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Episode 044 - Flashin' Gordon image

Episode 044 - Flashin' Gordon

S1 E44 ยท Just Shillin'
33 Plays3 months ago

This week, Andy and Shawn talk about recent vacations, exciting new shows, and much more!

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Thank you to our good friend Chris Hall for the amazing cover artwork!


Introduction to Episode 44

Hello and welcome to episode number 44 of Just Shillin. I am one of your hosts, Sean Hoffman. And I am your other host, Andy Bell. Happy Wednesday, brother. How are you? Happy Wednesday to you as well. i am I'm doing a lot better. I can think more clearly. I won't say ah think um' I think I'm at like a 96% charge.

Weather and Well-being Updates

Excellent. Like I'm right there. It's like the just the remaining stuffy, like remaining little bits, but otherwise I feel fine. I'm doing good. ah we got a little We got a little snow here yesterday, which hopefully by the time I'm done in here is melted and gone, because it's too early for that, in my book at least, in my opinion.
um But other than that, man, I know, what I mean, it hasn't been terribly long since we spoke. I mean, I haven't done a whole lot. I laid on the couch for a while. I've, uh, I've done yeah folk things that we'll talk about, but yeah, other than that, man, I've been, I've been pretty, I've been pretty good.

Reflections on Last Week's Episode with Josh Chapman

I was just going to, I was just going to say for folk that may have, may or may not have missed last week's episode. Um, my friend Sean joined.
joined or hosted the pod last week with COVID and you did not you did not feel good did you and you probably shouldn't have done it we should have delayed for a week but i felt i felt better than probably one would assume like i wasn't miserable um i've i've learned after getting like even just whatever it's like colds colds and COVID i kind of learned over time after getting it a couple times like dude if you just if you stayed like really caffeinated like not like overly caffeinated but you say like kind of at that that Balmer level of- Yeah, yeah, yeah. Of caffeination. Like you can you can curb most effects for like half to three quarters of the day. And then it just- Nice. That obliterates you at the end. And so it's like, that's better than just being miserable the whole day. um Yeah. So i was doing I was doing great. Near the tail end, I'm like, I think i think my caffeination is... Caffeination. My whatever is getting
I can see the end of the tunnel, like it's coming. So we may finish this, but I am not going to be able to edit it right now. But other than that, no, but it's good. Luckily, luckily i don't think I don't think it needed much editing. And on that point, a massive, massive, massive thank you to Josh for joining us last week. So Josh Chapman from Star Wars Spelt Out joined us and as I'm sure everyone listening will know the guy is a consummate professional. Um, he knows his stuff. He he's engaging, um, and has an awful lot to to talk about with some very, very rapid and, um, some great insight, which I respect

Road to Celebration Series Plans

from the guy. So, um, yeah, no, it was, it was amazing having him as our first guest on the, on ah a series of podcasts or a series of episodes that we're going to coin the road to celebration. So that was part one.
with Josh, we've got some plans for part two and and and um and onwards. um But um yeah, it was, I think it was a great success. And I'm again, really, really grateful for Josh ah bringing your professionalism to our little rinky dink podcast. So thanks, Josh, mate. Really appreciate it. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. You did. I don't know what we, I think that was like perfect timing. Cause I was nervous. I'm like,
Oh my God, am I going to be able, am I going to be able to even like provide anything? Like, is it going to be a whole thing or whatever? And it's like, no, I felt, I felt good. I was contributing. But then like, Josh, like he just, he brought, brought his game and was just crushing it. It's like, yes, I'm able to kind of sit and just sit in the fumes for a little bit every once in a while. All right, I'm here. I'm here. I'm paying attention. I know what's going on.
No, you were in. You were in. There's a lot of data. you know You were in. and and And unless I knew you had COVID, I thought you might have had a little bit of a cold but um because you were you were you were coming out with the one-liners. So no, all good. All good, man. That's what I get paid for. Excellent. So um ah like like you, it's been a paid.
ah Like you, it's been a ah short week because we only spoke on Saturday, uh, Saturday, our time. Um, and, um, yeah, not an awful lot's gone on. I did promise you, um, an update of the holiday. So the holiday, uh, we took a week out of prior week and, uh, it wasn't so great if I'm perfectly honest with

Emotional Story of Andy's Dog

you. Um, it, it, and I, and I didn't want to talk about it with our guests on the, on the pod because I didn't want to bring the vibe down, but long the short of it, two days into the, into the holiday.
a very old girl of a dog, a very old dog. She died while we were away, um which was a bummer, an absolute bummer. We have, um she was an amazing dog. She was nearly 12 years old, didn't quite make 12. She was very old, so we knew we were on a journey um and we were managing it for quite a few years now with, or a fee for a few years now, sorry.
um with, with medication. And so, and no, and, and there was nothing out of the norm, um, of her usual condition. So there were no signs whatsoever. And then unfortunately second day in and it's like, yeah, she's, she's passed away in her sleep, which is nice. Um, yeah if, if that's such a thing. Um, but, but yeah, no, she's, she passed away. Can I miss her amazing an amazing amount? Um, dogs are a big part of our big part of our family. We we have been and always will be a family.
with animals um and typically that that includes a couple of dogs and a couple of cats. um So um yeah, that was a bummer and it it put it really put a um it really set the mood for the rest of the week. and And while we tried to make most of it, I think all of us, sorry, but both myself and Lucy kind of lost it a little bit from time to time um and didn't feel particularly relaxed when we got back. But you know, these things happen.
And it's time to move on. And as I said, I just said, um, we've always been a house with dogs and we always will be a house with dogs. And there was a massive hole in our house. And so we're going to jump on the wagon relatively quickly. Now, some people may say, well, that that's not a lot of time to grieve, but it doesn't, it doesn't, in my opinion, it doesn't, this isn't a rebound that we we don't, we don't. We're not looking to get another dog um simply because it'll take away the hurt from the dog that we've yeah so we've lost. It's because we have a hu we we we have dogs in our house and we don't have a dog in our house. We were down to war as it was. so um um and And so we have um we're looking to take on a little pup that,
should we say, um Yeah, she she's a very she's quite a character. She's quite a character. She's a very angry looking spaniel.
um in that her her her she's She's ah what they call a black and tan, so that's her coloring. She's black and tan. And her she's got these very fair,
She's kind of got like tiger stripes across her belly and across her body, but her face is black and she's got these two very jaunty um eyebrows made out of tan that make her look absolutely pissed off.
Uh, our friend Dave Spratt said, you know, she literally has a resting bitch face and he's absolutely right. She looks angry, angry, angry, angry. And we took, look, we took one look at her and ah supposedly she wasn't taken because she's not as pretty or as cute as her brothers and sisters. Well, I saw her brothers and sisters and she so she, she, um, how can I put this? She, um,
she really stood out for me. I've always i've always gone i've always gone for or I've always favored the runt of the litter or the ah the the the dog that isn't perhaps as marketable ah or as cutesy as the others. And um she just stood out for me and I thought, ah you're coming home with me.
So um the deal's done, where way she's she's just got her last um um inoculations um and the last vet visit. And we pick her up on Saturday day of this week. So yeah, looking forward to it. Looking forward to it. And you know and it for me, it's logical. For me, it's absolutely logical. And I'm saying to Lucy, because licy Lucy was, I feel as if we should ah feel as if we should have give more time and respect to the dog that we've just left, Pepper, the dog that we've just left.
I'm saying, well, you've got two options available to you. you we can we can We can sit in an empty house because you know the girls have left home. So we can sit in an empty house um and do the right the right in air quotes thing and and yeah um and and mourn for two months. Or we can fill some time and um and use the love that we've you know, the love that we have in the house on someone that needs, on an animal that needs it. So that's my approach. And Lucy certainly come around to that as well. And I stand by, you know, our position on this. So yeah, no, looking forward to it. Looking forward to it. No reason to punish yourselves. No, no, absolutely not. Especially if you have a good one that's ready for a new family. Exactly. Exactly.
So that was kind of the be all and end all of that was kind of the tone of the holiday. The weather was fantastic. um But we certainly didn't get out and about we didn't feel motivated to do much. Spent an awful lot of time reading by the pool, which I which to be honest with you, in terms of the things that we were looking to do, that's one off that that's one on the bucket list. So so in that respect, you know, um objective achieved. But ah yeah, we didn't do much else. um eight out a few times at some really, really great places. there's one and i mean Because we've been to this place in Gran Canaria before, there's a few there's a few local um restaurants that are staffed and um
uh uh managed by by by local people and you get away from the maddening crowds not that there's it's not too busy during November anyway but you get away from the maddening crowds and you kind of get to experience an awful lot of great local cooking which is kind of a fusion between traditional Spanish because of obviously Gran Canaria and Lanzarote and Tenerife and and the Canary Islands in general are an old colony of of um of Spain. um But you also get the influence of Morocco, to your point, you know, week before last, when we were talking about web where the Canary Islands are based, you get an awful lot of um North Africa tastes as well. So it's kind of this kind of fusion between tapas with a lot of spice, for example, and it's really, really nice, really, really nice.
um And that that was that that that part of it was great. So, you know, let's say two out of five five things we wanted to achieve in the holiday were were we achieved, which, bearing in mind the circumstances, was was pretty cool. um Looking forward to another holiday there. I didn't in any way feel relaxed by the time I got home. But that's the way it goes, right?
um What else have I done in the last week or so? um Oh, ah you've been on my back. You've been on my back about this and i i've I've got a question for

Social Media Ventures and Popularity

you. So I finally set myself up with an Instagram account. yeah yeah Yeah. Yeah. And at the moment you're my only friend because like i got I got a question. um So I set it up. And if anyone wants to join me on Instagram, it's the same as my, um same as my ah Blue Sky profile, so it's Mingana 1972 or 1972. So it's M-I-N-G-A-N-N-A 1972, which is my also my Xbox gamertag as well. Anyway, um ah I'm on that um because you've been on my back about it for goddamn ages now.
Um, I've done it. However, what it does offer is for me to cat, as I said, you're the only friend I've got on there. Now I'm okay with that. to build with you But it does give me the option to merge with my Facebook account. And my Facebook account is very, very different ah to to other social media. It's, it's for family. It's for, there's a few business associates and and and peers at work on that.
And I don't want to, I don't really want to cross the streams. I don't really want to cross the streams. Is there an option where I can select the contacts I want to migrate or is it literally, we're going to tie this into your Facebook account and that, and that, that you get everything, you know, you you get everything warts and all and you've got no choice in this. Cause I can't find the option to be, to curate my friends list on, um, on Instagram. So.
It's a bit of all of it. It's a bit of a mix, depending on what you do. One, I'm fine with you just being my friend, because I just want to be able to send you memes and messages that I think are funny. That's what I do for Madison. I don't know. I'm sure I've talked about it before. She doesn't get on there. I send them to her messages, and then we sit in front of the TV every couple nights, every once in a while, and I just make her watch a couple ones that I curated for.
um In terms of the Facebook account thing, so meta Meta owns both. um yeah And they push. they make it they They want to make it easier. Well, one, they want to want you to do it. And two, it makes it easier. I get it. well ah Across all their real estate, they want to have you know a single sign on. So you take it's almost like you take your passport, wherever you go. And I get it. I do get it. but I purposely wanted to be separate to each other. Yeah. So nothing nothing will automatic. I mean, I wouldn't if I based on what your use case is, I would not do it um because it doesn't get you anything. It doesn't gain anything except for a single login. um Yeah. it Because it will. It doesn't. We won't do anything automatically. It won't like add all these friends, but it will.
automatically expose you, your Instagram account, to like, your face. Like, you're gonna start showing up in recommendations for all those people. Yeah, I know. Oh, Andy, over here. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, I don't want that. No, I want, i'm I'm quite blissful in my, in keeping family,
home, and fun. Very, very separate. Very, very separate. No, it's it's fine. It's not a problem. I didn't know whether there was an easy way around it. but um I just got to do some work, you know, it's just, um, Well, there should be less like, I mean, since I'm the only one that's probably not super helpful, but like, if if you get like a couple of other friends, like it'll start recommending people to you and you can just let go. in there yeah oh i know And it already has. And it already has. And it's, I'm guessing it's because you've engaged with that person recently. So for example, Eric popped up yesterday. Uh, and I was like, Oh, okay. Okay. I won't, I won't, I won't.
I won't go crazy now. i'll I'll go offline and talk to Sean about it. Now that's cool. So yeah, i'm i'm getting I'm getting up to date with the the early 20th century, 21st century, sorry. And I've now got an Instagram account, which is awesome.
And that's really been my week, um the with the exception of work. So I felt really good about where I was with work, because you and I recorded the day before we literally left on the plane that morning, the the the following morning. So I felt really good about the position i'd left I'd left the business in. And it was kind of like, of course, nothing came down.
nothing's but normal nothing nothing's been done. It's like, you know, while I'm away, this needs to be done, this needs to be done, done this to and nothing's been done. It's almost like it's it's it's kind of like, um you know, do do you a this impacts you guys as well. Do you want do you want to fail? um So yeah, the last week has really been about um catching up on stuff and and making and fixing stuff that should have been done a few weeks back, which has been it's been all right. I'm taking my time now. I'm still um my mind's not not 100% into into work ethic at the moment. So um
I'll take my time and it'll be fixed. But yeah, that's, that's kind of been my week. It's like mom and dad they went on vacation and none of the toys got done around the house. Yes. Yes. Exactly that. It's exactly that. It's exactly that. It's like, uh, well, I sent this email. Yeah. Did you get a response? Oh yeah. And what did they say? No. Okay. So how did you respond to that? No. Oh, I didn't bother you were coming back from work. It's like, okay.
ah Okay, fine. We'll get sorted. So, um, anything in the news mate, have you picked up? Again, we've only had three days. It's only been, was it Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday? It's only been four days, uh, since we last spoke. So it's been a relatively slim, some relatively slim pickings from my point of view. I've got a couple of nice little, um, nuggets, uh, that I'll go through, but what about you? Did you pick up anything? Uh, kind of news, uh, you know,
handful of us are starting to get blue sky famous cause we're getting followed by people who we do not know. Uh, that's kind of cool and exciting to know, have internet robot rain randos or whatever's, you know, boost the ego a little bit there. Like in, like in the posts, like in the, the just showing post, maybe we're getting a couple extra listeners. Who knows? Maybe that'll be good. That'll be good. It's a, it is. If you're new, hello. Hi. Um, he's the good one. I'm the incompetent one.
What was I gonna say to you? It is astonishing just how quickly this is snowballing. um and it's um And it does make me laugh. that just There seems to be a land grab for butpp followers and stuff at the moment. And I'm just i'm just taking my um'm just taking a step back and it's like, oh, this is scary. I quite like it being quiet. It's a bit like, it's a bit like um I don't know, go it's... it's um You know what I'm like in public. I mean, I hate most people most of the time as it is anyway, but yeah, it's a bit like ah being in a, you know, being a very informal and intimate, um having an informal and and intimate dinner with with with a couple of friends than or going to ah going to a warehouse party with 30,000 people in it. It's like, whoa, I don't want to prefer at the moment this time in my life.
It's insane. It's insane how busy it's getting. I mean, it's good. I feel it too. I've always liked that network. And I think it's funny for me. It's like, oh, hey, it's getting really popular. And I'm just trying to keep the wheels on that Star Wars feed. Just keep it going. And the more people who keep joining, it's like,
Hey, it was kind of nice when you guys weren't here and this thing just like worked. But now it's like, but it is a, it is a fun so problem to solve, but, uh, it is fine. It's like, it's it's growing. It is definitely growing. I have to say the, the, the sentiment and the, the general vibe is something that I think is, is really positive and it's really, really nice. I, um, I, as promised, I posted our last, um,
um update update on last week's pod on Saturday night, so something maybe Sunday morning, Sunday morning, and um and then I left the account for two days um just to make sure that folk knew that we were moving and then I closed it down and I have to fit i have to say there's something quite cathartic about it because You've been gone for a while. you know You've been dipping in and out every now and again on X just to kind of test the water. um But in recent weeks, it's been particularly nasty. um There's a bunch of folk, there's a bunch of folk that feel very victorious at the moment and quite and quite empowered to say things that aren't particularly nice.
um yeah And it's been like that, it's been like that for a couple of weeks, but especially, you know, a week before last, it it had just got, it just got really, really outrageous. And I, I, I felt good about closing down that account. It's something that I was considering in the back of my mind. Do I just put it on hiatus? Um,
but no, I just wanna have a clean break. So I've closed that account and i'll I will be a lot more active now as best I can. I'm usually reactive if I'm perfectly honest with you. I kind of look at our friends, Emily Steele, Hors, I look at their posts and I kind of comment on that. I don't really, apart from the pod, obviously, I don't really, I'm not really proactive. Producing. Yeah, I'm not really producing any content, which is which is fine with me, fine with me. you don't ah You don't want to get to know this old fart. Anyway, um yeah, no, but it's been quite liberating. um And it's nice to see so much positivity. And I don't know. And I don't know whether it's the algorithm that I'm or the people that I'm engaged with and the people I don't know that I'm now engaging with for the first time. um But the general sentiment is really, really positive. And that it's it's ah it's a really good vibe. And I really, really hope that that that we're able to keep that because good God, we need it as a world at the moment.
It's a bit of a weird one. We're feeling it out. Madison, in an update in the just immigrating segment, Madison did discover that she's actually, I believe she's capable of getting, think free I think she said free. I wasn't fully listening.
um It's kind of a yeah, uh-huh. ah Getting a free citizenship to Italy because her grandparents came from there. Wow. Wow. and So she could, it's not the top of my list, no had no shade on Italy, but you know, hey, it's good to have options that are, you know, just options, period. you know just Well, I mean, it's like, I'm like the mike Pokemon.
Yeah, exactly. If it gives you accessibility to the EU, I mean, unfortunately, Britain, you know, the UK is no longer part of that, but it if it gives you because you accessibility, a lot better accessibility, the European Union, union again, it gives you options. So, um you know, I'm a great believer in dual citizenship. My, my sister, as you know, moved to, moved to Australia. First thing they did was to get their citizenship. So they, you know, they have a dual passport um or dual passports, plural. And, um,
It's amazing how they they juggle their passports depending on where they're going in the in the world because obviously it will yeah it it it may it may well it may well or may not um change the experience. There's a heck of a lot of when um the UK voted out of um the The EU, the first thing that Lucy did, I mean, Lucy, I think I've told you before, is Swiss, um or half Swiss. And she's um she's written she's she's she's got her Swiss passport. A whole load of friends of mine um that have um that have um links with family in Ireland have an Irish path, the Republic of Ireland passports. And it just gives just gives people options.
um And i think it's ah I think it's a really, really good thing. You know, accessibility to the rest of this amazing world, I think, is is is is nothing but a good thing. Hell yeah, me. That's my news. That's my news. Not news, but that's my not news. No, no, no. It's it's cool. It's cool to talk about

Upcoming Shows and Content Excitement

it. i Especially in a slow week, right? um So there's a few things I picked up um this week in the short amount of time that we've had not recording.
um I start, oh, no, no, no, I can't talk about that. I can't talk about that, that's what I've been watching. um So Silo, Silo being the Apple TV production that I love and was one of the first, one of the first programs alongside um Severance that you recommended that I saw on Apple TV and ever since then I've kind of jumped in and fallen in love with the platform. But anyway, um yeah, Silo, we've had a couple of um cheeky snippets from a, what looked like um sequential snippets of what we can expect in season two. And it looks, it looks really, really cool. It looks really, really cool. Uh, we'll have to see, uh, uh, without, I don't know. Well, it's, it's in a snippet, so I don't think it's a spoiler, but, um, we get to see what, um,
Rebecca's character, watch what she does after she she breaks out of the silo and where she goes after that and kind of what she finds, because you'll remember at the end of season one, um she leaves the silo or or volunteers to leave the silo because she's in a lot of trouble with the um with the government of the silo. And um she she gets to see the secret, which is, you know, the the the earth is barren and it's and all you see is her walking off into the distance.
Um, and, um, yeah, you, this kind of picks up these two snippets kind of pick up where we left off with her walking off into the distance and, and, and what she finds, um, out in the, um, in the wasteland. So it looks, it looks really, really good. It's really, really good. I'm really looking forward to that. and And I think we've really got two days. So I think it's actually, yes, it's out on in the 15th.
we've only got two days to wait so that's going to be pretty much my weekend so we picked the dog up on Saturday and then I can get down and start getting into a new season or a new series sorry that I'm looking forward to. Another thing I saw was um there was um a D23 Brazil and I think it comes from there. I'm not 100% sure, but I think it comes from there. There was like um a teaser reel, an extended teaser reel that had a bunch of snippets, very short snippets, nay, small trailers, all all stitched together to kind of show to show what was coming up on Disney and
on Hulu in the next 12 months or so. And of course, they had, I mean, I was excited about two things, Star Wars and Alien. There's a whole bunch of other stuff there as well, like a lot of the Marvel stuff was there. So Ironheart and, what are they called? Ironheart.
um I can't remember the other one. I can't remember the other one. anyway Anyway, they had all the ah mar of Marvel stuff there, as you'd expect. But they also had a snippet a snippet of um Alien Earth, which looks really, really good, actually. It looks really, really good at this very, I mean, the production values are immaculate when you consider it against um when you consider it against um the original film from 77 and obviously Aliens, the the the sequel. The production design is is very, very faithful. It looks looks good. It looks really, really good. I can't wait for that to be a TV series. That's that's going to be awesome.
And also, obviously, Star Wars. And in Star Wars, they showed a um ah snippet of Skeleton Crew, a few extra shots that I don't remember from the trailer we talked about last week, um but nothing particularly earth-shattering. What they did show, though, was um a ah ah bunch of snippets on the and or for coming out April 2025, which looks very, very exciting. And the more and more I think about it, the more I think that it's going to play a big part, a big, big part of um celebration when we get there.
i can't I can't imagine, I mean, the hype around this pro did this this this season is already there. ah People are losing their minds over what they're seeing, what they're speculating. Obviously K2's back, there's the promise of Krennic. It's continuing the story of Dedra. It's gonna be frigging cool. And of course, this falls over. I forgot this falls over because it goes right up to Rogue One, it also it's also gonna have to cover the time that, well, Mothma comes out of the, you know, comes out and basically, yeah um um and basically um has that big speech about- It's got a lot to cover. It's got a lot to cover in a short, in a very short time. I know it's quality over quantity. And I know that what was gonna be a five season,
run was cut down significantly to um to two seasons. But to your point, you know it's almost from the sublime to the ridiculous in that they've got so much to cover in that in that one season with I think every three episodes is one is one year. I don't think we'll get everything wrapped up.
I don't think, I can't believe we will. I can't believe we will. i think I think we'll get Andor stuff wrapped up and I think everybody else will, anybody who doesn't die is going to get, be available for future other stuff. I'd love that. I'd love that. Especially if they, you know, we've seen in literature, um, the time periods between Star Wars and empire and empire and return the Jedi done to death.
We've seen it in in literature, we've seen it in the EU in particular, but we've also seen it in, um we've also seen it in comics as well, especially comics actually. At time between Star Wars and Empire is is is is packed. um But it would be good to see it on TV, on tv you know, as ah as a very, following the, what I love about Andor, okay, oh God, I'm repeating myself over and over every single time we talk about it. What I love about Andor, it's the everyman story or the anyman story and, and and having some of those people,
um those inconsequential characters or those side characters to the main start Skywalker story, continue their journey around that time. Oh, that's fascinating to me. And I know I keep talking and don know like i keep talking about Star Wars need to needs to diversify, it needs to expand into other time periods and it doesn't you know, it should get away from the um the Skywalker ah story. But the way I feel about Andor season one is that it had nothing to do with the Skywalker story, not really. yeah I mean, it was, you know, the the they the the global, or they they they did the the galactic events that were going on was obviously ah precursor to A New Hope, but um it was really other people's stories that I found so endearing. And yeah, keeping that going would be be sick.
Yeah, I mean, i i'm hope I'm excited. I'm very excited for the show. I am hopeful that with some of the side characters that they do, they take some risks and like make some commitments, I guess is a way to phrase it. Like, yeah, I think that I think over time, I think I've been able to like maybe articulate some of the things that I wish I, I wish they would do differently at times. Like there's times where it feels very daytime soap or like Rocky and Bullwinkle ish, where like there's,
Not with Andor specifically, but with just some of the Star Wars stuff in general. It's like, there's not, the stakes never really feel that serious at times because everybody, besides the main character, just keeps going. And then they'll show up in something else and they keep showing up and showing up and showing up. And it's like, just do it. Just like make, make a hard, just rip the band-aid off and like, not full Game of Thrones, like to be clear, not be like, I want main characters to be dying every week. And I know, I know exactly what you mean. At the end of the day, that's the beauty of having a narrative that follows the 80 man story.
is that there's no risk of killing them off, or there's no there's no risk of putting them out of action, or there's no risk of of them being you know not part of the the the the overall hero story and and going down very, very different very very different lines,
or roots, sorry. No, I'm stoked. I'm stoked and like um I hope him takes as many risks as he as so i hope gildroy takes as many risks as he did with season one because yeah what we got was a master stroke.
yeah So the only other... Oh, sorry. i got I was going to put this in my intro. um I don't know if you remember when we were talking to Josh last week, we were talking about, uh, what we're looking forward to from, um, Japan. And I was talking, we both talked about the art. We both talk about immersing ourselves in the, in the culture. I mean, for me as best we can, because I literally am in and out. And I got stuck over a brand of, of, of collectibles. and It was, um, I couldn't remember the name, couldn't remember the name. And it was bugging me so much that after the pod I spent
a good 15, 20 minutes trying to find it. And someo lawyers um soma yeah that it's It's Smarshy Nations and the, in particular, the Gremby. There's another brand called Gremby, which is really, really, really sick. um And, uh, they can be kind of overdone, but, um, grown me in particular do some really, really good stuff. Sorry. I, I, there's a point of clarification, um, because my mind was blank last week. Um, the other thing that I picked up on was, um, I was going to wait until I talked about, uh, what we've been consuming, watching, listening, reading, playing, but I feel for me, it's also new news as well. Because it hasn't been long. I think it was only a week or so ago that they came out. It's been planned for three years.
Um, or I could be completely wrong. I don't know. I really don't know.

Star Wars Museum Plans

But apparently, um, Steve Sansway, the, um, the the founder of, uh, of, of, of obviously Rancho Obi-Wan and the original, um, manager or the, um, the, the, um, original lead of the Star Wars fan club. Um,
He's looking to pool his resources um with Gus Lopez, Duncan Jenkins, Lisa Stevens, and Vic Wertz, all of which have had a hand in Rancho Obi-Wan at some point or another, but also have their own amazing collections of merchandise. That could be toys, it could be cereal boxes, it could be anything. They've all got really, really good collections. And what they've been planning for three years, apparently, is to pull those resources and build a museum, and which I'm really stoked for. I'm really, really stoked for. A dream of mine is to go to Rancho Obi-Wan and just absorb myself in the nostalgia, because that's my you know that's my that's my age um and um my gig, um especially when it comes down to retro stuff. um But they're actually looking to do it in a prominent city. Now, they haven't decided upon which city they're going to land yet,
um That's if you like stage two. They're still at the because it's nonprofit. It's a crowdfunded um exercise to um Pull together two million to basically cover their operational costs for a couple of years and pay people like surveyors like lawyers like um people that they'll need in order to negotiate with city authorities and and and and architects and stuff like that to get the best deal for this nonprofit because they don't have an abundance of cash to spend on it. But I'm really, really fascinated by it. And ah also it also made me feel a little bit sad. Sorry, let me explain how I found this out. Yeah, it was on a podcast. It was it was um the stuff dreams are made of. um Those two guys that spend way too much money on um
on ah on collectibles in particular um props um from from movies, especially Star Wars. The guy that bought the X-Wing for two million, for example, that's one of them. And ah episode the episode before last, they had um um they had they had a few of the folk. Who do they have on? Let me just... um Gus Lopez and and Steve himself were on this episode and they were talking about what their vision is. And one of the things like one of the things that they said, which kind of really grounded it for me was that Steve was saying, I'm not getting any younger and I don't have kids. yeah And I don't want, I don't want this to go.
I don't want this collection I've got to be stored in boxes and mothballs for forever and a day once I go. And it was all about his, so sorry, um not all about, it was also creating an amazing experience for the public, but it was it was also about maintaining the legacy of of what is Rancho Obi-Wan, which really, really landed with me. And I thought that's ah ah that' a beautiful thing. See, I didn't even know it existed. Now,
um i if If this isn't news, I'm really, really sorry. But I've, i I've, I've, I've wracked my brain. And I'm trying to think of any of our buddies that have maybe covered this in their news updates. And I can't remember. I can't remember.
um So anyway, um I think it's I mean, I think it's still ramping up pretty heavily, like even like so we talked about it a little bit before we started airing a recording. Yeah. And I've known about it for a couple of weeks now. And even just looking at the page like the pages for it.
It's like, oh, now they have ah they have a fourth ah fourth group. Because when I first saw it, there was only three collections that were emerging. And now they've got four. And they've they've the site is like fully, but it's like a full site now. They've got investor brochures. So it's like, it does still feel like it's in the throes of kind of ramping up like the in early marketing, um besides just getting people interested. and Like I think they were trying to get buzz. And now it seems like, all right, now we're actually going after people who have like,
like the real money to get it done. Like they can crowdfund this all day long and it's valuable, but getting $10 from everybody ain't going to get you there. You got it. Now they're, it sounds like they're really starting to go into the collecting markets and really start ramping, ramping this up. Yeah. And then they seem to be on a bit of a whistle, stop a whistle, stop a tour. Um, you know, um,
So for example, they've just been visiting Seattle. Um, and they, that they had an event there where they were, you know, where they rate managed to raise themselves 50 grand. Um, they've, it's, it's, it's some good stuff going on. Um, yeah, it's, um, I'm trying to put it in Reno. explain um I'm trying to find it on their website. Oh, Crikey. It's okay. Okay.
It is quite recent, actually. They announced it on the 5th of October. Now, OK, we're a month out of date. But this will explain why this will explain why I don't think I've ever i'd ever heard of it before.
Um, I, unfortunately I missed it when it was originally announced in in October. Well, yeah it was hard. It was hard. Cause even I missed, I think I missed it by a couple of days. I think I saw it around my birthday and was like, what is this? And it looks, I got an ad, I got like an ad or some stuff on Instagram about it. I'm like, what is this? It almost seemed fake. Cause you, I thought more people would have been talking about it, but I think it's, it's kind of this chicken and the egg thing a little bit too, because I think there is a sense of urgency because like, like they were saying, like they're not getting any younger, but like,
they they're putting out to get the money, but they don't have like a full formula, like a well formulated plan yet because they need the money to do that. It's not like it's a business. That's not like it's a, like ah a crowd, like a round of funding for a startup or something where it's like, here's our business proposal. It's like, and here's our yada, yada, yada. It's like, no, we need money to even like find a location. And so it's, it is, it does still feel very raw, but like,
It's such a unique thing that I'm, I'm curious. I wish I could be like a fly on the wall for a lot of it because it's like, oh, you're bringing together four different groups of. Yeah. people Very different locations in like trying to merge this in like. Well, let me, let me read the first paragraph, October the, excuse me, 5th of October, 2034 Seattle, washling Washington, Washington, Petaluna.
ah California. A new chapter in the Star Wars universe is being written not only in a galaxy far, far away, but right here on Earth. The SAGA Museum of Star Wars Memorabilia. In short, they're going to call it SAGA, the SAGA Museum. um Rancho Obi-Wan and SAGA Museum aims to bring together four of the world's largest Star Wars collectibles, collection, sorry, um compromising over 1.5 million objects, shit, I thought I'd run out of space, into one groundbreaking, groundbreaking immersive experience. This highly anticipated museum will offer fans a galactic range of exhibits, programs and amenities designed to be both fun and inspirational while celebrating the rich legacy of Star Wars.
Plans for the new museum were announced on Saturday, so it really is quite recent, albeit a month, at a fundraising event at Seattle's Museum of Pop Culture. And then it goes into who's involved, what they're trying to do. Excellent. I'm i'm stoked for that. I really am. And i hope that I hope they make a go of it. Oh, other thing other thing on this pod on this um episode of ah
what dreams are made of, um is um they asked the direct question, is this gonna conflict with George Lucas's um museum in, I think it's being built in LA. It was gonna be Chicago, wasn't it? But they they fell out. Anyway, um and and the answer was no, no, because if you think about if you think about what what George is doing, he's he's trying to um show
exhibit things that were actually on the silver screen, and talk about it's really, really focused on the filmmaking process itself, you know, the art of the filmmaking process, what we're doing is we're 100% dedicated to ah the commercial the merchandise around these um around his stuff, and he's given them ah he' given as such, he's given them his blessing, which I think is wonderful. It's almost like in you know, he's given them the the golden houndshake to go ahead and and make this happen so yeah really good really really good and I hope they find a really good home that looks after them and gives the ah that gives them the appropriate tax breaks because they're a non-profit and um at some point we can all get to do to enjoy what's there.
I hope I don't think I'm somewhere that has space. Like I know it's tempting. Yeah. Always go towards like the the L.A.'s, the San Francisco's, the the the Chicago's and whatever, like places that are going to be insanely expensive. And like you end up, you know, I'd be afraid of a museum where they they'd be too small and they couldn't display the stuff like they'd want. Like, yeah, go somewhere with some space, maybe it's a little bit smaller, somewhere you can get more more area and you can just just display because that's I think the biggest complaint that a lot of people have with museums, not to go down this rabbit hole of like, no, the Smithsonian displays, like a fraction of a percentage of the things that they have in their collection at a time. It's like, what are we what are we doing? Like, like, I know that well, there's that's a they complicated argument, but
They did talk about keeping it fresh and rotating their stock. I mean, they' not that there's no one on this planet they're going to keep 1.5 big individual exhibits in in one place. the the To answer your question, ah yeah, I think might be actually be in danger of that because one of what are the areas there that they're being approached on at the moment or in terms of city planning is there's an awful lot of unused um as retail kind of moves away from major retail or downtown environments to the outskirts of the city and being these big malls and everything, there's an awful lot of unused premises, which an awful lot they were saying, I mean, I'm not, I'm not from the US, so I can't, I can't contest to this. ah They were saying that they were, um,
There's some pretty good deals to be had in the center of cities, which I don't think probably would would would work for you. But to your point, you know it's about the space and making sure they get the best um the guess the the best footprint, I guess, to exhibit as much as they possibly can.
We'll see, man. We'll see. Yeah. Exciting stuff. um And that's kind of it from a from a from news, which isn't too bad for three days. Bearing in mind, one part of it was a month old, but hey, what are you going to do? um What have you been watching this week, mate? If anything at all.
I've been watching some stuff, I've been watching some stuff. I'll kind of segue into it with, it's kind of news, but it's something I'm going to be watching um very soon. And I somehow had no clue that it existed until like two days ago. ah And that is a show coming to Disney Plus called Say Anything, or Say Nothing, sorry, Say Nothing. um And it's based off the book Say Nothing, written by, but talks amongst yourselves. Patrick Radden Keefe, very good book. It's about the troubles like a in Ireland and yeah that much stuff and some family stuff there. um i'm gonna I'll butcher the description, but it was a fantastic book and I'm looking forward to it coming out as a series. And I think it comes out, I believe, tonight, all the episodes.
Wow, everything's landing at the moment, isn't it? Yeah, but I think it's nine episodes. ah It's not gonna be a happy tale, and but I'm gonna really enjoy watching that. So yeah, I will update on that. Did you see Belfast? um Yes, the movie yeah yeah. Good really good movie. Yeah, and i think I think I watched that movie right after I finished reading that book. Right, got it.
Lookin' at Max, does Max have no clue what was goin' on, Mike? You don't know. You don't know what's goin' on. You don't know what's goin' on here in this movie, do you? You have no clue. That was a good movie, yeah. Yeah, it was a strange, strange time. Strange time. I mean, it was... When was the Good Friday Agreement? Was it in the early 90s? Course it was... I mean, I went to university and in Manchester and... um while I was studying up there, um the city centre was bombed by the IRA. um And of course, living in the UK, or sorry, living in the UK. um You get to see one side of the story. um And as is always the case with most narratives from our authorities and our governments, it was very much biased towards
towards um our side, and it's not until later later life that you realize that, you know, and you get older and you get wiser and you you look into stuff and you read that you realize just the amount of oppression yeah that this nation has brought on other people and other other countries.
um And you start to see other people's side of the story as well. yeah it took what and it's What's so great about the Good the good Friday Agreement is that There have been a few rumbling since. What's great about it is that the entire entire population of Northern Ireland pretty much got off their feet and voted um in this referendum to say, yes, you know we this is what we want. We want we want to be
self governing as a country. um And we want to bring in the end to the troubles. And it was really quite ah an emotional time for someone like myself that didn't get didn't understand not really what was going on. And I'm the kind of the kind of life that these folk we were living, especially in the you know, in the main in the main cities. And it was um Yeah, it was ah it was ah it was amazing. that and And the really great, the really, really great thing about it, it was the it was the youth, it was the younger generation that drove this change. Without a doubt, it was it was it was, you had parents, grandparents um on both Catholic and Protestant side that kind of fermented this this this distrust and hatred hatred from generation to generation. And it was the children, their children and the youth that said,
No, you know, enough. Just enough. Yeah. And it's probably, you know, one of those landmark moments in time that I will never forget.
It was well that's what's crazy about it, too, is I'm glad I'm glad that they're talking about it more like they're making more shows and stuff about it and writing these books.

Education on the Irish Troubles

Yeah, because I'll be honest when through I can't speak for all American education system kids, but I can say when I was going through school, we had learned anything about it, not a single mention of that of that time period.
ah And I think it's, I think you would, you could ask the majority of my people my age and who was like, Oh, do you know what this is? No, no clue. No clue. Maybe from movies or things picked up from there, but like the foundations of it or any kind of anything beyond the word, the troubles and the fact that it has to do with Ireland in some way. Well, it was so recent. So it wasn't part of history for me. because It was, it was kind of, and in fact, and in fact, my, cause I, I studied history at school. Um,
So right and when when you're when you're when you're in the UK, you can choose which subjects you you take. You've got to choose a minimum of nine. One's got to be a language. One obviously has to be mathematics. The other one has to be, there's a English literature like language, have to has to be part of it as well. But the rest of them, you can pretty much you can pretty much curate your own education in the UK. And I studied history both right right up until I left school and history in the UK back in the,
Well, like I left school in 1990, which I'm not. 1991, 1991, of those two days, anyway. um And history was, for us, was all about the Chusen-Stuarts. It was all about the Elizabethan times. It was all about all the way up to, I would say, the First World War, and then it stopped. And a lot of modern history, what we call modern history, was not was not there because we're only talking about, I mean, think about 45, we're only talking about 45 years to from the from the end of the of the of the Second World War, which isn't a long time. um And so we didn't, there's an awful lot, I probably know more about ancient um history, the Middle Ages,
the Tudors and the Stuarts that I do modern history in the UK because that that was that was history in those days. That's what you get taught because it was safe, I guess, it could be controlled, the narrative could be controlled. Anyway, sorry, that's ah that's ah ah a long way. anyway You're looking forward to a series coming out. I'm looking forward to watching that show and ah yeah like you oh stuff that's interesting. I'm also looking forward to Dune Prophecy coming soon. That's gonna be exciting. Not to talk about all the stuff we're excited about, but that's one that i keep I'm getting ads for now and I'm like, o I'm excited. Yeah, really good. ah The stuff I am watching, I'll start with the, I'll go from,
low like low IQ maybe to more thoughtful.

Engagement with Arcane and The Penguin Series

i've been I've been watching, I don't know what's been going on, but I have been for some reason just on a kick of like,
watching like the deep dive histories of like the Halo franchise or like other franchise oh cool franchise. It's just like, it's some dude talking for an hour and a half of like, Hey, you want to know the entire history of Halo? Or like, it's like, Yeah, I do. I do want to watch that. So I've been watching those for some stupid reason. That's like, Yeah, dude, this is this is good content.
um I did start a new show, it's not new, but I started a show based on recommendations. I've watched the first episode of Arcane three times now. um and My man. I'm gonna start working my, three times because the first time I watched it, I was like,
yeah like ah Like a fever dream. Second time, ah guy I was like, okay, I think I watched this and watched it and then kind of like, not because it's boring, because it's COVID. And then third time watching, I'm like, all right, yep, I do. I do remember all of this. I got it all. Yeah. And carry forward. So I've watched, the I think I've watched the first couple episodes now. um Nice. I'm looking forward to it. Smash through the rest of it.
very good so far. I'm liking it. I have no clue what's happened. I've heard people talk about it a million times, but it's kind of like ah when I played The Last of Us. None of it were to I did retained zero. So it's all very new to me. Yeah, and I i mean, you remember from the you remember from the day the episode we have with horse and Steve, it's my it's my number one. um It just made me feel a certain way and it kind of I don't know. it's It's, it's, it's, it's, it landed with me so well. Um, it captures everything I like about.
Steampunk done, done right. You know, done right. Uh, with, and I'm the most, some of the most beautiful animation and that gets better. I'll talk a little bit about season two in a second, but that that only gets better and more experimental, which is fucking phenomenal. Um,
Yeah, no, you'll have a good time. I hope you have a good time anyway. I mean, it's, it, it, it, it ramps pretty quickly and it doesn't stay in one time zone either. It it does. It does leap forward a few years, um, uh, very soon for you. Um, yeah, it's good. Really good. Um, yeah. Yeah. I'm excited. I'm going to be watching a movie, a new movie that came out recently very soon that I'm excited for and it's called flow. Um,
hoping to watch that sooner rather than later. It's like with an animated cat and a bunch of other stuff, animals. I don't i have no idea what the premise is. Shit. June comes out on Sunday. Yeah, dude, that stuff's coming like soon. It's all landing at the same time. I know. I think that's why I started like I've been been inundated with a bunch of stuff. It's like, hey, I think that climate that content drought is about over as of now. Yeah, dude, this is going to be great for you and me.
but say we're goingnna beizing about nine different series all hitting the one time. It's going to be nuts for the next couple of weeks. Sorry, dude, I interrupted you flow.
No, no, that's fine. Excuse me. I heard about it a while back. I don't remember what. I think it was like a pick at like can for like best something. I don't know. I catch one of them like, that looks cool. So then I add it to my list and it's available now and I'm going to watch it and it's supposed to be really good. I don't think there's any speaking. I think it's all animated with like animated animals and stuff. And I'm interested. I'm just I'm just reading the premise at the moment. It's got a it's got a relatively decent IMDB score.
And the premises flow is a Latvian, Belgian, French film with no dialogue, only animal sounds. And it follows a cat and other creatures on a boat in a flooded world facing challenges and dangers. Oh, I'm in. Oh, 96% on Rotten Tomatoes. Oh, I'm definitely in. Definitely in. That's on the short list. like I know Madison's interested in watching it as well. Yeah, that's that's right up our alley. That's right up our alley.
final thing that I've watched that i'm that I remember is I watched the finale of The Penguin. Oh, yes. I will not spoil it because I know people haven't seen it. And yeah, we're waiting and things like that. i'm like And I had no I wouldn't want to spoil it anyways, because it's like doesn't matter. um But I will say fantastic show. Mm hmm. I am.
I don't wanna, like, you know what I mean when I say, like, I'm very happy with what how the show turned out. Like, not the things that people did, clearly. Like, people know that nuance when I say that. I'm like, I'm glad he did what he did, or people did things, whatever. It's like, no, it's, they did horrible stuff, but that show had stakes, had emotions, had depth, had, not just, oh, I am evil, or I'm broken, or like,
leaning into tropes and stuff too much, like people had nuance, people changed, you could see it, they let the actors act and like, portray that change instead of it just being a new day and like, oh, I'm, I see things or do things differently now. It's like, no, you yeah let them act it out. And it's like, that finale was like, yes,
not Not what I wanted, but exactly what I wanted. Like, this is how I wanted to feel. Like, thank you for running me through the meat grinder. I appreciate that. um Like, good, good, good stuff. And I think I posted about it on Blue Sky. i had I had a thought there, too, of like, i this, this, and there was some other superhero show that I they referenced. I'm like, these are how you do like superhero fantastical shows, sorry, in that universe without leaning into like force cameos or just leaning into the main storyline. Like you can just be in a universe.
Yeah. And that's okay. And and like, there can be nuggets. Oh, Andor, I think I referenced this alongside Andor. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It just, it can be a thing and be in the universe and it doesn't have to be like, here's Dr. Evazan and Ponda, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
like Those have their place, but this is just like, mmm. Love it. Fantastic. Yeah, I had every I had every intention to watch it while we were away, but obviously, shit got in the way. So but I was dark and it's dark as shit, too. Don't like it. Yeah. Yeah. Like yeah not not Game of Thrones or like that bleak era. Yeah, it's ah but it is a. I really, really, really enjoyed it. I don't think there's an actor in that show.
that I don't think, like, I think they all deserve like a hand-shaped pat on the back and be like, you crushed it. the Like, obviously one of you guys. That's really cool. No, that's that's that's great. And i've I've heard nothing but great things about it. And um yeah, it gives you a good feeling that, you know, we're not getting because we've obviously so we've gone through a stage where now we're seeing less and less stuff being made there are cuts being made here there and everywhere and you know the the concern of that is what's going to come downstream is is is is pretty mediocre but you know if if they truly you know if they are true that true to their word know what i mean they i mean the studios in plural yeah um and they really are focusing on quality then the future looks really good looks really really good i'm like
I would forever take quality it stuff like Andor, like the penguin, like Severance, like like Sunny. yeah I agree, I agree a million percent. it's i want to And I want to say it like, I'll say it this one time with like the 400 asterisks at the end.
ah for I want less content. I want less content, but better quality content. And here's all the asterisk. So like, yeah, I don't but I don't want them to like lean in AI. I want people to still have jobs. I want them to get paid. Well, blah, blah, blah, all that. true All that behind the scenes stuff. Like I want what's good for the worker, please. Like do all that, too. um But yeah, like we don't need to make a billion pieces of content just to get people to watch streaming services. Like I do feel bad for the penguin because I think we're still in that landscape of like over oversaturated with content. and Like I don't think it got the shake and the conversations that I think would have come out of it in a different landscape. I think there would have been a lot more week to week conversations, a lot more, not not necessarily um speculation, but just appreciation for what it is. It's like we, similar to the Twitter to blue sky kind of conversation, I think,
as media consumers, I think we're in the middle of this transition, but maybe it's less obvious as well of like, we need to get used to stopping, smelling the roses, appreciating and in ah in terms of our consumption. Like not that we're the ones to blame. That's not what I mean by that. ah butt But I think i think that's we're we're in that transition too of like,
I just blazed through the penguin. It's like, and here's my five second thoughts. It was very good. Moving on to the next thing. It's like, no, it's like, you um I almost like crave, like I wish we could have had more time with it. But like then you think about it, it's like the stranger things effect. It's like the second stranger things drops, it's popular for a week and it's gone. It's like, yeah oh. It is. like How do we get back to that water cooler?
It's quite the thing, isn't it actually? sort of things it It really is. It is exactly that. And Beringham might just have good quality it's been. It really is come and done. Been and gone, sorry. um And then you don't care until it comes back out again. like and i yeah like That's the thing with like rings of power. That's the favorite thing with Stranger Things. That's the thing with all these other shows where it's like, they're so so good in like a little teeny tiny narrow window of a bubble. Hmm. I don't know what the solution to that is. Like I don't pre even pretend to it's like I don't want to go back to regular television. No, I don't want that. Do like how do we as a society and consumers and get back to that?
Appreciation level I guess. Yeah, and I think I think I think a lot of that is less is more You know, I think I think a lot of that is us getting used to Coming together over one Over what I mean, sorry, let me let me try to explain myself to by by by using you and I as a as a as a as an example. There's so much out there that I will go off and rattle off five or six things that I've watched or completed in a week. You'll do exactly the same. Are we coming together? No, because we we have we're not able to discuss it because the other person hasn't seen it yet. but The time that you and I spent really dissecting Shogun and Sunny, it really really I really enjoyed it. I really enjoyed it because we were really savoring
what was going on and speculating and so on and so forth. So the more that we can do that, not just you and I, but maybe as a a community or what have you, I think that we're all talking about the same thing, um which we will do for one or two of the things that are coming out ah naturally, especially we you know when we start talking about skeleton tro crew and, um, and, or, but, you know, I'm trying to catch up on our cane. I got it. I got a lot to catch up in the season. Yeah. And I didn't find, I didn't find our cane because I've rewatched it about three or four times. No, four or five times now. Um, I never ever find it at shore. Uh, they're quite long episodes. They're like 40 minutes, 45 minutes a piece. And I've never ever found it at shore because it's just, well, for me, it's just a,
delight on my eyes and my ears whenever I've seen it. Yeah, I don't know. It'd be good to talk

Anticipation for New Releases

to you about that. It'd be good to talk to you about season two when you get there. And of course, it's releasing in chunks as opposed to once, which is good.
Not weekly, unfortunately, but it is is releasing in chunks, which is a good thing. Yeah, like the three, three episode chunks, I think it's got what? Two, two more weeks left. Like some other nine episodes, two or three weeks. Yeah, so something like that. Something like that. But yeah, no, I mean, we've already gone into what I've watched this week, which is which is the first three episodes. And. Like I said, it's it's an absolute delight. It really is it.
it Of course it carries on from where we left off, but it also, um, it, what can I say? What can I say? What can I say? Um, it also isn't afraid to experiment, um, with new, with new, um, with breaking out of the mold that perhaps we would assume they're going to replicate for season one, uh, for, sorry, for season two from season one.
Um, and I like that. I really, really like that. Um, I won't say any more than that. Uh, I brain farted for a second. Oh, go ahead. Sorry. Go ahead. Go ahead. No, no, no, that was it. That was it. I mean, I mean, I'll be honest with you debate that that is the be all and end all of my television, um, uh, experience this, this last, uh, this last week. It's, um, yeah, it hasn't been, it hasn't been particularly hasn't been too, what else have I seen?
Have you, have you seen the wild robot yet? No, you have not seen that, right? No, no, no, no. That's what I thought. All right. No, no, yeah. Is it available anyway yet? Uh, okay. Uh, maybe. I don't know. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Moving on. Moving on. So, so what else have you been consuming, mate? Anything else? Um.
I know as soon as I say no and you start talking, I'm going to be like, oh yeah. But no, I don't think I have. I think that's it. um but Dude, my be all and end all has been, has been silo. I did jump on outlaws just to have a mooch bow. Um, I did jump on because it was still, it's still in the, it's still in the console, still in the Xbox. And I thought, and my back was really, I i pulled my back when we were moving. Um,
heavy cases around, um, while we're on holiday and I put my back out and I thought I'll sit in an upright chair, do the right thing and, um, I'll stick on a bit of outlaws while Lucy's at the gym. And, um, it was good fun. It was good fun. I mean, I didn't do anything. I didn't find anything new. I didn't, I think didn't get any more, any, any new achievements or anything, uh, because there's nothing else to do. I think there's a couple of treasures that I need to get, but they're not the kind of mission treasures there. They're very much.
Oh, you hear a chink of coins in the background and you know, there's something around here. Um, but, so I've just been mooching about and just basically, um, quick jumping or, um, um, um, um, what do they call it? Quick traveling to, um, to various places and just playing in the occasional hand of so back, uh, trying to get myself psyched, trying to get myself psyched up for the DLC, which is coming out in.
Then I'm like you, then I'm like you, but I'll play a game. I'll then leave it for a month, which is basically what I did. And I'll forget how everything works. I have to re-familiar, re-acclimateize myself to that, to that world, especially the, you know, when it comes down to the controllers. I'm just going to look up when it's, when it's, when it's out. And at some point I'm going to get you to finish it as well.
I do, I, so one of our friends reached out and asked me if I'd finished it. I'm like, no, I haven't. I need to get in there. and good But I have, but Madison's going to be out of town. I'm going to work on it this weekend. And then I got COVID. I got COVID and I was like,
it's like the universe was like, it's not your time. It's not your time to finish it. yeah Not yet. Oh my God.
November 24. It's November is turning into my favorite month. That's like a week from now. I'm getting a new dog. Arcane season two is back. We've got June prophecy coming out. And are you ah were you a Cobra? Are you a Cobra Kai fan? Because those are dropping like crazy right now, too. Oh, the um second part of season six. I am but I'm going to burn through the lot in one go. I didn't see the first part yet.
i made the I made the mistake of adding like TV show and movie releases to like my like computer calendar that I see. And it's just like, oh my God, I have so much content. I have to watch. It's just lists of just shows and content. It's like, God, I don't even know what Shetland is, but for some reason... Oh, yeah, I think somebody else was...
interested in so it added to my calendar too. Oh Shetland, Shetland is that BBC drama based in the Shetland Islands, which is basically a very small um Scottish community just off the main mainland Scotland. And it's a heck of a lot that goes on, heck of a lot of crime and murder that goes on, a very, very small island that has a population of, I don't know, three people. um Nice. But yeah, it's a lot lot of drama going on there. Yeah, 21st November.
Then December 2nd is Skelton Crew. Yeah. God bless. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's good. It's good. Sorry, I tell a lie. Shetland, the Shetland Islands are, there are 30,000 people, or 22,000 people that live there. I guess another one was the ones where i I do not know where that is.
uh if you think of the if you if you think of the uk is looking like a boot uh it's in the top northwest um that's kind of where i would have guessed yeah yeah yeah yeah very it's further north than than island uh it's it's very very remote once you get into those islands like my geography goes to hell unless it's like some random pacific island that has something to do with world war ii then i know exactly where they are I can't, I can't tell my, my, my compass points. I just realized I never eat shredded wheat. Naughty elephants. Yeah. Yeah. Northeast, Northeast. So if you go as far as you can on Scott in Scotland, it's then further Northeast of, of, of that, not Northwest. ah Interesting. Yes. I just had to come and visit. egypt so See it all for myself. Major, major, major, major, um,
Major Nordic influence up there as well. um It was obviously one of the first staging grounds for the Viking and Viking invasions um but So they've got a massive ah massive affiliation with the We are Scandinavian Scandinavian cousins um Good place to go Middle of nowhere, but good place to go Anywho, that's kind of I was gonna say that's kind of it for me. I think a week from today We're going to have a lot more to talk about if you can burn further through arcane. I'd love to understand where you're at. And I won't spoil the rest, I promise. But I've i've been itching, absolutely itching to talk to somebody about it. It's a bit like, you know, how we were about Shogun. I've been itching um to to talk to somebody about it. And then obviously, if you and I agree, it'd be great to talk, it'd be great to um talk about um June.
um Um, dude prophecy. Yeah. Yeah. There's something else in November that we, that we talked about. Did I tell you that Madison, did I tell you that Madison for, uh, we had a friend over a couple of weeks ago and I don't know how it got started, but they somehow convinced her that we, she needs to watch the dune movies. Well, she's like, well, I feel like I need to watch the original first. And so we started, but we didn't get all the way through it yet.
And so we started watching that and I haven't seen it in like, I don't know, 30 years or however long it's been. And so watching that I'm like, oh, this, this is actually is a really good idea to watch this first because it actually explains all of the shit that you're that would help to know going into like the new dude. Yeah, I guess it does. Yeah, yeah.

Narrative Techniques in Movies

Yeah, this is making a lot more sense. Yeah, you've got the you've got the princess that is um you got the princess that is the that provides the narrative. Yeah.
at various points throughout the movie. But then on top of that, you've got all this exposition coming out of all these thoughts coming out of um the main protagonists in the in the in the ah during the film that they're kind of telling you in their mind what's going on at this moment in time. yeah save Save yourself the YouTube videos explaining the ah new movies. Just watch the original and you're fine.
yeah yeah Yeah. Hey, i think its so I think it's delicious. I think it's absolutely delicious. I don't get the, um i don't really and I never really did understand the purists um hating on the David Lynch version. I never really understood on the David Lynch fans hating on the new versions. It's like, it's different interpretation of ah a story. I mean, there's this one thing, there's one thing. have Have you seen, you've seen June before, right? The original. but Yeah, i'd see I saw it a long time ago. like that's like yeah I knew the premise, but I didn't know the nuanced pieces yeah that they do not explain in the newer ones. And it's like, why is that? There are things in there that didn't need to be in there, but I guess they were in there to kind of underline Paul's ability. Things like the the weirding modules.
they did They don't didn't exist. They don't exist in the book. So the weirding modules that they use to be in order to use your voice to to be a weapon yeah um that he trains the Fremen on. They don't exist in the book and they don't exist in the in the um Dennyville Nerve film as well. um but they're But they're quite an interesting addition in the David Lynch version. I quite like it.
It's really campy and I think it's delicious. in in it's a little but I feel about June the same way I feel about, um maybe not so much, but the Flash joke flash Gordon remake with Sam, Sam, Sam, come on, Flash Gordon, Sam. I did not know they made a Flash Gordon remake.
Well, like not sorry okay. what you're what Well, you heard it did come out. Yeah. Well, I mean the film, the the film, the film with the, the, the, the, the Queen soundtrack in the, it remade the original to 1980.

Campy Film Recommendations

Yes. That would a explain why I sam giant remember that. That makes sense. Sam James, isn't it? Have you never seen Flash Gordon? I've seen the originals like the thirties, but I did not know there was a 1980s flash Gordon film.
Oh my God, mate, you've gotta watch, the oh you have to watch that. You have to watch that. Love it or hate it. You've gotta watch it as a- Is this a, you need to watch it like hardware? You need to watch it? Or is it like a, like, Caravan of Courage watch it? Or like, no, this is like a quality film. Watch it. Like, what do we, what kind of camp are we in with the desire to watch? Camp is a good, is a good word to use. Um, but, um, I may, I, I,
I would say all of the above. OK. All of the above is is. way there's There's a reason why that there's a reason why it's iconic. um And it's the acting. Hell no. Oh, I know what this is. OK, I see the poster and it's like that. I've seen pieces of this. I have not. Yeah, you have to in order to in order to develop your your your.
your pop culture palette, everyone needs to watch um Flash Gordon from 1980, killer soundtrack from Queen for a start. But also somewhere the absurdity of it all is hi hilarious, absolutely hilarious. it is ah it's it's It's like, how can I put it? It's a bit like it's a bit like if you,
It's a bit like the Star Wars holiday special with a big budget. It's that good and cringe worthy and inappropriate in places. It and it doesn't have Bea Arthur singing for four and a half hours, does it? No, but it does have it does have our buddy Brian Blessed and in a pair of very, very tight speedos with a massive pair of wings on his back.
kicking ass and it is amazing, absolutely amazing. I can do it. It's on my list. It's not the top of the list, but it's on it. Before the year is out, you have to watch it. That's fair. It's a good yarn. It's a really, really good yarn.

Adapting The Warriors into a Musical

God, we can waffle, can't we?
Dude. um This is the then the creamy caramel center of the just chill candy bar. but Put it this way. You and I have already spoken to to you and i already already spoken to Chris Hall about this. um I couldn't believe he'd never seen Escape from New York. i He probably has done by now because he'd bought a big old um bunch of back catalogue Blu-rays celebrating ah John Carpenter, but he'd never seen Escape from New York. Escape from New York is another one of those classics, like The Warriors. I mean, you like The Warriors. I mean, you've got to see oh Escape. Thank you. Thank you for reminding me of this. I'm interjecting here. No, it's cool. Lin-Manuel Miranda and like, uh, Lauren Hill and a bunch of people from the Hamilton cast.
and i'm been I'm butchering this, they came out with an album. of the they They remake like the Warriors soundtrack, but like in a modern music, and but it's like- No.
These women are the warriors and they've made it. And I'm like, Oh dude, it just like came out a couple weeks ago when I was in Indiana. And I'm like, what in the hell is this? Let's do it. And it's like, and please, please make this into like a musical or something. Like you have all the right people here. Are you just trying to garner support? Cause if so, you have it from me.
Please please remake this Like yeah, I totally forgot about that and because i I saw it on my YouTube music and it's like you might like this I'm like Madison. Look at this. and She's like, what is up with this movie? Why do I keep seeing things on it because it's in the news like crazy I'm like, I think it's 25th or 35th or 40 something 40 millionth anniversary But there is a bunch of stuff coming out about it. And I'm like, yes, I bring back the warriors that was so, oh, yes. And the album's actually pretty good, all that to say. Finally, I remembered it, yes. It looks good, it looks really, um'm I'm looking at it now on on Wikipedia.
concept album for a new music. Oh, it's ah it is a new musical. Oh, so they've they maybe they've announced it that it's going to be a musical now. In August 2023, in August 2023, the New York Post was the first media outlet to report that Liv Manuel-Materanda was working on a stage musical ah adopt adaption of Sol Yurik's novel, The Warriors. In July 2024, it's reported that Miranda was completing the recording of a concept album for the new musical. Um,
in august 2024 the album's release date was confirmed oh the new york times at the time said it was unclear if the album will lead to a stage musical while the los angeles times described early reports that the album was to be a stage production was to be a stage production as speculation um
Miranda and Davis downplayed immediate plans for production following the album's release, noting at the time they do not have a theatrical producer or director yet, instead choosing to focus on the album as the main goal

Concept Album Strategy in Musicals

of the project. Oh, you never know, mate. You never know. This is exactly the same model. It's apparently the same route they took with Hamilton, so you never know.
You never ever know. It's like crowdfunding almost. It's like build build support. yeah Show people what you what the music will be like. make Show them that it's catchy. And then they'll fund it. And then there'll be a Disney Plus special. And everybody will be singing those songs for nine years.
Excellent. There's a list of all the all the tracks here as well. 26 tracks, starting with Survivor Night and ending with Finale.
with Call Me Mercy going down, leave the Bronx alive. If you can count, make way for Cirrus. You know what, you know what, crossover, I've suddenly realized I want, maybe this is a just crafting conversation, maybe I should make it. Star Wars themed The Warriors, with like the different gangs or like the different groups. Oh, figures. or something Yeah, yeah, yeah, that'll be cool. That'll be really, really cool. Bounty hunters or something that look like the baseball players.
and just all retro. Oh, my God, I can't do this. I've got to watch. I've got to watch shows and movies. I can't go down this rabbit hole. No, it's been your pleasure. Who cares? Well, it's the conversation about the shame pile, the idea of shame pile or the work shame pile. Yeah, yeah it's a bit like it's a bit of like um what you're talking about is a little bit like a bootleg, a book that that that dude that that crossed Star Wars with they live.
And so I've got that kind of zombie-esque Chewbacca, which is probably a place up there. Still need something to put it in to protect it though, but yeah, probably a place. All right, dude, we're good. We are good. Now don't forget for a few weeks ahead, Flash Gordon's the way forward. And in fact, if you want, i'll when you when you're going to watch it, let me know and I'll watch it as well. And we can talk about it the following week.
flash The Flash Gordon show or the movie. That's. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, I can. Okay. It's on my list. But maybe. It's on there. It will be done soon. Maybe maybe we focus on Arkane and June prophecy for the time being. Yeah. Arkane's top. Then maybe I'll say nothing in there. we Yeah. And then.
than skeleton crew. you i'll get I'll get slash crew board in. Yeah, I'll get it. I missed one thing. um It's nearly wrapped up the season. I think he's on season episode six now. um Still watching shrinking on Apple TV. It's really good. Are you watching that? I want to.
Okay, what and people haven't been talking about it explicitly. So I haven't felt that you know, I know you can burn through them.

Podcast Conclusion and Listener Appreciation

I mean, they that that they're like the same same guys that did or sorry, an awful lot of the same creators that that that did Ted lasso. So every episode is just over half an hour. It's not particularly um taxing. um they're They're always a pleasure to watch because yeah, there's something wholesome about the whole thing. They've really captured the kind of same kind of special source that they that they have for Ted Lassay. Well, they they created for Ted Lassay. But yeah, no, um i'm I forgot to mention that I'm, um I'm still following, I'm still watching that as well. So it's all good. nice But dude, we're coming up to an hour and a half. And for what I thought was a um ah particularly short week, which it has been four days, you've done pretty well, man. um Thanks again for recording for me. i go I know I stress it too much, but
This is, this midweek is amazing for me. It allows me, I know Wednesday's a pivot day anyway, but, um, it just really kind of gives me a little bit of a little bit of a a little, like a little weekend, like a little teeny tiny. Exactly. you Exactly. It kind of gives me a little bit of inspiration to finish the week without burning out. So thank you very much for, so for, uh, chatting with me. Uh, we'll talk again this time next week, uh, and then over the coming weeks.
We'll also look to organize um part two of the real Road to Celebration, where hopefully we have a very, very, very special guest on again. A different one, but a guest on. um Hopefully, well, i I know we'll have a very, very different perspective as to what that person's gonna be looking forward to, but also what their plans are as well. So yeah, watch your space, guys.
And thank you, as always, everyone, for for those of you that that listen and that support us and um really, really appreciate it. Sean, take us out, bud. Well, thank you as well, Andy. I really appreciate you ah taking the time to chat with me. And I look forward to seeing photos of the new puppy and the this weekend and all the all the joy she's going to be bringing. And maybe sure she'll give you, a terrorize you just a little bit.
for ah for all of the listeners, but look forward to that. For everybody else, ah we really appreciate you spending your time with us. If you liked what you heard, make sure to subscribe and leave us a review. If you want to check out more stuff from us, you can check out our website at for more amazing content and ways to connect. um You can follow, like for example, our Just Shillin' or Just k Craftin' Instagram pages where We try to post photos and things of, well, one, I like to post memes that are relevant to the topics that we talk about. And two, I do i do try to post pictures on the accounts of things that like we talk about, like the artwork I talked about last week, the toys that we we gift each other and things like that. So yeah, you can get links to those there and all that fun stuff. But until so next time, really appreciate it and see you on the flip side.
Bye! Bye!