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Episode 024 - Runway Modeling w/Ed & Chris image

Episode 024 - Runway Modeling w/Ed & Chris

S1 E24 ยท Just Shillin'
62 Plays8 months ago

This week is a little bit different with Andy out on vacation. I decided to call in reinforcements to help fill his shoes. Thankfully, our buddies, Ed & Chris from the Scruffies were willing to jump on and talk Acolyte and scale modeling with me. Plus, Andy sent in a nice voicemail to share his thoughts on episode 6 of the Acolyte

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Thank you to our good friend Chris Hall for the amazing cover artwork!


Introduction and Andy's Voicemail

Hello and welcome to a very special episode number 24 of Just Shillin. We're going to do things a little bit differently this week with Andy being out on vacation. I was able to get some very special guests on who you'll hear from in a minute.
Um, but also Andy sent in a voicemail discussing his thoughts on the latest episode of the acolyte. So to start things off, before we jump into kind of the main, the main episode with everybody else, uh, I'm going to play, uh, Andy's voicemail so you can hear his thoughts on the latest episode. So without further ado, here's Andy.
Morning, buddy. This is your roving reporter calling in from lovely sunny Portugal. As promised, I was going to call in and leave a voicemail to give you my thoughts on this week's episode. Teach corrupt.
Generally, what are my initial thoughts? Certainly no action this week. We didn't see as much action as we did last week. But I think it was still a compelling episode in that it gave us a heck of a lot of tension and a heck of a lot of buildup that's needed for, if you like, the almighty crescendo, which will be the season finale.
and certainly gave us some insight into Khmer himself and his motivations towards turning to the dark side, his hatred towards the Jedi, and indeed a little bit of background into whether he was Sith or not. And I think we can categorically now confirm that he is definitely Sith in that he talks about the power of two, which is a very Sith-like thing to talk about or to embrace.
So yeah, all in all, I thought it was a really, really solid episode. As usual, I've written down some bullet points that I wrote in real time as I watched the episode. Unfortunately, there's no internet where we're staying. And so I very much had to watch the episode and burn through my data plan. I had to watch the episode on my phone.
the things you do for Arte, the sacrifices you make. But anyway, we find ourselves initially on the island, I'm assuming it's the same island as episode one, where we get to see Khmer's bolt hole or his hideaway. And we get to see some new little critters on the island, those little weird rock birds, the little family that we saw, which I thought was quite cute and endearing. Always good to see a new little critter.
Then we find ourselves with Sol and Osha, oh sorry, Sol and May, goodness me, on the ship in orbit of the planet. Clearly the message didn't or can't get through to Coruscant, the SOS or the distress signal.
And we see Sol getting angry for the first time, which is quite rare for a Jedi. I mean these benevolent, peaceful people getting angry. We saw him hit the console or the terminal with frustration.
And at the time, I thought that he still doesn't realize it's May. He kept turning his back to May and I thought, God, you are going to come a cropper in this episode. Little did I know what was to come later on in the episode, obviously.
Despite at the time me thinking that he was oblivious as to what was going on, or the switcheroo with May, we see that Basil's still on the case. He brings back our friend Pip, which is superb. Good to see him up and running, as it were.
Back to Khmer, we see some scars on his back. Interesting. There's a story there to be told and maybe certainly part of the reasons to why he turned to the dark side.
Did you, am I the only one that sourced, that picked up some flirting when he was bathing in the rock pool? And there was definitely some flirting right with OSHA there. A little bit saucy, a little bit raunchy, love a little bit of that in Star Wars. Yeah, well up for that. But I found that quite interesting.
Back to Sol again. He's conceded after losing his entire team, but I think it's about time to face the high council. It's like, gee, you think? So it's good that he's had the realisation now that really he is being a little bit of a silly boy and needs to fess up as to what happened 16 years ago. I find the going to Vanestra
and her conversation with the ambassador. I found that, I still find it really strange that Jedi are involved in politics. I find that really, really weird. We're led to believe that they're agnostic.
And it's not until the prequel trilogy that really we see them messing around with galactic politics, which is certainly one of the reasons for their fall, or indeed the perception of Jedi.
Taking a downturn across the galaxy. So I find it I still find it really really strange that they're so heavily involved and they've got Factions that are on their side. They've got political factions that aren't on their side and so on anyway Interesting though good stuff Pip gets reset to factory settings gutted. However, I
I have a feeling that OSHA being the skilled technical or the technician or engineer that she is, I reckon will see Pip back to their normal selves at some point. I can't believe a basic iPhone factory reset would in any way keep Pip down for very long.
Anyway, back on the island, one thing, one technical thing, and it's semantics, mate. It's nothing. And it doesn't detract from the story whatsoever. But one thing that really kind of threw me off and got me on the back foot was the lightsaber. When Osha lights the lightsaber and holds it up against Khmer's neck,
There's no glow. So in modern Star Wars, they typically use a lightsaber with its own light in order to, if you like, project
a realistic glow against the antagonists and our heroes. I didn't see that. It seemed really rushed. I don't know if it was a mistake in post-production, but it was one of those minor things. Again, does not in any way impact the story and how I feel about the story.
But it really took me, it really jarred me for a little bit. But again, it could be my old failing eyes and it looked fine to everyone else. Anyway, back to Vanessa. She feels the need to handle the situation personally and go on the trip to, on the rescue party. My, my,
pragmatic self seems to think, yeah, that makes sense because she sent them on the mission and therefore she feels responsible, some kind of responsibility towards what's happened to them. But my cynical side thought, is there something else going on here? She's being a little bit shady. She's being a little bit
She's not being particularly explanatory to the Padawan or the Jedi that she's talking to. Is she more involved in this than we think? Does it in any way leave me with a thought that she may well be?
the big bad in any way. Not really. My opinions haven't changed since we speculated last week that I still strongly believe that the witches are going to be involved. I mean, the acting calibre of the two mothers in themselves seems like a waste just to have them in one episode. And certainly everything
the association and certainly the very fact that May and Osher exist hasn't really been tied up yet. But as usual, you know, what I love about this show, and it's again, great sign of great writing, as soon as one thread is tied up nicely, another one's unraveled. It's fantastic. I love this. And that's why I find this show particularly intriguing. Anyway.
Moving on, I mean, what the hell happened at Brenda 16 years ago?
every time I thought we were going to get an explanation, there's an interruption. So every time there's a pregnant pause, there's a silence, and if I feel like Sol's about to spill the beans or fess up to May, there's an interruption, like the power of the shit goes back on, or we see the communications are back on, and so on and so forth, and it's like,
oh god just tell us what happened but again tension building um great writing um we find out at that point that he knew it was male along great he hasn't lost it he's still got his his chisel uh which is fantastic um however he then goes ahead some stunts and i'm thinking oh my god this is a turn what the hell's happening maybe i've got this
completely wrong in my brain and he's the big bad he stuns her he then cuts off the communication from the um incoming ship the incoming jedi vessel the rescue vessel he cuts them off and he fires up the hyper driver suit just before they fly into the into the system what the hell's going on my thoughts in my brain at that moment in time were going all over the place however
Obviously, later on, we understand that what he's trying to do is he wants to go and rescue OSHA, but most importantly face Khmer on his own because he feels some sort of responsibility. Also, we think, is there something similar to that? I don't know. So many questions. Very exciting. As I said, Khmer, we know now is Sith. He talks about the power of two. Cortosis confirmed. Canon. He said it in his own words. And in fact,
One of the things I found interesting was that, as I was just looking around, you can see a vein of cortosis, be it a mineral, I don't know if it's a mineral, metal, or whatever it is. Anyway, it clearly can be mined on that particular planet for him to build his armour, which is interesting and very, very cool.
It was brutal seeing Jackie and Yord's bodies and the rest of the Jedi in the same state as they were in as they died.
It was quite the gut punch for me to see them laying in such an undignified manner like that. That was sad and upsetting. We see the light whip being used. It was everyone, well, certainly folk that are into that kind of stuff were kind of thinking, I hope they do it right. I thought they do it right. I thought it looked great. Excited to see more whip action.
Interesting that the Jedi suspects soul or or should we say the young the young Jedi suspected soul? And maybe just maybe That may well also be what's going through Vanessa's mind at the moment keeps her cars to a shout itself Which is the reason why I might think she's and might be a little bit dodgy. But anyway, we're not gonna hopefully we find out at some point What her game is
And that's pretty much it, mate. Apart from, obviously, the final shot of Osha being compelled to try on the helmet. Now, I don't know whether that's because she feels that, you know, she wants to try and block out the force and feel that sensation as to what it's like. But it seems a very, very strange thing to do. And then obviously, when she puts the helmet on the heavy breathing,
big homage or big reflection on Vader himself and a nice way to end the episode. All in all, really enjoyed it. Excited for the last three episodes. I will be in touch as usual. Well, I'll be in touch again this time next week. Hope you're having a great week, mate. Look after yourself. Look after the family. Give them a love to Madison. All the best, buddy. Miss you lots. Take care. Bye.

Main Episode Transition and UK Election Discussion

Thank you, Andy, for sending in the voicemail. It's a lot to chew on, and I look forward to chatting with you about it next week, or not next week. Whenever you're back, it's an early morning. I'm trying to get it together. But with that, let's jump into the episode. I will let you know that we had to end pretty abruptly.
Due to our schedules and things like that, but we will continue some of these conversations again very very soon So without further ado this week's episode Hello and welcome to episode number 24 this week We have a very exciting episode and not just because Andy is not here, but because we have some special guests
Joining us once again, which is really cool, or it's kind of the opposite this time, we have Ed Bosshart and our friend Chris Hall. How's it going, guys? Hello. Hey, happy to be here, as I always am, for the second time.
even though you still have never listened to any episode, add in more. No, I have, I've listened. Oh, you listened to one this time? One and a half. All right, all right. I'm being honest again. I've listened to one and a half. No, I'm about to say, because people don't forget. That's where we're at these days.
But yeah, and he's not with us. He did send us for those who are currently listening. They've probably already listened to his 13 minute long voicemail that I'm going to bolt onto the front of this episode, but I didn't want to subject these guys to it. Thank you. Thanks for that. Since we're always on a we're on a limited schedule here and let's just get things moving. So Chris, how's your what's new with you, man? How's the week been going?
crazy week in the UK so me and the family have not been very well this week so we've had all that shit to deal with but obviously those that follow current affairs we had our general election yesterday to not to go straight into politics and bore everyone but it's been quite a
after 14 years of a shit show in charge with, uh, we've now got new, new people running the show. So hopefully, hopefully it's a bit of, uh, a bit less. I don't know how to put it.
Things run a bit smoother. There's less people taking a piss and more helping people. We'll see how it goes. Optimistic. I'm cautiously optimistic of the outcome. It's the best outcome of a bad situation. It's the best alternative. Yes.
I don't want to put all the eggs in that basket, but it's, you know, it's a semi positive, hopefully more positive outcome. Not that that's worth that's worth mentioning and putting at the front. So especially. Yeah. So it's been there. It's been quite wild. That was last. And I stayed up all last night watching it because the exit polls were like.
positive and I'm like but you never know do you so and then the results started coming in and I was like oh this is crazy they're gonna smash it and it's and they did do and it was just brilliant see all these Jurassic old white people crying that need to get in the bin and yeah good time but today's today's been my son's 10th birthday which is crazy
Oh, man. Double digits. Christopher, how does that make you feel? Mate, don't. Because in November, in November, Anya, Anya will be 15. Oh, man. And she said to me yesterday, she was like, Dad, the next time there's a general election, I'll be able to vote. I'm like, what the fuck? Oh, God. That's awesome. So I'm like, oh, yeah.
and all the other things that come with that age. Yeah, I think every day my kids say something to me and I feel like the guy at the end of Last Crusade when he drinks out the wrong cup and just ages in seconds. I'm like, oh, shit. But yeah, I've got a 15 year old and a 10 year old. It's not good, mate. Not good. But it's great. The same job. What age do they do? They start driving or kind of get a license or any of that, even if they're not driving. Like, what's the earliest you can get a license over there?
So 17 is when you can apply for a license and learn to drive. So you got a little bit more time left, so. Yeah. And then she can vote from. Then you'll never see her again. 18. Yeah, that's true. That's what happens here. I'm talking to some parents when they're like, you know, their teenagers get their license. They're like, then I don't see them anymore. Well, I don't see them anyway. You've been to my ass. You didn't even meet her. That's what I did.
lives in a room. Yeah, why don't you tell Sean that story? That was funny. Maybe. So Ed came over and visited, stayed a little bit longer after celebration last year.

Family and Personal Life Anecdotes

Came up to Nottingham, stayed at Kev's, came to mind for the evening, met Michelle, met Jackson, having a lovely time. He's been there about an hour, he's like, so have you got a daughter? Who what?
I think Andy, Andy had this similar experience recently as well. Oh, really? Yeah. Yeah. She was like, maybe I should have. She came downstairs. She knew we were getting Chinese food and she came downstairs. And yeah, dinner's here. She came downstairs and there's like this old guy in a in a kitchen. She just looked like, who the fuck is that? And just like walked off dead quick. Didn't even say hello or anything.
It's like I'm concerned, I'm concerned, but I'm not enough to actually get involved and ask. It's just like you're just getting the eyes and then I don't have time for this. Heard his accent and walked away. Yeah. I mean, I would not want to be a teenager in twenty, twenty four. Not at all. I don't envy it. My my eldest, my oldest niece, she just graduated high school over here. Eighteen. It's like, God, this is it's just it's so different than what it was when we were around and like
I don't envy it at all. I wish him all the best. Ed, what about you, man? What's new with you? I heard you. If you want to share your little clip, you're more than welcome to. No bragging rights, man. I mean, I had a concert for.
Over here in the US, July 4th, Independence Day. I'm in a little community orchestra. It's not little, I guess. But we did a little. We teamed up with the capital of Maine, Augusta, and had a performance slash concert.
at the Civic Center here, which is coincidentally 20 years ago-ish, I saw Tool at. Oh, nice, mate. Nice. Yeah. Same stage as Tool, man. Yeah. So I can say I performed in the same venue as Tool. How about that? Shit. But anyway, they used to come up to Maine a lot. I think they like Maine, but then they just stopped. I don't know. But anyway.
We did a bunch of marches and Liberty Bell, Stars and Stripes, that kind of stuff. And we did a little Star Wars medley.
Like a seven minute, we did snippets from, you know, obviously the main theme, Vader's theme, Ray's theme, Kylo's theme, Han and Leia princess theme, you know, that like romantic theme, which I love the resistance theme. And then we ended with.
the throne room at the end of A New Hope, that theme. And it went pretty well. My friend took a recording of the whole thing. Do you really want me to play it? It's up to you, man. I mean, it's an audience member. I'll play like five seconds from the middle of it.
It's raised theme. Yeah. I don't know if that came through well. Yeah, like considering that's a phone recording, I assume coming through over the Internet from your microphone still sounded pretty freaking awesome.
that normally it's just yeah it's it's surreal when you're like a fan like us but you're also sitting there playing it like it's hard to not just sit back and just like enjoy it but
Yeah, it's also playing, it's the most advanced John Williams I've ever, like I've played Indiana Jones in high school. I don't think I've ever played Star Wars, but Indiana Jones in high school, but it was arranged for a high school orchestra. So it was super dumbed down, much easier. This is the most close to how he wrote it.
Because this is still arranged because it's a medley, but I think he pushed it really close to how John Williams composed it. And obviously playing, I play first violin and it, I realize how background a lot of times you are. Because in first violin, you play melody a lot. You're the higher
pitched instrument so you're playing the melodies a lot but John Williams music has a lot of horn melody which I love horns are playing French horns trombones trumpets obviously the trumpet in the main theme and what are the violins fucking doing we're just sitting there going
I don't know what the fuck you know like it's like you guys they're fighting enjoy I challenge all of you to listen now listen to John like Soundtracks that he's done and listen for the violins in the background because they they play some really hard shit like Harry Potter They're doing like these up and down scales in the back like and you don't think about how hard that is to do and
till you like super listen into it. And and then, you know, like the flutes or whatever, when instruments are playing the melodies front. So would you say this is like 50 percent full John Williams that you guys went and like 75 percent John Williams, like on I'd say it's like 90. Oh, fancy. It was hard. Yeah, it's it's difficult. It's difficult. But he's he's he's mindful of the instruments. Like I play some composers and they're like,
figure it out, you know. I want these notes played. They don't know how difficult it would be on X instrument. You know what I mean? Hot takes with it. But like, yeah, but like Mozart, you know, he's he played piano violin and played other things too. But you can tell like with some of the music, oh, he had you in mind when he made that. Like, you know what I mean? And anyway. John Williams played a lot of piano. I know that guitar even. Do you know that anyway?
I knew his son was the lead singer for Toto. Yeah, I found that out like way too recently. I won't admit it. I think he also sang the gummy bears theme song. He did. Yes, a couple others. I found that out of the exact same. Wait, wasn't that our center?
Are you kidding me one week? And I just fucking forgot. Anyway. It probably was. I don't listen to myself even. We know. But yeah, it was a really fun experience. We had people clapping. We played the main. We had the state of Maine. The main state song. First time arranged for an orchestra. First time played by an orchestra. And it's like a 60 year old song or something.
So nice. Nice. So that sounds like a first of all awesome. But like I imagine it took a lot of practice and they got a lot of free time left over. I assume you're not preparing for that. I know you've been preparing for that for a while. Yeah. We only had we usually get like eight to ten rehearsals for each concert. We only had like three to four. So it was the least prepared I've ever felt.
But it kind of went well. And I was kind of skeptical because sometimes the horns, they're pretty much have solos, right? Because it's like one or two of them for their parts. And you get scared like maybe they'll make it because we're a community orchestra. You like screw up an amazing melody that like Star Wars like, oh, it's like a stab in the heart when you're like getting into it. But no, it went it went pretty well. It was pretty good. Nice crowd was into it.
Well, speaking of Star Wars, I mean, I figured that's probably the easiest thing to transition into.

The Acolyte Discussion

The topic on everybody's mind anymore seems to be the acolyte and acolyte related things. So I guess before we jump into that, is everybody caught up? Has everybody seen all six episodes? All right. Well, I think it's fair to assume that anybody listening, we're going to talk full spoilers. I'm not dancing around that. I mean,
The dozen the dozens of you that listen, you know. If you haven't seen it, then don't don't listen, I guess. But but Chris, like, what's your highlight? I know like what you're going to be fresh, mate. OK, we're going to add on growing to add. And what are your thoughts on it? What are your thoughts on the acolyte? I'm just going to throw a couple of phrases out there. We got romance. We got. Force lore. We got Sith lore.
If you think about the cortosis and the planet they're on and you see veins of cortosis in the rock, that is Sith lore. So I was pretty excited. I liked it. And that's what you're into. You like the, you like the Sith lore, the mystical.
Yeah, that's what you're. That's what you're. And the Jedi are just they're just eating themselves up there. There's so many secrets. So surprised. Not really. Do you think it's hubris? You know, do you think it'll get tied up this season? Uh.
So the closer we get, I'm thinking Stoll's going to meet his demise. And that's part of how this Sith thing gets covered up. That's just a speculation.
Any other any other hot take speculations? Any any. Yeah. Yeah. So I was referring to. Did you look that up? The kurtosis thing? The look it up or I just waited for somebody else to tell me what it was. I'm like, I knew then I knew I had a name. I'm like, is that the stuff that they used in the EU? Yeah, it's like that metal or whatever they use. I can shut down lightsabers. But there's lore to it where the planet where it's from was where Darth Tenebrous and Plagueis
We're hanging out. That's the hideout. Nice. So that was in the EU, obviously. They can change it and do whatever they want with it. But that's a tie in right there. And it pleases me.
We'll see if that manifests into either Darth, but it does show that Khmer is mostly Sith or somewhat Sith. I'm not still fully convinced he's Sith, but I thinking he is. I mean, he's definitely a former Jedi after this past episode.
He's definitely familiar with the Sith at least. He at least knows their terminology, but if he is still Sith... But you take a former Jedi that's become a Sith, which just happens a lot. I don't think... but Palpatine wasn't a Jedi, so anyway. It's a way for the Jedi to hide it, right? Oh, it's just a fallen Jedi. It's not a Sith.
They still have not been seen for millennia. We defeated them. This is just a fallen Jedi. They're the actual baddies. These are just people who are confused about what they want out of life. No big deal. Move on. Carry on.
Chris, do you have any high-level thoughts that you wanna share? Or if not, I can just roll straight into mine. And I know if you... Is it improving? Is anything tickling your fancy droids, ships, locations? Yeah, yeah, it's all right. It's all right. It's just all right for me. That's fair. That makes sense. It's like it's... It's all right.
No, that's totally, and that's totally fine. I know there's parts for me personally, like the, I like the, I talked to Andy about it quite a bit. I keep calling it like the memento, the movie, the memento effect where it's like, you see kind of pieces and then you kind of, you're working your way backwards a little bit. Like I like that type of storytelling and that has me excited. Some of the actual details of it have been,
Some of them have been better than others. Like I, like I obviously had issues with some of the CGI that we've been doing, like with the ships, like the ships are just kind of, there's something off. It's almost like somebody forgot to click the checkbox with like the film grain. And so it's all, it's all very.
sleek and crisp and just like it's a different frame rate almost. It just kind of floating across the screens at times. So it's kind of odd. It might have been a design choice for the time period. I'm thinking that's fair. Or it's a cost cutting measure. Who knows? Yeah, it's like it's a TV show. Just. No, no one will think about it beyond two weeks after it airs or when they're watching it. So it's not a thing at the end of the world.
I think that's one of my, I don't want to call it an issue because I've not got an issue with it. I'm not mad at it. I don't dislike it, but I think one of the things is like, I watch it and then 10 minutes later I'm doing something else with my life and I'm giving it no thought at all.
Exactly, yeah. And I think that's interesting. I've got no emotional connection to any of these characters. I think that's fair because I think I felt that differently at like a per episode basis. So like this last one was one episode six, Teach Corrupt. Like I watched it and then I was immediately I just went and was doing something else. Like I didn't. Yeah. I wasn't talking to my friends about it. I mean, maybe it's because episode five was such a
a peak in Valley on both sides. And so I'm just like, man, I'm just worn out from that. But this last episode was just kind of like, okay, like, it's, it's, it's what it is. I part of me kind of keeps looking. I always laugh when everybody's like, Oh, and doors like the best and or and or and or and or
And it's like, oh, it's the best kind of Star Wars TV making. And it's like, but does everybody remember what their thoughts, what the general consensus was when Andor was airing? It's like, it wasn't as bad as this. I think there's a lot more politically motivated stuff, like really kind of trashing it. But I think until Andor was getting near the end of the season, we didn't have a very positive reaction from the majority. And so I'm hoping that this
Once we have the bigger picture, maybe we'll have more connective tissue. Maybe we'll have more understanding because it does seem kind of cold and distant at times with some of the characters. And there is only so much speculation we can do or an investment we can have as as individuals throughout the week when we don't have the we don't have all the pieces. We can't fall in love with it fully because we still don't know who the good guys and who the bad guys are. Yeah. Very ambiguous. Sorry to tell.
You can tell Sol's fighting something internally, so the acting is really well, done really well in that respect. He just shuts off comms with the Jedi man, like that's...
That's that's rough. I mean, he did lose his padawan. He's dealing with a former pad. He's he's dealing with a lot of a lot of emotional baggage that the Jedi should just be able to technically shut out and not let affect him. So. So do you think he shut up? I mean, he obviously shut off comms intentionally like he knew people were coming. But do you think it's for you get the red herring and he's actually trying to go back to
Confess whatever it is that they need to confess or do you think it's for nefarious? Nefarious I think he's trying to deal with it himself. That's what Mike I think he's he's He's trying to find OSHA He has some weird can have you noticed this the connection with OSHA and him he's like Almost like loves her like creepily
All right. I kind of always took it as like a like a guilt ridden second parent. But it's it started before they even like talked. Did you notice that? Like when when he's like pulled out the lightsaber touched this and stuff like it was like.
okay that's kind of creepy like oh for for kaimir i thought you're talking about soul no i'm talking about soul i'm talking about soul he's when when he's like spying on her and then they the jeddak go in interrupt the fucking chanting and then and you know and he's just super into osha slash may kind of
But it just seems and then and then present day he seems super into her like too much so like so much so like it's too much for a Jedi to be super into somebody like that. It's like you're not claiming special interest, but you got like a special interest vibe.
Yeah, it's it's it's a little creepy to me, but I'm kind of interested to see what what the background is to that and why he's like that. And if they answer those questions, a part of me wonders if that's related to the fact that the I can't remember the actor's name, but since like English isn't his first language. So maybe some of the nuance.
Cause I've noticed it in some other parts of the acting, it's like the inflection is in interesting spots. And so it kind of makes it, it's like, oh yeah, he definitely does not. Cause I know some people are like, oh, I'm really happy he learned English. It's like, I don't think he did. I don't think he learned it. I think they just, here's the way you say it and the points of inflection and there's times where it's like, ooh, that's, that's an interesting hop in the, in the syllables. But I wonder if some of it's maybe that.
mixed with with this like intrigue. I do think there's something. So like last week, I kind of ties to my theories from like last week of I cannot let go of the witches and like their involvement in this somehow, because if not, it just seems. Throw away. Like, why did they need to be witches if they're just really two force sensitive kids? And so I wonder, like, I keep having this this kind of this feeling that
They've been these this group of Jedi were going around doing things and there was maybe already guilt and uncertainty there and So maybe just found found some like was seeing something in them as kids because maybe they've been Not the best space police and didn't want these two to get get caught up in it, but I don't know But then all that clearly it seems like he's he's dealing with some moral issues
Yeah, I mentioned that maybe there was some future visions that someone saw and they're trying to prevent it. You know, that Jedi group or whatever. And I still think like we're missing. Like when we talk, we should really be heavily weighing on that a Jedi killed themselves for what they did.
He drank poison and died. And did not hesitate. Did not even hesitate. It wasn't even a conversation. It was just... That is huge. Maybe there was a mirror off screen that we didn't see. And he saw our shit. His beard. His beard was. And then thought, fuck this shit. I'm out. It's like, that's possible. Yeah. Well, it woke up and it's like, you guys let me fall asleep for like...
How long, it just reminds me of getting in trouble with my partner sometimes. She's gonna love hearing this. It's like, hey, I'm gonna take a nap. Like, I'll be up in a little bit. And then when they sleep for too long, and then they're upset, when they wake up at me, like, why didn't you wake me up? It's like, I'm just gonna take this poison now because of how the decisions that I made,
Yeah. Answer the questions or just drink it. I've been fucking floating for 15 years, mate. And you've let me levitate, growing this shit on my face and didn't wake me up and make me shave.

Speculations on Plot and Characters

I'm out. Fuck this Jedi order shit. I'm gone. You couldn't shave this off, at least. Tap my shoulder.
It's like, I don't know how much we know about that, but was it the Barash vow or whatever it is? It's like, what if it's one of those things you just can't, you can't get out of it. Somebody has to like talk to you to get out of it, but no one knows that. And he's just trapped until somebody talked to him. It's like, no, I'm done. I'm not doing this again. And I look stupid, but no, at your point, it is like, it's not something that I think they can just sugar coat over and it's.
That's that whole thing of whatever they've done had to have been bad. And that's what makes me lean towards this. I don't think it was a single instance. They've never really talked about why they were all out there in the first place. Oh, they just arrived. They never really gave a concrete answer of why this group is just bouncing around. So that's what makes me lean towards this idea of,
They're actively searching and pursuing planets and doing things, but maybe this isn't the first. They're treadstone.
Oh, that's a that's a fun term. What what does that mean for the listeners and me who do not know what it means for an identity? You know, like our government making a secret group of assassins. That's super side spectrum. It's obviously Jedi. I mean, obviously, I don't know. Jedi wouldn't do that. But like a a group of Jedi that Vanessa maybe was like, I can trust these people to like do
This slightly. A little too not Jedi. I can't think of the right word thing to help us preserve our order. Like those are rough guidelines for them. It's just, you know, it has to be done. So this is that group I tell that they go to that planet, eliminate those switches done. And get their kids and take them with you.
or whatever, or whatever. It's fine. It's fine. The government likes us. So so I had this I really went down the rabbit hole last week and had just hair bearing theories. And I'm hope I'm still holding on to one of them. I'm still holding on to like the witches are involved.
Like, what is, what is the motivating factor? It's like, Oh, they could create life, obviously with the two of them. And like, what if the Sith are involved with the witches to save those other two, the two girls, because that's how we will create life. That's how, uh, I guess, or 10 of us or whoever can like learn how to create life through the force. Like.
Please let that be something. But if not, I'm not I'm not going to be disappointed. I speculate all the time. Do you do either of you guys have any big picture thoughts or theories of how this all connects? Because, you know, Disney can't help themselves. You know, the Star Wars writers can help themselves. I'm convinced Coral might have a big play. Going forward, I, I was swearing it's the one of the mothers.
The, the, uh, the whole, the Brock mother with the horns.
Yeah, she should mother coral. She should have been in the mask, mate. That's what I was saying. That's what I was saying. But because I was like, come here seems too like obvious with the bag of shit. Yeah. When me when me and Kev watched that last episode, episode five, was it with the fighting? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The one that. Yeah. When the camera panned up and it was him, he should have seen my reaction. I was like, oh.
This is proper British. But then but then I read something where like Headland and whatever they were like talking about how they were expecting us to know him. But that's not what we should be liking the show about. And I was like, OK. It should be like the other stuff like. What is Sol's motivate like that kind of stuff like not. Yeah.
Like, what did the Jedi do that makes them that got him into this entire pickle in the first place? What is the connection with the two? Ocean May. And then, like, I think I think time is like really like the flavor of the week. They made him fight and ridiculous, like the incredible great actor, too, I think. Oh, yeah. I mean, he just sent those fantastic.
making us all look bad. Honestly, if I'm completely honest, it's like especially walking out of that water there. I've got some butt cheeks. Oh, come on. You know what I mean? It's about time. Come on, Disney. I might be a bit more invested me if I happen. I was ready for it. I'm like, I am here for the Internet and social media to have this complete and utter meltdown that would happen.
If we got got just even butt cheek or just just I mean may may look down. Did she look down? Oh, it was it was heavily implied like that. There was no. Yeah. Yeah. I think that's the first man, right? Yeah. The first for Star Wars. I guess the first at least an implication to, you know, private and or had some spicy, had some spiciness in there, but nothing as literal as like
Don't mind me just walking out of the water. Yeah, unless you're going to join me, unless you're going to get out like it's like what? You got to change really quickly, didn't he? But all I saw him do was put a shirt on and he walked off and he got tries his boots on everything. Just like a slip. They must have cut it. They must have cut that. Yeah, it doesn't have the same dramatic effect when you say somebody like sitting on a rock, just slipping their boots on and.
Yeah. You don't want to watch a 45 minute drying off scene. I see what Chris wanted to see in this episode. It would have been way better if I just saw him put his pants and shoes on. Like a little basic instinct. It's like, you know, what are we doing? Are we going to keep swimming? Are we going to go have some stew? What are we? What are we doing here?
I know I do that. Star Wars butt cheeks all day. Let's do it. What do you guys think about this, like, potential attempt at romance from Khmer on OSHA?
It is that how is that how you guys read it? Because that's how I read it. It's how I it's how I read it. I read it as like in a an emotionally manipulative. Yeah. Attempt. So it's not like not even like true romance, but like that. I'm pulling dark side emotions out of it, right? It's like I need I need somebody along my to help me. We can be hand in hand and rule this universe together and be super powerful. I'd love for you to be there too, but.
Yeah, I think it's like an avenue to push her to the dark side. You know what I'm saying? Because passion, right? So now. But I don't I have a feeling that it's not going to have the time to be fleshed out in any way. I think it's just amping up the emotional like the psychological manipulations angle. But I have a feeling. I have a feeling Kaimir is not making it out of this season.
And the true villain will be revealed in a cut scene or after the fact of life. Yes. Plagueis may play. Yes. Let me get that point. Plagueis. I mean, it's just fucking Palpatine. My boy. It's it's it's Plagueis with like a seven year old Palpatine just sitting there and you just like stroke and petting his hair. You're getting my boy.
Yeah, you just pictured a seven year old Palpatine saying, my boy, you know, creepy. You're welcome. I'm going to need a minute after that one. But yeah, there's no way like I guess I've had that in my head the whole time of like, there's no way they're not going to have like a a Marvel TV show level like final cut of just like. Here's here's the pin that you missed the whole time of how it connects to everything else like.
It was like, it was Plagueis all along. Yada, yada, yada. And oh, yeah, we're going to see some like shadow or something at the end. I'm not sure that's are they having a season two? I thought I saw something about that. Do you think they will be a season two? I think that they've talked about it as like they wrote it originally. They wrote it in a way that it could have a season two, but it was originally intended to be like a one season treat. It could also be done after one. To me, that just screams.
This is going to get wrapped up. And then there's the sprinkle of spice at the end. It says maybe there's more because you can't really have time here. Just run around doing whatever and still straight up slaughtering people to everybody. Yeah, it's like so there's going to be Katie would get pissed off about that. Yeah, so it's just like, OK, what, but who's left to what bodies are left to hit the ground?
And what happened on, on Brenda, and then how do people naively or intentionally just brush this under the rug, like modern day politics or business to make it go away? Like that's, that's me, what the two episodes are going to be. Um, any other, any other major takeaways is solve a bad guy. What's, what's going to happen in May? What about OSHA? Who's, who's the actual acolyte? Is it may or OSHA or somebody else?
Any other major takeaways from the group? I mean, you said it all there. That's all the questions. That is. Who's this? So if this guy used to be a Jedi, who do we think is his teacher master? Yeah, I think I saw. It's got to be that Granger, can it? It's got to be. Yeah, I saw that. I saw that as a hot take, that it was Vanessa. That scar on his back, mate. That's that whip in it. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah, because it can't be it can't be anybody who was originally on that planet before who's part of the group because they all they all would have recognized him. Been like, hey, so isn't that you're like. Former Padawan. That's like, oh, shit, it was. Look at him. What's he doing? How's he involved? So it's got to be somebody who's detached and older, like Vinesstra. She was. And Camille looks pretty young, though, but the dark side has many powers. She was pretty adamant that she was going to sort that shit out herself, weren't she?
with the whole, something to balance the scales or tip the scales, yeah. Yeah, there's that crap little bit like, oh, but you get air sick, madam. Like, what? What are you talking about?
Yeah. Space travel. Yeah. Space travel. She's like, Oh, I'll be fine. I'll get through it. That felt like a weird like, Hey, did you guys read the books? Oh, you read the books. You understand what that whole line was about. Because if to me, I'd have apparently I haven't read that one. I was like, what was the point of that? Yeah. Like, it's like, I'm a Jedi master. It's like, we don't need to be talking about my car sick, my spaceship sickness, and my motion sickness. Like,
I'm going. Yeah, you got it. Oh, do you want your special your special medicine to come with us or what? Well, it also probably shows you she hasn't left Coruscant in a very long time, which can not possibly not bode well, like less experience in combat or whatever in. Out in the, you know, the weeds.
I mean, she clearly did fine with the bug and the bug was a huge threat, but it's like they showed folks. It's not a not a fan of not a fan of the bugs. I love that. That was what we're going by there. What was it? What? Like the one that sold chopped in off and was like dramatic. What did he say when after he did it or when he was about to do it, he said his most dramatic acting was after he chopped that bug up and I was like, oh, come on.
Like they put up, they put a lot of effort into that that comment statement. It's like you really got to make this one land home. Yeah. But yeah, I just yeah, it's all right. It's good. It's all good. It's all right. Two more episodes to figure it out and see where see where everything lands. So then we can we save judgment for the end and then.
Yeah. Yeah. Who are those? Who cares? Who are those people? We keep seeing them people like every time someone lands on that forest planet. I want that show just there, man. There were those guys just like they're not locals because they just give me that show. Just like it's not a market. It's almost like a space port that everybody keeps landing on. And it's the same people working at the same like open air workbenches. Yeah, I don't understand. I think that I think I've just figured out that
What I like about Star Wars is not essentially Force lore and Jedi's and all this shit that we're seeing. It's like weird creatures and stuff like that. Oh, would you think of the little elephant creature? Mate. Pretty cool. Fucking brilliant. Yeah. I don't like that square. That otter thing. He's a bit rubbish. Basil sniff it. Yeah. He kind of walks funny. Yeah. Yeah. But those. Yeah, mate. They're like little ball sack things. They're great. They are.
I'm going to make one of them. I've got to craft one of them. Oh, I already forgot they were called, but like the little family, how they did a little. Yeah, they were brilliant. We know when the first I thought that was I thought it was going to be, you know, I'm shit and remembering all these names and stuff.
But when she walked out, I thought it was going to be Act Two. And I was just waiting for some porgs. And then because I was kind of interested for a minute, I was like, Oh, here we go. This is it. What they're doing on Act Two. And then it said Unknown Planet. I was like, Oh, all right. Get back to them guys on the. They're like, don't don't even don't even think it's October. Just like it's unknown. Just.
It looks really similar, but don't even, don't even go down that path. We're just going to explicitly tell you, we don't know what it is. Unknown planet. Get back to them guys sat on them, them crates playing cards that just grown to everyone. They're great. Do you think, you know, every time the Jedi have stood, this happened twice now. Every time the Jedi have stood on that cliff looking into the forest, all I hear is fangorn forest. What madness drove them in there?
Yes, it just reminds me, and that brings me back to those people who are out there working. It's like, hey, that forest is really dangerous. It's like, then why are you guys like posted up right here? Like, there's no city. Like, what are you doing? Like, oh, yeah, we're just here to service all the people who come in and land and then walk into the forest and then never come back because of the bugs.
But they're playing Dajaric, right? They're like, oh, but with like miniatures. Those guys you're talking about. And that's the show me that's give me that. Fuck. Yeah, they're sitting there. But like, you know, you see it on the Millennium Falcon and it's like a hologram or a little hologram, but they're playing with actual mini. Really? Oh, yeah. You want like the Star Wars Seinfeld, where it's like it's just a place in time and you meet the characters around there and what would they do on their normal lives?
Mate, if I could have George Costanza in Star Wars, mate, that would be fun. Mate, you've just written my show there. Just regular George Costanza surrounded by aliens, and it's just him. Just getting annoyed at everything about how rubbish he is in this universe. That'd be brilliant. It's like, wait, you guys can understand him? It's like, yeah, we've all been able to understand him. What's happening? But no, you mentioned Basil a second ago in, like,
There's been something that's been off about him. Like I enjoyed the character. But when you're talking about a second ago, it's like I think I think I think I finally realized it's because he's all he's walking around like he's always surprised. And so he always does this like little like you got his arms out and he kind of jumps. He's like, oh, I could just constant state of surprise. That's unexpected. It's like if you got this excellent tracking ability, like you would think you would know every person that's around, but you're just constantly like. I've one frame of mind. It's like, are you a professional or are you just?
Like, that's that's not OSHA. What the fuck? Yeah, I'm going to go charge the robot and I got to find a stool. Turns it's like, oh, oh, my God, there's a stool. I've got to say, I've got to say, I've just thought of a serious question. How soon do you think Saul knew that was May from the word go? I believe so. I think he always knew.
Because at the end of the last episode, I turned to Kevin. I was like, that's proper shit, mate. He's a Jedi and he doesn't sense that that's not this fucking. Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's got this deep connection with. So I was pleased in this episode when he when he stood. And then I think you know, I think he knew it was her the whole time. And I think he we're going to see this facade of like.
this loving, like doting Jedi of like, oh, I just want what's best for these guys. Oh, I have all this guilt. I think we're gonna see that like, it can go what he's either the bad guy or you're just gonna see this like wash away. And he's gonna like, he's actually been super competent and had this resolve the whole time. But he's just been trying to not be the bad person or like the bad Jedi that they were in the past. And it's like, he knew it was made the whole time. He was just like, all right, I can't.
I can't keep doing this wishy-washy thing that's not working anymore. Yeah, and I think he's using it to his advantage to try and get info maybe or just censor emotions, what her point is, what she's trying to do. Because you know he's willing to do that kind of stuff, even as a Jedi. Because he freaking lies to them during their test. Yeah, that's correct. Nailed it. You got it. You know what I mean? So I don't know.
It's like a it's like me interviewing. I used to interview people for jobs a lot and there's times just like I just how does this the answer? It's like, yep, that's it. Sure. Nailed it. You hired. You got it. I'm. You start tomorrow. But. Fantastic. But OK, so like there's two episodes left. What do you what do you think is left? Do you think next week? Do you think next week we're going to get answers about Brenda? Or do you think we have to wait till?
We need more flashbacks, right? More more in Dara, hopefully. That'd be so funny if we never got any more Carrie and Moss. It's like, nope. I think I think we'll get more flashback. I feel like I feel it. So next week's the flashback and then the last week is the unraveling. I do wonder if they can do like a mixed flashback with present kind of episode instead of like a full episode. I don't know.
I mean, they may have to because like there's not really anything. There's no conflict at the moment like souls off. He's gone. The other two are on the island. I think he sees that as an opportunity to get it may get some more info, maybe reconnect with her. Hey, we're on that bridge and everything was on fire. That was cool, wasn't it? Right. Like we had a reason for that.
I'm sorry, I killed all your everybody you knew. If you don't tell us soon, though, come on. This season, they've teased that twice like now. I've got something to tell you about me. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And then your lights turned off. Oh, shit. Oh. To be to be brutally honest, I will say that if they pull a if they don't give us any answers and they're like, it's a season two, I'll be pissed. Like.
Cause we've been hearing this like, oh, it was written as a one season thing, maybe a season two the whole time. But if it's like, yeah, we're not getting, it's not a complete story or like mostly even like if they don't button this up and they say, ha ha, just kidding. Seeing a spring of 2026, I'm gonna be like, no, not cool. That was not worth it. No, thanks.
Yeah, I mean, who knows, maybe we'll suddenly get shown some weird political pressure that was happening with the Jedi and they had to make a decision. I don't know, maybe those witches were a threat somehow to the Republic. I don't know where the Jedi and like, Vanessa was really worried. I don't know. And she ordered them to do things and. That they didn't want to do.
Who knows? I don't know. We'll have to. I guess all of recipe for any of that. Yeah, it's like it could go a million different ways, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see because otherwise we're just pissing in the wind. I just hope it's not like super like expected outcome. I want something. They just quickly tie it all together and it's like it's exactly just this kind of.
I want something to be surprising because the Khmer thing, I was like, really? OK, well, OK. But something else should surprise me, right? It's like a mystery series. Like, surprise me. Like, have a have a twist and more epic battles and then just a lot of people. Just going by the wayside, like, and it's just like a double TKO, like they both like hit each other with the sword, then they're both dead and it's like.
That's it. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Everybody that knew about it is dead. I want to say my daughters saw this with me and this is they're they're they're caught up. But they we haven't I haven't talked for like two episodes. The episode before this where everybody dies like Jackie and everything. They hated that episode. The one everyone likes.
They were like, everybody dies. I don't understand. I don't like this. This is the least favorite episode. And then their favorite episode is the one with the dancing and singing and chanting, whatever it is. I mean, I'll be honest, I didn't jump up and down and go woo hoo when Jackie got. Oh, yeah, no. But like story wise, I thought it was very powerful. Yeah. And it's like, but I am like, hell yeah, Star Wars. I'd like I'd like the commitment like.
Just you went there and you did it and there's no, and then this episode where they showed them still laying there. It's like, yeah, they, they committed. They, they heard the feedback of anybody can come back at all times. Yeah. It's like, no, they're, they're still there. The bugs haven't gotten to him yet, but they're, they're still hanging out. Yep.
But anyways, if you guys don't have any more parting parting words about the acolyte, we can we can talk a little bit about. I know Andy was very excited to go on vacation and to leave us all alone because he doesn't want to talk about modeling or

Modeling Hobbies and Creative Projects

hobby stuff. So this would be a great opportunity to jump into some of that for for people who are interested and share by modeling. You mean like like runway managers. Yeah. Yeah. Runway modeling. Yeah. Yeah. Like like fashion and.
Yes, what is, have you ever walked on the catwalk yourself or is it just a dream that we all share? It's a dream. I know, I'll never make it.
Oh, man. I'm not currently working on anything. I know Chris is, and I'm excited to hear about it. But I still have all the imperial assault stuff I have to paint. And I'm getting closer to doing it. It's just that side of my brain, the art side, is taken up by music currently. But there is a hiatus in music that's going to happen over the next couple of months. So I think I'll be able to get back to it.
I want to think that's a thing. It's like for me too. I don't know if this is like the, the ADHD cycle for myself or whatever, but it's like, it definitely ebbs and flows of like, I'm currently very interested or I'm not. And it's like, I can't even look at them. I think I'm reentering my.
my my fascination things have kind of calmed down and it's like all right you kind of start to see him I have a bunch of them that are like built but I need to paint them because for some reason I see that like priming lift just being insurmountable it's like oh my god I'll have to get the airbrush out and it's just
I can't I can't paint it's a whole process. So that's why I like I have like a Star Destroyer sitting here. He's he's been primed. I got next wing there. That's not I know. And like priming is should get you to like follow through like it used to for me. But now they're primed and sitting there still.
You get to get the guilt as well when you see them. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Every time another another week of your life passes, you know, I'm going to get I've got a spare hour. That's all I get. All I have is the guilt. The same certain projects on the go and I'll come into my office and I'll purposely like.
Try not to make eye contact with them because I know the feeling it's going to give me inside. Well, I'll take I'll take the ones that I built and I'll put them up high on shelves. Like they look kind of done up there. But then I'm honest with myself, it's like, oh, my God, that one that that one's not painted. That's not painted. I've started. So I finally finished that turtle and I've so I've started building a B wing.
Not very much. It's just a cockpit right now. There's all it there. It's like, then it just kind of got stuck in my head. I'm like, dude, I have all these others that aren't finished. I really need to start painting them. So that's why I got them all out. And I'm like, I'm facing it. Like, I feel like I'm a step two of the program of like, all right, face, face the problems that tie advanced, that speeder bike, this X wing, this
frickin' Star Destroyer. I gotta get him done so that I can move on to the next thing, so I can build the giant Millennium Falcon or this Volkswagen bus. Oh, damn. Or any of the other crap inside this cabinet that's behind me. It's like, no, it's, yeah, but so to answer your question, yes, I get the guilt. That's usually all I have when I see him. It's like, oh, it's not even about what I've done. It's about what I haven't done and what's still left. That's what's crazy about it, so.
Maybe that's a teal, like a takeaway for people. It's like, if you're not into modeling yet and you're interested, just don't. Just don't. I'll just know that it comes and go ebbs and flows. Yeah. You can't beat yourself up about it too much, because there are times like you'll get the itch, at least for me. And it's like, I'll finish one. And it's like, it's the greatest feeling in the world. And it's like, but then it's like, I have no interest in touching any of them ever again.
But I did, so I did, so for those who don't know, I'll talk a little bit about one of the ones I just got done and what I'm working on now and just kind of some high levels and then we can ask Chris. I'm interested to see what Chris has done, because dude, your stuff blows me away. So one of the things that I got done recently was I 3D printed a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. I've never 3D printed anything before. I was like, oh, let's try doing the whole resin.
Resin kicks, normally I do band-eye kits that are polystyrene and things like that where it's just different. So yeah, here's my turtle guy. I know this is great podcasting, but we'll put him up there. There he is. So sick. Oh, that looks sick. That's awesome. Focus, there he is. So you've printed that, Sean? I did, yes. I didn't model it. I didn't print the model. You got a resin printer and a cure and all that shit, yeah? I do, I do. Ah, man, so jealous.
I got it. I got it. Shortly after I did the the tie bomber because that was a resin kit that I got online. I was like, Oh, this is actually a lot easier. I thought it was insanely dangerous when sanding. So you're doing resin kits where a respirator public service announcement. But yeah, I got it. I was like, I needed something to get needed something to print. I'm like, I don't know how to do 3d modeling. I'm
It's that thing where I'm always like, oh, I'm going to learn how to do it one day. But that takes it even further backseat. But I found this artist online and bought one of his models. And I'm also not a figure painter. I like ships. It's easy for me to do that. So it's like, all right, break out of the comfort zone. What better way to learn figure painting than with
a turtle, a giant green turtle, that's not real. And so people can't judge me for it. So we'll go ahead and do that. And I finally got that done. So now it's like, oh, I'm excited. I got rid of some of that guilt and moving on to some of the other stuff like that bee wing and others. But what about you, Chris? I know that you're you kind of have a different. Oh, my gosh.
It's crazy how clear that scene. That's crazy how clear that is coming through. Like it was so clear. That's wild. But yeah, Chris, I know you were like, you you kind of have a different take. I think you've been kit bashing and stuff a lot, bringing in more of the creativity and not just building, building kits from a with an instruction sheet. So like, how's that been going for you? What are your thoughts? Any any major? Major takeaways like what got you into it?
Ed's kind of responsible for, so obviously those that don't know, I come from an illustration background. So very much in the creative realm and I'm a graphic designer full-time as my day job, but illustrator as well. And obviously that's a 2D medium and I've always enjoyed
watching people craft and things on YouTube. A lot of the videos I watch are crafters and painters. It's never something I ever thought I could put my hand to until Ed took us to Warhammer World. And my mind was just blown. It was like.
I knew this thing existed, but I'd never really seen it like that. And I was like, shit, this is insane. And then I started watching the level, the skill level of what they've got on display there is just crazy. And I bought a little, I bought a little figure, a little mini with the intention of just having a go.
And that is one of those projects of shame that's still in its box. 18 months later, just sat on the side. Space marine, right? It is a space marine, yeah.
That's what we test. That's what we test new techniques on. Let's see what this color looks like on that that statue. I've always I've always there's this thing I love. I love being creative. And I love drawing and expressing myself through that medium. But I'm always you find this with a lot of creative people. There's always that lot.
nagging part of your brain, that anxiety part that's like, oh, I'm shit. I'm going to fuck this up. So whenever I approach a new project, I'm like, I can't do it. Yeah, I really have to push myself to do it. So that's why that miniatures just sat there, because I'm like. What I watch on YouTube and what I've seen Ed do and what I saw at war, I'm like, I can't I can't do that.
So I thought because they're so small, um, I'll just try and make something and practice painting on that. And I just ended up building some droids, some random droids out of junk and just started kit washing and absolutely fell in love with it. Um, but it's such a time consuming process. It can take weeks and weeks and months, like just. I collected as much junk as I could.
just trash, like spray bottles and bits of plastic and all sorts of stuff. Anything I could get my hands on. Um, and then model kits as well. So it's kind of kit bashing, but scratch building all in one. If that makes sense. No, yes. Perfect sense. Yeah.
But you can spend, like with a drawing, I can get an immediate result within an hour, two hours. I've got a finished or something near finished. But I'm like, ah, I've just created that. As much as I love this, whatever this modeling journey is that I'm on, it's so frustrating how time consuming it is. Because I can spread everything out on my workbench
And I can spend it like three evenings or just disappear. And all I've made is a leg because I've spent hours finding the right parts to fit in the right places. And but then it will start coming together once I've got a base. My favorite part of it is once I've got a basic structure is just adding all the greeblies and like putting just putting all the little bits and details on. I love that. And then I prime them.
And then they sit for weeks because they're just primed. And I'm like, I can't, I can't paint it because it's going to look shit once I paint it. And it looks really cool in gray primer or black primer. Um, dude, I resonate with that so much. I resonate with that. Your point of like. It is because for me, I'm not, I used to do 2D like way, way long time ago, but then I went digital and yeah, now I can.
I sit at a computer all day. I can do digital stuff like and I know the process and I'm comfortable with it and I'm confident with it. But this, I'm not a painter.
It is all, every time I do it, it's new. And it's like, you can't take it back or you can, but I feel like I can't. So I'm like, I'm just going to prime it. And it's like, okay. Now, like I finally need to like make a decision of like, what is the process? What's the next step? What do I need to tape off? Am I doing it wrong? Am I doing the wrong order? Did I give it, I consider and justify all day long, but why need to let that primer sit a little bit longer?
Yeah, because I don't want because it's lacking on with a full fully cure so I can put the paint on because otherwise I've made mistakes in the past. So it's to me, the biggest part of modeling for me is like that uncertainty. But then it's also time consuming because I'm constantly going round and round of like, what is the next step in making sure I have that order of operations correct? Because some of it you can't take back. Like if I if I glue stuff together,
then I can't take it apart to paint it easier. And then I have to mask and there's nothing I hate more than masking. And so it's like, what is the optimal way to do this? Because I definitely don't want to redo it. Because then I'll just throw it in a drawer. Yeah, it's such a it's such a learning. I find that it's all such a learning curve as well. And I've got to really just trust in the process. And if I fuck up, I fuck up. I've got three. I've got three.
droids on the go at the minute. And I've built them like a month ago. They got primed. I built them and then they sat on the side and like, are they ready? Do I need to add more? There's that as well. When do I, when do I stop sticking shit to it? When, when is it finished? So there's that part of it. And then it's like, right, I'll prime it. And then they sit on the side for another two weeks. And then it's like, I'll start painting it. And I've got three on the go.
That's another thing. Why have I got three? Why am I making three at the same time and trying to paint three at the same time? As well as another million projects I've got going on. Well, sometimes you just want to build and sometimes you just want to paint. Yeah. And it's like, well, I just want to build. Like right now I just want to build them. Like I don't want to paint any of this crap. I just want to build them.
Yeah, I have 35 of them sitting around and it's like, God, I really need that like painting edge to come back so I can. I very much enjoy the building process more than the painting process. But I'm the other way around the ones I have.
completed and finished the the. The buzz I've got from the finished. Oh, damn that I made that that's actually all right. It looks OK. It's like then you finish it and then it's like, dang, that actually looks pretty damn good. Yeah. What happened? I could have done that a year ago. Yes. Yes. But you you build your stuff from scratch. So you feel more accomplishment from building than like I do where I'm following like a recipe. But
Yeah, I mean, try try like building an army and painting. Oh, the same thing. 72 of the same. No, no, it never happened. They're organic. Like the things you paint as well. A lot of them are organic beings. But I bet you find the show on with with ships the same as I find with a robot. If I fuck up, it's easy to hide that or I can just turn that into a bit of rust or I can turn that into a bit of like battle damage.
Oh yeah. Weathering is my favorite part. Some of those creatures you paint. You can kind of think the same thing. I kind of thought...
The opposite is you. I thought it was hard to do like a cleaner vehicle like in Warhammer Imperium. All this shit's really clean. Yeah. Like if you go chaos, then you can go. You can add battle damage and shit. But like the the organic stuff I felt was easier because you could fumble with some of your mistakes in it.
you know, kind of like smooth it out a little and it's it's not bad, but I don't know how to I don't know how to smooth things out without sanding away the details. Like that's something I still am completely incapable of doing. And so it's. I need I need that Star Wars aesthetic. Like I could never build like the Starship Enterprise or like a like a chrome World War II airplane. That's too clean because it's not that I don't enjoy it when I see people who built those and like
the most respect in the world, I don't know how you did it. I need that worn, weathered kind of aesthetic to hide mistakes for my own sanity. I like the aesthetic, but it's also like, I can hide my flaws in here. When you get to that weathering bit and you do an ink wash or an acid wash on it,
I thought I was a fucking I thought I'd invented fire when I did that for the first time I did that. It went for a look so cool. Yeah, this. 3D object with colors on it to be in almost like a 4K. Yeah. And then. Well, then you highlight after that. Yeah. And it becomes it pops even more. It's amazing. It's it feels so good.
All right, with that, I think we're getting a little getting a little long in the tooth, not to cut it off, because I think we're having some good some good conversations here about modeling. And I think we we have plenty more to share about I could I could tell you the warnings of putting certain Tamiya products on Bandai products and watching it melt your model while you thought it wouldn't.
So much more. And I love gluing certain materials versus other materials with certain types of glue. Blah, blah, blah. Yeah. Blackers over acrylics and all the fun that that that causes. But this is I think this is a good introduction and we will definitely continue this going forward. And I'll probably try to share some photos of some of the stuff that I've done so people can see what we're talking about.

Guest Introduction and Podcast Conclusion

I'll share those online. But until next time, I do want to thank
Ed and Chris for joining us. I know I didn't say it in the beginning, but they're from the scruffy looking podcasters. If you haven't listened to them, you should. But thank you guys for coming on. Ed, do you want to tell people where they can find you? Just scruffy looking podcasters.
We have a website, right? Scruffy podcast dot com or something. Scruffy, but he's here. Oh, he's here. He didn't even. Fucking didn't even. I don't know. I'm on a podcast. What? It's a scruffy pod dot com. Scruffy pod. That's what it is. That's a pleasure was all my hours. It's thank you for having us on, man. Yes, thank you, Sean. This is right. What about you, Chris? Do you want to have any shout outs or anything you want to throw out there?
Uh, you could find me in most places until recently, but now you can only find me, only find me on Instagram, um, at Chris Hall illustration. If you want to see any drawings or the old robot or something like that. Yeah. Or check out, check out If you want it, if you thought my Star Wars takes were good this week, uh, come in and listen to the shit that I say on Scruffypod because yeah, I have not got much better stuff to say on that.
I do appreciate it. Hey, I think your takes are good. I know we're all trying to be positive, but I think just to state publicly, it's like there is a difference between something not being in your bag and actively fucking hating something and there's nothing wrong with something being just not yours. You aren't shitting on it, so that's not a bad thing. Different strokes for different folks.
But once again, thanks again, guys. Thanks, everybody, for listening. You can find all of our stuff at Yeah, Andy will be back next week. I hope you enjoyed his 45-minute voicemail. Until then. Cheers, Sean. Thanks a lot. See you, guys. Toodles.