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Dungeon Dive Inc 8: Are You There God? I'ts Me, Boom. image

Dungeon Dive Inc 8: Are You There God? I'ts Me, Boom.

S1 E6 · Roll Players
92 Plays1 year ago

Welcome to the 8th episode of Dungeon Dive Inc! The trio gets back from their latest excursion and this is what happens:  Boom Pahpa tries to talk to a higher power, our goblin weirdo, Protects Gaul, challenges an empty arena to a fight, and Tulip Corpsepod forgets to follow the plot thread for almost the entire episode. Check us out at and (for support!) and don't forget to rate it if you hate it!


Introduction to 'Dungeon Dive Inc.' Podcast

Good morning, everybody, or afternoon, or evening. Maybe you're naked. We don't know. This is role players. That's us for people. And as you've seen, you're watching. No, you're listening to David. You're listening to an episode of Dungeon Dive Inc. We're going back to the old fantasy shit. So enact your fantasies here. Adam is

Character Introductions in Role-playing Game

playing Boom Papa, the human mage.
Tulip is played. Cass is playing Tulip Corpse Pod, the orcish Smacker with a big mallet. And Adrian is playing Protex Ghaul, the goblin Smacker who likes to punch pretty much. Yes, punch with rock. Yeah, punch with rock. And yes, so

Recap of Previous Adventure

we're here to play the game today. It was been a little while since we aired this one, so you probably forgot just like we did what happened.
But luckily it wasn't a lot. They killed some snake people down in some weird creepy tunnels under a farm and they saved a little girl that was you know Whatever and if they all in the best part they found some neat stuff Which we'll get into later some I know it's riding a snake Adrian was riding a snake until he died and then he was not riding him anymore
Um, and they also met some, got some nights of the blazing blade order who helped them fight down there and said they were concerned about the creepy snake people underground. And you guys are like, whatever, man, just burn them or something, dude. Easy. Next, next problem. And we are efficient.
That was it. That's where you left off. We left off there at the guys' farm so we can go back to town.

Returning to Town and Discussing Rewards

But first, obligatory saying something clever or interesting about playing music. Yeah. Bosefis. Bosefis.
Mom, Betsy. So, yeah, you guys are back. Hey. Oh, hey. I forgot you had a fetish for this doll. Anyway, so you guys are leaving. We'll expedite you going back to town because nobody wants to hear that shit. You walk and you get there in some time. They don't give us horses for saving their kid. No, they paid you 120 months over.
Yeah. Well, I want to use some of that money to buy a horse. Okay. That's a smart investment.
Um, so yeah, you guys, I mean, you can't, I mean, you can share a horse, but why would you? Um, as long as you got three, two friends, you can't all fit them all in there. It'd be rude to put one of them on there. Not the other one. But you can't fit both of you on horse, even no matter how little we are. What if we all stack up vertically? Like, yes, like tulip on my shoulders and then protects on her shoulders. And then we just ride that way. I think in, um, the local horse riding laws that is prohibited.

Settling Earnings with Accounting

so you guys go back to town, you go back to the company to turn to your old pal, Grokules, and his door's open. That way you can walk right in and we're going to have to do a whole knock on the door thing. And he said, hey guys. They're both back in town. Oh, that's great. You guys finished that job up there. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, that's great. If you pulled it off this time, you didn't fuck it up and blow everything up and lose all the money. They got the money they were going to pay you.
As far as my memory serves me, everything went all right. That's good. All right. Well, you guys know, I guess you don't know the drugs. You never got enough money to actually be worthwhile to the company. So go on down to accounting down there and they'll do their whole thing. Read your little gauntlets or gloves, wherever you got and take our total out. I mean, nothing we need to do this time. They told us how much they were going to pay. But, you know, just for sake of sake of whatever, go down there and they'll take the company's portion.
And don't forget to run across the hall from there to the chronicler. You guys know him because you've talked to him before because you've had reports to give. Let him know what went down, what happened. We have? Yeah, we just never did it. We never played active it. We're going to. Oh, man, I don't remember that guy at all. That's whatever. He's got a forgettable. I really don't even ever go down there. But yeah, go on down those two places and have some fun in town and come back when you're ready for another job.
All right, sounds good. All right. See you guys later. Hey, Tulip. Tulip. Yes. Don't you have a question to ask the guy? Do you have any candy? No. Is that the thing? I knew it. Meanwhile, in accounting. Before we get to accounting, I want to
give, protects the coins that I have on me. The hundred and twenty one silver in the bags. Oh, so they don't catch you. Oh, I was I was going to try and get you to admit they were going to be like, oh, your gloves aren't reading there, buddy. These are these are duds. Got to get your news. Yeah, it was. Yeah, I'm going to. I'm just going to say as we're going down the hall, I want to hand the big old sack of money to protect Mike. Hey, so pretty soon here in a second, they're going to go ahead and read how much money we got. And they're going to realize that my little glove of gloves ain't broken. So
or, you know, they are broken. So I get you. Yeah. You know, so unfortunately they, you know, since they already know how much we're getting paid, they're going to, they, we're going to have to bite the bullet on this one, but all the rest of this stuff from the previous jobs, we got them there. Yeah. Yeah. Just as long as I get to save enough money for my dress and for my dresses, for my dolly, I'll be all right. Oh yeah. I mean, of course. Yeah. Betsy got to look good. You know, I mean, you always

Reporting Adventure to the Chronicler

look good, Betsy.
How much money was it again? 121 silver. 121 silver. OK. I'll keep it safe. So yeah, you guys go on down there. What was that? I shouldn't get too involved in this. Justin Timberlake at SNL. Bring it on in on the veil. OK, there it is. OK, got it. All right, anyways, you guys bring it on into the accounting room. And there's a lady there with an abacus and some scales and things all around her at her little desk, and she's like,
Oh hello, how are you doing today?
i'm doing fine thanks how are you doing oh i am just wonderful i love counting coins um so have you some for me today i love coins too but unfortunately the other guy said i need to give you coins so that's bad uh well you know it's not uh in the grand scheme of things it's not too much off the top of there so let's how many do you have let me let's see if she pulls out like a little um
Like a little like a little polished wooden like thing that looks kind of like what like like like like like people at like Walmart used to scan the shelves and shit, but it's like a little wooden magical device instead little wooden handle and she goes
All right, just hold your glove or your bracelets or glove. Hold your bracelets out to me. I'll read how much is in that chest there so we can make sure we don't shortchange you or screw the company. They'll find out. They don't like it. Anyway, I don't want to take too much money from this. Let's make sure the accurate amount is there. Just hold your hand out to me. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Oh, 121 silver. Well, uh, 10% of that would be 12.1, but we won't be shaving your silvers here. So we'll just take 12 and, um, you guys can keep the rest. That's nice. Thank you. Yes. And enjoy. Let me tell you, thank you very much. And, um, have a good day if, uh, you three be safe. Thanks. You too. Uh, counting lady. Thank you. Do you have any candy?
Um, no, I heard Martha has those nasty little bitters. I swear one day I will get my candy. She's like, I know, Betsy, these crazy people, they thought to have some candy somewhere. Oh, sorry. I don't, uh, invest my money in such trifles as that. Anyway, uh, good, good day. Be good out there. Don't get yourself killed.
So what are you guys going to do in the city? Oh, you

Light-hearted Shopping Spree

know, I was just thinking that, uh, maybe, you know, now don't stop me here, but, uh, shopping spree shopping spree for all this money that we got shopping montage. I might need a montage shop shopping montage. Uh, before I don't forget, you got to go walk over to cross the hall to the chronicler. Um, tell them what you saw.
What you did with that guy. We're going to poke my head in by chronicler. We're going to shop in montage. We'll tell you everything on the way. Let's go. Yes. I'm not allowed to leave my desk. Bullshit. I cast hypnotized person. Roll roll. Your mind is cast a spell on his little sucker. I'm going to I'm going to cast.
It's not hypnotize somebody it's convince friend. Convince friend to do the thing I want. Go. I rolled six. You did it. Is six good or bad? I can't remember how games work. Amazing.
I'm working right now, I can't, but I suppose, he pulls up a little sign that says out to lunch, he says, I suppose that if you're telling me what you've done while we're out strolling through the city, I'm still doing work. So let's go upon it. Tell me. So he walks around his little desk and it's a little, I tell you, it's a little gnomish guy with a curly little beard at the end of his little beard. And he's got, listen to this, at the end of his beard is another beard.
No, he's got a curl at the end of his beard. He jumps down off his little desk chair and he comes running around. He's like, ah, yes, I would love to come and go through. I'm going to stop at the main meats butcher shop and get a nice fat sausage to suck on. Oh.
I mean, like a nice big sausage to suck on. I love it. They pulled me in. I saw their sign immediately. It said, come, put our sausage in your mouth. I said, ah, this is the place for me. Anyway, you know, you know, my my boom mama was real big in a smoking. I always said smoking guitars. But smoking, you know, the smoking guitars was a band she like listened to. But it was really big in the cigars. And she always told me I got a clip off the tip of it. But I never smoked.
So, you know, to honor my boomba mat, sometimes what I'll do is I'll clip off the tip of the sausage you needed. Oh, that's funny. I heard there's a religion out there somewhere. They don't like to clip the tops off of their cigars and some that like to clip the tops off their cigars. Interesting, isn't it? Not even their sausages? Do they clip, do they snip the tips of the sausage? They snip the tip of whatever they can get to those crazy people. Anyway, let's go on out there. So what happened in your latest adventure? You three, he snaps his fingers and a little scroll comes out and floating from him and he starts writing onto it.
a boom papa and tulip tulip was paid the most attention you should ask her ah tulip what happened out there you crazy lady okay let's run
protects hates the paperwork portion of the job. Oh, they're excited to get some sausages in their mouths. Anyway, what exactly occurred in your latest adventure? Well, I was definitely taken captive by a large
snake human person and then I wrestled them and then I beat them up and then somehow I don't know what happened next. It was the weirdest thing. Somehow we got out of there and then we rescued the little girl. So that's all we got. That's what we were paid for, correct? We were there to rescue the little girl.
Excellent. Always love to hear a happy ending. Now, I must say there, Tulip, you've piqued my interest when you mentioned snake people, you say? Yes, they were very weird. Tulip, once our little outing here today is finished, I have a little question for you.
Would you mind? I've got a friend over at the university who is studying something that I think he would like to hear about. Those snake people you've met under the ground, you said. He would be vastly interested in that. So please, if you would not mind doing me a little favor of running over there and letting him know
Are you more in detail what perhaps then what you give me here? I you know, I don't want to push you to I know I understand you to look how you are I'm not gonna push you for the report as long as you tell me Beat some people up got the job done got some money for it. I'm happy with that But he might like a little more detail about what went on down there. But anyway, let's go suck some sausages. Hey Yes, please I am so hungry Betsy are you hungry would you want some sausages? Yes, I do. Thank you
Oh, yes, yes, we're going to get some sausages. Also, before I forget, his name is Professor Jonas. He's over there at the he's in the historical wing of this of the studying place. And it should be easy to find. Anyway, let's go get some sausages. Oh, thank you so much. I am so ready. And then she's going to like she's going to take Betsy's hand and just skip out.
Oh, the joy of youth going to get sausages into them. So you catch up to

Humorous Sausage Negotiation

other guys. Where'd you guys run off to? Get sausages. We're all actually going to the sausage. Oh, look at how curvy this one is. Oh, my God. I forgot to do random main meats. I think it was also a random main meats butcher. Sorry, Adrian, I talked to everybody. What did you say? I said, I've never seen such a sausage. Yeah, it's all curvy. It's like it's like an elephant's trunk. Oh, my God. Look at how big this one is.
Yeah, you can't beat my meat, and if I'm not the same guy that you talked to before, it's because I killed him and took his shot. If I am the same guy, I'm just joking around. I'm pretty sure I was a gnome. Anyway, yes, that's one of our curviest ones. That comes all the way from Scandinavia, and they are really good at curving their sausages. So how about you give me the sausage for free, and I will not tell anyone that you killed the previous owner?
How about you try to convince me with personality?
I can use a body instead of my personality. Use your personality. You're going to threaten, you're going to, okay, well, that's not actually accurate Adrian, cause you, uh, you didn't threaten him physically. You just threatened to, to out him as a murderer. So that's still personality. I can use body instead of personality. Yeah, but you're, yeah, but you didn't write all the details on the guy that made the rule, Adrian. And it says specifically, if you threaten them with violence, uh, do you want to threaten him with violence? I mean, I'm threatening him without violence.
That's a nice you still fucking did it he's like
Oh, well, even if it was a joke, I don't want people knowing I'm saying such crazy things, so sure, fella, have a free sausage on the house. You're a good customer. You came and bought my butcher knife the other day. A couple months, weeks back. I don't know how long ago it was. Anyway. Neither do I. Time's a weird thing. How about you, human male? I'm not giving you any more free out today, though, so don't try and convince me. I'll be pissed off.
nope i'm just here for uh you know just to admire them uh but uh i can just summon my own food thank you oh that's a hey i'm not gonna knock you for that uh i just enjoyed the smells i've gone kind of nose blind to it all my clothes in my house everything smells like sausages but uh
Enjoy it. Tell me how it smells. It's like Homer Simpson showed up for a second. Cool up you and the chronicler who I never gave a name to walk in. Riddick, the chronicler of Riddick. The guy behind the butcher shop says, Riddick, my biggest customer.
I talk almost the same as you, so I can't remember how I talk anymore. Yes, a lot of sausage. Whoa, he thinks you're big. That's cool. And you guys all eat sausages together and have a great old time. Tulip, do you buy a sausage? Of course. Okay, that's two silver coins for a fat sausage. Two silver, that's an outrage. Make it three. I won't pay anything less than three for this delicious sausage. It was like, shut up.
I'll hand the men two silver. Thank you. Enjoy this sausage. Would you like extra curvy or more straight? Could I get it to more straight but thicker, please? A lady after my wife's own heart. Here we go. Did you know that it's not the size of the boat nor the motion of the ocean? It's whether the captain can stay in port long enough for everyone to get off.
Um, yes, I, I don't know much about seafaring, but yes. Yeah. It's important to let everybody get off the boat. You know, I heard that, you know, like some people try to get off while the, while, while, while the boat's still in motion, you know, and it's like, Oh no, they fell in. Oh no. Yeah. My, my wife's always saying, slow the boat. So I don't just keep the boat going right there. I'm like, I need to slow the boat down a little bit. Yeah. I'm going to get seasick. Yeah. I'm going to see, I'm going to get seasick all over the side of this boat. Yeah.
But alright guys, thanks for your patronage of my store, and please don't threaten me again, sir. I would like to make a living and not dislike you. Cause you're a funny little fella, same size as me. Anyway, goodbye. Bye. Goodbye. I'm going to the key building. You're going to the what?
The K building, the K building, uh, to which everything, request stadium. You want to go to the stadium? Yes. All right. So for next, uh, are you just walking away? You telling everybody where you're going over there? I'm leaving. Bye. All right. So we don't want to do too much.

Public Restroom Petition Encounter

You walk out the gate to get over there and, uh,
You see all like the little merchant stalls are all closed up because there's no nothing going on. And you go inside and the whole place is empty. And maybe this is just something that protects likes to do to wind down. It sits in the empty stadium. Are the local sports teams not playing right now? No, they're not playing any any any goblin ball or whatever. Like when you fuck. I don't know that I will find out when I arrive. Goblin balls. But he's over there doing that. Well, what else do you guys want to do? All right. Oh, wait, Philip, how much you need to go pay off your dresses or whatever you're talking about?
God, I don't remember. I think it was like three hundred or something gold. Oh, silver, silver. It's a lot. We don't quite we don't quite have. There's only silver. Do you need to make a payment on that or? I only need like 100 silver. What can we load it? And I'm fucking expensive. I've got to say, didn't you just say 300 silver? Yeah. Oh, yeah, I have two hundred and two.
Do you have two hundred and two silver? Oh, my God. Yeah, I don't know. It was in my. I don't know. I don't tell you. I haven't. OK. Well, you know, maybe you can go make a payment. We did. Did we distribute the money we got from the job yet? No, we didn't. I just left. He took all our money. I can't locate government money. No, I don't.
You know what I think what I would like to do is to go and speak to a higher power. Where would I go to speak to a higher power? Well, there's one big cathedral in town that you would have passed on your way up through the main drag of the town.
And there's not a littler one over on the other, the poor side of town as well. There's two big churches, the two churches in town. OK, I would probably head to the tiny church, the Chinese new church. Yes, it's not the size of the church. It's not the size of the church. It's how much time you spend on your knees. So that's right. Or go to the to the small god house. And that is the kerosene church.
Right. The Carashian Church. Yeah. And while I'm going there, I would like to maybe. See if I can get any, you know, hear any tea, you know, around the town as it were. OK. Yeah. You know, there's some people saying these fucking trade taxes are bullshit and he's like, yeah, brother, yeah, fucking fuck those that rich motherfucker. Yeah.
And then some other guy, as you cross, as you get near one of the bridge over to the other church from where you are, he says, uh, help sign my petition. There's not enough pissing holes in the town. The streets are running with piss and shit. Sign this petition, make the mayor put more piss and holes in the town. Oh yeah. No, you got, now hang on. What was that? And I turned back around and I walked back.
I walk back, well, what's that about the pistols? Yeah. You know, you ever, you know, all these bridges, there's, there's, there's little, there's a piss holes all through the, all through all they put there. And recently for public bathrooms, everybody to piss and shit down into the river. Yeah. I catch fish in that river. They didn't, they didn't put enough in.
I've seen people shitting in an alleyway before. I've seen magicians having to put, make their shit disappear off the streets because there's nowhere to shit. Too much. Boom, pop, pop, like hides his stick behind his back. Yeah. That's crazy. Hey, would you sign this? I'm trying to get the mayor to put in more pissing holes on the bridges and like maybe, I don't know, just like find like a different way to have his pissing shit. How many more signatures you need, my guy?
Well, I don't really know. They told me I came. I went to like the like the main like, you know, sort of town hall area and they told me to fuck off. So I'm just kind of making it up as I go. I got what you got. I got about like five, six people signed so far. Oh, well, I'm going to turn that into like 500. How many people live in this town? Well, a lot. I don't even know. And Betsy will sign it. More than five. Oh, there you go. Betsy will sign it. OK, that's five hundred and two. Nice. All right.
Yes. Yes. We'll sign it. Here you guys go. He holds paper out to you on like a board. He's got like a piece of charcoal. Tulip. Tulip writes a two and then she kisses the paper. Oh, that's an interesting. What did you learn to sign like that? Is that an orcish? Yes, it is orcish. Oh, OK. Cool. Wow. Such an interesting language, huh, Betsy? Huh? Do you kiss paper too? Yeah, it really is. She's really weird, isn't she?
Ah, I don't judge. I mean, I don't just talk. Holy. Make a sign of paper. Please. That counts as a citizen. He uses her, uh, Betsy's hand to sign it. Excellent. Excellent. And now you're going to make 500. How are you going to get, you got, you know, 500 people there, big guy.
Yeah. Yes. Yeah. Cool. I sure do. Oh, here. I mean, can I give us to you? You can just pass around all your friends, you know, that's how you guys know your friends. Yeah. You know what? Just give me like, you know, I'm I have a I'm just going to call some people and then sign it for him. OK. Oh, that's probably fine. Yeah. As long as I tell them what's up. Yeah. I don't care, man. As long as the different names. Yeah. Yeah. Just give me a second. I'm going to walk over behind this tree.
And get like some privacy and I'm going to give him a call on my sending stone real quick. OK, great. Yeah, here's to here. Take the paper with you, man. Oh, hey, thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you. I can't wait to not step in shit everywhere ago. I mean, horseshit's fine because they can't really just poop where they go. But I stepped into a lot of people shit. He's yelling at you as you walk over there. Yeah, it's disgusting. What are some of the names that are on there right now, aside from Tulip and Betsy? You see.
Riddick and it has a little comma chronicler. And you see, who else we meet in town? I don't remember. I see Julius Quirks and Jonathan Queery, who were the guys who you met at the other place. And then you see, you see Don Domingo and Sarah
lady lady gotta be there oh yeah she sounds hot um i'm gonna try to cast a alteration spell i wear like i want to replicate as many of the letters and as many different combinations as i possibly can and then put them on the paper to look like other people's names
Man, I would call that an alteration spell where you want to replicate many different letters and people's names as you can on a page. It's an alteration spell that replicates many letters and names and spells and letters as you can. I'm going to cast that spell at a fifth level. Do it. That's going to cost you one long sleep. That's a lucky number seven. Do I bake it?
Doesn't really fucking matter. I'm going to let you do it either way. Yeah. I feel like I'm going to bank that seven. Yeah. Save that shit, man. Yeah. You do it. You got some like sort of almost repetitive. It's like, it's kind of like some like low level AI shit where like, it's like, Oh, there's already a Sarah lady on there, but there's like John Johnman and, and it's like JON and then the JOHN and Steve man and shit like that. There's like three Steve man's after like a hundred, a hundred, a hundred or so names, but you do it.
Awesome. And you create more. I come back out. Yeah, like it's just like I had to keep writing, making it smaller because like it's taking up all the parchment. Like, hey, go, dude, that should that should handle it. You know, and then, you know, here's to getting better pisses or whatever. Damn. Yes, this is I mean, I mean, man, you guys are going to you'll notice a difference if this goes through more places of piss and shit. Boy, we need it. All right. Thanks. Later.
God be with you or whatever. Yeah, raptor Jesus be with you too or whatever. Praise be. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. All right. That's all I want to do as I make my way to the church. Okay.

Protex's Contemplation at the Stadium

You guys are walking back over there. Just come back to Protex. You're walking with your sausage over to the stadium and it's empty when you get there. What do you want? What are you doing with your life? I walk into the stadium and I scream, who wants to fight me?
And it echoes, and you hear birds squawking and squeaking. I throw my stone at the bird. They all flutter away. Just throwing Dwayne the Rock at the bird? Yes. Oh no, Adrian, guess what? I'm sorry, Protex, guess what? The floor of the stadium is sandy and there's some stones in it. Where did Dwayne the Rock go?
He's in my pocket. You just threw it, you threw it, or did you pick up a random rock? You didn't just classified, what'd you do? Who'd you throw? Did you throw it to Wayne the Rock? I threw... probably my rock, yeah. Okay, you threw it to Wayne, you don't, uh, drain to a rock is somewhere in the sand in the midst of the other rocks in the place. Do you want to try and do some sense rolling to see if you can pick out Wayne the Rock? Since you know him so well, I'm sure- I think I shouldn't have done.
Yeah. Whoopsie daisy. Oh man. Roll sensation for me. See if you can see him. I mean, you know, he's your best friend. Give me a second. For some reason, my rolling window is really small. Hey, it's not the size of the rolling window. It's how big your dice are. No, it's back again. A seven as well. Wow. Do you want to reroll that? Are you going to save that for later? I.
going to safety for later. Okay, so you like to see two rocks you kind of you remember where like the hit but you see two rocks laying there that both they kind of look kind of similar we're not really sure which one's Dwayne.
I take both of them. Nice. And then I'm going to sit in the arena onto a bench or something like that. And I just contemplate while looking at the two rocks. Nice. OK. So you contemplate the reality of the rocks. Protects philosophical. I don't know. Our caste philosophy. And you eat your sausage.
So as you're contemplating the rocks, are you trying to see which one is the right one or are you just contemplating the rocks? I'm trying to see which ones has the right form. Oh, the right form. Which one feels like more familiar in my hands. Roll me another sense to see how you do. That's... A five. Okay, you're still not really sure. A five. You start to think, maybe Dwayne the Rock is all rocks and maybe two Dwayne the Rocks is better than one.
Maybe, maybe there was actually a fortunate happening in this unfortunate happening. Yes. Or you also think, but at the same time, you also think a rock's a rock. So really whichever one you want to keep, if you don't want to keep both of them, it can be doing the rock for you. So now Rock, Dwayne just has like a little brother that he can play with. Yeah, there you go. It's kind of nice. I can be lonely.
What is in your pocket? That's great. That's nice. That is a great day. That's a happy ending, man. Anyway, you want to leave or do anything else? I mean, there's not a lot going on here. So I guess I'll just leave. OK. He just leaves. Where do you just leave to? I leave to, I don't know. I'm kind of aimless right now. My plan was to fight someone in the arena, and now I just don't know what to do with myself.
We've all been there. You've all been there. You've all been there. All right. What would you wonder, sadly and depressively for a little while? And we'll go back to boom, pah, and to a fertility fall and boom, pah, pah to the church. Of course. OK, cool. Oh, you're coming. You're coming to. Yeah. Oh, OK. Yeah, I was just going to, you know, have an experience with a higher body, you know, so like if you're not
tuned to it, so to speak. You might

Church Visit and Theological Humor

be a little bored. I don't want to bore you. It's okay. I was just following you around. I don't really have much to do today. I was, you know, bored. Yeah, like, what am I supposed to do with myself? Yeah. You know, like, how do I get along and do my day if I don't have someone telling me how to live my life?
Like, how do I, how do I make time? If not, have questions, what do? Yes, I just don't know who I am if I don't have a higher power. So I'm going to go talk to a higher power and tell them what to do. Good call. I'm going to follow you. Oh, good. You walk up the steps and you get up there to the big door to the church and you hear inside, they're going,
Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Well, that's making me think of Mr. Bean. That's what I was doing. That's what he's going for. And he opened the door, and there's as much people in there. And they're all going, Hallelujah. And there's a guy up front going, Hallelujah. He's got a big blue robe on, and shaved top of his head. And everybody's standing and singing. And then he says, Hallelujah.
And he's like, now please turn to page 987,322 in your Bible. And we're going to read about when Carasius came down and said to everybody, just be good. And so it was. Now let's read that part.
And he starts just rambling. Then he's like, leans down real low in the book. He's like, and then you said, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then,
That's my favorite part. But we, you know, we got, you got to stop. You have any candy? No, I don't have any. Another little, he's like, I do, but I'm not giving it to you. Be quiet. I'm trying to hear what he says. He might as well. And then he said, Oh, it's really great to be a God. Everybody be nice to each other. Uh, don't kill each other. That's not right to do. Right. Hey, so who's the God in charge here? Be quiet. And another guy's like, Hey, come over here, man.
You want to look at my book, man? You knew? You just come first time trying to play it out? No, I have amnesia. Oh, that sucks, man. I don't know what that is. But anyway, yeah, it's Carasius, man. He did all kind of stuff to make sure we had a good life. It's a pretty long book. I'm still kind of trying to figure out, and he doesn't really do a good job. He's playing all the time. But I like the song. There's a lot of singing involved here, so I like that.
What's something that Caraschius really likes? He likes when you don't kill anybody. He likes when you don't steal from other people. Although he does like when you kill people who don't like him or people. He also likes money. They like getting donations.
Uh, but they're cool about it. You know, it's not like, it's not like, Hey, fucking give us some money now. It's like, Hey, if you got something, please, you know, cause the city doesn't really pay for his place that much. But, uh, he, he likes good, just being a good, good dude. He always likes, you know, being a good, be a good person, be a good lady. Sorry, Mrs. Ork, you know, wherever you are, just be good. That's what he says, you know, kind of. I'm always good. Hey, you fit right in here then. Yeah. That's pretty cool. And the little lady's like, shush, shush, shush, shush. So is my Dolly.
I cast a break neck. Gracias takes another person into his home. Good, good, this is great. Do I know anywhere where people talk shit on crass? Yes, around here. And you mean in the town itself? Yeah, the town itself. Probably anybody that appreciates the other religion and the other church. OK.
I got to go burn down that church. I like Caressius now. All right. I would like to try to learn to commune with this Caressius. OK. Do you want to ask the guy if he's got any parts of his book that have anything about talking to Caressius? Hey, can I have your book? Oh, sure, man. I got like I was going to have it all memorized, but it was like, you know, you heard him say nine hundred and some thousand pages. It's crazy. Here you go.
Uh, cool. Thanks man. And I walk away with it. Um, and I want to find in the index, how to commune with Carrascias. Um, you see in there, uh, that this says there's people who can, you know, uh, focus their, their, their mind and their spirit for a long time. Uh, through a lot of practice and it can train effort. You, you too can talk to Carrascias if you pray.
And eat a good diet. It says, don't have sex with anybody doesn't want to have sex with you. And it says check, check, check, check. I cleaned up my own poopy the other day. I didn't let it. And it just says, you know, if you pray and it says there's there's, you know, people who can channel, you know, the divine energy and, you know, do good things with it and stuff like that.
But yeah, you just got to kind of pray and be hopeful that he hears you. All right. I'm going to pray really hard. Hey Tula, get down on your knees. One knee. One of them with me. Together we'll have two knees. Can, can Betsy do it too? Oh yeah. Three knees. Of course. Yeah. Three knees. Okay.
We team three knees. I'm going to try to talk to this this this God and maybe get some holy powers. Let's kick protects out and keep his dollars. Yeah, she's tiny, just like Protexas. Go ahead and roll. Roll a mind roll as you're sitting there. What do you say to what do you add? What do you say to Crassius? I say, hmm. Oh, he loves that. I also saying,
Oh, Tamiya, where are you?
I want to see your. It's going to what I do while I roll. All right. Roll that shite for me. I was hoping he would have rolled while you were saying that, but he didn't. So it's just six. Oh, I'm sorry. It's OK, brother boy. He is my seven. I'm going to try to get higher. Try and really get this pulled us off. Talk to God. I rolled worse. I rolled a five. Hey there. Hey there. God, it's me. Boom.
So you you're sitting there hallelujah day and you think you're like thinking you feel like You feel like you know somebody is probably listening to here's yeah, hopefully I say I say look look I just need you to talk to me for a minute I got a bunch of these really neat golden snake coins I smoked like a bunch of snake people the other day and got their fancy coins and Some nice robes in my bag that I can offer to you and this fancy little red medallion that I don't know what to do with
Alright, this can all be yours for the just a few minutes of your time and maybe some, you know, maybe some guidance and some watchful eyes for a while. Come on, you know you want a new follower and I'm powerful as shit. You hear.
Be kind to your fellow people of the earth, and always brush your teeth. Look both ways before crossing the street, and make sure to like and subscribe, Crassius, for more tips on how to live a nice, happy, healthy life. All right, I subscribe, you know what?
This is a pre-recorded message All right, this God sucks when I go find a different one you can't have my coins anymore you dumb shit I Sorry to lip this place sucks guys like hey man, if you're quitting comment book back no
I'm doing the opposite of what Carasius tells me to do. I'm gonna be a shit-heel. I'm gonna take your stuff. I'm gonna kill people who believe in Carasius. I mean, not right now. I'm not threatening all y'all, but... Yeah, that's not cool, man. Cross me on the street and boom-pap-pap will give you a mouthful of tulip's fist. Yeah.
Yeah, take that. Betsey's here and protects girls right here somewhere. And I tell you what, he's dumb and he'll do dumb shit to you. All right. I can't break neck and then run away. I'm going to steal her purse and get the candy out of it. OK, I guess you do that.
Take that, you dumb shit. And she has something in her purse. I don't know if it's candy or not, but she has some little balls in there.
Yes, she does. It's probably from- it's probably from Caressius. Caressius's tiny balls will come down here and talk to me himself to dumb shit. This lady got your balls and tools about to eat them. Suck it, bitch. Oh, maybe it's from a shop called Balls Boss Balls. It could be Balls Boss Boss. Did you get those from Balls Boss Boss? Answer correctly. The next words can determine the fate of your life.
I know. Did you actually roll? Did you actually cast breakneck on me? Was that a joke? I'm dead. Be quiet. Leave me alone. No, I didn't cast it, but I'm going to cast drop this bunch of books I have on top of you if you don't answer. What was the question? You get those from you know what? I'm going to cast into another dimension on her. Really? Yes. Oh, my God. OK. I just roll mine.
Let me remember the rules again. Okay. So, uh, uh, yeah, I guess poof, uh, she's, she's gone. She's been taken by gracias. What a glorious day. But as like, as you're a little like rift or whatever you set her through comes open and, uh, a little, uh, a weird little like, uh, fleshy little thing with an eyeball for its head. Sometimes I was like,
Oh, what the fuck? Holy shit. Oh, gracias has deemed her unworthy of his presence. Oh, I'm crazy. I back up swiftly towards the door. That guy's poking like.
I just think it's kind of cool, you guys. We're pushing tulip out. Go, go, go. Here we go. Come on. And we're out. OK. You get a lock on the door. OK. And protects where you where you headed to. You've been wandering around town.
So after having mixed feelings about finding a new rock, but also not really knowing what to do, I decided to just go to the nearest tavern and just get a drink. Okay.

Regrouping and Planning Next Steps

So is that after you wandered around a little bit? Roll me a D6 to see how far you wandered through town. D6. That's a six. That's a six. Oh, boy. Hey, yes, Greg. That's also a six in German.
Yeah, that's great. So we're going to say you wandered all the way over to near the church, actually, because then you got the highest number. So you're the farthest away from where you were, but not the super farthest, so you can be close to where your friends are. So you're going towards the Golden Goose. What's the space I asked about earlier, the tavern there? You say, oh, look, there's that tavern down there. I'm going to go down there. And you see, just as you're about to turn down that street, out down from the steps, you see Scurrying is Tulip and whatever his name is, Boompa Pa. I'm running down the church steps. Oh, hi, guys.
Hey, no time to talk. There's like some weird shit. You know what? I heard that stadium is nice this time of day. Let's just go there. There we go. Let's just go as far away from everything else we possibly can. I've already been there. There's like nothing going on there. Oh, I bet you something will be going on when we get there. Maybe you just arrived early. Let's go back.
But you will find a dead bird. So that's the most exciting thing, really. Hey, that sounds interesting. I'm going to turn it into a giant eagle that we can ride. Let's go. Let's go see a magical. Let's go as far away as we can get. I mean, fine. I don't really have anything better to do. Tulip, don't forget that the guy asked you to go see that guy at the university so he can maybe make something happen. He did what? I'm sorry. The chronicler told Tulip that he wanted you to talk to his friend at the university.
about snake people. Oh, that's right. Um, I'm, I've got to, I've got to go somewhere. Um, I just realized I've got an appointment. I will see you guys later. She's going to start walking towards the university. Okay. I'll join you. If you want to, I just have to go get some, uh, things done for the job.
I thought I've been to a stadium, so I thought maybe I'll just go with you. Sure. Do you have the money from our last quest? You didn't give me any money. Yes, someone gave you money. No. Yes. I need some money so I can pay for my dolly's dress and my new dress so that we can have a tea party with Boompapa.
But don't you already have so much money? No. Okay. How much do you need? We are supposed to split it, aren't we? I don't remember how much we... We got 121, right? You have 109 now. 109. You do the math. Do the math. No class, no class, me twice.
Just give me like 30 of what he was given to you and then I'll just go make a payment then. I'll just give you 30 then, okay? Okay, thank you. She starts walking towards the University with Betsy. Yes, I know, Betsy. He's so weird sometimes.
I mean, maybe this was a bad idea, but I've already decided to go with you. So let's do that. I've made my bed and now I must lie in it. Yes. Great. So let's resolve. What are you doing? I'm going to go and make a giant eagle.
OK. I'm going to make a big bird for me to ride up a top for future missions. It's going to really cut down on travel time. Was it from a dead bird?
Yep, I'm going to use that as a catalyst to be a necromantic wizard and do that. Sounds good to me.

University Visit: Discussing Snake People

So let's go ahead and have Tulip and Protex go to the university. You get the university. It's this big old thing. Big old university. Big old building. The biggest old university you've ever seen.
Um, you go in the front main section, there's like a little, uh, desk there, sort of circular desk with like, uh, some, somebody sit at the front. There's a little man and a nice little doublet. Um, and he's, uh, writing something down at the moment. And, uh, that's what you see. Excuse me, but I can't remember who sent me here. Uh, it was up. Well, we chronically.
Oh, that's right. The chronicler. Sorry. Wow. My brains are already not working. Um, I need, I was sent here by the chronicler to give information on the snake people. Huh? What are you talking about? Who's a chronicler? This, I don't know the snake. Somebody just sent me over here to talk to you guys about the snake people underground. Um, what? I don't know. What do you mean by that?
Yeah, I don't go. I don't go over there. I don't know what I don't know who's there. I don't know who you talking about snake people. I don't know who the fuck. Oh, yeah. Somebody over there in the history section does stuff with some snakes and something. Yeah. Go over there. Somebody over there does. I don't remember who. I'm just, I don't really, I just, I just started there a couple of months ago, man. I don't know everybody here yet. This place is huge. Sounds like a wonderful job for you. Thanks. Pays, pays the bills.
Gets me grills. Food grill, like grilling. Anyway, see you later. So here's what we do. We go to the middle of the building and we scream snakes. And whoever's ears perk up the most, that's our guy. I don't think that's a good idea. Do you want to roll mine to see if your character can remember what you as a player forgot?
Yes. Roll of mind, you said? Yeah. They do a big think. Nine. Big brain time. Oh, hell yeah, sister. You freaking, you're thinking like, oh shit. He said Professor Jonas, Jonas in the history section. Jonas. That's what it was. Oh my God. I was laughing at myself going, Professor Ness, Jonas. That's where I was like.
Yes, you're professor-ness. What can I do for it? Oh, man. So she's going to go... There's a snake around. Is she a professor snake? Then you see a guy with sort of medium-length black hair and a black robe. He goes, what are you asking for me for? I'm here to report on snakes.
Snakes, I don't study snakes. I am Professor Snake. You kids in your job... Go back to class, you hooligan. Enough with the snake jokes. I guess it wasn't a guy tulip. I don't... I told you not to do that. I mean, it could have worked.
She's going to go and see if there's a directory for Professor Joe Ness, like if there's like a, a sign somewhere that has his name. You do see, you see a sign, but the arrow pointing down to one hallway says history department. And you remember that's where he works. And then it'll say Professor Joe Ness underneath. Yeah. You see a door says Professor Joe Ness on it. Okay.
She's going to go in and she's just going to like forcefully walk in and like sit down and- He throws a blanket over his lap. He says, I'm just kidding. Don't you know about knocking? Oh, um, no, not really. Um, but we do know about snake. Yes, we do. Mr. Riddick chronicler. He, um,
He sent me here. No, did he? Well, he's not going to send you for he said snakes. What do you know about snakes? We just fought some. If you want to take on my look on my rock, that's like a lot of like snake blood on it. That's just a dirty old rock covered in sand. It's been a while.
I'm going to, I'm going to, I'm going to, I'm going to piece together some of the, uh, missing pieces here to the puzzle. If you don't mind, uh, you find some snake people, people you said snake people, we said snakes. And I'm assuming if, uh, uh, my friend Riddick sent you here, uh, he would be hoping to have you tell me something about the things that I am currently researching, uh, which would be, uh, the potential of snake people having existed. I thought.
in the past, not currently. You say you've met some snakes that you fought, were they people? Oh yeah, there are very much people. Yes, they were like weird. They didn't have like the snake body. They had like a humanoid body sort of where like they had arms and legs and I bashed them over the head. Now listen, very important for me to make sure I get this correct.
Would you similarize them to a Ninjago? I was thinking about it too. Yes, I would. Absolutely, I would.
He like, he like tightens his fist and he like kind of raises up in the air. He's like, vindication. All these, all these years, they told me I was crazy. They said, you're crazy. You're crazy, Jonas. In Indiana, Jonas, you're crazy. You're dumb. You're the worst archeologist ever. You should stop being archeologist. I was right. I knew it. I really like your name. Thank you. Thank you. So what you're telling me is,
Not only do snake people exist, did they exist? They are still existing. Correct. I don't know if they're still existing. We're pretty sure we murdered most of them. They're not good fighters. Oh, well, that's neither here nor there. Where was this? It was over by the farm. More rage.
Yes. There's a thing called specific details. Do you have any of those for me? Sure. A farm near Mordrage? There's probably about five, six, seven of those. Any name you got there? Brain says no.
Darn it. That's that's unfortunate. I guess I can talk to Riddick and get some more information I Would love to go check that place. I would you guys have got some experience smashing the skulls of them You said apparently they're they're not friendly hostile from two outsiders. Yes Well, I would love to avoid bloody bloodshed and just talk to them but I
I might need some protection going up there, so you could probably show me the way as well. Would you mind if when I get the chance to go out there helping me? I mean, if there's a reward for us in there, then we can sure do that.
Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, definitely. I'm I got to work on, you know, this school is really bad with giving out, you know, funds for expedition and stuff, especially to me, because it's my kind of we're always fruitless. But those jackasses will think twice this time around. I bring back the head of its snake person or something. Yeah. But yeah, I can find you over there at Dungeon Dive Inc. What's your guys' names? I don't see it. My name is product skull. That's great. You guys treat. So
Yes, it's great. I'm going to talk to Riddick over there, and I'm going to try to get things rolling over here, scrounge up some money. I got a benefactor too outside of the school. He might be willing to pay me some money. Once I get it all organized, I'll get you guys. You got sending stones? I got your names? I can call you? Great, great. That's fantastic. Thanks for coming. Let me know. I'm jazzed. I'm up to here with energy now. That's good. I don't know.
Yeah, thanks. My money is good for me. So let's make us both happy. Yeah. Did you guys find anything in there? We found a little girl. I don't care about that. That's bullshit. Was she a little snake girl? No, they captured her. We saved her. They captured this snake? Was she a snake girl or a regular girl? She was a regular girl.
Yeah, that's boring. I think I remember our friend boom also found some kind of pressure. Oh, that's it. I'd love to look at it. See, you know, just probably there's more in there. I don't know. You know, his name is boom Papa. You can just like give him a call as well. And maybe he like let you look at it.
Yeah, definitely tell him tell him not to not to try and sell it because they didn't probably ripped off Anyway, nobody right here is gonna buy that for the right amount it would be worth But yeah, I would love to just take a look at what he's got That's great. You guys. I mean, this is really amazing. I may be sending my way if you go meet him But uh, yeah, thanks. I'm gonna I got a class to get to say I'll talk to you guys later. Okay. Have fun with that Yeah, but I don't mean like a class of teaching I mean like I'm taking a class here for archaeology because I suck at it
They would make me take classes. All right. See, thank you. Thank you very much, Rebecca. Anytime. All right. Bye-bye. Bye-bye. Bye-bye. Do you have any candy? Uh, no, I don't. Uh, sorry. Okay. Fine.
She silks out the door. She starts kicking the floor as she walks out. It's all right. We'll get there someday. Someday. So you guys did that and you go to leave the building. What were

Boom Papa's Necromancy Mishap

you doing? Laying all of the treasure that I found in the snake pit.
Around in the circle around the dead bird that I found it. I forgot you were doing. OK, so all right. Roll roll mine to try and. Aside from the red gem, I'm holding on to that bad boy, but I'm laying down all of the I think I've got what like 15 fucking coinages from that place or something.
I got 19 snake coins. And you got the medallion? Yeah, snake medallion or the sun medallion. Also, I think one of you guys found a statue. I think Adrian looked for shit, too. I think he found a statue of a snake man. That snake could be probably. Yeah, probably of the sun. Yeah, you guys got that. You're doing that. She put a shit around circle around that little crow. Yeah, I'm going to try to I'm going to try to revive this bird and amplify it so that way it is a rideable vehicle for us and it'll do my bidding.
And I will call it. Punky. I wonder where your character came up with that idea. Roll a mind to cast a Revive a kiss, big a kiss. All right. Revive a kiss.
Wow, Jesus Christ. You saved your thing, you can re-roll that failure you just rolled. No, I already used it. I used the seven. Oh, you did? Yeah. How do you say the spell as you cast your hands at it? I say, it's me, snake people, God. Revive this bird with a bigger bod. And what it does, it'll be so rad.
And if I fuck up, that'll be very bad. Reviving is biggest. It starts shaking, it's little wings flapping. One of them shoots out real big and kind of smacks you in the face. And then you hear the birdie bones snapping and it's just flipping all around. And it just explodes. And you're covered in blood and feathers. Ah. Well, as I say, as I put my stick away and pat off my robes,
You win some, you lose some. I suppose back to the drawing board and I pick up my coins. And I, uh, I walk out the, uh, I walk out the stadium door and as you do, as I fade, fade towards the sunny here. Praise be to the new mascot of the church, the eyeball, the blob that Carasius gave to us, uh, yes, in place of that nasty old woman.
now for the great orgy everyone this road hallelujah i made it i'm in i've been i've been waiting for this part of the day yeah i cast nudikist on myself i guess but i pop it up uh nude um all right and uh we'll end it there
We did a lot of mostly faffing around on that one, but at least you learned something new and interesting about the world. Yeah. You guys don't get to level up, but- Oh, what a pity. You guys at home do get to have enjoyed this. Thanks for listening. Don't forget to like, subscribe, give us stars or thumbs up, whatever's happening on that app you're using.
Also,, look for role players there. They give us a nice little review, and that's nice for us. And we also got,, where you can talk to us, tell us how good we're doing or how much you hate us. And then there's also the Ko-fi, slash fundinstallers, right? I wrote that. If you want a little click of that, too.
Yes, that's about it there. Thanks for listening. We are happy that you did and Tune in next time for hopefully an actual mission being undertaken or something. Yeah, and just remember even if you think you're too small to be effective You've probably never been in the dark with a mosquito I don't know what that means Adrian you have any philosophical German things for us today philosophical German things
Yeah. That's a good question. And thanks. Let me tell you after I opened our website. That was our question today, everybody. I asked Adrian if he had any good philosophical German things and he said, that's a good question. Um, so that's it. See you later. Uh, no, God, I gave him, lay it on me, big boy. I like this philosophical. Is it always best to see God pleasure over avoiding pain?
Is it always best to seek out pleasure over avoiding pain, you say? Yes. So it's better to seek out pleasure when you can, like, get pain, like, as a result. I mean, oh, you just avoid the pleasure and you also avoid the pain, I think. If you're not getting into some pain involved, you're not really getting that pleasure that right. I mean, yeah, yin and yang, baby.
You gotta go get real freaky with it. As a, as a wise man once said, you can strive to have it all, but you'll have for not unless someone steps on your balls. Ouch. That's a good lesson for today. Yep.
There we go. That's it. Thanks. Thanks for tuning in. We know that's what you come here for is hearing about stepping on balls. Uh, so tune in next time and we'll on our, on our cock and ball podcast, they call that, they call that. Scrote squishing. Scrote squishing. Um, that's where we're going to sign off everybody. See you later. Thanks for listening. Um, good night.
Well, does it look good already?