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Episode 054 - Short Round image

Episode 054 - Short Round

S1 E54 · Just Shillin'
40 Plays1 month ago

A short one...

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Thank you to our good friend Chris Hall for the amazing cover artwork! I'm sorry that I keep butchering it with my silly edits.


Introduction and Personal Updates

Hello and welcome to episode number 54 of Just Shillin. I am one of your hosts, Sean Hoffman. And I am one of your other hosts, Andy Bell. How you doing, buddy? Oh, you know, I'm back on the i'm back on the East Coast. I mean, I don't know if you knew it until recently, but I've been on the East Coast for the last week.
ah hanging out, doing some family stuff. um Unfortunately, my my aunt passed away and um weve a lot of families descended and we've been here with the cats once again, ah kind of helping out and doing those kinds of things, doing that family stuff. So yeah. I mean, we're we're good as we can be, you know? um i like Thanks to everybody who's reached out and and said the nice things that they have. um The only issue has been, it it's been like, at least it's better now, but what we got here, it was insanely cold, um like uncharacteristically cold from here. like i So I grew up in Indiana.
um And I think I sent you, I think I sent you guys a message at one point where it got down, it was down to like negative 15 Fahrenheit, which I think is like negative 26 C, like with, and it was, like people were like, oh, you're from the mountains, are you good, are you good? like You should be used to this. It's like, no. It's nowhere close to this. This is insane. No thank you. ah But yeah, man, other than that, other than the cold and, because it's not like it was snowing, it was just bitterly cold. i'm um i might
Getting my nieces and nephews on the bus waiting in this cold Like arguing with them because they said it would take five minutes to walk to the bus stop But really it's three houses down and that's like 30 seconds. We're standing in this freezing cold weather like it's been it's been a whole like Chaos of a week, but it's been kind of the cherry on top has been the freezing freezing cold weather Yeah, but outside of that i have no complaints. Listen, I am on behalf of myself and all of everyone that loves you Condolences, man. Absolutely. I'm really, really sorry for you. And um um yeah, please extend our love um and condolences to your family because that sucks, man. Absolutely sucks.
So as I and say, i um I've been doing an awful lot of treatment.

Medical and Life Updates

um So I've been carrying on with my treatment since we last spoken. um They've been kind of messing around with pain meds. and um ah And ah pretty much that's taken up 100% of my time, really, with the exception of using the, should we say, weighing sign to consume an awful lot of of of good, rich, meaty stuff that I'm hoping that we can we can talk about we can talk about later on. and but apart but But outside of that, you you you you you'll you you're weak yeah you weak in terms of, has it pretty much been more or less absorbed with but the family stuff?
ah A little, a little bitty, I mean, so there's, I'm trying to, I was trying to debate of whether it should go under consuming or my waste. Well, if you think so, then, if you think so, then fine. i I'll say, I'll say the, like, the thing that kind of blows up. Okay, let me, let me, let me change the question. Any news you picked up this week? Cause I did pick up a warning sequence.
We're living in a simulation and nothing yeah up up so up is down and down is up. I think that's pretty much what's happened in our week over here. I'm not sure how things are going across the yeah, we don't have water. Yeah, we have we have we have it. I was going to say we have it. We have it strange, but that's not as strange as you guys. um It's um yeah, it's. a It's a very different world we find ourselves in these days, isn't it? Yeah. We've been, we've been pretty occupied, but we get nuggets and those nuggets are like, is this an onion article or is this real life? But it's real life. So yeah, I mean, I don't have, I wouldn't say I have anything low level newsworthy, but I, i i but i'm I'm interested to hear what you have. Cause I think you have, you're carrying, you're carrying the heavyweight this week.

Pop Culture News and Rumors

Well, I'm sure to be honest with you, because I think i think like you, i've um um i've I've kind of been absorbed with other stuff. There's only a couple of things I read ah really did pick up on. The first was that we lost David Lynch, ah who from a um yeah a pop culture, but most importantly, a and so as an artist,
ah was really quite a shame to lose to lose such a talent like that. um you know The guy liked him or loathe him and he very much was um ah polarizing in many many respects in terms of the content that he or the art that he he produced. i mean The guy pretty much is a cornerstone of of of of popular culture.
um I mean, you think about the impact that something is, to say, more consumer centric, like Twin Peaks, um ah ah the the the absolute um dominance of that show during a certain time, certainly in my life, um the guy was um was was was one hell of an influence. And the second the second um area that so the second area that I picked up on was that, um rumors that Ryan Gough then talks for the next yeah next Star Wars film. I mean, it came out of nowhere. I don't know how much credence we can put to that, but um yeah, that that that's interesting that the they're already naming a a cast before they've actually, so they're already naming a cast member before they've actually even
Confirmed that there's a movie. There's a movie going on It's it's a it seems about us about face from from my perspective. I don't know about I don't know about how you see it Have they have they said it all where it's? Like one who the source is into like what movie is it like the Mando Grogu kind of stuff? No, that's that's that's the point but it's being reported in things like Hollywood reporter and I don't know what I mean, I don't know what um
You know, I'm just looking at it out now. mag i I don't know how much... ah Because I don't know... Because I don't know... What you guys... Yeah, it's in Hollywood Repora.
um Um... Badly fair. The Sean Levy movie. Evening Standard. Toronto Star. They're all reporting it. So there's Sean Levy. Oh, Lee Lee V. Oh, I see. Okay. Okay. Do we know? Do we know which which which film he was gonna write? Is he the Dawn of the Jedi one? I don't know. I don't know either. It's I think I think I I should know and I think there's times I do know but then there's other times right I feel like I'm
like willfully forgetting. but like Because if i just if I don't take it too seriously, then I don't get disappointed. yeah like I'm pretty sure I know. If I was on a game show, I'd have a good guess. But if it was like, we're going to take your cats if you get it wrong, I wouldn't guess kind of thing. No, I don't know either. i um
Overall, my sentiment is Okay. Not that I'm anti-Ryan Gosling, but it's just like... No, no, no, no, no, no. I think you're like me and i I believe it when I see it. yeah um you know It's kind of like... Unfortunately,
unfortunately we have been let down. All plans have changed, shall we say. um And um yeah, we'll... we'll well Yeah, yeah. our la I'll be excited when it, you know, two, three months from now when you guys are in Tokyo and there's a little bit more, hopefully, a little bit more concrete news as to what the roadmap looks like. um i'll i'll I'll decide to get excited then.
you're You're right on the money with that. oh That's what I was gonna say. I'm like, on the flip side, if they walk Ryan Gosling out on stage at Star Wars Celebration, yeah I will be excited, but I will probably need to be restraining Madison from rushing the stage. there is that. I should probably keep that in mind. Excellent. And that really is it for for news. That's all I picked up this week. I know there's a bunch of other stuff as well.
um and there is um There are more say more credible podcasts like the said lessons but but that have um that but have a more extensive list of of of of news for Star Wars this week, um or they basically all pop culture and this week. that that that that's That's what I picked up myself.
listen Listen, folks, if if you're coming to us for news, you gotta understand that like me personally, i don't I don't go looking for it very hard, and I'm usually expecting it to be at the top of certain feeds and whatever, but I'm pretty sure all the news I'm actually interested in it has been pushed so far below the fold this last week.

Content Consumption and Upcoming Discussions

I was gonna say, not um not that not anything not only that not only that dude, you and I, because of circumstances, are recording late again this week,
We're not we are we aren't following our usual routine So so i'm i'm i'm I'm hoping everyone will forgive us for being a little bit slack on there on the news this week So Dude, what have you been consuming this week? All right, mean it's been it's been pretty light It's been pretty light but uh on the one and so one of them I don't I can I'll talk about what it is But I won't I I think we should wait to talk about the content because I think we've got some special Oh, my apologies. My apologies. My apologies. There is something in news. There is something else in news, and it's actually your fault. Sorry, not your fault, but but you but you but but you got me interested. Mickey 17 trailer. Call off, dude. That's good wild. I'm interested. Dude, talk to me about it, because um I don't know anything about this.
ah I don't even know how, so I think I get most of my trailers from just opening YouTube. like i Madison and I kind of live on YouTube. That's like our main, like we we watch it on our TV like at night, like that's what we do. um And so I saw it ah saw this Mickey 17 trailer and it's starring ah Robert Pattinson and if you don't know,
for those out there. I'm ah i'm a Robert Pattinson stan. You can fling back any Twilight comments you want, don't care. I do not care. um I think he makes me enjoy the movie Twilight movies because I think he's such a good actor. And this was even before the Batman and everything else. I know I messaged you. I know I'm not talking about the trailer yet, but I'm talking about my affinity for it Robert Pattinson.
but ah Ever since I saw that movie, ah The Rover with Guy Pearce and him, like that that was what did it for me. like I mean, he's already in Harry Potter and Twilight movies, whatever. But like when I saw him in that, it's like, oh man, this dude this dude is versatile.
um and just an incredibly competent actor. But no, this Mickey 17 trailer came out and it's him. But like the general synopsis that i'm kind of that I kind of gleaned from it was that he kind of, it's in the future and kind of being somebody without a lot of options available to them.
he He signed the dotted line, didn't read the fine print of being kind of like a test subject, like a modern day test subject, where they will put you in scenarios like, oh, we're going to try these medicines on you, try these chemicals, but you in this on this planet because it's like space, space age kind of space fare culture.
and like he's the test subject um and so he dies a lot but then they just like 3d print a new version of him it kind of reminded me of like the prestige I think this one movie what it was where they would do the water trick and then yeah yeah yeah yeah they yeah yeah with Hugh Jackman um oh ah boy come on Batman Christian Bale. Christian Bale. Christian Bale. Yeah, good film. Great film. And she gave me it gave me vibes like that, but it almost it also had like a kind of a humor.
Yes, i love a little bit of humor to it because he's kind of like goofy a little bit But I don't know there's just something about it like all of a sudden he's I get 3d printed and put in these crazy environments it's like it's like the prestige with Guardians of the Galaxy with Interstellar Kind of all wrapped up in this like goofy package and Robert Pattinson with a bow on top and I'm like, I'm yeah I'm i'm very excited for this. It just looks like Yeah, I didn't know. I had no, I had no contact, but um I really enjoyed the training that you sent. So um I just wanted to slip that in. And by the way, on your point around, um, Rob Patterson, uh, I was, I'm ashamed to say that I was one of those people that kind of didn't pay him any mind because I,
did not perhaps enjoy the Twilight films and kind of associated him. um However, I watched The Lighthouse with Willem Dafoe as well, and that changed my opinion of the guy's acting chops 100%. Absolutely 100%. So um yeah yeah, the fact that he was in a The fact that he was in a a movie franchise that I didn't ah didn't care for has absolutely zero, zero, zero to do with with his acting ability. So, um yeah, no, no, I'm i'm with you there, man. Okay, so when it comes down to moving on, moving on, what have you been up to in your television or in your consumption this week, mate?
So picking up, ah what so on the flight out here and some other times, I don't wanna talk about the content, because I know we have some special lined up that we're both familiar with, but we're gonna save it forward for people. And that is, I've been consuming a lot of secret level. the yeah The Amazon show about popular video game franchises. It's kind of like Star Wars Visions. If you want me to, if you're not familiar with what secret level is,
It's just as a high level so people can this is me encouraging people to watch it in preparation for our future our future special content Yeah, it's like it's like Star Wars visions with popular video game franchises probably more most of them are pretty modern and they kind of gave them the studios and let them kind of adapt or like either adapt or just go completely bananas with like an interpretation of that ah that kind of video game. They're pretty short usually. um I've watched maybe half of the first season and I'm pretty impressed and I encourage people to watch it but I'm not gonna go too much deeper than that for now.
Yeah, it's one of those, it's one of those, anology I wouldn't say called call it an anthology, but it's um Amazon have done quite a few of these. They've done they've done quite a few of this. done anyone If anyone is familiar with Love, Death and Robots on Netflix, yeah yeah um it's the same kind of format as that in that they've got some really, really good really, really clever creators um doing their take on um a video game. um And it's ah it's ah it's ah it's a companion story, if you like, to the to to to the game itself. um But they're all very, very different. All very, very different. And all really, really well done.
So again, I had a lot of testing this week. I actually burned through the whole lot. So nice. I've done, I've done season one and season two, I believe isn't that far away now. Um, we've got that coming up, which is fantastic. So I've done, I, uh, because it was our homework, shall we say, or, uh, assignment this week, I actually burned through secret level and I implore.
everyone to check it out because it's really, really good. Really good. and So I do have and have two thoughts on it. One of them is the kind of a disclaimer. It's like it is not for small kids. With your video games you may go, can my kid watch this? And I would say, hey, do what you want. That's your prerogative. But my recommendation would be no. yeah ah Because it it it does stray from the path of fantastical video game it means obviously there's some video games that are like you know and other ones yeah maybe like if you want a taste go watch the pac-man episode and be like oh pac-man oh that's light then it's not oh my god yeah yeah yeah it's it's it's brutal absolutely brutal
the second ah second thing that's not kind of that I can just mention right here. It's more of a kind of an interesting thought piece of, you so you mentioned season two is close and it's,
I'm curious if we're gonna start seeing more content produced like this, because it's almost like crowd-sourced television a little bit, and it seems like they can get it out delivered quicker, similar to a vision, similar to what love sex robots, whatever it's called, love death robots, whatever it is. This, in others where it's like, oh, if you job it out, like kind of different episodes to different places, you can get,
a lot more content out quickly, maybe filling the gaps of of like gap areas of like seasonal content and things like that. so i'm just I'm curious if we're going to start seeing more of this style of stuff. i would like I'd like to think so because I think, and we and we spoke about this um and very very in very, very early episode, um you and I have spoken about this kind of this way of making content. this way of making content and i You know, I feel as if it's, it's like a, it's like an experiment. It's like an experiment. It's kind of like, um it's like a challenge to a lot of these creators to come out with, here's your subject matter, here's your brief, now come out with something based around this.
I think it is. Well, if the studio is low risk, also for the for the for the industry, for the for for so that's the the market as a whole, I think it's great because it it it it creates concepts. it creates it looks so It looks at content differently. there there are there are To your point, there are no risks, um but also it kind of it kind of
stretches the it it structures the imagination, it kind of, it does almost take risks in that it kind of, it kind of, how can I put it?
It it it gives ah ah gives us the opportunity to think of how content could be um developed and transformed and yeah and improved in the future. I just think it gets me excited, that kind of stuff, because but because just because it it just really, really gets me excited.
the studio risk is lower, so they're more willing to let you do things that are maybe but stray from the beaten path. So this allows us to get different types of content that are maybe non-standard, non-unpredictable, things like that. Similar to what Netflix did that time with the the Choose Your Own Adventure show, where it's like yes a lot of money,
yes Not that that's completely related to that, but it's like it's it gives it it separates the The risk and reward from a studio standpoint and the money you pump into make coffee Yeah, and there's no and then experimentation yeah exactly exactly exactly and there's no There's no concerns around what's can and what's not can and there's no There's no binding. There's no binding kind of um Nothing sacrosanct Do you know what I mean by that? Nothing is... no make sense Nothing nothing is is is is is... Everything is optional. um ah like I like that about this. It's really, really good. yeah So it sucks, they just don't release it and they release it. Yeah, exactly. that It's that kind of composable. but Exactly. Secret level on Amazon or whatever wherever it's watched. Yeah, I'm hoping to catch up on that the rest of that.
I'm really enjoying it. It is rough to watch on an airplane too. It's like I need to turn the brightness down or sit against the window and angle my screen because it's intense. yeah The other thing is is less, so this is a new this will be a new type of kind consumption.
um So like it requires a little backstory, but it all it all kind of plays into kind of my my love for the medium.

Family Traditions and Nostalgia

Excellent. Back when, I mean, it was probably even before I was born. So my aunt my aunts that previously mentioned um never married, no kids, but she was always very close with all of my cousin and my cousins and I. And we we range in age pretty pretty drastically.
When we were very, very, very young, she started the tradition of taking all of ah the cousins, and anybody who was around, to a performance called Disney on Ice, if you're familiar with that. um If you are not familiar with that, it is a a kind of an ice ice skating show that they put on and they tour the country and I don't know wherever else. I've never looked into it too heavily, ah but they would do kind of seasonal arena shows where it's like Disney themed things where they tell stories and do all pyrotechnics and yeah, yeah, whatever.
And it's meant for kids, and we would go to that every year, like a big group. and And there's no better way to describe it than just the, it I feel like it's like the one true bastion of like, 90s cheesiness that still exists in its purest form today. excellent we went We went to that yesterday. um coincide like it was It was all this kind of coinciding together. She'd already got the tickets and the plan was for her to go. In the last couple of years, she's bought like a box seat because there's so many of us.
now because we have cousins grant like lower cousins and stuff i'd never i haven't been in maybe 20 years wow but i went yesterday with with everybody and it was kind of an it was an emotional thing too because you know sure it's all right here and I just I just really really enjoyed it because I think there is an element of like Everything is so modernized these days and everything is digital screens and whatever and like this is this is still literally What it says it is because it was like themed for like the it's like 245 minute segments ah With like a 15 minute their mission. Well, everything what everything is so cynical these days as well. Yeah, there's a certain amount of Everything is cynical everything is pessimistic
um yeah you know having that kind of There's something quite wholesome about about that kind of thing. yeah Oh, and it's it's so, it's just I find the whole thing hilarious because they have two 45 minute segments. So the first 45 minutes is like the entire story of Frozen told on ice skates. And you could tell it's a low budget performance. It's like, it's it's Disney level production, because but it's like Disney's name on some other production company, but like it's still ice skating. So you only have so many people, you only have so many sets and it's like, it's got, they do three performances a day. And so,
yeah It's funny the way they cut the music and they cut the stories down to be like, what interests kids? And it's so cheesy. And like the first guy who came out, came up and did a spin immediately ate shit. And like it's like, yes, this is this is my jam. I love this. This is so awesome.
like and then they just kind of go and they cut out all the extra stuff in the story and they'll even use like Olaf to kind of like uh do some exposition of being like and he's the bad guy boo he sucks like yeah skip all the story beats and then it's yeah they also tie like Nikki and everybody into it somehow they're like oh it's about imagination and then the second half is in Kanto which underrated movie fantastic and just it is It's a fever dream. It's cheesy. ah that like The safety stuff is probably not to code.
like there's a part I first saw it in the Tangled one years ago when I took Madison to one in the San Francisco Bay area because I was like talking about it and one came to town. I'm like, oh, you've never been to Disney on ice? like but Tickets are like 20 bucks.
We can get like front row seats. It's amazing. So it took it out and it was tangled. There was a thing where they did it where they had these silks where they come down and people like climb and spin around on them. But like ice ski they'll have a ah rope kind of thing come down and like they'll put their hand in it. And then they'd like it was their hair. They made it look like it was their hair.
Rapunzel, and so then she's skating around, and all of a sudden they just, she puts her hand through this ring, and that's it. And she's holding onto it, and they take her up, and they're flinging her ass all around the room, and I'm like, yes! 1990s, let's go! But then they did that yesterday too, because I was kind of lamenting, I'm like, oh man, I don't know if I'll ever see one that's as good as that insane tangled one. And Kanto killed it, because I don't know if you've seen that movie,
um But there's a part where like the the perfect sister Like is swinging around playing in the roses with her with the main character. They yeah, there's two of them holding ropes, holding hands, swinging around together, letting go, coming back, grabbing hands again, flying all over the place. And it's like, this is a pure fever dream. It's awesome. I eat nachos a whole bag of cotton candy by myself. it was i am I felt like shit the rest of the day. It was awesome. That's what I consumed. It was fantastic.
Excellent and and and a fitting tribute to your aunt as well. Oh, yeah. Yes, fanda she would have she would have been thrilled to see Especially probably me the most cause I think I was eating it up more than anybody else like I'm out here fighting fighting family kids I mean like no dude I need a good view like you can sit behind me like you could you can look through the pillar because I'm not i'm getting i'm getting that fuck So I haven't been in a while excellent Excellent. That sounds absolutely awesome, mate. And like I said, a little bit of um wholesome nonsense like that is ah is is a good thing. we have ah we have ah Over the UK, we we we have a big tradition of... Do you know what a pantomime is? A pantomime? I think I do, but I'll let you... i'll let you and So a pantomime is basically a very, very low budget
um performance typically around the holiday time of of traditional stories like Puss in Boots or you know traditional fairy tales Puss in Boots and they're typically um um cast by and it was C-grade, D-grade, and E-grade type of actors Yeah, it's it's what they do is what they do for their to subsidize their income, basically. And there's there's a tradition in the UK and the pantomime is like I said, it's it's it's it's it's a performance. It's a performance and it's it's an overly cheesy performance. It's you know, it's like it's it leans in. It leans in. You'll tell the story of
Jack in the beanstalk and i'll be old blue to be here comes the the mustache twirling the mustache twirling villain all that kind and they're really really over the top and cheesy and.
They like that on purpose that they are they are designed and. they are they are presented that way on purpose to um ah in order to for for children in particular to enjoy them. They're designed for kids. um so yeah that's that it's It sounds like Disney on Ice is very similar to what we would call a pantomime in the UK, or have at a pantomime in the UK.
That's it's exactly right. it's a it's a It's a testament to a bygone era, and a entertain it's entertainment for the masses. it's good it's but it's always That's why I always saw it as, not always, that's why I was a kid, but as I got older, I'm like, oh, it's it's accessible. I mean, tickets are $20. Cotton Candy was $18, and it came with a crown. But wow you yeah you could still get in for $20 and see it for show. Wow.
ah Excellent. ah I paid $18 for Grand Canyon. I'm not sure. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Worth every penny. Worth every penny. So anything else, dude? have you have you Have you been able to consume anything else? I mean, there is um there's a show. There's a show you and I looking to follow. I don't know. I don't know whether you ah Tell you what let me plan was to get catch my mom up on season one and so ah Start, but then it's been it's been chaotic. So right. Let's let let's explain to everyone. Okay. well but we'll We'll talk about that when we move over to We'll talk about that in a second. Okay, no problem. No problem. You haven't missed anything So, um, you haven't missed a lot. So um, we'll talk about that in a sec Anything else dude?
I believe that is it. I believe. A moment of brilliance may come. Okay. So what I have consumed this week, it's quite it's quite a quite a ah diverse and interesting collection. So I think I told you on I've been messaging you for pretty much every other day, um, while I've been going through treatment and tests and stuff.

Series Reviews and Future Watching Plans

And I have watched skeleton crew back to back now, three times, back to back three times. I love that show. I'm going to leave it as that. It makes me smile. It makes me happy. Um, I've already talked what last wax lyrical about this. Um,
But back to back, and I was, I have to say, it would make a, in my humble opinion, if somebody, if somebody edited it well, it would make an awesome movie, an absolutely awesome movie. um There are, and it got to the point, because I'd seen it three times, it got to the point in the end where I could kind of I wouldn't say analyze it because I'm not particularly clever when it comes down to that kind of stuff, but kind of work out the bits that I'd cut out in order to make it into a movie. And um yeah, I think that with the right the right people, the right skill, the right talent, there could have been a movie there because... um Oh, good God, it it's it's it's it's really, really, really good.
And it hit every hair readto every note for me, it really did. um I have finished Silo season two. Nice. So I burned through sight of season two. Now I did that because you and I are off off kilter. We're not aligned on that anyway. So it was one of those things that is one of those things that I felt I felt quite safe. When you get a chance, I mean, there's a lot of there's a lot of of our friends talking about Silo. There's a lot of
to say more high profile pods that are talking about Slido at the moment. I will encourage you to watch it at some point. um It's very, very good. It's very, very well done. um The acting, the the the the general production, um and the writing is is phenomenal. um And that's all I've got to say about that. I think that at some point,
when you are ready and there's no pressure because we've both got lists as long as our arms. um but but but But when you're ready, mate, I'd love to talk to you about it. It's it's a really, really good yarn. Yeah. It's getting shortlisted. I hear a lot of people talking about it. I don't want to hear the detail. I mean, I get the general vibe, but yeah I think it's getting added to the shortlist. Yeah. And it's others as I said, there's no without giving anything without giving anything away,
it really is It's a similar kind of situation to Fallout, but without but but but but it's it's ah the situation is more dire. It's less less comedic. it's less yeah It's less pulpy. It's less pulpy is the way I leave it.
So there's that. um I have, ah ah outside of that, so um you and I were in just about context of what we were talking about earlier on. Those of you that have followed the pods since the beginning will know that that that um Sean turned me on to Severance and season two of Severance has just as just launched. um I have I've watched the first two episodes, um and I'll wait for you now, Sean, to catch up on that before we start talking about it. It's good. It um carries on literally straight after straight after wife season so i the way Season ended and the consequences of that.
And they're dealing and the the yeah the corporations dealing with that at this moment in time. um And they're dealing with it. Well, the way that they are dealing with it is is is quite, quite interesting. um And I won't say any more apart from I've caught up I've caught up with that. I told you um I've consumed i've I've had time this week to consume a fair fair bit.
um Beyond that, Skeleton crew, David Lynch, Lee Grinnell. Speaking of skeleton crew, my I have a 10-year-old nephew who is as into Star Wars as you can be at 10 years old when like 90% of your brain is Minecraft. and Yeah.
Nintendo switch. So as much as much space that is left for Star Wars, I believe is filled with Star Wars, but he's not seen Skeleton Korea. yet So I think that is going to be an adventure I take on this week. Your mission, if you choose to accept it. Yes. Good. Good, good, good. OK. The next thing is ah there are two films but i've that I've watched, and it's simply because of the the timing of some of my medication, or the timing of some of my tests. It's been quite late at night, and and these and these movies have literally been on the list. they' They've been in the in the on the dashboard. The first is a a new film, and I don't know.
and I don't know. but for but the The first is a new film called Blitz. oh um and i'd say it's ah I don't know if you... It's on Apple TV. um I don't know if you will... It's on Apple TV in the US, but it's a really, really interesting film. It's it's kind of like... So I'll give you the premise. It's a film about a a woman.
who has had a relationship with a relationship during the 1930s with a white woman in in London um who's had a relationship with a black man in um during the 1930s. They've had a child. um Circumstances are it that you know he he ended up being deported because of the, at that moment in time,
because of the racist culture in the UK at that moment in time, he found himself found himself being deported. And so she was on her own when when World War II broke out. When World War II broke out, and ah an awful lot of children were evacuated to the countryside, what we call evacuees.
In other words, an awful lot of the of of ah of um children who lived in the city and were evacuated.
were um were evacuated And the story is about him not being happy with being, um with with with with not being happy with being taken away from his mum and him finding his way back to her. So he basically jumps off the train, I'm not ruining anything, I promise you, jumps off the train and the story is him making his way back to her. And it's a really, really good film. It's a really, really good film. There's not an awful lot of dialogue or when I say there's not an awful lot of dialogue, the dialogue serves the purpose of the movie.
um and his journey and there's an awful lot of well-known really really good actors that you'll know but the tone of the the tone of the of the film is is very very different in that like I said it's not it's not about there's not an awful lot of dialogue it's it's it's it's done very very it done very very well and the of course I've written it down
and I've forgotten they. What's up, dude? You see my mom crawling? and mom king yeah Can I help you?
He starts banging and sewing. Is that going to bother you? No, that'll be fine. Whatever you got. No. yeah She's asking if my brother can saw into the wall so he can install the outlet for her bidet downstairs that she got for Christmas. ah No problem. We have we have pretty good mic suppression here. And he says, what happens if the power goes off? If the power goes off, then we'll roll with it.
I mean, id I'd prefer it didn't, but that would, you know, if... He doesn't know. ah You can stand up if we don't record the video. Oh bless her. That is the funniest thing.
Andy finds this quite funny. Why Andy? He didn't. that was ah That was an excellent intermission. Excellent. so yeah it was it's some oh That's funny, man. It was directed by Steve McQueen.
he's he's wellknown so his um He's well-known for kind of his ah some of artistic um leanings. and i Again, like him a lot then. um I quite like him. um Yeah.
as ah as ah as a director and um yeah it's ah it's ah it's ah it's a good film. it's a good film and the i lists I think that would be one that would be good to watch here. because that it's from from a horror From a historical perspective, it's quite good as well.
um It's really, really good. for michael mass you know know The way that by the ah London was decimated during the war, but absolutely decimated, yeah um and the way that, shall we say, um ah london London managed manage the the people of London managed themselves and the this kind of slip slip up a lip mentality um during the um during the blitz. um It's interesting from that perspective as well. The next film I followed up with was um was quite an old one and it was um it was because I was I don't know really it was it was
I know an awful lot of people. I think i think it was another Adam Savage thing whereby um he was talking about films that he's always liked. It's Sunshine, but directed by Danny but like danny Boyle. um it was um ah but I think it was, again, an Adam Savage recommendation that just it it it has resonated with me while I was looking through the list.
of what was available and um I watched it and um yeah it's it it it still holds up that film still holds up I don't know if you've seen it sunshine parts of it I think I've seen it it's like kind of watching a Christmas story it's like I think I've seen it but not in yeah yeah it still holds up to a certain degree its it reminds me and also there's a heck of a lot of it it reminds me of um other films as well. It lends itself to other films as well, which um Danny Boyle has always protested where they were his idea before before before they before they did. um but But yeah, no I watched Sunshine as well, which was a good yarn, a very, very good yarn. And then... and Where are we?
The last one... We started last night and it's um it's made by the, and the reason why we, I don't know, I believe you have it in the US and it's called Rogue Heroes in the US. In the UK it's called SAS Rogue Heroes and it's made by the same production team that make Peaky Glymer.
So being a Peaky Blinders fan, I thought I'd watch this. And basically what it is, the premise behind it is it is the story of how the SAS regiment was, um again, massive World War Two um influences this week. But it's the it' the story of the SAS regiment, which is the Special Air Service, ah which was a um um
Think of it as your native seals. It's the way that they were know they they were brought together. it's It's essentially an origin story. It's a true origin story of how they, with a little bit of drama, sprinkled in to make it more interesting. um It's an origin story of how that regiment was pulled together and created during World War II. And there are two seasons. the The second season's just come out. It's got very, very good um critical reviews and so so we started watching it last night and it seems like fun. it's it's Again, it's ah it's a
um ah I think it's over dramatized if I'm perfectly honest with you. While it's based on true true events and true stories, it's most definitely over dramatized to make it a little bit more sexy, a little bit more interesting. um So for example, the but main protagonists are basically gung-ho, batshit crazy um soldiers that um the That the water get the job done It but but it's it's it's a good it's a good yarn like I said in the UK. It's known as In the UK, it's SAS secret heroes um In the also a row here heroes in the US. It's known as just rogue heroes I'm trying to think if that's it.
i just looked and I just looked it up. For those of you who use Prime Video, if you're looking to watch it, it's like Season 1 is going to be leaving Prime Video on January 31st. Oh wow, okay. So time to get on it. Or find somebody who has it. Who has it? and Indeed, indeed, indeed. So that's been my televisual
experience this week, if you like. I did remember something. I did remember. It's not something I consumed, but it's something I'm going to be consuming. Right. Between now and March 2nd. And that is the nominees for the Best Picture category of the Oscars. Those have been... Of course. Of course. Hold that point. Hold that point, because I would like... I don't know. that We should have covered that in news.
We should have, if I took notes. Hold that, ah hold that, find a list and we'll go over it and in in one second. um One thing that I have listened to, that i'm catching it I'm catching up on an awful lot of my pods. So I'm also using the time that I've had to catch up on an awful lot of pods. I am still listening to and going rogue.
So going rogue is, yeah, yeah, it is really good. And I'm on the section now, which covers kind of like the, the trials and tribulations of the, of the parts of the Caribbean trilogy, shall we say. And I say, and I say trilogy because Tansey Garden, who was the host, um, is, um, very much sees the, the trilogy as being as being, that yeah, the core of of of of the whole thing. But I did want to call out, I want to call out Catherine Nane, because I will also listen to the latest, um that geek pod episode where she's joined by our buddy Hawes and Turbo.
um And it's a really, really, really good episode. um They talk about the um the Aldani arc of Andor season one. She's carried she she's doing this. She's doing this piece of work at the moment about her and as a
she like as a in preparation for season two. She's doing and or yeah, yeah, yeah, she's doing a a road to Andor series. um And it's done really, really well. And so I'll i'll call that out as being thoroughly entertaining, and engaging most importantly, most engaging, well over two hours. podcasts I listened to this week. um I think buddy,
Yeah, that's it. I think that's been my week, which bearing in mind, you know, we've been gone, we've been gone a week, um, is awesome. It's absolutely awesome. That's quite a bit of content. It's quite again, a bit of content, my friend.
Yes, I'm jealous so jealous frankly well yeah Circumstances um let's Say um so tell me dude, tell me about the list for the Oscars. What's it look like for quick quick review? Oh Talking about Oscars. I hear that Denis Villeneuve has been snubbed.
He's not getting asked an emulation for June Part 2. He's less than Oh for Best Picture. Oh yes. Oh I thought he hadn't. Let me pull up the actual... I should probably pull up the...
right van that we go anding wires nomines nine nineteen twenty twenty s and twenty five four it this my is this list the say is this list it this is this is where we show Uh, research. Well, then it, then it made me, like, so I had the list, but then it's like, I don't know why the official website isn't like popping up. And so I'm like looking at like two different things. I'm like, all right. Now, now I'm questioning whether my source is okay. Here it is. Here's the official source. All right. Here we go. Uh, best picture. So, okay. There we go. Uh, Dune part two is, it is, it isn't running for, uh, Oh, thank God for that. Good, good, good.
So for quick a quick refresher very brief um This all started years ago when I lived in the Bay Area AMC movie theaters does a best picture showcase usually over one weekend or two weekends where you can binge watch all Best picture nominees for like a single price to give you a lanyard to give you stuff and it's just it's ridiculous you watched like eight or nine movies except for the Netflix ones and It's a good old time. People bring blankets and all sorts of stuff. It's wild. Anyways, so that's what got Madison and I watching this and now that we don't live in your name. See, we just watch them on our own, on our own time. It's culture, I guess, something. Well, I think it's a nice tradition. I like it. Yeah, yeah I'm digging it. It makes me watch movies that I probably would not have watched
ah Because usually their names are too weird or they didn't have the they're not in my like the Venn diagram of my Interests and the best pictures. There's not a lot of overlap Yeah, so it's good for me So this year the best picture, we don't watch all of the nominees through Across All Things. We i stick with best picture. um And the nominees this year are ah the movie called Anora. I do not know anything i and don't know anything about that.
It's a comedy drama. Then there's The Brutalist, a complete unknown. I think that's the ah that's the Bob Dylan one, right?
yeah Which I thought is good. Yeah, I think i think ah Timothy Chalamet was on Saturday Night Live as the host and the musical guest last night. Wow. That's weird. um A movie called Conclave. Don't know anything about that one. Nope. ah Dune, part two. Excellent. I thought he'd been snubbed. I thought he'd been snubbed. That's good. You're good, dude. Then there is Amelia Perez, which is a musical crime comedy film.
I think it might be a porn film. ah Then there's I'm Still Here. i think bris my That's one I wanted to watch, I believe. um Then there's Nickel Boys, ah Wicked, which we're all familiar with. And rounding it out is The Substance, which is one that I am not sure if I should or how I will get Madison to watch that.
right because that is the body horror yeah yeah yeah social commentary. It's supposed to be fantastic, but yeah you know you're either you're either okay with or vehemently against body horror movies. yeah So yeah, those are the, I have seen Dune Part Two and I have seen Wicked. The rest I'm gonna have to get on top of in the next month and couple days.
So that so so typically you you guys. You guys will consume these before the actual. We try the actual. Yeah, yeah. And there's like, unless it's one of those ones that's like still in theaters and it is not near us or it's like a really limited release release and we just can't watch it. Yeah, we will. Well, we'll try to get them all in. That's cool. I like that. I really like that.
Another thing I thought was cool was Flow and Wild Robot were both nominated for ah animated feature film. Excellent. Still haven't seen Flow. We we will do we we will now we will do that. But you put me onto Wild Robot, which I thoroughly, thoroughly enjoyed. and um Yeah, man. I mean, it's it's ah it's a good movie, let alone... and and animated movie yeah um it's a good movie in itself um so that's very very cool very very cool any other surprises from that list from those lists I don't really get into the actors and actresses stuff too much because it's just kind of all right
like that let that begin become Unless there's something I'm really adamant about after watching these films, I think that just becomes a popularity contest, but I don't know what I'm talking about. Let's see what music will be. Music. The musical original score is bureau Brutalist, Conclave, Amelia Perez, Wicked, and the Wild Robot.
right Other than that, Alien Romulus is in visual effects. Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes is in visual effects. and Yeah, yeah. Cool. Better Man is nominated, which is from, as an American, that's wild. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Good for it, I'm happy for it, because I know it's been getting just drugged through the dirt over here. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's looking forward to chatting about those. Cool, man.
That's great. Anything, I mean, i've i've I knew, I kind of suspected this week would be a little bit little bit shorter than than the most, but and anything else that you want to you you want to catch up on, dude?
I'm not, I know that they released autographs and stuff through celebrations, so if people are wanting to do that. its Yes. It's very interesting the way they're doing it too. It's like, there's only a limited subset that are going through the official like, the normal means where you go through the website, get your time, yada, yada, yada. But it sounds like they're also leaning on a lot more of like, oh, there's gonna be some that don't do that and they're just gonna be getting autographs and stuff there.
I'm really hoping Shin High is there. That'd be cool. I'm really, really kind of setting my hopes on that. I'm not announced yet, but we'll see. um Yeah, and so just stuff like that's coming along. I know Catherine's very excited. I think she's got some Andor Diego. Yeah, i think i think she's I think from the sounds of it, she's booked into the full package.
So she's looking at photo and photo and autograph all I can do is like we need to have like When you when you guys donate blood over there, they're like, hey, here's some orange juice or like a cookie Yeah, sure. You're good. I'm like cause we're gonna need a couple Like a cookie. Well, I'm not there. I'm not there dude. So i what i' I'm gonna have to rely Yeah, I was gonna say i I'm gonna have to rely on you guys to to support her and because i think it's going to be uh uh obviously supports uh with a with a phone with a phone camera in your hand because i think it's going to be the best content
anyone could capture is, the is is experiencing Catherine Nien meets her idol for the first time. It's going to be amazing. I'm still working on that iPad presence robot. So don't, um don't, don't count yourself out just yet. Okay, dude.
like man
Alright, man. Well, listen, let's um let's let let's call it a day. let's let's let's um Let's have a quieter week this week. um And we'll catch up, hopefully with some ah with some ah lots and lots of juicy stuff next week when we when we when we get together again. Absolutely. Thank you everyone for dropping in on this very, very quick episode this week.
i Sorry, it is quick, but um hey, this is what you cant when um is what you get when we've we've had a very, very quiet week. And let's face it, we normally go on for hours. We can do it when the content's there. So have a great week, everyone, and thank you very much for listening. Sean, take us out, man.
On the way out, i'm i'm goingnna start I'm gonna try to start a new tradition that's gonna last maybe two or three episodes. I started it on the Steel Wars with Paws and Steel, and then I happened to mention it again last week. And I'm like, you know what, I'm gonna start doing that. And it's gonna be a shout out to people's pets that I know. And this week is gonna be a shout out to Princess Kitty, Kancho Britt, or as, I don't think Princess Kitty is her name, and I don't call her that anyways. I call her Butterfinger Blizzard, because she looks like one. But yeah, she gets a shout out this week.
sounds Outside of that, we really appreciate you spending time with us. If you liked what you heard, make sure to subscribe and leave us a review. Don't forget to check out our website at for more awesome content and ways to connect with us. Until next week, thank you so much, and may the force be with you. Bye!