Episode 041 - Sniffin' Toys image

Episode 041 - Sniffin' Toys

S1 E41 ยท Just Shillin'
16 Plays5 hours ago

This week, we harness all the power of the entire AT&T network to record our silly podcast. We talk about the usual stuff including the stuff we consumed and various weekly happenings.

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Thank you to our good friend Chris Hall for the amazing cover artwork!

Hello and welcome to episode number 41 of Just Shillin. I am one of your hosts, Sean Hoffman. And I am one of your other hosts, or I am your other host, Andy Bell. Hello, traveler. Hello, weary traveler. How are you, dude?
I'm not weary. I had to i had two cocktails at lunch, so I am now and good. i'm i'm I'm sinking into this little collegiate themed couch. I'm having a a grand old time. ah Dude, I'm good. I am. I'm good. I am. So where are you at the moment?
We are currently in West Lafayette, Indiana at my Alma mater Purdue university. Um, I'm looking out, I'm looking out, looking at the buildings, looking at the kids going to class and being looking thinking going like, yeah, I don't miss that. Don't miss those days that Nope. No, thanks. So, uh, we are here visiting my niece on working. Do you remember being that, do you remember being that happy and optimistic for the future?
Oh dude, the little bit that I do remember from college, I don't know if happy and optimistic was my viewpoint. I think it was exhausted and ready to be done. But yeah, I mean, I'll play, I'll play into it. Yes, I don't remember that, but I'm happier now where I am than when I was. So that is, I don't envy it. I don't envy it, I don't, ugh, no thanks. Don't miss it. Yeah.
Yeah, dude, it's been as as people can probably assume I've been doing a little bit of traveling here recently. um This last was it last weekend I spent in Vegas for a couple days. um Madison and I went to a festival titled when we were young, where we got to, you know, relive our glory days with some of our um the musical acts that were popular at the time, some of them coming out of retirement, some of them continuing to do what they do. Luckily for us, it wasn't 110 degrees, but it was still, I think they said, I think they said there were 65,000 people there over the two days, like which is, for those who have never been around 65,000 people, that's a shit ton of people. um It's a lot, it's a lot of people, um
And it was still like a mid 80s Fahrenheit there. And it was so was hot. um I felt like we were some of the only people there who were prepared. And most people were like trying to dress the part of like, I'm still 18. Wear the stuff. And it's like, no, Madison and I are in like sun hoodies, like just decked out trying to cover break protect from the sun. But no, it was a good time. We had ah we had a blast there. and We just stayed off the strip. We stayed in the Arts District and Midtown.
which is highly recommended if you've been to Vegas, but you would like to go back and maybe experience something different. It's still within a bike share bike ride away from down the strip, but it's cool. Oh, and I got you something. I went to, I went somewhere. I got some things. Talk amongst yourselves. Talk amongst yourselves. Talk amongst yourselves.
on this over here I'm just amazed. I'm amazed, dude, that you're actually getting some decent Wi-Fi from a hotel room. That's amazing. oh Dude, it's connected to my phone. the like Seriously, this is 5G. You're tethered to my phone right now because the Wi-Fi in the hotel has been pissing me off and Madison off all day long. um So yeah, it's currently You're currently hardwired into my phone that's currently leaned up against the hotel window. So we're gonna see how this goes. um a Let me build a price tag off real quick. um The, so still talks amongst yourselves. um While I'm doing that, hey, I just wanna talk about, ah listen to the latest scruffies and listen to the like like two episodes ago of
Just yeah our own podcast. Yeah, we made madison listen to it. Love it. Love those guys. Those guys are awesome. Yeah, they they they they both episodes are kind of connected aren't they? Yeah, it's just Good good dudes good all around everybody. Love them all love hearing their stories. They'll love that we're we get to be friends with such awesome people Yeah, all right agreed so I was so down in downtown vegas they have a lot of uh I picked up some prints and stuff, but I'll post those online. I can't remember what they are right now. I picked up some artwork down there in the arts district, and I posted them on Discord, but I'll post them on Instagram as well, where I got like, if you're familiar with the Vegas sphere, like that big ball with the light, the LEDs on the side, somebody drew it as like a painted as like a Death Star with like a big Yoda next to it, so I got a print of that.
um And I got some like crazy R2-D2 print thing too from a local artist. But we also went to an antique store and I i walked in and I'm like, I got a mission. I got a mission. There's just all sorts of stupid shit in here. Like there's gotta be something for Andy. Check you out. You're getting into it. You're getting into it, man.
There's gotta to be something for Andy here. So i did we did find some hand-painted, like Fantastic Mr. Fox is one of my favorite movies. um We found some hand-painted old like matchbooks where somebody painted a bunch of Fantastic Mr. Fox things. And I also picked up something for you, which is... but ah Sidebar, I'm gonna need to bring a bigger suitcase or we're gonna have to ship some of these boxes of shit before Japan. ah You got some Kashyyyk Unleashed Battle figure Wookie's the Wookie's oh my god See what they see if I get not glare here you go look at Oh Man that that belongs in a museum these guys these guys aren't messing around so for those who can't see it's an episode 3 revenge of the Sith battle of Kashyyyk Wookie warriors Unleashed battle pack it's got four Wookie's who are just a
Ready ready to throw down it is I don't even have names I don't I don't think they do I think it's just for one dudes got like a green mohawk two couple of them have green mohawks sometimes got like crazy dreads and they've all got they're all doing like battle stances and Yeah, man all sorts of yeah that is that is awesome and the bonus is they're not named so I can give them my own names and can do whatever it is that you ah just they're sick and it's and it's a package right right for oh thank you so much thank you oh yeah yeah yeah I'll wait till I get back to the UK obviously with ah and have Kev with me at the time but yeah now that's that that's all thank you so much thank it's got it's got a thick bubble on there so it'll make night it'll be an extra crispy when you just
pop that open and just, ah. Yeah, that will, that will, that will, ah that will that will shift his kidney stone without a doubt, without a doubt. Other than other than that, um when we got done in Vegas, we, ah as our, bot we bop across the country, we decided to fly, so we decided to fly into St. Louis instead of all the way to Indiana, um mainly because we, one one flight is better than two, especially in the evening after a Vegas weekend.
sure So we went there and we stayed downtown, downtown Las Vegas, mainly, mainly so I could bop over and see our good friend, Eric Strawthers, who's been a a but was our very first guest on this episode and has many ties to to this podcast. And I was able to, we were able to work it out. um I know we were brought, like,
kind of kind of bombarded him last minute and had busy schedule, but we were to make make able to make it work it out. I got to I got to go visit the workplace and see all the all the cool stuff there. And then we were able to go get a go get some coffee and chat for a couple hours. And it was cool to see our buddy in person. Like I know it's It's one thing to to stay connected with all our friends online and stuff, but it's ah it's also really cool to see him in person. um yeah Although he was kind of mean, he was like, dang, Sean, you really let yourself go. like that's you should you should really You should really start working out because you're looking pretty rough. And I was like, dang, dude, I haven't seen you in person in like a while, but that's like pretty mean. um But I'll let it slide this time. just
you know, whatever. We'll see if he hears that. And I think you're, I think you're making shit up to get a rise out of Mr. Struthers. But yeah, cool. No, very cool. No, it's it's amazing. It's so good to be able to just see folk face to face. I mean, we talk all the time.
You know, we, we talk amongst our friends all the time and seeing people face to face is, it's a good tonic. So that's cool. And Eric's awesome. So, uh, he's a, he's a good, he's a good dude. Um, so yeah, that was fun. And then just last night we, we drove our, like drove from there to here to visit my niece who's spending her first year here and, uh, spent a couple of days here, bugging her, checking out the old stomping ground and then getting real tired of it. And then we'll, then we'll continue on.
further further into the the bowels of indiana uh for madison's first taylor swift concert which i think is why eric wanted to like see me in the first place if i was completely honest because i think he wanted to steal our tickets uh to that but luckily i didn't bring him so he was not able to get them i've i've had the advantage of listening to today's syphilis episode and um i think he tried to get some to the same gig. I think he tried to get some, but I think it i think it was some sort of lottery system. that Yeah. I think it was like a radio lottery or something, some kind of something all that charity chimp charity event. But i yeah, he was talking about how he wasn't able to get those. It's it's a it's a crazy world out there. there's a There's a lot of the ticket, like I was looking at the ticket scalping prices the other day, like the the resale prices. And I was like,
Should I convince Madison not to go? like We could we could take make make take it like could take a year off of work for this kind for this kind of crisis. We could pay for Japan. We could pay for Japan.
ah we could We could buy a flight home. um it's It's crazy. It's wild. But yeah, we're we're going to that. That's the whole reason we're kind of moving making our way that way. We got in before the craziness and I think this will be the one and only time that we go. At least that's what i'm I'm saying. She's kind of saying the same thing, but we'll see. We'll see what happens.
Um, but yeah, that's what we've kind of been up to that. Um, I'll save, let me, let me check my notes. We, we did some stuff there. I've watched some things, but I'll save some of that. Other than, yeah, that's what I've been up to. I'm trying, I don't think there's anything else. Everest is all consumption, but it's been, uh,
The Wi-Fi's holding out. i eat the and Doing well, man. Doing really well. Hang it in there. So when is the when is the gig? Is it the weekend? next Not this Friday, but next. So you're going to spend some time at home. Sorry, you're with your mom. Yeah, we're going to spend some time with my mom because we're not we're not coming back for Thanksgiving or Christmas this year. So this is kind of like the makeup. Yeah, it makes sense. And also, you know she's driving us to the airport.
letting us stay there, so. I figured we could get an extra couple days in there and eat some local food and visit the family and and all that stuff, so. ah totally Add to measure then. It's the right thing to do. If you're in the area, you've got to you've got to check in. And plus, and plus there's Kokomo Toys, which is a big kind of regional toy shop that's about 30 minutes north. That's my hometown. Yeah, yeah. About 30 minutes north where my mom lives. So I may take a day up there and maybe do do a live chat, um i'll just bug i'll ah' I'll probably pick the most inopportune time to like FaceTime ah you or whatever you guys do on Android. ah Discord call, you and Chris and Kev. And be yeah and there is there anything you guys want from the store? I don't mind the 34 pixels that's streaming through here, but let me know if there's anything you guys want. you know we've got we've got an expensive We've got an expensive year next year.
as have they, obviously, with the with the wedding and everything. But we were talking, um I don't know, when we were talking about it, it was it was it was it was certainly when we were but I went to visit them recently, and we were talking about, wouldn't it be good one year where there's nothing expensive going on, and we could make it do a tour of the US, with our destination being, like is it Frank and Sons in California?
Is that the right, is that the right toy shop? Is it Frank concerns? That sounds familiar. I'm not intimately, I can't be intimately familiar with these. Cause it'd be like, we need to go there tomorrow. Uh, but that does sound familiar. Yeah. It's kind of like a, it looks like, um, it's basically a genre, a jamboree of, um, of different toy sellers. Uh, yeah. Frank concerns collectibles in one massive.
Yeah 200 vendors of comic books statues memorabilia trading cards, but it's in a permanent But it's a in a permanent place as opposed for it to being a toy fair. It's actually just Always there it's always on that's like a toy fair and a flea market mixed together yeah exactly's Exactly that it's exactly that and it's in one place and it looks awesome. It looks awesome We've been talking about that being a maybe ah a mission of ours, what do they call it? A pilgrimage, a pilgrimage of ours in years to come. I'm still alive by then, obviously. So, sounds like you're having a good time. meet Me too, I hope you are alive as well. Yeah, yes and it's been fun. like it's It's not been too stressful. like We don't have a lot planned to it because we're still working and doing whatever. but So, it's just bopping along, still doing like our day-to-day. Look, we miss our cats, obviously, but it's ah it's been a good time.
Yeah, but the but i mean the fact is that you you both have professional lives that allow you to do something like this is awesome. It's awesome. And and and it's the you know it's it's the it's the it's the reason why I think that hybrid working is really, really important. I'm sorry, I don't want to get into the seriousness of of my working environment, but it's the reason why, for me, hybrid working is really, really important because I'll put in 12 hours a day when I need to. No problem at all.
The fact that I can do it under my own terms, uh, makes it a lot more palatable and it's good for the, for the old mine grapes. Yeah. I am. I'm not opposed to putting my ass to the grindstone, cranking out some 12, 16 hour days just so I can yeah work from a hotel room for a couple of hours. The next week can be like, and talk kind of doing kind of what I'm doing now. I'm like, Ooh, looking at the birds is like, yeah, I'm working. Ah.
Oh. But no, I'm a big fan of that as well. But granted, it's really Madison who's the one who's working her ass off right now kind of caring carrying the carrying the load. So she can't hear me because she has her iPhone. ah Thank you. Thanks. but She'll hear that later, maybe. But yeah, dude, how how have you been? that's my That's been my week. I'm just kind of vibing right now. Oh, I'm good, man. Yeah, I'm good. It's been it's been a lot quieter the week this week, naturally.
um we have the big launch tomorrow, as you know. So ah we are as close as we're going to be close as we're going to get to being ready. There's a few things that need to be picked up in in ah in real time in the next couple of weeks. But yeah, we're as close as we possibly can be. So that that's that's all good at home. um Managed to have a weekend free of distractions and and visitors and stuff like that. So managed to get out in the garden and do a heck of a lot more in in terms of um getting on with getting the garden ready for winter, which I'm very late on, by the way. But luckily, what's left is basically next door's garden that's overgrowing into mine. So I don't give a shit if it dies or not. um So that's that.
um i spent a bit of money this week as well because we're going on not next week is a normal week for us or for me sorry and then the following week we're taking a week out so that that won't mean any just to reassure our avid listeners that may well be absolutely ah despairing that we might not be doing a week we'll still be doing that week but we'll get your fix don't you worry that later on in the week we'll be doing it later on in the week and
um There's a good chance that we'll be having a very, very, very special guest that means an awful lot to you and I as well ah on that. ah So we're not talking about next week, we're talking about the following week, albeit later on in the week because I'll be on holiday up until the end of the week.
so don't So don't worry folks, just gotta get through this episode and one more and then we'll have another interesting episode for you to listen to. And then we'll have a good one. And then we'll have a good episode. But yeah, I've been spending money for my holiday so I've spent a bit more on more graphic novels to to take away with me for the poolside.
um lot of stuff that I won't bore you with, but one of them i I am quite happy with. I managed to get a re-edition copy of um Batman um Gotham by Gaslight. I don't know if you ever saw that. Yeah, I did. it's It's the Batman take, it's a take on Batman in the 18th century. ah No, 19th century, sorry, the 1800s. And that was, and along the short of it is the story is that he he kind of tracks down Jack Ripper and all that all that shit. and um' i've always not It's always been on my radar as being, you know,
one of those, one of those books along with Watchmen and one of those classics that I've always been meaning to get. um And I finally got it, which was great. The other thing I bought was um I promise you, I'm not getting back into Black Series, but I went to a store recently, a supermarket, a supermarket in the UK, and they were selling Black Series Star Wars stuff at a ridiculous price. It's what we'd call a Chapman che me cheapie after our friend, Josh Chapman in but Melbourne.
It was so cheap. While I don't collect the mainline stuff, a little bit like you, I like the daft stuff that they come out with every now and again. So the holiday editions or indeed the Halloween editions. And they have this, and don't get me wrong, I'm not collecting any more of these because I don't like any of the others. But I got this, I don't know if you can see it, but I've got the Holocom.
the Holocom Han Solo figure. So we're talking about a transparent, a blue ah blue transparent Han Solo, so the original mold for Han Solo um that's been molded out of transparent blue plastic. And it's on a puck, well, it looks like a bounty hunter puck. When you press the puck,
Oh, shit, look at that. It's actually, ah and to be honest with you, when I first bought it, I thought, Jesus Christ, this is actually cheaper than then that a couple of coffees. you know it it's it's read it's it was It was on the show. I mean, they're clearly peg warmers now. They're clearly so gimmicky that quite frankly, most people have no interest in them. And I thought, ah why not? Why not? I can always yeah give it charity or give it to give it somebody else that's interested. But A, it's Han Solo, so it goes quite well.
in my chewy collections, because I can pretend they're talking to each other over the holonet. Anyway, but yeah, the actual effect, I don't know if you can see that. It's actually quite good. That's bright as hell, I must say. And worst comes to worst, you lose power. That can light your house. That looks bright. I don't think it's that bright. I think that might be a little bit of, that might be force, force, force lighting. But it flickers as well. It's bright on my side. Can you see it flickering? A little bit, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, it's it's actually a lot better than I thought. And I thought, yeah, I'll i'll get that. It will it will fit in my with my chewy collection along with my... Because I don't have any but don't have any hand solos in and Black Series. the only theory Apart from this now and him in carbonite to go with my Empire Chewy. But yeah, no, i'm i'mm I'm keeping him. I like him. And I was i was expecting to be thoroughly disappointed. And i I really don't hate it. I really quite like it.
It's bright enough that it's lighten up your face when I saw you light it down light it up and down on the table. And it's like, I see it lighten you up. Well, that could be the blood pressure, but okay, no problem. I'll i'll take i'll take that. So we've got the black series, we've got gardening, we've got graphic novels. And then lastly, Sean, I promised you I'd do it. And I've done it. I did my taxes. No, sorry. Well, yes, I did i did do my taxes.
and lo and behold, I owe the government some money, but um I bought my Star Wars Celebration Japan tickets. So yeah I'm going baby, I'm going. And all I have to say is that I try not to, I mean, I curse, I know I curse, but fuck me, how expensive were they? yeah it It was a, it's, it's, it's,
200%, nearly 300% more expensive than any other time of year. If I chose now to travel to Japan, to Tokyo, I could probably get there and back on a budget standard economy flight for six, 700 quid. ah I paid well over 2,200 for the ticket.
And it was the they were just phenomenally expensive. The outbound was already quite expensive, but the inbound, to your point, with the troubles you guys had, the return flight was crazy. like it yeah the return are they the return flight The return flight alone is what I would pay for a family of four. In other words, me, Lucy and the kids, to have a holiday to have ah to have flights in in um In uh in europe. It was and it's insane And it could be the time of year and ironically who where I got the tickets from Is ba british airways and they're notoriously expensive way way too expensive But you go on to all the comparison sites and that time of year They're a little bit more expensive but not dramatically so and I can do things like I hate long haul I hate that i'm gonna have to find a way of
I don't know, taking horse tranquilizer or something to knock me out for the flight. But but the point being is that is that um it gave me a little bit more convenience in that I could fly when I wanted to. And also I could choose my own, I could choose my um my seat rather than it being allocated to me.
So for the sake of a couple of hundred quid, it was actually worth being more expensive than the competition. It was actually worth it because there wasn't that much difference between them and typically what I would call the budget airlines. Ridiculous expensive. Oh, it's insane. And it's like, oh, it's almost like feels like, cause there's a couple of different things going on at the same time.
as the tail end of celebration. I'm like, Oh, is this like the airlines all getting together and being like, they have to get back like we'll show them for the like the the pound and dollar being like so much overpowering the yen like we'll we'll fix that imbalance real quick like oh yeah for sure it's it's it's insane i wonder if it's gonna change anybody's mind on going that's what i'm curious about because it's it's going to be surprised i wouldn't be surprised i really really wouldn't be surprised but i am going i'm committed i'm paid it's it's all it's all clear um but yeah i mean i think it's it's without a doubt that the time of year you've got the time of year in japan
but You've also got the time of year in the West as well. I mean, it's Easter. Yeah, it's it it's during Easter. So yes, there's a heck of a lot of schools that are on on on break that and people with it, you know, maybe phenomenally disposable disposable incomes are going to be making the trip out there or indeed the trip from Japan back home or whatever it is. But yeah, it's crazy the price but I'm in I've got it. I've committed to it and quite frankly,
i don't spend an awful lot of cash on myself and so other than it, as far as I'm concerned. And literally she just doesn't give a toss. So it's like, okay, fine. There's me stressing out about it. She's like, oh, just go and do it. Just go and do it. If it keeps you happy and you don't bother me, then just then just go and do it that. So you're going to be gone for how long? Fantastic. Yeah, yeah exactly. Exactly. So yeah, i know i know we're we I know we're still looking for um
maybe a different place to stay, but we've got a place to stay booked. We've got our flights booked. We've got our tickets. We're going. We are going, which is awesome.
Nothing to stop us now, except for Madison restricting my amount of luggage I'm allowed to bring. So that's the current. She's like, what if we just, what if we just took carry-ons? I'm like, I think I got to carry on. We're the fucking gifts I got to take with me. So we'll need to, yeah we got, we got like six months to hash this out.
But yeah, that's that's kind of been my week. um i'm i was I've got, I've done, cause I knew you were traveling. I kind of thought I've got to do a little bit of research this week. So I do have a little bit of news for you. Nice. But before I before i go into it, have you picked up anything at all? Or have you been oblivious to the rest of the world? I think I've been mostly oblivious to the rest of the world. I've listened to a couple of our buddies podcasts, but nothing, nothing major. I think the couple of guests got announced at celebration, but like nothing.
that you weren't expecting or nothing being like, we're getting that kind of drip feed, kind of like, oh, guess who's coming? This is Anthony Daniels. It's like, oh my God, I'm gonna buy my tickets. But other than that, I'm interested to hear what you've heard.
um So what I've heard, what I've seen, I saw the Moana 2 trailer this week. um and i i' i'm And I'm a real softy when it comes down to the original. Moana is still one of my favorite um Disney films. Moana 2 looks much of the same, if you like, which i'm i'm i'm i'm I'm up for. I'm really, really up for that. The trailer looks really good.
um Word has it that June Messiah, which is the third, the third film um that Denis Villeneuve is creating. So if you remember, if you think that parts one and two are the original June book, and then the second, and then the sequel to um um June is June Messiah. that will That will play part three because it wraps up Paul's story. So that's actually in production in 2026, which is a few years earlier than Denny expected. He expected to do a few other projects in advance of that, but quite frankly, his mind has been so focused on
um finishing out the trilogy that that's that's where he's his mind's at which I'm i'm all for and I think it's great it's gonna be a bit weird because I thought the original timing of um between parts two and three was quite clever because There is time that has passed between Yeah, june and june messiah of about 10 years. I think it is So it's going to be quite interesting how they do that, but you know, it's no it's absolutely no big deal You think they'll change a few things about say do you think they'll stick with that that original because I know they've changed some timeline stuff already I think so
Yeah, I mean, for example, Aliyah who is his his sister hasn't been born yet. Now she is born by the end of the original June ah the original june book. So they've already messing things around. So I wouldn't be surprised. And quite frankly, if it's great, who cares? The purists that really have a fuss about it, um let them jog on.
um Next bit of news. so i'm sure I'm sure Max is also like, hey, it'd be really great if you like worked on that movie now. We've kind of got some TV shows in the pipeline. Yeah, exactly. You're really kind of cranked. We crank on with this instead of fuck around. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. it's It's going to be really, really busy. And I really hope that it gets an opportunity. It is it is heavier sci-fi. You're not talking about space fantasy like Star Wars. But I do think it does does deserve a proper franchise, which I hope it gets.
um Josh Brolin, who I'll talk a little bit about in a second about what I've been watching. Josh Brolin signed on for the Running Man remake, so the original Arnie film, ah which was, you know, part of the staple diet of being a an 80s kid um back in the day, along with Commando.
um Terminator, everything else. Running Man is, oh and Total Recall of course. ah Running Man is being remade and Josh Brolin has been signed on for that. Don't know any more than that but that's good news because I do like Josh Brolin. um Bit of sad news. um The Blade movie's been cancelled. Now I like Blade and I like the original Blade. Maybe not the second and third one but certainly loved the first one um I thought was absolutely phenomenal.
Um, the, the, the reboot or the, the, the, the, the Marvel movie that was going to be, um, that was in the pipeline. Unfortunately that looks like it's been, I wouldn't say canceled, but it's been postponed indefinitely, which is the the term that's being used at the moment, which.
isn't typically a good sign. So that's a bummer. However. Did you? Oh, go ahead. Go ahead. Sorry. No, no, no, no. no and Ask the question. i could you When that was announced, idea when some of these projects are announced, do you ever like look at it and go, like just have that gut feeling from the beginning of me? That's never going to see the light of day. like Well, I think Blade had the advantage that there wasn't an awful lot of the original Blade.
so um obviously Wesley Snipes and Stephen Dorff in that film is absolutely friggin awesome as a bad guy. um ah It had the advantage of it being a relatively dry or a relatively desolate um environment in terms of superhero movies and the rest of it. And it also had the added benefit of looking, sounding, and feeling like a um a vampire, a standard vampire movie as well, more so more so than that than perhaps a superhero movie. And so it kind of it kind of was in a unique position. Now we're in this world of oversaturation of superhero movies and and the rest of it. um You're probably right. It probably... Well, it's more about the gut feeling that you get. Do you ever look at it and go like,
how do you because i As soon as I saw it, I'm like, I like the Blade movies. The first one, I mean, obviously way higher. But like when they announced it, like there's times where I just feel like I'm not like i'm trying to predict the future. It's more of just like getting people's general feeling. like is is anybody else Is it just me or do other people are like, yeah, that's not going to happen. like yeah You just feel like it because it's like how... They're like you gotta work on that cohesiveness of like the the larger ensemble in a lot of ways and it's like I get into comics that makes sense, but the comics are comics like you can You can put rainbow bright with GI i Joe in the comics like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles wear the Power Ranger costumes in the comics like it's whatever whatever you want um but it's like blade with like the other Avengers it's like
that'd be an expert, that'd be an expertise, like a master craft in writing to like figure out how to like make blade truly fit. Cause it does seem like they're trying to build more ensemble. Like you can have the standalones, but then they eventually get tied in. So I was always, I was kind of sat in the background being like, I don't know about that one. Like I'd love to see it, but I'm curious to see how that works. And then it's like, it's been postponed. It's like, yeah, then that doesn't surprise me, but I don't know. But then again, I know I agree with you and I understand you, I wouldn't say cynicism, but your pessimism. And I get that, I totally get that. If anything's announced these days that may be bordering on the... Not controversial, what am I thinking of? Boardering on something different. If anyone tries something different. A puzzle piece that doesn't fit the logic. Yeah, yeah, yeah. If it doesn't fit the cookie cutter approach that is... marvel today or marvel or which a lot of people are lamenting that it's no longer that cookie-cutter approach of marvel after its endgame um
Yeah, no, I get it. I get it. I feel the same way about Star Wars at the moment. Something's an announced in Star Wars and I'm like, okay, we'll see. Well, it's got to be so it's gotta be so extremely different like a visions or like the Spider-Man noir thing where it's like, oh, it's kinda kind connected. But there's no like middle ground. It's either got to be like toe the line or yeah out in left field.
I'm just curious the good the good news The good news is that in its place is going to be replaced by predator Badlands So predator Badlands is being given its prime slot in theaters and it's going to be it's the same kind of crew that did pray love it Which you and I absolutely adore the fact that predator Badlands is taking a prop in in air quotes prime slot um is is is great, and i'm I'm all for that. So, you know, bit of bad news that's somehow supplemented by a bit of good news as well. I look forward to sitting in the movie theater with the shit-eating grin on my face going, nice, predator, this is awesome. Yeah. um And then lastly, it's not so much news as to what's available now, but I didn't even know it it was it was it was available. I noticed on um Prime,
um Uh, like a dragon like a dragon is now available on prime. The first two episodes are available. Um, and obviously our good buddy halls is certainly a fan of the the video game franchise and, um,
I'm going to check it out. um's As I said, it's not news because it is it's here today, but i haven't I haven't seen it yet or checked it out. But there are a couple of things that are hot off the press now, actually, um that I'm going to pick up on my phone. My understanding is that, um just bear with me one second while I pick this up, ah my understanding is that James Mangold has confirmed that he will shoot his Star Wars movie, which is the Dawn of the Jedi movie. So the one set I don't know whether it's focused on the Prime Jedi, which was hinted on and on um ah in The Last Jedi, but but that's gonna start filming as early as next year again.
okay you know Okay, I'm i'm not gonna, I can't get hyped up for something until we kind of start seeing it. I'll wait till they start rolling people across the stage at celebration.
when they roll Yeah, exactly. Yeah, exactly. And then and then lastly, um and there's another wave of um physical media coming out. So we're going to see um Mandalorian season three, and Ahsoka season one, both on Oh, and if you're into Marvel, sorry, you got Hawkeye and Loki. I think it's season one.
Nope, season two, sorry, my apologies, it's already been out on season season one. ah In Steelbook, so for all you you know physical media lovers out there, um that's coming our way um in time for the holiday period, which is is cool, which is very, very cool. So I'm gonna guess you've been listening to quite a bit in your travels, maybe not watching too much. that's re so That's where you would be wrong. oh well they check Check you out. So, consuming, watching, listening, reading, or playing. What have you been up to, mate? Well, I haven't played anything. theres i didn't I didn't even gamble while I was in... Not that I'm a big gambler, but I didn't even play any... I didn't gamble one time when I was in Vegas.
Um, so one thing I watched a live show, so we'll go there first. Um, I, when you go to Vegas, you obviously have to watch a, a Cirque Cirque du Soleil show. Cause there's like a fucking million of them. It feels like we went and saw mad apple at, I believe, was it the Cosmo or no, New York, New York, yeah New York, New York ah casino. Oh, wow. And, and.
Normally, I don't know if you've been to a Cirque show before they're like usually it's like a fever dream of just people flying around and Doing insane stuff all at once. and You're like, I just I really can't Like, at least for my the way my brain works, I'm like, there's just a lot going on. Like, I really can't process any of it. It's just nuts the whole time. But this one was really cool because it behaved more like a, like not to talk about, like scar on the scruffies, ah Jimmy talked about Hadestown being ah a really clever kind of like Broadway play, which I've also seen. It reminded me of that where it's a much smaller stage, focused acts. um Still, but
batshit crazy in some of the stuff they did like I've never seen Madison like lose her breath and they audibly gasp like a I Don't know what to compare it to but just ah the that happened from people almost, she's shaking her head at me, from almost falling and really hurting themselves. But they also had like comedians come in, like almost like a very New York style. I don't know, it was awesome. I recommend if you go to Vegas, Mad Apple in New York, New York, Cirque du Soleil, it was really cool. um Very funny, very, very funny. ah Very cool. So I saw that. That's one thing.
the So to answer your question, yes, I have. I've seen The Slay twice. I've seen the standard um with work. I saw the standard production, what would have been seen as a standard production at the time. And then a few years back, I took Lucy and the kids to go and see something that was like a steampunk take on a story and it was absolutely fucking insane. yeah And it was, I didn't quite understand, none of us did. And they spent a lot more time on the clowning and less time on the acrobats. um We still had a good time, but it was a very, very, very different experience.
Yeah, it's, we tried to get into this one called Oh, where I think it's very like nature and water based, where they're splashing water and stuff, but this was kind of our fallback and we're like, Oh, you know, maybe this would be good. I really liked it. Cause I like the, like, if you're going to do something crazy, I want to like see it and like respect it for what it is. Like, I don't need it to be like,
Oh, there's people flying, but like I don't really understand like what is actually... I want to see the risk. And with this one, it's very, very literal, very real. very like There's this one part where they have these like two wheel cages. That's like ring like like a ring where you can like walk around a circle, like a cat wheel.
But they're attached on like this big. So there's two wheels and they're on this kind of big pivot. And so these got two guys are walking on and making the thing spin like these two wheels spinning within the larger wheel. But then they one of them would get on top of it. And then at the very top of the arc, he'd like jump off the top.
and do this insane like free fall like arc up in the air then back down on they do like triple back flips and do all this and say it's like and they are very high in the air like in that's where Madison was like ah ah the whole time.
They had comedian come out. like it was It was neat. they like It was really cool too because at the beginning, they've kind of got it set up like a New York bar scene and you can actually go up on stage and like order drinks at the the stage bar and like go and mess around. It's very interactive and cool and stuff. and i don't It was neat. So yeah, there was that. um On the airplane, I i watched a movie.
um I watched ah Daisy Ridley in the ocean. I don't remember. what I think it's like the woman in the ocean or the lady in the some the one with Daisy Ridley where she swings swims across the English Channel. um Oh, yeah. That's pretty good. I enjoyed it.
Um, I mean I look I love daisy ridley. I didn't know that story. Uh, I don't know anything about the english channel I didn't know people swim across it. So it was all very new and very enlightening to me. Um to absolutely terrifying Uh as somebody who is not a strong swimmer, but I enjoyed watching daisy ridley Well, especially in most cases when you're when the english channel is actually a shipping channel so if if you I mean for those folks that maybe we may not know, I mean, the UK is an island of mainland Europe and our nearest um friends are the French. um and the And we're separated by a couple of miles of of of of of ocean between ourselves and and and and France. And at its closest point, people swim it. People cover themselves in goose fat and they get in the water and they that they cross it and they do it for charity, they do it for
for shits and giggles, it's it's insane. And it is insane because, like I said, it's a shipping channel. The shipping channel, it's it's it's the quickest way from Africa and places like that to get to Northern Europe. So you go you go up the they that um to get to the Nordics, for example, you know to get to um the Netherlands or but you know to to get to um yeah to get to anything north of of of France. you as ah As a shipping container, you typically take the English english channel and go up there. So these people are swimming um and having to avoid
the biggest ships that man have built. Oh, it did not look fun at all. No. It looked very not fun. They never did explain why they slathered themselves with fat and stuff. I figured it was like a 1930s thing. Like, is that sunscreen? Do you know what the point of just absolutely taking... Is that what that is? Yeah.
Yeah, it's goose fat. I think it's goose fat that they use, but it's it's it's actually better than a wetsuit. Interesting. Yeah, because they slathered that on. I'm like, that it looks ridiculous. Yeah, it's pretty great. I wasn't sure what the... Nice. So I watched that. um I also, while in St. Louis, I got to go to an Alamo draft house for the first time, which I don't know if you're familiar with that. That is a...
I'm gonna, I'm not gonna be able to speak to it 100%, but it's like, it's like a, I don't wanna say it's a high end movie theater, but it's like a, it's a movie theater chain. It's like, really appreciates, kind of invests more into the art. Like they really invest in technology. They're like, I think 18 or 21 and over only. they take They don't show ads at the beginning. They're very, like you can order food in the beginning and like all of their like pre, they have this like 30 minute pre-show that's kind of like catered to the movie. um It's just a really, it's a really cool experience compared to like the normal movie theater experience. So we got, it was right across the street from our hotel. So Madison was like, hey, you want to go see a movie? And I'm like,
one you never want to go see movies so absolutely I will I will don't care what I'm doing yes I will go see a movie um so we went to go see a movie called the uh the wild robot um which I had I heard I didn't know existed before seeing this um Yeah, she's like, come on, let's see the wild robe. I'm like, gosh, sure. i Yeah, I don't care. Whatever. Like, what is it? I don't know. like i'm And I'm normally the person who like watches the previews, watches the trailers. Never heard of it. No clue.
Um, it's meant to be awesome. It's meant to be, it's meant, it's meant to have taken the kind of industry by storm. It's, it's the, when you have big block or suppose a big blocks is like megalopolis rest in peace. Um, and films like that, that, that, that have been released this, you know, this last couple of months it's, it's, it's done really, really well. It was, up but it was, it was a fantastic movie. Um, I, I will openly admit I am.
you in one In one way you could say, I am not necessarily the biggest fan of DreamWorks films. I'm more of a yeah Disney Pixar kind of guy. um But another way you could say of like, I hold pix or DreamWorks to a different light. I think a lot of their movies are, they feel very dated. They do a lot of like, shake your butt humor. um ah they They don't stand the test of time. And that's always been my like gripe with them. This,
This was very different than probably every every DreamWorks film I've ever seen. um This was it's. it It is it feels like their foray or test into writing a ah Pixar level story instead of like cool we're going to make we're going to make Minions 9 or Shrek 14 or.
Pets can sing. That's good. That's good. Competition's excellent. Yeah, it was really good. And I've actually been, I understand what you mean, kind of the minion stuff and kind of got a little bit longer the tooth very, very quickly for me.
but I've always had a soft spot for Dreamworks because of How to Train Your Dragon. Oh, yeah, those are fantastic. me I mean, it's it that these are books that I used to read to my my my youngest daughter, and they are her ah her favorite animation. And so um I think that they interpreted them extraordinarily well. Those movies were fantastic. like i those are I think the some of the few Dreamworks films that I've actually like,
made sure to go and track down all of them and watch them because I thought they were so good. This is better than those, in my opinion. Oh, wow. Well, this doesn't follow. So I didn't know anything about it. So like when I sat down and like the first couple of minutes, like I had to ask myself, I'm like, wait, is this like, is this for kids? Because I think the best thing about it Is I think there's so many movies out there and like this is this is a parent's right to like Choose how to introduce this kind of stuff to kids but this is the first movie that i've ever experienced that was like It it deals with like death And like the ways of nature kind of head on in the beginning just like it doesn't It doesn't show like hear a gunshot and then all of a sudden bambi's really sad. They don't show anything
Like I'm not it's not, this isn't a spoiler, but it's just like, there is some almost borderline comical level of like conversations about death in the beginning of this frickin' movie that's almost like, look at Madison and go, wait, what is this, who is this, what is this movie rated? Like just, like not in a bad way, like don't take your kids to go see, it's still done class, like in a classy way and just like, but it's it's almost shocking because so many kids' movies don't,
They don't talk about oh, you know like zootopia. It's like they kind of hint. They're like, oh the fox eat the sheep or the bunnies and yada yada yada But this is like yeah like no, this is like real like they they do They eat the birds and their birds eat the things and yada yada and the bear eats everybody kind of stuff and that that was kind of the first shocking piece but I also really appreciated it because it's one of those movies where With typical kids movies, you have, you know, the arc. Anybody who's watched enough movies know, knows the, the arc of a movie where it's, you know, the buildup and then two thirds of the way through the movie, you hit the pinnacle and then you kind of adjust, adjust, adjust and then, and then the ending. This is one of those movies where like you have a general idea of where it's going, but about an hour in, I'm like, well, we can like oh my god but got, an hour left. Like what?
Where is this going? Like, what are we? good So then it just kind of like, I like that. I like and the kind of the anticipation of like, oh, you think, you know, but like, it's not like M. Night Shyamalan and Ding Dong twists and stuff, but it's like, oh no, it is. There's more to it. There's more, there's more story. There's not just the, oh, I am an asshole. I made a mistake and let me correct it. It's like, it's complicated. It's, it's, it's the complicated relationship between uh friends parents kids what it means to be alive and be different and yada yada yada it's like it's it's so good i right i really recommend it it's so i would love to hear a parent's perspective on it too yeah yeah i was gonna say how had do we not how do we not been so busy the last couple of weeks and then we've got a little respite now maybe we can squeeze it in the week or so um we've got a little respite now before we go away again i'd have watched it because um
it It seemed intriguing to me. i mean i'm yeah i'm I'm looking at some of the um the critics. The critics are saying, a simple tale told with great sophistication, wondrous entertainment that dazzles the eye while filling your heart to the brim.
And typically, you know, the audience score is typically bad, but on Rotten Tomato, it's 98% for both credit score and audience score, which is rarer than rocking horse shit. IMDB, it's 8.4 out of 10, which is phenomenal. yeah So I wanna check it out. I do recommend for people, like I've been trying to keep it vague. I do recommend people like don't just go in raw, like just go in with nothing. yeah like it's Like, I think that's what gave me the most satisfaction about it. It's like I didn't know really anything. I didn't i didn't even see the frickin' poster before we went in. Like, not that you have to go in that level of, ah like, unforeseen, but it it has very much Wall-E vibes. Like, the same kind of feeling that like Wall-E's like, is this for kids? this Excellent. This is top tier, love it, good stuff. So yeah, I look forward to you watching. I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Yeah, will do. Will do, man. It might be on Sean Flix. I don't know. I have to look. You've done. You've done. A heck of a lot more than I expected. Did did did you catch anything else? Let me look. I mean, I've watched Penguin, which is... oh yeah but Let's go. So, yeah so good. on it And it is on the list, but it's a holiday list. I'm going to download the whole series and binge it while i'm away and i think and the only thing i watch was obviously agatha um which i think i messaged you after this last episode again and then like all right you know how last week i said like okay it's turning into a marvel show uh i think my message to you this time was okay it's definitely
It's definitely a Marvel show now. I've updated my recommendation to say WandaVision is an absolute must-watch before Agatha for people, which I've always kind of stuck with. But I do think Doctor Strange is less so. Doctor Strange 2 is the less so. It adds context, but like... It shouldn't hold you back from... Well, look, at the end of the day, I'm going to crack on with it. And if it means that I want to know more, I can always look backwards if needs be. Yeah, it's like you won't be confused if you don't watch Doctor Strange, but Agatha is pretty interesting. Okay, man.
ah Yeah, and I've heard a lot of good things about I keep hearing good things about penguin and I need to pull my finger out of my house and get on with it so that's what um I will say holiday is gonna be about I will say that I think there's not a There's not a pessimism or cynicism of this last episode, but there is a nervous hesitation with like i hope I hope we're not trending towards the fantastical. Like I don't, there's nothing that's majorly outright like like making it like, he it's not like the heel turn of like, oh no. And now there's Batman and then all these other things. you want to keep it You want to keep it grounded, which is what we talked about a couple of weeks about and and and appeal to you the most. No, I understand that. but I understand that. I guess at some point. those have been Fucking so good.
I guess at some point, it's going to have from what I understand, it's going to lead straight into the movie, that that that that the batman the sequel of The Batman. um and so At some point, it's going to have to, I guess, establish some sort of connected tissue with The Batman.
The good thing about the Batman is it's also relatively grounded. So let's hope it's done properly. I think the thing i that I'm hoping the most is like, I mean, have they started filming? They haven't started filming the Batman 2.
So like is there gonna be, like i don't i could I could easily just Google this, but like I like to just sit in ignorance and speculation of like, okay, so is it just gonna be one season of this? like Is it just gonna be one season that just like, and now we're going into the Batman, this is all you get, here's your taste. um Or is it gonna be a couple seasons while they kind of get things together for the Batman too? um I'm fine either way, I'm just curious, because I don't know how many more episodes we have like it does seem like okay things are kind of picking up now but like I don't necessarily want them to pick up I kind of like this like not slow burn I hate that term but like just this like it's a focus and it's just
Like, you know that feeling, I think, I know we talked about it with other movies and shows where it's like, they make you sit with the uncomfortable, like they make you feel it. Yeah. Like, that is that feeling, it's like, it's not not at a Game of Thrones level, like you look at this disgusting, horrible thing, but it's a sit and process these feelings, sit and process like how this makes you feel, and like,
I get it. Who is the bad guy? I love it. you ah You want to spend some time taking in the environment or taking in the world that they're trying to build. I get it. I get it. I mean, OK, you know, think of it as the way I feel about gaming, you know, that outlaws. It's like it's just just sitting back and watching the world go by in this fan in this in this environment is as equally Compelling and sometimes even more than actually just take taking in all of the the action and the Pew pews Anyway, I feel I feel like I understand I feel like Halle Berry and monsters ball just make me feel something You know, that's where that's kind of the world I'm living in Okay. Hi and rob Anyways on that note go ahead what have you been watching?
ah So I started watching Shrinking, series season two. ah i've I've seen the first two two episodes of that and um yeah, thoroughly enjoying it. it's ah like Again, it's just so, at the end of every episode, there's some of the stuff that they that they address and some of the the the issues that they're going through are pretty serious. and But good God, at the end of at the end of um at the end of um ah every episode, I feel the same way. There was there's ah there was a program, there was ah there was a weekly program called, is it 30 something back in the 90s? Which is about basically the story of following the story of a bunch of um young, um ah extremely successful um people in their 30s and their trials and tribulations. But at the end of most episodes, you'd feel there'd be some sort of heartwarming
vibe going on. And I feel the same way about shrinking, although I think it's significantly better written. written And like I said, I mean, Harrison's acting in it, I think is is brilliant. And here's the way that he's able to demonstrate or portray vulnerability, um spot despite veneer of being a hard-ass psychiatrist. I think it's fantastic. I think it's really, really good. So I started watching that.
Finish watching out a range. It's a good, it's a good, so season two, sorry. So we finished, only seasons one and two are available at the moment. and um Hopefully there's a season three coming because it certainly isn't wrapped up in my mind. ah Season two, again, significantly better than season one. Although I understand season one. I understand season one now because season one got to a point where it's like, world building and building the narrative.
And it was very slow. But i ah now that I've seen season two, I really appreciate what season one was doing. I was really, really worried, actually, mate. Really worried that it was like, oh, no, Josh. Because it stars Josh Brodin, personal favorite of mine. And I really thought that we ended season one. It was like, do do we want to carry on? Because that's what Lucy and I have been watching together. I was like, yeah, let's keep it going. Let's keep it going.
And I'm pleased to say season two ramps extraordinarily quickly and all the world building and plot set up they did in season one all comes to fruition right at the beginning of season two. And then it's a roller coaster and you don't really get to even lament season one at all. It's really, really good, really, really good. And I really hope that they conclude the story and in season three.
The couple of things I've downloaded for the holiday, one being, um so it's not what ah it's not it's kind of like comes under future watch. So I've downloaded the Penguin, I've downloaded the animated Tomb Raider season that came out. I've downloaded um season two, the foundation from Apple TV, and I've downloaded Rebel Moon part two, Director's Cut. I'm going to get through that even if it kills me, just just in the interest of science, I'm going to do that.
um listening to, I think I told you last week that Ed ri got me into um this new podcast I'm listening to, Smartless. And it's really, really, really good. And I'm we i'm cherry picking at the moment the back catalogue and I picked up on an interview that they did. So this again, just remind you who these guys are. It's um Will Arnett, it is Will Arnett, it is, oh God, JB, sorry, Jason Bateman, and it is Sean Hayes. um And they have amazing guests on every week. They've even had, you know, they've had presidents on, they've had Obama on, they've had Biden on, they've they've they've got some they got some serious contacts to get some serious people on there. Anyway,
There's, one of the ones I was listening to last week, this week, sorry, was the interview that I did with James McAvoy, who starts off very, you know, very responsible, but it very, very quickly deteriorates into a lot of effing and jeffing, a lot of cursing, and and basically them all taking the piss out of each other. And it's really, really funny and really, really good. And what a top bloke, really grounded individual, really grounded guy. So I recommend Not, not, not just that episode, but I recommend just dipping your toe into smart list. Cause it's a really good podcast. I'm really, um I'm enjoying, dare I say more than an awful lot of others at the moment. I saw that I, that, that is one podcast that lives in my head rent free. Like I've never listened to a full episode, but there was like a, a segment from that that I saw a while back where it's like Jason Bateman talking and asking like something like, I don't know how it got brought up, but like he basically like talks about how
He takes a shower every time he uses after he uses a restroom, like number two. And I think about it. It's like my Roman Empire, kind of. It's like, dude, how do you take a shower every every time? like Even if it's not like on a schedule. like it justs It's something I think about all the time. He's showered. like That's the kind of life you live. It's like, I got a shower. like I got a shower right now.
That's wild. I know it's completely off topic. Yeah, I know I'm with you, but Will Annette makes me laugh a heck of a lot. He makes me laugh. And when I originally started listening to it, I thought, Jesus, Will, you're such a caricature of yourself. You really can be quite stupid. I could not be more wrong. The guy's extraordinarily clever, really, really clever, and so goddamn funny.
Anyway, no, i'm i'm i'm I'm loving it. And then lastly, I'm playing Outlaws. um I'm still playing Outlaws, although not a lot. If I'm perfectly honest with you, there's not a lot for me to do. um I have zero, zero quests left. You picked that bone clean. Yeah, i not not necessarily. I've still got to go back and get all the abilities. you know you know the the the mentors you get along the way. I've got all of the mentors now and there's a bunch of abilities I've got to get, you know, like collect this or shoot a stormtrooper five times using the, you know, using the distract function or whatever it is and I've got to go back over them because it's good to get those done. um There's a couple of um
There's quite a lot of collectibles. I've still got to go back. So the collectibles, the non-urgent collectibles, collectibles, collectibles, I've got to get those. But to be honest with you, man, it's slowed down an awful lot. I want to ah might do a few rounds of so back tonight when we finish, but um apart from that, I really am now in a holding pattern, shall we say, until the DLC comes out, which I've already prepaid for. um The DLC comes out in November, just the latter which is the a new ah new adventure with Lando, which will be cool. Dude, I'm not going to lie. I still keep thinking about how much I want to play Squadrons because of that game. like I don't blame you. It's crazy. It's like, I just want to get in a tie bomber again and just
but squadrons quite, I mean, squadrons is the actual story of squadrons is quite cool. Yeah. And it aligns itself very, very well with the aftermath trilogy, you know, the, yeah yeah you know, the, yeah you know, the Chuck Windig stuff, it aligns itself beautifully with that. Which I know, then I will, I'll say again, I am horrible at the English language, and all of my sentences are run ons. And I use my comma paintbrush on everything I write. But I didn't understand the hate with those books. I still don't. I thought they were fantastic. I It's like I read it in my head. I love every minute of it. I don't know, man. I don't know. I really, really don't know. I don't see any problem with it. I guess it was the first, I guess it was the, well, I think there's two things going on. I guess it was the first books that were coming out and it didn't fit the narrative in the minds of certain people that had felt that the EU was
You know, the Truce of Bakura salute to Chris Hall. The Truce of Bakura and the Courtship of Princess Leia were the true events of what happened after the Battle of Endor. And they they're not very good. the close darth vader they're not but They're not very, very good books. And then, you know, a few years later, you've got, although what I've just talked about was released after.
after um the Thrawn trilogy. The Thrawn trilogy was the first to kind of, and it kind of, oh, amazing, amazing, amazing. But i I don't know. And then on top of that, don't forget, um Chuck also introduced an openly gay character as well. um And that's kind of the start of an awful lot of the rot from some folks that don't seem to be able to live.
Well, just don't see to be able to accept modern life and that modern life needs to be represented. And it's just like, dudes, I, you know,
just, just, just move on, move on if you don't like it. um Anyway, we we we can talk, we're actually a little about that for hours and hours and hours. And we have that for hours and hours and hours and hours and there's no point, but yeah, no, I i love those, especially an audio book.
Excuse me, they were the first audio book I bought. um So i I bought them in physical media first as as ah has a book, funny enough. And then um and then um my job changed for a while and I was driving an awful lot more. And it was before I'd only just started listening to podcasting way before I reached out to you guys, introduced myself way, way before that. And I discovered Audible.
And um for me at that time when I was doing like a two and a half hour journey to the office and two and a half hour journey back, audio books just changed my mind. you know just So it just changed my life. This is way before hybrid working. i just Just changed my life. And I think it was Mark Thompson then that narrated those books. The the quality of the production was just phenomenal, absolutely phenomenal. And I loved it. And yeah, it changed my life. and I probably would say while I have still been, or I still did continue to buy physical media for quite a while, I would say, well, after 2019, 2020, it's all been audible, which I know some people will think I'm a Philistine for, but that's the way it is. i It just suits my lifestyle.
but you want to what's funny is how similar our stories are there it's like it was my riding the train every day that got me into and it was aftermath after their aftermath books were ones that got me back into reading star wars books again but it was ah the train that got me back into reading audible and you want to you want to really you want to really ruffle the feathers of the the book evangelist I read the book while listening to the audio book at the same time because it keeps me focused. So when I get distracted and look out the window, the audio book keeps going. And so I can actually get it done to like, oh shit, I gotta get back. And then read the words, cause otherwise I'll get distracted. So it forces me to use both wavelengths to stay focused on getting it done. Cause otherwise it'll never happen. so You and I sound very so similar in that um I will read a book
and I'll get, my brain will suddenly go into automatic pilot. And I know I'm reading it, but I'm not retaining it. I'm not retaining any of it. And so it's like, shit, I'll go back to a point where I know I remember this part. i because i Because I was visualizing it. I was visualizing it you know am in my brain.
Um, so that's, that's not, ah that's not a bad policy to be honest with you, mate. Um, yeah, now I'm, I'm awful. I'm awful when I'm reading a book and half my problem. And it's a problem that I know that a lot of gentlemen my age have as well. Usually the, usually the, I can, I can listen to a book. I can listen to a book whenever I want to. I can work and listen to a book, especially if I'm doing something relatively, um,
relatively mundane that I can do on the PC with my eyes closed. um And listening to a an audio book in the meantime is is really, really great. um But if I am reading a book book, it's normally at night in bed. And of course, what happens within 10 minutes? Fast asleep. How much progress have you made? I've i've read two pages.
And even then, I didn't retain it. I got to start off with a beginning again. And so I just gave up. I just gave up at the end. And that's one of the reasons why I got so much into it. I mean, a I enjoy it. is it a bit ah While I know I could ah could exploit the electronic form of comics, um the reason why i'm I'm buying these graphic novels is to is to kind of, there's a lot of nostalgia um from the day when I used to buy them a lot. and um And it's something I can take with me and there's a set of them out of accomplishment when I, when I finished one of those at the end of a day, when I'm a holiday. Anyway, waffling, waffling, waffling. But yeah, no, man, it's, um, we're all good. All good. I want to get into comics so bad, but I think there's an element of like, after, even after all these years, I'm just like,
what is the What is the right order to read these stupid things? say See, this is this this is exactly the opposite of the way I've approached it, but it is exactly the way I would have approached it. I stopped because I couldn't keep up.
I bought, you know, I've got trunk loads of EU books. I've got three trunks um up in the loft of EU books. I've got two trunks of original Marvel, then Dark Horse comic, ah Star Wars comics. I didn't engage in the new media.
Sorry, the new comic media, because I knew I'd be a completionist again. I knew, I knew I would, it would become an obsession for me. And I'm not good with an obsession because I stress myself out. What I'm enjoying at the moment is I am getting back into comic books. Okay, they're graphic novels, they're compendium, they're collecting some of them. But I'm cherry picking, it's a multitude of different things. I think that's what I need to do. I've just i've just jumped into stuff that, because it's no risk. In my in my brain,
If I said, right, I want to start reading Star Wars, I would start reading Star Wars. And I was obsessed that I've missed something. Whereas what I'm doing at the moment is I'm doing a little bit of Blade Runner. I'm doing a little bit of Fly of Fire, um which are franchises that I really, really love. I'm doing a little bit of Batman. I'm doing a little bit of Alien. I'm doing a little bit of this. I'm doing a little bit of classic stuff. i'm um I've just ordered Sandman.
I've never, I experienced Sam Man through the TV series. I did not. read the original uh graphic novels so i've ordered a couple of them and i'm cherry picking because in my brain it's low risk because it's not something that i need to obsess about um and the minute it does become an obsession i'll just i'll just jump off again because i know it's not good for me i think i think your point there a second ago was probably what i need to start doing it's like because i'm always confronted with like the the uh
what are What are the what are the little ones the ones that come out? There's like the regular what you when you think comic book It's like the little the little booklet whatever the trades Yeah It's like I'm always presented with us. I'm like, oh cool Then I pick it up and I'm like, who is this robot Kano laser-eyed looking dude? What is what is happening? It's like then you look it up on the internet and it's like well the month the months don't mean anything because that's in the future and like like how do i how do i know what to read yeah i think what i need to do is just stop worrying about what's coming out now like or like in the relative time and just go back and read like what are the there's like trades volumes and then what are the
like the the one the the heart the books the bound that's right like I think our buddy Sal always posts like he posts his like little collection of like the big thick boys that's what I need to grab I need to get those things and be like here's a here's a book of pictures didn't like just read and it's like the whole round collection it'll be good it'll be good to then get a get somewhere you can go to that would actually say if you'd a little bit like what you were talking to me about with um It was Agatha, you know the Agatha, it was Agatha all a ro along. and that you know it's if To read this, you need to at least read this and this and this. And it connects to this, this and this. And that's fine. I'm okay with that because I don't have to stress about the rest of the the rest of the universe that's going on at the same time, and unless I wanted to. But at the moment, I'm staying well away from it, mate. And um' again, it's nothing to do. I've heard so many good things about the, um
the you know the new comics compared to some of the shit that we did we did get um in the old days but i mean it's it's it's kind of like i'm loving this because i'm not like i said i'm not i'm not obsessing i mean what i'm also looking for is um you know you know you you grow up you leave home stuff gets lost stuff gets damaged my mum bless her through loads of stuff away and everything and i'm i'm slowly getting back there's a couple of um of of the old We talked about 2000 AD before, the characters that I'm picking up on, not the entire storyline, but a couple of stories that I really liked. So for example, there was a an enemy and um and an ally at times of George Dredd called um
Chopper, I think I've talked about him before. He's basically a sky surfer. He's an Australian dude. He's a dude. He's a dude, bro. And he's a wicked character. He's an absolutely awesome character. And there's a particular story that I won't go into too much detail, but it ends his arc.
And it's a beautifully written piece of work. Joe's Dread isn't even in it. It's all about Chopper and this final kind of race, um this this this surfing sky surfing race that he has to do. And it's things like that that I'm picking up again and reading again and kind of rekindling that joy that I had the first time I read it and remembering that feeling that I had when when I first read it as well, that I'm really, really enjoying at the moment. And then outside of that, discovering new things by just cherry picking stuff that is low risk that I don't have to obsess about. And i'm I'm sorry if I'm repeating myself, but for me, it it it it again, it's another thing that's good for the mind grapes.
Yeah, absolutely. And this that reminds me of a question that I had that came out of our latest part one of three. I'm assuming there will be three of with Kevin, Chris. So I'll ask the question now to you, but it is ongoing. Well, I like to believe it's going to be like a, the fellowship of the ring that the Lord of the rings trilogy, I'm kind of going with that naming convention. So I'm at least sticking with that for now and we'll have the director's cuts. and Okay.
we'll We'll skip the hobbits and all that stuff. But what I'll do is I'll ask the question. You don't have to answer it now, but I want to put it out there into either so that this will maybe help me remember and help you help you help me remember. But after talking about the collecting and stuff, and like I really enjoy talking about like not just the what we're collecting, but like the why. like I just don't think there's enough people talking about the why. It's usually about, like oh, get the original 12 and the blah, blah, blah. And here's where I got it. and But it's like, I don't know. There's something about like what it I don't think, I don't think we as a community talk about the deeper side of things ah enough. And I like, I enjoy that of like, you know, it's okay to say like, I just want to like, I just, it just makes me happy. Like it's not about that, whatever. But all I'd say, the question is, is there, is there anything that you, like not a holy grail, not an ultimate warrior figure, but is there anything in your head that like,
that lives in your head that you're like, I want this thing. But you maybe you can't even identify what it was. Like you have pieces, tidbits. You've not been able to identify it. So you can't you don't even know where to look. Like there is because there's there's one thing I have and I know I will never be able to find it. And it drives me insane that I'll never be able to figure it out. I know I won't. I know I will never figure it out. But it's like, that's the stuff that interests me too. It's like, what are those things that like,
i think if i literally I think if I ever came across one in the wild, which I know I never will, I think I would just like collapse. I'd be like, oh my gosh, I finally have an answer to like what it even was. ah But I'm curious if other people have that same kind of thing. is it can it be Can it be not a thing? It's an experience from collecting? It could be that too. Absolutely. 100%. That makes it even better. Now you've expanded the question. So it better so so let me let me answer it from my point of view. There's one thing.
that will bring me to tears.
And you're going to think, what the hell is he talking about? It's the smell of an opened original Kenner figure. And but weird we have we have we have the we have the retro collection, some of which you know i've i've thought I've bought ah You can see behind me on the on the notice board, you know, I've i've got a few of the retro collection They are likely there that they seem to be wookiees or they seem to be Chewbacca and I bought two of the Chewbacca Thinking that I could reenact that moment where I'd open it up and I'd smell it And it's just not the same. It's not the same and I don't know what it is I don't know what it is and it's like it's like it's totally probably most probably
totally unachievable. But if someone was to bottle that and turn it into a cologne in a spray, I would buy gallons of it should talk it. We should talk to some of our friends because I guarantee you it's the gassed up vinyl, the gassed up vinyl that the figures are printed in. it's that they They've all degassed by now, so they're not going to have that smell anymore.
But if you get somebody who makes that same formula, which probably won't happen, but it's that same, it's that chemical makeup, it's like, I can never find it. It's so interesting. And it's weird. And it it brings me back to a time where both my mum and dad were still alive.
um And I felt connected with them. you know we would They would sit in the in the and and the and the TV room, in the in the and in the lounge, in the in the sitting room.
Um, and I would be lying on that. They'd be watching tv some and I don't know some 70s bullshit that they were that they were watching And i'd be sitting on the floor on my butt on my belly playing with my starboard figures and it was it just break that smell brings me back to You know, I lost my dad in 85. So I was very very young and it's it's it's it's it's something as silly as a smell um, I I mean I have one yeah that reminds me of my collecting but also reminds me of some good memories, some really good memories that I've got with me for the rest of my life.
you You want to know what my smell, my smells that I could, I wish I could put pinpoint. I don't know if if i want to know. It's probably not good for me, but it's the smell of my, my dad worked for the air force and he worked on the eight tens and that smell of walking in the old military buildings, which is probably a mixed mix of asbestos. And, um, and then being in the hangar with the planes, which is probably a mixture of like brain rot,
paint and paint cleaner and jet fuel. And it's like, whatever that combination is, it's like, I get tinges of it when I walk in old buildings. Like I got a tinge of it when I came here. I'm like, I smell the old building. It's like, I just call it asbestos. Every time I go, I'm like, ah, I love the smell of asbestos. In the morning. Whatever that is of things decaying, but it's like but it doesn't have that like,
ah make the hair fall out of your arms, paint thinner smell that the that the planes had. I'm like, that, I wish it's so visceral, but I wish I could smell it again. But the the collectible thing, I'll say it now, because it's it's like, in case there's one of our four listeners who knows what it is, when I was a kid, I got this book for my aunt. It was like, it was a printed, like a spiral bound book that was like, the pictures were all defined, it's kind of like a comic.
but then like you clearly gave it like the recipient's name, and it would put their name like in the story, like, oh, you are the space man. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, you know what you mean. I was the yellow suited space man, and there were all these like little tiny pink alien, fuzzy alien things, and it's like, oh, I'm the hero of this story. Yeah. And I have no idea.
what this thing was. Like I remember having it forever and I'm like, and it always fascinated me because it was before like, kind of like watching the old Bond films before like technology became- Have you asked your mom? Have you asked your mom? I have not lost my mom. I've lost my dad. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Have you asked? I know you haven't watched your mom. You couldn't see it. Have you asked your mom? She doesn't have a clue. It came from my aunt. My aunt was the one who- Ah, okay, okay. And I've asked her about it before. She's like, I have no idea what the hell you're talking about.
ah that And so I was like, I know like I can see it. I could probably draw a picture of these stupid things. And it's like, I'm a yellow space, I'm in a yellow spacesuit. And there's just all these little tiny pink aliens, they look like a moxicillin, like the the pink juice. And like, I, I see it viscerally. You know, like I remember this stupid story. And I'm like,
Like you you want to know how ridiculous my Google searches have been trying to track this thing down. Like I did succeed in another toy I had. It was a plastic duck that made all these stupid sounds. I found that thing. but Like this book, it's like, I'm never going to know what that was. It was probably some one off.
no-name company that was like, we'll put the kid's name in this story. and it looked Because it looked like it was ah done by a typewriter. like It wasn't automated. and um i so you've got So you've got all of the typeset out printed normally and then and then and then suddenly, Sean. Yeah, they got to make it fit.
Totally different font. It's like, Oh, his name is Christopher. It's like, well, that's not going to fit. How about Chris? i' like ah But yeah, it's like, it's one of those things I'm like, I wonder what other people's versions of those are of like, Oh, I had this.
like you hear other stories people go I had this figure like that's what makes me I'm sure I've talked about it before like going on Facebook which I never do anymore but there for a while I was obsessed with going on those like toy identification groups purely because somebody's like I found this gun and people are like oh yeah that's from the 1971 limited edition series of the blah blah blah but they sold them at Target and blah blah blah blah and they whatever it's like dude that somebody out there knows things And that's awesome. I'm Ashamedly on YouTube, one of the channels that I found on Facebook. but I was leaving a post for my family to give an update because you know my sister lives in Sydney, so we don't we don't see each other. So we use Facebook as a means to, hey, I'm doing this, I am doing that.
um and um in a relatively private environment. Yeah, nice one Andy. Anyway, the- Me, you and the advertisers. you Me, yeah. And that that there's a there's a yeah there's a YouTube channel on there and it's a bunch of yeah really, really young dudes that in the States. And I don't know where they're based, but they go, they seem to travel all over and they seem to travel all over and basically sit on bridges of rivers with one of those ridiculous magnets. The magnets, and they throw the they throw they throw the magnets in and they bring out shit and they work it all out. And I'm like, this is the most this is the most inane bullshit i've ever i've ever I've ever seen in my life. Can I stop watching it? Can I fuck?
Can I? I love it. I absolutely love it. And especially when they find a gun. How many guns and grenades are fucking floating in windows in the US? That's what I want to know. I've no idea, dude. I've no idea. It seems to be the place that if anyone wants to dispose of a gun, you stick it over this bridge. Because there's one that they did and they just picked... They don't have to call the cops and say, hey, listen, I think you might be interested in what we've got here. And you know, we're going to have to... And it's compelling viewing, mate. I'm loving it. I'm absolutely loving it.
The thing that's funny is is's like they always pull the guns out. like They always just drop it straight down. like We pulled out a grenade. it's like So the lesson is, go on the downstream side of the bridge and chuck it as far as you can, not on the upstream side, and drop it straight below you because it's gonna fall and they're gonna be able to pick it right back up again. like not Not that I have a reason to chuck a gun off a bridge, but that's my takeaway. Yeah, because I've seen those two and it's like, this is fascinating.
they're They did that in my hometown too. i there was a There's one house that was in my hometown where they were pulling crap out of the ah the Wildcat Creek and they're like, it's a gun. It's like, imagine that. It's bad it's fresh. Yeah. like yeah but some but so um But some of the stuff that, and I don't know whether whether it's the same guys or not, or whether it's somebody else, but they'll they doubt they'll kind of report it to the police. The police will decommission it.
It's no longer, I don't know how you do that. You remove the bolt or you you fuse you fuse the bolt or whatever it is. but you and then And then they'll take it to a restorer and they'll restore it into its into its former glory. And some of the older stuff, like the Colt 45s and the yeah the old kind of um trying to think of the peacemakers, the peacemakers, I mean, they're beautiful. They're absolutely beautiful weapons. And it's um I just find that stuff fascinating. It's all part of the artie crafty stuff that i I watch. And every now and again, I'll watch somebody look at some dig out the most worse the worst shit from from from from riverbeds.
yeah but say um And then I have a mild panic attack and I'm like, wait, is am I getting old? Is this my like antiques roadshow? It's like, and now tonight on 90s Toys Identified, we're going to identify a bunch of plastic guns and swords from the 80s. Where do you think I am at the moment? Where do you think Chris and Kev are at the moment? That's exactly what we're doing.
i feel I walk around i walk around the um these that we're going to. and you know, that's like gap there's There's not much of a gap at all between myself and Kev, but there is a ah small gap, you know, five years or so between ourselves and and c Chris. And we're walking around and we're looking at stuff that resonate with us it and out yeah in our point of life. There are older folks that are walking around this, that are looking at old steam trains and looking at model kits of of old Hornby railway sets. And it's like,
Fuck, that's going to be us in 30 years. We're going to be doing this again. And you know what? I'm all right with that. I'm all right with that. As long as I don't get to the point where I'm walking up to him and be like, hey, can I just like crack the bag and smell it? I don't want to get to that point. They're like, no, you can't pay for it. You heard the story about the last time I got that I got that opener that I wanted to annoy Kev with, which was the well well Ralph Macquarie um concept, Chewy. And I dropped it on the floor and basically got it cheaper. A couple of years from now, as I get more and more confident, I'll start ripping open all these vintage, start sniffing and identify whether it's actually genuine or not. yeah ah Open the bubble. No, not genuine. you europe europe
You're, you're, you're, you're pulling the wood over our eyes there. What are they, what are the wine, what are the wine connoisseurs called? What are the, what's the name of that? The, uh, the, uh, the people who know, really know wine.
Jimmy. No, like not the people, but like though it's the name of the profession of somebody's like, like, Oh, I know what you meant. Yeah. I know what you meant. Whatever that word is. Maybe Jimmy's a professional. I don't know. I i don't know, mate. The rest of Jimmy's at the restaurant. It's like, is that going to be you? You'd be like, it's like, Oh, is this genuine? You're like, yeah, it is. That's a 1973.
This is bothering me now. I want to look it up. You can smell you can smell the the the type of lime that they used in the burner for the to to warm the vinyl. Of course it is. It's a sommelier. Sommelier. Yeah. Or some sommelier or wine steward. Is it Renault or Renault?
So... Sommelier, sommelier. Anyway, um dude, done well. We've done well, bearing in mind you've been super, super biz, biz. Hour and a half, we've done really, really well. Shout out to AT&T and t in West Lafayette, Indiana for ah supporting this whole thing through my phone. Yeah, fair thing in play. The fact that you've done this tethered is is absolutely brilliant. um So we're back on...
same time next week, depending on your which might move around a little bit, depending on your travels, where you are, what you're up to, family commitments, all that kind of stuff as you ramp up to the almighty event that is the Taylor Swift weekend.
um yeah ven you Then I'm away, but we'll be back at the weekend to record again. so
It'll be a week in a bit until we record again, which in theory I'm okay with as long as we record the following Wednesday as well. We haven't missed a week So i'm I'm okay with and we won't there's no point start now and and there might be a special episode a special bonus episode this weekend Yes yes yeah i hope you can pull that off um i won't be there i might join you afterwards if you if you guys are still up and running alive and kicking we've got a chair in the corner just for you excellent excellent all right then dude um thank you for recording with me mate i'm um please thank madison for having the patience to
work in the same rate at the same room as you while you talk absolute rubbish with me. um Please give him my love. And um thank you everyone for listening as usual. Thank you for everyone listening to ah two chums that enjoy chewing the fat but and talking nonsense. And Sean, buddy, take us out. Like Andy said, thank you everybody. You can find us at justshillin.com where you can find links to all of our socials and all of the other stuff.
um I had a ah had a quote. what was What was the quote you said yesterday? You, hey. What was the quote you said yesterday? You said that random quote. Just to let you guys know, he's talking to Madison at the moment. You said something, it was like ah the quote of the day that the lady at the store made you that at the restaurant.
Something about Zig and what other people are zagging at. I don't know, we can't remember what it was. looking Okay, so I'll leave you with this. Quote of the day for the 11th of February, 2023. So very, very much relevant. ah You never know when a moment and a few sincere words can have an impact on a life. That's so much better. you guys I like that. yeah You never know when a moment and a few sincere words can have
an impact on a life. I like that. I do too. That's from, that's Zig Ziglar. I've got no idea. Who the heck is Zig Ziglar? Zag Ziglar. Zag when other people are zigging. Zig Ziglar. Zig Ziglar is ah always an American motivational speaker. There you go. There you go. Thanks everybody. It's been fun. Until, until next week.
Bye. Look out for each other. Stay safe. Bye.