and not establish what happened next, I think would be a crying shame. Again, he doesn't have to be shoehorned into the Filoni type of, you know, we need a series, we need it, we need it, we need it, we need it over a three story arc, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. But if we could see what's happened with our our friends, or Cassian's friends. um One question I do have for you though, is that, um do you think that, this is the one thing, thought, will they go there? I asked myself the question, will they go there or won't they go there? And that is, when the former massacre happens and obviously they've covered Mon Mothma leaving the Senate and denouncing the Emperor. They've done that already in rebels. Do you think they'd be afraid to redo that? I personally don't think they would be, but do you think they'll even bother?