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Episode 052 - 2025 and Beyond w/King Tom image

Episode 052 - 2025 and Beyond w/King Tom

S1 E52 · Just Shillin'
34 Plays25 days ago

King Tom joins us today to elevate the conversation quality. You can find him on the Sith List and on Bluesky

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Thank you to our good friend Chris Hall for the amazing cover artwork! I'm sorry that I keep butchering it with my silly edits.


Celebrating a Milestone with Tom Jansky

Hello and welcome to episode number 52 of Just Shilling. ah While most people wouldn't think think this is like a special episode, when Andy and I got going on this, we like we didn't make it a ah mandate, but we were like, let's try to do this every week. And so this is a special episode. This is our 52nd episode, so we've been doing this every week for a year. I'm one of your hosts, Sean Hoffman.
And I'm your host, Andy Bell. And today, folks, you can't celebrate an anniversary or a special occasion and like this without having an absolute legend of a guest. As we promised last week, we do have that legend of a guest. And I'm very, very pleased to introduce you to the King of All Toms, Mr. Tom Jansky. Hey, Tom.
ah Thank you so much, Andy and Sean, and happy anniversary, and thank you for having me. And you when you kind of previewed it last week, I was like, who are they setting up to have next week?

Adjusting the Episode Format for a Special Guest

then And then here I am. So I've been listening since you guys launched and have loved the conversations you've had together, you've had with our friends. And yes, i've been I've wanted to be on the show for a while. I'm thrilled to be here. and I'm excited that it's this week of all week so thank you so much for that. Will it make it make so much sense it just make so much sense lecture.
Yeah, like it's ah like we we've been talking about it for a while, and we're like, but we want to we want to have him on where we can like really let him like elevate the conversation to a different level. like like I don't want to bring him on like during one of

Weekly Review and Specialist Guest Topics

the dead weeks. of like like what So what do you have to say, King Tom? I'm like, no. where we we We have one episode of Skeleton Crew left. It's the beginning of a new year.
like let's this is perfect this perfect timing that's man it's as simple as simple as that so thank you thank you thank you for coming on and i'm excited to to see what see what we come up with here so what we are going to do guys is as usual in in typical positioning fashion we try and change up the content a little bit all the discussion points in a little bit, in the management of having an esteemed guest like Tom. um So what we're going to do is we'll talk through our um ah week, what we've been up to, and anything that's tickled our fancy in terms of what we've been watching, consuming, reading, playing. We won't draw it out as as we normally do you our normal in our normal weeks, but what we'll do is we'll keep that to a minimum.
so that we can then go into a review of of this week's skeleton crew, which for me blew my stocks off.

Tom Jansky's Weekly Highlights

And then of course we'll have a specialist guest topic subject um um to round out the ah the evening's entertainment. So, guest first. Tom, how's your week been? What have you been up to? Anything that's tickled your fancy?
Uh, my week's been pretty all right. This is my first full week back at work. Oh, wow. And my department does work for other departments at work. And sometimes we rely on them and a lot of them are like, well, we're still working on planning for 2025.
So are you guys hiring? This is awesome. yeah i did That's a thing. I don't think so. I wish. um But yeah, so work has been easy. We've had a lot of snow here. The kids were supposed to be back this week. They had Monday, Tuesday, and Friday off.
Uh, we've got more than a foot of snow and I've kind of, uh, you know, i I record, I call this the communication center. It's actually the laundry room. Uh, and I got a mini fridge for down here for Christmas. I, you know, redid the lighting. like We got a little carpet. So I've been slowly redoing this room to make it work. That's good, by the way, I have to say thank you you're, you're like lighting a spot on.
Yeah, I wanted to do something about that door and I wanted to get something for here. I had a picture that it fell, uh, frame broke. Uh, but it was a piece I got. Um, actually Dallas would shout out to Dallas wherever you are. He, uh, found this artist at a local cod years ago who was doing like historical paintings, but with Star Wars figures, but like, like, um, they were like,
people in the military. So there was this one picture of Lando Calrissian, like a old-timey admiral with that, you know, the big sailor's hat. And and I had it here for years, but the the frame broke and I got a few other things, that artist. So I want to get that. So I have a few other things I like to do here. um And then my wife and I this week, ah there's a show on Peacock called The Day of the Condor.
with Lashana Lynch and Eddie Redmayne. It was 10 episodes and ah we just finished it today. It's about an assassin ah played by Eddie Redmayne and the MI6 agent ah who's tracking him down.
du And it was it was it mostly took place in Europe, so great, great locations. ah it is fit there There were a few things I didn't like in the end, but I thought it was very well done, and it's the type of thing where she's the good guy, he's the bad guy, but I want them both to succeed. And trade. I don't have P-Type or what. I'd recommend it. there are there was There was a disappointment or two, but I'd still recommend it.
Nice. Make note of that on my notepad. Did I say Day of the Jackal, I think? Oh, since a remake. Is it a remake of the old Edward Foxville? I don't know. So what happened was I thought it was Day of the Condor, but it's based on a book named Day of the Jackal. Day of the Condor was a Robert Redford movie.
from the 70s. And I was telling my wife this, and you know, she and I like espionage type things. We got to watch that now sometime. that um So no, this is Day of the Jackal, I apologize. david right I get watch you ah would have watched thirds of that other movie and been like, all right I don't think Eddie Redmayne's in this. yeah I don't think he's the lead. I think Redmayne's not showing up. Yeah, that's an old but that's um that's an old film. um Yeah, I'm i'm sure, Day of the Jackal, I am sure,
is an old film but I also think it's a um also thought a modern film with Bruce Wares. I could be wrong. I could be completely wrong.
It's all happening in real time. Anything else? Sorry, what while I look that up, anything else? and Anything else you've been checking out this week, Tom? ah Not really. You know, just doing my thing, listening to

Sean's Reflections and Recommendations

Weezer, reading comic books, hanging out with my kids. i'm playing a I've been playing a lot of Roblox with my daughter. Right. there is it it's it's been It's been fun. but You know, it's been fun. I play, you know, like Mario Kart, Mario Party with my son, ah which is fun too.
With Roblox, are you more of a team that kind of goes in and builds something yourselves? Or do you go and play other people? because i know roblock Roblox for people who've never heard of Roblox is like, it's just a game. It's like, you have no idea what it is. no It's everything. It can be anything and everything.
Yeah, she she found this game, um which despite the current political climate is pretty enjoyable to play. It's called Oath of Office, where you're a person in government and you can serve in one of the different branches of American government. and
It's, you know, there are, it like automates elections and things like that. And she and I, it's kind of fun because you don't have the same avatar, same name every time you play. And so either, you know, we were Congress or we're attorneys or this and that. And sometimes you get um people who are very serious about the game. Sometimes you get people who are very joking about the game. And then she and I will go to the presidential debates and my daughter, they've become, ah they've done this on their own.
Yeah. My daughter is a Weezer fan. Excellent. I nudged, but I'm not pulling. Good parenting. ah ah Thank you. And so my my daughter and I will be at the presidential debate and you know start shouting, when is Weezer showing up?
Because you'll have, you know, you'll have people playing who don't know what they're supposed to do on stage and everything. You don't have a lot of time to play either. It's a very quick moving game. Yeah, that's awesome. Love Roblox. Roblox is fun. We're not trolls. I promise you we're not trolls. We go in, we try to have a good... We try to play a good game, ah but we also like to have fun. Make it a little light-hearted, you know? Right. that's wrong That's how you do it with your kids. To show them.
How's your week been, and what what have you been, because we're combining, if you like, agenda rights and wanting to at the same time, which is cool with me, because we've got a lot to go through. How's your week been, and what have you been consuming?
So to kind of start off with, um I've had a lot of people reach out um regarding the fires in California to start. I am nowhere close to those fires this time, like them for the first time ever. I feel like they are they're a couple hours away from me, but I do appreciate everybody reaching out. ah The second part of that is,
um My heart goes out for all of our friends and family who are affected by that. like that's That's pretty massive. I know i know what that's like ah to be evacuated. and stuff Not to bring it down, but I just want to like, I feel bad not saying anything considering I'm constantly riddled with wildfires.

Leaked Insights into Star Wars Projects

um It's a stress that just kind of sucks. So my heart goes out to all those people with all that.
um I've kind of had my head in the sand about it. like i didn't I didn't really know it until i this week. I started like hearing about it. I don't know where I've been. I've been in La La Land or something. um So yeah, I know it's kind of late better than ever. Outside of that, dude, it's been pretty low key this week. um Just wo a lot of work.
We don't really do spring cleaning. We do winter cleaning. So we're doing a lot of that been like reorganized. It's like I'm trapped inside. Let me reorganize a room So that the other thing we did is last night we went to this They do this local like charity film festival thing. It's not it's not like long films. It's just like short films It's called the Tahoe adventure film fest where they play like five to fifteen minute long short films for like like six or seven of them and And it's all like a big, all the seats go towards a local charity that does avalanche stuff and local community things. But the only reason I'm talking about that is there's nothing groundbreaking. Well, one, I didn't win the raffle, which is shocking and upsetting. But that's not here nor there. But the other part of it is there was a film that I watched that was called 26,000 Days.
um It's on Vimeo. I'll post a link in the description and stuff. It's just there was something about it. It's like 10 minutes long. It's about ah like a guy who flies. They're all like adventure films like skiing, like a guy who's got one leg, you go skiing. And this one was about a an air show pilot and just like his like philosophy towards life. And it's just the it filming The drone pilot and the pilot himself and like the cinematography of it are just like the craziest things I've ever seen in my life. like Just to hook light hook people, like he's ah an air show pilot, but like he likes he was raised to fly like ah gliders. So he likes to take his, like every day he'll take his airplane up and like cut the engine.
and like just glide down, but he's like doing like loops and barrel rolls and just all of this insane stuff and just like opening the door, put his hands when they're like dragging the plane in the water. It's the craziest thing I've ever seen, but all like backed by this like philosophy towards life. Dude, it's crazy. It's awesome, but it's called 26,000 days. Link will be in the description. So that was cool. I was just kind of shocked by it.
um In terms of consuming, do i have it the only thing I've been consuming is that Going Rogue podcast you talked about last week, Andy. hot tell it and of stealing it and stealing from it from me. I blew through the Rogue One episodes. I think there's like five or six. It's really good. I highly recommend it to anybody who likes that kind of behind the scenes ah stuff that maybe you're more interested in, like you're interested in the kind of the behind the scenes stuff with like how movies are made, what it means to ADR and like the trials and tribulations

Star Wars and Other Media Consumption During Recovery

of some of these movies. And I've moved on to the solo stuff now and I don't know how much I know Andy.
Well, and I was going to say, for context of it all, I'm a big follower of Adam Savage. I watched a lot of Adam Savage on on on on YouTube. And he he he goes through every year, he goes through his top five things of the year. And one of them that he brought up recently was going road. And it's basically a lady, a Australian lady that started off by producing all and a a limited six episode run behind the scenes inside. It's kind of collected all the media behind the scenes, media and insight and content of ah of of the making of Rogue One.
it's not and There's not an awful lot of new information in there, but it's it's kind of contextualized into individual subjects, and it's really, really good. And then she got encouraged by this six-part, what should have been a standalone six-part series, um and has continued with other media, including Solo as well, and going through the kind of trials and tribulations of getting that movie getting that movie made. It's really good stuff. It really is good. I do recommend it.
Yeah, um actually, Catherine Nying reached out to me, because I think you you guys were talking about it on the Star Wars Spelt Out recap. strange not me yeah And um I don't mean to derail things, but this is something else I've kind of been into ah this past week, and I think this might have been why Catherine. It's all come full circle. Yes, and I'm not seeing it now. um my my my my No work is done.
Yes. There's a person named Andrew, LL Cole, 3993 on Blue Sky um that had a pretty big post this past week or two. Actually, I think it was two weeks ago, but a lot of people picked up and noticed it this week. um I guess this person got a shooting schedule for The Rise of Skywalker. One.
which had because you know the story was ever changing and it had um the original like lineup for how things were supposed to be shot and there are some pretty big differences because you're dealing like with a lot of code names and it doesn't say like It doesn't say everything, all of the dialogue that happens, but you get an idea of who talks to to to whom about what. um And it sounds like in the original version, for instance, Ben went back to the Jungle Planet with Finn and Poe.
After Rey healed him, somehow Ben went back to the Jungle Planet with Finn and Poe and had a conversation with Han Solo on the Millennium Falcon.

Review and Speculation on Skeleton Crew Series

he had some knowledge which allowed the, like the ending was very different. He had knowledge which allowed the resistance to take down the Star Destroyers with a code. And I think that Ray and Palpatine or the new Palpatine, which might've been played by Matt Smith at this point, they fought on the roof.
of that building on Exegol. There are a whole number of different things, and um this person has a also has a blog. um which i need i need to to They've mentioned the blog somewhere. and I need to find it. um I'm sharing a link to their their blue sky so you can keep it the show notes if you want.
But their blog has a number of very well written articles on how The Rise of Skywalker evolved from the original, so like it's a very good summary of the original scripts from What's His Name Who Got Canned and the guy who wrote the Harry Potter movie that I remember the summary was one of the worst Star Wars takes of all time. He had some rogue, he also has rogue one. um like how that story developed, the Phantom Menace, so yeah. So that's one other, and I don't mean it derail us or bring it back to us. No, no, no, no, no, no. It's that behind the scenes stuff that I think is like really kind of scratching an itch for me right now, especially with kind of the ramping down of some content. Like I feel like we're far enough away. It's kind of like, all right, somebody's collating this stuff together and like, yeah, I'm ready to consume it now. I'm very glad we got what we got, even though I had issues with
Some issues with Bratha Skywalker, I still really enjoy the movie. Yeah. But I do like knowing, A, what it could have been, but also there's still a chance that some deleted scenes exist or things like that. Wouldn't it be something to get to get ah an extended version? I don't mean an extended version as an special edition whereby it changes the context because what we have is what we have.
And it should always be that way. You should always be that way. um But it would be great to get some of this stuff incorporated 10 years down the line or even five years down the line when people are a little bit less salty about the whole experience.
Mm-hmm. I think yeah, I think you're right. Well, that's why I hold on to as well because it's like companies like this especially anymore They capture and keep everything it's all archived like they're not it's not like the storyboards and the drafts and stuff have all been just Thrown in the trash and shredded. It's like no that stuff ah Stuff is all there i'm hoping they let some researchers or somebody in in like ten years making kind of right yeah around that yeah and as long as it and as long as it doesn't as i said as long as it doesn't change that because when you like it when you know that when you are different about it a lot of it can change the the original the original vision of the director then i'm all for it
And they'll they'll reuse concepts, art, maybe even for things they weren't originally intended for. yeah yeah in it The name Kira got reused how many times?

Future of Star Wars Series and Content

anything else though? the only The only other thing is kind of silly. The only kind content we've been consuming. Madison's never seen it. And I don't know how we've got sucked into this. But we've been watching King of the Hill, the old television show by Mike. Me. Mainly because I call i call her boom power sometimes. Because she's from the South. And like and i car it's its it so it's context. And it's actually like it doesn't age well. But at the same time, it kind of does. It's almost like it predicted the future with some of the stuff that nonsense they say. But it's. ah
It's entertaining. That's all I got, man. That's it. Are you still living tonight? She finds it funny in like an endearing kind of way of like, oh, like I- Okay. I relate to this, but there's other times where it's like, oh, gosh, but no. Yeah, it's a good little romp.
and Excellent. So I've had a busy week guys, because um I'm stuck at home with treatment at the moment. And we're going to detail of that, but I'm still going through treatment. So I spent a lot of time at home, I have finished the Lego, the Lego home one mini chef or mini chef. Do you recommend it came out it was it's, um it's brand new. It came out this month in the new in the new and addition to that that lego line um but it looks nice on the shelf i'm in the wrong room so i can't show you but i'll i'll take some snips and fly them over and stick them on stick them on the site i've also been spending more money shawn nice my favorite i've been spending more money no no oh wow no no i haven't i have lots lots and lots and lotss and lots lots lots lots of um
hospital appointments now diarised for me. And so with that in mind, I've obviously got to wear the correct attire and there's no way I'm wearing those ridiculous.
Those ridiculous gowns were there. Yeah. that Yeah. Ghetto Rome's the wrong way around, if you know what I mean. yeah So, so, so I've bought a bunch of hoodies, a bunch of t-shirts, um,
And again, I'll share with you, they are pretty much exclusively Star Wars, so I'll share some photographs, obviously with them. But at the same time as well, um I have said because, well, there's one announcement, kind of one announcement, which is, obviously now with me knowing what kind of treatment it looks like ahead of me,
I will not be going to um Star Wars Tokyo anymore, so I won't, but I'm sure we'll be doing this. But for those of you guys that ah may not, that we're looking forward to meet at celebration, I'll no longer be going. So I need to work out what we're going to do about its back ticket um that that then we've got at the moment. But at the moment, yeah, I will not be, I'll probably neck deep in in in in treatment at the moment in time. So as a result of that, I've been getting into the spirit of of Japan. um And A, all of the stuff that I brought to you um
for various birthdays and christmases are on their way to you now so i'm not i can't wait i don't know it's you now my my friend and there's a couple of other things in there as well that i bought this week um just to get you in the spirit of uh of of of a star wars celebration um so here well japan sorry celebration that's that's on the way ah um yes and we'll do the unboxing live um Early news I picked up this week, which got me a little bit excited. And it was excited for you, really, Sean. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, last bone-in movie coming out. I don't know if you've seen that. But that looked particularly exciting. I mean, I'm not... I'm she i'm too old to have been involved, to really have got into Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. But the original comics, the original black and white manga,
really, really, really, really push some buttons for me. And my understanding is that this last Ronin series that has been out is meant to be extremely good. And then using that as a baseline for a movie sounds pretty good. What do you think? Tommy, you follow Turtles, right?
Not really. ah I think by the time they were a cartoon, I just i just never hugely got into them. I would watch it. I had a younger brother. um He was into them, and I remember playing the toys, and that was the most I got into them, just for some reason. right But I know a lot of people love it, and it seems good for what it is. I think it was also aggravated by the n NES game as a child.
oh i yes i was i was i was i think I guess I was thinking of it from a comic perspective because I know that you're a comic aficionado and I know that certainly the original comics for me and played ah played a big part in um starting my fascination with manga in particular. Yeah. know And then yeah I understand the comics were really, really well done too. I just, I don't know, I just never- Yeah. Yeah. They have a complicated history for sure in terms of quality with the Turtles kind of franchises. Those original ones were like unique in their own way, but then once the cartoon came out,
They've kind of had a hit, a very hit or miss, mostly miss kind of history with, and I do appreciate the toys where they overlap with other universes. I think that's always hilarious and fun. Like the current one is, ah what is it, ah Turtles and Masters of the Universe, I think is what they're doing. think I think I've seen those in Target, yeah.
Yeah, where they got like Rocksteady and Bebop like with two heads on the same toy. It's just, it's weird. But the last thrown in one, what I think what was ah kind of in the same vein of like Batman Begins or any of these other ones where you take a franchise and he's like, hey, we're going to make it like super gritty now. And the story, the story's really good. I'm interested to see how they do it. um So it's not, this is not a spoiler, but this is like, like you don't know who the last Ronin is. You don't know which one. And so I'm telling you that so you don't go, if you care to keep that a secret, kind of it keeps it a secret kind of through, throughout this, the franchise and you kind of get flashbacks and stuff. So if you don't want to know who that is before watching this inevitable movie, then I would purposely avoid it because I think that's one of the big key pieces as it was being released. It's like, who is it? You don't know.
And kind of getting that, I hope they kind of ah capture that as well as they do this movie. I hope that's kind of the big piece of like, well, who is it? who's Who's left? What happened to the others? Excellent. Yeah, that's pretty sick. Excellent. I'll be quick on what I've consumed. So I'm listening, going rogue all the way. I'm burning through them at the moment. And as a result of that, i it drove me to watch um it drove me to watch Rogue One. We're having that context of how, because an awful lot of, I've been told, an awful lot of what's in her, in those episodes is not new news. and it's It should be well known, but there's there's a lot there that I didn't know. And so rewatching it, rewatching Rogue One ah was quite an experience. Also rewatch, excuse me,
Carrying on because the girls have been back again this week carrying on the idea of watching the franchise relatively quick franchise This was we ended up burning through avatars one and two um and I was left I hand three hours to myself and I was able to ah Get through the Empire Strikes Back being the best movie of all time ever um It's obviously it was Gonna happen if I do have three hours spare on my own um That's what's gonna be on my TV. So I had that and then lastly believe it a lot from a movie side of things We revisited the Golden Child with Eddie Murphy. I don't know how you guys feel about our movie, but a thousand ain't as well as I thought it might
um it wasn't as it could be it could be my current state of mind i don't know but it wasn't as funny or as
what I'm trying to say. what Yeah, it wasn't as funny as I remember it being, ah which is ah which is a bit of a disappointment. But um yeah, we went a bit net retro and watched The Golden Child. In terms of TV,
um be ah still watching. Obviously, it's quite a group. I'm still burning through shrinking, silo, and due prophecy, albeit painfully slowly. Sorry, sorry, Sean. I've got to do prophecy really quick. I'm still processing it, so you have plenty of time. and Then ah also going through because Lucy and i yeah ah well I, in particular, have gotten on this pirate game at the moment. We're burning through black sails. As you know, ah we we bought that on Blu-ray.
because we can't get it on network or we can't get it on streaming the UK. So we're burning through that on Blu-ray, and it's a bloody good romp. It really, really is. And there's ah there's a um lastly, there's a program in the UK called The Traitors, which is basically a game show whereby, I think you've got a mistakes mirror.
there is tell i think I think the BBC have sold the right to the... um A game shall call the traitors to the US because there is, I can see advertised, the traitors US actually on actually on um
buts all Yeah, fuck that's why yeah you haven't heard of it ah Okay, basically long on the short of it it's a a game show whereby yeah You have to you have to and there are two traitors which have to kill that or that they nominate people at night to kill and it's mean and job of The Faithfuls, who's everyone else, um to guess who the traitors are so they can eliminate them and there's a prize cash reward involved and it's it's all good fun. It brings up the baking, the working people, um but it's good fun to watch. And that's it, that's it mate. So that is kind of where we are in terms of our week, which leads us up to review for me,
we major pinnacle of the week being the um the latest Scotland group, ah episode 7. Guess first, what did you think? Tom? Loved it. Loved it, thank you. ah Yeah, I hate that Jod is so irredeemably evil now at this point. um it's It's hard to see us getting his redemption.
ah But I think it's just been done so well, and I'm really looking forward to seeing but where it's going. ah I think you know the the kids, and just seeing how they've kind of come together, how they've grown as characters, the journey they've been on, the relief at coming home after all this, yet at the same time, the terror of having to be with Jod, the way it was done.
Um, you know, I was, I was on the edge of my seat and then when, it when it ended like that, ah I, I want it to be Tuesday already. Tell me, is your, have your ah you own kids come together on this program? Is it something that's resonated with them?
I've not watched it with my daughter yet. She and I just have a list of things we have to watch ah together. ah my son My son really enjoys it, but now that he's back in school, ah you know, for December, school was very light, so we let him stay up late to watch it. um But now, like, he couldn't watch this past week just because it was on past his bedtime.
Right. I mean i mean you mean, he's really enjoyed it too. He took it much better than he did the acolyte. Right. And that's good to know because the the the reason why I'm asking is that um i' I'm loving it. I'm loving every minute of it. Sean and I talk back lyrical about this program every single week and how it's just so refreshing. um And it also
It's one of the only programs that my, or one of the only, apart from Andor, it's the only

Vision for Star Wars' Diverse Storytelling

Star Wars program that my family has wanted to watch with me. They're asking me to, draw you know, they're asking me, when's it on? It's not a case of, oh, I'm not watching that, I'm going in the other room. And it's the only one. And, but of course, I think to myself,
We're not the target demographic, no which is the reason why I'm asking in you, with your kids, at their age, whether it really is resonating with them. It is, yes. i I mean, at least with my son, it is, yeah. Right. And that's very cool. I mean, I think with you buying Black Series, Andy, I think you might be the target demographic. Honestly, man, I don't know what it...
I keep repeating myself. It came out at the right time. It came out Christmas. So I start the merch was ready. That helps an awful lot. I mean, at the end of the day, if I give it five months from now, six months from now, had, you know, had I seen this guy in my local Walmart or in my world, in my local Tesco, I wouldn't have bought it. I wouldn't have bought him. But because he was there, the whole, the whole if you like, Scarlet and Crew in extravaganza, has been right up my alley, really has. Yeah, and it's just, I think it's great. I think it's great. Sure, what do you think, top line, what do you think of the episode itself?
Uh, it was, I loved it. I mean, I love every episode. It's not my favorite one. Um, I, I am allergic to cliffhanger endings. Like there's just, there's something about my, my spicy brain that's just like, as soon as it happens, I'm just like,
No, don't want to wait. It's the millennial in me just being like, I need it now. I need the instant gratification. Please give me, give me what happens next. ah But I loved it. I thought it was good. I repeating kind of what Tom was saying. Like I think Jod is doing, i I go back and forth like, do I want him to be redeemed? Do I not want him to be redeemed? Like I kind of, I'm kind of sitting in camp. Like I don't want him to be redeemed because he's just, he's such just a purely,
Like, I don't want to say evil. He's not evil, he's just greedy. And he's just an ass. Like, and that's perfect. And I love him for it. And I think it's just so, like he doesn't need a, I mean, he probably will be redeemed, but I'm kind of like, he's just the jerk. Like, and that's okay. He doesn't need some like backstory. I still want to believe the supervisor's his dad. I'm not giving up on that. I'm going to write it to like, write that into the ground. But ah yeah, dude, I loved it. That's my one run on sentence line.
So you guys in agreement that there's no way to be redeemed in any way whatsoever. olo I'd love for it to happen just because I think true law is a great actor and he's having a great time in the Star Wars universe. And I really think that when he's good and charming, I think John is a great character.
And it would take a brain more creative than mine to figure out how he died how he has anything other at to end this series with than getting crushed by a pile of dataries. Yeah, that's the that's the problem. He doesn't get redeemed. How the hell do you sustain this? and so i threatening warning what what do you What are you doing next? Unless that's already been planned for.
So I think I'm in the camp of like, I don't think he's, I don't think he could be redeemed. Like he's like, Oh, I'm a good guy now. But I, I think I'm more in the argument of like, is he going to die or is he not going to die? I'm hoping he doesn't die. I hope he like gets arrested almost like Scooby-Doo villain style where he's still bad, but he just gets caught and he's being drug away by the new Republic or something. So it's like, we don't lose it. And he would've, and he would've gone away with it if it hadn't been for those pesky kids.
Exactly, yeah, I'm like, yeah so he can just walk away just infuriated like like he was when he was yelling at him to shut up and to be quiet and he's sick of them, but like they win and he's getting drug away by the New Republic. Like that to me in my current, it's only noon, maybe it'll change later today, but I'm like, yeah, that's what I want. I want him to just see him be mad that he got foiled by kids. I think that's perfect for me. So with that in mind,
Are we saying that then, Tom let me ask you this question, do you think this is the one and done? Do you think this is the one and done series? Or do you think this spins off or something else? Because everything we're talking about, the idea of June's character having some sort of continuation, I wouldn't have that.
I would, and I know, you know, they've said that we'll see characters from the skeleton crew in the, whatever it is, ah whatever, Filoni's cooking in his kitchen. Uh, but I, and I don't know how you have a.
second season or a continuation of this story without having it too contrived? and Just because, you know, they they did strike gold with Jude Law with these four kids with this planet. And how do you say what their next story is to get them in a similar situation? i And I'm not, this is not to get anything against skeleton group because the story is so good. I think that this kind of figures into my wish list or what I would do if I was in charge. I think that we have to accept certain stories as being like one season or whatever. ah you i think otherwise I think there's, oh, go ahead. No, I was going to say otherwise the kids, if the kids get themselves in the same predicament again, it's a little bit like,
homeal then two right but it's kind of back exactly and you know i'm I'm all for if they can do it right a second season of Obi-Wan. But I think we also have to be content with what we got because it was such a good story and wrapped up everything nicely.
Maybe you could do something more flashback-heavy or as he communes with Qui-Gut, but i I think that stories that are one season, miniseries, whatever, use those characters again in the future. Don't put them in the same situation. Don't call it the same thing, but season two. I think i i think we need to get used to focusing on stories.
Yeah. second Seconding that, i think I think this will be the one and done for this this group, the skeleton crew. I don't think we're done with the skeleton crew kind of mini-verse. I think we'll get stories off of this, but I don't think it's gonna be with those kids at least for a couple years because kind of like what you're saying, it's like, well, we can't really see them get into the same predicament. Like at that point, it's just negligence.
like you kids you gotta finish your school and like do norm living normal life we don't need more kids getting sucked into war like like as fun as that is like it's just it's kind of the adventure and i'm i'm i hate to say it this way like because i don't want to be misinterpreted i kind of hope it's done with one with the kids because i hope it buttons us up into a nice non-clip hangry end of season one. like sure And just like button that up. But then in a couple years, if they can find a story when the kids are a bit older, like because I don't think, well, shit, we got on another ship and we went out to Spain. It's like, well, what are we doing? like Get it together. um Yeah. So i and so i was I was going to move on to kind of speculate where you think the finale is going. I will do.
I will do that, but one thing I will say is that I kind of agree. ah did I do think this is going to be a one and for the children, but they left such huge huge pieces. yeah yeah I mean, there's something wrong with that planet, right? There is something wrong where, you know, that the the population is being is being controlled one way or another is going through some sort of control. It's it's being it's a great experiment. There is something there is something going on there. And I would find one, one episode that we have left very, very
unlikely um or while to be very unlikely to be able to start war on that kind of stuff up. What do you think, Sean? Sean, in terms of terms of next week and what are you expecting? First of all, what do you expect to see next week?
Well, I mean, I think it kind of, so I'll talk about a piece of that. You know I love to speculate. um I don't think we're gonna get all the answers. But this is a weird, I know this is like a weird timing thing and I could be wrong. um But I'm pretty sure the High Republic's coming to an end this year with books and stuff. it is So my cockadoody speculation outside of the final episode is I think that there's gonna be ah a lot of books coming out that fill in a lot of these gaps. Like after the High Republic kind of shift into a
a skeleton. i don't I'm just completely making this up, so it's based on literally nothing besides gut feelings. um In terms of the episode...
i think I think the barrier is going to play a big part in that I don't think the big pirate ship is going to get to come down. I think it's i think that's like a forcing function of like the the resolution under the barrier on the planet is going to have to be solved by the people who are inside.
And I think I think that's kind of a cool storytelling thing where it's like, you're not going to get a huge and an atmosphere space battle or ground battle. like I think it's maybe New Republic shows up and they're all farting around up there. But like, Jot the issue with Jot is going to be solved by the people on the planet or the robots on the planet. ah That's kind of my That's all I got. like I have no clue. like i I know I'm the pie in the sky. The supervisor, the other ah part is like the supervisor, whether he has a pile of bones, there are a pile of bones on it on a chair that the robots just can't comprehend and they just keep going about it. Or it is a character that is actively doing something that is memorable. I think that is a crucial piece to the end of this show. What about you? What about you, Tom?
Yeah, I agree with ah what Sean said. i also kind of My mind goes places and I look at things from a practical point of view. and and i I don't know if you happen to listen to the syphilis, but I have a theory about what this money means.
And yeah my question is is around, they're going to have to say, what does this immediate money mean to the old republic? Is it actually something that they could take this money to the new republic? And they'll be rich because it still counts this money, it still uses money, or is it a collector's item, or is it made up of a Metal that they need somewhere, but I think the money is going to be involved somehow ah Yes, the the Pirates think they will be rich for some reason or another but at the same time you can't just flood the economy with Millions of credits from hundreds of years ago. So I you know, I get my mind gets caught up in in questioning things like that and you know, how will These characters translate to whatever Filoni's big finale is
And do you think the great work is associated with the cash or do you think it's something else? i think I think it's all about the cash. I think the at some point deal for republic hadities it's the like Wasp's Dharma Initiative. They had these special planets sequestered, quarantined, so they could do things like mint money. um And they might have all been mints or maybe the other ones were um you know one where they come up with medicines and another, you know they solve society's problems.
but I think they were all trying to do something for for the old, old republic. Okay. Sean, you want to say something? ah Just the ideal of society is like they're isolated from things and like people go there and it it's kind of self-isolate and like that's part of like the the great work ah kind of yeah kind of idea, like the ideals of it. It's like we're or almost sacrificing to go do this. um I do think the money is going to come into play and like i I don't know if I don't think it's gonna necessarily come into play like in this ah you know will in the show but like in the bigger picture like I think it's gonna become a well now people know about this we need to offload and then I think that's gonna be like the sporter of like a million stories after that like how do we safely get this money out of here for the New Republic without getting hijacked by pirates and things all the time it's like and that that to me is fast like exciting because it's like oh
It can't stay here like it's got to go somewhere else because they know about it. So how all the stories that could spin off of like getting it from A to B or somewhere else. ah And who do we think, Tom, who do we think is, who do we think that it's obviously an ancient, something that's ancient, something that has been going on for a while. There's this history here, but in today's, sorry, and in today, I mean, in the context of the programme, in today's day, today's date, in today's environment, who would it be serving?
i someone to make Yeah, I would like to think the Republic, but it would also make sense that Thrawn or the people behind him dare hands on it too. I'm thinking he's keeping this going. He's keeping this. Right. He's keeping this. My thought was that I don't think that anyone is keeping it going. They just
It's been going on its own where they've been filling up the vaults and note they haven't had an emissary in hundreds of years. Right, okay. and that think That's what I'm thinking. He thinks somebody at some point would maybe switch off switch off the bare belt and say, hey, is anyone going to take up this parcel? Yeah.
So this is going to make this this reference is going to make sense to literally probably nobody but me. um I play a lot of factory automation games. This to me is that factory I built on the edge of the island and then went to go do something else and forgot about. And then I go over there and everything stopped because all of the warehouses are full and I completely forgot about it for 60 hours of the game.
That's what, that like it's a huge it's a huge universe and like once you lose a little bit of connection, it's like, yeah, there're just do there's they're a machine and they're just in there operating. And that weird volume, Moria, whatever thing is that smelt her. And i know i remember I did list the sick list and I remember talking about like the inflation and stuff. And so oh i could get I kept getting into the same headspace too and I was like,
I mean, would this cause inflation? Because I don't, like the scale of the Republic, is this a lot of money for the whole picture? ah Or is it just like, is it like a bank? Like a single bank?
in in a country. like right that's ah And then I'm like, what am I doing? like what well i think it's It's a lot for a single person, but if you all of a sudden introduced 11,038 whatever vaults did they back into the economy that they hadn't accounted for.
like does it Does the economy even work the same way in the galaxy? I don't know. I'm just a podcaster. The 40 million, was that it? 40 million they stole off of Al Dadi 10 years before this, 10, 15 years before this. That didn't put a dent in the empire's economy, but it was enough to be noticeable and and cause an issue. It made them mad for sure. right So that's our speculation for next week.
what assuming galactic interest rates go up by two percent here yeah yeah what assuming that it it if it was to continue so it not not in it but i think we all agree it's a one and done exercise when it comes down to you are born done um um a story from children but there's so much there and showing you've hinted on what you think is it it It coincides nicely with the end of the of the High Republic. Tom, if this was to go anywhere beyond this this single season, where would you want it to go? Or would you speculate it going? I would want a story about how the kids
try to bring AT-AT out to the galaxy. o
And yeah you know there we we had some discussion about um whether the rat is actually Smee on the Sith list. yeah ah I want the rat involved. Sorry, can I enter that? Can I enter that? Yes. On Star Wars spelled out.
Lane K. So our friend was mean. She's been speculating that the rat is the captain. All along. Oh, okay.
So anyway, I just thought I interrupted you. My apologies. Shout out to Catherine. Yeah, I'd be fine with that. And then maybe ah some some of the credits fell and knocked some sense into Jod. And he remembers that he was a great Jedi at one point who was hit on the head 30 years ago. and and He thought he was a pirate. The rat bites his ankle, and then he trips and falls into the pile of datories, and they just collapse on him. Because they're like water. You catch them, and they just the smog all the way down. It's like, what is it? Yeah. That rat's coming into play. I i also would love to see a a scene where Jod just goes swimming in the credits. Just because. Just dives in. Right. but the reason I mean, the reason why I ah
I like that idea. I like that idea. I like that idea, because Wim is dreaming of a life beyond Ararin. I mean, he's... We saw that with episode three. He started looking really disappointed. He was complaining that we've only just started. We've only started this thing and we're going home already. So I'd like to think they're also their adventures out there for them, but to your point, not in the same guise of what we've already got. Well, what are you sure?
ah drill down a little bit more on your on your theory i right I Think if they did a season two and they kind of continued to story beyond this I think it'll be kind of that that idea of like the ah exiting at at and and Like you can go with the family like what's it mean for the families? What's it mean for like everybody involved? if if the supervisor reveal is kind of this big and Something's got to come of that, whether they're not there, they're somebody who's important, or...
Like, that's gonna have ramifications. Like, do all the robots shut down? Do the robots, like, yeah figure it out and be like, wait, oh, we gotta leave now. And then they all wally it up and try it. Like, I think that's ah egg like the exodus. And so then the kids and all the other students get to, like, figure out, like, what it's like to leave and it's dangerous and where do we go? And then you can be the experiences on the new new world or that travel like that.
kind of an organ trail kind of um story where it's like loading up the wagons, hopefully not Last Jedi style. and then Wendell gets dysentery. yeah
yeah There was so something else. like yeah the rat I think the rat's going to come into play. like they wouldn't have shown it's its wouldn't and so That stuff I keep harping on of like there's things. I keep i i was like really in it with Hawes the other day. i'm like There's stuff that they keep doing from a cinematography standpoint. i'm like Like, the literal side of music, like that costs money to do. They wouldn't add that if it didn't mean something. Like, that that mouse has been, like, when he scurried out and you thought John was gonna step on it, it's like, it wouldn't do that if it wasn't gonna... Why did they hide the... Yeah, exactly. Why did they hide the face and they of the pirate captain? There's gotta be a reason for that. There's gotta be a reason for that. Or maybe non wendyy and it's just gonna be a hilarious ending and they never tell us who it is.
Yeah, exactly. that and and So from my point, I've got to be careful here. i
hu ah I've got to be careful about going too far into it, because when I think about the future of this franchise, it really is going to kind of railroad what I'm going to talk about in our guest topic discussion. So I'll be very, very quick. I would like to see further adventures, plural, from this, not necessarily based on added, but certainly based on on the on pirates being a category in in in Star Wars. So you've got, you know, you've got, yeah, we've got our gunslingers, we've got our
We've got our gunslingers, we've got our Jedi, we've got our smugglers, we've got our um um stood imperials, we but but but we don't have pirates in the category and so I would love to think that at at in maybe is is is maybe it's all bogus, maybe the whole thing is actually a ah big con, there is no vault there, but what it does do is it it pick spins off a whole new bunch of tales of people that we've met either during during this season, or that could be quite easily associated with this season, like Hondo and Aqua.
and Anyway, that's that. So all in all, I think we're all agreed. It's been a relatively successful season and I'm looking forward, it sounds like we're all looking forward to next week's finale at least anyway. I have one question I have one call night i forgot to ask. SM33, one, part A, does he make it or is he still alive? And two, if he's alive, where what is his fade to black, where is he?
Is he staying? Is he not? Is he going somewhere else? Who's he off with? Who's he with? Where's he at? What's he doing? If he's if he's still alive, any predictions on that? Since he's had this currently. I think he'll he'll be rebuilt. I think he'll be rebuilt and him and Wayne will go on our adventure together.
i I like that. i before now I'm thinking about that, considering it seriously. Before that, I was thinking he will be rebuilt, the rat will still be there, and he will be the new in charge of droids on ADAT. Ooh. Ooh. I like that.
I really like that. I like the idea of him getting rebuilt in the garage with like KB and Fern like instead of the bike they're working on him like he's not alive in the episode but like it's the end then he then like leads in like he's oh he's good now he can help or yeah I like that so the post the post the post critics means is one eye lighting up but Nice. Love it. I love that idea. They put a little door on the other one, like a little flap. So he doesn't knock it out all the time. What for the rat? Yeah, so the the rat's out. So it's not just a hole. He's got like a little door that he can build and close. Yeah. Yeah, that's a new imagination. Sure. Right, folks. Right. We are going to move on to our special guest topic. And um there's a reason. What we're going to do is we're going to
If you remember a couple of weeks back, we worked with the mighty Chris Hall to um to review the year that's just gone. So we reviewed our favorite scenes um across the whole of pop culture.
that really, really, really sang to us um in 2024. So we're told we thought we'd do something desolate. In fact, we said we thought we'd do something co-operative to that. And we thought we'd ask him about, or or the three of us would discuss very, what we're looking forward to for 2025 and beyond. um But because it's our anniversary,
It's our party um and the reason why Sean and I got together in the first place was our mutual love for Star Wars and One of the earliest hunginess. Sorry, my apologies. Star Wars and Guinness. And um one of the very, very first podcasters that we certainly resonated with was Mr. Tom Chansky. We thought we'd kind of put a Star Wars spin on this. So while I'm going to give everyone the option to um provide an honorable mention of anything else in pop culture,
The questions I've got at the moment that we're going to broadly discuss together as a team, as opposed to individually, is really, really focused on Star Wars at this moment in time. So I hope that made sense. Everyone cool with that? Yes. Excellent. So first of all, and there's a few questions here, and like we've been doing, Chris, we've run out of time, we can scale it back, or if we've got time, we can expand. um We're a relatively flexible podcast.
like Okay, first question question number one. What do we know is officially almost late for 2025 at the moment? I'm going to need your help with this, guys, because I'm not 100% sure outside of two or three things, I'm really not sure. So get first because you're more knowledgeable as well. i yeah that We're not, we're not ranking these. These are just what we know. Yeah. Okay. Um, live action, uh, Andor season two, which I believe I've seen a few places say is officially ah a hundred days away from right now when we are recording. So Andor season two is a hundred days away. Oh, is that that the official, is that the official, um, and or countdown, uh, meter on, uh, on, uh, 53, 53 minutes. Yeah. Yeah. Um, I believe vision season three.
we're getting at some point this year. um And then as you mentioned, ah the High Republic is going to be ending ah this year. Charles Sewell's book comes out in April or May, I believe. I'm really looking forward to that because I've i've enjoyed the High Republic a lot. And then there's a few things with comic books. um They're going to be launching some new series, doing some new types of things in in Star Wars.
But, uh, I think that might be it. I don't know that we're getting any video games. No, or Skella, Skellabration. Skella, yeah, Celebration. ah Which is intriguing that those, that book comes out around April or May, right around the same time as Celebration. Yeah. Well, you know, not that going to be a separate question, but I mean, I'm i'm equally, and I probably,
Excuse me, I probably shot us in the foot by making these um these questions focused specifically the on um uncle Star Wars, but like you, that's all I can get as well. but i mean I mean, we do have celebration in April. right What is going to be featured?
is that are you Anyone? question are you are you moving on to hal often or we i am i am I am actually going to move on to that question. What do we actually think is going to be featured?
show him go first i mean Okay, I'll go first. Okay. I'll go first. I'll go first um and or clearly ill I'll skip the easy stuff first and or It comes out like they're probably gonna bump before it a couple days and or it's gonna be a big one That's the obvious one. I think we're going to get Addition I'm calling it like the additional Mando verse info and like connections. So like we're gonna get ah more details on things that are connected to that Mando verse story like I have there's there's been like leaks like the Jeremy Allen white stuff But I feel like something has changed with like the Star Wars leaking in the last couple years it seems like there's It feels more buttoned up than it's been For the last 10 years recently I just it's a vibe I'm feeling so I feel like they're gonna come with some pretty heavy hitter like
Mandover stuff. I feel like we're gonna get an announcement of a new animated series focus on pirates inspired by skeleton crew, which I think would be sick ah Maybe it'll be on Brutus's twin brother Julius or something like that susan And I think we're gonna get a tease a teaser for a film that previously has had very little information I think that is what that is my prediction for celebration Do you think there's anything that Carvey isn't on on the snake I but well say i mean you' You're basically saying that cartoon series of pirates. We don't have animation outside of Visions. We don't have anything else on animation.
I think they're going to finally do the shakeup and announcements that they've been holding off on for a while. Like um like some of like the like some of the movies where they're like, oh, so-and-so is not on it anymore, this, that, and the other. I think they're going to come with a cleaned up slate and kind of reset expectations. They're not going to do this like, oh, and we got Taika Waititi and whatever, and whateverever in Ryan Johns, whatever. I think they're going to come with a a cleaner site, so I think a lot of it will be new, and I think we're gonna do a lot of clarifications and then teasers and animation. It's not gonna be huge like, oh, episode 11, episode 10 reveals, anything like that, but it's gonna be, they cleaned house a little bit and clarified. I think that's gonna be the big kind of push. And then new book pushes based on skeleton crewing pirates and stuff. What about you, son?
I'm with Sean, I think, and I think it's 99% oak. They're going to have a lot of stuff there announcing that we don't know about. I think the you know a number of things, mostly the strike of what was it two years ago, I think that pushed back some of their development and then just
not being able to get timing lined up with the creators they've had lined up. I think that's also pushed back. um do you think then some of them you say Do you think that they're conscious that they're looking quite slim at the moment? Do you think that they... I mean, i i don't I don't understand the industry, so I'm kind of... yeah and I don't understand how it works, but but having something as as large as celebration, which is really their, you know, richard really their soapbox for the year. And and like it's extremely expensive. It's expensive undertaking for people to to to to go to and to attend. Do you think that they're conscious that if they, then maybe repercussions, ah or do you think there may be repercussions if they
So don't come to the table with much. i' like I'd like to think they're conscious of that. I'd like to think they they know that. right I hope they are. um So yeah, I think they do. i I think it's a mix of wanting new... I hate using the word product.
But wanting new product that makes financial sense, because I think that's big to Disney, but also makes story sense and is also quality. yeah And I think it's a delicate balance. And and like I mentioned, they've had ah a lot of um creators that they've had lined up for things, but for various reasons. ah Yeah, some where the creators just didn't vibe with them, but also others like you know the the Ryan Johnson trilogy that was supposed to happen where timing wise it didn't work out. I think they have to make some commitments to these creators say, look, we are signing you up. We want you to do this.
I mean, it's easy for us to say what we see, ah but I think that that's what it seems like is happening. Do we have time to? Also, so i feels it it feels intentional to me like it feels like the slim announcements before celebration or intentional. I feel like they're trying to tighten it up. and Some of the stuff that we talked about in less episodes before where it's like you you starve a fire of oxygen and it will you can smuff it out. And I think a lot of that is the the internet discourse, the the negative reactions, I think they're also, like I think there's political ramifications that they're, like with the year that we're going into, I think a lot of it has been like, if we don't announce anything, people can't get pissed about it on the internet. Like there's no no meat on the bone. And so you you tighten it up, you get things closer to a true announcement and starve it a little bit. But at the same time, people but but the tap the ah but equally at the same time, you need to generate interest.
and enthusiasm to your main tadpole event of the year. And i I think they've had an issue with marketing these past, outside of the main trilogy movies and Rogue One, but I think it was, you know, Solo had horrible marketing, some of these TV shows, the marketing. And I think that there's, they need to find, figure out what they're doing with how much they let us as fans know so that we can get excited about it and and generate that organic marketing
Um, rather than hope to you know, spend all this money on a last minute ad blitz the last second I'm just wondering if there's an opportunity i'm just wondering if there's an opportunity for them to resurrect some of the I mean with all typically All the news is typically bad news. I mean and then bad news is news, right? I mean that is the news It seems to be these days, but there are some um There are some
My understanding, there are some projects that are still on. I mean, I i i don't know. There seem to be some confusion around the Ronald Glover. um um Writers in that a writer said that previously was Involved with a project which was subsequently moved over to Donald and his brother said that it he was no longer involved which people I believe incorrectly speculated So therefore it's not going to happen. But that actually wasn't wasn't what was said. Do you think we've got time to? resurrect go listen to ro going rogue because I think that's very informational and
No really, okay. is that Is it in the- Not in that specific situation, but like the idea of rider swaps and like kind of how the industry works. I think that's a very informational kind of podcast for that kind of stuff. Okay, but but for but for the context of this question, do you think that do you think that they've got time to create that create that moment or to create some some really magical minimum moments in celebration by I don't know what it is, burying the hatchet, or making amends, or signing the deals, or, I don't know, approving a first-round copy of something like the Donald Glover script that he's writing on with his brother.
Guys... It's a delicate balance because with creative stuff you don't want... I want you to go to shit. Yeah, you want to give people time to work on things, but at the same time, you have to say, okay, look, we want this coming out this we want it done by then. So these projects are gonna need a a few. ah wow I don't i know that there's a great answer. yeah i don't forget I guess what I'm trying to say is do do we think that do we think that there are projects out there that are further developed than than we
than we think they are and perhaps have been held back because of the reaction that we've been giving Lucasfilm up until now.
I think so. i I think so as well. i don't think it's I don't think we're going to get anything on ah Lando. I think that is still in me. You're not initially working for us. You're still writing and then you're going to come in. like I think development is still literally in their drafts um and small small room meetings. I do think that there is something, one or two things, not books and comics, but like cartoons, TV, movies.
I do think there is stuff that is further along. And my, my, this is, this is 99% hope, but celebrations built on hope. but So the, I think that some of the other stuff they've been talking about, like this is my conspiracy tin foil hat. I think it's all been misdirection because they actually have something else that they're trying to keep people off the scent of. Like, oh, here's Jeremy Allen White is blah, blah, blah, mandover stuff. But I think they're going to come out with something that people, nobody saw coming.
I don't know, I have an idea. I don't know if I should save it for my, you know, if I ran Star Wars, what do I wish for for the future section? But I have an idea of something that could be probably more wishful thinking than anything, but I want to come back. You should see my list. what look good good Because at the moment is looking very, very bad at yeah merchandise. What's going to be the, what is going to be very unknown, what we do know is illness on the slate.
Um, which isn't a lot. What do we think is going to be the hot Star Wars collectible in 2020 fly? I want to be snarky and say something from the book of Boba Fett from two years, two, three years ago. I i had an idea for this, uh, but a light, you know, like a life-size B2 EMO for adults that can carry around drinks and things like that. Nice. Nice.
And it can crouch down and be like a footstool and blend in. And then drive around. It's like a Roomba sponsorship. Right, yeah. Okay. Oh, I think we're on the wrong podcast.
just foot down ah fred o I think I saw those at CES. I think they just announced them. What about, some what about, you see some of the crazy shit that's going on there? Wow. i Sorry. um I see it at Roomba with a claw one more time. I'm going to still delete the internet. ya Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sorry, go ahead. No, what was your answer? but What's going to be the hot, day did the hot collectible in 2025?
Well, my boring answer is probably that $1,000 reported LEGO Death Star that I keep seeing rumors about in October. But what I want this is what I want, and this is what I find interesting. Skeleton crew hot toys like SN33 and Brutus. I don't want Brutus, but I want SN33. I think that'd be cool. That'd be awesome.
um And I think Michael Galaxy squadron is gonna get their marketing department in order and they're gonna release some better ships that are like deluxe versions like like the Onyx cinder separate night, you know, you know my whole spiel there. I'm not gonna go into that but them yeah more that and make it available so I can buy it It's nicely just nicely moves us on to beyond what we know in 2025 actually no no sorry sorry let me let me interject that for all of those for everything that we've talked about is is there anything outside of Star Wars that you guys are looking forward to in 2020 before we move on to the next part
marvel Marvel, really, even I'm not a Fantastic Four guy, but I am looking forward to the Fantastic Four. hey man You know, comics wise, they've always kind of bored me, but the mix of, ah but I'm a huge Silver Surfer fan and the mix of actors and knowing that they're going to be part of the larger overall Marvel story. I'm looking forward to that. I'm also a fan of the Grand Theft Auto series.
and And I have been back to the days of when I was in college in 1998, my friend who he was a seminarian, studying to become a priest, came in my room. He's like, someone put a new game on the school network, you got to try out. And it was GTA one. And think we stayed up till two or three that night, i running over people and stealing cars. So I've been a fan of this. did he And and did he did he become a priest?
he did become a priest, yes. Wow. Okay. Yeah. Um, yeah, pretty, he's a pretty good one for what I know of him now. Uh, but you know, I'm really looking, I don't know if we're going to get it this year, but GTA six really looking forward to that also. Right.
the Marvel stuff is very exciting and to tie that into Star Wars. I like to believe that the Star Wars content is trailing behind a little bit and similar to what Marvel's done where like they had all that the issues and I thought they had to come to the table moment and be like, we got to figure this out. We can't we can't use him. So let's figure out what we're going to do instead and like make it work. I feel like They're kind of leading the charge, and then maybe Star Wars is like, hey, what if we came to the table and figured out stuff too? So I'm hopeful. Because i this this slate of Marvel stuff coming up is exciting. And I'm not a big Marvel person, but the movies, I love Bucky. Anything with Bucky in it, it's like, I'll be there. And it's awesome. Very excited.
I'm I'm well, you know, I mean Sean, you know and Tommy may not but um, I'm thinking I am also not a Marvel aficionado I've Or DC or DC you expert um I've always gone with characters. I've always as a kid enjoyed Batman spider-man and Wolverine and a couple of others across the whole piece, but superheroes as a genre, it's never really been my thing, but I'm particularly looking forward to Fantastic Four because I love that alternate past take on the whole thing, the kind of
a kind of Blakely-like superhero environment, you know what I mean? The whole aesthetic, the whole aesthetic is of that, of what could have been. It's the reason why it shows like, for all mankind, for example, the idea of what could have been, what could have been had the human race or technology taken a different avenue. I love that, I love that tape.
but So that, to you Sean, what about- The Last of Us Season 2 as well, I forgot about that. our yeah ah Coming soon. Anyway, sorry, go ahead. that why Yeah, and from what I've read so far, early reviews or early testing is is is very good. It's very, very good. So that's good. Yeah, let's move us on to the main, our last ah last topic, which I think will get quite meaty. The question is, Star Wars 2026 and beyond, if you have full control of the sandpit, where would you take Star Wars? So bearing in mind, we've already kind of agreed that unfortunately 2025 looks like it's going to be a lean year. And perhaps our friends over at Lucasfilm
might need a little bit of reworking, or they they probably are reworking the slate and working out what they're doing. But if you were in control, how would you how would you work it all out? And I'm going to obviously answer our guest first, Tom. Where would you take Star Wars in your sandpit? I have a strategy I call, excuse the term, balls out Star Wars.
but I am not saying you know of a movie every month. No movie every month or anything like that, but I would definitely like a very aggressive slate of at least one movie a year and three live action streaming shows a year, at least one or two animated full series with animated specials throughout the year, um books and comic books. I think live action, yes, you have to do something to wrap up the whole um Mando Filoni verse that doesn't too much disturb what was set up in the sequel trilogy.
Uh, because, you know, every, the battle of Jakku ended everything, but then we have Fron going on. So I don't think you can do that. Um, but I think you definitely have something for the future with the Ray movies. Go ahead with that. Um, with the Charmaine Op-Ed, Shenoy movie, I think, what's his name? Sean Levy has something in mind with Ray. Also, you do those, you do the, um, I'm drawing a blank of the guy's name right now. um the director who directed Indiana Jones and Logan. um His, ah um the Moses Dawn of the Jedi movie that he has planned. You go forward with that. um You go forward with the the Lando story. Again, like I mentioned earlier, you have
Series that are stories not continuing series. I think you could do a good job of mixing those and continuing stories together um Set in different time periods. I I think you continue the acolyte and While I think the issue was that it costs too much. And while we should have series that are done well, series that look good, I think you really need to consider using the volume a lot more. Yeah. To keep costs down, because that obviously matters to Disney a lot. And and I was listening to um jam transmissions with our friend Rick Vinueva. And he he said something that, because i'm um I'm a big fan of this in Marvel, where you don't tell every story like the bad guy is going to end the world.
You have to have story smaller stories that to the people involved feel like they're ending the world. um And I think you would do that throughout Star Wars timeline. So open up the the timelines more. Tell stories in the Acolyte types. Tell stories and in in the Old Republic time. And um the final part of my strategy It's time. Because there's a certain creator who did a very successful Star Wars project in the past that was the only one of its time to come in on time and under budget. And he signed up and he was off doing something. And this year, the thing that he was doing is over.
and So I drive a dump truck full of money up to Ryan Johnson's house yeah and say, whatever you want to do, do it. I think originally yeah the stories back then said, he said he was going to start off the story, maybe to write it, maybe direct first, but hand it off to someone else. You do that. You do these other stories um with him having a creative seat at the table.
He's like the lead, like take whatever role you want, but you're kind of like the lead of whatever umbrella of projects you want.

Exploring Creative Directions in Star Wars

Underneath, whatever making it work. Do you think we fans are sophisticated enough to know that things can happen in different time periods? um I would also like, and if they do this in books or comics, this is fine too. I would like to know something about the treasure planets of the Old Republic, like how did they get hidden and Destroyed or whatever but that that I I just had like 15 minutes ago. We were talking about skeleton group Okay, Andy. I'm sorry to be dead. No, no, no, I was there was do you think that he? Do you think he's still got the appetite to do it? I think he does
The Hulk, sir. in me I think he had like an interview a year or two ago when he said, absolutely, it's just the timing doesn't work. And um he did that show that was very good with Natasha Lyonne. It's a mystery type show where she can tell whether people are telling the truth or something like that. It was very good. And I think he's really been into the knives out. But I think he still wants to do Star Wars. And and and who would? well I not see why people wouldn't.
I mean if you're giving Greenfield like whole hog whatever and like yeah you got kids to put through college I'd be like it's one thing to get handed episode 8 but if they're like we will let you do whatever you want but then reason obviously but like you you lead I'd be like cool 100% let's jump in that'd be awesome yeah
i just to lie I just think I love that. I mean that's that's that's quite for me. That's the mic drop of For Star Wars we need we need something disruptive. I enjoy ah too like I enjoy And all and now and now skeleton crew because it's no risk Um, I enjoy those, those stories are good stories in their own right. They just so happened to be threatened spells universe. Yeah. I've quoted, I've quoted that for nearly 52, 52 episodes now, but, um, they're really, really good stories. They're no risk. And to me, the appeal is, is they, they don't touch the Skywalker timeline.
They don't, you know, they don't, they don't get it. and they They have their own stories. Your point about them being small stories. They are small stories. They are inconsequential in many, many ways that because we know that there are.
We know that there are the trilogies in between these stories um or as as as as market stones between these stories that are the galactic events that happen that do affect the do do affect the galaxy. And then lastly, in many, many ways, I love I love these stories because they they deal with the only man.
um It's the only man's story. you know it's not It's not a swashbuckling Jedi Knight that's been trained. it's ah it's ah it's it's it's the it's the It's the any or every man that may well be and find may well be a catering assistant that finds him or herself in a different predicament the following day. i and What I loved about what Ryan was trying to do is it was trying to establish Ray as being nobody. Um, and that, you know, the force was not in any way didn't have to be, wasn't in any way, um, didn't flow you because of your bloodline didn't flow through you because of anything else, um, apart from, from you. Uh, and I love that. And I felt that, and I think there's an awful lot of us that agreed that unfortunately,
the spot JJ then kind of undermined an awful lot of that in order to to partake some of the naysayers who ultimately weren't weren't happy with the end result either so you know it's kind of like standing by a conviction being as disruptive as you possibly can and introducing something fresh and new and challenge what it is to be, you know, what it is to be a wielder of the force and the the the the background of the force and what it means, et cetera, et cetera. I would love for that to happen. I would absolutely love that for that to happen. Um, uh, anything that can help Jettison, if you like the old
the old rhetoric from the old some some from the original to Legend. And um and which I'm an original Chimeji fan. I grew up on the original Chimeji. But it is hampering. It is... It is... It is... Coughing the hands of creativity in my mind in Star Wars. So I love your final idea. And um I am a fan. Sean, what about yourself, mate? If you had the sandbox all to yourself,
I'm gonna get a job offer after this, here we go. ah i'll start I'll start with the ones I've, some of them are literal, some of them are kind of more theoretical, but I'll start with the ones that are overlaps. I agree with everything you guys have said so far. Acolyte season two, reign it in, I think there's a way to tell ah a compelling a tighter, compelling more compelling story, like you started wide, bring it in narrow, focus on fewer characters, tighten up that budget, or whatever it takes to get it made, or make the budget bigger. I don't know, I don't care, it's not my money.
um ah Pandering here's my pandering pick ah for Lucy. I think a Star Wars Kaiju movie or TV show would be good You know big animals do whatever and you like let her let her have her Star Wars She's not that Star Wars shark It's like a massive shark. Maybe yeah, you're like from fun to bad batch like that one where it's on the around the island. I still love that bring that in. ah One that I'd love, I would love to see the Lost Stars turned into a featurette, a two-part Disney Plus movie or animatic, something like that. Don't use the Clone Wars style of animation. Please, please stop doing that. ah Maybe some kind of new form of animation like the Turtles movie or the Spider-Verse. Don't copy it. There's something like in that vein of like different. Do something different.
um I like that. I want to see that lost or store. I want to share that story with more people because I have a 14 year old reading level and I love it. um I would love to see.
This is part of my like kind of what you guys touched on a little bit like the diversification of Star Wars content like when we get everything just feels sacred when it comes like I'd love to see it kind of diversify a little bit maybe get like a good taste adultish cartoon like along the lines of like lower decks um something with a stormtrooper core or like a star faction uh starship manufacturing facility where it's like it's not actually It is completely inconsequential. It's really just a a Comedy or something like that office style comedy animation, whatever lower decks in the Star Wars universe just to kind of Beef it up beyond all this. Everything's got to be so serious not quite Lego freemaker like maybe
shift it back over in the other direction. So there's that. um this is a This one just popped into my head. It's always fascinated me and I think there's a lot of opportunity for storyri like story, really good stories. um And you can even tie it into the pirate stuff. Something with the droid gatra or something similar. Like i that that concept of like a gang of just
robots, or like droids, they're just... There is so much, there is so much that's just been dropped, isn't there? It could be, it's juicing stuff that could be used. Well, like, they kind of touched on it a little bit in solo, and I think that's what kind of originally triggered it. It's like, droids rights. I think is's there's no better way to frame it, but it's like, mean what what would happen? Heck, how, like, maybe there's a whole gang of them and, like, just the, their interactions with the universe and things like that. Not to go too far down like a ah head-banging kind of a beach on the head kind of narrative, but I think there's some interesting stories there of, like, what what could be, what could come out of that.
um I'd love a Star Wars Muppets crossover, completely nonsense. ah's That's a pie in the sky dream. ah I want to see something with the High Republic done in TV, movies. Let's start with TV, like maybe adapt some of the better books, combine them, mix and match, do like tell some of the bigger stories. ah Animation might be best to get the to keep the spotlight off of it a little bit. um but So we're not doing $400 million dollar episodes.
I don't know. like Let's bring that into like a visual medium beyond comics and and books, because it is it's such it's very interesting. I know there's a billion and a half people, and they'd have to make a lot of animatics, like a lot of rigs, but we'll figure something out. bring the I want to see the drinkier in like animation. like That could be cool. ah For people who don't know, those are those giant like vegetation monsters. like you'll figure You'll figure it out. If you don't know what they are, look it up.
and Then the last two are kind of more theoretical. um I would love to see Star Wars branch go back into branching out to different video game genres ah that maybe just simply exist in the Star Wars universe or have their backgrounds like the old days of Tiny Death Star. I thought that was so much fun and consequential. It's whatever.
I personally would like a factory builder. Maybe they let me set up a treasury and build a... ah On ad aden, that'd be sick. um Maybe do an RPG. Maybe do a story-based text adventure game. I don't know. I think that stuff would be kind of exciting and fun. And the final one is I want to see Star Wars Lucasfilm and everybody lumped in, the go back to the days where they are pushing the envelope with interactive experiences, technology pushing innovations, and really kind of get back on that leading edge of stuff like they like they used to be. I feel like they they did that like Vader VR thing and a couple other stuff, but like,
yeah I feel like it used to be more of a testing ground in terms of, like they used to lead in a lot of ways. And I feel like we're playing it safe out of fear of like, oh, will it be a big hit? Like everything's so sacred. I don't know, come up with something, do something in the parks, make a video game, do something that is like the volume beyond the volume where it's all behind the scenes.
but I don't know, I wanna be like inspired not by spara Star Wars, but like the people who are making Star Wars. Again, I think that would be cool. Yeah, you think you think about think about the guys that went on from their career. I mean, and I know John Knoll, who's entered with his brother, was it? Photoshop. Photoshop, wasn't it? Yeah, I mean, you've got these industry leading professionals working as their creatives,
either Either subsequently or prior to them working for Lucasfilm have been absolutely absolutely astonishing. I agree with you about the droid Gotra, and I had to look it up. it was um They did an ancillary or complimentary book um supplementary book to Solo, you remember, um Tom. It was um la short yeah Last the last stop book, which I actually really, really enjoyed, and the droid Gotra,
very, very prominent in that book, and it made me feel a little bit different here about Solo in particular than other computers. That was the one with Lando and Han by Daniel Jose Older? Yeah, yes. The one where they had Swedish time period.
Right, there is another one with Kira. I don't remember, I think... Not wanted... I think so, yeah, but that involved the droid Gatra also. Oh, did it? I didn't know that. See, there's so much they could do. Well, mine's quick, and mine is really binary. um It is... It really is about...

Ordinary Characters in Star Wars Stories

Pirates, Wookiees, Brutus. but And good night, everyone.
ah but Thank you Tom for your time. It was just my guess. It really really is about the it really is about ah If anyone's been listening to this product until now and they've got to know me, it really is about the Anyman story and it really is about what what while um I will never ever be in media or in or in I will never make Star Wars so is because most people would probably be bored with my with my content, but everything that I've everything that I've I've loved has that's come from Disney.
since acquiring Lucasfilm had basically centered around the Anyman story. And that's why I'm so gutted that Range of the New Republic and um ah Rogue Squadron was have been cancelled because that seemed like really no-brainer productions that didn't have to in any way break any rules, break any canon,
but really concentrate on some serious world building, expanding our minds of the galaxy and um expanding ah our understanding that that that that that d the entire history of the galaxy is not defined by a family of five people or both of our five people. And so at the moment,
And I'm doing it because I am, at the moment, extremely excited about Pirates. You're absolutely right. But there can't be a coincidence that we have Outlaws the game out. Tom, you and I have finished the game. We've had Outlaws the game. We've had skeleton crew. We've had extra content in Outlaws coming out. Well, that's already come out as DLC, but we've also got Hondo and Akka.
We've got, um, is it Mando content coming into Galaxy Edge? Coming into the Smothers run. I believe we've got Mando contact coming in. And in doing so, we've got, we've also got the the, the, the wrapping up of, of Mando as well. And, and is there, and i is there a way that this is kind of a ah premonition that we're going to see pirates being involved?
But in the in the the Avengers moment where with with Mando, maybe, maybe not. But the point being is that I really do want to see a lot more development in the underworld. The underworld, for me, is an untapped area with so much potential. We talked about the droid gauntlet, which essentially is its own criminal gang. It is own criminal gang in its own right.
Yeah, we've weve we we we we we've we seen and experienced the pikes. We've seen and experienced the huts. I would love to see in 2026 and beyond, a lot more focus on these untapped areas. And because they're the underworld, it's the underworld, then we can tell these stories in relative safety because it's the underworld. It's it's it's it's an um and untapped area. it doesn't it's it's It's secret. What's the word I'm trying to think of? I can't think of the words.
But the point being is it's elusive. And that's really where I want ah ky i want to see it. And we've already got, again, some low-hanging fruit in Hondo. Especially when, at a time, to your point, around creativity and experiences, Sean, especially when they need to be thinking about refreshing Galaxy's Edge at some point.
Isn't it getting a bit, I mean, are they gonna keep it in the aid of time period that it's set at the moment? How do you- They've kind of let go of that a lot. Yeah, they've kind of let go of the strictness of the canon there. They've introduced new characters in different time periods and they got Boba Fett. Oh, right, okay. But it's not, it's still, I think it's in that transition away from it's before the rise of Skywalker and yada, yada, yada. Right, okay. Yeah, but it's interesting, I agree with you though.
But it would it would be so great if it was a lot more generic. it'll be so It would be so great. I mean, there are stories of, in the comics, Tom, there are stories um I may haven't read to themselves, but I've certainly seen front covers of Han Solo and Chewbacca walking around Galaxy's Edge. There is so much great content there that they can relatively cheaply, I'd imagine, bring the whole thing together and create an experience again that is unique to Star Wars. Anyway, that's it. It's all about creating, it's all about pirates and it's all about bringing and pirates in the underworld. And it's all about bringing them in as a category, a first party category into my Star Wars from 2026.
In other words, you were right basically, John. That's a long-winded way of going around a house and saying... There's a distinct lack of Wookiees though. You didn't mention that much about Wookiees, so I was off. I went too broad. That was off, actually. That was actually off. That was... Yeah, no, no. I still got the love for the Wookiee. I still got the love for the Wookiee, and there's nothing to say that... Actually, we haven't had a Wookiee.
Oh yeah, we have. But I keep forgetting what could be with that. Maybe like, maybe like, maybe on purpose, but I keep forgetting. Anyway chaps, we're approaching the witching hour for me because I need to take some medication, unfortunately, in 10 minutes or so, which will completely zog me out for the evening.

Appreciating Contributions and Podcast Journey

um Thank you very much for your time this evening and gentlemen. In particular, thank you Tom for joining us on our anniversary edition. You are one of the smartest guys I know, and certainly when it comes down to putting me right on on on ah on on what I thought was my Star Wars knowledge, ah you are you are simply the best. um But thank you so much for listening to us. Thank you for being our friend. um And um where can folks find you?
You can find me every week on the Sith List, where a bunch of us grow in number every week sometime. I'm having a lot of fun just talking about Star Wars and other pop culture stuff. I also do Patreon shows for Steel Wars, Blue Harvest, and I'm on Blue Sky at Tom Chantsky. One word.
Excellent. Excellent. Thank you so much for having me. This was a, I love listening to you guys every week. So it's, it's, it's definitely been a thrill to finally, you know. Oh, no, no. Thank you. Thank you for, thank you for thinking that we're worthy enough to be honest with you. I was quite surprised when I, when I, when you said yes, I'll join and I was like, I already said, we've got a Tom. We've got King Tom. We've got King Tom. Look what I've done.
What are we going to talk about? They'll say anything before we mess it up. If we don't move, if we don't touch anything, we'll be alright. Maybe he's drunk. Maybe he won't remember in the morning.
Guys, thank you for listening to us on our 52nd episode. We've been going for a year now. um Sean, thank you for putting up with me. um Thank you for listening to my ramblings most week. Thank you my procr air for listening putting up with my procrastination. um And just thank you for being a really, really good friend to me personally. I love you, David. My friend, why don't you take us out?
Thank you everybody who listens. Thank you to King Tom for joining us. Thank you, Andy, for doing this with me. It's ah what started out as doing something just to
basically for therapeutic reasons, just to kind of get get it out there and just for forcing function to hang out and get out of our own heads and ah look ah look ah look what it's turned into. It's that exact thing plus a little bit more and now it got people listening to us. that's crazy It's just crazy. It's kind of out of out of body a little bit. and I'm really appreciative of everybody who listens and and stuff like that. I speculate 52 more episodes in the coming year. That's my that my speculating there. But for everybody else, ah we do really appreciate you spending time with us. um if you If you continue to like what you hear, please make sure to subscribe and tell all your friends. If you leave if you could figure out how to leave us a review on those apps, go for it. i really it's It's so hard. I tried to do it for another person's podcast the other day and it's like, this is I don't think they want me to leave one.
um But yeah, also don't forget to check out our website at for more awesome content and links to all of our socials. um Yeah, until then, thank you. Bye. Bye.