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Episode 051 - Happy Crew Year image

Episode 051 - Happy Crew Year

S1 E51 · Just Shillin'
36 Plays2 months ago

Happy New Year! Let's talk about what we've been up to and Skeleton Crew episode 6!

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Thank you to our good friend Chris Hall for the amazing cover artwork! I'm sorry that I keep butchering it with my silly edits.


Introduction and Health Updates

Hello, and welcome to episode number 51 of Just Showin'. Happy New Year, everybody. Did you miss us? I know we're a couple days later than normal. That's my fault. I got sick. I'm one of your hosts, Sean Hoffman. And I am your other host, Andy Bell. Happy New Year, everyone. Happy New Year to you. Happy New Year. Happy New Year to you, Sean. Um, dude.
I'm really, really concerned to hear earlier on in the week that you were the web well. um ah What have you been up to? i mean I mean, tell us about the Sigmas. Oh, man. It's been it's been a... ah I know I kind of...
It's been compounding since the previous week. So previous week I was like, oh, I got this like thing in my, this pinch nerve in my arm. And I was just telling you before we started recording, I'm like, dude, I'm falling apart. i I feel like I am like just falling apart at the seams. Just the duct tape and bubble gum are just getting cold and breaking off. And like, i i pulled I pulled the crown off and one of my teeth with the stupid caramels that I made. I, cause I was being an idiot. I got the pinch nerve. I got super sick after new year's.
on New Year's Day with some food poisoning that knocked me out for like two days. I know we were supposed to record... Like, at one of those days, really early in the morning, and I remember waking up, and I'm like, I have to message Andy. And it took every fiber of my being to get Discord open, or whatever it was I messaged you on. And I'm like, Andy. I didn't know if the message was coherent. Go on without me. Go on without me. I can't make it. I did the speech to text. It's like, can we reschedule?
Send! It's fine. It's fine. Your health your health is is ah is that is way, way too important. No, no, no. We can record whatever. We're cool. And we're still recording, you know, weekly, so... um Yeah. We got it in. We got it in.

New Year Optimism

and got I'm just glad you're feeling a lot better. I'm feeling a lot better. And we've also had a guest this whole time. One of Madison's friends came, and it was just like... and I think that just makes it so much worse, too, because you can't just be...
like I'm just going to go crawl under the covers and sweat it out for three days. You said enough. you can't You can't just be. You can't be you know use come you can't just exist. you got You've still got to think about entertaining a guest. I understand. It's like, well, let's I'll get up and I'll try to give it the old college try and see how it goes. It's like, well, I didn't well i guess I'm right back where I started. ah But no, I'm a lot better now. um getting the crown fixed on Monday. Yeah, go me and things are things are things are turning around New Year. We got started snowing again. So all of our snow melted and now it's now we got dumped on again yesterday. And so that was fun. um Things are good though, man. Things are good. I'm i i looking forward to a new year. It's looking at all the positive things we got coming um and just.
I don't know, I just, I'm hopeful. I'm hopeful and it's like that refreshing, it's like a new shirt, putting on a new pair of clothes and be like, you know what? This is my, I'm optimistic about my new look. And then it's like, it's fresh, you haven't gone out, no one's given you a dirty look or been like, oh, you like that sweater? And it's like, you know, I'm still feeling good. It's 2025, let's go. Just starting, fresh start, here we go. How about yourself? Yeah, new beginnings, new opportunities. Yeah, I'm with you there, brother.
ah Me? No, I'm good. I'm good. It's um it's been an interesting week because... um Well, first of all, I owe you a massive, massive thank you.

Thoughtful Gifts and Support

A huge, huge thank you. I don't know why. and I don't think you do. I received a box of goodies from from you, um which included a a ah some very, very wookie-centric ah Presence in there which were really really really appreciated But I also um that the the the the MVP of the presence was this a most amazing run or blanket. Sorry that's um that That the you gave me folks. It's a it's a I mean, I'm a sick. I'm a 66 foot two guys. reasonably tall gentleman this blanket that I
that that Madison and Sean very kindly sent me is huge. It engulfed my body two, maybe three times. It's massive. And it's of a really, really good, it's of a really, really compelling um graphic or print.
of the binary sunset r2 and 3pa looking into the binary sunset it's really really cool really really cool and with what's been going on um on the health fighter things and and all that kind of stuff it was very very very welcome And um thank you, brother. Thank you very much indeed. Especially, sorry, I know I said especially the blanket, but there were a couple of bootleg items in there as well that I noticed, which went down a tree. And you may, my family may well have heard a very, very high pitch squeal of excitement from me um when I realized that there were a couple of
bootleg wookie items in that box. You have to pack the box and make the shipping worth it. So it's like, there's room. So I'm going to fill this freaking box to the brim. And you certainly did. You certainly did. Thank you very much indeed. Yeah. um Apart from that, it's been a good

Quiet Week and Health Focus

week. um It's been a lot quieter this week in terms of guests, obviously, when um I broke the news about what's been going on with the house. I've been inundated with guests, which has been lovely. um the the did The love and the outpouring of support that I've had from um both both face to face and and remotely as well has been amazing. um But it has been quite tiring. I'm not going to lie. It's been quite sometimes um sometimes've been that um um
um the the very very tiring indeed myself kind of exhausted by the end of the day and this last week has been a lot quieter and I've kind of been able to kind of just mooch about um in my it in my in my slovenly appearance um and um and just I just take it easy and um and kind of work out, you know, but let the meds do their work and all that kind of stuff. So it's been in that respect, it's been ahve I've enjoyed the peace and quiet.

Medication Adjustments and TV Humor

um What else has been going on? um Oh, yeah, about having some fun again with the with the drugs. If you remember the shenanigans I told you about with when we had Chris on about
moving moving drugs around. I'm moving drugs around again. I know there's a little bit more balancing that needs to go on with some of my meds. And that's having some, on occasion, having some and excuse my interesting um side effects, which um take me down to, or take me into a Purple A's every now and again, which is always good fun, and children. and um But apart from that, it's it's it's been really, really quiet. I've got lots to got lots to talk about in terms of what I've been consuming, um because I have been consuming an awful lot. um But in the meantime,
um have you picked up anything in the news, buddy?
ah You know the answer to this it's the most like I I haven't even listened to the podcast I've been dead for a week I don't feel like there's some trailers some like trailer some cool trailers that have dropped But I will get back to what those trailers were when I look them up, but that's for right now

Podcast Anniversary Tease

No, I don't have anything Do you know what I? Don't think I've got a goddamn thing either I Don't think I've got anything at all I This may well be this may well be the shortest podcast As much as not say of all time, but but but but it's us. It's us talking will always fill will always fill the void But no, I mean I haven't picked up anything I've got I've made me got lots of things to talk about on Skeleton crew
which I keep watching over and over and over again. then let's Let's just say, get get your news somewhere else this week, because we don't got it. Yeah, sorry folks.
I didn't pick up anything that I promised to do a better job next week, which by the way, which by the way, um, I need to, um, make, uh, I need to make an announcement. Um, next week is our anniversary. Uh, next week, um, my friend Sean and I have been, um, talking at each other and to each other. I'm not sure which is more accurate, but we've been talking together on this rinky-dink podcast for over a year. So we're celebrating our first year's anniversary. I'm absolutely delighted to confirm that we will have a special guest, um someone that means an awful lot to both me and to Sean um and who everyone will know. um
but he is an absolute diamond in the rough, as they say, ah when it comes down to um podcasting their personalities. So i'm really looking forward to that the next week. So as we do not have, um so so please tune in, make sure you tune in next week. um So as we don't have any news for this week, I'm going to move on to

New Year's Eve Recap

consuming. Now,
I'm a little bit sickie poo, you're a little bit sickie poo. Have you had the opportunity to use that time to crash on the couch and watch, read, or play anything compelling? Besides the copious amount of ah champagne I consumed on New Year's Eve, which I think I'm done with. ah think i'm I think i'm and I'm good for a while.
um i' been So we have the guest, and what's funny is whenever we have certain types of like certain guests, like you know Madison's mindset where she's like, she doesn't like to start shows until like the series is over. um that's like her That's her thing that she's like started over the last couple years, because she doesn't just like to wait, she kinda wants to binge the whole series. But she has this friend who really wanted her, really wants her to watch Stranger Things, even though Madison doesn't like horror, doesn't like stuff along those lines. um yeah So we kind of did this whole trade, and this friend is like wanting to go into law enforcement, so we wanted her to watch The Wire. And I'm i'm a third wheel in this situation, so I'm like, I want i want Madison to watch The Batman, finally. Because I want her to watch The Penguin, and her friend's like, yeah, you should watch The Batman. So what we did was we ended up watching The Batman, which Madison really enjoyed. like
that And then we watched a couple episodes of the wire which freaked me out because it's like God I do not have the time to rewatch this entire show, but it is so good and then we watched like the first couple episodes of stranger things which My only comment on that is is like it's crazy how different the beginning of that show is and where it where it is now yeah like yeah that first season is ah the dark, like yeah double double dark before they go into like the neon romanticized 80s back when it's still like dingy Indiana 80s, like the real 80s. Like it's it's a very different show. um
But we did that, so we watched those.

Dune Prophecy Discussion

I don't really have anything to add about those. I've watched Skeleton Crew, which we'll talk about. um and And the other thing that I watched was I finished ah Game of Worms, Dune Prophecy. I finished that season. um We could talk about whenever you get caught up, because it is. It's interesting. it's i like I like where it's going.
um I think they're I think ah the only thing I'll say is like it's not a spoiler but like I feel like they're they're buckling in for like the long haul like they're not making this a two season they're trying they're trying to like well there's so much history isn't that yeah they're trying to go into it and there's so much history they can that they can um there's so much so an awful whole lot of this my understanding so so but sorry first off I'm sorry I haven't kept it pressed on where we are at the The sheer volume of visitors that we've had um until this last week has meant that I
It's not that I haven't had time. It's just that in between those visits. I've just been asleep Oh, yeah, you know what you know I mean? i've I've kind of I've kind of been During the candle. and Yeah. Yeah exactly exactly. So um and I I don't know I've already cleaned this week. I have consumed an awful lot, but unfortunately it hasn't been, it hasn't been silo, which I, which I, I'm picking myself because I'm hearing such great things about it.

Exploring the Dune Universe

And it hasn't been June prophecy, which again, I'm picking myself because
June is my gig. June is my bat. Well, but that justifies it though. That's a reason for not consuming it. We're being satiated in so many other ways. You can wait until some of this other stuff's done and then consume it. Because it's not like everybody's out there talking about Dune prophecy spoilers. No, no, no. So we will talk about it. We will talk about it.
ah um And in fact, what would be good is if we do a little bit of a hunt as to there's a few other of our buddies that like June as well. I'm wondering if they've maybe gone down that rabbit hole as well. And if they have, then we can turn it into something um ah for a conversation topic. But um yeah, there's an awful lot of um content that um has been written not only by Frank Herbert, but
after Frank died, his son. I believe Kevin J. Anderson, I could be completely wrong, but it's one of the Star Wars writers. um i ah This is really bad podcasting. um Anyway, some of the um some of the backstory and certainly the prequel history has been written by or ah created by Frank Herbert, he's stunned. And um the long and the short of it is that... um google um google Google confirms that Kevin J. Anderson helped with the prequel. He said prequel. Right, okay, fine. Great, great. Sorry, you were doing what I was doing badly because I was trying to procrastinate.
but chart you're trying to you're You're trying to vamp and do it at the same time. Yeah, let's not do that again. Okay, so so um yeah so the nor short of it is they they've got a lot of backstory there. They've got a lot of and's they still got stories to tell. um And because obviously it's his son, it's kind of almost um It is a tension cannon. So I'm glad that they go, that they seem to be going in from what they're saying. They're going in for the long haul, which is great rather than a production, which may or may not be renewed. And therefore you can kind of, you know, how you sometimes get that vibe. Um, when, when a new show comes out and the way that they leave it at the end,
it may well be a one and done, or it may well be a continuation. yeah and i And sometimes that that kind of, um it it almost derails the value of, in my mind, derails the value of the of the production. is it Yeah, exactly. Exactly. So um I'm glad I'm glad that's the case. But what we'll do, yeah, what we'll do is we'll spend some time on that once I once I have caught up. Yeah, and not but because I have questions. I think it's good. The whole show, whenever we do that, it's going to be like, big brain people explain Dune to Sean, because I've consumed nothing besides the movies yeah lightly. And I think it'd be interesting to hear what other people have to say about it.
Yeah. Cool. Yeah. No, I'm up for that. I'm well up for that. I believe that's all I've watched. I believe, I think I believe that's all I've consumed. I believe I could be wrong now, but I'll keep you posted. No, it's fine. What I've got is no, that's fine. ah Um, right.

New Hobbies and Joyful Purchases

First things first, I've been on a bit of a spending spree. Um, no I, um,
I've kind of, this week, um i'm I'm resigning myself to the fact that I've got to buckle up. I'm going to be in this for the long haul now. There's a lot of lot of stuff that that needs to happen. I need to go through. You're nesting.
Yeah, yeah, exactly, exactly. So I'm kind of, I'm kind of resigning myself to the fact that there's some treatment coming up and i'm i I need to get myself, I need to get myself um prepared for that. So what I've done is, um I think I told you and Chris that for for Christmas, my, at least he very kindly got me they they did the the the last Chewbacca Lego. So I thought, well, you know, before, before I, before I,
Before I tackle that, because that looks like a monster, I'll choose something a little bit smaller. So um I don't have the box with me. Yes, I do. Talk about yourselves. Hold on a second. Hold on a second. Talk about yourselves. So while Andy's looking that up, I will tell a story that's similar to this, because it reminded me.
so while One thing I did do this week was um I built my Lego Fox that I got for, my 3-in-1 Fox that I got for Christmas, and it's awesome. i I love it and it's awesome, but it also inspired me because I remember seeing your giant Chewbacca and I'm like,
So they've nailed they've nailed this fox head. I mean, the whole thing is fantastic. But they have this little fox head, and one of my favorite movies is Fantastic Mr. Fox. And I'm like, I wonder if I could take something like the giant Chewbacca and adapt it with this fox head and make a Lego Fantastic Mr. Fox in a way. I'm like, hm, if I was smarter with Lego, i'd be I would take this on. But really, it's one of those like, that'd be neat. I wish they'd do it.
Dude, that is a thing, you know? I mean, these guys that do their MOOCs, they call them MOOC? The LEGO guys? They do the... Adult fan of LEGO AFOLs? I have no idea, mate. My point being is that they have... There are these communities that I've started following quite a few years back now that actually...
they go out there and they create their own stuff yeah from multiple pieces. So, you know, the UCS Millennium Falcon isn't big enough for you. I'll do one 10 times larger using conventional lebo pieces.
That's what I like about the ideas thing. Somebody put a satisfactory machine in the ideas thing, and it actually got enough votes. I don't think they'll ever build it, for real. But I do like how they're using that pipeline to make really crazy stuff. And I reward the fans. And you've got people that are also building apps that allow you to essentially source the correct brick.
Yeah, correct break or correct things you want to achieve some sort of form factor So it's really really awesome. Yeah, go back to so yes, you should do that as part of your creative Just put it on the left just put on the lesson crafting so pile of shame you have so yeah, what I did was um a while ago I've been coming a while ago. They've been or from some time now. They've been they've been um Producing these MIDI You know, they're the Star Wars MIDI set, so they were talking about um like ah but a so yeah small form factor. i like the arc They're almost like the architect series, but like for spaceships and and brand and stuff. Yeah, they're about the same size and yeah about same size as your your Action Fleet, is Action Fleet? Yeah, yeah. listen Yeah, yeah. Microgalopy Squadron, but I call it Action Fleet.
Yeah, yes it's it's it's about the same but the same proportion or the same scale sizing, um because they're all different scales. and I know before anyone likes it. They're all different scales because they're all different size ships, but they're all kind of in terms of size on the shell. So I thought I'd treat myself. I was going to get the Millennium Falcon.
and I still will get the Millennium Falcon, but I mean, no, I mean, no, I've got no

Gaming on the Steam Deck

intention to complete the collection because I think there's about a half a dozen now that they they and they've released. And I may well do the Millennium Falcon, but launched in January, in fact, January the 1st or January the 2nd, something like that. They came out with home one. So the um the mothership or the base ship for the Rebel Alliance from, of course, Return of the Jedi, that is commanded by Admiral Atbar. So I've bought that, and I've started that today. And um it's a fun build. I mean, it's relatively simple, as you'd expect, but it is a fun build. 559 pieces. I managed to get a tenner off, so it's 50 quid. um And so far, I'm thoroughly enjoying it. And so for me, that was a good purchase.
On top of that, on top of that, ah because I am sorry, let me bring things around a little bit. Because of course, um I had got 10 pounds off the ah ah the home one, um I kind of thought to myself, well, that means maybe with 10 pounds I would have spent, I would have paid, um that I'd saved myself, so I may as well spend it. So I bought the um ah manga anthology of Star Wars Visions. Fuck yeah, that's cool. Yeah, you you know then you know the Visions, the Visions, being season one,
Yeah, it's in season one, and it's basically the manga version of the... So they're manga adaptations of the original anime series of the following stories. The Elder, Ropin Oko, the Ninth Jedi, and the Twins. um And you know how I feel about manga. You know how I feel, I mean...
I mean, to this day, i that my my favorite rub one of my favorite reads I go back to is the um Lost Stars trilogy. The artwork is is is so god damn good. And you've got a similar type of artwork in and in this in this adaptation. And it's great. And again, it's on it was on sale in um and Amazon. So um yeah, I've treated myself to to those things this week, which is going to fill some of my time. So I'm happy about that. um So that was but what I've been buying. um What I've been playing is, um I don't know if we talked about this or not, but I got a steam deck.
Did we talk about this? Did we talk about this on the show or did we talk about it privately? I can't remember. I feel like I definitely talked about it privately, but I don't, I think it may have been mentioned on the show, but I don't think you've dived into it or anything. Yeah. So my beloved girls, I say girls, they're my daughters. They're not girls anymore. They're young women that are independent and and certainly fending to themselves these days. They they did very kindly for reasons,
um knowing that I would be um sitting around so um for certainly for the immediate future. They bought me Steam Deck. As a result of that, I've been breaking that in. Now, I did try and set it up in the in the in the hospital, but the hospital Wi-Fi was not great. I even tried to tether it um to 5G.
had to set it up and it wasn't great. Got home, of course, was set up within a day. um And ever since then, I've been um catching up on a few games that on console um I had, but I never completed. And so one of them, um so one of them is, sorry,
sorry let me go back, is um Hogwarts legacy. who is the Hogwarts. And this and the other one, which I did complete on console, um which I'm really getting into at the moment is Mad Max. You remember the episode that we had the episode. is It's an old game, but it's such a good story. And it leads so nicely into Fury Road.
and obviously subsequently Furiosa as well. All of the or of the the that the the locations, you know, Bullock Town, the rest of it, that they're all there. um And so yeah, I'm i'm i'm i'm replaying that um and having a a great old time replaying that game on this theme deck, which um i would not just I could not justify buying for myself, but as it was bought for me, I have to say it's an amazing piece of it. It's an amazing piece of it. Certainly the advice that Hawes gave me at the time around what what handheld to go for if I if i had a choice, it certainly is the Steam Deck.
um So that's what I've been playing. um What I've been listening to um is is new, actually, because um I am a big fan of Adam Savage, um all the way all the way back to the days of from Tested.
um um midbuters and MythBusters. yeah i miss um mythbuster And so, um every year on the Tested YouTube tech channel, all of the the team, they talk about their top five things, you know what they what they their top things of any particular year. And Adam um in one of his, because he does a couple, he doesn't just do one, he kind of does top five tools, top five props, top five, whatever it is. And in the one of his latest videos, he talks about um a podcast called Going Rogue.
And going rogue, I've only just started it. But the long, the short of it is it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's now a mature um podcast that is available ah in your podcast of choice. um But there are around, I mean, Crikey, they're around 30 or 40, maybe not that much, maybe 20 or 30.
um episodes but it originally it was it was meant to be it was originally conceived as a behind the scenes um audio commentary or audio documentary all of of rogue one of what of um of what happened in rogue one you know what the background were you know how garroth got involved nice the nice the the the troubles that they had And she does an amazing job, sorry, who's the, the host is, um, Tansey Garden. And she does an amazing job across six episodes, um,
on the history of road one from, and I'll read them out, the script, the shoot, the edit, the reshoot, the release. Um, and that's the, that's the, if you like, that's the compartmentalized sixth,
fix issue podcast of this story. and It's really, really good. It's really, really compelling. And she gets into the kind of some quite nitty gritty controversy, the rest of it. Anyway, it's not so well, she's gone on to go on to do the same for solo as well. So she's done the same for solo when
Originally, Lawrence Kasdan was involved. Obviously, with from the start,

Podcast and Collectibles

the recruitment of Lord and Mela um Howard coming in to do the lead shoots and to ultimately take over the production. And it's really, really interesting. And then and then she carries on, and then she she she div diverse yeah know she teachs she breaks away from Star Wars, goes into things like James Bond, um South Park the Creator, House Train Your Dragon, Pirates of the Caribbean, Rebel Moon,
Megalopolis. You know, she's gone off... Oh, she's still not on the Holiday Special, actually. Two weeks ago, she did one on the Star Wars Holiday Special. Anyway, I haven't listened to them all at the moment, but it is a recommendation from, as I said, Adam Savage, and I've started listening to it. And so far, on the Rogue One side, because I've started, obviously, from the beginning, it's some really good stuff. It's quite interesting.
um okay so um oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh i forgot i forgot another purchase i have also purchased something else i forgot to tell you about but maybe you saw it um you'll know that i'm not a black series collector I'm not a collector, you know I'm not a black tourist collector at all. You know, I gave it up years ago. I just though happened to recently by captain great that phrase you should trademark on teach um i just so happened to buy Captain Brutus recently out of a wind because i I really thought his design was fantastic. But there's been one character in particular during skeleton crew that really has really, really has appealed to me. And so when I was
um perusing um The Amazon marketplace I couldn't help but come across this fella He's uh, he kind of looks like a ah little blue elephant man, I'm not quite yeah yeah yeah yeah like tra little boy Little blue elephant boy, sorry Yeah, so I have bought, I have bought Neil. I can't resist Neil. Neil is the dogs. As we say in the UK, Neil is the dog's bollocks and I have, so I have my own Neil that is comforting me at my bedside at this moment in time. Now, I think that's it in terms of what I want.
um I'm not am I interested in and in buying anymore? Not really. I mean Josh the other day was talking Josh out when I friend over at Star Wars spelled out so that you may have an interest in getting the rest of the crew and I Can see I can see me I can see that being compelling But I'm not I'm not I don't think I'll be buying anymore. However, our buddy Ted Garbert is I was talking to him the other day, suggested that there was a rumor that SM-33 may come out as a as a ah black series, in which case, I may have to jump in again. I may have to jump in again. There is, I have a sneaking, this is a prediction. Here we go. Prediction come incoming based on nothing but gut but gut feelings. I have a feeling there's going to be another wave of
Skeleton crew kid figures based on Like this is like the beginning like the way we got is like oh, this is them in the beginning I wonder if we're gonna get new ones like special edition ones based on like maybe later episodes or could be it's a green cool green cool green cool green I don't know man. I owe all I can say is it This show has done something to me. This show has done something. We'll talk about it. We are going to talk about what's lyrical later. But now, show I do have to say you have got me excited about a Smee figure, but like if they made a Smee hot toy.
i would have i i would have a hard I would have a hard time, or at least like a fa a figuring statuette where he's like hunched over, like all... mc yeah but Yeah, but how cool would it be if he could even, he's mechanized as well, as grow? Because you know how he gets intimidating?
He kind of, like, he can puff out his chest plates and the rest of it. Oh, that would have been so sick. So sick. This is something I'm going to get suckered into, like the man what i like the razor crest has lab, where I'm like, oh, yeah, they should put the link up now, and I'd pre-order, and then he's going to get destroyed the next frickin' episode. I hope not, but that's almost a good sign, since they haven't put anything up yet, because it means he hasn't gotten, he's maybe not going to get destroyed. So we're good. Anyways, of I don't know. I've got even more.
I've got his maw, another a second. Sorry dude, I've got his maw, I keep I keep forgetting, I have. So while he's digging that up, I did forget that I received a, my very first Mondo poster of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, like a special edition version. Oh, nice! I didn't realize how massive those things were. I thought it was going to be like a 12 by 18 inch poster. This thing is 24 inches by 36 inches. I don't think I have wall digging up for this. I got, I had to like,
Like I couldn't just get like a cheap Amazon frame or anything that's like, dude, I might have to take this somewhere and get this thing like mounted. So. So um one thing I also did, the very, very last thing I bought this week, I promise you, um is I have ah told you already that, I mean, you already know that Chris and Kev got me down there.
they they did did the black hole, the the rabbit hole of boot-led toy collecting. And how dare i already told you I already told you the story of there was one um ah creator, one maker, one bootlegger in the UK that was making some really good um replicas of vintage Star Wars figures, but they were based on, um, they live, you know, it was a crossover between they live and, and, and, and, uh, and Star Wars. And this was the, the kind of, um, the artwork and sorry, and and and Chris was involved in the artwork for the, uh, for the backing cards. Anyway, the, they are limited edition, these pieces. And of course I bought the Wookie, I bought the Chewbacca.
Or as he's called here Chewbacca And he's two of 20 and I bought some protective cases so that He will be forever and a day meant on card But I bought two because the other one was that I didn't talk about this and I should have acknowledged it last week as well our friend turbo um Somehow got shipped to me a mint on card Chewbacca life day vintage figure. Let us even see him. So he's, he's looking beautiful in his, in his amazing red cloak with his life day bauble. Um, and I wanted him to be retained mint on card as well.
Um, that one was not an opener in any way whatsoever. So big thanks to turbo for that as well Um, which needs me to move on to um what I've been watching. I've run out of money, so I haven't been able to afford anything else. So that that's it for this week. So what I've been watching, that despite the fact that you know it's been quite a week, um i have we have still had the girls here. are um as as And so I've had to be mindful of what of what's been played on the TV and you know might make you making sure I don't dominate.
yeah what's What's on there, as you need. And so what we do every year as a family, um and this is quite fortuitous, what we do as a family every year is we we kind of um choose a franchise to watch. So every Christmas, it's like, well, what are we going to watch this year? Is it going to be Star Wars? Normally I don't get voted. My vote gets discounted. What are we going to watch?
Lord of the Rings. Are we going to watch Harry Potter? Are we going to watch, you know, what franchise are we going to, he's going to be our, he's going to be our binge watch for this Christmas. And I typically lose, but I think I won this year or I certainly didn't mind this year because they ended up being Pirates of the Caribbean. And for me, and for me, while I'm certainly very, I've got Johnny Depp fatigue,
um when it comes down to kind of that whole thing, that whole shtick. I'm so invested at the moment in Skeleton Crew that quite frankly, anything to do with pirates, I'm ruinone really, really up for. You remember the previous weeks I watched Treasure Planet, for example. yeah um Simply sent to k feed my pirate fix for the week um before the next episode of Skeleton Cruise. So we ended up watching, throughout the week, the Pirates of the Caribbean, all five films. oh so some some Some are better than others, for sure. um no not Not particularly too keen on the last two, but it's Pirates with lots of R. um And so i that was that was that was a good blast.
As a result of that, I forgot, I have bought something else as well. On top of that, on top of that as as a result of that, because the kids enjoy it as well, um as a result of that, I bought black sales on Blu-ray. Now black sales is, ah ily I don't know how many people know about this, but it essentially it's a um It's a, it's a, it's a gravitized prequel of Treasure Island, essentially. He tells the story of Flint, Captain Flint and his crew, of which Long John Silver is one of them. He does it in a really, really compelling way that makes it realistic as opposed to more of a
more of a tale if you like, more of ah a more of a fantasy tale. It's really, really good. However, I'd never seen it. I'd only seen the first let's say the first season. And then of course, it was taken off there. And this was around the time that this is around the time that in a way before
Should we say more flexible streaming services were available for people? And it went out of my mind. And so, again, as part of the January sales, I bought black sales and we're going through that as a family at the moment and having a jolly good time, I must say, because I said it's very, very good.
um Alongside that, um because of the way it's produced in a very, very serious manner, we're also patching up on on Deadwood. Did you ever watch Deadwood? I have not, but I've heard really good stuff about it, though. Deadwood is ah essentially a a western. um It's around, it's and it's it's it's focused on this um very poor, very decrepit um mining community, that stuff. he I don't know whether it's during the gold rush. No, I think it's during the gold rush. They're basically um but sifting the the the local rivers but for for for gold. ah golden
um and it's about the community and it stars Ian McShane and of course Timothy Orython and it's a really really really good series and so we've been kind of because of the it's got a similar kind of serious vibe to it as as um as Black Sails so we've been watching that alongside our our our pirate fix as well um So Pirates of the Caribbean, Black Sails, Deadwood.
And really, that's kind of been it, with the exception of a promise I gave you before Christmas, which was that I would find a time um over the holiday to watch Wicked, which I did. And I did yesterday.
i I really enjoyed it, Sean. I really, really enjoyed it. I have to say, you were right. My daughters were right. My wife was right. And I was very, very wrong. I won't tell her you said that. No, no, no. it' not and These days, these days, dude, these days, she knows she's right without even having to ask for validation. um so So no, everyone but everyone was right. Now, one thing I did have to ask, of course, was because I did fall asleep during the um the live but the the the live um um stage show that I took everyone to, but I didn't experience it myself, was how close was it to the stage production. And from what I understand, it's it's relatively close.
Yeah. From what I remember, yeah. yeah um And so, and so you know yes, I was wrong. And I thought the production was like production values were amazing. they The acting and the singing and the singing is phenomenal. The um but world building, I think is fantastic. um So yeah, I thoroughly

Finally Watching Wicked

enjoyed it. It's got a very two thumbs up.
on this side, over this side of the pond. And, um, I don't know, I don't know what what else to add apart from. Yes, Sean, you were right. Well, i appreciate I appreciate that. I appreciate you taking the time to watch it and give it a give it a chance. I'm trying to be spoiler free for anybody, because I'm a firm believer that like this first part was for people who've seen who know the whole story, because like it's you don't want to know what happens in the second part ahead of time, like if you don't already know. like it that's that's something there's There's spoilers that could happen.
and so like People who see the first part may be tempted to find out what the hell else is going on And to your question about like oh does it stick true to the play? I think part one does for sure I could see part two deviating because they got They got a lot to flesh out, and I'm like they're gonna have to they may have to pad some things in ways um Right because it's gonna move quick um So I think that'll be interesting to find out when we get next next year when Part 2 comes out. So they didn't spoil it for me. Bearing in mind I've actually seen this, albeit I haven't. But the kids actually didn't spoil it for me, but that's exactly what they said. yeah was that god but they've got to cover and They've got an awful lot to cover in a short amount of time.
Yeah, it's gonna move quick. So it'll be interesting to see what, because with the play, you have, there's certain shortcuts you can take. Like it's it's a play. yeah like you But with a film, it's like you can't you can't move at that pace and be like, and now you can't have like a narrator do exposition and be like, and now we're here. yeah It's like,
it's It's gonna be interesting to see what they do, but I'm i'm not a big musical guy, you know you know where I stand on this. But it's like, besides Muppet Christmas Carol, like that is my one. That's sacrosanct, yeah. Yeah, that's different. But this one, I think they're doing a good job. I'm i'm the acting and stuff, I was genuinely surprised by it. And I'm glad you enjoyed it, like that's cool. That that makes me, woo hoo. Go us. Yeah, no, very, very, very, very good.
Very, very good. And I'm just going through my list at the moment, and i I genuinely think... Yeah, I genuinely think that's it. So, um...

A Peaceful Week Reflection

Did your family reward you with a bubble bath or anything for for being... for finally switching over to the the light side? No, no, no, no. I think... The green side, per se? No, and no, no. Well done. ah No, no. I think I just got, for the first time, a little bit of respect from them.
No, that's not such an asshole after all. Why don't we all play our part? so fair yeah but My work is done. um So yeah, that's been my week, buddy. I mean, it's it's been it's been quiet, but it's been a nice quiet. It's been ah it's been an involved quiet, um which is great, so um which leads me on to...

Watching Skeleton Crew

i i i I can't, I can't stop watching. sky I have rewatched, I have rewatched, I have rewatched, I have rewatched um every time. um so So thank you Josh and the team over at Star Wars Stealth Outmake very kindly invited me to join them again for the the the latest review, but the review of the latest episode. I just love it. I just love it and every single time I watch it,
I ended up re-watching it, but I ended up re-watching it with the with the previous with the previous episodes as well. Out of story, it's quite an interesting experiment doing it that way because it means that you kind of
can put context into what's happened this week to the wider story. Well, certainly for an old fart like myself, it's a lot easier. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And the story's really, really good. Really, really good. And I have heard,
um I wouldn't say naysayers, but people that it doesn't resonate with, and that's fine. That's absolutely fine. and then then they've got you know they They have intelligent arguments that surround it. but but yeah no i'm i'm i'm really really invested I'm really, really invested. I'm really, really enjoying it. I'm loving adoring the world building. I'm loving thee the the the the the special effects. I'm loving the naivety of the kids. I'm loving the sincerity of the kids.
There's no bratishness about them. There's no child star bullshit that you get with an awful lot of, um ironically, Disney productions.
But don't start with what I mean. yeah It all seems genuine and legitimate. It's not rooted in like kids being mean first, yeah and like and as a source of being funny. like yeah That's what I really like about it. It's it's not that you don't have mouth there. like which was it it At the time, it was great. But then it became the trope of, like oh, how do we make kids funny? They've got to be mean and act like adults.
They gotta have the dolls now and things like that. It's like, they can be funny in other ways. Exactly. And an awful lot of that is them discovering themselves. yeah um I think that, um and i'll I'll address it. I mean, we can talk through the app episode itself in a second, but I don't know how. Let me, let me, let me.
Let me do the right thing and and and i and offer it out to you first. What was your, what was your summary of of ah ah the latest episode, that episode six? What was your, what was your parting but was your parting thoughts of this week? Because mine was pretty strong.
So I think I need to paint a picture first before kind of going into that, like, because it's relevant. yeah So the episodes drop at 6 p.m. our time here. And it was on New Year's Eve. So 6 p.m. New Year's Eve. um And for those who don't know, i'm i I'm hopping on the Blue Harvest Patreon immediate reactions as soon as the episodes air. And I didn't want to miss it. Sorry. ah So on that point, they're excellent.
they are really really seriously they're very very good indeed uh they're raw so they're straight yeah hair very hall no no no no no in a good way as in aging yeah yeah yeah as in as in as in the minute the minute that you um you've You've watched it, you guys connect, and your you're feeling back to each other in real time, and sometimes without any thought, which actually is, in some times, is the best reaction you can give. So if you're not listening to um Blue Harvest, patre if you're not a Patreon for Blue Harvest, but what are you doing anyway? um but but listen to the and If you are a Patreon, um please listen to the immediate reactions.
hey my buddy Sean's on it and being what they say is... Really sound, really solid as well. um Sorry, Sean, I interrupted you there, but just wondering the bell. ah Thank you, thank you, thank you. And make sure you listen to Andy on Star Wars Spelt Out, where they have more coherent conversation, I think. it's what but like it's It's definitely a much more roundtable discussion. I think you guys make a lot of really good points. I haven't listened to this week's yet, because I've been dead. um But I've been really enjoying those as well.
um So yeah, it came to drops at 6 p.m. Our time and I do that immediate reaction But like it's New Year's Eve and so everything around here closes super early So most places like oh New Year's Eve party from 7 p.m. Till 10 or whatever and then the casinos are the only thing that stay open So what we had this New Year's Eve party thing, not really a party, it's not a party, it's like a dinner thing with light snacks, et cetera, blah, blah, blah, at 6.30. And Madison's like, just bring your headphones or like don't come and then come later. But I'm like, no, I'll go. And then I'll i'll watch it, since then circle 6.30, I'll watch it at six. It'll be done probably about 6.30 something. I'll do the call with Hawes. And so like, I'm sitting outside
I didn't realize like like ah this sounded really good in my head it did and it worked out great. I'm sitting outside in the 20 degree Fahrenheit weather on a rock next to the lake with the wind going with my headphones in and the nighttime with my phone like this like a couple inches from my face watching this episode and man what what an episode I'll get to the episode like watched it and then I took the call with I was afterward Wow. it's like So there's like there's a lot of emotional context of like, oh, I'm i'm in the cold, I'm bundled up, I'm outside. and you know living being like So you're living the experience? ah It's like 40x movie theater kind of. Exactly. You're living at a border.
And then so you're already not comfortable kind of like in your, I'm not on like a warm sofa with the heater on, heating blanket on me. And so then like parts of you get stressful and then I get up and start pacing in circles like I'm on a stressful phone call. And then then I'm like, what am I doing? People, I'm gonna get, the cops gonna come up. So I'm over here in the dark in the the the not lit area of a of the lake. People are like, what is he doing? So I go back and sit on my cold rock again. And then I'm like, oh God, what?
like oh this episode it's so crazy but all that to say that's the context son him

Skeleton Crew's Emotional Depth

so it may have a little bit of like its finger on the scale but i all i kept thinking about is like the first thing i'm going to say when hos talks to me is like and when andy talks to me is like i'm not crying you're crying like don't yeah like you who's cutting in onions because you know what you guys know i love kb Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. the this um This episode had everything I love. It's got goofy creatures. It's got KB with a level of vulnerability and things that relate to kids that is ah with something I would never expect from Star Wars, especially a live action Star Wars. Maybe animated because it's easy to shoehorn into there.
But just but I'm just i'm I'm still just talking about it now. Like I'm bringing myself back to that moment. I'm like, I'm blown away to the point where I go inside after getting off the call and like Madison and her friend look me like, how was it? How was the the call in the episode? And I'm like, I can't put into words for people who aren't watching the show how meaningful and vulnerable, the conversations and relationships that are between these kids on this show. You're not gonna get it until you watch it. I want you to watch it just so, take Star Wars out and just the seriousness of the competition. I love it. I know, I know, I know, and I keep,
ah keep occasionally my wife will, well jump in and listen to us. yeah um
and i And occasionally I'll ask her for her opinion about how how do you think we're doing? And Lucy being Lucy, she's not shy at coming forward. um And she said, how many times are you going to talk about Andor being a great drama that just so happens to be in a Star Wars universe?
And I said, probably forever, probably forever. And she said, well, not only do you still do that, you're now saying that Skeleton Crew is an amazing, an amazing story that just so happens to be, well, fantasy story that happens to be set in the Star Wars universe. I said, well, that's how I feel. That's how I feel. At this moment in time, that's my favorite Star Wars.
It's my favorite Star Wars. it's Star Wars that day doesn't take itself too seriously, but B does not ground itself in its history. It is not not shackled by canon. It's doing the right thing. It is is acknowledging diversity. It is doing the right thing. It is pioneering when it comes down to television. And so when you do get around to um When you do get around to listening to my thoughts, um I hope you realize that, on on Spelt Out, I hope you realize that what you've just said, I pretty much word for word.
and said as well when we were when I was talking to Josh. Sorry, carry on, please. To that point, I think it's like, I get that we we wax poetic about some of the things that we love, and but that mean that's the vibe of our podcast. But at the same time, I think for so long, there's been so many people out there, like there's there tends to be this desire, and like you feel like a work there's a requirement to provide criticism. it's like We're all food critics, and it's like, you can't just say, I loved it.
You have to provide some kind of, but I would have done this because it lends validity to our argument and our stance as whatever. I'm not trying to be a critic. I'm not. I'm not in the arts. I'm not in media. And you know what I'm here for? I'm here to talk about the things.
that I love with my friends and things like that. And I think at times, it's nice. The podcasts that I love and I listen to are the ones that talk about the things they like and why they like them. And then, you know, me, little cockadoody speculating, like.
And I think that's like, you know what? It's good to have somebody put their hand on your shoulder every once in a while, even if it's through podcasts where I'm being like, you know what? I really liked it too. And at the same time, especially if I don't like something, if I'm struggling with something, AKA, I'll be honest, the Luke Skywalker scene in The Mandalorian. I struggled with that for a very long time. But then seeing my friends and seeing other people love it so passionately, it helped me
like come to terms with it, process it, I guess. yeah like Like process it in a way of like, it's okay that it's not for me, but you know what, I'm take i'm getting joy from other people doing it. And with Skeleton Crew, I have never felt such an over, I've never had such an overwhelming reaction to a show. I loved Andor. I thought it was great. Yeah. top to Top tier. But it did not make me feel feel the things that I feel in such an overwhelming way. Like Skeleton crew so thats good is doing and it's like you know what I'm gonna talk about that because you know what maybe there's somebody else out there who's like ah this show
I can't put into words why I cannot take my eyes off, why I'm willing to take headphones with me to New Year's Eve party. yeah I'm gonna go sit outside the cold for a minute and then like watch this because like it's just i it's feels it feels so right. yeah And I love that about this show. excellent and And if it's not for you, hell yeah, I support that too. excellent no No criticism. on but no no no no man i um
I love the fact that you... are god Listen to us. Listen to us. I love you, man. I love you. I love you, man. You know what I like? I like when the sun comes up. Me too, man. The sun is awesome.
I love the fact that you love it so much. um i over Over the year or so of me knowing you, I've kind of got to know your tastes a little bit.
Um, of what you liked. Um, and I, and I love the fact that this ticks pretty much if I was to characterize Sean Hoffman.
of what you like and what genre, the genres that- Young adult reading level, right there. That's me. Exactly. Well, yeah, but that's not a bad thing, dude. That's not a bad thing, dude. If that's what, you know, I find some content too cumbersome when all I want to do is switch my brain off. All I want to do in life is switch my brain off. I work hard enough as it is.
And all I want to do is switch my brain off and have a good, good time. And so if that means young adult leading level, AKA, I think bloodline, you know, one of my favorite books was, with was, was meant to be a young adult. Certainly, um, lost stars, you know, one of my favorite stories.
in Aura of Star Wars, including the Earth King. This show, I made a note earlier when you were talking about Lost Stars, the manga, this show gives me hope that something like Lost Stars could potentially be made, like in animation or in live action. Yeah. like yeah It gives me hope. I mean, look look at the look at that look at that story. It's right back down in the middle of the star wars sorry of the skywalker um ah the Skywalker timeline, but it doesn't even touch that family. It's fantastic. Absolutely fantastic. and hey um No, man, summarize for me, summarize where we are on that episode. um The way that they, the and you've talked about it a lot,
But the way that and i'm goingnna and like helping um the waiver they represent disability, um I think it's fantastic. Particularly the way that disabled people that have that have an issue that is not visible,
that is not apparent that is not um that is very very easily ignored by shall we say in our quotes normal people when really they are but they are they are challenged i think was amazing and what i mean by that is i'm talking about you know Her friendship with her best friend um was ah being tested because her best friend believed that she could do everything that she could do. um Because her disability is not as apparent.
um And clearly that that the girls, had an I mean, we we know that she yeah or surely says that she thinks that she can do that she she can do the same. as she ah She always has done prior to the accident. So clearly she's had an accident, which is given her which in which in which is necessitated the need for the yeah has the use of augment ah augmentation or orgs, she calls them.
in her physical body. um But the fact that they that the story, but not only a story, but the lesson um that was taught during that episode was really about, not really about KB, it was really about her best friend understanding and not assuming understanding what she was what what she's going through and not assuming the that that that she knows what's best for her.
Well, I think i to add that dad to that, I mean, forgive me, everybody, if everybody else has already talked about this and all the pods that I haven't listened to. But I think the like the low-hanging fruit is is there the the relationship between KB and Fern. But like yeah that next level is is the power of Wim. And Wim's not just his innocence, but like where his true center is. it's like He may be... for lack of better terms, a dumb dick when it comes to like, hey, let's not, let's make responsible decisions and maybe don't push the button, but I'm glad he did. But it's like when challenged with heartfelt moments and like doing the right thing, whether it's going to get the lightsaber, even though he's maybe not equipped to to do that, or it to be
naturally innocent and caring and empathetic with somebody. She's like, you can just be our friends. like You can just be friends with me and Neil. yeah and just like And his ability to just jump in and do the right thing. And like yeah his unconditionally yeah unitionly and his definition of heroism, which KB called out, is maybe skewed towards fairy tales in his comic book, his digital comic books. But what he did, and when she's like, I'm sorry, you thought like being a saving somebody's life would be a little bit more heroic or whatever she said basically calling them out like yeah you think it's what you see in the comics but what you just did is whatever whatever jedi like it's like limb you you are the slow burn i hate that term you are the slow burn of like a character that i think people by the end of this show hopefully fingers crossed people are like you know what
He grew on me. Like, he really started to grow on me in the area. And I feel like we're gonna start hearing that more and more of like, oh, he's not so. He's growing he's growing on me. But ah one of the one of the questions I had for the team um on Wednesday was, Wim is also an alpha, an alpha in that team. So you've got two, but firm you got yeah and you got Wim, and both of them are very headstrong. Both of them have, I wouldn't call them subservient,
but both of them have friends that they they do manipulate one way or another. And so while when I do 100% agree with you, I do also wonder if he is going through his own development journey, his own journey as well, and maybe thinking to himself, maybe sometimes I treat Neil like this as well.
and that You know, in that, you know, I kind of pushed Neil along with my ideas. I don't really, really consider his ideas or whether an alternative view may well be the best approach to something. Exactly. So, so, so I do wonder whether this role, while I believe when, sorry, yes, while I believe when behaves amazingly

Character Analysis in Skeleton Crew

and really did come up Trump's for her during the episode, I do wonder if this is a, if this is a lesson that he too could also perhaps apply to, to nail um who is, well, he's my MVP. You know that because I, I love the fact that his strength is, is basically his weakness um or his, his, his, his, um, devout love.
for everything and not wanting to fight, and not wanting to conflict. I agree 100%. I agree 100%, buddy. I think there's a couple things there. I think maybe we're seeing some parallels with the actual pirate crew. I see Fern being... To me, her arc and her struggle is like,
ah challenging expectations that are set on her by people around her. Whether it's and being the leader, being the crew, being the oldest, the expectations set on her by her mom and being able to reconcile and challenge that and be comfortable with who she is and what her capabilities are instead of like the expectations that she feels like are set upon her.
when I feel like he doesn't have the expectations he's just not like he's naive but also lives in the life of comic books and like what is a sense of adventure like where do I fit into that i do think he's got ah and i do I do think he's got a story to tell. He does, he does. I think he's got, to my prediction, speculating, here we go. it's I think he's going to eventually turn into the leader of like, if they do kind of stay as a crew, I think he will be the emotional leader. And I think Fern is going to become the the the muscle, like not like the
I know what you mean. Not the ah bad batch type of muscle, like Wrecker, but like the Enforcer, the Brutus. The reason why I was asked i was saying suggesting that he's got a story there is that in my and my repeat rewatch of the episode. Obviously I watched the episodes that came before it as well. And one thing, and one thing that, one thing that really resonated with me was when it's either the first or the second, I think it's the first episode where Neil and it's the night before the, uh, assessment or but the, the, the, the test yeah and Neil and when say good night to each other and Neil, um, runs into a full.
that friendly, happy house. that all welcome him home. Whereas when walks into an empty house, there's no one there to greet him. Um, and then we have um obviously got the narrative. We have this and strange, somewhat a strange relationship with his dad. I think there's, I think there's, I know we've only got two episodes left, but I think there's a story there that needs to be resolved as well. Uh, which may, which is the story. I think that is, yeah. Yeah. Which are you thinking that the conclusion is when they find each other, they kind of,
they refine each other. Does that make sense? I don't think it's going to be a side piece. I think that is the fundamental crux of the apex and resolution, the the the the relationship between women as dad and Jod, and like the things that are going to happen is going to be the story, for sure. Right. So you think you think that almost like they the resolution of that is is is is them finding each other again. So, Wim's dad and Wim, I mean, physically find each other, obviously, because he' he's missing, but also finding each other again.

Speculating Onyx Cinder Ship Design

ah it'll be the It'll be the piece of the puzzle that locks in. but of music like The music goes high and choral. yeah Something else happens. I'm sorry, time I had missed you.
Let me, let me, I'll make it up to you, yada, yada, yada. Okay. Like I, bench i trust I trust you. I trust you. Whatever, whatever it ends up be shaking out to be. um I'm trying not to go into my job speculation, my, my will and bootstrap Turner side quest, but like, I think it's all
Tracking like we're seeing parallels. Yeah, it's like you have a chance to not be me You can you can be loved you can do whatever don't take this I mean if you remember when they were leaving um was it when they were leaving the pirate alcove or when they approached the pirate alcove I can't remember now at some point that they're in the ship and when says something along the lines of Oh, damn. We're going home just as it was getting fun. as like when When the rest of the kids, all they want to do is get home. We need to get home. when you were We're lost. We need to get home. Wim's in no rush whatsoever. He's in no rush whatsoever. I'm loving it, man. um The only other thing, I mean, the only thing I wrote down, quite frankly, because I i don't i tend not to keep too many notes these days, were they was a Kobe's um character development, I thought was
amazing and you were spot on. You were absolutely spot on in your prediction not only with us, but also with Hawes as well in that her story would very much focus on her on the disability message. The fact that it's focused on, if you like,
the way that her friend, her best friend, um reacted to her disability or treated her with the disability, I thought was a stroke of genius, but you did get it right. And the other thing, oh, sorry. The fact, the fact they the master stroke was that they made it not about the disability, but about the emotional connection between two friends. That's what I try say, sorry, that's the second one I was gonna say.
And the thing I completely got blindsided by was the severity of it. yeah I thought it was going to be like an undercurrent and undertone the whole time of like, you know how some of these shows will do like, hey, we're going to we're going to show something, but we're not going to like i I was I was not a little bit pessimistic about like where they go. But the fact that it's like, oh, her head opens up and it's a cavity in like.
Yo, she's about to die. She's about to die yeah yeah yeah yeah because of her feelings and like not wanting like the kid stuff. and like I'd rather go to my grave than tell somebody how I feel. Tell my friend how I feel. It's like, damn, adults could learn from this lesson. ah like we it it remindeds me It reminds me of a very story a story that's very kind of poignant in my life. like growing up Just for quick aside, growing up, I was a huge fan, pu influence who hugely influenced by the band Blink-182. I've always resonated with the bass guitarist. He's the reason I started playing bass guitar. Boys loved his vibe. yeah they eventually broke They eventually broke up um because tons of reasons. And the bass player got a very serious case of cancer.
And but it it brought them back together and then they wrote the song that's about like some of the lyrics include like ah Do I have to die to hear like to hear you say you miss me? Like do I have to do I have to die? And like and the other the drummer like was in a horrific plane at plane crash lost friends It was all like a shit ton of stuff's happened to these guys But it's like they they talk about this in the song of like you can't it sometimes it takes these like horrible events or near death experiences to be open and honest and like just let shit slide. And it's like there's just so much of this that are happening. It's like you don't.
Like, you don't you're not promised tomorrow. And... No, don't leave it. Don't leave it. It's like, don't leave it too late. Don't leave it with regret. Yeah. And it's just, it's all hitting. And like, and the fact that they were able to do this masterfully with kids and kid actors.
Chef's kiss. Mind blown. Chef's kiss. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sorry, go ahead. No, no, no, no. I think that's perfect. I really do think that's perfect. Again, Good writing, man. Really, really good writing. um on ah In a program that is is's focused on children, it's crazy. It's absolutely crazy. Intermingled with trash crabs. What?
have we take i mean what what but I mean, it's trash crabs. Amazing. Love them. We already have it. yeah but's just I'm sure there was ah ah seek there a couple of C-3POs that were certainly in pieces there that would have made Mr. Hall very, very happy. Because you know how much you love C-3PO. But yeah, that was fantastic. Absolutely fantastic. The other thing that I wrote down, which was and basically, i we should have done a bingo card or something because I'm pretty happy with with our with our um
with us speculating that we've done both offline and online. And one of the offline ones we had was a around the the ship itself was around. that You nailed that, my friend. The fact that it, so just to let the listeners know, because we didn't talk about it on the pod, I didn't know it, not quite, but I'll take it.
they so last The last week or so I've been, um, I've been texting, uh, texting. I've been messaging, um, Sean, because I've been intrigued by the design of the, uh, what's the ship called? Come on, the cinder. Onyx cinder. Onyx cinder. The onyx cinder.
ah been andtra I've been a been perplexed by the design. It didn't make much sense to me. It didn't make much sense. It seemed rather rather gangly. It seemed rather... ah didn but it It didn't seem... It's never had its hero shot. It's never had its hero angle shot that makes it look awesome. It's always weird angle. I remember i remember i Adam Savage always saying that a heroic design Um, typically you can tell by a silhouette. So you can tell the silhouette of the Millennium Falcon. You can tell the silhouette of the X-wing. You can tell the silhouette of most things. And certainly Doug Chang talks about it an awful lot as well as, as to the immediate recognition of something that is new, that looks so goddamn familiar. And I could not, I could not
You and I are both starship porn buddies. We love our ship designs. We love the aesthetics of of Star Wars. um So I started looking into it. The first thing I thought of was, where's the damn cockpit?
because I can't work out you where the down windows are. and It took me until episode three, maybe four, to realise it perched on the right hand side. I've been looking straight at it, it's perched on the right hand side, the opposite side to the Millennium Falcon, but very much offset, similarly to the Millennium Falcon.
But unlike the Millennium Falcon, it doesn't look integrated into the into the main body. There's not that transition, that smooth transition that makes it look part of the ship. And I thought to myself, well, that looks like a separate escape vehicle in its own right. And it still does. It still does.
But then i said then I thought about the rest of the design of the ship as well, and I thought, well, good God, it it still doesn't make sense to me. It still doesn't it still doesn't look right. It looks boiler plaitsy, which is kind of like, well, Andy, that's that's the that's the aesthetic of the Star Wars anyway. But again, the silhouette didn't make much sense to me. When, obviously, it's getting tracked and they boost the... but They jettison the... the um I think they're shields, aren't they? I think they're extra shields and not cargo. It's interesting. I need to watch it again because it reminded me.
Like it's funny because its name is Onix Cinder. So it's like Onix is a Pokemon that's like a snake and it's almost like it's shedding its skin. Cinder reminds me of Phoenix, like a rebirth. It does look like bulk plating and also maybe like storage living quarters because there's some meat on there when it rips it off. Yeah, exactly. And what came out was obviously this beautiful this beautiful shot of a very streamlined, very sexy looking ship, reminded me a little bit of the Normandy um from from Mass Effect. If you played the game, um it looks like a larger version of the
um It was in the Mouldy Crow that but but um the Scrussy guys ah ah are obsessed with. So it looks and looks looks a little bit like the Mouldy Crow, which was ah a small flight, set which I believe Kolkatan flew in a couple of the Jedi Knight games back in the day.
um But the point being, it's it it's it's not a silhouette. It's aesthetically pleasing now. The cockpit, interestingly, is still on the right-hand side. but still It's still to the side. um And it still looks a little bit like aep um like a separate Escape vehicle in its own right. But all in all, the vehicle itself looks a lot more Solid it looks a lot more Like do you think it's because it's a pirate ship like it's more modular like do you see the cockpit almost like a pirate dinghy like Oh, Jack Sparrow's getting away again in the cockpit. Yeah, exactly that i see I thought I think that the
And I could be wrong. i We need some goddamn play. The trouble is though, you go online and start looking at schematics, and you end up with Lego sets. And it's like, nah, nah, nah, that's not what I'm looking for. um But I don't know. I don't know. I need to... It certainly looks separate to the main body when the shields were on, or when they when the Platon was there. it doesn't It looks a little bit more integrated now, but it still could carry itself off out of a separate vehicle.
Well, I think we're gonna get we're gonna get more when the series is a season's over I think they're gonna be like ha ha you see the big picture now, and here's yeah Yeah, so dachshund something else. Yeah, you know they be the escape vehicle can dock into I don't know something else a robot mech or something I'm also going off for more at the moment, but and I quit being is that um I We had this discussion before before the before the the episode. So um i'm I'm taking that as a win and something else that we called before the event. Interestingly, interestingly iny I can't remember where I sat. I never find it. I've got a lot of time on my hands at the moment. And I'm going through an awful lot of my new material. But I do believe i do believe that the cockpit of the
um YT 2400 Which is the I'm trying to think of the goddamn ship's name It's from Shadow to the Empire Be like a smug lid say again. Sorry vamp vamp for it I'm looking looking for you The YT 2400 light freighter that was the famous one was the oh good god outrider it was the outliner and it was in the game um that's right was in the game shadow of the empire
It was flown by, um, dash render dash render being the, the, um, the stand in for Han Solo because it was set between empire and Jedi Jedi. So there was no Han Solo around. Um, but I believe that the cockpit of that particular vehicle was also an escape vehicle as well. So it's kind of lends itself to that. God, that's a long roundabout way of explaining.
that I'm taking a win for this week's prediction. I will say, I forgot to add, like when you sent because you sent me that message. You sent me a message on Discord a couple days before, like maybe a day or two before the show where he's like, because we do this. We'll just send each other. I usually send things that are just nonsense and inflammatory. You send legitimate things. I'm like, hey, do you think that ship, cut like the front comes off the back? And like when I watched it happen, I'm like, Andy's got an insider.
that That dude has some connection. like It was just so perfect and focused. I'm like, oh, he's oh this this dude has been 51 episodes in. He's got an insider who's scooping him stuff.

Starfield and Ship Building

like Or he's just that spot on.
Like, I would sit there thinking about it like most of the night of New Year's Eve. I'm like, that's why I messaged you. I'm like, I'm not gonna tell you anything about the episode, but I have a question for you. As soon as, like, as soon as you watch this, I have a question for you. Because it's gonna be, but then I got but then i got sick and I was like, how did you know? How did know that how it happened? Tell me. but like ja Genuinely, I was genuinely, I had too much time on my hands.
I had too much time on my hands, and I was um just thinking about every now and again, I just go down a rat hole of of ship design. um go um You go into the spacing guild, you put your helmet on, go spacing guild, and then you have the foresight. Yeah, yeah, yeah. See the puzzle pieces come together. Well, I kind of also get i also look at things like, you know, the film, it's not the film, the game Starfield.
I'm hooked. I'm i'm hooked into the, um, when I do play, which is very rare because it's such an expensive game that yeah I use my attention, but my attention span is is not, is not worthy of that. Um, uh, sorry, I'm not worthy of that game because my tension attention, attention, but the Spanish said bad, um, but as a ship builder, um, functionality. And I love looking at the forums. I love looking at the forums and what they build and how close they can get. And then there there's other forums out there where they kind of create their own Corellian YT light freighters. And I'm that kind of stuff. And I've even tried it myself as well. That's you on a same and a few years ago.
Sorry, sorry, I didn't interrupt you there. But before, I wanted to get you before you left Starfield. If they released a DLC that was just like, we give you all the parts in the game and it's just a shit builder, like a tiny glade and all these other games that are cozy games where it's just building stuff, I'd pay for it. I'd pay for it and I'm like, just let me build a cool starship. So would I, and maybe

Future Episode Predictions

x export functionality to print, to but to to to send it to a a laser printer.
say let me set it to a 3D printer and just like, i if they had that ability, I'd pay a lot of money for this. Just to do it, I'd pay 10, 15 bucks, whatever. But if it hit export like the rough models, because you know like games like The Last of Us and stuff where they're like, oh, your add-on ah achievements are, you get the 3D models of things and you can spin them around, zoom in, see how grody they are. It's like, just let me,
Just let me have them. Let me have that. Let me have that. Let me play with it. It doesn't have to be high fidelity, like super insane, full detail. Like, the modders can give it to me. Just let me export the ship I made and let me play with it. Like, let me 3D print it. Like, oh, I'd pay. Oh, I'd pay a lot of money for that. Not a lot, yeah like a lot. Yeah, you paint a lot, you know, you done take it into... Add it to the pile. Take it into, app pattern add it to the dust crafting pile. Exactly.
But yeah, i that'll be fantastic. So yeah, no, that's um, that's, you know, um, baby story and the, and the, and the, the ship set shedding its skin were really the two standout moments for me, but, uh, I'm loving this. I guess all that leaves is I'm not going to go through the old story because we're late this week and there's a bunch of folk that have already speculated and, and kind of, um,
pretty much add the same kind of views as myself or maybe um have um gone down different tangents. But the last two episodes, how do you reckon they're going to pace the last two episodes, mate? I mean, i the race is on now to the planet, to the vault. The race is on. How do you reckon they're going to stretch that over two episodes?
i think I think we're gonna have another week of, this week was like part one and I think next week's part two of the, we're in different circumstances, like, okay, starting with the pirates. Jod was on the bad side and now he's in the middle with them of like, let me next week's gonna be getting getting to add at and and like,
Starting something the kids the kids still don't have like they're they're on their way and they're gonna like it's like the race that at an Kind of yeah kind of thing and there's gonna be high some hijinks and some crap that come in. Maybe we get a little Hondo Onaka maybe yeah like and who um And I think it's gonna be like getting there and kind of gearing up for the Reunion of sorts. We still don't know who the supervisor is like We haven't met back up with the parents. Like, I think there's some stuff that's going to happen on ad ad, and that's my prediction. And now they're going to drag it out. Like, but we're going to continue to see more cogs fall into place on the bike. The more

Character Roles and Plot Impact

of the board is going to be revealed. I don't think it's going to be filler, because i know I know I'm sure people are like, oh, it's going to be filler, filler, filler. But I think it's going to be setting up for the final episode to be a big culmination. Yeah. I agree with you. I think i think we're going to have a
And again, I spoke about this with, uh, with Josh and the guys, I think we deserve a, uh, a reveal. I think at the end of, I think at the end of, should we say episode seven, a, um, or the, the, the penultimate episode, we're going to get a reveal. Be that either the supervisor or the pirate or in group, both of them, the same person. Um, and that will determine the conclusion.
and they in the finale. Do you see it? I do. Do you think, do you see the pirates getting there first but like not going guns blazing and maybe said almost like Lord of the Rings style were like, oh, they're in the outskirts building up their giant pirate forces and the kids just go straight into the Capitol or wherever they are and they get captured. And that's where we get the reveal at the end of the next, the penultimate episode where it's like they, them, the parents and the supervisor are all together and the kids are like that all of a sudden it's. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know how it could go anyway, and I'm going to probably be happy. But I'm just like, how how does this shake out? Because the got I just feel like the Pirates story wise, aren't going to come in guns blazing and be like, there's going to be for some reason why they're there, but they're stalling. Yeah. Give it. I don't I genuinely don't know. And I I I'm up for anything.
I just don't see how Kors talks about this when he talks when when I mean I listen to you guys all the time um Because you're my buddy and also it's good content. So I

X-Wings' Narrative Role

listen to I Listen to reaction episodes and there's something else on that planet it's not It can't just be the vault There's more mysteries than hands, yeah. Yeah, yeah. um So just as a quick exercise, who do what do we not know? Like that feels like we, that in Star Wars worlds feel like could be a reveal. We don't know what happened to Wim's mom. We don't know who the supervisor is. We don't know any, we don't know the face and anything about
The captain, whatever the hell his name is. The pirate, yeah, the pirate dude. That, that, and that thing, and that, that, I wouldn't say bothers me because nothing bothers me because I'm loving it, but that bothers me in the context that it Why the sky's in the face? It's intentional. If there's no relevance to it. Exactly. like The owl hasn't come back. There's strands that are frayed that like, okay, are they gonna... With everything else, it's been so intentional to show. It feels like some of this stuff is gonna have to come back.
the New Republic is gonna be involved in some way, shape, or form. I'm hoping maybe it's just at the end, and they're like, thanks for sending us the coordinates. like i hope it's i don't know I don't know, I don't hope. but I think that makes it seem like I have an expectation or intentions, but it's just, I hope it's not like Luke Skywalker comes in and kills them all and is like, oh, we did it. I'm a Jedi.

Integrating the New Republic

If there's one thing I'm a little bit disappointed about,
And I don't like doing this because i it at the moment i'm um I am really pretty loving it. If there's one thing that I'd say I'm a little bit disappointed about, it's it's probably understanding the point of the X-Wings at the moment. um and we've We've had them show up a couple of times now and they'd been called in. um like They haven't been necessary.
they haven't really been necessary to the story. There could have been another, another, another plot device to use. I guess, I guess they needed to leave with haste from the owl ladies castle laboratory. Sorry, but they didn't. i did I guess they had to edit it at all out, but they they didn't need to leave with haste. Yeah. Yeah. It could be just, okay. Got the coordinates. Thank you very much. We're now on our way.
um which said which which which Which suggests, I guess, that there will be there will be a need for the so the but Alliance, or sorry, the New Republic to to play a part in the finale somehow. But how I don't know, I just don't know, because in theory they shouldn't know Do they know where the planet is? because I don't think they do. I don't i think that's gonna be the reveal. And I think that's part of this. So that the the thorn in my side, that's the very it's a very small thorn, has been the constant kind of background conversation of like, how does this connect to the mandovers? Because they said somebody somewhere at some point in time said it's all connected, got blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, whatever.
Or it's connected to a soak, I don't remember, cuz I don't care. And I wonder if that's that thing that's gonna end up connecting in some weird way in the end. We just have to keep adding, we have this good story and we have to kind of bolt the New Republic on in the middle, on sides, and not affect the mainline story. And then at the very end we're gonna be like, now we discovered this planet and somehow in the future it's gonna connect in some weird way. Yeah, the bit that bugs me is that they must know what atatine is. Sorry, my mic's playing out. They must know what atatine is because the owl lady called them. The owl lady has helped space dude and the kids to the next step. But she also said you wouldn't believe me if I told you. So it's like, they may- Yeah, I guess. I guess.
I guess, but you wouldn' you know that they they they must have told them because don't call out them but you don't call out the cops without a reason. They'd probably charge for wasting their time if you don't actually explain why you didn't me call that in the first place. I don't remember who said it, but it does it is funny. when i came One of our buddies said it's like, all these shows do make the New Republic seem like the most incompetent. Competent, yeah. Yeah. like Yeah, they've taken over from the Jedi being defeated. The only thing I can think of, sorry, one thing I can think of, not the only thing, but one thing I can think of that is positive is that this is what is remaining of the tissue
or the original plot for what would have been range of the new Republic. The only

Star Wars Storytelling Evolution

thing I'd think of that would be remotely positive. I mean, before, you know, before, before certain act, actors made fools of themselves by saying some very, very silly things and naive things. Um, I love the concept of range range of the new Republic.
I love the idea of ranging the the New Republic. I thought it was um you know a an opportunity to again portray the alien man or every man's story.
um ah Without the the without it having galactic consequences and so right I like this. I like I like where you're going. Let me and so So for me, I would like to think it is an opportunity for the Pirates or should we say the underworld to be more a a a a continuing plot device, whether it's with the same people or not, who cares, but a continuing plot device with more involvement from the New Republic going forward. ah so That's all that's said.
No, sorry for interrupting. i I get so excited about my speculating. And I was like, oh, compounding on that. A positive, based on what you're saying, maybe it could be as dead simple as when Jodd turns at the end to be good and sacrifice and and and save the planet, whatever. Could the New Republic just be the means at which he faces the consequences for his actions. They're like, well, you're under arrest. And he's like, and i'm under I understand that. And they're the ones who can take him away. Like, that's ah the lightest. That could be the lightest that they could be involved. They're simply the ones who take him away and he faces the consequences of his actions. Or
Maybe something bigger, but I like I like where you're coming from with this They're the connection to the Pirates in the New Republic and bringing this into a larger that larger whatever verse like it's just
Just loving, I didn't realise I was on mute, sorry. You can keep that in, you can keep that in. What you missed me saying was I'm just loving it. I'm just loving this whole pirate thing. And I think it just brings a grittiness, a freshness, a sense of ridiculousness about the whole thing. It's so goddamn flamboyant.
and deliciously cheesy. um I friggin' love it. I friggin' love it. You know, it's... it's eight its big um What can I say? It's a series that I've really, really enjoyed. and um I will continue to rewatch it. and's around It's the recipe of what the good things about Star Wars and including the EU. Yeah. Without the edgelordiness of all this. Oh dude, you go you'd go crazy with this.
yeah Crimson Jack. i mean never that that's there are some i mean Crimson Jack in the EU is hilarious, absolutely hilarious. He's so pompous, up himself, as our friend King Tom says, he never wears pants.
He never ever wears pants. He needs pants in space. um He can... The whole thing is is just... He rides around in a stolen um Imperial Star Destroyer as his main base. It's like the guy's cool as hell. um On top of that, you've got, you know, from those that very same EU um ah think tank at the time, playing things like Jax the Green Rabbit.
You know, it's it's like Jackson, sorry, Jackson the Green Rabbit. um I just love that stuff. and It's so rich but so ridiculous. it's it's It's delicious. But also, it's so detached from the Skywalker saga, which you can leave sacrosanct. You can use that. you know you could You can tie that up in a bow and leave it, and it's it's it's protected. Nothing's going to impact it. There's no

Conclusion and Audience Engagement

there's no threat there no threat to or everything that you love about Star Wars at various times.
um its some it it it It's great. It's fantastic. It's it's individual. it's It's unique. I love it. I'm hoping that this is a turn, like a changing in the tides with the Star Wars universe, similar to what you saw with the MCU and other things, where we look back on a certain time period and say, oh, prior to Skeleton Crew was when everything was serious, everything had to be
factually connected, Pablo Hidalgo, how does how to work how does this ship fly on screen and come out in the same spot in the next scene and everything's gotta be, ra I need my lore. And then, similar to what with like Thor 3 and Guardians of the Galaxy did, it's like, oh, we took this like dark and gritty universe and then we introduced a lightheartedness to change with the times. And like it can be both and also connect. but what they did do But what they didn't do, they didn't copy Guardians.
Exactly. It would have been very, very easy to copy Guardians and it for it to be a me too. But the sentiment of separating yourself. I know what you mean. I know exactly what you mean and that it's something something that reinvented it. But what they didn't do, which is really, really clever, was take something else that's working and try and replicate it because that is the that would be the worst. Yeah. That would be the worst. What they did was they chose a genre that is more akin to the 12-year-olds that George Lucas was originally trying to attract back in 1977. It's really, really clever. I hope there's a behind the scenes. I don't think we'll ever get the behind the scenes that I want, but it feels like they approach this from a different direction. Instead of saying, okay, what other tendrils do we have from Bad Batch and like the Filoni stuff and like how do we connect and then work backwards? It's like they sat down in a room and say,
what What do people love? like they they They did the brainstorm, the corporate brainstorm session of they brought in people like, how do we get how do we write a story that like people love? And then maybe they connected it at the end instead of working backwards. They worked forward of like writing a great story. What do people love? Nostalgia.
um kids like learning like modern lessons and things like this and and the passion and then they like then they built from there and then maybe they connected instead of the other way around with some of the things I struggle with with the Filoni verse where it's like oh you got to watch 17 seasons of other stuff because you got to be in the cool kids club to yeah understand everything or otherwise you're just not Star Wars enough like they ah I don't think it's that I don't think it's that I don't think it's that.
I don't think it tries to preach like that. Well, yeah, yeah. i was Unfortunately, but unfortunately, that's the that in what you're saying is exactly right. That's the net result of if you don't know, you know, what does.
What does Ahsoka mean to me is very, sorry, the question is what Ahsoka means to me is very different to what Ahsoka means to Lucy. Yeah. So all of the, all of the really, really, all of the beats in the Ahsoka series that meant an awful lot, her trials, you know, she's going through her second round of trials in the world between worlds, all that kind of stuff.
It loses its gravitas to someone that is not that is not I say with with with the law behind it and So so difficult to kind of get Get should we say the majority of people on board with that kind of story because it is so locked to law um Despite how we sh feel about it, because I enjoyed it so much. Yeah, I enjoyed it. Madison doesn't want to watch it, and it's like that, but this, I think she would. nothing Well, I'm the Lucy, and um so Lucy has what's this, um and she's enjoyed it, and she's understanding why I'm enjoying it. As a result of that, you know, she's been on board with the pirates, with my little pirate journey at the moment. and um But also, um my youngest daughter, Abby, Abby in particular,
has wanted to watch it because she has been here over the Christmas break. yeah She has wanted to watch it the same same ah same time as me. Unfortunately, she's had to go back. She's had to go back home because she's back at work now. So going forward, we'll have to watch it separately. But she's wanted to watch it with me. um I might just never do that. They never ever do that. She's really, really enjoyed it. Really, really enjoyed it. so um that that that speaks mountains to me ah accounts for something yeah exactly exactly well okay dude i think we're i think we've caught up in the back on track this is where we should be a couple of technical hiccups today um one of them
Unfortunately, I was on mute. Sorry about that. It's not no worries. no was It was more of the same. It was more of the same um excitement but that I just put across about skirting group. But dude, thank you very much for recording with me. I have missed you an awful lot. I'm glad you're nearly 100%. We will be recording next week around the same time because we're trying to align three time zones again. um So we will be a little bit later again next week, but we will make sure it certainly is within the week so that we can round out our um our year anniversary in style. um So all that leaves me to say is thank you everyone for this thing. um I hope you've enjoyed our little chitchat this evening. Thank you for your friendships. Thank you for your feedback.
um Thank you for following us. Thank you, thank you, thank you. um Thank you, Sean. Take us out, buddy. Thank you, everybody. Thank you, Andy, for hopping on, being flexible with ah recording times. For everybody else, we're so glad you spent some time with us today. If you enjoyed the episode, be sure to subscribe or leave a review. I know the apps don't make it easy, but it's in there, and we'd really appreciate it. Or share it with some friends or talk about it on your pods. I don't know. It helps us grow. It helps us, I don't know, reach people, other like-minded people who are enjoying the same stuff that we are. Ciao.
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all sorts of exciting things like that but yeah until then until next week take care of yourselves i know andy likes to have his his send off as well that's all i got bye guys look after each other stay healthy stay happy bye by