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Episode 053 - Claimsies image

Episode 053 - Claimsies

S1 E53 · Just Shillin'
35 Plays28 days ago

Guess what we're talking about... SKELETON CREW!!!

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Thank you to our good friend Chris Hall for the amazing cover artwork! I'm sorry that I keep butchering it with my silly edits.


Introduction and Episode Setup

Hello, and welcome to episode number 53 of Just Schilling, or as I call it, the sophomore slump, because how do we follow up from episode 52? It's gonna be an uphill battle, but we're gonna try our best. I'm one of your hosts, Sean Hoffman. And I am, hopefully, your other host, Andy Bell, currently recording from a hospital the bedroom. So the Wi-Fi is stable, I hope. um And I'm hoping I'm coming through loud and clear your end.
to um Yeah, you sound good and that that the the walls behind you I assume it's not a 3d Background replacement. It looks nice. It looks

Andy at the Hospital: Recording Setup

nicer pen mine Yeah, so so so for context folks I've come into hospital for some tests this week um and I've been very very fortunate enough to be given a private room and um i I I tipped off the the care team that are looking after me, that I may need some time to myself between the hours of seven and nine on um Wednesday. And I Would that be a problem? And they were very gracious and they accommodated me so that I could i could talk to my goodbyes, Sean, about ah the ah masterpiece that has certain crew that ended today.
Because we're professionals. Because we're professionals. Because we're professionals. So um yeah, I'm hoping this is stable enough. And I'm hoping we won't have too many too many technical problems. But um yeah, here I am. Here I am. Good to be talking to you, Sean. Yeah. You as well. You're a sight for sore eyes, man. So then tell me, buddy, how was your last three days? Oh, how was your last three days been? Because it's only been three days since episode 52.
I mean, if

Sean's Challenging Days and Skeleton Crew as Hope

I'm completely honest, they're not, they're not great. Skeleton crew has been the shining beacon, like the Gandalf on the mountain top or on the hilltop with the staff and everybody's like, oh, I can't see. Oh, what the hell? Like that, that skeleton crew and an otherwise not great couple of days, but you know what? Keeping our head up, we're stomping forward and we're figuring it out day by day. I don't have a lot of room to complain, but you know what?
It's not been terrible. um Might have to make some adjustments to my my upcoming schedule, but we can figure that out as it comes. um I feel like I've done something recently, besides Skeleton Crew, but you know it's most people do like spring cleaning. I've been doing like, oh, it's winter, and Yeah, this is like the least opportune time to do something because it's like well can't really open me you can I do like open a window to error room out and it's like you know what I should do I should take on a bunch of tasks right before like things get crazy and now it's like oh now I'm I'm like I have a lot of to-do list and I to do actions in motion and that I can't complete most of them so it's like I shouldn't have started but Let's just what have I done when
Yeah. Well, can I put all the stuff back in that room and say like, oh, I will finish the reorganization of this room. At least I didn't start painting. I am. Ha ha. I've learned. and I didn't like take on remodeling at the same time. yeah That is fantastic. Better than that. How's your will hows your couple days been?
No, it's been fine. I mean, it's

Thank You to Tom Tchaikovsky: Anniversary Episode

been very, very, very, I need to say, what I what I what I was going to use this, this this this slot to say was, it's a massive, massive thank you to Tom Tchaikovsky for joining us on Sunday um to make our year anniversary meaningful. um And for bringing you know, ah for bringing in his game. I mean, he came with an awful lot of engagement, engaging the conversation, really thought about kind of
what we were what we were thinking of when it came down to the kind of theme of the ah of the of the episode and just thank you thank you thank you tom for again deeming us worthy and us to to to to come on so that was very very cool indeed i keep I keep leaning back on the like the same phrase. i just like The first thing that comes to me every time is, he elevates the conversation. like you don got ten take He takes where we're at, he meets us there, and he's like, come on, follow me. We're going we're going to greater places, greener pastures. We're about to yeah grit some wrinkles in our brain. You know what I mean? yeah that's
Couldn't ask for an accident. That's for sure. Yeah, that's for sure. So, um, yeah, thank you, Tom. Thank you very much indeed. Did you pick up any news this week? Or sorry, picked up any news in the last three days? I mean, I've got, I've got a little, a little, little sprinkle, but apart from that, I've kind of, as I said, I've been a little bit preoccupied. Yeah, in all honesty, dude, like I was like there thinking about it, this, um,
It's like one, I haven't been following the news news. Cause it's like crazy. It's crazy out there, man. um But i I've been so engulfed in gulf in and golf. That's not the right word. Whatever. I have been stuck intentionally. I don't know the proper word here. I'm losing it.
um I just can't stop listening to going rogue. Like I've been listening to that podcast and it's like every time, I think that's what started this whole like, let's re let's reorganize this room. Cause I have a podcast with a ah bunch of episodes and I could just mindlessly do things while I'm like listening to that. And it's, yeah it's been that's been all my free time, I feel like. So I may have no news. i mean so So is that your consumption as well? Is that your is that your kind of, so news and what I'm watching this thing playing reading as well. That's been my listening and everything else is probably the same skeleton crew and I will reiterate, we've been watching King of the Hill and it's like, it's been dude, it's been wild. I haven't seen that show. It's so cool.
but it's like, I can't tell because Madison's never seen it. It's like, it came out in 97 and she's like, it's so like good because it's, it is backwards in a lot of ways, but it's also has a lot of like more progressive things. And it's like, did it, yeah was that how things were or did it like predict how things would become at times? And it's very, it's just very interesting how much it still resonates to this day. That's not the job word, but that's yeah that is all my consumption.
but okay well um i'll i'll jump in um the only news i picked up this week was um the daredevil born again trailer which came out i think it was the today well certainly when i saw it that looks gnarly it's really really gnarly you know in the way that um the batman um what kind of applied a a certain amount of of of aggressive visceral gnarliness if that's a word friend um so yeah yeah yeah yeah exactly yeah punches that punches the hurt um the the the born again trailer also looks equal ears
equally as nigh. So um yeah, that was that was interesting. But I've seen the news I picked up in three days. I kind of everything that I've been watching, black sales, deadwood, um traders shrinking, it's all on hold moment this week while I get a few things. Yeah, well, while I'm in here, so I'm not going to go into that too much. But like you, I have had an awful lot of opportunity to listen to stuff. And like you,
I'm addicted to going robot. I can't, I can't, I can't stop listening. And it's, it's, it's a little bit like, um I follow, um I follow a few, a few ah ah behind the scenes type of um podcasts, like show me mentorship, for example, yeah Jamie bedding, I was joking about him before. And they're very, very good in that they in that he brings on some very, very clever creative people that were involved in the process of a particular production, typically in special effects or yeah in in post or pre-production or editing or or what have you, and they have a particular discipline. What
this part does I think is something very very different and I implore anyone to listen to for example this morning's review of the finale to get Sean's view on going rogue as well in that it's a very very good summary of um ah how I also feel about this particular about this particular part. it's It's very, very cool. I've also got, um while I'm here, I've also got something to read, so I've started reading through some of the um ah the remaining firefly graphic novels that's so that I hadn't had time to read while I was on holiday. And of course, I'm still very, very late at night because I am on my own. I have my own room and
um It's my party and I'll cry until morning. I've been playing on the um on the Steam Deck, so a little bit of Mad Max, a little bit of Hogwarts, a little bit of Hogwarts legacy. Good game, actually, Hogwarts. I'm not ah um not a Harry Potter aficionado in any way, and certainly not particularly, i'm I'm not a particular fan of that franchise, but in terms of being gay,
very very good game very very good game particularly on a handheld platform as well so um yeah it's kind of been my kind of been my my three days um um which has been you know it's it's been quite relaxing it's been quite nice there's nothing over the end you know work to worry about not at the moment anyway so um yeah it's been cool it's been very very cool but i guess the ah so I have been reading something as well. I did forget this, and I don't think I've mentioned it yet. Each, a little bit each night, I've been reading my own graphic novel, not my own, like I wrote it, but a graphic novel, because i'm either I don't have a lot of graphic novels, but I i got one recently out of WEN, and I've just been loving it to death. um It's called Penny, ah P-E-N-N-Y, and it's a graphic novel

Sean's Reading: Graphic Novel 'Penny'

memoir of this guy's cat.
Um, he's uh, i've drawn up like but he's like and a cartoonist for like a newspaper or a web thing I can't like budd but wrote like this graphic novel of his cat penny in like what how he perceives her like day to day And it's just right. It's so well done. It is so funny and it's like it's super like philosophical like the cat's like talking about like oh I used to you know be free and yada yada yada then it's like it gets a little catnip in its system and it turns into like the Vader comic series where everything's like trippy and weird and it's like very like speaking like it's a scholar and just nice it's just it's a super funny and kind of like light like something at night time to like kind of unwind and be like you know I'm gonna read a couple
a couple of pages, it's usually you like one page each. So that's like kind of self-contained or a couple of pages is like a little individual story, almost like a comic. And nice it's just kind of a couple of pages and and do that. Yeah, that's fun. I like it. I like the concept. I i love the concept. That's very cool.

Skeleton Crew Finale Discussion

It's very, very cool indeed. So that leaves, I guess, because it has been such a short time since we last spoke. I guess that leaves us with
I'd say the event, certainly the the biggest thing that I've seen in quite a while, which is the finale of them um Skeleton Crew and how we feel about it. And I mean, I've listened to, we're very much on the back foot here in that I've listened to, there's been a few recordings or immediate reviews including your own and um and a horse, which again, I implore everyone to listen to. There's been the guys down in Australia. So you've got the, the guy, um, spell, will spell out team that unfortunately I couldn't join them today because of
things because of where I am at the moment. I couldn't join them today, which I'm a little bit better about. It would have been nice to have joined them because it sounded hilarious, the fun they were having. So I employ everyone to do that. So I've listened already to an awful lot of people's views, some of which I kind of ah and of agree with, some of which I have my own. ah But you' know little I went back to the old days, did a little bit of research and actually wrote down some notes as well as to how I was feeling Yeah, yeah, yeah. yeah i didn't and This isn't off the cuff, dude. I've had time today to actually write down some notes ah as to, if you like, sequentially, as things are happening, as to how I felt about certain things, rather than go through what actually happened, whacked lyrical, because I've heard that so much today. i was I thought, well, let's just go through how I felt about certain things at certain times.
Well now we have the big picture for you. So like now you can talk about the whole. Exactly. Exactly. Exactly. So while I already know how you feel about this, um, this televisual extravaganza that we saw today, that we witnessed today, um, let our listeners know what you thought of the, of the, of this, of the series or hopefully the season.
What do you think? So I will say what's funny is like I haven't listened to anybody else's reviews and and all I see I do those immediate reactions with pause so quickly after Like after watching it that dude. I don't remember what I said. I don't remember I can barely remember what he said I don't but it's like because it's such a fever dream at times like I like and now I think I have a different perspective of like reactions like when people do like immediate reaction stuff and sometimes it's so like I like appreciate the wrongness but dude it is so do you guys do you guys have no time I mean at least with I mean with Josh and the guys they they have a few hours because obviously oh the timing of
and It's like a message, it's like, hey, I'm done. like The credits are rolling. And he's like, yep, I'm almost done, head of there. And then like within five, 10 minutes, we're recording. like And it's just it's usually just immediate. like if I think if I left that Disney Plus running, the credits would still be rolling by the time he pushes a chord. And so wow I will say, I don't think, I remember in my like my most recent recording,
I didn't come across as super enthusiastic about the ending. um now that i with The more I think about it, but I think I was mostly like grieving i just grieving of like, dude, it's over. like It's it. That's what we're getting. And so I want to hear what you have to say, but I will say I really enjoyed it. like I loved this show. I loved the season. um Did we get all the answers? No. Am I upset about that? Not at all.
like i I think in other shows I felt like Bad Batch and stuff where it felt like you didn't get a lot of answers because it just felt like it was stringing us along a lot like it's like cartoons do like The Rocky and Bully. Oh next season we'll figure out the answers it did this didn't feel like that this felt self-contained and Like there is stuff on and unfinished, but it's like it this story feels Complete not that we're never gonna see these people again But it just feels complete and I like that and it just feels yeah warm and cozy and I loved it like yeah enthusiastic and And that's my high level. Yeah,

Future of Skeleton Crew: Expanding Stories

I'm very interested to hear what you think cuz I know you this is very passionate to you as well. Oh, I Loved it. And then did I get all the answers that I wanted to know but I kind of like that as well. I
I also kind of like the fact that so much of it was left unanswered. um And i'm I'm probably I'm probably jumping the gun a little bit. And I love the fact that it Yeah, like I said, some of the questions that I had were left unanswered. um Some of which, again, I may be repeating other people's views as well. So my apologies for that. But the look um The look on Jude's face at the end of the... I mean, Spacedude is alive. He's alive. he he wasn't He didn't redeem himself in any way, but on the other hand, he didn't he didn't have a a a a a a a a death um of any kind. He just he just stayed. and He stayed there, turned to turn his back, turned around, and we got a right smile.
And that right smile to me suggests there's something for the future. yeah um whether whether it's Whether it's to do with him, whether it's to do with something else associated with this, I'm not saying it's a season two. I definitely don't think it's a season and two, but I think there is a future there. And we'll talk a little bit about that in a second because yeah yeah but i also I also got the same feeling from Wim as well.
you know when when um so so so you know i'm stuck i mean i'm typical andy logic where he starts at the very very end and works his way back in that you've got you've got this other side you've got this wry smile from from jude law then you've got wim who is they make a site they make ah the kids make a comment about not having to at least you don't have to take the assessment anymore and he just looks up at the It just looks up at me the wreckage of the starship and then the sky and two X-wings flying off into the sky and there's that again, there's a wry smile there that suggests something for the future. It suggests a there is a there is story to be told beyond this.
um Which shows me with hope that something is coming. um I don't mean something as obvious beist as a season two, because I don't think it needs a season two. But I do think that there are some elements there that could, quite strategically and quite cleverly, be pushed into something else.
We talk about the Avengers moment in, you know, in, in the Avengers ensemble, a moment in, in Mando. I hope, I hope it doesn't, and I hope it doesn't land there. Maybe it's me at the moment, but you know, the, the whole, like I said to you, I think I'm Mandoed out a little bit, just a little bit um in the, in the, we need more than just one.
one brand of star wars that's successful going forward um and um and so i hope that i hope it i hope it breathes life into other avenues that can be equally as successful as as as mandate but yeah no no i i my summary is i loved it i've loved every minute of it it's um It takes me back to a at time in my life where I was very happy and very, very carefree. It takes me back. It just makes me smile. I mean, yeah it it is just it's just well put together, good natured and a really, really good story. um And it doesn't have to be more complicated than that.
So I love every minute of it. to your point a minute ago about like the storytelling and the season two and stuff. like I think a lot of that is kind of where my head's been at too. What I've been really kind of processing on what this means. And I know and know we've talked about it a little bit last week where we talked about like wrapping up the stories and kind of the you and kind of intermingling of things. and like We don't have a lot of stuff on the docket. and Like, how do they see this through? Like, what's the future of these kind of stories in Star Wars? And I think the start of the thought kind of happened when I was talking to Hawes, and I'm sure there's a point where you can see it kind of entering my head, and I've kind of thought about it more. It's kind of become hope now at this point, where it's like, you know, I'm kind of firmly in camp.
Like I don't want a season two, like there's an asterisk there of like a footnote saying as like a traditional season two where it's just a continuation of a story and now they've caught some new problem, yada, yada, yada. I'm also in the camp of, I hope this doesn't, isn't like them appearing in Mandalorian season three. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I think it's i my hope comes in that it's like I'm hopeful that like Oh similar to what like Kevin Feige and those guys did over at Marvel where they they perfected that like and A bunch of movies self looks kind of self-contained. They have bits of other pieces and it all culminates in a larger event I'm hoping this is like the next fake version of that that they've learned and like Disney's learned from like the last 14 years of releases and things So you mean they're integral rather than being a gimmick? I understand what you mean. So rather than turning up in somebody else's property or somebody else's, then they're not a gimmick. They're not usually a gimmick. They're usually something that's integral.
And i i'm I'm hopeful that it's even, I would even go a step further. I'm hopeful that like with people's experience with streaming and like the changes in syndication, like I've gone down the rabbit hole in this. It's like it changes in syndication being has brought along. I'm hoping that maybe they've learned a new strategy and it's like, oh, we don't need a season two.
We don't need a two and three of Mando to then introduce like this Luke and Ahsoka thing. It's like, we can just make a whole new show and it doesn't matter. It could just be a different name. So instead of Mandalorian, all of a sudden Skeleton Crew comes in, it's like, it could just be a new show that's a different story. And those people can intermingle and it's meaningful. And it kind of breaks down, it it separates the like, oh, what is the show title?
and yada yada yada versus like oh it's just easier to make a season two of an existing production but then we're going to introduce all these other stories to it like if that makes sense like so i think that's where it's called it's like it does it becomes it is it does make sense what you're saying is it's its own thing it's its own thing rather than being if you like um it's just anything rather than having to rely on other properties to to to to to to to

Fresh Storytelling in Star Wars for Younger Audiences

make it happen. It's it's it's it's a living and breathing entity in its own right. Story is key. Story is number one. Besides the business, yeah like story is number one. and what is It's like creating a new Word document. When we have this existing document, it's like, all I got to do is press control new, and it's the same it it doesn't matter. There's no overflow. Yeah, yeah but something like it's it's like exactly. It's like I said it's like i said with um
like i said with uh when we were tom last week or sorry three days ago we were with tom three days ago it was um yeah um it it it we don't have okay the the 12 year old boy in me is at the moment absolutely besotted with anything to do with pirates absolutely loving it you know and i'm going back and looking at i mean and and I'm not the only one, because I've i've already seen on um the socials today, I saw on Blue Sky, if you like if you liked Skeleton Crew, you would like Treasure Island, you would like Treasure Planet, you would like all of these things that I've been exploring, you would like um
Stand by me you will like all of the all of that all that stuff. So i'm not the only one that seems that way um, but yeah as far as i'm concerned, um Yeah, the the 12 year old inside me would like that as a genre going forward um, regardless of the story and regardless of the Excuse me Regardless of the story, and but it doesn't have to be the same story but as a genre I would like to see um uh star wars focus uh a lot more on the younger on the ah um on the on the younger viewer um i think it that it makes for well a it kind of if you like reinforces the legacy of star wars it means that we're going to get
early adopters that they keep this franchise going because we're very, very much in danger of of of it like dying out unless we do something to appeal to that younger generation. so So A, you've got that. But but B, it's also it's also so fresh. It's also keeps it exciting and keeps it you said its the whole thing bubbling along nicely. So that's the first thing. A, I would like that genre anyway. Secondly, we But the Star Wars lends itself, or loans, so many tropes from so many different things, such as, you know the done like i said like I said on Sunday, the gunslinger story. we have the yeah We've now had, with with Rogue One, we've had the um we've had the war story. We've had the kind of saving cry of Orion.
um kind of environment. Yes, damn right, we should have pirates in its own category. We've got the smugglers, we've got the smugglers in in Han Solo and all that kind of stuff.
Damn right, we should expand on that. um And there is, and the great thing about it, and I keep repeating myself, and I do apologize everyone, the great thing about it is they already have assets there. They already have characters there that but could be fleshed out and could be developed. And yes,
Hondo and Naka. Let's get that guy. It's it's so easy. It's so, so easy. We are already leaning, we are already um leaning into, I wouldn't even call it the EU, pre EU, the old Marvel stuff with things like Crimson Jack. um You know, we' we're already, um which could be a ah code net.
he doesn't have a little bit like the Dread Pirate Roberts from Prince of Brides, we've talked about before. You know, there's so much that we could lean on. um And there's content there that that that already we can use that it's such a shame to not leverage that if the powers that be, A, want to do it on a cheap, because let's face it,
a lot of the assets are already there. And secondly, um just give it a go. Just give the whole thing a go. um Because it makes sense anyway, I like what you're saying about the kid like kid kind of kid focused Star Wars Like i as much as i I love all of it. Like I love the serious grittiness of Andor I love the the animation style of love visions I'd like all the different things but it's like but I do like this This trends that we're in like oh I like it made me remember like how much I'd like kid focused Star Wars like this because it changes the requirements of the perceived requirements by the for the producers and the writers and it's like They're they're trying to accomplish a different goal like other Star Wars like the Mandover stuff It's like and Ahsoka things like that. They're they're trying to answer questions They're filling in war like they are to me like this. I don't mean this as a negative It's like it is it's filling in gaps and filling in spaces of like existing expectations and it's giving us answers along with adventure this
like, Stelting Crew feels more like pure, pure adventure. It's like, and that's not it doesn't need to answer the questions of like, oh, how did it, is it magnets? Is it this? Is it like, oh, who is Jodz? Like, as much as I want to know, who is Jodz, former master, who did, or not even master, like who saved him? Who did, like and it's just like, the thought it's not important right now. Like, it's just really focused on like the kid's experience and the adventure and kind of the hopefulness of it. And it's like, you know what?
we know yeah yeah no i'm with you and i think that you know answering questions about that is we didn't need to go into that kind of detail because it it it that in itself you'd get on a rat hole you know it would create way too much speculation and then spend way too much time if you found out who the master at the end of the day if you fire star wars you know aura 66 happened you know that all of the jedi were hunted down by by the Emperor or Darth Vader is and and at and his agent in which he inquisitors. um yeah We know that. So ultimately, we know from the conclusion of today that someone that was a Jedi took him in, saw potential, but was killed. And he was forced to see that person being killed. It's all ringing tonight.
all we need to know. Do we need any more detail than that? No we don't because at the end of the day it does it impact the story? No it doesn't. No it doesn't. Could it confuse the story? Yes it could. We will get it one day in something. No yes, summoning somebody one day will do it but but yeah no I'm i'm totally with you man. I think that you know keeping it simple and we've talked about it before you know we're talking like you know young some of the young reader I think it's the young reader novels that are out there. Some of the best stories that we've got because it keeps it simple. It doesn't, it I'll say something something. I don't mind. I mean, i I don't care about saying something controversial, but I think that what, I think what Skeletons crew did really well with Willow, the TV series did not do really well.
was that they told a good story that treated children like adults. In other words, it was a really, really good story that was purposely focused on having children as or younger people as the main protagonist, but it didn't treat them like children.
It didn't treat them like children and didn't try to be, didn't patchmize them in a in a way, both in terms of they both in terms of the of of the of the parts that were being played, but also the way that it was presented to the younger viewer as well.
It was a show and I think that's about kids. you know Exactly. Exactly. I think that's where an awful lot of shows that are supposedly targeted at a younger demographic go wrong because they try to, because they, they, they, they, do they treat children like children. and They rather than,
ah kids these days are a lot more astute, they're a lot more intelligent, they're a lot more savvy, they're a lot more connected um than they ever have been before and and that's where I think some shows have have have been a success and some shows aos have not resonated so well um with with with with with the target demographic.
And not that I didn't enjoy Willow, because I did enjoy the Willow series, but I recognize up when i rail i recognize why. it's like it's That's the difference between ah a nostalgia series, like a story like a story that's written with nostalgia for the people, with the target demographic of the people who saw it originally back in the day. It's it's writing a show for adults with hinging on nostalgia versus something like Skeleton Crew, where it's like it's it's focusing on a good story,
with like ah like all the stuff that you were saying it's like it's not there's nostalgic elements but it's like it's not nostalgia first for the people like exactly like a kid like a kid growing up just today like all the all of our friends whose kids are watching it they are enjoying it like they're not sitting there going oh that's from that's like et that's like ambleness oh that's like the goonies it's like no they're just enjoying it like suckant and people I think some people twist it and get it confused. They're like, oh, they just cherry picked all the stuff from that the 80s and 90s that weren't done in those movies. And they're just you know they're just doing it for nostalgia's

Nostalgia in Storytelling: Modern Resonance

sake. It's like, no, they're doing it because it works. like yeah like that That's why those movies are popular then. And that's why kids like are enjoying this now. It's like it's- Well, to your point, had you done it had you done it the way that
Had that been the reason why it was made, it would have failed. It would have failed because it's not it's that there's not enough not enough equity there in ah in a worse rate in a order for it to to to to to be successful. You you cannot cannot um you panel invest any more. I'd suggest i would suggesting that you know the Force Awakens, Nostalgia only goes so far. It only goes so far.
It really does. So dude, I was gonna, can I just go through this list of thoughts that I had? Yeah. I mean, this is literally because I knew that that that folk were gonna be talking about this throughout the day and
I just literally thought I would listen, write down stuff that I was thinking as and when I was watching it. So the first thought for me was there's no turning back for Jon. I thought that there was maybe a um an opportunity for him to redeem himself, but let's face it, he was a pretty nasty guy and there's absolutely no way that he would um he would come back. but I don't know man Can I can I jump in on that because I haven't know he he still had a or demonstrated a huge amount of regret He didn't want things to go a certain way He didn't want you know, he demonstrated genuine concern when KP crashed the ship
um and And so, I don't know, I mean, can you forgive the guy? No, some of the stuff we did was pretty despicable. Then again, some of the stuff that he did, I mean, where we saw him actually in the preten last week, for example, where he shot Brutus. Brutus was a bit of a nasty bastard anyway, and probably deserved it, at Albert was coming to him. But yeah, sorry, you you tell me what you're thinking.
No, I mean i want i want you to I want you to get all that through because i'm i'm on I've had a thought about that too because I i haven't been on the line a lot, but I keep seeing this kind of conversation of like, oh, this a debate of like, oh, is Jod evil? Oh, he's not really evil. Oh, does he can he get a redemption? Can he turn around? It's like specifically on the evil thing.
I think it's very interesting of like how black and white a lot of us look at it at times. um like Palpatine is evil like evil. Evil is a is a strong. That is like literal. it's like You're evil. You're Darth Vader and you're evil until you are convinced to not be evil.
With Jod, it's like, I don't think he's ever evil. He's just an asshole. Like, he's just greedy, but greed doesn't make you evil. Like, he didn't, like you're saying, he didn't want to hurt people. Like, he did, care I think he does care for those kids in as much as he can. I think, like, does he get a redemption? It's like, I don't think redemption's the word, like, I know I'm being pedantic, but it's like, I don't think redemption's the right word, because he didn't,
he He's like, he had a goal. He's like, I'm a pirate. I want money. ive I am the way I am. Like he's he's an asshole for sure. But he at the end of the day, he didn't hurt anybody. He really didn't, he did not want to hurt people. And he was upset about KB. And like,
Like I mentioned him with Hawes at the end, I'm like at first I caught off guard when he just threw the the the gun down when the kids had the lightsaber and saw the X-Men come through. It's like if he was evil, he would have just shot him. He would have just shot all of them and been like yeah i've been mad and just killed everybody. He'd be like, it's over anyways. I could just kill you and then you can't tell anybody I was here because they like… But he's but he's not evil, and i it's just like, oh, you need some redemption. It's like, no, he's just gonna go be a pirate still. At the end of the day, the kids still aren't hurt, and he didn't want to hurt them. But they were getting in his way of that. Like, oh, it's like weird and pedantic, but it's just- And the way it was- Kylo ran and stuff.
And the way that Jude Lawr acted him as well was kind of like, just like a frustrated dude. It was like, kids are getting in my way. Just get out of the dirty way. I'm trying to get this job done. It's not like, it's not like, what am I trying to say? It's not like, to your point, it's not, he hasn't got a message to deliver. He hasn't got, he doesn't want absolute power. He doesn't want, he just wants to guard that money. It's like, kids are getting out of my freaking way. It's just, you're really annoying the crap out of me. And not your parents are annoying the crap out of me as well.
because i know I know a lot of people don't believe this from what I've heard. I do think at the end of the day, if if everybody would have gotten out of this way, I think they would have taken an ass ton of money and left. I don't think they would have. I don't think they wanted to bring the barrier down. I don't think they would have. No. Maybe come back at some point.
like but I think he just wanted to take his big, the monster pirate ship, fill it with a bunch of money, then just bounce and not hurt people. The other pirates, I do think some of them are maybe don't live to a certain code that maybe Jod was holding himself to, which is a trope that we see all the time. You got the captain who is- the one who's got the structure and the morals, that's the wrong word, the code, and the minions who are like, we're going to bring from fear to the hearts of millions.
But the scoopity thing I said, I was like, oh, these meddling kids just like go away. there like a man it's like this get out of that doorway. So what also made me laugh was that the supervisor, that you were right, you were absolutely right, um supervisor, ja gigantic droid head that basically controls a hive mind. So they all of the droids were controlled, sorry, all of that but the droids were controlled by basically the Wizard of Oz, which I found
I wouldn't say predictable, but it kind of, it made sense. It made sense. It tied that bit up. It was, it was okay. Um, we, we talked being like, Oh yeah. That was the most, that was the stranger. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it was, it was, it was, it was, um, but we talked about it last week because that there's an awful lot to squeeze into.
half an hour, 40 minutes, 50 minutes. There's a heck of a lot of that. And this kind of tied it up quite nicely. And it's yeah it particularly creative. No, it wasn't, but it was fine. It was absolutely f fine. And the fact that it was the voice of ah Stephen Fry was kind of cool. But yeah, no, no, the fact that by taking him out, um that um That took out the ah the immediate threat to to the the parents, which was the protector droids. Were they a threat to the parents? I don't know. When they picked up the kids, they seemed to go about their business again. and really They didn't really... the the The fact that the threat clearly was from within didn't really seem to bother them anymore. They went back to...
their normal lives wisdom with our friend Neil, for example, in the bath, which I find hilarious. It is interesting. Well, there's two pieces. the The design aspect, it's like I do love that the design of the supervisor was like, it's just a big droid head. like They just yeah make it 10 times bigger and put it on the floor.
Yeah, nailed it. The second part is I just thought it was interesting like this isn't a criticism. It's like They're like the an emissary can come in and it's like dang They hold a lot of power to be like and I want you to monitor these people. They are in trouble and They just said yep. All right, you're under surveillance as per the emissary. It's like dang like they hold a lot of power and Yeah, they do. Yeah, they do. But also spotted up to tee through bullshit as well. But we'll talk about that later. Neil, Neil, sorry, Neil's brother. So so yeah when the ah when the ship goes down, when the ship finally goes down, and the um everyone's looking up into the sky, and the
pirates start firing on the on the crowds um that are looking up in the sky which I thought was very very war of the world had a lot of war of the world's vibes you know when the when the ship comes down everyone everyone's actually just looking up to it and I would if if I looked up at a ship with a shitload of guns pointing at me I would run a mile very very quickly but you've got all of these people out in the streets looking up at the um looking up at the ships, we start firing and I don't know who knows this, but one of Neil's younger brothers just goes pow pow pow pow. It just made me giggle while they're outside. The hover bike scene, I know people have already talked about this, the hover bikes, um straight out of ET. Straight out of ET, the fact that our troop of kids are determined to stay the day, what do we do? We get on our bikes.
And um yeah again, I'm i'm sorry for if this sounds like I'm lifting off other podcasts I've listened to today, but it's the immediate these are these are literally my thoughts written down as I was as I was watching i haven't listened to him yet so his all okay okay first i'm hearing it The invasion when um when um Yeah, when Jude, when Space Jude says, you know, invade, this is the invasion, go guys, go, go, go, go, go. It reminded me of the, is it this shit to the Or the Chitauri in the Avengers? You know, the original Avengers movie, where you had these very small crafts that were, you know, kind of like,
flying through the streets of of new york or wherever it was meant to be filmed like this ish like this yes and jedi shooting shooting out that that i've got major a lot major avengers vibes that uh... uh...
in that in that invasion as they're taking over the taking over the at all corralling, corralling, that's the word I'm thinking of corralling the the the that the population of a tattoo. That's what I got from that. The kids got to the ship. um When the kids got to the ship. I mean, they're already need kind of in mission mode.
Oh, sorry, they were already in mission mode when when they were but when when they were um initially um what's the word of think of reprimanded and and and taken back and and their parents were reunited with them. They were already kind of on high alert. When they got to the um when they got to the ship, um I felt that that's when they were all at their peak performance, they knew exactly what to do. I mean, his dad said, Wim's dad said, you know, you can fly this thing. You can fly and every single member of the skeleton crew had their job and they knew exactly what was going on. They were in control. It looked really, really, really, really good. It was really, really, really good. And that I felt that at that moment in time,
each character had found their specialism yeah um and and and that in itself was ah but itself was a really really satisfying conclusion to their character to development story and for me.
in a finale. So I felt I thought I thought that was that was that was pretty damn cool. Going back to our love of spaceship born. I thought the pirate, the large pirate gavel ship. I love that design. I love that. I love that design. There is a designer I need to, I need to, I'll find it. There is a, there is a star ship designer from the 1970s, 1980s, but predominantly 1970s, that used to provide, used to design very organic ships. And in fact, he's been, I believe he has been um cited as being the inspiration for Firefly.
Um, the serenity, the serenity, um, uh, um, uh, hero shipping in and TV. So it was quite a flight, but that I love. I love the way that ship was designed. I love the fact that it basically was an aircraft carrier. Um, it was nothing less than, i it than, than, uh, a big, a big,
ah a big hanger um with obviously a lot of detailing around it. But the style and the design of that ship in particular, I really appreciated. And if they do something along those lines, yeah something along those lines, maybe the fat as if light games or anything like that, I'll certainly try and get my hands on that. We then see the bad steps of eventually, you know, we saw we saw him being somewhat cowardly and somewhat um a part and very much part of the system, but I felt that in this episode in particular, he really could step up and kind of use his account, his analyst. Level nine, something. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Using using that to his advantage was that was great. um And then Neil definitely stepped up. And this is an interventional order. This is as I'm watching. So following that, Neil quite rightly finds a quite right
signs that that the gun on ah on the um and mass um on the roof of the other the stool, and boy does he get to use it. Boy does he do some damage, which is fantastic. um What I have here as a step right aside is the young lady who I should have the type of her name, but the the young lady that plays Fern is an amazing actor.
amazing actor uh she did really really well today and it was um i am talking about a moment this was written down at a moment in time where she is still in the same room as where the um the um supervisor is based in that she's pleading to her mum to help them by by shutting down the shutting down the um ah the shield. However, when she believes KB has crashed the ship that that the pure emotion and pure... um What's the word I'm thinking of? Like her anguish.
yeah Exactly, yeah she that she demonstrates at that moment is is absolutely superb. When she... ah Sorry, talk about KB. KB holding 33's head so he can fly properly. yeah um He says, hold me head Hold me head steady.
and she's literally flying, he's literally flying the ship but while his head is being held by KB and that, that made me laugh so awful a lot and KB, oh good god, she stayed the day. I mean you have every right for her being your favorite character, she stayed the day. She really stepped up at that moment but she also stepped up at the moment a few minutes later when they when the ship was going down and she and she with while being encouraged by her parents, um were um ah was able to fix the ship enough to to to to to like save herself. You know who knows yeah who's useless? Her parents. She's like calling them. And she's like, yeah hide. And they're like, I mean, sit in the living room window and watch them kick the door in and grab us. It's like, yeah why listen. this What do you think they're going to do? That's funny. It's like, not good listeners. She no you learned this on her own.
no so i so um yeah that's for sure that's for sure um yeah i've written here again jod really does regret that really does regret folk being killed and that obviously that's straight after kb being seen as supposedly crashing the ship and i and i and we've already talked about it so i won't talk about it again but I genuinely believe that an awful lot of what he says is bluster. It's banter. It's to get things moving. It's to get things is to get things done. It's what pirates say to act threatening. yeah it's what they it's it's it's not It's not a reflection on themselves. um His force powers are very limited. Very, very limited.
And I think that was obvious. um I mean, he he's got a little bit of steel with the blade in that he was able to deflect a couple of blaster shots from um from um ah the when the supervisor asked him to be asked to reprimand him, or sorry, to to to contain him. But ultimately, he didn't in the struggle with the kids. And with the parents, he he wasn't strong with the force he couldn't i mean he he was he was pulling the kids who were holding on to holding on to the lightsaber they were literally being dragged dragged along the floor yeah so i've been bummed
He mostly gets people flat-footed. It's like a tug of war a little bit. It's like he's going to just rip it away. It's like, oh, hold on, then let go, and they fall down. And then this, and it's like he's pulling it. And I quite like that. I like that. I like that in his character, and his character's flawed. Again, he's like, yeah, we're all flawed in one way or another, except for, if you like, our main protagonists and our main heroes in the main movies who would would use a force pull like that and it would come straight out the person's hand because it was with so much with so much power excuse me um the mum finally stepped up
as I said, um and that's so that's when we see the ah the shields finally go down. And we see the um we see the the the New Republic jump in. And I my heart sang when I saw that booing. Yeah, I think you think you know, the booing is my favorite it is my favorite slider. um Because it looks so wrong and in in many many ways but it um so um it looks so impractical and little yeah exactly exactly but um no I absolutely absolutely loved it and I love I love the the callback to the rebels episode as well where we see the the shawl that goofy gunshot thing
Constructed configuration of the of the b-wheel. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, we're all we're all we're all four lasers We're all for all four lasers converging to one into one large laser a little bit like ah a best start if you will yeah um um But but but yeah, no it was great because we we we saw that in the in the hero episode it is the hero accent isn't it where she Yeah, where she where she where she? um
She test flights the original B-ring, right? Is that right? Yeah, that one guy had, and he was making it, and it was all busted and weird. Yeah, the Mon Cal guy. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's what I thought. OK, Paris did it. Yeah, that's right. Then I roped around the conclusion, really. What happened to Job?
What happened to Job? No, actually recruiting before I ask that question, before I ask that question, because that is speculation. I've written here, the look on Wim's face demonstrates a promise of more adventure to come. And that's, that's, that was my conclusion of the episode, if you like, and as a result, the scene sees in itself. So, so,
There are more adventures to come. I do not believe, as I said, it's going to be in the guys. I'm just going to grow season two. But whims adventure with whims smile, smile to himself. And also jobs, little smirk to himself as well.
um Give me a hint that something else is coming ah along the way. So so let me ask a question like to to Pirates on different ships go in different directions and like seeing each other. It's like aha until next time Until next time exactly exactly respect like a respectful kind of like I could turn and chase you but Not today. Well, we'll meet again exactly exactly and So that's what I wrote. That was my
Again, I want to do something a little bit different. um They were my thoughts as and when, as and when I was watching them um this morning, first thing this morning. um I don't know what you think.
I don't know whether you agree with it some of the stuff. I don't know whether you like some of the stuff but but that like points it out um I But that's that that's kind of where that's kind of where I am. um certainly yeah i'm certainly I'm certainly hopeful for the future of Star Wars, if they can churn stuff like this out, whether I get pirates again or not. Okay, if I don't get it, I'll live with it. If we don't get the same people again, okay, I'll live with it. Although I think that's a crying shame because I think that, quite frankly, Duke Law in Star Wars is an absolute firecracker. Absolute firecracker having him working in Star Wars and that would be a very wasted opportunity if he was interested in doing more and they don't they don't capitalize on that. Anyway, um yeah, so what do you think, dude?
the the jaw the jawed thing and the whim thing i thought was very poignant i think like i i agree with what you're saying uh with like oh there's more adventures but i also think it like with for whim specifically when you saw the blockade runner coming through i think it was kind of like not closing the book but like finishing the chapter of like his sentiment towards at Atten and like his struggles with like story versus reality and his his quest his desire for something more interesting and desire for more, his his his search for like, who is who who are the good guys? Who are the like, who are the Jedi? Who is like, who is that the the the good versus evil? And then seeing the X-wings, but then seeing like,
the blockade runner come through as like to me I felt like that was closure for him of like there it is like I did the right thing and now the good guys the good guys are here that's a landing craft kind of like i I knew we were on the right that path and we we did the right thing. And the good guys are here to like, I'm a part of it. But it's also that like, the adventure's not over. Like, um like what's what's next? I do hope we... I do think there's a story somewhere. I don't know if it's necessarily with the kids of like, whether it's in comics or maybe a book of like, what's next for at at because I do think there's questions around like, yeah, the, then yeah the the first order.
um Moving what I might have known at one point of like, oh, what if the kids all like moved the Batu? Like with like who owns sm33 or like do you own sm30? Is he on his own? Like who is his captain? Like does he live with KB? Do do they all move to Batu and then sm33 is gonna have a an appearance in the parks? Yeah, who wants like cuz Onyx Cinder's not destroyed. It just crashed, softly crash-landed through precariously, you know? What I'm assuming is, well, I don't know, I mean, but the kids. Yeah. and because because Because, you know, they they they basically, they basically use the rule,
do they own this rule? Um, not the badger's rule, he owns his rule. Claims his, claims his, sorry. The claims his rule, the claims his rule against, against, um, against um Jod and, and, and 33 goes along with it. It's like fair play, dude. I like that.
I like that. you you've' You've written that into the Pirate Cove. So I don't know. I mean, I'm assuming it's it's the kids, the kids own the ship. Practically speaking, i was I was thinking about this. It's like, practically speaking, you'd ruin the market if all of this with public credit became available.
See, I disagree. oh I disagree with that so vehemently. I'm like, go ahead, sorry, go ahead. No, no, no. I'm just wondering, is is that is that is there an authority somewhere that could just completely devalue? It's completely devalued a whole lot. So it becomes nothing. singing It becomes absolutely nothing. So if you think about the, if you think about, for example, you know, a, um,
a dollar bill. A dollar bill is made out of paper.

Galactic Economy Speculation

There's no value in the paper or there's very little value in the paper itself. It's a promise to pay somebody. It's a promise to pay, then it's backed by currency of some sort um of ah of gold basically. So what is a republic ah public credit or I don't know what the quid. Adepta? Adectari? Adetari? Okay, fine. So what is it? Is it? Is it? Is it? um Is that in itself those gold bars? Is that the value?
Is that the value? In which case is it easy to devalue that, that, that, or that, that, that metal? Is it fiat or like a gold standard kind of? Exactly, exactly. Is it an anger? Is it like an anger? Or is it, or is it, is it a promise? Like a dollar bill?
Is it a promise to to to to to to ah another source all of that to pay to pay that person the equivalent in what would be a a a commodity of some sort? And I don't know what the answer is, but surely if I was an exchequer of some kind, I would i would find a way to grossly disalue devalue that to the point where it wouldn't upset the economy. But I want to hear your thoughts. So this is this has been something I've heard quite a bit, and I am not, first of all, I'm not an economist. And and we probably guessed I'm not either. yeah With my limited experience working at places that deal with
money, what it means, and values, things like that. and there it's i keep here i like I laugh because it's like it's funny how much in me it's like, No, no like whatever was like, oh the it'll it'll it'll ruin the galactic market I'm like, all right I can't help but like the ADHD kicking in and being like, all right There's like 11 like let's just round that day 1200 volts of this this man. the The New Republic is clearly there so they're not gonna like let it be a free-for-all but even if even if you say oh
10 volts get just rated. and like the The Republic is how big, it's not the entire galaxy, but like the who who all honors the galactic credit system? like is Even if the entire planet's worth of treasury got leaked into the system. like To me, I feel like a galactic currency doesn't have a backing. like there's not a This is so stupid. i haven't make but not i feel like there's not There's not a gold standard. It's just like when you do things at that scale like there has to be a J faith in it um And that like this means like it's it's pinned like it's pinned to the value of like oh these datories are a Literal like it's not a commodity. So it's not like oh a dairy of gold or whatever that is space gold ah What do they what do they call it? Dura Dura gold like there is still Dura gold is not
the The price doesn't fluctuate. It is pinned. like It's pinned to the value of whatever. And so a a dollar credit is a dollar credit or and of a pound or whatever whatever we call them, a credit. And so it's like oh it'll it'll like cause inflation. Then at a galaxy scale, like what what is the equivalent? is this I think I asked the question at one point. I'm like, is this planet the equivalent of like Fort Knox the ah Treasury or yeah like a bet or is it a bank? like a bunch of banks um Yeah, and I have been fascinated with it, and I'm sure they're like it doesn't matter like It doesn't matter, but it's fun to go down that exercise to I hear so many people being like it'll ruin the a economy It'll like it'll ruin the black the cream and I'm like I'm on the other side going will it though like I
It's cool. I don't know. It's cool. It's cool. Cool. I mean, I mean, i mean that there's an awful a lot of people who are also talking about, you know, what happens with this planet now. And is it a is it a
And we, so, so I want to remain, I want to remain positive, but there are certain things at the moment that I'm, I'm finding this so fresh. I'm finding this so exciting. I'm signing the whole thing. So, so attention grabbing for me that I almost don't want it ruined to a certain degree. And so yeah I hear things, I hear things like, could this be, could this be a means for building the, um,
the first order and I'm like, no, dont it doesn't need to be, it doesn't need to be. Could this be a means for Grand Admiral Thrawn to build his counter-attack to the New Republic in the in there in the in in the new film that's coming up? It's like, no, it doesn't need to be. I kind of want it to be its own thing.
um I do feel like that this is the start of a like the adventure we just got is like the pre adventure and that's kind of how that's how I'm reading Jod's smile like at the end right where you just got his gun down and it's like oh you like The adventure is not over. The real adventure is now beginning. The opportunity is now here because now this planet is yeah open. And i do I do think people are gonna hook into this as like a means of like, oh, the pirates are gonna be after for the, like the New Republic now has a task of getting people off this deal with the money. And I do think it's now a target. And I think people are gonna hook stories into this. I hope it's not the whole planet is the source of the First Order's funding.
Or thrawn or whatever like I hope that's well the thing is but I do think it's creating a chaotic event Yeah, yeah, yeah, and I think and the thing is though is that is that I guess I guess I'm somewhat um ah goal My might yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. No, I love that. I love the idea. I love the idea. I Love that and it can be anyone and anything and any and any how I love that idea I love the idea in fact I guess well what i we the opportunity in The Mandalorian, for example, we were we were looking at ways of, we were always told that it's going to connect to, it's going to explain an awful lot of the sequels trilogy. There's going to be a lot of um connective tissue there.
and I almost don't want it to be because I think that the way they dealt with the cloning side of things in t season three of Mandalorian was a big mess. ah I do, unfortunately, I thought it was a big, big mess for there to be so much such a an important galactic event as the return of Palpatine through cloning or smoke through cloning. That's a doubling down please. yes and and and to and to and then And then to take a story ah about a force sensitive child
um and and insinuate or to suggest that it has something to do with that and it still may well have something to do with it but for the kind of the reveal in season three for it to be a very personal ambition of Juan Carlos, come on.
malkyian ah to be ah to be and to be ah to be ah an ambition of Moff Gideon was somewhat disappointing. Somewhat disappointing for me. so So I kind of i want to shy away from there being way too much connected tissue and for it to be what it is in itself. And I'm sorry if I spent too much time on that, but that's kind of how I fail like about in the future.
I think it's a valuable conversation because I think being honest about this, about stuff, specifically I think with Mandalorian and like, it it sounds like I'm talking out of both sides of my mouth, where I'm like, I love exposition and going into the detail and connective tissue in some ways. i yeah But I think some of the things that the Mandalorian and the Mandoverse Trademark copyright whatever like at all. I think some of the ways they're doing that is a fruitless venture um Where it's gone too literal too far. I'm like, okay the the help somehow Palpatine return thing the Rises Skywalker is Yes, some connective tissue is going to make that story better in time. i But I do not think that an over explanation of like, here's everything that led to this, whether it's a bad batch and all the stuff with Omega yeah or
everything that's happening with Mando and Brogu and the the Moff Gideon bananas cloning whatever nonsense it's like okay maybe we're going a bit too into the weave too far into the weeds where no matter how far you go down this hole i don't think it's going to give people the satisfaction story wise to like, you'd almost be better to be like, okay, you've you've connected it a little bit. Maybe we just ease off on that now and like let it be and people will be okay. But it's almost as like doubling down of like, no, no, it makes, we're gonna make it make sense. We're gonna fix it. We're gonna we're going to retroactively go down this rabbit hole and be like, see, here's all the things that made it. It's not somehow we returned. It was all in secret and all these things led up to it. Okay, I like it, but maybe it doesn't have to be every episode of every show that we do in the next past five years in the next ten I have to say I love your but You spoke a little bit ah about it this morning with walls. I love your analogy but this seems like a
This seems like a re- I wouldn't say a reboot, but a re- the start of a repositioning of the Star Wars. The Star Wars, what am I thinking of? Slate. The slate that they've got, that they've got coming up. It's kind of like, you know, let's that's ease off. Let's do some relatively very at low risks though.
that eventually will pay dividends in a meaningful way. help but relate it to work and be like, this is like when there's a long running project and like everybody knows that it's kind of messed up, but like it takes those handful of people to like step in front of the bus and be like, hey, I think we all need to come to the table and have a serious conversation. Yeah. I feel like that happens in like,
You can't turn a barge like a container ship on a dime and so it's like Star Wars I believe is a container ship There's a lot of jobs a lot of people a lot of you know a lot of our 401ks invested in that Yeah, so it's like I feel like they started turning back this happened a while back I'm hope this is me my wishful thinking they started they had this conversation some people got sweat on their brow and we're like, hey, um powers it be, can we like maybe do this differently? And they started writing the ship a little bit and we're starting to see the those changes coming through. yeah And maybe this is just the going rogue in me that's like- No, I love that. I love that. I love that. I love that. I love that philosophy because it gives me hope. It gives me hope for the future.
um And again, you know, again, I love the idea of of it being focused on... franchise helped on help um oh i i am i love i love I love the fact that it's been focused on this age demographic. You know, let's keep it really, really, really, really simple. Really simple so your for your um for those that want high-end drama,
For those that want real gritty Star Wars, that want to feel that Star Wars has grown with you. In other words, now we you were 10, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 years old. when you When you started watching Star Wars, you're now in your 40s, your 50s.
Then you know, you may want your Star Wars to be To be procured, you know, you may want to procure your your Star Wars or curate your Star Wars with your current with your current age, you know around your current age in that Star Wars has grown with you um yeah And we're G fans. It's the most geriatric fans even worse case in rich days. Oh whichate oh Well, I tell you now, when we expect, when we expect Andal, you've got Andal there. But at the same time, you know, as I said, there needs to be a future. There needs to be a future for Star Wars. And, you know, you've got the the young Jedi adventures, which which are fantastic in their own right for what they do. um But you've also got this in in terms of live action. And it it has
My god, my god, my... mike my 22-year-old, sorry, 22, 24-year-old youngest daughter, sorry, Abby, my 24-year-old youngest daughter is itching to watch this with me. and She doesn't do that. She doesn't do that. This says this is a multi-generational thing that I've really, really enjoyed because I've been able to enjoy it with my family as well. In fact, I hate to spend some money because
I think she's jealous of my, I think she's jealous of my skirt and crew merch, and so I think I'm gonna spend a bit of money this evening and- Yeah, I see things. Spend those rewards points at this point. Yeah, exactly, exactly. Well, I do wanna add something to your comment about the generational stuff, it's like, and I think, I agree with that so strongly, that like- They're so wonderful.
Yeah, it just it like it gives me goosebumps. I'm like, dude, I agree with a million percent. And I think, especially after what we've learned, we've all learned from the prequels, we need to introduce new generations to this. And it will be different for them. why yeah Times change, generations are different, the the the content is different.
like similar to like introducing your kids or different generations to your music and like having appreciation for it it's like and they're gonna like new stuff and like it's gonna be different to them just like it's different for us as individuals like what we take out of Star Wars and what's meaningful for us and I think The prequels were a good alerting opportunity for everybody involved of what that means. And I think that the animation and the games and stuff, I don't think we've seen the ah Young Jedi adventures and stuff come to fruition yet. I think we're starting to see it more with the kids who grew up with the Lego.
Star Wars and like what that means to them. yes like I think we're starting to really start really start seeing that that that stuff come up. like I think we're like getting through the Clone Wars kids and now it's the Lego kids. And that's all cool. That's great. It's more content. It's a different different voices, different things. And like Skeleton Crew I think is really cool because I think it not only interests the yeah the The younger kids like it's capturing everybody like except for the people who don't want to be captured and they're like No, but I don't care about them. I care about the people who are being open-minded about it. and Like this seems to be one of the ones it's really Capturing people across the board old the young better than any of anything else ever has And and another thing that is
so important and I really hope that they learn and unfortunately I believe it's a mistake. It's come by, sorry not a mistake, it's come by accident but the fact is the merch is available now. the The merch is available now as the show is airing and for me that and has made such a goddamn difference, such a goddamn difference. Now I know the merch would have been ah the The merch is probably available now because that was when it was always scheduled to be now. But we had a whole bunch of strikes that were, don't forget, which delayed the The you know the the um skeleton crew should have been released a lot earlier than it has done. But

Merchandise Impact on Viewer Engagement

fortuitous they...
We've got the Mercs being launched at the same time or available at the same time as the product or as the content or as the entertainment as Hasbro calls it. And because of that, you'd never see me buying two Black Series ah ah of a all other a program that I'd seen. I bought any and i bought anything in the last couple of years. No, no no I haven't, unless it's been something novelty, you know, for the like the um the Halloween stuff and the yeah and and and the Christmas stuff that you and I get shits and giggle from.
um um Apart from that, I haven't bought it because it's a year or two after the actual entertainment's come out. The fact that it's come out now is fantastic and I'm particularly making a note of that because I do know it's available because I've bought it myself and yet my daughter was saying that It's sold out in certain in certain stores that she has looked for things to buy. And so it's not a case of it not being there. It's actually sold out again. because the and It's because the merch is available at the same time as the content. It's really is that simple.
It reminds me of a time when you were able to release, you were able to show characters and talk, because we've known the characters, we've seen the fun of them. knew Jod and we knew Brutus. i We've seen them for a very long time. like It reminds me of the that marketing strategy of like, yeah, you can show people things and don't give them the story. like Because just the fact that somebody's there doesn't give away the story. like I think some things are plagued by, like um Or like it reveals too much it's like yeah We can have these toys because we've known about him for a long time and that doesn't ruin anything Like no it moves it to focus as the story and we happen to have the action figures because we've known about him But certain things we also yeah, we don't have a season 2 Luke because that would reveal that Luke is there With rogu and so you can't have that No, no, no, but what what what you but what we used to do and I know we've spoken about this before and
But what we used to do was we used to speculate. So, so, so something, yeah a new, a new, back in my day,
Boba Fett was released. Boba Fett was available, had a toy that you could purchase. I think he was originally a guy, one of those, um, um uh mail away mail away uh uh uh figures that you could get if you collected a certain amount of star wars figures you could cut out the names uh of your star wars figures and mail and and pop them in an envelope uh put your address on a on a form and you would get a a and a bob a threat figure in the post but this is before and empire stripes came back and came out you had no idea who he was and he ended up being relatively
insignificant for the movie in terms of the plot, but significant in terms of its look, its feel, its I mean, the introduction of Bounty Hunter into the into the property was was something really quite quite funky and cool at the time. But it made you speculate and it made you want to see the movie even more. It didn't detract from, it didn't give anything away. It was done so well. um And if it's a fluke, then it's a goddamn good fluke.
But the point being is that merch was available either when the entertainment was there or certainly prior to the entertainment and having a year of speculation over who a figure what a figure was you know who is who is this person what do they do how do they think the story if indeed it's not the first episode of that of that story um it was amazing constable zuvio is apparently apparently i was listening to i was listening to um
the Phantom 8 guys either day. And apparently, there are a couple of species actually in this program. In the skeleton crew, they're actually there, um mar as a probably as a homage, or maybe because they've got so many leftover costumes that were there that were never used again from um ah from from from from the Force Awakens that they thought, yeah, we we can get away with that. That's another thing about this program.
the variety that we got. It wasn't all about troopers that addressed this thing. Even in the Mandalorian, Mandalorians look like Mandalorians. They look like Mandalorians. They have a whole bunch of different configurations of their armor, but ultimately they're Mandalorians. You've got so much delightful variety.
um with the pirates I loved it when they were when they were when when when he called them to invade I loved that you've got weak ways you've got um uh what's his name the reuse guys the reason anyway the point being is you've got all of these different um these different species they're all dressed differently and they're all ragtag and individual and unique, and I freaking love that shit. Can I expand on that with a slight smile for a second? Yeah. So this is this is something that I dream of, especially after like all these shows and stuff. So for context, I was an intern at Disney World in the Magic Kingdom, for those who don't know and haven't heard me talk about it a million in times.
um And there's tunnels underground That you get from the different place so the employees they're not they're not glamorous like everybody's like No, it's got a trash system in it that sucks trash. So they all smell like Garbage shit. Yeah, and there's areas where you can't stop because it's a dip and the gas will settle there And it could like make you pass out. So they're not glamorous, but there is a section that This is all route. This all loops back. This is going to be a big circle. There's a section near the entrance in the back that's there's a room, an area called part of costuming that's called the zoo that gets colloquially called the zoo. And that is where they spoilers. That is where a lot of the costumes like characters are stored.
like all their outfits and things. So you like walk by it and you just see like heads of even characters like when they made one for that, they like, i why isn't that walking around in the park? What like, oh, you see all these things. Like you just kind of like, you can't really go in there, but you can see it. And so it's like, I'm like, ooh, just the idea that that exists. Like I know there is a zoo I'm assuming there is a zoo for Star Wars costumes and characters, and like they just collect it all and store it. I'm sure that's Dewey Decimal System craziness. I bet that's wild to work in like an archive. I bet that is crazy. I would love to go there and see that, and they're like, somebody's organized a system, like an asset management system of like
All right, I'm looking for some rhodium gloves, ah preferably like orange, or maybe they could be painted a size large. And they're like, no, right this way. And some like, jacasta new lady, like,
Anyways, that's all. No, no, no, no. I love that. I love i love that stuff. I love that kind of stuff. I love it. I absolutely love it. Well, dude, I mean, at the at the end of the day, i'm i' thought like there was nothing else to say apart from I hope we get more of this. Do I think we're going to get season two now? I've already said that. But I hope we get more of this kind of stuff um because I think it's good. And I think that, like I said,
i I have hope in that the wry smiles of both Wim and Jod at the end of this finale is a promise of good things for the future and more adventures.
I definitely see Jod coming back. The kids, I think that'll be interesting to see how they work them in. One final thing I missed i' miss talking about, it's a pat on the back for the writers. I know it's still in the weeds, but I i feel like I haven't said it yet. There was a moment I got really worried that they were gonna go down a trope, and I'm really, really happy they didn't do it. For a minute, I thought they were framing Fern and Wim's parents like not getting together but like that that trope of like are we going to become brother and sister like oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah they started like they were kind of like lining that up in a way i know i know what you mean well when they start when they started working together
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. hope Please, please don't do that. And then, like, at the end of the show, it's like, we didn't even get like a we got a kind of union. No, no. And then it's like, and then

Storytelling Without Sugarcoating

that's the end. It's like, thank you. Thank you for not doing that. They did. They did. In my mind, they told the story that they they wanted to tell and they didn't sugarcoat it. They told it. and they They literally told the story that they wanted to tell.

New Republic Arrival and Planet's Future

I want to know what's happening with the planet. Yes, of course I do.
yeah It's now out there. It's now out there. ah yeah the The new Republic has landed. That may well be a a blessing or a curse for that planet. you know you don't you we we we we we We don't know. The new Republic has arrived, so it's going to become naturally a lot more

Future of Kids Post-Adventures

public. like um We know that we know you know what happened to the kids now after this experience, can Wim go back to a life of being expected to do a particular job? No, I don't think so. um you know What's going to happen to these kids? What's going to happen? yeah Are these kids going to be
yeah assimilated back into society, let's say, as normal people, after having the biggest adventure of their life, um and while potentially still owning the Onyx Cinder, they may well be the owners of Onyx Cinder, what's going to happen to SN33?
yeah what's goingnna What's going to become of these people? There are all these questions. There are all these unanswered and so and aunt said um questions that but but But quite frankly, but quite frightening no that exactly i going them planning yeah what what what the hell is going on with the other seven planets?

Comic Writers Expanding Stories

um that Is that a quest? Comic writers are like, yes! Yeah, we're gonna do number two this week these next week. Next week I'm doing, next year will be number three. Year after will be planet number four. What's planet number four? Oh, it's, a but I don't know.
They make cheese. I have no idea. idea you know But the point point I'm trying to make is that is that is that you know there is so much there, but they told the story that they need to tell and they left the rest of it for somebody else to tell or just to leave and load because it it's not important for the story. Loved it. Absolutely loved it. and um yeah More, please. no More, more, more, more, more, more, please. That worked for me.

Anticipation for Upcoming Productions

somebody sit in a room, figure out what they think worked and like apply that going forward. I yeah like this. nothing i's go be I cry feel thing ah loved it. It's great because if you got, yeah you know, we're gonna bookmark, you know, but we've got back to back, we're gonna have a really good production production followed by a really good production. That's a really, really i I mean,
I'm assuming that Andor is Andor season two is going to be the same standard as Andor season one if not better. And so therefore we're gonna we're gonna we are eating really, really, really, really, really, really well.
if we go from something as satisfying for me um as as skeleton crew straight into handle different tone different excuse me different tone different um objective different demographic but but good god we've got a good you know and then it looks a little bit sparse and then i will worry a little bit but at the moment you know they're short in a short term What is it Catherine said recently?

Countdown to Andal Release

It's 98 days. She's carrying down today. Something like that anyway. 97 days and some out hours right now. Yeah, 97 days until Andal.
it's it's it's it's We're going from quite its quality to quality. There's not going to be a ah dip in a dip in value in and production of value. There's not going to be a dip in in excellence, which is really, really in encouraging. and And to your point, you know, I'll be seeing a renaissance here. um I hope we are. I really do hope we are.

Analyzing Rogue One and Anticipation

I am so excited to analyze and or with you as it comes out, especially yeah listening, going rogue. I'm not going to spoil it for anybody, but in some of the stuff that was discussed on there about
Rogue one and and or a little bit. I'm like, oh I am interested to see if some of those thoughts Yeah, also shine through this season. I'm not gonna talk. I'm not gonna talk about two details But if you listen to it, you probably know what I'm talking about. And so yeah, it's like added a whole new layer of like Yeah, yeah, exciting Yeah, yeah. Yeah. No, that's first that yeah, that's sure and then I guess We need to think about We need to think about what comes next.

Hopes and Revelations at Celebrations

And I hope that you guys that are going to celebration.
um Not that I'm bitter. I think I want to give up but on vaner whiteites and have you like roll around on like an iPad. and You're like right there with me. Oh, that would be excellent. Andy, check this out.
Oh, mate, I love you. Yeah, but yeah I hope that you you we get to see some some good stuff coming out of that as well. um Because, um yeah, i I am a little bit worried that we don't have, we don't have a lot

Inspired by Sal's Bookshelf Photo

of information. But again, that could be part of the story of the Renaissance in that we're not gonna oversaturate the market with a bunch of all the the band based with a bunch of speculative information that we can't really qualify at this moment in time which of course they they'd been guilty of so dude it's fun it's good times it's good times
At the end of the day, if we run out of content, our good friend Sal posted that photo of the bookshelf, and I looked at that. Damn, I am behind. I saw that. I saw that. I saw that. I saw your response. We're gonna build a bookshelf. I have an idea, and it's like, you want me to build a bookshelf? I should build a bookshelf. I should build a bookshelf. Oh, you went to books. Oh, got it. That was so cool.

Praise for Catherine and Sal's Podcast

Oh, by the way,
Yeah, big shout out to Catherine and Sal, actually, because they recorded an episode on that geek pod of the first art of season one of Andal, and it's very, very good. Two hours. They've got two hours out of it, and it's a really, really good whistle. I've had a really good day when it comes down. They are talking that long.
you but I've had a good day catching up with a lot of very, very good quality podcasts today. And that is my shout out to Sal and to Catherine on that because they get really, really in the weeds. It's a good listen, it's a very, very good listen.
Shout out to Jack, Jack the cat. He's a good he's a good looking dude. Oh, the Jack and the cat? yeah Yeah, Jack the cat.

Gratitude for Engaging Conversation

Dude, I think we've done it. I think we've um we've done it. it was it's a very very It's been in very, very short times since we spoke. um I am so, so glad we spoke to today. I needed it. These tests are kind of, some of them can be a little bit um a little bit uncomfortable if i'm if I'm perfectly honest with you. So um getting out of ah um of normal life and talking to you about something that I love um is it is great. I love talking to you anyway as my friend.
um But bo let's root to do, push to do the same thing, same time next week. I may still be in hospital, I may be at home, I don't know yet, but I'll certainly try to um to get on the airwaves one way or another.

Lighthearted Hospital Jokes

and I think those worked out okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Shout out to the staff for giving you a two hour window here, this is sick. Yeah, for switching off all their, they switched off all their machines. We've gone, we've gone. That's so sick, sorry, but there's a lot of people, a lot of people in the coma here. They switched off all the machines so I could use the Wi-Fi.
there oh no no no that's What that is beeping back there? Can you like... Can you like turn that off? Oh dear.
ah the then oh oh yeah I'm going to hell. I'm going to hell. Not anytime soon, so...

Gratitude and Engagement Encouragement

that my go All right, dan listen, everyone, thank you so much for listening. um Look after each other, look after yourselves, listen to your body. um Thank you, thank you, thank you for listening to us. Waffling and talking trivial stuff, as we normally do. Hey, Sean, why don't you take us out, mate?
I can do that. Thank you, everybody. Whoo. Episode 53, we're on year number two, man. Here we go. ah Big, big, big, big thank you to King Tom once again. Thank you to everybody who who listens and and sends us feedback. It really means a lot. Thank you to Andy sure for making it making it work, like fighting a good fight here to to get on and chat. and and and and and doing all this stuff for anybody. If you enjoyed it, you can go to our website You can share that with other people. You can find us on all the podcatchers. Leave a review if you can figure it out. and I'm convinced they don't want it. ah That being the podcast hosting sites. they don't They make it so hard. But if you do it, that's fantastic. Thank you.
um The website also has links to our social media accounts. You can find us there, Blue Sky, Instagram, other stuff. um until Until next week though, where we're gonna, I'm gonna make it a point to try to watch some stuff besides King of the Hill. Now maybe read, maybe I'll read again. Maybe maybe I'll start up that bookshelf, who

Farewell and Star Wars Nod

knows? so ah But until then, till next week, it's been fun and may the force be with you actually. We'll do that.
and enforce people i e by e
May the force be with you. Bye.