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Episode 010 - Low Sodium image

Episode 010 - Low Sodium

S1 E10 · Just Shillin'
57 Plays10 months ago

This week Shawn and Andy talk about life and the things they love. We talk about some of the cool new trailers, some exciting Celebration news, what we've been watching, Dune 2,  and deep dive into the latest Bad Batch episodes.

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00:00:00 Intro
00:00:52 Catching Up
00:10:57 News
00:20:23 Star Wars Celebration
00:31:26 What We're Watching
00:43:37 DUNE 2 SPOILERS
01:04:49 What We're Watching Continued
01:23:30 The Bad Batch S03E09
01:54:52 Byeeeeeee


Celebrating the 10th Episode and Listener Engagement

Hello and welcome to episode number 10 of just shilling. 10 episodes, we did it, yeah. I'm one of your hosts, Sean Hoffman. And I'm one of your hosts, Sandy Bell. And welcome, if you want to find more. What was the record for? I don't know, I'll cut it out though, but it was funny. Leave it in, leave it in, leave it in, leave it in. What's and all, this is what you get guys.
Quick business, if you want to find us, just go to You can leave us a voicemail or email there or send us an email at feedback at We look forward to your feedback or your arguments or whatever. But anyways, let's just, I know we got a lot to talk about, so let's just jump straight into it.

Easter Events and Electric Car Purchase Motivation

How was your week? What's new? How's it going? Andy.
how my week has been. It's been quite quiet. It has been quite quiet. It is Easter. We're approaching Easter and Easter is a relatively nice and wholesome time in the UK for us to spend time with loved ones and family and just cut back a little bit. And I think it's, you know, coincides not only with Easter, but also with Spring Break with you guys.
Yeah, it's been nice in that it's been relatively quiet, although there have been a few things going on the last week to update you on. I bought an electric car, mate. I've jumped in with eyes wide open, and I've bought myself an electric car to do my little bit for the community, or sorry, for the environment, not so much the community, more the environment.
But yeah, it was the right time. It was the right price. I got a really good finance deal. The car I was driving was really on its last legs and started, when it starts costing you money and it becomes kind of not worth maintaining anymore. So I jumped in and I'm getting used to
all of the idiosyncrasies of driving what is an electric car. And I know that there's a lot of people are for this kind of transportation.

UK Electric Vehicle Infrastructure

There's an awful lot of people that aren't for it. But in the UK, it kind of works. We've got a reasonably good infrastructure of charging stations in terms of a network across the UK that makes it doable.
And we're a very, very small country. So quite frankly, we're not doing the type of huge miles that Sean and Maddie would be doing over a weekend. I mean, the furthest we'll go is a couple of hundred miles, which on this particular motor that I bought is more than doable. So yeah, I've jumped in and having fun with it. The one thing I will say is I was not expecting them to be so fast.
Uh, I mean, zero to 60 in, in, in a matter in, in less than five seconds is ridiculous for, uh, for a car. Um, cause it's quite a conservative looking car. Um, as you guessed, it's probably it's a Volvo, which is quite a, an old man's kind of sensible car, but goodness me, it goes like shit off a shovel. It's a, it's a lot of fun. So that's, that's the first thing that's

Star Wars Celebration Plans and Lego Omnithopter

happened this week. And I'm very, very happy.
Secondly, got confirmation a couple of days back from our friends or the UK contingent of the scruffy looking podcasters that we've got tickets booked for our for well certainly for my pilgrimage up north.
to go and watch the Phantom Menace 25th anniversary with them early May. So I'm really stoked for that. And what we're going to do at the same time, I hope I'm not giving away too many secrets, but what we're going to do at the same time is those boys live near Nottingham and they live quite close to the quarry that was in Andal.
So it's somewhere called Middle Peak Quarry, and they're not too far away from it. And this is the quarry that, I don't know if you remember when Andor and his buddies escaped from prison, and they tried to steal a quad jumper from those two aliens that caught them and then kindly gave them a lift to where they needed to go. That quarry where it was filmed is quite close to Chris and Kev. And so we're trying to plan
the weekend accordingly, so all the day accordingly. So it'll be a case of a little bit of exercise hiking around the quarry and I'm sure taking some reenactment photographs. And then in the evening going out to see Phantom Menace. So I'm really looking forward to it. It's been a while since I've been able to A, hook up with them face to face and B, have a bit of an adventure. So I'm looking forward to it.
And then lastly, you remember a few weeks back, I took a week off work and because the weather was so bad, I bought myself the Lego Omnithopter from June, which I built during that rather
gloomy week. This week I've ordered a wall bracket for it so very excited because there's basically a company in the UK that do an awful lot of stands and display cases for Lego and they make these very, very nice, you can see a few of them up there, very nice kind of very robust stands to
to enable you to A, look after, but B, display nicely your Lego sets. So I bought myself, only today, a wall bracket that will allow me to take the omithopter and literally mount it on the wall flat. So it looks almost like a trophy. It's mounted flat with the wings behind it.
on the wall. Like a cicada on the wall, like a bug on the wall. Yeah, exactly that. Yeah, exactly. That's a, as usual, a lot better explanation than I do. Yeah, that's, that's kind of been my week in terms of what I've bought and what we're, what I look forward to.
But one, who'd you get the Lego mount from? What company was that? Oh, sorry. Yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Wicked Brick. Yeah, I'm glad you asked because I was talking to our buddy Turbo. He also... Oh, great. Great. I mean, they're a UK-based organization, but they ship pretty much everywhere in the world.
Yeah, it's a company that I've used forever. They're not cheap, but there's a reason why they're not cheap. They're made extraordinarily well. And like I said, they ship everywhere and they pretty much have a solution for pretty much every single kind of set or franchise that you can think of that Lego builds. So yeah, they're good guys, really, really good guys. And I've used them a lot.
Yeah, I've got a couple things from them that I like they've they've got their they've got the secret sauce like nailed down. It's not it's not as simple as like going on Etsy and getting like a laser cut.
acrylic and whatever it's like no they've got the they've got the dimensions down for the Connected like the the Lego pegs and then like the balance like side that bomber on it behind me and it's like it's balanced So it's got cool angle, but it's like it just the the tolerances are tight and so I'm really happy with them I'm sure you get him a lot quicker when you order them. Yeah, cuz it takes yeah forever for me, but it's worth well, I boys yeah
Yeah, you can add a couple of weeks on for shipping, but even I, I'm sure I do

Film Feedback and Humorous Server Proposal

get them quicker, but they, they do take a while because they, you know, they, they, they, they kind of pretty much manufactured to order as opposed to made order. Yeah, yeah, yeah. In, in, in, in advance. So, uh, but yeah, certainly good guys do recommend them for all of your display solutions for your Lego sets.
this episode just sponsored by WickedBrick. Anyway, sorry, wait, what about yourself? How was your week? I wish. My week was pretty good. It's been pretty low key work. I've been trying to focus and work on that.
my teenage mutant ninja turtle model a lot. No major updates there. But I do have a couple pieces of feedback that Madison provided. And so one of those is that she's mad at you for your dislike of poor things. So she tried to get me- I didn't say that. I really- She tried to-
She wants me to limit your server access for videos. And the only thing that you should have access to is a playlist containing four things. That's her proposal. I'm not necessarily going to go through with it. That's fine. That's fine. That's fine. But for the record, I do recommend she relistens.
And it's just very art house and it takes an awful lot of thinking. And in my age, I don't like to think as much as I used to. So just to be clear, you want me to go to her and say, whoa, whoa, whoa, you need to listen better.
Yes, Andy agrees with you. He'll do whatever you say. That's fine. That's absolutely fine. All right. There we go. I like that one better.

Positive Sims Community and Pixar Excitement

And on a slightly different note, she actually introduced me to
She's big into playing the Sims and she actually introduced me to a subreddit called low sodium simmers, which is a Sims based subreddit. But what I like about it is the name. It's low sodium simmers because it's a Sims related sub.
that is low on the salt. And so you don't come there to complain and do all that stuff. And so I'm like, Oh, I am, I am stealing that. It's like, just shilling a low sodium star work, a low sodium podcast, or like, here's our low sodium review. It's like, Oh, I like that. Oh, I love that. I am stealing. I am stealing that. I'm not stealing. I am going to borrow that until I forget. But other
other than that, there's not a whole lot else new with me. But I know we got some news, we've got some news and we've watched some stuff. Yeah, but I'll let you I'll let you lead off with that. So there's a couple of things I really want to talk to you about in news. Obviously, the big one
around a particular event that's happening next year that we need to talk about because at the moment I am stoked. But new trailers for me.
trailer, since we last spoke, the Beetlejuice sequel trailer came out. That looked great, actually. It looked really, really good. Pushed all the right buttons, got all the right fields from it. Nostalgia, nostalgia, nostalgia. Loved it. The second trailer's plural I watched were for the House of the Dragon, series two, and they did something quite clever, actually. They released two
very, very different trailers for the same, essentially announcing the same, oh, sorry, promoting the same series in that one was the black trailer, the one was the green trailer, which were two very, very different trailers from the point of view, the two factions, the two warring households.
that will be fighting for the Iron Throne in the next season. So I'm really looking forward to that. And then lastly, the Penguin. I enjoyed the Batman. I'm
I'm not a massive superhero, or sorry, should we say more mainstream superhero follower. I like the more obscurers we spoke about in our first couple of episodes. I like the more obscure stuff, but I do like the Batman, especially if it's done right.
And I did enjoy the Batman, although I thought that Mr. Patterson was not the best Bruce Wayne I'd ever seen. I thought he did a really good job as the Batman. And I thought that Colin Farrell did an amazing job of playing the penguin in that film.
And he's now getting his own spin-off series, again, directed, I believe, by Matt Reeves. And we saw a, you know, didn't give too much information away, but we saw an early look on what that's going to look like coming up this year. And it looked really, really, it looked really, really sick. A couple of things.
more trailers or more information coming out for Fallout. And I think, I think I did mention Fallout a couple of weeks ago as being a franchise or a gaming franchise that I certainly enjoyed. Should we say Fallout 4, maybe not 76 and Las Vegas, but I certainly enjoyed Fallout 4 and the, and the, and the TV adaptation of that is coming out very, very soon actually, um, on April 11th, uh, on Amazon prime. And I'm getting more and more information on that.
and looking at more and more teasers and featurettes and pictures of how that looks. And that looks really, really sick. And I think it's... I'm really looking forward to it. And in terms of the subject matter, it's great because again, it's kind of 1950s. It's like a reenactment or sorry, a readjustment of history in that
people lived underground in the 1950s, so very much the tech development has been based on this old baker-like type of technology that they had around then, and introducing that into the real world when these folk finally make their way out of their underground bunkers. Little bit like Silo, so I think Apple somewhat stole the initiative first, but
I don't think there'll be any clashing or any associations or any insinuations of copying going on because the subject matter between Fallout and certainly and Silo seem to be very, very different. So again, looking into that. And then lastly, I'm going to defer my last news item until you and I can put a little bit of time into it together. So passing it over to you, mate. What have you picked up in news this week?
Not a lot of news. I saw a couple trailers as well. I saw the Penguin. I like you. I'm really excited for this. I really enjoyed the Batman. I am not necessarily, I'll be honest, I'm not a fan of the DC universe. I really like Batman and the movies that have come off him, especially the standalones or the Christian Bale trilogies and stuff. I don't like it when he interacts with
like the super friends and all that stuff. It hasn't been done to something that I enjoy, but I really enjoyed this one because I like that younger Bruce Wayne and just kind of the grittier. I know we say that about every single Batman movie that comes out.
I'm excited for the show because like there was that Gotham show that was on and I enjoyed it, but it definitely felt too mainstream, like kind of nightly television kind of clean. So I'm, but I enjoyed the serial weekly nature of it. And so I'm, I'm excited for the penguin because it's going to give us more of that, like,
that weekly kind of television. I like seeing more shows kind of branch into that. I mean, we've seen it do well with Marvel. We've seen it do well with Star Wars. And so I think it'll be cool to see that with this universe. I'm excited for it. The other trailer that I saw was a bit of a change of pace, was the Inside Out 2 trailer, which was the Disney Pixar movie.
inside out like I just kind of have like a weird like I'm excited for it. Like I enjoyed inside out but then like the longer it like I liked it for like its discussions on mental health and like things like that but then I think it got a little long in the tooth after a while like
Like it's not a movie that I can rewatch a bunch. But this one I'm excited for because they're introducing a lot of like new characters that go along with them. Like I think it's envy, anxiety, embarrassment on way. And it's like, oh, this'll be cool because it's dealing kind of with like teenagers and the complex emotions. And it's not as, I think it's gonna be more complex than the first one. But all I'd say, I'm excited for it. It'll be interesting to see what they do.
I feel like they haven't come through with a heavy hitter in a while with the Pixar movies that people really fall in love with and really clamor about for years to come. It'll be interesting to see if that satisfies this or if it's just another moment in time thing, but I know that comes out in June, which is a lot sooner than I thought. They've done some amazing stuff recently and it just hasn't had the traction that it needed.
Was it Soul came out two years ago at Christmas? I believe so, yeah. That came out... That's a phenomenal film. I was in bits. I was honestly blubbing like a baby. It was such a good film. Really, really good film. I'd argue one of the best.
Interesting. Well, I guess it's a subject matter and the individual that he was and, you know, what he was trying to, you know, his aspirations, but ultimately he just wanted, he just loved, he just loved teaching as well. I just, I just, I just, I just, I loved it. I absolutely loved it. And, yeah, it was, it just didn't get the shout that it needed. I mean, I needed it at the time because we were,
I was like, we needed it at the time because of course we were all in lockdown. So hence the reason why I never saw the light of day in cinema and it was straight out on Disney Plus and good God, it was amazing that coming out of the Christmas where we were all pretty much, you know, we couldn't see so many of our family and loved ones and friends. It came out at just the right time, but yeah, no, it's a shame. It never got as much attention or as much traction as it deserved because it was a good piece of work. I really do.
Yeah, I mean, all the movies that have come out, I've enjoyed all of them, like, Lightyear, like, even if you step into Disney Realm, like, like, Turning Red, Luca, Soul, Onward, like, I enjoyed all of those. Like, all of those films. But it's not had. I don't think they've had, like, some of the weight. So, I mean, it'll be interesting. I mean, I'll go see it. God, I could spend a lot on this. I forgot about Luca. Luca's amazing.
Absolutely amazing that one that one is definitely that one definitely doesn't get I know they're they're bringing some of the characters into some of the parades and stuff but like Luca is one of those ones where Like even I think soul and Luca are both getting characters in the parks like pretty prominently soon good And so it's like yeah, they haven't been Maybe making up for lost time through the pandemic and stuff like that. But yeah, but yeah, they're all good movies
Outside of that, do I have any other news besides the big heavy one? I don't... I don't think so. I think all we have left is...

Star Wars Celebration Planning and Website Development

Star Wars Celebration. I was gonna build up to it, but okay, no problem. Okay, okay, here. Bye-bye. Shaun, Shaun, tell us the news. What's going on? Yeah, there's this thing called Star Wars Celebration. It's coming. It's gonna be a cool thing. It's a big deal. Okay, next. No. Tickets.
or fricking, I mean, my note says, a lot of profanity, celebration, woo! Exclamation marks, woo! Like a lot of woots. I really didn't need that much room for it. I probably could have saved some space. So we've been told that tickets for celebration will be available to order from 7 p.m. EDT on May the 2nd of this year, which will be midnight my time.
Which is fine. That's okay. That's doable. Um, but yeah, I'll be taking some, um, uh, a lot of hits of coffee that evening and, uh, and, and trying to get my tickets, but that's, that's good. We've got a date now. We've got something to, it feels real. We've been talking about it for so goddamn long that it finally feels real. I mean, you and I talking, you know, offline about, you know, hotels and doing, you know,
Where are we going to stay? Let's make sure we're together because you know, I'm already in and out a day either side of the con itself. So I need to be accessible, you know, I need to be relatively accessible to the venue. So it's all happening now. And I know that we've been talking about it with all of our buddies in the Discord for the last 12 months, but it's actually happened. We've got a focus point now.
being the second of May where we get our tickets. It's already got my blood pressure up. I'm not worried about getting a ticket. I have confidence that we'll get a ticket to go. I wish it was a month sooner.
I'm actually surprised it's gonna be in May, since the con is in April. Like, yeah, a lot of hotels and stuff open up a year in it like a year out. And so the fact that it's in May, like, that's probably what has me
the most anxious like I know Madison and I are currently looking because that's the thing that has always sucked for me you think you think people are booking now do you hotels I don't I don't I'm looking I'm I'm familiarizing myself because they haven't fully announced anything about a hotel lottery going out similar to what they've done in past years so I'm starting to look now just to familiarize myself familiarize myself with the area see what's available because
I mean, especially when there's a language barrier and things like that, it's a little bit... It's not as easy as looking at Anaheim for me and being like, okay, I know the area, I know the hotels, they may not pop up on Google, but I know which ones I can call and get right into. And so that's something I've been digging into a little bit, just because I don't want it to get close to time and they're like, oh, hey, by the way, we're not doing a hotel lottery or...
I'll be honest, like my biggest pain points in the past with celebration have always been that that is a nightmare. Like I don't, I don't get my hopes up anymore about getting like a Jedi master VIP. Like those are, those are gone in about four seconds to all the people on the private presale. But even then if you, I mean, a huge part of it, I mean, this, this celebration just gone last year. What made it for me was the people I met.
and the engagements we had and the fun we had, unless absolutely all of us can get VIP tickets, I'm okay. I'm okay not to, you know, if it meant that with a VIP ticket, I would feel that I needed to get my money's worth and I'd have to go to everything and I'd have to be up and I wouldn't, I'd actually probably feel a little bit more inhibited
to make last minute decisions on where I'm going to be. Do you understand what I mean? It introduces a certain amount in my mind because the amount of money you're spending on it, I think it's nearly a thousand bucks. The amount of money, you'd have to get your money's worth and you'd have to be at, like I said, certain place, certain time to make sure you did get that money's worth. And what I liked about
I really enjoyed about last year was just how low key and chill we were about where the day took us. And I really enjoyed it. And we'd break off and do a few things on our own and then come back together again, like a, you know, like a, like a, like a, like a team. And it was, it was great. It was really, really good. And I, um, yeah, I'm not that bothered about VIP. I just wanted to get a ticket to get in. And if I don't, I'll stand outside. You can text me.
If I was ever presented with the opportunity to get one and the price was something within my wheelhouse, I'd probably still get one, but not for the reason that I think everybody wants one normally. Because I think a lot of people are like, oh, you get to sit in the front of the big panels. Yeah, I'm with you. I want to sit with my friends. I want to wait in line with my friends. The panels and stuff are the ones that I want to experience with people that I know.
And so those I wouldn't change the things that I would change are the, the other experiences that I think that take away from that time, which everyone to want, like sometimes I'll go and get SIG autographs, or I'll go I need like my my lottery time to go to the store. And so I would use to
So for autographs, there may be a huge line for people waiting autographs. And I hate this system. But it's like, oh, GenMS or VIPs have a separate line, like a fast pass, so that they can go and beep up right to the front. It's like, I hate it, because they're always the people who walk up with like 700 Funko pops. And it's like, great, we've all been waiting here. But like, you hate to say like, oh, I mean, it might be kind of nice to not wait in line and go do this.
I don't know. It's a, it's a, it's a, to spend money so that you can spend money. I, I don't, I don't prescribe to that. I do agree with you about the, the store access though. Um, um, despite me saying, I don't like the idea of, you know, you can only pay, you can only get these products that we're selling, which will profit from if you spend a bit more money.
in fact, a lot more money to be able to spend that money on that product. It's about optimizing time. I'm with you. But one thing I will say is that what was left in the store when I finally got in last year, it's trash. It really is trash. I mean, some of the quality of the t-shirts that I've got, I know that there's some really, really good stuff out there.
But yeah, no, I didn't. Any of the t-shirts or apparel are always are always garbage. It's always the oddball stuff. And that's what's funny too. It's like you would assume that it would all sell out immediately. But it's all at the whim of the restocking times. So like you may go in at noon and everything's gone and then they
a shift comes in and they restock the whole floor and everything's back again. And so this is just a note for people who've never been to celebration. If you go this time, don't be disheartened by if you get like a later lottery time, because it may stuff may be in there. Like you never know. Like they're the skateboard deck that I got last last year. Oh, that was technically that was there. Yeah, they were sold out of them. But then they're like, Oh, we found another box. And they just went up put it out. I'm like, Oh, yeah, I'll take that. Thanks. Yeah, no, I remember.
But yeah, I'm excited, I'm excited for celebration. I'm ready for it. I think it's also a forcing function of like, I wanna know who's gonna go. Like I wanna, and I think that'll be kind of that time when people really start making those decisions of like, we think we can, we might, we might not. Because if you get tickets, because usually you can resell them if you end up having to change. Like you can't make it, but that's at least a,
kind of a line of like, it's real, it's happening. We've got our tickets, we get our hotels and things like that. So I'm very excited for something. Yeah, as soon as you, I mean, again, bookings for hotels can and can't be, you know, they can and can be refunded, albeit without a holding deposit. But as soon as people start booking flights, that's when it starts getting serious.
Because I don't know about you guys, but certainly over here at the moment, you try and get a refund on a flight and it's pretty impossible if you're going to pay a decent price for your flight. If you pay a premium price for your flight, yeah, of course they'll offer you a refund. You'll have a refund policy with it, but if you want a decent price to get out there in the first place, they're typically non-refundable.
Anyway, so yeah, looking forward to that. And I'm guessing, you know, this isn't a one and done conversation as we ramp now. We're going to, this is going to be an ongoing subject. So maybe we should have a, I don't know, a celebration section going forward. Certainly as it starts amplifying and the momentum gets there and we get a little bit excited. Absolutely. Like a road, a road to celebration series.
I like it to be. Let's let's paint that. Let's paint that. Let's make t-shirts. Road celebration. Given to you by. Just silly. And I am I am a low sodium, low sodium, low sodium podcast. We can improve by medicine. We can make we can make stamps. I am making stamps. I'm still working on that. That's something I'm excited about.
The, uh, like, so I think that's another reason why I'm excited to find out who's going. So it's like, Oh, I can make, we can make podcast stamps for our friends that are going and exchange them. Like the little, the, the Accu train stamps, train station stamps that they have over there and put them, make them part of our collection book and things like that. And so.
Very cool. Yeah, I'm excited. I did start work on the Celebration Events website again. I started with a clean slate. We're going to do a little bit better this year. I got to convince Andy to use it over pen and paper. Here we go. Mission, mission, mission set. We'll see if we can do it. You're my target audience there. But I have plenty of time. More updates on that to come. Thank you, son.
Right. Let's talk about the next. Let's move on because we've got another episode of Bad Batch that you want to get through as well. What have you been watching this week or listening to or catching up on? So a couple quick ones. I did finish Halo season two. Same kind of thing.
If you tried watching the first season, didn't like it, I highly suggest watching season two. It gets, it still doesn't follow the game a hundred percent. There's definitely stuff that's different, but it gets very, very exciting.
the minor spoiler, but I'm not gonna say anything about it, but I have to say it's like the flood is involved in live action, Halo, so it's like that alone is worth it. It gets really good near, like season two is way better than season one, highly recommend. Not like above everything else, but it's like if you run out of stuff, which we all inevitably do, pick it up and try it again, it's pretty good.
I like different takes on stuff. And I know I keep, you know, I'm repeating a conversation that you and I had a few weeks back. So I won't go too much into it though, but, um, a different take on a, on a, on a known story, I think is a good thing. Cause if you try it, like I said before, you try and copy it like for like, uh, in the, in the live action form, you fail. I mean, look at what happened in comic books with, um, sorry, in animation with, um, cowboy bebop.
Look at what happened in video games with the Doom film. Good God, with The Rock and Carl Urban. You try and keep it really close to the source content and you end up
failing because nobody can, it's impossible to, to meet people's expectations, especially with so many diverse expectations. So I think it's a good thing. And I do, and I will, I will follow up. I am good to my, I am good to my word. I already told you that I've, without giving, talking about it too much, without giving too much away, I do follow up on recommendations you give me. So I will, I will, I will watch ALO.
Yeah, it's a it's a rolling list, so it can stay. It doesn't. It's not that the topic can stay down where it's at when work your way through. There may be a lot of other things that go up above it, but it's it's on that list of like, don't don't believe everything you read online. Like it may not be for some people. It follows pieces of the story, but what it does differently, I'm very interested in because it's it is a different take. And it's it's I don't know, it's better than watching. I don't know.
Crap on YouTube, besides. I do like watching like baking and how it's made videos on YouTube. That's kind of cool though. It's not better than those. I was watching earlier on a resin coffee table me and made. And I was thinking, just how hard can it be to mix this kind of resin and make and fashion my own furniture? And then I realized it was actually quite hard. So it's not such a good idea.
But yeah, no, I'm into those kind of making videos. And I've gone off a tangent again. Carry on. Are you sure? I'm interested to know how many people are going to get resin-related illnesses in the future from all of the resin. I use resin, but I'm also keenly aware of what it can do to your nervous system and stuff. Then there's a lot of people, that's why I wish the resin content would take a chill pill a little bit. It's like, man, people are going to be out there getting hurt pouring resin countertops.
not taking this stuff seriously. But anyways, I've continued to tangent.
Another thing I watched, I have an update kind of minor. So last week, I didn't poo poo X-Men 97. But I wasn't feeling it that much. I gave it another shot. I will say it's it's good. I think I had this mentality. I had this mentality of like, Oh, I'm gonna go back and watch the originals. I started watching the originals. It's like, No, I can't do this. This is not this is not for me. You didn't buy didn't create you were positive. You just you just
couldn't answer the question, who is this for? I mean, you asked yourself the question. I think I can this week. Oh, good. I think so. That's one of my things that says update. X-Men 97 is for, in my opinion, adults. Yeah, it's it's definitely a lot deeper. It's a lot stronger than the original series was. And it also helped. I have this video I linked in one of the discords of like, hey, if you're not familiar with the series, there's like a 35 minute video that literally covers every episode and like,
30 minutes from the original series. Super helpful because there's stuff that happens in these three episodes that have been released that are like, referenced in that video that some of them are deep in the weeds, but it's like, Hey, I know what they're talking about. But yeah, it's, um, there's, it's cool. I'm enjoying it. It's still weird that it's like cereal and stuff, but
Sure, can we add that link in the show notes? Can we do that? Yeah, yeah, I can do that. Can we do that? Can we do that? Oh, I didn't realize we could do that. Oh, brilliant. We can absolutely do that. But yes, X-Men 97, I'm enjoying it. Nice. The other thing I saw, I actually went to the movie theaters to see this the day it came

Ghostbusters Movie Review and Personal Opinions on Films

out. I went and saw the new Ghostbusters movie. That was...
I mean, if you didn't like afterlife, you're not going to like this. So don't throw that out there. I like the afterlife. I really like this. The the actress who plays Phoebe is phenomenal. Yeah, she's she's the the the big bad. I won't say anything about him besides.
It's a kind of a callback. There's things in this one that happened that's reminiscent of the older, the originals, where it's like, there's just moments where like,
Damn, that's like kinda, kinda scary. Like it's kind of a goofy Ghostbusters movie that's like, what? They like amped up to like, we wanna scare the, scare the shit out of people. Like, let's make it like scarier than the movie's general tone. And they had some of that in there, it's cool. Old cast was in it. It's not a spoiler, they're openly in it. It was good, I enjoyed it. I did not get a bucket, unfortunately, but yeah.
Well, they were, by the looks of it, they were quite pricey as well, weren't they? I have no idea they didn't even offer them at my stupid little theater. It was me and two other people in this theater. That's how small my, my local hometown theater is. So do you, so I'm, so the, it's, it's, it's Eastie weekend in the UK. So we typically, um, we get Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, well, of course the weekend, but Friday and Monday off, uh, as part of the Eastie weekends, the girls have come back and we're debating whether to go on Sunday.
on Easter Sunday, we're not particularly spiritual people so we don't observe. So we're thinking of making the most out of the time that we've got off and so we're thinking about going on Sunday. So with that recommendation, I'd say, yeah, there's a pretty good chance that we're going to go because although I have read and promptly ignored because I'm getting a bit tired of
some negativity out there. I have read that it might not be for all people. It's not as solid as the last one. There's a lot of shit going on in it. I will say that it is a movie that is packed end to end with
There's also 100,000 characters that they're dealing with. That's one of the complaints that I'm picking up on. And like I said, I typically now, I'm starting to ignore them now because it's getting a little bit dull and I'll make my own mind up. Thank you very much. Because now I'm an adult. But yeah, that's one of the things is that
there's no kind of focal point because there are so many characters that they need to follow through. Question I do have for you is, it didn't happen in the last film. Does this film show a handover? In the conclusion of the film, does it show the handover of the
of the fire station and all of the kit and the ghost traps and the Ecto-1. Does it show, if you like, a passing of the torch between the older generation and the kids? So, kind of. In a sense, the handoff has already happened.
Um, right. Okay. Kind of. Okay. And so it's not a hand, you hand the lightsaber to the other person and it's like, this is the handing of the baton. And now, yeah. Yeah. That's like that is kind of already happens in
in a sense, but that's kind of about that arc as well. I will say for the people who, and maybe a little expectation setting, if there's a lot of critical reviews of like, I mean, there's a ton of people in it.
but don't go in expecting a full arc for every character that we've met in Afterlife and before. The movie is about Phoebe. Like, it is her arc. I love that. And if you go in with that mentality, like, this is her movie, it's about that and then everything that kind of connects to it, then you're fine. Yes, there's a billion and a half people in it. You're not gonna get full arcs for every individual
because there's a lot in her life and things like that. And that's great because she carried that last film. She really, really did. And I thought that, you know, I think most people, myself included, was expecting, hey, it's the kid from Stranger Things. He's going to be prominent in this movie. And he was. But goodness me, she's Sean. She's Sean and ran that movie. So that's great. If the future of Ghostbusters is with her, I'm really happy.
And I think they did a better job at that with this film. Cause I think the previous had that kind of issue of like, who, which kid is the main kid? And this one, they do a really good job. It's like Finn, Finn Wolfhard is not the main character in this movie. He's there.
but he's definitely not the primary. I will say that I know for a fact where a lot of these negative reviews are coming from, there is a certain contingent of individuals who tend to be upset by everything that I guarantee you are upset because they are making something out of
a perception or something that they are hearing on the internet. I'm not gonna say what it is, but things that make these people, it's nothing that's actually there. They're gonna assume it's there and they're mad about it. So just know that there's reasons for that. No, no, that's fine. Like I said, I choose to cherry pick what I want to read and what I don't want to read and it's the minute I
I don't like the smell of something, I typically walk away. So, no, that's fine. And I don't think we should spend any time on those kind of people, on those kind of people and their kind of sentiment anyway. Okay, cool. What else have you been up to, mate? I'm looking forward to that. I don't wanna hear any more, by the way. I'm looking forward to it now. You've got me pumped. I have not spoiled anything in that movie, but the only other thing I saw was I,
Um, I download, I have a, I, I watched a dune at dune two at home on my TV.

Dune 2 Viewing Experience and Spice Significance

You saw it at home. Yeah. I saw it at home. I just, I haven't had time to go spend three hours in a movie theater, even though I saw Ghostbusters, which I saw it on at home. Um, my, my, my general sentiment while watching it was.
Uh, what, what the hell is going on? I really enjoyed it. It was really good movie, but I took me a minute to like, I, every once in a while I'd have to pause it and be like, like my general sentiment is like, cause I'm not familiar with the dude. I mean, I, I unders, I know the, like the high level. I saw the old movies like a billion years ago, but it's like, I enjoyed the first one. And then this one, I kind of come in, I'd kept pausing and being like,
Am I, did I like miss, did I miss something? Did I miss like a section of scenes or are we just going from X or from A to C? We skipped B, but we just assumed that B happened. It's like, yep. Now you watch it and I'm like, okay, yeah, I think I'm just supposed to like fill those gaps in. Like, and that's not a bad thing. It's just like a, more of a,
Am I watching a weird version of this? Or is this just how it goes? So I kind of had that self-doubt, but it's like, what's going on? Yeah, I guess because I've had the pleasure of reading the books. I didn't experience that, but...
And I need to ask Lucy because when we went to see it, sorry, when we went to see it, she was a bit meh about part one and then she loved part two because the pacing is very, very different. It's very, very different. It accelerates and goes to, you know, goes batshit crazy extremely quickly.
However, I didn't think of asking her if she was following it or not, which is probably something I should have asked her. But yeah, I think everything's there.
that you need to know. It makes sense. Everything makes sense. And that you kind of really miss a lot. There's a heck of a lot of, there's a massive opportunity of missing context along the way. I'll be honest, here's what I compare it to. I compare the viewing experience to like, not the quality of movie, but the viewing experience is very similar to, at least for me as an American, the Fantastic Beasts movies.
where it's like, I have to watch these movies with subtitles on because I do not know what the hell anybody is talking about. And it's like, there's so many like names and terminology that I'm like, without subtitles, I'm like, I just okay, I'm just gonna follow visually and be like, which is fine. I want to get it.
I can relate to that, and I'm a Brit, and so should follow Eddie pretty well, but I get that. We went to see the last one with, oh, the guy that they changed up, Mads Mikkelsen.
the third of the films when it came out a few years back. And I must admit I was confused to hell and I did not understand. And I didn't think I'd missed a beat from the previous film with Johnny Depp. But I didn't understand an awful lot. So that's good context for me that explaining why you might have not understood it as much as
as I did, I need to ask Lucy. I genuinely, genuinely don't know whether she knew what was going on now. Now you've said that. But cinematically, it's a masterpiece, right? Oh yeah, it's fantastic. Like once you kind of get past that, like, wait, she's like, there's always those moments, at least for me, it's like, wait, she's like communing with the baby in her womb? Okay. Okay, like, okay, I got it. Okay, I'm following now. That's who they're talking to.
Oh, he's, he's like, he's like verbal. He's like laying, like, I'm not trying to spoil anything. Like if people know it's like, is it even spoilable? It's like. Give it, give us two minutes guys. If you, if you, if you haven't seen Jew part two yet, give us two minutes and we'll be back with you in a second. Yeah. Spoiler starting now. It's like, Oh, he's laying on the sand and he's just like talking or like staring off and it's like, Oh, he's like talking in his head to people. Like once you kind of get past those like mental notes of like, Oh, this is what's happening.
It's immediately false. The action stuff all makes sense. The emperor stuff makes sense. All that is all like, okay, clear cut and forward, but it's the... So the spice is everything. So if you think about everything, the spice in the center, the spice is... And I don't think it's given away in part three, in part two, so I won't go too far, but the spice and the worms are symbiotic. There's a relationship there.
that will become clear in part three, you know, God willing, it's actually made. That's why they're both blue, the blue juice and the blue eyeballs. They're all kind of connected. No spoilers at all. It wasn't shown, which surprised me, but no spoilers at all. In part one, the spice impacts people. So the spice essentially is a drug.
that is used for from something as simple as flavoring all the way through to, you know, the best of medication, the best of medicine, sorry, the best all the way through to establishing a higher consciousness. So you've got people and cultures that have kind of almost formed themselves around the existence of the spice that can only be found on Arrakis.
And, um, so there's, I mean, first of all, travel, space travel cannot happen without spice because there is not no such thing as fast than light travel in this, they have like this, they have like the star Wars navigator hyper and Skywalker is kind of thing going on. And, and, and, and we didn't get to see them, but these navigators essentially are humans that have taken so much spice.
over a very, very protracted period of time that they themselves have changed not only in form, but in mind as well. And they're able to essentially manipulate space and time to make these, to be able to travel from one point to another.
in the blink of an eye or instantaneously. And that's what the spice... So if you think of the navigators, the uber high end of the influence that this spice has had on humanity. And then if you consider them, if you're like the top of the pile, you then go work your way down. And then part of that is this Beni-Jeserite sisterhood, which again is a religion.
the religious religion that has focused itself on spice and uses the spice to develop their own mental capabilities. Not as extreme as the navigators because they're still human form. But they have ingested spice and
In doing so, they're able to have these unnatural abilities, such as reading minds, talking to each other from across great distances. I mean, some of the skills they've got is very force-like. Being able to endure an awful lot of pain, be able to be superior in combat, to be able to impact people with the sound of their own voice. So they talk about the voice an awful lot in part one.
A lot of booming voice stuff that they do. Exactly. And that was and that was typically a skill or a set of skills that were predominantly or predominantly exclusive to women. Hence the bed edges of her sisterhood. And there was this prophecy that a man would come. Here comes a man would come and in and he would
if you like, inherit the Bene Gesserit skills and abilities, which for any other man would normally kill them or they would not be able to achieve it. And that's what Paul has become essentially. So he's inherited everything that the Bene Gesserit can do, but because he is essentially the chosen one,
he's going a little bit further than that as well. And you'll see that hopefully, hopefully you'll see where that takes him in part three, which is, should be the adaptation of the second book, the series, June Messiah, which should finish your story. Yeah, so I enjoyed it. A part of me is like,
Like, because I hear I have I have friends who are all doing fans like they've read the books and it's like, yeah, they're you feel they fill in the gaps for like YouTube videos or whatever, like fill in the gaps of like, here's here's here's what that meant. And it's there's there's characters like the like Austin Butler's character, the Harkin and nephew. And it's like, oh, and. The psychopath. Yeah. Yeah. Like a part of me is like.
Fade, Fade Routha. Yeah. Yeah. A part of me's like, he did a really good job, but it felt like I'm sure the books had more for him because it just felt, it felt kind of like, let me TLDR where I'm going with this. A part of me's like wonders.
these are cinematic master cinematic masterpieces, they were really good. But would it have been better as a as a as a prestige television series, where you can flesh some of this stuff out? And like, yeah, some of these characters more meat on the bones, because it just seems like that movie was boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. You know, it's like, and then it's chopped. It's like, well, that was the second half of the first book. And it's like, I feel like there was some stuff that like, yeah, you are getting the most out of it.
If you've read it like everything. So the revolution, so the revolution on Arrakis that Paul runs is, um, that's, that's over a period of five years. You didn't see that, you didn't see that progression. You didn't see that, that, that, uh, yeah, an awful lot of it has been condensed. There's an awful lot that's missing. So for example, um, I don't think I'm giving anything away to you here, but Aaliyah,
Oh, Alia, sorry. I think I know I know where the story goes so you can spoil it for me because I already know what happens in the future. So so Paul's mom who is talking to her baby. So so so. Paul's sister, Paul's not the hero. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. But but but Paul's sister who is in who is in his mother's in his mother's tummy. She should have been born by now.
So in order to complete his trilogy, Denny is messing about a little bit with the timeline in order to focus on what's important of the original book to convey that and then using
other things from the original book to pad out the second book which is part three but as a book it was significantly smaller sorry shorter significantly shorter book and so what he's clearly doing is he's leaving some of that goodness for part three which would have been again the second book in order to give it a little bit more substance and to make sure that the viewing public that may not know
the law or what the hell's going on to keep them relatively invested in the plot because he started using a bunch of law and a bunch of confusion. And to your point, a bunch of stuff that quite frankly, does it really accelerate the story? I doubt it.
So keeping it as lean as he possibly can because it really is a heavy going rich, rich book. There's a lot of stuff going on. Yeah. Yeah. You have to portray the.
You have to betray the moving north and like, oh, to me, like the odd cuts were around. Like in the beginning, we were like, we don't trust him. The next thing you know, it immediately cuts and there's like people popping up on the spice harvester. And it's like, wait a minute, but did I just miss something? Did I black out for 10 minutes? And it's like, oh, wait, that's him. That's him. He's there now. Like, oh, they must trust him enough to do that. And so it's like, oh, there's a time jump. Like what's happened in part one, in part one.
the Bene Gesserit sisterhood go to Arrakis before the Atreides family and start the rumor of the chosen one, if you like, about him coming, which is the reason why you'll see two different factions going on amongst the people of Arrakis, especially the Fremen. You'll see people that are cynical and don't trust him.
for example, and then those that have already embraced him as being the Messiah because the Bene Gesserit people have got to them. So hence the reason why Jessica, his mum, in a lot of her role in part two is sowing the seed of credibility of her son so that he can A,
survive and be to lead this revolution going forward. So you didn't miss anything, but there's an awful lot going in the background that you don't see. There is once or twice there are moments where her congregation will talk to Jessica and she in turns manipulates what's going on in order to put Paul into a really, really good light.
so that they share the story with the villagers and with the other Fremen that this guy is something to look at and someone to be adored. It's very, very, it's very political. I mean, it's not all, this is the thing, there's a bunch of diehard folk that like the original 80s, Dino De Laurentiis, the original production that David Lynch and those guys did, and it was,
It was great, but it kind of made Paul a superhuman, that he was born with these gifts, that he was somehow different and that he did all these amazing superhuman things because
he is the chosen one. Whereas if you consider, and what Denny's done, which I think is really, really smart, is grounded in the basis of the story in the original context of the novels, which is really, and I'm sorry, we're spending way too much time on this, but good God, this is what happens when you engage with me on something I really, really love. Anyway, I'll finish now, but I will say the polls,
position as leader is not just about his abilities alone in the fact that he's ingested spice and obviously the bile of the sandworm now as well, which takes him to that next level beyond where the spice can. It's not just about that, it's also about the people believing his abilities.
And what comes with that is a certain amount of fake news, or should we say a certain amount of PR massaging that his mom's doing and her cronies are doing to, um, to, to land the message that this guy is the Messiah. Anyway, sorry, I spent way too, honestly, I honestly, I could spend hours on this stuff. I have one more question for you though. I love it. Sorry, go on. I have one more question for you just to kind of clarify it. Is the motivating factor for the Bene Gesserit
like a holy war, which is it power? Is it spreading their faith? What is their motivating factor? What you'll see now is that you'll see the Bene Gesserit kind of almost split. So you saw Gaius Mohem who is the Bene Gesserit leader across the known universe who was advising the emperor
Okay, the Emperor's Bene Gesserit. Got it. Okay, following. And then that's his Bene Gesserit lady. And then you've got and then you've got Jessica, who is the Bene Gesserit priestess on Arrakis. And they're kind of they're kind of fighting like a power struggle. But what's the larger purpose of them? They're like, what's their larger
Like what do they, like, cause I imagine they don't always want to be behind control everything as

Bene Gesserit and Shogun Series Praise

their goal. No, no, no. They are, they are the Illuminati. That's exactly what they are. Yeah. That's, they are the Illuminati. Marty. I mean, they, they, they control the, I mean, the, the, the, the emperor is a puppet emperor. Um, I mean, the whole galaxy is, is essentially, um,
run by the the guild navigators who control the the the spice and the and the and the sort of space lanes and the Bene Gesserit who control the the aristocracy, the you know, the class system, you know, the the the the the sort of the caste system. They're the they're like the advisors that are really controlling control the lineage and the reason why they control the lineage
and control what happens in the upper echelons of society is for their own personal benefit. Yeah. Makes sense. They're like... They are the Illuminati. They do it for power. They do it for control. They are in charge, albeit under the guise of an advisor.
Yeah. Yeah. Never seen to make that clear. It's just like what I don't think I missed in the first. I didn't rewatch the first one before going before watching this one. It's like, oh, I think it's straightforward. And I get the main points. But it's like, oh, crap. There was actually a lot.
lot in there. Sometimes it's hard to find the motivations of what certain groups are doing. Because it's not always the trope, the common trope of what other stories we should go to. And that's why I'm so into these films. I think what Denny's done is to make it as simple as possible for food.
It's so hard. It's like, I mean, reading these books is like wading through treacle. They are really, really deep. And what I think he's done is make it palatable in the same way that if you're like, I mean, have you read the Lord of the Rings? They're not easy reads. And so, you know, the way that Peter Jackson interpreted it, but I guess it's a lot easier to translate the
the world of Middle Earth because it's less politics and more about kings and. It'd be like trying to make a game of the game of Thrones movie where it's like we're going to make a game of Thrones trilogy and it's like there's a lot to pack in there. We may have to trim some stuff off. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Other other than that.
I'll make a marker here with my hand mentally. The Dune talks, I can put a chapter marker in there. And the only other thing I saw was Shogun, but I can, we can save that one.
if you want to talk about it or we can talk about it in the future. So let's talk about show good. I mean, I'm loving it. I caught up on five that I missed last week and then obviously another episode dropped on Monday and I've watched that and I have to say it is the most realistic and delightful program I've seen for quite a while and
I love, love, love, love, love the fact that I would say a good four fifths, if not higher of the series is spoken in Japanese. I love that. I love the fact that whereas the, as I said, the diversion that we got back in the eighties was very,
was very much targeted at a Western audience. And I'm loving, I seriously am loving this. And it's a lot deeper, it's a lot more juicy, it's a lot more nuanced. I'm beautifully shocked. I mean, even when it's a rainy day, it's absolutely stunning, the cinematography of that series.
I am stoked. And when we, I think you and I spoke about this earlier one before we started recording, but when this series wraps up, I really want to do a deep dive with some of our friends that may well have got involved as well because it is worth, it's just worth watching. It really is. And it's worth enjoying and sharing with each other.
Yeah, I mean, there's bigger there's bigger things at play. And it's like, it's one of those ones that we could we could spend a whole podcast each week talking about each episode and where we think it's going. I mean, I've never saw the original, so I don't know where it's going to go. So it's all new to me. And so a lot of it is like stuff that's happened this week where it's really starting to get into the meat of the relationships and pet the past and like why
introducing some new characters, introducing like why certain people are doing certain things. It's very reminiscent of like the way I felt about Game of Thrones in the early seasons. Yeah.
like where you're still surprised. I never read the Game of Thrones books, but it's like you're surprised at the way things are going down. But I think what I love about it the most besides the cinematography and things like that and the leaning into the Japanese language and not making it easy for you, you have to pay attention. But it's the it leans so heavily on the Japanese culture as a whole and at the time of
you don't get the ease of knowing the usual Western storytelling motives, the paths, and it's like, no, this person will die for honor, because that is what their Lord told them to do.
You're not going to get that in the stereotypical Western story. So it's like, it's fresh, it's new, it's exciting, and I love it. I love every minute of it. All the stereotypical Western interpretation of the show can story because it is a novel. Exactly. It is a novel. It's meant to be based on true events of an Englishman.
that whose ship came to the Japans. But the brutality of feudal Japan
is balanced only by its extraordinary beauty of the people, I mean, obviously the land itself. And yet you've got someone like the West, as I said before in previous episode, thinking that the West was the most, should we say the imperialist countries at the time, were the most advanced, were the most cultured, had the most...
highest standards, and yet you realize when you watch something like Shogun, just how really, really wrong those nations were, including England, including the Great Britain. Like I said, the amazing amount of beauty and commitment to family and commitment to honor and
You know, it's what made life worth living. And it was, there's a certain amount of, I keep using the word, beauty in that. I think it's not a story.
It's not the story about a Western hero in a foreign land. No, that's not what it is. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No, no, you're absolutely right. I was about to say that, which is the reason why a couple of weeks back when you say it's interesting that you see the, the, the, the, the thing is at the time I was thinking, actually, do I give it away? He's, he's, he's not, he's kind of the anti-hero in all of this.
It's like I mean, I don't I don't know the story but it's like it seems like he's just more of he's the camera He's the narrator not the narrator is but he's the lens in which we look through exactly exactly exactly And I think he's not even he's not even the main character It's just like he is the Western lens into this in this situation and he's like especially in the beginning It's like he's how you learn
some of the things and like, so you can bumble along with him and you can learn the lessons the hard way, the same way that he does.
Some are just absolutely just like, and you feel it along with them. You feel along with everybody involved. And I like how they don't shy away from it. Game of Thrones got long in the tooth with it's like, here's a pulpy corpse. Like here's brutality and gore and yada, yada, yada. But they didn't, I think they fell off with like making you feel it emotionally. Like this, it's more about the,
Sitting with things then like and seeing and feeling it and like and having them explain Why you don't react or why you feel a certain way or don't I really really really like that about this show yeah, and I implore anyone that's listening well, you know and and you know, we talk an awful lot of nonsense, but sometimes we we do make sense and
Um, and, um, I implore anyone that's listening to this. Give it, give it a go. Give it a go. I mean, you get to, you know, beyond that, say episode two and three, and it just just launched into something that is really quite different. What about anything else? Yeah, exactly. Anything else you're watching, mate? Nope. Okay. So I'm going to leave, well, I'm going to leave what I've watched till last. So I'm still watching Shogun.
Dick Turpin or the incorrect life of whatever it's called. Scrubs Battlestar Galactica reboot. I have watched or rewatched Hardware. Did you ever watch that? It's a 1990s film. It's really cheap and nasty. And I would say it's probably one of my favorite films ever because it is so cheap and nasty. It's Hardware is a film that was made in the UK.
Um, when Canary Wharf was first being built, so an awful lot of the abandoned warehouse being knocked down. And these, these group of guys, um, thought it'd be a good idea to, uh, um, uh, build this, sorry, to create this film again, done on a shoestring or created on a shoestring. And it includes an awful lot of people in it. So there's, um, there's a couple of American actors that I can't remember at this moment in time.
But you've got Lemmy from Motorhead that's driving around in a taxi boat. You've got the lead singer of The Mission, I think it was. It was either The Mission or Sisters of Mercy, I can't remember. As this desert wanderer who comes across this old droid.
And it's all in pieces being blown to bits. And he sells it to this guy who's on his way back from a series of post-apocalyptic wars and he's at the end of his short tour of duty and he goes home to visit his girlfriend. And she's an artist and she's a relatively heavy artist dealing with lots of metals and junk and
you know, what I would call a heavy metal artist. And so he gives her this robot that she basically welds together in this abstract format as part of her art. Anyway, it transpires that this robot was an old wardrobe.
designed and built for battle that can eventually, that has self-preservation capabilities to be able to pull itself back together. It's completely ridiculous. So this whole thing builds itself together, put itself together, and it starts killing, going on a killing round page. It's, I was about to say it's the poor man's terminator, but it's not even that. It's
I don't know what it is. I really don't know what it is. It's a ridiculous... Actually, what is really interesting is the story. I don't know if I mentioned this earlier on. It comes from 2000 AD. So, 2000 AD being the old comic that I used to like. The short story, and that's called Hardware, and that's where the director and the production team took the story and turned it into a two-hour movie. It's batshit crazy. It's ridiculous. It's got an amazing soundtrack.
Mixing heavy metal with ambient dance at the time with opera as well. It's honestly insane. And there's a bunch of folk that you will recognize in the film. Anyway, I watched it recently at a whale of a time.
And it reminded me the reason why I like the film over Crikey 34 years ago now. Anyway. But is it better? Is it better than Short Circuit or Short Circuit better? Oh nothing beats Short Circuit. Short Circuit is amazing. There we go.
This is why we do a podcast. I mean, you know, you, come on, Johnny, five is alive. I mean, it's the, it's, it's the, it's the polar opposite.
of short circuit. There is no budget making this film. The acting is absolutely atrocious. It's amazingly brilliant. Sorry, amazingly bad. And the special effects and everything are substandard. It's such an amazing film because it's a cult classic. I love it. Anyway, moving on from there.
Bad Batch, we're gonna move on to in a second, what I've been listening to. There's a guy that Katherine Neen put me on to when we were over in Celebration last year. There's a guy called Jamie Benning and he owns a, so he runs a podcast called the Filmumentaries podcast. And he has the most amazing, and he's approaching his, yeah, he's only approaching 100 episodes despite being going for now, you know, I think it's,
at least three or four years. The point being is that he interviews some really, really world-class people. So Dennis Mirren, his hundredth is with... Oh, I can't remember what his hundredth is. Anyway, he's interviewed pretty much anyone that's been involved in filmmaking, SFX. Only two episodes ago, he interviewed Gareth Edwards.
and his production team for The Creator. He interviews an awful lot of people, and he does this as his hobby, despite the fact that he has full-time work elsewhere.
Phil Tippett. Phil Tippett is his 100th episode. So to celebrate his 100th episode, he's going to release next week or also his interview with Phil Tippett and they're brilliant. They're absolutely brilliant. Anyway, and I have subscribed to his Patreon because this guy needs as much help as he can get because he's
turning out some really, really good polished stuff and he's doing it off his own back. Anyway, the point I was making is that his episode but one, so not this last episode, but one before, he did a commentary of Empire Strikes Back with a mate of his. So they met up in a flat somewhere in London and just listened to and were watching Empire Strikes Back. That's probably one of the best commentaries I've ever listened to.
doing a commentary of the media that I love across Star Wars and other things as well. And the reason why I love it is because it's two chapters that I can relate to, having a conversation as to the reason why they love the film, memories of watching the film when they were kids, the associated merch that was around at the time. So it was very relative. It wasn't a couple of film directors and producers and creatives talking about the filmmaking process. It's really about
And I've listened to a lot of people
the memories at the time that this film was built and what certain scenes and emotions and acting, what kind of emotions that drummed up in them. And I loved it, absolutely loved it. And I recommend anyone that has a hole in their podcasting library. I recommend Filme Mentories because Jamie's doing the Lord's work, he really is.
Which leads me to the last point, and I'm going back to what I watched.
Quite a few episodes ago, I was looking for new content for Lucy and I to have as our show after we'd finished Masters of the Air. In fact, it wasn't that long ago, it was only last week. We were looking for something new. And I promised you a long, long time ago that I would check out Severance. Well, not only did I check out Severance on Monday, Monday or Sunday? Monday of this week, not only did I check out Severance on
Monday of this week. I finished it Monday of this week as well. Well, it might've been Sunday. Anyway, point being, we did the whole lot on a day.

Severance Series and Bad Batch Episode Analysis

We were expecting it to be our new show that would take us a few weeks to complete, but we couldn't tear ourselves away and go to bed, is all I'll say. The first two or three episodes, I thought, oh, it's quite quirky. It's a bit batshit crazy.
I like the idea of it though. Reminds me a little bit of 1984, a little bit of the Truman Show, a little bit of everything really where everything is kind of, especially 1984 with the idea of literature being forbidden and the controlling nature of the corporation.
And then as we got on, I started having a vested interest in the characters, especially those on the inside, as it were, the people that were working. And then come the finale, I was in floods of tears. I was throwing chairs out of the window. I was vouching for everyone and the ending without, you know,
I'm not going to go into too much detail. Honestly, both of us were pretty much about to riot in the little village that we live in at the moment because the way they ended it was a master stroke and pretty much pulled on every emotional fiber in my being. What an amazing show. And I would say I have not been as impacted
I'm sure there's other stuff as well, but I don't feel as if I've been impacted by this show since, I don't know, Breaking Bad. Really, really good. I really, really enjoyed it. And thank you so much for recommending it because what a blinder. What a blinder. What an ending.
Yeah, imagine watching it when we did and we've been waiting on season two this whole time. Yeah. Yeah. Come on. Then you were messaging me stuff. It's like, oh, I mean, I think I've put this move. I think I put this show out of my mind so much because I'm so ready. For what's next. It's like, oh, because. There's no way that season two can't be. I mean, it has to be like, it has to be amazing, like is I'm very excited.
Yeah, me too, man. I really am looking forward to it. And I guess I had the luxury of blasting through it, blasting through nine episodes in one sitting. I'm not sure how I'd feel if I had to sit through waiting a week. I think I'd actually probably end up killing someone.
Um, this is, I think this is why Madison has her rule about not wanting to watch shows until I get it because of shows like this, where it's like, I can't handle the stress each week. I'm like, but we have to watch it because my friends will spoil it. And so. Cart horse, something like that. So you have to watch it or just. Yeah. No, like I said, thank you very much. Thank you very much indeed. I really, really do appreciate it. Well, cool, man.
Let's move on to the discussion of the week, which is again another exciting episode of the Bad Batch episode called The Harbinger. What did you think, mate? I thought it was good.
It was, it's, I was laughing kind of in the beginning of it because it started, it started going down the path of like, man, this is almost exactly what we said last week. It's like, I was going to show up. I was about to say, you called pretty much all of that. Asajj shows up rather than them going to find, sorry, them going to find Asajj. She's going to come to them. And you also called, that's the last we're ever going to see of her. And you also called.
there's going to be no explanation as to how she survived. So I would say if we were playing Sean Bingo, you'd be doing quite well at the moment.
They, the explanation of how she survived. Well, it wasn't an explanation, but the, a reference to it was made, but I love how laughably on the nose it was at the very end where she's just like, uh, I've got a few lives left. It's like,
Yeah, I love it. I love that they're acknowledging it. And they just like, No, we don't care. They're like cats. They got nine of them. She's got a few handful left. That's that's your explanation. It's like, solid. Love it. I love how that's, to me, I almost took it as like, Yeah, that's mad. That's all you're getting. Go for it. My other Yeah, my other high level thoughts were
Uh, can, can Asajj, um, test my metachlorian count? Um, because I, I like Asajj. She's awesome. Please. Okay. Um, my high level thoughts were, uh, it was okay. It was okay. Yeah. It was okay. It was, it was fine. It took the story. I'm not sure if it took the story forward. Maybe it.
took one of the elements or the speculations that we've been thinking, whether Omega is false sensitive enough and took that off the table, but did it or didn't it? I don't know. I don't know, mate. It was all right. It was okay. As usual, I've just got some bullet points that I wrote down as I was watching it of how I was feeling or what I'd noticed that excited me at the time.
I did feel as if both this week with Asajj and then the previous week with, come on, Fennec, I felt as if they could have been anyone. Like you said last week about
Fennec being the bounty hunter that they use to get the objective being that they would get to the next stage. And I'm guessing, I understand why Massage is there, but I felt that her involvement was not as meaningful as perhaps I probably would have expected. Maybe it's because I'm a fanboy.
And I think she's awesome. I think she's one of the best things to come out of animation. And of course, based on an original concept drawing that could have been Darth Maul in the Phantom Meles. So her whole story, I think, is absolutely freaking awesome. And it was brilliant having her in the show.
I don't know man, I just, I just, I just, I wanted her to stay. Does that make sense? I think, I do. I know what it is now, I know what it is, I'm sorry to interrupt, but I know what it is now. I wanted her to stay, I wanted her to have more meaning in the ongoing story and perhaps ally herself with that team and be the anti-hero that allies herself with
with our heroes in the same way that she did with Quinlan. And I'm okay. I don't think it's off the table though. I don't think it's off the table. I think. Okay. I agree with what you're saying for sure about Fennec. Fennec could have been anybody. I think that was like a wasted cameo per se. But this one, I think the core thing that this week brought with having her specifically
Yeah, I think she was the one she's one of the few who they could have had come in who brings a gravity and a seriousness to the situation. I think with her almost toying with the three of them in the cave and just
Easily beating the piss out of them and her comments of yeah, like you do not know what you are dealing with They are way more dangerous than you assume because I think up until now it's always like the clones are the the masters of their kind of situation and they always get away because they're fighting other clones and she's just like
If if if she has a high midichlorian count, like which there's I go back and forth like every five minutes of like, okay, they she said that she doesn't like she doesn't have it. She got the thing came back because she doesn't have the force, but she has batcher. And so she got she's a clone. She's resourceful. She made it work. But maybe she does have a high midichlorian count. And what I took away from it was Asajj saying,
It doesn't matter if she does or doesn't at this point. She has a target on her back. Like, yeah, none of none of it even matters if they have a target on her.
They are way more dangerous than you think they are. You cannot bumble your way out of this. You need to take it very seriously.

Asajj's Role, Omega's Force Sensitivity, and Future Speculations

You need to get the hell out of here. So it's kind of, in a way, dismissing the O-S-H-E-4 sentiment. She's like, you could have been. Like, it's not the answer that we want. We want the conclusive, like, I don't want her to be. And I was kind of getting upset in the middle of the show. I'm like, I swear, if she lifts a rock, I'm going to be pissed because I think it diminishes everything that's happened.
But then I think at the end, it was kinda like, she could not, I don't know, I don't have the equipment, but she's not doing stuff with it right now, she could get training, I don't know, maybe, but TLDR, shit's serious, and they're never gonna stop hunting for you. You can't, you three aren't enough. And that's kinda what I took away from it, so it's like, and I don't know if there's anybody else who could've given that levity to it of like,
I mean, who else could have come in and been like, you guys seriously have no idea? I know I was in with this circle of people. They're terrifying and they can make your world a world of hurt really easily. That's kind of where I took from it. Yeah. Yeah, you could be right. And I guess it's because
You know, there was the things like the trope of the sea beast and all that kind of stuff as well. I personally felt a little bit robbed because I want to see more of her. But to your point, we may well still. We may well still. Or indeed, this may simply be a segue to see her again in future animation titles now that we know that
She is alive, she is alive. But again, it's another force user that wasn't around, around the time of- I mean, at least they've given her a yellow lightsaber though. So it's like- Yeah, true, true, true, true, true. So it's like, she's not, maybe she's not picking a side, maybe she's living her life on her own terms. And like- Yeah. I don't-
And I want that to be okay. I think a part of it too. It's like, I'm not a fan of all the force users coming into. They're all alive, but like, I do think it's okay if there's like some who are like, yeah, I'm a force user and that was my past, but like, I'm not participating. Well, funny you should say that. Funny you should say that. So there's a, hold that thought because I'll be really, really quick.
Because if it's okay with you, let me just go through the bullet points in order of the way that the show played out. Crosshairs, he's not comfortable on the island, is he? He's clearly not chilling out at the moment. He hasn't found his balance yet. So that's the first takeaway I had. Secondly, Fenwick came true.
So our concerns last week whereby she could be shafting them, actually know what she was doing with delivery against the promise, albeit in a somewhat different way, because clearly her and Asaj have a relationship or a mutual respect for each other, which is cool. The fact that Asaj hunted them down without having any kind of information as to where they would be, sick, sick, she's ace.
They finally said the midichlorian word during the episode, which I thought was, was great. Cause a lot of folk of M-Count just call it what it is. Well, they don't know what it is. Hence the reason why they're, they're, they're picking up on the, on the M-Count reference. Although I don't know how you test them. I don't know how you test for midichlorian by immediately jumping into the force. If you remember when, um,
jumping into force exercises, sorry. If you remember when Qui-Gon back in Phantom Menace, he had that little doohickey where he could take a blood sample and then surely, is that not a common thing? Maybe it is a rare thing that only Jedi had, but that's an easier way rather than having to
Oh, I think that's what she was saying. I think it's lost. I think that's why she's like, I can't test for it. These aren't her exact words. I'm paraphrasing, but it's like, to me, I took it as, Oh, I can't actually test for that, but I have, I can, I can try this. And if this is that, if she can do this, then yes, but. Okay. No, I accept that. That's, that's cool. That's cool. Um, no explanation of how Asajj survived.
I put that down as something I liked and to be continued, she kicks their asses easily. However, I've got however to that, she's lost some of her clout and this is going back to exactly the point that you were talking about that I thought, I said, put a pin in that for a second and we'll bring it up.
I got the feeling that using and manipulating the force was quite a struggle for her at times. So when she originally stole that or pulled the weapons out of their hands, they didn't go very far. It wasn't a particularly forceful, it wasn't a huge trajectory that these weapons went out. They didn't go over the cliff. They just kind of fell a few feet from their feet.
And then you had when she was stirring up the ocean and calling for the ocean life to come to her, I could see stress on her face. It was hard. It was hard for her to do that. Little did she know that she was calling actually quite a big beastly, but that's neither here nor there.
So there was that creature of the week trope, which it's fine. It's okay. It's there. I picked up on, I've got a few lives left, as we spoke about earlier on. I thought that was a really, really nice touch. Quite classy. But the thing that made me laugh the most, and I thought I frigging love this program, and I really, really love Amiga, was where Sarge says to her, you're an odd little one.
And Omega says, thanks. And I thought that was genius, absolutely genius. Whereas what would, typically a child of her age would have taken insult from that by being called odd. But the fact that she revels in that and sees that as a compliment and says, thanks, I am, aren't I? I am a bit odd and I love it.
and being really confident in herself, I thought it was absolutely fantastic. And that's the main point that I took away from that that made me like, not love, but like this program. Sorry, this episode. And that's all I picked up, mate. No sooner had it
Had it started, it ended quite quickly as well. I don't know what the running time was for it, but like I said, my only real disappointment, I felt as if I was a bit shortchanged with Asajj. I wanted more and more and more and more. I don't think it's the last we're going to see her. I hope not. I hope not, because when we talk about... Sorry. No, go ahead. Go ahead. When we talk about... When we talked about last week about what we'd like the future of animation to be and you've
And when we spoke to the Scruffy Boys a couple of weeks back, you asked the question, do you think it's the end of the clone story? And I think that maybe it is, maybe it is. And if it does mean that we can move on to other things as well, albeit with a little bit of connected tissue to keep it relevant, that would be so cool. And if we do get, I mean, like I said last week, I would love an animation about the underground. I'd love a smuggler, a smuggler story. Han Solo is not the only smuggler in the galaxy.
Um, you know, having, having all that kind of stuff going on or even, you know, you know, wow, wouldn't it be amazing if, if, if, if, if, if the Lando story, which is now becoming a film, if that does take off and we know what timeline it's going to be, in other words, it's going to be after. So it could well be after solo, but before, before, um, a new hope or rogue one, if you like, um, that's exactly the right time for someone that has started to come in.
I mean, how cool would it be for a Sarge Ventress to be Lando's co-pilot? Think about that. Think about that. The personality clashes would be very interesting. Then again, at the same time, it's like I...
I want Lando to stand on his own and not be have not have the ability of somebody who's force sensitive to justify things to diminish his character of like, yeah, but he's hilarious. That'll be hilarious on that. So on that note,
I felt that too, with the with the Seabees, it reminded me a lot of like what they always said about Kylo's lightsaber. It's like he's he's got powerful, but it's wild. And it part of it. So this is all kind of connects. I'm like, you know, my you know, where are my theories on? Like, they, they do cameos sometimes for for dumb reasons. I think like the Fennec one. It's like we know we have a Fennec model. And people like Fennec. Let's put Fennec in.
but the Asajj one feels more deliberate in my whole like...
small brain strings on the cork board. They're bringing us back because she's gonna connect to Ahsoka. And she's died, she's come back, but her force is off. She's gonna be the connective tissue of like, are the witches actually force sensitive? Or is it witch magic? Where do those intersect? When you die and come back, you're not as strong, you'd have to relearn it. Ooh, good point.
this is our introduction, it's like, she has power and because you have that moment, like, and this is like the nuances of the animation where it's like, she was doing the weird glow fish thing around the boat. And then you you saw that moment where she had a moment of realization, like, oh, oh, crap.
Like, yeah, it's I have the power, but it's it's not tuned. And then but she still knew it's like, whoa, oh, he's big, big boys coming. Which on also on that note, did you notice his biocamouflage when he was up on the water and she was calming him down and his skin was all yeah, yeah, yeah. That was that was wild. That was super cool. Yeah. But yeah, that's I love the idea of
I love the idea of, I know we've suggested it, but now after what you've said, it almost, I'm manifesting it now in my brain. I'll add the idea of the difficulty that we're seeing with Asajj and her ability, or should we say, her ability to engage with the force is somewhat compromised. I love that being down to her going through a procedure of resurrection.
that would be so sick as opposed to shutting herself off from the force, which we saw in Kenobi, because he had to mask himself away from obviously the inquisitors and the agents of evil that were hunting him down. I love the idea that her story is not like Kenobi's and actually she's weaker because she's been dead. You're never quite the same. You're never quite full. Because I could easily see that being
a piece of the thronasoka stuff because it's like, oh, we're going to bring back this army, but they're not really, they're flawed. It's a bit like in the EU when they talked about the
in the EU when they talked about Django Fett being the clone template and everything. And I could be wrong, but I think it was addressed in Republic Commando, the novel version of the novel spin-off series of the game.
which became Imperial Commando, where they go into an awful lot of Jango Fett's backstory and in fact, associate the clones with the Mandalorians a lot heavier than they actually have done in animation or in live action. So the clone story is pretty much aligned with Mandalore.
Anyway, point being is that there was, I'm sure it was in those novels where they actually associate, sorry, they have to get, every now and again, they have to get a new sample of DNA or a new sample of material from the host because over time, the sample deteriorates, that they pull the template from.
And I'm not suggesting that she's a clone of her former self, but it's a similar theory that the more that you resurrect yourself, the more that you become less of your former self over time and become a more, not contaminated, but a less pure version.
of your- We could say that about all of it. You could say that about all the clones and the Snoke and the Palpatine. The more you mess with the natural, the more you deteriorate and lose touch with, and you're never gonna get that purity. You're never gonna get that, like a wreck. She's just, what it is. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I mean, yeah, exactly. I have so enjoyed tonight because I wouldn't say
I felt flat with the episode, but it was, like I said at the beginning, it was fine. It was fine. It served a purpose. We know that one, potentially one answer as to the reason why they're hunting Omega has potentially gone, or it might not have done, but I felt fine about it until I spoke to you. So I'm really glad we spoke about it with such a well speculation because
Yeah, I'd love to see more of her. I really would. And that's really me just being petulant and selfish. I just felt disappointed there wasn't enough of her in it.
So you're, you're saying that that's selfish because you want to see more of her. When I led the conversation with, can she test me for middle chlorians? Seriously, I would love it. If I have a note here says is Asajj single. Like, I mean, if you die, I wasn't going down that line, but yeah. Okay. No worries. Uh, yeah. Like if you, if you die and get resurrected, I mean, where do those relationships stand? So.
And so I don't think you're being selfish at all. Oh, I see what you mean. Okay. Okay. And so my only other thought on the move with the show was there was one part that I thought was very funny besides the Omega when they were looking through the binoculars like overbearing parents. Yes. And then Asash just looks at him and Brecker loses it. And he's like, how does she know we're watching? And it's like, loved it. Master, masterclass is perfect. Yeah. So good. Yeah.
Yeah, there were some nice things in there, some nice little star ship porn as well for you. I thought that Asajj's vessel looked interesting. Under the shadow of the cave, I thought it looked a little bit like a B-52 kind of cockpit to it, or a flying fortress, sorry.
Um, um, uh, a cockpit to it. So I was expecting something like the, like the ghost, if I'm perfectly honest with you, uh, to pull out, but the, the, that kind of, um, asymmetric, um, design. Uh, I thought it was like somebody put a B 17 cockpit on a, on a wing. Yeah. Nailed it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No, exactly. Exactly.
which again was a nice callback to the original Clone Wars. Do you remember that ship that Anakin, that freighter that Anakin reprimands in the original animated movie that they then bring back during the... Do you remember that? I mean, it's horrible looking. I think I remember it vaguely. I'd have to look at a picture of it though.
But it was as equally awkward as that ship. But nowhere near as good looking as I thought today was. Anyway, yeah, all good stuff, mate. We're what? Episode 10 next week? Of the Bad Batch? Of the Back Batch, yeah. I believe you are correct. Identity crisis.
So there are, including next week, six episodes left. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15. Excellent. Oh, they've got to do a lot in a short amount of time now. They really do.
Any, any, any short, shortish predictions for next week? Where do you think, what do you think we got going on? Cause there's got to be one more arc. There has to be. Well, they're going to have to get on it. They're going to have to get on it. I don't think it's next week. I think it's the week after that. We've got two in one go. Um, we've got two in one. Sorry. We've got two episodes. Next week. Next week is a double. Okay. So they're going to have to crack on. So they're going to have to find out. Asajj came to a dead end. So they're going to have to find out.
what else they're doing unless they just say, screw it. We've got a target on our back. Let's just, let's just go and rescue our brothers and not worry about, you know, we'll work out the, the, the, the small stuff you ate later. But to your point last week, I think they're going to leave that right to the last four episodes. So what do I think is going to happen? Um, you know, who could tell them, Nala say, how's she going to get out?
Are they going to go? So what I'm suggesting, what I'm proposing is, is that if this is going to be, if they don't make it back to Tantus until the last four episodes, and we've got two episodes before those four episodes, it could well just be a case of them plotting their, plotting the way in.
But here's here's here's my right. You ready for my curveball here? This is this is new. This is a new new theory. I have I have ejected all of my. Tech coming back.
theories. Those are all gone. Those are all right. I believe which I'm happy about. I want him to stay a sacrifice. I've always wanted that because next week's episode is identity crisis and then point of no return. So when I ask myself, who is the who is going to have the identity crisis in the such a focus on Omega, I wonder. This is my hair, brain ass theory this week.
Is Omega actually a clone? Or like, what are they gonna call into? Are we gonna have realizations that maybe there's more to Omega than just being like a Boba Fett, an untampered with clone? But under the guise of like, oh, she's another clone, she's here helping Nala Se, but really she's more of something different. And
then we're gonna lead, which I feel like is maybe gonna lead into more of a found family instead of a genetic family because of all this experience. That's my current hair brain theory. Like the point, the identity crisis is gonna be more with Omega and her, because we've never really touched on it. And it's like, oh yeah, she's like Boba Fett's brother or sister. And she's another young one. It's like, well, why? Why is there a connection with her and Nala Say? Why is Nala Say, like Nala Say knows more.
What? Like, because it has to be answered here. Like this, this show, it's all it's all got to get buttoned up. So why is there another young one? Why does she have a high midichlorian count? What is going on with her? What makes her so special? But also, what's the difference between her and her genetic sister? Yeah.
I don't know. Hmm. Yeah, because I thought I was forget about her. I'm I'm assuming accelerated aging. You know, she's her sister is basically the same as the same. The same mold as the. As as the other side of the clone, albeit in the female form, so. One is one clone or is there a or they a different type of clone that Nala say was originally working on?
or the Empire until she realized what they were going to be used for. Like, is there a billion? Omega and I think her name's Emily, Emory, Emory, Omega and Emory clones? Yeah, that have actually that their sole purpose was to try to find that they were the original project.
Then they kept Omega to the side when Nala Say realized that now it's just the same project that we've seen over and over again, under a different group of people. And Nala Say's like, she figured it out, but she doesn't want anybody to know about it. Like maybe when Omega was born.
And I just picturing like a vat, like vats of Lee's Emery and Omega's or just, I don't know how you could show it and not be super morbid. Like we tried a lot and there's a lot of them that are gone and maybe that pushes Emery over the edge of like, oh, that's a big pile of Omega's. Um, I don't know, I'm getting kind of dark with it, but I don't know. We'll see. I know, man. I have no idea. Again.
If the vats of many, many Omega are there, what makes her different to those clones in those vats? Because in theory, they wouldn't need Omega. They could take from... I don't know, man. I don't know. I don't know. I could spend... I'll be spending a week thinking about this and what's going on. But yeah, no, it's good. It's good. It's good.
I just want more Ventress, if I can get it. Me too. I do too. I really want that. Right. I think we should say good evening. It's been nearly, we're approaching two hours, so I think we should call it a day. Dude, thank you so much for your time.
Really appreciate it, dude. It's been a lot of fun and you really did pick me up on that episode. I'm seeing it in a very different light, which is great. Thank you. No problem, man. I'm always excited to chat about these and take them apart more than what we originally saw. That's what I love about this content. Same as well. Have a good week, my brother. Take it easy.
You as well. Thank you everybody for listening and until, until next time. Peace and love. Bye.