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Episode 047 - Totally Wizard image

Episode 047 - Totally Wizard

S1 E47 ยท Just Shillin'
14 Plays1 month ago

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Thank you to our good friend Chris Hall for the amazing cover artwork! I'm sorry that I keep butchering it with my silly edits.


Introduction and Star Wars Excitement

Hello and welcome to episode number, I believe, 47 of Just Shillin. I am one of your hosts, Sean Hoffman. And I am one of your other hosts, Andy Bell. Happy Tuesday, buddy. How are you?
Well, we just got new Star Wars, so i I have no complaints. I have no complaints, because I am i am stuffed to the brim like I just ate a nice helping of Thanksgiving dinner, and I am i am sitting sitting back on the couch just full and stuffed. ah Full of Star Wars Thanksgiving dinner. i am How about you? No.
Yeah i'm i feel the same way mate i think we've been treated something rather special um and so i'm feeling. you know like garfield after
full helping of lasagna. Star Wars lasagna. Star Wars, we've eaten well today with the garlic bread too. So yeah, I'm um yeah i'm feeling pretty bloated at the moment, mate. It's ah it's it's been a good day.

Personal Life and Holiday Preparations

It's been a good day. But before we get to that, before we get to the um the yeah the main tent, how's your week been? What have you been up to?
i i I'll wrap all rapid fires and stuff a rapid fire It's been good. It's been it's been okay like nothing crazy. I've started entertaining the idea of making ah Christmas holiday stuff, but i'm I'm starting to it's right around this time when I started getting The itch and I think I'm I think I finally committing to like finally understanding it more so like I've been deep diving like science and like books like what I started following the recipes, the family recipes forever and ever. yeah like I'm actually like trying to like understand it more. So I want to like make my own stuff like like more,
if that makes sense. Yeah, whatever. So like I've been doing a lot of that but research, getting ready to start ramping that crap up. Nice. so ah really just biting off more than I can chew. I'm really about sick of the company that I'm working for. They are about, ah hey, if you're listening, ah you guys suck, so cool. um So yeah, there's that. Other than that, what with watching a lot of stuff,
Lot of side projects Lotta is getting in the getting in the mood. We put up our we're starting to decorate our Christmas tree our Christmas tree is nice Don't tell Madison this it's so ugly. It is just the ugliest It's the ugliest thing I've ever seen in my life like because we can cut him we can cut him down here like So like it helps thin thin out the forest because you know, we have really bad forest fires and So you can go cut them down like within restrictions and it's like ours like comes up into like it like forks into like three trees and it it is just this fat chubby ugly monstrosity and it is just so gross and it's the worst but we've we started decorating it. I'm sure she'll be able to make it look amazing. Oh, yeah.
Like shit's it's gonna look so good when it's done, but right now it is just like, you you are wider than you are tall. And yeah it's it's going to it's it's it's got potential though, for sure. ah But other than that, buddy, i am I'm just so distracted with Star Wars and in what what we have going on. It's so, I'm excited. Excellent. Yeah, ah yeah, yeah, yeah. What about you?
Well, we haven't... Well, on our side, it's been a relatively... It's been a busy, busy old week. Lots of things going on. um When it comes down to my work, I have to say thank you guys. They're looking after me at the moment. There's a few... They're kind of putting up with some of this medical stuff that I'm um i'm going through at the moment. And they've been really, really cool and really, really accommodating. And yeah when the shit hits the fan and stuff like that, that kind of...
makes, well, certainly makes me appreciate that some of these guys I work with and for, ah eight's about after all, so I'm grateful for that. um Christmas decorations, ah we haven't started, we're really late, we're really, really late. The girls are back this weekend.
The girls are back now, actually, they're back a little bit earlier um than they normally would be. um And I think the plan is this weekend we'll break open. night Yeah, put them to work, get them up in the loft, break open the decks and get them to um get them involved, which is great because A, they enjoy it. B, I hate it. And C, there's nothing better than um
them controlling. or being in charge of the rollout of Christmas decks because I normally get it wrong. So um it's it's great. So that'll probably happen this weekend. Apart from that, it's been just kind of like a ah pretty much Monday type of week in that, you know, gearing up towards the the holiday, ah gearing up towards the break.

Black Friday Experiences

I like this feeling of this time of year and it feels as if it's starting to slow down.
and especially with us having just survived at work, there the craziness that is Black Friday and the worldwide, well now worldwide, spectre that is the Black Friday period that we've all inherited from you guys across the Atlantic.
um And yeah, that was kind of chaotic with all of the kind of daily reporting coming in and ah celebrating some product lines doing extraordinarily well, some not doing so well, and setting off trigger plans and all that kind of stuff, and more you know more promotions out there in the market, and all that kind of really great stuff that when it comes down to actually putting it all together and organizing it, it's the most boring thing ever. But its um seeing it kind of work and um and land well for the businesses is also ah good fun to see as well.
as a consumer but As a consumer, did you pick up anything exciting? Did you get to take part in the other side of it? Yeah, I did actually. I bought myself some, um I was looking for some, I had, it's been a few years since I bought myself a really decent pair of hikers. but need so I needed some, um you know, some walking walking boots. And so I i um i jumped in on ah one or two of the of the sale items are out there and got myself and sorted myself out with the next couple of years worth of hikers. Cause I really want to get back into um
walking because, of course, we have a brand new lively dog that very soon will be old enough to be taken out on the lead. And because she is so young, we'll need an awful lot of exercising. So I thought, hmm, I need some decent hikers. um So, yeah, apart apart from that, I didn't actually partake too much. I kind of I kind of. Never really. Got in, I never really bet at the the the Black Friday carrot, as it were. yeah
For many, many years, it didn't do it particularly well in the UK in that well when there was all this kind of excitement around you know what we saw on TV of all the the the craziness going on in Walmarts and Best Buy's and where there were genuine bargains there. In the UK, we never seem to actually, the savings that were offered never seem to be particularly appealing when you realize that 30 days prior prior to that, there was another promotion being run probably at a cheaper price than what's being offered on Black Friday. So no, apart from that. In the last 10 years, it's all been junk anyways. It's all like the deals have all been like, yeah, it's all been like, oh, you get a $50 laptop. And it's like, yeah, you're getting what you pay for.

Star Wars Celebrations and Avoiding Spoilers?

It's like it's now like the true Black Friday stuff that everybody got excited about hasn't been real. It's an i3. Yeah.
ands It's an Android tablet from 15 years ago, and it's got 500 megs of storage. and yeah yeah it's i' i can't even My brain can't even compute like what would be bad right now, but it's like it's not good.
yeah um but did Did you potite yourself? I haven't I haven't like gone down that I usually don't even get online, but I did happen to I didn't even realize this black Friday I didn't think about it, but I did notice that I did get on and I was like oh cool It's on sale right now. I've realized this black Friday, but I bought some edible glitter um in various various shades ah because I'm gonna try to make um I something between ah like ah jelly like a like jellies or like not like a jelly like are you put on toast, but like a jelly candy, like a squishy, like an orange slice or like a gummy. I know what you mean. I know what you mean. Yeah. I'm going to try to make those and put glitter inside of it.
We'll see. excellent It's a lofty vision right now. It's gonna be it's it's it's a four-dimensional taste experience. I like the sound of it. I like it. I like that.
Excellent. That's all I got. What about news this week? have you Have you picked up any news? i mean i okay so let's Let's address what we did at the weekend first. It's only been three days for us since we last spoke. and The reason for that is that we were we were graced with the company of our good friend Catherine Neame to pick us up on the the second mile of the road to celebration, ah where Catherine very eloquently shared her experiences of past celebrations, what she's looking forward to ah for celebration Tokyo, but also
um her plans for Celebration Tokyo, either side of the convention itself. um And for those of you that joined us, you'll remember she's got quite the itinerary there. So that was great. And we spent the other half of the pod ah ah which came as no surprise, talking about the magnificence that is Andal and or and um her excitement towards Andal season two. So that was really, really good fun. But as a result, we only last spoke three days ago. yeah Thank you, Catherine, for your time. It was really, really good fun. And we, we you know, we we bust the two hour bubble again, which was fantastic to have that kind of engagement with someone someone is ah as as Catherine.
um but But outside of that three those three days, sorry, within those three days, have you picked up on any news in your travels? Well, when I look at my notes here in front of me, my news has a bullet point with nothing next to it. So off the top of my head, I have no news. But I think a lot of that is probably because I have been avoiding the Star Wars news leading up to skeleton crew because I obviously a lot of reports of like which I think retrospectively, I'll tweet my own horn, a lot of people are like, there was a lot of clips and stuff that were like, people felt like it was too much. So I am a little glad that maybe there, but I did miss, if there was something else that was announced, I did miss it. um And I didn't really pick up on anything else besides like maybe some new movie releases and stuff, but um nothing else that I can think

Star Wars Outlaws DLC Discussion

of. What about you? I'll stop battling and let you go. No, the only thing I picked up on was actually I picked it out up on it and I mentioned it on Saturday night.
but I said I'd go into more detail this week and that really was around the Outlaws Wildcard DLC. So Star Wars outlied Outlaws, the Activision game that I've been personally enjoying, the Journey, um since it released in August. ah The DLC landed and I played it. Once we finally get just a recap where I was on Saturday,
um The DLC downloaded because I had the season pass, but it wasn't working. um yeah Parts of it were working, mainly main mainly the of cosmetics, but the actual story itself wouldn't kick off. There were no triggers there. There were no there was nothing to to to to kick off the the mission.
um Finally got it fixed through the basic age old premise of switching on and off again. nice um or Or pulling out the cable, blowing down the hole and plugging it back in again. I did kind of a more, if you like, a more updated version of that. And it started working. And um it's a good adventure. It's a good adventure.
And you know, I've been extremely positive about this game because it's my kind of game. I've really, really enjoyed it. And I've had a real, I've had real fun with it. I don't think it's worth a season pass if I'm perfectly honest with you. And I'm gutted for saying that. It's not really worth it. It's a large mission. It's no more than that. um I'm going back to maybe my expectations are completely whacked, but I'm going back to a time when I look at the expansion packs of Actually, Eric's been playing it recently, Undead Nightmare, on the original Red Dead Redemption, Undead Nightmare. That was a full, pretty much a full mini-game in itself. Not a weird bolt on, or... Not a weird bolt on, or... Exactly, hours and hours of content. But most prolific, most importantly, sorry, I'm thinking of ah really this kind of the DLC packs that landed with Mass Effect 2.
Massive. Absolutely enormous. It wasn't just about cosmetics, although they were a feature of it. soma You know, parts of the galaxy, including planetic planets, that would open up to you as part of this of part of this journey.
they As I said, the wildcard DLC is great. Lando's involves, of course, it's great. um Interesting story. um around, you know, what is the MacGuffin? What is it? What's the treasure that establishes these high stake this high states game in the first place? Really, really good stuff and really, really interesting. But, um yeah,
its you're talking about three hours, Max, three hours, maybe two and a half, three hours, um which is a little bit disappointing where really it would be good to have
do you know when they appreciate come like the next one like think it's a around mouth yeah i think it's march april timef frameme i think it's just before we go ah um go out fly out to tokyo anyway the point i'm trying to make is that is that it kind of It was fine. I would suggest it's no different to any other main mission quest in the in the all-out game. It doesn't feel like DLC. It feels like something that could have just shipped with the game. Yeah, there's also some continuity stuff that makes me think, hmm, OK.
Okay, I don't know if that makes sense or not. And that is... Are you okay if I of spoilers? Yeah, I don't give a shit. I didn't... yeah the Okay, so... so ah Guys, move ahead two minutes maximum. um but But part of the premise of the game of this DLC is that the... um The main Imperial guy, who is the the the bad dude in this DLC,
um as part of the heist in inverted commas all the or the work that Lando Dart is doing, um he basically goes undercover to appear as a broker for this imperial dude to do some work for him in the role of baron administrator because he's run he's run mining facilities before and of course Lando's already got his reputation but don't forget this this and the and the and the imperial dude
is basic he's he's He's bent, he's he's crooked, so he's looking to feather his own nest, he's looking to look after himself, he's looking to make himself rich because he foresees the the end of the empire in in in in the foreseeable future.
and i so I understand him believing Calrissian's story and and being interested in the discussion of of partnering with Calrissian. But don't forget, this is after Empire and before Jedi, so in theory, Calrissian is a wanted rebel at that moment in time. Now, you could say quite easily,
Well, the guy is a crooked imperial. He doesn't care who he's working with, even if it's a known rebel. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I guess I could believe that, but it just seems... It just seemed a bit spurious in my mind, that the the premise behind it all. I could be going off on one because of the medication at the moment, but I'll be honest with you. It just seemed a bit weird. It was a bit weird. Again, good story. Really enjoyed it. Nice little some nice little prizes at the end of the event. um it was a good It was a good quest.
but not But you don't feel like it was worth the the season pass. Exactly. That's that's my conclusion. It was a really good quest. Really good, really interesting quest. I wouldn't have called it DLC.
Anyway, so that's my very quick summary of how I felt about um but that. i might as Well, I might as well bolt on something about outlaws. I've been playing the shits on outlaws really late recently. Oh, cool. For a similar reason, because they pushed that patch ah at the same time as the release of that update. And i there's been other patches, too, and I haven't had time to play. And I will say, for anybody who's been holding off a Lot of the quality life improvements are oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Sorry. I should have I should have like I should have prefaced that yeah Yeah, it's it's it's a lot better Yeah, the might I still have issues driving The little speeder bike at times. I'm like this
this I mean, i i the upgrades do help, but I think there's still at times I'm like, this is, like there's something with the camera and the speeder steering that is infuriating to me. ah But like it that's so minor, but it's like, there's i just I don't know what, maybe it's because of my years of playing Rocket League. um like There's just something about like look using the camera and steering that feels off.
ah But the but the the game is so much better. I've been playing a lot, a lot, a lot. I'm really trying to hammer through the story because there is a billion and a half things you can do to just get distracted. Be like, I'm going to go fart around over here and just ya yeah walk walk off into the sunset and then be in no man's land forever.
ah Like, which is fine. like I don mean, that is a bad thing. But yeah, i've been I've been enjoying it a lot more than I used to. And I've heard, like, I haven't listened to any deep dives, but I have heard similar grumblings about the DLC, about, like, like a... Really? That was it kind of vibe. I appreciate the work that went into it because i mis the because the new locations um and the the new experiences and and the new you know the new level design and all that kind of stuff would have taken a boatload of work. And I guess that what would have been nice to me would would have been if
that those locations or others opened up permanently for yeah the game going forward. So it it could become an expanded part of this galaxy that I love just bumming around in. But of course, once you've done the get once you've done the DLC, it's all locked off to you again. You can't go back there or anything.
I heard that's what I heard as well. They're like, yeah, you can't. It's not like it's an open, like it wants to know exactly. And that's what Mass Effect did really, really well was that they opened up whenever they landed something, even if even if there was no story behind it, you'd open up a new part of the galaxy.
which became a consistent or permanent permanent part of that of that galaxy which was just expanded the horizons a little bit more um and for me gave gave the game a lot more longevity.

Media Consumption and Reviews

Anyway. Fair. Right, mate. What have you been consuming? I believe Star Wars is the obvious in the end. We will save Star Wars for the end. What have you been consuming? Watching, listening, reading, or playing, mate? So I've been reading a lot of candy science books. I've also been reading some books on how to needle felt little tiny dogs as Christmas gifts for my nieces and nephews. Nice. You don't know that? I've watched Flash Gordon.
Yes. Fever dream. My man. That was a fever dream. ah yeah You just put it in neutral for a second. What was your... Do you understand? Do you get how important that film is? You don't. Okay, fine.
Okay, you know I do I do I think like it's obvious It's it's one of those things were like you say something to like a like a Gen Z kid now It's like you don't under like do you get the importance of this and they look at you like with like brain dead eyes and they're like No But they do they get it a little bit. They're like I get that it's important But I don't I wasn't there for the cultural significance of it, but you get it. It's like I i see I see the impact, but I think maybe I watched it the first time on a little too high of definition TV. I think that's my- And probably me, okay. yeah That's it's like a it's like, I think I needed to watch it. on I mean, it's good. Like I'm not knocking it in any ways. I think it's one of those ones where it's like, you needed to see it on a CRT. i yeah But it is cool. It was it was a vibe. It was it was a vibe. The fight scenes were,
Like the one I sent you the picture of, I'm like, this is... Oh, it's terrible. This is fantastic. it's it's It's so terrible. It's delicious. It's absolutely delicious. Like, if somebody captured this fight style in a video game and make it like a beat-em-up brawler just with silly, silly fight him fighting, that'd be the best. Like, Flash Gordon, the video game. So, yeah, I watched that. Excellent. Excellent. I'm proud of you. Thank you.
I've been continuing to watch Game of Worms, that is, yeah, so dark. ah It is, it is just like, not in like a, ah I will continue to say, it's not like Game of Thrones.
When I say Game of Worms, I'm talking about um Dune prophecy. yeah it is it is I don't want to call it high fantasy because it's that makes it seem like it's Lord of the Rings, but it is it is very Dune fantasy. It is weird. It is great, but it is it is leaning into the gist.
The dark the dark like it is not a and I like it. I like it. I don't know where it's going and it's I'm vibing with it ah It's not it's not been feel it has not been feeling good, but I am enjoying the ride yeah, oh It's brutal. It's brutal to you. I Mean it's so
It leans so heavily into old you know ancient caste culture and yeah it leans so heavily into the brutality of of aristocracy.
yeah um and
you know, the importance of breeding, um, and bloodlines and heritage and legacy. It's, um, like the long, the long game too. of like Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm enjoying it. i I think they're doing a really, really good job of it. And I i think I said the first week I couldn't give two shits about the people that are hating it because the people that are hating it.
I wouldn't say ... No, I would. I would say it's not for them. It's not it's not for them. i mean um you know it it's ah If all you have is Denis Villeneuve or David Lynch's versions of June movies to go by, um then I understand why you may you know while someone may struggle um with understanding the the heavy, heavy leaning towards law, towards um towards background, towards narrative, um to explain the reason why certain things have done a certain way, our tradition, typically. But no, I think they did a really good job of it. And they are, I would say, if any, if any, if any um
media organization can be, you could point a finger at them and say they are really, really being truthful or faithful to the source material. I'd say it's these guys because it's very much, in my mind, it's very much the case. Again, as usual, it's my humble opinion. I'm loving it. I really am. I think, spot on. 100%. I agree. A million percent. Without it being murder porn not Whatever get it's not it's not that because I know there's maybe a million people out there like it's Game of Thrones But dude, it's like it's not it's it's fundamentally different by a million percent What else say I watched wicked we don't have to talk about it, I thought it was fantastic ah Wicked part one. Let's be clear
ah We will. I will. I have an objective mind. The girls are back this weekend. There are plans to watch Wicked this weekend. I'll report back to you with an open and honest mind. So listen, just because I didn't have a good time with the original play well sorry the the original show that I wasted my ticket on, um doesn't mean that I can't revisit something with a different set of eyes and we will report back to you, boss. I promise you. Here's here's here's my here's my my words for people anybody who is in a similar boat or a boat who's never seen it. One, if you've never seen it, it's part one of a larger story.
yeah two If you've never seen it, don't don't look it up. Don't look up what happens. And don't judge it based on what you don't know, because there's stuff that happens. yeah Just based on what like you get. And that surface level. That's that's it. um it is It is part one of a whole.
That's it. That's all I'll say. like it just it's part it's It's half. It's half. It's half of a whole um to treat it like it's a it's a complete story. like because i had it of i was working ah I've heard a lot of people kind of give it critiques of certain things of like, oh, you know the criticisms of part ones and part two is like a do and or this or that and other things it's like where do we draw the line between us a series and a part one and part twos and things like cutting things down to movies and what should be done and it's like
I'm still formulating that that opinion of like where the art and like the length of things like doing it justice and like where do we as like reviewers like where does it own us fall into us of like we could just not be so critical and like let the full thing come out and then like yeah look in it the whole the whole thing yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah like yeah but I haven but i haven't like fully thought that through yet I'm not gonna subscribe to that bullshit anyway at the end of the day if the creator if the artist, creates creating the art, has a story to tell that spans over two movies, let them do it. It's nothing to do with it. It's nothing... you can always You can always vote. You can always express your opinion like by not going to see it if it offends you that much.

Series and Storytelling Themes

I mean, um that's normal. Oh, that's my normal swats to kind of bullshit. But I'm... It makes me happy here that you're open-minded. That's, you know, that's real... Oh, listen, I have...
i I'm just going from my experience many years ago now but um and I have my My girls are on good form at the moment, and they're being good to their old man. So um I've promised them we're going to sit down this weekend, and I will i will make sure that I am coffeed up, attentive, bright-eyed. You're not going to sing in the theater. You're going to be quiet.
Well, no, last time I fell asleep in the theaters, didn't I? So i mean this time I'm going to I'm actually going to be awake and attentive. So don't worry about that. What about anything else, mate? If you're watching anything else? Yeah, I want to be quick. We watched the entire series of Say Nothing. ah It is it dark. It is as dark as the book. If you are not in a place to watch things that are dark, don't do not watch it. i The book is fantastic. The series does a good job.
um like It's pretty faithful. like it's i that That book is top tier for me. like It is fantastic. And I'm not an avid reader, and I was like, that clap, clap, clap, recommend. ah That best series, is is it does a good job adapting it, it's but it is what it is. It's about...
yeah That stuff and it's dark. So take that with a grain of salt, but it's uh It's very good That's and that's that's all there is to kind of say about that one. The other one is um We get I think we could save this one because it's not going anywhere Because I'm sure you have a lot of thoughts and I think we want to save this for more time um Yeah arcane season two we yeah wrapped that up Well, we can save that if you would like
Yeah, so I finished Arcane Season 2, and for me, it that finale was, that shit, crazy, and everything was kicking off. And for me, it did, I can't, you know, I don't i don't know, you and I haven't had a chance to speak talk about it until now. But for me, it wrapped up an awful lot of the loose ends that I felt were developing halfway through that second season where I was thinking to myself, I need to go back over because I don't understand what's going on. And all of a sudden it kind of all landed at the right time. Sorry, it all landed in that finale and they did.
as best they could um tie up all those loose ends that were so very apparent at the beginning of season two. um I really, really enjoyed it. I understand why it's got the rotten tomato score when it's got, I think it's a work of art.
um I might, there's a buddy of ours that I've been talking to about it that equally loves it, and I might be an idea to
maybe use this as a segue for getting another guest on. But yeah, let's put it let's put it let's put it aside for the time being, but i I absolutely loved it. Clap, clap, clap. Clap, clap, clap, because Like I said to you before, season one was very linear for me. It was a very, very straightforward, almost fellowship of the rings type of esque type of um story progression over three separate, three separate character journeys. Whereas this I felt was just shooting off in tangents left, right and center. and
It all came back and tied up those Those individual or brought those character journeys back to that linear pattern linear um parallel Manner in which season one worked for me. So yeah, I want to talk about it when we've got time and probably less exciting stoles to talk about I've also um So yeah, I finished Arcane Season 2. I finished Flash Gordon because I saw you were watching it. I thought, I'm jumping on this as well. So you've got something to talk about, or at least I have something in common about. So I watched it as well. I just sat there drooling and and loving every every bit. It is fun. It's a lot of fun. stupid nonsense that is that film. um so like so So tell me what's what is important. like I want to hear your take. Tell me what, give me the passion. Give me the, like capture me. Give me the
Preached from the pulpit, what was important about it? yeah it's Well, ah pulpit's good. is is actually but I'll use part of that word. It's pulpy. It's it's it's ah it's um it's say it's a take on a 1950s
Is it 50s or 40s? I think it's 40s. I think it's even before then. Bust a crab. Bust a crab, isn't it? But the point being, it's on on the the original aesthetics of Flash Gordon, which is, you know, laser guns and flying rocket ships and um all of those kind of um those aesthetics that were deemed as sci-fi, ramped up to 100, because it was mixed with glam rock, with over-saturation of color, um and with a dialogue um which was purposely campy at the time.
um And you had you have the stereotypical mustache-twirling evil villains. The you know the the the bad guys did wear dark colors and did laugh in a evil way. The good guys were muscle-bound, all-American blonde heroes.
You know, it was it was, I mean, it's it's it's completely, it's completely ridiculous. And then on top of that, you've got actors like, for example, the amazing Brian Blessed, who is renowned for being one of the biggest over-actors. I mean, you could spot you it could spoon it on your toast. It's it's it's so thick. It's so thick that um it it takes everything, and there's no there's no subtlety to it whatsoever.
And then on top of, I mean, you've got people like Timothy Dalton, some of the best um English stage actors of his time, doing the most conducting himself in the most most ridiculous, um but but ridiculously flamboyant way. that it just the it's It's a joke. The whole thing is a joke.
um and the age that we were at a time where we were itching for more sci-fi, for more Star Wars, this came out and you couldn't get any more opposite Star Wars, but it landed yeah in such a good, in such a great way with this amazing Queen soundtrack in the background. It was just, it which just was just,
I was walking around the house going, flash! Exactly, like four days. It was like an iconic, iconic pulpy, pulpy moment, the same way that I'd put in the same kind of field as the first time I saw The Living Dead. Or the first time I saw, what am I thinking of?
rocky horror yeah rock Rocky Horror picture show. It's kind of that kind of cultural moment which I hold with the same kind of esteem, I guess. love sock So I'm sorry, go ahead. No, go ahead. No, no, no, no. I was going to say, the that the other two, what I also did this last week, because I have spent a bit of time in and out of um being prodded and poked by doctors, and and is that I kept up on a bunch of the um a bunch of the ah programs that I started a while ago.
In fact, quite a few months ago when you and I but were first starting this gig out, I never got round to finishing it. And so I'm trying to get through, I've got this ever increasing list of future watching, of what I need to look at. You know, we've talked about The Bear, we've talked about Foundation, we've talked about, I think it's 86, 86, we've talked about Penguin, we've talked about Agatha or along. And I thought, well,
I'm not gonna do what I normally do, we just move on to the next one, only for the old one to to be to be forgotten in the wilderness. So I finished Terminator Zero. You'll remember a few months ago, I started digging my toe in on that. Very, very good indeed. Terminator Zero, the story, again, of a parallel eye being developed out in um out in in Asia,
um built originally to, um to ah counter cyberdine what was's it called um yeah to to counter the yeah the the the main AI, but ultimately ultimately the twist to that story. um What I found interesting about it in particular was that was their take on time on time travel and the damage it does in
more than any other, shall we say, proper, in air quotes, terminator movie, addresses what happens when these when um skynet sorry skynet when Skynet sends back terminators from the past, or indeed the rebellion, sends back heroes from from the future to the put to try and fix the past. It actually establishes a philosophy or a a thought on time travel and what happens. It's never been addressed before in any of these movies. I thought it was really, really cool. The premise being is that
this will never be the universe that the that that humanity is finding itself in, will never be fixed because every time you go back in time, it starts a new timeline. so you never if you if you In theory, if you go back in time, fix the past,
you're not fixing any past because the future from that, you never go back to the future that you're trying to fix when you've done whatever you've done in the past. They're going to quite technical, or quiet was not technical because I understood it, go into quite explanations to what happens. I thought that was that was kind of cool.
not You're not creating a fork, you're like doing a Ctrl-Z, like you're undoing, yeah you going back and typing a different document. Exactly. And so so all of the people you think you're trying to save from your yeah your loved ones from the future, they never existed. yeah Because that future doesn't exist anymore.
and set The other one that I finished up on, again, along the along the anime kind of um vibe, were Cyberpunk Edge Runners. So, Cyberpunk was something that um I heard, I think it was Les over at the Sith list ah that he'd seen, or maybe it was even Randy, I'm not sure. i One of those guys said that they'd seen it and it was very, very good, and it was very, very good.
Very, very good indeed. um And it's um quite a dark and quite a sad ending. um But you know if you if you've played the game or know anything about the game, it follows the same kind of idea that you know we're living ah living in a um dystopian cyberpunk future whereby you know um ah artificial intelligence, artificial limbs, um biomechanical augmentation of yourself,
or sorry, of of people, is the currency, is the is the currency and it's what people aspire to and everything. It's a really, really good story about the over
the overuse ah of or the over the drug that is the stimulus of over and of continually improving yourself with with artificial components. yeah um It's really, really, really good. And it's actually designed by the same, or I believe the studio, Trigger, are one of the studios that are going to be involved in Vision Series 3, Season 3 that I mentioned on on Saturday as well. So it's nice to So it's nice to know A, there but their art style and B, the type of really kind of character development and emotional emotional um themes that they like to introduce in their animation. so so i So I wrapped up those two.
and they really were sitting in my, um in my, ah my favorites list for quite some time. Then of course, on top of that, I'm ah finishing out on Shrinking season two, of course, jump June Prophecy as we said earlier on, and Silo season two, which is just, we just had episode two with episode, sorry, episode three, episode four coming up um just before the weekend.
That's getting a lot of rave reviews. A lot of people are talking about Silo. I'm not surprised, it's really, really good. you and And there's no point, I've also heard a couple of people trying to compare it against Fallout, and I don't think you can, in that they they're two extremely well done productions, but with two very, very deep different, wouldn't say themes, but different different styles. It's quite it's quite really quite dark. It's less pulpy. yeah It's less um less popcorn. The tone is different. Yeah, exactly. exactly so yeah So it's been a relatively busy week um with hopefully I can do some damage on this to-do list again this weekend. So we'll just see.
Nice. But that's kind of it, mate. From my point of view. I had gypsies on something. You were going to say something before I told you. Oh, one of the list of movies you were rattling off. So in the future, like in a couple months, I'm supposed to be going to doing a small trip with Madison for a work thing. And she's not OK. So the short version is she's never have you ever seen the movie Death Becomes Her? Yes.
She's never seen that. And it just um and it's supposed to be it's now a musical on Broadway, apparently. And so I'm like, that that looks entertaining. that seems That seems like it would be a good Broadway musical. And she's like, oh, what is it? I'm like, that's going to be hard to explain. We should watch the movie.
um And so, when you were listening like Rocky Horror and some of the others, I'm like, that, I'm gonna have to- Let me get this straight. Death becomes death. Is that Bruce Worson Meryl Streit? Who is in, I'm gonna have to look. Who is in it? I'm sure it is. I'm sorry. I haven't seen it in years. Death becomes her. Who are the characters? Yeah, yes it is. From 92, yeah. Yeah, that's a good film. Good film.
And it's like, but that dude turned into a Broadway musical. And it's like, that's going to be entertaining, one, for Madison's first time. So I'm going to have to, one, let you know how that goes. And two, let you know how the Broadway musical goes as well. Yeah. That's going to be quite good. And that'll be good. That'll be good. Very, very good. Like that film. A lot. So man, that's that's kind of um Yeah, I must admit, i I'm loving having the time at the moment to burn through some of these. There's a couple of easy pickings at the weekend. The Tomb Raider animation being one, again, that is only, I believe, half hour you know six half hour episodes which can burn through quite quickly.

Skeleton Crew Series Exploration

There's one thing that I do need to watch and complete is um Attack on Titan.
um And having Abby back, ah she got back last night, and having her back, and she was just going through it last night. And I keep promising myself that I'm gonna finish this this see this series. And um yeah, I think that might actually be something that we need together, we should say. gonna But yeah, that a that's it, buddy. Are you gonna do a double feature this weekend weekend, go to Wicked, then go see ah War of the Rohirrim? Cuz I think it comes out tomorrow, right?
Lord of the Rings. I didn't know that. I think it's in theaters, right? It's not like a Netflix or anything. right No, not right it is. then then They're making a big thing out of it at theaters. You're going to get that giant axe popcorn bucket thing?
You've seen that, right? I have seen it, but we don't get that. We don't get the cool stuff over here. We don't get it where I live either. It's nowhere close here. Yeah. We don't get any of that good stuff. I mean, I'd have loved to have had the, um, managed to get my hands on the, on the June, the June popcorn bucket, um, a for ships and giggles. Cause at the time it was hilarious, but it also is quite cool. Um,
I didn't know it was out this weekend. I doubt it if I'm perfectly honest with you. That we're focused on one thing, and that is my commitment to my family to enjoy wicked with them. Look at you. Look at this. Look at this guy. I know. I know. I know. I know. Get there. Well, I'm hoping one day these girls will look after me when I'm too old and infirm to look after myself anymore. So I'm going to order a sheer gold. I can use this as leverage.
Dude, so I'm guessing that leads us to talk about the main event of this week being Skeleton Crew.
The first two episodes, one, two, landed for you guys yesterday and for us two o'clock this morning. he just write I did not stay up. yeah I did not wake up either. I was awake at six o'clock this morning watching it. um top line headline Headline thoughts, what did you think? um Top line, top line thoughts.
Well, neither one of us is known for our brevity, so ah top line. 10 out of 10, everything I wanted, yee-haw, let's go.
Okay. My top line thoughts. My top line thoughts. Oh, you wanted more than, I thought you were going like a, like an Oracle subtitle. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I like the challenge. I'm enjoying this challenge. I like this challenge. Uh, my top line thoughts.
I'm having fun. My, my blue sky comment was, was even better. It was just wizard. Excellent. Excellent. No, man, i'm I am having fun. i am having um now this is This is kind of cool. um I'm really, really, really enjoying it. um So if we can, let's try and recap what we can remember so far. So it starts off with
a pirate raid, a pirate raid going on. Brutal. Brutal, too. Brutal pirate raid going on. The tone of that was borderline shocking at first when that dude gets blasted with those... ah I don't know how to describe it that in, like, spikes. Spikes. That's the word I'm looking for. Spikes. Just blasted with it.
Yeah, sorry. I interrupted you. Go ahead. No, no, no, no, no. no no i'm yeah I'm just trying to go through it. I'm just trying to go through as I as i as i remembered it this morning because I haven't had a second chance to see it so far because it does land so late over here.
um but you know it's um it We see that, we see the raid, the pirate raid, and then we see, you know, the majority of, or sorry, many of the usual suspects, not usual suspects, it's completely wrong for to say, many of the folk that we saw in the, um many of the folk that we saw in the, um in a trailer, um raiding this this commercial vehicle, or this Republic vehicle,
um And then we see, is it Captain Brutus come on board? Who at the time is subservient to another captain, or Brutus shall we say, who is subservient to another captain, um who basically then very quickly gets the Kree mutiny against him. Now, my thoughts are, who do you think that captain was? It's gotta to be, right?
Oh, it's definitely logged one Judd Silver, for sure. Yeah. 100%. Actually, before we start, before we start i I didn't tell you this. going to tell you I was going to tell you this at the weekend. Why was chilling at the weekend? and I did a little bit of homework or a little bit of preparation for this, thinking, I wonder just how close it is to
um Treasure Island. And I watched Treasure Planet, the Disney, the Disney, the Disney, the Disney, exactly. Such a fun movie. It's still underrated. Exactly. Exactly. So what I did was I ended up watching, I ended up watching that and um it's amazing just how many themes or many tones, skeleton crew, lent from them, borrowed from them. I guess that i guess they're not yeah because they're not unique to Treasure Planet, but good God, it was it was it was very, very close.
But yeah, so we we see, we see who I, you know, we obviously, we obviously think is going to be Jude Law being, they didn't even cover up the voice. Like, I thought I thought it was like, because I'll be honest, I first started watching it and like, I was like, I'm going to take notes on my phone.
Like, okay, so like let me let me let me reel it back for a second. Like, oh, I've been debating if I should break your heart now or break your heart later. Like, because I asked you before we started recording, like, oh, have you listed any podcasts yet or not? Like, I did i did record with our buddy Hawes an immediate reaction for his Patreon. and actually you didn' So So, you know, I have talked about it a little bit. I'm sorry, Andy.
i No, no, no, don't worry. i mean i think I've been adulterous. I figured you were talking with the other guys, you know. if you get No, no, no, no, no. Dude, if you're going to cheat on me, cheat on me with class, and that's what you've done. So I don't blame you in any way.
No, so the other but to the point I started I started watching it and I was like I'm gonna take notes so I can have like something intelligent to say but then like five or ten minutes and I was like I just threw like my phone off and I was like Like when it first hit like and he starts talking i'm like they're not even like masking Jula's voice in that helmet no like so they like do they want us to know like is it like you then you kind of get in that weird loop of like it's a kid show but like is that like how many like switcheroos are they gonna do it's like oh they want us to know but do is it is it oh they want us to know but really it's a con and ah yeah yeah yeah Yeah, yeah ah yeah sorry, i'd had to I had to digress for a minute. No, no, no, it's all cool. And then that concludes, yeah that that that kind of sets the scene that this is a, ah we're dealing with Pyrex, we're dealing with the with the underworld, it's going to be it's goingnna be ah it's goingnna be a
ah a good old a good old yarn um on the open seas in the galaxy. um And then obviously we go to the planet. Oh, and by the way, I do need to call out that I did call it out last week when we last spoke. um in the put in the The planet will be the MacGuffin.
um Anyway, just calling that out. The treasure was home the whole time. Exactly. yeah I'm just calling that out. Sorry, I need to put some structure around this. Then obviously we get to see where the kids are, the kids you know looking for adventure. There's to two two groups of kids that collide together where they discover they um ah discover the um um The ship, the ship, actually takes all of it all. They press the button buttons. Our hero presses the bomb button button and the ship zooms off and um they find their way to the first destination being the pirate. you know that that day that the the pirate um
all the pirates' way station. that was That was cool, I have to admit. Where they got where they go when they got into all that kind of stuff. Yeah, all of it, I thought was i thought was really, really good. i thought the I thought the tone of the kids was perfect, was absolutely perfect. They were typical kids that were looking for for adventure, some more than others, um some a lot more risk averse than others. I thought that they um that each of them are showing their character character traits um beautifully. Well, not just that. We have the kid yeah play with absent parents, we have pushy parents, we have a met yet, we have like the perfect parents, perfect family. It's like, oh, we have like the perfect recipe for this
Amblin 80s story that I'm just looking forward to just Stir in the pot and seeing how it goes. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, and it's um, it's just it's just really really really well done and it's not you know, it's not ah Sorry, the the other thing that I did see this weekend, sorry, i miss I missed it off as again as part of my research as well as Treasure Planet was Goonies. Lucy and I watched Goonies because as I said to you, I think I said to you a couple of weeks back, it was um
In fact, it was when we speak with Josh. um This, again, Lucy doesn't like an author. She suffers my obsession with Star Wars, but she doesn't necessarily actively watch new stuff with me. Whereas when she saw the trailer for this, I think I told you the story that said, yeah, this is more like it. This is yeah this takes itself a lot less seriously. It's back to the kind of Focus on children and fun. now An adventure that we haven't seen for quite a while. While, you know, she's kind of enjoyed? Question mark? An awful for lot of the Disney stuff since the acquisition. She has thought it's taken itself way too seriously sometimes. And most importantly, the fandom's taking itself too seriously sometimes.
and So she was looking out for this. So when we were we when we're doing you know what I said you know but it's coming out tomorrow night or coming out tomorrow, we agreed to watch Schoonies together. and
Goonies left me with a bunch of nostalgia, but with huge nostalgia fields, watching it again. But I can tell you now, one thing that the guys that have created that skeleton crew have done really, really well is they haven't. They haven't tried to copy it trope for trope and line for line or tone for tone, because quite frankly, some of it wouldn't age very well at all. It's modern. It's modernized.
yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah. And that's why I really, really liked about it, is that the kids aren't petulant. yeah know They're not. um There's no, there doesn't seem to be any overacting going on. There doesn't seem to be um It doesn't have the 80s and 90s- Force humor. ... meanness to it. like this's just Yeah, it's just kind of a dick. But also the the forced or canned zaniness that sometimes some of the 80s or 90s
child actors injected into their role because that was kind of yeah that was the tone of that that that was the that was the tone of the moment. um And because of that, I'm really, really happy with you know with with kind of what they've what they've done in that respect.
um I think the i think the um the aesthetics are fantastic. Still finding suburb planet a little bit jarring and a little bit sometimes over-familiar, but I'll get over that. I'll get over it. I have no problem at all. I have i have thoughts on that, but I'm saving them for, I'm saving that. okay put ah My pen, pen, I'll put a pen there. And then they and then they um the journey on the the journey on me on the pirate enclave is just fantastic. from From the moment that the, obviously the hand puppet journeyman
or the ferryman, if you like, sorry, the ferryman, not journeyman, the ferryman, that take them in, yeah, yeah, take take them in um through to the chef at the bar, through to all of them, all of them are so... yeah ah Deliciously practical effects, um but really ramped, really, really, the quality is ramped in such a way.
um ah I thoroughly enjoyed that, and I hope we get to see a lot of that. I know that the objective is that they're going to get off, ah they're going to venture into the wilderness now and try and find their way back home, but I hope we see an awful lot more of that because that was that was fantastic. That was delicious, that kind of stuff.
um Yeah, no, I'm i'm i'm i' am really, really enjoying it. The industrial design is good. Like I said, the aesthetics, the clothing, the music. The music is is is is appropriately cinematic yeah um um for for for you know for an adventure, for a swashbuckly adventure involving kids.
um It's in the pocket. it's like it's not and then It's not in your face like Mando, which is appropriate for Mando, but it's like yes it's perp it's like perfectly right in the back, and it's just yeah it sits it sits nicely. And then there's, then there's um them is um I guess, the story itself.
and i'm so I guess I'm feeling pretty pretty great about myself at the moment because what I wanted to happen is happening. so it looks it looks like you know it looks like I know we haven't addressed the elephant in the room of of Jude Law's character being a Jedi or not. and i still don't think where I still hope that's not the case.
But certainly he sees to be the bad guy. We haven't seen him double cross the kids yet, but i'm still you know um I'll put money down that that's what we are going to see.
um Yeah, we may see the triple cross, you know, or the quadruple cross. We see this as a recurring theme with him that in that it still feels weird that that that that he's going in, he's going to establish some sort of bargain with kids that are desperately just trying to get home. And then lastly, the what one thing that really came over as it yeah as the as the locals in the pirate enclave were ah didn't recognize or didn't know that that the planet they came from, but they recognized this meaning as being the that that that the planet of money um of many treasures, that's when I punched the air. It's the only thing in my mind that I could see anyone of a somewhat
somewhat tarnished past or of a criminal disposition. That's the only reason why I could see them being motivated to get them back home. They are the treasure map, essentially. Exactly. Exactly. So I was really, really chuffed about that. like it' It's like a fun like a fun flip on the normal trope of like Oh, we're off to go find adventure. Like the adventure is like getting home. It's like the getting home trope, but also like we're on adventure, but like we're also on search for treasure, but home is the treasure. We're being chased, but like they're chasing treasure. Like it's all it's all of them kind of mixed together. Like the kids are the treasure map.
Like it's it's all of it kind of mixed together like a fun, weird way. ah With a couple other points that I'll i'll say i' save for him for a minute. I have a couple rapid fire questions for you when- Yeah, yeah, you you go ahead, mate. I've said I only got one watch, so I'm probably still recapping myself. I've only got one watch. i'm I'm only at one. Okay. I'm not diving. One, who's your favorite kid? I could go first. I can go first.
KB is my favorite. KB is the best. Hands down. Neil's a close number two. Easy. But KB is my favorite. Yeah, yeah she fools. Visor's the best. Yeah, there's there's something quite... It's interesting actually. do you but Did you watch the... um probably did you probably i'll just say yeah but If you do decide to catch up on some of the spoiler stuff that you missed out on yeah um there's an interview with the kids and the actress that or the actor sorry that plays KB is a very gentle introverted or seems to be a very gentle introverted character yeah and um
And she plays her role very, very cool in the show as well. Yeah. And I can understand why my immediate reaction would have been Neil, because I think that he's um Again, really tough role to play because it's very easy to be cautious or for this alien boy to come out ah to be introduced as the as the comedy. I'll be honest. lady I thought he'd be the token truffle shuffle, do you know what I mean?
yeah that that i' I have had that in the back of my mind since the show has been announced. In like a simmer, I'm like, please don't tell me that they have introduced an alien character just so they can get away with.
Having the token kind of chunk kind of kid. Oh, but it's an alien now like he's an alien so he's not yeah yeah yeah Yeah, and so it's not whatever but it's like I do feel like they are Not it's not Like obviously it's not literal. Like I do feel like they're stepping away. Like they are, he's more hesitant and he's more the, I want to go home and be with my family. Like he's, they're leaning forward. I have a good home life, not the, I don't want, I don't like danger or anything like that. He's like, I just miss my family. like
I got a good thing going. And again, it goes back to my point earlier on about it's so easy to oversaturate or to over amplify that 80s kid, that 80s kid that would be the hero, ah coward the the comedy. The bad batch. Yeah, yeah, you can bad batch. The yeah but flyer.
and the driver. um Anyway, the point point I'm trying to make is that it'd be very, very easy to do that. And I think they've done did a good job. So at the moment, Neil is is is my is my favorite. But I can understand KB being yours because she's very, very cool. Very, very cool.
I don't, and I mean cool as in she's a very, very smooth kid. She's a very smooth operator in this. I like the i like the empathetic, like I got kind of like the empathetic with, at least it appears to be empathetic with animals, but also like, you and you know me, i'm like that I like the techie, the Donatello. I was about to say, that's your childhood version of Echo as well. So yeah, I understand. And i just the fact, I hadn't seen that her her her thing flips up and it's like, oh,
She's not like a Geordie like that thing that thing's optional It's like yeah in my point that when like the the the jerks like the jerks pulled up and they're like hey What up losers and I like she like flipped it down almost like it's a security blanket. It's like oh ah My favorite, hands down, doesn't even need, don't even care. She doesn't have to say a word the whole show. Just the fact she's like, nope, security blank, point like, ah, love it. that That right there sealed the deal for me. It's like, nope, hide behind it, shit. that the but just so So what else is, um sorry, what was your next question? Because I was gonna ask you one, but you might be asking me one.
john ah ah ah Long-jawed silver. I'll ask you a question you were asking a second ago. Is he the bad guy? Is he a Jedi? Well, no, I don't think he's Jedi. I don't think he's Jedi at all. I don't think he's... I don't think he's Force-sensitive. I hope he's not, because, you know, again, it's an awfully crowded galaxy.
uh, awfully crowded galaxy. Um, but the amount of forces there are, which is just, you know, which is fine. You know, you you shouldn't have to, you know, um, the force should be democratized anyway. So I mean, it's, it's, you know, it's, it's, um, anyway, whatever if it's fine. If you want to go down the rabbit hole of how did he get the keys? Do you care? No, because that's the point of the story. Yeah. That's the point of the story. We're going to find out. I mean, there's no point in over analyzing it now because A, I could be wrong. Unfrequently, I am. Although, at the moment, I got a really good winning streak, but anyway, I'm just saying. the one thing i'll say The only thing I'll say about it, just so I can maybe get a win in the bag in the future, is I thought it was weird at the very beginning of the episode that they emphasized that the that the ship was moving, and then the ship stopped dead in its tracks, like a tractor beam.
When they went to shot the spikes in it like it was moving and then it stopped dead When that that other ship came up on it and I'm like, I think there is like foreshadowing of like There's tractor beam technology going on. That's my prediction. That's all I'm saying. and Okay. Okay. Oh Listen, I mean
I do want to keep some mystery. Yeah. don i I mean, i i I kind of want to switch my brain off a little bit and let this whole thing wash over me and let me discover over the six weeks that you have left that, you know, of of what's actually how things were done and why things were done a certain way. I mean, that's the point of having a story, right? um Yeah, for sure. But no, but but no I mean, to go back to Jedi the Jude or Jude the Jedi.
um No, I hope he's not. um Do I think he has one intention that is to get to the planet? To Treasure Planet? Wait! um Then, yeah yeah, I do. um Do I think he'll eventually come around um and end up having some kind of um uh, paternal relationship with the kids, probably, um, especially in light of some of those kids, maybe not having the best relationships with their parents. Um, so they, you know, they, they they do fall to spawn together. Um, do I think it will, it will come as a shock moment that that he's actually a bad guy. Yeah. It's kind of like,
Like I said, it's a little bit like um Long John Silver and um and Jim Hawkins. It's that whole whole kind of, oh no, you were the bad guy all along. And and like learning in the ropes. Yeah, yeah yeah exactly exactly. There's a lot of that going on.
um I mean, that did that there are huge amounts there. I mean, look at SK-33. um SM-33 Smee? Oh, Smee, sorry. SM-33, isn't it? Yeah, I mean, it's it's it's all there. It's all there. I'm here for it. I love it. I'm loving it. I really hope this is this is this is going places either with more series or more ideas ah to investigate a lot more of this.
that hi way world Yeah, i because it because in my mind, I don't like you, but in my mind, I think that you know there is the underworld, you know that that the bounty hunters, there is the criminal syndicates, there's the rest of it. And then there's pirates. yeah And for me, then they're kind of exclusives of each other. They're not they're not the same.
Pirates pirates. Yeah, um this this is the this is the acid wash that Jimmy Dice talks about This is what I'm here for. This is the grunge ah underworld of Star Wars. This is the marionette droids Stumbling through a lot of people that I am just like I'm here for like why I IG 11 stumbled throw that so that Smee could run like Watching that droid like just move mechanically whether it's CGI Practical what I don't care like that. I could watch that all day long just yeah that mechanical Whatever not even including the fight scene like yeah, just
absolutely ah destroying people, but just like that is chef's kiss all day. ah Love it. And it was like the perfect dose of like weird, like with the ferryman, like you're talking about the ferryman earlier of like,
Gonna get on this weird Finn Last Jedi bubble boat thing that like I'm like I would not get on that that's scary that that scares me ah Like and it's not a planet. It's like a weird boat dock Portuga looking thing where all the boats are like all the ships are like anchored Into it. like I just thought it was all so it's all so unique um And there's just like there's a little bit of stuff for everybody. There's just the weird there's like if you want to have a four-hour conversation about like I could I could probably talk for three hours about my speculation of like just what's going on on a at Atten like like the parents and the the ship like okay, that's older public credits and So, the treasure's there and like- Which is clearly their current currency. Yeah, and so that ship isn't that old. So like, did they bury the ship out there and it's restricted? So like, who is the supervisor? What are they covering up? why is What's up with the Starlink satellites that the kids thought- Why is that woodland restricted? Yeah. Why is an adult why as an adult being told by a droid that he's in ah he's in a restricted area?
Why did their posture change when bike he was adamant? And then they're like, the supervisor would like to see you. like yeah there's like That's almost like maybe I'm getting older where I'm like, ooh, that intrigues me more. I'm like, I can't wait to see who's office he's in. And then like he's going to start rounding up the other parents. And like yeah I want to see KB's parents. I want to see like how this whole,
I want to see them just unravel that planet in like whatever corruption's going on there. I'm just excited. It's interesting as well. when they when they're i mean One of the next lessons, the following day, it's that career their career advisors meeting or whatever it is that the kids have got to go through and they're all looking at Which I think most people would agree, I mean, you know we've all we've all done jobs like this, but probably the most mundane jobs that that they, as school children and as citizens of this society, are being encouraged to develop. you know yeah I'm going to be an analyst, I'm going to be an accountant, I'm going to be, it's like, hmm.
Isn't it weird? i mean I don't know of any kids when I was 12 years old that were dreaming to be an accountant at 12 years old, or an analyst who didn't even exist at 12 years old. But anyway, point being is that is that there is something very pleasantville or very- Hence the suburbs. Stepford wives.
Stepford Wives being being ah festering in this in this planet. it's very truman but truman che my exactly and then On top of you've got this amazing you' got this myth of this legend about the abundance of treasure that is known out is the only part that's known outside of the to the rest of the universe. And like I said, you know, seen as a myth or ah a legend. um So yeah, no, it's interesting stuff, man. It's really, really interesting. what's like i like doing it And it. Well, that's the pin I was putting in there. I'm like, well, you're talking about the suburbs. I'm like, I think it's supposed to be unsettling. like Yeah. And that that's like when Neil made that comment about like, oh, the aliens, they all look so weird. And it's like,
yeah ya what yeah a yeah they're just they're all isolated and kind of like when they thought they were going to crash into the barrier then like what are these stars and it's like oh they're all kind of twist it and backwards and
It'll be interesting to see. I'm i'm just so i'm so excited. like i I have theories. I don't want to say them. They're just they're this stupid. They're stupid. oh they' that du They're just dumb. Dude, I need to rewatch it anyway.
I can't contribute an awful lot more to this conversation. Speculate away, mate. It's just silliness. It's like, dude, what if what if the what if the supervisor is just like, what if it's just Hondo and he's just sitting on a treasure, a planet of treasure, and he's just well like faking it. I'm glad you mentioned it. I'm glad you mentioned him. Quite frankly, I was going to mention him before you, but if you didn't anyway, I can't think of a better, I mean, this this has got, Hondo's got to turn up, surely. Surely he's got to turn up in this.
he Yeah, like if he doesn't like I I'll be I will be I will be not this I could not disappointed I'll just be like I'll be shocked like it is yeah, this is this is a one-way funnel That leads to the hondo in some way shape or form i'm like and I'm you know I you know me we talked about a million times like we we talk all time about small universe yada yada yada like we wanted to expand but like this Honda Onaka is a man about town. he He's a guy who doesn't stay in one place very often, and like he gets around, so like him showing up in this is when a pirate, seedy, underworld, treasure planet kind of yeah kind of thing. like It makes sense. like he would His character would be there.
Yeah, but there's the there's there's there this small universe syndrome where you take a square peg and you shove it into a round hole for the sake of creating connectivity. um It doesn't quite fit, or it doesn't make sense to fit.
Hondo is already a tergery character, a secondary or best or tergery character. um So it doesn't you know it doesn't we're not talking about something that is intrinsic to the Skywalker style so at story, thank goodness. yeah um But we're also talking about an environment which he would be he would be active in anyway. Yeah, I hope so. I got i still have this
Black Series, Hondo dusted off an unactive display and hoped that he's going to be he's going to be around on this. got got your like Are you like a ah Catherine holding it while you're watching? I'm Catherine leaning it, yeah. i've got my um was my ah a season dog he's doubt i um I won't reach out from now, but yeah, he's um he's somewhere in this place. he's he's He's here and he's um He's, uh, I'm holding onto him for dear life, but trying to manifest that he's going to turn out. My final, any other thought so i go um my final thing was, was a cameo, um, besides teak, the ferryman, uh, from the Ewok movies was, are you familiar with captain EO, the Michael Jackson? Yes, I am. Did you notice fuzz ball in the cage? Yeah.
It's like neato bonito. like i think i think I think stuff like that is fine. It's a little bit like that yeah that that the homage that Luke, Uncle George did with them E.T. species. E.T. species in Phantom Melis. It's not a big deal. If it upsets anyone, then i i can't i can't help I can't help those kind of people, but there you go.
Those are the subtle cameos that I think are nice, yeah like that are that are that are nicer. It's like, oh, neat. Not the Ponda Baba, Dr. Edison kind of thing. That was just so on the nose. It was it gave me a nose bite.
It was all it again it was one of those it was one of those square square peg round hole moments where it just didn't actually Make any sense or serve a purpose for the story um And actually, correct yeah it didn't seem feasible by anyone. The timings of Rogue One um against the U-Hope, but you know it's there. Am I offended by it? No, not really. You don't No, not really at all.
um No, mate, it's good fun and I'm really looking forward to that the rest of this. if it If it continues the way it's going, ah if I was to speculate... um next week onwards we'll see them venture out into the galaxy going from you like um extreme circumstance or critical or dangerous situation to the next week on week um all the while servicing a storyline which reveals um Jedi Jude's true
true purpose or or or true intentions, um and doing so, putting the kids into more peril, only for potentially due to, to to as I said, turn heel and make things right. Do I think we'll see a conclusion um at the end of this season, if it is indeed destined for another season? There's only six more episodes.
And so, therefore, I kind of hope the answer is no. You don't get a conclusion to this, or at the very least, that if we do get a conclusion to the children's story, that it opens up this moment, you know, this monumental can of worms being this planet. What's this planet about? What's the treasure? What are the fabled treasure about? And indeed, you know, are there, shall we say, more far reaching implications of what this planet is and what it's about beyond just the plight of the kids. I hope it, I hope it turns into, I hope it gets the kids home. And I hope it's, Jod, Jod sucks. But then by the end, he's a changed individual. He's still a pirate. Like at the end of the day, he's still like not great. But like a Dr. Afra, like, um not great.
But that by the end, it's like him and Smee riding off into the sunset on that ship together after dropping the kids off safely. And then everybody else is chasing them. And then they're going to continue adventures in comics or wherever else. Yeah, or maybe, or maybe. I mean, we already know that, you know, who's our who's our hero? What's the what's the main deal? Whim? Whim? Yeah, we already know that that's not the life he wants.
Yeah. So he may choose the life of Jim Hawkins. He may say, well, okay, you know, wherere we're home now. You guys are safe. um um' I'm going back out to sea again. I'm going out for a life of... of of I don't want the life of an accountant. I don't want to be an analyst. Dude, if Lucasfilm and Disney did that, that's sick. That would be awesome. I will i will stand up and clap.
and like, woo-hoo, that would be awesome. Like. Well, you never know. I mean, unless you get some people that are going to get offended, it's like you're encouraging children to leave home. It's like, oh, God. But you know what I'm trying to say. You know what I'm trying to say. Yeah, I know what you mean. But I would be there for it. The further

Pirates in Star Wars Universe

advances of Winn and Smee and Jedi Jude. Never know.
No, I'm looking forward to and I really am. I really am. Oh, God, the the
The implications of what this could mean for the future that I'm so excited about. you know we do have the whether it's Whether it's associated with Skirting Crew or not, we do have this rumor of Star Wars Pirates as a working title for something. We do have Hondo and Akka managing Batuu.
um fifteen years from now from this from this timef frame or whatever it is twenty years from this time frame from now isn it he the d lc on that game in second dl c on the game. you know it's it's it's that the implications of of Like I said, I don't see and i could be wrong. Other people you know may well include pirates as the and underworld scene. yeah You've got the and you the underworld, the bounty hunters, the the criminals, the crooks, the assassins, the um the mercenaries. You've got that
CDS side of the of of the universe, but I still see pirates as being something completely different. Yeah, um it is. It's a different... And the promise of this show... like There's like archaeologists, like Dr. Afra, like 50 kind of people. There's bounty hunters over here. There's like... Pirates over here. like the like I'm waving my hands in different circles over in different areas. like They overlap in some areas, but they're not the same. This is different. This is Pirates of the Caribbean, like pi Treasure Planet, Treasure Islands. Yeah. High Seas. Yeah.
Oh by the way, ah go ahead because that because because because i haven't I haven't listened to anyone this morning. What was Horsa take? did it did Did he enjoy it? Yes. to very a much Took a minute to get into it. Like, hesitant because, you know, obviously pirates. Yeah, exactly. but but why just Yeah, but took him but enjoyed the vibe. Good. The critters, the animals, the frog dog, the kneel, obviously, kneel and all the other little kneels. The holiday special ah hologram with the little, the little kneels. Yeah.
Yeah, excellent. and Enjoyed it. So that's the only reason why I asked was obviously his well-documented ah love towards pirates. The question that you don't need to give a full answer on if it's too spoilery or if it's ah I'm an idiot when it comes to timelines.
Is there, because like i I can't keep track of timelines and stuff anymore. Is there any chance that like we could see, ah ah Anybody from outlaws? Like at K or anything in this? Like, not that I want it. I'm not saying, like, we should see K and other people. Or is, like... Well, there's no reason why not. There's no reason why not. So, um... How many years are there between Empire and Jedi? Is it two years? Nah, it can't even be that. It couldn't even be that long. Granted, I have not been to Tatooine, so i've I'm, like, most of the way through K'jimmy and... Yeah. I'm Gary to go to my second planet there, so, like, I'm...
not there's no reason why There's no reason why she can't be she can't be around. I mean, that's that's what she's i mean she's she's more of the smuggling and the high side of things as opposed to piracy. um But there's no reason why she can't be mixing in that in in those kind of environments. i mean the the setup that we saw in, you know, episode one in the, in the, in the pirate arm clave was, um, pretty much her environment where she'd get a job from. So, I mean, it's not, like it's not unfeasible. Um, I guess if, I guess if the game itself was deeper and more, should we say intrinsic to
cat I want to say, do work I hate the word can. If it was more intrinsic to the events of the time, around that time, I'd probably say, yeah, it's quite a high chance that one or two of them be there. But seeing

Speculations on Star Wars Spinoffs

what I've seen with with the DLC again, and and with the way that I feel that there, it's a kind of it feels like more of a one done story now, as opposed to feels inconsequential. A saga, it does feel a little bit and inconsequential despite it being a really good story that I really enjoyed. yeah If it was something, if it was more akin to um
a theme that was more in line with Survivor and knowing that's becoming a trilogy um with a heck of a lot deeper lore behind it, I'd have probably said yes with Confluence. But I don't know, mate. We'll we' see. um It's easy to squeeze in, really really. And there's some great characters in that in that game as well that they could quite easily shoehorn into this.
Well, you mentioned, you did mention Survivor, so I think I did give up on my, my Calcestis being... yeah i i did I think I have a band, and I've jettisoned that idea pretty quickly.
Well, only because i think the only because and i and i i I think I have as well, only because I think the planet is a bit more, is not as perhaps as angelic and it's a little bit more sinister than, or what seems to be going on there is a little bit more sinister than perhaps somewhere that Cal would would be associated with.
It's gonna be a pirate in a business suit, like a politician suit. It's gonna be freakin' Hondo wearing a politician suit. I mean, that's the supervisor, and I'm calling it. like And it's gonna be like, oh my God. Even even then, I can't see Hondo being that twisted, because it's very yeah it's it's about you it's controlling people. It's about it's about controlling people, um which seems a little bit too sinister for someone like Hondo.
I could be wrong. I could be wrong. Either way. and Is that red one horned guy? Is he still alive? You know what I'm talking about? Red one horned guy. one home From the cartoons? From Rebels? Oh, the um the dude that they used to use as a smuggler. I can't remember. I can't remember. I think he is. don't either.
yeah i don't know why why speculating it doesn't matter I don't know man, I don't know. I think it's going to be a regionally simple, but...
How can I say exciting journey we're going to be on? Um, I'm so excited for the positive, but like, and I'm sorry if I'm repeating myself, the, the future possibilities of this or the spinoff or the, the, the potential snowballing effect that this, that this can have. Um, I almost hope they don't squeeze everything into, into the one season. Yeah. There's either go forward or it goes.
tangentially, you know, on a tangent somewhere else and just expands upon this to something new. It feels good. I'm very excited for it. The Skywalker's not associated with the Palpatine's, not associated with the Kenobi's, not associated with The solos it's it's its own thing. It's a light sabers just no like toy lightsabers and kids pretending to have lightsabers I'm all day. I'm fine with that, but no I'm 100% I'm 100% with you there, and you know how I've I'm not that I'm not gonna go over the everyman story again What surprises me is that for some people it can't be Star Wars without lightsabers, which I I
I guess I respect, but I don't perhaps understand. um Anyway, that's that's that's by the by. But no, man, I'm... i'm i'm i'm Everything's landing at the right time with this. It's the right time of year. It's the right tone. It's the right demographic. It's a appear trying to appeal to. It's exactly the right kind of, you know, we're around the corner from Christmas now.
um Like I said, everything is beautiful at the moment when it's well we're being treated to something like this.
Next week, dude.

Future Podcast Plans and Audience Engagement

Now we gotta wait. Now we gotta wait for one episode a week. Like that's the only thing that bums me. I was like, dang, we got so much this week. We got like a 40 minute episode and a short than a shorter one. Now it's like, I gotta do one a week now? Dang. Yeah, I know, man. But I'll survive. I'll i'll get by.
I'll make it. I'll just talk about Wicked, I guess. It'll be all right. I promised you about it next week. well that at the The very least I can try to commit to you is that we will talk about it next week. Yeah.
And i'm since since we didn't talk about Arkane season two, I have notes. I'm going to i'm gonna like actually sit down and like really put all of my... I'm actually going to like really work out my thoughts for both season one and season two. and like I think we could do like a whole episode on just Arkane the series. like Just a whole ah whole episode of just whoever whereverever this guest is, we just do a whole show. i'm right It's not everything for everyone. Let's just try and work out some like-minded folk who we can talk to about it, amongst other things. We try and make up shows of potpourri of many, many different tastes and flavors.
um but yeah yeah i mean we could it good Yeah, only because it's it's really it really is, in my mind, so goddamn good. So you're telling me I shouldn't do an whole episode on the Muppet Christmas Carol? I should mix it in with other things? I tell you, what is a CJT? I don't know. i Again, I'm not a massive... I'm not a massive gamma socials, but there's a heck of a lot of noise about the Muppets at the moment It's um, I'm loving this little renaissance is going through I mean, it's it is there's a lot of talk going on right now, but there's also like some drama that I think there was one account that Was maybe not doing some great stuff and I think that's also got things a flutter Like a fan account. Okay, so I think that's also okay
But there is a lot of Muppet fan accounts all of a sudden, too. Muppets is is a great franchise. and mean if you think about i think of muffet ah Muppets, for me, are very, very different to many, many people because I'm that old that and I was watching it in the I remember watching the original Muppet Show episode where Mark Hamill starred as himself and as Luke Skywalker in that episode. and it was um It was a recent episode, so it's not it wasn't in the arch it didn't come from the archives. so It's a huge part of my growing up. but
what I like about them. The Muppets can are so readily um accessible in the same way that I would treat Lego, in the same way that I would treat a brand that can that can so successfully fusion with with with popular culture. and i mean One of the comments I saw recently was really about the way that Muppets, Christmas Carol being one of them, Treasure Island being one of them, in that they're able to yeah put a take on the classics in in in in the way that they can. in the same way Dare I say, and I'll probably get shot down for this, in the same way that Funko kind of have this ability to be able to
use their platform or use their brand or use their characteristics or style, whatever it is, to be able to kind of to make it accessible to so many, so many more people. And I think I'd love to see a renaissance of the Muppets, you know, it's, um, yeah, let's see, let's see. I maybe not Muppet Star Wars because that's a bit too much of a cliche, but let's see a Muppet take on, on the classics or on other pop culture phenomena. Are you referring to that word? I think it was a variety post where they were like, what what classic movie would you have a up the Muppets redo, but like you keep one of the main actors? I think I think i saw a Josh Jamm or somebody reply to it. And I replied with a yeah big Big Fish, but then keep Ewan McGregor. like like Have them do that. And like there's a bunch of other people who did, who are commenting. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's like, yeah, there's so many. So it would be good.
like I always like them because they treat everybody as equals. like they they They treat the humans as equals and they eat the humans treat no matter what level of Muppet it is. They treat as an equal. If you're talking to a vegetable, it's an equal. If you're talking to a mouse and a wall, it's an equal. like as It's the same as like Sesame Street, but those are it's all all up and down. like Everybody is the same. And I always thought that was... Entertain especially with the Muppet Creme. I'll stop talking about Muppet Christmas girl, but Michael Caine the sir, whatever his name is Michael Caine saying the vegetables and Frickin mice Yeah Because you put fantastic. Yeah, because you would ask and you should yeah. Yeah. Anyway, so no, yeah, no, I'm I'm ah I'm enjoying it I'm enjoying the buzz and if I'm enjoying a lot of
then you know I'm well um obviously referring to Blue Sky, but I'm enjoying an awful lot of the positivity out there at the moment. It's just nice to be able to not have to scroll down or scroll faster because there's so much crap that you have to wade through. it's it's it's ah It's a very nice experience. At the moment, touch wood, im I seem to be curating my my feed okay. Right, bud?
Another week, another week over, we will talk same time, same place next, uh, no day later, cause it will be Wednesday next week, won't it? So let's talk again this time next week where we will have episode three to talk about. I will endeavor to have wicked to talk about and who knows, um, as I have feeling I'm going to be,
on my own once or twice with a dog this weekend. I might be able to catch up on some other stuff that we can talk about as well. So in the meantime, buddy, thank you very much for recording with me. Thank you everyone for listening to our shtick. You know the format. Thank you for hanging around and putting up with us this way. I really appreciate you listening. Have a great week ahead. Appreciate your time. Appreciate your friendship.
Look after yourself. Sean, love you the best. Give my love to Madison. What do you take us out? Thank you, everybody. Thanks for ah and for recording the day early. but get the We get the thoughts out fresh. I'm glad you got to record the the same day you got to watch it. That's awesome. Amen. Everybody else, we really appreciate you spending time with us. Thanks for listening. Thanks for sticking with us that for an hour plus.
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turn your mic up, turn your mic down, or whatever, I don't know. Yeah. Andy, just get off the mic. stop spi Stop spiking the mic. Sean, talk less, I don't know. um Stop talking about Honda all the time. ah But yeah, thanks again everybody, really appreciate it. Let us know what you think about Skeleton Crew, as long as you like it, if you don't like it.
Let us know as well. guy I was going to say, don't tell us, but we're looking forward to criticism as well if iss there's something that's not vibing with you. But ah I'll stop rambling now. I'll stop rambling now. But um thanks again. Until next week. It's been Wizard. Bye. Bye.