. I'm not left after watching your videos with many questions about, you know, what you're speaking of. It seems that it's really well thought out. And so I appreciate that a lot. Um, I'm really excited to ask you, uh, the introductory question.
Liev Dalton
I'm really, really eager to hear your

Defining Health Holistically

Liev Dalton
take. ah Ask all my guests, of course, what is health? And so get a little definition, good starting point. um How it manifests, what it looks like. How do you get there? You can take it any direction that you'd like. ah So I'll give you the floor.
Cory Endrulat
Well, health from Latin, I'm pretty sure, you can look this up actually, it means whole. And even if that is not the definition that you want to take of health, um if we are to look at an individual and look at their health, which is the the condition of their body perhaps, ah would we want to look at just one part of their body?
Cory Endrulat
Or would we not want to work with the whole? you know Would we not want to look at things holistically? And that's another word for whole as well. There's a lot of different words like integrate and functional that are all kind of put into this health realm ah to mean like we're looking at more things and not just the whole, but also the root cause. So ah those two to me are perhaps the focal points of health, but health as a whole, as a concept,
Cory Endrulat
um would probably comprise of everything because you know it is the whole so if that's the case then we have to look at our environment we have to look at our food we have to look at even the supplements that we're giving ourselves even the colors that we wear even the Lights that we use we find out that this can affect us right blue light versus red light Certain colors feng shui can affect you your mood your appetite I mean it can be pretty much everything in your environment affecting you to some level or or another
Cory Endrulat
And so when you can address that on a holistic level and treat it more like an art, like a practice, then I would say you're exercising your health, you're exercising your responsibility, ah your self ownership, which to me is about freedom. Health comes down to freedom. When you talk to somebody and you say, well, you know, why is it you want to feel better? Why is it that you are, uh, feel like everything is just being a burden on your life and and things are taking you down?
Cory Endrulat
um You start getting deeper into the root cause by asking that question, why? and you know When you do that, it gets people very curious. It gets people thinking. It gets them in that mode of, hmm, I got to start being self-responsible and seeing the patterns and the things I'm doing within my own life because the doctor can only do so much. The health coach can only do so much. Any practitioner can only do so much because they're not you.
Cory Endrulat
so You, as an individual, have to take charge of your own health and practice freedom as well as recognize that your disease is contributing to that lack of freedom. so First, start creating that mental mindset of freedom and then put it then through the actions, through accepting the fact that you know you have to be responsible for your own health um since, like I said, you're the only person who lives in your own body. This is like your true home, so you have to take care of it. Some people say their body is their temple.
Cory Endrulat
right so Basically, um nourish it. Give it everything that it needs. You probably know there's certain foods that you should eat, and you probably know there's certain foods that you're eating that you probably shouldn't eat. so What is causing you to not do one thing and the other?
Cory Endrulat
You know, what, what's causing the disconnect? What really needs to happen in your life? And are you dependent on the external or can you change some things internally with your my own mindset to then change your reality? Cause some people say, well, it's out of my control and other people are doing this and this to me and oh, it's my work. It's making me take this and I don't want to do it. You know, all sorts of different excuses and justifications for still recognize, not recognizing that they have control over their own body.
Cory Endrulat
right so For me, it's all about freedom because when you recognize that and you put into action, you will feel very healthy. that That's to me the definition of health when you really break it down. It's more than looking at the whole because you can't have live life. You can't express yourself in this whole unless you have freedom. You can't see the whole unless you have freedom. It really is the pinnacle for for all creation and all creativity.
Liev Dalton
Yeah. So for me, you know, I, yeah I've been through my phases, right? And, um, you made some good points about like holism, right? The holistic point of view or functional medicine, all these different terms nowadays for kind of the same concept. Um, the health fields of course are,
Liev Dalton
they are, they're flooded and they're flooded with many different perspectives. A lot of which aren't kind of hitting the nail on the head, you know, and and I've been through my phases, you know, this diet or this diet or, you know, this intervention, this intervention, you know, we should take, everyone should take coffee enemas and everyone should do this and everyone should do this. Right. In the last year or so, I've really let go of all that and looking, you know,
Liev Dalton
looking at these different modalities, these different, and not to say that they're not useless, but looking at these, you know, and trying to learn from them what health is and what health means. I started to look to nature,

Nature vs. Man-made Systems

Liev Dalton
Liev Dalton
The source of, of everything in my mind here.
Cory Endrulat
Liev Dalton
Um, and, and that's where I get my answers now. I don't ask, you know, what, what would this scientist say about this or what would, you know, this person think about this or what would this modality do? Or, you know, I just look at what,
Liev Dalton
what is natural. And that to me seems like the now the most logical way to approach it the easiest way because it gives me all the power and knowing what decisions I should make. It's been a very reassuring thing that whenever I do turn to nature, finally, I don't I don't have to second guess myself. And I don't go back on unless I'm, you know, misconstruing something when I'm looking at nature ah through it with with my own biases, you know, but um' I don't have to reconsider these things you know because i I find that that is where I can get the most true, solid answers.
Liev Dalton
I'm sure you could speak a lot to this. Why why should we look to nature for or the answers? Is there freedom in nature?
Cory Endrulat
Liev Dalton
what what kind of How do you tie it into that definition of health as well?
Cory Endrulat
Well, I would ask you, I mean, even simply by the way you were describing how nature is sort of the answer for you, which is funny enough, the name of my channel, Nature is the Answer. ah You know, i'm yeah I kind of got the sense that you're talking about freedom, about yourself.
Cory Endrulat
um You're saying I got past to these diets, these dogmatic views of thinking, these diets. I mean, diet literally means, you know, restriction of eating certain foods, doing certain things, certain people are promoting certain identities.
Cory Endrulat
And then you know the same thing with diseases as a whole. You have diabetes. You have this. You have that. We're throwing labels on people. We're putting them in a box. And there's a lot of problems with that with psychiatry that a lot of great researchers have recognized like Thomas Swaz if you haven't aren't familiar with his work.
Cory Endrulat
There's plenty of people who have been criticizing psychiatry, and it's also the reason why Scientology has been on the rise, because they're an alternative to psychiatry. and I'm here in Florida, so near Clearwater, which is like the headquarters of Scientology. so I've met quite a few of them, and they share the same sentiments, and which is why you know perhaps they may be attacked, but there's a reason why people follow it. and That goes for everything.
Cory Endrulat
um There's a reason there's a little level of truth in everything that makes it deceptive for people if it's mixed with lies and This is something that is something to to bear in mind because nature throughout history has been used not just for freeing ourselves but also to manipulate people because when someone assumes something to be nature or to be the truth when it in reality it is not and they are more likely to go along with it and accept it and even you know worship it to some extent. So um for instance, natural law is a concept that is shared very often in the communities that I'm in talking about psychology and morality and you can look at the American founding fathers and the deists and they're talking about this natural moral law which gives you natural rights.
Cory Endrulat
But you go back in history and you see like the Nazis use natural law as a means to say, hey, let's take these people and push these cultures away because nature says so. And it makes it very deceptive because then it's like, what is nature? Is it whatever we want it to be? Is it arbitrary whim? but No, that's the exact opposite because now we're dictating what is nature and we're overruling it with our own curation.
Cory Endrulat
So ah nature is the answer when I say this. It's it's usually referring to natural authority. recognizing that you were born here, you know to something that was but before you basically and ah Beyond and above you and it's it's ever more powerful. It includes everybody You're not really separate from it. The illusion is separateness um And so, you know when we create things and when we think that we're not bound to it and we can do whatever we want that is where the arbitrary man-made law man-made medicine and
Cory Endrulat
man made things come into play where we place the authority in those things we say well you know you want to get better don't worry about natural medicine we got all this great technology you know even though we've been using that medicine for thousands of years let's just do this and it's like oh well we got to fix a problem well let's pass a law I mean let's create something write down a piece of paper create some authority and man and believe that this paper has magical powers to alter right and wrong and to declare something to be true, and then we can use that over our natural reality where it has laws that have always existed, you know, where people are always going to do bad. That's just part of nature. The question is, you know, how that wrongdoing is aggregated, how that evil continues. And as we see with drugs, new drugs are keeping
Cory Endrulat
you know, create it. There's endless symptom management and the same thing with laws in our country and and in the world. It's like new laws are being created and more and more and more. It's like, how do we get out of this mess? Perhaps it's because we're not looking at things holistically and from the root cause. We aren't applying health to all things within our life. We're only looking at individuals. We're not looking at how society affects individuals or we're not looking at the relationship between the two.
Cory Endrulat
The patient, the provider, and that third party, which is the insurance companies, which is the government. right It's that but trio that needs to be fulfilled, that masculine, that feminine, and then that balance.
Cory Endrulat
and so ah When we apply that to all areas of our life, you can even say that's a natural law, right? Everything has masculine feminine. Some people call this the hermetic principle. And so there's certain principles that govern our reality. They'll have different terms to say, you know, law or principle or something inherent within the universe that you cannot escape. These are infinitely more powerful when you come to those realizations than anything that, you you know, we want to arbitrarily whimsically create. That's going to be temporary. It's not going to last.
Cory Endrulat
So a lot of people right now are focused on you know elections a lot of people are focused on what's the next drug they can take to fix themselves the next diet they can take and i wanna help people see that you have to reef the find the way you look at things completely and recognize that all those were created out of some sort of problem. But they're not like necessarily fixing the problem.
Cory Endrulat
you know getting down to to those roots. You have to ask the question, why? like Why do I have diabetes? and Is it possible? Is it possible to reverse it, as some people claim? Is it possible at all? i mean Do we ever give it the possibility? Freedom allows for possibility. and Again, if we are not free, we're not going to see that possibility.
Cory Endrulat
So freedom has everything to do with nature because people will even say that they're free by nature or that they have natural rights given by nature that allows them to express themselves. So these two things go hand in hand. right If you don't have freedom, you can't express your nature. You can't live your own life. So you know are you really in nature? Is nature really your authority or is man trying to take that authority and say they can dictate your life and therefore they become nature, they try to take the place. And technology can ah unfortunately assist that process when you're being surveyed all the time and everything is being watched and you're surrounded by that environment. So when they create that environment that supports that belief system, you're more likely to comply with it. You know, you can call this mental slavery. ah Many historians have talked about um Martin Luther King Jr. and Bob Marley and different writers. So I know I picked at different fields of interest, but I talk about a lot of these different ideas within my work.
Cory Endrulat
and so Maybe one of these you know you would want to expand upon. If you're into psychology, the work on slavery might be important. If you're into health, I have a medical team and we have a project called Health Revealed where we have tons of materials never really done before talking about psychology and what's going on with freedom in that triad relationship.
Cory Endrulat
you know if If you're into ah freedom and those concepts, you might want to explore Larkin Rose and Marc Pacio and the movie The Jones Plantation and explore this little-known concept called voluntaryism and how we can actually live free amongst each other without this divide we have in the world where people are stuck in ideology saying, I'm right, you're wrong, and you know i I think I have the best interpretation of the world. But we're human beings. We're not perfect. right We're invaluable.
Cory Endrulat
right yeah we're not we're not We don't have a utopian way of being able to live. People will say what I'm saying is utopian. ah But I would say that actually it's so based in reality that it's viewed as utopian if by the people who are not and I can claim that I don't expect you to agree with me in many things I don't expect anybody to say like I have all the truth or that I know it all um Because that would be directly counterintuitive to what I'm sharing. I'm saying think for yourself for your mind and That should mean that you're open to whatever I have to share with you, even something that might sound extreme to you because it might have sound extreme to end slavery in the 1800s, but once it was done, it was just normal and part of life. And that took 6,000 years or so to get rid of.
Cory Endrulat
I use that as a historic example because now we're still battling superstitions. People believe in germ theory. People believe in you know government authority and these laws and these systems. People believe in using these drugs, but we can totally revision it. People believe in using agriculture still, this ancient practice that destroys the soil when there's other forms like permaculture out there. There's solutions that people simply have not been taught and have been kept away from that would just make them infinitely more free and more harmonized you can say with nature.
Liev Dalton
Wow. Yes. Um, so many beautiful nuggets of wisdom in that there. Wow. We could take it so many different directions. I think earlier, when I mentioned that, you know, when I watch your content, I'm not left with too many questions, you know, one of the questions that I did have, which of course you've addressed because of your approach, I think is phenomenal. Um, was this, you know, utopian idea that voluntarianism and and that's just, uh, an example of you kind of covering and addressing a lot of the questions that pop up in my mind. So, um, I just wanted to highlight that, you know, and and I think you make a fantastic point regarding that, that, you know, we're almost, we're almost so disconnected from reality and what's real. And there's obviously, there's many reasons of that. Um, I think technology is, is part of that. And and again, you mentioned the half truths, such a necessary thing to understand.

Technology's Half-truths

Liev Dalton
Um, all of science is every field is a half truth that we're being fed, right? There is part of it that is, that is bang on spot on and then twisted at the end to put a little spin on it. And with maybe some vested interests behind it. Um, when it comes to technology, I think that that the half truth is this, you know, pseudo reality that you're gaining from it, right? This hyper efficient pseudo reality, uh, in a way, right? So think of social media.
Liev Dalton
It's a hyper efficient way to be social. yeah We are more social than ever, but people are more lonely than ever. People are more depressed than anxious and, you know, less confidence, no low self-esteem.
Liev Dalton
You know, there's, it's a hyper efficient way to do it. Same with cars, right? It's a hyper efficient way to move around. You are moving around. It's necessary to move around.
Liev Dalton
Um, but you know, what, what is the repercussions of this? So we're fed all of these.
Cory Endrulat
exactly yes yeah
Liev Dalton
half truths and everything. And that's what kind of keeps us hooked on this stuff too, right? Because it's like half based in reality, but it's also very disconnected to what is true. um any Any thoughts on that?
Cory Endrulat
Absolutely, I mean people will say that so it's like oh if you were to suggest well Maybe we can live without cars people say well You know everybody has a car and like you know it's just part of reality And you'd be utopian and and foolish to think that we can live without it But people have lived without it for thousands of years you can live without it It is a possible reality, but people don't even give the the potential that it even is possible and I'm to live without it so they're always gonna be dependent then because they created that mental justification ahead on going miles out to meet people. But instead if they shifted their focus they could actually build community in their local area and meet their neighbors most people here in america are not even talking to their neighbors.
Cory Endrulat
They always are driving in the car. They're always going so far away for their work every time and then coming back when they can potentially create amazing relationships in communities and help their kids find communities and relationships without all that danger as well. i mean We see how dangerous it is for people to drive in cars. and That's another thing. The statistics prove it. The health proves it. the health kind of gives you ah ah reassurance of like is this the right direction or is it not and you see from karma over time the effects of your actions so is it going to work for humanity or is it not well look how dependent people are on it look how angry people become how disconnected they are I mean they don't even look at each other they're in these these windows right they don't even get to see each other at least back then when it was horse and buggy people at least a wave and they took their time and you know it wasn't all this distraction people can read books perhaps on the way
Cory Endrulat
And now of course we have perhaps automated cars, right, like cars that drive themselves. And so now people, oh, I can read a book now, I can do something else. But most people are probably going to be watching TV or going on social media. And still now,
Cory Endrulat
What's the biggest concern people have with that is that I'm not in control. The car takes control for me. The biggest thing that you ask people, hey, what's your fear about technology, this or that AI? They're going to say it's because I'm not in control or because something else might control me.
Cory Endrulat
It's all about freedom and people realize it. People know it intuitively, but once they accept into that condition reality, they don't question it anymore. right so At first, I'm sure the car being introduced was like, what is this new technology? This is scary. We're used to doing the things this way. and The same thing with any other invention.
Cory Endrulat
people have fears and superstitions. Now I'm not saying that those fears and superstitions are good because I think to some extent people have to accept change and accept things that are happening and I'm not saying to deny it. What I am saying is to have a higher consciousness than that which is coming into your peripheral. So if something has ah any material ah worth whatsoever, any material value to you, ah simply do not value it more than the natural world around you. Simply see the world that is beyond it. so if but there's For instance, right now we're on camera, right now we're speaking online. right This is not the most natural form of communication as we may recognize speaking in person to person, face to face is more natural.
Cory Endrulat
But let's say we were to turn off our cameras. That would be a little less natural, perhaps we might say, because we're not seeing each other. So you can kind of create that spectrum if you would like. But either way, you recognize that our conversation should be relatively in person with people. So what does that mean? Does that mean we just don't go on the internet? We don't talk to people? No, it doesn't mean that. It means that we recognize that we don't become dependent on this. This doesn't become our reality. We don't get trapped in the illusion. We recognize what is reality. so we aren't ah and an illusion. We can use it without becoming tools of our tools, as Henry David Thoreau said.
Cory Endrulat
Once we we become the tools of our tools, they basically take us over. We don't have conscious control over our own actions. This has happened again with like addictions with drugs. I take this drug, it takes me over, I can't control myself, I lost my freedom. and There's so many laws, there's so many problems, so many people, I can't control myself.
Cory Endrulat
and Again, escaping that is this affirmed a food affirmative stance of like, I can do it. I can escape it. I can be free. But um many people have stuck themselves into a box because of what you said, convenience and comfortability. But when they find out it's more convenient to be with the truth and more convenient to be with people who are loving, that is you know the the beacon of light.
Cory Endrulat
When you can have a permaculture food forest and it out does an agriculture business that has acres and acres of land that's destroying it ah That right there is a beacon of light when you are in your yard and you're farming you know your own permaculture just basically picking bananas off the tree and your neighbors see you and that's going to to spark some interest in people. And so there are ways to be the example and be the change and start changing your life where you attract certain people into your life to where you build your own environment that makes it so that way it is effortless to be natural.
Cory Endrulat
Wu Wei, as the Taoists called about called it in ancient China, is this effortless living. and That is what it means to be natural. When your life is effortless, it means that things are going smoothly without any constraint, without any force. There should not be force in relationships because that implies that things need to be changed.
Cory Endrulat
But if things need to be changed, then we're not really flowing with the change of life. We need to be able to flow. So like any material thing can come my way. Any car, any technology can be invented. And I'm not fearful of it, even though I speak up about the problems, potential problems with it. The only way I recognize the potential problems with it is because I'm able to flow through it and say, huh, I accept it. It's coming to my reality. But I'm not going to make it my reality, the reality. It's just simply another man-made thing. I'm not going to value it any higher or lesser than you know my own value or or any other thing yes it is
Liev Dalton
You know, we're talking about some pretty worldview shattering perspective shift here, right? Like it's, it's it's a lot, right? It's a lot. um I'm curious if you think that it's possible to instill this into other individuals or whether it's up to the individual themselves to really take the responsibility and action. Um, you know, my, my answer initially would be there there's the best way to help others is to kind of help yourself.
Liev Dalton
in a way, right? To lead by example and to be the best version of yourself. What I've noticed in my life is that the more that I work on myself and the better person that I become, the better that everyone around me becomes.
Liev Dalton
That's just something that I've noticed.
Cory Endrulat
Liev Dalton
Um, now coming into a time where, you know, I'm, I'm, I'm starting to work with clients.
Cory Endrulat
Liev Dalton
I'm, I'm, and a lot of them are seeking answers, right? Sometimes it's not as easy as just outrightly saying the answer.
Cory Endrulat
Liev Dalton
You know, so I'm curious about your thoughts on that. How to, how to instill this into other individuals?
Cory Endrulat
Yeah. Well, instilling, right? i think I think you're hitting on the nail. Is it so that we have to train people or indoctrinate them out of their indoctrination? Would that not be counterintuitive, right? I mean, what are we here to do to say that we're right and the the previous person was wrong? Or is it about recognizing if we say there's such a thing as nature or truth, helping them see what is all present all around them, what they already know, and simply bringing that to the surface?
Cory Endrulat
Many people have traumas and things that bring them down. Evil is merely an illusion as we recognize. and If that's the case, then there's only blockades to the truth and everybody has a truth within them and throughout the world. so There's only things keeping them in their way. You don't have to teach them anything new. You don't have to share with them a new ideology or a new diet. You simply have to unveil the truth. and so Help them, guide them on the side, ask questions.
Cory Endrulat
That would be my approach, the Socratic method of asking questions and getting them curious about their own life. so Again, they can have that mental to physical shift because once they free their mind, their body is free with it. That's that's just how it works. Mental slavery is the most powerful form. It's interesting how you can use slavery as as an understanding for psychology or for medicine, but let's think about it. What's the worst evil in the world? What's the most harmful thing we can do to somebody?
Cory Endrulat
right it's It's either murder or slavery and to some extent that's both. you know Liberty or death, the expression is said. If you can't live your life, what's the point? right and so that's That's what it seems to be for some people when their health gets so troubled. I can't live my life. I you know i just can't do what I want to do. and so They end up you know hurting themselves or hurting another person.
Cory Endrulat
and It could be troublesome. so you know Same thing with the doctor or the health coach. They have to be careful not to project on their patients because there can be a transference that happens. You can look up that term transference. and um you know What can happen is if we're not doing the shadow work ourselves and we're claiming to help other people,
Cory Endrulat
um It can you know actually hurt the client more than we want to actually heal them. and We might be trying to heal ourselves through mirroring um and projecting onto somebody else, trying to help them, you know helping them to help ourselves, which is not a bad thing. i mean If you're selfish in the sense of you want to help others to help yourself, that's probably one of the most selfish things you can do, but also greatest things you can do. but It's about recognizing that You i cannot judge somebody else because you don't live their own life. You can't really change them because you don't live their own life. so Recognizing personal autonomy and sovereignty is a prerequisite for freedom. and Unless you have that, um you you know your freedom is going to be perhaps built in some sort of justification model of like, well, you're free because of this or because of that. You have to describe to someone, you have to indoctrinate to someone, but someone would feel that they're free. They would know that they were free.
Cory Endrulat
if they ah they practice it themselves. So yes, there has to be that know thyself, know thy enemy, a thousand battles, a thousand victories, Sun Tzu type of mentality of, you know, I have to know thyself and that is going to be the most healing. um Now, whether someone's philosophical or not, it doesn't matter, right? It's like you can have knowledge of yourself and you may not know a thing about philosophy or psychology because you didn't read some certain books, like it doesn't matter.
Cory Endrulat
You apply the certain actions in your life and you're constantly reflecting on yourself. I didn't come across all those writers and all those different psychologies until later on you you know in in my practice and in helping other people and looking at myself and just journaling and taking reflections on my own life. and I realized, wow, these are just writers who are coming to the same conclusions as me.
Cory Endrulat
You can come to all the same conclusions as all the great writers and philosophers and doctors and physicians. You have information at your fingertips. You simply have to believe in yourself because that's the beauty of technology. It's a freeing thing. If we choose to use it as such, or like I said, we use it unconsciously, then it will be the greatest thing to control us. It's our choice, but we can really evolve the human destiny in ways we've never imagined before because we have it. So we let's accept it. Let's move forward with it.
Cory Endrulat
and use it to our advantage consciously. This is natural intelligence over artificial intelligence.
Liev Dalton
You know, I think, um yeah, spot on as always, I think that that there is a big problem nowadays in practitioners where they they don't respect the autonomy and sovereignty of the individual and and likely not of themselves as well. And um I do think that's one of the most detrimental things that that we are seeing. I'm really curious about this, the the concept of mental slavery to me is is so interesting.

Mental Slavery and Its Tools

Liev Dalton
um I'm curious about the role of fear in this mental slavery.
Cory Endrulat
Cory Endrulat
yeah Fear and trauma right are two that I pinpoint in my book, ah Slavery Gone for Good Black Book Edition. I have a whole section on it. and so you know I have a lot of quotes and stuff from from different historians and philosophers and even former slaves right because it's fear and trauma that keeps somebody in that mentality of wanting to be a slave. That's essentially what mental slavery is in a nutshell. You actually enslave yourself mentally. And that's why it's so dangerous because you can take away all the whips and all the chains from the slave, but if the slave wants to be a slave, you don't need all those physical means to enslave him. He automatically will just go into submission because he believes it is his natural necessary duty. He will even say it's right to be in that position of slavery.
Cory Endrulat
and So somebody would have to convince him to say no you're not meant to be a slave like you're more than this you can live your own life actually we saw this at the end of the Civil War and a lot of ah The end of slavery the abolitionists were facing a whole world of of slaves who are like I'm so used to this I was used to the comfort and security I received from my master so to now be considered free like what does that mean? I don't know what that means like I'm still gonna I Live my life like I'm i'm just gonna work for another person and then they found out they were in the same scenario that they were in before just with different words and different Circumstances but still relatively the same condition of not feeling truly free because they had instilled within them that mindset of I'm not in control of myself and there's no such thing as freedom like they didn't even know how to read and write so a lot of the slaves back then because they were prevented from reading and writing because they knew that Like the masters knew that knowledge would free them. As Frederick Douglass said, once you read, you're unfit to be a slave. Once you have knowledge, you're unfit to be a slave. Those are two separate quotes from him.
Cory Endrulat
and you know He goes into all his stories in his autobiography, Frederick Douglass, sharing like how his masters, one was nicer than another, but the one that was nicer was even more deceiving because of how nice he was. and That niceness made him more likely to accept that condition of slavery, even though it was still slavery. so If you think about our world, right we have lesser evils, greater evils. People will say they vote for some political party because it's a lesser evil than another evil. What are they doing?
Cory Endrulat
They're still admitting to voting for evil. And so when you recognize there is a mental servitude or indoctrination taking place within an individual to still accept evil, what is going on? Why do we have to accept any evil at all? Why do we think that's at at at all good or necessary? Why can't we shift the mind?
Cory Endrulat
Well, again, you know fear and trauma, people have it in many different forms, um but there needs to be courage, faith, and love, presence, abundance to prevent that scarcity, fear ah mindset that is leading us to war with each other, leading us to divides with each other in many different ways.
Cory Endrulat
So mental slavery is the worst form because again, our mind creates our actions, our actions create this reality. So that follows through correctly. um It's also said that you know freedom and slavery are mental states. This is a common quote you'll see through a lot of philosophers.
Cory Endrulat
And you know when when you look at the world like we're looking at right now through psychology and philosophy, people aren't interested in this as much as the events in the people. Why is that? right Because it's perhaps easier to understand. It's more outright. But when you start looking at the deeper aspects, it gets harder to understand. Well, perhaps that makes sense. Why it's harder to then unravel.
Cory Endrulat
And it's no surprise if we still have mental slavery within us, if we've only abolished slavery 200 years ago and we've had it for, like I said, over 6,000 years. So that's why we need to recognize these patterns and learn from it and why I wrote my book on mental slavery and physical slavery, political slavery, economic slavery, different forms, medical slavery. right What is slavery to claim of ownership over someone? So mental slavery is just accepting that. Physical slavery enforces it, but mental slavery overcomes the physical.
Cory Endrulat
And once you reach that those roots, everything else falls, right? Because if somebody is mentally free and they're physically being enslaved, that that compelling demand to be a slave might instill fear and trauma within them. But if that mind is so free, that soul is so free, no amount of force, no amount of violence can turn that person into an actual slave. Like Mahatma Gandhi willingly went to jail for his beliefs.
Cory Endrulat
And that's because he said, my soul is free. Like, I am free. And so they can do whatever they want with my physical body. I don't care. It doesn't matter. And he knew he was going to win at the end of the day because he stood on the truth. He stood on the ideas. And the ideas are infinitely more powerful than people and events. That's what that's what the people and the events play by. They play by the ideas. When you control the culture, the social fabric of reality, the ideas, you control everything.
Cory Endrulat
The ideas of how to do gardening, the ideas of how to own yourself, what are natural rights, you own the ideas. You have to, so the philosophers have always been used for control. The religions have always been used for control. Even if they've been used for good, that's the perfect reason to use it for control. Because once you mix your lies with that truth, awesome, now people don't detect the lies. They're more likely to follow it, right? So if if there's one thing that people need to know because it could seem like it's hard to navigate,
Cory Endrulat
Your self-ownership, know thyself because anything that people throw at you like I said will be able to be distinguished and um completely extinguished, ah completely gone away with.
Liev Dalton
Amazing. Yeah. That, and that know thyself piece is, is big.
Cory Endrulat
Liev Dalton
Uh, and self ownership, of course, you've mentioned a couple of times in the episode so far, you know, asking the question, why looking a little deeper, why, why this happened and why that's happened.
Liev Dalton
Um, that curiosity piece, how important is that in this self discovery in even the, the initiation of this entire shift of perspective for me, it was fundamental, no doubt about it.
Cory Endrulat
Yeah. I mean, don't you go about in your own life, like just think about it for anybody out there listening, you know, asking yourself, why do people do what they do? Like this crazy person who I think is like running a muck and maybe even myself, maybe you're listening to me. You're like, why is he thinking the way he's thinking? Why do you write a book on slavery? You know, right? Why'd he write a book on natural intelligence, right? Or permaculture. Like what's the point of that? Why did he do it? Why is he passionate? Why does he say it's not utopian? And you may even still think it's utopian. Why?
Cory Endrulat
like Why do you think that? And am I unreasonable? Am I not trying to find some sort of consensus here of seeing the bigger picture, of seeing historic patterns, of recognizing philosophers and former slaves and seeing you know different trains of thought throughout history?

Questioning Authority and Self-ownership

Cory Endrulat
It's not like I'm unfounded. right So ask the question, why? Why do people do what they do? It's likely for some sort of reason they think is justified, that they think is right.
Cory Endrulat
The most amount of war and casualty that happens in the world happens under the guise of righteousness, under the guise of morality. That leads to the bloodiest of wars. There are wars that are fought over you know food and and scarcity and and means of survival, but the wars where people say,
Cory Endrulat
you by nature of your existence are supposed to be banged from existence because you don't believe what I believe. And we need to go in a crusade or in a jihad and and could tear this whole place down and completely, you know, undo with these, these terrorists. and These bad people put them in this category, in this group, in this label to just say, these are the bad guys. Those are ruthlessly bloody because you're dehumanizing them.
Cory Endrulat
You're not recognizing their self-ownership, you're not recognizing their value as an individual unique in this life, you're saying they are what I say they are. And so my projection onto them, that's what they are going to be and I'm going to treat them as such. And so it's ah it's a very ruthless way, barbaric way to look at the world and it's how a lot of civilization has been founded upon.
Cory Endrulat
I'm trying to help people get past that point. Many teachers throughout history have been trying to get people past that point in different ways. But their teachings are always going to be twisted and used for the power systems if people do not come to understand that there is no such thing as human authority and that they don't own themselves. like That they own themselves is like the most important thing that they need to know um because, like I said, it is knowing thyself.
Cory Endrulat
That is what the abolitionists came to understand, to help the slaves understand. Once they understood that, they couldn't undo it. It's like, oh, wait, I do. Well, there's nothing I can do now. Like Frederick Douglass, once he understood that, it's like he couldn't get out of his mind. It was like constantly in his mind. He would be doing something for somebody else. He's like, why am I doing this? But he never asked that question before ah he got into that information.
Cory Endrulat
He started asking that question once he got into that information, realizing he does only breathe for himself. He only does only does act for himself. So it's like all his body faculties belongs to himself. Why should it belong to somebody else? And he said, if I'm freeing myself, I'm leaving you be. It's not like I'm hurting you by freeing myself. I'm letting you live your life and letting myself live my life. We each have what is naturally belongs with ourselves. So it only seems natural and necessary, he called it a natural law, for that to be the truth.
Cory Endrulat
That like I express myself because I only I can and only and he does the same thing It's like so self-evident so obvious and what I say about human authority It's like does anybody have the right to rule over you? Does anybody like own you in reality? Can someone putting something on a piece of paper? Alter reality to someone putting a crown on or a certain uniform alter their rights and give them more rights than you I bet most people would say that's silly. It's weird and in the our founding fathers and even broke away from the monarchy and the kings and queens because they saw like they don't have the right to rule. What gave them the right to rule? So they create a new system that does basically the same thing of giving people certain rights for wearing certain outfits and so writing down a piece of paper, certain things.
Cory Endrulat
And if you don't recognize those patterns in history, we can't move forward in the right direction. like They had it. They had it. they They had some spark of an idea of, like wow, this isn't right. We're a bunch of farmers. We just want a better system. Well, they create another system, another man-made system. Maybe we have to rethink that overall. Maybe it's not another man-made system we need, because none of us agree on on anything, really, morality, science, religion. Maybe that's actually a good thing. And we allow people to compete voluntarily with ideas.
Cory Endrulat
And the best ideas will come through showing by example, through educating people, and they will be likemp implemented. Supply and demand, right? Oh, who will do this? Who will do that? Well, it depends if people actually need it. Many people are paying for things they don't need. and Many people are forced into a world that they don't want to be in, like with different people and different ideas. And it shouldn't be like that. People should manifest and voluntarily create the world that they want to live in. If they truly are free, they say.
Liev Dalton
So I've been listening to a lot of the Austrian economists lately and obviously they have a big libertarianist point of view.
Cory Endrulat
mm-hmm yes yes
Liev Dalton
Voluntaryism seems to take it a step further than just libertarianism. um yeah it
Liev Dalton
you know When I, when I, when I hear it, you know, my initial, and this probably just speaks a little bit to my own psychological development. Um, there was, there was a lot of resistance when I, when I first heard about it, I thought this is utopian. This is completely not like, we can't implement this right. And not, and now, um, even and within this conversation, you know, I'm like, God, geez, I gotta go back and listen to this one again. Cause I i got probably got a little thinking to do, but, um, that's phenomenal. I think, um.
Liev Dalton
Yeah, they're the libertarianists are are probably on the, in the right direction. Um, obviously these monarchies and democracies and all of this stuff is, um, you know, not, not the way, um, I'm also popped into my head a couple of times even throughout our discussion was the Machia Valley.
Liev Dalton
right it could We could tie that into our discussion of a fear, right needing to rule people with fear in these systems.
Cory Endrulat
Liev Dalton
It's a necessary thing for leaders to do. And if the leaders are self-interested, they are going to rule with fear. ah I tend to think that you know the the elitists and the leaders at the top, think along more like think along these lines more than we think.
Liev Dalton
you know what But there's some there's a corruption inside there. um where it's used for an evil rather than, you know, power for for good. um But I think that they understand these principles and they're using them on the other side of ah things. and um But they are acting out of self-interest, of course, and um they're not stupid. They're very good at what they do. And they're, you know,
Liev Dalton
if we want to try and sit here and talk about some sort of elitist group. Sometimes I think that's even a little bit of a useless discussion, especially when we're talking about our our own personal freedom.
Cory Endrulat
Liev Dalton
You know, I've, that's something that I've had to move past.
Cory Endrulat
Liev Dalton
Um, you know, not that there aren't people out there with bad intentions, but that doesn't it really matter at the end of the day, right? It's, it's personal power.
Liev Dalton
Um, it's our sovereignty, our autonomy. Um, yeah, that,
Cory Endrulat
We're focused on people we don't know, millions of miles away.
Liev Dalton
Yeah, exactly. Yeah. It's foolish when you, when you put it like that, right. And, um, I think that's a ah really important thing that, that needs to be explored. It was something that was very, very important for me to explore. And, um, it's very easy to get caught up. I find even, you know, initially when I was kind of getting into health field, it was all, you know, the pharmaceutical industries are, you know, harming our health.
Liev Dalton
You know it was someone to blame right, but it's just another way to to kind of pull that victim card and um and stay stuck right stay stuck in this in this Mentality right this the slave mentality that there are people out there who can control us when they're there are not Yeah
Cory Endrulat
exactly yep
Cory Endrulat
Yeah, it but we we create their existence and absolutely it's a moral psychological cause which goes beyond economics. Absolutely. The economics just follow suit with what the main beliefs are in the world um and ideologies. The economics people focus a lot on the material and like I said the symptom management and economics as important as it is and that's where permaculture can come in.
Cory Endrulat
You have to recognize that it's it's really up to what people believe in in their psychology. and It's harder, like I said, to understand. its It sounds less practical to people.
Cory Endrulat
But that's what's going to determine everything. So these people can talk about economics forever in many different fields. It doesn't matter if we're living voluntarily, there's going to be all sorts of economics, right? There's going to be all sorts of ideology. There's going to be all sorts of diets. There's going to be all sorts of things. So when people say this one way is the best, it's like Austrian economics, even that.
Cory Endrulat
Right it's it's interesting to me because they're also promoting freedom but then they're at the same time promoting an agenda of this way of doing economics so unless that economic says well you know practice whatever economics you also want to practice then okay it's not really economics is it it's just kind of this freedom.
Cory Endrulat
and so um When it comes to order and utopia, there's a great book called What Anarchy Isn't by Larkin Rose, and why I like Larkin Rose and Marc Pacio. They don't ever talk about economics. They're always talking about the psychology and the morality, and people are picking up onto it.
Cory Endrulat
especially since Marc Pacio had direct influence with like the Church of Satanism and found out there were people in power who were hiding this knowledge exactly as you said for certain purposes. But I'm not going to generalize and say all those people are victimized, like you said. um I think it's a much better to spend our energy on the masses. The one person who seeks power does not matter compared to the millions of people who follow them. right It's like we blame this one person in history, but the millions of people actually carried out their action to actually believe in them.
Cory Endrulat
and Yet, they don't get deserve any blame. What's going on here? yeah There's a bunch of people who are suppressing their conscience and becoming order followers. That's a big problem. so if you fix that you're going to naturally be free. You're naturally going to create anarchy. This idea, you know, no rulers, um, not no rules because people instill rules within themselves of how to live their own life, of how to conduct their own business all the time, spontaneously. If you put kids in the same room with trading cards, they're going to start trading. You start putting people in in neighborhoods and and they're just going to start talking to each other and doing things with each other. Unless of course you keep them distracted with technology, right? You start creating other conditions and other variables.
Cory Endrulat
things then things can change which can also by the way of course affect this whole dynamic but um nonetheless you know people want to socialize with other people people want to be healthy there's that intrinsic need to do a lot of things that we're talking about And that intrinsic idea that people know that they are free and people know what is healthy.

Voluntaryism and Natural Living

Cory Endrulat
So what is preventing people from accepting it, right? Other people, the fears, the superstitions, the the programming, and all that has to do be done is unveiling that. So people will go into meditation, the Taoist will call it fasting the mind, which is basically getting past all your program beliefs and just coming down to your natural state of living.
Cory Endrulat
I mean this is very radically different from talking about economics isn't
Liev Dalton
Certainly, certainly. Yeah. So when we look to nature, you know, um, in this respect, right, we look at like, you know, how human beings organize themselves in a natural setting. I tend to look at like the native American, if we want to call them that, um, you know, because you know, they're, they're close to home. I've learned a lot from them directly and, um,
Liev Dalton
it's It's recent, right? Like the West is probably the most recent. There are obviously still people from around the world and there's lots of great work on how tribes have organized themselves. Anyways, um, this tribal setting, you know, where there, there seem to be a hierarchy, a leadership, um, maybe not as pronounced per se as, as, you know, we may think it was, um, but there,
Liev Dalton
There seem to be this this hierarchy that naturally kind of manifested.
Cory Endrulat
Liev Dalton
Cory Endrulat
It's a beautiful thing.
Liev Dalton
how how do you yeah How do you approach looking at nature and if in this conversation? And does does that way of life kind of align with this voluntarism? like does that Is that where we can find some of these concepts?
Cory Endrulat
Yeah, sure. um I think there's a lot more correlation there than people may give credit because they don't want to necessarily look at ancient history. right um But that's why I delved into Taoism and wrote my book on it. And I actually see it across many different cultures. And if you look up different figures like Alan Watts and Osho, some influential speakers about you know some of these ancient ideas, they are basically literally saying, and they've i've they've said it many times within their works, that what they're promoting is anarchism.
Cory Endrulat
But it's a philosophical anarchism. it's ah It's a spiritual anarchism. It's something very different from what is being shared. And so, um you know, that's that's also partly why Osho got in so much trouble with the government systems at the time. And there wasn't technology to share the message. Now his ideas are coming back and getting millions of views online. So people have but definitely a growing interest in what he's sharing. I mean, that is the pinnacle point of his work. I mean, you look at all his work, hours and hours and hours of content.
Cory Endrulat
It's all about the individual recognizing they're not a label. They're not in a religion. They're not in any particular thing. They simply are sovereign and living their own life. Now, it doesn't mean you become an atheist either. It means you simply recognize you know you youre how you are unique and your own unique values and and and gifts.
Cory Endrulat
and It's a beautiful thing because you're not putting yourself in that box. and When it comes to Native Americans or when we're looking at certain cultures, we may say, well, that's a box. right That's a certain way of thinking. but Some people like to be a part of traditions or holidays because it's fun. and you know it's It's a voluntary thing that families do once in a while. and Families, schools, organizations, businesses, these are all hierarchies.
Cory Endrulat
So am I against that? Of course not, because these are built into helping us educate people. That's how we even get this technology in the first place, how we build these computers. A lot of the time it's because there's different people and certain roles and certain positions to do certain things. But there's no violence in the process of having to create this. People create it because they want to create it and because it actually serves some benefit for people. And so they give and they receive. It's a voluntary relationship.
Cory Endrulat
Now there might be some involuntary relationships when it comes to, let's say, ah building electric cars, right? We have to mine certain things in certain places so we use child slavery. People start picking up on it and they say, what's up with that? You know, and they stop buying the product or they start talking about it, they start changing it, and they educate other people about it. That's awesome, right? Because if you just pass it through a law, are they really understanding that it's wrong or are they just doing it because the law says so?
Cory Endrulat
And that's what the abolitionists called moral suasion. You had to convince the hearts and minds of people rather than just passing it through law. So a lot of the abolitionists were non-political because they recognized that. They said, we can't change it through politics. We've tried that hundreds of years before. It didn't work.
Cory Endrulat
And so a lot of them were very religious individuals who used their religion and their faith of saying, this person is beholden to God and not to man as the reason for why man should be free. So recognizing a higher authority, nature's authority, going back to what we said in the beginning, right? And it's a healing process when people recognize that because it's like, wow, I'm in control. I can do so much. I can get together. I can do like, wow, everything opens up.
Cory Endrulat
So um when it comes to Native Americans, you know I don't want to generalize because there's a lot of different types of cultures out there. Some may have been bloody. Some may have been you know really ruthless. And they do say, worship me because I said so. But I'm sure there have been tribes and people throughout history who have said, wow, this person is full of wisdom. And this person is somebody we should follow because of that and because of the skills they have. And and they look up to them. And a child grows up and they say, yeah, you know i I want to be like him. and And that the parents may be raised him to be like that too, but we're still recognizing that individual sovereignty, recognizing his path.
Cory Endrulat
It's like he he might be special. He might be even better than the chieftain. you know he He might have skills and gifts that we don't know. And the only way we do know is if we allow a little bit of possibility to say, like what if he wants to be a fisher? like What if he's a really good gardener instead of a fighter in battle? like you know Instead of training him, like let's he's got to be a fighter. Maybe they're a parent that supports them and nurtures them and listens to the kid and says, huh.
Cory Endrulat
Maybe he can do something more than that. Maybe he could do both. It could be a master. It can be a sage. But when they're using the word master and sage in ancient times, they're not talking about slave master. right So the terms we use have changed. The cultures that we have have changed. Our mindsets, a lot of things have changed. And so it's hard to make generalizations about the past. We weren't living in the past. It's hard to really know exactly what happened in the past.
Cory Endrulat
But you know we can try to get a general grip of things by looking at our present reality, by looking at what we all share, what we all have, and what we perhaps have always had. That's how I like to learn the knowledge that I share and and and why I share it. It's like I don't want to share something I don't definitively know. right So I might share some bits about history, but I'm going to tie it into our psychology to see if it's affirmative. Does it make sense? right And then you can make up your own mind as the reader or as the viewer.
Cory Endrulat
And um that that right there is recognizing sovereignty. If I said, hey, you know take my word because I studied this and I'm the expert at this, then you know it's not necessarily the same thing. So authority can be seen at the two lenses now that we've kind of distinguished it. There's the authority of like the science, the experts, the people who you need to follow because they said so. And then the authority that says, well, because I said so, but because I have the right to rule. And the right to rule exclusively means they have the right to do violence, the right to do wrong.
Cory Endrulat
So those two types of authority, one is obviously more dangerous because it involves violence, the other one isn't. This one that is voluntary, that's still deceptive, is always going to exist. The one that is deceptive but based on violence does not need to exist because everybody recognizes violence is wrong. Everybody generally doesn't want to do wrong to their fellow man. They simply allow it because of the superstition that belief in authority Statism, that's what it's called, ah that they basically live their life in contradiction and they don't know it. ah They don't have enough knowledge to receive the contradiction, so they never confront it. and um and so We can build up our resources using voluntaryism and permaculture to to share with people their potential and what they truly own.
Cory Endrulat
and And it's going to align with a lot of people.
Liev Dalton
Cory Endrulat
You know, people are going to say, wow, you know, this is, this is just making common sense.
Liev Dalton
Cory Endrulat
And I don't see anybody who understands this knowledge and goes back. No one becomes a voluntary and says, I'm going to start voting and and doing all these political rituals again. And even if they vote, it doesn't really matter to me.
Cory Endrulat
The mindset, the mindset shifts, right? The mindset is going to change everything. When enough people understand this knowledge, you're going to have one town that stops paying taxes or a comm community that stops.
Cory Endrulat
participating in an act that directly enables violence and the whole system's gonna fall apart, but people are just gonna be living their own lives just as they do now. It's not, nothing is really gonna change. There's still gonna be all the businesses, all the organizations. If anything, there'll be more because you won't have the government taxing everybody, regulating them, preventing medicines from coming overseas.
Cory Endrulat
I mean, that's what the Austrian economic people are finding out. Wait, freedom actually works better. It's like what the abolitionists found out. Oh, wait, if we get rid of the slaves, who will pick the cotton? But then they find out cotton's being picked better than ever because the slave is like wanting to pick cotton now because they're doing it voluntarily.
Liev Dalton
Cory Endrulat
They're like, I want to do it because now I'm earning a living.
Liev Dalton
yeah Wow.
Cory Endrulat
And now I get to do what I want to do. And then start some people said, well, that's wage slavery. and They start saying well if you're earning wages, that's slavery because now you depend on somebody else for your wages and that's where communism and socialism and all those isms came and start to rise so that came out of the Civil War the slavery era and That's a whole separate discussion, of course, right? But the the same principles apply you own yourself you own what you own people are creating these different ideologies because they're finding ways of saying how can the individual be more free and
Cory Endrulat
I would say simply live let people live voluntarily. right not Let's not create a whole system that everybody is forced and posed upon that's counterintuitive to what we claim we want.
Liev Dalton
Wow, amazing. Well, I think it might be a good time to wrap it up. I'd love to ask your final thoughts. Um, we covered a lot today, a lot, honestly, and, uh, probably this is one you could listen to a couple of times and, and still have, uh, new people and new books and a new path to take.
Liev Dalton
So, um, anything that you want to, that you want to add to, to the episode at all.
Cory Endrulat
Cory Endrulat
Uh, yeah, I know I cut out for a second, but, um, so my website, the, uh, is basically a newspaper format that I created for anybody online, uh, who wants to get involved, uh, basically sending any articles, any videos on anything, psychology, philosophy, anything universal and timeless sets. Basically the premises of the newspaper named after the liberator from the 1800s, which was like the main anti-slavery newspaper. Uh, and there's a lot of resources.

Additional Resources and Contact Details

Cory Endrulat
Sorry if I'm disconnecting here. All right. There's a lot of resources um for people on there like to network with other people and ah tons of books and different materials if you want to to learn more about these different perspectives. But I invite you to look into, you know, yourself and to journal and to reflect upon the world and say, why are people so heated and divided with each other? And and why do people think that they know?
Cory Endrulat
right like Socrates wisdom to know is to know you know nothing many people are very affirmative in their belief system and I'm not claiming I have the answers I said I don't know everything that's why I love voluntary ism because it isn't an agenda I'm not saying how a certain world should work I'm saying whatever you think the world should work just don't impose on others So it's a very baseline idea. I grew up with those values of like, don't put people on pedestals, you know, apply the golden rule into your life. And so if we follow that through completely without contradiction, naturally, you know, we are voluntary. Most people are without recognizing it. It's just about putting into action.
Cory Endrulat
So thank you. I appreciate you having me on. Nita.1, N-I-T-A.O-N-E. ah The recent book, Natural Intelligence, The Technology of Peace, goes into permaculture and voluntaryism. So both. And I'll give you a free copy if you want. But anybody out there, be sure to check this out because this goes into both the practical, you know the physical, the material, the 3D, and the, you know we can call 5D, the ah philosophy, the psychology, the spiritual, and bringing those into an integration ah to really apply our conscience, that natural intelligence within us, and voluntaryism, which is that natural intelligence that is created as a result, and recognizing nature's authority overall and guarding in all pursuits of life, as you said.
Liev Dalton
Great. Yeah. And so we'll put all the links down below. Of course. Uh, you have a YouTube channel as well. Any social medias, stuff like that to Instagram.
Cory Endrulat
ye yeah Corey nature is the answer on every platform. Uh, when it comes to Instagram, it's Corey health, but you can also just look up Corey nature is the answer. It's everywhere. Uh, rumble, rock thin, bitch, you bright on all the video platforms that are alternative as well. And I appreciate it, man. I really do. I want you to keep up your great work, just getting people thinking about their reality and even filming in nature is awesome. I'm going to be doing a lot more of that myself.
Liev Dalton
Cool. Yeah. Yeah. It's fun. It's an un added challenge, but I think it's, it's worth it.
Cory Endrulat
Liev Dalton
Um, cool, man. Well, I really appreciate your time. This won't be the the last time that we do this. I'm sure. And, um, yeah, I had a whole list of of topics that we didn't even, we didn't even.
Liev Dalton
cover yet. So I'm looking forward to the next one, man. Thank you so much for coming on Corey. Thank you.
Cory Endrulat
Yeah, thank you. I appreciate it.
Liev Dalton
And I want to thank you all for listening and you should all know that this is not medical advice just for your informational purposes only, but also remember we're all responsible, sovereign beings, capable of thinking, criticizing, and understanding absolutely everything and anything.
Liev Dalton
We, the people in the greater forest are together, self-healer, self-governable self-governable, self-teachers, and so much more. Please reach out if you have any questions, criticisms, comments, concerns, whatever it is, find me on Instagram, best way to reach me. Really appreciate you all for taking the time to check it out. Make sure you give us a like, comment, subscribe, follow, whatever you got to do in the platform. You know, it'd be much appreciated. Sharing is always the best way to help us grow. Appreciate you all. um Remember, there's two types of people in the world. Those believe they can, those believe they can't, and they are both correct. Thanks for listening, guys. Take care.